Palace shock United Glenn Murray’s extra-time header showed Manchester United the door, as the Premier League champions were bundled out of the Carling Cup by Crystal Palace
First compact afternoon newspaper of Hyderabad
Soumya Bollapragada Shocked by reports of her death P28
FLASH Srilakshmi suspended The government today suspended senior IAS officer Y Srilakshmi, who is now in CBI custody for her alleged complicity in the OMC mining scandal, for six months. The suspension follows her statement in court that she only prepared papers on the orders of then Minister for Mines (now Minister for Home) Sabitha Indra Reddy.
Chandrababu Naidu may be herding his troops towards the Assembly, but YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has a word of warning: “God’s watching!” Oh, and he also mentioned Naidu would lose his deposit at the byelections. The future sure looks bright... For all the ‘glitz and glamour’ on Day 1 of the Winter Session turn to Page 2
The deal that has us talking Reliance MediaWorks and VenSat in strategic partnership P10
Winter Session
Spirit of Twin Cities
Netas in BMWs, babus in Fiats! U Srinivas
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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
B-ad campaign Boob-tube enthusiasts are taking umbrage with sizzling content in some ads, forcing the watchdog to cancel them Sudeshna Koka
emember the Axe ad that showed a rather voluptuous lass take a lusty bite out of a chocolate derriere? Were you offended? Probably not, but enough people were. The ‘errant’ scene was soon left melting on the editing room floor. More than 700 advertisements were banned by the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) last year, as they did not follow the advertising code. The number of advertisements being banned is on the rise this year too. Many parents of pre-teens take strong exception to obscenity and adult content in advertisements — especially video and print. Unlike in the past, people are no longer keeping quiet over this. They are coming forward and complaining against what is objectionable. They are registering complaints with the ASCI. Appalling and sleazy visuals and messages are becoming a bane to the eye. Though people try to stand on a high moral ground on these issues, an intimate interaction with them unveils their slant towards such stuff. That they are possessive about how their wards are getting moulded is a
“Ads that make false claims should be banned. Ads that promise better skin tone and renewed hair growth with no proof should be banned.” Colivyn J Harris, CEO, JWT India
matter of concern. “We ban advertisements depending on the level of obscenity. Ours is a regulatory body consisting of ad professionals and civil society members. We have a code of guidelines and advertisements that do not follow them get banned,” says I Venkat, Chairman, ASCI. Several ads make promises laced with tall claims and this disappoints the viewers. Recent deodorant advertisements, which make one believe that just by using a particular deodorant one can attract the opposite sex, are a glaring example. “This is nothing but creating a wrong impression among people and surely one will get disappointed when the product does not deliver
“Our country is going backwards. Politicians launch campaigns against sex education. How moral are we? Banning an ad for it’s sexual content is wrong.” Prahlad Kakkar, Adman
what it has promised,” says Trishula S, RBC Worldwide, a leading ad agency. Weight reduction ads are one of the best examples that promote false promise. ‘Lose 10kg of weight in one week.’ Ads like these create nothing but false hopes, which in the long run may result in causing depression among those falling prey to them. In order to sell the product, the advertiser often diverts from reality. Another reason for more and more ads facing rejection is lie quotient. “Most of the ads do not live up to what they promise. For instance, a mobile phone company promises unlimited talk time. When one buys the product, there is something in fine print that is never read by the buyer,” Alyque Padamsee, legend of the advertising industry, told Postnoon. Advertisements these days promote products with halftruths. Lack of accuracy gives customers a sense of deception. A recent cereal advertisement talks about loss of weight in eight days. However, the other terms and conditions are not highlighted in the advertisement. “Ads like these are responsible for creating a bad image for the advertising industry. One ad with false-
“Banning an advertisement because it objectifies women is not correct. We have underwear ads in which men expose themselves and women enjoy it.”
“People today are aware. They are raising their voice and complaining against false statements or misleading promotions. It’s indeed a good start.”
Alyque Padamsee, Communications analyst
Bhupesh Upadhye, national buying director, RK Swami
hood embedded in it makes society believe that all the ads of the same brand are false,” says Faizan Patel, an ad filmmaker. “Mummy why is he touching her like that and then they are showing body lotion cream. What does it mean?” asks an eight-yearold girl. “I don’t know what to answer,” says the embarrassed mother. The body lotion has become a rage only because of its sex appeal. Sex sells, indeed. Advertisers today are using sex as a medium to sell their product. A product
may not demand sex appeal, yet advertisers use this as a key to maintaining a brand recall. “Sex is the fastest way to sell a product, but I strong feel that creators who lack ideas are the ones who make such ads with high sex appeal,” says Anil Rajgopalan, Push Hyderabad. A few ad makers believe that ads like these should not be taken seriously. “It’s the best way to market a product. Playing with consumers’ psychology creates a great brand recall,” says Sonali Walia of Hungama TV. Most of these ads objectify women and this is where they go wrong. It’s a public forum and “we cannot exercise control on who is watching what.” Often ads like these create a negative impression about woman in a child’s mind and therefore this should be avoided when a dash of sex is being mixed in an advertisement.
Hyper Local
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Gold road hopes for return of glitter PIC: A SUDHEER REDDY
Osama Salman
lame the volatile gold market or the frequent fluctuating prices, these generations-old jewellery stores are trying hard to stay profitable in such dire times, although they have a solid loyal customer backing. While high-end multicity jewellery stores in the City are doing fairly well on the gold sale front, the traditional family-run jewellery shops are suffering. The rate of gold being `2,240 per gram on June 1, had witnessed a sharp rise to `2,920 per gram (November 24) and came down to `2,717 today. Ironically, even though this may be a good time to invest in the precious metal, skeptics believe that gold will be costlier over the next month and will see a slump by the New Year. Jewellers are complaining that the failure of gold rate to stabilise is creating a discomfort to the buyers, which is largely the average middleclass family. “Customers are waiting for the rates to come down before they even give it a thought for buying gold. There is close to a 50 per cent drop in customers now. We get 20 calls a day asking if the rate of gold has come down,” said Sanjay Gupta, director, Durga Jewellers in Secunderabad, one of the oldest in the area. Agrees Pankaj of the 40year-old Tibarumal Jewels in Basheerbagh. “There is volume of gold available, but an absence of customers. Whoever is buying jewellery is either buying it because of a wedding or Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints
198 155313
POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section Street Light
155333 23431178 23431179 155304
“There is close to a 50 per cent drop in customers now. We get 20 calls a day asking if the rate of gold has come down
“In 2000, gold was only `300 per gram and now it is touching `3,000. Over the next few years, it willgive profits Dr Rama Rao, CMR Jewellers
Sanjay Gupta, Jeweller because they can afford it. The middle-class simply cannot afford buying gold at the rate that it is being sold at for now. There is so much uncertainty.” Even the jewellery stores in Pot Market in Secunderabad, home to the oldest jewellery
MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266 24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833150 Railway Information 131
stores, have recorded a drastic drop in customers. “Now people aren’t even selling gold. Everyone is holding on to it dearly,” said a jeweller, “Not many people are buying gold either.” The old jewellery stores are
Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333 WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital,
155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888
now melting smaller pieces of gold and incorporating it in bigger sets, pointed out Pankaj, who says that this is the only way that they can sustain themselves even though they have been in the market long enough. “It is like recycling gold,” he said. So where is the middle class investing now, if not for gold which has always been the preference to safeguard money? Fixed Deposits. The increase in interest rates is enticing people to step into it. The money too is safeguarded and is a guaranteed increase. Investing in bonds too seems to be picking steam. “The stock market too is risky at the moment. People are waiting for the market to bottom out before they start investing in it again, Buying land too is not advisable as the market is stumpy due to the uncertainty of the political affairs of the state, as well as home loan rates going up,” said a business analyst. But for ardent gold fan, B Vishwanath, the soaring prices are not a deterrent. “I only buy enough gold to fit my budget. It’s not my expenditure that is increasing, but the weight of gold that I get is decreasing,” she said. Investors, in the mean time are keeping an eagle eye at the ever changing gold market. To attract customers, the jewellery stores have started a scheme wherein customers have to pay a monthly installments of `1,000 (or its multiples) for 12 months and then at the end of 14 months, buy jewellery worth `14,000, although they pay only `12,000.
Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital, LB Nagar BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills
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‘We’ve a strong customer base’
arasmal Jain, 85, had inherited his father’s jewellery business Tara Jewellers in Pot Bazaar, Secunderabad. The 80- year-old jewellery store has now been passed on to the fourth generation of the family. A widely known jeweller and an expert in the field since many years, he shares his expertise with Postnoon. What is your view on the current situation of gold? The market is extremely fragile. It is hard to predict which direction it will go to. I predict that gold rate will increase even further until early 2012 and will see a drop in the prices. How the market will react to it is yet to be seen. How you seen this situation before? Yes, in the 1980s, the rate of gold was going up drastically and there was a sudden dip in price. The gold rate went down as much as 42 per cent. How are you dealing with the crises now? We have a strong base of customers and many branches. We have not lost out on many customers. However, I cannot say the same for every jeweller. We are introducing new designs keeping ourselves updated with the customer’s needs.
