City Page June 10

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Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services Council Chamber, City Hall at 9:00 a.m. Board of Revision Committee Room E, Ground Floor, City Hall at 1:00 p.m. Standing Policy Committee on Transportation Council Chamber, City Hall at 2:00 p.m.

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2017

Board of Revision Council Chamber, City Hall at 9:00 a.m. Traffic Safety Committee Committee Room E, Ground Floor at 8:45 a.m. Development Appeals Board Committee Room E, Ground Floor at 4:00 p.m.


PROPOSED OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN BYLAW AMENDMENT – BYLAW NO. 9417 Saskatoon City Council will consider an amendment to the City’s Official Community Plan Bylaw (No. 8769) regarding land located in the Brighton area, proposed by Dream Development. By way of Bylaw No. 9417, The Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw, 2017, the designation of the site on the Official Community Plan – Land Use Map is proposed to be amended from “Residential” to “Direct Control District.” LEGAL DESCRIPTION – Block 112, Plan No. 102208373, and MU1, Plan No. 102218228, and Block 114, Plan No. 102218228

Board of Revision Committee Room B, Second Floor, City Hall at 9:00 a.m. Special Joint Governance and Priorities Committee Committee Room “E”, Ground Floor City Hall Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools, at 1:00 p.m. Saskatoon NDP Caucus, at 3:00 p.m.


Board of Revision Council Chamber, City Hall at 9:00 a.m.

FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2017

The next Regular Business and Public Hearing Meetings of City Council are scheduled for Monday, June 26, 2017 beginning at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. respectively. Regular and Public Hearing meetings of City Council are broadcast live on Channel 10 starting at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., respectively. Public meetings of City Council, including public meetings of the Governance and Priorities Committee and Standing Policy Committees are also video-streamed live on the City’s website as well as archived for future viewing. Go to Agendas for public meetings may be viewed at the Frances Morrison Central Library branch of the Saskatoon Public Library, or visit our web site at For further information regarding these meetings or information on communicating with City Council or its Committees, visit our website at and look under City Hall or contact the City Clerk’s Office at (306) 975-3240.


The following meetings are being held, but are not open to the public because they deal with issues that are sensitive in nature and meet the requirements of Part III of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. No final decisions may be made at closed meetings. THERE ARE NO CLOSED MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JUNE 12 - 16, 2017.


The City operates three courses that provide a level of play for everyone from the beginner to the advanced golfer. Each course is unique, give them all a try. HOLIDAY PARK & HOLIDAY PARK EXECUTIVE NINE 1630 Avenue U South & 11th Street West, 306-975-3325 SILVERWOOD 3503 Kinnear Avenue, 306-975-3314 WILDWOOD 4050 8th Street East, 306-975-3320

REASON FOR THE AMENDMENT – The subject land will contain the Brighton Village, a proposed mixed-use development consisting of residential, retail, and office. The proposed amendment, in conjunction with amendments to the Zoning Bylaw, will facilitate a neighbourhood mixed-use development in accordance with Brighton Village Concept Plan and the approved Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan. INFORMATION – Questions regarding the proposed amendment or requests to view the proposed amending Bylaw, the City of Saskatoon Official Community Plan Bylaw and Land Use Map may be directed to the following without charge: Community Services Department, Planning and Development Phone: 306-986-0902 (Jason Sick) PUBLIC HEARING – City Council will hear all submissions on the proposed amendment, and all persons who are present at the City Council meeting and wish to speak on Monday, June 26, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chamber, City Hall, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. All written submissions for City Council’s consideration must be forwarded to: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council c/o City Clerk’s Office, City Hall 222 Third Avenue North, Saskatoon SK S7K 0J5 All submissions received by the City Clerk by 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 26, 2017 will be forwarded to City Council. City Council will also hear all persons who are present and wish to speak to the proposed Bylaw.


BRIGHTON NEIGHBOURHOOD PROPOSED ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT – BYLAW NO. 9418 Saskatoon City Council will consider an amendment to the City’s Zoning Bylaw (No. 8770) regarding land located in the Brighton area, proposed by Dream Development. By way of Bylaw No. 9418, The Zoning Bylaw, 2017 (No. 4), the subject land is proposed to be rezoned from RM3 – Medium Density Multiple-Unit Dwelling District and B1B(H) – Neighbourhood Commercial Mixed-Use District with the Holding Symbol “H” to DCD8 – Direct Control District 8. LEGAL DESCRIPTION – Block 112, Plan No. 102208373, and MU1, Plan No. 102218228, and Block 114, Plan No. 102218228

Club 6 Pack Pay for 5 rounds and receive a FREE bonus round. The Club 6 Pack is a convenient, affordable alternative to a season pass and does not expire. Available for 9 or 18 holes at all three courses.

