Farm Progress 2015

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2 0 1 5 G L A N C E

JUNE 17 - 19


Canada’s Largest Tradeshow

@canadafarmshow #CFPS15

Proud Member of the Farm Show Council

Canada’s Farm Progress Show

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gree tings to ever yone I am pleased to extend my warmest w. m Progress Sho nding the 38th Annual Canada’s Far

Ministe r Ministr e e Ministe r Ministr of Agricul ture and Ministe Ministe de r !'Agricu of r Agricul lture lture Minister et deet d ande Ministr de !'Agricu Ministre ture Agri-Fo od of Agricul ofand Agriculture ture and and of Agriculture I'Agroa limenta Agri-Fo ire ire de !'Agricu odde lture et de l’Agricu de !'Agricu I'Agroa lture limenta et Agri-Food Agri-Fo Agri-Food od I’Agroa I'Agroa ire I'Agroalimenta ire limentaire

Ottawa , Canada K1A OC5 Ottawa , Canada K1A OC5 Ottawa , Canada K1A OC5 Ottawa , Canada K1A OC5

Messa ge from the Minist er er Messa ge from the Minist Messa geMinist from er the Minister Messa ge from the atte On behalf of the Gover On nment of of Canad the Govern Onbehalf a, welcom ment behalf ofofCanada e to the the Gover , welcom nment Farm to the of Canad Progre 2015 ss S a,ewelcom e to2015 the 2015 Farm Progre Farm Progres On s Show. behalf This of the annual Gover On show behalf the nment reflects of of the the view Canad importa Gover to a, nce nment show welcom of nity reflect of e Canad to ortu s the ne the a, 2015 welcom import opp ryo l Farm ance e to eve Progre idea of the to agricu 2015 an ss s gs Show. show lture Farm to Saska reflect This videend my warmest greetin Progre annua s the import ss tchew an annua This and ance s sho Canad of agricu Thi l Canad a . a .l lture agriculture to Show. Saska to Saskatc tchew to ext an and hewan and ee asewdpro Canada ple . eve toto I am gs ryon etin eve sryon t gre ines gs mes bus etin war new t gre my show nd ting mes reflect exte war exci s the to r show import my ove sed nd reflect ance disc s of plea exte the agricu to import to am I lture and ance sed to Saska of ery agricu plea tchew hin lture am an I to mac and Saska Canad tchewan and Canada . a. st farmual Canada’s Farm Progress Show. w. lateh Sho Ann Each ssss year, 38t gre FarmProgre help thendin Pro Progresss toSho Each s Show ted Far year, gre generat ’s’s mit thetheFarm attendingatte es more Pro ada m ismcom than $500 Can tFar ual Show million men e ada genera Ann Each ern ryon year, tes Can 38th Gov more the r eve ual the Farm than to Ou g Ann gs $500$500 Progre es. million etin ss 38th niti Show in sales gre t the genera ortu g mes tes opp ndin more war than atte million in sa in sales of farm machinery and products, attracting over 800 Canadia I am pleased to extend my y full cess Each suc n year, the pete Farm Each com Progre year, and ss the s Show Farm genera risk Progre machi tes age ss nery more Show and man than genera produc $500 ers tes ts, million more attract farm w. than in n ing sales $500 over and Sho machi of adia million farm 75 800 ss internat nery Canad Can in gre and ional sales farm ian produc exhibito Pro st and of farm m 75 ts, rs late and interna attract Far over ’s ing the tional 40,000 over ada ex visitors. 800 view Canad I’d like ian tosnity ststfarm to and 75 internationa nity farm 38th Annual Can opp view rythe alanvidi late toto essa idepro thelate nity nec an ortu sprov view tool opp vide lortu pro idea ng w ortu an shoThis opp l the s rna machi by idea ,ides nery congrat and wwprov ulate kets produc organiz machi sho ides mar ts, ers nery al attract on and Go the continu ing tion produc over ed 40,000 sho ts, success 800 attract Canad visitor inte This of ing your inThi s ian . over Internat I'd and like 800 75 ional interna iancongra ent tulate and 40,000 visitorCanad nm exhibi organi 75 interna ver torssucce zers ent and ss tional ontional s . I'd to the r OurGov over exhibi ernm like Ou to tors ued congra s.nitie and ent Busines tulate over nitie organi of s.s.Our ernm ortu nitie Gov nted opp on contin the ortu orie ssines ine skets Centre, equipm bus mar ortu bus new and opp ent demonstrations ,late sopp new iting tive ines iting ova exc bus , seminarszers r disc exc r,toinn ove new and antique continued succes farm ern ove st disc iting disc mod to a exc to t 40,000 r the and por and ove visitor ry ery view sup s . I'd to 40,000 like to hine chin to nity visitor congra ma mac and s ortu ry . tulate I'd like opp organi hine to l Interna congra zers mac tional idea tulate on the Busine ly organi contin lly ss sful zers ued Centre sfu on succe display, ces the , equipm ces ss contin tractor suc ly of Interna your ent suc pulls ued sful e demon pete and succe tional other ces pet stratio This show provides an ss com Busine events. of suc your ns, com ss Centre, equipment demonstratiosemin s sand ars and and srisk antiqu age risk and compete eernm man nag risk ers ma ns, semin age ners ars and man ent adia ers a ustr an Can ind farm nfarm adi lhelp Gov adia tura Can help Our togto icul Can s. pin ed ing nitie hel mitt toagr ortu com opp isted ed sing Interna mitt tional ines Busine com bus is com is Interna ss new Centre tional , Busine equipm iting ern, ss exc ent Centre tractor demon mod overmit , a pulls equipm stratio and n, ns, ent port ern, other semin demon der sup d to disc events mod ars stratio to mo a and . a ns, antiqu ary t port semin tractor e ess por displa ars sup pulls and nec y, to sup s antiqu and Agricult to ary other tool e ure displa is ary ess events the the y, backbo g nec ess . s ne idin of nec Canada ly tool ls prov sful ’s the econom too by g ces , y, driving the idin jobs and ng prov pete suc l mar com pro iona kets bykets and s, by ts, l mar riskvidi in rke iona age ma rnat alrnat man tion ers ininte rna farm n inte a other pulls events adia e and and other Can havtractor tractor inginte events e. to pulls Our . Government is proud to support this industry by expanding sur o helpin are tors . growth. stry visi do, indu . and ural stry see cult to indu agri ch ural mu nted y. so cult h ern, orie ustr agri Wit ketmod ind a l mar nted tura port orie and icul ketto sup mar vati aryagr ted and ess inno ien ve, tool Canadia s nec t-or vati rke nisbusines Agricu ma lturelture the s inbackb gve, key theisbackb internat and idin ,inno ional one prov markets of Canad , bytive promoti a's econo Agricu farm tech nology ketsova ngdriving trade my, al marinn driving the jobs and growth. Our one of Canad a'sand ada’s largest dryland econo my, at Can e stry ul tim derf woncult that is based in fair rules and sound science. We continue to reach out jobs and growth. . Agricu indu lture ural is the ial Agricu backb spec agri one lture of ng ul is Canad the nted backb derf givi a's proud in econo one won of a to my, Canad you ul suppo e driving a's rt derf hav join this econo jobs to nd market-orie to indust and won my, a growth ry driving like sure e by expan ld . jobs Our are hav proud ding Gover and to wou ors I to Canad growth nment suppo w. h htotosee visit ian . Our to our trading rt this is ti do, are Gover indust ss entsosho partners nment orssur and inis ry trade by expan visit through interna do, ding free Canad and equipm and agreem muc ian esea wonderful ents, see busine like sskey thebusine With torshav in historic key e sure muc inter so are With tors visi do, and who see ld proud ntee to to wou ch suppo I volu mu w. rt this proud and ld so Canada sho indust to rs, h suppo -Europe wou ry ent I by nso Wit rt expan an ipm this w. Union spo indust ding promo equ sho trade ers, Canad ry agreem ting by ent and expan ian trade aniz ent gy busine ipm and ding that org the ss Canad equ is nolo recent based in the key agreem ian and tech all in interna busine fair ent to ’s’slarg gy rules tional promoting trade that is basedssinin farm ksada nolo and key marke sound and than interna ulequipment show. I would ts and scienc tional derf farm est e. marke We won continue and ts e atech and dryl rules to r hav and estdryl totec sound Can larg at are time ors Can at visitdry with South Korea. Once in effect, these fair and do,ada r. spo log and r yea hno see aftenize totime rpromo agreements will open up science. We continue farm ,yyea dsure rs,rs,and cess so emuc lan nso promo a suc Withtim h and est ting rs, suc trade t larg that nso ’srts even is based spo ting orga ada trade this rs, in the e fair that rules all nize is at hCan mak based trading to and orga ks sound in partne fair the effo scienc rules than rs all throug and ld e. cial to Weents, h scienc sound free ks w. I wou trade ueout ng thansho to to agreem e. trade trading reach markets for We cial ent iningivi partne speipm to farmers like ue our you rs eliminat tocontin the ngspe reach histori and equ hing free c Canad tariffs our and on contin like a -Europ you a agreem gygivi wideents, range join spor nso nolo tojoin of product s, yea like tech the liketo s. At zers, histori anices farm cout Canad org and a -E r. r. rs througthe same time, we’re,throug allntthe toeve yea rrs, afte da’s largesttodryl thaenks yea cial rthroug spe afte r suc ng a trading yea h s, givi partne suc in ces suc trading you a h h partne free support this trade suc rs ing nt innovat agreem mak like joinvolu eve h ion agreem free rts ents, through and trade this ent like effo e investm rs, and agreem the se histori the ents nso mak ents, recent under who c rts spo Canad rs like agreem rs, effo the a -Europ histori ntee se ent nize agreem with c ean best Canad who South Union orga ent rs my a and r Korea -Europ trade the r. the ntee . offe all ean Once recent agreement with South to Union in effect, ada,s,I yea after yea trade these thanks On Korea . Once ern succes Growing Forward 2. in effect, ou in giving specialvolu sucthofar. Can thea the ntmen eve beh thisGov maofke rts alf se effo ent and the ers whoeve agreem recent yea entagreem r agreem volunte and afte the r ent recent with yea open South agreem s, up Korea marke ces ent with . ts suc Once for a South farmer h in t. effect, Korea s, suc elimin these . even nt Once ating agreem open in tive tariffs effect, for up ents markets for farmers, eliminating eses for onagreem these will aon wide producent of Canada t wish range ents of produc will orable and r my ts. At t wish hose efforts make this wishes for a memalf tariffs , I, offe bes a wide r mybes range I offe of produc ernm Canada It is great to see that the world continu ernment ofopen Gov es to recognize and value theGov On opentsup behalfofofthe marke Onbeh tss,we're for farmer up marke s, elimin for ating farmer tariffs suppo elimin on rting a for wide ating innova range tariffs hes tion of on throug wis produc a t wide h of ts. At invest we're range bes the ments same produc rting under Canadasuppo time, ts. innovahtion Growi At ’s innovat the ng Forwa same ive approac throug ada time, rd h invest 2.rd Canes to agricult ments ure under and ent our Growi nm dedicat ng Forwa ver ion to for, I offer my eve Go the ucti ofprod nt. alf prod eve besoft wish beh my rnt. le ucti On offe Ive orab ,ve and ada a amem leand we're of Can orab ent rting mem we're suppo ernm tion g thements Gov throug rting suppo highest innova h invest quality tion innova ments food throug and under h invest agri-bas Growi On behalf of the ed deliverin product ng under Growing Forward 2.Forwa s. rd 2. nt. It is great to see that that the world contin a me ues is great to evelent.and productive eve recogn verab to see ize uctimo and the value Canada's inno world contin e and prod ues to IItinvite recogn all visitors ize to take in the many farm technology displays andand value Canada's i is great that It is great toIt see the world contin that to ues to contin thesee agricu to world recogn lture exciting ize and ues and events. our to value dedica recogn The Canad show tion isdedica to a's sure to agriculture and ize value totion bedelive ring tive another Canad the approa highes great a's innova ch success ourand quality ! tinnova approa food and and to delive ch agriring thetive highes t quality food to agricu lture and to agriculture our tion and our to delive dedica ring tion the highes to delive t dedica ring the highest quality foodquality food and and agri-ba sedagri-ba producsed ts . products . I invite all visitor s to stake in the farmfarm I invite techno all visitor logylogy displa to take ys in many and the many excitin g eve techno displays and excitin g I invite alltake visitor I invite all visitor to take in the many s to farm sure insthe techno to be anothe many logy displa farm r great techno ys succe and excitin ss! displa g events sure to be anothelogy ys ss! and exciting events The show is r great succe . The show. is sure torbe anothe sure to be anothe success! great succe ss! r great . ., .,M.P , P.C per M.P. Har , P.C n n phe per . Ste Har Hon phe . Ste The Hon Rt. TheRt. . M.P ., P.C , per The Rt. Hon. Stephen Har M.P . The Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., AA TAW OT TAW OT Agricu lturelture Minist er Gerry 5 Ritz,Ritz, 201 PC, PC, MP MP Agricu 2015 Minist er Gerry Agricu lture Minist Agricu er Gerry lture Ritz, Minist PC, er MP Gerry Ritz, PC, MP OTTAWA 2015 CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  5

Message from the Minister


Premier of Saskatchewan Legislative Building Regina Can ada S4S 0B3

an ge – Canada’s Farm Progress skatch Minist er’sew Premier of Sa Messa Show 2015 Legislative Building S4S 0B3of the Government adabehalf Regina CanOn of Saskatchewan, it is my pleasure to welcome visitors from near and far to Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2015.

Canada’s Farm Progress Show Show gressallows Saskatchewan and Canada to showcase Proshow a's FarmThis I am pleased toCanad an, hew katc Sas of t w men Sho ern ss Gov gre to the world the qualities that have made us agricultural On behalf of the Canada's Farm Progress Show. Recognized as welcome you to Canada’s Farm Pro leaders. Canada’s Farm Progress Show presents innovative dryland farming and direct largest event for a’s eric Am th Nor welcome you asededtoproduc am ple stsvernment of Saskat n, I and techno ts gue logies chewa se hos advanc wca l sho tion turaOn Go the of alf you beh me lco est practices to give seeding technology, this agriculche we larg to a's d Americ n, I am please Progress Show. Recfarmer Northtitive wa as d ize kat ogn Sas of s es. the ent compe ntri nm cou e ver edge in -fiv Go agricul fifty the tural production. merica's largest 's Far ada On behalf offrom more than to dCan Am y, this agricultural rth log No hno as tec g ize din ogn see Rec ct w. dire Sho ss and gre ing gy, farm m Pro dthis tech lan ent,dry equnt leve to Canada's Far tura iculsee agricultural than agrct y,nolo latest indire log hno ntries. ing the tecfor g ipm Promot din y-five The fift Minist ry cou of Agricu lture isMiniste and proudr’s of ing toMsuppo ld from more farm wor rt–Canad d sts the a’s Farm Progress Show 2015 lan gue re ts dry essage whe is hos Canada’s for nt this ase es, eve wc ctic sho pra ing farm es. and ntri ices cou serv ive y-f fift n tha re and Farm mo ors Progre m ibit ss fro exh Show throug sts 700 h gue long-te than ts e rm sponso hos mor h rship. ase By showc and agriculture comes together. Wit vicbes logy,sser showagricultural equ , techno On e, thisst ehalf o f the ipmgent Governm the glob ent bringin across ting togeth er from farmer ing and in ranche com es rs, manuf late nde acture atte the rsof Saskatchewan, it is my pl 00 45,0 e mo som Pro vices ether. Farm ser tog y, es t and log com grea a e hno es tec ltur , vid icu ent pro agr and ipm of ss to equ C rld anada’s sine al wo ibu ltur P rogress the agr icu Show 2015. ere and suppliers, and international buyers wher. this development of es, es theagr es in motst g pra prolate Promoting the minicu faragr togiseth e com lturctic attendees coming from , the show offers of 000 45, rld e wo som the and ere . ork wh ors is ibit netw to this exh es, nity 700 a unique n ctic ortu opportunity for stakeh thaes coming from th mo farming pra opp olders Wi to connec essaand t and sin This show atterende llows Saskatch 000 ewan and Canada to showcase t 45, e of the development of agribu som andhist motesdiscuss inshow pro ors ibit ecially exh espbe, , 700hew tion this nkatc ova inn glo the ory oss and the With more tha latest acr ess long trends a sin and issues ibu an has in agr agricul of ture. ent Sas pm elo agricult dev ural leaders. Canada’s Farm Progress Show presen tes the s to ortunity to network. this show promo be, at opp greway es anew are continually across the gloagr viding profind iculture. Producers product rk. ’s ion wo p ada ractices to give farmers the competitive edge net Can to . ty ient uni ortductivity and become more effic opp atrov I would like to thank the volunteers, provides a gre e pro organi zers and imp e. ltur icu agr ce in odu ally intr eci to esp nity , ortu tion ovaors without whom t opp y of inn tor his g lon s Show presents a grea a exhibit gres has n Pro m wa Far che the kat e. show would Sas and ltur The ty of Anot Ministry be re is proud to support Canada’s F tivi gricultu of icu essagr ally renin awa , esp easeeci as incr oval tion ways to improve produc as wel of ,inn yices ding new serv histor lontsgand allytyfin aduc tinu pro n has con are ers possib duc le. Saskatchewanew and Your Pro dedica at tion tivi to gre excelle s. a duc sponso ts nce inar pro in rship. agricul sen e sem B y b ture ringing pre rov and is farmers and ranchers, m together w imp ions tratto onsys demwa m Progress Sho g new dinugh finthro nada's Far l issues Caat turaally nt. icultinu con icie agr eff re mo e Producers are om bec se gre comm rea a endab ts inc le. as sen ll pre we buyers, the show offers a unique opportunity for stakehol w uals, who ce new products and services, as Sho ss ind gre Prons ivid nt. Canada's Farm atio and odu effnkicie intr tyasto uni ort become moreTha se opp rea inc inars. you to the many organiz as ll sem we and s es, ion vic and trat issues ser in agriculture. ons the and dem ure ts h ens duc oug rs to pro ntee es thrBest new volu issu ce al e asare odu ltur serv intr icu and r agr nso of s spo , nes age opportunity to wishes rs. man aw , for ina a nge succes sem sful arra show. and s ion trat ons tors visi dem h I encourage all of our oug thr issu alwor nt. icuofltur s eve agr clas ldes this awareness ofsuc cess I would like to thank the volunteers, organizers and exhibi ital ange, ing attractions that our Cap rest anizations and individuals, who arr org y the diverse and inte ny enjo ma to the to you ank possible rld n to excellence in agriculture is com Th e, wo . Your dedicatio ang uals, who arr serve as volunteers to ensure the success of this r. anizations and individe, org matonyoffe and thehas r nso spo rld Thank you toCity nag wo maensure the succes s of this diverse and to tive rma vol info and vetas leeve serbes yab age all of our visitors to enjoy the r and an senjo Best wishes for a successful show. our nsocom foreer enc I hesunt wis nt. manag e, spoWel ss cla e and and e ers div the s to enjoy has to offer. y itor Cit vis l our pita of Ca all our t age tha our s ion enc I act nt. attr class eve inte show. offer. toting hasres

pital City interesting attractions that our Ca e show. hes for an enjoyable and informativ t wis bes and me lco We w. sho e ativ oyable and inform Welcome and best wishes for an enj

pcu-regina 6  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Lyle Stewart Minister of Agriculture


Message from René Carpentier Canada Farm Show Chair

Welcome - Bienvenue - to the 38th annu al Canada’s Farm Progress Show. The industry’s leading agriculture showcase was once again recognized as Canada’s largest tradeshow by the Trade Show News Network. This event promotes the latest in dry land farming equipment, technology, serv ices, and practices. Canada’s Farm Progress Show has earned a strong reputation by continually providing atten dees with the opportunity to see the latest and best in agriculture prod uction. E MA YO R TH Whil e the OF main E purpose of Canada’s Farm Progress Show OF FIC is to offer dry land farming equipment REGINA manufacturers the opportunity to show OF CITY THE case their products to qualified buyers who operate agriculture businesses, it’s also an event where atten dees can come to learn about the mos THE MAY OR t innovative farming practices OFF ICE OFthrough R: YO parti NA ion in educational seminars REGIcipat OF and meaningful discussion with exhib MESSAGE FROM THE MA very THE CITY atten a end itors. Over 45,000 ext I ns, dees ina will visit Reg more than 900 exhibitors located in the 1.9 councilors and million sq.ft of show space. Everythin On behalf of my fellow city need Canada’s Farm Progress Show. Some ed to cond g that is uct a succ essfu l farming operation will be displayed. pants of warm welcome to partici world will converge the A und majo aro r facto r and attrib uted ada to Can the longevity of Canada’s Farm Progress Show is the successful implementati 40,000 visitors from across enting all that is new the many featured programs aimed at on and pre sentations repres ts making a visit to the show an enjoyable duc pro of es acr 100 on and productive one. These prog rams inclu de the Farm Cred ry. it Cana ust da ind Inno r vations Showcase and New Product and exciting in you Launches, the Livestock Centre, the Antique Truck & Tractor disp scale. event of thisYO lay and pulls, The Modern Lifestyle Pavi YOR: our to pull offEan lab R: and MA nt E tale TH lion, and Shuttle Services for us OM FROM THE MA FR ndo atten dees AGfor achieving the gold and exhib MESS It takes treme itors . to zers and volunteers a very warm welcome welcome totruly warm , I ext ry city ansuniq I congratulate show organi gin ans, I extend a ve ueend program atfrom and aress nad ncilors and ReAgin Cana Ca da’s cou Farm oss acr Prog ow Re fell Show is the International Business Cent s d d my itor an . of an vis s or shows da 000 cilde na 40, On behalf Ca of tra Some ss y co rdun ro citnda is.desig re (IBC). The IBC ac Show all ned m ss to ing fro gre intro ent rs Pro duce res m f my fellow sta ito inter h rep Far natio vis 38t 0 a's nal ons its visito g nad tati ,00 rs Ca atin sen to 40 of thos pre ebr ts e exhibitors that export products. In me cel pan and is So ts tici w . par duc Sho ow ss pro Sh of gre all ss es Pro g re acr m tin 2014 were og Far 100 en , 52 countries ’s repre Pr on es sent ada rm pr ge ed by more than 500 international visito ver con r s re ion will mie tat rld rd to believe Can pre es o aen of Canada'sHaFa the int dwodpr und rs. Export member companies are invit anlve aro ts evo has uc od ing pr ry. International visitors for her of ust gat s ind ble r re ed to meet the ac you hum a in 0 e g 10 itin onc s on exc the purpose of creating a business relations at wa ge Wh that is new and ies. Whether world will coyea hip. ng more than 800 compan gratulate show asi wc con I sho le. nt sca eve . this ess try of ler, sin nt us Each year the Farm Show features som i-bu ind ent dea , equipm to pull off an eve vice repme ething new. This year a new attraction and excitingagrin yoa ur shows. or, product or ser ndous talent and labour will be ndard of tradeToys It takes tre d sta gol for Farm Boys. Be sure to check out you’re rancher, exhibit the ce. ow ing pla t sh iev e righ ach lat the for tu s in ra eer tely the most innovative, the most exciting, ng unt olu co vol I abs . and are s ale zer you sc ani — is orgent of th estor and the ev mos a t or foreign inv resp e an f onsi onc of , r to pull r. What wasble recreational experience on the market. This area ng one a fittish w —ofand lent and labou s.m Progress Show is celebrating its 38tinh yea will be located s sho ow thind t ofsta de 800 hos mendous taReg n the tra ud Bran tha pro re dt y d Cent mo ar ver Far re. a ng s a's asi ain showc e Ca ina rem gold irie Ha s with tornad tiva culiev r agri-business event r achieving theour roordtstoasbel ers fo pra dealer, or entstaff ipm evolved into a premie Onrep and voluntesin beha , equ lf of the vice , volunteers and stakeholders, please ser ce the event exemplifies or t humble gathering has duc pro or, ibit exh r, a accept this as my che ce ran on a s 're wa you t er ha invitation to attend the 38th edition of eth .W arviti iesg. Wh th ye pantin 38 com its entrepreneurial spirit. place. t the Canada’s Farm Progress Show righ ra the es leb in ce tely is acti olu ny ow abs ma Sh 0 are the ss of 80 you re n age orog June tha ant est Pr 17 inv re adv – 19, 2015 in Regi rm’re here, I invite you to take foreign mo Fayou 's ile nas Saskatchewan Canada. lifie t sh ieve CanadaWh evsen to sing tureca culow sin. es and buital since the event exemp riag Frosm art ier fitting one,René aor em pr r, g cap and a wwin o ale Carp sho int gro de entie r, this our nt ed Show of t olv me und Chai hos ev r aro uip s ud ns eq pro p,— y ne re s ace sce thering ha and attractio ainrvi ryver ina rem cul or gse gintanin rit. Reuc geo bur r, ito andpraod ng, hib h entrepreneurial spi ppi ex wit r, sho s he to tor n nc tiva tio ra cul rea a as e rec ts y, u'rtor roo iriest. praere our. int s. Whether yohis any for ce ersion ht spla ies and attractions enjoya thedivrig ers ely inble offlut inaso Reg ab e ar st to take advantage of the many activit u ate yo gre rour er vesto you cov ite dis to shopping, and a inv to I e e, tion sur her rea hisstory, rec City, you areWhile you're e tofie turpli cul em and s ex t art m en our Fro ev . of As you explore the Queen e ital rit th spi cap y win interest. ce nitgro foretany e, gsin s re our on und ing fittmu pri-de, acom th,ow daro oyable diversionG ings from Mark rm anand enj Thethwa sh ns.of Wrs gina offe is inast elc Re Reg neom et: sce ass e ho ry Allan — Presiden to d ina th ou cul e g pr 38th annual Cana mains a very idents t and CEO, Evra . da’set: . The iritnin ans spgeo Farm the industry’s lea our gre gin rialbur RePr ass og st resators with entrepreneu re ate z Place ss . Show yor din er Ma g agricultural show ud to be sure to discov am so pro so proudpresented by Viterra! We ar City, you areCa am I y e roots as cultiv ca een wh Qu se of na t the . Ov da par e lore ’s er exp hug are a huge part of why I e lar th a pr ge e are ou As you ye st nts d to host what ha ar tra ide s, de to res we sh our and have grown from of ctions ow. Saskatchew w, mu Sho gress s become m Pro Farrm andspiatrittra ’s wa and s nity an Tourism has being a local even We’re proud to of itie prid tivcom th, sful Canada ye,ac an r succesva m e du th anotheke bb of fe t to being recogn e r ed s. at ag vel Here’s to te us nt tra nd r “th ee you ad a e in s d n Ev an an ta en atio alm ized as g, tin . to t of u des yor pin os nt th yo Ma Do op t e Year!” unparalleled op iteof you making Regina a freque n’t think because to be to sh a ay to u're here, I invall pogin g Re rtunit you’v to history, recreation you makin e be ofda re allna see the latest an en ltu toCa cu to and , d ow an Sh ts pr ss ar og gre ’s ra om Pro d greatest trends Farm Progress sh mming keeps pa t. Farm esa's er nad y int l Ca ansfu r ces ce with the lates in agricultural prod suc ow before that yo ur growing capital. Fr therfo anons tosio re'ser t innovations and u’ve seen it all. W uction. enjoyableHediv rs fe of s.While the main purpos a vel gin tra r Re th you ein e e work hard to en em en tion sc er tina e of the show is gin g ne ed frequent des ng culinary s sure our of the industry. as a showcase fo where people froe r agriculture com ans. Th m both inside and outside panies, it also se attendees will vis the industry can r, greatest asset: Regin ou rcer ve rves as an educat co dis it to ely m re come to learn ab or su Sin e d e th ar ou an u pr ional opportunity yo 80 so ty, 0+ Ci am I n ex y out the modern wo ee hib wh Qu ito of e rs An rt th sp pa inc re ge plore re ad as hu ac a ing e ro rld of agriculture. ly ar ss im ts 1. po en 9 rta m sid illi re nt r on pa ou sq rt of Over 45,000 ua of re feet of show sp our show is the In spirit the world. In past ternational Busin ace. pride, and community years, we have be es s Ce nt en re , where we welco proud to host ov As a result of this er 800 internatio me representativ progra yor. nal guests repres es from around relationships.Reginama, the Farm Progress show is wi enting over 57 co ing de ak ly m u re yo co of gn untries. all ize to d d as an , a ow m ajo Sh Th ss r ev re e 2015 show is ex ent for fostering nada's Farm Prog cited to welcome international busin Olympic Gold Med ess Montomery, as a another successful Ca alke wi yn nn ot e ing sp Sk ea ls. ele ke ve r. tra to A n ur gif ra cer and host of Th ted and inspiring destination in yo athlete, Jon also e Amazing Race de facto national brings charm an Canada, Jon ambassador, using d Canadian Pride his curiosity and over the country to his job as a conversational gif . ts to connect with We also want to y, people all welcome everyo ne to our many featured Showcase, the Ne programs, such w Product Launch as the FCC Inno es, Livestock Ce Modern Lifestyle vations ntre, Antique Truc pavilion. k & Tractor Disp We invite you to lay and the visit our webpag e, Facebook page or follow us on tw showcased this ye itter to see what’s ar. being Once again, welco me to the show. The only place to see it all! Mark Allan / CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  7

Events Calendar Wednesday, June 17 Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Canada Centre Hall 12 — 10:00 a.m. Antique Truck and Tractor Parade 10:00 a.m. Buffet Opens Open to Public Queensbury Centre Salon B & C — 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Seed Hawk North 40 Brandt Centre Opens Brandt Centre — 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Derek Rude - PAMI Maximizing Your Machinery for Profit Farm Progress Forum - Hall 12 — 11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Hall 12 — 12:00 p.m.

Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Canada Centre Hall 12 — 4:00 p.m. Rock Candy Concert Series Seed Hawk North 40 — 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, June 18 Antique Truck and Tractor Parade 10:00 a.m. Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Canada Centre Hall 12 — 10:00 a.m. Buffet Opens Open to Public Queensbury Centre Salon B & C — 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Seed Hawk North 40 Brandt Centre Opens Brandt Centre — 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Robert Wager Food Safety Is Alive and Well Farm Progress Forum - Hall 12 — 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

Lance Stockbrugger Understanding the Cost of Farmland Farm Progress Forum - Hall 12 — 11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m.

Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Canada Centre Hall 12 — 1:30 p.m.

Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Canada Centre Hall 12 — 12:00 p.m.

Antique Truck and Tractor Parade 2:00 p.m.

Mary Anne Kirkby “I am a Hutterite” Farm Progress Forum - Hall 12 — 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

Lynn Crawford The Great Canadian Cookbook Farm Progress Forum - Hall 12— 2:15 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Retiring Farmer Seminar Assists farm families in reducing taxation to fund their retirement Queensbury Centre Conf #5 — 2:30 p.m. Antique Tractor Pull Lot B — 2:30 p.m. Rock Candy Concert Series Seed Hawk North 40 — 2:30 p.m. 8  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Canada Centre Hall 12 — 1:30 p.m. Antique Truck and Tractor Parade 2:00 p.m. Greg Peterson Advocating Agriculture through Social Media Farm Progress Forum - Hall 12 — 2:15 p.m.-3:15 p.m.

Retiring Farmer Seminar Assists farm families in reducing taxation to fund their retirement Queensbury Centre Conf #5 — 2:30 p.m.

Murad Al-Katib The Changing Face of Agriculture Farm Progress Forum - Hall 12 — 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

Antique Tractor Pull Lot B — 2:30 p.m.

TBD Minister Fast Farm Progress Forum - Hall 12 — 1:30 p.m.

Rock Candy Concert Series Seed Hawk North 40 — 2:30 p.m. Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Canada Centre Hall 12 — 4:00 p.m. Rock Candy Concert Series Seed Hawk North 40 — 6:30 p.m.

Friday, June 19 Antique Truck and Tractor Parade 10:00am Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Canada Centre Hall 12 — 10:00 a.m.

Rock Candy Concert Series Seed Hawk North 40 — 1:30 p.m. Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Canada Centre Hall 12 — 1:30 p.m. Antique Truck and Tractor Parade 2:00 p.m. Threshing Bee Demo Lot B — 2:00 p.m. Mark Cohon The Turnaround League: Innovations Lessons from the CFL Commissioner Farm Progress Forum - Hall 12 — 2:15 p.m.-3:15 p.m.

Buffet Opens Open to Public Queensbury Centre Salon B & C — 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Retiring Farmer Seminar Assists farm families in reducing taxation to fund their retirement Queensbury Centre Conf #5 — 2:30 p.m.

Seed Hawk North 40 Brandt Centre Opens Brandt Centre — 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Antique Tractor Pull Lot B — 2:30 p.m.

Craig Klemmer Surveying the Economic Landscape Farm Progress Forum - Hall 12 — 11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Outstanding Young Farmer luncheon Queensbury Centre Salon A — 12:00 p.m. Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Canada Centre Hall 12 — 12:00 p.m.

Rock Candy Concert Series Seed Hawk North 40 — 3:30 p.m. Axe Women Loggers Of Maine Underhand Chopping, Cross-Cut Sawing, Axe Throwing, Hot Sawing & Log Rolling Outside Canada Centre Hall 12 — 4:00 p.m. These stories were provided by Canada’s Farm Progress Show to promote awareness of this topic for commercial purposes. The LeaderPost editorial department had no involvement in the creation of this content.

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Exhibitor listing 11/06Outside the Box Distributors Ltd.................... 91119-Hall No. 09B 18 Wheels Training Services.....................................80215-Hall No. 08 A T Films Inc..................................................80012, 80014-Hall No. 08 A O A Products..........................................................91081-Hall No. 09 A R K New-Tech Ltd..................................................70900-Hall No. 07 A-1 Homes.................................................................12718-Hall No. 12 A-1 Homes..................................................................7104, 7105-Lot C Ace Pump Corp c/o Points West Marketing Ltd. . .................................................................12500-Hall No. 12 Acklands-Grainger Inc................................................9302, 9303-Lot N Action Car and Truck Accessories . ..................................................4-Brandt Centre Concourse Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................................ 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Ade & Company........................................................12121-Hall No. 12 ADM Agri Industries...................................................12514-Hall No. 12 Advanced Agri Direct Inc...............................70623, 70625-Hall No. 07 Advantage Sign & Display Systems..........................50301-Hall No. 05 AFAB Industries.........................................................12804-Hall No. 12 Ag Direct Hail Insurance.....................................Ltd. 92019-Hall No. 09 Ag Growth Internationa.........................................................8100-Lot D Ag Leader Technology..........70552, 70554, 70651, 70653-Hall No. 07 Ag More Than Ever.......................................30303, 30304-Hall No. 03 Ag Shield Manufacturing..................................8323, 8324, 8325-Lot D Ag World Equipment................................................... 8007, 8008-Lot E AgChemExpert Ltd....................................................93025-Hall No. 09 Ag-Chieve Corporation..................................70738, 70740-Hall No. 07 AGCO Canada..................................................................... 7300-Lot B 90011-Hall No. 09A AGI Envirotank.....................................................................8613-Lot D Agra-GPS Ltd............................................................12919-Hall No. 12 Agremote System..........................................70329, 70331-Hall No. 07 Agri Con Ltd..........................................................................8412-Lot D 10  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Agrimatics/BitStrata Systems Inc..............................92218-Hall No. 09 Agritechnica 2015 – DLG....................................... 90002-Hall No. 09A Agri-Trend Inc................................................70509, 70511-Hall No. 07 Agrocorp Processing Ltd...........................................12608-Hall No. 12 AGT Foods Canada.................70652, 70654 70751 70753-Hall No. 07 Agtron Enterprises Inc...................................70634, 70636-Hall No. 07 AIM Industries.......................................................................8600-Lot D Air Liquide Canada........................................70142, 70144-Hall No. 07 Airguard Products......................................................12208-Hall No. 12 Air-O(Don) Mechanical Ltd........................................12210-Hall No. 12 Allen Leigh Security & Communications....................80201-Hall No. 08 Alpine-the starter fertilizer company . .........................................70203, 70205, 70207-Hall No. 07 Altair Engineering Canada Ltd...................................92215-Hall No. 09 Amsoil & Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer...............80408-Hall No. 08 Apollo Machine & Products Ltd.................................93041-Hall No. 09 Arrow Corp Inc...............................................80203, 80205-Hall No. 08 Arrow Equipment Inc............................................................8315-Lot D Athabasca Financial / Raintree Financial Solutions . .................................................................12415-Hall No. 12 Atom-Jet Industries Ltd......................70613, 70615, 70617-Hall No. 07 ATP Nutrition.................................................70637, 70639-Hall No. 07 Auger Jogger.................................................80340, 80341-Hall No. 08 Automatic Truck & Trailer..................................................... 7306 Lot B AWS Air Reels...............................................70342, 70344 Hall No. 07 B & B Homes.................................................92011, 92013-Hall No. 09 B & W Trailer Hitches....................................70429, 70431-Hall No. 07 B A M Enterprises......................................................12602-Hall No. 12 Back to your Roots Soil Solutions.................70220, 70222-Hall No. 07 Backswath Management...........................................93028-Hall No. 09 Bank of Montreal.......................................................50309-Hall No. 05 BASF.......................................................................................No Booth Batco Manufacturing/AGI.................................................. 8100C-Lot D

Exhibitor listing continued…

Bath Fitter......................................................91021, 91022-Hall No. 09 C F Orthotics.......................................................... 91101-Hall No. 09B BD Manufacturing..............................70114, 70116, 70118-Hall No. 07 Calidon Equipment Leasing.......................................12509-Hall No. 12 Bergen Industries Inc............................................................ 7303-Lot B Canada Leather Ltd...................................................91012-Hall No. 09 Bergen Industries Inc.................................................. 6001, 6002-Lot L Canada Moisture Analyzers Inc.................................12811-Hall No. 12 Best Environmental Systems & Technologies Canadian Blood Services..........................................91010-Hall No. 09 . .....................................................70519, 70521-Hall No. 07 Canadian Canola Growers Association...... 90007, 90009-Hall No. 09A Best Farms System.......................................12929, 12931-Hall No. 12 Canadian Federation of Independent Business . .................................................................12717-Hall No. 12 BG Prairie Distributors Ltd.........................................12205-Hall No. 12 BIG DOG 92.7 FM.....................................................12912-Hall No. 12 Canadian Foodgrains Bank.......................................80406-Hall No. 08 Big Iron Drilling Ltd....................................................12405-Hall No. 12 Canadian Grain Commission.........................80013, 80015-Hall No. 08 Bill Allen, Sun Life Financial......................................91009 Hall No. 09 Canadian International Grains Institute.....................80115-Hall No. 08 BILN Holdings Inc..............................70414, 70416, 70418-Hall No. 07 Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd.....................12508-Hall No. 12 BIoAgronics...............................................................12917-Hall No. 12 Canadian Western Agribition...................................................No Booth Canadian Wheat Board.................................80208, 80210-Hall No. 08 Biso-Canada Ltd................................................................... 6203-Lot P Canadian Wheat Board Alliance................................30305-Hall No. 03 BKT Tires...................................................................70826-Hall No. 07 Cancade Company...........................................8520, 8521, 8522-Lot D Botterill Sales.............................................................. 6103, 6104-Lot L Can-Cell Industries Inc..............................................12212-Hall No. 12 Bourgault Industries...................................................40100-Hall No. 04 Candle Lake Golf Resort........................................ 91117-Hall No. 09B Bourgault Tillage Tools Ltd. . .......................................70538 70540, 70542, Let us help you find the RV that’s right for your family. 70544-Hall No. 07 Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd. . ........................8209, 8210, 8211, 8212, 8213, 8214, 8215, 8216-Lot E Brandt Tractor Ltd.............................12708-Hall No. 12 Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc. . ...................................8312, 8313, 8314-Lot D BRMI Essentials Inc.........................91096-Hall No. 09 BroadGrain Commodities Inc. . ................................70333, 70335-Hall No. 07 Brownlees Trucking Inc....................12705-Hall No. 12 Buhler Industries (Versatile, Farm King)...... 7012-Lot B Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Inspectorate............12813-Hall No. 12

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Watrous, Saskatchewan CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  11

Exhibitor listing continued…

Can-Seed Equipment Ltd. . .............. 90001, 90003, 90015, 90017, 90019-Hall No. 09A Cansel.......................................................................92115-Hall No. 09 Capstan Ag Systems Inc...............................70719, 70721-Hall No. 07 Caravan Group of Companies...................................50303-Hall No. 05 Cardale Tech Corp............................................................... 6211-Lot L Casterland/Specialty Tire..........................................70171-Hall No. 07 Castle Rock Metal Buildings Ltd................................12700-Hall No. 12 Cervus Equipment......................................................8326, 8327-Lot D CFMO Inc. Complete Family-Med Orthotics . .....................................................91014, 91015-Hall No. 09 CGF Brokerage & Consulting....................................80217-Hall No. 08 Chevrolet.............................................................................. 7312-Lot B Chevrolet.............................................................................. 7900-Lot L

Chief Industries Inc........................................70451, 70453-Hall No. 07 CIBC..........................................................................12921-Hall No. 12 Cindy-rella’s Sewing & Quilting.............................. 91118-Hall No. 09B Claas of America.......................................................30001-Hall No. 03 Clark’s Supply & Service Ltd................................................9206-Lot G Clean Seed Capital Group.........................................70189-Hall No. 07 CleanFARMS Inc.......................................................92219-Hall No. 09 Cleanfix North America Ltd........................................92118-Hall No. 09 Clemmer Steelcraft Technologies Inc............70537, 70539-Hall No. 07 Clews Palliser Cattle Oilers..................................................8306-Lot D Comairco Equipment Sales Ltd.............................. 90006-Hall No. 09A Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd....................................8510, 8511-Lot D Committed Ag Supply....................................70241, 70243-Hall No. 07 Conveyair — Thor Manufacturing Ltd........................12209-Hall No. 12 Convey-All Ind. Inc........ 9505-Lot M CORR GRAIN Systems Inc. . ..................... 6303, 6304-Lot P Coverco Buildings . ....................12808-Hall No. 12 CP Products........92216-Hall No. 09 Crary Agricultural Solutions, LLC . ........70110, 70112-Hall No. 07 Crary Company . ........70309, 70311-Hall No. 07 Crop Production Services . ...............................9202-Lot G Cummins Western Canada . ........70441, 70443-Hall No. 07 Cutco Cutlery . ................. 91102-Hall No. 09B CWK Enterprises ...............................6006-Lot L D&R Manufacturing/ Darmani Grain Storage . .................. 8514, 8515-Lot D 12  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Exhibitor listing continued…

Equiplinx....................................................................12211-Hall No. 12 Equipment Technologies,Inc................................................8307-Lot D Euroshine, Inc................................................91056, 91068-Hall No. 09 Exapta Solutions Inc..................................................93047-Hall No. 09 Export Development Canada..................................................No Booth Fabrication S Houle.................................................... 9108, 9109-Lot F Fair Mfg Inc........................................70513, 70515, 70517-Hall No. 07 Farm & Ranch by Better Homes............................. 90005-Hall No. 09A Farm Business Consultants.......................................70170-Hall No. 07 Farm Credit Canada . .....70204, 70206, 70208, 70303, 70305, 70307-Hall No. 07 Farm land Specialty Products/Ground Up AG . .........................................70214, 70216, 70218-Hall No. 07 Farm World............................................................. 90012-Hall No. 09A Farmagro Sales Ltd...........................70111, 70113, 70115-Hall No. 07 Farmers Edge....................................70105, 70107, 70109-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America.................70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America.................................................... 6000-Lot L Farmers Product Guide.............................................12716-Hall No. 12 Farmlead Resources Ltd.( ..............93046-Hall No. 09 Farmlink Marketing Solutions....................................50302-Hall No. 05 No. 12 Farmtech Solutions........................................12206, 12207-Hall No. 12 Farmtronics....................................................70238, 70240-Hall No. 07 FastCover Fabric Structures Ltd. . .............................70252, 70254, 70351, 70353-Hall No. 07 Fastenal.........................................................70237, 70239-Hall No. 07 Federated Co-op........................................................8606, 8607-Lot D FendX Ltd..................................................................93023-Hall No. 09 Fix Building Products 2000 Ltd..................................92110-Hall No. 09 Flaman Fitness........................................... 91105, 91106-Hall No. 09B Flaman Sales Ltd...........................................70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd.......................8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409-Lot D 14  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Flexahopper Plastics Ltd...............................50307, 50308-Hall No. 05 Flexco........................................................................80206-Hall No. 08 Flexxifinger QD Industries Inc.......................70442, 70444-Hall No. 07 Fluidall, LLC..........................................................................8418-Lot D Foreign Affairs & International Trade Canada.........................No Booth Fort Garry Industries Ltd...................................................... 9509-Lot M Fountain Tire . .....70304, 70306, 70308, 70403, 70405, 70407-Hall No. 07 Free Form Plastic Products.................................... 40100B-Hall No. 04 G & S Holdings..........................................................12501-Hall No. 12 G R Distributors Inc...........................91025, 91026, 91072-Hall No. 09 Gaber Distributors............................................ 5902, 5903, 5904-Lot L Gallagher Animal Management/Lakeland Group................. 6207-Lot L Garratt Industries Ltd.....................................70224, 70226-Hall No. 07 Gatco Manufacturing Inc...............................70120, 70122-Hall No. 07 Gates Manufacturing.................................................. 6105, 6106-Lot L GE Capital...............................................................................No Booth General Body & Equipment.......................................93044-Hall No. 09 Glenmor Inc.......................................70514, 70516, 70518-Hall No. 07 Global Ag Risk Solutions...........................................50304-Hall No. 05 Golden West Radio...................................................12117-Hall No. 12 Golden West Trailers Sales..........8601, 8602, 8603, 8604, 8605-Lot D Goodon Industries Ltd...................................70223, 70225-Hall No. 07 Gowan Agro Canada, Limited...................................12409-Hall No. 12 Grain Bags Canada..................................90102, 90102A-Hall No. 09A Grain Bags Canada.......................................... 5905, 5906, 5907-Lot L Grain Cleaning Systems Inc................................... 90034-Hall No. 09A Grain Guard/AGI.................................................................8100F-Lot D Grain Millers Canada Corp........................................80107-Hall No. 08 Grain Shark...............................................................93029-Hall No. 09 Grainews/Country Guide...............................70610, 70612-Hall No. 07 GrainMaxx Grain Augers/NuVision Industries......................7009-Lot C Grand Manufacturing Co Ltd.........................70419, 70421-Hall No. 07 Great Northern Growers Inc......................................12215-Hall No. 12

Exhibitor listing continued…

Great Plains Manufacturing Inc............................................ 6010-Lot L Green Aero Technology Inc.......................................40304-Hall No. 04 Greenleaf Technologies, Inc......................................12502-Hall No. 12 Greentronics..............................................................92015-Hall No. 09 Grouser Products.................................................................8321-Lot D Guttermaster/Pacesetter Enterprises........................91051-Hall No. 09 Harbra Holdings.................................................................... 7307-Lot B Harvard Broadcasting - CKRM & My92.........70911, 70912-Hall No. 07 Harvard Western Insurance.................................... 90029-Hall No. 09A Harvest Services a division of Ralph McKay . .....................................................70117, 70119-Hall No. 07 Haukaas Manufacturing Ltd...........................70430, 70432-Hall No. 07 Haybuster Manufacturing/DuraTech.....................................8517-Lot D HBT Enterprises Ltd......................................70726, 70728-Hall No. 07 Headsight Inc.............................................................12905-Hall No. 12 Health Canada, Pesticide Compliance Program . .................................................................92221-Hall No. 09 Heat Innovations Inc..................................................12901-Hall No. 12 Heavenly Scents Aromatherapy................................91018-Hall No. 09

! SEE US 1 1 COME 10 & 86 6 8 D s Booth

Hella, Inc.- Canada....................................................12607-Hall No. 12 Helm Welding (1983) Limited....................................12601-Hall No. 12 HES Manufacturing.......................................70125, 70127-Hall No. 07 Highline Manufacturing Ltd..................................... 40100A-Hall No. 04 Hi-Hog Farm & Ranch Equip Ltd.................................. LC1-Hall No. 11 Hird Equipment..................................................................... 8005-Lot E Hi-Tec Ag............................................................................. 9506-Lot M Hi-Tec Trailers..................................................................... 9508-Lot M HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin......................................12706-Hall No. 12 Hoffart Services Inc....................................................8424, 8425-Lot D Hold-On Industries Inc................................................8429, 8430-Lot D Hometech Small Appliances/Bosch...........................91029-Hall No. 09 Honey Bee Manufacturing Ltd...................................12820-Hall No. 12 Horsch....................................................8300, 8301, 8302, 8303-Lot D Houston Seed Saver.................................................12911-Hall No. 12 HSBC Bank Canada................................................................No Booth HSI/Union Iron (AGI)......................................................... 8100E-Lot D Huber Ag Equipment Ltd.................................................... 6211A-Lot L

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Visit isit us at booth #8307 8307 1.877.398.6164 • CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  15

Exhibitor listing continued…

Huge L Steel Inc...................................................................8612-Lot D Hurricane Ditchers Co, Inc.........................................8527, 8528-Lot D Husqvarna Canada Corp...................................................... 6305-Lot P Hy-Capacity/Double ‘R’.............................................12414-Hall No. 12 Ideal Pipe...................................................................12710-Hall No. 12 Igus Inc..........................................................70752, 70754-Hall No. 07 Industrial Electric and Instrumentation Ltd................12812-Hall No. 12 Industrial Scale Ltd....................................................12801-Hall No. 12 InfiniteAloe.................................................................91063-Hall No. 09 Inner Energy..............................................................91034-Hall No. 09 Innotag/Performance Feed Works........................................ 6011-Lot L

Input Capital........................................................... 12205A-Hall No. 12 Integra Tire & Auto Centres Ltd.................................70804-Hall No. 07 Integrity Post Structures Ltd......................................12613-Hall No. 12 Intelligent Agricultural Solutions (IAS)...........70734, 70736-Hall No. 07 Interlake Resources Inc.................................70730, 70732-Hall No. 07 Interlock Industries/c/o Houston Roofing...................92003-Hall No. 09 IntraGrain Technologies Inc..........................70438, 70440-Hall No. 07 Investors Group.............................................12712, 12713-Hall No. 12 J Brandt Enterprises...................................................8525, 8526-Lot D J W Commercial Painting..........................................12606-Hall No. 12 Janzen Steel Buildings Ltd............................70145, 70147-Hall No. 07

Farm Progress Forum presented by FCC

Farm Progress Forum presented by FCC Thursday, June 18 11 a.m.

1 p.m.

Lance Stockbrugger

Hear from the experts Farm Progress Forum puts you in front of Canada’s leading presenters in agriculture and business. Admission is included with your show ticket.

Mary-Ann Kirkby

Chartered Accountant and Farmer

Award-Winning Journalist and Author

Understanding the Cost of Farmland When it comes to farmland values, you have questions and Lance has answers. Learn what to look for when buying land and pick up a few tax tips along the way.

I Am a Hutterite How different is a Hutterite colony from your community? Mary-Ann talks about life in her colony, correcting misconceptions, acknowledging differences and exploring similarities.

2:15 p.m.

Greg Peterson YouTube Agvocate

Join us each day at FCC Crossing in the Canada Centre Building – Hall 12

Advocating Agriculture Through Social Media If you love agriculture, why not share your passion with everyone? Greg explains why telling your story is important to the future of farming and how to do it through social media.

Wednesday, June 17 11 a.m.

1 p.m.

Derek Rude Project Manager, Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute

Maximizing Your Machinery for Profit Join Derek and his PAMI colleagues, Nathan Gregg and Joy Agnew, as they discuss safe storage of canola, straight cutting canola, combine adjustment and harvest losses.

Robert Wager Laboratory Demonstrator, Vancouver Island University

Food Safety is Alive and Well Join Robert as he navigates through the misconceptions surrounding today’s food production and discusses how producers can succeed in a food-conscious society.

Friday, June 19 11 a.m.

2:15 p.m.

Lynn Crawford, Food Network Celebrity Chef The Great Canadian Cookbook Celebrate Canada’s rich culinary diversity with Chef Lynn Crawford. She’ll explore different dishes and ingredients – from the cooks at home keeping family traditions alive, to those who grow and cultivate Canada’s bounty.

1 p.m.

Craig Klemmer

Murad Al-Katib

FCC Senior Agricultural Economist

President and CEO, Alliance Grain Traders Inc.

Surveying the Economic Landscape See the big economic picture. Learn how the U.S. economy, oil and our dollar impact interest rates, farmland values and its effect on your farm.

The Changing Face of Agriculture Agribusiness is evolving, and so are the opportunities. Murad will explain how the industry is changing as the race for protein ramps up, where opportunity may lie and what challenges are ahead.

2:15 p.m.

Mark Cohon Former CFL Commissioner Reinvent Your Business in Any Environment Learn the marketing, leadership and customer service strategies Mark used to create unparalleled business results for the CFL. Find out why his techniques are being studied by business schools and envied by rival leagues.

35200 E Farm Progress Show Speaker Series program.indd All Pages


2015-05-15 1:54 PM

Exhibitor listing continued…

Javelin Technologies.....................................70424, 70426-Hall No. 07 JayDee AgTech.............................................70533, 70535-Hall No. 07 JCA Electronics Integration Center...............70620, 70622-Hall No. 07 JD Skiles Company.......................................12809, 12810-Hall No. 12 Jeegee Agri Equip Manufacturing Co. Ltd.................12510-Hall No. 12 JJEB Enterprises Ltd.................................................80007-Hall No. 08 John Deere Canada ULC..........................................20000-Hall No. 02 Johnson Mfg Inc...................................................................8416-Lot D Johnston Equipment..................................................92120-Hall No. 09 JTL Industries Ltd................................................................. 8208-Lot E K & K Enterprises Ltd................................................. 6209, 6210-Lot L Kal Tire..........................................................70352, 70354-Hall No. 07 Karcher Canada Inc.............................................................. 6208-Lot L Kar-Tech, Inc.............................................................30300-Hall No. 03 Keller Equipment Supply Ltd.................................. 90101-Hall No. 09A Kelln Consulting Ltd./Kelln Solar Flashers Ltd..................... 9200-Lot F Kellough Enterprises Inc./Kello-Bilt ..............70310, 70312-Hall No. 07 Kinsmen Car Awards.................................. 91114, 91115-Hall No. 09B Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.).. ..........93000-Hall No. 09 Kirchner Machine Ltd. ..........12109-Hall No. 12

Q. What do basements &

garages have in common?

Kramer Auction Ltd....................................................92117-Hall No. 09 Kramer Ltd.................................................................30000-Hall No. 03 Kuchar Combine Performance, Inc...........................40305-Hall No. 04 Kuhn North America, Inc..................................8421, 8422, 8423-Lot D Laird Manufacturing Corp.....................................................8328-Lot D Lakeshore Manufacturing..........................................12805-Hall No. 12 Landoll Corporation.................................................... 6101, 6102-Lot L Lane Realty Corporation................................70541, 70543-Hall No. 07 Lankota . ...................................................................93026-Hall No. 09 Legumex Walker............................................80111, 80113-Hall No. 08 Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd...................................12102-Hall No. 12 Leon’s Manufacturing Company Inc...........................7013, 7014-Lot C Lessiter Publications..................................................12511-Hall No. 12 Le-Vel Canada........................................................ 91110-Hall No. 09B Lever Holdings Inc................................................................8518-Lot D s Always Fresh, Alway e th s ay Unique, Alw by Best Original designs Every corner is a Come to tif beau ul surprise.

