Postnoon E-Paper for 23 December 2011

Page 1


It all begins today! We’re off with our coverage of the upcoming India v Australia series, and you know what that means... 4 pages of sport! Your guide to the greatest cricket series ever starts right here P12&13 Hyderabad’s first compact afternoon newspaper

Police outsource







The City police have come up with a novel way of curbing the drunkdriving menace — put the onus on the hotels and bars. In one of the quirkiest laws in years, the police have pretty much outsourced their job to citizens, by demanding that establishments give their customers breath analysers before they leave. Needless to say, we’re not happy REPORT ON PG 4

Page Two Isha Mukoo



Spirit of Twin Cities

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The different shades of art


There’s more to art than just being a status symbol or a money spinner, say art enthusiasts at an event held by FLO ëÜáéë= íÜêçìÖÜ= Üáë= ïçêâëK ^ÅÅçêÇáåÖ= íç= ÜáãI= Üáë= é~áåíáåÖë ÇÉêáîÉ= áåëéáê~íáçå= Ñêçã= íÜÉ= ÅçìåJ íêó= ~åÇ= áíë= ÉëëÉåÅÉ= ïÜáÅÜ= Å~å= ÄÉ ëÉÉå=áå=Üáë=éáÉÅÉë=~åÇ=íÜÉ=ï~ó=ÜÉ éä~óë= ïáíÜ= ÅçäçìêëK= eÉ= éêÉÇçãáJ å~åíäó= ìëÉë= íÜÉ= Åçäçìêë= êÉÇ= ~åÇ ÖçäÇ= íç= ëÜçï= íÜÉ= î~êóáåÖ= ãççÇë ~åÇ= Ñ~ÅÉë= çÑ= Üìã~åëK= f= äáâÉ= íç é~áåí= fåÇá~I= ëçãÉíÜáåÖ= íÜ~í= çåÉ Å~å=êÉä~íÉ=íçK=f=~ã=áåëéáêÉÇ=Äó=íÜÉ ÖóéëáÉë= Ñêçã= o~à~ëíÜ~åI= _ÉåÖ~ä ~åÇ= hÉê~ä~I= íÜÉ= É~êíÜáåÉëë= çÑ s~ê~å~ëá= ~åÇ= ã~åó= ãçêÉ= éä~ÅÉëIÒ ÜÉ=ë~áÇK= pÜ~êáåÖ=ÜÉê=íÜçìÖÜíë=~Äçìí=~êí ~åÇ= íÜáë= ÉîÉåíI= máåâó= oÉÇÇó= ë~áÇI fíÛë=ÄÉÉå=ãó=Åçåëí~åí=ÉåÇÉ~îçìê íç=ÉåäáÖÜíÉå=~åÇ=Éñé~åÇ=çìê=ÜçêáJ òçåë= ~åÇ= ïÜÉå= f= íÜçìÖÜí= ~Äçìí ~êíI=áí=ï~ë=íïç=å~ãÉë=íÜ~í=Å~ãÉ=íç ãó=ãáåÇ=Ô m~êÉëÜ=~åÇ=p~åÖÉÉí~K

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Sangeeta Chopra

Around the city: Your guide to the Twin Cities

Go live

When: Ongoing, 3 to 6pm Contact: (040) 66618628


Every Friday enjoy a live barbeque spread. Alfresco turns into a magical setting with a live bar through the evening. Where: q~à=hêáëÜå~I=_~åà~ê~=eáääë When: Every Friday Contact: (040) 66662323


Martini ‘n music Enjoy the winter evenings with grey goose martinis with crooner Kelly dishing out your favourite numbers. Where: W==q~à=hêáëÜå~I=_~åà~ê~=eáääë When: Every Evening Contact: (040)66662323

Sing along Head to Via Milano Italian Bar and Restaurant. for Open Mic with Roger White. Where: sá~=jáä~åçI=gìÄáäÉÉ=eáääë When: December 23 Contact: (040) 64555544

Man and wife Miya-Biwi, a comedy play in Hyderabadi Hindi will be staged as a part of the Udaan Theatre Festival 2011. Where: i~ã~â~~åI=_~åà~ê~=eáääë When: December 23, 7.30pm Contact: 9642731329

So fresh you can taste it To experience a typical seafood market, head to the Simply Fishy Food Festival. Sample food prepared by the chefs made with fresh seafood cooked in a variety of marinades and sauces. Where: Hyderabad Marriott & Convention Centre, Tank Bund When: Ongoing, 6.30 to 11.30pm Contact: (040) 27522567

Go rock and roll Join Heal a Child Foundation on December at HICC for the Rock & Roll Retro Evening & dance till you drop! Where: ef``I=_~åà~ê~=eáääë When: December 23, 7.30pm Contact: (040) 66824422

Visual art

Christmas treat It’s Christmas time, Novotel Hyderabad’s Le Café celebrates the festive season with a gingerbread house. You can view this marvel and buy various Christmas goodies such as cookies and moulded chocolate that are available on site. Where: kçîçíÉäI=eá=qÉÅÜ=`áíó When: Ongoing, 11am to 11pm Contact: (040) 66824422

Myriad Reflections View a collection of paintings at Alankritha Art Gallery by Ramachandra B Pokale at an exhibition titled Myriad Reflections. His work depicts the youth. Through his paintings he presents women as glamorous, enticing and alluring


Where: ^ä~åâêáíÜ~I=gìÄáäÉÉ=eáääë When: Ongoing, 11am to 7pm Contact: (040) 2311370

4play at 4 Hard Rock Café’s Happy Hour ‘4Play at 4’ is on from Monday – Friday between 4-7pm. Where: e~êÇ=oçÅâ=`~ÑÉI=oÇ=åç=N When: Monday-Friday, 4 to 7pm Contact: (040) 4476 7900

Interactive art An interactive exhibition Via presence by B2FAYS is being presented by Alliance française Hyderabad along with Kalakriti Art gallery. Where: h~ä~âêáíáI=_~åà~ê~=eáääë When: Ongoing, 11 to 7pm

Contact: (040) 66564467

Synchronicity An exhibition of paintings and sculptures by Seema Kohli’s titled Synchronicity will be on at Shrishti Art Gallery. Where: pÜêáëÜíá=I=gìÄáäÉÉ=eáääë= When: Ongoing, 11 to 7pm Contact: (040) 23607151

Acrylic workshop The Daira Centre for Arts and culture has started Atelier for Artist project. The first project is a reverse glass painting workshop called Acrylic on Acrylic or Acrylic on Glass. Where: W=a~áê~I=_~åà~ê~=eáääë

An exhibition cum sale of paintings by Hari Srinivas. The Exhibition is on display till 30 January 2012. Where: Wspi=sáëì~ä=^êí=d~ääÉêóI= mäçí=åç=NMMI=^m=qÉñí=_ççâ== `çäçåóI=dìå=oçÅâ=båÅä~îÉ

When: Ongoing Contact: 9247175135

Life in the dark Dialogue in the dark is an innovative format to experience and understand the daily life of the visually challenged. You can get a tour in complete darkness with visually impaired guides as they lead you through various situations such as shopping at a supermarket and crossing the road. Where: Inorbit Mall, Madhapur When: Ongoing, 10am to 8pm Contact: (040) 64603341/4

Big Cinemas, Ameerpet, 30581470; Cinemax, Banjara Hills, 44565555; Cine Planet , Kompally, 61606060; INOX, Banjara Hills, 447677770, Prasads, Tank Bund Rd, 23448888; PVR, Punjagutta, 08800900009; Talkie Town, Miyapur, 40214175; Tivoli, Secunderabad 27844973

Special Report


he City police chief’s latest directive to bars and restaurants that they would, for all practical purposes, be held responsible for those caught for drunk driving has sent a shiver down stakeholders’ spines. Bars and restaurants, whose hands and feet are already bound by a variety of laws, are preparing for a showdown with the government and police if pushed further. A Postnoon reality check. Md Inkeshaf Ahmed

HYDERABAD: While we were asleep, the City police assumed the role of a headmaster and came out with an advisory memo, with a stick attached that the onus of your getting caught drunk on the road will be on the bars or restaurants that served you liquor! The shocking diktat comes after the recent well-publicised success of the traffic police in hauling up the youngsters and celebrities who had one peg too many on some party or occasion in the club or hotels. The notice now the City commissioner issued, of which Postnoon has a facsimile, tells that “it is the responsibility of the management of pubs/bars to make necessary arrangements to provide drivers/cabs to the customers who are in a drunken state o reach their destination safely… pubs/bars can maintain breath analyser in for use by their clients.” Joint Police Commissioner MM Bhagwat said that they have asked the bar and pub owners to procure breath analysers which Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints

198 155313

POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section

155333 23431178 23431179 Street Light 155304 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION:



Liquor is injurious to the server


will be a client service. Will the police department which got World Bank funding for buying equipment procure one breath analyser each of the restaurants? “No comment.” The top police officer said. City police chief AK Khan said, “Well, I can’t comment anything at this juncture. I have convened a meeting of five star hotels, bars and restaurant owners today afternoon to discuss on the issue.” The headmaster in uniform tells further that much like the statutory warning on cigarette packets and liquor bottles, the pubs, bars and restaurants should display posters 'Don't Drink and Drive' and 'Drunk Driving is An Offence' at the entrances. The advisory is obviously illreceived by bar/ restaurant owners who are already lassoed on too many counts. While the bars and restaurant managements appreciate the efforts of the police department to prevent drunken and driving, they are displeased at some clauses of the advisory.

It’s ironic that one department issues licenses to run bars and pubs by charging lakhs, another department issues notices imposing sanctions GV Krishnaiah, AP Hotels Association president

Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266 24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833150 Railway Information 131 Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333

The tone of the advisory is that it is basically the fault of the bars and restaurants that people get caught on the road. And, in the case of them found wanting on compliance of police directive to be vigilant, there hangs a threat of snapping their license. “All the managements of bars and restaurants are instructed to follow the above instructions with immediate effect and any disregard of these directions will be viewed seriously besides cancellation of their entertainment licenses, following due process of law.” AP Hotels Association President, GV krishnaiah, has no words. He rather spluttered, “sarkar ki dabbulu kaavali 90 per cent bikelapai vastaaru kada mottam ban cheyandi (90 per cent of liquor revenue to the government comes from those come on bikes. It should rather ban liquor sale than indulging in this kind of gimmick.” Bar and restaurant owners say that some rules prescribed by the police are prone to misuse.

Especially, the rule which says that the licenses of the bars and restaurant owners will be cancelled if more than five cases are registered against them. "The police are openly encouraging bars and restaurant managements to resort to illegal means to kill competition among them. Any bar owner can trick the police to book more than five cases against his rival bar or restaurant to get its license cancelled," Ravinath Goud, owner of Venkateswara Bar and Restaurant told Postnoon. Another rule that the bars and

restaurants' managements should make arrangements to drop their customers, who are in drunken state to reach their destinations is also termed ridiculous. Many of these managements are saying that they can’t make such arrangements as they are already sustaining losses on account of aggressive anti-drunken drive campaign by traffic police. A senior lawyer who wanted to be anonymous (as he too loves a pint of elixir once a while) remarked that such directive will not stand the scrutiny of law. “The police are exceeding their brief.”

This action of the police is a clear case of human rights violation as it amounts to unnecessary harassment of the bar and restaurant owners

What powers do the police have to warn us that they would cancel our licenses, if more than five cases are registered against us. This rule can be misused by our competitors to harass us.

I have been a regular bar visitor for years. I am surprised when I heard about the fresh rules. It is atrocious to ask restaurants to keep breath analysers

G Vasanth Kumar Goud, former AP chief of all India HRA

WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital, Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital,

LB Nagar 155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888 30417777 30419000 30416666

BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills

Ravinath Goud, owner, Venkateswara Bar

39879999 27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445

AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777 Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332

AIRLINES Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Website; TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999 UK Visa Office

VV Santosh, Patron

VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7 Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum

24523211 232431300/7641 24521029

Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222

Hyper Local

Danam vs Anjan bout over deputy mayoralty Final call on the candidate will be taken by the CM despite hectic lobbying by Secunderabad MP and labour minister

U Srinivas


inister for Labour Danam Nagendar and Secunderbad MP Anjan Kumar Yadav have been at loggerheads for a long time. But now their rivalry has reached a new nadir with each lobbying for his candidate for the deputy mayor office. The issue has now been taken to Delhi. Election for the deputy mayor post is due by this

month- end and both of them are tirelessly meeting in turn the chief minister, minister for municipal administration Maheedhar Reddy and PCC Chief Botsa Satyanarayana. While Anjan shuttles between Delhi and Hyderabad as a Parliament member, it is learnt that Danam made a trip to Delhi to see that his candidate gets the trophy. It is learnt that calls from Delhi had reached PCC Chief for Anjan Kumar’s candidate (identity of the candidates are kept

under wraps). It is learnt that Anjan Kumar has told Delhi that he never asked for favours in the past but this time he wants his candidate for the deputy mayor position. But Nagendar is very close to PCC Chief and he knows how to get things done. All said and done the final nod has to come from the chief minister as he is a Hyderabadi and has his own opinion on such matters. At the end it could be the CM’s blue-eyed boy (or girl) who would win the chair, sources point outl. It is reliably learnt that when some of the city leaders wanted to make suggestions in this regard to the CM, he snubbed them saying they they should first stop corruption in the GHMC and then think about lobbying for the posts. He cited the example of some officials who were suspended and said that what would the City people think when leaders lobby for the city posts? He told them that able leaders will get the post and that there was no need for lobbying at all times. The CM also questioned one of the leaders as why they should take this issue to Delhi.

