Postnoon E-Paper for 24 December 2011

Page 1

We wish you a merry Christmas

Hyderabad’s first compact afternoon newspaper




TDP leader M Narasimhulu wanted to hang himself in public for the cause of Telangana and invited premier Telangana protagonist K Chandrasekhar Rao to join him in the ‘last act.’ The police whisked away the ‘voluntary martyrs’ and thus ended a curious drama before the Assembly. Here’s what India is up against in the Boxing Day Test match







PRINCE PHILIP HAS EMERGENCY PROCEDURE The Duke of Edinburgh has been taken to hospital after suffering chest pains, Buckingham Palace has said.

Page Two


Spirit of Twin Cities


A perfect Christmas story Postnoon News



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Around the city: Your guide to the Twin Cities

Go Hyderabad


Oliver Sean will launch a special song on Hyderabad exclusively at The Park during a Christmas Eve live gig at Aqua . Unlimited IMFL (excluding wine) @ Rs.999/Where: qÜÉ=m~êâI=pçã~àáÖìÇ~ When: December 24, 8.30pm Contact: (040) 23456789


Martini ‘n music Enjoy the winter evenings with grey goose martinis with crooner Kelly dishing out your favourite numbers. Where: q~à=hêáëÜå~I=_~åà~ê~=eáääë When: Every Evening Contact: (040) 66662323

Christmas Eve Head to Via Milano Italian Bar and Restaurant for Christmas Eve with Megha Girish. Where: sá~=jáä~åçI=gìÄáäÉÉ=eáääë When: December 24 Contact: (040) 64555544

Visual art An exhibition cum sale of paintings by Hari Srinivas. The Exhibition is on display till 30 January 2012. Where: Wspi=sáëì~ä=^êí=d~ääÉêóI= mäçí=åç=NMMI=^m=qÉñí=_ççâ== `çäçåóI=dìå=oçÅâ=båÅä~îÉ

It’s in your Hatt

When: Ongoing Contact: 9247175135

Hatt Teri Kismat. It is a political satire. dealing with an incident where a corrupt Chief Minister meets an aam aadmi. Where: Lamakaan, Banjara Hills When: December 24, 7.30pm Contact: 9642731329

Christmas treat It’s Christmas time, Novotel Hyderabad’s Le Café celebrates the festive season with a gingerbread house. You can view this marvel and buy various Christmas goodies such as cookies and moulded chocolate that are available on site.Come on and welcome the festive season. Where: kçîçíÉäI=eá=qÉÅÜ=`áíó When: Ongoing, 11am to 11pm Contact: (040) 66824422

Saturday Sounds

When: Ongoing, 11am to 7pm Contact: (040) 2311370

Christmas Kismet DJ Kanna sets the mood on Christmas eve. Santa goes naughty with hosts of surprises. such as theme based cocktails, bartenders’ gig and more. The colour code is red. Entry @ Rs. 500 per person. Where: qÜÉ=m~êâI=pçã~àáÖìÇ~ When: December 24, 9pm Contact: (040) 23456789

Different strokes

Myriad Reflections View a collection of paintings at Alankritha Art Gallery by Ramachandra B Pokale at an exhibition titled Myriad Reflections. His work aims to depict the youth. Through his paintings he presents women as glamorous, enticing and alluring. Where: ^ä~åâêáíÜ~I=gìÄáäÉÉ=eáääë


Where:kçîçíÉä=pÜ~ãëÜ~Ä~Ç When: Ongoing, 8 to 11pm Contact: (040) 66250000

An exhibition presenting paintings and drawings by various artists will be held at Gallery Space from December 24. Where: d~ääÉêó=pé~ÅÉI=_~åà~ê~=eáääë When: December 24 onwards, 11am-7pm Contact: (040) 65541836

Interactive art An interactive exhibition Via presence by B2FAYS is being presented by Alliance française Hyderabad along with Kalakriti Art gallery. Where: h~ä~âêáíáI=_~åà~ê~=eáääë When: Ongoing, 11 to 7pm Contact: (040) 66564467

Synchronicity An exhibition of paintings and sculptures by Seema Kohli’s titled Synchronicity will be on at Shrishti Art Gallery. Where: pÜêáëÜíáI=gìÄáäÉÉ=eáääë= When: Ongoing, 11 to 7pm Contact: (040) 23607151

Ghazal Nights Enjoy live Ghazal's along with authentic Indian dishes at Novotel Shamshaabad’s Haldi.

Head to News Cafe for some sensational sounds with DJ Sidhu. Where: WkÉïë=`~ÑÉI=j~ÇÜ~éìê====================== When: December 24, 8pm Contact: (040) 40101234

Jingle all the way It’s Christmas eve. Get your party shoes ready and head to Papyrus Port Egyptian Resort for a Christmas Eve special. Where: Wm~éóêìë=mçêí=oÉëçêíI========== pÜ~ãëÜ~Ä~Ç===================

When: December 24, 6pm Contact: (040) 67113320

Voice is my strength A lecture demonstration by Mimicry Srinivas is being Organized by Vooyala Communications Tyagaraya Ganasabha. for the 50th Birthday of Mimicry Srinivas - The one and only Sound Illusionist from India, Where: qó~Ö~ê~ó~=d~å~ë~ÄÜ~I=== `Üáââ~Ç~é~ääó==================

When: December 25

Big Cinemas, Ameerpet, 30581470; Cinemax, Banjara Hills, 44565555; Cine Planet , Kompally, 61606060; INOX, Banjara Hills, 447677770, Prasads, Tank Bund Rd, 23448888; PVR, Punjagutta, 08800900009; Talkie Town, Miyapur, 40214175; Tivoli, Secunderabad 27844973

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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities



Wine dealers’ New Year gift to govt U Srinivas

The 13 Hot demands


n Shop owners who get the excise license must also get licenses for godowns.

ot drink is becoming hotter this winter. While the police, obviously under instructions from their political bosses, tighten noose over bars, pubs and restaurants, the AP Wine Dealers Association has gone through the other door and sought favour on a 13point demand which includes exclusion of police in the liquor shops checks. The demands give something to the government to think about this New Year. If the government accepts all of them, the wine dealers will have a great run (see box). The dealers wanted to disown any responsibility of those below 21 years buying liquor. “Do we have to ask for the birth certificate of a youngster who comes to buy a bottle? Is it our job?” asks a wine dealer. Another irksome clause not clarified so far is how far the God’s abode must be from a wine shop. The members of the association led by its general secretary D Venkateshwar Rao met the Excise Commissioner Sameer Sarma and put forth the demand. And, there is a hidden bludgeon on the demand chart. If the shops are forcibly closed, the fee paid by the sellers has to be reimbursed for the period. This is aimed at political parties that force closure of shops for protests, bandhs and hartals. “Why should we pay for closed shops?” is the query of the association.

n If a consumer below 21 years of age purchases liquor the penalty should be levied on the faulty consumer and not the shop owner. n The shops should be allowed to be open by 7 am for cleaning. Present rules allow them to open by 10 am. POPULATION LICENSE FEE A. up to 10,000 `4 lakhs B. 10,000 to 1 lakh `8 lakhs C. 1 lakh to 3 lakhs `12 lakhs D. 3 lakhs to 7 lakhs `16 lakhs E. 7 lakhs and above `20 lakhs

n If the shops are forcibly closed, then the fee paid by the sellers has to be reimbursed for the period. n The owner of the venue (if rented) should not have any right to come in the way of the renewal of the shop.

n The distance of the liquor shop from a Temple, Masjid and the Church has to be clarified properly. At the same time the definition for a Hospital should be finalised. n The venue should not have compulsions, like size of rooms, roofs, height of walls, privacy factor etc. The outer wall compulsion should be high enough so that the public cannot see consumers. n Unnecessary bank guarantees should be restricted. n All the retail and bar licenses should be allowed to be converted to Excise licenses. n The MRP should be decided in such a way that the retailer gets a good mar-

gin to take care of all expenses. n Some retailers stack and sell below par putting other sellers at hardship, this should be avoided. n The license should be given with every 10,000 mandal population as basis. n A license holder must be able to sell and serve the liquor in the same premises. It has to be Bar cum retail (FL23) License. The association leader Rao told Postnoon that they wanted the pre-2005 system to be brought back where a license was given on a fee rather than the bidding system. Before 2005 the base fee used to be `16 lakh, now it has gone up to `1 crore. “This has led to unhealthy competition.”

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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities


Now motorists battle political ads PICS: N SHIVA KUMAR

Sudeshna Koka


ot too long ago billboards dotting roadsides in the City would flaunt beautiful women selling all sorts of products – furniture, phones, cars and everything under the sun. However, the scene seems to undergoing a change these days. The focus seems to be moving away from these products to political parties. Everywhere along the City roads you’re bound to find posters glorifying leaders from various political parties and their mottos, or some wishing them a Happy Birthday or congratulation them for some achievement or the other – clear signs of the politicos gearing up for elections. Although there’s still some time before elections kick off, parties are making sure that they make an impression on the general public in advance. Visibility seems to be the keyword for these parties. However, there’s a flip side to this political drama. While advertising on billboards is acceptable, many political parties

are taking the easy way out and placing their banners and flexies between dividers, under flyovers, on walls and traffic junctions, causing a huge inconvenience to commuters. “We all want to convey seasons greetings to citizens. The government does not give us space for this so we find this as the best medium to communicate” says Prajal Nagesh, Cantonment in charge from TRS.

However, most of these banners and flexies are illegal and being placed without the permission of the GHMC. “Parties need to take prior permissions and pay the required fee to place their banners. Some banners that parties put up are with permission but we remove the ones that have not sought prior permission. We keep a constant check and at night we remove the unauthorised ones,” says K Narsing Rao, assistant engi-

neer, advertising wing GHMC. However, citizens complain that these banners are causing problems especially while driving. “It’s absurd that political parties are placing their banners and flexies all over the City. A huge banner near Big Cinema makes driving difficult for motorists. When I was driving past I could not see what was on the other side,” says Pavan Kumar, a marketing executive. Traffic police department has

taken note of several such banners and is discarding them regularly. “It’s purely the GHMC’s work to keep a watch and remove unauthorised posters but few are placed in such places that they obstruct traffic. Recently, a few accidents have also taken place due to these banners,” says CV Anand, Additional Commissioner of Police (traffic). Senior politicians analyse and quip that this is the best way to get public attention and stay in the limelight. This form of publicity works best for local and small level politicians. “These days everybody wants publicity and this is the cheapest medium to advertise. Secondly small level politicians find this as the best medium to gain public attention. We have a culture of being loud and in a desperate need for publicity they resort to cheap tactics. During elections such things are common but otherwise it’s very inconvenient. Citizens should pressurise the GHMC only then will they do something,” says Jayaprakash Narayan, MP, Lok Satta party.

20 rescued in fire

Pubs, restaurants surrender to police diktat

Postnoon News

Md Inkeshaf Ahmed



t took nearly three hours to douse the flames that engulfed the third floor of the Swapnalok Complex on SD Road, Secunderabad on Friday night. Fortunately, there were no reported casualties in this fire that broke out due to a short circuit. The fire personnel, who were quick to respond, managed to rescue nearly 20 people who were trapped on the terrace of the five storey building. According to fire personnel, around 8.30 pm, a few workers on the ground floor of the complex noticed smoke gushing out of the windows of the third floor, which houses Admiral Logistics and Ship Cargo Services and alerted the fire control room and Mahankali police. Fire personnel

Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints

198 155313

POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section

155333 23431178 23431179 Street Light 155304 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION:

along with six fire tenders from Secunderabad, Begumpet and other areas rushed to the spot and began fire fighting exercise. Around 20 people who were on the fourth and fifth floors hurried on to the terrace of the building and they were brought down by the fire personnel using a rear staircase. (Inputs by D Sree Charan)

Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266 24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833150 Railway Information 131 Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333

HYDERABAD: Owners of City bars, restaurants and pubs, who had upped their ante on Friday at the police commissioner’s directive holding them responsible for people hauled up in streets for drinking more than the permissible limit, have surrendered to police decision. In a meeting convened by the Commissioner AK Khan yesterday, owners have reportedly assured the commissioner that they would comply with the conditions of the police department. However, they still carp at clauses like procurement of breath analysers, dropping facility for drunken individuals.

WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital, Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital,

LB Nagar 155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888 30417777 30419000 30416666

BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills



AP Hotels Association President

Secretary, Hyderabad Star Hotels Association.


e welcome the steps being taken up by AK Khan for road safety and curbing drunken driving. I think bars and pubs should ensure the safety of customers and only financiallly well off individuals should visit these places. But, rules like usage of breathalysers that are expensive for bars should be removed. 39879999 27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445

AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777 Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332


e will extend our cooperation in their endeavour to prevent accidents and drunken driving. Majority of the rules are devised to keep a check on small and medium level bars and restaurants and not star hotels. But we still object to rules like cancellation of licenses.

