Postnoon E-Paper for 02 May 2012

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Hyderabad’s first compact afternoon newspaper








Theatre workshop


Samhaara is hosting special four week summer acting workshops. The workshops will be held for a duration of four weeks. The workshops are being held at three different places. Where: Vidyaranya School, The Terrace, The Actor’s Studio When: May 14 onwards, Monday-Friday Contact: 83411 20303

Mother’s Day lunch May 8 is Mother’s Day. Make the day special for your mother and your family with the Mother’s Day special brunch. Where: Taj Krishna, Banjara Hills, Rd No 1 When: May 8 Contact: (040) 6666 1070

Cottonfab 2012 Head to Sri Sathya Sai Nigamam for Cottonfab 2012, an exhibition cum sale of handloom and handicraft products. The exhibition offers products such as ethnic Gujarat printed kurtis, Rajasthani block prints and much more. Where: Sri Sathya Sai Nigamam, Srinagar Colony When: Ongoing, 10.30am -9pm

Nature and women A painting exhibition by Kumaraswamy B is being held at Beyond Coffee. The painting depicts women with other natural forms such as leaves and butterflies. The exhibition is on till May 6. Where: Beyond Coffee, Jubilee Hills, Rd No 36 When: Ongoing Contact: (040) 2354 5359

Workshop for kids The Literature, Intellectual and Cultural Hub (LICH) and Oxford Bookstore is hosting a workshop for kids called Enrich which deals with mathematics and science. Where: Oxford Bookstore, The Park, Somajiguda When: May 1 onwards Contact: 92461 12461

Shifting terrain An abstract painting exhibition by Pandurang Deoghare, is being held at Iconart Gallery. The exhibition is on till May 5. Where: Iconart Gallery, Banjara Hills, Rd No12 When: Ongoing, 11.30 am onwards Contact: 98499 68797

Cricket frenzy Mocha and Mocha Express is hosting IPL specials with live screening of the match and various pizzas


paying ode to the IPL teams and their spirits. Where: Mocha — Banjara Hills Mocha Express — Inorbit Mall When: Ongoing, 4pm onwards Contact: (040) 23350144

Play time The Hindi Play Dooth , produced by Sifar Theatre Group, directed by Juniad and written by Sumeet is going to be staged at Lamakaan on April 6. Where: Lamakaan, Banjara Hills, Rd No 1 When: April 6, 7pm onwards Contact: 96427 31329

Food and cricket Great food and a great game of cricket makes for great news. Head to News Cafe to catch the IPL matches live and exclusive along with some great IPL special food. Where: News Cafe, Inorbit Mall, Madhapur When: Ongoing, 8pm onwards Contact: (040) 4010 1236

IPL mela Who said IPL should be only about cricket. Ella Hotel, Gachibowli is hosting an IPL special mela. Where: Mocha — Banjara Hills Mocha Express — Inorbit Mall

When: Ongoing, 4pm onwards Contact: (040) 6628 8488

Artistic strokes A painting exhibition titled Twinkle is being held at Inspire Art Gallery. The exhibition features artwork by R Usha Vinod and B Usha Kumar. Where: Inspire Art Gallery, Hyderguda When: Ongoing, 11am onwards Contact: (040) 3062 8447

Scrabble workshop We all love a good game of scrabble. If those long words leave you confused but you still have the inclination to excel at scrabble. Head to Saptaparni for a scrabble workshop being held for kids in the age group of 8-14 years. Where:Saptaparni, Banjara Hills, Rd No 12 When: Ongoing, 10am-12pm, Contact: (040) 6666 7707

Solo painting exhibition Ramakanth’s Solo Painting Exhibition which deals with the loneliness of the long distance runner is being held. The exhibition features oil - on - canvas, acrylics and mixed media paintings. Where: Hyderabad Marriott, Tank Bund When: Ongoing,

11am onwards Contact: (040) 2752 2999

Painting exhibition An exhibition of paintings by Lalu Shaw is being held at Shrishti Art Gallery. The exhibition is on till April 10. Where: Shrishti Art Gallery, Jubilee Hills, Rd No 15 When: Ongoing, 11am onwards Contact: (040) 2354 0023

Go Splash Splash lounge is the perfect leisure destination for you to unwind. There is also great music, martinis and aperitifs in the evening. Where: The Westin, Mindspace, Madhapur When: Monday - Friday, 5pm - 10.30pm Weekends, 8am - 10.30pm Contact: (040) 6767 6828

Cheer on Drinking to someone’s victory gets a new meaning at Seasons Bar and Lounge. Cheer for your favourite team as you choose from beverages that represent each IPL team. Where:Seasons Bar and Lounge, Taj Banjara, Rd No1 When: Ongoing, 8pm onwards Contact: (040) 6677 6666

Big Cinemas, Ameerpet: 30581470; Cinemax, Banjara Hills: 44565555; Cine Planet , Kompally: 61606060; INOX, Banjara Hills: 44767777; Prasads, Tank Bund Rd: 23448888; PVR, Punjagutta: 8800900009; Talkie Town, Miyapur: 40214175; Tivoli, Secunderabad: 27844973

Hyderabad’s first compact afternoon newspaper







A bloody mess


A state-level panel has estimated the demand for blood at eight lakh units per annum. But the existing 235 blood banks in the State are able to generate only around seven lakh units. P5


SARAS, one woman’s noble initiative, has no saviour today. Inmates, both young and old, are left to live in semi-darkness as the power supply has been cut due to non-payment of bills. They survive on handouts of food from the nearby college mess. How long will we allow this to go on? REPORT ON PG 6

The charm is lost, the allure is Hussainsagar gone. The foetid swamp that once was the pride of the City, the Hussain Sagar, lies choked by its own contents. Can it be saved? P2

Hyper Local


Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities

At the receiving end The charm is lost, the allure is gone. The foetid swamp that once was the pride of the City, the Hussain Sagar, lies choked by its own contents. Can it be saved?


NEWS BRIEFS YSRC chief seeks Balaji’s blessings


SR Congress party chief YS Jaganmohan Reddy today visited the Thirumala Thirupathi temple and prayed before the deity. This, his aides said, was to botch the calculated calumny some vested interest in police had spread against him that he’s a Christian and did not deserve the Reddy votes. Jagan was accompanied by former TTD chairman Bhoomana Karunakar Reddy who is now the Tirupathi candidate for YSRC and 60 others.

IPM gives clean chit to water quality


munity toilets and spreading social awareness about the importance of the ussain lake.” Sagar, with “The lake has its historical Hussainsagar been at the receiving and cultural end for the last five importance has been decades. the epicentre of many Pharmaceutical environmental camsewage is being paigns, though only a dumped into the lake few of them have from the Kukatpally skimmed upon the nalah. And the missurface of the probmatched co-ordination between lems lying within it. Various govthe APPCB and the HMDA has ernments have in the past and further worsened the situation,” the present, initiated umpteen he said. projects to give a facelift to the Lalita Haribabu, an environlake but none of them have mental activist who has been actually been effective. studying the progress of the lake The Hussain Sagar development for the past five Catchment Improvement years said, “Despite the tall Project involved NGO’s and claims made by the corporaenvironmental activists on the tions and the pollution control social development of the 22 board about achieving deadhousing colonies surrounding lines, they are yet to reach a the lake. Major Shiva Kiran, a basic co-ordination on the promember of the NGO Sukuki ject. While the HMDA clears up Exnora said, “The three main the sewage nalahs in the lake, areas of social development we the APPCB lets them drain into worked on were solid waste the lake. And come Ganesh management, setting up comRahul Ramakrishna


Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints

198 155313

POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section

155333 23431178 23431179 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266

24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833169, 27824216 Railway Information 131 Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333

Chaturthi, all the efforts go for a toss.” Situated on the banks of the lake, that is synonymous with Hyderabad, are multi-speciality hospitals, food and beverage restaurants, hotels that thrive on

WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital, Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital,

the USP of being located on the water front. However, the gray area of this situation is that not many of them possess their own sewage treatment plants. Nor do they comply with the health standards, when situated on the banks of a lake that is now a depot for toxic effluents. Major Shiva Kiran says, “More than government funds and research, the general apathy, that we, as citizens of Hyderabad display is shocking. The attitude of people towards issues like these is that we always prefer to term it as somebody else’s responsibility.” The huge undertakings concerning this issue have failed to deliver what was promised. It is evident that the transparency of finances concerning the Lake Beautification Project or the Buddha Purnima Project which were so far allocated more than `300 crore, are unattended. Despite the claims of the State government that the lake water will be clean and fit for consumption by 2016, the Hussain Sagar is far from rescue.

LB Nagar 155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888 30417777 30419000 30416666

BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills

39879999 27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445

AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777 Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332

fter a week-long study of water samples from 58 areas in the the GHMC limits, the Institute of Preventive Medicine (IPM) found that all the three parameters — residual chlorine (RC), physicochemical samples and bacteriological samples, were normal. A total of 349 samples were tested for RC and it found that it exists. Nearly 35 samples were tested for bacteriological quality and 21 samples were tested for chemical analysis. The results found all the samples to be within acceptable limits.

Balayya to campaign if party directs


rominent actor and TDP leader Nandamuri Bala Krishna has said that he would campaign for the party in the ensuing by-elections if the leadership directs him to do so. On Tuesday, Bala Krishna participated in a programme organised in the Basava Tarakam Indo-American Cancer Institute in Banjara Hills for which he is chairman. When asked if he would campaign for the party, Bala Krishna said that he would certainly oblige if the party directs him to do so. When asked about the reported differences between the Nara and Nandamuri families, Balayya declined to answer. When asked about Chiranjeevi’s declaration that he would take responsibility for the victory of Congress candidates in five of the 18 Assembly seats going to bypolls, Bala Krishna replied with a polite “no comments.”

AIRLINES Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Website; TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999

UK Visa Office VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7 Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum

24523211 232431300/7641 24521029

Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222

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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities

Holiday bounty for burglars

CRIME BRIEFS Bike-borne snatchers strike at two places

City police advise people to inform them of their vacation plans so they can keep a special watch, as spate of burglaries rock residential areas


CRIME Mohd Subhan


tudents’ work is over, now burglars have taken over. As the summer vacation sets in and families take time off to visit their faraway relatives, thieves have begun their work in earnest, police warn. As of today, police find areas like Begumpet, Bowenpally, Trimulgherry and Secunderabad more prone to thievery. The North Zone police have sounded an alert and asked police stations to conduct a special drive against burglars, confirmed ACP Begumpet ITVS Suryanarayana, said. “Summer vacation provides a golden opportunity to burglars,” said Suryanarayana. “As residents are often away for long, it’s a good chance to plan

and loot.” Police stations have a point book that is kept for residents to enter their details about impending vacations so that the cops can keep a special watch in the area. Many times

residents either do not know this or don’t care, police say. In areas where thefts are taking place, police patrolling is strengthened especially at night. In the past one week some six houses were burgled

in Bowenpally and Begumpet areas, police said. From a locked house of one Rajender Kumar of Sitarampuram colony, `50,000 in cash and seven tolas of gold and silver articles were stolen. In another instance, cash and ornaments were stolen from the house of a software engineer. Secunderabad is the worst hit, it seems. Crime control efforts have been strengthened in the Mahankali division. ACP Mahankali GP Vasu Sena has instructed his men to form special teams to curb burglary during vacations. These policemen will be stationed in various areas as plainclothesmen to avoid alerting burglars. This will help them nab the thieves redhanded. In this connection deputy commissioner of police North Zone Ch Srikanth had a meeting with all officers of his zone on preventive measures against burglary.


wo men on a motorcycle snatched a 55-year-old woman’s chain this morning, before speeding away. P Suvarchala Reddy, a resident of Arvind Colony in Domalguda, was out for her morning walk at Himayatnagar early today when two men on a motor cycle whizzed past and snatched her gold chain weighing three tolas. In a separate incident two men on a bike snatched 50-year-old Kamalamma’s gold chain at Chandulalbella. Kamalamma is a resident of Gowlipura in Old City.

70 year old woman attacked and robbed


n a ghastly incident, a 70-year-old woman was brutally attacked and robbed of her gold ornaments on Tuesday. Noorunissa, a resident of Chilkalguda was attacked and robbed by her son’s friend. According to the police, Mubeen, who happens to be a close friend of Rasheed, Noorunissa’s son, went to their house and attacked her with an iron rod before fleeing with the loot. The unsuspecting Noorunissa allowed Mubeen into their home as he was known to her. She is currently undergoing treatment at a hospital for the head injuries she sustained.

Hyper Local OU takes charge of situation Pruthvi Ramesh


Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities


Adding lustre to the City COMMUNITY Anubha K Singh


fter months of protests and cancelled exams, Osmania University is working to bring back its lost glory. Prof S Satyanarayana, the new vice chancellor of Osmania University says, “We intend to bring this year’s academic calendar back on track so that classes and exams finish on schedule,” The funds provided by the State government are not sufficient and thus OU has planned for distance education programs to generate more funds. “We also hope to generate more funds by introducing in popular courses and hostels,” he added. “There was a severe shortage of faculty and in the coming months the issue will be addressed,” says Chaya Anuradha, assistant registrar, OU. The management is looking forward in providing necessary infrastructure and facilities. Osmania University will provide 34 courses this year which includes 19 postgraduate courses and 15 undergraduate courses.