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Ç~ó= ~ÑíÉê= Ç~ó= ~åÇ= êÉîÉ~äÉÇ= Üáë íêìÉ=ÅçäçêëK= fåëíÉ~Ç= çÑ= äÉîÉääáåÖ= ~ääÉÖ~J íáçåë= ~Ö~áåëí= éçäáíáÅ~ä= é~êíáÉëI k~áÇì= ëÜçìäÇ= Ñ~ÅÉ= íÜÉ= áåèìáêóI ÜÉ= ~ÇÇÉÇK= eÉ= ~äëç= ~ÇîáëÉÇ= íÜÉ qam= ëÉåáçê= äÉ~ÇÉêë= äáâÉ v~å~ã~ä~= o~ã~âêáëÜåìÇì= ~åÇ vÉêê~åå~áÇì=íç=~ÇîáëÉ=k~áÇì=íç Ñ~ÅÉ=íÜÉ=`_f=áåèìáêóK j~âáåÖ= áí= ÅäÉ~ê= íÜ~í= ÜÉ= ï~ë êÉ~Çó= íç= Ñ~ÅÉ= ~åó= áåèìáêóI _çíÅÜ~= ë~áÇ= íÜ~í= ÜÉ= Ü~Ç êÉëéçåÇÉÇ=éçëáíáîÉäó=íç=íÜÉ=`_f áåèìáêó= ïáíÜ= êÉÖ~êÇ= íç= bã~~ê mêçéÉêíáÉë= Å~ëÉ= ~åÇ= Ü~åÇÉÇ çîÉê= ïÜ~íÉîÉê= ÑáäÉë= íÜÉ= `_f ï~åíÉÇK= eÉ= ~äëç= ÇÉÅä~êÉÇ= íÜ~í ÜÉ=ïçìäÇ=åçí=~ééêç~ÅÜ=Åçìêíë=áÑ ~åó=áåèìáêó=ï~ë=çêÇÉêÉÇ=~Ö~áåëí Üáã=áå=ÑìíìêÉK pí~íáåÖ=íÜ~í=íÜÉ=qam=~åÇ=íÜÉ vpo= `çåÖêÉëë= m~êíó= Ü~îÉ= åç ëíêÉåÖíÜ= íç= íçééäÉ= íÜÉ= ÖçîÉêåJ ãÉåíI= ÜÉ= ë~áÇ= íÜ~í= íÜÉ lééçëáíáçå=é~êíáÉë=Ü~îÉ=~=êáÖÜí íç= ãçîÉ= ~= åçJíêìëí= ãçíáçå= áå íÜÉ=eçìëÉK=
Stop cribbing and face probe, Botsa tells Naidu HYDERABAD: aÉã~åÇáåÖ íÜ~í= íÜÉ= qam= ÅÜáÉÑ= k `Ü~åÇê~Ä~Äì=k~áÇì=ëÜçìäÇ=åçí ëéÉ~â=çå=áåèìáêó=áåíç=Üáë=~ëëÉíë ~åÇ= Åçêêìéíáçå= íáää= íÜÉ= `_f éêçÄÉ= ï~ë= ÅçãéäÉíÉÇI= m`` ÅÜáÉÑ= _çíë~= p~íó~å~ê~ó~å~= Ü~ë ë~áÇ=íÜ~í=íÜÉ=ÑçêãÉê=ï~ë=íêóáåÖ íç=ã~äáÖå=íÜÉ=`çåÖêÉëë=áåëíÉ~Ç çÑ=Ñ~ÅáåÖ=íÜÉ=áåèìáêóK ^ÇÇêÉëëáåÖ= íÜÉ= ãÉÇá~= ~í d~åÇÜá= _Ü~î~å= çå=tÉÇåÉëÇ~óI _çíÅÜ~= ë~áÇ= íÜ~í= Åçìêíë= Ü~îÉ åÉîÉê= éêçåçìåÅÉÇ= íÜ~í= k~áÇì ï~ë= ëáåÅÉêÉI= Äìí= ä~íÉ= vpo= ~åÇ ãáåáëíÉê= h~åå~= i~ñãá k~ê~ó~å~= Ü~Ç= ïáíÜÇê~ïå= íÜÉáê éÉíáíáçåë= ~Ö~áåëí= k~áÇì= ÇìÉ= íç íÉÅÜåáÅ~ä=êÉ~ëçåëK `êáíáÅáëáåÖ=k~áÇì=Ñçê=ÅÜ~åÖJ áåÖ= Üáë= ëí~åÇ= ~Ö~áå= ~åÇ= ~Ö~áåI _çíÅÜ~= ë~áÇ= íÜ~í= íÜÉ=qam= ÅÜáÉÑ Ü~Ç=ÇÉÅä~êÉÇ=íÜ~í=ÜÉ=ïçìäÇ=åçí ~ééêç~ÅÜ= Åçìêíë= ~åÇ= ïçìäÇ Ñ~ÅÉ= `_f= áåèìáêó= ÄçäÇäó= ïÜÉå íÜÉ=eáÖÜ=`çìêí=Ü~Ç=ÇáêÉÅíÉÇ=íÜÉ `_f= íç= áåèìáêÉ= áåíç= Üáë= ~ëëÉíëK _ìíI=ÜÉ=ï~ë=ÅÜ~åÖáåÖ=Üáë=ëí~åÇ
Pandit Jasraj, Raj Kumar and Ratan Mohan Sharma perform at the 39th Pandit Motiram Sangeet Samaroha 2011 at Chowmahalla Palace on Wednesday
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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
A’s too strong to stomach I
n any town in India, the sign announcing “Andhra Meals” draws people like flies to sweetmeat. But, in the capital city, as in others in the State , the brand, “Andhra” has gone with the westerly wind. The word is so anathema in Hyderabad that restaurants and shops that once proudly announced the hot, spicy meal that ‘Andhra’ represented is fast being replaced with neutral names or with the word, “Telangana.” Andhra meals, a typical Telugu cuisine, is popular across the State also but the word Andhra is no longer acceptable at least in some pockets of Telangana. Is it a natural slide or a deliberate ploy? Postnoon enquires Many restaurant owners privately admit that they have removed the word Andhra to escape the T-agitators. “We are in Hyderabad which is part of Telangana. Why should we deliberately earn the anger of the proTelangana activists?” asks a restaurant owner who ‘Andhra delicacy’ on his sign board not long ago. But many others plead innocence. Adi Narayana Roa, manager of Sandarshini chain of
hotels, says, “We cater to the whole of South India and not just Hyderabad or Andhra Pradesh which is why we do not have any Andhra specific menu. Neither do we plan to have any AP or Telangana specific menu in the near future. For us business is business. We do not want to bring in Telangana or Andhra feelings into that.”. Shiva Kumar, shift manager, at a new hotel that opened in Secundarabad a few months ago has the same opinion. “We don’t even know what is the difference in Telangana or Andhra food. Our target group ranges from
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youth to families so we do not prefer to have a different menu according to regions.” Naresh, owner of Akshita tiffin centre, swears he has Guntur idli and special pickles but no Andhra meals or Telangana food. Marketing man of Novotel, Dominique, shows how it plays equi-distance. They have Andhra food festival and Telengana food festival but no Andhra menu. Aish, The Park has an Andhra menu of which Tfood is a part. It’s just not eateries, many private offices too have removed the word “Andhra” from their
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boards, not out of hatred but of fear. Straws in the wind shows the trend. T-groups fighting for separate State are changing the boards of the government offices in their strongholds like Warangal, Karimnagar and Medak. This is done on name boards, if not legally. The name of Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation, for instance, has been changed to Telangana Tourism Development Corporation by the protesters. Andhra Bank has been renamed Telangana Bank and Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation has become Telangana State Road Transport Corporation. What else do you expect? Asks a lady proprietor of a novelty store in Panjaghutta. With the kind of slogans like, “Telanganawale jago, Andhrawale bhago” given by Telangana Rashtra Samithi, even some famous chains of educational institutions from Andhra have replaced Andhra with Telangana. The pro-Telangana activists, angered at the delay in getting the statehood have vent their anger at some restaurants and offices that displayed ‘Andhra’
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This year, many restaurants, cultural and political parties organised ‘Telangana Food Festivals’ at Hyderabad and major towns of Telangana during Navarathri celebrations and until Dasara. This concept was started in the recent years but it was never held on such a large scale. Even the TRS organised this food festival on a large scale at Nizam college grounds. Telangana cuisine; in all its variety exists and survives only in the rural areas of Telangana. Telangana recipes and items, such as Sheekh Kebabs, Saboodana Vada and murukulu for the starters; and Kodi Biryani, Pudina Kothimiri Pulav, Mamidikaya Royyalu, Mangoe Pappu, Ulava Charu, Gongura Mamsam, Natukodi Koora, Cheema Kodi Fry, Pottelu Mamsam Koora, Mamsam, Kundelu Mamsam Koora, Mutton Sheekh Kebabs, Tawa Ghosht, Liver Fry, Mutton Fry and Pacchi Pulusu for the main course. There is also the Jonna Rotti(roti) to relish. The Telangana food is known for the tanginess and the hot flavor of the curries. (Inputs from U Srinivas, Sudeshna Koka)
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India unveiled nice and full
Anna lashes out at Lokpal panel RALEGAN-SIDDHI Anna (MAHARASHTRA): Hazare on Wednesday decried as “a conspiracy to weaken” the law the government’s reported move to leave out the lower bureaucracy, grievances redressal and Lokayukta in states from the Lokpal bill on the basis of draft recommendations of a parliamentary standing committee. Hazare also threatened to go on an indefinite protest from December 27 if the parliament does not enact the Jan Lokpal bill in the Winter Session. This indefinite protest will be preceded by a day-long fast on December 11 at Jantar Mantar in the national capital to press for passing of the law. Hazare said the move of the government went against the sense of a resolution on the three issues that Lok Sabha had accepted after a debate in the Monsoon Session of Parliament. “There were three issues...
Committee split over PM status
grievances redressal, whole of bureaucracy, Lokayukta in all states... that we had raised. There was a resolution on these three issues in Lok Sabha and it was passed by the member unanimously. The copy of the resolution was sent to me. “This is a conspiracy to weaken the Lokpal bill,” he added. The parliamentary standing committee, headed by Congress Rajya Sabha MP Abhishek Singhvi, is expected to finalise its report on the Lokpal after a meeting today.
NEW DELHI: The parliamentary standing committee on law and justice, examining the Lokpal bill, on Wednesday remained divided over bringing the prime minister under the anti-graft ombudsman. Chairman of the panel Abhishek Manu Singhvi told a news channel that among the three options being considered are to include the prime minister fully but defer prosecution, exclude him absolutely and to include him but with substantive exclusion on subject matter under the Lokpal. “We have not reached the stage of adoption, rejection or dissension on the prime minister,” he said. But sources said Opposition members from the BJP, CPI and the CPM plan to give dissent notes to the panel on
the issue. Interestingly, LJP leader Ram Vilas Paswan has
Sticking points n BJP, CPI and CPM plan to give dissent notes on inclusion of the Prime Minister n Congress prefers deferred prosecution options and substantial exclusions for PM n Disagreement prevails over inclusion of lower bureaucracy under Lokpal General agreement on a constitutional status for the Lokpal, retaining the autonomy of the CBI and the CVC, and keeping the judiciary out of its ambit
also given a dissent note to the panel asking reservation for Dalit, backward classes and minorities in the Lokpal. Besides bringing the prime minister under the Lokpal, the other issue to be resolved is inclusion of lower bureaucracy under the anti-graft ombudsman as demanded by Anna and a citizen’s charter. While there is general agreement on bringing Group A and B staff under the Lokpal, some Opposition members want the Group C and D staff also to be under the anti-graft ombudsman. There is general agreement on a constitutional status for the Lokpal, retaining the autonomy of the CBI and the CVC, and keeping the judiciary out of its ambit, said IANS sources.
Sikh warriors show their skills during the inauguration of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur War Memorial in Mohali on Wednesday.
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Man attempts immolation at Gadkari’s meeting KOLKATA: A man attempted immolation during a public address by Bharatiya Janata Party chief Nitin Gadkari here Wednesday. Bishnu Chowdhury, came close to the dais where Gadkari was speaking and after throwing a bunch of leaflets written by him, poured kerosene on himself. The BJP workers immediately
surrounded him and took him away. “In spite of repeated assurances by the government, my village is yet to get a primary school. I am sacrificing my life to awaken the authorities,” read the leaflets. Chowdhury. Police claimed Chowdhury, a resident of Hooghly, was mentally IANS unsound.
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Dam row: Chandy in Delhi NEW DELHI: With the political battle intensifying between Kerala and Tamil Nadu on the Mullaperiyar dam issue, Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy will meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today. After a Cabinet meeting, Chandy claimed in Thiruvananthapuram on Wednesday that the prime minister was “already convinced” of his State’s demand for a new dam in place of the 116-yearold structure. He said he would once again take up the issue with the prime minister and added that he would write to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, explaining Kerala’s position on
the Mullaperiyar issue. The MPs from Tamil and Kerala had on Tuesday sought Manmohan Singh’s intervention to resolve the complex issue. Manmohan Singh is understood to have assured that a meeting of chief ministers of Tamil Nadu and Kerala would be arranged soon to discuss the contentious issue. Tamil Nadu wants the dam’s storage capacity to be increased by raising the dam height — from 136 feet to 142 feet to meet growing irrigation needs in the state. Kerala, on the other hand, wants a new dam as it fears that a strong earthquake might damage the IANS existing dam.
NEW DELHI: The director of the film Dam 999, which has been banned in Tamil Nadu for supposedly taking a pro-Kerala stand in the Mullaperiyar dam row, on Wednesday said he had filed a petition in the Supreme Court challenging the move. The film has been made with a “global view” as dams have collapsed in Brazil, China and other countries and the ban by the Tamil Nadu was unjustified, director Sohan Roy said.
An army jawan displays a motorcycle stunt during Army Mela 2011 in Mathura on Wednesday
MELBOURNE: A 25-year-old Indian woman was killed after being hit by an “out-of-control” car driven by a teenager when she was pushing a pram carrying her baby boy while walking through a Perth suburb in Australia along with her husband. “The husband and the three-month-old baby survived but the woman died,” the police said. The husband managed to push his baby’s pram out of the way of the vehicle but his wife was thrown several metres PTI from the car’s bonnet.
Snake-charmer sends slithering reminder to adamant officials A snakeLUCKNOW: charmer let loose a number of snakes in a government office of a small Uttar Pradesh town to shake up government officials who would not respond to repeated requests for allotment of a small piece of land to him to set up a serpentariam. The incident was reported from Haraiya town of Basti district, about 200 km from here, on Tuesday . “A snake-charmer identified as Hakkul had applied for allotment of a plot of land on
the outskirts of the town to run a serpentariam; but in the absence of any provision for allotment of land for such a business, we could not give any reply to him,” Subhash Mani Tripathi, the tehsildar said. “Instead of seeking a written reply, which we would have issued, Hakkul created panic in our offices by letting loose a bunch of snakes all over the office. Employees as well as the public went running for their lives,” he said. Hakkul, however told local
mediapersons, “I am a conservationist of snakes and have been seeking the government’s help to provide me a place where I could create a serpentariam for them. I wrote to the President of India from whom I got a letter of recommendation for the district magistrate who promised to allot a small plot of government land free of cost for the purpose.” He went on to add, “However, two years have passed since then and the local administration has sim-
PC offers talks to Naxals, NE insurgents
Dam 999 director moves SC against ban
Teen motorist mows down Indian in Oz
ply been dilly-dallying on the issue because I refused to bribe them; after having waited patiently for so long, I had no option but to leave all my snakes in that very office.” State laws have provision for free allotment of government land to poor to earn their livelihood. According to the police, “nearly three dozen snakes have been captured so far and we have engaged local snakecharmers to look for any more in or around the land revenue IANS office.
NEW DELHI: Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Wednesday offered talks with insurgents, including Maoists guerrillas, with a rider that they should “suspend violence” first. “Violence does not pay and violence will not pay. The state will not bend before anyone who uses violence as an instrument of policy to achieve political demands. That is why we tell them, suspend violence and come for talks and when you come for talks, you will be treated with dignity and honour. And we can resolve your political demands through talks,” Chidambaram said. He reiterated his two-yearold offer to Leftist guerrillas that if Maoists give up violence, “within 72 hours we will get back to them to fix the dates and venue for starting talks. But they must suspend violence.”
