Hyderabad’s first compact afternoon newspaper
Today, on World Press Freedom Day, we salute journalists, editors, cartoonists, photographers and the increasing number of citizen journalists who make a noise despite great risk to their personal safety.
KARMAN IN THE LINE OF FIRE Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman speaks about the importance of a free press in the Arab world. The phenomenon of citizen journalism has allowed many young men and women to do journalistic work and excel in it,” she says.
BJERAGER ON THE NEW KILLING FIELDS President of the World Editors Forum, Erik Bjerager, writes on why for journalists staying alive is never a given, and he pays tribute to the 64 journalists who have died doing their jobs in the past year. “Silence makes us complicit and kills democracy,” he says.
Page Two
Spirit of Twin Cities
Chess workshop Always wanted to beat your best friend at a more intelligent game such as chess. Head to Saptaparni for a chess workshop by Ganesh and Ravi. The workshop is open for kids in the age group of four and above. Where:Saptaparni, Banjara Hills, Rd No 12 When: Ongoing, 4pm onwards Contact: (040) 6666 7707
Food and cricket Great food and a great game of cricket makes for great news. Head to News Cafe to catch the IPL matches live and exclusive along with some great IPL special food. Where: News Cafe, Inorbit Mall, Madhapur When: Ongoing, 8pm onwards Contact: (040) 4010 1236
Theatre workshop
IPL mela
Samahaara is hosting special four week summer acting workshops. The workshops will be held for a duration of four weeks. The workshops are being held at three different places in the City — Banjara Hills, Madhapur and Saifabad. Where: Vidyaranya School, The Terrace, The Actor’s Studio When: May 14 onwards, Monday-Friday Contact: 83411 20303
Who said IPL should be only about cricket. Ella Hotel, Gachibowli is hosting an IPL special mela. Where: Mocha — Banjara Hills Mocha Express — Inorbit Mall When: Ongoing, 4pm onwards Contact: (040) 6628 8488
Artistic strokes A painting exhibition titled Twinkle is being held at Inspire Art Gallery. The exhibition features artwork by R Usha Vinod and B Usha Kumar. Where: Inspire Art Gallery, Hyderguda When: Ongoing, 11am onwards Contact: (040) 3062 8447
Shifting terrain An abstract painting exhibition by Pandurang Deoghare, is being held at Iconart Gallery. The exhibition is on till May 5. Where: Iconart Gallery, Banjara Hills, Rd No12 When: Ongoing, 11.30 am onwards Contact: 98499 68797
Painting exhibition An exhibition of paintings by Lalu Shaw is being held at Shrishti Art Gallery. The exhibition is on till April 10. Where: Shrishti Art Gallery, Jubilee Hills, Rd No 15 When: Ongoing, 11am onwards Contact: (040) 2354 0023
Tribute time This is one musical tribute you wouldn’t want to miss. A tribute to the talented great artist Bob Marley will be held at Hard Rock Cafe by the band Phoenix on April 3. Where: Hard Rock Cafe, Banjara Hills, Rd No 1 When: May 3, 9pm onwards Contact: (040) 4476 7900
Mother’s Day lunch May 8 is Mother’s Day. Make the day special for your mother and your family with the Mother’s Day special brunch. Where: Taj Krishna, Banjara Hills, Rd No 1 When: May 8 Contact: (040) 6666 1070
Solo painting exhibition Ramakanth’s Solo Painting Exhibition which deals with the loneliness of the long distance runner is being held at Muse Art Gallery, Hyderabad Marriott. The exhibition features works which include oil - on - canvas, acrylics and mixed media paintings. Where: Hyderabad Marriott, Tank Bund
7pm onwards Contact: 96427 31329
When: Ongoing, 11am onwards Contact: (040) 2752 2999
Nature and women A painting exhibition by Kumaraswamy B is being held at Beyond Coffee. The painting depicts women with other natural forms such as leaves and butterflies. The exhibition is on till May 6. Where: Beyond Coffee, Jubilee Hills, Rd No 36 When: Ongoing Contact: (040) 2354 5359
Workshop for kids The Literature, Intellectual and Cultural Hub (LICH) and Oxford Bookstore is hosting a workshop for kids called Enrich which deals with mathematics and science. Where: Oxford Bookstore, The Park, Somajiguda When: May 1 onwards
Contact: 92461 12461
Cheer on
Cricket frenzy
Drinking to someone’s victory gets a new meaning at Seasons Bar and Lounge. Cheer for your favourite team as you choose from beverages that represent each IPL team. Where:Seasons Bar and Lounge, Taj Banjara, Rd No1 When: Ongoing, 8pm onwards Contact: (040) 6677 6666
Mocha and Mocha Express is hosting IPL specials with live screening of the match and various pizzas paying ode to the IPL teams and their spirits. Where: Mocha — Banjara Hills Mocha Express — Inorbit Mall When: Ongoing, 4pm onwards Contact: (040) 23350144
