City Pages September 11th, 2020

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City PAGE Visit


(*Closed mee$ngs will be noted if there are any scheduled otherwise all mee$ngs are open to the public.)

Submissions providing comments and/or reques"ng to speak will be accepted for public mee"ngs using the online form at If your submission includes a request to speak, you will be contacted by a representa"ve from the City Clerk’s Office with further informa"on. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 Standing Policy Commi!ee on Planning, Development and Community Services

Teleconference mee$ng hosted in Council Chamber, City Hall at 9:00 a.m. (live streamed at$ngs)

Access Transit Appeals Board

Via teleconference at 12:00 noon *Closed mee!ng

Standing Policy Commi!ee on Finance

Teleconference mee$ng hosted in Council Chamber, City Hall at 2:00 p.m. (live streamed at$ngs)

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2020 Street Ac"vity Subcommi!ee



The Councils of the RM of Corman Park, Ci$es of Martensville, Saskatoon and Warman, and Town of Osler, collec$vely known as the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G), give no$ce of their inten$on to adopt a new P4G District Official Community Plan. The new P4G District Official Community Plan is proposed to be adopted as Schedule “A” to Bylaws to be adopted concurrently by the P4G municipali$es in the P4G District. AFFECTED AREA The proposed P4G District Official Community Plan will encompass all the lands as shown on the following map. A more detailed map of the affected area may be viewed at

Via teleconference at 12:00 noon

Property Maintenance Appeals Board Via teleconference at 3:30 p.m.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2020 Civic Naming Commi!ee

Teleconference mee$ng hosted in Council Chamber, City Hall at 10:00 a.m. (live streamed at$ngs)

Board of Police Commissioners

Teleconference mee$ng hosted in Council Chamber, City Hall at 3:00 p.m. (live streamed at$ngs) *Closed mee!ng immediately following public mee!ng

The next Regular Business and Public Hearing Mee"ngs of City Council are scheduled for Monday, September 28, 2020 beginning at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. respec"vely. Regular and Public Hearing mee$ngs of City Council are broadcast live on Shaw TV - Channel 10 and Shaw BlueSky – Channel 105 star$ng at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., respec$vely. Public mee$ngs of City Council, including public mee$ngs of the Governance and Priori$es Commi"ee and Standing Policy Commi"ees are also live streamed on the City’s website as well as archived for future viewing. Go to$ngs. Agendas for public mee$ngs may be viewed by visi$ng our website at$ngs. For further informa$on regarding these mee$ngs or informa$on on communica$ng with City Council or its Commi"ees, visit our website at and look under City Hall.


Closed mee$ngs may be held, but are not open to the public because they deal with issues that are sensi$ve in nature and meet the requirements of Part III of The Local Authority Freedom of Informa!on and Protec!on of Privacy Act. No final decisions may be made at closed mee$ngs. If there are closed mee$ngs they will be noted in the above lis$ng.


BLAIRMORE SUBURBAN CENTRE CONCEPT PLAN – PROPOSED AMENDMENT Saskatoon City Council will consider an amendment to the Blairmore Suburban Centre Concept Plan proposed by Camponi Housing Corpora$on. The proposed amendment would provide for the change in the land use designa$on for sites located at 727 and 803 Hart Road from ‘Low to Medium Density’ to ‘Ins$tu$onal’. REASON FOR THE AMENDMENT – The proposed Blairmore Suburban Centre Concept Plan amendment, in conjunc$on with a Zoning Bylaw amendment, will provide for the development of a mixed-use development. The proposed development will consist of six three-storey buildings that will provide for a total of 158 residen$al dwelling units, six dwelling units for special needs housing, a day care, community space, offices and limited commercial and ins$tu$onal uses. The sites are currently iden$fied on the Blairmore Suburban Centre Concept Plan for development of low to medium density mul$-family development. Addi$onal informa$on on the proposed rezoning may be viewed on the City of Saskatoon website at engage/727-and-803-hart-road.

REASONS FOR BYLAW The P4G municipali$es have agreed to form a Planning District and to adopt a joint Official Community Plan to address future land use development and servicing within the District and to provide a coordinated approach to growth among all P4G municipali$es. The proposed P4G District Official Community Plan includes the following content: Part 1 – Partnership for Growth: provides the statement of intent for the Plan and outlines the Vision, Principles and Strategic Direc$ons used to develop and manage the Plan. Part 2 – General Policies: outlines policies in areas such as economic development, indigenous inclusion and natural resource management that apply to the whole District. Part 3 – Land Use: outlines major land use and development policies related to land use designa$ons on the District Land Use Map. Part 4 – Servicing: outlines policies related to the construc$on and management of infrastructure and delivery of services throughout the District and region. Part 5 – Implementa$on: describes the processes for administering and carrying out the Plan. Maps – Includes a P4G District Plan Area Map, P4G District Land Use Map, and P4G Future Urban Growth Areas Map. INFORMATION Ques$ons regarding the proposed District Official Community Plan or requests to review the proposed plan may be directed to the following: Neal Sarnecki, Director, Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G) Phone: 306-222-9420 Email: A copy of the proposed P4G District Official Community Plan can be viewed online at or at the RM of Corman Park municipal office, 111 Pinehouse Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. PUBLIC HEARING A joint mee$ng of the P4G municipal councils will hear and consider all submissions respec$ng the proposed P4G District Official Community Plan on Thursday, September 24, 2020 star$ng at 1:30 pm. Due to COVID-19 the mee$ng will be held by video conference. The public hearing will be video streamed star$ng at 1:30 PM on September 24, 2020. The mee$ng may be viewed at$ngs or through the link at