Fort Qeufo’Ar yoppureselllf.e and se

Kitchen Craft International .................91082, 91083 -Hall No. 09 Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories ..........93027-Hall No. 09 Koenders Water Solutions. ..........12922-Hall No. 12 Kongskilde Industries ..................... 6005-Lot L Kramble Industries .................70137, 70139 -Hall No. 07

A. B&B Homes now offers ff

both as part of its RTM construction!

Like us on facebook at Beth Grainger’s Florist & Gifts

Visit us at Farm Progress 2015 to learn more about our new basement and garage packages.

141 Broadway St.E , Fort Qu’Appelle Sk. • Call 1-888-332-4309 or locally 1-306-332-4309 CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  17

Exhibitor listing continued…

Lewis Cattle Oiler Co Ltd...............................70524, 70526-Hall No. 07 Lewis M Carter Mfg...........................70503, 70505, 70507-Hall No. 07 Linak U. S. Inc...............................................70437, 70439-Hall No. 07 Lizwoerks Sales Inc.......................................91054, 91055-Hall No. 09 Loeffelholz Tractor Parts Ltd.....................................92213-Hall No. 09 Logan Stevens Equipment........................................12900-Hall No. 12 Louis Dreyfus Canada...................................80004, 80006-Hall No. 08 Loup Electronics Inc............................................... 90013-Hall No. 09A Lowdemilk Transport Ltd...........................................92121-Hall No. 09 Lynn Peterson Construction................................................. 9000-Lot F M&M Equipment Ltd............................................... 90021-Hall No. 09A MAD Concaves..........................................................12918-Hall No. 12 Magnum Fabricating Ltd................................70523, 70525-Hall No. 07 Mahindra USA Inc.................................................. 90000-Hall No. 09A Maljohn Plastics Company Limited................70530, 70532-Hall No. 07



JOIN eCLUB FOR THE LATEST S! STORE UPDATES! Newly renovated Beauty Boutique and B “Food You’ll You’ u’llll Love” Section


Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd.................................. 90023-Hall No. 09A Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.............................8413, 8414, 8415-Lot D Manitoba Trade and Investment..............................................No Booth MarketBook...............................................................12612-Hall No. 12 Markusson New Holland of Regina.........................................No Booth Massload Technologies Inc...........................70209, 70211-Hall No. 07 Mast Productions Inc..................................................8610, 8611-Lot D Mattracks...................................................................92325-Hall No. 09 Maxim Truck & Trailer............................8331, 8332, 8431, 8432-Lot D Max-Quip Inc.....................................70713, 70715, 70717-Hall No. 07 Mazel S Products......................................................91084-Hall No. 09 Mazenc Fuels Ltd. (Petro Canada)................70138, 70140-Hall No. 07 Mazergroup.......................................................................... 6212-Lot L McCormick Canada.............................................................. 8001-Lot E McMunn and Yates Building Supplies.......................12714-Hall No. 12 Meridian Manufacturing Inc. . .......................... 9113, 9114, 9115, 9116, 9117, 9118-Lot F Metal Connection................................................... 90031-Hall No. 09A MI Energy......................................................70324, 70326-Hall No. 07 Michelin North America (Canada) Inc. . .....70604, 70606, 70608, 70703, 70705, 70707-Hall No. 07 Michel’s Industries Ltd.........................................................8512-Lot D Midwest Surveys Inc.................................................12923-Hall No. 12 Mike Janostin with Realty Executives Battlefords . .................................................................12806-Hall No. 12 Milligan Biofuels Inc..................................................12709-Hall No. 12 Mission Terminal Inc.................................................80102-Hall No. 08 Moly Manufacturing, Inc./Silencer.................12513, 12515-Hall No. 12 Morand Industries........................................................ LC2-Hall No. 11 Morris Industries Ltd.......... 9001, 9002, 9100, 9101, 9102, 9103-Lot F Mr. Tire Corporate . ..................................................12610-Hall No. 12 MTZ Equipment Ltd..............70152, 70154, 70251, 70253-Hall No. 07 Multione Equipment (Canada) Inc. . .............................70624, 70626, 70723, 70725-Hall No. 07

JOIN OUR TEAM Viterra has many career opportunities in a wide variety of fields and career stages. Visit our Careers section at to find your next career opportunity. CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  19

the only

place to see it all

north America’s largest event for dryland farming and direct seeding technology. over 900 booths. Premier event where companies showcase new products and innovations for canola, wheat, forage, pulse crop production and livestock technology.

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Plan to Attend June 16, 2015 - Preview Day

June 17 - 19, 2015

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Proud Member of the Farm Show Council 20  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Exhibitor listing continued…

Mumby Manufacturing Ltd.........................................70172-Hall No. 07 N/C Quest Inc............................................................70913-Hall No. 07 National Leasing........................................................80213-Hall No. 08 National Leasing...................................................................8513-Lot D National Trailer Parts Warehouse Ltd.................... 90004-Hall No. 09A Neeralta Manufacturing.......................................... 90022-Hall No. 09A Nemco Resources Ltd...............................................80105-Hall No. 08 Nerium International..................................................91028-Hall No. 09 Neustar Manufacturing......................................................... 6306-Lot P Never Spill Spout Inc.................................................12800-Hall No. 12 New Direction Equipment ND............................................ E9507-Lot M New Holland..............................................................50000-Hall No. 05 New Way Irrigation....................................................12407-Hall No. 12 Nexeed Inc........................................70314, 70316, 70318-Hall No. 07 NLS Products................................................70633, 70635-Hall No. 07 Norac Systems International Inc....................70709, 70711-Hall No. 07 Norheim Ranching................................................................ 6302-Lot P Norseman Structures Inc...............................70423, 70425-Hall No. 07 Norstar Industries Ltd........................70404, 70406, 70408-Hall No. 07 Norstar Manufacturing Ltd..........................................8419, 8420-Lot D Northern Plains Drainage Systems Ltd. . .........................................70213, 70215, 70217-Hall No. 07 Northern Plains Track...........................................................9300-Lot N Northlands Building Systems.........................70714, 70716-Hall No. 07 Norwex - Loretta Rogoschewsky...............................91036-Hall No. 09 Norwood Sales Inc............................................................... 6100-Lot L Novid Inc...............................................................................8417-Lot D Nu-Steel Ind (2008) Ltd........................................................8529-Lot D Nutra-Flo Company.......................................80003, 80005-Hall No. 08 Ocean Sales Ltd......................................91001, 91002, 91007, 91008, 91027, 91033, 91066, 91067-Hall No. 09 Ocean Sales Ltd. . .............. 91098, 91099, 91103, 91104, 91116-Hall No. 09B OcFab Ltd......................................................12609, 12611-Hall No. 12

Oconnell Farm Drainage/Tri Star Farms . .............................70334, 70336, 70433, 70435-Hall No. 07 OK Tire Stores Inc.................70520, 70522, 70619, 70621-Hall No. 07 Olympic Buildings......................................................12213-Hall No. 12 One Time Fencing.....................................................92214-Hall No. 09 One-Step Automation................................................12410-Hall No. 12 Outback Guidance . .....70504, 70506, 70508, 70603, 70605, 70607-Hall No. 07 Outback Survival Gear Canada/Callabus............... 91109-Hall No. 09B Pacesetter Enterprises..................................91006, 91013-Hall No. 09 Palliser Insurance Company Limited . ......................92119-Hall No. 09 PAT Inc..............................................70104, 70106, 70108-Hall No. 07 Pattison Liquid Systems.......................................................8322-Lot D Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc.................................. LC3-Hall No. 11 Penergetic Canada........................................80108, 80110-Hall No. 08 Pentair, Hypro-SHURflo............................................12201-Hall No. 12

We share the same table

Safe food; animal welfare; sustainability; people care deeply about these things when they make food choices. And the agriculture industry does too – not just to ensure a bright future for our industry, but to feed our own families for generations to come. The journey from farm to table is a conversation everyone should be a part of. So let’s talk about it, together.

Ag More Than Ever is an industry-driven cause to improve and create realistic perceptions of Canadian agriculture. Learn more at CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  21

Exhibitor listing continued…

Percy H Davis Customs Brokers Ltd.......................................No Booth Perten Instruments Inc..............................................93024-Hall No. 09 Pillar Lasers Inc................................................ 8205, 8206, 8207-Lot E Pinnacle Wealth Brokers...........................................12913-Hall No. 12 PJ Canada Inc............................................................8608, 8609-Lot D Pneu-Tek Tire Tools......................................70242, 70244-Hall No. 07 Polar Mobility.............................................................93031-Hall No. 09 Polywest Ltd............................................................... 6215, 6216-Lot L PowerRich Corporation.................................80207, 80209-Hall No. 08 PowerSports Regina Ltd.............................3-Brandt Centre Concourse Power-Up Lubricants - Sask . .......................70733, 70735-Hall No. 07 Prairie Ag Catalogue.................................................70169-Hall No. 07 Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI)..........12406-Hall No. 12 Prairie Flag & Pole.................................................. 90033-Hall No. 09A

Prairie Harley-Davidson..............................2-Brandt Centre Concourse Prairie Mobile Communications.................................91052-Hall No. 09 Prairie Post Frame.........................................70434, 70436-Hall No. 07 Prairie Steel Products Ltd...........................................8506, 8507-Lot D Precision Canada........................................................92017-Hall No. 9 Praxair Products Inc...................................................8318, 8319-Lot D Precision Trailers.................................................... 90028-Hall No. 09A Pride of Ghana..........................................................91077-Hall No. 09 Prinsco Canada...................................................... 90018-Hall No. 09A Pritchard Dieseltech......................................70718, 70720-Hall No. 07 Pro Farm Manufacturing Ltd......................................12614-Hall No. 12 Pro Watt Supply.........................................................93045-Hall No. 09 Pro-Cert Organic Systems.........................................80109-Hall No. 08 Promold Marketing Inc..........................................................8426-Lot D Prostate Cancer Centre . .............................. 7302-Lot B Pumps and Pressure Inc. . .......70234, 70236-Hall No. 07 Qingdao J&G International Trading Co Ltd. . .......12400, 12402-Hall No. 12 Quantum Electronics . ...................12807-Hall No. 12 Quantum Wave Lasers C/O Shirley Christoph ..........91037-Hall No. 09 Queen City Brass . ...................91064-Hall No. 09 Quick Drain Sales Ltd. . ..............................7010-Lot C Quickie Tie-Down (PADACO Enterprises) . ...................50305-Hall No. 05 QVB Enterprises Inc. . ...................12408-Hall No. 12 22  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Exhibitor listing continued…

R & R Pillows & Sheets......................................... 91112-Hall No. 09B Rainbow Trailers Inc.................................................12108-Hall No. 12 Rainy Day Fabricating Inc.......................... 90014, 90016-Hall No. 09A Raven Industries Canada.....................................................7015-Lot C Rawlco Radio - NewsTalk/Jack FM/Z99........Brandt Centre Concourse Raycol Equipment Canada Pty Ltd............................80104-Hall No. 08 Rayglen Commodities Inc..............................70742, 70746-Hall No. 07 Raymore New HollandCountry Clipper . ...............................................40120, 40121-Hall No. 04 RBC Royal Bank........................................................12903-Hall No. 12 Re/Max Blue Chip Realty..............................70233, 70235-Hall No. 07 Real Estate Centre........................................70630, 70632-Hall No. 07 Rea’s Welding/Real Industries..................................... LC6-Hall No. 11

Ritchie Bros Auctioneers..............................70410, 70412-Hall No. 07 Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd..................................... 8218, 8219, 8220-Lot E

Road Boss Grader................................................................9205-Lot G Rockyford Steel.........................................................93040-Hall No. 09 Rodono Industries Ltd.......................70313, 70315, 70317-Hall No. 07 Rogers Sprayers Inc............................................... 90040-Hall No. 09A Rostech Technologies Inc.........................................80221-Hall No. 08 Roto Shear - Shurtight Manufacturing.......................12507-Hall No. 12 Rousseau Metal.............................................70133, 70135-Hall No. 07 Royal Hotel Group.....................................................91065-Hall No. 09 RSL Canada Inc./Lozman Canada Inc..........91070, 91071-Hall No. 09 Salford Group Inc................................... 5908, 5909, 5910, 5911-Lot L Sask Battery Distributors Inc.....................................12505-Hall No. 12 Redekop Manufacturing (2014)........................ 6200, 6201, 6202-Lot P Saskatchewan Assoc. for Resource Recovery Corp. . .................................................................92217-Hall No. 09 Redfern Enterprises Ltd......................................91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91053, 91078, 91079, 91080-Hall No. 09 Saskatchewan Bison Association Inc........................70168-Hall No. 07 Redfern Enterprises Ltd......................................... 91100-Hall No. 09B Saskatchewan Credit Unions........................70319, 70321-Hall No. 07 Redhead Equipment.................................................60000-Hall No. 06 Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corp. . .....................................................80009, 80011-Hall No. 08 Redhead Equipment............................................................ 5900-Lot L Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Regina Metal Industries............................................12701-Hall No. 12 . .............................70452, 70454, 70551, 70553-Hall No. 07 Regina Regional Opportunities.................................80400-Hall No. 08 Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy..................................No Booth Reinke................................................................................. 6107-Lot L Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance Assoc. REM/AG.......................................................................... I8100G-Lot D . .................................................................80020-Hall No. 08 Renn Mill Center Inc..................................................8427, 8428-Lot D Saskatchewan Safety Council....................1-Brandt Centre Concourse • DIY portable garage/storage 14’- 22’ c/w steel roll-up door • Portable Engineered welded truss structures from 26’- 46’ • Engineered welded truss structures from 42’-126’ • Powder coat Paint Standard • FastCovers are commercial grade, designed, built and engineered to meet the most demanding conditions for over 30 years.

Call for a quote today!

1-866-657-7172 CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  23

Exhibitor listing continued…

Smallaire Pty Ltd.......................................................93042-Hall No. 09 Smoke Em Diesel Performance............................. 90020-Hall No. 09A Softub c/o SofSpa 2000.............................. 91107, 91108-Hall No. 09B Soucy International Inc............................................... 6300, 6301-Lot P South Country Equipment Ltd.................................... 6108, 6109-Lot L Southern Industrial and Truck Ltd..............................8523, 8524-Lot D Southern Irrigation.........................................70330, 70332-Hall No. 07 Splasher Outerwear.......................................70129, 70131-Hall No. 07 Sprayflex Sprayers Inc......................................................... 6214-Lot L Spraytarget................................................................12715-Hall No. 12 Spraytest Controls Inc...................................70121, 70123-Hall No. 07 Squibb Taylor Inc.......................................................92007-Hall No. 09 SSAB Ltd................................................................ 90039-Hall No. 09A SST Software............................................................80106-Hall No. 08 Stampede Steel Inc...................................................... LC5-Hall No. 11 STARS (Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society)............70917-Hall No. 07 Steel Tech Inc................................................70230, 70232-Hall No. 07 Sterling Truck & Trailer Sales Ltd......................................... 8000-Lot E Stewart Steel Inc...........................................70210, 70212-Hall No. 07 Stinger Inc...........................................12916-Hall No. 12 Regina, SK (306) 525-9516 Stoller Enterprises Ltd.........................12711-Hall No. 12 G R E AT P L A I N S Stor-Loc..................................70529, 70531-Hall No. 07 A UCTIONEERS Auctioneers Summer’s Mfg. Co...............................8508, 8509-Lot D 5 miles east of Regina Suncoast Screen Enclosures.. 91003, 91004-Hall No. 09 on Highway #1 Sundog Solar......................................92220-Hall No. 09 Sunnybrook Welding & Machine Shop Ltd. ...................................................92009-Hall No. 09 1ST SATURDAY Sunrise foods International Inc...........12914-Hall No. 12 OF EVERY MONTH Sunset Bay Leisure.............................91047-Hall No. 09 • Have your farm sale at our secured, Suntech Systems Ltd..........................92116-Hall No. 09 central, high visibility, high traffic location! • Easy buyer access means more buyers Supply Media Post..............................93043-Hall No. 09 and more buyers means higher prices for your farm equipment. Target Cattle Concepts-Canadian Dist for Pnew-Dart...................12411, 12413-Hall No. 12 Taslar Trading Corp (TTC)..................12803-Hall No. 12

Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership.............................No Booth SaskPower/High Votage Display (Safety).................12703-Hall No. 12 SaskTel..........................................................91031, 91032-Hall No. 09 SCAFCO Grain Systems...........................................12615-Hall No. 12 Scentsy......................................................................91069-Hall No. 09 Schulte Industries Ltd................................................70700-Hall No. 07 Schweiss Doors.............................................70337, 70339-Hall No. 07 Scotiabank.................................................................12802-Hall No. 12 Seed Hawk Inc.....................................................................9400-Lot N Seed Master..............................................................10000-Hall No. 01 Seroc Auto Parts Co. Ltd...........................................12401-Hall No. 12 Setter Mfg. Division...........................70614, 70616, 70618-Hall No. 07 Sherrick Holdings Ltd............................................. 91120-Hall No. 09B Shoup Manufacturing Company................. 90035, 90037-Hall No. 09A Shur-Co, LLC.............................................................70916-Hall No. 07 Shymko Farm Sales.............................................................8411-Lot D Simple Farmer Country Store....................................91011-Hall No. 09 Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc................................92112-Hall No. 09



Comfortable, durable workwear that works as hard as you!


5-425 Victoria Ave. E 306-525-8554 facebook Hours: Mon,Tue,Wed, Fri, Sat 10-6,Thur 10-8, Sun 1-4 24  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

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Suncoast Enclosures offers a screened-in, outdoor area, that allows you to enjoy your deck, pool, spa or patio without the sense of being enclosed in an indoor space. These esthetically pleasing and durable sunrooms protect you from the wind, hot sun, rain and the nuisance of annoying and dangerous insects. The roof can be made of screen to allow an uninhibited view of the sky with other roof options available. Each of our screen enclosures is custom built on-site and offers year round use. Even throughout the winter, it will keep your deck area free of snow to ensure the enjoyment of your spa or barbeque all year long. In addition, there are several features that can be added to your Screen Enclosure, such as: Custom Colours, 3 Season Windows, a Powered Louvered Roof and of course, A Doggy Door.


Exhibitor listing continued…

Taurus Ag Marketing.....................................80219, 80220-Hall No. 08 Thunderstruck Sales & Marketing . .....................................................70134, 70136-Hall No. 07 TD Canada Trust-Agriculture Services......................12927-Hall No. 12 Technotill Inc.............................................................12412-Hall No. 12 Tim Hammond Realty................................................70915-Hall No. 07 TeeJet Technologies.....................................70420, 70422-Hall No. 07 Titanium Exclusive Cookware................................ 91113-Hall No. 09B Terra Grain Fuels......................................................93048-Hall No. 09 Top Krop Fertilizer Inc...............................................80103-Hall No. 08 The Container Guy...............................................................8616-Lot D Trade West Equipment Ltd............................70629, 70631-Hall No. 07 Tridekon ...................................................................70808-Hall No. 07 The Retiring Farmer Assante Wealth Management . .....................................................70320, 70322-Hall No. 07 Trimble...........................................................12504, 12506-Hall No. 12 The Water Clinic........................................................92021-Hall No. 09 Triple Star Mfg. Ltd........................................70710, 70712-Hall No. 07 The Western Producer..................................30301, 30302-Hall No. 03 TruGreen Metal Recycling.........................................93022-Hall No. 09 Thirty One............................................................... 91111-Hall No. 09B Tuff Livestock Equipment............................................. LC4-Hall No. 11 Tupperware (High Power Sales Inc.).........................91016-Hall No. 09 Twister/AG .............. 8100D-Lot D Unverferth Mfg Co Inc ................ 7301-Lot B Valley West Irrigation Inc. ......12403-Hall No. 12 Valmar Airflo Inc. .......8316, 8317-Lot D Vermeer . ..... 5901-Lot L Versa Frame Inc. ......12404-Hall No. 12 Viterra .................80016, 80018-Hall No. 08 Wacker Neuson Ltd. ............. 6306 A -Lot L Wadena Steel and Supply Ltd..... 6205-Lot P Walinga Inc. ....70130, 70132, 70229, 70231-Hall No. 07 26  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Exhibitor listing continued…

Walkers Water Systems............................................92212-Hall No. 09 Wall Grain......................................................70510, 70512-Hall No. 07 Wall Grain...................................................................8614, 8615-Lot D Wallenstein by EMB Manufacturing Inc......................8329, 8330-Lot D Warner Industries.............................................8309, 8310, 8311-Lot D Watkins . ...................................................................91017-Hall No. 09 Wentworth Ag (2003) Inc......................................................8305-Lot D Westeel......................................................................70802-Hall No. 07 Westeel...............................8500, 8501, 8502, 8503, 8504, 8505-Lot D Western Ag....................................................80008, 80010-Hall No. 08 Western Ag Systems.................................................80002-Hall No. 08 Western Financial Group...........................................80211-Hall No. 08 Western Grain Dryer Inc............................................12617-Hall No. 12 Western Winter Wheat................................ Initiative12909-Hall No. 12 Westfield (AGI).................................................................. 8100A-Lot D Westward Parts Services Ltd........................... 9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Wheatheart/AGI................................................................. 8100B-Lot D Wilger Industries Ltd......................................70341, 70343-Hall No. 07 Wilke Sales....................................................70409, 70411-Hall No. 07


CLEAVERS Dear ValuedCustomer, Great Northern Growers is committed to providing Canadian producers a competitiveedgeintheglobalmarketplace. We are proud to have built a Canadian owned and operated agri-business that puts the farmer first. With your continued support we will cut your crop protection input costs in half.

Got Cleavers? Get Clever!

Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.........................70323, 70325-Hall No. 07

• One pass annual control of Cleavers

Wingssprayer.............................................................12119-Hall No. 12

• Easy to handle and easy to mix

Wizer.........................................................................12702-Hall No. 12

• Guarantee: Quinclorac 75% DF

Wood Country............................................................70918-Hall No. 07

• Limited supply at pre-season pricing

WuXi HongBa Mechanical Electrical Equipment Co. Ltd.................................................... 12704-Hall No. 12 Wyconn Technologies...................................70609, 70611-Hall No. 07 Xtended Hydraulics & Machine Inc............................92005-Hall No. 09 Yanush Enterprises.............................................................. 6204-Lot P Yetman’s Ltd............................................70095, 70096, 70097, 70098, 70099, 70100, 70101-Hall No. 07 ZipperlockBuilding Company (2005) Inc....................12915-Hall No. 12 Zurn Harvesting GmbH & Co KG..............................12106-Hall No. 12

For more information & to view GNG’s full line of products view our website at or call your local GNG dealer or GNG direct

Great Northern Growers Inc.

Phone: (866) 727-5226 CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  27

Hall #1

Hall #13 Exhibitor Parking

Canada Centre

Legend: Info Booths

Seedmaster Lounge

Hall #4




Hall #3

Hall #12

Food Vendors

Hall #2

Hall #5

GES Canada Shipping & Receiving

Parking FCC Canada Way


Seedmaster Street

Hall #9A

7306 7308

Meridian Tram Stops

Hall #11



Centre Ice

Hall #8


Points of Interest: International Business Centre

Hall #9




11th Avenue Modern Lifestyles


Farm Progress Forum Presented by

7013 7014 7015

Antique Truck and Tractor Display Livestock Centre

8000 - 8208

8217 - 8720

7009 7010


7104 7105

8100 8300 - 8332 8400 - 8432 8500 - 8515 8517 - 8530 8532 8600 - 8616 28  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

8209 - 8216


Toys for Farm Boys Tractor Pull



Axe Women Loggers of Maine



LOT D Tram Route



VIP Parking

9th Ave

5901 - 5911 6000 - 6013 6100 - 6109 6207 - 6211a 6212 - 6216

Hall #6



Hall #7





6300 - 6306 6200 - 6205



e Ice



9203 9205 9206 9300 - 9304


EXHIBITS 9505 - 9513

10th Ave LOT D

HALL #12






9201 - 9202














HALL #12








Construction Site of New Mosaic Stadium


CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  29


Hall #1

Hall #13 Exhibitor Parking

Canada Centre

Legend: Info Booths

Seedmaster Lounge


GES Canada Shipping & Receiving


Hall #7

Hall #5 $


Hall #9A

Seedmaster Street

7306 7308

Meridian Tram Stops

Hall #11




Hall #4


FCC Canada Way

Hall #2 Hall #3

Hall #12

Food Vendors

Hall #6

Centre Ice

Hall #8

9203 9205 920


Modern Lifestyles


Farm Progress Forum

7013 7014 7015


Presented by


Axe Women Loggers of Maine

Livestock Centre

Canada’s Farm Progress Show (CFPS) is, once $ $ again, offering Park and Ride, so you won’t need to worry about finding a parking spot 8209 - 8216 E has —LOT that already been done for you!



11th Avenue

Antique Truck and Tractor Display

#9 Park Hall and ride



International Business Centre

Huge Selection of Family Fashions, S EXHIBIT Major Appliances, Furniture, Mattresses 7009 7010

7104 7105

Toys for Farm Boys Tractor Pull




Points of Interest:

8000 - 8208

8217 - 8720

There’s plenty of space at Rambler Park, where you can park your vehicle and hop aboard a shuttle to the CFPS grounds. 8100


8300 - 8332

To8400 get- 8432 to Rambler Park, LOT Dtake Lewvan Drive 8500 - 8515 and turn - 8530 west onto 13th Avenue, then south 8517 Tram Route onto 8532Sandra Schmirler Way. From Sandra 8600 - 8616 Schmirler Way, turn west onto 14th Avenue. Shuttles services are in operation Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., and the shuttles are available every 15 minutes.

SEARS OUTLET STORE | 1908 7TH AVE. REGINA Mon to Fri, 9:30am to 9pm. Sat, 9am to 6pm. Sun & Holidays, 11am to 5pm. 30  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Saskatchewan Drive

9201 - 9202


9118 9000


Participating Hotels:

Shuttle service

Canada’s Farm Progress Show takes the lead in providing door-to-door service for international guests and exhibitors. When staying at a hotel that’s a member of the Regina Hotel Association, visitors can catch the shuttle daily during the show. This service will operate from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Please contact your hotel front desk for more information. Guests are also encouraged to ask their shuttle drivers for information on the show event and tourist attractions around Regina.

n Best Western Plus Eastgate Inn & Suites n Best Western Seven Oaks n Chateau Regina Hotel & Suites n Comfort Inn n Country Inn & Suites by Carlson n Days Inn – Regina n Days Inn – Airport West n Delta Regina Hotel n Double Tree by Hilton n Executive Royal Hotel Regina n Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites n HomeSuites by d3h n Quality Hotel n Radisson Plaza Hotel Saskatchewan n Ramada Plaza Regina n Sandman Hotel, Suites & Spa n Super 8 n Travelodge Hotel & Conference Centre n Wingate by Wyndham CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  31

Antique tractors, trucks parade While the Canada’s Farm Progress Show’s main focus is the future of agriculture, event organizers also recognize the importance of saluting the past. Visitors to the show are invited to spend some time at the antique tractor and truck showcase, and find out why the farm machinery technology that existed decades ago is still enjoyed by many today. Many of the machines have been restored to their original glory. Grab a cup of coffee and take a few minutes to chat with the owners, who will be more than happy to provide you with a truly inspiring story as to how that particular piece of equipment came to be. Visitors can view more than 100 pieces of

The indoor display is open all three days of the show. Twice a day, the tractors are fired up in preparation for a trip around the show grounds in the Antique Tractor Parade. The parade route is often lined with young and old alike who enjoy the sights and sounds of these small but mighty machines of yesteryear. The parade takes place daily at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and follows the tram route. To witness a true test of pure strength, check out the Antique Tractor Pull, which takes place daily at 2:30 p.m. on Lot B, beside Hall No.12. The tractors test their owners’ skill at balancing equipment (including tractors and other farm machinery) on display in the Stockmans Arena power, speed and pressure levels, which allow them to dig in and hold on! and Hall No. 13.