Three months for the price of two! Get unlimited access to the indoor Leisure Centres in June, July and August for one low price! Adult $90 • Youth $54 • Family $180 Sales begin May 1. Not valid at Outdoor Pools. Restrictions apply. Visit to learn more about the Summer Indoor LeisureCard and other admission options.


As of January 1, 2016, changes to Bylaw No. 8286 The Smoking Control Bylaw, prohibit smoking or vaping in outdoor public spaces owned or operated by the City of Saskatoon such as parks, playgrounds, sports fields, spray pads, outdoor and paddling pools, skateboard sites, golf courses, tennis courts, dog parks, public squares and areas around civic buildings.

Saskatoon City Council will consider an amendment to the City’s Official Community Plan Bylaw (No. 8769), by way of Bylaw No. 9417, The Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw, 2017. Details on the proposed amendment are provided below. Direct Control District 8 (DCD8) – Brighton Village

The purpose of the Direct Control District 8 (DCD8) is to create a mixed-use village centre in the Brighton neighbourhood. The primary focus of the Village Centre is to provide a wide variety of residential and commercial uses that will serve the needs of the neighbourhood. The development of the Village Centre will serve as a gateway into Brighton and include features to increase pedestrian use and comfort, human-scale buildings, architectural integrity, high quality materials, and demonstrated environmental sustainability. The village centre will provide for the daily goods and services Brighton residents, as well as for those residents in the future neighbourhood to the east. Brighton Village is bounded by McOrmond Drive to the east and Brighton Circle to the west. The development is comprised of two large blocks separated by Brighton Common. The purpose of the Direct Control District 8 (DCD8) is to create a mixed-use village centre in the Brighton neighbourhood. The primary focus of the Village Centre is to provide a wide variety of residential and commercial uses that will serve the needs of the neighbourhood. The development of the Village Centre will serve as a gateway into Brighton and include features to increase pedestrian use and comfort, human-scale buildings, architectural integrity, high quality materials, and demonstrated environmental sustainability. REASON FOR THE AMENDMENT – The amendment to the Official Community Plan is required to add the Direct Control District 8 to the Official Community Plan. Direct Control Districts exercise control over the use and development of land and buildings with in a specific area. The proposed amendment, in conjunction with amendments to the text of Zoning Bylaw, will facilitate mixed-use development in accordance with Brighton Village Concept Plan the approved Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan. INFORMATION – Questions regarding the proposed amendment or requests to view the proposed amending Bylaw, the City of Saskatoon Official Community Plan Bylaw and Land Use Map may be directed to the following without charge: Community Services Department, Planning and Development Phone: 306-986-0902 (Jason Sick) PUBLIC HEARING – City Council will hear all submissions on the proposed amendment, and all persons who are present at the City Council meeting and wish to speak on Monday, June 26, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chamber, City Hall, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. All written submissions for City Council’s consideration must be forwarded to: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council c/o City Clerk’s Office, City Hall 222 Third Avenue North, Saskatoon SK S7K 0J5


PARTICIPATE AND HAVE YOUR SAY! You’re invited to have your say…with the easy-to-use interactive and educational online 2018 Citizen Budget. The City hopes to hear from you! Tell us your priorities & preferences for the 2018 Budget.




All submissions received by the City Clerk by 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 26, 2017 will be forwarded to City Council. City Council will also hear all persons who are present and wish to speak to the proposed Bylaw.

Book Your Tee Time Online Visit to book 9 or 18 holes of play for groups of 1-4 players up to ten days in advance at any of the municipal golf courses. A valid email address is required to make tee time reservations.

The City of Saskatoon has seven indoor Leisure Centres located throughout the city. More than just a gym, each Centre is unique and feature amenities like swimming pools, waterslides, indoor tracks, gymnasiums, sports courts, fitness and weight rooms, drop-in fitness programs, child minding and even a wave pool!


It is proposed that Section 18.2 of the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8769 be amended to add the Direct Control District 8. The Direct Control District 8 will accommodate Brighton Village, a development which incorporates a variety of mixed uses and functioning as the heart of the residential neighbourhood.. The Village Centre will provide for the daily goods and services Brighton residents, as well as for those residents in the future residential neighbourhood to the east.


Licence Appeal Board Committee Room E, Ground Floor, City Hall at 9:00 a.m. Board of Revision Council Chamber, City Hall at 1:00 p.m. Public Art Advisory Committee Committee Room B, Second Floor, City Hall at 2:30 p.m.