INFORMATION – Ques$ons regarding the proposed amendment or requests to view the City of Saskatoon Official Community Plan, the City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map, or the Blairmore Suburban Centre Concept Plan Map may be directed to the following without charge: Community Services Department, Planning and Development Phone: 306-975-2645 (Catherine Kambeitz) PUBLIC HEARING – City Council will consider all submissions at the City Council mee$ng on Monday, September 28, 2020 at 6:00 PM, City Council Chamber, City Hall, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. In response to the City of Saskatoon’s request for ci$zens to assist with controlling the spread of COVID-19, we ask that all submissions for the Public Hearing be submi"ed in wri$ng. Should you wish to provide comments to City Council, please visit"er-councilcommi"ees. If you are reques$ng to speak, please indicate this in your correspondence and you will be contacted by a representa$ve of the City Clerk’s Office with further informa$on. Wri"en submissions for City Council’s considera$on may also be forwarded to: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council c/o City Clerk’s Office, City Hall 222 Third Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5. All submissions received by the City Clerk by 10:00 AM on September 28, 2020 will be forwarded to City Council. The Public Hearing is broadcast live on Shaw TV - Channel 10, Shaw BlueSky – Channel 105 and video-streamed on the City’s website at$ngs star$ng at 6:00 PM on the scheduled day.

Members of the public wan$ng to make a wri"en submission or register to speak at the public hearing may do so by visi$ng by 5:00 PM on September 21, 2020. If you are reques$ng to speak at the public hearing, you will be contacted by a P4G representa$ve with further informa$on. Wri"en submissions for considera$on may also be forwarded to: P4G District Official Community Plan Public Hearing c/o RM of Corman Park 111 Pinehouse Drive Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7K 5W1 All submissions received by 5:00 PM on September 21, 2020 will be forwarded to P4G municipal councils. CORMAN PARK – SASKATOON PLANNING DISTRICT The RM of Corman Park and the City of Saskatoon also give no$ce of their intent to repeal the exis$ng Corman Park-Saskatoon Planning District Official Community Plan Bylaws. However, please note that un$l the P4G Planning District is established by the Province, the Corman ParkSaskatoon Planning District Bylaws remain in effect.


BLAIRMORE SUBURBAN CENTRE PROPOSED ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT – BYLAW NO. 9721, THE ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW, 2020 (NO. 19) Saskatoon City Council will consider an amendment to the City’s Zoning Bylaw (No. 8770) proposed by Camponi Housing Corpora$on to rezone 727 and 803 Hart Road, located in the Blairmore Suburban Centre. By way of Bylaw No. 9721, The Zoning Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 19), 727 and 803 Hart Road are proposed to be rezoned from RM2 – Low/Medium Density Mul$ple-Unit Dwelling District to M3 – General Ins$tu$onal Service District, subject to a Zoning Agreement. LEGAL DESCRIPTION – Block AA and Block BB, Plan No. 102177862



City Council is seeking qualified candidates to play a role in the stewardship of an organiza$on that reflects values including engagement, transparency, accountability, and other a"ributes represen$ng leading-edge governance. The Board of Directors is responsible for the effec$ve governance of the Remai Modern and the advancement of its goals, values and mission. The Directors ensure that the museum fulfills its mandate which is summarized as follows: • Presents and interprets modern and contemporary art from both global and local perspec$ves, providing access to major interna$onal exhibi$ons while situa$ng Saskatchewan in a na$onal and interna$onal context. • Encourages the development and apprecia$on of the arts with par$cular emphasis on the visual arts. Provides public, educa$onal and outreach programs for a wide range of audiences and communi$es. • Develops and preserves a permanent art collec$on numbered at more than 8,000 works. The Board is ac$vely seeking to reflect the diversity of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and Canada more broadly. Applica$ons are encouraged from individuals who self-iden$fy as Indigenous, persons with disabili$es, visible minority, racialized or marginalised persons and persons of all sexual orienta$ons and genders.