Contractors threaten to stall Jalayagnam project Postnoon News


he builders Association of India (BAI) has warned the State government that the contractors are left with no other option than stopping works of Jalayagnam projects if their funds were not released and rates revised. They blamed the government for not coming to the rescue of the contractors on various fronts. Talking to Postnoon, chairman of BAI P Mohan Reddy said that lot of time was wasted in land acquisition and acquiring the forest land. Apart from this delay late payment was also another reason for slow work. Most of the contractors were driven to bankruptcy and some of them have suspended work for payments he said. While people think that


Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities

The issues faced by contractors 1 They have to absorb cost overrun 2 Bank guarantees have to be renewed as long as the works got delayed in the name of permissions 3 Extra premiums for insurance paid due to delays 4 Interests on mobilisation advance borne by the contractor. 5 Government never bothered to respond over the old rates and agreements 6 Idling charges claimed against machinery, tools and plant rejected 7 The contractors incurred heavy financial loss due to delay in land acquisition, seeking permission from forest department.

contractors are thugs and robbing the society , ground realities are different,” said Reddy. “They are a harassed lot.” He suggested to the government that escalation of cost for materials and labour had to be compensated. Like other States do. Reimbursing the commission on bank guarantees beyond agreement period is one. Reimbursing extra expenditure incurred on insurance premiums is another. This apart, reimbursing extra expenditure on cutting and removing the rock by controlled blasting, paying back the extra expenditure incurred on structures beyond the specified numbers are other helps expected of government. The contractors want the government to work out a method to resolve the impasse without unduly burdening the contractors or the government.


C camp fuming as it awaits spoils of office Postnoon News


egastar-turned politician Chiranjeevi has a mega problem on his hands—how to keep his fuming flock in the avuncular Congress camp. The erstwhile PRP MLAs are spending sleepless nights these days. Legislator Sreedhar Krishna Reddy said, “We hope that Chiranjeevi would be made a Rajya Sabha member in February or else we would rethink about PRP’s merger with the Congress.” Chiranjeevi and his legislators are clearly feeling humiliated as their wait for rewards is extending hopelessly. The promise made by the Congress leadership

at Delhi was that Chiranjeevi would be suitably rewarded with a berth in the Union Ministry and three of his party MLAs would be inducted into the State Cabinet besides some other plum posts. But as of today, the only recognition that Chiranjeevi got was a promise of his nomination in the Congress Co-ordination committee. Despite helping the Congress government survive, Chiranjeevi and his party legislators have been cold shouldered by the Congress High Command and the chief minister. This despite the fact that Chiranjeevi is a close confidant of the APCC president Botsa Satyanarayana and both belong to the Kapu community.



Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities


The fast leave us furious Ever wonder how those powerful superbikes flaunted by youngsters manage to enter and leave the State despite mandatory paperwork. Postnoon tracks the speed trail Osama Salman



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Aishwarya Yerra


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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities


Students fume as A silk lover’s delight dreams SNAP Sudeshna Koka


e want our money back, it’s injustice, we have been victimised, retake, refund are some of the angry outbursts doing the rounds on several MBA fora and social networking sites after the recent SNAP (Symbiosis national aptitude paper) fiasco. For students who appeared for the exam, the alleged rigging and leaking of the question paper of SNAP 2011 has left them feeling cheated and angry. Some of the allegations made by students and training experts include questions taken from coaching institute websites and blogs. “The GK section of the paper was lifted from one of the blogs. Also, there were few questions which were directly copied from the material of a reputed coaching institute. This gave students of these institutes an unfair advantage,” says Suchit S, an MBA aspirant. The problems that students faced with this year’s SNAP exam were endless. For starters, they were given incorrect questions and answer options. The multiple answer possibilities in a test had single answer choice questions, there was missing data from the question stem and answer options as well as spelling mistakes and repeated answers. “I spent five minutes on one set of logical reasoning and analytical reasoning and still couldn’t figure it out. It’s easy to criticise the students that they wasted time on it but when there are 6 marks are at stake you can’t just leave it,” fumes Abhishek Anand, a student.

PRIYANKA SHARMA, HIMACHAL PRADESH e all believed in the brand Symbiosis but this time the SNAP exam just snapped right back at us. Even if we are given grace marks for the disputed questions they still can’t make up for the time we lost on those questions. For many like me it was a dream to get into to SIU but it has been shattered. We need justice!


Postnoon News

He goes on to add, “Even in the quantitative section that was riddled with mistakes I kept rechecking my answers but couldn’t find any mistake nor could I get a match for my answer. For instance, instead of 5+5/7 the question had an option as 55/7.” Naga Akhilesh says there were appalling spelling mistakes in the verbal section. “I got set G which had printing errors. I had an option in a question as ‘HAD HAD’ whereas in other sets the sentence was ‘HAS HAD.’ There were spelling mistakes like, KERNAL instead of KERNEL and MASSENGER instead of MESSENGER,” he says. When contacted, officials from Symbiosis remained unavailable for comment. But a letter of clarification posted on the website said, ‘A prima facie investigation has not found anything wrong in the SNAP examination.’ The letter signed by Madhu Sharma, registrar, further reads: ‘We wish to clarify that the University does not have any tie up with any coaching institution.’

THILAK KUMAR, HYDERABAD am one of the thousands of students who appeared for SNAP. There were many problems with the paper, not only were the questions directly lifted from a coaching institute's website but also there were questions that didn't make any sense. Surprisingly, the questions carried the maximum marks and hence couldn't just be ignored.


HYDERABAD: Silk lovers in the City have reason to cheer. The latest Silk Mark Expo held at Sathya Sai Nigamagamam brings to the City unique designs that are up for grabs. Organised by the Silk Mark Organisation of India (SMOI) the exhibition will be on till December 27. The main objective of this exhibition is to educate the consumer on the purity of silk and its varieties. The exhibition was inaugurated on December 22 by CS Ramalakshmi IFS, commissioner of Sericulture. This year craftsmen brought to fore innovative designs that garnered much appreciation from the public. On offer were

designs from across India like Pochampally Tie & Dye designs from Andhra Pradesh, Rich weaves from Kancheepuram and Arani silk, Salem Silk of Tamil Nadu, soft Mysore silks, Golden Muga of Assam and the famous Benaras silk that is known for its designer zari work. “I have been doing this business for several years now and Hyderabad has been a great audience. Even this year we have brought a variety of products says,” Srinivas K, of Satya Sai creations Bangalore. The expo also showcases Patola silk sarees from the west, Sambalpur silk sarees from the east, Crepes from Kashmir, designs from Dharmavaram, Gadwal, Peddapuram and Uppada of Andhra Pradesh, classy Tussars from MP and Bihar.

Hyderabad’s first afternoon newspaper

e b i r c s Sub DAY! TO

Special Offer

1 Year

` 299/6 Months

` 149/-



NEW DELHI had worked very hard for this year’s SNAP but in the end I realised that it was nothing but a second grade coaching centre’s mock test. Most of the GK questions were directly lifted from a blog and coaching centres’ websites. If this was not enough, many quant and logical reasoning questions were also lifted from another coaching centre’s website.

NEW DELHI or people like me who belong to middle class families it’s not easy to shed around Rs 7000 and see it go waste. The SIU has earned in crores(20+) and still couldn't manage to set a paper well. I am disappointed with the Indian mode of education and the lackadaisical approach of the regulators of national level exams.



040 - 4067 2222



India unveiled


Lokpal Bill tabled, rough road ahead NEW DELHI: qÜÉ= ÖçîÉêåãÉåí çå= qÜìêëÇ~ó= Ñáå~ääó= í~ÄäÉÇ= áå m~êäá~ãÉåí= íÜÉ= ãìÅÜJÇÉÄ~íÉÇ içâé~ä=Äáää=íç=ÅçãÄ~í=ÅçêêìéíáçåI ïáíÜ=íÜÉ=éêáãÉ=ãáåáëíÉê=~åÇ=ãçëí çÑ=íÜÉ=ÄìêÉ~ìÅê~Åó=ìåÇÉê=áíë=ÑçäÇK _ìí= íÜÉ= êç~Ç= ~ÜÉ~Ç= ëÉÉãÉÇ Äìãéó= ïáíÜ= ^åå~= e~ò~êÉ= íê~ëÜJ áåÖ=áí=~ë=ïÉ~â=~åÇ=éçäáíáÅ~ä=é~êíáÉë ëÜ~êéäó=ÇáîáÇÉÇ=çå=áíë=ÉÑÑáÅ~ÅóK qÜÉ= ÖçîÉêåãÉåí= ~äëç= áåíêçJ ÇìÅÉÇ= ~= ëÉé~ê~íÉ= _áää= íç= ~ãÉåÇ íÜÉ=Åçåëíáíìíáçå=íç=ÅçåÑÉê=ÅçåëíáJ íìíáçå~ä= ëí~íìë= íç= íÜÉ= éêçéçëÉÇ áåëíáíìíáçå= ÜÉêÉ= ~åÇ= áå= pí~íÉëK qÜáë= ïçìäÇ= åÉÉÇ= ëÉé~ê~íÉ= íïçJ íÜáêÇë= Ä~ÅâáåÖ= áå= ÄçíÜ= eçìëÉë ïÜáÅÜ= íÜÉ= êìäáåÖ= Åç~äáíáçå= ÇçÉë åçí=Ü~îÉK qÜÉ=íïç=_áääë=ïçìäÇ=ÄÉ=í~âÉå ìé=Ñçê=ÇÉÄ~íÉ=áå=íÜÉ=içâ=p~ÄÜ~=çå aÉÅÉãÄÉê= OT= ~åÇ= ïáää= ÄÉ= í~ÄäÉÇ áå= íÜÉ= o~àó~= p~ÄÜ~K= _çíÜ= ÜçìëÉë ïáää= ãÉÉí= Ñêçã= aÉÅÉãÄÉê= OTJOV íç= ÇáëÅìëë= íÜÉ= éêçéçëÉÇ= içâé~äI ~å= áëëìÉ= ïÜáÅÜ= Ü~ë= êçÅâÉÇ= íÜÉ Åçìåíêó=Ñçê=ãçåíÜëK e~ò~êÉI= ïÜçëÉ= Å~ãé~áÖå= Ñçê ~å= ÉÑÑÉÅíáîÉ= içâé~ä= ëáåÅÉ= ^éêáä Ü~ë=ã~ÇÉ=Üáã=~=ÜçìëÉÜçäÇ=å~ãÉI Ü~ë= ÄÉÉå= áåëáëíáåÖ= çåW= ÄêáåÖáåÖ íÜÉ= éêáãÉ= ãáåáëíÉêI= íÜÉ= `_f= ~åÇ ~ää= ÄìêÉ~ìÅê~íë= ìåÇÉê= íÜÉ çãÄìÇëã~åI=`áíáòÉåë=`Ü~êíÉê=áå

Ahead of UP polls, minorities given 4.5% quota in jobs NEW


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Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and finance minister Pranab Mukherjee in Lok Sabha in New Delhi on Thursday. PTI

nìçíÉJråèìçíÉ Pranab Mukherjee: "It is for the 545 members of the Lok Sabha to decide on the Bill. It is not undue haste. There is nothing illegal."

Whatever right is to be done, we will do that. We want a Lokpal bill but it has to be strong. This is not a strong bill. Wrong to bring ex-parliamentarians under Lokpal."

Anna Hazare:

Gurudas Dasgupta:

"The new Lokpal Bill is very weak, it will not help in tackling corruption. Why is government afraid of CBI? If CBI comes under the Lokpal, there will be queue of ministers towards jail. The government is afraid of CBI, that's why it does bring it within the ambit of Lokpal."

"I appeal to the Congress party and to the government that under no circumstances the sovereignty of parliament should be surrendered. The Lokpal bill is being sought to be introduced in unusual haste. There is only one father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, let us not allow anybody pretend to be a single crusader against corruption. We fought against corruption."