• What services levels are most important to you? What are your priorities for the City’s 2018 Budget? REASON FOR THE AMENDMENT – The rezoning is necessary to apply regulations that will allow development in Brighton Village to proceed. Brighton Village is a proposed mixed-use development consisting of residential, retail, and office uses. The proposed rezoning , in conjunction with amendments to the Official Community Plan, will facilitate mixed-use development in accordance with the approved Brighton Village Concept Plan and Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan. INFORMATION – Questions regarding the proposed amendment or requests to view the proposed amending Bylaw, the City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map may be directed to the following without charge: Community Services Department, Planning and Development Phone: 306-986-0902 (Jason Sick) PUBLIC HEARING – City Council will hear all submissions on the proposed amendment, and all persons who are present at the City Council meeting and wish to speak on Monday, June 26, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chamber, City Hall, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. All written submissions for City Council’s consideration must be forwarded to: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council c/o City Clerk’s Office, City Hall 222 Third Avenue North, Saskatoon SK S7K 0J5 All submissions received by the City Clerk by 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 26, 2017 will be forwarded to City Council. City Council will also hear all persons who are present and wish to speak to the proposed Bylaw.

• How would you prefer your municipal property taxes be allocated to key civic services & programs in 2018? Importantly, public feedback received through Citizen Budget will be shared with City Council & Administration prior to the 2018 Budget deliberations in fall 2017. Participate in the 2018 Citizen Budget! Visit


Imagine Idylwyld is a planning, transportation and design initiative to improve the function, safety and connectivity along Idylwyld Drive between 20th and 25th Street East. The project is now entering Phase 3. Using community input and technical analysis, a few design options for the corridor have been developed to improve Idylwyld Drive. We would like your feedback on which of these options best meets your needs. Online Survey – June 9 to 23, 2017 Learn more and get involved at


BRIGHTON NEIGHBOURHOOD PROPOSED ZONING BYLAW TEXT AMENDMENT – BYLAW NO. 9418 Saskatoon City Council will consider an amendment to the City’s Zoning Bylaw (No. 8770), by way of Bylaw No. 9418, The Zoning Amendment Bylaw, 2017 (No. 4), proposed by Dream Development. Details on the proposed amendment are provided below. Direct Control District 8 (DCD8) – Brighton Village. It is proposed that Section 13 of the City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw (No. 8770) be amended by adding 13.8 Direct Control District 8 to accommodate Brighton Village. The Development will provide for the daily goods and services Brighton residents, as well as for those residents in the future neighbourhood to the east. Brighton Village is bounded by McOrmond Drive to the east and Brighton Circle to the west. The development is comprised of two large blocks separated by Brighton Common. The DCD8 establishes provisions and development standards to accommodate development identified in the Brighton Village Concept Plan. The DCD8 includes the following considerations: It is proposed that Section 13 of the City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw No. 8770 be amended by adding 13.8 Direct Control District 8 to accommodate Brighton Village, a development incorporating a variety of mixed uses and functioning as the heart of the neighbourhood. The village centre will provide for the daily goods and services Brighton residents, as well as for those residents in the future neighbourhood to the east. Brighton Village is bounded by McOrmond Drive to the east and Brighton Circle to the west. The development is comprised of two large blocks separated by Brighton Common. The DCD8 establishes provisions and development standards to accommodate development identified in the Brighton Village Concept Plan. The DCD8 includes the following:


ASPEN RIDGE NEIGHBOURHOOD PROPOSED ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT – BYLAW NO. 9362 Saskatoon City Council will consider an amendment to the City’s Zoning Bylaw (No. 8770) regarding land located in the Aspen Ridge neighbourhood, proposed by Saskatoon Land. By way of Bylaw No. 9362, The Zoning Amendment Bylaw, 2017 (No. 6), land in Aspen Ridge will be rezoned from FUD – Future Urban Development District to the following: • RMTN1 – Medium Density Townhouse Residential 1 District; • RM3 – Medium Density Multiple-Unit Dwelling District; and • B4MX – Integrated Commercial Mixed-Use District LEGAL DESCRIPTION –Parcels G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, Q, T, U, V, and W on Proposed Subdivision of Part of NE ¼ Sec 18-Twp 37-Rge 4-W3M, Part of SE ¼ Sec 18-Twp 37-Rge 4-W3M, Part of NW ¼ Sec 17-Twp 37-Rge 4-W3M, Part of L.S. 4 and L.S. 5 in Sec 17-Twp 37-Rge 4-W3M, Part of NE ¼ Sec 7-Twp 37-Rge 4-W3M, Part of Parcel A, Plan No. 10147882, Part of Parcel A, Plan No. 66S18392, Part of Road Allowance between Sec 17 and 18-Twp 37-Rge 4-W3M, and Part of Road Allowance between NE ¼ Sec 7 and SE Sec 18-Twp 37-Rge 4-W3M; and Parcels P and R on Proposed Subdivision of Parcel A, Plan No. 66S18392 in the NE 1/4 Sec. 7 and Part of SE 1/4 Sec. 18 and Part of L.S.D. 3 and 4 in the SW 1/4 Sec. 17 and Part of SE 1/4 Sec. 17 all in Twp. 37 Rge. 4 W3M. and proposed closure of part of original Road Allowance 15, 81, 83 and 85 Twp. 37, Rge. 4, W3M.