IM terrorists arrest likely to yield info on blast cases NEW DELHI: Delhi Police on Wednesday claimed to have busted a major module of the homegrown Indian Mujahideen terror outfit by arresting six of its suspected activists, including a Pakistani national, for their alleged involvement in three attacks last year. Two AK-47 assault rifles, a pistol and some explosives have been recovered from these Indian Mujahideen suspects, arrested last week. Confirming the arrests, Home Minister P Chidambaram said police were probing their possible involvement in the February 13 Pune German Bakery blast, April 17 Chinnaswami Stadium blasts in Bangalore and the September 19 Jama Masjid shooting and blast in 2010. “Six suspected terrorists have been apprehended. One of them is a Pakistani... The investigation is still under way,” Chidambaram told reporters here. IANS
Around the World
Universally fresh
LSE faces heat on Libya ties Prestigious school in trouble over relations with Gaddafi and clan LONDON: Britain’s prestigious London School of Economics was guilty of a ‘chapter of failures’ during its close dealings with Libya’s deposed Gaddafi regime, according to a report released on Wednesday. It singled out former LSE director Howard Davies’ decision to let the school accept a £1.5-million ($2.3-million, 1.75million-euro) gift from a foundation run by Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, the son of former leader s Gaddafi. Davies resigned over the issue in March, as international outrage grew over Gaddafi’s crackdown on the uprising in his country. The report also revealed that Oxford University had rejected a request by the government of Britain’s former prime minister Tony Blair to offer Seif Gaddafi a place there to smooth relations between Libya and the west. The LSE had exposed itself to a “significant degree of risk”, which materialised with Gaddafi’s violent response to Libya’s February uprising, said the report’s author, former judge Harry Woolf. There had been a “chapter of failures” in scrutinising the proposed donation, which was to be paid in five annual installments of £300,000, he wrote. “The actual source of
Seif Gaddafi after capture (above), while giving lecture in LSE (right).The contrast to his appearance as a guest speaker at the London School of Economics (LSE) two years ago could not have been more stark money gifted... was never established”, the report added:“Seif Gaddafi’s word alone was relied upon.” Woolf added that responsibility for the mistakes “must rest” with Davies, despite his “great experience and ability”. Seif Gaddafi graduated from LSE with an MSc in philosophy, policy and social value in 2003 and a PhD in philosophy in
2008. A separate investigation is probing claims that his PhD thesis contained plagiarised material. The receipt of the first installment, six weeks after Gaddafi was awarded his PhD, was ‘unfortunate’ and ‘risky’, said the report and had led people to believe that he had ‘purchased his degree’. The university’s North
Africa programme was set up in 2009 with a grant from Seif Gaddafi’s International Charity and Development Foundation. LSE said the foundation’s grant came “without any academic restrictions” and was used to research human rights, democracy and civil society. The school had also agreed a £2.2 million deal to train Libya’s civil servants before the uprising. Woolf said the school had been “naive” and had been driven by an “idealism factor”, believing it could help Libya through Seif Gaddafi. Woolf also wrote that Professor Valpy FitzGerald, the head of Oxford’s Department of International Development, had told how a senior foreign ministry official had approached him in 2002 about getting Seif a place there.
Superman, super success! A
copy of the first issue of Action Comics, featuring Superman’s debut, has become the world’s most expensive comic, fetching $2.16m (£1.4m). It was auctioned online for a starting bid of just $1, with a reserve price of $900,000. The buyer or seller’s name was not disclosed, but there is speculation it was owned by actor Nicolas Cage. It is the first time a comic book has broken the $2m barrier. The issue was published in 1938 and cost 10 cents. About 100 copies of Action Comics No 1 are thought to be in existence, and only a handful of those are in good condition. Another copy of the same issue sold for a then record-breaking
$1.5m in March last year. But that one was not in as good condition as the copy that sold on Wednesday through New York-based ComicConnect. It is said to have been stolen in 2000 and was thought lost until recovered in a California storage shed in April this year - just like an issue owned by Nicolas Cage. The Hollywood star - who has a son called Kal-El, the caped crusader’s birth name bought his copy of Action Comics No 1 for $150,000 in 1997. Connoisseurs of the comic world say this type of investment has become popular during troubled economic times because rare collectibles hold their value more reliably than property or shares.
Action comic icon’s debut copy fetches $2.16 mn
Preacher Billy Graham in hospital
everend Billy Graham has been admitted to a North Carolina hospital for possible pneumonia, his spokesman said. Mr Graham, 93, is a Southern Baptist preacher who shot to fame through his radio and TV broadcasts and has counselled a string of US presidents. He was successfully treated for pneumonia in May. Doctors at Mission Hospital in Asheville said Mr Graham had been admitted with congestion, a cough and fever, but his condition was stable.
NY murders linked to serial killer
olice in New York believe a lone serial killer was responsible for 10 unsolved murders in Long Island. Ten dismembered corpses were found between December last year and April this year on a remote beachfront road. The murders - of eight women, one man and one baby - date back to 1996. Five of the victims, all women, have been identified. They were prostitutes. Each body had been dumped alongside a windswept road, running the length of a remote barrier island at Gilgo Beach.
MeT to buy water cannons
ondon force may spend £4m on equipment as part of change in approach to public order policing, says report on August riots The Metropolitan police is considering the purchase of three water cannon at a cost of nearly £4m to cover London and the south east as part of a new approach to public order policing in the aftermath of the summer riots. If the Met decides to go ahead it will be the first time that water cannon will be a routine option for police outside of Northern Ireland.
Matters of saving and spending
Venkatesh Roddam to be CEO of RMW’s film and media divisions HYDERABAD: Reliance MediaWorks Ltd, India’s fastest growing film and entertainment services company and a member of the Reliance group, has partnered with VenSat Tech Services Pvt. Ltd. to expand its VFX, CG and Animation capabilities and create a studio in Chennai that will cater to the growing needs of the Media & Entertainment industry. VenSat is a global media and entertainment company, founded by Satyanarayana Mudunuri and Venkatesh Roddam which offers worldclass creative services for the international motion picture, television, home entertainment, gaming, and mobile entertainment markets. VenSat is currently best known internationally for having worked on the highest grossing films in India in 2010 and 2011 namely ‘Dabangg’ and ‘Robo’, Bodyguard’ and ‘Ra.One’. Reliance MediaWorks has recently completed work on Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, The Dirty Picture, among others. VenSat will set up a VFX, CG and Animation team dedicated exclusively to projects allied with Reliance MediaWorks at Chennai. This strategic alliance provides Reliance MediaWorks an immediate direct presence in the South India and the ability to quickly and efficiently expand its capabilities in response to growing demands. Commenting on the partnership, Anil Arjun, CEO of Reliance MediaWorks said: “This alliance is a strategic win for Reliance MediaWorks for a number of reasons. First, VenSat gives us direct presence in Chennai, and enables us to strengthen our reach in the Southern film market. Second, VenSat’s creative and technical expertise adds depth to our existing VFX, CG and Animation capabilities, offering unrivalled speed, innovation and scale to Indian film makers. “We are delighted to be making this Strategic Alliance announcement with Reliance MediaWorks who are a name to reckon with in the entertainment space globally and the
n Reliance MediaWorks forges strategic alliance with VenSat n To create a Visual Effects, Animation and CG studio in Chennai n VenSat has expertise in 2D, 3D animation, VFX n Reliance MediaWorks scrip rises by 5.48 % at `88.50
Satyanarayana Mudunuri
Venkatesh Roddam
About RMW
About Vensat
enSat, a Global Media and Entertainment Company, offers worldclass creative services for the international motion picture, television, home entertainment, gaming, and mobile entertainment markets. It additionally makes strategic investments, and develops innovative co-production arrangements, linked to the Company’s animation, visual effects, and Stereoscopic 3D services. VenSat is led by a diverse group of seasoned professionals from myriad industries who have held critical leadership positions throughout their careers. VenSat production teams are imbued with rich cretiming is right”, said Satyanarayana Mudunuri, Executive Director and cofounder VenSat Tech Services Pvt Ltd. Further, Satyanarayana added “This alliance will allow Reliance MediaWorks and VenSat to leverage and complement our combined strengths and competencies to create meaningful synergies that would augment the market place as both companies have
ative talent and empowered via cutting edge technologies within world-class studios. As a group, VenSat creators have successfully contributed to more than 200 live-action motion pictures and more than 50 animated motion pictures, episodic TV programs, and DVD titles, for clients throughout the world. VenSat corporate initiatives are driven from Executive Offices in Hyderabad India, and Production Studio is located in Chennai India, and the Company maintains strategic alliances with leading animation, VFX, and Stereoscopic 3D studios in the United States.
eliance MediaWorks Limited is India’s fastest growing film and entertainment services company and a member of the Reliance Group. Reliance MediaWorks operates BIG Cinemas, India’s largest cinema chain with over 530 screens spread across India, the United States, Malaysia, Nepal and Netherlands. Reliance MediaWorks currently has a dominant and comprehensive presence in film services, motion picture processing and DI; Film Restoration and Image Enhancement; 3D; Digital Mastering: Studios and Equipment rentals; Visual Effects; Animation; TVC Post Production with presence across India, USA, UK, Russia and Japan. Reliance MediaWorks’ television venture, BIG Synergy, is among the top players in the television programming industry.
very high operating standards.” As part of this strategic alliance, Venkatesh Roddam, founder and Executive Director of VenSat would be joining the Reliance MediaWorks management team as the CEO of the entire Film and Media Services division. Over the past three years, RMW has substantially scaled in building state of the art digital post-production facilities for feature films, broadcast
shows and television commercials, India’s largest Hollywood benchmarked studios and a 1,200 member Media BPO which offers content processing, image enhancement and restoration services, visual effects and 2D to 3D conversion services with facilities at US, UK and Mumbai. Film and Media Services is expected to be a dominant contributor of the revenues with over 60 per cent in FY13 on the strength of
the thrust towards outsourcing from the Media BPO business from international markets. Prior to the launch of VenSat in 2009, Venkatesh was CEO of one of the largest Business Process Outsourcing services companies in India, Satyam BPO (now Mahindra Satyam BPO / Formerly Nipuna). Venkatesh, a veteran of nearly 20 years in the international banking space, has been associated with some of the most prestigious names in the banking Industry, including almost a decade with Deutsche Bank, last serving as Managing Director responsible for the business operations of the Corporate Trust and Securities Services business globally, based in Frankfurt. In line with overall strategy at RMW to create a globally focused entity in the Film and Media Services division, Venkatesh would be based at Reliance MediaWorks’ offices in Los Angeles. He would report to Anil Arjun, CEO of Reliance MediaWorks. “We are delighted to welcome Venkatesh to Reliance MediaWorks. He brings significant international experience and understanding of the film and media services business and will be instrumental in the realization of our long term strategic objectives of creating a global film and media services business.” adds Arjun. Reliance MediaWorks is currently exploring various options for restructuring the business, including creating of subsidiaries for Exhibition and Film and Media services divisions.
Matters of saving and spending
Global cues push Sensex up 400 points MUMBAI: The BSE benchmark Sensex was up by 461 points in early trade today on fresh buying in metal, banking, auto, realty, consumer durables and capital goods stocks on the back of higher global cues. The BSE benchmark Sensex resumed higher at 16,555.93 and shot up further to 16,718.11 before quoting at 16,584.26 at 1015 hours, a net gain of 460.80 points, or 2.86 per cent, from its previous close. The NSE’s 50-share Nifty index was also up by 135.90 points, or 2.81 per cent, at 4,967.95 at 1015 hours. The market breadth, indicating the overall health of the market, was strong. All the shares from 30-member Sensex pack were trading in positive terrain.Metal stocks jumped after the LMEX, a gauge of six metal traded on the London Metal Exchange, surged by 5 per cent yesterday. Tata Steel, Jindal Saw, Sail, Hindustan Zinc, Nalco, Jindal Steel & Power, Hindalco Industries, Sterlite Industries and JSW Steel were up by between 2.21 per cent and 8.07 per cent in early trade.
Meanwhile, Asian shares extended their gains in early trade after the world’s six major central banks moved to tame a liquidity crunch for European banks by providing cheaper
Market@noon BSE 16,566.22 NSE 4,960.90 Gold 24k : 10g Silver 1kg Dollar $ Pound £
442.72 128.25 `29,600 `55,700 `51.66 `81.03
dollar funding. The key benchmark indices in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan were up by between 2.08 per cent and 5.71 per cent. Rupee up by 48 paise at ` 51.72 per dollar. The Indian rupee was up by 48 paise at ` 51.72 per US dollar in early trade today on the back of a rally in the equity market and fresh selling of the American currency by banks and exporters amid dollar weakness overseas.