Sushma Swaraj: ÖçîÉêåãÉåí= çÑÑáÅÉëI= ~åÇ içâ~óìâí~ë=Ñçê=~ää=pí~íÉëK táíÜ= íÜÉ= ÖçîÉêåãÉåí= åçí= áå ~ÖêÉÉãÉåíI=~åÇ=ÉîÉå=~=ëÉÅíáçå=çÑ íÜÉ= éçäáíáÅ~ä= Éëí~ÄäáëÜãÉåí= Ü~îJ áåÖ=ÇáÑÑÉêÉåí=îáÉïëI=áí=ï~ë=ÅäÉ~ê=çå qÜìêëÇ~ó= íÜ~í= qÉ~ã= ^åå~= ï~ë éçáëÉÇ= Ñçê= ~= ëÜçïÇçïå= ïáíÜ= íÜÉ ~ìíÜçêáíáÉëK= ^ÅÅçêÇáåÖ= íç= íÜÉ= ÄáääI= RM= éÉêJ ÅÉåí=çÑ=içâé~ä=ãÉãÄÉêë=ëÜ~ää=ÄÉ Ñêçã= íêáÄÉëI= a~äáíëI= líÜÉê

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"We are disappointed. This is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has given dozens of rulings stating that any reservation should not be more than 50 percent. Take it back, return with a fresh pro-constitutional Bill and we will pass that."

Lalu Prasad: "We in parliament have to decide about the bill. Don't do anything wrong fearing the agitation.

Arvind Kejriwal: "It (Lokpal) is a very dangerous bill which will be controlled by the government. The removal, suspension and selection of the Lokpal will be decided by the government. We reject the Lokpal bill and demand the entire bill is taken back and redrafted in the right manner."

OUT OF CONTROL Students damage furniture at the office of District Inspector of Schools in Mathura on Thursday. PIC: PTI

RTI response may have averted AMRI tragedy KOLKATA: e~Ç= íÜÉ= tÉëí _ÉåÖ~ä=ÖçîÉêåãÉåí=ÄçíÜÉêÉÇ=íç êÉéäó=íç=~=èìÉêó=~Äçìí=íÜÉ=ÅáíóDë ^jof= eçëéáí~ä= ìåÇÉê= íÜÉ= oáÖÜí íç= fåÑçêã~íáçå= EoqfF= ^ÅíI= íÜÉ ÇÉî~ëí~íáåÖ= ÑáêÉ= ïÜáÅÜ= Åä~áãÉÇ VQ= äáîÉë= ãáÖÜí= Ü~îÉ= ÄÉÉå= ~îÉêíJ ÉÇI= ~= ÇçÅíçê= ë~áÇ= ÜÉêÉ= çå qÜìêëÇ~óK ?fÑ= íÜÉ= ÜÉ~äíÜ= ÇÉé~êíãÉåí Ü~Ç=ÄÉÉå=ÄçíÜÉêÉÇ=Äó=çìê=èìÉêóI íÜÉó= ÅÉêí~áåäó= ïçìäÇ= Ü~îÉ= îáëáíJ ÉÇ=íÜÉ=Üçëéáí~ä=çê=í~äâÉÇ=ïáíÜ=áíë ~ìíÜçêáíáÉë= Ñçê= íÜÉ= áåÑçêã~íáçåK

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Around the World


Beyond Borders

Quake rocks New Zealand’s Christchurch yet again

A file picture of the quake-damaged Christchurch Cathedral AFP


strong earthquake has rocked the New Zealand city of Christchurch, closing the airport and sending residents rushing from buildings. The 5.8 quake struck 26km (15 miles) north-east of the city at a depth of 4.7km, the US Geological Survey said. One person

Genocide row: Turkey reacts to French law

was hurt but there were no immediate reports of large-scale damage. The quake comes 10 months after swathes of the city centre were destroyed by another quake. The earthquake hit at 1358 local time (0058 GMT). Electricity and telecommuni-

cations services have been disrupted in some areas. A shopping centre has also been evacuated and residents were reported to be standing outside buildings. The airport was closed but an official told local media it was expected to reopen later in the day after checks. Witnesses told local media shoppers ran from buildings as goods fell off shelves. Resident Keith Tannock: “It was a violent rocking sensation - trees were waving backwards and forwards.” Police are checking the city for damage and Prime Minister John Key is being updated on developments, his spokesman said. Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker said the quake had left people shaken. “I haven’t heard any more significant problems at the moment,” local media quoted him as saying. “Inevitably it would have caused damage to structures, we hope it hasn’t unsettled any rock falls, and we just have to hope the liquefaction issues don’t return.” Liquefaction is the weakening of the soil due to the rising of silt and water sparked by an earthquake. Local media said there were reports of liquefaction in the suburb of Parklands. A total of 181 people were killed when the last earthquake struck in February. It caused up to NZ$20bn ($15.5bn, £9.9bn) in economic losses.

PM should be blamed for Baghdad blasts: Hashemi

I Turkey’s PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan AFP during a press conference


urkey has frozen relations with France, recalling its ambassador and suspending all economic, political and military meetings in response to French MPs’ approval of a law that would make it a crime to deny that the mass killing of Armenians in 1915 by Ottoman Turks was genocide.The furious Turkish reaction to Paris’s parliamentary vote marked an unprecedented low between the Nato partners. The Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, cancelled permission for French military planes to land and warships to dock in Turkey, annulled all joint military exercises, recalled the Turkish ambassador to France for consultations and said he would decide case by case whether to let the French military use Turkish airspace.

raq’s Vice-President Tariq al-Hashemi has said that Prime Minister Nouri Maliki is to blame for a sudden surge of violence in the country. Dozens of people were killed in a string of blasts across the capital, Baghdad, on Thursday. Mr Hashemi, who is subject to an arrest warrant on terror charges, said that Mr Maliki should be focusing on security not “chasing patriotic politicians”. The crisis has sparked fears of renewed sectarian conflict in Iraq. Mr Maliki is from the majority Shia Arab group while Mr Hashemi is one of the country’s most prominent Sunni politicians. He has been accused of orchestrating terror attacks on officials and security forces, a charge he denies. In response, the main Sunni political bloc, al-Iraqiyya, is blockading parliament and the cabinet, putting the future of the fragile year-old unity government in doubt. “We should blame Mr Maliki, he started a national crisis and it’s not easy to control,” Mr Hashemi told the BBC’s Arabic Service. “The Iraqis have a right to be worried. He said the attacks happened because the government was too busy chasing “patriotic politicians” instead of terrorists: “What happened today shows the deficiency and it’s a good evidence for the lack of control over administration of the security brief; because the security services are


GLOBE AT A GLANCE NATO STRIKE IN PARK NOT INTENTIONAL: PENTAGON WASHINGTON: A probe by the Pentagon concluded that the NATO bombing in Pakistan last month was unintentional and stressed that “inadequate coordination” between the US and Pakistani security forces was to be blamed for the air strikes. The alliance forces had “acted in self defence”, the Pentagon said on Thursday. The findings have been shared between the governments’ and NATO.

PAKISTAN PM GILANI FEARS HIS OUSTER ISLAMABAD : Conspiracies are being hatched to oust the elected Pakistani government from power, PM Yousuf Raza Gilani said on Thursday, insisting that “nobody is above the law” and all institutions in the country are “subservient to parliament”.”There cannot be a state within a state. Nobody can say that he is not under the government,” Gilani said.

Chilean student run away from the riot police during a demonstration against the government in Santiago AFP

88 BODIES RETRIEVED AFTER INDONESIA BOAT DISASTER JAKARTA: Eighty-eight bodies were retrieved by Thursday from a wooden vessel that sank six days ago with some 250 people on board off the Indonesian island of Java, officials said. The boat, carrying illegal migrants, mostly from the Middle East, Afghanistan and Turkey, was heading to the Christmas island in Australia, the rescue office said. It sank near the Prigi beach on Saturday.


Iraqis inspect the damage after a wave AFP of attacks in Baghdad pointed in the wrong direction.” Mr Hashemi has previously compared the prime minister’s behaviour and style of government to that of deposed former leader Saddam Hussein, telling US Foreign Policy magazine Mr Maliki was “very much adamant about running this country in a very bad and tough way”. Thursday’s attack were the worst to hit Iraq in months, and came just after the US withdrew its troops, ending nearly nine years of military engagement. At least 68 people were killed and nearly 200 injured as car and roadside bombs went off in 16 separate locations, mostly Shia areas of the city.

DAMASCUS: Syrian pro-democracy activists plan to rally after midday prayers Friday against an Arab League observer mission they say will stall tougher action against the government over its opposition crackdown. An Arab League advance team arrived in Syria on Thursday to oversee a plan to end nine months of bloodshed as the opposition accused regime forces of “massacring” hundreds in two days.

Pedestrians walk beneath lifesize suspended figures of Santa Claus delivering toys in Beverly Hills AFP




Matters of saving and spending

MedPlus shelves IPO plans A Saye Sekhar

Online beauty care store launched


MedPlus, a pharmacy retail chain, has gone back on its move to go public. The private limited company, backed by multiple venture capital partners and private equity players, grew to turn over Rs500 crore a year, in five years. Now, the retail chain plans to add 200-300 retails stores in Mumbai next year and is increasing its footprint in New Delhi where there are already 34 stores. Madhukar Gangadi, founder CEO of the company, told Postnoon on the sidelines of an event on Thursday that the company retired from its plans to go public as it did not require any funding at the moment. It had proposed an IPO for Rs200 crore in 2008. Currently, MedPlus had 1,000 stores across the country and it was adding an average of 250 stores year on year. To a query on how the company’s diagnostic services division was performing, he tersely replied: “Very slow.” Asked if the company was planning to do away with the diagnostic services business, he replied in the negative.


Replying to another question on the clinics in pharmacies, which almost remained a nonstarter, Gangadi said: “Those two (diagnostic services and clinics) are no longer our focus areas for now.” Asked if MedPlus would consider a tie-up with chain of clinics like Razi, he said: “No.” He claimed that the Rs 50,000-crore pharmacy segment was largely unorganised in the country and MedPlus commanded a business of 1 to 1.5 per cent of it, which was again

30 per cent of the organised sector. He said organised retail in pharmacy segment took 5 per cent of the cake. MedPlus, which dabbled with the idea of having a large chain of stores in the franchisee model, withdrew the plan and instead grew organically on a hub-and-spoke model with a major store catering to the SKU (stock-keeping unit) needs of spoke stores. Each store, depending on their location and demographics

of theangadi, geography, wouldwith typically in association grossSurendra Rs70 lakh to Rs80 lakh a Mantena, launched year. The company ‘s loyalty, an programmes, online virtual which studio thatcould would be redeemed claim gifts, gained help peopleto (men and women) popularity with 1.30 lakh cusselect beauty careits products by trytomers in six States. ing a makeover virtually by uploading their photographs. The online store stacked 12,000 varieties of beauty, wellness and nutrition care. The delivery time would depend on the location of the buyer. In major cities like Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai, the company would offer cash-ondelivery facility. Users in tier-II and III cities who could not access highend and imported brands like Calvin Klein, Espirit, and L’Oreal, would now be able to buy these products online. Mode of payment was credit or debit cards and net banking.

Frost & Sullivan partners BioAsia HYDERABAD: The ninth edition of BioAsia, forum for biotechnology business community, will be presenting the ‘CEO Conclave, Mega Trends: The New Frontier’. The 2012 CEO conclave is scheduled on February 10 at 6.30pm and will focus on identifying mega trends in the life sciences industry for the next decade and their impact.

BioAsia partnered with Frost and Sullivan to present this conclave. Sandeep Sinha, director, healthcare practice, South Asia and Middle East, Frost & Sullivan, said: “Mega Trends are connected and intertwined, which suggests that synergetic opportunities exist between them. Our objective would be to help the companies identify these opportunities.” The workshop will find

growth opportunities for life sciences industry and transaction plans for the respective companies to quantify the use of mega trends. Based on the deliberations of the conclave, a white paper will be prepared and submitted to the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and other relevant governmental agencies with some policy recommendations. The last edi-

tion of BioAsia saw 38 participating countries and 400 business to business meetings which was the highest ever in history of the event. “This year given the changed format and major highlights like Mega Trends, we expect many more delegates to participate and make optimum use of such great opportunities,”concluded Shakthi M Nagappan, CEO, BioAsia 2012.

Sensex quiet MUMBAI: The BSE benchmark Sensex rose by over 92 points in opening trade on Friday, extending gains registered in the past two sessions on continued buying influenced by a firming trend in Asian markets. The 30-share index, which has gained 638.28 points over the past two sessions, rose further by 92.32 points, or 0.58 per cent, to 15,905.68 in opening trade on Friday. But it again fell below 15,800 points for a while and began recovering. In a similar fashion, the widebased National Stock Exchange Nifty index moved up by 29.60 points, or 0.62 per cent, to 4,763.45. Capital goods, realty, banking, metal and oil and gas stocks accounted for the lion’s share of the gains on the Sensex in opening trade on Friday. Brokers said sustained buying amid a firming trend in Asian markets in the wake of overnight gains in the US following the release of encouraging data on the jobs market buoyed the trading sentiment at home. In addition, covering up of short positions by speculators in view of approaching monthly expiry in the derivatives segment on the NSE supported the upside, they said. In Asia, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index rose by 1.10 per cent. The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended 0.51 per cent higher in yesterday’s trade. The stock market in Japan was closed. The Indian rupee appreciated by 7 paise to Rs 52.65 per US dollar in early trade on the Interbank Foreign Exchange today, supported by gains posted by the euro and other currencies against the American dollar overseas and a higher opening in the domestic stock market.