AIRLINES Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Website; TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999 UK Visa Office

VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7 Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum

24523211 232431300/7641 24521029

Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222

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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities



Suicide threat leads to arrests


U Srinivas


-TDP leaders M Narasimulu and Erraballi Dayakar along with 100 TDP workers were today arrested as they threatened to commit suicide for the sake of Telangana at the Telangana martyrs’ memorial before the Assembly. Brandishing a rope Narasimulu invited the TRS leader K Chandrasekhar to join him in committing suicide for the cause of T State. The TDP team ridiculed KCR for trying to appropriate the T State issue is if only he cared. "I am ready to hang myself, If you have guts please come to sacrifice, KCR,” Narasimulu declared amid hooting and howling from TDP workers. Addressing the gathering Narasimulu and Teegala Krishna Reddy said KCR was like the former chief minister Chenna Reddy who became chief minister twice using the Telangana issue. Narsimulu charged KCR with trading in Polavaram and of amassing huge sums of money. He warned people that Telangana will not be a reality if people left it to

KCR. He said the TRS leader had bargained with PM and Sonia for Polavaram and “sold the interests of Telanagna.” On the other hand, the police were expecting some Telangana activists to troop in at the Gun Park where the TDP leaders were creat-

ing chaos. But after seeing the police arresting Narsimula and Dayakar under preventive measures for maintaining law and order in front of the Assembly, they desisted. They demanded that KCR should have taken an all-party team to the prime minister for

negotiating Telangana instead of trying to work out solo. On the other hand, some Telangana MLAs criticised the act of T-TDP leaders as slavery of Chandrababu Naidu and they were not serious about Telangana.

They said that they are not bothered about the allegations of the TTDP leaders. KCR was at his residence in Banjara Hills after a long gap. He came from his farmhouse that is on the outskirts. KCR has been silent since two weeks. He paid scant attention to the TDP challenge.




Carols herald festivities Anubha Singh



hristmas is around the corner and everyone is knee deep in Christmas celebrations. And no Christmas is complete without carol singing. Carols were first sung in Europe thousands of years ago, but these were not sung for just Christmas. They were pagan songs, sung at the Winter Solstice celebrations as people danced round stone circles. The word Carol actually means a dance or a song of praise and joy. Carols used to be written and sung during all four seasons, but only the tradition of singing them at Christmas has really survived. There are old and new carol singing groups in the city. The Tabernacles, a well known gospel singing group in the Twin Cities are the oldest carol group in the city. This year they had their 44th Annual Christmas Concert at Rail Kalarang, Bhoiguda, Secunderabad on the 22nd of this month. The Conductor Mr. Kenneth V Gibson lead the group

and presented Western Classical carols from Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn and other contemporary Christmas carols. Ms Rhoda Vijaya, Secretary of The Tabernacles said that every year

The Tabernacles donated the proceeds of the concert to a charity. This year too the proceeds/donations received went towards the cancer patients of ‘Pain Relief & Palliative Care Society’. Frederick Michael,

Convener, The Tabernacles said “Our carol singing for this Christmas has come to an end and we are all set for the midnight prayers and to celebrate the Christmas”. Ebenzer Devaraj, Director of Youth for Christ said, “Every year we wait for the holy month of December. We had already sung at more than hundred households in Twin Cities. St Thomas SPG had concluded their carol singing on December 22. Our group consists of youngsters between the age group 12-15 years. Our carols are sung in English and Tamil.” Carol singing might have come to an end but there are a lot of other festivities to look forward to.

Pragati: An everyday dosa fest PIC: N SHIVA KUMAR

Anubha Singh

T HOUSE FOR RENT 9 Bedrooms, 3 Storey, 7000 Sq. Ft, Rd. No 2, Sagar Society,Banjara Hills. Contact:Suresh 9912552738

hey say don’t judge a book by its cover and it holds true in the case of Pragati Tiffin center. It might not be located in an upmarket area or look very classy but serves one of the best dosas in the city. Situated on the footpath just opposite to Pragati Degree College in Koti it is famous for its huge variety of dosas. They start making dosas from morning 7 am and go on till late evening. They serve unimaginable varieties of vegetarian dosas in a plethora of innovative combinations. All are served with the standard coconut chutney and distinctively flavoured, spicy sambar. Beside the dosas their menu includes idli, vada, upma, uttapam and you can finish off your

Shaking a leg for a cause Sana Mirza


eal a Child Foundation, organised the Rock and Roll Retro Evening at HICC last night. Asmita Marwah, Elahe Heptollah, Anil Kumar and his wife Seema among others were seen coming together for a good cause. However, it was the ‘other people’ who seemed to steal the limelight this time. No, we are not talking about someone new gracing the P3 circuit, but more so about the rock band from Mumbai called ‘The Other People’.

The event organised by Heal a Child Foundation in collaboration with X travel was an attempt at raising funds to aid financially unprivileged families whose children require Intensive Care Support. The foundation provides monetary help to all children with any emergency health condition, with a special focus on new-born babies and the girl child. “I am so grateful to have been a part of this venture. I am glad that I have been able to do my bit. At the end of the day, its a fulfilling experience”, said Elahe, a film maker and one of the trustees of the foundation.

meal with sugarcane juice. The centre’s most popular choices are it’s butter dosa and butter paneer dosa. Their generous serving of butter is definitely not for the diet conscious people. The paneer dosa



is simply delicious, priced at an affordable rate of Rs 25. One dosa here is enough to satiate even your appetite for lunch. Swetha Agarwal, a food enthusiast says, “ I am regular customer here, I complete my morning walk with a plate of paneer dosa or a bowl of idli sambar from Pragati.” The tiffin center owner, Kommariah says, “ It’s been more than 10 years since we have been serving the citizens of Hyderabad. We have customers range from IAS officers to business man to college going students. Sundays are the busiest days for us.” A brilliant blend of flavours, colours, seasoning, fragrance, taste, and visual appeal, these special dosas are very unique. At a very affordable rate, Pragati Tiffin center breaks the usual masala dosa monotone.

A passionate writer on writing

Sudeshna Koka


student of St. Mary’s Hyderabad, Armaan Farid is a true blue Hyderabadi who believes in luck and hard work. At the age of 18, this youth author is all set to make his mark in the liter-

ary world. Three years in the making ‘Stories from the Heart of a Dreamer’ is finally ready to tell a tale. Armaan talks about his book of dreams with us in a tête-à-tête. Where did the idea to write a novel come from? I have a crazy passion for English and have always been amazed by the power of words. How would you describe stories? Stories from the Heart of a Dreamer has seven stories ranging from a multitude of genres What inspires you? Music has always been my inspiration. More than anything or anyone music has been my source

of energy and motivation. Any writers that you particularly admire? John Osborne, he has been a great source of inspiration. As a first-time author what were the challenges that you faced? As a first-time writer and considering my age I did face a few problems. At the beginning I did not find any publishers. But I did not give up hope and chased my dreams and today I have APK Publishers who are publishing my books. However, I was most fearful when my book was being reviewed; that was indeed the scariest period but the result is something I will cherish all my life.



Matters of saving and spending

Event management industry set to grow to `2,300cr K Prudhvi Raju

HYDERABAD: Event management industry is growing by leaps and bounds in the City. Be it the engagement function of Ram Charan Teja and Upasana or be it a corporate congregation in the Hyderabad International Convention Centre, it’s the event managers who design the virtual screenplay to the minute detail. Almost every business uses the services of event management industry. The event management industry is seen as a sunrise industry in the service sector. Main reason for the growth in the industry is sudden spurt in live entertainment shows, corporate events like product launches and dealers meetings, exhibitions, conferences, and seminars. The market for event management in India is growing at 25 per cent and will reach Rs 2,300 crore by 2012. As of now, it is a Rs 1,800-

crore market. It is also moving from unorganised frame work to an organised market, said Rakhi Kankaria, Director, Rachnoutsav Events. The event market size in Hyderabad is estimated to be around Rs. 250 crore to 300 crore. Talking about the industry challenges, she said that industry was not getting trained man power. Education is unable to provide the quality human resources for the event management industry. English language skills, practical exposure and industry knowledge are lacking in the manpower. “To fulfil the need and to address this issue, we are going to start a professional institute with three courses on event management and wedding planning.” Event management is not just a few days’ business. It is spread throughout the year with the corporate events. Indian marriages are quite long. They start from wedding

Rakhi Kankaria card and ends with first night. Sometimes, this all may take up to six months, sagai se badhai tak.

Per capita power use to grow to a million MW HYDERABAD: India will be a developed nation by 2050. Its growth is driven by energy. If India has to become a developed state, it has to increase its per capita electricity consumption manifold. At least six to eight times more energy than what it consumes now. That is from 1,80,000 MW to one million MW, said R Chidambaram, principal scientific adviser to the Centre delivering the Yarlagadda Sreeramulu eighth endowment lecture on ‘India’s Technology Needs: Nuclear to Rural’ here on Friday. “According to the United Nations, the Human Development Index (HDI) is a relative measure of life expectancy, adult literacy, and per capita gross national product. In my opinion, per capita gross national product and life expectancy can be replaced by per capita electricity consumption. If we produce more energy, more goods will be produced. The energy will not only help industries and urban consumption but also improve the villages to a great extent by providing better health care, better water supply and sanitation which in turn increase life expectancy. Gender equality and reduction of infant mortality rate can only be achieved by female literacy,” Chidambaram envisioned. India needs all kind of energies. Developed countries can have a relaxed view on establishing nuclear power plants. “But countries like India and China, which have huge energy requirements, have to develop their nuclear pro-

On the difference between middleclass wedding and high profile wedding, she said, “We take care of every detail from card design to delivery, logistics for the invitees in high profile wedding. This all comes in a package. With the middleclass marriages, we promise that everything goes smoothly at the venue. The card distribution and all other events have to be take care by the customer itself. Middleclass wedding holds 27 per cent share of the total wedding turnover.” Technology is the key for wedding planning — LED displays to Mehndi functions and webcasting solutions for the marriages to enable guests and parents from different parts of the world to watch the event. “The corporate events generate around 70 per cent of the turnover, and the rest 30 per cent is generated by wedding planning. However, weddings are bigger in volumes,” she said.

Polaris plans to launch electric cars KOLKATA: Polaris India, the multi-terrain vehicles major, plans to launch electric cars in the country after solving issues like infrastructure. The company, a whollyowned subsidiary of Polaris Industries Inc, is eyeing to clock a total of Rs.5 billion revenue by 2016 from the Indian market. Once we launch the electric cars, then we will decide whether it will be on the road or off-road vehicle. The products are ready for the international market. Issues like infrastructure, battery and other problems are there,? Polaris India managing director Pankaj Dubey told reporters here Saturday. The auto major has electric cars - Gem and Breeze - for the US and European markets. Dubey was in the city for the launch of the company’s all-terrain-vehicles (ATVs). The company is looking at around 50 percent of its revenue from the utility car segment used in mining and industrial purposes.

Hyderabad’s first afternoon newspaper

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R Chidambaram grammes rapidly. It can be the icing on the cake for the developed world, but for India it is bread and butter,” he added. Talking about the Kudankulam plant he said, “It can produce 900 MW of electricity which can be supplied to four million people in Tamil Nadu and elsewhere. There should not be any worries on safety. There are16 such reactors operating within Russia and nine outside. Two such reactors recently began commercial operations in China. The United Kingdom is developing eight reactors. Abu Dhabi is also developing nuclear reactors with the help of South Korea. India has an excellent track record with nuclear safety because of its trained operational engineers and the strong regulations that are in place here.” He was confident that the Kudankulam nuclear plant will begin operating soon.


1 Year

` 299/6 Months

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India unveiled

Lokpal bill has many infirmities, says BJP q

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POISED FOR A RECORD 560 Indian Odissi dancers perform to try and get into the Guinness Book of World Records during the inauguration of the International Odissi dance festival in Bhubaneswar on Friday PIC: AFP

AMRI directors denied bail, six sent to judicial custody KOLKATA: ^= tÉëí= _ÉåÖ~ä Åçìêí= çå= cêáÇ~ó= ÇÉåáÉÇ= Ä~áä= íç íÜÉ= ~êêÉëíÉÇ= ÇáêÉÅíçêë= çÑ= ^jof

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Around the World


Beyond Borders


GLOBE AT A GLANCE ONE DEAD, 200 DRIVERS TRAPPED IN CAR CRASH ATHENS : One motorist was killed while around 200 other drivers were trapped for hours in a multiple car crash during a heavy snowstorm in Greece, officials said. Due to the icy roads, a truck tipped over on a national road near Kozani city in northern Greece Friday, causing a multiple car crash and blocking the highway for hours, Xinhua reported.