Plan to Attend June 17 - 19, 2015

Canada’s Farm Progress Show Presents Experiential Tours! In partnership with Tourism Regina and EcoParty! Adventures

Join us on the Regina Shopping Spectacular Tour

Wednesday, June 17 Visit the Regina Farmers’ Market, Downtown Regina boutiques and the cozy Cathedral Village area. Lunch is not included, please plan to visit one of Regina’s food trucks. Tours depart from the Tourism Regina booth at 10:30 a.m. and will return at 4 p.m. Costs: $34.00

Join us for the Heritage and Hutterite Tour Thursday, June 18 and Friday, June 19

Visit The RCMP Heritage Centre and then travel to one of Saskatchewan’s Hutterite colonies. Not only will you be guided by young Hutterite women, you will also have a wonderful conversation with them about their way of life. A home-cooked meal, prepared with colony-harvested food, will be served in the communal dining room by the Hutterite women. Tours depart from the Tourism Regina booth at 10:30 a.m. and will return at 4 p.m. Costs: $54.00

Register online at 32  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

New Equipment Innovations continued… Pezzaioli Hydraulic Lift Livestock Semi Trailers These livestock trailers are brand new to North America and have been highly developed for animal welfare and handling. They are imported from Italy and are Transport Canada approved. They have onboard watering misters, watering bowls for cattle and nipples for smaller animals. You can haul either three decks of small animals or two decks of cattle. Pezzaioli Trailers can also be made to have four to five decks.

Farmers Edge

Marina Barnes Unit B — 1470 Willson Place Winnipeg, Man. R3T 3N9 Phone: 204-452-3131 Email: Hall 7 — 70105, 70107, 70109 FarmCommand FarmCommand is the first comprehensive and diagnostic integrated farm analytic

system. FarmCommand combines innovation hardware and software to deliver a new lifestyle of operational intelligence, enabling producers to become more profitable and sustainable. FarmCommand allows you to effortlessy collect, seamlessly transfer and safely store valuable data. FarmCommand provides real-time expenses, fleet management, real-time logistics, alerts and reports. Advance security systems provide a reliable host for all farm data. This innovative technology is compatible with any equipment and any brand.

Bergen Industries

Allan Bergen Box 133 Drake, Sask. S0K 1H0 Phone: 306-363-2131 Email: Lot B 7303 New Innovation Location, Lot L 6001, 6002 Bergen Double Barrel Grain Auger

This is the world’s first Double Barrel (Twin) 16-inch diameter grain auger that is unified into one assembly. The auger boasts a dual electric over geared belt drive system, complete with mover kit.

Never Spill Spout Inc.

John and Angelika Gehrer Box 781 Niverville, Man. R0A 1E0 Phone: 204-388-4130 Email: Hall 12 - 12800 Independent depth control shank assembly for used air drills This innovation allows you to convert an existing drill to an independent opener air drill by removing the old shank assembly from an air drill and replacing it with an independent shank opener assembly. It uses the existing opener.

Lemken Canada Inc. Laurent Letzter

P.O. Box 55119 Montreal, Que. H3G 2W5 Phone: 514-443-6828 Email: Hall 12 - 12102 LEMKEN Gigant 12S/1600 Heliodor 9 See the world’s first 52-foot compact-disc that offers the flexibility of a 13-foot machine! LEMKEN has grown rapidly in the Canadian prairies and farmers expressed a need for a wider machine. LEMKEN has gone to the drawing board and created this machine with new and innovative features, such as perfect ground contour for uneven areas and precise depth control for shallow work. This important innovation ensures that every soil work is pressed back to avoid erosion risks. The Gigant 12S/1600 Heliodor 9 has been engineered to better suit the operation of large-scale Canadian Prairie farms.


Tegan M. Moehn 375 Fifth Avenue NW New Brighton, Minn. USA 55112 Phone: 651-766-6477 Email: Hall 12 - 12201 ProStop-E ProStop-E is a miniature 12-volt actuated quarter-turn ball valve that mounts directly onto the nozzle body for instant on/off control of sprays and liquid. The valve’s design supports either a 12-volt control signal or CAN bus message for on/off actuation. ProStop-E provides a higher flow and lower amperage draw than other solenoid actuated valves currently on the market.

Raven Industries

Kristin Payne 205 E. Sixth Street Sioux Falls, S.D. USA 57104 605-331-0372 Email: Lot C - 7015 Hawkeye™ Nozzle Control System Raven’s Hawkeye Nozzle Control System is ultra-precise. This pressure-based product control system allows for precise sprayer application in a variety of conditions, reducing spray drift and getting the most out of every nozzle. Each nozzle is controlled by its own 34  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

New Equipment Innovations continued… individual pulsing valve, giving a consistent spray pattern whether you are driving five or 20 miles per hour. The Hawkeye System is built on the IBOBUS communication platform, which allows it to work with most ISO Task Controllers on the market, including the Viper 4 by Raven.

Salford Group Inc.

Tanya Murray 364018 McBeth Road Salford, Ont. N0J 1W0 Phone: 519-485-3977 ext. 247 Email: Lot L - 5908 • Salford Hydraulic Packages

machine indicates the position of the tines. The modular indicators for the baskets and the tines integrate, giving the operator a complete picture of what the machine is doing. The SWITCHBLADE™ hydraulic trip shanks feature adjustable trip pressure up to 1300 pounds, making them an ideal attachment for chisel ripping. Shanks can be raised and lowered hydraulically to quickly convert the machine from applicator or coulter chisel to a vertical tillage machine.

WS Wlodzimierz Sosnowski

Wlodzimierz Sosnowski & Leon Wyszynski Mazowiecka Street 17 Ciechanow, Mazowieckie Poland 06-400 Phone: +48 23 673 57 97 Email: Hall 12 - 12115 • Sosnowski Corn Cleaning Device

The FlexFinish™ Hydraulic Harrow System is available on all Independent Series machines and allows for an instant adjustment of harrow basket and tine operating pressure from the tractor seat. The convenient pressure indicator on the front of the implement allows the operator to quickly check the pressure on the basket system. Hydraulic controls allow the operator to also change the pitch of the tines from high aggression to low aggression and every setting in between. An indicator mounted to the self-levelling system of the

Free-standing Sosnowski’s corn cleaning device has been designed to provide high esthetic and utility value. It is protected under six patents in Poland. It is portable and easy to assemble, and is offered in five different sizes.

2015 Product Launch Salford Group Inc. Tanya Murray Telephone: 519-485-1293 Email: Product Launch: June 17, 2015 Time: 10 a.m. Lot L – 5908-5911 Independent Series I-4200 The I-4200 is one of two new members of the Salford Independent Series product group of high-speed and high-clearance patented tillage equipment. It features independently mounted coulters on coils, or leaf springs with rubber suspension. The front two rows of the I-4200 use the same rubber cushion concave blade coulters and spacing that is found on the I-4100. On the rear rows, there are 50 per cent more Coil-Tech II wavy blade coulters with 22-inch eightwave blades than on the I-4100. This results in an overall spacing of five inches throughout the entire machine. The I-4200 is compatible with all Salford seeding and fertilizer application attachments, including Salford’s Switchblade™ hydraulic shanks and the company’s standard and FlexFinish™ hydraulic harrow systems.


BUILDING SPECIALS Visit us at booth 74023 & 74025 to take advantage of the 2015 show pricing

25' x 40' QC-Series

• 4' leg, 2 steel clad ends walls

12' x 12' slider door • 1 steel personnel door •




42' x 81' QC-Series

65' x 108' QL-Series

72' x 144' QL-Series

2 steel clad ends walls 16' x 16' slider door • 1 steel personnel door



2 fabric clad end walls (4) 3' x 3' passive air vents • 2 steel personnel doors



2 fabric clad end walls (4) 4' x 4' passive air vents • 2 steel personnel doors



*All buildings are supply only and may not be exactly as shown. Installation & Accessories available upon request. Must attend show to receive show pricing. 0227-15 Norseman, Norseman & Design and Fiercely Reliable are trademarks of Norseman Group Ltd. CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  35

Jeff and Ebony Prosko,

J & E Prosko Farms, Rose Valley, SK My backyard is also my smörgåsbord.That’s why I’m imploring you not to stash, dump or burn any automotive waste.You have the best recycling facilities this side of the wheat field, so use ‘em, eh. When you recycle used oil, filters and antifreeze, their containers and DEF containers, you keep tonnes of automotive waste out of your waters, your air and my supper. So I thank you. Everyone in my food chain thanks you, as does Mother Nature. Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery Corp.

Visit Mother Nature, Booth 92217, Hall #9


Jeff and Ebony Prosko have a passion for Agriculture, and it shows! Life for them revolves around their family farm in the small town of Rose Valley, Sask. Jeff and Ebony, along with their daughters Harper and Londyn, raise grains and oilseeds in the northeast area of the province. Although they operate their own farm, they also work hand in hand with Jeff’s parents, Rick and Donna, as well as his brother Joel (Meghan) and sister Giselle (Reagen). In addition to operating their farms, the group also owns an independent ag retail business called ProSoils Inc., which they started in 2013. ProSoils Inc. serves the Rose Valley area. Jeff and Ebony work hard to be innovative and show leadership in the agricultural community. Jeff sits on several industry boards that play roles in policy-making at the provincial and federal levels as well as groups focused on networking and education. He has a specific interest in advancing good policy for young farmers as their needs tend to be unique due to the ever-changing challenges they face. The focus on their farm is maximizing production efficiency and getting the best yields and quality they can from their crops. They utilize technologies such as variable rate fertilizer and seed applications, sectional control equipped air drills and sprayers along with RTK guidance and the latest seed genetics. Their goal is to constantly evolve and improve all aspects of their business.

Outstanding Young Farmers Saskatchewan’s Outstanding Young Farmers (OYF) program is designed to recognize young farmers in the province who exemplify excellence in their profession. During Canada’s Farm Progress Show, the winner will be announced and will be joining other finalists from across Canada to compete at the 2015 national event in Edmonton, Alta., Nov. 17 to 22.

International Business Centre — presented by

and complexity of international business communications accelerates to keep pace. Interactions with foreign buyers that were once nearly impossible to bring about have become routine. The IBC takes full advantage of the opportunity to bring buyers and exporters together in one marketplace.

The International Business Centre (IBC) presented by HSBC is located on upper level of the Co-operators Centre during Canada’s Farm Progress Show. This location allows a view of the prime exhibit space of the show. The IBC is designed to introduce international visitors to exhibitors that export equipment and technology. This exclusive program sets Canada’s Farm Progress Show apart from other shows of its kind. In 2014, the IBC welcomed over 800 international delegates from 57 countries. As the focus on global business continues to grow, the speed

The centre provides a complete business service package to all international visitors, including assistance with hotel reservations, shuttle service to the show and airport, private meeting rooms and comprehensive business services. Professional staff is on site daily to facilitate introductions and meetings between buyers, trade delegations and exporters. This year, the centre will again be offering Business 2 Business meetings between export members and international visitors. The IBC is a collective effort of the Government of Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. The centre has support from Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy, Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership (STEP) and Manitoba Trade and Investment.

Testimonials — What our clients are saying “We were very impressed with the show overall, but blown away with the International Buyers Program and the way we were treated and made welcome. From reception, to the shuttle bus, to our hotel, all was run professionally. It was a great experience for us.” Paul Arundel and Howard Dawson, Australia “The Farm Progress show is the only venue I have been to where, as a buyer, you are able to meet real producers. It is an excellent cross section of Sask/Canadian agri-business players, attracting the most innovative technologyfocused companies while, at the same time, remaining approachable for small to mid-size family farmers.” Nicole Roger, UAE “The way Canada’s Farm Progress Show helped us was an experience that we will never forget. Hospitality is highly appreciated.” Christo Visser, South Africa




1999 PETERBILT 379L Cat 3406E, 550 hp, 15 spd, heavy 40 diffs, 63” flat top bunk, 8” straight pipes, Can Class int, single jj headlights, complete new paint job, lots of new parts... $64,850

Booths 8525, 8526 Lot D Free draws & coffee!

2003 MACK CX613 VISION Mack eng, 430/460 hp, 10 speed Eaton AutoShift with clutch pedal, new Cancade grain box, 68” sides, rear controls, new MB safety… Call

J. Brandt Enterprises Quality Used Truck & Trailer Sales Toll Free: (888) 586-9019 | Local: (204) 364-2775 | CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  37

New Exhibitors 11/060utside the Box Distributors Ltd. Action Car and Truck Accessories Ag Direct Hail Insurance Ltd AGI Envirotank Agritechnica 2015- DLG Agrocorp Processing Ltd. AIM Industries Airguard Products Air-O(Don) Mechanical LTD. Altair Engineering Canada Ltd. Arrow Equipment Inc. Athabasca Financial/ Raintree Financial Solutions ATP Nutrition Auger Jogger Automatic Truck & Trailer Best Farms System BG Prairie Distributors Ltd. Big Iron Drilling Ltd. Biso-Canada Ltd. BloAgronics Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Inspector Canada Moisture Analyziers Inc. Canadian Blood Services Canadian Federation of Independent Business Candle Lake Golf Resort Cansel Caravan Group of Companies CFMO Inc o/a Complete Family-Mad Orthotics 38  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

CGF Brokerage & Consulting Cindy-rella’s Sewing & Quilting City of Regina Claas of America CleanFARMS Inc. CONVEYAIR-Thor Manufacturing Ltd. CORR GRAIN Systems Inc. DICKEY-john Corporation DuPont Canada Ecocert Canada Elite Security Systems Equiplinx Exapta Solutions Inc. Farm World Farmtech Solutions Flaman Fitness Fluidal!, LLC General Body & Equipment Gowan Agro Canada, Limited Grain Shark Great Northern Growers Inc. Green Aero Technology Inc. Harbra Holdings Hird Equipment Huge L Steel Inc. Industrial Electric and Instrumentation Ltd. Inner Energy Input Capital Investors Group JCA Electronics Integration Center JD Skiles Company

Jeegee Agri Equip Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Koenders Water Solutions Lankota Le-Vel Canada Logan Stevens Equipment Loup Electronics Inc. MAD Concaves Markusson New Holland of Regina Midwest Surveys Inc. Mike Janostin with Realty Executives Battlefords MTZ Equipment Ltd. Multione Equipment (Canada) Inc. Nemco Resources Ltd. Nerium International OcFab Ltd. Olympic Buildings Outback Survival Gear Canada/ Callabus Perten Instruments Inc. Polar Mobility PowerSports Regina Ltd. Prairie Harley-Davidson Precision Canada Pride of Ghana Pro Farm Mfg. Ltd. Pro Watt Supply Prostate Cancer Centre Pumps and Pressure Inc. Qingdao J&G International Trading Co. Ltd.

Quantum Electronics QVB Enterprises Inc. R & R Pillows & Sheets Reinke REM/AGI Royal Hotel Group RSL Canada lnc./Lozman Canada Inc. Saskatchewan Safety Council Schweiss Doors Scotiabank Seroc Auto Parts Co. Ltd. Sherrick Holdings Ltd. Shoup Manufacturing Company Simple Farmer Country Store Smallaire Pty Ltd. Softub c/o SofSpa 2000 Squibb Taylor Inc. Stinger Inc. Sundog Solar Sunrise foods International Inc. Supply Media Post Taslar Trading Corp (TIC) TD Canada Trust-Agriculture Services The Container Guy Thirty One Titanium Exclusive Cookware Trimble TruGreen Metal Recycling Wacker Neuson Ltd. Wingssprayer WuXi HongBa Mechanical Electrical Equipment Xtended Hydraulics & Machine Inc.

Product Group Listing Accomodations Candle Lake Golf Resort ...............91117-Hall No. 09B Accounting/ Tax Farm Business Consultants.............. 70170-Hall No. 07 Farm Credit Canada....... 70204, 70206, 70208, 70303, 70305, 70307-Hall No. 07 The Retiring Farmer Assante Wealth Management . ....................................... 70320, 70322-Hall No. 07

Salford Group Inc........... 5908, 5909, 5910, 5911-Lot L Seed Hawk Inc............................................ 9400-Lot N Seed Master..................................... 10000-Hall No. 01 Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09 Southern Industrial and Truck Ltd..... 8523, 8524-Lot D SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Thunderstruck Sales & Marketing . ....................................... 70134, 70136-Hall No. 07 Valmar Airflo Inc................................ 8316, 8317-Lot D

Advertising Conveyair — Thor Manufacturing Ltd. . ................................................... 12209-Hall No. 12 DTN/The Progressive Farmer.......... 80212-Hall No. 08 Prairie Ag Catalogue........................ 70169-Hall No. 07

Alternators and starters Hy-Capacity/Double ‘R’.................... 12414-Hall No. 12 M&M Equipment Ltd.......................90021-Hall No. 09A New Holland..................................... 50000-Hall No. 05

Air Conditioner Products Polar Mobility.................................... 93031-Hall No. 09 Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09

Appliances Hometech Small Appliances/Bosch.. 91029-Hall No. 09 Redfern Enterprises Ltd.............. 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91053, 91078, 91079, 91080-Hall No. 09 Redfern Enterprises Ltd..................91100-Hall No. 09B

Air Seeding Equipment & Accessories Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Ag Leader Technology . ............... 70552, 70554, 70651, 70653-Hall No. 07 Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B Agtron Enterprises Inc.......... 70634, 70636-Hall No. 07 Airguard Products............................. 12208-Hall No. 12 Allen Leigh Security & Communications . ................................................... 80201-Hall No. 08 Atom-Jet Industries Ltd. . ........................... 70613, 70615, 70617-Hall No. 07 Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Bourgault Industries.......................... 40100-Hall No. 04 Bourgault Tillage Tools Ltd. . ............... 70538, 70540, 70542, 70544-Hall No. 07 Convey-All Ind. Inc...................................... 9505-Lot M DICKEY-john Corporation . .....................................90008, 90010-Hall No. 09A Dimo’s/Labtronics................. 80402, 80404-Hall No. 08 Double HH Ag Sales N Services Ltd.12604-Hall No. 12 Dutch Openers . ............... 70737, 70739, 70741, 70743-Hall No. 07 Exapta Solutions Inc......................... 93047-Hall No. 09 Farmland Specialty Products/Ground Up AG . ........................... 70214, 70216, 70218-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Great Plains Mfg. Inc.................................... 6010-Lot L Horsch........................... 8300, 8301, 8302, 8303-Lot D JCA Electronics Integration Center . ....................................... 70620, 70622-Hall No. 07 John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Kirchner Machine Ltd........................ 12109-Hall No. 12 Max-Quip Inc............ 70713, 70715, 70717-Hall No. 07 Michel’s Industries Ltd................................. 8512-Lot D Morris Industries Ltd. . .............9001, 9002, 9100, 9101, 9102, 9103-Lot F New Holland..................................... 50000-Hall No. 05 Pattison Liquid Systems.............................. 8322-Lot D Raycol Equipment Canada Pty Ltd. . ................................................... 80104-Hall No. 08 Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Rodono Industries Ltd. . ........................... 70313, 70315, 70317-Hall No. 07

Applicators (crop inputs) Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B ATP Nutrition........................ 70637, 70639-Hall No. 07 Best Environmental Systems & Technologies . ....................................... 70519, 70521-Hall No. 07 Capstan Ag Systems Inc...... 70719, 70721-Hall No. 07 Crop Production Services............................ 9202-Lot G Earth Smart Solutions Inc................. 80214-Hall No. 08 Farmagro Sales Ltd..70111, 70113, 70115-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America . .......................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Max-Quip Inc............ 70713, 70715, 70717-Hall No. 07 Penergetic Canada............... 80108, 80110-Hall No. 08 Polywest Ltd....................................... 6215, 6216-Lot L Valmar Airflo Inc................................ 8316, 8317-Lot D Attachments (skid steer) Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Arrow Equipment Inc................................... 8315-Lot D Auger Jogger........................ 80340, 80341-Hall No. 08 Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Fabrication S. Houle...........................9108, 9109-Lot F Flexxifinger QD Industries Inc. . ....................................... 70442, 70444-Hall No. 07 Grouser Products........................................ 8321-Lot D HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin............. 12706-Hall No. 12 Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.)............... 93000-Hall No. 09 Kirchner Machine Ltd........................ 12109-Hall No. 12 Kramer Ltd........................................ 30000-Hall No. 03 Leon’s Mfg. Company Inc.................. 7013, 7014-Lot C Multione Equipment (Canada) Inc. . ............... 70624, 70626, 70723, 70725-Hall No. 07 New Holland..................................... 50000-Hall No. 05 OcFab Ltd............................. 12609, 12611-Hall No. 12 Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L South Country Equipment Ltd............ 6108, 6109-Lot L SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Wacker Neuson Ltd..................................6306 A -Lot L Wallenstein by EMB Mfg. Inc............. 8329, 8330-Lot D Westward Parts Services Ltd. . ...........................................9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Wyconn Technologies.......... 70609, 70611-Hall No. 07

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Quality COUNTS

• The HEAVIEST metal • The STRONGEST posts • SUPERIOR craftsmenship Choose Prairie Post Frame CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  39

The Livestock Production Centre Livestock is a key component of Saskatchewan’s agriculture heritage — and its future. Canada’s Farm Progress Show is proud to host an area at Hall No. 11 that is devoted to livestock production and to the people, organizations and equipment manufacturers that keep this industry vibrant. Visit participating cattle handling equipment manufacturers, including Hi-Hog Farm & Ranch Equipment Ltd., Morrand Industries, Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc., Rea’s Welding/Real Industries, Stampede Steel Inc. and Tuff Livestock Equipment. T:4.8125”

Product Group Listing continued…


ATV’s Dakota Products of Canada . ....................................... 70219, 70221-Hall No. 07 Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.)............... 93000-Hall No. 09 New Holland..................................... 50000-Hall No. 05 Auctions Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E Dakota Products of Canada . ....................................... 70219, 70221-Hall No. 07 Kramer Auction Ltd........................... 92117-Hall No. 09 Ritchie Bros Auctioneers...... 70410, 70412-Hall No. 07




Augers Ag Growth International............................... 8100-Lot D Ag Shield Manufacturing......... 8323, 8324, 8325-Lot D Auger Jogger........................ 80340, 80341-Hall No. 08 Bergen Industries Inc....................................7303-Lot B Bergen Industries Inc.......................... 6001, 6002-Lot L BILN Holdings Inc..... 70414, 70416, 70418-Hall No. 07 Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd....... 8209, 8210, 8211, 8212, 8213, 8214, 8215, 8216-Lot E Brownlees Trucking Inc.................... 12705-Hall No. 12 Cancade Company.................. 8520, 8521, 8522-Lot D Crop Production Services............................ 9202-Lot G Del Equipment Ltd....................................... 8519-Lot D Double HH Ag Sales N Services Ltd. . ................................................... 12604-Hall No. 12 Federated Co-op............................... 8606, 8607-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D GrainMaxx Grain Augers/NuVision Industries . .............................................................. 7009-Lot C Hoffart Services Inc........................... 8424, 8425-Lot D

• Best-in-class V6 fuel economy in the segment1 • Best-in-class towing capacity of up to 3,175 kg (7,000 lb.)2 • Class exclusive available 4G LTE with Wi-Fi3


AVAILABLE AT YOUR PRAIRIE CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. 1 Applies to the mid-sized truck segment. Based on latest competitive information available at time of printing. 2015 Colorado with available V6 engine. Fuel consumption ratings based on GM testing in accordance with new 2015 Model Year Government of Canada approved test methods. Refer to for details. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. 2 Requires available 3.6L V6 engine and available trailering package. Based on 2014 Small Pickup segmentation and latest available competitive information. Excludes other GM vehicles. Before you buy a vehicle or use it for trailering, carefully review the trailering section of the Owner’s Manual. The weight of passengers, cargo and options or accessories may reduce the amount you can tow. 3 Visit for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity may vary by model and conditions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms and Privacy Statement (including software terms). OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required. 40  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015



Kramble Industries................ 70137, 70139-Hall No. 07 Leon’s Mfg. Company Inc.................. 7013, 7014-Lot C Mast Productions Inc......................... 8610, 8611-Lot D Meridian Manufacturing Inc. . .............9113, 9114, 9115, 9116, 9117, 9118-Lot F Michel’s Industries Ltd................................. 8512-Lot D Never Spill Spout Inc........................ 12800-Hall No. 12 Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Rodono Industries Ltd. . ........................... 70313, 70315, 70317-Hall No. 07 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Tridekon............................................ 70808-Hall No. 07 Triple Star Mfg. Ltd............... 70710, 70712-Hall No. 07 Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc................................7301-Lot B Viterra................................... 80016, 80018-Hall No. 08 Wallenstein by EMB Mfg. Inc............. 8329, 8330-Lot D Wentworth Ag (2003) Inc............................. 8305-Lot D Westfield (AGI).......................................... 8100A-Lot D Wheatheart/AGI......................................... 8100B-Lot D Automotive Supplies Action Car and Truck Accessories . .................................... 4-Brandt Centre Concourse Chevrolet......................................................7312-Lot B Chevrolet...................................................... 7900-Lot L Dakota Products of Canada . ....................................... 70219, 70221-Hall No. 07 Mumby Manufacturing Ltd................ 70172-Hall No. 07 Qingdao J&G International Trading Co. Ltd. . ....................................... 12400, 12402-Hall No. 12 Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd. . ....................................... 70323, 70325-Hall No. 07 Bale processors/movers Ag Shield Manufacturing......... 8323, 8324, 8325-Lot D Arrow Equipment Inc................................... 8315-Lot D Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc. . .......................................... 8312, 8313, 8314-Lot D @canadafarmshow

Canada’s Farm Progress Show would like to welcome

Jon Montgomery Presented by Ministry of the Economy Olympic Gold Medallist

Host of Amazing Race Canada

Please join us Tuesday, June 16th Queensbury Convention Centre, Evraz Place Doors open at 11:30 a.m., luncheon at 12 p.m. Keynote presentation by Jon Montgomery followed by a meet and greet. Jon MontgoMery - As an Olympic Gold Medal-winning Skeleton racer and host of the Amazing race Canada, it’s safe to say that Jon Montgomery knows a thing or two about high speed. A gifted and inspiring athlete, Jon also brings charm and Canadian pride to his job as a de facto national ambassador, using his curiosity and conversational gifts to connect with people all over the country. Whether he’s tearing head-first down an icy track, or guzzling a pitcher of beer as fans cheer him on, Jon’s zest for life is as constant as it is contagious. tickets are $40 plus gSt to attend the event, please contact: Joanne terry: (p) 306-781-9254 (e)

