Scratch: Kids Building Software and Community
Amos Blanton, MA EdS Lifelong Kindergarten Group MIT Media Lab
Why do we need a programming language for kids?
“ is possible to design computers so that learning to communicate with them can be a natural process, more like learning French by living in France than trying to learn it through the unnatural process of American foreign-language instruction in classrooms.� - Seymour Papert
$availableLanguages = array( 'fr-fr' => 'fr', 'es-es' => 'es', 'ita' => 'it', 'rus' => 'ru', 'dut' => 'nl', 'de-de' => 'de', 'heb' => 'he', 'jpn' => 'ja', 'kor' => 'ko', 'ara' => 'ar','zh-cn' => 'zh-hans','zh-tw' => 'zhhant','pol' => 'pl','ukr' => 'uk);
History of Scratch
Sharing & Co-creation
I like Scratch better than blogs or social networking sites like Facebook because we’re creating interesting games and projects that are fun to play, watch, and download. I don’t like to just talk to other people online, I like to talk about something creative and new. – 13-year-old girl
I love Scratch. Wait, let me rephrase that – Scratch is my life. I have made many projects. Now I have what I call a “Programmer's mind.” That is where I think about how anything is programmed. This has gone from toasters, car electrical systems, and soooo much more. – 11-year-old boy
748,158 registered members 215,873 project creators 1,659,486 projects uploaded
projects, remixes
Collaboration Remixing = forking What about collaborative refinement?