Rupee increases The rupee resumed higher at ` 51.84/85 per dollar on the Interbank Foreign Exchange, as against its previous close of ` 52.20/21 per dollar, and moved up further to ` 51.72 per dollar before quoting at ` 51.77/78 per dollar at 1030 hours. The domestic currency moved in a range between ` 51.72 and ` 51.85 per dollar during morning deals. Fresh selling of dollars by banks and exporters in view of a lower dollar in overseas markets mainly boosted the rupee sentiment, a forex dealer said.
India to receive highest remittance WASHINGTON: Developing countries are expected to receive a total of USD 351 billion in foreign remittances in 2011, led by India (USD 58 billion), China (USD 57 billion), Mexico (USD 24 billion) and the Philippines (USD 23 billion), the World Bank has said in a report. In all, worldwide remittances — including those to high-income countries — will reach USD 406 billion in the current calendar year, according to a newly updated World Bank brief on global migration and remittances. Other large recipients include Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Vietnam, Egypt and Lebanon, the report said. The World Bank said though the economic slowdown is dampening employment prospects for migrant workers in some highincome countries, global remittances are expected to stay on a growth path and are forecast to reach USD 515 billion by 2014. Of this amount, USD 441 billion will flow to developing countries, according to the latest issue of the World Bank’s Migration and Development
Hans Timmer, the World Bank’s director of development prospects Brief, released on Wednesday at the fifth meeting of the Global Forum on Migration and Development in Geneva. “Despite the global economic crisis that has impacted private capital flows, remittance flows to developing countries have remained resilient, posting an estimated growth of 8 per cent in 2011,” said Hans Timmer, the Director of the bank’s Development Prospects Group. “Remittance flows to all developing regions have grow this year, for the first time since the financial crisis,” he said.
Gautier makes Hyderabad debut On the occassion of opening its first showroom in Hyderabad, Soulard David, global CEO and MD of Gautier spoke about the company and its future plans with Postnoon’s U Srinivas How many outlets do you have in India? We opened our fifth outlet in the country in Hyderabad and it is about 8,500 sq. ft. We are based in Noida and planning for more outlets in Mumbai, Faridabad, Delhi and Lucknow. All of them will have more than 8,000 sq. ft space. The first store opened in 2008. After 3 years of market understanding, we launched our store in Hyderabad. We have about 44 stores across the world. We are concentrating mostly on middle and high income groups. What is the lifestyle market in India and where do you stand? We are quite bullish about the Indian market. Except
bath and kitchen furniture, we offer everything. The price range is medium to high. We sell to all age groups from young couples to old citizens. Demographically, India is very exciting. We are also planning to start our stores in Chennai
and Bangalore. 80 Million Indians are earning more than 50 lakhs a month; those are our main target customers. Do you have factories or manufacturing facilities in India? We don’t have any plans so far. We will wait and see. I have heard a lot about FDI investment in retail after landing in India. It is a good decision taken by the Government of India. It opens a lot of possibilities for the retail market and the consumer will be the king, where he can put the business houses under competition. I think with this many more companies will come to India. The prices will come down and will be an advantage to the consumers.
Won’t the competition affect your company? No, not yet. We have no competition at all. We are unique and are a zero debt company. There is no one as clearly well positioned in the furniture market across the globe. What is the business outlook for 2012? We are planning for slow and steady expansion. As I said, another 15 stores will be opened in India. We are also entering the Vishakhapatnam market. Funds are yet to be earmarked. The investment will be in crores. Do your import or assemble your furniture here directly? We have pine tree forests. So, from wood to furniture, it
is all our own Gautier brands. No imports, no consultations. Nothing is from the outside. It is all in-house. What are the new ranges? We offer everything for high and medium range customers of all ages and needs. Once a customer is with Gautier, he will stick with us permanently. We can make and assemble a wardrobe in 2 days. That is our expertise. It all started as a kids company and now it is for the family. We are trying to be more ecofriendly and if we don’t respect nature, no one will respect us. Using very low chemicals in the process of making furniture is our USP. Some of our furniture is handmade as well.
Play Field
A critical look at games and players
Hoops beaten at Parkhead
he Hoops had more than held their own until the Turkey international picked up a Daniel Majstorovic clearance from a Diego corner 20 yards from goal and fired back in past Fraser Forster. Substitute Gary Hooper, an interval replacement for Victor Wanyama, had the ball in the
net after the break only to see it chalked off. With less than a minute gone, following an Atletico corner which Hoops defender Glenn Loovens originally headed clear, Eduardo Salvio headed wide of the target from close range. Celtic asserted themselves on the game Ki Sung-yueng's
corner from the right was headed on by Majstorovic and Georgios Samaras' close-range flick drew a reaction save from Thibaut Courtois. Atletico were slick on the counter but it was from a corner that the Spanish club took the lead through Turan. Diego's ball from the right was
headed clear by Majstorovic only for the Turkey international quickly to drive powerfully back in from 20 yards. In the 37th minute Hoops left-back Joe Ledley had to be replaced by Charlie Mulgrew after picking up an injury which required him to be carried off on a stretcher up the tunnel. ES
Palace shock Man United Glenn Murray headed the winner in extra time as Championship side Crystal Palace stunned Manchester United 2-1 in the Carling Cup quarter-finals
Spurs on the brink Tottenham were left with a slim chance of making the second round of the Europa League after being beaten 2-1 by 10-man PAOK Salonika
urray nodded in a free-kick from Darren Ambrose, the scorer of the opening goal, as Palace overturned the odds against a much-changed United team at Old Trafford. Ambrose had ended shot-shy Palace's long goal drought with a stunning goal after 65 minutes but United forced extra time with a Federico Macheda penalty. Zaha was a recurrent danger and after blasting over he appealed for a penalty when he ran at Fabio and went down on the edge of the area — but referee Foy saw nothing untoward. United began to settle and e-
stablished a measure of control but Palace had another chance when Sean Scannell snatched the ball from Valencia and Dikgacoi dragged a shot wide. The hosts had their best chance of the first half when
Valencia crossed from the right and Mame Biram Diouf volleyed over with an overhead kick. United almost took the lead soon after the restart as Valencia robbed Gardner and hit a low shot past Price but it rolled narrowly wide. Valencia claimed the goalkeeper had got a fingertip to the ball but a goal-kick was given. Price saved from Morrison — but just as it seemed United were taking charge Palace took the lead with a stunning goal. There seemed little danger as Ambrose received the ball from Zaha but he launched a vicious shot from 35 yards that curled into the top EVENING STANDARD corner.
loppy marking from Sebastien Bassong allowed Dimitris Salpingidis and Stefanos Athanasiadis to give the Greeks a 2-0 lead after 13 minutes but Spurs pulled one back with a Luka Modric penalty after Konstantinos Stafylidis was dismissed for handball on the line. Tottenham thought they had equalised through Jermain Defoe in the second half, but referee Bas Nijhuis controversially disallowed the striker's goal for a foul on Pablo Contreras. The result put PAOK through and left Spurs needing to hammer Shamrock Rovers in Ireland in a fortnight's time and hope the Greeks overcome Rubin Kazan in Thessaloniki. PAOK took the lead in the sixth minute. William Gallas lost the ball coming out of defence and Giorgos Georgiadis took advantage, running into space down the right flank before crossing to the unmarked Salpingidis, who
carefully guided the ball past an off-balance Heurelho Gomes after losing Bassong. Seven minutes later PAOK were 2-0 up. Pablo Garcia released Georgiadis down the left wing and he swung a low ball across the box which Athanasiadis tapped home after being left in yards of space by sloppy marking, again from Bassong. Vedran Corluka saw a header cleared off the line from a corner by Stafylidis and the ball rebounded to Harry Kane. The youngster aimed at goal again, and Stafylidis blocked again, but Nijhuis ruled the PAOK full-back had used his hand on the second clearance and he was given a straight red with Modric converting the spot kick. Spurs thought they had equalised just after the break when Gallas tapped home Modric's cross, but the PAOK defensive line had moved up just in time to rule the Frenchman's effort out for offside. ES
Play Field
A critical look at games and players
Court questions government on hockey coach’s plea NEW DELHI: The Delhi High Court on Wednesday issued notice to the central government and Hockey India (HI) after taking note of a hockey coach’s plea alleging that the latter was threatening players to prevent them from taking part in the World Series Hockey (WSH) tournament starting next month. The tournament, a joint initiative of the Indian Hockey Federation (IHF) and Nimbus Sport, is to be held in the country between Dec 17 and Jan 22, 2012. The WSH is not sanctioned by the International Hockey Federation (FIH), which recognises the HI as the official custodian of the national sport in the country. A bench of Acting Chief
Justice AK Sikri and Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw issued notice to the respondents seeking their reply within three days and fixed the matter for hearing Dec 7. Former player and coach Joachim Carvalho approached the court alleging that the HI, which is fighting legal battles
with the IHF, was threatening players that if they took part in the WSH they would not be selected for national duty. Carvalho’s counsel Jayant Bhushan said: “For the first time, our hockey players are going to get some money by playing in the WSH tournament and the HI is trying to deny
them their right to play.” Opposing Bhushan arguments, Additional Solicitor General AS Chandhiok, appearing for the central government, said: “The government has no role in it and it has simply let out its stadia at commercial rates for organising the WSH.” Counsel for the HI said that the matter was pending in the Supreme Court and the HI had been allowed by the Supreme court to select the national teams for men and women. The WSH’s organisers claimed that the tournament was aimed at reinvigorating hockey here and to make it a sport of choice for youngsters. On the lines of IPL, the WSH would be played among eight franchisee-based teams. IANS
India A sixth at Asia-Pacific Seniors Golf PERTH: It was a modest start for the Indian teams at the AsiaPacific Seniors Golf at the famous Royal Perth Golf Club Wednesday. India A were lying sixth, while the second team was further down on the leaderboard. India’s Team A was lying sixth with the day’s two best scores being provided by Gangesh Khaitan (82) and Vijay Kumar (85) while Laxman Singh shot 86. India A were lying sixth with a total of 167. India’s Team B with Ashish Dube (85) and Nalin Kant (86) were further down. IPS Mann carded 90. After the first day, New Zealand were ahead at 153 and Australia A were one shot behind and Australia B were lying second at 156. Philippines (161) and Hong Kong (163) followed them. IANS
Australia on top in first Test against NZ BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA: The first day of Australia's home Test summer ended in gloom, only 51 overs bowled as bad light and rain closed in on the Gabba late in the second session. But for Australia's fans, the darkness overhead was of less consequence than the several bright spots they saw on the field, on a day when three debutants helped give Australia the edge over New Zealand. Mitchell Starc swung the ball impressively and collected two wickets, James Pattinson also curved the ball in the air and picked up one, and David Warner snaffled a pair of catches to ensure all three men will remember their first day of Test cricket with fondness. By the close of play, New Zealand had
Mitchell Starc
Australia vs New Zealand Test Series — I Test
steadied through Daniel Vettori and Dean Brownlie, whose stand had reached 80, but plenty more work was required, reports When the players left the field shortly before the scheduled tea break — they didn't get back on — New Zealand were 5 for 176, with Vettori on 45 and Brownlie on 32. Viewed as the result of a day when Ross Taylor had won the toss and chosen to bat, it was a disappointing outcome for New Zealand.
New Zealand 1st innings B McCullum c Warner b Starc 34 M Guptill c Haddin b Siddle 13 K Williamson c Khawaja b Lyon 19 R Taylor b Pattinson 14 J Ryder c Warner b Starc 6 D Brownlie not out 32 D Vettori not out 45 Extras: (9b, 3w, 1nb) 13 Total: (for 5 wickets; 51 overs) 176 Fall of wickets: 1-44 (Guptill), 2-56 (McCullum), 3-78 (Williamson), 4-93 (Taylor), 5-96 (Ryder) Bowling: Pattinson 11-1-50-1 (2w, 1nb), Siddle 15-5-29-1 (1w), Starc 13-0-52-2, Lyon 10-0-31-1, Hussey 2-0-5-0.
India’s Test pros to leave early
he Test specialists of the Indian squad will leave early for Australia, even as the ODI team completes its home assignment against West Indie, reports A board official told that Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid, VVS Laxman, Ishant Sharma and Pragyan Ojha are likely to be on an early flight, the exact date for which is yet to be decided. They will leave either on December 8 or after the BCCI awards function on December 10. India’s first tour game begins on December 15, eleven days prior to the Boxing Day Test. Laxman, one of India’s Testsonly players, welcomed the development. “Luckily for us we are
going ahead this time, so we will get a lot of time and opportunity to get acclimatised to those conditions,” Laxman told. “I firmly believe that how much ever simulation you do in India, it’s always important to get to Australia and get used to the conditions. The net practices and training sessions will be very critical for us to get used to the conditions as early as possible. “Personally, because of past experiences, you know if you do certain kind of drills it will help you to get used to the bounce. But it is not the same as actually batting there.” Laxman, though, didn’t know when exactly he will be flying and who he will be flying with.