REASON FOR THE AMENDMENT – The applicant is proposing to rezone the sites to a M3 – General Ins$tu$onal Service District, subject to a Zoning Agreement, to provide for the development of a mixed-use development. The proposed development will consist of six three-storey buildings that will provide for a total of 158 residen$al dwelling units, six dwelling units for special needs housing, a day care, community space, offices and limited commercial and ins$tu$onal uses. The residen$al por$on of the development will include a mix of one, two and four-bedroom units. The Zoning Agreement will limit the development to the specific proposal. Addi$onal informa$on on the proposed rezoning may be viewed on the City of Saskatoon website at engage/727-and-803-hart-road. INFORMATION – Ques$ons regarding the proposed amendment or requests to view the proposed amending Bylaw, the City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map may be directed to the following without charge: Community Services Department, Planning and Development Phone: 306-975-2645 (Catherine Kambeitz) PUBLIC HEARING – City Council will consider all submissions at the City Council mee$ng on Monday, September 28, 2020 at 6:00 PM, City Council Chamber, City Hall, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. In response to the City of Saskatoon’s request for ci$zens to assist with controlling the spread of COVID-19, we ask that all submissions for the Public Hearing be submi"ed in wri$ng. Should you wish to provide comments to City Council, please visit"er-councilcommi"ees. If you are reques$ng to speak, please indicate this in your correspondence and you will be contacted by a representa$ve of the City Clerk’s Office with further informa$on. Wri"en submissions for City Council’s considera$on may also be forwarded to: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council c/o City Clerk’s Office, City Hall 222 Third Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5. All submissions received by the City Clerk by 10:00 AM on September 28, 2020 will be forwarded to City Council. The Public Hearing is broadcast live on Shaw TV - Channel 10, Shaw BlueSky – Channel 105 and video-streamed on the City’s website at$ngs star$ng at 6:00 PM on the scheduled day.

WORK THE ELECTION. GET INVOLVED. GET PAID. The Saskatoon Civic Elec$on Team is planning for a safe, accessible and well-a"ended 2020 Civic Elec$on. We’re now hiring workers (age 16+) to assist with various vo$ng opportuni$es including advance polls and on Elec$on Day. Elec$on workers earn $16 - $20/hour with paid training. There are a number of great reasons to get involved: • Build your resume through valuable experience • Get involved in your community • Expand your network of contacts Do you speak a language other than English? Our goal is to recruit workers who also speak languages represented in Saskatoon’s diverse community. We are commi"ed to removing barriers and helping residents vote easily in the civic elec$on on November 9. We are also hiring for two specialized posi$ons: ($24/hr) 1. Personal Protec"ve Equipment (PPE) Coordinator 2. Training Coordinator

Directors, in addi$on to being appointed to the Remai Modern Art Gallery of Saskatchewan Board of Directors, will also be appointed to Saskatoon Gallery and Conservatory Corpora$on Board of Trustees, as both organiza$ons con$nue to exist during this period of transi$on. Qualified candidates will have the skill-sets, exper$se and experience necessary to further the vision and priori$es of Remai Modern’s Strategic and Business Plans, and create a legacy of success. Some of the areas of exper$se include: governance, modern and contemporary art, community engagement, business acumen, finance, Indigenous rela$ons, strategic planning and risk assessment. However, people with other competencies, are encouraged to apply. General Qualifica$ons: • A willingness to give sufficient $me to a"end commi"ee and board mee$ngs, to read reports, to a"end func$ons, etc., and to think about current and future needs of Remai Modern; • Knowledge of governance best prac$ce to ensure sound governance of the museum; • Knowledge of and a"en$on to budgetary ma"ers to ensure financially sound opera$on of the museum and its assets; • Interest, ability and contacts in the community to be an effec$ve advocate on behalf of the museum – to promote its well-being and development. And conversely, to be a conduit for community feedback to the Board. • Belief in the importance and value of our publicly supported Gallery to the community; • A willingness to promote and to represent the interests of the museum first and foremost; • A readiness to commit to two terms (i.e. approximately four years) on the board; • A readiness to par$cipate in various fundraising ac$vi$es; • Ability to accept execu$ve responsibility on the Board; and, • A willingness to par$cipate as necessary in the selec$on and evalua$on of the Directors of the Board. Specific Needs: • Strategic Planning and Sector Policy; • Financial exper$se (with a focus on Audit and Risk); • Community engagement; and, • Experience in the Arts and Culture sector. The Board meets monthly, on the third Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. There are no Board mee$ngs in July or August. There is no remunera$on paid to Board members. Interested applicants are asked to submit an applica$on, resumé and two le"ers of reference by no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 2, 2020, using the Commi"ee Applica$on Form found online at All applica$ons will be kept on file and reviewed throughout the year should further vacancies occur.

Apply before September 20 at"onjobs. Ques$ons? elec" or 306-657-8683.

Note: Upon applying to this Board, your applica"on/resumé/reference le!ers may be shared with current Board members as part of the review process.

The 2020 Civic Elec#on is November 9, 2020. Eligible voters in Saskatoon will cast their ballot for Mayor, City Councillors and School Board Trustees.

Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at if you have any ques$ons regarding the applica$on process.

Vo!ng safely is our priority. The City’s Elec#on Office is commi!ed to having public safety measures in place for voters, candidates and elec#on workers. The Civic Elec#on Team will respond accordingly to all public health orders & COVID-19 direc#ves issued by the Province.


Visit for more informa"on.

The Board of Revision is a quasi-judicial Board that hears and determines appeals arising from assessment procedures in accordance with Sec$on 197 of The Ci#es Act. Appointees to the Board also may serve on the Saskatoon License Appeal Board. The Saskatoon License Appeal Board deals with appeals related to licenses issued under The Business License Bylaw, 2002, The License Bylaw, The Vehicle for Hire Bylaw, 2019, The Cannabis Business License Bylaw, 2018, and The Adult Services Licensing Bylaw, 2012.