Committee to monitor RTE T

he State government has constituted a committee under joint chairmanship of commissioner and director of school education to finalise modalities for the implementation of the admission of children belonging to weaker sections and disadvantaged groups to Class I in all the private un-aided and aided schools in the State for the 2012-13 academic year. The committee is required to submit a report on the subjects related to the provision of admission of children belonging to weaker sections in Class I of all schools in the State . It will study private schools, neighbourhood schools, admission procedures, monitoring mechanisms, awareness campaign to parents, orientation to field functionaries and sensitisation of private schools management. The committee was requested to submit its report on or before May 15. AGENCY


ost industrious and culture-minded Gujaratis add lustre to the social fabric of Hyderabad. Wherever they are, Gujaratis can’t be separated from Navratri and Dandiya Ras. Few communities can compete with them on business acumen. Enter into the Hanuman Tekdi, Abids and Gujarati Galli area; you will feel the ambience of the Gujaratis. There are nearly two lakh people from the land of Gandhi and Patel in these areas. They may be away from their homeland but their roots are strong. Even today they go back to Gujarat to get married, though they can work and flourish in any part of the globe. Gujarat is the only state that publicly shuns liquor and nonvegetarianism, thanks to Jainism and Gandhi. “Being influenced by Gandhiji, we still do not consume non-vegetarian food and alcohol in our diet. The younger generation is also aware about the dos and don’ts of our culture. People also devote a considerable time towards religious practices on a daily basis,” said Ramesh Gohil, a resident of Gujrati Galli. Gujarati Galli, also known as Giriraj Lane in Koti, is known for cheap electronic goods. Most of the community members have their businesses in the area. Many of them are into either electronics or hospitality. The Gujarati Bhojnalay is the oldest food joint in the area.

The community members actively take part in charity and social service. Their work is not restricted to their community but to other different communities in City too. From offering scholarships to Students who come from families that are below the poverty line or belong to government schools to providing medical assistance in free medical camps that are held in the City, the community is very active. In addition to all this activities the community also provides education to students from all communities with a nominal fee

ICONIC CITY Hyderabad House


yderabad House is one of the most royal, unique and iconic restaurant which serves authentic Hyderabadi dishes. It started as a small restaurant and today it is one of the fastest growing restaurant chains which has more than 30 branches in the City. Hyderabad House has been attracting Hyderabadis with

Sneha Mashetty Hyderabad as a City has a lot to offer in terms of heritage and sights. We take a look at the various places that make this City so special

various specialities such as the spicy Hyderabadi biryani, lukhimis and achar gosht. For the people with a sweet tooth, it serves desserts like double ka meetha and kurbani ka meetha. The food is reasonably priced with a single biryani costing about `150, and the curries range from `100 to `250. One can say that it has established itself as the one place for authentic Hyderabadi Cuisine.

The community members actively take part in charity and social service which is not restricted to just their community of `200 per month at the Gujarati High School, Secunderabad. The Gujarati Samaj in Hyderabad and the Pragati Gujarati Samaj organises various cultural events in the twin cities

and many events for the benefit of the community members. Most of the events are free of cost. The marriages are strictly a traditional affair. They prefer marrying within their own community. “We prefer marrying in our community. We have our own matrimonial samaj in the City and sometimes we also select a Gujarati girl or boy from outside the City”, said, Laxman Goyal, a food chain owner in the City. Far away from the land of Dhoklas, Phepdas and Garba the land of pearls has become home for many Gujratis. N SHIVA KUMAR

Hyper Local


Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities


Govt delays decision on booze biz As suggestion came from some quarters for the government to take over liquor trade rather than fattening private pockets, the whole pack of liquor muscles in political garb thwarted it. Now, the suggestion proves a stillborn, Postnoon finds out

POLICY U Srinivas


he government may not opt for running the liquor trade in the State, said AP Wine Dealers Association general secretary D Venkateshwar Rao. Talking to Postnoon, Venkateshwar Rao said no decision on the new excise policy has been taken by the Government. “Not to my knowledge no one discussed with me so far ,”he said. It is about `20,000 crore revenue to the government from this business and why will it try to run on its own, he querried. The reports about draw of lots and other options have not been discussed yet and whatever is being floated is all rumors, he clarified. Rao was of the opinion that keeping the by-elections in mind this excise year could be extended by two to four months and then the government might work

on a new policy. He was not aware of a draft policy or any thing of that sort. If so, it should have come to the Association for a discussion he said. Officials in the State excise department said that the ambitious plan of the government to take over the liquor trade from the new excise year may not be a reality. Inside sources said that the politicians cutting across the

party lines are against the idea of liquor trade being taken over by the government. Rao said that finally a decision might come in June or July and there was no move from the government to take over the business at this juncture. But that does not mean the government cannot run the show, he said. However, Rao did not agree that the ACB was going slow on the liquor syndicates.

He said that the ACB and the government were bringing in new systems to make the business transparent and also nab the culprits in the process. It is learnt that some politicians who are in the trade informally told Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy that it was not wise to take over the liquor trade. The liquor syndicates would definitely run a parallel business bringing in illegal trade practices and also spurious liquor, making a dent into the revenues of the government. This would become another headache, it was argued. With these suggestions and opposition from the political leaders, the government is forced to think of a new policy and strategy for the proposed new excise year. Currently Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Pondichery, Harynana governments are running the liquor trade. Venkateshwar is of the opinion that if the government takes over the business, lakhs of people depending on the trade will lose their livelihood. “We suggested

the government to take over the business earlier as they were not allowing us to make profits and were forced to take shops on exorbitant rates ,” he added. The AP Beverages corporation MD and also the excise commissioner said that nothing has been firmed up yet on the excise policy front. But they said that it was not a difficult proposition to run the liquor trade. The advantage is that the commission being extended to the retailers can be retained by the government itself. Either the revenue or the excise department will have to take the responsibility for running the business. TDP leader Varla Ramaiah said that the government was bothered about its own survival rather than the daily business. Apart from running the liquor trade,it must also implement the prohibition in a phased manner as promised in the congress election manifesto he said. TRS leader Nayani Narsimha Reddy said that the Government was bothered about the by-polls and not the excise policy.

A bloody mess of affairs AMENITIES Postnoon News


state level committee constituted for suggesting measures for strengthening the management of the blood banks, estimated the demand for blood in the State at eight lakh units per annum. But the existing 235 blood banks in the State are able to generate around seven lakh units per annum.

Recommendations: n




The Government should initiate immediate steps for creating a centralised on line data base, indicating the availability of various blood groups for efficient use of this scarce resource. Government should ensure the vital details like , name, groups, age weight, address, of the donors are noted fully by all the blood banks to eliminate the risk of transfusion of wrong blood to the patients. Measures should be initiated to ensure that equipment used in collection ,processing, testing ,storage and sale or distribution of blood is calibrated at regular intervals to ensure that the reading are accurate and reliable. Government needs to address the problem of shortage of drug inspectors to ensure effective monitoring of blood banks.

As the State does not have a centralised online database to indicate the availability of the various groups of blood at the bank level, district level and at the state level. There is an urgent need for a comprehensive and efficient total quality management. The SLC has recommended setting up of a well-knit and co-ordinated blood banking system with structured blood transfusion service and in-built mandatory quality assurance mechanism by establishing mother blood banks for screened safe blood. As per the eligibility criteria fixed for blood donation under the drugs and cosmetic rules of 1945, the donor should be in good health, mentally alert, and physically fit.

Subscribe Today!

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` 349/-

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Conditions: n n n

Donor should be in the age group of 18 to 60. The weight of donor should not be less than 45kg. Hemoglobin content of donor should not be less than 12.5 grams per dl.

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Findings: n


n n

In some blood banks it was found that the blood was collected from the donors who were less than 18 years of age. Blood was also collected from the donors whose weight was less than 45 kg. 3617 donors hemoglobin content was less than the prescribed rate. The donors safety was compromised in majority of the cases.

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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities




SARAS, a noble initiative, has no saviour today. The inmates — children and the aged, are left to live in semi-darkness as power supply is snapped due to non-payment of dues. They survive on the leftover food from a college mess.

Home of hope in dire straits PLEA Sudeshna Koka


s one drives down to Shamirpet Lake area, one will enjoy the wide roads, tall trees and rows of defence colonies. In the midst of this beauty, one will hardly notice a seemingly lifeless small Dhaba (Mess). It is a depressing reflection of harsh reality. Walk inside, you will be surprised to see 52 children below 15 years of age playing in semi darkness and 50 old people with health problems and physical disabilities sitting and groaning in pain . Save All Reach All Society (SARAS) which has so far run this charity home was started in 2008 by V Suvartha. After running successfully for few years the home

decided to adopt orphaned children and since then it became an old age home as well an orphanage. Ironically, this one move backfired. “We were living in a big resort near the lake but after these children came the owner had a problem and asked us to leave, ever since then were are living in this Dhaba,” recalls Sri Ram, one of the inmates. He has been the caretaker of the house since the inception. With limited fund and resources SARA is unable to perform its noble task. Donors are not forthcoming. Since the last two months there has been no electricity as they do not have money to pay an outstanding due of `3,000. Small children and senior citizens have been sitting in the heat all day long. “The other home was better; here we have no electricity since the last two months. Day time is better

than the nights when our condition is worse, there are so many mosquitoes. We fall down several times on our way to the bathroom. What can we do? We don’t have a choice,” laments Ramulu Ammma, who has been living here ever since her husband died. She says, “if I had children may be they would have preserved our family business but our cruel relatives stole all my wealth and I am here empty handed.” Just like her, some came here on their own will and some others were sent by their village heads. “People often take advantage of young women who wander in the village, our Amma goes and gets them here,” said Jyothi, a mother of two young children who after the death of her husband, was sent to SARAS by the village pastor. Seeing the plight of these 110 people living in misery, BITS Hyderabad students who stay

just a few kilometers away from the home have been supplying them with leftover mess food. “One of the students came with the idea and we got the required permissions from the college authorities. 1,300 students have registered in our mess but only 800 to 900 come to eat so the remaining food we give it to SARAS after 3pm,” says Srikar Akula, student mess council member. Not only BITS students but the auto mandal union is also helping them by delivering food from campus to the home free of cost. Students fear that their campus will be closed for the next two months and how will the home manage their food crisis. “We will have to do something and make arrangements especially to protect ourselves from the rains. The next two months are going to be difficult says Budha Amma, Naglonda dis-

trict. Students here go to Ever Green Public School. The tuition fee is paid by a local MLA but they do not have uniform and other required facilities. “I have enrolled them in a good school but ever since they shifted they did not give me any notification. I have no clue about their new place, if told I will surely help them,” says Kitchannagari Lakshma Reddy, local MLA. Meanwhile M Reddy Babu and P Sahadev who came from Chittoor district in search of job have stayed back due to unemployment. They teach students and are a major support for the organisation. Young girls like Mange M studying pharmacy had left her home as her parents refused to educate her and Vaishali who has no idea how she landed here, takes care of the old men and women who need help.



Matters of saving and spending




Tech-aided farming a win-win situation

Prudhvi Raju K


Murdoch still packs punch WASHINGTON:


HEALTH Millennium Dental Clinic, film nagar main road, opp: cafe melange, jubilee hills, HydPh: 040-31000889

Rupert Murdoch faces stepped up pressure over control of News Corp. following a blistering report from British lawmakers on a hacking scandal but his grip on the firm is not in immediate danger, analysts say. That is because Murdoch holds the reins of the New York-based global media group through a stock structure which gives him and family members most of the voting shares in News Corp. “It’s impossible for shareholders to oust the management of the company,” said Columbia University law professor Robert Jackson. He said the dual-class stock structure is used in many media companies because they “don’t want to face shareholder challenges every time they miss earnings.” The structure is often employed at media firms such as The New York Times, to prevent activist shareholders from influencing editorial policies, but also at some tech firms such as Google to allow founders to keep control. AFP

o you want to have a potato with increased sweetness? Do want to have rice with more protein content? Do you want a tomato stay long without getting ripe? This will become reality with transgenic crops. This technology will not only help consumer but also farmer to get better yield by making the crop survive through various climatic conditions. A transgenic crop carries a foreign gene of interest which will give desired results. The Bt cotton which was introduced in farming in 2002, carries a bacterial gene which confers resistant to American Bollworm. 40-50 per cent of the overall damage of the cotton crop was because of American Bollworm. Ever since transgenic crops were introduced, the farmers are very happy as they don’t need spend huge amounts of money on spraying insectcides on the crop. This technology has made India has second largest producer of cotton in the world. “Today, 95 per cent of the Indian cotton farmers use Bt Cotton seeds,” said KRK Reddy, chairman and managing director, Sri Biotech. There are serious concerns about the corporatisation and monopoly of selling these seeds by Monsanto. There were also concerns Bollworm is

slowly getting slowly resistant to the Bt cotton. The crop is also not resistant to other pests. “It is natural in the evolution. For example, Neem, which has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties today effected with numerous pests. It is just the survival of the fittest. The technology will continue to evolve protecting the crops. Bt cotton was the first crop in the area. It has its limitations but the overall benefits are more,” he said. However, there are protests against Bt Brinjal. The gene of the bacteria produces toxic protein against the pest of brinjal. The same may have detrimental effect on the human beings when he consumes brinjal. These protests

IMF stands firm on Iran The WASHINGTON: International Monetary Fund on Tuesday rejected a call by a US anti-Iran group for it to cut its relations with Tehran’s central bank in order to adhere to US and European sanctions. The IMF said its account with Bank Markazi is simply related to Iran’s membership in the IMF and does not contravene sanctions placed on Tehran to pressure it not to develop nuclear weapons. The advocacy group United Against Nuclear Iran, a group of US ex-diplomats and government officials, said that the IMF needed to shut down its account with

Bank Markazi, a specific target of the sanctions, or suspend Iran’s membership in the fund. It also criticised the IMF managing director, Christine Lagarde, for meeting with Bank Markazi’s chief during the IMF’s spring meeting last month in Washington, and for allegedly “lavishing praise on Iran and Bank Markazi.” But IMF spokesman William Murray said the IMF’s account at Iran’s central bank is simply there to hold the Iranian funds committed to the IMF as an obligation of its membership in the crisis lender. AFP

17,402.28 83.47

5,274.10 25.70



10g= `29,500


were not having taken place if it is not an edible crop. However, USA, Australia and South American countries have accepted transgenic crops. They are using this technology in crops like corn, soyabeen, tomato, cotton, maize and Rice. But, the European countries and India have put barriers to see that it doesn’t have any harmful effects, said Reddy. Talking about the positive benefits, he said, “There is clear evidence that rice can be grown with less water and in cold areas with the transgenic technologies. Suppose, if we introduce a gene of wheat (a plant which can be grown in cold areas) in to the rice, the rice will be acclimatised to grow in cold areas. We can

engineer a rice cop with more proteins, increase starch in potato. The sweetness, bitterness and the quality can be increased in a particular vegetable or fruit.” There are also concerns about the transgenic crops effecting bio diversity, he said, “It is not true, the environment is already highly diverse. There are strong barriers in between plants and animals. There are many species. The Bt cotton is a small variant of the species. It may have little impact on long run but nature will absorb it. There are issues with Bt brinjal as it carries toxic proteins. However there are different evolving technologies like RNA interference that would give better crop yields without carrying a toxic protein.”