Wacky World
Salt of the Earth
he Wieliczka Salt Mines in Poland have been used for several centuries to extract salt, but are now in the news for a different reason. Through their excavations and adventures, Polish miners have left behind something unique in these underground spaces, little known to the world until recently. It has been over ten years since any salt has been extracted from the Wieliczka Mines, and yet, people still pay a visit. Though an ordinary-looking mine from the outside, just 200 meters down below, lies an astonishing spectacle to behold. The salt mine has actually been converted into a cathedral, art gallery and it also contains a lake. What’s all the more beautiful and intriguing about this place is that it has been built over the years by miners themselves. During the course of a few centuries, generations of miners left behind pieces of art, religious and historical figures, and even built their own cathedral down under there, to
Fun and frolic in a flat world
be able to pray. The huge cathedral is perhaps the most astonishing of the wonders that lie below the ground. Remarkable religious carvings can be found, of scenes such as the Last Supper and Jesus appearing to the apostles after crucifixion. Everything in these breathtaking mines is made from salt, including the chandeliers. The rock salt that was excavated was dissolved, mixed with impurities, giving it a glass-like appearance. This was used to create several beautiful chandeliers that now adorn the roof
Wieliczka Salt Cathedral – Poland’s underground wonder
of the mines. The mines have received over one million visitors and the numbers are rising. Less than one percent of the mine is actually open to visitors, for safety reasons. Wieliczka is a small town located in the Krakow area, with a population of around 20,000. The town is connected by a bus service, and not too difficult to reach. Many of the artefacts within the mines would have taken miners years, even decades to complete. This is one mustvisit destination if you happen to be visiting Poland.
Sucking the air out of you Leech found living in boy’s windpipe
octors have found a 4inch-long leech living in an impossible place – the windpipe of a 16-yearold boy. Two months ago, Tao
Jiayuan felt ill and his voice became hoarse. His mother thought he had caught a cold and gave him some medicine – it didn’t work. Gradually the boy lost weight and felt weak. It wasn’t until he had difficulty breathing that his family took him to hospital. Doctors found a leech living in his windpipe. Nan’an Division of Yibin No. 2 Hospital, in Yibin City in southwest China’s
Sichuan province, performed an operation on the boy late last week and removed the leech. The bloodsucker seemed hardly affected by the dose of anaesthetic given to the boy and kept creeping on the white paper when it was out of the boy’s throat. Though it is an extreme case, it is possible for leeches to steal their way into the human body, according to Doctor Chen Bing who was in charge of the operation.
Refusing to lose sleep over art
e’ve all heard of and probably even known people who snore, smile, talk and even walk in their sleep. But creating art while sleeping? This is exactly the curious case of Lee Hadwin, a 37 year old artist from London, who has been drawing in his sleep since the age of four. When he first started out, he would walk around in his sleep, scribbling on the walls of his house. He once carved on an old bureau, a family heirloom. His mother wasn’t too pleased with this. But soon, Hadwin’s scribblings turned into serious forms of art. As his artwork began to get more beautiful and intricate, he started to gain attention. His “sleep-art” has become so popular now that each piece fetches him a handsome six-figure price. He has produced around 200 pieces of art so far. He now goes to bed every night prepared, with his sketch books and art materials scattered around his flat. It is interesting to note that when he’s wide awake, Hadwin cannot draw to save his life. In
fact, he was awarded a “D” in school for his art course. It is only when the sleep fairy visits, that he is able to gain access to his unique talent. Hadwin attributes this strange phenomenon to supernatural powers. He believes he is visited by spirits who are communicating from the other side, through him. Scientists, however, have a different view of things. Sleep therapists have explained this bizarre display of artistic genius as a sign of severe mental trauma. Hadwin had lost five of his close friends at an early age, and this could be the cause of his condition. The real reason is perhaps, something we will never know, owing to the fact that Hadwin can remember nothing of his nocturnal activities the next morning. Some of his friends have recorded him while he paints in his sleep. He is embarrassed to watch himself, but cannot recollect anything. For now, we can only sit back and admire the beautiful artwork created by this unique sleepwalking artist. You can find out more about Lee Hadwin on his Facebook page.
Brave New World
From the world of science & research
Violent videogames alter brain
function in young men A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) analysis of long-term effects of violent video game play on the brain has found changes in brain regions associated with cognitive function and emotional control in young adult men after one week of game play. The results of the study were presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). The controversy over whether or not violent video games are potentially harmful to users has raged for many years, making it as far as the Supreme Court in 2010. But there has been little scientific evidence demonstrating that the games have a prolonged negative neurological effect. “For the first time, we have found that a sample of randomly assigned young adults showed less activation in certain frontal brain regions following a week of playing violent video games at
home,” said Yang Wang, MD, assistant research professor in the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis. “These brain regions are important for controlling emotion and aggressive behaviour.” For the study, 22 healthy adult males, age 18 to 29, with low past exposure to violent video games were randomly assigned to two groups of 11. Members of the first group were instructed to play a shooting video game for 10 hours at home for one week and refrain from playing the following week. The second group did not play a violent video game at all during the two-week period. Each of the 22 men underwent fMRI at the beginning of the study, with follow-up exams at one and two weeks. During fMRI, the participants completed an emotional interference task, pressing buttons according to the colour of visually presented
words. Words indicating violent actions were interspersed among nonviolent action words. In addition, the participants completed a cognitive inhibition counting task. The results showed that after one week of violent game play, the video game group members showed less activation in the left inferior frontal lobe during the emotional task and less activation in the anterior cingulated cortex during the counting task, compared to their baseline results and the results of the control group after one week. After the second week without game play, the changes to the executive regions of the brain were diminished. “These findings indicate that violent video game play has a long-term effect on brain functioning,” Dr Wang said.
Eating fish reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease P eople who eat baked or broiled fish on a weekly basis may be improving their brain health and reducing their risk of developing mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). “This is the first study to establish a direct relationship between fish consumption, brain structure and Alzheimer’s risk,” said Cyrus Raji, MD, PhD, from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. “The results showed that people who consumed baked or broiled fish at least one time per week had better preservation of gray matter volume on MRI in brain areas at risk for Alzheimer’s disease.” Alzheimer’s disease is an incurable, progressive brain
disease that slowly destroys memory and cognitive skills. According to the National Institute on Aging, as many as 5.1 million Americans may have Alzheimer’s disease. In MCI, memory loss is present but to a lesser extent than in Alzheimer’s disease. People with MCI often go on to develop Alzheimer’s disease. For the study, 260 cognitively normal individuals were selected from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Information on fish consumption was gathered using the National Cancer Institute Food Frequency Questionnaire. There were 163 patients who consumed fish on a weekly basis, and the majority ate fish one to four times per week. Each patient underwent 3-D volumetric MRI of the brain. Voxel-based morphometry, a brain mapping technique that measures gray matter volume, was used to model the relationship between
weekly fish consumption at baseline and brain structure 10 years later. The data were then analyzed to determine if gray matter volume preservation associated with fish consumption reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease. The study controlled for age, gender, education, race, obesity, physical activity, and the presence
or absence of apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4), a gene that increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Gray matter volume is crucial to brain health. When it remains higher, brain health is being maintained. Decreases in gray matter volume indicate that brain cells are shrinking. The findings
showed that consumption of baked or broiled fish on a weekly basis was positively associated with gray matter volumes in several areas of the brain. Greater hippocampal, posterior cingulated and orbital frontal cortex volumes in relation to fish consumption reduced the risk for five-year decline to MCI or Alzheimer’s by almost five-fold. “Consuming baked or broiled fish promotes stronger neurons in the brain’s gray matter by making them larger and healthier,” Dr Raji said. “This simple lifestyle choice increases the brain’s resistance to Alzheimer’s disease and lowers risk for the disorder.” The results also demonstrated increased levels of cognition in people who ate baked or broiled fish. Eating fried fish, on the other hand, was not shown to increase brain volume or protect against cognitive decline.
Holistic view of mind, body and soul
World Aids Day December 1 Latex lifesavers
A condom can save your life Ranjani Rajendra
ith nearly 5 lakh people in Andhra Pradesh infected with HIV, and 30,000 new cases being registered each year, HIV/AIDS prevention is more important than ever before. More so in a society that is progressive enough to experiment and step beyond what was once considered acceptable but still has half-baked knowledge about how HIV/AIDS really spreads.
With casual sex gaining acceptance in the society, especially amongst the youngsters, there’s no turning a blind eye to it. These days, kids as young as 16 are ready to experiment with sex and in the older lot, one-night stands are no longer something to be frowned upon. And while nobody wants to be a dampener and play moral police, it is important that people make informed choices and stay safe. For instance, it is not uncommon for youngsters to have sexual contact with one or
more partners. However, when it comes to protecting themselves, they seem to think that popping an oral contraceptive is enough. The whole idea is to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. But nobody is really thinking about sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea, Chlamydia and HIV/AIDS. “One of the main ways HIV/AIDS spread is by exchange of body fluids during sexual intercourse. Using an oral contraceptive or an emergency contraceptive can only prevent a pregnancy, but not protect one from sexually transmitted disease. While nobody is telling people how to lead their lives, it is important that they take the measures to stay safe. And using a condom is one way to prevent the spread of HIV,” says Dr Jayachandra Reddy, joint director, basic services, Apsacs. Considering how evolved we are as a society, the kind of half-knowledge that people have about HIV is shocking. For instance, the social stigma that still surrounds people with HIV and the fact that a large number of people still believe that it can spread through hugging, kissing, shaking hands or sharing a plate is really surprising. “We might be literate as people, but few people are truly educated and smart in terms of
The correct and consistent use of latex condoms during sexual intercourse — vaginal, anal or oral — can greatly reduce a person’s risk of acquiring or transmitting most STDs, including HIV. A diaphragm or a female condom, as it is known, cannot prevent the spread of HIV. It’s purpose is to prevent a pregnancy and it still leaves a woman exposed to the risk of HIV transmission. If you have practiced unsafe sex, then it is important to get yourself tested for HIV. And don’t just stop at one test. You have to get tested twice within a span of three months to cover the window period. Changing sexual partners ups the risk of acquiring HIV. Nearly 30 per cent of the time HIV can be passed on from mother to child during pregnancy. the lifestyle choices they make. For instance, a girl might be thrilled that a guy has been showing interest in her and soon things might progress till the bedroom. But neither the guy nor girl might have any clue about the other’s past, hygiene or even orientation. And the one thought most people have is to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Few of them think about preventing an STD!” says Dr Divya Sudarshan, a gynaecologist. This is probably one of the reasons why India has one of the fastest growing HIV population, she adds. “Casual sex is the done thing these days and there’s a lot of peer pressure about it. But when it comes to the act and its consequences, the knowledge is lousy,” she says. It is important for people to be smart about their choices and insist on using a condom. If for nothing else, then for their own safety.
Hormones and cysts
Dr Divya T Sudarshan
My doctor says I have a 6cm ovarian cyst, and may need surgery, but my friend had a 7cm cyst and she was only given medication. Why is that? Most times the patients may have no symptoms at all and cysts may be an incidental finding. That is why ovarian cancers are rarely detected early. Occasionally we have patients who complain of a heaviness/fullness in the lower abdomen, sudden shooting pain after exercise, intercourse, vaginal spotting and a large cyst may be found on examination. One BIG worry that both doctors and patients have is ovarian cancer! These cancers are usually silent, very deadly and reasonably rare. That is why every suspicious ovarian cyst is considered guilty until proven innocent. Less than 2 per cent of ovarian cysts are cancerous, but the trick is in finding which two per cent. Most ovarian cysts will be worked up with ultrasound, hormonal levels, antigen levels [CA 125], age of the patient, type of cyst before any decisions on surgery. Larger cysts need surgery. Most benign cysts can be treated with simple hormonal medication over 3-4 months, painkillers and lifestyle changes. The ones that need surgery can get it done with minimal invasion. It is important to understand that any condition related to hormones and ovaries will need follow-ups and medications. And patients should be clear about the prognosis.
From mundane to luxury look
Select clothes that accentuate your body shape. Analyse your body and determine which description best fits your body — apple, pear, ruler or hourglass.
10 must-haves in your wardrobe n A crisp white shirt n Black pencil skirt n Lightweight cashmere cardigan n Dark wash jeans
Choose accessories to accentuate your outfit. Dress up a simple outfit with a stunning accessory. However, be careful not to overdo it with too many accessories or ones that take away attention from the outfit. Consider a scarf, belt or jewellery to pair with your outfit.