A picture released by the SANA shows government supporters in a demonstration to denounce the suicide bombings AFP

Al-Qaida behind Damascus blasts?


wo huge explosions tore through the Syrian capital Damascus, leaving dozens dead and up to 100 wounded in an attack which officials and state television blamed on alQaida suicide bombers. Opposition activists however pointed the finger at the regime of Bashar al-Assad, accusing it of plotting the blasts to reinforce its narrative that, rather than protesters seeking democratic reform, the nine-month uprising is being driven by Islamists bent on chaos. The car bombs were detonated shortly after the arrival of Arab League observers in Damascus to monitor the regime’s promise to end its bloody crackdown on the protest movement. It is the first time large bombs have been detonated in the capital since the revolt began in March. Officials said around 40 people, mostly civilians, were killed. “We said it from the beginning, this is terrorism. They are killing the army and civilians,” said the

Pak General Kayani dispels stories of military coup

deputy foreign minister, Faysal Mekdad. But opponents of the regime were quick to question this. Omar Idilbi, a member of the opposition group the Syrian National Council, described the explosions as ‘very mysterious’ because they happened in heavily guarded areas difficult to reach by car. “The presence of the Arab League advance team of observers pushed the regime to give this story in order to scare the committee from moving around Syria,” he told the Associated Press. It was also “an attempt to make the Arab League and international public opinion believe that Syria is being subjected to acts of terrorism by members of alQaida,” he said. The blasts appear to have caused significant damage to two security buildings, the state security directorate and a branch of military intelligence, in the heart of Damascus, where an advance party of 13 Arab League observers arrived on

Christmas Eve aftershocks rattle New Zealand


he army will support the democratic process in the country, assured army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani as he dispelled speculations of any kind of military takeover a day after Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani had insisted that so conspiracies were being hatched to oust the elected government. General Kayani reiterated that the army had and would continue to support the democratic process “The army is (aware) of its constitutional obligations and responsibilities,” a statement on Friday quoted Kayani .

Thursday. State TV showed scenes of mutilated bodies, burnt-out cars and damaged buildings in the upmarket district of Kfar Sousa. Syrian officials have insisted for many months that al-Qaida inspired groups are conducting sectarian attacks on members of the country’s ruling Allawite sect and other minorities. State media commentators repeated that line, while broadening the list of potential culprits for the bombing to include Israel and the US. Ahead of the Arab League delegation’s arrival, Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem predicted that the regime’s claims would be vindicated. “There are many countries in the world who don’t wish to admit the presence of terrorist armed groups in Syria,” he said at a press conference. “They will come and see that they are present.” State media had warned earlier this week that Syria had received information from Lebanon about an imminent attack.

Residents free a trapped car after the December 23 quake in Christchurch AFP


ftershocks rattled New Zealand’s Christchurch on Saturday, a day after two quakes sent terrified people fleeing into the streets, 10 months on from a devastating quake that claimed 181 lives. The strongest aftershock, a shallow 5.1 magnitude tremor, struck early Saturday 6:37 am local time, just 21 kilometres (13 miles) from the earthquake-devastated city. It was part of a swarm of 25 earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or stronger to shake the

already fragile city overnight, and sets up a tense Christmas period for Christchurch residents. Two shallow quakes of magnitude 5.8 and 5.9 and a series of aftershocks struck on Friday as malls were packed with afternoon Christmas shoppers, sending stock tumbling from the shelves and turning the festive mood to panic. The quakes, which temporarily closed the international airport and disrupted communications, were the latest in a series that began 15 months ago and have destroyed much of the inner-city. Local news media reported people fleeing in fear as the quake and a first wave of aftershocks rattled the city, leading to liquefaction and flooding in some suburbs worst hit by previous earthquakes. “You can’t underestimate the ongoing stress this has created for people,” Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker said, while Prime Minister John Key described the impact as ‘frightening and disheartening’ for the beleaguered residents.

satellite Soyuz-2 crashed on Friday shortly after being launched in northern Russia, RIA Novosti reported.A Meridian satellite launched from the Plesetsk space centre in northern Russia on board a Soyuz-2 carrier rocket, crashed near the Siberian city of Tobolsk minutes after liftoff, said a Russian defence ministry source.

Supporters of the Mouvement du 23 Juin party demonstrate in Dakar, Senegal AFP

UN CHIEF CONDEMNS KILLING OF WORKERS IN SOMALIA UNITED NATIONS: UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon has strongly condemned the killing of two World Food Programme (WFP) officials and a member of a partner organisation in Somalia.A gunfire attack which killed the three people took place in Mataban town of Hiiran province. The workers were monitoring food distribution in camps for internally displaced persons in the area.

AMATEUR BULL FIGHT FESTIVAL OPENS IN COLOMBIA BOGOTA: A six-day amateur bull fight festival described by locals as an “explosive and sometimes lethal mixture of alcohol, drugs, music, violence and machismo” has opened in Colombia.The festival commonly known as ‘Corralejas’ opened in the state of Sucre.Every year, hundreds of amateur bull fighters risk their lives jumping into an arena to taunt bulls weighing over 450 kg.

Elephants dressed in Santa costumes perform for students in Thailand AFP

Playing Field


The games people play

Wenger to spend X’mas weighing Henry comeback A rsene Wenger will spend the next week mulling over whether to try to get back Thierry Henry to Arsenal, but insists he has yet to make an enquiry, reported Skysports. Henry, during his eight-year career at Arsenal, netted a club record 226 goals before leaving for Barcelona in 2007. The French striker has spent the past 18 months with New York Red Bulls, but recently trained with the Gunners following the end of the Major League Soccer season. The 34-year-old also had a statue of him unveiled at the Emirates Stadium and there has been talks of a short-term return to the Premier League club. “Short-term is ideal for us,

but I haven’t made any enquiry yet. Thierry is not here at the moment. It has never come up

in conversation!” Arsene Wenger was quoted as saying. Wenger will see his attack-

ing options depleted in the New Year when Marouane Chamakh and Gervinho head off to participate in the African Cup of Nations. The Gunners boss admits signing Henry on a two-month loan deal could be the ideal option to provide cover for leading scorer Robin van Persie. However, Wenger has yet to make a decision on Henry and will use the Christmas period to mull over the merits of seeing the forward back in an Arsenal shirt. “That’s why I have Christmas Day off - I have to think about that,” said Wenger. “The first of January is the vital date for us. We have seven days to make decisions and I will make a decision in the next seven days on players.”

Chelsea in talks with Bolton for Cahill LONDON:

Chelsea have begun talks with Bolton over a possible move for England international defender Gary Cahill, it was confirmed on Friday. Cahill is out of contract at the end of the season and Wanderers must sell the player in the January transfer window or risk allowing the 26-year-old to leave for free in the summer. Chelsea manager Andre Villas-Boas indicated the Londoners were interested in Cahill earlier this week and

Bolton confirmed on Friday that talks were now under way. “Regarding Gary Cahill, there has been dialogue between ourselves and Chelsea. He is a top player and is fully

focused on Bolton,” a brief statement on Bolton’s Twitter page read. Bolton manager Owen Coyle also confirmed that another Premier League side were in the hunt for Cahill. Both Tottenham and Arsenal have been linked with the player in the past. “There’s nothing signed and sealed at the moment but it’s fair to say there has been dialogue here and there,” Coyle said. “I think it’s fair to say there’s interest in Gary and there will be

Giggs to discuss future with Fergie Ferguson called Welshman’s contribution to Man Utd’s 5-0 win against Fulham incredible MANCHESTER: Evergreen Ryan Giggs will shortly discuss his Old Trafford future with Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson, buoyed by still delivering high standard performances at the age of 38. Ferguson described the Welshman’s contribution to United’s 5-0 win at Fulham in midweek as “incredible”, and it also featured the midfielder’s first Premier League goal of the season.

That extended his record of scoring in every campaign since the inception of the Premier League in 1992. “It’s almost that time when I’ll sit down with the manager and see what his plans are for the future and I’ll see how I’m feeling,” Giggs told “At the moment I feel really good and I’m enjoying things more than ever, so we’ll just have to wait and see.” AFP

and that doesn’t surprise me. “I know that Andre is an admirer of Gary because he’s a terrific player so if there’s business to be done it will be done in the right manner for the football club and for Gary. “I’ve got to be upfront and tell you as I always do but that’s the situation, and Gary knows as well that there are two huge games before January 1st before anything could happen. “I’ve said from day one, Gary Cahill could play for anybody.” EVENING STANDARD



DIOUF SIGNS DONCASTER DEAL LONDON: Senegal international El-Hadji Diouf signed a new 18-month deal with struggling Doncaster Rovers on Friday despite the club staring at relegation into the third tier of English football. The 30-year-old Diouf, who was released by Blackburn last season, originally joined Rovers on a three-month deal at the end of October. But he will now stay at the Yorkshire club, who are second from bottom of the Championship, until the end of next season. “He’s probably the best signing this club has ever made,” Rovers manager Dean Saunders told the BBC. “The way everybody has taken to him here, I think he’s happy.”

VAN DER VAART’S INJURY WORSENS SPURS CRISIS LONDON: Tottenham’s injury crisis deepened on Thursday night with the news Rafael van der Vaart is likely to miss the club’s next three games with a hamstring injury. Van der Vaart has played a key part in Tottenham’s impressive form recently, but struggled to make an impact in the 1-1 draw against Chelsea and had to come off at halftime after complaining of a hamstring injury. It is not the first time the Dutchman has spent a spell on the sidelines due to a hamstring complaint, and he is now doubtful for the upcoming games against Norwich, Swansea and West Brom, manager Harry Redknapp confirmed after the game, and he said: “I’d think he would be out for the festive period.”

BARCELONA, MADRID DUE FOR LAST EIGHT SHOWDOWN MADRID: Holders Real Madrid and Barcelona are in line to meet in the quarterfinals of the Spanish Copa del Rey, if both can win their next round ties, following Friday’s draw. After both giants brushed aside thirdtier opposition in the last 32 in midweek, the draw for the last 16 pitted Madrid against Malaga, and Barcelona against Osasuna. If they come through these two-legged ties in early January then there will be another twolegged Clasico to look forward to later next month. The draw has been made all the way through to the semi-finals, with Valencia, Sevilla, Levante and Alcorcon all in the same half of the draw as the two juggernauts.

Playing Field


The games people play


Ed to open for Oz MELBOURNE: Australia look set to go in against India with a revamped top order for the Boxing Day Test, with opener Ed Cowan Saturday named to the team alongside big-hitter David Warner and Shaun Marsh. In-form newcomer Cowan was one of three additions to a 13-man Australian squad named last week for the Melbourne Cricket Ground Test beginning Monday, after batsmen Phillip Hughes and Usman Khawaja were dumped. The two other additions -Marsh and bowler Ben Hilfenhaus — also made the final eleven but all-rounder Dan Christian failed to make the cut. "I'm confident we've got the best eleven to win this Test match in these conditions," skipper Michael Clarke said. "I can use Michael Hussey, Ricky Ponting and myself to bowl a few overs. David Warner can bowl a few legspinners. I feel we've got the right eleven to give ourselves a chance of winning this Test match. "Dan Christian offers a lot with both bat and ball but unfortunately for him right now we can't fit him into the eleven." Clarke backed the selection of Hilfenhaus to spearhead Australia's pace attack. "His control, he's a very good new ball bowler. He can bowl long spells. He's had success against India as well.

There's a few reasons we decided to go with Hilfy," he said. Australia, fresh from a humiliating defeat to lowly New Zealand in Hobart this month, will be missing allrounder Shane Watson who is injured (hamstring/calf) while fast bowler Ryan Harris was not named in the squad. Coach Mickey Arthur said Harris and Christian would "stay around the group" until their Twenty20 Big Bash League commitments took

them away later in the week. "And Shane Watson will also be with the group in Melbourne in order to build workloads and hopefully be fit for consideration for selection for upcoming Test matches," Arthur said. India, ranked two places above Australia at second in Test cricket, are aiming to win their first series Down Under after failing in nine previous tours over 64 years. Their batting line-up boasts two of Test cricket's

greatest run scorers -- Sachin Tendulkar (15,183) and Rahul Dravid (13,094), with Tendulkar bidding for his 100th international century on the Australian tour. The Australian team is in transition with several inexperienced players alongside Ricky Ponting, 37, and Mike Hussey, 36. Warner has just two Tests under his belt while Marsh, who has suffered back trouble, has three. Clarke said he was confident Marsh was fit to play despite his back problems. "His back is fine," he said. "He's taken it easy yesterday and today to make sure he's fully recovered and ready to go come Boxing Day. "I'd imagine you'll see Shaun out here tomorrow facing some bowlers or at least having some throwdowns. He's 100 percent ready to go." It is hoped that right-handed Cowan will add some ballast to the top order. The 29-year-old hit 109 for the Chairman's XI against India along with two centuries in this season's domestic Sheffield Shield and one for Australia A against the touring New Zealanders. Australia: Michael Clarke (capt), Brad Haddin, Ed Cowan, Ben Hilfenhaus, Michael Hussey, Nathan Lyon, Shaun Marsh, James Pattinson, Ricky Ponting, Peter Siddle, David Warner, Mitchell Starc (12th man). AFP

Batsmen ready, says Clarke Bhajji bats for Sachin KOLKATA: Discarded Indian off-spinner Harbhajan Singh on Friday exuded confidence that master batsman Sachin Tendulkar will complete a century of international hundreds in the Boxing Day Test at Australia's Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). "I am confident he will get his century of international hundreds in the first Test match of (India's) tour to Australia. That will be a proud moment for all of us," Harbhajan said at a function here.