Plan to Attend June 17 - 19, 2015 Evraz Place, Regina, SK, Canada

CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  41

Product Group Listing continued…

Cancade Company.................. 8520, 8521, 8522-Lot D Dakota Products of Canada| . ....................................... 70219, 70221-Hall No. 07 Fair Mfg Inc............... 70513, 70515, 70517-Hall No. 07 Haybuster Mfg./DuraTech........................... 8517-Lot D Highline Manufacturing Ltd.............40100A-Hall No. 04 HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin............. 12706-Hall No. 12 Huber Ag Equipment Ltd............................6211A-Lot L Leon’s Mfg. Company Inc.................. 7013, 7014-Lot C Morris Industries Ltd. . .............9001, 9002, 9100, 9101, 9102, 9103-Lot F Multione Equipment (Canada) Inc. . ............... 70624, 70626, 70723, 70725-Hall No. 07 New Direction Equipment NDE................... 9507-Lot M Norheim Ranching........................................6302-Lot P Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Bins Ag Growth International............................... 8100-Lot D AGI Envirotank............................................ 8613-Lot D Brownlees Trucking Inc.................... 12705-Hall No. 12 Chief Industries Inc............... 70451, 70453-Hall No. 07 Crop Production Services............................ 9202-Lot G Dimo’s/Labtronics................. 80402, 80404-Hall No. 08 Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Federated Co-op............................... 8606, 8607-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Grain Guard/AGI........................................ 8100F-Lot D Haukaas Manufacturing Ltd. . ....................................... 70430, 70432-Hall No. 07 Hoffart Services Inc........................... 8424, 8425-Lot D JTL Industries Ltd.........................................8208-Lot E Lynn Peterson Construction.........................9000-Lot F Meridian Manufacturing Inc. . .............9113, 9114, 9115, 9116, 9117, 9118-Lot F Novid Inc...................................................... 8417-Lot D SCAFCO Grain Systems.................. 12615-Hall No. 12 Twister/AGI................................................8100D-Lot D Viterra................................... 80016, 80018-Hall No. 08 Wentworth Ag (2003) Inc............................. 8305-Lot D Westeel............................................. 70802-Hall No. 07 Westee..... 8500, 8501, 8502, 8503, 8504, 8505-Lot D Cars Chevrolet......................................................7312-Lot B Chevrolet...................................................... 7900-Lot L Castings Farm land Specialty Products/Ground Up AG . ........................... 70214, 70216, 70218-Hall No. 07 Mumby Manufacturing Ltd................ 70172-Hall No. 07 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Chains Westward Parts Services Ltd. . ...........................................9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Chemicals BIoAgronics...................................... 12917-Hall No. 12 Crop Production Services............................ 9202-Lot G DuPont Canada.................... 80202, 80204-Hall No. 08 Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Farmlead Resources Ltd. ( . ................................................... 93046-Hall No. 09 Gowan Agro Canada, Limited.......... 12409-Hall No. 12 42  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Great Northern Growers Inc............. 12215-Hall No. 12 Nemco Resources Ltd...................... 80105-Hall No. 08 NLS Products....................... 70633, 70635-Hall No. 07 Rayglen Commodities Inc..... 70742, 70746-Hall No. 07 Cleaning chemicals and applicators Amsoil & Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer . ................................................... 80408-Hall No. 08 Dakota Products of Canada . ....................................... 70219, 70221-Hall No. 07 John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd..........90023-Hall No. 09A Clothing Canada Leather Ltd.......................... 91012-Hall No. 09 Lizwoerks Sales Inc.............. 91054, 91055-Hall No. 09 Queen City Brass............................. 91064-Hall No. 09 Redfern Enterprises Ltd.............. 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91053, 91078, 91079, 91080-Hall No. 09 Redfern Enterprises Ltd..................91100-Hall No. 09B Splasher Outerwear.............. 70129, 70131-Hall No. 07 Combines Ag Shield Manufacturing......... 8323, 8324, 8325-Lot D Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B AWS Air Reels...................... 70342, 70344-Hall No. 07 Claas of America.............................. 30001-Hall No. 03 Cleanfix North America Ltd............... 92118-Hall No. 09 Equiplinx........................................... 12211-Hall No. 12 Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Farmtronics........................... 70238, 70240-Hall No. 07 Flexxifinger QD Industries Inc..70442, 70444-Hall No. 07 Greentronics..................................... 92015-Hall No. 09 Houston Seed Saver........................ 12911-Hall No. 12 JCA Electronics Integration Center . ....................................... 70620, 70622-Hall No. 07 John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Lankota............................................. 93026-Hall No. 09 New Holland..................................... 50000-Hall No. 05 PAT Inc..................... 70104, 70106, 70108-Hall No. 07 Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Rodono Industries Ltd. . ........................... 70313, 70315, 70317-Hall No. 07 Sunnybrook Welding & Machine Shop Ltd. . ................................................... 92009-Hall No. 09 Zurn Harvesting GmbH & Co. KG.... 12106-Hall No. 12 Combines, parts and accessories Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Ag Leader Technology . ............... 70552, 70554, 70651, 70653-Hall No. 07 AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B Allen Leigh Security & Communications . ................................................... 80201-Hall No. 08 Flexxifinger QD Industries Inc. . ....................................... 70442, 70444-Hall No. 07 Hy-Capacity/Double ‘R’.................... 12414-Hall No. 12 Innotag/Performance Feed Works................ 6011-Lot L JJEB Enterprises LTD...................... 80007-Hall No. 08 Loup Electronics Inc.......................90013-Hall No. 09A MAD Concaves................................. 12918-Hall No. 12 Maljohn Plastics Company Limited . ....................................... 70530, 70532-Hall No. 07 Michel’s Industries Ltd................................. 8512-Lot D New Holland..................................... 50000-Hall No. 05 Polar Mobility.................................... 93031-Hall No. 09 Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09

Sunnybrook Welding & Machine Shop Ltd. . ................................................... 92009-Hall No. 09 Communications Backswath Management.................. 93028-Hall No. 09 BIG DOG 92.7 FM............................ 12912-Hall No. 12 DTN/The Progressive Farmer.......... 80212-Hall No. 08 Golden West Radio.......................... 12117-Hall No. 12 Harvard Broadcasting - CKRM & My92 . ....................................... 70911, 70912-Hall No. 07 Industrial Electric and Instrumentation Ltd. . ................................................... 12812-Hall No. 12 Rawlco Radio - NewsTalk/Jack FM/Z99. . ....................................... Brandt Centre Concourse SaskTel................................. 91031, 91032-Hall No. 09 Composting Penergetic Canada............... 80108, 80110-Hall No. 08 Computer/ software AgChemExpert Ltd........................... 93025-Hall No. 09 Agrimatics/BitStrata Systems Inc..... 92218-Hall No. 09 Agri-Trend Inc....................... 70509, 70511-Hall No. 07 Decisive Farming Corp......... 80112, 80114-Hall No. 08 Farm Credit Canada............................... 70204, 70206, 70208, 70303, 70305, 70307-Hall No. 07 Farmlead Resources Ltd. ( . ................................................... 93046-Hall No. 09 JCA Electronics Integration Center . ....................................... 70620, 70622-Hall No. 07 SST Software................................... 80106-Hall No. 08 Trimble.................................. 12504, 12506-Hall No. 12 Consulting Ade & Company............................... 12121-Hall No. 12 Altair Engineering Canada Ltd.......... 92215-Hall No. 09 Backswath Management.................. 93028-Hall No. 09 BIoAgronics...................................... 12917-Hall No. 12 Double HH Ag Sales N Services Ltd..12604-Hall No. 12 Farm Business Consultants.............. 70170-Hall No. 07 Farmers Edge........... 70105, 70107, 70109-Hall No. 07 Farmlead Resources Ltd. ( . ................................................... 93046-Hall No. 09 12920-Hall No. 12 Grain Shark...................................... 93029-Hall No. 09 Northern Plains Drainage Systems Ltd. . ........................... 70213, 70215, 70217-Hall No. 07 Pinnacle Wealth Brokers.................. 12913-Hall No. 12 Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) . ................................................... 12406-Hall No. 12 Rayglen Commodities Inc..... 70742, 70746-Hall No. 07 Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture . ............... 70452, 70454, 70551, 70553-Hall No. 07 Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09 Western Ag........................... 80008, 80010-Hall No. 08 Conventional seeders AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Great Plains Mfg. Inc.................................... 6010-Lot L Landoll Corporation............................ 6101, 6102-Lot L Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Roto Shear - Shurtight Manufacturing . ................................................... 12507-Hall No. 12 Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09 Conveyor belts and accessories Ag Growth International............................... 8100-Lot D Batco Manufacturing/AGI..........................8100C-Lot D Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd................. 8209, 8210, 8211, 8212, 8213, 8214, 8215, 8216-Lot E Convey-All Ind. Inc...................................... 9505-Lot M Flexco............................................... 80206-Hall No. 08

Greentronics..................................... 92015-Hall No. 09 Maljohn Plastics Company Limited . ....................................... 70530, 70532-Hall No. 07 Norwood Sales Inc....................................... 6100-Lot L Oconnell Farm Drainage/Tri Star Farms . ............... 70334, 70336, 70433, 70435-Hall No. 07 SCAFCO Grain Systems.................. 12615-Hall No. 12 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Westward Parts Services Ltd. . ...........................................9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Crafts and gifts Canada Leather Ltd.......................... 91012-Hall No. 09 Cindy-rella’s Sewing & Quilting......91118-Hall No. 09B Equiplinx........................................... 12211-Hall No. 12 Heavenly Scents Aromatherapy....... 91018-Hall No. 09 Simple Farmer Country Store........... 91011-Hall No. 09 Cultivators Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Bourgault Industries.......................... 40100-Hall No. 04 Great Plains Mfg. Inc.................................... 6010-Lot L Horsch........................... 8300, 8301, 8302, 8303-Lot D Landoll Corporation............................ 6101, 6102-Lot L Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd.......... 12102-Hall No. 12 Morris Industries Ltd. . .............9001, 9002, 9100, 9101, 9102, 9103-Lot F New Direction Equipment NDE................... 9507-Lot M Salford Group Inc........... 5908, 5909, 5910, 5911-Lot L Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc................................7301-Lot B Westward Parts Services Ltd. . ...........................................9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Discs Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L AGCO Canada ............................................7300-Lot B Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Degelman Industries.......9104, 9105, 9106, 9107-Lot F Equiplinx........................................... 12211-Hall No. 12 Farm land Specialty Products/Ground Up AG . ........................... 70214, 70216, 70218-Hall No. 07 Gaber Distributors.................... 5902, 5903, 5904-Lot L Gates Manufacturing.......................... 6105, 6106-Lot L Glenmor Inc.............. 70514, 70516, 70518-Hall No. 07 Great Plains Mfg. Inc.................................... 6010-Lot L Hird Equipment.............................................8005-Lot E Horsch........................... 8300, 8301, 8302, 8303-Lot D Kellough Enterprises Inc./Kello-Bilt . ....................................... 70310, 70312-Hall No. 07 Landoll Corporation............................ 6101, 6102-Lot L Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd.......... 12102-Hall No. 12 Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.... 8413, 8414, 8415-Lot D New Direction Equipment NDE................... 9507-Lot M Norwood Sales Inc....................................... 6100-Lot L Salford Group Inc........... 5908, 5909, 5910, 5911-Lot L SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Westward Parts Services Ltd. . ...........................................9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Yanush Enterprises......................................6204-Lot P Drainage Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Ag Leader Technology . ............... 70552, 70554, 70651, 70653-Hall No. 07 Agri Con Ltd................................................. 8412-Lot D BD Manufacturing..... 70114, 70116, 70118-Hall No. 07 Cardale Tech Corp....................................... 6211-Lot L Crary Agricultural Solutions, LLC . ....................................... 70110, 70112-Hall No. 07 CWK Enterprises.......................................... 6006-Lot L

Product Group Listing continued…

Double A Trailers.............................. 92113-Hall No. 09 Dynamic Ditchers Inc................................... 8304-Lot D Hird Equipment.............................................8005-Lot E Hi-Tec Ag..................................................... 9506-Lot M Hurricane Ditchers Co, Inc................ 8527, 8528-Lot D Johnson Mfg. Inc......................................... 8416-Lot D Lever Holdings Inc....................................... 8518-Lot D Norstar Industries Ltd. . ........................... 70404, 70406, 70408-Hall No. 07 Northern Plains Drainage Systems Ltd. . ........................... 70213, 70215, 70217-Hall No. 07 Prinsco Canada..............................90018-Hall No. 09A Quick Drain Sales Ltd.................................. 7010-Lot C Sundog Solar.................................... 92220-Hall No. 09 Yanush Enterprises......................................6204-Lot P Driveline Parts Del Equipment Ltd....................................... 8519-Lot D Westward Parts Services Ltd. . ...........................................9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Education Canadian International Grains Institute . ................................................... 80115-Hall No. 08 Canadian Wheat Board Alliance....... 30305-Hall No. 03 DTN/The Progressive Farmer.......... 80212-Hall No. 08 Farm Credit Canada............................... 70204, 70206, 70208, 70303, 70305, 70307-Hall No. 07 Investors Group.................... 12712, 12713-Hall No. 12 Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) . ................................................... 12406-Hall No. 12 Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc....... 92112-Hall No. 09 Western Ag........................... 80008, 80010-Hall No. 08 Engines Cleanfix North America Ltd............... 92118-Hall No. 09 Cummins Western Canada.......70441, 70443-Hall No. 07 DSG Power Systems............ 70534, 70536-Hall No. 07 DSG Power Systems.................................... 6213-Lot L Husqvarna Canada Corp..............................6305-Lot P Jeegee Agri Equip Manufacturing Co. Ltd. ..................................................... 12510-Hall No. 12 M&M Equipment Ltd.......................90021-Hall No. 09A MTZ Equipment Ltd. . ............... 70152, 70154, 70251, 70253-Hall No. 07 New Holland..................................... 50000-Hall No. 05 Pentair, Hypro-SHURflo................... 12201-Hall No. 12 Pritchard Dieseltech............. 70718, 70720-Hall No. 07 Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.....70323, 70325-Hall No. 07 Equipment handling (livestock) Allen Leigh Security & Communications . ................................................... 80201-Hall No. 08 Apollo Machine & Products Ltd........ 93041-Hall No. 09 B.A.M. Enterprises............................ 12602-Hall No. 12 Clews Palliser Cattle Oilers......................... 8306-Lot D Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Hi-Hog Farm & Ranch Equip. Ltd.........LC1-Hall No. 11 Huber Ag Equipment Ltd............................6211A-Lot L M&M Equipment Ltd.......................90021-Hall No. 09A Moly MFG., Inc./Silencer...... 12513, 12515-Hall No. 12 Morand Industries.................................LC2-Hall No. 11 Norheim Ranching........................................6302-Lot P Northlands Building Systems . ....................................... 70714, 70716-Hall No. 07 Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc..........LC3-Hall No. 11 Precision Canada............................... 92017-Hall No. 9 Rea’s Welding/Real Industries.............LC6-Hall No. 11 Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Stampede Steel Inc..............................LC5-Hall No. 11

Tuff Livestock Equipment.....................LC4-Hall No. 11 Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd. . ....................................... 70323, 70325-Hall No. 07 Equipment Repair Cansel.............................................. 92115-Hall No. 09 Casterland/Specialty Tire................. 70171-Hall No. 07 Del Equipment Ltd....................................... 8519-Lot D DSG Power Systems............ 70534, 70536-Hall No. 07 DSG Power Systems.................................... 6213-Lot L Farmtronics........................... 70238, 70240-Hall No. 07 Husqvarna Canada Corp..............................6305-Lot P Keller Equipment Supply Ltd..........90101-Hall No. 09A Lever Holdings Inc....................................... 8518-Lot D Pneu-Tek Tire Tools............. 70242, 70244-Hall No. 07 Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Xtended Hydraulics & Machine Inc... 92005-Hall No. 09 Ethanol Terra Grain Fuels............................. 93048-Hall No. 09 Fabrication AIM Industries.............................................. 8600-Lot D BD Manufacturing..... 70114, 70116, 70118-Hall No. 07 Bergen Industries Inc....................................7303-Lot B Bergen Industries Inc.......................... 6001, 6002-Lot L Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. . ................................................... 12508-Hall No. 12 Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd........... 8510, 8511-Lot D CWK Enterprises.......................................... 6006-Lot L Fabrication S. Houle...........................9108, 9109-Lot F Grand Manufacturing Co. Ltd....70419, 70421-Hall No. 07 JCA Electronics Integration Center . ....................................... 70620, 70622-Hall No. 07 JTL Industries Ltd.........................................8208-Lot E Lever Holdings Inc....................................... 8518-Lot D Maljohn Plastics Company Limited . ....................................... 70530, 70532-Hall No. 07 Metal Connection............................90031-Hall No. 09A OcFab Ltd............................. 12609, 12611-Hall No. 12 Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Stampede Steel Inc..............................LC5-Hall No. 11 Xtended Hydraulics & Machine Inc........92005-Hall No. 09 Farm Structures AFAB Industries................................ 12804-Hall No. 12 Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. . ................................................... 12508-Hall No. 12 Castle Rock Metal Buildings Ltd....... 12700-Hall No. 12 Coverco Buildings............................. 12808-Hall No. 12 Goodon Industries.......... Ltd.70223, 70225-Hall No. 07 Hoffart Services Inc........................... 8424, 8425-Lot D Integrity Post Structures Ltd............. 12613-Hall No. 12 Janzen Steel Buildings Ltd........70145, 70147-Hall No. 07 Lynn Peterson Construction.........................9000-Lot F McMunn and Yates Building Supplies...12714-Hall No. 12 Norseman Structures Inc...... 70423, 70425-Hall No. 07 Northlands Building Systems.....70714, 70716-Hall No. 07 Nu-Steel Ind. (2008) Ltd.............................. 8529-Lot D Olympic Buildings............................. 12213-Hall No. 12 Promold Marketing Inc................................. 8426-Lot D Versa Frame Inc............................... 12404-Hall No. 12 Wizer................................................ 12702-Hall No. 12 Wood Country................................... 70918-Hall No. 07 ZipperlockBuilding Company (2005) Inc. . ................................................... 12915-Hall No. 12

Regiina, Moose Jaw, Swift Current & Winnipeg


Fashion Thirty-One.......................................91111-Hall No. 09B CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  43

Product Group Listing continued…

Fasteners Casterland/Specialty Tire................. 70171-Hall No. 07 Fastenal................................ 70237, 70239-Hall No. 07 Feed Handling/Processing Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Apollo Machine & Products Ltd........ 93041-Hall No. 09 Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc......8312, 8313, 8314-Lot D Committed Ag Supply........... 70241, 70243-Hall No. 07 Haukaas Manufacturing Ltd.......70430, 70432-Hall No. 07 Haybuster Mfg./DuraTech........................... 8517-Lot D Helm Welding (1983) Limited........... 12601-Hall No. 12 Huber Ag Equipment Ltd............................6211A-Lot L New Direction Equipment NDE................... 9507-Lot M Norheim Ranching........................................6302-Lot P Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc..........LC3-Hall No. 11 RiteWay Mfg. Co. Ltd...............8218, 8219, 8220-Lot E Western Ag Systems........................ 80002-Hall No. 08 Fencing B.A.M. Enterprises............................ 12602-Hall No. 12 Gallagher Animal Management/Lakeland Group . ............................................................... 6207-Lot L Moly MFG., Inc./Silencer...... 12513, 12515-Hall No. 12 Norheim Ranching........................................6302-Lot P OcFab Ltd............................. 12609, 12611-Hall No. 12 One Time Fencing............................ 92214-Hall No. 09 Promold Marketing Inc................................. 8426-Lot D Westward Parts Services Ltd....... 9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Wood Country................................... 70918-Hall No. 07 Fertilizers Alpine-The Starter Fertilizer Company . ........................... 70203, 70205, 70207-Hall No. 07 Amsoil & Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer . ................................................... 80408-Hall No. 08 ATP Nutrition........................ 70637, 70639-Hall No. 07 Back to your Roots Soil Solutions . ....................................... 70220, 70222-Hall No. 07 Best Enviromental Systems & Technologies . ....................................... 70519, 70521-Hall No. 07 BIoAgronics...................................... 12917-Hall No. 12 Capstan Ag Systems Inc...... 70719, 70721-Hall No. 07 Crop Production Services............................ 9202-Lot G Double A Trailers.............................. 92113-Hall No. 09 Double HH Ag Sales N Services Ltd.....12604-Hall No. 12 Earth Smart Solutions Inc................. 80214-Hall No. 08 Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Farmlead Resources Ltd. ( . ................................................... 93046-Hall No. 09 JD Skiles Company.............. 12809, 12810-Hall No. 12 Max-Quip Inc............ 70713, 70715, 70717-Hall No. 07 Nutra-Flo Company.............. 80003, 80005-Hall No. 08 Pattison Liquid Systems.............................. 8322-Lot D PowerRich Corporation........ 80207, 80209-Hall No. 08 Rayglen Commodities Inc..... 70742, 70746-Hall No. 07 Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09 Stoller Enterprises Ltd...................... 12711-Hall No. 12 Taurus Ag. Marketing........... 80219, 80220-Hall No. 08 Top Krop Fertilizer Inc...................... 80103-Hall No. 08 Wadena Steel and Supply Ltd......................6205-Lot P Field Markers Ag Leader Technology . ............... 70552, 70554, 70651, 70653-Hall No. 07 Setter Mfg. Division.......70614, 70616, 70618-Hall No. 07 Filtration (petroleum) Amsoil & Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer . ................................................... 80408-Hall No. 08 44  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Keller Equipment Supply Ltd..........90101-Hall No. 09A Polar Mobility.................................... 93031-Hall No. 09 Financing programs/services Backswath Management.................. 93028-Hall No. 09 Bank of Montreal.............................. 50309-Hall No. 05 Calidon Equipment Leasing.............. 12509-Hall No. 12 CIBC................................................. 12921-Hall No. 12 Desjardins Card Services Agricard... 12503-Hall No. 12 Edward Jones................................... 91005-Hall No. 09 Farm Business Consultants.............. 70170-Hall No. 07 Farm Credit Canada............................... 70204, 70206, 70208, 70303, 70305, 70307-Hall No. 07 Input Capital...................................12205A-Hall No. 12 Investors Group.................... 12712, 12713-Hall No. 12 National Leasing............................... 80213-Hall No. 08 National Leasing.......................................... 8513-Lot D RBC Royal Bank............................... 12903-Hall No. 12 Saskatchewan Credit Unions....70319, 70321-Hall No. 07 Scotiabank........................................ 12802-Hall No. 12 TD Canada Trust-Agriculture Services . ................................................... 12927-Hall No. 12 The Retiring Farmer Assante Wealth Management . ....................................... 70320, 70322-Hall No. 07 Western Financial Group.................. 80211-Hall No. 08 Flooring Dowse Manufacturing Ltd................. 92114-Hall No. 09 Food Epicure............................................. 91030-Hall No. 09 Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc....... 92112-Hall No. 09 Sunrise foods International Inc......... 12914-Hall No. 12 Watkins............................................. 91017-Hall No. 09 Fundraising/non-profit Canadian Blood Services................. 91010-Hall No. 09 Canadian Wheat Board Alliance....... 30305-Hall No. 03 Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc....... 92112-Hall No. 09 Gear Boxes Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd....... 8209, 8210, 8211, 8212, 8213, 8214, 8215, 8216-Lot E Del Equipment Ltd....................................... 8519-Lot D Rodono Industries Ltd...70313, 70315, 70317-Hall No. 07 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Generators Cummins Western Canada.......70441, 70443-Hall No. 07 DSG Power Systems............ 70534, 70536-Hall No. 07 DSG Power Systems.................................... 6213-Lot L Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Loeffelholz Tractor Parts Ltd............ 92213-Hall No. 09 Logan Stevens Equipment............... 12900-Hall No. 12 M&M Equipment Ltd...................... 90021-Hall No. 09A Pritchard Dieseltech............. 70718, 70720-Hall No. 07 Wacker Neuson Ltd..................................6306 A -Lot L Wallenstein by EMB Mfg. Inc............. 8329, 8330-Lot D Geothermal MI Energy............................. 70324, 70326-Hall No. 07 Government (organizations and associations) Canadian Grain Commission.....80013, 80015-Hall No. 08 Farm Credit Canada............................... 70204, 70206, 70208, 70303, 70305, 70307-Hall No. 07 Health Canada, Pesticide Compliance Program . ................................................... 92221-Hall No. 09 Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corp. . ....................................... 80009, 80011-Hall No. 08 Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture . ............... 70452, 70454, 70551, 70553-Hall No. 07

SaskPower/High Votage Display (Safety) . ................................................... 12703-Hall No. 12 Wacker Neuson Ltd..................................6306 A -Lot L GPS Ag Leader Technology . ............... 70552, 70554, 70651, 70653-Hall No. 07 Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B Agra-GPS Ltd................................... 12919-Hall No. 12 Agri-Trend Inc....................... 70509, 70511-Hall No. 07 Bourgault Industries.......................... 40100-Hall No. 04 Cansel.............................................. 92115-Hall No. 09 Crary Agricultural Solutions, LLC . ....................................... 70110, 70112-Hall No. 07 Farm World.....................................90012-Hall No. 09A Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Farmtronics........................... 70238, 70240-Hall No. 07 Innotag/Performance Feed Works................ 6011-Lot L JCA Electronics Integration Center . ....................................... 70620, 70622-Hall No. 07 John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Lever Holdings Inc....................................... 8518-Lot D Loup Electronics Inc.......................90013-Hall No. 09A Northern Plains Drainage Systems Ltd. . ........................... 70213, 70215, 70217-Hall No. 07 Outback Guidance...................... 70504, 70506, 70508, 70603, 70605, 70607-Hall No. 07 PAT Inc..................... 70104, 70106, 70108-Hall No. 07 Raven Industries Canada............................ 7015-Lot C Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L SST Software................................... 80106-Hall No. 08 TeeJet Technologies............ 70420, 70422-Hall No. 07 Trimble.................................. 12504, 12506-Hall No. 12 Grain Agri-Trend Inc....................... 70509, 70511-Hall No. 07 Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd....... 8209, 8210, 8211, 8212, 8213, 8214, 8215, 8216-Lot E Canadian Wheat Board........ 80208, 80210-Hall No. 08 Del Equipment Ltd....................................... 8519-Lot D Dimo’s/Labtronics................. 80402, 80404-Hall No. 08 Farmtronics........................... 70238, 70240-Hall No. 07 Fort Garry Industries Ltd.............................. 9509-Lot M Grain Millers Canada Corp............... 80107-Hall No. 08 Maxim Truck & Trailer... 8331, 8332, 8431, 8432-Lot D Grain and Feed (marketing) ADM Agri Industries.......................... 12514-Hall No. 12 Ag-Chieve Corporation......... 70738, 70740-Hall No. 07 Agrocorp Processing Ltd.................. 12608-Hall No. 12 Canadian Wheat Board Alliance....... 30305-Hall No. 03 CGF Brokerage & Consulting........... 80217-Hall No. 08 Decisive Farming Corp......... 80112, 80114-Hall No. 08 DTN/The Progressive Farmer.......... 80212-Hall No. 08 Farmlead Resources Ltd. ( . ................................................... 93046-Hall No. 09 Farmlink Marketing Solutions........... 50302-Hall No. 05 Grain Millers Canada Corp............... 80107-Hall No. 08 Grain Shark...................................... 93029-Hall No. 09 Legumex Walker................... 80111, 80113-Hall No. 08 Louis Dreyfus Canada.......... 80004, 80006-Hall No. 08 Mission Terminal Inc......................... 80102-Hall No. 08 Rayglen Commodities Inc..... 70742, 70746-Hall No. 07 Sunrise foods International Inc......... 12914-Hall No. 12 Grain (trailers) Cancade Company.................. 8520, 8521, 8522-Lot D Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd........... 8510, 8511-Lot D Convey-All Ind. Inc...................................... 9505-Lot M Doepker Industries Ltd....................... 6003, 6004-Lot L

