City PAGE Visit
(*Closed mee%ngs will be noted if there are any scheduled otherwise all mee%ngs are open to the public.)
Submissions providing comments and/or reques"ng to speak will be accepted for public mee"ngs using the online form at$er-councilcommi$ees. If your submission includes a request to speak, you will be contacted by a representa"ve from the City Clerk’s Office with further informa"on. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2020 Development Appeals Board Hearings
Held via teleconference at 4:00 p.m.
The first mee!ng of City Council following the general elec!on is scheduled for November 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. The next Regular Business and Public Hearing Mee!ngs of City Council are scheduled for Monday, November 30, 2020, beginning at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. respec!vely. Regular and Public Hearing mee%ngs of City Council are broadcast live on Shaw TV - Channel 10 and Shaw BlueSky – Channel 105 star%ng at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., respec%vely. Public mee%ngs of City Council, including public mee%ngs of the Governance and Priori%es Commi$ee and Standing Policy Commi$ees are also video-streamed live on the City’s website as well as archived for future viewing. Go to Agendas for public mee%ngs may be viewed by visi%ng our website at For further informa%on regarding these mee%ngs or informa%on on communica%ng with City Council or its Commi$ees, visit our website at and look under City Hall.
Closed mee%ngs may be held but are not open to the public because they deal with issues that are sensi%ve in nature and meet the requirements of Part III of The Local Authority Freedom of Informa!on and Protec!on of Privacy Act. No final decisions may be made at closed mee%ngs. If there are closed mee%ngs they will be noted in the above lis%ng.
Our community spirit is strong when we work as one community to keep our guard up. We can con%nue to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community and protect the health of our family, friends and fellow residents by following the recommended safety precau%ons, including: • Stay home if you are not feeling well. • Wash your hands o#en with soap and water; if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sani%zer. • Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands. • Maintain a two-metre physical distance from others. • Wear a non-medical mask (e.g. cloth or other materials) when physical distance cannot be maintained.
What you need to know
• Wearing a non-medical mask (e.g. cloth or other materials), even if you have no symptoms, is an addi%onal measure you may take to protect others around you, par%cularly in situa%ons where the recommended physical distancing cannot be maintained, such as on public transit. • Saskatoon Transit is requiring all riders to wear a non-medical mask. Requiring masks allows Transit to safely operate full-seated buses. • The use of a non-medical mask is recommended, but not required, when accessing indoor City-operated facili%es and services, such as City Hall or civic Leisure Centres. • Some people may not be able to wear a mask. Those who masks are not recommended for include: • People who suffer from an underlying medical condi%on or disability which inhibits the ability to wear a face covering; • Anyone providing assistance to a person with an underlying medical condi%on or disability where the use of a nonmedical face mask would hinder the provision of assistance; • Anyone unable to place or remove a mask or face covering without assistance; • Children under the age of 2 years of age; and • First responders in an emergency situa%on
How this affects you
• All Saskatoon Transit riders will need to wear a mask to ride. • We encourage the use of a non-medical mask when visi%ng our indoor City-operated facili%es and services, such as City Hall or civic Leisure Centres. • When you wear a mask, you are helping to protect other people. When other people wear a mask, they are helping to protect you. For the latest updates on the City’s response to COVID-19, visit
LAND FOR SALE BY PUBLIC TENDER Sutherland Mul!-Family Parcel
Sealed tenders addressed to the Sales Sec%on, Saskatoon Land, 201 Third Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H7, and plainly marked on the envelope “Tender for Purchase of Mul!-Family Property” will be received un%l 2:00 PM CST, on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, for the following property: CIVIC ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ISC SURFACE PARCEL: SITE AREA: ZONING DISTRICT: RESERVE BID:
115 Adolph Crescent Plan No. SE 02-37-05-3 119433023 2.772 ha (6.85 acres) ± RMTN1 $4,116,000
To receive a sales package, including property informa%on and submission requirements, please contact Saskatoon Land by phone at 306-975-3278; or by email at Packages can also be downloaded from the City of Saskatoon Land website at