VOTE BY MAIL. IT’S A SAFE AND CONVENIENT OPTION Apply now to receive your vote by mail ballot for Saskatoon’s Civic Elec"on, November 9, 2020. The mail-in ballot vo$ng op$on is a safe and convenient way for eligible voters to cast their ballot for Saskatoon’s Mayor, City Councillors and School Board Trustees this fall. Following the October 8 candidate withdrawal deadline, ballot packages will be created for voters who applied to vote by the mail-in ballot op$on. Your ballot package will have instruc$ons and an official ballot. You will then mark the ballot and send it back to the Elec$on Office in a post-paid, self-addressed envelope provided for you. Visit to apply for your mail-in ballot, it will be sent to you in mid-October. Or, apply for your mail-in ballot package in-person by calling 306-657-8683 to make an appointment at the Saskatoon Civic Elec$on Office, 226 Cardinal Cres.

Visit for more informa"on.


While the $me commitment varies from year to year, depending on the number of appeals received, members are required to a"end full-day hearings for the Board of Revision (9:00 am - 4:45 pm) and occasionally consecu$ve days. The upcoming year (2021) is a reassessment year and it is expected that there will be a demand on members’ $me for this cycle. Board of Revision members will be paid $320 per day for hearings and wri$ng decisions with Panel Chairs receiving an addi$onal $2,200 and the Chair of the Board $4,300 per annum (rates take effect January 1, 2021). There are no minimum hours or remunera$on guaranteed. The Saskatoon License Appeal Board members receive $25 per mee$ng with an addi$onal $25 to the member that writes the decision. Qualified candidates possess leadership quali$es with knowledge, experience and/or interest in civic affairs, and quasi-judicial proceedings. The qualifica$ons for candidates include: • • • • • • • •

Ability to commit the required $me – hearing sessions are half days, full days, and can be consecu$ve days; Previous experience on or with a quasi-judicial or an administra$ve tribunal; The ability to be fair, open-minded and impar$al; The ability to conduct themselves with integrity and consistency; The ability to organize, read, interpret and apply the relevant statutes and case law to complex scenarios; The ability to absorb and analyze complex material informa$on and write comprehensive, intelligible decisions; Previous real estate experience would be an asset; Previous property appraisal experience would be an asset.

Interested applicants are asked to submit an applica$on, resumé, and two le"ers of reference by no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 2, 2020, using the Commi"ee Applica$on Form found online at All applica$ons will be kept on file and reviewed throughout the year should further vacancies occur. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at if you have any ques$ons regarding the applica$on process.

Con"nued on next page


The Saskatoon Public Library Board helps connect the ci%zens of Saskatoon to lifelong learning and engagement opportuni%es in order to meet present and future challenges. The Board fills a governance role for the municipal library system as outlined in The Public Libraries Act; and to ensure that library programs, services and facili%es meet the needs of the ci%zens of Saskatoon. The Board as a whole should comprise a broad cross-sec%on of the indicated competencies, should include connec%ons with key communi%es, and should reflect the diversity of the library’s broader community, as follows: Competencies (skills, experience, professional exper%se and/or recognized qualifica%ons): • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Accoun%ng /Financial Management Legal Human Resources Management Governance (profit or non-profit) Strategic Planning, Research Intercultural Competency Marke%ng/Communica%ons Technology /Business Systems Capital Projects Public Policy/Government Rela%ons Fundraising Community Development/Planning Literacy Advocacy

Connec%ons: • • • • • • • • • •

Indigenous Community Early Years K-12 sector, Youth Post-Secondary Sector, Adult Educa%on Non-Profit Sector Saskatoon Business Community Government (municipal, provincial, federal) Philanthropy Arts and Literary Community Cultural Communi%es

In addi%on, applicants should bring certain quali%es, as follows: • • • • • • • • •

A reputa%on for personal integrity; A willingness to listen carefully and understand others’ views; An ability to think independently and conceptually and to analyze effec%vely; An openness to learn and to adapt to change; A commitment to holding themselves and others accountable; An ability to contribute to helping the Board develop trust and consensus; An ability to ‘take the long view’ in providing oversight and direc%on and in an%cipa%ng future threats and opportuni%es; A willingness to advise and mentor new members and to build partnerships; and, A passion for building a be#er community and a commitment to the values and vision of the Library.

The Board holds a minimum of eight mee%ngs per year, on the third Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. Addi%onal mee%ng %me is held each month should it be needed. Commi#ee work is scheduled over and above mee%ngs. There are no mee%ngs in July and August. There is no remunera%on paid to Board members. Interested applicants are asked to submit an applica%on, resumé and two le#ers of reference by no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 2, 2020, using the Commi#ee Applica%on Form found online at boards. All applica%ons will be kept on file and reviewed throughout the year should further vacancies occur. Note: Upon applying to this Board, your applica"on/resumé/reference le!ers may be shared with current Board members as part of the review process. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office if you have any ques%ons regarding the applica%on process.