Now Bolivia nationalises Spanish-owned power firm LA PAZ: Bolivian President Evo Morales nationalised a Spanish-owned power company on Tuesday, ordering the military to seize it, in a new blow to Madrid after Argentina took over a subsidiary of Spain’s oil giant Repsol. Morales said he had issued a decree nationalizing Transportadora de Electricidad SA (TDE), and taking control of 99.94 percent of the company, which is a subsidiary of the Spanish group Red Electrica Corporacion. According to the TDE website, it owns and runs almost

1kg= `55,800


three-quarters of the South American nation’s electric power lines, and in 2005 its assets amounted to $225 million. Morales, a key member of a group of radical leftwing South American leaders, ordered the military to “undertake the corresponding takeovers of the facilities and administration of TDE,” whose headquarters are in Cochabamba, some 400 kilometers east of La Paz. The company had been privatised in 2007, under the previous liberal government of Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada. AFP







India unveiled



With a fast-growing reputation for some of the world’s best whitewater, anti-dam activists say Arunachal Pradesh should look to eco-tourism for income. Jason Overdorf finds out if this can work



ou see that spot in the river there?” asks Tajir Tali, a rafting, trekking and fishing guide with Donyi Hango Tours & Travels, a locally owned firm. “That’s where Roland flipped last time he was here.” From a ridge overlooking the confluence of the Siang and Siyom rivers, near the East Siang district headquarters in the town of Pasighat, the water looks like a twisted blue rope — fast, yes, but without the foamy white you’d expect in a tricky passage. If it rolled Donyi Hango’s American partner, though, it must have some hidden power. An experienced paddler, Roland Stevenson has guided many kayakers and rafters down Arunachal’s rivers, and notched up several “first descents.” The endlessly braiding blue beckons, infinite and mysterious. Even more so because both the Siang and Siyom — as well as many other rivers in India’s wildest, least-populated state — may soon be tamed, or killed, by more than 150 dams built to generate hydro-electric power. “If the lower and upper Siang dams were to be built, almost all of the whitewater would be [lost] underwater,” said Stevenson, whose compa-

ny, River India, runs up to 10 commercial rafting and kayaking trips in Arunachal every year. “Not only the whitewater, but some of the most beautiful gorges in northeast India.” Protected and neglected, by the government of India for 60 years, Arunachal Pradesh boasts some of the country’s last surviving wilderness, miles of mountains and forests, along with some of the world’s best and least explored whitewater.

Today Arunachal is sprinting in a breakneck race to dam its rivers. Dam proponents promise that the state will “float in hydro dollars like the Arab countries are floating in petro dollars,” as the state power secretary wrote in 2005. But paddlers, trekkers and birders say the dams will kill the eco- and adventure tourism business before it can prove its potential. “Eventually there won’t be any river-related activ-

ity,” said Jibi Pulu, a businessman from the Dibang River Valley’s Idu Mishmi tribe who operates a lodge called the Mishmi Hill Camp on the banks of the Ezefra River.

Insurmountable odds? Anti-dam activists have their work cut out for them. New scientific evidence shows that some hydro-electric facilities produce greenhouse gases of their own. And in Arunachal

Pradesh, any reduction in carbon dioxide emissions must be weighed against the destruction of thousands of acres of dense forest that is today converting that CO2 into oxygen. Moreover, environmental activists say that India could even eliminate the need for many of these dams — or the coal-fired power plants they’re meant to replace. Due to long, poorly maintained transmission lines and shoddy equipment, India’s annual distribution losses hover around 30 per cent — which means that a third of the power India generates is lost before it reaches the consumer. But it’s an uphill battle. Despite new questions about how green they really are, the dams look clean when the only alternative is India’s dirty coal. And hydropower has significant economic appeal for state administrators. India’s massive demand for electricity has already allowed Arunachal Pradesh to collect nearly $300 million in upfront payments from would-be dam builders. And because the state has virtually no industry and only 1.5 million people, the sale of electricity to other parts of India would provide a significant source of continuing revenue. Nevertheless, locals who feel their cultures will be destroyed. GLOBALPOST

Where destitute, disabled find a home Brij Khandelwal

BAJHERA (RAJASTHAN): A maggot infested wound in the head, a chopped hand, a smashed nose, a paralysed body... Life was hellish for many destitute, disabled people before they were brought to an ashram here and given new hope. Run by homoeopath couple Madhuri and BM Bhardwaj, Apna Ghar in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan has been home to many such people since 2000. Located around 40km from Agra, it currently houses 500 people. “Right now, there are many women, elderly people and children at the ashram,” a functionary at the ashram told IANS. “Nearly 40 per cent of these people are dependent on others for their needs and almost all are undergoing medical treatment or medication,” he said. Now these wretched of the earth have found a way to regain

confidence and a better life. Some come to Apna Ghar on their own while many are brought here after the ashram authorities are informed about them. “They are the people who spend their last days in pain at railway platforms, religious places, or public spaces with no one giving them even water, let alone medicines or clothes,” said BM Bhardwaj, founder of the Ma Madhuri Brajvaris Sewa Sadan, which runs Apna Ghar in Bajhera village, told IANS. So how did the ashram come about? “In 1980, as a child studying in Class 6 in an Aligarh village, I saw an 85-year-old man lying infested with wounds and parasites. In great suffering, he breathed his last under a tree in a forest. The incident had a deep impact on me. While studying for homoeopathy, I met my future wife Madhuri who too shared the

passion to help those in suffering,” he said. “Twelve years ago, we started this institution from scratch and slowly started providing all amenities to inmates,” he said.

Apna Ghar treats their wounds, gives them food and shelter and hygienic living conditions. “Those whose relatives can be reached are contacted and persuaded to take them back home. Volunteers feed them, trim their hair and help them change clothes. We get 50 new inmates every month. We try to rehabilitate many after they get better. However, over 60 inmates have passed away,” he said. The inmates here are from Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Gujarat, West Bengal and Punjab. The ashram has a network and a helpline through which it gets to know about such destitute people in need of help. It also has a website, “We bring them to the ashram,” he said. Last year, a young woman,

Ummedi, kept in chains in Karauli, Rajasthan, was brought to the ashram after a newspaper published her story. Then there are elderly people such as 72-year-old Raj Kiran Tiwari, who are undergoing treatment. Due to the ashram’s efforts, many people, thought to be lost forever or dead, have returned to their homes. There is no dearth of donors who contribute to the ashram. “But the need is much more as the number of inmates keeps increasing,” said Madhuri Bhardwaj. The Rajasthan government also supports the ashram by sending in medical teams and medicines. Public sector banks and industries too have donated vehicles and solar lights. But still, the ashram needs exhaust fans, pedestal fans, bed-sheets, slippers, medicines and TV sets. IANS

India‑View The grooms were drunk, the brides said no


India unveiled

Another NRI claims son in foster care

PATNA: Left at the altar— alone and drunk. That was the fate of two grooms in normally patriarchal Bihar when their wouldhave-been brides and their families walked out on them because they were simply too sozzled. While one incident took place in Rohtas district’s Khaira village, the other was in Aurangabad’s Judahi village. Savita Kumari from Khaira called off the wedding when she found her groom sloshed to the gills minutes before the ceremony Sunday night. Dressed in traditional red finery, the plucky woman, in her 20s, was informed by her friends that the groom was drunk and refused to marry him. “I decided not to marry a man who is drunk ahead of wedding. That was an indicator that he was not a responsible man and unfit for me,” she said. She found full backing from her relatives, family sources said. “She refused to marry the man who was drunk. I did not force her to marry against her wishes,” her father Devender Ram said. He approached the police but was advised not to do anything about it. “Police have no role if a woman refuses to marry a drunk groom,” a local police official said. In the second case the same night, Lalan Singh took an equally courageous stand when he took the call not to get his daughter married to a drunk and asked the baraat to return. IANS

KOLKATA: Close on the heels of the Norway child custody row, a similar case has come to light in Sweden where an NRI woman has claimed that her son is being held in foster care on charges of neglect and sought help from Indian authorities. Inspired by the recent release of Abhigyan and Aishwarya by a Norwegian civil court and their return to India in the custody of their uncle, NRI mother Annie Johansson has also sought the help of Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharyas for getting custody of her 11-year-old son Domenic from Swedish authorities. Her son is being held by the Swedish Gotland Municipal Social Welfare

Committee, Kolkata-based NGO India’s Smile, which has claimed to have brought to light the custody row over the two NRI children in Norway, told PTI. She has contacted the NGO from Visby in Sweden, India’s Smile secretary Trustee Rajeev Sarkar said. The NGO said that the authorities of Gotland Municipal Social Welfare Committee had allegedly taken away her son in 2009 and placed him in an emergency foster home on the ground that the parents were not taking proper care of him. The mother alleged that the Swedish authority which had no idea of Indian culture and tradition, held that Domenic was not being

reared suitably. Annie, the NGO said, has sought help of the Indian people and government to get back her son, and would also like to return to India permanently from Sweden once Domenic’s custody was restored to her. Annie, whose earlier name was Nirmalkumar Bharos, a resident of Pune, married Christer Johansson in India on April 24, 2000. After their marriage, they continued to stay in India. Annie was pregnant with Domenic when there was a devastating earthquake in 2001 and the Johanssons family lost everything and decided to migrate back to Sweden. Domenic was born on Swedish soil on September 9, 2001. The NGO has forwarded Annie’s prayer to the National Human Rights Commission chairman, with copies to the President, Prime Minister, External Affairs Minister, Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs as well as Union Home minister. The NGO said that Annie’s appeal to the President has been referred by the President’s secretariat to the Ministry of Overseas Indian affairs. Another plea of Annie to the Indian External Affairs ministry, was under consideration, the NGO claimed. PTI

India helps Lankan cinema revival Madhusree Chatterjee

NEW DELHI: Cinema as a popular cultural mouthpiece is trying to revive itself in Sri Lanka after 30 years of civil war, courtesy a bunch of progressive filmmakers, new stories — and post-production labs in India. The filmmakers are also exploring themes from the life of the Buddha in their search for new subjects. “Normally, we make 20-22 movies a year, including comedies, political and artistic films. Before the civil war, movies were the lifeline of entertainment in the country which had more than 300 theatres. Now the number has shrunk to 150. Several theatres have been destroyed in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo,” Ashley Ratnavibhushana, jury coordinator of the network for the

A still from August Drizzle. promotion of Asian cinema in Sri Lanka, told IANS. Ratnavibhushana was here as a delegate at Inner Path, a festival of Buddhist films, performance and culture at Azad Bhavan in the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).

The country saw three decades of civil strife, which came to an end in 2009 with the decimation of rebel Tamil Tigers at the hands of the military. But Ratnavibhushana regretted that the “Sri Lankan government is not helping com-

mercial and independent cinema revive”. The cinema promoted by the country’s film corporation is mostly propaganda about the civil war and violence shown from the perspective of the government, he said. It is easier for people to relate to the same. “We don’t have a film archive and several films, including masterpieces, have been destroyed. The country does not have any film school. Only a few new filmmakers have been abroad to study filmmaking. Most of the filmmakers are self-taught,” Ratnavibhushana said. Two of Dodanthenna’s new movies, Mata and August Drizzle are about the civil war. In Mata, a government-backed movie, the actor plays a sniper shooter and in August Drizzle, a disabled soldier. IANS


NATION AT A GLANCE 1 dead as fire engulfs mall in Maharashtra NASHIK: A security guard was killed early today (Wednesday) in a major fire that broke out at a furniture mall in the city here, police said. Around 3.45am, the blaze engulfed the Sakhala Furniture Mall near the highway at Mumbai Naka, an official of Nashik Police Control said. Eight fire tenders and water tankers were rushed to the site and they succeeded in controlling the fire.

Dharun seeks webcam spy case dismissal NEW YORK: Lawyers for the Indian American student found guilty of bias crimes for spying on his roommate have sought dismissal of his conviction and a new trial. In a motion filed on Tuesday, lawyers for Dharun Ravi, 20, a former Rutgers state university student, asked that the invasion of privacy counts be overturned.

Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray holds aloft the NBC Newsmakers Life time Achievement Award in Mumbai on Tuesday. PTI

Court orders probe against ex-bureaucrat JAIPUR: A Rajasthan court here on Tuesday ordered a probe against a retired IAS officer and five others for irregularities in tenders for drinking water projects, a lawyer said. A day after IAS officer Ramlubhaya retired from the post of additional chief secretary, the anti-corruption bureau (ACB) special court on Tuesday took cognizance of a complaint filed against him.

CWG scam: New case registered by CBI NEW DELHI: The CBI today registered a fresh case of alleged irregularities in laying down of synthetic tracks in five stadia for the 2010 Commonwealth Games and carried out searches at 20 locations. CBI sources said searches were going on at 20 locations across the NCR, Kolkata and Siliguri.

A fisherman casts his net into Dal Lake in Srinagar on Tuesday. AFP/ TAUSEEF MUSTAFA

Around the World



Beyond Borders

US funds may have helped Iraq insurgents: US watchdog WG Dunlop

BAGHDAD: Some US commanders believe funds available for relief and reconstruction during the country’s war in Iraq may have ended up benefiting insurgents, a report released by a US watchdog said. The US Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) surveyed officers and officials associated with the Commander’s Emergency Response Programme (CERP), a fund used by US military officers for projects to boost rebuilding in their areas of responsibility. The US Congress has allocated nearly $4 billion since 2004 for CERP. “Some commanders indicated that the diversion of CERP project funds may have benefited insurgents,” SIGIR said in the report published on Monday detailing the results of the survey. “Money... was found during raids on insurgents (along with) admission from contractors that they paid money ‘for protection,’” the report quoted one US commander as saying. “There was substantial evi-

dence that the local authorities ... were stealing right off the top,” another said. “Additionally, governors were offering insurgents money that was to pay for CERP activities to NOT attack certain CERP-funded programmes.”