Play time The Hindi Play Dooth , produced by Sifar Theatre Group, directed by Juniad and written by Sumeet is going to be staged at Lamakaan on May 6. Where: Lamakaan, Banjara Hills, Rd No 1 When: May 6,
Scrabble workshop f those long words leave you confused but you still have the inclination to excel at scrabble. Head to Saptaparni for a scrabble workshop for kids in the age group of 8-14. Where:Saptaparni, Banjara Hills, Rd No 12 When: Ongoing, 10am-12pm, Contact: (040) 6666 7707
Big Cinemas, Ameerpet: 30581470; Cinemax, Banjara Hills: 44565555; Cine Planet , Kompally: 61606060; INOX, Banjara Hills: 44767777; Prasads, Tank Bund Rd: 23448888; PVR, Punjagutta: 8800900009; Talkie Town, Miyapur: 40214175; Tivoli, Secunderabad: 27844973
Hyper Local
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Queen Bee strikes terror in Old City Nobody dares to go against her. Even the local corporator is silent. Bibi Begum, as she is known, has a ‘business empire’ that extends from hooch to flesh trade, and the law is too docile to stem her, police say
CRIME Mohd Subhan mohd.s@postnoon.com
alk into any shop in MahmoodnagarHassanagar in the Old City and ask for ‘Bibi Begum’ or Bibi ‘Packet’ the shop owner will pretend as if he has not heard you. Nobody takes her name in public, if one wants to live in peace. For the uninitiated, Bibi Begum, 50, is all-in-one: she is hooch lady, financier, sex racketeer, protector and predator. Bibi rules and the law is too weak to contain her. She was arrested and arraigned many times but the law always allows her back to square one with a renewed energy; so much for the effectiveness of our law and law keepers. Nobody really knows her real name because she is called Begum, witty neighbours added
‘packet’ with it as she sells hooch in pouch. Bibi began playing big after the death of her husband Noor six years ago. Noor was running hooch and private financing racket. After his death, Bibi was left behind with five children, and she decided to step into her hubby’s shoes. She had the ‘knowhow’ of the network and business her husband conducted, so it was easy for her to run the show, the police and people who know her well say. The complaints against her are of two kinds: She charges exorbitant rates for loans which the poor take, and she let loose her goons on those who oppose. Poor girls are not safe in her domain, either. She promises work and the girls end up in hotels, say residents. She has a platoon of roughnecks on her payroll who are willing to do anything on her bidding. Bibi Packet’s three sons are all
said to be involved in some measure or the other in hooch, girl racket or private finance business. Local corporater Habeeb Arif Zain is said to be backing her but a talk with Arif proved that he too had tried to dissuade her from the sinful things but in vain. Excise people have lost count of the number of times they have arrested her. They arrested her many times and seized the materials she used for making hooch. Yet, she came back every time and continued with her activities. Arif told Postnoon that she had promised to him and to others that she would stop all this after the marriage of her two daughters. Now although they are married she continue doing the same. Rajandernagar inspector S Jayram said the police had recently raided her place and seized many things. Surprisingly, Jayram says that there is no complaint against her other than a complaint against her hooch business.
Hyper Local
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Where trouble makers reign
NEWS BRIEFS Burglars strike Secunderabad shop
The Hussain Sagars picturesque banks are the City’s favourite unwinding spot. However, the water’s tranquility masks the trouble that lurks here SRINIVAS SETTY
n electronics shop was burgled at RP Road in Secunderabad on Tuesday. Burglars used a master-key to gain entry into the shop, the police say. The thieves decamped with cash and electrical goods valued in lakhs. Shop owner Narayan Lal, is said to suspect two of his employees’ involvement in the incident.
Two youth accosted, beaten up by gang
wo minor students were attacked by a gang on Wednesday night at Khairatabad under the Saifabad police station limits. Mohd Khaleel, 16, and Shaik Sarfaraz, 14, were riding a bike on Wednesday night. When one of them was talking loudly on the phone in English, a group of men who too were riding alongside, accused them of using abusive language. The group beat up the duo. Two youths, Mahesh and Hemachander of Khairatabad have been taken into custody.