Pick an outfit matching the occasion. Dressing up for a job interview, wedding celebration or dinner party each requires a different attire. You will feel more comfortable during an event if you are dressed appropriately.
n Slim black pants n Little black dress n Comfortable and stylish flats n Tote bag n Khaki pants n Red stilettos
Looking professional for work in all-black clothing is simple. To dress up in a basic black suit, opt for a colourful shirt in hues such as blue, green, reds or yellows. Carry a tote that has a strong shape, which guarantees professionalism and functionality.
Winter calls for bold colours Kapil and Monika, the designer duo who specialise in bridal designs are also regulars at the Lakmé Fashion Week. Today they list their style rules for women
The perfect black ensemble for day is a buttoneddown shirt paired with a capri or long black pants. It's sophisticated and easy to put together. If you are opting for this look during the day, go for interesting accessories in bold shapes and intriguing colours. Try a beautiful colourful coat in yellow or red to give the outfit an extra punch.
Dress up that little black sheath dress. Throw on gobs of pearls, a pair of shoes that any fashion diva would die for and create beautiful smoky eyes and use a dark shade of lipstick for the night.
It's time to bring out the wonderful and fantastic fashion clothing for winter. Winter clothing goes with vibrant and fresh colours.
Winter wear also demands bold colours with trendy and modern designer fashion trends.
The most attractive designer fashion clothing for winters are the panel printed khaddar shirts, with separate sleeves fabric.
When it comes to fashion clothing, the choice and elegance is unlimited. As told to Taniya Talukdar
Living Room With over 20 years of experience in medicine, Rama Devi Papolu has made it her life’s work to help couples become families. We talk to her about life, love and babies
Padmini C
fter specialising in gynaecology, I had a choice to super specialise in either oncology or infertility. Cancer was too bleak a prospect, so I chose infertility instead where I could help create life. A baby is a source of joy not just for the parents but for the whole family. So needless to say, I derive immense satisfaction from my work,” says Dr Rama Devi Papolu who founded Rama’s Institute for Fertility back in 1991. The institute, considered one of the earliest and the best fertility centres in India, already has a strong presence in the state with four centres and now Rama plans to expand further. “My focus over the next few years will be to set up centres across the country, especially in backward areas where there are few services. I will be opening the Raichur centre next month,” she says, with a hint of pride. For Rama, there was never any doubt that she would be anything but a doctor. “It was very natural for me that after my Intermediate, I would go
A peep into the lives of cityʼs stars and achievers
BITTEN BY THE TRAVEL BUG: Dr Rama Devi with husband PSN Prasad and children Smitha and Anurag
on to do my MBBS and then my MD and then the super speciality. My mother wanted her children to become either IAS officers or doctors. I chose the latter,” she says laughing. Her own aim to become an entrepreneur too, is now being fulfilled. As dedicated as she is, Rama is not about all work and no play. She loves to travel and to explore new cultures and cuisines. “In my lifetime, I want to see at least 50 per cent of the world. I’ve travelled to over 50-60 countries so far. Each place is unique, with its own charm,” she emphasises. The mother of two is a sports enthusiast and plays excellent tennis, golf, squash and badminton, among others. Rama credits her husband PSN Prasad as her source of strength and support. They met during her first year of medicine and remained friends for six years before tying the knot. Having completed 25 years of marriage, Rama remarks, “We practically grew up together with the same interests, passions and aims in life, supporting each other all throughout. That’s not to say we don’t fight, because we do!”
Giving others a reason to smile I believe in n
Hard work
n n
Faith in oneself and in God Perseverance
A true inspiration “G
rowing up with a doctor for a mother meant that we got a lot of lessons on health and wellness! Since all her claims were scientifically sound, we couldn’t even argue with it,” rues Rama’s daughter Smitha wryly. But more seriously, Smitha says she couldn’t have asked for a better mother than Rama. “My mum is extremely passionate about everything she does. She is constantly learning and innovating. We have always looked up to her. She is a true inspiration. Someday I hope, I can be like her,” she adds. Smitha further says, “Since Anurag, my brother and I stay in the US, our family time with mom and dad is physically limited. However, no matter where she is, mom calls up every day to check on us. When I am home, we like to stay in and talk for hours. Or we love to go shopping.”
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
I can never be satisfied as
Taniya Talukdar
here is a certain kind of Indian sex appeal, which has been lost on the new generation. Actresses like Madhubala, Vyjanthimala and Hema Malini had voluptuous figures and also commanded a huge fan following for their beauty. If you see the sculptures of Khajuraho or any other Indian temple, you will notice that a woman’s body was shaped in a particular way. Vidya has those attributes, a face and body like hers is a magical combination and we wanted exactly that for The Dirty Picture,” says Milan, as he explains why he cast Vidya for the role of Silk. “Nowhere in the film can you point a finger and say that Vidya looks vulgar,” adds the director. The film is more than just being a biopic, it reflects an era, it depicts the situation that existed in the ‘80s. “The Dirty Picture talks about all those dancing stars who made a name during that time and era; we have tried to recapture it. When we started our research, we came across a lot of such sex symbols apart from Silk Smitha who had cult following. It was based on unabashed lust. There are many stories and many rumours that we came across while doing our research, which said that someone led a particular lifestyle while someone died in a particular way,” explains Milan about how the story of The Dirty Picture evolved while they were working on it. “There is a very thin line between sexy and meaningful and people should understand that it is not soft porn. The film has humour, romance and intense drama or else the illustrious list of actors that we are boasting of would not have been on board. The film, at its heart is a tragedy and we had to find the right mix between sex appeal and general entertainment,” shares the director who thinks that the combination of Vidya and him is also an intriguing combination, which has made people curious about the film. Talking about his current favourite,
Milan says, “Vidya is the female Aamir Khan. She is choosy, picks the right characters to play and she has carved a niche for herself in the industry. Vidya is really bending her back for this film.” People are sure to get their money’s worth out of The Dirty Picture whether in terms of sex appeal or drama, claims the director. “I am extremely happy to have made a unique heroine-oriented film and with this kind of a response just for the promos, what else do I ask for? I am really looking forward to what the audience has to say after watching the film,” quips Milan though he thinks that as a filmmaker, he can never be satisfied. “But I am happy to have made an erotic product without being cheap. Lots of people had asked me not to make this film but I was adamant, some of them also asked me to change the name but I stuck to it. It was a lot of hard work but then Vidya made it all easy for me,” offers Milan who preferred listening to his instincts. Milan also wants women to come and watch the film, he says, “A lot of women have
Such is the buzz created by The Dirty Picture that everyone seems to be eagerly waiting for it to hit cinemas and those who have already seen it are raving. The director, Milan Luthria, is only too delighted
expressed their desire to see this film and I am surprised how it has touched women emotionally. A woman will not come to watch a film for cheap thrills. I am proud to be the director of The Dirty Picture and I have achieved what I wanted to. I want more women to see it.” He continues, “Women feel more and show less of emotions; they have fortitude and depth and a strong sense of pride, patience and self-belief. They don’t give up as easily as men and don’t There is a thin show what they are feeling, line between which is a great quality I tried showing in the sexy and meanfilm. A woman will try ingful and peoeverything possible ple should before she says I understand that can’t, a quality that it is not soft porn men don’t have.”
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
Khan believes in perfecting his lines
@NeilNMukesh Players song 2 is out.simply awesome. “JHOOM JHOOM”.@juniorbachchan looks MACHO.@sonamakapoor looks SENSATIONAL and @bipsluvurself HOT!
hen it comes to being perfectionists, our bollywood heroes leave no stone unturned. A source tells us that the Badshah believes in practicing his lines to get his perfect shot. Recently at an ad shoot campaign, we saw the Ra.One star rehearsing his lines standing in front of the mirror, trying out different angles. It was quite entertaining to see SRK make amusing gestures to capture this Papaji Sikh character that he is playing for the first time. What can we say? Maybe perfection runs in the ‘Khan’ daan!
@imarshadwarsi All my respect for mothers, 2 n a half months I’v acted like one. Getting kids ready for school every morning is one of the toughest jobs.
@bipsluvurself ‘Getting to zero’-”Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths”.This is the way to be!Unite to fight against HIV! Practice Safe Sex.
@priyankachopra New song”Dushman Mera’ is here from Don 2... Enjoy! .... What say?
Javed Akhtar misses realism in today’s cinema
ealism is a far cry in new-age Bollywood, says veteran lyricistscriptwriter Javed Akhtar. “Where’s realism in today’s films? Maybe yesteryear films were more dramatic in treatment, but they had more realism. They had a common man’s depiction the way the common man was, unlike today’s films,”
Akhtar said. Even as the wizard of words continues to spin his magic, he hopes Bollywood would wake up to the common man’s miseries rather than going urban all the way. “If we see some yesteryear movies, we can figure out what were the pains of the common Indian men 50 years ago. But that depiction has undergone a lot of change. “Today’s hero is hardly a working class man. He is born rich, sometimes not even born in India, the heroine is all about designer lehengas in weddings and Karva Chauth, so at least filmmakers need to retain the realism of society. They should bring the gareeb ki samasya (poor man’s problems) to the fore,” IANS said Akhtar.
Anita Raj makes a comeback I
t’s the season of actresses making a comeback. After Raveena Tandon in Buddha… Hoga Tera Baap and Karisma Kapoor, who is returning with Dangerous Ishq, it is Anita Raj who is retuning with Samir Karnik’s Char Din Ki Chandni. “Yes, I will be seen again this January after a long gap. My movie Char Din Ki Chandni is releasing. Where had I disappeared? Nowhere! I was right here. Role bhi to honi chahiye (There should also be roles for me),” said Anita, who will be seen as a Maharani in the film. The pretty and vivacious Anita made a splash in the 1980s when she did a series of successful potboilers specially with Sanjay Dutt and Dharmendra. Some of her hits are Naukar Biwi Ka, Jeene Nahin Doonga, Ilzaam, Karishma Kudrat Ka and Ghulami. And then she vanished after marrying producer Arjun Hingorani’s son Sunil. She says she has no craving for arc lights IANS unless the offer was worth her while.
First look of Katrina kaif in “CHIKNI CHAMELI from AGNEEPATH... /ChikniChameli
@SrBachchan T 575 - An entire day immersed in script narrations from various enthusiastic makers .. Come on ! Give me some meat, some substance !!
@ActorMadhavan Working with Helen ji is soooo fantastic.So much positive energy and love on the set.She has been in the industry for close to 60 years.Wow
@realpreityzinta Its been a hectic day crammed with production meetings & lots of cake ! Finally had to tell mom 2 serve the cake on a weighing machine :-)
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Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
George Michael recovering from pneumonia S inger George Michael, who was admitted to a hospital for severe pneumonia, is recovering, says his publicist. Certain media reports claimed that Michael is “at
death’s door” and suffering from more serious problems than pneumonia, but his publicist rubbished the reports. A website quoted the publicist as saying, “Any
Dance does wonders for Jackman H
ollywood actor Hugh Jackman’s musical Broadway show is helping him shed a few pounds every night. The X-Men star is currently starring in his own musical, Back on Broadway, and admits the rigorous dance numbers have done wonders for his waistline, reports a website. But his slimmer body is causing minor issues for the show’s costume department because his measurements are constantly changing. “We started a week ago; already they’ve taken my pants in three times,” he said. The show will run till IANS January next year.
other speculation regarding his illness is unfounded and untrue. He is receiving excellent medical care. He is responding to treatment and slowly improving.”
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
ctor Rupert Grint says he is never on the hunt for girls and if he meets someone, he wants romance to happen naturally. The 23-year-old, who played Ron Weasley in Harry Potter franchise, is currently single but takes a relaxed approach to dating. "I am not dating at the moment. It's cool though. I am enjoying myself and enjoying being single. I am never on the hunt for girls. If it happens, it happens. It's not something I am consciously looking for," a website quoted Grint as IANS saying.
Rupert wants romance to happen naturally
M i l e y
C y r u s
Hasselhoff out of Britain’s Got Talent
defends Osbourne on Twitter
ctor David Hasselhoff has confirmed his exit following reports that he had been axed from Britain’s Got Talent judging panel. Earlier this week, the 59-year-old had urged fans to put pressure on Simon Cowell to keep him, but has now tweeted about his departure, reports a website. “So it’s official, I’m not coming back to Britain’s Got Talent. So if you want to see me live, come check me out in Bristol as Hoff the Hook in Peter Pan,” he posted. “Thanks to everyone who supported me on my Britain’s Got Talent days. Nothing but fond memories of the cast and crew and thanks to IANS Simon Cowell,” he added.
inger Miley Cyrus has taken to Twitter to ask people to stop threatening her close pal Kelly Osbourne. The trouble began after the Fashion Police star defended Cyrus' comments that she smokes too much weed in a video, which was leaked from her birthday party, reports a website. "Please stop bombard-
ing my friends twitter pages with rude comments. NOTHING gives you the right to threaten people. I love u @MissKellyO," Miley posted on Twitter. In a leaked video from the party, Cyrus had said, "You know you're a stoner when your friends make you a Bob Marley cake. You know you smoke way too IANS much weed."