The number of US forces in Iraq peaked at nearly 170,000 several years after the 2003 US-led invasion, but the vast majority pulled out at the end of last year. Now, around 150 remain under the authority of the US embassy.

SIGIR found that graft also posed a problem for the dispersal of CERP funds. “Corruption is an integral feature of Iraqi society and politics. Battling corruption in the Iraqi system is a Sisyphean task... It

was generally understood and accepted as common practice,” one commander said. “When you pay $40,000 to a contractor to have a well dug and 10 per cent goes to the contractor, and 10 percent more goes to the local tribal leader, we call that corruption. But that was the cost of getting things done,” another said. “I never saw US personnel commit fraud, but in Iraqi culture there were many hidden costs.” Another officer said: “I believe that contractors that were used for certain projects were required to pay off Iraqi officials. Incidents occurred when these contractors did not pay off officials, such as threats and attacks. “Additionally, some Iraqi officials, political and military, attempted to force us to use certain contractors. The assumption was that these contractors were providing kickbacks to the Iraqi officials.” The report noted: “About 76 per cent of those surveyed estimated that at least some of the money their battalions spent on CERP was lost to fraud and corruption.” AFP

Historic boat returns after 60yrs Blind daredevil to take on English Channel swim TAIPEI: A vintage Chinese boat

that set sail on a historic voyage from Taiwan to the United States nearly 60 years ago is heading home, a report said on Tuesday. The Free China, built around the turn of the century, is the oldest surviving wooden Chinese sailing vessel in existence and the last of its kind, according to Chinese Junk Preservation, a non-profit organisation that has

been trying to save it. The Chinese sailing boat, or junk, was put in a cargo ship in San Francisco witnessed by two of its original crew members and is expected to arrive in Taiwan in two weeks, said Taiwan’s state Central News Agency. The boat and six crew left northern Taiwan’s Keelung port in 1955 to cross the Pacific and arrived in San Francisco via

Japan’s Yokohama after 54 days, the report said. The vessel, which was in need of an overhaul upon arrival in San Francisco, went through four owners and was left in a shipyard while it continued to deteriorate until Taiwan’s government stepped in to save it. The Free China will be preserved in a maritime museum in Keelung. AFP

Declaring that he had turned an adrenaline junkie, Dean Dunbar can’t stop doing stunts LONDON: A 43-year-old blind Scottish adventurer is determined to complete his 101st extreme challenge this year by swimming the English Channel. Dean Dunbar is training to swim the English Channel to raise money for soldiers, sailors, airmen and Families Association and the Perth & Kinross Society for the Blind. His death-defying activities include jumping off cliffs, riding on the wings of a plane, waterfall climbing and even mountain biking, The Sun reported, adding that he was the first registered blind person in the world to bungee jump from a helicopter and be thrown from a human catapult. Having grown up in Scotland’s Edinburgh city, Dunbar was not born as blind. He had perfect vision up until the age of nine when he noticed that he could no longer read what his

teacher was writing on the board. He said, “After a few weeks my parents took me to a doctor and I was diagnosed with rod and cone dystrophy (an inherited progressive disease which causes deterioration of the cone and rod photoreceptor cells and often results in blindness).” To raise money for the blind school where he had gone as a child and worked as an adult Dunbar decided to do a tandem skydive in 1998. He said, “I can’t describe the feeling I got from the whole experience. “They say that drug addicts keep taking drugs so they can get the same feeling of their first high and I feel exactly the same about the sky diving. “I’ve tried white water rafting, rock climbing and I was even shot out of a human catapult in Somerset. I’ve turned into a complete adrenaline junkie.” IANS

Around the World Penguin kidnappers fined $1000 SYDNEY:

Two drunken Welshmen escaped with a Aus$1,000 each fine after being convicted of stealing a penguin called Dirk from an Australian theme park after consuming a lot of vodka. Former Royal Marine Rhys Owen Jones, 21, and his Keri Mules, 20, broke into Sea World on Queensland’s Gold Coast last month and swam with the dolphins and let off a fire extinguisher in a shark enclosure. The pair then stole Dirk. They awoke the next day with hangovers and found the bird in their room they tried to care for it by feeding it bread. The little bird was eventually found, exhausted but otherwise well, after it was spotted in a nearby shallow estuary where they had released it. The penguin was chased out of the water by another animal — possibly a shark — before it was then herded back in by a dog. Sea World workers eventually came to retrieve it.



Beyond Borders

UN to dispatch 300 observers to Syria AFP/ LOUAI BESHARA

UNITED NATIONS: The UN will send its 300 international unarmed observers to Syria by the end of May, said Herve Ladsous, the head of the UN peacekeeping body. “We have 24 observers on the ground and I fully expect this number to increase rapidly over the next two weeks so that UNSMIS (UN Supervision Mission in Syria) will build up to full operational strength by the end of May,” Ladsous on said. The UN Security Council (UNSC) has approved dispatching 300 observers to Syria to monitor a ceasefire between government and opposition forces as part of the peace plan proposed by the UN and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan. The mission has been approved for an initial period of 90 days. Damascus has insisted that the members of the monitoring force come from countries friendly to Syria, such as

measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale jolted offshore Mexican state of Chiapas, on Tuesday, according to a local radio station. There was no immediate report of any casualty or damage to property. According to Chiapas Civil Protection Direction sources, the temblor occurred at 5.43pm, reported Xinhua citing the local radio station.

WASHINGTON: Indian-American Vikram Singh has been appointed to the Senior Executive Service and is assigned as deputy assistant secretary of defence for south and Southeast Asia, Office of the Under Secretary of Defence (Policy). Singh previously served as special assistant, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense.

Norwegian Major General Robert Mood (L) and Colonel Ahmed Himmiche, Moroccan advance team leader to the UN monitors team (C), with a Syrian foreign ministry employee. Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa. Despite the monitors’ presence, there have been reports of numerous violations

of the truce by both opposition and government forces, in which dozens of people were killed. IANS

Mandel Ngan

Barack Obama said on Wednesday a “time of war” was ending in a moment of US renewal, after slipping into Afghanistan on the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death. In a highly political election-year address from outside Kabul, Obama posed as a commander-in-chief who ended two long wars and crushed AlQaeda, and tried to conjure up a new dawn for a nation exhausted by conflict and recession. “This time of war began in Afghanistan, and this is where it will end,” Obama said, recalling a decade-long “dark cloud of war”, as America fell into an Afghan morass after bin Laden plotted the September 11 attacks in 2001. “Yet here, in the pre-dawn darkness of Afghanistan, we can see the light of a new day on the horizon,” said Obama, seeking to use political capital earned by bringing troops home to validate his request for a second White House term. Obama earlier dropped from the night skies into Kabul in secrecy and signed a deal with President Hamid Karzai, cementing 10 years of US aid for Afghanistan after NATO combat troops leave in 2014. “Neither Americans nor the Afghan people asked for this

MEXICO CITY: A major earthquake

Indian appointed to key Pentagon position

Obama declares ‘Time of war’ is ending BAGRAM AIR BASE, AFGHANISTAN: President

GLOBE AT A GLANCE Mexico hit by 7.2 magnitude quake

Death threats for bin Laden demolition man Khurram Shahzad

Occupy protester is detained by Oakland police officers during a May Day demonstration on Tuesday in Oakland, California. AFP

No evidence of hacking in Australia: Minister SYDNEY: Communications minister

ABBOTTABAD: Shakeel Ahmad Yusufzai cuts a defiant figure in the genteel Pakistani town of Abbottabad. He is the man who demolished Osama bin Laden’s house and despite Taliban death threats, says he is proud of what he did. Yusufzai paid the government around 4,00,000 rupees ($4,500) for the contract to demolish the compound where the Al-Qaeda chief hid for around six years and to salvage building materials from it. The high-walled three-storey house was flattened in February and now Yusufzai gives away bricks to curious souvenir-hunters from all over Pakistan. A year after the US special forces raid which found the world’s most wanted man living on the doorstep of the country’s elite military academy, Pakistan is keen to turn the page on one of the most humiliating episodes in war, yet for a decade we’ve stood together,” Obama said at the signing ceremony at Karzai’s presidential palace. “We look forward to a future of peace. We’re agreeing to be long-term partners,” said the president, who later headed home aboard Air Force One

Stephen Conroy said there was no evidence of phone-hacking in Australia after British lawmakers declared Rupert Murdoch was not fit to lead a major global company. The media baron, was accused by the British parliament’s influential culture committee of “wilful blindness” over the News of the World phone-hacking scandal.

No province can launch long-march: Gilani its history. The 47-year-old Yusufzai told AFP the Pakistani Taliban had sent him threatening letters, but he was pleased to have erased some of the physical traces of his country’s shame. “I am not scared at all but sometimes I think I have put my family in danger,” said Yusufzai, who has a seven-yearold daughter. “My wife feels scared and whenever I come home late she after just six hours on the ground. About two hours after his departure, Afghan police said a suicide car bomb detonated in an area of Kabul close to several foreign military bases, prompting the US embassy to warn staff to take cover and go into

thinks that either I have been killed or kidnapped. “But I believe that whatever I did was in the national interest. We conveyed a message to the world by demolishing this compound that we are against terrorism, which harmed our province and the country.” Yusufzai hoped to make a profit on material recovered from the site but said he lost money despite taking away 12 tonnes of scrap metal from the buildings. lockdown. The explosion was a reminder of the extremist threat that stalks Afghanistan still, with the Taliban resurgent a decade after they were driven from power for refusing to hand over bin Laden following the 9/11 attacks. AFP

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan PM Gilani has said no province can launch a long-march against the federal government because such an act will tantamount to treason. On the long-march announced by the Punjab government, Gilani said such act could be considered as treason as it would be a step of the provincial government against the federal government. AFP

Campaigners attend a protest to protect the critically endangered Maui’s dolphin, in front of Parliament House in Wellington.



Fair, free and forthright

Talk back Good for each other Owning a pet is best done by taking care of it as you would your own child. We tend to develop a very tight bond and affection towards it and subsequently consider it as a member of the family. Your pet, in return, showers unabated love for you and gets delirious at your arrival since it gets patted, and shows its love for you by wagging its tail indicating its happiness and jumps all over you. This helps the owner come out of mental stress that they underwent at their workplace. So a man's peace of mind doubles because of his pet. Rajvir Kapur Hitech City

Eamcet surveillance It’s a commendable job that the police have come up with; taking serious action over the issue of using cameras in examination halls, though its late by now, but 'it’s better late than never'. Mass copying and getting through exams with good results by using unfair methods is a shameless act that a person can ever do. By using various means to copy and gaining accolades deprives the actual ones who actually study! So by setting up closed circuit camera system and scanning of candidates’ fingerprints will hopefully prevent once and for all the act of copying. Sneha Rao Ameerpet

DCP’s bullying ways This is a serious issue that needs to be handled very systematically. This is not a one-off case. This is a psychological problem faced by many people who have the power of a uniform to back them. Sheer authority that the uniform brings and the fact that they are maintainers of law goes to their head and they begin to believe that they are above it. It is a problem that needs to be handled very delicately under the guidance of professional medical personnel. A regular counselling session of the entire force will help in a big way. Preeti Verma Kukkatpally

Have alternate in place What a shame that little thought by the government advisors goes into big civil projects in the city. Isn’t it a matter of common sense that first an alternate route be decided before going in for big projects? Even if the alternate route ends up being longer, it saves time, fuel and is effective. Also, the work itself can go on unhindered. Eswar Rao Punjagutta

Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222. Editor: Dean Williams


China’s blind activist: Watershed for rights? Benjamin Carlson


ashington and Beijing are scrambling to reach an agreement about the fate of Chen Guangcheng, the blind lawyer who fled house arrest last week, and is now reportedly in US custody. Experts say the crisis presents Chinese leaders with a stark choice: Embrace this moment as an opportunity for reform, or slip back further into repression. A self-taught lawyer and widely popular figure, Chen launched a legal crusade against excessive enforcement of the one-child policy, calling attention to abortions and sterilisations forced upon women by officials in Linyi, a backwater district in Shandong province. In return, authorities imprisoned him on trumped up charges. Since completing his sentence in 2010, he has been under house arrest without legal justification, and has allegedly suffered police abuse. One night last week, he slipped free with the aid of sympathisers. He later released a video appealing to Chinese premier Wen Jiabao for justice. Some observers say the case gives Wen the chance to prove his sincerity in seeking progress toward the rule of law. Often criticised for failing to deliver on idealistic promises, Wen and his pro-reform allies could use the egregious repression of Chen, who is not charged with any crimes, to take a stand for human rights. In this optimistic scenario, the central government could blame local officials for extralegal abuses, open an investigation, and pledge to ensure the safety of Chen and his family. “I think it’s too early to tell how this will play out, but does add to the voices for reform,” says Dali Yang, director of the University of Chicago Centre in Beijing. “There have been frustrations that political and legal reforms have not been progressing at all.” But other experts say the likelier outcome is darker. They say that Chen's presence at the US embassy helps hardliners who see an American conspiracy in his flight, as well as in the failed asylum attempt of former police chief Wang Lijun. (It was Wang's appearance at the US embassy last November that ultimately caused the implosion of high-flying party boss Bo Xilai.) Led by Zhou Yongkang, head of the police



apparatus in the country, the hardline faction within China’s leadership has hugely expanded the presence and power of security forces under the watchword of “stability.” Over the last several years, criticisms have grown that security forces have become too strong, too expensive and too unaccountable — but that does not mean they will back down. According to the non-profit group Dui Hua, the number of political prisoners in China has steadily risen since 2000, with nearly 5,000 people currently detained for political activities. “Is this going to be a turning point? No,” says Joseph Cheng, professor of politics at the City University of Hong Kong. “The Chinese authorities want to generate a deterrence effect so as to minimise the activities of the dissidents.” “In the short term, you can see his supporters have been questioned,” says Yang, of the University of Chicago. “There is an effort to tighten control. In the short term, it may make life even worse for some of the others.” The clock is ticking for the US and China. The timing could hardly be worse, with the world’s two largest economic powers heading into crucial strategic dialogue this Thursday. Though Chen reportedly wishes to stay in China, some activists say the likeliest out-

come is that the "barefoot lawyer" will go into exile in the United States, under the cover of going to receive medical treatment. Bob Fu of China Aid, a Christian humanitarian organisation in Texas that has close ties with Chen, told the Daily Telegraph that “If Chen wants to find safety and freedom for his family, leaving China might be the only option left. The situation is so intense; he has no other choice but to leave now.” This solution would not only allow Beijing to save face, but also rid itself of the civil rights’ movement’s central figure at a time when the Communist Party is trying to minimise divisions before its once-a-decade power transfer this autumn. Given that Chen has not been accused of any crimes, the idea that he should be exiled seems a bit absurd to some observers. “Ideally, Mr Chen is a law abiding citizen who wants to follow the Chinese law,” says Yang. “What’s wrong with that? In the 21st century, he deserves to be living in his homeland and exercising his legal rights.”