Tax deal hands Obama rare win against Republicans Republican WASHINGTON: leaders bowed to intense political pressure to extend a payroll tax holiday for 160 million Americans on Thursday, ending a tense stalemate and handing a win to President Barack Obama. The deal, which must be confirmed by votes in both chambers of Congress, allowed Obama to end the year on a triumphant note as he contemplates his re-election bid, after spending most of 2011 being thwarted by Republicans. Republican leaders in the House of Representatives agreed to back a two-month extension of

a two per cent payroll tax cut, after originally blocking the measure, the product of a bipartisan compromise in the Senate. Their tactics had sparked a torrent of derision from the media, some conservative luminaries and Democrats who eagerly seized a chance to pose as the party of lower taxes, a mantle that Republicans usually claim. “(It) may not have been politically the smartest thing in the world,” Republican House Speaker John Boehner said of the Republican gambit, partly powered by Tea Party conservatives, after

announcing the deal. Obama had enlisted the help of supporters on Twitter and the Internet to argue that many Americans would have been badly hurt by losing $40 from their pay check each two weeks if the tax holiday expired on January 1. “I want to thank every American who raised your voice to remind folks in this town what this debate was all about,” Obama said. Earlier, a tetchy Obama held a televised event to vent fury that though most people in Washington agreed on the need to extend the tax break, Congress could not agree on the

length of the extension.

Economy grew 1.8 pc The US economy grew at an annualized rate of 1.8 per cent in the third quarter and not 2.5 per cent as originally thought, the Commerce Department said on Thursday in its third and final estimate for the June-September period. Data not available at the time of the initial estimate in October showed that consumer spending expanded by only 1.7 per cent in the third quarter, compared with a preliminary reading of 2.3 per cent.

BSE – 15,858.88544.64, NSE – 4,744.70510.85, Gold 24k(10g)– `28,100, Silver (1kg)–53,500, Dollar $ – `52.70, Pound £ – `82.68

Playing Field


The games people play



Terry ensures Chelsea come away with a point Matt Butler

TOURE IS FOOTBALLER OF YEAR JOHANNESBURG: Ivory Coast midfielder Yaya Toure was named 2011 CAF Footballer of the Year in Ghana Thursday just 24 hours after helping Manchester City defeat Stoke City 3-0 and stay top of the English Premier League. Toure, a physically imposing 28-yearold younger brother of City defender Kolo, finished ahead of Ghana and Marseille midfielder Andre Ayew and Mali and Barcelona midfielder Seydou Keita in a vote among Africabased national coaches. Title holder and Cameroon and Anzhi Makhachkala striker Samuel Eto’o was eliminated from the race to be crowned the best footballer on the continent along with Lille striker Moussa Sow.



LONDON: England captain John Terry pro-

LONDON: Chelsea manager Andre Villas-

duced a typical block to spare Chelsea defeat in a 1-1 draw against Tottenham Hotspur in his first match since he was charged by UK prosecutors with racial abuse. Chelsea centre-back Terry blocked a goalbound shot from Emmanuel Adebayor in stoppage time to ensure a point for the visitors at White Hart Lane on Thursday. The draw left Spurs third in the Premier League table, two points in front of their London rivals, after Adebayor’s opener was cancelled out by an equaliser from Chelsea striker Daniel Sturridge. And it meant Spurs were nine points adrift of leaders Manchester City and Chelsea 11 shy of the table-toppers. Tottenham got off to an ideal start as Togo international Adebayor took advantage of Chelsea skipper Terry’s slipshod defending eight minutes into the match by slotting home before Sturridge levelled midway through the first half. Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech made some crucial saves late in the game, as Tottenham desperately searched for a winner. The build-up centred around Terry, charged on Wednesday with racially abusing QPR defender Anton Ferdinand during Chelsea’s loss at Loftus Road in October. Terry — promised the full backing of manager Andre Villas-Boas — was booed by the bulk of Spurs fans as he began his prematch warm-up, but was applauded by the away contingent. He was jeered again as he led Chelsea out ahead of kick-off — and with every touch of the ball. But apart from his mistake to let in Adebayor, he delivered an assured performance. Chelsea had failed to beat Spurs on their last five visits to White Hart Lane and the

Boas (right) believes his side are still very much in the English title race after Daniel Sturridge’s goal earned them a 1-1 draw against Tottenham Hotspur here at White Hart Lane. Villas-Boas saw the performance as evidence his philosophy of introducing an attractive, passing game to Chelsea was starting to produce results. “In terms of our title challenge, it keeps it alive,” Villas-Boas said after a share of the spoils in a London derby against third-placed Tottenham, who remain two points in front of Chelsea. “The draw punishes us a little bit in terms of the league. “We are still in it. If we take six points from our next two home fixtures, we are pretty much in it. “We came to Tottenham who are also title challengers and it is a good point to get. We have been in a worse situation than this and I am sure we can further shorten the distance. “Today [Thursday] our passing game hosts had them on the back foot from the first whistle. And after seven minutes Spurs were ahead — and Terry was partly at fault, after Sandro took the ball off Sturridge in midfield and sent Bale on a run down the left. Gareth Bale sped toward the byline and just before crossing the ball into the box, Terry peeled off Adebayor to give him enough space to meet the Wales star’s centre for a close range tap-in. Juan Mata came close to levelling for Chelsea three minutes later, but his stinging shot was palmed into Sturridge’s path by Brad Friedel and the Blues striker spooned the rebound over the bar. Sturridge made amends in the 23rd

exploded to wonderful levels. It was fantastic to watch this team play when they find themselves in possession and take opportunities.” The focus was on Terry ahead of the match after the Crown Prosecution Service charged him Wednesday with racially abusing QPR defender Anton Ferdinand during Chelsea’s loss at Loftus Road in October. But Villas-Boas added: “His performances have increased since the incident. His commitment was never in doubt.” minute as he turned in Ashley Cole’s cross for Chelsea’s equaliser. The goal was met with vehement protests from the home players as the England left-back had appeared to have handled in the build-up. A rare mistake from Ledley King in the 73rd minute almost resulted in a second for Sturridge after the Tottenham defender’s weak headed clearance fell to the striker, but Friedel was able to keep the ball out. Cech saved his side from a loss six minutes from time when he managed to tip over Sandro’s shot. And in injury time the Chelsea goalkeeper managed a full-stretch save to tip wide Adebayor’s shot from just inside the area. AFP

has told his players to forget about next week’s Old Firm showdown and keep their focus on Saturday’s game with Kilmarnock. A dip in form earlier this season saw the Hoops fall 12 points behind Rangers at the top of the Scottish Premier League. However a recent resurgence in fortunes has meant Celtic have won their past seven matches to close the gap to just four points going into the Christmas Eve fixtures. And Lennon has warned his players not to let their good work go to waste by letting their concentration slip against Killie. “Seven wins in a row is good form but it can go at any time and we have to be wary of that,” Lennon said.

JOHNSON SLAMS CRITICISM OF SUAREZ SUPPORT LIVERPOOL: Liverpool defender Glen Johnson has hit back at criticism of his decision to wear a T-shirt in support of team-mate Luis Suarez before the Reds’ 0-0 draw against Wigan. Suarez was handed an eight-match ban and fined £40,000 on Tuesday after being found guilty of racially abusing Manchester United defender Patrice Evra during a clash at Anfield earlier this season. However, Liverpool’s players remain supportive of the Uruguay forward and Johnson and the rest of the squad warmed up for the Premier League clash at Wigan on Wednesday in T-shirts featuring a picture of Suarez on the front and his shirt number seven on the back.


MAHENDRA SINGH DHONI (C) & (WK) Age: 30 years 160 days Role: Wicketkeeper batsman Tests: 64 Runs: 3407 HS: 148 Average: 38.28 100s: 5 50s: 23

VIRAT KOHLI Age: 23 years 39 days Role: Middle-order batsman Tests: 4 Runs: 191 HS: 63 Average: 27.28 100s: 0 50s: 2

GAUTAM GAMBHIR Age: 30 years 61 days Role: Top-order batsman Tests: 44 Runs: 3531 HS: 206* Average: 47.71 100s: 9 50s: 18

SACHIN TENDULKAR Age: 38 years 234 days Role: Top-order batsman

PRAGYAN OJHA Age: 25 years 100 days Role: Bowler Tests: 14 Wickets: 62 Best figures: 6/47 (innings), 7/109 (match) Average: 34.62 Economy: 2.79 Tests: 184 Runs: 15,183 HS: 248* Average: 56.02 100s: 51 50s: 63

ABHIMANYU MITHUN Age: 22 years 58 days Role: Bowler Tests: 4 Wickets: 9 Best figures: 4/150 (innings), 4/138 (match) Average: 50.66 Economy: 3.80

Stats in Oz Tests: 11 Runs: 1081 Average: 54.05 100s: 4 50s: 3

Stats in Oz Tests 16 Runs 1522 Average 58.53 100s 6 50s 5 ZAHEER KHAN Age: 33 years 68 days Role: Bowler Tests: 79 Wickets: 273 Best figures: 7/87 (innings), 10/149 (match) Economy: 3.28 Average Best figures: 31.78

100th 100? The world will look eagerly at Sachin Tendulkar if he would create this unique record of records.

12 VVS LAXMAN Age: 37 years 43 days Role: Top-order batsman Tests: 130 Runs: 8626 HS: 281 Average: 47.13 100s: 17 50s: 55

RAHUL DRAVID Age: 38 years 337 days Role: Top-order batsman Tests: 160 Runs: 13094 HS: 270 Average: 53.22 100s: 36 50s: 62 Stats in Oz Tests: 12 Runs: 972 Average: 48.60 100s: 1 50s 5




Come December 26, India take on Australia at Melbourne Cricket Ground, promising a sumptuous feast of action for fans of both cricket-loving nations.

RAVICHANDRAN ASHWIN Age: 25 years 88 days Role: Bowler Tests: 3 Wickets: 22 Best figures: 6/47 (innings), 9/128 (match) Average: 22.90 Economy: 2.96 HS: 103


UMESH YADAV Age: 24 years 50 days Role: Bowler Tests: 2 Wickets: 9 Best figures: 4/80 (innings), 7/130 (match) Average: 21.22 Economy: 3.78

ISHANT SHARMA Age: 23 years 103 days Role: Bowler Tests: 41 HS: 31* Wickets: 128 Best figures: 6/55 (innings), 10/108 (match) Average: 35.82 Economy: 3.40

WRIDDHIMAN SAHA (WK) Age: 27 years 51 days Role: Wicketkeeper Tests: 1 Runs: 36 HS: 36 Average: 18.00 TEST DEBUTS Rohit Sharma Age: 24 years 228 days Role: Batsman

VIRENDER SEHWAG Age: 33 years 55 days Role: Top-order batsman Tests: 92 Runs: 7980 HS: 319 Average: 52.12

100s: 22 50s: 30 Stats in Oz Tests: 7 Runs: 833 Average: 50.2 100s: 2 50s: 3

Vinay Kumar Age: 27 years 305 days Role: Bowler

Ajinkya Rahane Age: 23 years 192 days Role: Top-order batsman

Playing Field


The games people play


warns Saluting the heroes Swann of death of cricket we lost in 2011 STICKY WICKET

Tom Collomosse

Pirate Irwin takes a look at the sporting heroes who passed away this year AMERICAN FOOTBALL CHARLES ‘BUBBA’ SMITH Super Bowl-winning defensive player who later forged a relatively successful acting career died aged 66 of acute drug intoxication and heart disease on August 3. Most successful spell in the NFL came with the then Baltimore Colts and landed the Super Bowl at the end of the 1970 season a year after losing to the Joe Namath-led New York Jets. After retirement he gained further fame through his portrayal of physically imposing but soft-spoken police recruit Moses Hightower in all but one of the Police Academy films.

AUTOMOBILE RACING DAN WHELDON Two-time Indianapolis 500 champion killed as a result of injuries suffered in a crash in the Indy 300 race at Las Vegas on October 16 aged 33. In the Vegas race he was racing from the back of the field in pursuit of a $5 million prize offered by IndyCar to a non-series driver who could win the finale.

BOXING SIR HENRY COOPER Much-loved British heavyweight champion who died two days before his 77th birthday on May 1. Best known for his 1963 non-title bout with Muhammad Ali when he landed ‘Enry’s Hammer’ felling his opponent. Some gamesmanship by Ali’s trainer Angelo Dundee probably saved his young star from defeat. JOE FRAZIER World heavyweight champion known as ‘Smokin Joe’ died of liver cancer aged 67 on November 8. The former farmworker from South Carolina fought a legendary triology of title fights with Muhammad Ali in the 1970’s — Frazier won the first but lost the next two, Ali describing the final bout ‘The Thrilla in Manila’ as “the closest thing to dying that I know of”. Outside the ring the two never made up as Frazier felt slighted by Ali’s taunts of ‘Uncle Tom and gorilla’. Eventually Frazier did forgive his old rival in 2009 and a frail Ali turned up for his funeral.