Through The Police Act 1990, the Legislature of Saskatchewan has delegated the responsibility for providing police services, in the case of the City of Saskatoon, to the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners (SBPC). City of Saskatoon Bylaw 7531 generally describes the composi%on of the SBPC and its rela%onship with the City. The role of the SBPC is to ensure police services are delivered, to provide general direc%on and oversight, policy, and priori%es to the Service, and to aid in the development of long-term plans for the police service. The Board also serves as a conduit to the public, helping to iden%fy the needs of the community when it comes to public safety, and where police services could help in suppor%ng those needs. The present mission of the SBPC is to strengthen the culture of community safety in Saskatoon. Considera%on for service on this Board includes the following core a#ributes, competencies and experience: • Understanding of the dis%nc%on between the strategic and policy se"ng role of the Board and the opera%onal responsibili%es of the Police Chief; • Capability to give leadership to the development of the Board and the Police Service; • Commitment to the vision, mission, values and strategic goals of the Board; • Ability to work as a member of a team; • Respect for and tolerance of the views of others; • Recogni%on of the %me commitment and the willingness to devote the %me and energy necessary to perform the role of a board member; • Enthusiasm and capacity for resolving challenging issues; • Knowledge and apprecia%on for family systems and community dynamics; and • Knowledge and apprecia%on of Indigenous and diversified communi%es. The Board mee%ngs monthly on the third Thursday at 3:00 p.m. There are no mee%ngs in July. There is no renumera%on paid to Board members. Interested applicants are asked to submit an applica%on, resumé, and two le#ers of reference by no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 2, 2020, using the Commi#ee Applica%on Form found online at All applica%ons will be kept on file and reviewed throughout the year should further vacancies occur. Note: Upon applying to this Board, your applica"on/resumé/reference le!ers may be shared with current Board members as part of the review process. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at if you have any ques%ons regarding the applica%on process.

VOTE BY MAIL. IT’S A SAFE AND CONVENIENT OPTION Apply now to receive your vote by mail ballot for Saskatoon’s Civic Elec"on, November 9, 2020. The mail-in ballot vo%ng op%on is a safe and convenient way for eligible voters to cast their ballot for Saskatoon’s Mayor, City Councillors and School Board Trustees this fall. Following the October 8 candidate withdrawal deadline, ballot packages will be created for voters who applied to vote by the mail-in ballot op%on. Your ballot package will have instruc%ons and an official ballot. You will then mark the ballot and send it back to the Elec%on Office in a post-paid, self-addressed envelope provided for you. Visit to apply for your mail-in ballot, it will be sent to you in mid-October. Or, apply for your mail-in ballot package in-person by calling 306-657-8683 to make an appointment at the Saskatoon Civic Elec%on Office, 226 Cardinal Cres. Visit for more informa"on.


TCU PLACE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Centennial Auditorium & Conven"on Centre)

The TCU Place Board of Directors directs the opera%ons of TCU Place in a manner that ensures proper maintenance of the facility, provides premiere services for the performing arts, and provides a full range of services for mee%ngs and conven%ons. Considera%on for service on this Board includes exper%se in the following areas: • Legal Competency; • Human Resources Experience; • Trade and Tourism, and • Marke%ng The Board meets monthly on the last Thursday at 12:00 noon. There are no mee%ngs in July, August, or December. There is no remunera%on paid to Board members. Interested applicants are asked to submit an applica%on, resumé, and two le#ers of reference by no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 2, 2020, using the Commi#ee Applica%on Form found online at All applica%ons will be kept on file and reviewed throughout the year should further vacancies occur. Note: Upon applying to this Board, your applica"on/resumé/reference le!ers may be shared with current Board members as part of the review process. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at if you have any ques%ons regarding the applica%on process.


Working collabora%vely with the Management Team, the Board of Directors of SaskTel Centre is responsible for the governance of the organiza%on, including visionary leadership, and the establishment of the values, strategic planning, policy decision and overall direc%on to achieve the vision and mission of SaskTel Centre. The City of Saskatoon is seeking three (3) candidates to serve a two-year term as members of the Board of Directors for SaskTel Centre who can contribute their exper%se and knowledge in the following areas: • • • •

Legal Exper%se Government and Community Rela%ons Risk Management Human Resources Management

Du"es: • • •

• • • •

To a#end and be prepared for monthly board mee%ngs. The board meets four %mes a year in addi%on to the strategic planning mee%ng. To prepare for and par%cipate in the discussions and the delibera%ons of the Board. To be able to analyze the internal and external environment and iden%fy current and future opportuni%es, challenges and risks, while reflec%ng on past experience, board policies and processes. To ac%vely par%cipate in at least one commi#ee e.g. Audit and Finance, Governance, HR or Governance. To foster a posi%ve working rela%onship with other Board members, and SaskTel Centre staff. To establish overall long and short term goals, objec%ves and priori%es for SaskTel Centre in mee%ng the needs of the community. To be informed of the services provided by SaskTel Centre and publicly support and champion the organiza%on’s ini%a%ves.