PRESIDENT’S OFFICE STANDS TO LOSE as politicians slug it out

hile parties are still not able to arrive at a consensus about the presidential candidate, the race is getting more partisan with each side inching closer to name calling. When Pratibha Patil became the president, she had a massive challenge of matching the legacy of her non-partisan predecessor. Over the years, she proved political observers right by being the real 'ceremonial head' — a stark comparison to 'people's president' APJ Abdul Kalam. Some gimmicks like flying in a Sukhoi provided some photo ops but were not good enough to patch the battering her image took with the news of `250 crore spent on foreign trips. With the BJP pushing for a second term to Kalam and the Congress batting for Hamid Ansari, the ranks of alliances are split over various concerns. While an embattled Congress is worried about a towering figure like Kalam who would not be a rubber stamp, the BJP is sceptical about Ansari due to his support to Iran and Palestine — which runs opposite to the saffron party's official position. We only hope that at some point out netas will realise the damage their B-grade squabbling could do to the highest office of the country.

Benjamin Carlson is a correspondent of GlobalPost

THE BEGINNING of the end?


o US President Barack Obama finally pledged an end to the war in Afghanistan. And it’s about time. What has been one of America’s most ill-fated military ventures since the Vietnam War, is finally drawing to a close, and not a moment too soon.

Cinema Paradiso



Tim Burton is all set to enthrall his legion of fans later this month with Johnny Depp starrer Dark Shadows. We trace his journey so far and explore some of his quirkiest films till date

Unusual taste for the dark

Hemanth Kumar


here aren't too many filmmakers in Hollywood who have followed Tim Burton's footsteps. The audacity with which he has stuck to making some of the most quirkiest films in the past three decades speaks volumes about his career. Films like Beetlejuice, Edwards Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Alice in Wonderland are few examples of his penchant to explore quirkiness and often dark themes. Tim Burton's tryst with cinema began when he was in high school. He made a short film titled The Island of Doctor Agor when he was only 13. He liked painting and drawing so much that he later

enrolled in California School of Arts to study character animation. Soon, he landed himself in Disney where he worked as a concept artist and animator for films like Tron and The Fox and the Hound. Stop motion animation became an important fields of study for Tim and after he rose to prominence with films like Beetlejuice and Pee-wee's big adventure, he went on to direct stop motion animated films such as The Night Before Christmas and Corpse Bride. In 1989, he directed his first big budget film, Batman. Tim Burton's vision of Batman was unlike any other superhero film made till then and it went on become a major box-office hit. Film historians credit Tim Burton for creating a new image for superheroes and how they are perceived by the audience. Batman Returns, the sequel to Batman, was the

only other superhero film he directed before moving on to explore darker subjects. In 1990, Tim Burton teamed up with Johnny Depp for the first time for a romantic fantasy film Edward Scissorhands. On several occasions Tim and Johnny Depp have stated that Edward Scissorhands was their most personal film till date and the financial success of this film catapulted their fame to newer heights. Together, the duo went on to collaborate in seven films including Ed Wood, Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride and Alice


The lure of the exotic


group of British retirees decide to outsource their retirement to India, where it is less expensive and seemingly exotic. They are enticed by advertisements for the newly-restored Marigold Hotel and are bolstered with visions of a life of leisure. But once they arrive at the destination things are not how they expected it to be. Though the new environment is less luxurious than imag-

ined, they are forever transformed by their shared experiences, discovering that life and love can begin again when you let go of the past.

Name: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Cast: Judi Dench, Dev Patel, Bill Nighy and Maggie Smith Director: John Madden

in Wonderland. This month, their brand new film Dark Shadows, in which Johnny Depp plays a 200-year-old vampire, rolls into theatres across the world. Unlike some of Tim Burton's earlier films like Sleepy Hollow and Sweeney Todd, this film is a quirky comedy, a genre which has become Johnny Depp's forte. In his career spanning more than two decades, Tim Burton has garnered a great reputation for the art direction and costumes, apart from visual effects, in his films. His films have won plenty of awards in these two categories. He is a great artist of our times, almost everything in his film looks like a painting. Alice in Wonderland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are two fine examples. When he isn't exploring the quirky side of his imagination, Tim Burton directed films like Ed Wood

and Big Fish. In Ed Wood, Johnny Depp plays a legendary filmmaker named Ed Wood who used to make awful films in the 50s and 60s. Tim surprised everyone by showing Ed Wood and his bunch of friends in a positive light instead of mocking him. Although the film was not a box-office success, Ed Wood was a critical success. In 2003, Tim Burton collaborated with Ewan McGregor and Albert Finney for a drama titled Big Fish. The film which dealt with a son trying to know more about his dying father by reliving the stories and myths the latter told about his life is nothing short of a masterpiece. After Dark Shadows, Tim Burton is coming up with a black and white 3D film titled Frankenweenie. Will he ever stop experimenting or exploring darker and quirkier themes? We don't think so.



Holistic view of mind, body and soul


Early attention HOLDS THE KEY Children suffering from ADHD tend to be fidgety and also may show symptoms of hyperactivity. Doctors say that if the problem is not tackled early it may lead to serious developmental and scholastic problems

Healthy diet helps manage CAD

Dr Sunil Kapoor

Anishaa Kumar


eena was a worried mother, her son Shravan was distracted and at times appeared aggressive. What she initially ignored as a sign of mischief was now affecting his academics and social life. Shravan was suffering from a psychiatric disorder which many children face nowadays known as ADHD. “It stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is basically the lack of ability to focus on anything. Regular hyperactivity and lack of attention usually wears off by the time the child is four, but if the problem persists then there is a possibility of this being a problem. ADHD can be diagnosed as early as the age of two,” says Dr Ashok Alimchandani, consultant psychiatrist, Apollo Hospital.

Symptoms Dr Kalyan Chakravarthy, consultant pediatric psychiatrist, Rainbow Children’s Hospital says, “Young children tend to be naughty especially boys, parents tend to be confused and think that this naughtiness is ADHD. But there is a difference.” ADHD is a combination of two problems, attention deficiency and hyperactivity. When it comes to a lack of attention, children are unable to concentrate on anything. Dr Chakrovarthy explains,

“Children may get bored of things very easily. They shift from doing one thing to another. Anything that is boring and does not excite them, makes them distracted. They tend to be poor at dictations and may have a serious problem with writing as they may find the activity of writing boring,” he says, adding, “The child’s mother may have to spend alot of time with them to get their homework done as they will not stay in one place for a long time. As they are inquisitive they may appear destructive. For example, they may want to know how things may work hence may open up things and may get into fights.” When it comes to hyperactivity, they may restless and figity. Dr Ashok mentions that minor development problems may wear off by the time children turn 14. If not taken care

Thirty per cent of the reasons for ADHD are genetic. Peer pressure can also be a contributing factor Dr Kalyan Chakravarthy, pediatric psychiatrist

of it may develop into adult ADHD. Apart from the possibility of it developing into adult ADHD, Dr Ashok adds, “If not tackled early, it may lead to scholastic backwardness and the child may fail competitive exams. They may also face a host of other problems such as low self esteem, they may become irritable and throw tantrums.It is not that only doctors but parents and teachers will be able to notice the symptoms.” Dr Chakravarthy says that children suffering from ADHD need not be violent. He says, “Parents come and say that their child is intelliegent and their memory is good. What parents should understand is that ADHD has nothing to do with memory.”

Causes Dr Ashok explains that the brain has certain attention processes whivh may not function properly thus causing this disorder. Dr Kalyan Chakravarthy says, “Thirty per cent of the reasons for the disorder are genetic. Apart from that peer pressure can also be a cause in the sense that children tend to copy their peers. Exposure to media also has an impact. It brings infront of the child a fantasy which excites the child and the child wants to experience it. Videogames too introduce children to the concept of points and stars, which attracts them. They expect real life to be like that too.” Dr Kalyan adds that parents lack of attention towards

the children as well as the presence of certain foods in the diet may also be a cause.”

Treatments According to Dr Ashok, “Treatment for ADHD may be both medical as well as nonmedical.” Dr Kalyan explains, “For diagnosis, a 360 degree evaluation of the child is done through a copyright scale. This analysis is doen based on the responses of family, teachers as well as the doctors evaluation. Once that is done various processes of treatment such as behavioural therapy, counceling, multivitamins and other medications may be chosen by the doctor based on the requirement.” Dr Ashok adds that children with ADHD have alot of energy so you should chanelise their energy.

Techniques Dr Chakrovarty states, “ADHD is a challenge. Parents should handle the kids with praise, affection and tolerance. They should sit and talk to the child. Parents need to have a common understanding of how to handle the child and shoould avoid arguing infront of them. Parents may also not realise the childs behaviour though teachers and society does.” He adds that it is very difficult to expect the school to take responsibility for the childs problem. Parents need to understand that a majority responsibility lies with them and they should not throw this responsibility at the school.

How is coronary artery disease treated? CAD is treated with both medications and lifestyle modifications. Medications for CAD include Aspirin: Aspirin prevents platelets from accumulating at the site of plaque that has broken apart. Patients with CAD need to take this medication indefinitely to lower their risk of future myocardial infarctions. Lipid-lowering agents: Cholesterollowering medications, such as statins and other lipid therapies, have been associated with marked reductions in future cardiac events by stabilising plaques and decreasing their risk of rupture. Lifestyle modifications go a long way in managing CAD. Healthy diet: Patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) who consume diets lower in saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories can improve their cholesterol levels. In addition, patients with CAD who consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products and low in red meat and processed foods (known as the DASH diet) can lower their blood pressure. Exercising regularly: Aerobic exercise for 20 to 30 minutes every day can reduce blood cholesterol and improve blood pressure. Patients who have had a myocardial infarction should check with their physician before beginning an exercise program. Quitting smoking: Smoking accelerates the progression of CAD, diminishes the blood's capacity to carry oxygen to body tissues, damages the blood vessel walls, and makes the blood more likely to clot, leading to myocardial infarction and stroke. The nicotine and other chemicals in tobacco smoke also raise blood pressure and increase the heart rate. By quitting smoking entirely, the risk of myocardial infarctions is greatly reduced. Losing weight: Losing as few as 5 to 10 pounds can help decrease high blood pressure and improve cholesterol. (The writer is a senior consultant cardiologist at Care Hospital, Hyderabad)



Holistic view of mind, body and soul


Pacifiers and breastfeeding: Study says they may help Paediatricians have advised against pacifiers for years, saying they cause nipple confusion and discourage breastfeeding


new study is turning conventional wisdom on its head, suggesting that pacifiers may actually help newborns learning to breastfeed. Researchers from Oregon Health & Science University found that newborns in one hospital that were restricted from having pacifiers were less likely to exclusively breastfeed and instead turn to formula. The findings were presented Monday at the Pediatric Academic Societies meeting in Boston, ABC News reported. Previous studies have suggested that increased pacifier use may cause infants to wean off breastfeeding earlier. “In the lore of our community and some of our medical literature, pacifiers are said to negatively impact breast-feeding,” study author Carrie Phillipi, an associate professor of pediatrics and medical director of the hospital’s Mother-Baby Unit, told MSNBC. “I think that’s not always the case.” The university’s Doernbecher Children’s Hospital implemented a new pacifier policy starting in December 2010, only giving them to babies who needed soothing during procedures such as circumcision. Between December 2010 and August 2011, exclusive breastfeeding at the hospital dropped from 79 percent to 68 percent, ABC News reported. Prior to the pacifier lock-down, about 80 percent of babies born in the hospital were exclusively breastfed, according to the study. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding pacifiers until at least one month old so infants are comfortable breastfeeding. Even the World Health Organization advises against pacifiers, saying that they can interfere with breastfeeding, according to ABC. The authors of the new study admit they don’t yet understand why pacifier use may encourage breastfeeding, and advised against a radical shift in hospital policies until further research is done, The Huffington Post reported. GLOBAL POST


Obese girls better poised when happy with shape WASHINGTON: Young women who may be obese but are happy with their size or shape show greater levels of self-possession, which off sets any ridicule they are likely to face. The study led by Kerri Boutelle, associate professor of psychiatry and paediatrics, University of California-San Diego School of Medicine, surveyed a group of 103 overweight adolescents between 2004 and 2006. Researchers assessed body satisfaction, weight-control behaviour, importance placed on thinness, self-esteem and symptoms of anxiety and depression, among other factors, the Journal of Adolescent Health reports. “We found that girls with high body satisfaction had a lower likelihood of unhealthy weight-control behaviours like fasting, skipping meals or vomiting,” said Boutelle, according to a California-San Diego statement. Boutelle said the positive relationship shown in this study between a girl's happiness with her body and her behavioural and psychological well-being suggests that improving body satisfaction could be a key component of interventions for overweight youth. “A focus on enhancing selfimage while providing motivation and skills to engage in effect weight-control behaviours may help protect young girls from feelings of depression, anxiety or anger sometimes association with being overweight,” said Boutelle. IANS




Angelman Syndrome

COPD tracker

By age 60 you will snore

ngelman syndrome is a complex genetic disorder that primarily affects the nervous system. Characteristic features of this condition include delayed development, intellectual disability, severe speech impairment, and problems with movement and balance. Most affected children also have recurrent seizures and a small head size. Delayed development becomes noticeable by the age of 6 to 12 months. Children with Angelman syndrome typically have a happy, excitable demeanour with frequent smiling, laughter, and hand-flapping movements. Hyperactivity, a short attention span, and a fascination with water are common. Most affected children also have difficulty sleeping and need less sleep than usual. With age, people with Angelman syndrome become less excitable, and the sleeping problems tend to improve.


f you are suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) you now have an app to keep their ailment under control. COPD tracker is a device by which helps you track the various symptoms and precautions associated with COPD such as shortness of breath. Tightness in chest, cough, mucous, fatigue, sleeping, weather conditions and many more. Even weather can influence your condition. This app helps patients track the weather in terms of air quality, humidity and wind. You can also send across your tracked symptoms to your doctor with this app.


y 60 years of age, 60 per cent of men and 40 per cent of women will snore. But the sound of a snore can seem deafening. While snores average around 60 decibels, the noise level of normal speech, they can reach more than 80 decibels. Eighty decibels is as loud as the sound of a pneumatic drill breaking up concrete. Noise levels over 85 decibels are considered hazardous to the human ear. During sleep, the muscles in the tongue, throat and roof of the mouth (the soft palate) relax, causing throat tissues to sag. This narrows the airway and the tissues vibrate or flutter during breathing, creating the sound of snoring.