CRICKET MANSUR ALI KHAN ‘TIGER’ PATAUDI Former Indian cricket captain died aged 70 of lung disease on September 22. The Nawab of Pataudi nicknamed ‘Tiger’ because of his excellent catching and throwing in the outfield. He played most of his career without his right eye, which he lost in a car accident in England shortly before he became the first Indian to captain Oxford University. Pataudi became India’s captain at the age of 21 and led the team in 40 of his 46 Tests.

PETER ROEBUCK Controversial former Somerset county captain who found a more successful career as an outstanding cricket correspondent allegedly committed suicide aged 55 on November 12. Was apparently about to be detained by Cape Town police — he was covering the South Africa Australia test series — over an alleged sexual assault on a Zimbabwean man when he threw himself from his hotel room window.

FOOTBALL SOCRATES Brazilian football icon died on December 4 aged 57 of an intestinal infection. Captained the great 1982 Brazilian side which was widely-regarded as the finest team never to win a World Cup and also played in 1986 edition but was not fully fit and missed a penalty in the quarter-final defeat by France. GARY SPEED Wales manager and former graceful midfielder committed suicide on November 27 aged 42. Played 85 times for Wales and also captained them 44 times. Took over coaching the national side last year and was credited with reviving their fortunes recently leading them to three successive wins for the first time since 2008.

GOLF SEVERIANO BALLESTEROS Charismatic Spanish golfer ‘Seve’ died on May 7 aged 54 after years of ill health following a brain tumour operation. Led the surge in European golfers challenging the supremacy of the Americans and won five majors with his play littered by audacious strokes from impossible lies.

HORSE RACING DONALD ‘GINGER’ MCCAIN English four-time Grand National winning trainer died two days before his 81st birthday on September 19 after a long illness. a former taxi driver and car salesman, his fortunes were to change inexorably once he took on an average flat horse Red Rum and guided him to three Grand National wins. Was to go on and win another with Amberleigh House in 2004.

MOTORCYCLING MARCO SIMONCELLI Fast rising daredevil MotoGp rider died as a result of injuries suffered in a crash in the Malaysian MotoGp on October 23 aged 24. Ironically it was at the same Sepang track the mop-haired Italian rider had enjoyed his sweetest moment finishing third in the 2008 250cc race to take the world title. He achieved his best result in with a second place to world champion Casey Stoner.


raeme Swann cannot understand some of the decisions made by those who govern cricket but as he prepares for a schedule that would test any sportsman, his biggest gripe has nothing to do with self interest. For the England spinner’s chief fear is that the sport he loves will die in its current form unless more is done to save Test matches. Swann is angry that the inaugural World Test Championship, scheduled to take place in England in 2013, has been postponed at least until 2017 because the International Cricket Council’s broadcast partners would rather screen the 50-over Champions Trophy, which they believe is more financially viable. Test audiences are dropping in Asia but remain strong in England and Australia, and Swann is pleading with the sport’s authorities to protect the oldest form of cricket, without which he believes the game would be almost irrelevant. “If you just let Test cricket dwindle and fade, where will your cricketers come from?” asked Swann. “You’re not going to get big, famous names coming just through Twenty20, and in the end, cricket will die out, because Twenty20 is not the same game, even though I love it. “It will die out as we know it, as the game with all the tradition and all the good things that have happened over the years. If Test cricket ceases to be the most important thing, I don’t want to be a part of it. “Who gives a monkey’s if someone comes through T20? You will never look back in 100 years’ time and discuss them, the way Don Bradman is still revered and idolised. “My biggest nightmare is Test cricket disappearing and there are more oneday internationals played instead. That would be it, cricket out of the window for me.” “The series coming up [against pakistan] will be incredibly difficult cricketwise but it will be very easy socially and relations between the two teams will be fine. Because of what has happened, with people going to prison, both teams will want to draw a line under it and let their cricket do the talking.”



Fair, free and forthright



nna Hazare has challenged Congress president Sonia Gandhi to a debate on Lokpal Bill to explain why the government has shot down several key demands of Team Anna. By directing the question at Sonia, he has reinforced the perception that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh doesn’t have the final word on policy. Earlier, the UPA chairperson had nudged the Cabinet to clear the food security Bill despite apprehensions on the part of several senior ministers about the viability of the populist legislation. The Congress president should either take up the reins of the country or let the prime minister function independently rather than allowing the highest office in the country top become a matter of public ridicule. What the Manmohan government needs now is solid backing from the Congress president and not remote control operation. Let the visionary prime minister be remembered for his contributions to nationbuilding rather than being a glorified errand boy for the First Family.



he Chinese ‘dissident’ has been sentenced to nine years for ‘subversive activity’. But it is people like Wei who will shake the foundations of the totalitarian state through his intellect, principles and grit. Wei said he will not appeal the decision, and why should he, from jail Wei becomes an icon for those suffering under the yoke of oppression. Let’s hope his sentence ignites the fires of revolution.

Freedom from fear forever… really? Fusillade Arun Koshy Philip


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Sad state of affairs

Helpful on health

Our city is lagging far behind in safety culture. Several accidents that have taken place in the last few months have shown how neglect of these crucial areas can endanger lives. Lack of awareness and laxity of officials play equal roles in the current sad state of affairs. The State government should take immediate measures to implement the fire and safety procedures and rules to avoid frequent incidents taking place resulting in loss of life and property.

The health page of Postnoon packs quite a bunch of information and expert advice from top doctors in the city. I am a regular reader of this page and have now told my daughters also to read this page regularly. It would be very helpful if you could add a small section on what to do for accidents and injuries that are likely to take place at home. The stories on behavioural issues and other such problems are very interesting; you should take more such stories.

Md Faisal Inamdar Humayun Nagar


Ashwin Sriram Balanagar

tÜó=ÇçåÛí=ïÉ=ÜÉ~Ç=íç=íÜÉ= íÜ~~å~I=ïÜÉêÉ f=Å~å=Éñéä~áå=óçìê=êáÖÜíë=íç=óçì=áå=lro=ëíóäÉ\Ò ëìÖÖÉëíÉÇ= íÜÉ= éçäáÅÉã~åI= Ñä~ëÜáåÖ= ~= ïáÅâÉÇ ëãáäÉ= ~ë= ÜÉ= ÉñÅÜ~åÖÉÇ= Öä~åÅÉë= ïáíÜ= Üáë= ÅçäJ äÉ~ÖìÉëK=qÜÉó=åçÇÇÉÇ=áå=~ÖêÉÉãÉåíK=pÉåëáåÖ íêçìÄäÉI=~åçíÜÉê=ÑêáÉåÇ=çÑÑÉêÉÇ=~å=~éçäçÖó=Ñçê çìê= ÚáÖåçê~åí= ~åÇ= êìÇÉÛ= ÄÉÜ~îáçìê= ~åÇ Ú~ÇãáííÉÇÛ=ïÉ=ëÜçìäÇåÛí=Ü~îÉ=ÄÉÉå=çìí=çå=íÜÉ ëíêÉÉíë=~í=íÜáë=íáãÉ=~åÇ=éäÉ~ÇÉÇ=ïáíÜ=íÜÉã=íç äÉí= ìë= ÖçK= qÜÉ= Åçéë= ãìííÉêÉÇ= ëçãÉíÜáåÖ= íç É~ÅÜ=çíÜÉê=~åÇ=íçäÇ=ìë=íç=ÖÉí=çìí=çÑ=ëáÖÜí=~åÇ çÑÑ=íÜÉ=ëíêÉÉíë=ÄÉÑçêÉ=íÜÉó=ÅÜ~åÖÉ=íÜÉáê=ãáåÇK tÉ=ëÅ~ãéÉêÉÇ=íç=íÜÉ=ë~ÑÉíó=çÑ=çìê=ÜçãÉëI=ëíáää ëïÉ~íáåÖ= Ñêçã= íÜÉ= çêÇÉ~ä= Äìí= Ü~ééó= íÜ~í= ïÉ ÅçìäÇ=ÇÉÅäáåÉ=íÜÉ=áåîáí~íáçå=íç=íÜÉ= íÜ~~å~K

TALK BACK Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222

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All the best for Chiru


The story on lobbying for Vizag Parliament seat was very interesting. Ever since he decided to merge his Praja Rajyam party with the Congress, Chiranjeevi has been sidelined under one pretext or the other. The promise of plum posts at Centre and State to him and his followers has not materialised so far and this has caused many to desert him and join other parties where they have better prospects. The recent no-confidence motion restored some respect to him and I hope he will be able to use that bargaining power to carve out a political space he deserves.

The cover page story youngsters cutting down on food to allow for more alcohol consumption without gaining weight is very interesting. As a matter of fact, I know at least half a dozen colleagues who follow such lifestyles. I feel that peer pressure and popular media’s obsession with staying thin is forcing youngsters to follow such practices. One must understand that they need not look like a reed-thin model to look good. RP Narasaimha Sainikpuri

Ashish Trivedi Himayatnagar



Holistic view of mind, body and soul

Bald and Beautiful? Ranjani Rajendra


mooth, long lustrous locks are every girl’s dream. Flowing dark hair as shown in advertisements is what every girl lusts after. It’s the epitome of sensuality and feminity. And what could be better than to have lovely healthy hair that can be styled any which way for an instant new look to suit any occasion. But what happens when one fine morning you wake up to find clumps of hair falling out? Despite your best efforts your beautiful head of hair now has bald patches and you are at your wit’s end. It could probably be alopecia, a condition where there’s either sudden hair loss leaving the scalp looking patchy or a more gradual thinning process that could eventually lead to everybody’s worst nightmare — baldness. “Alopecia can occur either due to an infection, it could be fungal, or it could be due to an auto immune disease (a condition in which the body produces antibodies to fight against certain proteins produced by it),” explains Dr Prasun Deb, an endocrinologist at Yashoda Hospital. He adds, “This autoimmune related alopecia could be more common in patients with either diabetes or hypothyroidism.” “There are three types of alopecia that commonly occur — diffused, alopecia areata and alopecia totalis or alopecia universalis. Diffused alopecia is the more common type of hair loss that people face. In this there could be loss of hair across the scalp leading to a gradual thinning in both men and women but is more commonly seen in the fairer sex,” says Dr Asna Anjum. Diffused alopecia is these days seen in young adults as well and the blame could lie with either pollution, dandruff, lack of oil massages and the use of harsh styling products. In alopecia areata a person might find that they have

patchy hair loss on the scalp. Usually due to hormonal changes in the body and commonly due to stress, alopecia areata is a self-limiting condition and normally sets right in a few months with or without

treatment. But it is alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis that are really worrisome. While this condition cannot really be treated, even the causes are


Differences in parents confuse kids unknown making it an idiopathic disease. In alopecia totalis there is complete hair loss on the scalp leading to permanent baldness while in alopecia universalis there is total hair loss from all over the body including eye brows, beard in men, body hair etc. “If the cause of alopecia is an infection then treatment can be suggested for it. However, if it is an autoimmune disorder then treatment is difficult,” says Dr Prasun. Dr Asna agrees. “While in diffused alopecia we can prescribe vitamins, hair oils and procedures like mesotherapy (locally administering vitamins directly onto the scalp, they can only limit the hair loss. Not reverse it completely. In alopecia universalis and totalis however, there is no known treatment and it is an irreversible condition,” she says.

Dr Kiran Krishnamurti

I seem to be going through a very tough phase with my 2 year old son. He was quite ok till he was 1.5 years old but has become exactly opposite of what he used to be. He wants his way all the time and if he does not get what he wants, he starts crying loudly and sometimes even bangs his head on the wall. My husband and I differ totally in our parenting methods. I feel it’s ok for a child to cry sometimes and my husband is just the opposite. So we end up fighting with each other and at the end of the day all 3 of us are miserable. I know that all this is part of growing up and ‘terrible twos’ and all that, but I need help between father and son I think I am going crazy and becoming a nervous wreck. Please stay calm, this is a very common story in many a household. Firstly, you need to address the issue of your varied parenting styles. You have to discuss this in your kid’s absence and come to a joint and mutual conclusion. Crying does not harm the child as much as the divergence in parenting styles. It is more important that you both agree with each other, at least in front of your son and deal with your differences later. If you don’t do this immediately, he will not only receive confusing inputs, but will start tone or by denying the child something that gives him pleasure. Do not hit your child. It will only make matters worse. Remember, anger towards children should always be only simulated and not real.

(The writer is a paediatrician practising at Andromeda Centre, Hyderabad. You can write in to her at



Because you are what you wear


The world might be warming up to and embracing plus size models with much celebration but is India ready to catch up with the rest of the world?