MELBOURNE:Last Boxing Day, the biggest day on Australia's cricket calendar, Andrew Strauss sent the Australians in on a pitch with a little bit of juice in it. They didn't last 50 overs. Chris Tremlett and James Anderson skittled the Australians for 98. They never recovered, England secured the Ashes with that victory, and the Argus review was commissioned in the weeks that followed. Fast forward 12 months and the Australians have been bowled out for 47 in an innings against South Africa. They have lost a Test to New Zealand in challenging conditions at Bellerive Oval. Their batsmen continue to fail. Only David Warner and Shaun Marsh, the two newest members of the top order, have averaged more than 40 in the

past year. And now they are back at the MCG. It is still the biggest day on Australia's cricket calendar. They are still struggling against the moving ball, the reason behind their batting camp over the past few days. Zaheer Khan and Ishant Sharma are skilled movers of the ball in the air and off the pitch. But the captain Michael

Clarke still believes his batsmen should play their natural game, even if they are sent in under cloudy skies. "I think it's important if we bat first that we play our natural game," Clarke said. "I think you have the confidence to back your own ability. We've done plenty of work so it's not from lack of training ... Our preparation has been spot on. Now it's about getting out there and enjoying every minute of it. I have no concerns if we bat first on that wicket and there's a bit of movement. I'm confident we're ready for it. "I make no bones about it, we've had extra time as a batting unit because we know we've got to get better at facing the new ball if there's a bit in the wicket. We want to improve.� ESPNCRICINFO

Dallas ready to rumble LOS ANGELES: The much-anticipated NBA season is in our midst and in the short build up to a rushed season many faces have switched teams including those on the reigning champion Dallas Mavericks. "I think our goal cannot be to be the best team right now," Germany's Dirk Nowitzki said. "Our goal is to get better and also better game to game. Hopefully by April, May and June we can be back to where we were last year." After almost having to cancel the season, the league and players union agreed on a last-minute collective-bargaining deal which resulted in an abbreviated 66-game schedule, beginning Christmas Day. Because of the lockout teams have had a little more than two weeks and just two exhibition games to get ready. "We weren't really blessed with that much time to do it any different unless you wanted less games, so it kind of is what it is," said Los Angeles Clippers new guard Chauncey Billups. "The good thing about it is we're not the only team that's dealing with it; everybody is. All the things we're complaining about, they're dealing with it too." Dallas caught fire last year and beat the Miami Heat for the NBA title but they have a big hole to fill with the loss of Tyson Chandler and Jose Barea. Fortunately their core players remain the same and will be pleased to accept their championship rings in front of the Heat at home in one of five games on opening day. That's why Dallas is one of five teams, including the Chicago Bulls, the Heat, Memphis Grizzlies and Oklahoma City, who have the best chance at winning the title. Not included in that list for the first time in several years is the Los Angeles Lakers who actually helped strengthen the Mavericks by giving them Lamar Odom in a panicked trade after the league nixed the Chris Paul deal to the Lakers. The trade was heavily criticized by Lakers star Kobe Bryant who should have more to say when Los Angeles faces the Mavericks for the first time this season on January 16.Without legendary coach Phil Jackson, the ofteninjured Andrew Bynum suspended for the first four games of the season, and Bryant suffering a right wrist injury before the season has even begun, it seems the only way the Lakers can go is down. AFP



Aussies, when they take us on at the Boxing Day Test, will be trying to prove they aren’t ‘down and under’ yet

SHAUN MARSH Age: 28 years 165 days Role: Top-order batsman, Left-hand bat, Slow left-arm orthodox bowling Tests: 3 Runs: 284 HS: 141 Average: 56.80 100s: 1 50s: 1

NATHAN LYON Age: 24 years 31 days Role: Right-hand bat, Bowling style Right-arm offbreak Tests: 7 Wickets: 22 Best figures: 5/34 (innings), 7/88 (match) Average: 24.59 Economy: 3.07

BRAD HADDIN Age: 34 years 59 days Role: W. keeper batsman Tests: 39 Runs: 2171 HS: 169 Average: 36.18 100s: 3 50s: 10

PETER SIDDLE Age: 27 years 26 days Role: Bowler Right-hand bat Right-arm fast-medium Tests: 27 Wickets: 91 Best figures: 6/54 (innings), 7/113 (match) Average: 31.36 Economy: 3.04

MICHAEL HUSSEY Age: 36 years 208 days Role: Middle-order batsman Left-hand bat Tests: 66 Runs: 5196 HS: 195 Average: 50.44 100s: 15 50s: 26

BEN HILFENHAUS Age: 28 years 281 days Role: Bowler Right-hand bat Right-arm fast-medium Tests: 17 Wickets: 55 Best figures: 4/57 (innings), 5/70 (match) Average: 34.65 Economy: 3.02

RICKY PONTING Age: 37 years 2 days Role: Top-order batsman Right-hand bat Tests: 158 Runs: 12656 HS: 257 Average: 52.29 100s: 39 50s: 58

MITCHELL STARC Age: 21 years 325 days Role: Bowler Left-hand bat Left-arm fast-medium Tests: 2 Wickets: 4 Best figures: 2/30 (innings), 2/77 (match) Average: 50.00 Economy: 3.57



REDEMPTION MICHAEL CLARKE (C) Age: Role: Middle-order batsman, Right-hand bat, Slow left-arm orthodox bowling Tests: 76 Runs: 5283 HS: 168 Average: 46.34 100s: 17 50s: 21

DAVID WARNER Age: 25 years 55 days Role: Opening batsman, Left-hand bat, Legbreak bowling Tests: 2 Runs: 153 HS: 123 Average: 76.50 100s: 1 50s: 0

13 Test Debuts

ED COWAN Age: 29 years 188 days Role: Opening batsman, Left-hand bat, Legbreak bowling

DANIEL CHRISTIAN Age: 28 years 231 days Role: Allrounder, Right-hand bat, Right-arm fast-medium JAMES PATTINSON Age: 21 years 232 days Role: Bowler, Left-hand bat, Right-arm fast medium bowling Tests: 2 Wickets: 14 Best figures: 5/27 (innings), 8/105 (match) Average: 14.00 Economy: 3.22



Fair, free and forthright

Editorials TESTING TIMES FOR Chiranjeevi


fter waiting for aeons on the fringes after the merger of Praja Rajyam with the Congress, actorturned-politician Chiranjeevi has got his first real taste of power with his induction into the party panel for co-ordination with the government. The megastar had to resort to some reallife drama before the latest no-confidence motion to get his (and his followers’) support recognised by the party. A tough task lies ahead of him in getting the party-government act together before the by-polls and uniting the State leaders fragmented by regional, political and business interests. If he doesn’t shine in this job, it is only a matter of time before he is marginalised again and people who support him shift to other camps. What the State needs now is a statesman politician with long-term vision, who can offer a way out of the political and economic turmoil that has dented the State’s image. Can Chiru vanquish villains and emerge victorious? Only time will tell.

WHY WE LOVE... Christmas


he spirit and the spirits are reasons to cheer as streets, houses and shops are bedecked for the arrival of Santa Claus with his bag of goodies. The holiday feeling sets in and everyone is in a benevolent mood, ready to give and forgive — not to forget the mouth-watering delicacies. The biggest fans are children. The season also serves as a gentle reminder to skeptics and an encouragement to optimists, that one man can change hearts and make a difference.


Why Christmas is a celebration for all Soul Curry

With increasingly universal values, Indians are less finicky about religious differences and are beginning to realise that they can create a belief system that suits them by choosing the best from everything that’s available. It’s fusion at its very best

Sumaa Tekur


’ve got some really cranky neighbours. The family, living across the road in a tiny cottage-like home, looks picture-perfect — but only from a distance. I can hear the couple’s roaring fights every other day. The lady of the house is grumpy all the time, although I get to see little of her. When she walks outside the main door to dump the waste in the trash can, she’s always angry about something. The husband hardly ever smiles, too — even when he’s taking his son to the club for a game of badminton on Sunday mornings. But in winter, as the nip in the air becomes stronger and one can feel the cheer of Christmas, Mr and Mrs Grumpy transform into Mr and Mrs Smiley. They smile at us, their neighbours, who they ignore or look through the rest of the year. What’s more, they even send across a Santa Claus-size bag of goodies with kalkals, sweets, fried yummies and homemade cake. They’re Christians and this is a wonderful time of the year for them. But across the street, in a three-storeyed Gujarati home in the corner, there’s caroling and the sounds of merrymaking almost every evening leading up to Christmas. They’re Hindus but they love this festival and their kids insisted on decorating a tree and celebrating. So they did, in style. I know that sentiment all too well. After all, my own excitement for Christmas comes from my schooldays when we sang carols, decorated a Christmas tree, exchanged gifts, put up a skit about Jesus and felt emotional on Christmas Day. It was one of the biggest parties before we closed for winter vacation to reopen in a brand new year. It’s tough to escape the Christmas mood wherever one turns. My sister turned up in Christmas colours a few days ago for an office party, where they would exchange gifts

ORR accidents

Check autorickshaws

Though I sympathise with the parents of those kids who died in Outer Ring Road accidents, the equal share of blame they share cannot be ignored. The youngsters are pampered with money and vehicles and allowed to follow a luxurious lifestyle but are not taught the basic responsibilities they must fulfil — for themselves and others. Why do parents buy all those powerful vehicles for their kids knowing well ahead that they will be used only for dangerous reckless driving? A little prudence can avoid disasters. Alam Hussain Hakimpet

The traffic police have been launching several initiatives to promote road safety but one thing that goes unchecked in the city is the extortion by auto drivers. They refuse to go by meter or use tampered meters. They refuse to take passengers for short distances, especially within minimum charge, unless a much higher amount is assured. Many of them have also scratched out the details of police helplines that have to be mandatorily carried where it’s visible to the passenger. The cops should address basic issues the common man the most. Vasundhara Vijay Yousufguda

in the Secret Santa game. Every person in the office, irrespective of faith, participates in the game and there’s fun, laughter, cheer and love. This probably was what Christmas was meant to be. Festivals, especially in urban India, have increasingly evolved as one-India celebrations. People of all faiths participate in Ganesh Chaturthi puja, Id celebrations and Christmas. It might be the best way to survive a culturally diverse and demanding society — to open our hearts and accept the happy and bright. Cultural oneness is also the answer to all those who are trying to polarise society. These individual acts of faith have begun to matter more than the attempts of those with a funda-

TALK BACK Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222

mentalist outlook to drive home the point that their faith is better. With increasingly universal values, Indians are less finicky about religious differences and are beginning to realise that they can create a belief system that suits them by choosing the best from everything that’s available. It’s fusion at its very best. The urban cultural potpourri is making room for more and more. Think Halloween, Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day. When these western influences reach Indian shores, they mutate into local celebrations with that unique Indian touch. The best part? No one’s complaining as long as everyone’s having a good time. Merry Christmas!