Behavioural Competencies: Reliability and Commitment to Board - Available to prepare for and par%cipate in Board mee%ngs and at least one sub-commi#ee of the board as necessary. Ethics and Integrity - Makes sound decisions that support the organiza%onal direc%on, values and mission. Has a clear understanding of right and wrong and freely admits to errors and takes steps to rec%fy the situa%on. Diversity and Inclusion - Commits to demonstra%ng inclusive leadership, and holding fellow board members and the broader organiza%on accountable for those behaviours. Welcomes diverse perspec%ves and demonstrates awareness of personal biases, to achieve a shared purpose. Respects, and relates well to, people of diverse backgrounds and perspec%ves. Able to respect and listen to opinions that are different from one’s own and be flexible in one’s decisions. Commitment to Con"nuous Improvement - Par%cipates in training programs for the Board and shares knowledge and informa%on with colleagues. Stays abreast of leading trends and prac%ces in the industry. Cri"cal Thinking - Analyzes the internal and external environment in order to iden%fy current and future opportuni%es, challenges and risks while reflec%ng on past experience, board policies and processes. Consensus Building - Effec%vely builds construc%ve, friendly, professional rela%onships and networks within the board and maintains external partnerships that can provide informa%on, and support. Commitment to Organiza"on’s Purpose - Shows commitment to the organiza%onal vision, mission and strategic goals by having a solid understanding of the internal and external environment. Influences the organiza%on’s future plans and vision. Posi"ve Impact and Influence - Maintains a professional and posi%ve manner even under changing or uncertain condi%ons. Works collegially with a wide range of individuals to influence direc%on. Accountability - Displays a high level of organiza%onal confiden%ality and respects the sensi%vity of informa%on. Evaluates and responds to complex requirements that support the organiza%onal direc%on. Strategic Thinking - Par%cipates in strategic planning and an%cipates trends in the external and internal environment, including new developments in the economic climate. Flexibility and Open-mindedness - Respects, and relates well to, people of diverse backgrounds and perspec%ves. Able to respect and listen to opinions that are different from one’s own and be flexible in one’s decisions. Healthy Skep"cism - Probes respec&ully with objec%ve ques%ons to gain be#er understanding of issues while adhering to good governance prac%ces. Ownership of Board’s Decisions - Takes ownership and responsibility for suppor%ng the organiza%onal direc%on. Champions Board’s decisions within the community regardless of personal opinion. Interested applicants are asked to submit an applica%on, resumé, and two le#ers of reference by no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 2, 2020, using the Commi#ee Applica%on Form found online at boards. All applica%ons will be kept on file and reviewed throughout the year should further vacancies occur. Note: Upon applying to this Board, your applica"on/resumé/reference le!ers may be shared with current Board members as part of the review process. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at if you have any ques%ons regarding the applica%on process.

Con"nued on next page

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENTS TO CIVIC BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Each year, the City of Saskatoon invites its residents to consider serving on its various Boards, Commissions and Commi!ees to fill expected vacancies. City Council is commi!ed to broadening the composi#on of volunteers that serve our community. We’re seeking new applicants interested in serving our community, including representa#ve posi#ons for youth, First Na#ons, Mé#s and LGBTQ2S communi#es. Ci#zens who wish to take an ac#ve role on one of the Civic Boards, Commi!ees or Commissions must submit a Commi!ee Applica#on form, together with a resumé and two le!ers of reference using the Commi!ee Applica#on Form. Submissions are accepted online at Incomplete submissions will not be considered. Applica#ons are kept on file for considera#on in the event vacancies occur throughout the year. Contact the City Clerk’s Office at for more informa#on. Informa#on on each Board, Commission and Commi!ee is summarized below. More detailed informa#on for each Board, Commi!ee and Commission is available online at Provide advice to City Council on policy ma!ers and educa"on and awareness programs on ma!ers related to mandates.



Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Commi!ee

2 years

Municipal Heritage Advisory Commi!ee

Public Art Advisory Commi!ee

Saskatoon Accessibility Advisory Commi!ee

Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Commi!ee

APPEALS BOARDS BODY Board of Revision (See separate ad for more detail.)

2 years

2 years

2 years

2 years

MEETINGS Monthly - second Thursday from 12:00 p.m. un#l 2:00 p.m. during each of January, February, April, May, September and November.

Monthly - first Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. No mee#ngs July, August and December.

Monthly - second Friday from 2:30 p.m. un#l 4:30 p.m. No mee#ngs July, August and December.

Monthly - second Friday from 12:00 p.m. un#l 2:00 p.m. No mee#ngs July, August and December.

Monthly - second Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. No mee#ngs July, August and December.


(The appointees who form the Board of Revision shall also serve on the Saskatoon License Appeals Board. See below.)

MEETINGS As required. All-day sessions as well as consecu#ve days. Total commitment per year, including hearings, delibera#ng and wri#ng decisions can vary from 8 to 50 days, depending on reassessment cycle and number of appeals received.

As required – Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. (twice monthly on average, depending on number of appeals received.)

To hear appeals under various sec#ons of , rela#ng to issues such as minor variances and misapplica#on of the in issuing development permits.

Property Maintenance Appeals Board

2 years

As required – first and third Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m.

To review and determine the appeals of any person aggrieved by an order made by a municipal inspector.

Fire Appeals Board

2 years

As required, dependent upon number of appeals received.