BIG GIRLS DON’T LIE Taniya Talukdar


hile Indians in general have a fixation for big bottoms and bigger bosoms, they are yet to apply the same logic when it comes to models. But the fashion industry is still smitten with skinny models walking down the ramp. There is a section of plus sized models in the country but they are lesser known and to be honest, lesser appreciated. Though many would claim they do not have the right to comment on anyone’s body type, going by the affinity towards skinny models, it is pretty much clear where their loyalties lie. Whatever else be a matter of debate we can all agree that by and large, India is ruled by Bollywood. One of the most clichéd but apt examples here would be how the whole nation went gaga over actor Kareena Kapoor’s size zero. Young girls barely out of college, were so ‘inspired’ that they started going to extremes to achieve the same and in the process ended up harming themselves. Model Faith Pandey says, “I think the concept of having plus sized models to display plus sized clothes is essential and welcome at the same time. Moreover beauty isn’t something that is contained in a 26 inch waist. It is bigger and beyond in the most literal sense. But of course in India, like most other things, it will take a longer time to warm up to this idea. Probably because our opinion of beauty is very parochial.” “It takes time to break away from these mental blocks, for example, the colour bias between fair and darkskinned models and actors is way better now but somehow somewhere it still exists. However, in the West, the number

of large-sized people outnumber those in India. So in this regard, not everyone can relate to what they see,” she adds. It was perhaps a year ago when the cover of the fashion magazine V was graced by plus size model, Crystal Renn, who became an icon for big women everywhere. In a fabulous photoshoot, V put a plus sized and a regular model in the same clothes and both looked great in the get-up, both made the clothes look good. More and more people abroad are now opening up to the concept of plus size models but though Indian women have always been curvy, we still find it difficult to accept fuller models. Designer Sanjay Hingu says, “If you look at the current scenario, internationally the trend of using plus size models has only started of late and purely

because of massive criticism and flak from the society due to the impact skinny models have had on the mindsets of young teenagers who want to get into this area of work.” He goes on to add, “Indian women have always been curvy and with a good amount of flesh in appropriate places, the recently released The Dirty Picture establishes my faith again in what I just said. Some actresses have tried to go the zero figure way but have failed to cast an impression and I am glad because if teenagers had to start following blindly what they see in glossy magazines than we will have a society of skeletons moving around us.” Articles and fashion news about size zero illustrated with pictures of glamorous, rail-thin celebrities and models whose ribs were countable through their couture dresses had the shock factor and had many people up in arms. “Size zero was a fad and was appreciated in both Bollywood and Hollywood movies but societies across the world have started moving towards healthier and fitter lifestyles and desire women to look sexier, sensual and smart. The beauty of a woman lies in her curves, vibrancy and intelligence and personality and not in being rakishly thin and unbalanced,” says internationally celebrated designer Sanchita Ajjampur. She goes on to add, “We live in a society which has a deeply disturbed atti-

tude towards food, nurture and consumption; we need to educate young children and girls that their growing bodies and normal desires are acceptable and that they must not be starve. Recent developments in the fashion world also point to the return of curves on the ramp, with designers going in for fuller models as openers and showstoppers on the runway, compared to earlier days, when thinner models ruled the domain. I would say, we do design for ‘real people’ now!”





With its rich heritage and history, confluence of cultures and unique influences, Hyderabad has often been touted as a delight for architecture and design enthusiasts. But has the changing landscape been beneficial for the city? We find out


Kansas City Public Library Missouri

Ted-cube, Taiwan

Torre-Agbar, Barcelona


ew other cities in the country have perhaps seen a transformation as dramatic as Hyderabad. Once known as the laid-back city of the Nizams with historical and heritage buildings dotting the streets, it has over the last decade become Hitec city with its high-rises, mammoth malls and multiplexes. Locals who remember the city of yore will wistfully recall those cosy independent houses which have given way to huge apartment complexes, Irani cafes that fell to fine-dining restaurants and market places which have been replaced by malls. As pleasing as the progress might be for the overall development of the city, it's been detrimental for design, say experts. Professor Ravi Anand who teaches at the School of Planning and Architecture, JNTU for instance, is deeply unhappy at the direction that contemporary architecture in the city has taken. “Today,

there is nothing different, nothing local or unique about the structures that have come up in the city. They are very out of context. These buildings are so global in nature they can be found in any part of the world. It is become a cause for concern for all of us in the industry,” he rues. But what is it that makes a great building stand out from the rest? “Great architecture was never made with financial motivations. But now there's no other kind of motivation. There are set patterns around which designers develop. They might be impressive at first sight but are not places you would want to live in or


Padmini C

Benchmarks of good design Babukhan Estate Birla Mandir Ravindra Bharati Hyderabad Public School Hyderabad International Airport Cyber Towers, Hitec City

work at,” feels the professor of architecture. Sudheer Reddy, principal architect at Kruthica is of a similar opinion. “These buildings and structures are a very real reflection of the confusion and the jumble prevalent in our own lives today. It's the story of every metro in the country, not just Hyderabad. There is no character or soul to them. Unlike the old historic buildings that were benchmarks of design, one is not much different from the next, in design or spirit. Only the shapes and sizes differ,” he says. The rich and illustrious heritage of the city poses a further challenge maintains Ar. Haresh Lakhani, cofounder of Lakhani Associates. However, all is not lost and that this is simply a phase in the evolution of things, he says. “Rome was not built in a day. Similarly, a lot of good design and good work is happening in the city. It's evolving steadily. So there are going to be many a interesting things to come in the near future but we have to give it time,” he says.

Food & Wine



Mixin’ it up this Christmas

The holiday season is the favourite time of the year for many people, filled with get-togethers and fun parties. And no party can be complete without drinks. So, we asked Kamal Shrestha, the bartender at Fusion 9 to whip up a few of his favourite holiday drinks. Toast to the holiday spirit with these fabulous and easy Christmas cocktail recipes. Cheers! Dijon Sidecar n

Royal Fusion

45 ml. Hennessy VS cognac


30ml. good-quality Crème


15 ml. fresh lemon juice.


hake ingredients together and strain into chilled martini glass; serve with lemon twist.


45 ml. Vodka


08 no. seedless grapes


08 no. cubed pineapple


05 ml. vanilla liqueur


05 ml. Hazelnut Liqueur


Dash of lime juice


Dash of simple syrup


uddle fruits in a mixing glass. Add liquids before serving. Shake vigorously

Bloody Martini This cocktail is perfect for a holiday brunch! n n

45 ml. Absolut Citrus Dash simple syrup


Dash lemon juice


Dash Tabasco


6 cherry tomatoes


n a shaker glass, muddle tomatoes with the lemon juice and simple syrup. Add rest of ingredients and shake with cubed ice. Fine strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a cherry tomato speared with a basil leaf.

The Flash The Ninth Night


5 slices cucumber


3 pieces fresh kiwi


15 ml. fresh lemon juice


45 ml. Citrus vodka


15 ml. Triple Sec


30 ml. cranberry juice


60 ml Gin


Lemon-lime soda



15 ml. organic simple syrup

Lime juice


ombine Citrus vodka, Triple Sec, and cranberry juice in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously and strain into tall rocks glass with fresh ice. Top with soda and lots of fresh lime juice.


n a pint glass, muddle fresh cucumber, kiwi, and lemon juice. Add ice, simple syrup, and gin. Shake vigorously and strain into stemmed cocktail glass. Garnish with sliced wheels of cucumber and kiwi. COMPILED BY SANA MIRZA

Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz


B-Town stars now at BANDSTAND The city of dreams has a new addition. Inspired by Hollywood, Bollywood now has its very own desi walk of fame. Here’s what some from the film industry had to say about it

Isha Mukoo


or years picturesque Bandra in the tinsel city of India has been known for Shah Rukh Khan’s Mannat, Salman’s Galaxy apartments and John Abraham’s nightly rides along Bandstand. Now, Bandra has got something new to boast of apart from being a lovers’ point and a jogger’s delight. On Wednesday, actor Riteish Deshmukh launched the Bollywood Walk of Fame at the Bandstand waterfront. The Bandstand promenade on Wednesday had brass hand imprints embedded in the sidewalk. The impressions will be permanent public monuments to the achievement of the Hindi film industry. The actor had taken to the microblogging website Twitter to share his excitement at the unveiling, he tweeted, “Legend’s Walk will be a waterfront promenade which will have the hand impressions of the legends from our Film Industry. Trying to integrate

technology for a better and wholesome experience at the Legends Walk. We already have more than 25 Legends who have given their hand impressions.” Revealing some of the names, he thanked the stars through another tweet. “Thank you all for being a part of #Legends Walk- @srbachchan sir, Jaya aunty (bachchan),Rajesh Khannaji, Dharamji, Hemaji, Pran saab, Waheedaji, Sadhanaji, Manoj Kumarji, Vinod Khannaji, Salim(khan) uncle, Mithun Da, Shashi Kapoor saab, Rishi Kapoor sir, Jeetuji (jeetendra), Asha Bhosaleji, Asha Parekhji, @iamsrk @akshaykumar @beingSalmankha.” Veteran actor Anupam Kher feels the new addition to Mumbai’s landscape is going to keep memories alive. “It is a good step towards preserving memories and will be a very interesting way at the same time. It’s going to be a milestone and will attract lot of attention.” So will it have the same significance as it does in Hollywood or will we see it forgotten as some ran-

dom commercial venture? To which the actor replied, “I would like to believe that it has the same appeal but one cannot say anything beforehand.” The Hollywood walk of fame came into existence in 1958 and has been a landmark for tourists and is also an honorary for the stars who have contributed to cinema. The sidewalk along Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street, California boast of names like Michael Jackson, Charles Chaplin, Bryan Adams, Audrey Hepburn and many more stars. While this landmark has been there from years in the west, Bollywood gets a new thing to go wow and rave about. This new venture will not only pay homage to just actors but also those who have contributed to the industry in any way. Singer Sunidhi Chauhan on hearing about the new development only wished that time could be reversed, she says, “I wish we could go back in time and have the names of those legendary singers like Kishore Kumar and Rafi included as well.

They were the gods of music and if something like this would have happened at that time, their fans and followers could have felt their presence through this. The legends we lost this year, like Dev Anand and Jagjit Singh, their presence will also be sorely missed. At the same I am glad that we can now honour the living stars like Dilip Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar and many more.” She then goes on to say, “Our coming generations will be lucky to see these veterans through this and will understand the legacy that these people left for them. Better late than never, it’s a great thing to have happened for our industry.” Director Kabir Khan says, “I think it’s a great idea and will

add great value to the Bollywood brigade. Also, people keep looking at Hollywood walk of fame and are fascinated with the celebrities there but with this they can actually come and pay homage to their favourite stars closer home. It is something different and is a new thing for tourists to look out for and is kind of thrilling to get a feel of the stars presence.”

Magic Screen

The glamour behind the glitz

Rajeev Khandelwal says career was not planned T hespians are usually sceptical about working with fresh directors, but talented actor Rajeev Khandelwal has no such hang-ups. He feels he benefits from the debutants’ passion for filmmaking. For his own big screen debut, Aamir, Rajeev worked under the direction of first timer Rajkumar Gupta. Even his second film Shaitan was directed by newcomer Bejoy Nambiar, while his last release Soundtrack was helmed by debutant Neerav Ghosh. “As far as newcomers are concerned, I invest in someone who has the knowledge of filmmaking, someone who has a great script and content to offer,” Rajeev said. “I have worked with people who had been running around with their scripts for four to five years, wanting to make a film. I work with new directors because I know I will benefit from their passion. I am not wary or ner-

vous about it at all,” he added. Rajeev is a rare example of an actor who took a leap from the small screen to the big screen and tasted success. But he says his career path has always been unplanned. The 36-year-old now wants to do projects which have a human connect. “I want to do films with human connect, but not really issuebased films. I also wish to direct films which have human connect to it. I can’t do projects where my role is not humane and I don’t even enjoy watching such films,” Rajeev said. For now, Rajeev is busy connecting with common people as the host of the second season of controversial reality show Sach Ka Saamna. Initially, the show was about people opening up their dark secrets on national television; for this season, the central theme has been changed to corruption. IANS

Maharashtrian of the Year award for Big B


egastar Amitabh Bachchan has been conferred the Maharashtrian of the Year award by the Marathi newspaper Lokmat. “And today another Award for me — the Maharashtrian of the Year, a Maanbindu, from no less a person than the President of the Country, the respected and honourable Shrimati Pratibha Patil. So grateful and humbled. The award given by the very popular Marathi paper ‘Lokmat’,” Amitabh wrote on Veteran actor Dilip Kumar was also honoured for his contribution to the Indian cinema. “Dilip Saheb, gets one too for his life achievements, and there are many other prominent Maharashtrian achievers in the field of Science, Literature, Social Service, Art, Politics that get rewarded,” he added. The 69-yearold credits the city of Mumbai for giving him name and recognition. “I have spent 3/4ths of my life in this city— 42 years! And all that I have received in life apart from my parents and my education have come to me from this golden land,” he wrote. “My obeisance to this great city and its people, for giving me all that I have with me today,” he posted. IANS




@rampalarjun Good morning on route to Dubai for the ahlan masala awards, look fwd to seeing some of u there. Traveling with @Abhishekapoor fun

@NeilNMukesh I’ve learnt the biggest lesson in my life. I hope it makes me stronger and teaches me that this world also has FAKE people ! :)be careful ;)

@SrBachchan T 598 - Did photo shoot with Shanouk my Pirrana Dane for cover of a magazine on dogs by the ebullient Farzana Contractor, wife of BusyBee !!