Idiotic directive

Arrogance of police

By issuing a directive to the bars holding them responsible for drunk driving of their customers, the city cops have added another feather to the cap of their incompetence. What will come next, prosecution of parents for children bunking classes? The police should stick to their job of cracking down on law breakers rather than go around terrorising businessmen who shell out lakhs for liquor permits. Irresponsible individuals must be made to pay for their violation. The police need to understand that these initiatives will do more harm than good. Robert Samuel Trimulgherry

How can the police come out with such instructions to bar owners, holding them responsible for drunk driving by their customers? Already the cops are collecting enough bribes from them under one pretext or the other. This new rule will only add another tool to extort money. Moreover, there is every likelihood of business rivals taking advantage of this rule to destroy the business of their competitors. I think the good publicity for their campaign against drunk driving has gone to their heads and they are acting like this. Shivaprasad Rahematnagar



Fair, free and forthright

Note to scribes: Let’s not get personal online

Urban sketches Viswaprasad Raju


Paradise Lost: Going in search of our green past

Gen Why? Sharada Annamaraju


n our hyper-connected world, editors and journalists are expected to be constantly wired-in to various news ‘aggregators’ online such as Twitter and Facebook to receive and broadcast updates and news. However, on such informal platforms, scribes who started accounts to air substantial opinions, have over time descended into airing personal views, rants and eventually, inane personal information like needing a new toothbrush or that their dog has constipation and even, constant self-promotion. With increasing followers, selfindulgence amongst news-people seems to be the order of the day. While the editors and reporters of national dailies and magazines were once deeply admired for their work and retained a sense of esteem, today easy access on social sites has whittled down that personal space and distance to the old adage of familiarity breeds contempt. The trend of dumping personal information and rants on social media seems to be more in vogue with Indian journalists than those abroad, who practice more restrained engagement with the public. Anderson Cooper, a renowned journalist with CNN, for instance, actively promotes not revealing his private life and prefers to maintain his neutrality as a member of the media. His twitter profile demonstrates his resolve, and he remains limited while replying to tweets. There are exceptions of course, but most journalists abroad really keep it short, availing of opportunities such as separating public and personal posts on Facebook. The highlight of my pastime following individual journalists online came when an editor of a national business paper arrived at our college for placement season. Amidst interviews, she proceeded to pass snarky comments about the college, the students and also a long, ‘yaaawwn’. Perhaps it was a devil-may-care attitude being on the giving end, or merely being unaware of the fact that several of us subscribed to her were receiving real time updates. Instances such as this can be viewed at as an exceptional ability to tweet about one’s dinner plans, minor irritations with the neighbour next door, what one is eating at dinner watching the family dog perform tricks and still managing to pull out the next day’s edition. However, what it really does is to bring down the image of the fourth estate further. Perhaps, the principle of instant gratification through constant communication and online addiction for ordinary mortals applies to journalists too. But vested with more societal responsibilities, it can’t become an excuse for the latter set. As Prasanth Radhakrishnan, a sub-editor with a leading national daily feels, it really boils down to the intended use of social media. If gaining perspective is the objective, then subscribing to wires, websites and people who curate things of value for dissemination is the better option. However, if the purpose is purely for the grapevine, then one tends to subscribe to individuals. With this, pruning your Twitter and Facebook subscription lists should become an easier task! The writer is a journalism graduate, currently in between jobs and likes cheesecake

Shopping and the existential angst of the festive season Yuletired Sebastian Shakespeare


ave you done your Christmas shopping yet? Like most men, I normally leave it to the last minute, with often dire consequences. My wife will not let me forget my all-time worst gifts: polyester pyjamas (yes, inexcusable, but I was in a rush, honest), slippers with plastic beading (what's wrong with that? A lot, apparently) and a saucepan (never again). That was a premarital gift which elicited the response: "Well, I suppose I could always take it with me when I leave you." The saucepan (and wife) are still with me 10 years on. And so is the worst gift list, which returns to haunt me year after year, like an anti-festive refrain. That is why I love Scrooge and abhor Christmas, a bogus Victorian invention which is designed to make us all spend money on useless fripperies. Shopping always fills me with existential angst at the best of times. At the worst of times (Christmas) it is intolerable. To buy too much or too little? Do I go for quality or quantity? Why

join the Gaderene rush to spend, spend, spend on presents which could easily be bought at vast discounts in the January sales? Bah, humbug! Every year I make the same vow: to buy my presents in January and recycle them 11 months later. Every year I fail to honour it. I suppose the easiest option would be not to exchange gifts at all. There is a lot to be said for miserliness. After years of profligacy and mortgaging ourselves to the hilt, surely we should be encouraged to save. By earning money and

depositing it in a bank, Scrooge was making credit available to others who genuinely needed it. As the old joke has it, the difference between miserliness and philanthropy is that the philanthropist serves a favoured few while the miser spreads his largesse far and wide. The problem is that if everyone became Scrooge-like, the economy would come to a shuddering halt. But I believe there is a halfway Scrooge house when it comes to Yuletide: This year, for the first time, my wife and I both elected and bought each other cut-price gifts in advance. So I have bought her a yellow jumper and she has bought me leather gloves. How boring is that? But thank God we have got it out of the way. It certainly takes the pressure off. So there will no marital disharmony or barely disguised looks of disappointment, around the (plastic) Christmas tree. I have also asked for socks from the in-laws. I'm not being ironic — I wish. It just gets them and me off the hook. If you have left your Christmas shopping to the last minute, good/ bad luck. To borrow Gregg Wallace's catchphrase from Masterchef: It doesn't get tougher than this. The Evening Standard

Realty Initiative




No hidden costs: MD A Saye Sekhar

HYDERABAD: Managing Director AP Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Ltd says there are no hidden costs like VAT, service tax, water, electricity, etc, says Shalini Mishra, Managing Director in an interview.

Afford a home and happiness Osama Salman


here are very few housing options available for the middle-class. With new projects boasting of advanced facilities being developed for the elite, the not so rich find it easier to acquire accommodation with the government providing subsidised and cheap housing. Where does that leave the middle-class? Fortunately, there are now affordable options available without the quality being compromised. Rajiv Swagruha, an autonomous body from the Government of Andhra Pradesh has built top-quality housing keeping the urban middle-class in mind. Currently there are seven such projects in Hyderabad. The primary question that arises is that why should one invest in Rajiv Swagruha over other equally good projects in the city? Bharat Reddy, general manager (marketing) says, “The flats here are priced 25 per cent

lesser than other commercial flats. We are reliable and provide facilities that can even put the best flats to shame. But more importantly, as the land is provided by the government, it is litigation free and follows all construction norms.” The flats have a lung space of 65 per cent which gives ample area for owners to move around. There are plenty of parks between blocks and 10 per cent of the space is for commercial purposes including a club house. The facilities include 24/7 backup generator, solar water heating, walking tracks, two lifts both for passenger and cargo, roundthe-clock security, centralised LPG gas, 24/7 municipal water apart from a host of others. However, the highlight remains that the flats are far more affordable here and rest assured, it is a secure investment. Upon purchasing a flat here, housing loans are as easy as buying a loaf of bread from the supermarket. State Bank of Hyderabad and State Bank of India have adopted these flats.

The interest rate too is 0.5 per cent cheaper and there is a waiver on the transaction fee as wellThis by itself multiplies into further savings. “Don’t believe us until you see the flats because seeing is believing,” advises Bharat. It was only after Postnoon visited the Sahabhavana Township in Bandalaguda that we realised what that meant. The sheer size of the township startled us. The four categories of units- three bedroom, two-and-a-half bedroom, two bedroom and single bedrooms were rightly divided into blocks within the compound. We were fortunate to look at all the model flats are we are undeniably impressed. They were spacious including the single bedroom flat. The highest quality of fittings is used here from the Jaguar toilet accessories to the Kajaria anti-skid tiles. In fact, to make it ‘earthquake proof’ they used 14 per cent more steel. The highlight however is the sliding

glass doors to the enormous balcony. The senior citizen block is impressive as well. It houses single bedroom units which have been made keeping their requirements in mind. Apart from the usual anti-skid tiles and the handles to assist the old in the toilets, they have a panic button strategically placed throughout the flat in case there is an emergency. On the ground floor, there is a clinic with a nurse available 24/7 and a pharmacy. They even have a beautiful park to which only the residents will have access to. Established in 2007, Rajiv Swagruha is a self-financed project that is demand driven. It buys land from the government at market price and does not spend much on advertisements. The flats range from Rs 6.5 lakhs to Rs 3.5 lakhs and some of the units don’t have common walls. “At that price, anybody earning Rs 6,000 to Rs 50,000 and above can afford a unit here,” concludes Bharat.

How many units were built in Hyderabad? And how many dwellings are there in each unit? We have taken up five townships. In all, we proposed to build 9,000 units and 5,000 are complete, two in advanced stage which are 4,000 units. What is the investment and cost margin? We don’t calculate in terms of investment as it is a social initiative. The cost margin we realise is five per cent. The total investment into the projects across the State is Rs 1,300 crore. The cost range of dwellings is Rs. 6.3 lakh to Rs. 36 lakhs. There are no hidden costs like water, electricity, VAT, service tax, etc. Our price is inclusive of all. In our transactions, the buyer doesn’t feel cheated, as ours is a transparent costing formula. How did the government realize its investment? There is no investment from government. We are taking loan from banks and then we are collecting money from buyers to repay to the banks. We are not into real estate business. Our intention is to maintain that unit is affordable to the middle income group. How many applicants withdrew? We have received 1.76 lakhs applications out of which 21,000 have withdrawn. They booked due to business aspirations, as Rajiv Swagruha houses have 25 per cent cost difference compared to open market. We are refunding their deposits of those who withdrew in instalments. How many more units are there in the pipeline? We are targeting 1.76 lakh houses. In the first phase, 16,000 houses are being built. As many as 6,000 of t hem are independent houses, mostly in tier II and III cities. What is the patronage like in the City and districts? While the response is excellent in districts, it is picking up in the City. Frequent agitations hampered the bookings. But we would be comfortable when we get 500 bookings a month, while it is 200 as of now.



Because you are what you wear


Famous faces sporting the strong brow

Elizabeth Taylor

We’re not talking 80s untouched wilderness, but shapely bold brows are back! When it comes to eyebrows, celebs, models, and make-up artists believe that big is beautiful

Jennifer Connelly


ccording to a make-up artist for designers Derek Lam and Joseph Altuzarra, “The eyebrows are like hangers that hold up the eyes.” Every year autumn’s strong lip colours and rich fabrics inspire make-up artists to put a stronger emphasis on the eyes and

the brows. This year, strong brows were sported by models who walked for Carolina Herrera, Victoria Beckham, Alexander Wang and Gwen Stefani’s L.A.M.B. What you saw on the ramp was darker and thicker but let’s keep it down to something more wearable with-

out looking like Ernie or Bert or even Groucho Marx for that matter. A strong brow can dramatically change the overall look of your face. Now, if you are new to the strong brow look, it can prove to be a daunting task but it may slowly grow on you.

Natalie Portman

Here’s how to get the look of the season n‘Strong’ does not equal to ‘unruly’ eyebrows. You still need to groom them a little and trim the long ends occassionally. nInvest in a good brow pencil or powders. Filling in the sparse areas with an eyebrow pencil or a powder are two ways that darken and give them a definite shape. Go about a half to a whole shade lighter than you first think though picking a colour that’s too dark will overpower your eyes. Here are a few suggestions: 8Revlon ColorStay Brow Enhancer 8Brow Shaper by Clinique nGet an arch. Even if you are not much of a brow shaper, you need a little bit of an arch to to wear the strong brow. And that counteracts any heaviness your brow may have visually.

Camilla Belle

nDraw your shadow on with a soft, super thin angle brush. Draw your shadow line at the bottom line or at the edge of your eyebrow and then blend up into the brow. Then with a clean eyebrow brush, brush through so that the shadow blends into your skin, looking more natural. The more you brush, the softer the brow will look. nThe key to making this trend work is keeping the rest of the face clear of colour and making the brows the focal point of the whole look. nStand arm’s length away from the mirror to get a proper perspective of balance to check your brow handiwork. Keep the rest of your make-up in nude tones to make a strong statement.

Carey Mulligan





THE WAR OF THE SMARTPHONES Which is the best smartphone? This debate will never die down as long as technology exists. Call it rivalry or just plain jealousy, neither of them can live without each other. They are constantly challenging each other only to provide consumers with more things to play with

Retro USB Mouse

H Android-powered phones have a faster CPU,” says Nitin Singh (left), who loves his Android phone so much that after work, he shoves his iPhone into the drawer only to use the Android. “The iPhone is made such that you are only tuned to iTunes. If I want to choose what I want to, I can’t. That is exploitation. Besides, I can’t add any external memory to it. However, where it lags behind an Android is that you can’t customise it at all for free. Blackberry is dying. What more can I say?” says Nitin. Android or not, none of these phones can be ignored. With so many lucrative user applications options available on all of them the customer is the king here. And it all boils down to who likes what more.

ow lets talk about the three stalwarts in the smartphone industry— the iPhone, Blackberry and the Android. Who is the ultimate winner? Who is the better of the three? Three enthusiasts, one for each, battle it out in the ultimate war of the smartphones. “The iPhone is the envy of the common man, the Jacob diamond of all diamonds,” says Mir Shaji Ali(right). As a die-hard iPhone enthusiast, his vision is blurred and he cannot see beyond the iPhone. “Tell me, how many phones can match up to the sheer magnificence and efficiency of the iPhone. It is superior in every way. There are a million applications. What does that say? You will never be bored.The touch screen, well, it is extraordinary to say the least. Your fingers just slide

on a smooth screen!” exclaims Shaji. Defending his phone, he adds, “Android is just weird. The battery of any Android-powered phone is beyond pathetic. It sucks the life out of a phone. The screen resolution is blah! On the other hand a Blackberry is nothing beyond the Blackberry messenger (BBM). Take that out and what you have is a plain overpriced phone. There are not as many applications in Blackberry to entertain you as well.” “That is so not true! Blackberry is a great phone and it has everything to keep you busy,” defends Blackberry fan Samah Baig (top). “The best thing about the Blackberry is the BBM. It is what you are paying for. You can send messages, pictures, videos— all for free. The convenience of an e-mail is so much better too. Unlike an iPhone, you don’t end up making silly mistakes with the autocorrect option and post it on the web. You have to know exactly what you type because of the superior keypad,” she adds. “iPhone has a similar app to a BBM called Whatsapp but even that can’t compete primarily because you need Internet for that while BBM is, well, Internet-free! Android? What’s Android?” quips Samah. “Wow! That is being ignorant. Android is the fastest growing operating system in the world. That speaks for something, doesn’t it? What I love about Android is that there are a lot of customising options. Most of the apps are free in the Android Market. Some of the important apps useful for office are free unlike the iPhone.