Permitted Uses: The DCD8 is divided into 4 zones which contain development standards that will guide the specific form of development. • Zone 1 provides for office, commercial, institutional and recreation uses. The regulations encourage uses to serve the Brighton and adjacent residential neighbourhoods. • Zone 2 provides for mixed use development by permitting commercial, institutional and offices uses. Commercial and institutional uses shall not exceed 456 square metres and residential uses are permitted in conjunction with any other permitted use. • Zone 3 provides for commercial, office uses to be located at grade and allows for residential uses in conjunction with any other permitted use. • Zone 4 provides for residential development in a building form that is compatible with the adjacent residential areas in Brighton. Building Form and Massing: The regulations will provide a gross floor space ration of 2.5:1 and allows for the highest density development to be located closest to McOrmond Drive. Maximum building heights are provided as follows: • Zone 1 – 20 metres and 4 storeys • Zone 2 - 17 metres and 4 storeys • Zone 3 - 17 metres and 4 storeys • Zone 1 – 10 metres Orientation and Setback: A minimum building setback of 4.5 metres will be required along McOrmond Drive and 3 metres for all other yards abutting a street. The regulations regarding building orientation will ensure that buildings will create a functional pedestrian-oriented relationship between the building and the street by incorporating elements of an active building frontage and architectural features that will provide visual interest along the streetscape. Landscaping and Signage: Consistent landscaping treatments will unify the development sites, screen utilities and outdoor storage, buffer or separate different uses, and beautify open space. Provisions for signage on the site prohibit the use of portable signs, billboards, superboards, or electronic message centres, including mobile message centres. Parking: Appropriate Parking standards for commercial, and office uses, as well as for multiple-unit residential uses are provided. Regulations will require that 55% of all off-street parking must be underground, enclosed, covered or within permitted buildings. Bicycle Parking: Bicycle parking requirements are established to ensure that bicycle parking is available to residents and employees. REASON FOR THE AMENDMENT – The proposed amendment to the Zoning Bylaw will add a Direct Control District 8 to the Zoning Bylaw. The DCD8 will provide provisions and development standards for development in the Brighton Village. The provisions of the DCD8 are consistent with the Brighton Village Concept plan and will and the approved Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan. INFORMATION – Questions regarding the proposed amendment or requests to view the proposed amending Bylaw, the City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map may be directed to the following without charge: Community Services Department, Planning and Development Phone: 306-986-0902 (Jason Sick) PUBLIC HEARING – City Council will hear all submissions on the proposed amendment, and all persons who are present at the City Council meeting and wish to speak on Monday, June 26, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chamber, City Hall, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. All written submissions for City Council’s consideration must be forwarded to: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council c/o City Clerk’s Office, City Hall 222 Third Avenue North, Saskatoon SK S7K 0J5 All submissions received by the City Clerk by 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 26, 2017 will be forwarded to City Council. City Council will also hear all persons who are present and wish to speak to the proposed Bylaw.

REASON FOR THE AMENDMENT – The rezoning is necessary to implement the Aspen Ridge Neighbourhood Concept Plan for the area outlined in the map, and will accommodate townhouse-style and medium density multi-unit residential development, and medium density mixed-use commercial development. INFORMATION – Questions regarding the proposed amendment or requests to view the proposed amending Bylaw, the City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map may be directed to the following without charge: Community Services Department, Planning and Development Phone: 306-986-0902 (Jason Sick) PUBLIC HEARING – City Council will hear all submissions on the proposed amendment, and all persons who are present at the City Council meeting and wish to speak on Monday, June 26, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chamber, City Hall, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. All written submissions for City Council’s consideration must be forwarded to: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council c/o City Clerk’s Office, City Hall 222 Third Avenue North, Saskatoon SK S7K 0J5 All submissions received by the City Clerk by 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 26, 2017 will be forwarded to City Council. City Council will also hear all persons who are present and wish to speak to the proposed Bylaw.


The City Hopes To Hear From You! Have Your Say!

What matters most to you when it comes to allocating your municipal property tax dollars to programs and services the City provides? What are your service level priorities for the City’s 2018 Budget? What investment suggestions would you like to share with City Council? Public feedback gathered through the online 2018 Citizen Budget will be shared with City Council & Administration prior to City Council’s 2018 Budget deliberations this fall. Visit and have your say, or go to

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