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
EVA LONGORIA shoots a film in the Dominican Republic A
ndy Garcia, Eva Longoria and Forest Whitaker are currently in the Dominican Republic to film part of the action/suspense thriller The Truth, a media report said on Tuesday. The actors landed in the country on Sunday to take part in the next day’s shoot
with others in the cast including Kim Coates, Deborah Kara Unger, Kevin Durand, Bostick Devon and Steven Bauer, a newspaper said. The locations chosen for the filming include the Colonial City of Santo Domingo, a World Heritage Site, and the town of Haina,
some 20km west of the capital, the daily said. In the movie Garcia plays a former CIA agent who has switched careers to become a political news anchor on television, and is contracted by a company to provide cover-up for a massacre at a village in IANS South America.
I won’t have kids, says Kim
ocialite Kim Kardashian fears she will never have children after her marriage split with basketball player Kris Humphries. The 31-year-old, who announced she was separating from Humphries after 72 days of marriage in October, always dreamed of having a large family but is now worried she won’t ever become a mother. “I always wanted what my parents had. And at first I was like, I want six kids. Then I went down to four, then I was down to three, and now I’m like, maybe I won’t have any. Maybe I’ll just be a good aunt,” a website quoted Kim as saying. “At this moment in my life, I feel like maybe I’m not supposed to have kids and all that. That’s how I feel. Maybe my fairytale has a different ending than I dreamed it would, but that’s okay,” she added. IANS
Sophia Loren’s purse auctioned for $287,000 A purse that once belonged to Italian movie diva Sophia Loren was bought at an auction by a Russian buyer for $287,000, a newspaper reported. Proceeds from the sale of the Georgio Armani pur-
ple leather bag will go to a charity for the treatment of sick children in the isolated Siberian Kemerovo region. In October, Loren launched a charity marathon in Kemerovo, aimed at helping sick children. She traded her purse
with regional governor Kemerovo for a sable sole, the report said. Funds from the charity have paid for the treatment of 228 children and another 100 will receive treatment by the end of the year . IANS
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
Dharmendra Kakarala, the editor of Prasthanam, LBW and Dhada, talks about how his life has changed after Prasthanam and what he has learnt over the years Hemanth Kumar
ometimes all it takes is one instance or an idea to change your life. It’s all the more true in the film industry where fortunes change every Friday. For Dharmendra Kakarala, that film happened to be Deva Katta’s Prasthanam. He made his debut as an editor with Prasthanam, which was one of the most critically acclaimed films of 2010. “Life has changed after Prasthanam. People in the industry treat me differently now,” says Dharmendra. Seated in front of his Avid suite, he’s busy playing around with raw footage of Praveen Sattaru’s next film Routine Love Story. We ask him if things have become any easier with the introduction of software Avid and FCP (FinalCut Pro), which are wide-
Life has changed after Prasthanam
ly used by editors these days. “I would say the manual labour of having to mark frames and to cut them carefully has decreased, but otherwise we end up doing the same amount of work. The basics of editing will never change,” he says with an infectious smile. He tells an interesting story, which happened almost a decade ago that opened up a whole new world for him. “Back in 2001, I joined SRFTI (Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute) in Kolkata to do a PG Diploma in Editing. One day, we had to make a short film and I ended up editing it in a bizarre way much to the dismay of the director. When we showcased our work to Anil Mehta, cinematographer of Lagaan, who had come to our institute to conduct a workshop, he loved my work. He
gave me DVDs of foreign films like Amores Perros and City of God and told me that they are some of the best-edited films. That was my introduction to foreign cinema,” he recollects. “Film school opened up a whole new world for me. I was born and brought up in places like Eluru and Vizag and all of a sudden I was discussing movies with some of the best technicians like Anil Mehta. It was a great learning experience,” he says. Talking about the learning experience, we ask him if he has found out what makes someone a good or a bad editor. “In the words of the great editor and Oscar winner, Walter Murch, ‘It is one frame’,” he replies. After graduating from SRFTI, he joined as an assis-
tant editor under Shankar, who was his idol. “I have grown up watching films like Shiva and Gulabi. Shankar had worked for several RGV’s films back then and I loved his work. I used to read a lot of books on direction and I realised that being an editor helps a lot. Sreekar Prasad and Anthony are two other editors whom I admire a lot,” he says. The editors’ union in the Telugu film industry already has about 400 members and surprisingly, Dharmendra is not a member yet. “They asked me to pay Rs2 lakh to get the Union card. Why should I pay so much? It’s ridiculous. So, I ended up enrolling at the Editors’ union in Mumbai where I had to pay Rs12,500 and I got the license to work anywhere in India,” Dharmendra reveals. So what’s the best compliment he has received so far? “A director liking your work is the best compliment you can ask for. Both Deva Katta and Praveen Sattaru liked my work and I couldn’t be happier,” he says. Currently, he’s working on Routine Love Story, Vennela Kishore’s Vennela 1 ½ and a couple of off-beat films. We wonder when he is planning to direct his own film. “Come on; I am just three films old as an editor. Let me edit 20 more films,” he says with a smile.
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
@sayalibhagat Morning!A friend Holidaying in Andaman islands called up to tell me she read a sms on BSNL phone talking abt me n the film “Ghost”Wow
elebrities’ infatuation with brand new luxury and sports cars needs no introduction. When it comes to flaunting their collection of cars, sky is the limit for some stars. Now we hear that Pawan Kalyan is got the license to flaunt his brand new SUV — Mercedes G55. Priced at around Rs1.5 crore, a Merc G55 is reportedly the fastest SUV in the market. Meanwhile, the actor is gearing up for the next schedule of his film Gabbar Singh, which will be shot in Pollachi, Tamil Nadu from December 1 onwards. Since his nephew, Ram Charan is getting engaged on the same day, Pawan Kalyan has decided to resume the film’s shooting on December 2.
@AkhilAkkineni8 @Alwayscharan I hope you have a great engagement bro ! :) congrats to both of you !!!!
@tashu_02 Dining on the 108th floor rite now....seeing the entire #Vegas from here.....wohoooo :-)
News reports shock Soumya T elugu actress Soumya Bollapragada, who was last seen in VN Aditya’s Mugguru, was shocked to learn through news reports that she had been stabbed earlier on Wednesday. The news article was about a Kannada actress, also named Soumya, who was stabbed, but the newspapers ended up using Soumya Bollapragada’s pictures. A visibly upset Soumya said, “I am shocked. How can
Rana signs Vetrimaaran’s film
he stage is set for Rana Daggubati to make his debut in Tamil cinema. The actor has signed acclaimed filmmaker Vetrimaaran’s upcoming film titled Vada Chennai. Simbu is playing the lead role in this film, which is set in North Chennai and Rana is playing a prominent role. Andrea Jeremiah has also been roped in for a pivotal role in the film. Last year, Rana was in talks with Selvaraghavan to star in a period film, which was supposed to be made in Telugu and Tamil; however, the film was shelved for various reasons. Now, he is all set to team up with Vetrimaaran, who won the National Award for Best Director for his film Aadukalam. Moreover, Dayanidhi Alagiri is going to produce the film under the Cloud Nine Movies banner. GV Prakash is going to compose the music. The film will go on floors in March 2012.
they publish such pictures without cross-checking? I had about 200 missed calls from my family members and several friends from the film industry had called up to know if I was alright. I hadn’t answered their calls immediately and they got all the more worried. Finally, when I came to know about the incident, I called up everybody and clarified that I was safe. I didn’t have to go through all this. I am going to file a defamation case on both those newspapers.”
@richyricha Off to Hyd to begin shooting for my next Telugu film, opp Prabhas. New movie, new character, new look! But still attached to ‘Yamini’ :(
@sneha_ullal Its december..wohooooo
@shrutihaasan Amazing how life changes you,ppl change, you think u’ll never be the same again only to find a new way and a new you..adapt absorb live life
@actor_nithiin 4releases this week..BEZAWAADA,DIRTYPICTURE,SANGARSHANA AND a good weekend for all film lovers :)
@ssrajamouli more than1,50,000 views for a fan made fun trailer of eega on youtube.after naming it”eega”i thought this will be the least expected film.:)
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Telly sitcoms, news and movie listings
1400 Abhishekam 1430 Aadade Aadharam 1500 Antahpuram 1530 Aakasa Ganga 1600 Prema Mandiram 1630 Jagadeeswari 1700 Genes 1800 Devimahathyam 1830 Puttadi Bomma 1900 Kumkuma Rekha 1930 Manasu Mamata 2000 Chandra Mukhi 2030 Bharyamani 2100 Etv News 2130 Super 2245 Movie 0800 Jeevana Jyothi 0830 Tollywood Time 0900 Movie 1130 Abhiruchi 1230 Star Mahila
1400 Ardhangi 1430 Movie 1800 Veera Naari Jhansi Laxmi Bhai 1830 Kalavari Kodallu 1900 Chinna Kodalu 1930 Pasupukunkuma 2000 Muddu Bidda 2030 Radha Kalyanam 2100 Kanyadanam 2130 Sa Re Ga Ma Pa - Little Champs 2230 Shree 2300 Bindas 0800 Gopuram 0830 Bhakti Samacharam 0900 Sri Raghavendra Vybhavam 0930 Ayurveda Jeevana Vignanam 1000 Zee 70 Mm A.C 1200 Mee Inti Vanta
‘Global Business Report’ at 1900 Hrs only on ET NOW 1400 The F And O Show 1430 Closing Trades 1530 Tomorrow's Trades 1600 Business Day 1730 Markets Tomorrow 1800 Rush Hour 1830 Starting Up 1900 Global Business Report 1930 Business Express 2000 Business First 2030 Markets Tomorrow 2100 Business Tonight 2200 Top 10 At 10 2230 Brand Equity 2300 Investor's Guide 0900 First Trades 1000 Hot Stocks 1100 Buy Now Sell Now - The Stock Game 1130 Buy Now Sell Now 1200 Market Sense 1300 Business Day 1330 Markets Now
‘Man Vs Wild’ at 2100 Hrs on DISCOVERY CHANNEL 1400 Man Vs. Wild 1500 Fearless Planet 1600 Dual Survival 1700 Highway In My Veins 1800 Killing For A Living 1900 Swamp Brothers 1930 Destroyed In Seconds 2000 Dinosaur Revolution 2100 Man Vs. Wild 2200 I Shouldn't Be Alive 2300 My Shocking Story 0900 Factory Made 0930 Destroyed In Seconds 1000 Man Vs. Wild 1100 Stan Lee's Superhumans 1200 I Shouldn't Be Alive
1415 Most Shocking 1510 Guinness World Records Smashed 1605 Got To Dance 1700 Top Chef Masters 1800 India's Minute To Win It 1900 Most Shocking 2000 Guinness World Records Smashed 2100 India's Minute To Win It 2200 Live To Dance 2300 Breaking The Magician's Code - Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 0905 Sky Teleshopping 0930 Scare Tactics 0955 Infomercial/5 Min 1000 Scare Tactics 1025 Infomercial/5 Min 1030 Top Chef Masters 1130 India's Minute To Win It 1225 Live To Dance
‘India's Minute To Win It’ at 2100 Hrs on AXN
‘Dwarkadheesh’ at 2000 Hrs on IMAGINE 1400 Haar Jeet 1500 Nach Le Ve With Saroj Khan 1600 Haar Jeet 1700 Dharampatni 1800 Beendh Banuga Ghodi Chadhunga 1830 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 1900 Nach Le Ve With Saroj Khan 2000 Dwarkadheesh - Bhagwan Shri Krishn 2030 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 2100 Beendh Banuga Ghodi Chadhunga 2130 Dharampatni 2200 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo 2230 Haar Jeet 2300 Dharampatni
1400 Hamari Saas Leela 1430 Hawan 1500 Veer Shivaji 1530 Uttaran 1600 Phulwa 1630 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 1700 Sasural Simar Ka 1730 Veer Shivaji 1800 Uttaran 1830 Balika Vadhu 1900 Hawan 1930 Sasural Simar Ka 2000 Balika Vadhu 2030 Veer Shivaji 2100 Phulwa 2130 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 2200 Uttaran 2230 Bigg Boss 2330 Balika Vadhu
‘Sasural Simar Ka’ at 1930 Hrs on COLORS
‘Choti Bahu 2’ at 1930 Hrs on ZEE TV 1400 Hitler Didi 1430 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1500 Bhagonwali 1530 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 1600 Pavitra Rishta 1630 Star Ya Rockstar 1800 Ram Milaye Jodi 1830 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1900 Ek Nayi Choti Si Zindagi 1930 Choti Bahu 2 2000 Hitler Didi 2030 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 2100 Pavitra Rishta 2130 Ram Milaye Jodi 2200 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 2230 Bhagonwali 2300 Pavitra Rishta
1400 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1430 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1500 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1600 CID 1800 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1830 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1900 Crime Patrol - Dastak 2000 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 2045 Dekha Ek Khwaab 2130 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi 2200 Saas Bina Sasuraal 2230 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 2300 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 0900 Adaalat 1000 Crime Patrol - 1 1200 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1245 Dekha Ek Khwaab 1330 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi
‘Parvarrish’ at 2130 Hrs on SONY
‘E H M M B H’ at 2030 Hrs on STAR PLUS 1400 Sapnon Se Bharey Naina 1500 Navya 1530 Diya Aur Bati Hum 1600 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 1630 Sasuraal Genda Phool 1700 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1730 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 1800 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 1900 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1930 Sasuraal Genda Phool 2000 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2030 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 2100 Diya Aur Bati Hum 2130 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2200 Navya 2230 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 2300 Maryaada ... Lekin Kab Tak?