Fort Garry Industries Ltd.............................. 9509-Lot M Golden West Trailers Sales . ...................... 8601, 8602, 8603, 8604, 8605-Lot D K & K Enterprises Ltd......................... 6209, 6210-Lot L Lakeshore Manufacturing................. 12805-Hall No. 12 Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Warner Industries.................... 8309, 8310, 8311-Lot D Grain drying/aeration A.R.K. New-Tech Ltd........................ 70900-Hall No. 07 Ag Growth International............................... 8100-Lot D Air-O(Don) Mechanical LTD............. 12210-Hall No. 12 Chief Industries Inc............... 70451, 70453-Hall No. 07 D&R Manufacturing/Darmani Grain Storage . .................................................... 8514, 8515-Lot D Dimo’s/Labtronics................. 80402, 80404-Hall No. 08 Dryair Manufacturing Corp... 70722, 70724-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Glenmor Inc.............. 70514, 70516, 70518-Hall No. 07 Grain Guard/AGI........................................ 8100F-Lot D HES Manufacturing.............. 70125, 70127-Hall No. 07 Hoffart Services Inc........................... 8424, 8425-Lot D JTL Industries Ltd.........................................8208-Lot E Meridian Manufacturing Inc. . .............9113, 9114, 9115, 9116, 9117, 9118-Lot F Prinsco Canada..............................90018-Hall No. 09A SCAFCO Grain Systems.................. 12615-Hall No. 12 Shymko Farm Sales.................................... 8411-Lot D Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09 Viterra................................... 80016, 80018-Hall No. 08 Wall Grain............................. 70510, 70512-Hall No. 07 Wall Grain.......................................... 8614, 8615-Lot D Wentworth Ag (2003) Inc............................. 8305-Lot D Western Ag Systems........................ 80002-Hall No. 08 Western Grain Dryer Inc................... 12617-Hall No. 12 Grain processing Apollo Machine & Products Ltd........ 93041-Hall No. 09 Arrow Corp Inc...................... 80203, 80205-Hall No. 08 Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd....... 8209, 8210, 8211, 8212, 8213, 8214, 8215, 8216-Lot E Canada Moisture Analyzers Inc........ 12811-Hall No. 12 Can-Seed Equipment Ltd....................... 90001, 90003, 90015, 90017, 90019-Hall No. 09A Dimo’s/Labtronics................. 80402, 80404-Hall No. 08 Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Garratt Industries Ltd............ 70224, 70226-Hall No. 07 Grain Millers Canada Corp............... 80107-Hall No. 08 Haybuster Mfg./DuraTech........................... 8517-Lot D Innotag/Performance Feed Works................ 6011-Lot L Never Spill Spout Inc........................ 12800-Hall No. 12 Nexeed Inc............... 70314, 70316, 70318-Hall No. 07 One-Step Automation....................... 12410-Hall No. 12 Renn Mill Center Inc.......................... 8427, 8428-Lot D SCAFCO Grain Systems.................. 12615-Hall No. 12 Terra Grain Fuels............................. 93048-Hall No. 09 Western Ag Systems........................ 80002-Hall No. 08 Grain storage and handling A T Films Inc......................... 80012, 80014-Hall No. 08 A.R.K. New-Tech Ltd........................ 70900-Hall No. 07 Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Ag Growth International............................... 8100-Lot D AIM Industries.............................................. 8600-Lot D Apollo Machine & Products Ltd........ 93041-Hall No. 09 Auger Jogger........................ 80340, 80341-Hall No. 08

Product Group Listing continued…

Ocean Sales Ltd............. 91001, 91002, 91007, 91008, 91027, 91033, 91066, 91067-Hall No. 09 Ocean Sales Ltd............. 91098, 91099, 91103, 91104, 91116-Hall No. 09B Pacesetter Enterprises......... 91006, 91013-Hall No. 09 Prostate Cancer Centre................................7302-Lot B Quantum Wave Lasers C/O Shirley Christoph . ................................................... 91037-Hall No. 09 R & R Pillows & Sheets..................91112-Hall No. 09B Redfern Enterprises Ltd.............. 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91053, 91078, 91079, 91080-Hall No. 09 Redfern Enterprises Ltd..................91100-Hall No. 09B RSL Canada Inc./Lozman Canada Inc. . ....................................... 91070, 91071-Hall No. 09 Softub c/o SofSpa......2000 91107, 91108-Hall No. 09B Watkins............................................. 91017-Hall No. 09 Heaters De-On Supply Inc................. 70338, 70340-Hall No. 07 Heat Innovations Inc......................... 12901-Hall No. 12 McMunn and Yates Building Supplies...12714-Hall No. 12 Wacker Neuson Ltd..................................6306 A -Lot L Hoists Del Equipment Ltd....................................... 8519-Lot D Keller Equipment Supply Ltd..........90101-Hall No. 09A Lakeshore Manufacturing................. 12805-Hall No. 12 Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Home décor Pride of Ghana................................. 91077-Hall No. 09 Horticulture Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09 Household 11/06Outside the Box Distributors Ltd. . .................................................91119-Hall No. 09B

Bath Fitter............................. 91021, 91022-Hall No. 09 BRMI Essentials Inc......................... 91096-Hall No. 09 G.R. Distributors Inc......91025, 91026, 91072-Hall No. 09 Hometech Small Appliances/Bosch.......91029-Hall No. 09 Lizwoerks Sales Inc.............. 91054, 91055-Hall No. 09 Norwex - Loretta Rogoschewsky...... 91036-Hall No. 09 Ocean Sales Ltd............. 91001, 91002, 91007, 91008, 91027, 91033, 91066, 91067-Hall No. 09 Ocean Sales Ltd............. 91098, 91099, 91103, 91104, 91116-Hall No. 09B Redfern Enterprises Ltd.............. 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91053, 91078, 91079, 91080-Hall No. 09 Redfern Enterprises Ltd..................91100-Hall No. 09B Sherrick Holdings Ltd.....................91120-Hall No. 09B Sunset Bay Leisure ......................... 91047-Hall No. 09 Titanium Exclusive Cookware........91113-Hall No. 09B Watkins............................................. 91017-Hall No. 09

CleanFARMS Inc.............................. 92219-Hall No. 09 Perten Instruments Inc..................... 93024-Hall No. 09 Saskatchewan Bison Association Inc....70168-Hall No. 07 Scotiabank........................................ 12802-Hall No. 12 Wacker Neuson Ltd..................................6306 A -Lot L

Household cleaners Outback Survival Gear Canada/Callabus . .................................................91109-Hall No. 09B Redfern Enterprises Ltd.............. 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91053, 91078, 91079, 91080-Hall No. 09 Redfern Enterprises Ltd..................91100-Hall No. 09B

Insurance Ag Direct Hail Insurance Ltd............. 92019-Hall No. 09 Athabasca Financial / Raintree Financial Solutions . ................................................... 12415-Hall No. 12 Bank of Montreal.............................. 50309-Hall No. 05 Bill Allen, Sun Life Financial............. 91009-Hall No. 09 DTN/The Progressive Farmer.......... 80212-Hall No. 08 Farm Business Consultants.............. 70170-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Farmlead Resources Ltd. ( . ................................................... 93046-Hall No. 09 Global Ag Risk Solutions.................. 50304-Hall No. 05 Harvard Western Insurance............90029-Hall No. 09A Investors Group.................... 12712, 12713-Hall No. 12 Palliser Insurance Company Limited.....92119-Hall No. 09 Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Ins. Assoc. . ................................................... 80020-Hall No. 08 The Retiring Farmer Assante Wealth Management . ....................................... 70320, 70322-Hall No. 07

Hydraulic parts and accessories Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd........... 8510, 8511-Lot D Del Equipment Ltd....................................... 8519-Lot D Lever Holdings Inc....................................... 8518-Lot D Linak U.S. Inc....................... 70437, 70439-Hall No. 07 M&M Equipment Ltd.......................90021-Hall No. 09A Rodono Industries Ltd...70313, 70315, 70317-Hall No. 07 Westward Parts Services Ltd....... 9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Industry (organizations & associations) 18 Wheels Training Services............ 80215-Hall No. 08 Agri-Trend Inc....................... 70509, 70511-Hall No. 07 Canadian Canola Growers Association . .....................................90007, 90009-Hall No. 09A Canadian Wheat Board Alliance....... 30305-Hall No. 03

Innovations Bergen Industries Inc....................................7303-Lot B Bergen Industries Inc.......................... 6001, 6002-Lot L Biso-Canada Ltd...........................................6203-Lot P Farmers Edge........... 70105, 70107, 70109-Hall No. 07 Harbra Holdings............................................7307-Lot B Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd.......... 12102-Hall No. 12 Never Spill Spout Inc........................ 12800-Hall No. 12 Pentair, Hypro-SHURflo................... 12201-Hall No. 12 Raven Industries Canada............................ 7015-Lot C Wingssprayer.................................... 12119-Hall No. 12

Irrigation and water supply Double A Trailers.............................. 92113-Hall No. 09 Dynamic Ditchers Inc................................... 8304-Lot D Free Form Plastic Products............40100B-Hall No. 04 Koenders Water Solutions................ 12922-Hall No. 12 New Way Irrigation........................... 12407-Hall No. 12 Reinke.......................................................... 6107-Lot L Southern Irrigation................ 70330, 70332-Hall No. 07 Sundog Solar.................................... 92220-Hall No. 09 Trimble.................................. 12504, 12506-Hall No. 12 Valley West Irrigation Inc.................. 12403-Hall No. 12 Wacker Neuson Ltd..................................6306 A -Lot L Westward Parts Services Ltd..... 9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Wilger Industries Ltd............. 70341, 70343-Hall No. 07 Kitchen tools Cutco Cutlery..................................91102-Hall No. 09B Kitchen Craft International.... 91082, 91083-Hall No. 09 Sherrick Holdings Ltd.....................91120-Hall No. 09B Titanium Exclusive Cookware........91113-Hall No. 09B Tupperware (High Power Sales Inc.).....91016-Hall No. 09 Land-leveling equipment Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Ag Shield Manufacturing......... 8323, 8324, 8325-Lot D Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E Agri Con Ltd................................................. 8412-Lot D BD Manufacturing..... 70114, 70116, 70118-Hall No. 07 Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Cardale Tech Corp....................................... 6211-Lot L CWK Enterprises.......................................... 6006-Lot L Eagle Brokers Inc.........................................8217-Lot E Fabrication S. Houle...........................9108, 9109-Lot F Farmtronics........................... 70238, 70240-Hall No. 07 Glenmor Inc.............. 70514, 70516, 70518-Hall No. 07 Grouser Products........................................ 8321-Lot D Hird Equipment.............................................8005-Lot E Hi-Tec Ag..................................................... 9506-Lot M Huber Ag Equipment Ltd............................6211A-Lot L

People Movers Getting around Canada’s Farm Progress Show grounds couldn’t be easier! “People Movers” make round trips from one end of show to the other every 15 minutes, so show attendees can move efficiently throughout the grounds. With regular stops along the route, you can disembark at numerous points for quick access to the area of your choice. The tractors are supplied by John Deere, and the trams are sponsored by Meridian Manufacturing Inc. 46  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Product Group Listing continued…

Johnson Mfg. Inc......................................... 8416-Lot D Kirchner Machine Ltd........................ 12109-Hall No. 12 Landoll Corporation............................ 6101, 6102-Lot L Leon’s Mfg. Company Inc.................. 7013, 7014-Lot C Lever Holdings Inc....................................... 8518-Lot D Mazergroup.................................................. 6212-Lot L PAT Inc..................... 70104, 70106, 70108-Hall No. 07 Quick Drain Sales Ltd.................................. 7010-Lot C Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 RiteWay Mfg. Co. Ltd...............8218, 8219, 8220-Lot E Road Boss Grader....................................... 9205-Lot G Westward Parts Services Ltd. .9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Yanush Enterprises......................................6204-Lot P Landscaping and yard care Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E Agri Con Ltd................................................. 8412-Lot D Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Cardale Tech Corp....................................... 6211-Lot L Clark’s Supply & Service Ltd....................... 9206-Lot G Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Flexxifinger QD Industries Inc...70442, 70444-Hall No. 07 Grouser Products........................................ 8321-Lot D Husqvarna Canada Corp..............................6305-Lot P Hy-Capacity/Double ‘R’.................... 12414-Hall No. 12 John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Johnson Mfg. Inc. ....................................... 8416-Lot D Kramer Ltd........................................ 30000-Hall No. 03 Laird Manufacturing Corp.................... The 8328-Lot D Leon’s Mfg. Company Inc.................. 7013, 7014-Lot C Lever Holdings Inc....................................... 8518-Lot D Logan Stevens Equipment............... 12900-Hall No. 12 Multione Equipment (Canada) Inc. . ............... 70624, 70626, 70723, 70725-Hall No. 07 OcFab Ltd............................. 12609, 12611-Hall No. 12 Pentair, Hypro-SHURflo................... 12201-Hall No. 12 Prairie Flag & Pole..........................90033-Hall No. 09A Quick Drain Sales Ltd.................................. 7010-Lot C Road Boss Grader....................................... 9205-Lot G Rogers Sprayers Inc.......................90040-Hall No. 09A Wacker Neuson Ltd..................................6306 A -Lot L Wallenstein by EMB Mfg. Inc............. 8329, 8330-Lot D Westward Parts Services Ltd....... 9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Yetman’s Ltd................... 70095, 70096, 70097, 70098, 70099, 70100, 70101-Hall No. 07 Livestock Advanced Agri Direct Inc...... 70623, 70625-Hall No. 07 Allen Leigh Security & Communications . ................................................... 80201-Hall No. 08 Bergen Industries Inc....................................7303-Lot B Bergen Industries Inc.......................... 6001, 6002-Lot L Clews Palliser Cattle Oilers......................... 8306-Lot D Farmtech Solutions............... 12206, 12207-Hall No. 12 Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Flexahopper Plastics Ltd...... 50307, 50308-Hall No. 05 Highline Manufacturing Ltd.............40100A-Hall No. 04 HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin............. 12706-Hall No. 12 Kelln Consulting Ltd./Kelln Solar Flashers Ltd. . ...............................................................9200-Lot F Lewis Cattle Oiler Co. Ltd..... 70524, 70526-Hall No. 07 Northlands Building Systems ...70714, 70716-Hall No. 07 Pro Farm Mfg. Ltd............................. 12614-Hall No. 12 Promold Marketing Inc................................. 8426-Lot D

Sundog Solar.................................... 92220-Hall No. 09 Target Cattle Concepts-Canadian Dist for Pnew-Dart . ....................................... 12411, 12413-Hall No. 12 Livestock (trailers) Golden West Trailers Sales . ...................... 8601, 8602, 8603, 8604, 8605-Lot D Harbra Holdings............................................7307-Lot B Kramer Auction Ltd........................... 92117-Hall No. 09 Manure spreader Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B Dutch Bunning Distribution Ltd. . ............... 70638, 70640, 70642, 70644-Hall No. 07 Dutch Bunning Distribution Ltd.................... 9304-Lot N Kuhn North America, Inc......... 8421, 8422, 8423-Lot D Leon’s Mfg. Company Inc.................. 7013, 7014-Lot C Lever Holdings Inc....................................... 8518-Lot D SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Wallenstein by EMB Mfg. Inc............. 8329, 8330-Lot D Mechanical service Ag Leader Technology . ............... 70552, 70554, 70651, 70653-Hall No. 07 AIM Industries.............................................. 8600-Lot D Del Equipment Ltd....................................... 8519-Lot D DSG Power Systems............ 70534, 70536-Hall No. 07 DSG Power Systems.................................... 6213-Lot L Equiplinx........................................... 12211-Hall No. 12 Javelin Technologies............ 70424, 70426-Hall No. 07 Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.....70323, 70325-Hall No. 07 Xtended Hydraulics & Machine Inc........92005-Hall No. 09

Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Clark’s Supply & Service Ltd....................... 9206-Lot G Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Helm Welding (1983) Limited........... 12601-Hall No. 12 Husqvarna Canada Corp..............................6305-Lot P Kuhn North America, Inc......... 8421, 8422, 8423-Lot D Logan Stevens Equipment............... 12900-Hall No. 12 Multione Equipment (Canada) Inc. . ............... 70624, 70626, 70723, 70725-Hall No. 07 New Direction Equipment NDE................... 9507-Lot M Raymore New Holland/Country Clipper . ....................................... 40120, 40121-Hall No. 04 Schulte Industries Ltd....................... 70700-Hall No. 07 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Westward Parts Services Ltd....... 9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Yetman’s Ltd................... 70095, 70096, 70097, 70098, 70099, 70100, 70101-Hall No. 07 Other A.O.A Products................................. 91081-Hall No. 09 A-1 Homes........................................ 12718-Hall No. 12 A-1 Homes ....................................... 7104, 7105-Lot C Acklands - Grainger Inc..................... 9302, 9303-Lot N Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Conveyair — Thor Manufacturing Ltd....12209-Hall No. 12 Ag Shield Manufacturing......... 8323, 8324, 8325-Lot D AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B AGI Envirotank............................................ 8613-Lot D Agri Con Ltd................................................. 8412-Lot D Agri-Trend Inc....................... 70509, 70511-Hall No. 07 Air Liquide Canada............... 70142, 70144-Hall No. 07 Allen Leigh Security & Communications . ................................................... 80201-Hall No. 08 Alpine-the starter fertilizer company . ........................... 70203, 70205, 70207-Hall No. 07 Amsoil & Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer . ................................................... 80408-Hall No. 08

Monitors/meters/gauges Agtron Enterprises Inc.......... 70634, 70636-Hall No. 07 Allen Leigh Security & Communications . ................................................... 80201-Hall No. 08 Back to your Roots Soil Solutions . .....70220, 70222-Hall No. 07 Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. . .................12508-Hall No. 12 Del Equipment Ltd.....8519-Lot D Farmtronics . .....70238, 70240-Hall No. 07 Percy H. Davis Greentronics...92015-Hall No. 09 Limited Innotag/Performance Feed Works.................... 6011-Lot L CUSTOMS BROKERS Intelligent Agricultural Solutions (IAS) Forwarders & Consultants . .....70734, 70736-Hall No. 07 Customs Clearance Specialists IntraGrain Technologies Inc. . .....70438, 70440-Hall No. 07 EDI Networking JCA Electronics Integration International Package Express Service (IPX) Center . .....70620, 70622-Hall No. 07 Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. . .............. 90101-Hall No. 09A Loup Electronics Inc. . .............. 90013-Hall No. 09A Perten Instruments Inc. . .................93024-Hall No. 09 Setter Mfg. Division . .......... 70614, 70616, 70618Hall No. 07

Athabasca Financial / Raintree Financial Solutions . ................................................... 12415-Hall No. 12 B & B Homes........................ 92011, 92013-Hall No. 09 B.A.M. Enterprises............................ 12602-Hall No. 12 Backswath Management.................. 93028-Hall No. 09 Bath Fitter............................. 91021, 91022-Hall No. 09 BD Manufacturing..... 70114, 70116, 70118-Hall No. 07 BG Prairie Distributors Ltd................ 12205-Hall No. 12 BIoAgronics...................................... 12917-Hall No. 12 Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc..8312, 8313, 8314-Lot D Brownlees Trucking Inc.................... 12705-Hall No. 12 Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Inspectorate . ................................................... 12813-Hall No. 12 Canadian Federation of Independent Business . ................................................... 12717-Hall No. 12 Canadian International Grains Institute . ................................................... 80115-Hall No. 08 Can-Cell Industries Inc..................... 12212-Hall No. 12 Candle Lake Golf Resort................91117-Hall No. 09B Cansel.............................................. 92115-Hall No. 09 Cardale Tech Corp....................................... 6211-Lot L Casterland/Specialty Tire................. 70171-Hall No. 07 Clark’s Supply & Service Ltd....................... 9206-Lot G Clemmer Steelcraft Technologies Inc. . ....................................... 70537, 70539-Hall No. 07 Comairco Equipment Sales Ltd......90006-Hall No. 09A Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd........... 8510, 8511-Lot D Committed Ag Supply........... 70241, 70243-Hall No. 07 Crop Production Services............................ 9202-Lot G CWK Enterprises.......................................... 6006-Lot L Decisive Farming Corp......... 80112, 80114-Hall No. 08 Degelman Industries.......9104, 9105, 9106, 9107-Lot F Demco Maurer............................................. 9203-Lot G De-On Supply Inc................. 70338, 70340-Hall No. 07 Diamond Doors Inc............... 70124, 70126-Hall No. 07 DSG Power Systems............ 70534, 70536-Hall No. 07 DSG Power Systems.................................... 6213-Lot L DTN/The Progressive Farmer.......... 80212-Hall No. 08 DuPont Canada.................... 80202, 80204-Hall No. 08 Dutch Openers.....70737, 70739, 70741, 70743-Hall No. 07


HEAD OFFICE North Portal. (306) 927-2165 Regina ......... (306) 352-2662 Regway........ (306) 969-2126 Saskatoon .... (306) 244-4847

Mowers Ag World Equipment . .................. 8007, 8008-Lot E BILN Holdings Inc.............70414, 70416, 70418-Hall No. 07

NATIONWIDE SERVICE Internet Address: Email Address: CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  47

Product Group Listing continued…

Ecocert Canada................................ 80218-Hall No. 08 Elite Security Systems...................... 91035-Hall No. 09 Elmer’s Mfg. Ltd................................ 12101-Hall No. 12 Epicure............................................. 91030-Hall No. 09 Equiplinx........................................... 12211-Hall No. 12 Euroshine, Inc....................... 91056, 91068-Hall No. 09 Fabrication S. Houle...........................9108, 9109-Lot F Fair Mfg Inc............... 70513, 70515, 70517-Hall No. 07 Farm & Ranch by Better Homes.....90005-Hall No. 09A Farm land Specialty Products/Ground Up AG . ........................... 70214, 70216, 70218-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Farmlead Resources Ltd. ( . ................................................... 93046-Hall No. 09 Farmtech Solutions............... 12206, 12207-Hall No. 12 FastCover Fabric Structures Ltd. . ............... 70252, 70254, 70351, 70353-Hall No. 07 Fix Building Products 2000 Ltd......... 92110-Hall No. 09 Flexahopper Plastics Ltd...... 50307, 50308-Hall No. 05 Fluidall, LLC................................................. 8418-Lot D G & S Holdings................................. 12501-Hall No. 12 Gallagher Animal Management/Lakeland Group . ............................................................... 6207-Lot L General Body & Equipment.............. 93044-Hall No. 09 Glenmor Inc.............. 70514, 70516, 70518-Hall No. 07 Green Aero Technology Inc.............. 40304-Hall No. 04 Greentronics..................................... 92015-Hall No. 09 Grouser Products........................................ 8321-Lot D Haybuster Mfg./DuraTech........................... 8517-Lot D HBT Ent. Ltd......................... 70726, 70728-Hall No. 07 Heat Innovations Inc......................... 12901-Hall No. 12 Hella, Inc. – Canada......................... 12607-Hall No. 12 Highline Manufacturing Ltd.............40100A-Hall No. 04 Hird Equipment . ..........................................8005-Lot E Hi-Tec Ag..................................................... 9506-Lot M Hoffart Services Inc........................... 8424, 8425-Lot D Hold-On Industries Inc. . ................... 8429, 8430-Lot D Huber Ag Equipment Ltd............................6211A-Lot L Huge L Steel Inc.......................................... 8612-Lot D Husqvarna Canada Corp..............................6305-Lot P Ideal Pipe.......................................... 12710-Hall No. 12 Igus Inc................................. 70752, 70754-Hall No. 07 Industrial Electric and Instrumentation Ltd. . ................................................... 12812-Hall No. 12 Integrity Post Structures Ltd............. 12613-Hall No. 12 Intelligent Agricultural Solutions (IAS) . ....................................... 70734, 70736-Hall No. 07 Interlake Resources Inc........ 70730, 70732-Hall No. 07 Investors Group.................... 12712, 12713-Hall No. 12 J.W. Commercial Painting................ 12606-Hall No. 12 Javelin Technologies............ 70424, 70426-Hall No. 07 Jeegee Agri Equip Manufacturing Co. Ltd. . ................................................... 12510-Hall No. 12 Johnson Mfg. Inc......................................... 8416-Lot D Johnston Equipment......................... 92120-Hall No. 09 JTL Industries Ltd.........................................8208-Lot E Karcher Canada Inc...................................... 6208-Lot L Kirchner Machine Ltd........................ 12109-Hall No. 12 Kitchen Craft International.... 91082, 91083-Hall No. 09 Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories .....93027-Hall No. 09 Koenders Water Solutions................ 12922-Hall No. 12 Kongskilde Industries................................... 6005-Lot L Kramble Industries................ 70137, 70139-Hall No. 07 Kramer Auction Ltd........................... 92117-Hall No. 09 Kramer Ltd........................................ 30000-Hall No. 03 Kuhn North America, Inc......... 8421, 8422, 8423-Lot D Lane Realty Corporation....... 70541, 70543-Hall No. 07 Lever Holdings Inc....................................... 8518-Lot D Linak U.S. Inc....................... 70437, 70439-Hall No. 07 Loeffelholz Tractor Parts Ltd............ 92213-Hall No. 09 48  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Logan Stevens Equipment............... 12900-Hall No. 12 Lowdemilk Transport Ltd.................. 92121-Hall No. 09 Magnum Fabricating Ltd....... 70523, 70525-Hall No. 07 Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd..........90023-Hall No. 09A Mattracks.......................................... 92325-Hall No. 09 Max-Quip Inc............ 70713, 70715, 70717-Hall No. 07 Mazenc Fuels Ltd. (Petro Canada) . ....................................... 70138, 70140-Hall No. 07 Mazergroup.................................................. 6212-Lot L McMunn and Yates Building Supplies...12714-Hall No. 12 Meridian Manufacturing Inc. . .............9113, 9114, 9115, 9116, 9117, 9118-Lot F Metal Connection............................90031-Hall No. 09A Midwest Surveys Inc......................... 12923-Hall No. 12 MIke Janostin with Realty Executives Battlefords . ................................................... 12806-Hall No. 12 Multione Equipment (Canada) Inc. . ............... 70624, 70626, 70723, 70725-Hall No. 07 Nemco Resources Ltd...................... 80105-Hall No. 08 NLS Products....................... 70633, 70635-Hall No. 07 Norheim Ranching........................................6302-Lot P Northern Plains Track.................................. 9300-Lot N Novid Inc...................................................... 8417-Lot D Nu-Steel Ind. (2008) Ltd.............................. 8529-Lot D OcFab Ltd............................. 12609, 12611-Hall No. 12 Olympic Buildings............................. 12213-Hall No. 12 Pentair, Hypro-SHURflo................... 12201-Hall No. 12 Polar Mobililty................................... 93031-Hall No. 09 PowerSports Regina Ltd.... 3-Brandt Centre Concourse Power-Up Lubricants – Sask.....70733, 70735-Hall No. 07 Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) . ................................................... 12406-Hall No. 12 Prairie Harley-Davidson..... 2-Brandt Centre Concourse Prairie Mobile Communications........ 91052-Hall No. 09 Prairie Post Frame................ 70434, 70436-Hall No. 07 Precision Canada............................... 92017-Hall No. 9 Prinsco Canada..............................90018-Hall No. 09A Pro Watt Supply................................ 93045-Hall No. 09 Pro-Cert Organic Systems................ 80109-Hall No. 08 Promold Marketing Inc................................. 8426-Lot D Prostate Cancer Centre................................7302-Lot B Pumps and Pressure Inc...... 70234, 70236-Hall No. 07 Queen City Brass............................. 91064-Hall No. 09 QVB Enterprises Inc......................... 12408-Hall No. 12 R & R Pillows & Sheets..................91112-Hall No. 09B Rainy Day Fabricating Inc...... 90014, 90016-Hall No. 09A Rayglen Commodities Inc..... 70742, 70746-Hall No. 07 Re/Max Blue Chip Realty..... 70233, 70235-Hall No. 07 Real Estate Centre............... 70630, 70632-Hall No. 07 Redfern Enterprises Ltd.............. 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91053, 91078, 91079, 91080-Hall No. 09 Redfern Enterprises Ltd..................91100-Hall No. 09B Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Regina Regional Opportunities......... 80400-Hall No. 08 REM/AGI...................................................8100G-Lot D Road Boss Grader....................................... 9205-Lot G Sask Battery Distributors Inc............ 12505-Hall No. 12 Setter Mfg. Division.. 70614, 70616, 70618-Hall No. 07 Shoup Manufacturing Company . .....................................90035, 90037-Hall No. 09A Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09 South Country Equipment Ltd............ 6108, 6109-Lot L Southern Irrigation................ 70330, 70332-Hall No. 07 Squibb Taylor Inc.............................. 92007-Hall No. 09 Steel Tech Inc....................... 70230, 70232-Hall No. 07 Stewart Steel Inc.................. 70210, 70212-Hall No. 07 Stinger Inc........................................ 12916-Hall No. 12 Stor-Loc................................ 70529, 70531-Hall No. 07 Suncoast Screen Enclosures......91003, 91004-Hall No. 09 Suntech Systems Ltd........................ 92116-Hall No. 09 Taslar Trading Corp (TTC)............... 12803-Hall No. 12 Taurus Ag. Marketing........... 80219, 80220-Hall No. 08 The Container Guy...................................... 8616-Lot D