The party does not start on Friday nor does it end there. The whole week is a good time to party. The party animals in the city are not complaining. These fun lovers were seen having a great time at Cuba Libre on Tuesday.

When in Cuba...

Pragati & Nisha

Zaraub, Kim, Wewe & Moody


Michael & Sonia

Barbie dolls

Little girls love their barbies and dressing up like one is a joy. Landmark, Somajiguda on Tuesday as part of the summer carnival hosted the Barbie 'I can be'dress up and act contest. The participants were more than happy to spend a day in their favourite attire.

Eena & Anjali


Mounica & DJ Jay

Getting the party started

Tubana & Deepa


The city’s youngsters were certainly in a mood to party on Tuesday night. These party lovers were spotted at Firangi Paani making most of the night.

Magic Screen

The glamour behind the glitz

Double whammy for Nisha Aggarwal


Vishwaroopam's first look is out


he first look of Kamal Haasan's upcoming film Vishwaroopam was unveiled yesterday. Apart from playing the lead role in the film, Kamal Haasan has also written, directed and coproduced the film. Prasad V Potluri has also co-produced the film under the PVP Cinemas banner and it is touted to be one of the most expensive films in Kamal Haasan's career. It is an explosive action film set against the backdrop of global terrorism and it also stars Rahul Bose, Pooja Kumar, Andrea Jeremiah and Sekhar Kapoor. Most part of the film was shot in Chennai, London and the US. Few months ago, there were rumours that Kamal Haasan was keen on screening the film in Cannes Film Festival; however, he couldn't meet the festival's deadline to submit the film. Shankar Ehsaan Loy have composed the film's music and Vishwaroopam will be released in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi later this year.

Allari Naresh turns singer for new film


ctors crooning songs for their upcoming films has become a trend in Telugu and Tamil film industries. After Mahesh Babu, Nithin, Dhanush and Rajinikanth, Allari Naresh has jumped into the bandwagon. We hear that he has sung a song for one of his upcoming films, Sudigaadu. Bheemineni Srinivas Rao is directing the film and it's a remake a superhit Tamil film titled Tamizh Padam. The lyrics of the song, which was sung by Allari Naresh, are reportedly extremely funny and buzz is that this might the Telugu version of O Maha Zeeya which had become a rage when Tamizh Padam had released. Monal Gajjar is playing the lead role opposite Allari Naresh in Sudigaadu. It is Allari Naresh's first full length spoof film and it takes a dig at some of the biggest cliches in Telugu cinema. Sudigaadu will hit the screens later this summer.

fter a brief hiatus, Nisha Aggarwal, the younger sister of Kajal Aggarwal, is back in Telugu cinema. She has signed two new films which will go on floors later this month. One of these two films, titled Alias Janaki was recently launched in Hyderabad and Nisha Aggarwal will be seen opposite Venkat Rahul. Sujeet is going to direct the film and Neelima Thirumalsetty is going to produce it. Apart from this film, she's also playing the lead role in Aadi's upcoming film to be directed by Ashok, who had earlier made Pilla Zamindar. In Tamil, she will soon be seen in a film titled Ishtam, which is a remake of her debut film Yemaindhi Eevela.




@actressanjjanaa Hey tweeps bac home , missing la and vegas already,left my heart somwer ther behind !! Can som 1 find it bac fo me ?

@shraddhadas43 Sorry tweeps been superduperrrrrr busy with work n home,no time to tweet! But will b back soon! Nite!

@tashu_02 Nobody is alone in this city bt in a way everybody is alone...!! This city has given a lot to me and I'l always respect my Aamchi Mumbai :-)

@shrutihaasan the mountains have really got me thinking.being able to say sorry to say thankyou and to say goodbye with dignity is of utmost importance.

@Actor_Siddharth Note to self - start focussing on the kindness of others and not their cruelty. Especially if it stems from ignorance.

@LakshmiManchu Keshavan my fav waiter at Moonrakers in mahabalipuram. Took my Wokers day off seriously and took a lunch break ;)

@pnavdeep26 Wishin d favourite star ive worked wid #ajith a very happy birthday :-) d sweetest n d most simple yet awesome star!! truly one of a kind..

@trishtrashers Happy Bday 2 my all time favourite person Ajith.A superb actor,a superb human being,1 of d most chivalrous men n a great chef ;) God bless..

Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz

Never expected families to come for Vicky Donor: Shoojit Shoojit Sircar's Vicky Donor has struck gold with critics as well as the box office but the director says he never expected the film would be lauded so much, especially by the general audience. Vicky Donor was Shoojit's first release six years after Yahaan came and the filmmaker says before its release he was quite sure only college goers would turn up for a film on sperm donation. "I never imagined that families would turn up to watch Vicky Donor. When a person hasn't had a release for six years, he cannot imagine such a success,” he said. PTI

No risks involved with newcomers : Akshay


e takes pride in saying that he gave some of his biggest hits with new directors and even today Bollywood star Akshay Kumar feels there is not much risk involved in working with debutants. "I have given some of my best films with new directors - Abbas-Mustan in Khiladi, Guddu Dhanoa in Elaan and Naresh Malhotra in Yeh Dillagi — there is a long list of newcomers I have worked with. In recent times, I have worked with Sajid Khan in Housefull," Akshay said. The 44-year-old also worked with Sabir Khan in his directorial Kambakhat Ishq, but it didn't work. So is there any risk factor involved in working with fresh talents? "It is not at all risky to work with newcomers... they have the greed, they want to do something, they want to prove themselves. I like working with newcomers because they have new ideas. With due respect to all other directors, who also make good films, I enjoy working with newcomers a lot," he said. IANS

Nargis Fakhri taking Hindi lessons



@RGVzoomin Wish tht sme dead person wil cme nd tell us whch God is up there so that the rest of us don’t need to be confused about whch God to pray to?

@rampalarjun Its good to be disconnected and concentrate on just work,so not complaining,but still miss technology which keeps us in touch, love to all.

@bipsluvurself Sometimes giving someone a second chance,is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun because they missed you the first time!

@NeilNMukesh People come and people go from life. But if the fear of them going away doesn’t allow you to accept anyone, ull be alone.

@SrBachchan T 729 - Another IPL game goes to the wire, last over... Deccan’s win again, perhaps too late, but must give credit to them for not giving up. American model-turned-actress Nargis Fakhri, whose voice in her debut film Rockstar was dubbed due to her poor Hindi diction, is busy working on the language and reveals that finally she can read and write a bit of Hindi. "Everything takes time, it doesn't happen like this. I was plucked out of the sky and put here. So, it's taking time but it's going well," she said on Monday. "I am really happy, I am reading and writing, which is great. So at least when I can read I am like, 'Yes, I can read'," she added. The 32-year-old has one film in hand, Khiladi 786 opposite Akshay Kumar. The film also stars Paresh Rawal. Meanwhile, she is reading scripts and may zero in on something soon. "I have been doing a lot of events, brands and magazines and Now I have found something I really love. So it's all coming along. It's patience. If I want to do it, I'll do it. If I don't want to do it, I will not do it," said Nargis. IANS

@shreyastalpade1 Spending a good evening over drinks with your close friends is such a blessing. Relaxing & totally refreshing... with some amt of gossiping.

@AnupamPkher A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.:)

@V1SH4L Why must I be polite to someone who’s rude to me? I enjoy beating the witless illiterates with their own stupidity. Offended? Unfollow.

Magic Screen


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Magic Screen Evans picky about dating The glamour behind the glitz


ctor Chris Evans, who has dated actresses Jessica Biel Amy Smart, says he has a strange choice when it comes to girls. “I like strange things. I wish you could see some of the girls I have genuinely had crushes on in my life. They’re not the girls you would assume,” quoted him as saying.

“I like girls who are selfdeprecating. I like girls who can make fun of themselves and I like generosity. I like compassionate people,” he said. “I am not looking for some businesswoman who’s out there making millions and just here to take the world by storm. I just want someone with a good soul,” said the 30-year-old. IANS

Kelly Rowland quits UK X -Factor S

inger Kelly Rowland has quit as a judge on The X-Factor music competition and has no plans to return to the popular TV show. No further details of her departure from the show were revealed, but before her official statement, she posted on Twitter: “Only god can judge me.” “I love the UK and being part of the show last year. Mentoring the girls was such an incredible experience I will never forget. I would like to thank Simon (Cowell) for the great opportunity and asking me to be a judge last season,” she had said in a statement. A spokesperson from the show said: “Kelly’s immense experience in the music industry shone through in both her judging and mentoring on The XFactor and we would like to thank her for being a part of the show and wish her well for the future.” IANS



Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz


HUGH JACKMAN to receive honorary Tony Award


ctor Hugh Jackman is set to receive an honorary Tony Award for his outstanding theatre achievements and fundraising efforts. Even though Jackman’s most recent gig and one-man show, Back on Broadway, isn’t eligible for a nomination in either the play or musical category, the X-Men star will still be the toast of the 66th annual ceremony as this year’s recipient of the Special Tony Award. The actor single-handedly raised more than $857,740 (£536,088) for Broadway Cares by auctioning off his undershirts after each gig and he also set the record for the highest weekly gross by the Shubert Organisation theatre company, with the show earning over $2 million (£1.25 million) in its final week. Stage veteran Bernadette Peters will also be presented with a special accolade — the author and co-founder of animal adoption charity Broadway Barks will receive the Isabelle Stevenson Award. Nominations for the Tony Awards were unveiled on Tuesday.






azel tov, Maggie Gyllenhaal! The 34year-old actress and hubby Peter Sarsgaard welcomed a baby girl, Gloria Ray, on April 19 in New York, her rep confirmed to E! News. Gloria Ray is the second daughter for the couple, who are also proud parents to 5-year-old Ramona. But don’t

expect to see pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal’s niece in the mags anytime soon… In an interview with USA Today last month, the Hysteria star said that she had no plans to sell her daughter’s baby photos. She also made it a point to keep her due date a secret and not tip off the press. “I hope they don’t make an issue of it this time,” she said. “I have to think about that stuff.” Looks like she got her wish. Congratulations to the happy family on their new addition.

illary Clinton may be down with texting and letting loose in Cartegena nightclubs, but she’s not ready for her big-screen debut — at least not yet. Jason Segel, who stars in TV’s How I Met Your Mother, said last week that the secretary of state turned down his offer to work with him on screen. “Everyone always asks me, like on a red carpet or wherever, ‘Who is the mother?’” Segel said while appearing on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, referring to the mystery identity of the eponymous matriarch of his hit show. “I always say Hillary Clinton as a joke.” Apparently, Clinton paid attention to his repeated references. “I got a letter in the mail,” Segel told Fallon. “I got a rejection letter from Hillary Clinton.” On Monday, Politico obtained Clinton’s note to Segel, which comically references his past roles in The Muppets and Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Chai Time


How to play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: ‘How do you play kakuro?’, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells — called a run — any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two — it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.



Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa


QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Lip shiner 6 ___ Alamos 9 Syrup flavour 14 Nepalese currency 15 Breed 16 Forster's ‘A Room With ___’ 17 Motionless 18 ___ Dawn Chong of ‘Commando’ 19 Cattle drive locale 20 Commutes like an expectant father? 23 ENE or WSW 24 ‘New’ prefix 25 Cozies keep them hot 27 Decrease gradually 32 Knighted actor Guinness 33 ‘I ___ Rock’ (Simon & Garfunkel hit) 34 Band on a barber's chair 36 Communion site 39 Benchmarks on a golf course 41 Mumbai garments 43 Sets in geometry 44 Bo Peep's charges 46 New Mexico state flower 48 It's after pi 49 Only God can make one, according to Kilmer 51 Small monkey of the Americas 53 Works on moving pictures? 56 Bed and breakfast 57 Mine find 58 One using a cattle prod? 64 Soprano Callas 66 ‘Golden’ time 67 Like James Bond 68 Ringlike coral island 69 Calligrapher's buy 70 Archipelago makeup 71 Access points 72 Old name preceder 73 Billboard Hot 100, eg

DOWN 1 Hold spell bound 2 Moth or moon goddess 3 Oil producer's grp 4 Calm or tranquil 5 Hunting dogs 6 Old Italian money 7 Any of several Norse royals 8 Sport with clay pigeons 9 Sweet Italian wine 10 Hollywood legend Gardner 11 Some technicians at the bowling alley? 12 Lawful, informally 13 Water vessels by basins 21 Digs like pigs 22 Pastoral place 26 ___-mell (helter-skelter) 27 ‘Lights out’ bugle tune 28 Eastern nurse

29 Whittle down a staff? 30 Become worn 31 Where senators met in ancient Athens 35 Twelve-point type size 37 Back woe 38 Attica uprising 40 Red Cross inventories 42 Emergency paper money 45 Letterexchanging friends 47 Suffering memory loss 50 Teamwork spoiler 52 Stampede 53 Like sundial numerals 54 One of the Muses


55 Flock in flight 59 Fish-eating bird 60 Libation with sushi 61 Room in a hacienda 62 Radio-message ender 63 Fledgling's abode 65 ‘Infant’ending PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER

THOUGHT OF THE DAY It is easier to be a lover than a husband for the simple reason that it is more difficult to be witty every day than to say pretty things from time to time. – Honore De Balzac



Your tomorrow today̶Star Power and Tarot THIRUVAIKUMAR

As per Hindu panchang

FOR 3-5-2012 040-27177230 / 9177596118



Worries will disappear and all wishes get fulfilled. Involving directly in office work alone will yield proper results; entrusting it to someone will not. Delay‑ ed loan application will get cleared.

Slow‑and‑steady approach will yield better results. Employees are advised to avoid unwanted arguments with superi‑ ors. Avoid harsh talk with family mem‑ bers too. Response to spouse's advice.

Be alert and cautious while executing all work. Acting with proper plan will be better as enemies are in a commanding situation. Family will be in a happy atmo‑ sphere. Leave office tensions at the office.




Good effects are going to increase. Obedience at workplace will bring sup‑ port from superiors. Expected promo‑ tion and pay hike will become a reality. Delayed events will now be resolved.

Your influence is set to increase but you have to drive away the laziness in you. Employees will be happy as superiors will support and colleagues co‑operate. Income will grow exponentially.

Avoid anger to achieve expected resul‑ ts. All disappointments and tensions will disappear. Unexpected fortune likely to make you strong financially. Avoid hurting kids with harsh words.




Be careful in your approach while get‑ ting work done. Proper planning and work with involvement will make things work perfectly. Avoid emotional reac‑ tions to minor mistakes at home.

You will smash all hurdles that come your way as you will be bold and self‑ confidence is high. Foreign trade and Joint venture will bring financial gains. Take into confidence family members.

Your influence and comforts are set to increase. Employees will be happy to receive recognition from superiors. Take care of parents' health. Avoid entrance of third persons in family talk.




All bad effects faced by you so far will vanish and good times will start. Good growth opportunities will come which are to be made use of carefully. Employ‑ ees are certain to get recognition.

Never get into arguments with superi‑ ors. Also do not hurt feelings of col‑ leagues at workplace. To perform good events at home don't avail loans which will make you upset in the future.

Important decisions at workplace shou‑ ld not be taken in a haste and without consultation of concerned persons. Transfers and increased responsibilities to be accepted without any hesitation.


FOR 3-5-2012




King of Swords – At work, you need to m‑ anage better co‑ordi‑ nation among vari‑ ous teams you work with. There is a risk that you come across as too arrogant.

Queen of Swords – Youʼre on the hunt for best bargains. A shopping expedition will yield good resul‑ ts if you continue lo‑ oking for what you want. Donʼt give up.

Eight of Swords – Life will not always be s‑ mooth and the soon‑ er you get used to th‑ is idea, the better. Yo‑ uʼre experiencing a low at the moment and want company.




Three of Wands – Some unrealistic promises were made. You set your heart on them. Now that they havenʼt come true, itʼs hurting you real bad. Get real and practical.

Eight of Pentacles – Thereʼs no point try‑ ing to convert some non‑believers into your way of thinking. Be patient and give your friends enough time to know you.

Strength – Your hard work is being rewar‑ ded and your succes‑ s grows by leaps and bounds. Youʼre in the mood to share this with loved ones. Go on, spread the joy.




The Chariot – Thereʼs no point making investments for the short term. Always think of a retirement plan and work to‑ wards making your sunset years happy.

Seven of Pentacles – Some two groups are fighting about some‑ thing and youʼre cau‑ ght in the middle. Itʼs not good to take sides in such a situation. Stay in the middle.

Knight of Wands – Quick growth in a new, unfamiliar area may make you very ner‑ vous. It may also have repercussions later since you may not be sound in the basics.




Seven of Swords – Donʼt trust everything you hear or every‑ thing you see. There is someone who is con‑ spiring against you. As long as you donʼt react, it will all be fine.

Page of Cups – Take a weekend break and enjoy time with loved ones. Itʼs been a while since you spent quality time with the people you love. Itʼll be good for your confidence.

Nine of Pentacles – Travel is indicated. You may have to mo‑ ve cities for a job or travel frequently in order to organise something related to work. Itʼll be good.

For Better or for Worse Stone soup



Number game



Ink pen


Fred Basset




Vol: 1, No 290 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad – 500037, Editor: Dean Williams – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: and for subscription, please call 040-4067 2222, Fax: 040-4067 2211

Playing Field

The games people play



THE FASTEST INDYAN Armaan Ebrahim, who had come down to Hyderabad to flag off the MMS Rookie Rotax Max Cup 2012 (Round 1) races, has every reason to be excited. At 22, he is the first Indian to race in the Indy Lights Series. With three races of the season complete, Armaan is positioned 12 in the drivers’ standings with 60 points. Not a bad start for a rookie.


very time the karts thundered down the track before hitting the curve that faced us, Armaan Ebrahim with the eagerness of a little boy would glance towards the racers and let his eyes follow them till they vanish leaving the ‘vroom’ in their wake. “I can’t help it,” confessed Armaan sheepishly. “The karts, the sound, the rush… they just grab my attention and I have to look.” Armaan drives fast, perhaps the reason why he talks fast, too; sometimes too fast that you have to ask him to slow down a bit. It is the excitement and passion for racing that translates into this energy palpable when he talks about it. And Armaan, who had come down to Hyderabad to flag off the MMS Rookie Rotax Max Cup 2012 (Round 1) races, has every reason to be excited. At 22, he is the first Indian to race in the Indy Lights Series. With three races of the season complete, Armaan is positioned 12 in the drivers’ standings with 60 points. Not a bad start for a rookie. Armaan races for Fan Force United owned by former IndyCar series driver Tyce Carlson. “The first time I drove an IndyLight car was scary,” revealed Armaan. “It’s a whole new set-up and I had not done oval circuits before. During the first few laps I felt a burning sensation that rose up from my guts, you know. But as each lap passed, the feeling ebbed and I was OK.” How did he land this job? “I guess they have been tracking my performances in F2,” said Armaan, who had been rated as the driver with the best race form by the F2 website. In his first F2 season, on an average, he overtook eight cars. Armaan has come across many racing greats at various venues he has raced. He recounted once seeing four-time F1 champion Alain Prost at a G2 race. “I could not go and meet him, as I was racing that day and was busy with getting ready,” he said.

Armaan’s all-time favourite driver is Aryton Senna. “Senna was the complete driver,” he said. “The things he could do with a race car were amazing. He would push the limits of the car and go beyond.” Has he seen Senna, the documentary? “Of course. A couple of times,” said Armaan. Did he learn anything from that? “Lots.” Senna had once said that karting was “pure driving, pure racing”. “He was absolutely right,” averred Armaan. “There’s no politics, no favouritism, no money, no high-end machinery in karting. It’s just you and your machine.” Racing has on seasons and off seasons, but a race driver is fully in racing mode looking always on the look-out for ways to improve

ARMAAN’S ALL-TIME FAVOURITE DRIVER IS ARYTON SENNA. “SENNA WAS THE COMPLETE DRIVER,” HE SAID. “THE THINGS HE COULD DO WITH A RACE CAR WERE AMAZING. HE WOULD PUSH THE LIMITS OF THE CAR AND GO BEYOND.” his driving and keeping fit. Armaan is a thoroughly dedicated lad when it comes to that. “on season I do running, core exercises and light weights,” he said. “Off season it’s more of cardio and strength training. Apart from that I play squash. It improves your stamina and reflexes.” “But despite all that I gain two kilos whenever I am in India,” Armaan grinned. Armaan plans to stick on with the IndyCar racing for now. He hopes to progress from Indy Lights to the next level soon. Armaan is 22, yet he could easily pass off for a teenager with his boyish looks and blood-red lips. But when he was asked if he was ready for F1, in a flash his countenance that was playful changed to that of dead seriousness and made reply in one word. “Yes.”





6 389

Chris Gayle (RCB)

25 4S993

Ajinkya Rahane (RR)




Ajinkya Rahane (RR), Kevin Pietersen (RCB)



Ravindra Jadeja (CSK)

Challenging times for RCB Losing Cooper is unfortunate for the team. He has come in as a young kid and performed exceptionally well and done some difficult jobs for us.

Rajesh Ravindran


Rahul Dravid RR Captain

Ajinkya Rahane (RR) 458 runs

Morne Morkel (DD) 19 wickets

‘Dinda can make it to Team India’ F

ormer South Africa fast bowler Allan Donald has said that Pune Warriors fast bowler Ashok Dinda has the attitude and skill to compete for a berth in the Indian team. Dinda is currently Warriors' joint leading wicket-taker, along with Rahul Sharma, with eight wickets in the IPL. Donald, Warriors' bowling coach, said that Dinda is the pick of the Indian fast bowlers in the IPL this year. "Of all the Indian bowlers I have seen, he is right up there," Donald told PTI. "We all want to stack up the numbers [wickets] but there is a patient process to follow and that for me will make him a big-time contender in the Indian team."


P 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 9 9

W 8 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 2

L N/T PT NRR 2 0 16 1.03 3 1 13 +0.6 4 0 10 -0.18 5 1 9 -0.02 4 1 9 -0.46 6 0 8 -0.06 6 0 8 -0.12 5 0 8 -0.34 6 1 5 -0.54

P-played; W-win; L-lost; N/T-no result/tie;NRR-net run rate; PT-points


SCORECARD DECCAN CHARGERS VS PUNE WARRIORS Deccan Chargers innings (20 overs) PA Patel† b Samuels 0 S Dhawan b Kumar 13 CL White c Smith b Parnell 74 KC Sangakkara* b Nehra 82 JP Duminy not out 4 BB Samantray not out 2 Extras (b 2, lb 8, nb 1) 11 Total (4 wickets; 20 overs) 186 Bowling O M R W Econ MN Samuels 3 0 33 1 11.00 WD Parnell 4 1 25 1 6.25 A Nehra 4 0 41 1 10.25 B Kumar 4 0 22 1 5.50 M Kartik 2 0 16 0 8.00 SC Ganguly 3 0 39 0 13.00 Pune Warriors innings (target: 187 runs from 20 overs) MK Pandey c Sangakkara b Ankit Sharma 0 MJ Clarke run out (Mishra/†Patel) 41 SC Ganguly*c White b Dhawan 45 SPD Smith not out 47 Uthappa† c sub (DJ Harris) b Ashish Reddy 26 M Manhas c Sangakkara b Pratap Singh 7 MN Samuels not out 1 Extras (lb 1, w 3, nb 2) 6 Total (5 wickets; 20 overs) 173 Bowling O M R W Econ Ankit Sharma 2 0 9 1 4.50 Pratap Singh 4 0 31 1 7.75 DW Steyn 4 0 46 0 11.50 A Mishra 3 0 20 0 6.66 Ashish Reddy 3 0 32 1 10.66 S Dhawan 1 0 9 1 9.00

RAJASTHAN ROYALS VS DELHI DAREDEVILS Rajasthan Royals innings (20 overs) R Dravid* b Morkel 57 AM Rahane c Sehwag b Negi 42 SR Watson b Negi 8 OA Shahc †Ojha b Yadav 1 BJ Hodge c Sehwag b Negi 1 AL Menaria c Pietersen b Negi 2 SP Goswami† not out 18 AA Chavan not out 7 Extras (lb 2, w 3) 5 Total (6 wickets; 20 overs) 141 Bowling O M R W Econ IK Pathan 2 0 22 0 11.00 UT Yadav 4 0 28 1 7.00 M Morkel 4 0 23 1 5.75 S Nadeem 4 0 33 0 8.25 P Negi 4 0 18 4 4.50 V Sehwag 2 0 15 0 7.50 Delhi Daredevils innings (target: 142 runs from 20 overs) DPMD Jayawardene lbw b Chavan 0 V Sehwag* c Dravid b Hogg 73 KP Pietersen c Shah b Watson 36 LRPL Taylorc †Goswami b Hogg 6 Y Nagar not out 9 NV Ojha† not out 11 Extras (b 5, lb 3, w 1) 9 Total (4 wickets; 15.2 overs) 144 Bowling O M R W Econ AA Chavan 4 0 29 1 7.25 Pankaj Singh 2 0 24 0 12.00 SR Watson 4 0 29 1 7.25 A Singh 1 0 12 0 12.00 GB Hogg 4 0 32 2 8.00 AL Menaria 0.2 0 10 0 30.00

Deccan Chargers won by 13 runs

Delhi Daredevils won by 6 wickets

heir batting lineup is world class, but before the Kolkata Knight Riders, Royal Challengers tanked much before they were halfway with their chase. It’s time the Challengers sat up and contemplated their appalling dip in form despite a string of three consecutive victories. Well, for one, they are heavily dependent on their batsmen to deliver the goods. Their bowling form has been oscillating from good to bad and sometimes worse. What’s comforting to the Challengers is that today they take on Punjab Kings XI at the Chinnaswamy Stadium

which is known to regularly feature pitches that favour batsmen. There cannot be a better opportunity for Virat Kohli who is going through a rough patch to strike gold. Punjab which could be called giant-killers will be looking to write one more name on their list of preys when they meet the Challengers on field. They have beaten every top contender till now: the Knights, Mumbai Indians and the Super Kings — that too on their homeground. Azhar Mahmood gives them oodles of confidence, as he has been immensely influential in all the matches he has played so far. That Adam Gilchrist, who had pulled his hamstrings and missed the last four matches, may return to the squad is more happy news for Punjab.