@udaychopra Today is the last day of shoot on #TheLongestWeek thanks to all involved for making this happen in such a smooth way.

@iamsrk All screenings went well apart from the usual delay. Always happy to see a film finally delivered where it the audience..

@bipsluvurself #Players in Murmansk, Russia! Freezing cold also did nt stop us frm going out fr walks!

@sonamakapoor Leaving Chandigarh!! Promoted players here!! Love the thanda thanda mausam!

@priyankachopra Just landed back from leg of promotions over..was too much fun..thank u so much for all ur love butterflies.. #Don2

Magic Screen


D S RATE ` 150 sq. cm

For Further Details Please Contact Abhinay 9989399972 Nandlal 9951467988 Ravi Chander 8106039919



Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz

Demi Moore to produce women’s show


ctress Demi Moore is likely to produce a TV show for women. Moore will launch an interview series, “The Conversation”, next month, with British TV personality Amanda de Cadenet as the host.Moore, who recent-

The Dark Knight Rises and The Hobbit clash for first


s part of some sort of cinematic arms race, two of 2012’s most highly-anticipated blockbusters conspired to crash the Internet this week as millions of people watched brand new trailers for Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises” and Peter Jackson’s “The Hobbit.” Let’s just say that Batman and Bilbo share the No. 1 spot, as we can’t wait to see

Athena Film festival to be hosted in February


he 2nd annual Athena Film Festival, described as a “Celebration of Women and Leadership,” is returning to Manhattan’s Barnard campus from February 912, 2012. Artistic Director and co-founder Melissa Silverstein of Indiewire Blog Network’s Women and Hollywood is programming again with help from this year’s cochairs: screenwriter Diablo Cody (“Juno,” “Young Adult”), director Mira Nair (“Salaam Bombay!” “Monsoon Wedding”), producer Debra Martin Chase (“The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,” “The Princess Diaries”) and Barnard alumna Jennifer Christman (Executive Director of The Picture House). “We can’t wait to share the line-up of films and special events that focus on inspiring stories of women leaders,” said Silverstein. “I am thrilled to be part of a festival that encourages women to use their talents to tell compelling stories of women and to support each other as they face the many obstacles of getting their work made into successful films,” said Diablo Cody. “The Athena Film Festival brings to the forefront the many issues women face today and celebrates the courageous women who help make a difference.”

either of them. While “The Hobbit’s” trailer seems to trade primarily on nostalgia (both for the beloved book and the box office behemoth “Lord of the Rings” trilogy), “Rises” is more determined to undermine viewers’ belief that “everything is going to be OK.” As Bane clearly states (well, sort of clearly), it’s not. And that’s OK by us.

ly split from husband Ashton Kutcher, is a producer of the show, but she might appear on camera too. “It’s been an emotional year for her, and people want to hear what she has to say,” a source told New York Daily News.

25 A


Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz


Julianne Moore

guest stars on Glee H

ow’s this for a crowning achievement: Glee is playing host to the Queen! Oscar winner Helen Mirren has signed on to guest star in the show’s first episode back on January 17, TV Line has learned exclusively. But in a twist, the British dame will be heard, not seen. As per a Glee insider, Mirren provides the “inner voice” of a character who shall remain nameless. (For now at least.) “Helen came in and secretly recorded several long and hilarious monologues two weeks ago,” says the source. “Then she visited the kids on set, and they had no idea she was coming; they were stunned.”

to play Sarah Palin in Game Change H

BO just released the first teaser trailer for their upcoming film Game Change, starring Julianne Moore as vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. (We’re not sure she’s better than Tina Fey, but really, who could be?) The film follows John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign from the beginning to his decision to pick a game changer like Sarah Palin to their ultimate defeat to Barak Obama. If you can deal with the accent for the entire film, you’ll also get to see Ed Harris as Sen. John McCain and Woody Harrelson as McCain adviser Steve Schmidt. The trailer shows McCain and Schmidt deciding that, with an African-American man like Barak Obama in the running, they needed to pick someone that might be a game changer for their campaign. Whatever side of the coin you’re on, this should prove to be an interesting story. Game Change will premiere in March on HBO.

Steve Jobs to win award posthumously


eeing how Steve Jobs helped revolutionise the music industry, it only makes sense that the folks behind the Grammy Awards would acknowledge the celebrated visionary. Sure enough, the Recording Academy announced that the late CEO and cofounder of Apple is being posthumously honoured with one of the organisation’s Special Merit Awards. In the case of Jobs, who passed away in October at 56 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer, his specific Grammy falls under the Trustees Award category. There’s also the Lifetime Achievement Award category, which includes such recipients as Glen Campbell, Allman Brothers Band, George Jones and Diana Ross.

Magic Screen

The glamour behind the glitz




31-year-old, described as a “big Madonna fan,” has been charged with leaking a demo of her single Give Me All Your Love in November. Madonna may yet get to the bottom of who leaked a demo of her single Give Me All Your Love in November, as Spanish authorities reportedly arrested a 31-year-old man in Zaragoza, Spain, on Wednesday and charged him with the crime. The man, described by police as a “big Madonna fan,” was identified only by the initials JRM and was released after being charged with the crime, the police said in a statement.

Fan charged with leaking

MADONNA’S song online

Finding Neverland to turn ‘musical’

Ford to star in Ender’s Game T


tage show based on 2004 film, which explores the inspiration behind the famous character, to debut in London next year. The producers behind Oscar winning films such as The King's Speech, are turning their attention to London's West End with plans for their first stage musical. The Weinstein Company's show, Finding Neverland, is based on their 2004 film of the same name starring Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet, and tells the story of how JM Barrie's friendship with a young family inspired Peter Pan. It will be directed by Rob Ashford, whose last West End musical was Shrek, and whose Donmar theatre production of Anna Christie was acclaimed this year. British actor Julian Ovenden is set to play Barrie.

he race to find the next Hunger Games – i.e. an adaptation of a book series aimed at the youth crowd and beloved by swarms of passionate, ticket-buying fans — just found itself a new frontrunner, with the news that Harrison Ford and Abigail Breslin have signed onto the adaptation of Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game. Set in a future in which Earth has weathered invasions by an insect-like race of aliens called Formics, the story follows a young genius named Ender Wiggin (Hugo’s Asa Butterfield) who is conscripted into military school to learn how to battle back the invading horde. Ford will play Col. Hyram Graff, who runs the Battle School in which Ender is enrolled, while Breslin has signed on to play the title hero’s sister Valentine. Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit) will play Petra Arkanian, Ender’s friend and the only female recruit at the Battle School.

Magic Screen

The glamour behind the glitz


ana Daggubati has been signed as a brand ambassador for Royal Stag.This is Rana's first major endorsement deal since he made his Bollywood debut in Dum Maro Dum earlier this year. Royal Stag has launched a huge outdoor campaign and TV commercials will be aired soon with Rana as their new face. So far, Saif Ali Khan was endorsing the brand across the country apart from cricketers like Gautham Gambhir, MS Dhoni, Robin Utthapa and Harbhajan Singh.




@bsoumya26 Nothin lik gtng up early in te morn n listenin to ‘suprabhatam’. It fills u wt amazing energy!

Rana signs a new endorsement deal SHRUTI HAASAN bonds with TAMANNAAH

@shriyasmiling This year got over in a flash, filled with memories and beautiful moments! Which is your favorite day from last 365 days.

@taapsee After a long and interesting shoot for Gallata wid @ShakthiGalatta it’s time for some channel surfing n deep sleep. Gudnite twitpals.

@actressanjjanaa Everything in our lifes should b about ‘I me n myself’ N then others,For one to have a lovely, peaceful lives, just ‘love urself’ unconditionally.

@shrutihaasan Busy with work and travel! Looking forward to the year coming to a close and looking ahead with hope and light :) 2011 has been incredible .


Kochadaiyaan to go on floors on Jan 2 R ajinikanth's fans can finally heave a sigh of relief. After undergoing a surgery in Singapore earlier this year after he collapsed on the sets of KS Ravikumar's Rana, the superstar has made great progress. He's expected to get back to work as early as January 2, 2012. His upcoming 3D film Kochadaiyaan will go on floors in Chennai on January 2 and the first look of this visual extravaganza is going to be unveiled in January. Soundarya

Rajinikanth is going to direct the film and KS Ravikumar has written the story. Anushka and Asin are reportedly the leading contenders for the lead role opposite Rajinikanth, although neither of them have been confirmed for the role. Sneha is going to play Rajinikanth's sister and Malayalam actor Prithviraj has been cast for another important role. Rajiv Menon is the cinematographer. The film is expected to hit the screens in August, 2012.

re Shruti Haasan and Tamannaah the new pals in T-town? Recently, when Shruti Haasan was walking the ramp at a fashion show in Hyderabad, Tamannaah was one of the few celebrities who attended the event. Although it's quite common for celebrities to attend such events, what caught everyone's eye was Shruti's comments after she attended Tamannaah's birthday party couple of days ago. "Happy birthday to Tamanaah! Such a lovely girl! Having the time of our lives dancing away with the birthday girl :)," she tweeted. It's a rarity seeing leading actors say good things about their contemporaries in a public domain. Now, we can't wait to hear what Tamannaah has to say about her new pal.

@shraddhadas43 Crazy &hectic schedule on for ‘Rey’ with just 4 hrs of sleep everyday. been almost a month of disciplined routine in Bangkok. Lovin every bit!

@trishtrashers Finally... Its a wrap.. yayyyy.... Shot a beautiful song for Bodyguard n Dammu n now m bak home for d holidays...

@tashu_02 is times we don't value things or people who are available to u..only whn u r away frm thm, u realize thr true worth!

Chai Time 1400 Naadi Aadajanme 1430 Pavitra 1500 Movie 1800 Sri Shanidevuni Mahimalu 1830 Vasantha Kokila 1900 Chinnari Pelli Kuturu 1930 Anna Chellelu 2000 Pellipandiri 2030 Edureetha 2100 Money Money 2200 CID 2300 Vasantha Kokila 2330 Alajadi 0700 Slot 0730 Maa Punyakshetralu 0800 Ayurvedam 0830 Real City 0900 Movie

1400 Kannavaari Kalalu 1430 Maavichiguru 1500 Jeevitha Chakram 1530 Movie 1800 Jai Shri Krishna 1830 Shraavani Subramaniam 1900 Mandhara 1930 Auto Bharthi 2000 No. 23, Mahalakshmi Nivasam 2030 Mogali Rekulu 2100 Aparanji 2130 Devatha 2200 Mamathala Kovela 2230 Sree Mathi Sree 2300 Gemini Vaarthalu 0700 Gemini Vaarthalu 0730 Subhalagnam - Live 0800 Gemini Talkies 0830 24 Frames 0900 Special Programmes 0930 Movie 1200 Movie

1430 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1500 [V] Humse Hai Life 1530 [V] Trailers 1555 [V] Fresh Songs 1600 [V] Zabardast Hits 1800 [V] Fresh Songs 1830 [V] Humse Hai Life 1900 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1930 [V] Humse Hai Life 2000 [V] Steal UR Girlfriend 2100 [V] Deadly Dus 2130 [V] Trailers 2155 [V] Fresh Songs 2200 [V] Steal UR Girlfriend 2300 [V] Humse Hai Life 2330 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 2355 [V] Fresh Songs 0700 [V] Trailers 0730 [V] Zabardast Hits 0800 [V] Mind Blasting Mornings 1100 [V] Fresh Songs 1200 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance

‘[V] Humse Hai Life’ at 1930 Hrs on CHANNEL [V]

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‘Top 10 At 10’ at 2200 Hrs only on ET NOW 1400 The F And O Show 1430 Closing Trades 1600 Business Day 1730 Your Trades 1800 Rush Hour 1830 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 1900 Global Business Report 1930 Business Express 2000 Business First 2030 Your Trades 2100 Business Tonight 2200 Top 10 At 10 2230 Et Insight 2300 Et Interview 2330 Your Trades 0700 Starting Up 0730 Et Insight 0800 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 0830 The Market Makers 0900 Your Trades 0930 Investor's Guide 1000 Talking Technicals

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‘Save The Last Dance’ at 2200 Hrs on AXN

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1400 Hamari Saas Leela 1430 Hawan 1500 Veer Shivaji 1530 Uttaran 1600 Phulwa 1630 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 1700 Sasural Simar Ka 1730 Veer Shivaji 1800 Uttaran 1830 Balika Vadhu 1900 Hawan 1930 Sasural Simar Ka 2000 Balika Vadhu 2030 Veer Shivaji 2100 Phulwa 2130 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 2200 Uttaran 2230 Bigg Boss 2330 Balika Vadhu

‘Phulwa’ at 2100 Hrs on COLORS

‘Hitler Didi’ at 2000 Hrs on ZEE TV 1400 Hitler Didi 1430 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1500 Bhagonwali 1530 Yahan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 1600 Pavitra Rishta 1630 Ram Milaayi Jodi 1800 Hitler Didi 1830 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1900 Afsar Bitiya 1930 Choti Bahu 2000 Hitler Didi 2030 Yahan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 2100 Pavitra Rishta 2130 Ram Milaayi Jodi 2200 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 2230 Bhagonwali 2300 Pavitra Rishta

1400 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1430 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1500 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1600 Crime Patrol - 2 2000 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 2045 Dekha Ek Khwaab 2130 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi 2200 CID 2300 Crime Patrol - Dastak 2330 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 0700 Telebrands 0730 Sky Star Advertising 0900 Dekha Ek Khwaab 1230 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai

‘CID’ at 2200 Hrs on SONY


‘I P K K N D’ at 2000 Hrs on STAR PLUS 1400 Sapnon Se Bharey Naina 1500 Navya 1600 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 1700 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1730 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 1800 Masterchef India Zaykebaazon Ka Safar 1830 Ruk Jaana Nahi 1900 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1930 Sasuraal Genda Phool 2000 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2030 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 2100 Diya Aur Bati Hum 2130 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2200 Navya 2230 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 2300 Maryaada ... Lekin Kab Tak?


