Leader-Post Les Rendez Vous de le Francophonie

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LES RENDEZ-VOUS DE LA FRANCOPHONIE 2017 LES RENDEZ-VOUS DE LA FRANCOPHONIE 2017 Les Rendez-vous de la francophonie are back in full force for 2017. Here a glimpse of what will be happening around the province to celebrate. On the eve of the 150th anniversary of confederation our aim is to celebrate the young, those who represent the future. Les Rendez-vous de la francophonie are honoured to present these seven highly motivated, bilingual individuals, mostly young people who are making a difference, in their communities. As you will discover, the French language has been instrumental in expanding personal horizons, in all of these stories. Bon Rendez-vous de la Francophonie !

Sévère Gagnon (1845-1909),

Sévère Gagnon (1845-1909) Prominent figure in NWMP

Among the first 150 officers Among the first 150 officers of the North-West Mounted Police were five North-West francophones, including Sévère Gaof the Mounted gnon, a lawyer from Québec. Drawn by the thrill of adwere five francophones, venture,Police he took part in the famous March West as a Major on July 8th, 1874. It was an Gagnon, impressive display: including Sévère over 200 men, and 310 horses, cattle and other farm ania lawyer Drawn mals, headed West withfrom enoughQuébec. guns and supplies to last three months. Their goal? To reach Alberta and put by the thrill of adventure, he an end to the illicit whisky trade and establish Canadian authority in thepart West. in the famous March took Major July 1874. Sévère West Gagnon as tooka part in a on number of 8, missions meant to maintain order, and played an active role in It was an impressive the events of the North-West Rebellion, where his mastery of display: the French and English languages proved over 200 men, andto be a major asset. Throughout his long career, he held va310 horses, cattle and rious positions such as Superintendent, thenother Commanding Officer the Depot Division until 1900, which farmof animals, headed West allowed him to contribute to the structures still in place with enough guns and supplies in Saskatchewan. to lastinthree months. Their Once established Regina, he wed Emma Royal, daughter of the NWT Lieutenant Governor, Josephand Royal. As goal? To reach Alberta competent as his father, their son, Henri Albert Royal, put anWar end the illicit whisky survived World One,to then became a constable to eventually become Deputy Commissioner of the Royal trade and establish Canadian Canadian Mounted Police, the second-highest ranked position. authority in the West. Sévère took in a The use of the FrenchGagnon language was key topart the career development of theseof two men who helped shape the number missions meant to future of Saskatchewan and Canada. maintain order, and played an active role in the events of the North-West Rebellion, where his mastery of the French and © 2017, Société historique deproved la Saskatchewan, English languages to Extraits de la collection « Les 100 noms », be a major asset. Throughout illustration Vincent Partel his long career, he held various positions such as Superintendent, then Commanding Officer of the Depot Division until 1900, which allowed him to contribute to the structures still in place in Saskatchewan. © 2017, Société historique de la Saskatchewan, Extraits de la collection, “Les 100 noms”, illustration Vincent Partel.

The Peks Bilingual family

We are proud to be bilingual and to be able to live in French and in English every day. We recognize the influence that our English environment has and we seek out opportunities to immerse ourselves in French. We choose to speak French so that our children will appreciate and keep their French heritage alive and vibrant. Our hope is that they identify themselves as bilingual and embrace both languages and cultures simultaneously.

Bilingual and proud: that’s how Luke Gilmore, a fourth-year student in political science with a minor in French and Francophone Intercul-

- Curtis Pek and Chantal Pek Piché, Luca (8), Maxim (4), Téo (4), Angélie (2) Pek

Luke Gilmore Political science student

Yuxin Bai Jeune’INFO participant

tural Studies, describes himself. Bilingual and proud is also the title of a speech which won him first prize in a provincial public speaking competition when he was in French immersion at Dr. Martin LeBoldus High School in Regina. For Gilmore, being bilingual is a real source of pride. What’s more, speaking French is an integral part of his Canadian identity. It’s a pride that he brought all the way to the Juno Beach Centre in Normandy, France, where he just completed an eight-month work experience through the University

Jeun’INFO has been a fascinating experience for Yuxin Bai, a 17-year-old who welcomes opportunities and is not afraid to accept new challenges. Two years ago, she decided to participate in Radio-Canada’s Jeun’INFO in order to live a unique experience as a journalist: report on the topic of her choice. One of the reasons that motivated Bai to embark on this adventure was that she wanted an authentic Francophone experience outside her immersion school. For her, it was a personal challenge, which she did brilliantly! Does Bai want to be a journalist? Not necessarily. In fact, she’s think-

Alexis Normand Recording artist singer-songwriter

Marie Digney Law student Marie Digney’s Francophone journey starts like many others from English-speaking families: at school – specifically the International Baccalaureate program at Luther College High School in Regina. After high school, Digney’s appreciation for French language and culture grew stronger as she participated in the Explore program in Chicoutimi, Québec. Following this adventure, she enrolled in the Baccalauréat en éducation française (BEd) and the Baccalauréat en études francophones et interculturelles (BA) at the University of Regina. “I chose to study in French because of my love for the language. Furthermore, I know that bilingualism is becoming more and more important in our country and that it’s a strong asset in any career,” she says. Digney was chosen among the top students in Saskatchewan for SLIP (Saskatchewan Legislative Internship Program), a seven-