Deccan Chargers batsman Cameron White (left) shakes hands with his team captain Kumara Sangakara after reaching a half century (50 runs) during their match against Pune Warriors.




‘BOA wasted time and money’ PARIS: The director-general of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on Tuesday said the British Olympic Association (BOA) had “wasted a lot of time and money” appealing to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on lifetime bans for drug cheats. David Howman said the BOA should have considered their position last year when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) failed in their bid to introduce the so-called Osaka rule to have all drug cheats banned from the next Olympics even if their suspension was completed. “The BOA decided to appeal and that appeal was totally defeated,” he said in a WADA media teleconference. We gave the BOA a chance to review their opinion after the IOC case. The BOA wasted a lot of time and money and got the inevitable result.” The BOA had wanted to introduce a bye-law relating to the selection of British athletes for the London Games but their defeat leaves a clear path for the likes of sprinter Dwain Chambers and cyclist David Millar to compete this summer. Howman warned the BOA that they must now comply with the CAS ruling before a scheduled meeting of the WADA board on May 18. “May 18 is the only board meeting that we will have before the London Olympics so it is an opportunity to sort it out before the Games,” he said. “If they don’t comply before then, then their position would be maintained and we would report to the IOC accordingly.” Howman added that the CAS ruling affirmed the primacy of WADA’s rules over those of any national Olympic association.

Norway’s gold medal hope found dead OSLO: Norwegian world swimming champion Alexander Dale Oen has died age 26 at a training camp in the United States, Norway’s swim federation announced on Tuesday. Dale Oen, who won the gold medal in the 100m breaststroke in the 2011 World Championships in Shanghai, was found dead on Monday in a shower at a swimming pool in Flagstaff, Arizona, where Norway’s national swim team was training for the London Olympics. The cause of death was not immediately known. The swim federation said his teammates thought he was taking an unusually long time in the shower, and there was no reply when they knocked on the door. When they entered, Dale Oen was found lying on the floor. The team doctor tried to resuscitate him, as did ambulance paramedics

who arrived within minutes to take him to hospital. “After more than an hour’s attempts to get his heart going, Alexander Dale Oen was declared dead at 9:00 pm local time,” the federation said. “We’re all in shock, this is like an out-of-body experience for the whole team here,” Norway team coach Petter Loevberg said. According to Norwegian daily Aftenposten online, Dale Oen had spoken to his family on Skype earlier in the evening “and there was no indication then that he was sick.” Dale Oen became Norway’s first swimmer to win an Olympic medal when he won the silver in the 100m breaststroke in the 2008 Games in Beijing. He had been tipped as one of Norway’s best chances at a medal at the London Olympics in July.

More people hired to ease rush

Rush hour at Heathrow airport.

LONDON: Britain is to move 80 extra staff into border control roles in a bid to ease lengthy queues at Heathrow Airport just weeks before the London Olympics, immigration minister Damian Green said Tuesday. “As of today, we are instituting some changes,” Green said on a visit to the airport to the west of London, where some passengers have been forced in recent days to wait at least 90 minutes to have their passports checked. “During the course of May

we’re employing 80 more people,” the minister added. But the Home Office, Britain’s interior ministry, clarified that the 80 staff were existing employees of the Border Force government agency who were being moved to frontline jobs from back office roles and other locations. A majority of the 80 workers will go to Heathrow, the Home Office said. The delays at the airport, the world’s busiest in terms of inter-

national passenger traffic and the main gateway for the Olympics which open on July 27, are proving a major embarrassment for the British government. Frustrated passengers resorted to slow hand-clapping and jeering in queues last week. Green admitted in parliament on Monday that some passengers from outside the European Union were forced to wait in Heathrow’s flagship Terminal 5 on Friday for up to an hour and a half.

Playing Field


The games people play

Champions’ day out Scott williams

ESTORIL, PORTUGAL: A trio of former women’s champions opened with contrasting May Day victories at the ATP-WTA Estoril Open on Tuesday. It was the same on the men’s side of the draw, with 2009-2010 winner Albert Montanes advanced over Australian Matthew Ebden

6-2, 6-3. Second-seeded Russian Kirilenko, who lifted the title at the Estadio Nacional in 2008, overcame Briton Elena Baltacha 7-6 (8/6), 6-1 in a struggle which began with a first set lasting exactly one hour in front of holiday crowds. Spain’s Anabel Medina Garrigues, the third-seeded holder, got past German Kristina Barrois with more ease as she posted a 6-4, 6-1

win. That win was a repeat of last year’s final won by the Spaniard. China’s Zheng Jie, the number five who won in 2006, put out Russian Ekaterina Makarova, Russia, 6-3, 6-1. Medina Garrigues was pleased to beat Barrois for the second time of asking in Portugal. “I played pretty well considering I wasn’t able to warm up due to rain this

morning,” said the winner. “The start felt strange but after a few games I managed to feel better and get comfortable. “I won in the end so I’m quite happy. When you win an event you want to come back the next year and defend the title. “But all the matches are difficult and this one was not an exception. I’m taking it step-by-step and see how I go.”



SPORT SNIPPETS Dhoni rubbishes reports India skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni today rubbished talks about his retirement plans in 2013, saying his comments made during the Australian tour were "blown out of proportion" and there was still time for him to take a call. Dhoni had then said that he may retire from Test cricket if he is to play in the 2015 cricket World Cup. Dhoni today said he will decide about the retirement depending upon his fitness.


I have never hidden the fact that one of my objectives was to win the three most important leagues in Europe: England, Italy and Spain. Jose Mourinho, Real Madrid manager

Rose-less Bulls fall Playing without injured superstar Derrick Rose, the Chicago Bulls were humbled 109-92 by Philadelphia on Tuesday in an NBA playoff stunner that exposed major weaknesses by the league's winningest team. Jrue Holiday scored 26 points and Lou Williams came off the bench to score 20 points for the 76ers, who had the worst regular-season record of any NBA playoff team but evened the firstround Eastern Conference series at 1-1.


Hyderabad Sporting has qualified for the quarter-finals of the Peter Thgangaraj Memorial Football Tournament on goal difference despite drawing 2-2 with Tarnaka Cobra FC. Sporting scored seven goals while the Cobras scored only four in two matches. Sporting took the lead in the 8th minute of the match through Talha, but the Cobras equalised through Vijay in the 28th minute. Tomorrow Rajender XI plays Gymkhana Rangers

Stephen Hendry announces retirement SHEFFIELD: Seven-time world snooker champion Stephen Hendry announced his retirement here Tuesday after losing in the quarterfinals at the world championships. The 43-year-old snooker legend bowed out after a 132 defeat to fellow Scot Stephen Maguire. Hendry said: “I am officially retired now from tournament snooker. I made the decision about three months

ago.” He added: “I didn’t tell many people. I only told two or three people, but this is me finished from tournament snooker. “It was quite an easy decision. There’s a few reasons. The schedule didn’t help. The fact that I’m not playing the snooker I want to play didn’t help. The fact I’m not enjoying practice doesn’t help. “I want to do other things. I’ve got a lot of com-

mitments now in China, which I’ve signed up for and I can’t do that and play snooker because I would never be at home.” This was Hendry’s 27th consecutive appearance at the world championships, having lost to Willie Thorne on his debut in 1986. He was champion of the world in 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1999, reaching further finals in 1997 and 2002.

Reflecting on his favourite Crucible memories, Hendry said: “I’ve had so many it’s hard to pinpoint special ones. My first win here, obviously the seventh world title, making maximums, I could write a book on the memories I’ve had here.” He insisted it was not time to shed a tear. “No, not really. I’ve never been the most emotional person even when I win.”


The number of people arrested by British police for naming a woman raped by footballer Ched Evans, bringing to 12 the number arrested over online circulation of the woman's name. Evans, 23, who plays for Wales and Sheffield United, was jailed last month for raping a 19-year-old woman.

Muamba will attend game Football Bolton midfielder Fabrice

Muamba has confirmed he will definitely attend his side's home Premier League game with Spurs on Wednesday. The 24-year-old Zaire-born (now Democratic Republic of Congo) player has made a remarkable recovery after he suffered cardiac arrest during an FA Cup match with the same opponents on February 17. He was technically dead for 78 minutes and unconscious in hospital for three days but was eventually released from the hospital on April 16.

Playing Field


The games people play

Fulham make history Ian Whittell

LIVERPOOL: A Martin Skrtel own goal allowed Fulham to record their first ever top flight league win on Merseyside in 42 attempts as the London club prevailed 1-0 over Liverpool on Tuesday in their Premier League clash. The home defeat hardly represented Liverpool’s best possible preparation for Saturday’s FA Cup Final date with Chelsea. In a meeting between two of new England manager Roy Hodgson’s most recent employers, Liverpool’s wretched home league form continued as they failed to record a victory for the 13th time in 18 games. More alarmingly, Liverpool could also end the season outside the top eight in the top division of English football for the first time since 1954. Manager Kenny Dalglish elected to leave four potential Wembley starters out of his lineup - goalkeeper Pepe Reina, plus Steven Gerrard, Daniel Agger and Luis Suarez - and his decision looked a costly one when Fulham took the lead after only five minutes. From the game’s first attack, Clint Dempsey’s pass sent former Liverpool full-back John Arne Riise down the left-hand touchline and his cross into the sixyard box was met by another former Anfield player Alex Kacaniklic. The 20-year-old’s mishit shot bounced against Skrtel’s legs, wrong-footing Doni on its way into the net. Liverpool responded in reasonably impressive fashion, Skrtel quickly trying to make amends as he headed wide from a Fabio

Aurelio free-kick, although Fulham might have doubled their lead on 15 minutes when Dempsey threaded through for Pavel Pogrebnyak whose firsttime shot was well parried by Doni. Maxi Rodriguez collected Dirk Kuyt’s lay-off and sent a shot soaring over the Fulham bar although Andy Carroll was becoming the most impressive attacking presence in a red shirt. After 23 minutes, Kuyt latched onto a loose ball after Carroll’s progress was blocked and volleyed inches wide. Before the half-hour, Mark Schwarzer mis-handled a cross under pressure from Carroll, allowing Maxi to square the ball for Jonjo Shelvey whose shot beat the Fulham keeper but not defender Brede Hangeland who cleared off the line. Dalglish brought on Stewart Downing and switched to a 4-4-2 formation at the interval with early second half signs looking promising as Shelvey volleyed over and Jay Spearing dispossessed Dempsey before testing Schwarzer with a 20-yard shot which the goalkeeper kept out at full-stretch. Hangeland was also required to make an impressive and timely tackle to halt the progress of Maxi as he surged into the area and bore down on Schwarzer’s goal. But Fulham began to exploit some of the gaps created by Liverpool’s increasing attacking urgency. Dempsey headed just wide from Damien Duff’s 53rd minute corner, substitute Kerim Frei created room for himself on the edge of the area and saw his well-hit shot impressively touched onto the post by Doni.


Ukraine’s Euro 2012 games in jeopardy Anya Tsukanova

KIEV: The United States pressed Ukraine on Tuesday to free jailed ex-premier Yulia Tymoshenko as she entered the 12th day of a hunger strike that may prompt an EU boycott of its Euro 2012 football games. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s statement pushed Ukraine into still further diplomatic isolation just weeks before it begins cohosting with Poland a tournament watched by billions across the world. European football authorities conceded they were facing growing calls to move or postpone the once-in-fouryear event when it kicks off in co-host nation Poland on June 8 before concluding with the final in Kiev on July 1. But they said a venue switch at this late stage was impossible despite fears of a humiliating no-show by European leaders to any of the matches played in the four Ukrainian host cities. Ukraine for its part held firm and accused the West of unfairly using the “language of ultimatums” against its leaders and football fans. Reports meanwhile emerged of German Chancellor Angela Merkel preparing to instruct her ministers to stay away from the three matches their national team plays in the group stages in Kharkiv and Lviv.

Slow and steady Hodgson looks to win over sceptics Rob Woollard

LONDON: Roy Hodgson insists he can win over the sceptics following his surprising appointment to the England manager’s job ahead of Tottenham boss Harry Redknapp. Hodgson was unveiled as England manager by the Football Association on Tuesday after emerging as the shock choice to succeed Fabio Capello following the Italian’s resignation in February. The 64-year-old’s elevation to the poisoned chalice of English football came amid a lingering sense of incredulity that the FA had not sounded out Redknapp as a possible candidate for the role. However Hodgson, whose long career includes stints as

coach of Switzerland and Inter Milan, is confident that his experience of elite management will equip him for the task of convincing his detractors. The most important audience will be England’s senior squad, several of whom such as Wayne Rooney, Rio Ferdinand and Jack Wilshere had already issued public calls for Redknapp to be appointed back in February. “Every coach has got to win over players,” Hodgson acknowledged. “It won’t be the first time I’ve stepped into a job where I’m meeting a group of players, many of whom I don’t know, and my job is to win them over. “I’d like to think that given my CV, given the work I’ve done over the years I’ve succeeded fairly well with that.

“Every coach’s job when he enters a new job is to win the players over and make sure he gets the players united behind our cause.

And our cause is a very big one — we’re England. It interests an awful lot of people.” Hodgson now faces a frantic

few weeks as he sifts through his options ahead of naming a 23man squad for the European Championship in Poland and Ukraine. His first match in charge will be a friendly against Norway in Oslo on May 26, a first and only run-out before he names his squad on May 29. A further friendly against Belgium is set for June 2 before England depart for their Euro 2012 training base in Poland on June 6. “It’s going to be difficult of course but hopefully I’ve got a lot of time on my hands to think about it,” Hodgson said. “It’s going to be very important to make certain that when the time comes to announce the squad that I’ve done my research.”

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