1451 A Dennis The Menace Christmas 1636 Cradle 2 The Grave 1835 Training Day 2100 Proof Of Life 2341 Tekken 0802 Good Morning, Miami 0832 Friends 0902 Shrek The Halls 0932 Fred Claus 1152 Scooby - Doo 1337 The Mask

1415 The Twilight Saga - Twilight 1650 Devil 1840 Couples Retreat 2100 Biker Boyz 2320 Se7en 0600 Love Happens 0820 Happy Feet 1045 Supershark 1235 Couples Retreat

1400 Scrubs 1430 Better With You 1500 Khloe And Lamar 1600 Parenthood 1700 Scrubs 1730 Blender's Pride Fashion Tour 1800 E News 1900 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 2000 Scrubs 2030 America's Funniest Home Videos 2100 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 2200 Parenthood 2300 Scrubs 2330 Better With You 0800 Body Of Proof 1000 My Wife And Kids 1100 Less Than Perfect 1200 Parks And Recreation 1300 Slot 1330 Just For Laughs

‘Better With You’ at 2330 Hrs on ZEE CAFE

Ruk Jaana Nahi

Kuch Toh Log Kahenge

Storyline - Sanchi saves fresher Mehak from indu gang’s ragging very tactfully and intelligently.

Storyline - Ashutosh’s friend Armaan and Nidhi’s friend Rohan will try to get both of them together so that they can confess their love to each other.

‘Ruk Jaana Nahi’ at 1830 Hrs on STAR PLUS

‘Home Improvement’ at 2330 Hrs on STAR WORLD 1400 Masterchef USA 1500 Achievers' Club 1600 The Big Bang Theory 1630 The Simpsons 1700 The Shield 1800 Masterchef USA 1900 Love2 Hate U 2000 Two And A Half Men 2030 The Simpsons 2100 Masterchef USA 2200 The Shield 2300 The Big Bang Theory 2330 Home Improvement 0700 Dexter 0800 The Shield 1000 Terra Nova 1100 Love2 Hate U 1200 The Big Bang Theory 1300 Home Improvement

‘Kuch Toh Log Kahenge’ at 2000 Hrs on SONY ‘Proof Of Life’ at 2100 Hrs on WB

1400 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1430 Chidiya Ghar 1500 R.K. Laxman Ki Duniya 1530 Lapataganj 1600 Fir 1630 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 1700 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1830 R.K. Laxman Ki Duniya 1900 Chidiya Ghar 1930 Don't Worry Chachu !!! 2000 Chintu Chinky Aur Ek Badi Si Love Story 2030 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 2100 Chidiya Ghar 2130 R.K. Laxman Ki Duniya 2200 Lapataganj 2230 Fir 2300 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 2330 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 0800 Teleshopping 0900 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma

‘Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma’ at 2030 Hrs on SAB

‘The Zoom Review Show’ at 2130 Hrs on ZOOM 1400 Movie - Style 1730 Star Bonanza 1800 Letz Go! 1900 Planet Bollywood News 1930 The Zoom Review Show 2000 Telly Talk 2030 Safi Zoom Anchor Hunt 2011 2100 Zabar 10 2130 The Zoom Review Show 2200 B - Tonite 2230 Link'D 2300 Bollywood Bonanza 0700 Letz Go! 0800 Red Carpet 0805 20 - 20 Songs 0825 Letz Go! 1000 20 - 20 Songs 1021 Letz Go! 1100 Zoom Box 1200 Garma Garam 1230 Bollywood Big Story 1300 Zabar 10 1330 Telly Talk

1400 Weird Connections 1430 Mummy Autopsy 1530 Discovery Science Presents 1730 Frontline Battle Machines With Mike Brewer 1830 Best Of Discovery Science 1930 100 Greatest Discoveries 2030 Exodus Earth 2130 Some Assembly Required 2230 Weaponizers 2330 The New Inventors 0700 How It's Made 0730 100 Greatest Discoveries 0830 Eco- Tech 0930 Weaponizers 1030 Exodus Earth 1130 Some Assembly Required 1330 Investigation X

‘Exodus Earth’ at 2030 Hrs on DISCOVERY SCIENCE

‘How To Be A Gentleman’ at 2030 Hrs on BIG CBS PRIME 1430 Jerry Springer 1530 Aspire 1600 Survivor 1700 Bellator 1800 Galileo Extreme 1900 The Defenders 2000 Entertainment Tonight 2030 How To Be A Gentleman 2100 Aspire 2130 Big Wheels 2200 Lucha Libre 2300 Movie - Fist Of Fury 0700 Galileo Extreme 0800 CSI - Crime Scene Investigation 0900 CSI - Miami 1000 The Defenders 1100 How To Be A Gentleman 1130 Big Wheels 1200 Galileo Extreme

Chai Time


How to Play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: “How do you play Kakuro?”, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two - it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.



Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa


QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 ___ flask (liquor container) 4 Hiccup, e.g. 9 Home of Guantanamo Bay 13 Any number divided by itself 14 Car-wash towel 15 Parishioner's response 16 Press into service 17 Word with "detector" or "picture" 18 Thomas who wrote "The Magic Mountain" 19 Bob Eubanks' show (with "The") 22 "Once upon a midnight ___ ..." 23 He's looking for a buyer 27 Pilsner holder 28 Vehicle that's often numbered 31 Almost ready for the Tooth Fairy 32 Bill Cullen's show 35 Cable channel for old movies 38 King of Troy 39 ___ Monte (canned food brand) 40 Bud Collyer's show 45 On ___ (how pranks may be done) 46 Tit for ___ 47 Airline seat choice 51 Lee of "The Omen" 53 "A Raisin in the Sun" actress Claudia 54 Gene Rayburn's show 58 Big shot's transportation 61 Desert illusion 62 "The Office" network 63 Frequently clicked image 64 Adjust in advance 65 Collapsable bed 66 Windows to the soul 67 Poke fun at 68 Shape of mountain roads, sometimes DOWN 1 Harasses relentlessly 2 Sunday paper extra 3 Nickname for a little guy

4 Ostentatious 5 Crown of the head 6 At the center of 7 Type of air pollution 8 Avian mimickers 9 Home of King Arthur 10 John's "Pulp Fiction" co-star 11 Steelers quarterback Roethlisberger 12 ___ Taylor (women's clothing chain) 14 Atlanta suburb 20 Homophone for "lane" 21 Turn to liquid 24 Garish, as some garments 25 Peon or serf 26 Wind-up fishing equipment 28 Girl Scout's topper 29 Erie Canal city 30 Biblical verb 33 Speedometer units (Abbr.)

34 Start of a Latin 101 series 35 Ski lift 36 Give up, as territory 37 Polite form of address 41 Mollusks that eat starfish 42 Part of MIT 43 Mark of official approval 44 Queen's mate 48 Hand-holding, spiritraising gettogether 49 Dances under a bar 50 Puts in office 52 Neat and tidy 53 "Me and Bobby ___" 55 Bog down


56 Length times width result 57 Russian news agency ITAR-___ 58 Commit perjury 59 Slippery, as winter sidewalks 60 "The Simpsons" tavern keeper PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Talk happiness. The world is sad enough without your woe. – Orison Swett Marden



Your tomorrow today̶Star Power and Tarot THIRUVAIKUMAR

Date 24-12-2011

ARIES 040-27177230 / 9177596118

March 20 – April 18 Decisions taken by consulting the fami‑ ly members will yield favourable results. Children will bring you good news. Sluggish business will pick up. Patience advised for government officials.


April 19 – May 19 Spouse's health needs attention. Businessmen are advised not to earn enemies. Keep secrets. Government officals are advised not to betoo aggressive. Good news from relatives.





June 21 – July 21

July 22 – August 21

May 20 – June 20

Some likely to get chance to go abroad. The family will happy as separated relatives will rejoin and by the visit of close relatives. Importance of government officials to increase.

Broken friendship and strained relation‑ ship will resume . Happy events to take place. Your will will succeed in all work undertaken. Govt officials will get promo‑ tion and vital responsibilities.

Businessmen will do well. Foreign deals will fetch multiple gains. Family will feel happy. Government officials must avoid shortcuts. Avoid night journey. Be careful while undertaking inevitable trips.



October 23 – November 20

SAGITTARIUS November 21 – Dec 20

Adopt slow and steady policy. Businessmen advised to avoid major investments. Those who are handling cash at office, need to be careful. Get the vehicles repaired in time.

Harsh words which hurt relatives and friends need to be avoided. At workplace too, you have to be flexible. Avoid neglect‑ ing advises from wellwishers. Health of parents need attention.

Newly wed couples can expect the off‑ spring soon. Marriage talks in progress for some will end favourably. Avoid third person interference in home affairs.




January 20 – February 18 Children will get expected career opening and opportunities to contin‑ ue higher studies. New efforts will yield favourable results. While using credit card be careful.




Two of Cups – A sur‑ prise Sunday brunch or an impromptu plan to meet for coffee can do wonders to your relationship. Keep the passion alive.

Page of Cups – Health needs atten‑ tion. Take care of your skin and hair, too. Consult a doc‑ tor and check if it would help to take some vitamin tablets.

Knight of Cups – Youʼre in a creative phase and would do well to take up some‑ thing like painting or poetry – anything that draws from the subconscious.




Queen of Wands – You need a holiday. Take a break from the routine and let the change and the new environment energise you. Itʼs good to not have control.

Three of Pentacles – Youʼre stuck with your mobile phone all day. Have you added some new apps and are totally thrilled with it? Play on!

Death – Excuses are for losers. The excitement and freshness of life stays if you manage to make things hap‑ pen despite the odds. Just keep going!




Queen of Swords – You may come acro‑ ss to loved ones as being lonely. Con‑ vince them that you ʼre doing fine. Only then will they stop worrying.

King of Swords – There are no free lu‑ nches, and you have to work hard to get everything you need. You realize this more than anyone, being a self‑made person.

King of Wands – You may be making deci‑ sions that has others thinking that youʼre quite a bore and inca‑ pable of taking risks. Forget what others th‑ ink, what do you want?




The Tower – People around you may pre‑ ach about the right way to go about life. But each of us has a different path to fol‑ low. Take the advice with a pinch of salt.

The Sun – Some fear is holding you back. Fear, perhaps, of not living up to othersʼ and your own expectation. Take the fear out and you perform much better.

Ten of Pentacles – A wedding or some cel‑ ebration will take all your time and atten‑ tion. Youʼve waited for this a long time. Itʼll all go as planned.

February 19 – March 19

Children will receive favourable news. Avoid rift with relatives. Likely chances to buy vehicle or plot. Some will leave for abroad to continue higher studies. Chances of promotion are high.

For Better or for Worse Stone soup



Number game



Ink pen


Fred Basset

Dec 21 – January 19 Businessmen profits set to increase. Couples will be more cordial. Avoid mis‑ understanding with blood relatives. Increase your savings Avoid using toxic products.


August 22 – September21

Businessmen need to work hard. Pay due respect to the advises of elders. Financial situation looks sound. Government officials to maintain secrets carefully. Politicians need to be careful.

September 22 – October 22



Vol: 1, No. 160 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No. 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad–500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad–500037, Editor: Dean Williams – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: and for subscription, please call 040-40672222, Fax: 040-40672211




Carnival at Novotel

The spirit of Christmas has never been more vibrant in the city. The Club La Vie’s XMas Carnival held in support of underprivileged children by Nikita Reddy on Thursday was a fun filled event which saw a large gathering of prominent women from all walks of life!

rt The A


of Gift

Handicrafts, Designer Jewellery & Gifting solutions like never before!

Beautiful and hand crafted porcelain figurines from germany! Christmas sale ! Special Offer 10% off. *Conditions Apply.

Road No. 36, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad


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