Like many people in Saskatchewan, Alexis Normand was raised in an exogamous family with an Anglophone mother and a Francophone father. Though her mother was always supportive of her francophone heritage, Normand admits that raising a bilingual family was sometimes

of Regina’s cooperative education program. Luke was among a handful of individuals chosen from Canada to work as a guide at the historic military installations at Juno Beach for English and French-speaking visitors from around the world. “My immersion training, as well as grammar classes at La Cité, were excellent preparation for this incredible experience,” he notes. At the end of his studies, Gilmore hopes to work in the political world, where he acknowledges that bilingualism will be an important advantage in getting ahead.

challenging. Normand attended l’École canadiennefrançaise in Saskatoon until she was 16 years old. When she attended an Anglophone school for grades 11 and 12, Normand quickly understood just how easy it would be to lose touch with her francophone heritage and how quickly the quality of her French could dwindle since she wasn’t speaking it every day. She made the conscious choice to keep practicing her French. Bilingualism has given her unique advan-

ing about studying in engineering or medicine. Her Jeun’INFO experience was an opportunity to prove to herself that she can work in French giving her confidence in her French speaking abilities. Jeun’INFO is a Radio-Canada program, aimed at young Francophones and French-speaking students in grades 10 to 12. It aims to encourage young people to discover their talents in journalism, study topics that motivate them and learn how to face the challenges of teamwork. Past participants can be viewed at www. radio-canada.ca/jeuninfo.

tages: “I finished my University education debt free because I always had well-paid summer jobs that required me to interact with the public in both French and English.” “I speak with my sisters, most of my friends speak French and I am involved in the Fransaskois community. Francophone culture is a huge part of my life and continues to define me as an artist,” says Normand. Normand hopes her bilingualism makes her work distinct within the musical landscape of the province.

tickets, activities & line up www.fetefransaskoise.ca

Dominique Liboiron Dominique Liboiron canoed to New Orleans, Louisiana as a way to honour the life of his uncle Michel Hamon. Liboiron’s goal was to raise awareness about heart disease. With eight months and 5,232 km of paddling, he entered New Orleans, a city his uncle had grown to love. Liboiron’s uncle passed away from a heart attack at the age of 42. In 1992, Hamon himself had been to Louisiana where he had found a culture and a people very similar to his own sharing the French language. Liboiron felt his uncle’s ashes belonged in New Orleans, his voyage by canoe is a tribute to that belief.

month internship at the Legislative Assembly working alongside various deputies and ministers in the Legislative Building. Fuelled by her passion for French and coupled with her academic and professional background she is now enrolled in the first cohort of students in the Certificate in Common Law in French at the University of Saskatchewan College of Law.

UPCOMING OF ACTIVITIES RENDEZ-VOUS DE LA FRANCOPHONIE 2017 L A F R A N C O P H O N I E E N 3 D : D I V E R S I T Y, D U A L I T Y, D Y NA M I S M E ! March 4 to 25 – Le Canada c’est moi with Regina Salseros, Maika Sellami, Shawn Jobin or Falouma Tshiswaka. Familly event celebrating the nations 150th anniversary. Details and schedule at www.parentsfransaskois.ca March 6 to 17 – 2017 Fragments d’idenité Photography and poetry expo by Estelle Bonetto a the Cité Universitaire francophone, Language Institute Building at he University of Regina. From 8:30 to 4:30 PM March 11 – Francophone Winter Carnaval d’hiver francophone de

Regina from 11 AM to 4 PM at Carrefour Horizons 1440, 9e Avenue Nord, Regina. Fun for the whole family.

president Françoise Sigur-Cloutier with invited guest Dominique Liboiron.

March 15 – Starting at 10 AM, Tintamarre, on main Street in Moose Jaw with a flag raison ceremony at the Mae Wilson Theatre.

March 16, 17 & 18 – Francophone theatre La grande révolution électrique by Laurier Gareau, starting at 8 PM (Sunday March 19 2 PM) Carrefour Horizons auditorium, 1440, 9e Avenue Nord, Regina.

March 15 – Flag raising and Declaration of the Rendezvous de la francophonie at the Legislative Assembly at 12: 30 at the Saskatchewan Gallery of the legislature. Greetings by provincial secretary Nadine Wilson, ACF

March 18 – JANA «Journé e d’accueil du nouvel arrivant» a Regina Carrefour Horizons, 1440 9 Avenue North presented by la Communauté des Africains francophones de la Saskatchewan (CAFS)

The voyage began on the Frenchman River near Eastend, SK, in June, 2012. Liboiron canoed across the border into Montana to the Milk River. He then followed it to the Missouri River, which flows into the Mississippi. From there, he paddled south reaching New Orleans in time for Super Bowl Sunday. Liboiron is the first person to have completed such a voyage from Saskatchewan to Louisiana. His exploits are a way to inspire young people, to encourage them to value their identity and to pursue their dreams. Learn more about Dominique’s trip at www.canoetoneworleans.com.

Free for 13 years old and under Gratuit pour les 13 ans et moins


March 19 – Just for laughs / Festival Juste pour rire the Bistro du Carrefour des Plaines à Regina 8 PM with stand up comics Emmanuel Bilodeau, Luc Leblanc & Daniel Pinetet, hosted by Eddy King.


March 22 – FRANCOFIÈVRE – For high school French immersion students a day of music and culture in French at the University of Regina. April 29 – FRANCOTHON & Fransaschante at the CBC/ RadioCanada building 2440 Broad Street in Regina and on CBKFT television, starting at 5 PM. Musical performances, Visual Arts and Cuisine.

Programs and Courses in French Continuing Education Research Centre Student Services Tutoring

July 7, 8 and 9 – Festival Fête fransaskoise Pike Lake Provincial Park– A fransaskois summer festival presenting cultural activities for the whole family.

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