1235 Troy 1540 Tropic Thunder 1735 Observe And Report 1910 Spawn 2100 The Tuxedo 2259 Blade II 0752 Friends 0822 Good Morning, Miami 0852 Scooby - Doo 1032 Tropic Thunder 1232 The Tuxedo
1350 The Blair Witch Project 1550 The Lovely Bones 1900 Barb Wire 2100 Crocodile 2300 Cop Out 0825 Snow Wonder 1025 Crocodile 1225 Barb Wire
Yeh Rishta Kya Balika Vadhu Kehlata Hai Storyline - Anadi is declared Storyline - Bhabhi Maa decides to conduct special pooja for Akshara. What will happen when the family comes to know about it?
as the new Sarpanch of Jaitsar. ‘Balika Vadhu’ at 2000 Hrs on COLORS
‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ at 2130 Hrs on STAR PLUS ‘The Tuxedo’ at 2100 Hrs on WB
1400 $H*! My Dad Says 1430 Mike And Molly 1500 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 1600 The Event 1700 $H*! My Dad Says 1730 Mike And Molly 1800 E News 1900 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 2000 $H*! My Dad Says 2030 America's Funniest Home Videos 2100 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 2200 The Event 2300 $H*! My Dad Says 2330 Mike And Molly 0800 Just For Laughs 0830 Scrubs 0900 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 1000 Pretty Little Liars 1100 America's Funniest Home Videos
‘The Real Housewives Of New Jersey’ at 2100 Hrs on ZEE CAFE
‘The Sheild’ at 2200 Hrs on STAR WORLD 1400 Masterchef USA 1500 Necessary Roughness 1600 The Big Bang Theory 1630 Home Improvement 1700 The Sheild 1800 Masterchef USA 1900 Love2 Hate U 2000 Rules Of Engagement 2030 The Simpsons 2100 Masterchef USA 2200 The Sheild 2300 The Big Bang Theory 2330 Home Improvement 0700 The Big Bang Theory 0730 Home Improvement 0800 Rules Of Engagement 0830 The Simpsons 0900 Masterchef USA 1000 The Sheild 1100 Love2 Hate U 1200 Terra Nova 1300 The Big Bang Theory 1330 Friends
1400 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1430 Don't Worry Chachu !!! 1500 Lapataganj 1530 Fir 1600 Chintu Chinky Aur Ek Badi Si Love Story 1630 Don't Worry Chachu !!! 1700 Gili Gili Gappa 1730 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1900 Lapataganj 1930 Don't Worry Chachu !!! 2000 Chintu Chinky Aur Ek Badi Si Love Story 2030 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 2100 Chidiya Ghar 2130 R.K. Laxman Ki Duniya 2200 Lapataganj 2230 Fir 2300 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 2330 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 0900 Don't Worry Chachu !!! 0930 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 1000 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma
‘Lapataganj’ at 2200 Hrs on SAB
‘Karam’ at 1400 Hrs on ZOOM 1400 Movie - Karam 1730 Star Bonanza 1800 Letz Go! 1900 Planet Bollywood News 1930 6 Degrees 2000 Tentalize 2030 Letz Go! 2100 Zooming In With Omar 2130 Link'D 2200 B - Tonite 2230 FITB 0700 Fresh Mornings 0800 Red Carpet 0805 20 - 20 Songs 0825 Fresh Mornings 1100 Zoom Box 1200 Garma Garam 1230 Telly Talk 1300 Planet Bollywood News 1330 Star Chit Chat
1430 The Undetectables 1530 Exodus Earth 1630 Some Assembly Required 1730 Top Sniper 2 1830 Best Of Discovery Science 1930 UFO 2030 Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman 2130 Science Of The Movies 2230 Massive Machines 2300 Massive Speed 2330 The New Inventors 0830 Discovery Science Classics 0930 Massive Machines 1000 Massive Speed 1030 Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman 1130 Science Of The Movies 1230 Science Of The Deep 1330 Weird Connections
‘Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman’ at 2030 Hrs on DISCOVERY SCIENCE
‘The Defenders’ at 2100 Hrs on BIG CBS PRIME 1430 Jerry Springer 1530 Big Wheels 1600 Survivor 1700 Bellator 1800 Galileo Extreme 1900 The Defenders 2000 Entertainment Tonight 2030 Galileo Extreme 2100 The Defenders 2200 Jerry Springer 2300 CSI - New York 0700 Big Wheels 0730 Aspire 0800 Galileo Extreme 0900 CSI - New York 1000 Bellator 1100 Jerry Springer 1200 Big Wheels 1230 How To Be A Gentleman 1300 Galileo Extreme 1330 The Defenders
Chai Time
How to Play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: “How do you play Kakuro?”, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two - it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.
Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa
QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Just about 7 "What ___, chopped liver?" 10 He walked the line 14 Save specialist 15 Domain of 14-Across 16 SeaWorld attraction 17 Corrigenda 18 Mil. decoration since 1918 19 Red herring 20 Household pest 22 Remain undecided 23 Meaningless musical refrain 24 Use an epee 25 The Jets or the Sharks 29 ___ gratias (thanks be to God) 30 Deep soup dish 31 Unlikely to get excited 33 Make more meaningful 35 French composer Louis Hector 37 Level of command 41 Wipe out electronically 43 It joins the Rhone at Lyon 44 Toy dog 47 ___-equipped 49 Social outing 50 Bitterly pungent 51 Unfriendly look 53 Doe fancier 54 Misnamed writing tool 59 Aired out one's pipes 60 Equip 61 Put skin on sausage, e.g. 62 "Bus Stop" playwright 63 Word with "Tome" or "Tiago" 64 Brought up 65 "Schaum" or "kat" start 66 Ft. Worth campus 67 Naval construction worker DOWN 1 "... and children of all ___!" 2 "Footloose" singer 3 Fertile earth
4 Norse king 5 Positioned artillery 6 Reacted to cutting onions 7 Fireplace fixture 8 Like an unmade bed 9 Restless desire 10 Venomous snake 11 Francis of "What's My Line?" 12 Its back is up against the wall 13 Panettiere of TV and cinema 21 Pursuer's command 24 German botanist Leonhard 25 Blarney Stone-kisser's gift 26 Malt beverage 27 Neither's counterpart 28 Money's the name of her game 30 First correct "Hollywood Squares"
square 32 Use leather on a diamond? 34 Went for a spin? 36 Yell at some sporting events 38 Mauna ___ 39 Thunder Bay's prov. 40 Once named 42 Bird that lays glossy colored eggs 44 Here and there, in footnotes 45 87 or 89, at the pump 46 Syracuse's color 48 Biblical outcasts 51 Glacial ice formation 52 "Cold Mountain"
star Zellweger 54 Stand the test of time 55 Sponsor of "March Madness" 56 Pasta or potato, e.g. 57 "... was blind, but now ___" ("Amazing Grace") 58 Introductory section of a story PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER
THOUGHT OF THE DAY If I knew what I was so anxious about, I wouldn't be so anxious. – Mignon McLaughlin
Your tomorrow today̶Star Power and Tarot THIRUVAIKUMAR
Date 2-12-2011
ARIES 040-27177230 / 9177596118
March 20 – April 18 As Mars is strong, you will get new ideas. Financial position will improve. Children may be adamant. As planets are favour‑ able, you can take risks without hesita‑ tion. Friends or relatives may seek help.
April 19 – May 19 As Venus is favourable, you will have peace. Loan for construction of house will get sanctioned. Don't restrict chil‑ dren and give them freedom; if not they might become upset.
June 21 – July 21
July 22 – August 21
May 20 – June 20
As Sun is strong, good financial fortunes on the cards. You will purchase new assets. Dau‑ ghter's marriage will be settled. Court ver‑ dicts will go in your favour. Sops from govt will come by. Pledged jewels will be released.
As Jupiter looks strong, expected jobs will get completed. By disposing ancestral pro‑ perty, some have bright chances to buy a new house of their choice. Recently mar‑ ried ones can get ready to welcome a child.
As Sun is favourable, new efforts will bring desired results. Held up construc‑ tion will resume. Children will adjust with you very well. New friends will join you. Some have bright chances to go abroad.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – Dec 20
October 23 – November 20
As Venus is in favour, you will become very active. Written off old dues will come and surprise you. Spouse's health will improve. Chances of buying electron‑ ic gadgets. Govt work might get delayed.
As Mars is favourable, planned work will get completed as expected. You will solve a major long‑term issue by selling property. Powerful officials will help. Court verdicts are favourable. Employees get new work.
As Venus is in your Rasi, you will get charged and become very active. Finan‑ cial flow is sound. Real‑estate deals will be favourable. Daughter's marriage will be settled. Son will the choose right path.
January 20 – February 18 As Sun and Mercury are favourable, you will get help from persons who are in powerful posts. Those who gra‑ duated recently can get job offers. You will demand and get share in property.
The World – The world is at your feet and all your plans are working perfectly. If there are any minor glitches, you have it in you to manage them.
Ace of Cups – Creative time. Youʼre at the peak when it comes to innovation and new ideas. Write down the best ideas for use later.
Ten of Swords – A dif‑ ficult phase is ending and a new, more prof‑ itable time is about to start. Transition may be tough, considering youʼre getting into unfamiliar territory.
Four of Pentacles – An elderly person within your family or a senior colleague at work will help you navigate a difficult problem. Be grateful and return the favour.
Seven of Swords – Thereʼs some secre‑ cy and conspiracy involved in a project. Youʼre not being told the entire truth and that is hindering your ability to judge.
Nine of Cups – Your wishes are about to be fulfilled. Donʼt ask for something frivolous. Wish for that which will keep you happy in the long run.
The Moon – Mood swings can make you irritable to others. Avoid being part of large or small groups, if you can. Stay by yourself and spend time alone.
King of Cups – You‑ ʼre being very emo‑ tional about some‑ thing and it may not be worth so much at‑ tention. Look at the big picture and reali‑ gn your expectations.
Nine of Swords – Nightmares, restless sleep and anxiety are taking a toll on your health. Take time off and get away for a few days. Rejuvenate and refresh.
Three of Swords – Dis‑ appointment about a plan not working your way may make you fe‑ el low. Let it go and lo‑ ok ahead. Brighter da‑ ys are coming shortly.
Five of Cups – Some form of loss is indicat‑ ed. It could be money or some disappoint‑ ment. Take it in your stride. Donʼt worry too much because better times are ahead.
Two of Swords – You may be too rigid in your approach to life and learning. Your own attitude may be preventing you from exploring new avenues. Loosen up.
February 19 – March 19
You will completely change your appr‑ oach, as Mars is strong in 6th place. Some have bright chances to buy land and house. Hand‑loans given will be recov‑ ered. Businessmen make innovative plans.
For Better or for Worse Stone soup
Number game
Ink pen
Fred Basset
Dec 21 – January 19 Financial flow will be good and hence you look very cheerful. You will reno‑ vate ancestral property. Due to Child‑ ren's action, your value is set to raise. Extravagance need to be curtailed.
August 22 – September21
Ketu's good effect will make you take clear‑ cut decisions in important issues. You will understand the real characters of those who are around you. As Venus is not favourable, couples need to maintain cordiality.
September 22 – October 22
Vol: 1, No. 138 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No. 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad–500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad–500037, Editor: Prahlad Rao – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: and for subscription, please call 040-40672222, Fax: 040-40672211
A fashion show to mark the inauguration of the south zone audition of the ‘Indian Princess 2012’ pageant, was held at Hotel Katriya on Wednesday.