App of the week

Videogame review

Osama Salman


The Good: nCompelling narrative nGreat voice acting and dialogue nMasses of NPCs make Liberty City feel alive.

Grand Theft Auto III: 10 Year Anniversary Edition

The spnKiX Motorized Skates


guess those Segways were not enough for us, and we had to come up with some form of single human transportation. The spnKiX are capable of doing about 10 miles per hour, and they can only travel about two or three miles before the battery runs out. Want to go further? Well, you will have to wait about two hours as the lithium ion battery charges

Website of the week

MAME: Arcade Game Emulator We thought this day would never come, but MAME — the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator that would let youplay retro games is now available for free in the Apple app store. Not only that, but it’s compatible with iCade. Peace out!

ey you, 1980s kid – do you miss Theera of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Ghostbusters as well? Well, if you answered in the affirmative, then you might be interested to know that ThinkGeek has obtained a time machine and returned to the1980s and has come up with the Retro Mouse.Yes sir, the name itself gives the game away, where it sports all the trappings of a modern mouse underneath the hood, although it comes dressed ready to party like it is 1980.

The Bad: n Touch-screen controls make even simple tasks a chore. If you think your 16hour-day is the worst job, log onto this website and you will be in church thanking God. This website lists weird jobs that are best avoided, but also give you an insight into just how great your job really is.



Holistic view of mind, body and soul

Healthy hair needs


Ranjani Rajendra


t’s always been said that your hair is a reflection of your health. The more lustrous and gorgeous your locks ,the healthier you are from within. It’s little wonder then that guys are attracted to women with beautiful hair. Subconsciously it’s a sign of sensuality and fertility to them. And as they rightly say you are what you eat. So the healthier your eating habits the better your skin and hair will be. So if that hair fall has been bothering you then you know what to do. First of all rule out factors like dandruff, infections and hormonal imbalances. Next, revamp your eating habits. Limit the trans-fats and greasy stuff and step up on the greens, pulses, dates, sprouts and fresh fruits for lustrous long locks. “Healthy hair requires healthy eating. The healthier you are from within the better your hair will be. Also a high protein intake is extremely important for gorgeous looking healthy hair,” says Dr Asna Anjum, a dermatologist. Foods like chicken, fish, eggs, pulses, legumes, nuts and dairy products are rich sources of proteins. So upping your intake of these foods is bound to help you flaunt a head full of gorgeous looking hair. Fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables are also essential. No matter how much you hate that palak, methi and other greens, realise this – they have a high amounts of biotin, a vitamin required by hair. So find interesting ways to cook them to make them more palatable and give your hair its dose of nutrition. What’s more a high protein intake also helps burn fat faster consequently helping keep your weight under check. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. “Anaemia can also cause dif-

fused alopecia, a condition in which there’s a gradual thinning of hair all over the scalp. So upping your iron intake is important. Foods like palak, dates, sprouts, beetroot and pomegranate are good sources of iron,” explains Dr Asna. Here are two recipes to help you get that beautiful mane that you’ve always wanted. Not to forget an occasional oil massage and reducing the use of harsh chemicals on your delicate locks.



Ingredients 1 kg Chicken 2 bunches Palak, chopped 2 Tomatoes chopped 2 Onions chopped Green Chilies chopped Garlic chopped

1 tsp Cumin Powder 11/2 tsp Chili Powder 1 tsp Coriander Powder 1 tsp Garam Masala Powder Turmeric Powder Salt to taste & Oil Method


lean the palak well and then boil it for five minutes. Drain the water and once the palak cools down make a puree of it in the blender and set aside. In a wok fry some onions, garlic, chillies and tomato till they turn soft. You can make a paste of this if you like for a smoother gravy or use as is. Now add the masalas to this mixture and stir well. Now add the palak puree and cook for 10 minutes. Add the chicken cubes and cook for 20 minutes or till the chicken is cooked. Serve hot with rotis or rice. Ingredients 250 gms beetroot peeled and diced 400 gms green beans steamed 1 large apple, peeled, cored and diced 2 tsps cider vinegar 1 tsp olive oil Method Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and toss with some salt and pepper powder and serve fresh. It can be a great appetiser or a meal in itself.


Introduce a variety in your diet

Dr Suneetha Sapur

I am 38 years old and have been diagnosed as pre diabetic, please tell me how to manage my diet. For pre diabetic condition lifestyle modifications are very important. I recommended you to meet a nutritionist for a personalised diet plan. However, I follow these general guidelines. Eat a variety of foods: For better control of blood sugar instead of using only rice include other grains like wheat, jowar, ragi or unpolished rice in your diet. More of whole grains: Include whole pulses like chole, rajmah, moong etc and also other dals like moong dal and channa dal in your everyday diet. Use less oil: A diabetic person is at a higher risk of heart disease. It is advisable to reduce consumption of oil. Restricted amount of oil for cooking and not preparing the vegetables in fried forms will help. Traditionally used oils like groundnut and til oils are good for health. Ghee, butter, coconut oil can increase cholestrol. Use less salt: Usually Indian diets are rich in salt, especially using pickles, papad and adding more salt to food is quite common. People with diabetes may also get Hypertension. It is better to use salt in moderation by restricting the intake of pickles, papad and adding less salt while cooking food. Use of Eggs/Nonveg: Fish contain a special type of oil which helps in blood sugar management, so consumption of fish is encouraged 3-4 times a week. Chicken is also good. Simple sugars: Certain foods increase blood sugar levels, especially foods with high sugar content. Few fruits also contain simple sugars in excess like banana, mango, sapota, seethaphal, jack fruit. Avoid fruit juices. Dietary Fiber: Dietary fiber is that part of the food which is not digested. Fibre in vegetables, fruits, legumes and fenugreek seeds are effective in controlling blood sugar and also help in reducing cholesterol levels. (The writer is the director of Akkshaya Foundation and a consultant nutritionist at LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad)

Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz

Big B does a photoshoot with



ollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan must have posed for thousands of photoshoots. But this, with his pet dog Shanouk, was unique! “Did photoshoot with Shanouk, my Piranha Dane for cover of a magazine on dogs by the ebullient Farzana Contractor, wife of BusyBee (Behram Contractor)!!” Amitabh posted on his Twitter page. The 69-year-old, who loves spending time with his dog, even posted one picture out of the photoshoot, and wrote: “That picture is of Shanouk, my Piranha Dane...Shanouk - a warm gentle breeze on a cold winter morning...” Recently, Big B had shared his thoughts on how his dog had been feeling ignored ever since Abhishek and Aishwarya had a baby. But one can guess, the special photoshoot must have taken care of the pet’s feelings. IANS

Proud to co-star I didn’t recommend with Anil Kapoor: Prateik, says Rahman Ronit Roy


onit Roy, appreciated for his role as a strict father in Udaan, is now set to play police officer Raja Tambat in director Sanjay Gupta’s Shootout At Wadala. But he is most excited about sharing the frame with Anil Kapoor. “Yes, I will play Raja Tambat in Sanjay Guptas film Shootout At Wadala...Proud to co-star with Anil Kapoor, who I’ve idolised since many years for his dedication towards his craft. He plays Isaque Bagwan...,” Ronit posted on Twitter. Anil has been a revered actor in tinsel town, but he became a bigger name after

featuring in Danny Boyle’s Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire. The success of the film helped him bag a role in American TV series 24, as well as a cameo in the recently released Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. In Shootout At Wadala, a prequel to 2007 film Shootout At Lokhandwala, Anil plays a police officer. The film is based on the 1982 incident in which gangster Manya Surve was shot dead in Mumbai. Ronit admits the script drew him to the project. “Sanjay Gupta narrated the film to me. It blew my mind away. A film which has the potential to be India’s answer to ‘The Godfather’. All roles in the film - MINDBLOWINGJohn Abraham as Manya Surve role of a lifetime,” added Ronit, who became a big name on the small screen thanks to shows like Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi” and “Kasautii Zindagii Kay. These days he is seen on Sony Entertainment Television’s Adaalat. IANS


omposer AR Rahman has quashed rumours that he put in a word for actor Prateik in upcoming film Ek Deewana Tha. “There is no truth to the fact that I recommended Prateik for the movie. I think he is naturally talented as I previously worked with him in Jaane Tu...Ya Jaane Na. He is very charming and I think he has a great future,” said Rahman. In Ek Deewana Tha, Prateik has been cast opposite British model Amy Jackson. The film, directed by Gautham Menon, is a Hindi remake of his own Tamil film Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa.



@reddysameera Christmas in Bandra is so lovely! all the churches are lit and the festive spirit is in the air! its gonna be a fun weekend! :)

@NeilNMukesh Good morning friends. Have a long day of interviews for the promotion of PLAYERS. Looking forward to seeing my team again :)

@imarshadwarsi Preparation for the Christmas Lunch is in full swing. Chef Maria has made the Kitchen a no entry zone for Zeke Zene n me...

@FarOutAkhtar Thank you all.. Our film has taken a super start and your support has everything to do with it...

@udaychopra So shooting wrapped yesterday and I fall sick today..what timing! And now I feel miserable that I’m stuck in bed while New York City beckons.

@SrBachchan T 600 -Talk on twitter is addressed. Many against the ugly side of it, the abuse that comes..Man ! If you’re not tough to take it, get off !

@iamsrk Starting work out...its been months on the road...films done...a few days with kids & at home. Read some &write a bit. Love to u all.

@juniorbachchan Sports day for the specially abled. Amazing to see the kids compete and excel. Then went around the school after god knows how many years.

Magic Screen



Fast, but lacks the pace For an action-suspense thriller, Don 2 hits the mark with grandeur and style, but it has some predictable twists. All in all it fails to translate into a nail-biting experience


ith all the hullabaloo surrounding the release of Farhan Akhtar’s sequel The Don is back, one is bound to think it would be a thriller that would keep us on our toes. An hour into the movie and we realise otherwise. The movie begins with our undisputed drug lord Don surfacing in Thailand, having already established his supremacy in the Asian underworld. His focus now lies in expanding his empire across Europe as well. For this, he seeks the help of Vardhan (Boman Irani), an old enemy who Don initially puts behind bars but then as the script requires, meticulously plans Vardhan’s escape from a prison in Kuala Lumpur. Don, then, engineers his own arrest by surrendering himself to the delight of Interpol officers (Priyanka Chopra) and her boss Mallik (Om Puri) who have been on his trail for the past five years. Don and Vardhan, forget their differences and are plotting a major heist in icy Berlin. How they manage it what essentially forms the rest of the story. But, who puts in two arch-enemies together in the same prison anyway? One a glamourous master-

Director:Farhan Akhtar Cast: Shah Rukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Om Puri, Boman Irani, Lara Dutta Rating: mind and the other a resentful scum. Farhan Akhtar is definitely an intelligent filmmaker but with this film, he presents us with an almost boring script. The plot is weak and is nothing that we have not seen

Abhishek’s survival tips for Sonam S

ix films-old actress Sonam Kapoor has been receiving useful professional tips to survive in Bollywood, thanks to her Players co-star, Abhishek Bachchan, who has spent over a decade in showbiz. “He thinks I am a little bit too naive for this industry and he said — ‘You need to become smarter, Sonam. This industry will spare nobody. You have to be smart and not say or do whatever you feel like,’” Sonam said while

promoting her latest film at a radio station. The pampered and sensitive 26-year-old daughter of actor Anil Kapoor added: “Generally, whenever somebody hurts me, you can see it on my face. I cannot hide anything. So he (Abhishek) kept telling me to be smart.” Sonam and Abhishek were earlier paired together in Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s Delhi 6. Their next, her seventh film Players, the official Hindi remake of Hollywood film The Italian Job, will release on January 6 next year. It also features Bobby Deol, Neil Nitin Mukesh and Bipasha Basu. IANS

before, robbing a bank which safeguards the plates used to print currency notes. But for the devious Don, no mission is impossible. The dialogues lack the required punch, sounding quite lame, especially the ones mouthed by the Don himself. The action sequences may very well be the USP of the film and have been done with absolute finesse. The light moments in the film are few and far between. The music is mediocre and not a patch to the former hit tracks. Don 2 has a large supporting cast but they all fade into the background as King Khan steals the spotlight yet again with his wit, dreadlocks and his mischievous grin. Priyanka Chopra, an important character in the first film, is barely needed in this one and her role does nothing to excite the audience. Boman Irani who is known for his witty one-liners and comic timing, looks menacing in parts but seems lost. The film excites and provides you with the much needed thrills that are required for an action entertainer but nothing that will leave you at the edge of your seat gasping for what comes next. SANA MIRZA

Response to Don 2 better than expected: Kunal Kapoor


ctor Kunal Kapoor, who plays a key role in Farhan Akhtar’s much-awaited film Don 2: The King is Back, says the film has got a promising reception. “The response has been superb. We expected a good response, but I think it’s been far beyond anyone’s expectations,? the 34-year-old actor said at a special screening of the film. Don 2: The King Is Back released in 41 countries onFriday, and hit the screens in Britainon Thursday. “Everyone liked it. I think you know once the movie works, people like things about the movie, then they like everything about the movie,’’ said Kunal, who has shared screen space with superstar Shah Rukh Khan for the first time in the movie. Kunal made his Bollywood debut with MF Hussain’s Meenaxi: A tale of two cities, but tasted success with Rang De Basanti the following year. He has worked in films like Hattrick, Laaga Chunari Mein Daag, Aaja Nachle besides making special appearances in Bachna Ae Haseeno and Welcome To Sajjanpur, and was last seen in Lamhaa.