The Retiring Farmer Assante Wealth Management...... 70320, 70322-Hall No. 07 Thunderstruck Sales & Marketing . ....................................... 70134, 70136-Hall No. 07 Tim Hammond Realty....................... 70915-Hall No. 07 Titanium Exclusive Cookware........91113-Hall No. 09B Trade West Equipment Ltd... 70629, 70631-Hall No. 07 Trimble.................................. 12504, 12506-Hall No. 12 Vermeer........................................................ 5901-Lot L Versa Frame Inc............................... 12404-Hall No. 12 Wacker Neuson Ltd..................................6306 A -Lot L Wallenstein by EMB Mfg. Inc............. 8329, 8330-Lot D Westeel............................................. 70802-Hall No. 07 Westeel...... 8500, 8501, 8502, 8503, 8504, 8505-Lot D Western Ag........................... 80008, 80010-Hall No. 08 Western Grain Dryer Inc................... 12617-Hall No. 12 Wilger Industries Ltd............. 70341, 70343-Hall No. 07 Wood Country................................... 70918-Hall No. 07 WuXi HongBa Mechanical Electrical Equipment Co.Ltd........................ 12704-Hall No. 12 Xtended Hydraulics & Machine Inc... 92005-Hall No. 09 Packaging Bergen Industries Inc....................................7303-Lot B Bergen Industries Inc.......................... 6001, 6002-Lot L Packers Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Landoll Corporation............................ 6101, 6102-Lot L Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.... 8413, 8414, 8415-Lot D RiteWay Mfg. Co. Ltd...............8218, 8219, 8220-Lot E Technotill Inc.................................... 12412-Hall No. 12 Parts and service Casterland/Specialty Tire................. 70171-Hall No. 07 Cervus Equipment............................. 8326, 8327-Lot D Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Fastenal................................ 70237, 70239-Hall No. 07 Flexco............................................... 80206-Hall No. 08 Hy-Capacity/Double ‘R’.................... 12414-Hall No. 12 Javelin Technologies............ 70424, 70426-Hall No. 07 John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Kramer Ltd........................................ 30000-Hall No. 03 MTZ Equipment Ltd. . ............... 70152, 70154, 70251, 70253-Hall No. 07 National Trailer Parts Warehouse Ltd. . .................................................90004-Hall No. 09A New Holland .................................... 50000-Hall No. 05 Pentair, Hypro-SHURflo................... 12201-Hall No. 12 Polar Mobility.................................... 93031-Hall No. 09 Pumps and Pressure Inc...... 70234, 70236-Hall No. 07 Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Rousseau Metal.................... 70133, 70135-Hall No. 07 Seroc Auto Parts Co. Ltd.................. 12401-Hall No. 12 Setter Mfg. Division.......70614, 70616, 70618-Hall No. 07 Shur-Co, LLC.................................... 70916-Hall No. 07 Southern Industrial and Truck Ltd..... 8523, 8524-Lot D Westward Parts Services Ltd....... 9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.....70323, 70325-Hall No. 07 Petroleum Crop Production Services............................ 9202-Lot G Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Great Northern Growers Inc............. 12215-Hall No. 12 Keller Equipment Supply Ltd..........90101-Hall No. 09A

Magnum Fabricating Ltd....... 70523, 70525-Hall No. 07 Mazenc Fuels Ltd. (Petro Canada) . ....................................... 70138, 70140-Hall No. 07 Milligan Biofuels Inc.......................... 12709-Hall No. 12 Precision farming Ag Leader Technology . ............... 70552, 70554, 70651, 70653-Hall No. 07 Ag Shield Manufacturing......... 8323, 8324, 8325-Lot D Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E Agrimatics/BitStrata Systems Inc..... 92218-Hall No. 09 Agri-Trend Inc....................... 70509, 70511-Hall No. 07 Claas of America.............................. 30001-Hall No. 03 Crary Agricultural Solutions, LLC . ....................................... 70110, 70112-Hall No. 07 Decisive Farming Corp......... 80112, 80114-Hall No. 08 Double HH Ag Sales N Services Ltd.....12604-Hall No. 12 Dyterra Corporation.............. 70729, 70731-Hall No. 07 Farm World.....................................90012-Hall No. 09A Farmtronics........................... 70238, 70240-Hall No. 07 Greentronics..................................... 92015-Hall No. 09 Innotag/Performance Feed Works................ 6011-Lot L John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Loup Electronics Inc.......................90013-Hall No. 09A Morris Industries Ltd. . .............9001, 9002, 9100, 9101, 9102, 9103-Lot F New Holland..................................... 50000-Hall No. 05 Norac Systems International Inc. . ....................................... 70709, 70711-Hall No. 07 Northern Plains Drainage Systems Ltd. . ........................... 70213, 70215, 70217-Hall No. 07 Outback Guidance...................... 70504, 70506, 70508, 70603, 70605, 70607-Hall No. 07 PAT Inc..................... 70104, 70106, 70108-Hall No. 07 Pentair, Hypro-SHURflo................... 12201-Hall No. 12 Raven Industries Canada............................ 7015-Lot C Setter Mfg. Division.......70614, 70616, 70618-Hall No. 07 Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09 Spraytarget....................................... 12715-Hall No. 12 Spraytest Controls Inc.......... 70121, 70123-Hall No. 07 TeeJet Technologies............ 70420, 70422-Hall No. 07 Trimble.................................. 12504, 12506-Hall No. 12 Project management Altair Engineering Canada Ltd.......... 92215-Hall No. 09 Cansel ............................................. 92115-Hall No. 09 Earth Smart Solutions Inc................. 80214-Hall No. 08 Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) . ................................................... 12406-Hall No. 12 Xtended Hydraulics & Machine Inc... 92005-Hall No. 09 Publications No. 09A DTN/The Progressive Farmer.......... 80212-Hall No. 08 Farm Credit Canada................... 70204, 70206, 70208, 70303, 70305, 70307-Hall No. 07 Farmers Product Guide.................... 12716-Hall No. 12 Grainews/Country Guide...... 70610, 70612-Hall No. 07 Lessiter Publications......................... 12511-Hall No. 12 Prairie Ag Catalogue........................ 70169-Hall No. 07 Supply Media Post............................ 93043-Hall No. 09 The Western Producer......... 30301, 30302-Hall No. 03 Recycling De-On Supply Inc................. 70338, 70340-Hall No. 07 Metal Connection............................90031-Hall No. 09A Saskatchewan Assoc. for Resource Recovery Corp. ..................................................... 92217-Hall No. 09 Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc....... 92112-Hall No. 09 TruGreen Metal Recycling................ 93022-Hall No. 09 Refrigerant Polar Mobility.................................... 93031-Hall No. 09

2014 New Holland P2070 & P1070’s


2 – 2014 New Holland P1070 carts

2014 New Holland T9.505HD

Precision drills at 2014 prices! - 70’, 12” spacing, D.S., 580 bu. tanks, V.R., optical blkg., warranty & much more!! Demo Unit – Lease for as low as $23,500 S/A OAC

580 bushel, 3 compartments, D.S., V.R., dual fan, dlx. 10” auger, 900/60R32 tires, IntelliView IV monitor - $159,900 each

Luxury cab, 800 duals, MegaFlow, 6 dlx. remotes, PTO, HID’s, IntelliView III with receiver, 55/45 ballast pkg. & more! 100hrs $339,900

2014 SR200 & SR130’s

2015 New Holland SP.400F

2014 New Holland CR9090

2015 Skid Steers We have 16 different models in stock ranging from 57hp to 90hp Starting at $51,999

O% FINANCING OR CHOOSE CASH BACK! Learn more at or stop by for more details!

We have a nice selection of SP Windrowers to choose from. All at 2014 pricing. With your choice of 30’, 36’ or 40’ HB Duraswath headers. SAVE!

COMPACT TRACTORS 2 – 2015 New Holland Boomer 24 – 24hp, FWA, hydrostatic, PTO, 3pt. hitch, 215TL loader & 5 year Boomer Guard Warranty 2015 New Holland Boomer 33 – 33hp, FWA, hydrostatic, PTO, 3pt. hitch, 250TL loader & 5 year Boomer Guard Warranty 2015 New Holland Boomer 37 – 36hp, FWA, hydrostatic, PTO, 3pt. hitch, 250TL loader & 5 year Boomer Guard Warranty 2015 New Holland Boomer 41 – 40hp, FWA, hydrostatic, PTO, 3pt. hitch, 260TL loader & 5 year Boomer Guard Warranty 2015 New Holland Boomer 47 – 46hp, FWA, hydrostatic, PTO, 3pt. hitch, 260TL loader & 5 year Boomer Guard Warranty 2015 New Holland Boomer 45D – 24hp, FWA, deluxe cab, CVT, PTO, 3pt. hitch, 260TLA loader & 5 year Boomer Guard Warranty Call for pricing and availability on ALL New Holland compact tractors MFWD TRACTORS 2015 Versatile 260 – deluxe cab, leather, PTO, 3pt. hitch, 4 rear remotes, weights & more!..............................................................................$179,900 2014 New Holland T8.360 – CVT (30kph), luxury cab, front & rear duals, PTO, 4 dlx. remotes, 3pt hitch & much more!............................... $339,900 2014 New Holland T7.235 Sidewinder II – 18x6 P.S., dlx. high vis. cab, HD axel, PTO, 3pt. hitch, 875TL loader & more! ........................... $199,800 2015 New Holland T7.175 Sidewinder II – 28x12 semi P.S., 40kph, dlx. cab, 4 remotes, HD axel, PTO & more!...............................................Inquire 2014 New Holland TV6070 – dlx. cab, hydro., diff. lock, PTO, 3pt. hitch, HID’s, 5 remotes total, 84LB (long) loader & more!.......................$185,900 2014 New Holland TV6070 – dlx. cab, hydro., diff. lock, PTO, 3pt. hitch, 5 remotes total, 84LB (short) loader with grapple & more! ..............$169,900 2014 New Holland T6.160 – CVT, HD axel, large tires, 3 rear remotes, dlx. cab, loader ready, PTO, 3pt. hitch & more!.....................................$149,900 2014 New Holland TS6.140 – 16x8 PowerShuttle, 40kph, cab with A/C, MFWD, PTO, 4 remotes, 845TL loader & more!............................ $128,900 2013 New Holland TS6.140 – 16x8 PowerShuttle, 40kph, cab with A/C, MFWD, PTO, 4 remotes, 845TL loader & more! 452hrs................. $99,900 2011 Case IH Maxxum 25 Pro – dlx cab, PTO, 3pt. hitch, 4 remotes, high capacity hyd. pump, L750 loader with grapple. 4264hrs.................$84,900 4 WHEEL DRIVE TRACTORS 2014 Versatile 400 – dlx. cab, 12x4 Quadshift, 710/70R42 duals, 4 remotes, cast weight pkg., Raven E-Pro II ....... Lease for as low as $13,900 S/A OAC 2013 John Deere 9560RT – 36” tracks, dlx. cab with leather, GS 3, high flow hyd., 5 remotes, PTO, weights. 1123hrs............................... $374,900

2013 New Holland T9.615 – luxury cab, diff. locks, 800 duals, MegaFlow, 6 dlx. remotes, HID’s GPS, weight pkg. 902hrs............................ $289,900 2012 John Deere 9560RT – 36” tracks, dlx. cab with leather, GS 3, 5 remotes, weight pkg., warranty! 965hrs ...................................... $344,900 1995 New Holland 9480 – 12x4 mech. trans., perf. Monitor, 4 remotes, radar, duals, lots of recent work. 6289hrs....................................... $74,900 SEEDING & TILLAGE 2014 New Holland P2070 & P1060 – 70’ 12” spacing, d.s., pneumatic packers, mud scrapers, optical blockage, 430 bu. tank, 7 run, v.r., dual fan, dlx. 10” auger, duals. .......................................................................$289,900 1992 Flexicoil 5000 & 2008 NH SC430 – 57’, 9” spacing, 3” rubber packers, stealth openers, 430 bu. tank, Tow behind, v.r., 10” auger. .................................................................................. $55,000 2014 Farm King 1275 Offset Disc – 20’, 26” notched blades, 10.5” spacing...............................................................................................$43,300 2 – 2015 Versatile TD600-82W Tandem Disc – 35.5’, 10.5” spacing, 26” notched & smooth blades, optional stone flex, HD Series bearings, mud scrapers.................................................................................... $77,950 each HEAVY HARROWS 2014 Degelman Strawmaster 7000 – 82’, hyd. adjustment, 5/8”x26” carbide Endura tines, 3255 Valmar platform..................... SPECIAL $77,999 2014 Degelman Strawmaster 7000 – 70’, hyd. adjustment, 5/8”x26” tines ....................................................................................$52,900 GRAIN VACS 4 – 2015 REM VRX – hyd. unfold, chromed auger flighting, new fan design, 45’ of 7” hose .......................................................................... $24,999 each 2010 REM 2700 – hyd unfold, hard surfaced flighting, drum brush, 42’ of 7” hose.............................................................................................. $18,900 GRAIN AUGERS 2014 NuVision 6395 GrainMaxx Swing Auger – 13” x 95’, hyd. mover kit, hyd. hopper winch, 540 PTO...................................................... $33,900 2014 NuVision 6385EXR GrainMaxx Swing Auger – 13” x 85’, hyd. mover kit, hyd. hopper winch, 540 PTO............................................$31,900 2014 Meridian SLMD14-105 Swing Auger – 14” x 105’, 12V remote controlled swing mover, hyd. winch, HD gearbox, 1000PTO.......... $39,800 2015 Meridian HD10-53 – 10” x 53’, 35hp Briggs Vanguard engine, auger mover, hyd. winch, shovel. .............................................................. $19,495 2015 Meridian HD10-46 – 10” x 46’, 35hp Briggs Vanguard engine, auger mover, hyd. winch, shovel. .............................................................. $18,996 2015 Meridian HD8-39 – 8” x 39’, 26.5hp Kohler EFI engine, auger mover, hyd. winch, plumbed for a bin sweep............................................... $17,395

400hp, 1,600gal. S.S. tank, 120’ front boom, high capacity product pump, electric flush & rinse, ALL NEW luxury cab with heated & cooled leather seat & much more, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, UltraGlide with additional sensors, Capstan Pin Point, & much much more! 2015 Demo Unit…Inquire

2015 Meridian HD8-39 – 8” x 39’, 26.5hp Kohler EFI engine, auger mover, hyd. winch, shovel. ........................................................................... $16,595 2015 Springland UTL-40 – 11” x 40’, 35hp Kohler engine, hyd. auger mover, electric height winch, hopper cover.......................................$21,995 SELF-PROPELLED SPRAYERS 2015 New Holland SP.295F XP – 1,200 gal poly tank, 120’ front boom, ALL NEW deluxe Guardian cab, Raven AutoBoom with extra sensors, AccuBoom, high capacity pump, touchdown wheels ....................... Inquire 2014 New Holland SP.333F – Demo Unit, 120’ front boom, 1,600gal S.S. tank, ALL NEW luxury cab, IntelliView IV with 372 HP/XP receiver, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, UltraGlide, HID’s & more! ....................... $419,900 2013 New Holland SP.275R – 1,200gal S.S. tank, 120’ rear boom, luxury cab, HID’s, Raven E-Pro with P200 receiver, SmarTrax/QuickTrax, Sharp Shooter, AutoBoom, UltraGlide with extra sensors, warranty & more! - ...........$269,900 HAY EQUIPMENT 2013 New Holland BB340 STD – 3’ x 4’ bales, hyd. roller kit, camera kit, electric bale length kit, Auto Lube & more! Demo with 670 bales ............................................................................................... $139,900 2- 2014 New Holland H7150 & 18HS heads – 18’ sickle conditioner mower....................................................................................... $51,900 each 2006 New Holland 18HS – standard guards, crop deviders, gauge wheels (4). Off an HW325.............................................................................. $14,900 2 – 2015 Farm King E14 Easy Rake – 14 wheel rake, 27’ 2” working width, bi-fold, hyd. open & close..........................................................$15,600 each 2 – 2015 Farm King 2450S Round Bale Carriers – Double rows, holds up to 16 x 4’ or 14 x 5’ bales, LH & RH hyd. pick up arms, HD undercarriage, hand held remote...................................................................... $37,635 each SWATHERS 2012 New Holland H8060 – deluxe cab, axel & cab susp., chaff wipe kit, Mandako roller, HB36 header, d.k., UII PUR (single), RH Roto-Shear. 382hrs cutterbar ..........................................................................................$139,900 2010 New Holland H8060 – deluxe cab, axel & cab susp., elect. mirrors, Mandako roller, HB36 header, d.k., UII PUR, RH Roto-Shear. 596hrs cutterbar ......................................................................................... $114,900 2007 New Holland HW325 – 2 speed, dlx. cab upgrade, adjust. axel, HB30 header, s.k., UII PUR (5-batt.), hyd. tilt, transport & gauge wheels. 902hrs cutterbar ........................................................................................... $84,900

ASP, dlx. cab with heated & cooled leather seat, ATC, 620/70R42 duals, HD lift cylinders, IntelliCruise, IntelliView IV with receiver, HID’s, MAV chopper & 15’ 790CP pick-up header $449,900

ROTARY COMBINES 2011 New Holland CR9090 “Z” Elevation – ASP, dlx. cab with leather, ATC, fridge, electric mirrors, HID’s, 620/70R42 duals, blow-off kit, OptiClean, IntelliView IV with receiver, IntelliCruise, IntelliSteer, long auger, Opti-Spread, MacDon PW7 pick-up header & more! 740hrs sep. Fully Reconditioned! ............................................................................... $279,900 2010 New Holland CR9080 – dlx. cab with leather seat, HD lift cylinders, IntelliView Plus II monitor with receiver, IntelliSteer ready, electric mirrors, HID’s, 620/70R42 duals, long auger, Mav chopper, 76C pick-up with a 16’ Swathmaster head & more! 1347hrs sep. Fully Reconditioned! .... Inquire 2009 New Holland CR9070 – ASP, Terrain Tracer, dlx. cab, electric mirrors, HD lift cylinders, IntelliView Plus II monitor with receiver, long auger, 900/65R32 tires, 76C pick-up with a 16’ Swathmaster head. 1125hrs sep. ... $135,000 CNT 2005 New Holland CR970 – dlx. cab, electric heated mirrors, 900/65R32 tires, Terrain Tracer, yield & moisture sensors, 2 speed rotor gearbox, electric adjustable sieve, long auger, dlx. chopper & chaff spreader, 76C pick-up with a 14’ Swathmaster head. 2129hrs sep. ..................... $99,900 1998 New Holland TR98 – fixed speed feederhouse, electronic stone trap, ahh, air seat, long auger, fine cut NH chopper, 30.5x32 tires, 971 header with a Victory Super 8 head. 2539hrs ..................................................... $29,900 1988 New Holland TR96 – 240 bu. hopper, air seat, Redekop straw chopper, 971 pick-up header with a Rake-up head. New injection Pump in 2014. 2390hrs sep........................................................................... $12,900 CONVENTIONAL COMBINES 2013 New Holland CX8080 – Tier 4, dlx. cab with leather, ATC, fridge, power mirrors, HID’s, IntelliView III, yield & moisture, HD lift cylinders, 620/70R42 duals, long auger, dlx. chopper with “CR” chaff spreader, 790CP pick-up & more! 484hrs sep. ........................................................ $289,900 2013 New Holland CX8080 – Tier 4, dlx. cab with leather, ATC, fridge, power mirrors, HID’s, IntelliView III, yield & moisture, HD lift cylinders, 900/60R32 tires, long auger, dlx. chopper with “CR” chaff spreader, 790CP pick-up & more! 463hrs sep. ........................................................ $275,900 2012 New Holland CX8080 - Tier 4, dlx. cab with leather, ATC, fridge, power mirrors, HID’s, IntelliView IV, yield & moisture, HD lift cylinders, 900/60R32 tires, long auger, dlx. chopper with “CR” chaff spreader, 790CP pick-up & more! 513hrs sep. ........................................................ $269,900 2 - 2012 New Holland CX8080 - Tier 3, dlx. cab with leather, ATC, fridge, power mirrors, HID’s, IntelliView IV, FM750 & Ez-Steer, yield & moisture, 620/70R42 duals, long auger, dlx. chopper with “CR” chaff spreader, 790CP pick-up & more! 685hrs & 702hrs sep. ................................ $269,900 each 1998 New Holland TX66 – dlx. cab, air seat, electric mirrors, hydrostatic, 800/65R32 tires, Terrain Tracer, AHH, f/a, long auger, straw chopper & chaff

2014 New Holland CX8080’s

All new Elevation model, dlx. cab with ATC & fridge, HID’s, IntelliView IV, 900/60R32 tires, Opti-Clean, Opti-Speed, Sstraw chopper – Starting at : $339,900 each

spreader, 971 header & 14’ Rake-up head & more! 2839hrs sep.. $34,900 1997 New Holland TX68 – dlx. cab, air seat, hydrostatic, 30.5x32 rice tires, Terrain Tracer, self-level cleaning shoe, long auger, straw chopper & chaff spreader (knives replaces winter 2014), 971 pick-up header with 14’ Melroe head. Approx. 2900hrs sep. ............................................................. $38,900 COMBINE HEADERS 2 - 2015 Honey Bee AF240 AirFLEX – ALL NEW MODEL! – 40’ All options. ................................................................................... $123,450 each 3 – 2015 Honey Bee SP36 – 36’ rigid, d.k., 6-batt U-II PUR (one piece), hyd. f/a & tilt, integral transport, poly skids, x-auger, CR/CX adapter - ........................................................................$79,900 each 2015 Honey Bee SP36 – 36’ rigid, d.k., 6-batt U-II PUR (one piece), hyd. f/a & tilt, integral transport, poly skids, CR/CX adapter ........... $76,900 each 2014 New Holland 88CF-45 – 45’ SuperFlex draper, d.k., poly skids, hyd. transport, gauge wheels, x-auger, HCC PUR, hyd. f/a & tilt............ $138,900 2014 New Holland 88CF-40 – 40’ SuperFlex draper, d.k., poly skids, hyd. transport, gauge wheels, x-auger, HCC PUR, hyd. f/a & tilt ........... $126,900 2014 New Holland 840CD-35 – 35’ rigid draper, d.k., HCC PUR, hyd. f/a & tilt, AHH, poly skids, gauge wheels, hyd. transport..........................$108,900 2013 New Holland 840CD-40 - 40’ rigid draper, d.k., HCC PUR, hyd. f/a & tilt, AHH, x-auger, poly skids, hyd. transport. ................. Demo Unit $92,900 2 - 2013 New Holland 740CF-35 – 35’ SuperFlex auger, hyd. f/a, poly skids, HCC PUR, d.k., crop dividers, hyd cutterbar option Starting at ..................................................................................$54,500 each 2012 New Holland 880CF-45 – 45’ SuperFlex draper, x-auger, 6-batt PUR, hyd. transport (in cab) & more! ........................................................ $89,900 2010 New Holland 88C – 36’ flex draper, d.k., fine cut knife, U-II PUR (6-batt.), CR/CX adapter, AHH, hyd. f/a, x-auger .............................. $39,900 2009 New Holland 88C - 36’ draper header, d.k., U-II PUR (6-batt.), CR/CX adapter, hyd f/a, transport pkg. ......................................................... $36,900 2008 Honey Bee SP30 – 30’ draper, single knife, U-II PUR, CR/CX adapter, hyd. f/a, Low Acres! .......................................................................... $39,900 2002 New Holland 71C – 30’, double knife, PUR, f/a, transport pkg., CR/ CX adapter ......................................................................................... $14,900 1998 Honey Bee 994 - 39’ draper, single knife, split U-II PUR, x-auger, hyd. f/a, CR/CX adapter & more! .............................................................. $17,900 1998 MacDon 962 – 36’, PUR, transport pkg., TR/TX adapter ..... $15,900


Product Group Listing continued…

Rock pickers and diggers Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Degelman Industries.......9104, 9105, 9106, 9107-Lot F Fabrication S. Houle...........................9108, 9109-Lot F Haybuster Mfg./DuraTech........................... 8517-Lot D Highline Manufacturing Ltd.............40100A-Hall No. 04 Hi-Tec Ag..................................................... 9506-Lot M RiteWay Mfg. Co. Ltd...............8218, 8219, 8220-Lot E Schulte Industries Ltd....................... 70700-Hall No. 07 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Summer’s Mfg. Co............................. 8508, 8509-Lot D Rotary cutters and blades Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Degelman Industries.......9104, 9105, 9106, 9107-Lot F Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Flexxifinger QD Industries Inc...70442, 70444-Hall No. 07 Helm Welding (1983) Limited........... 12601-Hall No. 12 Highline Manufacturing Ltd.............40100A-Hall No. 04 Multione Equipment (Canada) Inc. . ............... 70624, 70626, 70723, 70725-Hall No. 07 Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Schulte Industries Ltd....................... 70700-Hall No. 07 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Westward Parts Services Ltd....... 9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F RVs Dakota Products of Canada......70219, 70221-Hall No. 07 Safety Fastenal................................ 70237, 70239-Hall No. 07 Saskatchewan Safety Council . .................................... 1-Brandt Centre Concourse Scales Agrimatics/BitStrata Systems Inc..... 92218-Hall No. 09 Canada Moisture Analyzers Inc........ 12811-Hall No. 12 Dimo’s/Labtronics................. 80402, 80404-Hall No. 08 Free Form Plastic Products............40100B-Hall No. 04 Gallagher Animal Management/Lakeland Group . ............................................................... 6207-Lot L Industrial Scale Ltd........................... 12801-Hall No. 12 Innotag/Performance Feed Works................ 6011-Lot L Massload Technologies Inc.......70209, 70211-Hall No. 07 Moly MFG., Inc./Silencer...... 12513, 12515-Hall No. 12 Triple Star Mfg. Ltd............... 70710, 70712-Hall No. 07 Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc................................7301-Lot B Seed AGT Foods Canada................................ 70652, 70654, 70751, 70753-Hall No. 07 ATP Nutrition........................ 70637, 70639-Hall No. 07 BroadGrain Commodities Inc....70333, 70335-Hall No. 07 Crop Production Services............................ 9202-Lot G DuPont Canada.................... 80202, 80204-Hall No. 08 Earth Smart Solutions Inc................. 80214-Hall No. 08 Farmlead Resources Ltd. ( . ................................................... 93046-Hall No. 09 Rayglen Commodities Inc..... 70742, 70746-Hall No. 07 Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09 Seed treatment Ag Growth International............................... 8100-Lot D Can-Seed Equipment Ltd....................... 90001, 90003, 90015, 90017, 90019-Hall No. 09A 50  CANADA’S FARM PROGRESS SHOW  June 2015