To hear and determine appeals filed against an order made by a municipal inspector.

- Provide advice to City Council on policy ma!ers rela#ng to: diversity and inclusion of all ci#zens within the community; emerging equity or diversity issues or trends arising in the community; ini#a#ves to combat racism, acts of prejudice or hate in the community; ini#a#ves to promote acceptance of all ci#zens of Saskatoon; considera#on of the Calls to Ac#on of the Truth and Reconcilia#on Commission in formula#ng City policies and ini#a#ves; diversity in naming streets and City infrastructure; explore barriers faced in accessing city services, informa#on, programs and facili#es; explore barriers to par#cipa#on in public life and achievement of social, cultural and economic wellbeing of residents; proposed City of Saskatoon policies, ini#a#ves, and civic programs. - Provide advice and recommenda#ons on the development and contents of a new Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy. - Monitor success of the Commi!ee and to advise City council on ways for the City of Saskatoon to increase success in working with community organiza#ons, business and labour, all orders of government, and other stakeholders to create an inclusive and diverse community where everyone is welcomed and valued. - Provide educa#on and awareness programs on diversity, equity and inclusion of all ci#zens in the City.

Private Swimming Pools Appeals Board

2 years

As required, dependent upon number of appeals received.

To deal with appeals filed under the Swimming Pools Bylaw.

Environmental Management Appeals Board

2 years

As required, dependent upon number of appeals received.

Meewasin Valley Authority Appeals Board

3 years

As required.


Supervise and oversee the opera"on and maintenance of facili"es and programming as set out in the various mandates.

BODY Board of Police Commissioners



The Remai Modern Art Gallery of Saskatchewan Board of Directors (Art Gallery of Saskatchewan Inc.)


1 year

Monthly – third Thursday at 3:00 p.m.

To provide policing service to maintain a reasonable standard of law enforcement and to provide adequate and reasonable facili#es.

2 years

Eight mee#ngs per year on third Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. Addi#onal mee#ngs scheduled as needed.

To provide a governance role for the municipal library system and to ensure that library programing, services and facili#es meet the needs of the City of Saskatoon.

2 years

Monthly – third Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.

To provide for the establishment and maintenance in the City of Saskatoon of art galleries and related func#ons and to encourage the development and apprecia#on of fine arts. Directors will also be appointed to the Saskatoon Gallery and Conservatory Corporate Board of Trustees.

2 years

Quarterly – first Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. and as needed.

To promote, operate, manage, maintain, and improve the SaskTel Centre.

2 years

Monthly – last Thursday at 12:00 p.m.

To direct the opera#ons of TCU Place in a manner that ensures proper maintenance of the facility, provides premiere services for the performing arts, and provides a full range of services for mee#ngs and conven#ons in the city of Saskatoon.

(See separate ad for more detail.)

- Provide advice to City Council rela#ng to: any ma!er arising out or the regula#ons thereunder and on the Civic Heritage Policy; changes to the criteria for evalua#on of proper#es of architectural or historical value or interest with respect to heritage designa#on; revisions to the list of buildings, sites or structures and areas worthy of conserva#on as set out in the Holding Bylaw or under the heritage database; buildings, proper#es and ar#facts to be designated or placed on the Historic Places register; policies related to conserving heritage buildings, sites or structures and areas; proposed or recommended changes to municipal legisla#on to conserve heritage buildings, sites or structures and areas; ways to increase public awareness of heritage conserva#on issues and provide educa#on; any other ma!ers rela#ng to buildings, sites of structures and areas of architectural of historical significance. - Provide advice to the City’s Administra#on with respect to approval of altera#ons to designated heritage property. - Prepare and update a brochure and/or informa#on on the City’s website describing the Commi!ee’s mandate, etc. - To adjudicate and approve works of art and placement of public art on behalf of City Council and Administra#on with the excep#on of the Remai Modern Art Gallery of Saskatchewan. - Provide advice to City Council on the purchase and dona#on of works of art and revision or development of any City policies regarding public art, memorials or commemora#ons. - Provide advice to the Administra#on concerning the de-accessioning of artworks. - Educate ar#sts and community groups regarding the City’s Public Art Program. - Review loca#ons for memorials or commemora#ons. - Consider the Calls to Ac#on of the Truth and Reconcilia#on Commission in adjudica#ng, approving and placing works of public art, commemora#ons, or memorials on behalf of City Council.

To review appeals on development applica#ons that the Meewasin Valley Authority has turned down to ensure that the Authority has dealt with the applica#on fairly.

Note: Upon applying to these Boards, your applica#on/resumé/reference le!ers may be shared with current Board members as part of the review process.

(See separate ad for more detail.) Saskatoon Public Library Board

To hear and determine appeals filed against an order made by a municipal inspector.

(See separate ad for more detail.) SaskTel Centre Board of Directors (Saskatchewan place Associa"on Inc.) (See separate ad for more detail.) TCU Place Board of Directors (Centennial Auditorium and Conven"on Centre Corpora"on) (See separate ad for more detail.)