Magic Screen


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Magic Screen

Seth Rogen joins the B Team


here was a time when The B Team was a cop comedy starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, before a certain A-Team caused a name-switch to The Other Guys. But with The Other Guys now come and gone, and The A-Team

a distant, tank-flying memory, The B Team is back, this time in the form of a spy spoof being developed by Seth Rogen. It just goes to show you can’t keep a good name down. Or something. This project actually pre-dates those others,

Director not convinced with 3D tech


irector Brad Bird snubbed the chance to film the new Mission: Impossible movie in 3D because he is “not exactly convinced” by the new technology. Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol features the franchise’s lead Tom Cruise in his most daring stunts yet, including scaling the world’s tallest building in Dubai. But rather than showcase the impressive action shots in 3D, Bird kept his filming to more traditional methods. He tells BBC’s Newsbeat, “I think that any time you have a new toy, people feel excited about it and then they overuse it. I remain interested in 3D but I’m not exactly convinced yet. What I’m more interested in is really high resolution, and really big screens.”

Disney’s Snow Queen defrosted


t’s been on ice at Disney for years, but it now seems that a thaw is approaching Uncle Walt’s version of The Snow Queen, which has just scored a November 2013 release date, under the new moniker Frozen. That whole clever ‘thaw’ line doesn’t really work when paired with that title, but give us a break, eh? It’s Christmas. The story, of course, is Hans Christian Andersen’s and involves Kay, whose mind is twisted when his heart and eyes are pierced by shards of an evil troll mirror. He’s then willingly abducted by the Snow Queen, who travels the world with the winter weather. Kay’s playmate, neighbour and sweetheart Gerda however, still believes in him and sets out on an epic quest to retrieve him from the Snow Queen’s palace. Animator Glen Keane (The Little Mermaid, Beauty And The Beast, Aladdin) was working on the project as early as a decade ago, but abandoned it in favour of Rapunzel, which emerged this year as Tangled. Adjective-based names are apparently all the rage for Disney’s current crop of fairytale animations.


The glamour behind the glitz

and its title was presumably in flux there for a while. Development being as slow as it is though, it’s fair game again. The story in this case is about a ‘top secret-agent’ who gets kidnapped and has to be rescued by his back-up gang of researchers and techies, who presumably aren’t quite as ‘top’ as he is.


Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz


Salmon S

almon Fishing in the Yemen, starring Ewan McGregor and Emily Blunt, will open the Palm Springs International Film Festival on January 5, organisers said on Thursday. The showing will mark the US debut of CBS Films’ British comedy, which was directed by Oscar nominee Lasse Hallstrom (My Life as a Dog) and written by Oscar winner Simon Beaufoy (Slumdog Millionaire). Two other McGregor films will also be shown at the festival: There will be a special presentation of Haywire, a Steven Soderbergh-directed action film also starring McGregor, Michael Fassbender, Antonio Banderas, Michael Douglas, Channing Tatum and Bill Paxton; and thedrama Perfect Sense, which co-stars Eva Green, is on the lineup, as well.

Fishing to open

Palm Springs Festival Wood worried about decline in successful blockbusters

Will Smith reunites with cast of Fresh Prince...


ctor Elijah Wood is baffled by the increase in big money blockbusters, insisting they're failing to attract audiences. The Lord of the Rings star has been watching box office trends, and he's worried by the lack of cinemagoers turning out to see high-profile releases. He tells Britain's Guardian newspaper, "It's like there's no middle class of movies any more. It's either minuscule budgets or it's f**king $200 million. You don't need to spend that much money! "And it's sort of failing. A lot of films have come out this year that were supposed to be huge and haven't been. That's a bad trend. I'm biased, but the thing that separates Rings from that crop is that it felt like the world's biggest independent film.”


t’s a (reunited) family affair for the cast of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air! Will Smith, the Fresh Prince himself, posted a picture of many cast members from the show, which went off the air in 1996, on his Facebook page on Thursday,with the caption, There’s nothin’ like spending Holidays with fam. The photo shows Smith posing with a part of his TV family, the Banks: James Avery(Uncle Phil), Karyn Parsons (Hillary), Alfonso Riberio (Carlton) and Tatyana Ali (Ashley). A third man in the photograph, which was taken at a charity event for Sweet Blackberry, which was founded by Parsons, was not identified.

Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz

Adam Lambert and boyfriend held for bar brawl

Melanie Amaro wins The X factor


dam Lambert and his boyfriend, Finnish reality star Sauli Koskinen, were both jailed in Helsinki early on Thursday morning after reportedly getting into a dispute that led to a physical altercation at a bar. Lambert, 29, a former American Idol runner-up, and Koskinen, 26, a winner of the Finnish version of Big Brother, were held for questioning as local police looked into four possible assault offenses, according to the Hollywood Reporter.They were released Thursday afternoon. Koskinen then blogged about the incident, suggesting the pair had patched things up.


t’s been a drama-filled first season of The X Factor, but in the end it came down to three: Melanie Amaro, Josh Krajcik and Chris Rene squared off in Wednesday’s final round of competition for the grand prize – a $5 million recording contract. Simon Cowell said the trio represented the most talented group of finalists of any singing competition he’s done. Melanie won! The singer, who was at one point sent home and then brought back to the competition, was speechless. Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! was all she could get out through tears before falling to her knees to pray. America, thank you for giving this girl an opportunity, Simon said on her behalf. She is a star. After attempting to sing, host Steve Jones tried to get an emotional Melanie to say a few words. “Thank you so much!”she said. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you. God is good.”


Charlize Theron needs some sleep


he 38-year-old actress – who has three movies, Young Adult, Snow White and The Huntsman and Prometheus, set for release in the coming months –loves using her time off work to rest, as well as fitting in entertaining friends and seeing the world. Asked how she spends her time off, she said: “It just depends, like now, if I

have a moment, I sleep. I’m so desperate for sleep. I like the same things other people like. If I have a chunk of time, I love to travel. I really take advantage of that, pack the suitcase and go somewhere I’ve always wanted to go to get some culture. Or sometimes just making a bowl of pasta and inviting 10 people over and staying round the table until


3 am drinking red wine and having great conversation.’’ The Oscar-winning actress is also a big fan of watching movies. In an interview with Total Film magazine, she added: I love watching movies. I haven’t been able to watch a lot of movies recently and I can’t wait to go home and have the screeners come in and just couch up.

he Avengers has a new superpower: 3D. Walt Disney Studios said on Thursday that the movie will be released in the format when it debuts on May 4. The movie had previously been slated for 2D only. In the same announcement, Walt Disney Studios said another, untitled Marvel movie has moved up from a wide release on June 27, 2014, to a release on April 4, 2014. There has been speculation that the sequel to Captain America might arrive in 2014. Also, Disney shed some light on a previously untitled movie scheduled for a November27, 2013, release. It will be called Frozen.

Disney switches Marvel’s Avengers to 3D

Magic Screen Rajamouli praises Puri Jagannadh


elebrities are known to make interesting statements at audio launches, but no one would have expected to see two of the biggest directors in Telugu film industry bringing the house down with their comments. Recently, Puri Jagannadh, who compered the audio launch of Mahesh Babu’s The Business Man, grilled Mahesh Babu through an impromptu interview much to the delight of his fans. Later, SS Rajamouli confessed that he would love to work with Mahesh Babu soon and wished that Business Man becomes a huge hit at the box office. Praising Puri Jagannadh for his style of filmmaking, Rajamouli said, “My wife scolds me for taking two to three years time to make one film and suggests that I should learn how to complete films soon from Puri Jagannadh. I wish to work as his assistant to learn the trick of making films quickly and delivering blockbusters with catchy one-liners.”


The glamour behind the glitz

Sunil joins the six-pack bandwagon



@bsoumya26 At the heal-a-child retro evenin! Its elvis presley n frank sinatra all the way!

@richyricha My cousin got me my faaave cookies frm Kookie Jar for Christmas! Made my day :) yippeee


unil has always been on the heavier side since he first came to limelight in Vijaybhaskar’s Chirunavvutho but he has been trying to lose ever since he signed S S Rajamouli’s Maryada Ramanna. Now, he’s all set to shock everyone in his upcoming film Poola Rangadu. Recently, when the pictures of this film were leaked on the Internet, people couldn’t believe that Sunil is showing off his sixpack and he’s being appreciated for putting in a lot of efforts for building his body. Directed by Veerabhadram, the film has Sunil and Isha Chawla in lead roles. The film will hit the screens on January 14.


ajal has had her share of ups and downs in 2011. Two of her films, Mr.Perfect and Singham were huge hits while another film Dhada failed to make a splash at box-office. However, 2012 promises to be an exciting year for the actress who will soon be seen in The Businessman opposite Mahesh Babu and Ram Charan Tej in VV Vinayak’s upcoming film. Now, we hear that Kajal is going to team up with Tarak once again for an upcoming film to be directed by Srinu Vaitla. The duo had earlier acted together in Brindavanam back in 2010 which was a huge hit. This untitled film is going to be yet another huge project for Srinu Vaitla who’s on a high, post the stupendous success of Dookudu. Ganesh Babu is going to produce the film which will go on floors in February. Thaman is going to compose the music.

Kajal joins Tarak, Srinu Vaitla’s film

@sundeepkishan Wishing my buddy for 10 yrs & super talented actor Aadi a very Happy Bday..#LOVELY tho pedha star avalira nuvvu #Big hug

@taapsee ‘You know u r important when ppl hate u even without knowing u’ I like itttttttt. !

@LakshmiManchu ‘People who play by the rules r well respected but wind up in 2nd place. @Richard Lawson’ God knows I don’t do 2nd place. Make ur own rules.

@Actor_Siddharth Merry Christmas everyone... ’tis the season to be jolly...tra la lala la la la la la....lots of happy time has begun...well earned!

@tashu_02 Phew...finally I did Bungee Jump today...wohoooo...felt great... Best thing was that I did not take much time to jump whereas others did ;-)

@shrutihaasan At the 3 audio launch excited to perform for you guys and loving the album! tralalala!!