Nexeed Inc............... 70314, 70316, 70318-Hall No. 07 One-Step Automation....................... 12410-Hall No. 12 Spraytarget....................................... 12715-Hall No. 12 Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc................................7301-Lot B Seeding/tillage Ag Shield Manufacturing......... 8323, 8324, 8325-Lot D Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B Agtron Enterprises Inc.......... 70634, 70636-Hall No. 07 Atom-Jet Industries Ltd. . ........................... 70613, 70615, 70617-Hall No. 07 Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Bourgault Industries.......................... 40100-Hall No. 04 Bourgault Tillage Tools Ltd. . ............... 70538, 70540, 70542, 70544-Hall No. 07 Degelman Industries.......9104, 9105, 9106, 9107-Lot F Devloo Roto Mud Scrapers...... 90025, 90027-Hall No. 09A Double A Trailers.............................. 92113-Hall No. 09 Double HH Ag Sales N Services Ltd.....12604-Hall No. 12 Exapta Solutions Inc......................... 93047-Hall No. 09 Farm land Specialty Products/Ground Up AG . ........................... 70214, 70216, 70218-Hall No. 07 Gaber Distributors.................... 5902, 5903, 5904-Lot L Gates Manufacturing.......................... 6105, 6106-Lot L Grain Bags Canada......... 90102, 90102A-Hall No. 09A Grain Bags Canada.................. 5905, 5906, 5907-Lot L Great Plains Mfg. Inc.................................... 6010-Lot L Haybuster Mfg./ DuraTech.......................... 8517-Lot D Horsch........................... 8300, 8301, 8302, 8303-Lot D Innotag/Performance Feed Works................ 6011-Lot L John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Kuhn North America, Inc......... 8421, 8422, 8423-Lot D Landoll Corporation............................ 6101, 6102-Lot L Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd.......... 12102-Hall No. 12 Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd. ......8413, 8414, 8415-Lot D Max-Quip Inc............ 70713, 70715, 70717-Hall No. 07 Morris Industries Ltd......................... 9001, 9002, 9100, 9101, 9102, 9103-Lot F N/C Quest Inc................................... 70913-Hall No. 07 New Direction Equipment NDE................... 9507-Lot M Norwood Sales Inc....................................... 6100-Lot L PAT Inc..................... 70104, 70106, 70108-Hall No. 07 Pattison Liquid Systems.............................. 8322-Lot D Pillar Lasers Inc........................8205, 8206, 8207-Lot E RiteWay Mfg. Co. Ltd...............8218, 8219, 8220-Lot E Salford Group Inc........... 5908, 5909, 5910, 5911-Lot L Seed Hawk Inc............................................ 9400-Lot N Seed Master..................................... 10000-Hall No. 01 Smallaire Pty Ltd.............................. 93042-Hall No. 09 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Summer’s Mfg. Co............................. 8508, 8509-Lot D Technotill Inc.................................... 12412-Hall No. 12 Wadena Steel and Supply Ltd......................6205-Lot P Shredders Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Cleanfix North America Ltd............... 92118-Hall No. 09 Highline Manufacturing Ltd.............40100A-Hall No. 04 Huber Ag Equipment Ltd............................6211A-Lot L SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Skid steers Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.)............... 93000-Hall No. 09 Kramer Ltd........................................ 30000-Hall No. 03 Multione Equipment (Canada) Inc. . ............... 70624, 70626, 70723, 70725-Hall No. 07 Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L South Country Equipment Ltd............ 6108, 6109-Lot L Wacker Neuson Ltd..................................6306 A -Lot L Snowblowers Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E

Fabrication S. Houle...........................9108, 9109-Lot F Fair Mfg Inc............... 70513, 70515, 70517-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Helm Welding (1983) Limited........... 12601-Hall No. 12 Huber Ag Equipment Ltd............................6211A-Lot L Husqvarna Canada Corp..............................6305-Lot P Lankota............................................. 93026-Hall No. 09 Leon’s Mfg. Company Inc.................. 7013, 7014-Lot C New Direction Equipment NDE................... 9507-Lot M Schulte Industries Ltd....................... 70700-Hall No. 07 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Wacker Neuson Ltd..................................6306 A -Lot L Soil aeration Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Crary Agricultural Solutions, LLC . ....................................... 70110, 70112-Hall No. 07 Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Solar Heat Innovations Inc......................... 12901-Hall No. 12 Kelln Consulting Ltd./Kelln Solar Flashers Ltd. . ...............................................................9200-Lot F MI Energy............................. 70324, 70326-Hall No. 07 Sundog Solar.................................... 92220-Hall No. 09 Spraying Ace Pump Corp. c/o Points West Marketing Ltd. . ................................................... 12500-Hall No. 12 Ag Leader Technology........................... 70552, 70554, 70651, 70653-Hall No. 07 Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B Capstan Ag Systems Inc...... 70719, 70721-Hall No. 07 Cleanfix North America Ltd............... 92118-Hall No. 09 CP Products..................................... 92216-Hall No. 09 Demco Maurer............................................. 9203-Lot G Dimo’s/Labtronics................. 80402, 80404-Hall No. 08 Equipment Technologies, Inc...................... 8307-Lot D Farmagro Sales Ltd.......70111, 70113, 70115-Hall No. 07 Farmtronics........................... 70238, 70240-Hall No. 07 Flexahopper Plastics Ltd...... 50307, 50308-Hall No. 05 Gaber Distributors.................... 5902, 5903, 5904-Lot L Great Plains Mfg. Inc.................................... 6010-Lot L Greenleaf Technologies, Inc............. 12502-Hall No. 12 JD Skiles Company.............. 12809, 12810-Hall No. 12 John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd..........90023-Hall No. 09A Norac Systems International Inc. . ....................................... 70709, 70711-Hall No. 07 Pattison Liquid Systems.............................. 8322-Lot D Pentair, Hypro-SHURflo................... 12201-Hall No. 12 Rogers Sprayers Inc.......................90040-Hall No. 09A Setter Mfg. Division.......70614, 70616, 70618-Hall No. 07 Sprayflex Sprayers Inc................................. 6214-Lot L Spraytarget....................................... 12715-Hall No. 12 Spraytest Controls Inc.......... 70121, 70123-Hall No. 07 Summer’s Mfg. Co............................. 8508, 8509-Lot D TeeJet Technologies............ 70420, 70422-Hall No. 07 Tridekon............................................ 70808-Hall No. 07 Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc................................7301-Lot B Westward Parts Services Ltd....... 9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Wilger Industries Ltd............. 70341, 70343-Hall No. 07 Wingssprayer.................................... 12119-Hall No. 12 Swather transports Bergen Industries Inc....................................7303-Lot B Bergen Industries Inc.......................... 6001, 6002-Lot L Equiplinx........................................... 12211-Hall No. 12

Swathers Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B Dakota Products of Canada......70219, 70221-Hall No. 07 Equiplinx........................................... 12211-Hall No. 12 Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Free Form Plastic Products............40100B-Hall No. 04 Honey Bee Manufacturing Ltd.......... 12820-Hall No. 12 Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.... 8413, 8414, 8415-Lot D Roto Shear - Shurtight Manufacturing...12507-Hall No. 12 Tanks and waterers Flexahopper Plastics Ltd...... 50307, 50308-Hall No. 05 Gallagher Animal Management/Lakeland Group . ............................................................... 6207-Lot L Hold-On Industries Inc....................... 8429, 8430-Lot D Magnum Fabricating Ltd....... 70523, 70525-Hall No. 07 Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc..........LC3-Hall No. 11 Sundog Solar.................................... 92220-Hall No. 09 Westward Parts Services Ltd....... 9110, 9111, 9112-Lot F Tarps Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. . ................................................... 12508-Hall No. 12 Michel’s Industries Ltd................................. 8512-Lot D Shur-Co, LLC.................................... 70916-Hall No. 07 Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc................................7301-Lot B Valmar Airflo Inc................................ 8316, 8317-Lot D Tires Casterland/Specialty Tire................. 70171-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Fountain Tire.............................. 70304, 70306, 70308, 70403, 70405, 70407-Hall No. 07 Integra Tire & Auto Centres Ltd........ 70804-Hall No. 07 Kal Tire................................. 70352, 70354-Hall No. 07 Lever Holdings Inc....................................... 8518-Lot D Michelin North America (Canada) Inc..... 70604, 70606, 70608, 70703, 70705, 70707-Hall No. 07 Mr. Tire Corp.................................... 12610-Hall No. 12 National Trailer Parts Warehouse Ltd. . .................................................90004-Hall No. 09A OK Tire Stores Inc. . ............... 70520, 70522, 70619, 70621-Hall No. 07 Pneu-Tek Tire Tools............. 70242, 70244-Hall No. 07 Qingdao J&G International Trading Co. Ltd. . ....................................... 12400, 12402-Hall No. 12 Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Soucy International Inc.......................6300, 6301-Lot P Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc................................7301-Lot B Tools and shop equipment Acklands - Grainger Inc..................... 9302, 9303-Lot N BG Prairie Distributors Ltd................ 12205-Hall No. 12 Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. . ................................................... 12508-Hall No. 12 Farmers of North America . ........................... 70413, 70415, 70417-Hall No. 07 Farmers of North America............................ 6000-Lot L Fastenal................................ 70237, 70239-Hall No. 07 Fluidall, LLC................................................. 8418-Lot D G.R. Distributors Inc..91025, 91026, 91072-Hall No. 09 General Body & Equipment.............. 93044-Hall No. 09 Integrity Post Structures Ltd............. 12613-Hall No. 12 Javelin Technologies............ 70424, 70426-Hall No. 07 John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Keller Equipment Supply Ltd..........90101-Hall No. 09A Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories......93027-Hall No. 09

Product Group Listing continued…

Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd..........90023-Hall No. 09A Mazenc Fuels Ltd. (Petro Canada) . ....................................... 70138, 70140-Hall No. 07 Pneu-Tek Tire Tools............. 70242, 70244-Hall No. 07 Praxair Products Inc.......................... 8318, 8319-Lot D Precision Canada............................... 92017-Hall No. 9 Rousseau Metal.................... 70133, 70135-Hall No. 07 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Stor-Loc................................ 70529, 70531-Hall No. 07 Tractors Ag World Equipment...........................8007, 8008-Lot E AGCO Canada.............................................7300-Lot B Claas of America.............................. 30001-Hall No. 03 Cleanfix North America Ltd............... 92118-Hall No. 09 Dakota Products of Canada......70219, 70221-Hall No. 07 Del Equipment Ltd. . ................................... 8519-Lot D Equiplinx........................................... 12211-Hall No. 12 John Deere Canada ULC................. 20000-Hall No. 02 Kramer Ltd........................................ 30000-Hall No. 03 Logan Stevens Equipment............... 12900-Hall No. 12 Mahindra USA Inc..........................90000-Hall No. 09A Maxim Truck & Trailer... 8331, 8332, 8431, 8432-Lot D MTZ Equipment Ltd. . ............... 70152, 70154, 70251, 70253-Hall No. 07 Multione Equipment (Canada) Inc. . ............... 70624, 70626, 70723, 70725-Hall No. 07 N/C Quest Inc................................... 70913-Hall No. 07 PAT Inc..................... 70104, 70106, 70108-Hall No. 07 Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Seroc Auto Parts Co. Ltd.................. 12401-Hall No. 12 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Warner Industries.................... 8309, 8310, 8311-Lot D Trade shows Agritechnica 2015 – DLG...............90002-Hall No. 09A Trailers Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated . ........................................... 6007, 6008, 6009-Lot L Ag Shield Manufacturing......... 8323, 8324, 8325-Lot D Bergen Industries Inc....................................7303-Lot B Bergen Industries Inc.......................... 6001, 6002-Lot L Cancade Company.................. 8520, 8521, 8522-Lot D Cleanfix North America Ltd............... 92118-Hall No. 09 Dakota Products of Canada......70219, 70221-Hall No. 07 Del Equipment Ltd....................................... 8519-Lot D Doepker Industries Ltd....................... 6003, 6004-Lot L Double A Trailers.............................. 92113-Hall No. 09 Eagle Brokers Inc.........................................8217-Lot E Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Hi-Tec Trailers............................................. 9508-Lot M

HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin............. 12706-Hall No. 12 J Brandt Enterprises.......................... 8525, 8526-Lot D JD Skiles Company.............. 12809, 12810-Hall No. 12 Kramer Auction Ltd........................... 92117-Hall No. 09 Landoll Corporation............................ 6101, 6102-Lot L Maxim Truck & Trailer... 8331, 8332, 8431, 8432-Lot D Mumby Manufacturing Ltd................ 70172-Hall No. 07 National Trailer Parts Warehouse Ltd. . .................................................90004-Hall No. 09A Norheim Ranching........................................6302-Lot P PJ Canada Inc................................... 8608, 8609-Lot D Precision Trailers............................90028-Hall No. 09A Rainbow Trailers Inc......................... 12108-Hall No. 12 Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 RiteWay Mfg. Co. Ltd...............8218, 8219, 8220-Lot E Southern Industrial and Truck Ltd..... 8523, 8524-Lot D SSAB Ltd. . ....................................90039-Hall No. 09A Sterling Truck & Trailer Sales Ltd.................8000-Lot E Warner Industries.................... 8309, 8310, 8311-Lot D Transportation and logistics 18 Wheels Training Services............ 80215-Hall No. 08 Caravan Group of Companies.......... 50303-Hall No. 05 Lowdemilk Transport Ltd.................. 92121-Hall No. 09 Mumby Manufacturing Ltd................ 70172-Hall No. 07 Rayglen Commodities Inc..... 70742, 70746-Hall No. 07 Travel/tourism 18 Wheels Training Services . ......... 80215-Hall No. 08 Candle Lake Golf Resort................91117-Hall No. 09B Tree movers Botterill Sales...................................... 6103, 6104-Lot L Del Equipment Ltd....................................... 8519-Lot D HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin............. 12706-Hall No. 12 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A Wallenstein by EMB Mfg. Inc............. 8329, 8330-Lot D Truck accessories B & W Trailer Hitches........... 70429, 70431-Hall No. 07 Clemmer Steelcraft Technologies Inc. . ....................................... 70537, 70539-Hall No. 07 Free Form Plastic Products............40100B-Hall No. 04 General Body & Equipment.............. 93044-Hall No. 09 Keller Equipment Supply Ltd..........90101-Hall No. 09A Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories......93027-Hall No. 09 National Trailer Parts Warehouse Ltd. . .................................................90004-Hall No. 09A Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Sterling Truck & Trailer Sales Ltd.................8000-Lot E Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.....70323, 70325-Hall No. 07 Trucks 18 Wheels Training Services............ 80215-Hall No. 08

Automatic Truck & Trailer.............................7306-Lot B Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. . ................................................... 12508-Hall No. 12 Cancade Company.................. 8520, 8521, 8522-Lot D Cervus Equipment............................. 8326, 8327-Lot D J Brandt Enterprises.......................... 8525, 8526-Lot D K & K Enterprises Ltd......................... 6209, 6210-Lot L Kramer Ltd........................................ 30000-Hall No. 03 Lakeshore Manufacturing................. 12805-Hall No. 12 Mumby Manufacturing Ltd................ 70172-Hall No. 07 Neustar Manufacturing.................................6306-Lot P Redhead Equipment......................... 60000-Hall No. 06 Redhead Equipment..................................... 5900-Lot L Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Southern Industrial and Truck Ltd..... 8523, 8524-Lot D Sterling Truck & Trailer Sales Ltd.................8000-Lot E Warner Industries.................... 8309, 8310, 8311-Lot D Wagons Demco Maurer............................................. 9203-Lot G Flaman Sales Ltd.................. 70641, 70643-Hall No. 07 Flaman Sales Ltd........ 8320, 8400, 8401, 84010, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408-Lot D Flaman Sales Ltd......................................... 8409-Lot D Highline Manufacturing Ltd.............40100A-Hall No. 04 HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin............. 12706-Hall No. 12 Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.... 8413, 8414, 8415-Lot D Mazergroup.................................................. 6212-Lot L Pattison Liquid Systems.............................. 8322-Lot D Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc................................7301-Lot B Wadena Steel and Supply Ltd......................6205-Lot P Waste management Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd........... 8510, 8511-Lot D Penergetic Canada............... 80108, 80110-Hall No. 08 Water Earth Smart Solutions Inc................. 80214-Hall No. 08 Heat Innovations Inc......................... 12901-Hall No. 12 Ideal Pipe.......................................... 12710-Hall No. 12 Koenders Water Solutions................ 12922-Hall No. 12 Penergetic Canada . ......................80108, 80110-Hall No. 08 Prinsco Canada............ 90018-Hall No. 09A Promold Marketing Inc................8426-Lot D Sundog Solar...................92220-Hall No. 09 Walkers Water Systems . ..................................92212-Hall No. 09 Water pumping Cardale Tech Corp..................... 6211-Lot L Heat Innovations Inc........12901-Hall No. 12 Kelln Consulting Ltd./Kelln Solar Flashers Ltd........................... 9200-Lot F Logan Stevens Equipment . ..................................12900-Hall No. 12 M&M Equipment Ltd. . ............................... 90021-Hall No. 09A

Spraytest Remote Boom Control Leave a greener footprint on your farm by using a Spraytest to check and service your nozzles. No more running in and out of the cab. A handheld remote turns on individual booms one at a time from behind the sprayer. Available to fit any sprayer up to 16 sections.

Booths 70121 & 70123

411 Railway Ave. Ph: 306-859-1200 P.O. Box 269 Toll Free: 1-855-859-1200 Beechy, SK email: S0L 0C0 website:

See us at Booth #93000 Agribition Building ri

1006 Kearns Cres. Regina, SK S4R 8R7 • Ph: (306) 721.5438

Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd..........90023-Hall No. 09A Pentair, Hypro-SHURflo................... 12201-Hall No. 12 Promold Marketing Inc................................. 8426-Lot D Sundog Solar.................................... 92220-Hall No. 09 Wacker Neuson Ltd..................................6306 A -Lot L Water treatment Koenders Water Solutions................ 12922-Hall No. 12 Loeffelholz Tractor Parts Ltd............ 92213-Hall No. 09 Penergetic Canada............... 80108, 80110-Hall No. 08 Southern Irrigation................ 70330, 70332-Hall No. 07 The Water Clinic............................... 92021-Hall No. 09 Walkers Water Systems................... 92212-Hall No. 09 Welding equipment Acklands - Grainger Inc..................... 9302, 9303-Lot N Air Liquide Canada............... 70142, 70144-Hall No. 07 Praxair Products Inc.......................... 8318, 8319-Lot D Regina Metal Industries.................... 12701-Hall No. 12 Well/drilling Walkers Water Systems................... 92212-Hall No. 09 Wheels Casterland/Specialty Tire................. 70171-Hall No. 07 National Trailer Parts Warehouse Ltd. . .................................................90004-Hall No. 09A Qingdao J&G International Trading Co. Ltd. . ....................................... 12400, 12402-Hall No. 12 Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc................................7301-Lot B Windmills Kelln Consulting Ltd./Kelln Solar Flashers Ltd. .................................................................9200-Lot F Koenders Water Solutions................ 12922-Hall No. 12 SSAB Ltd........................................90039-Hall No. 09A


We’re located right in the heart of Regina, close to Casino Regina and other downtown hotels and amenities

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The Diplomat Steakhouse is the place you want to be, no matter what you’re craving. Of course our name says we’re a steakhouse - that’s our specialty. But have a look at our menu and you’ll find all the staples you need to go home happy. And if you have a special request that isn’t on the menu, just ask.

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306-359-3366 CANADA’S farm progresS SHOW  June 2015  51



Canada’s Farm Progress Show




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2015 CHEV & GMC 1500 CREW CABS & DOUBLE CABS Starting at ..............................................................................

20-2015 GMC 1500 ALL-TERRAINS Stock# F1583 MSRP: $54,253

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33,563 45,375 51,614 53,611 56,287


2-2015 GMC 3500 CREWCAB Stock# F1556 MSRP: $79,095

6.6L V8 Duramax Diesel, Leather, Navigation, Heated & Cooled Seats $ Sale Price ...............................................................................



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20-2015 CHEV CRUZE Stock# F1390

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Stock# F1124 MSRP: $30,605

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Turbocharged Diesel, Leather, Sunroof Stock# F1544 MSRP: $28,755 $ Starting at ...................................

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Stock# F1082 MSRP: $38,850

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C & C, 6.0L V8



4-2015 CHEV 3500 H.D REG CAB 4X4


150 Bi-weekly 150 Bi-weekly 383 Bi-weekly



2015 CHEV & GMC 2500 CREW CAB & DOUBLE CAB 4X4 2-2015 CHEV SILVERADO 2500 DOUBLE CAB LT 6.6L V8 Duramax Diesel

Stock# F1000 MSRP: $68,905

Starting at ..............................................................................

13-2015 CHEV & GMC 2500 CREW CAB LTZ & SLT 6.6L V8 Duramax Diesel, Leather Stock# F1142 MSRP: $73,190

Starting at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2-2015 GMC 2500 CREW CAB ALL-TERRAIN 6.6L V8 Duramax Diesel, Leather, Sunroof

Starting at ..............................................................................



213 Bi-weekly



Stock# F1585 MSRP: $28,255

Starting at



in stock





23,348 or






Stock# F1404 MSRP: $46,140 $ Starting at ...................................

32,424 or 43,810 or

202 Bi-weekly


258 Bi-weekly



Stock# F1557 MSRP: $46,850

$ Starting at ................................... or $244 Bi-weekly 0% financing available for 84 months

6.6L V8 Duramax Diesel, Leather, Sunroof, Summit White Stock# F1627 MSRP: $83,010 $ Sale Price ...............................................................................


2015 CHEV SUBURBAN LT DVD, NAV, Sunroof, Leather Stock# F1487 MSRP: $76,490



4-2015 GMC CANYON 4X4 SLT Starting at ..............................................................................

39,449 ,



2.0 L 4 cyl, loaded, Rear Park Assist, Designer White with Medium Pewter Cloth $ MSRP: $30,350 Starting at



4.3L V6, Remote Entry, A-C-T Power Windows & Mirrors, Spray in Boxliner, Summit White with Black Cloth Stock# E1425 $ MSRP $32,080............................................. Sale Price



5.3L V8, Remote Entry, A-C-T, Trailering Package, Convenience Package, Summit White with Black Cloth Stock# E1854 $ MSRP 32,340 ............................................... Sale Price



5.3L V8, Remote Entry, A-C-T, Trailering Package, Victory Red with Black Cloth Stock# E1726 $ MSRP 34,505 ............................................... Sale Price




51,233 or


9 speed, 14’ Gravelbox, Air brakes, Single Axle, Air Operated Controls, Yellow, 542,284 kms $

Sale Price .........................................................




Starting at ...................................

Starting at ..............................................................................



Stock# F1377 MSRP: $54,155

Stock# F1357 MSRP: $36,875

157 Bi-weekly




$ Starting at ................................... or $147 Bi-weekly 0% financing available for 84 months Starting at ...................................




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Stock# F1116 MSRP: $27,855

Stock# F1630 MSRP: $37,119

MSRP: $54,809

Starting at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.2L V8, Navigation, 20” Wheels, RS Package, Black with Black Leather Stock# F1655 MSRP: $56,735 $ Sale Price ...............................................................................


Stock# F1112





C & C, 6.6L V8 Duramax Diesel

36,831 or

6.0L V8

Stock# F1534 MSRP: $40,750

0% for 84 months available


2015 CHEV & GMC 2500 CREW CAB 4X4 GAS 4-2015 CHEV & GMC 2500 CREW CAB 4X4



3-2015 CHEV & GMC 3500 REG CAB 4X4


19,066 or

0% for 84 months available

2015 CHEV & GMC 3500 CAB & CHASSIS

Stock# F1528 MSRP: $77,395


103 Bi-weekly

Sale Price ...............................................................................

6.6L V8 Duramax Diesel $ Starting at ..............................................................................

Starting at ..............................................................................


Stock# F1692 MSRP: $36,545

Stock# F1664 MSRP: $72,680

Starting at ..............................................................................

16,986 or

3.6L v6, Sunroof, Remote Start, Summit White


Stock# F1579



2015 CHEV & GMC 3500 CREW CAB 4X4

Stock# F1569


in stock



Stock# F1532



302 Bi-weekly



Starting at .............................................................................. $

390 HP Maxxforce Diesel, 13 spd Eaton Ultra Shift Auto, Loaded, 1100x22.5 Tires, Bunk Cab, 8 1/2’ x 20’ x 65” Ultra II, Remote endgate & hoist, Electric Tarp, White with Grey box, 156,548 kms

Sale Price ......................................................




350 HP Paccar PX-8 (Cummins) 6 spd Allison Auto, Loaded, CIM 20’x65” Ultracel II box with Michels electric tarp, remote hoist & endgate, Eurethane Enamel Box, White with Teal Green Box $ MSRP: $194,860 .................................... Starting at



350 HP, 1000 Torque, Allison Automatic, CIM 20”’ x 65” Ultracel II Box with Michels Electric Tarp, Remote Hoist & Endgate, Eurathane Enamel Box, Red, 278 Kms $

Sale Price ......................................................






MON-TUES-WED-FRI-SAT – 8:30AM-6:00PM THURS – 8:30-9:00PM




This unique single arm boom loader, with side door entry has been specially designed, developed and built safer, more economical and more productive than any of its front entry rivals.

AGRI LOADALL Powerful and fuel efficient with exceptional maneuverability and precise low effort controls

WHEEL LOADER With 175 HP and an operating weight of 30,016 lbs this machine is designed and built to move as much material as possible for every drop of fuel

Contact Stewart Dickson, your JCB Representative, at 721-5050 for a demo today! EMERALD PARK #8 SOUTH PLAINS RD W (306) 721-5050

WEYBURN HWY #39 NORTH (306) 842-4686

RAYMORE HWY #6 (306) 746-2110

SOUTHEY HWY #22 AND HWY #6 (306) 726-2155

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ou can hardly blame farmers if they wish for a crystal ball now and then. A sneak preview of the growing season could inform some critical decisions. Not many industries are directly subject to the weather, but the agricultural industry faces unknowns every season based on what happens in the skies. Legumex Walker is one of the largest processors of specialty crops and pulses in Canada. They exist to mitigate the unknowns for crop growers and those anticipating deliveries at various ports around the world. Legumex Walker maintains a visible presence at one of Canada’s largest agriculture trade shows, the Farm Progress Show. It’s a prime opportunity to chat with growers. “Our grain buyers have built up a fantastic relationship with the growers in Saskatchewan, Alberta,

Manitoba and the U.S. It’s good to see the producers again and catch up, see what’s happening with their crops, how their year is shaping up and what their expectations are for the fall,” says Jackie Carleton, purchasing manager for the Peas, Lentils and Canaryseed Division. “The show is growing in popularity and becoming more global, with some of our end-users attending as well.” Legumex Walker offers ways to address a range of conditions that could crop up in a given crop year. After bumper crops in 2013 and less amenable conditions last year, the hope is the 2015 season will once again deliver great outcomes. Whatever the situation, Legumex Walker has established markets for all grades of crops. The sales team works tirelessly to find markets for products of all grades. The company is licensed and bonded

with the Canadian Grain Commission and rely on the CGC quality standards for many markets. Traceability is becoming increasingly important in the agriculture industry and is crucial to Legumex Walker as well. “Because of the relationship we have with each of the growers we buy from, we can provide a lot of strength as far as traceability goes,” says Carleton. “From the source to the destination, it’s easy for us to track that product.” New food safety regulations have been implemented in the United States and are anticipated in Canada as well. Legumex

Walker already has a global food safety team that looks after all their processing facilities (strategically located in key growing areas like the Canadian prairies, the American Midwest and China) and is available to answer any questions their growers or customers might have. A team of five serves Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the U.S. plants. One of the many projects Legumex Walker is currently working on is increased production of functional foods, as part of a worldwide movement toward healthier foods. They are TCO certified within the organic industry and work with organic

groups like SaskOrganics. As a specialty crops and pulses company with many different divisions – beans, sunflowers, pea, lentil and canary seeds, flax and more -- Legumex Walker anticipates growing their network at the Farm Progress Show. Stop by Booth 80111 and catch up with the professionals from Legumex Walker.

Contact Us!

This story was produced by Postmedia’s Special Projects department on behalf of Legumex Walker for commercial purposes. Postmedia’s editorial departments had no involvement in its creation.

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