- Provide advice to City Council with respect to ensuring that City of Saskatoon services, informa#on, facili#es and infrastructure are accessible for ci#zens of all abili#es. - Provide advice to City Council on policies and programs for improving accessibility to City services, informa#on, facili#es, infrastructure, and employment opportuni#es. - Develop sensi#vity and accessibility awareness educa#onal material. - Monitor implementa#on and administra#on of the Ac#on Plan on Accessibility. - Review, evaluate and par#cipate in an update of the Ac#on Plan on Accessibility and advise City Council of progress in achieving the goals for improving accessibility to City services, informa#on, facili#es, infrastructure and employee awareness as recommended in the Ac#on Plan. - Act as a resource to City Administra#on.




Albert Community Centre Management Commi!ee

1 year

Monthly – third Friday at 12:00 p.m.

To supervise the opera#on of the Albert Community Centre.

Marr Residence Management Board

2 years

Monthly – second Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. A commitment is also required for summer programming, board subcommi!ees and Marr special events.

To manage all aspects of the Marr Residence property.

Corman ParkSaskatoon District Planning Commission

3 years (TBD)

Monthly – first Wednesday at 11:45 a.m.

To make recommenda#ons on land use planning in the Planning District, which is an area of the Rural Municipality of Corman Park that surrounds Saskatoon.

2 years

Monthly – last Tuesday at 12:00 p.m.

To advise/assist City Council with respect to all ma!ers pertaining to community planning and the development of the municipality.

Municipal Review Commission

4 years

At the call of the Chair.

To periodically review the conduct of all ma!ers rela#ng to municipal elec#ons including the disclosure requirements respec#ng campaign contribu#ons and expenses and campaign spending limits for municipal elec#ons; the Code of Conduct for members of Council; and the remunera#on and benefits and any reimbursement or allowances for expenses to be paid to members of Council.

Saskatoon Airport Authority

Variable term up to 3 yrs

Five mee#ngs per year.

To manage and control the Saskatoon John G. Diefenbaker Interna#onal Airport.

Social Services Subcommi!ee (Assistance to Community Groups: Cash Grants Program)

1 year

As required – five to seven #mes per year from September to June.

To make recommenda#ons with respect to the alloca#on of funds in Assistance to Community Groups: Cash Grants Program.

Note: This Commission will be replaced when the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G) Planning District is established.

- Provide advice to City Council on policy ma!ers rela#ng to the following: environmental implica#ons iden#fied in City undertakings, ini#a#ves and other projects; waste reduc#on and diversion ini#a#ves including food reclama#on; pollu#on preven#on; water conserva#on measures; climate change mi#ga#on and reduc#on of greenhouse gas emissions; wildlife or habitat conserva#on; ecological systems and greenspaces; support of alterna#ve modes of transporta#on. - Monitor success of the Commi!ee and to advise City Council on ways for the City of Saskatoon to increase success in working with community organiza#ons, business and labour, all orders of government, and other stakeholders to promote environmental sustainability and good environmental prac#ces within the City of Saskatoon. -Provide educa#on and awareness programs on all ma!ers within its mandate.

Municipal Planning Commission Note: Realtors and developers are not eligible for appointment.

PURPOSE SUMMARY To deal with appeals arising from assessment procedures in accordance with Sec#on 197 of The Ci!es Act.

Members must be available for mee#ngs during the day.

Please note the following:

Saskatoon License Appeals Board

1 year

As required, dependent upon number of appeals received.

City Mortgage Appeals Board

2 years

As required, dependent upon number of appeals received.

(The appointees who form the City Mortgage Appeals Board shall also serve on the Access Transit Appeals Board. See below.) Access Transit Appeals Board


Independent quasi-judicial boards that hear appeals as set out in governing acts and applicable bylaws. 1 year

2 years

(The appointees who form the Property Maintenance Appeals Board shall also serve on the Fire Appeals Board, Environmental Management Appeals Board and the Private Swimming Pools Appeals Board. See below.)



Development Appeals Board

To deal with appeals rela#ng to licenses issued under 8.

To adjudicate all requests for forgiveness of City mortgages that may arise out of the City’s lot alloca#on policy.

• • • 2 years

As required, dependent upon number of appeals received.

To hear appeals filed by those who are denied Access Transit Service.

All appointments are served on a volunteer basis, except the Municipal Review Commission, Board of Revision, the Development Appeals Board, the License Appeals Board, the Fire Appeals Board, the Private Swimming Pools Appeals Board, the Environmental Management Appeals Board, and the Property Maintenance Appeals Board, whose members receive a remunera#on for each mee#ng a!ended. The Saskatoon Airport Authority Directors are also provided an honourarium through the Authority. All Boards, Commissions and Commi!ees listed may not currently have vacancies; however, ci#zens are encouraged to apply as openings may become available throughout the year. Exis#ng members are eligible for reappointment to a maximum of six consecu#ve years of service; however, reappointment is not automa#c. The informa#on provided on the number of mee#ngs held relates only to mee#ngs of the Board, Commission or Commi!ee. Many of these bodies appoint subcommi!ees, and the demands on the member’s #me may exceed that shown. The #me commitment for an average mee#ng is one to two hours. Many of the Commi!ees do not meet during the summer months.

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