Chai Time 1200 Movie - Alasyam Amrutham 1530 Movie - Andarivaadu 1900 Movie - Awara 2330 Comedy Junction 0700 Silver Screen 0800 Ayurvedam 0930 Movie - Josh

‘Awara’ at 1900 Hrs on MAA TV

1400 Abhishekam 1430 Aadade Aadharam 1500 Antahpuram 1530 Aakasa Ganga 1600 Prema Mandiram 1630 Jagadeeswari 1700 Ali 369 1800 Mahaveera Karna 1900 Kumkuma Rekha 1930 Manasu Mamata 2000 Chandra Mukhi 2030 Bharyamani 2100 Etv News 2130 Genes 2245 Movie - Antha Manamanchike 0800 Movie Mirchi 0830 Pelli Sandadi 0900 Panchatantram 0930 Highlights Of Paaduta Theeyaga 1030 Atm

1200 Movie - Avunu Valliddaru Ishtapaddaru 1530 Movie - Broker 1800 Movie - Varsham 2100 Movie - Shankar Dada MBBS 0830 Golden Hits 0900 Vivaha Bhandam 0930 Praja Vedika 1000 Movie - Konchem Ishtam Konchem Kashtam

1300 Movie - Devadasu 1730 Chittam Chittam Prayaschittam 1800 Veera Naari Jhansi Laxmi Bai 1900 Chinna Kodalu 1930 Movie - Nanna 2300 Luckku Kickku

‘Varsham’ at 1800 Hrs on GEMINI TV

‘Nanna’ at 1930 Hrs on ZEE TELUGU

1400 [V] Humse Hai Life 1430 [V] Steal UR Girlfriend 1530 [V] Trailers 1555 [V] Fresh Songs 1600 [V] Zabardast Hits 1700 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1900 [V] Steal UR Girlfriend 2000 [V] Love Net 2100 [V] Style Junkie 2130 [V] Trailers 2155 [V] Fresh Songs 2200 Love Kiya To Darna Kya 2300 [V] Steal UR Girlfriend 2355 [V] Fresh Songs 0700 [V] Trailers 0730 [V] Zabardast Hits 0800 [V] Mind Blasting Mornings 1100 [V] Fresh Songs 1200 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance

‘[V] Steal Ur Girlfriend’ at 1900 Hrs on CHANNEL [V]

1300 Movie - Identity 1500 Aspire 1530 Big Wheels 1600 Bellator 1800 The Defenders 1900 Galileo Extreme 2000 Movie - Identity 2200 Big Wheels 2230 The Defenders 2330 CSI - New York 0800 CSI - Crime Scene Investigation 0900 CSI - New York

‘Identity’ at 2000 Hrs only on BIG CBS PRIME


Telly sitcoms, news and movie listings

‘Et Insight’ at 2030 Hrs only on ET NOW 1400 Business Saturday 1430 Brand Equity 1500 The Market Makers 1530 Zigwheels 1600 Brand Equity Special 1630 Starting Up 1700 Business Saturday 1730 Google Enterprise Roadshow 1800 Currency Camp 1830 Leaders Of Tomorrow 1900 Business Saturday 1930 Bollywood This Week 2000 Technoholik 2030 Et Insight 2100 The Market Makers 2130 Talking Technicals 2200 Bollywood This Week 2230 Starting Up 2300 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 2330 Your Trades 0900 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 1000 Starting Up

1400 Top Chef - Just Desserts 1600 Live To Dance 1800 The X Factor 1930 Criss Angel Mindfreak 2100 Live To Dance 2200 Movie - Blades Of Glory 0700 Infomercial/30 Min 0725 Sky Teleshopping 0825 Infomercial/30 Min 0900 Sky Teleshopping 0930 Winter Wipeout 1030 Ebuzz 1100 Winter Wipeout 1300 Top Chef - Just Desserts

‘Blades Of Glory’ at 2200 Hrs on AXN

1430 Nach Le Ve With Saroj Khan 1830 Ek Nayi Ma Ka Safar 1900 Chandragupt Maurya 2000 Mahima Shani Dev Ki 2100 Chandragupt Maurya 2200 Gajab Desh Ki Ajab Kahaaniyaan 0800 Prannath Ji Maharaj 0900 Dwarkadheesh Bhagwan Shri Krishn 0930 Beendh Banunga Ghodi Chadhunga 1000 Ramayan 1030 Chandragupt Maurya 1230 Nach Le Ve With Saroj Khan

‘Shobha Somnath Ki’ at 1930 Hrs on ZEE TV

‘Badmash Company - Ek Shararat Hone Ko Hai’ at 2030 Hrs on COLORS

1300 Afsar Bitiya 1530 Movie - Tarzan – The Wonder Car 1930 Shobha Somnath Ki 2030 Dance India Dance 2200 Afsar Bitiya 0800 Joel Osteen 0900 Namaste Cinema 0930 Shobha Somnath Ki 1030 Idea Jalsha 1100 Afsar Bitiya 1230 Movie - Sholay

‘Adaalat’ at 2000 Hrs on SONY

‘Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai’ at 2000 Hrs on STAR PLUS 1300 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1530 Diya Aur Bati Hum 1700 Star Event - Airtel Superstar Awards 2000 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 2100 Master Chef India 2200 Masterchef India Zaykebaazon Ka Safar 2230 Survivor India- Pehli Jhalak 2330 Masterchef India Zaykebaazon Ka Safar 0700 Diya Aur Baati Hum 0730 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 0800 Superstar Preview 0830 Ruk Jana Nahi 1000 Survivor India - Pehli Jhalak


1337 The Mask 1537 Space Jam 1722 Madagascar 1906 Richie Rich 2100 Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix 2351 Dreamcatcher 0858 Looney Tunes - Back In Action 1048 Richie Rich 1238 Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

1500 Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay 1650 American Pie - The Wedding 1855 Laws Of Attraction 2100 Legend Of The Fist - The Return Of Chen Zhen 2320 Red 1010 Cats & Dogs - The Revenge Of Kitty Galore

Comedy Circus Ka Naya Daur

Bigg Boss 5Aapka Farman

Storyline - Comedy Circus Ka Naya Daur Grand Finale will take you on an amazing rollercoaster ride of unbelievable punches and stress bursting performances by our talented comedians.

Storyline - Sanjay Dutt will chat with the houemates and discuss the happenings of the week. To know the interesting twist in this weeks eviction & to catch the excitiment of this festive season.

‘Comedy Circus Ka Naya Daur’ at 2100 Hrs on SONY

‘Bigg Boss 5-Aapka Farman’ at 2200 Hrs on COLORS

1400 Man Vs. Wild 1500 Extreme Bodies 1600 Dual Survival 1700 The Greatest Ever 1800 Animals - The Inside Story 1900 Curiosity 2000 Stan Lee's Superhumans 2100 Man Vs. Wild 2200 Swords - Life On The Line 2300 My Shocking Story 0700 Wild China 0800 Nature's Greatest Events 0900 Factory Made 0930 Destroyed In Seconds 1000 Extreme Bodies 1100 Man Vs. Wild 1200 Swords - Life On The Line 1300 Killing For A Living

1400 Cougar Town 1500 The Big Bang Theory 1600 Californication 1700 Scrubs 1800 Body Of Proof 2000 Blender's Pride Fashion Tour 2030 The Big Bang Theory 2100 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2011 2200 Californication 2300 Scrubs 0800 Body Of Proof 1000 My Wife And Kids 1100 Less Than Perfect 1200 Parks And Recreation 1300 Slot 1330 Just For Laughs

‘Terra Nova’ at 2100 Hrs on STAR WORLD

‘Chidiya Ghar’ at 2100 Hrs on SAB TV 1430 Chidiya Ghar 1500 R. K. Laxman Ki Duniya 1530 Lapataganj 1600 FIR 1630 Chintu Chinky Aur Ek Badi Si Love Story 1700 Gutur Gu 1800 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 2030 Gutur Gu 2100 Chidiya Ghar 2330 FIR

‘Mahima Shani Dev Ki’ at 2000 Hrs on IMAGINE

1230 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1500 CID 2000 Adaalat 2100 Comedy Circus Ka Naya Daur - Grand Finale 2200 CID 2300 Crime Patrol - Dastak 0730 WWS Sky Shop 0830 Babosa Mere Bhagwan 0900 Parvarish - Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi 1200 Movie - Sooryavansham

1300 Movie 1600 Movie 1700 Movie 2030 Badmash Company - Ek Shararat Hone Ko Hai 2100 Sasural Simar Ka 2200 Bigg Boss - Aapka Farman 0700 Havan 0800 Veer Shivaji 0900 Balika Vadhu 1200 Mallika-E-Kitchen 1230 Badmash Company - Ek Shararat Hone Ko Hai 1300 Movie


‘The Big Bang Theory’ at 2030 Hrs on ZEE CAFE

1400 Necessary Roughness 1500 The Dewarists 1600 Masterchef USA 1900 IIFA Rocks 2000 Achievers' Club 2100 Terra Nova 2200 Necessary Roughness 2300 Dexter 0700 Dexter 0800 The Shield 0900 Community 1000 Modern Family 1030 Friends

‘Stan Lee's Superhumans’ at 2000 Hrs on DISCOVERY CHANNEL

‘Don’ at 1400 Hrs on ZOOM 1400 Movie - Don 1730 Zoom Barabar Jhoom Top 20 1830 Letz Go! 1900 Planet Bollywood News 1930 Page 3 2000 Canviroment 2100 Letz Go! 2130 My Playlist 2230 Letz Go! 2300 Bollywood Bonanza 0700 Letz Go! 0800 Red Carpet 0805 20 - 20 Songs 0825 Letz Go! 1000 Link'D 1021 Letz Go! 1100 Zoom Box 1200 My Playlist 1300 Garma Garam

‘Legend Of The Fist - The Return Of Chen Zhen’ at 2100 Hrs on HBO

1430 Mummy Autopsy 1530 Treasure Quest 1630 How It's Made 1700 The New Inventors 1730 Weaponology 1830 Best Of Discovery Science 1930 Weird Connections 2030 Discovery Science Presents 2130 Surviving Disaster 2230 Frontline Battle Machines With Mike Brewer 2330 The New Inventors 0700 How It's Made 0730 Weird Connections 0830 Eco- Tech 0930 Frontline Battle Machines With Mike Brewer 1030 Discovery Science Presents 1130 Surviving Disaster 1330 What's That About?

‘Surviving Disaster’ at 2130 Hrs on DISCOVERY SCIENCE

‘The Foodie’ at 1730 Hrs only on TIMES NOW 1400 News Now 1430 Total Recall 1500 News Now 1530 Amazing Indians 1600 News Now 1630 Times Now Sport Weekend 1700 News Now 1730 The Foodie 1800 News Now 1830 Times Drive 1900 News Now 1930 Enow Spice 2000 Total Recall 2100 9 Pm 2130 Total Recall 2200 News Now 2230 Amazing Indians 2300 News Now Overnight 2330 Times Now Sport Weekend 0700 News Now 0730 Times Now Sport Weekend 0800 Morning News 0830 Times Now Sport Weekend 0900 News Now 1030 Times Drive


How to Play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: “How do you play Kakuro?”, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two - it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.


post noon

Weekly look into your future



QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Danger warning 6 Wonderland bird 10 Lower California 14 Sayings of Jesus 15 Scott Turow book about his first year in law school 16 Arabian Sea nation 17 Author Ezra located his basset? 20 "Boston Legal" Emmy winner James 21 Manhattan neighborhood with galleries 22 "Told you!" 23 Homer's exclamation 25 Certain aircraft engines 27 Twelve 32 Brooks Brothers item 33 Saintly Philip 34 "Waiting For the Robert ___" 36 Lucy's TV accomplice 40 Actor Nicolas hired a wise guy? 43 Bolt and hitch 44 Golden Fleece-bearing craft 45 Terror group in "Mississippi Burning" 46 Perfect start? 48 Shrinks' appointments 50 Sways at high speed 54 Morse code sound 55 "Right you ___!" 56 Prison sentences 58 Bahamas hot spot 63 Noted ode poet defeats "A Vision" author? 66 Concludes 67 Magma exposed 68 A la King? 69 "The Banana Boat Song" word 70 ___ out a living (scraped by) 71 Faucet problems DOWN 1 Yodeler's range? 2 Shoe-tying maneuver 3 Cuban water 4 Fruit covering

5 Coped 6 ___-wop (music style) 7 Difficult burden 8 Words before "iniquity" or "thieves" 9 Passe 10 "Get off the stage!" 11 Tickle one's fancy 12 Youngest of the musical Jacksons 13 Large part of Chile 18 Fresh alternative 19 How bears prefer their waffles? 24 Wyeth model 26 Fast water transport 27 On a single occasion 28 Patricia who co-starred in "The Fountainhead" 29 As a result 30 French seaport near Rouen 31 Comes closer to

35 Provoked, with "on" 37 Seraph's circle 38 Richard of "A Summer Place" 39 Contact or zoom 41 Certain fishermen 42 Silk dyes 47 Lacking the skill 49 Was an obedient doggie, in a way 50 Like old mud on one's shoes 51 Gladiator's venue 52 "Is the defense ___ to proceed?" 53 Express aloud 57 Put away for a rainy day 59 Nostradam

us, supposedly 60 Bombay wraparound dress 61 Leave ___ (be a good restaurant patron) 62 Finds a function for 64 General ___'s chicken 65 Small fry PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER




Chai Time

A leader or a man of action in a crisis almost always acts subconsciously and then thinks of the reasons for his action. – Jawaharlal Nehru

Chai Time

post noon

Weekly look into your future





Three of Wands


Page of Pentacles

The Chariot


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Leo Six of Swords


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Date 25-12-2011

TAROT Libra The Emperor


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Four of Swords

Two of Cups

Queen of Swords

King of Swords

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Vol: 1, No. 161 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No. 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad–500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad–500037, Editor: Dean Williams – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: and for subscription, please call 040-40672222, Fax: 040-40672211



Dinanne and Lisa

HEAL THE WORLD The Heal-a-Child Foundation hosted a Rock and Roll evening at HICC. The charity event which saw musicians belting out popular numbers by the Bee Gees, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, etc, was a hit with guests.

Sarabjit Singh and Bina

Dieter, Asmita Marwa and Anugita


Rachna and Karen Bhatia

Nicole and Darshan





Neelima, Tanuja

Number game

Philip and Keerthi

Jyothi and Kamlesh


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