ESL to be sworn in for second term
Rahul Ramakrishna rahul.r@postnoon.com
he Hussain Sagar’s sprawling circumference attracts morning and evening walkers, families and youth, men and women. However, women’s safety here continues to be questioned as there have been a number of cases of molestation, eve teasing and harassment. Neha Rao, an architecture student said, “The lake bank, with its wide circumference, is always teeming with people. One can find a nice calm spot to unwind. However, it is also very easy for men to gang up on women, often one on many, and tease or even physical molest.” The fact that it is very rarely patrolled offers miscreants a chance at devilry. “I personally have been groped by men who often stalk girls and women at
Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints
198 155313
POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section
155333 23431178 23431179 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266
ensure everyone’s the park at People’s security. To top it all, Plaza. I have also the CCTV cameras complained to the installed on the lake Lake police several do not work. times,” says Neha who Hussainsagar Moreover, youth, used to visit the lake especially women on a regular basis. these days have lost all Rekha Iyer, a sense of caution and housewife said, “Men privacy. It is not surcome and leer at you prising that most of openly and I have these women who been witness to many complain of teasing such cases. Often, it is and harassment are the girl who has to walk away before things get out caught in compromising posiof hand. It leaves us feeling dis- tions with men at various gusted especially on weekends secluded places. Not that we are when we come to relax with our against it, but it is a delicate situation where somehow all the families.” The Lake Police that is blame is laid on the police for pressed into service regarding not being strict.” About the measures taken to issues like these is quite toothless itself. Inspector Srinivas Rao curb this issue, Srinivas Rao said, said, “We have six people in “We are constantly patrol the three teams patrolling the lake. area. A Rakshak vehicle from the And considering how wide the Ramgopalpet police station is lake is, it gets difficult for us to also pressed into service for lake
24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833169, 27824216 Railway Information 131 Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333
WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital, Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital,
security purposes. Apart from that, we also have mounted police on weekends. More importantly, we take strict action against those caught for misbehaving or harassing women. We also deploy our staff in mufti to apprehend those involved in teasing,” he says, adding, “this particular move has helped in curbing the menace, to an extent but we still receive over 50 complaints of harassment every week.” A fine of `500 is levied or a sentence to spend one week in jail is issued to those involved in eve teasing and misbehaviour. While the price to pay may seem small, the prospect of spending a week in jail and the kind of treatment met out by police authorities is what deters most men from this nuisance. But for others, with a devil may care attitude, there are always means to escape the clutches of law.
LB Nagar 155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888 30417777 30419000 30416666
BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills
39879999 27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445
AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777 Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332
SL Narasimhan will take oath as the Governor for the second term today at the Rajbhavan. The UPA government had earlier decided to retain him for handling the Telangana agitation as governor in his first term. Along with appointment of governors to other states, the Centre gave Narasimhan, a former intelligence official, a second term. Despite stiff opposition from Telangana leaders the Centre decided to retain him. Narasimhan, who moved to Andhra Pradesh in 2009 at the height of the T agitation, has been quite active.
Attempt to rob ATM goes in vain
vain attempt was made to steal cash from the ATM centre of Syndicate Bank in Golnaka under Alwal police station area. Attackers damaged the machine but could not get the cash. The damage was detected by a customer, who then reported the matter to the police. A case has been registered.
AIRLINES Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Website; www.airindia.in TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999
UK Visa Office VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7 Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum
24523211 232431300/7641 24521029
Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to feedback@postnoon.com or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222
Hyper Local
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
‘Only a miracle can save Cong’ Congress prospects in the forthcoming 18 Assembly bypolls, necessitated by the YSRC coup, are said to be bleak, says intelligence report POLITICS U Srinivas srinivas.u@postnoon.com
hile the PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana said that the TDP will end up third in the coming by-elections the state intelligence department is understood to have given indications that the TDP has better chances than the ruling Congress party in many seats. May be both the CM and the PCC have the wind about what was coming because the two reiterated that the by-elections would not be a referendum on the State Government. A survey conducted, taking the present situation into account, has come up with a report that the Congress was not having any chance in any of the constituencies and the report has
already been fed to the Centre so that Delhi will be mentally ready to absorb the shock. Since the Parakala result was a foregone conclusion with the
Telangana sentiment reigning high. Tirupathi, Payakaraopeta were the two constituencies where TDP has chances of winning, according to the report. In 15 constituencies, YSR Congress party has an edge over the Congress party as they were sitting candidates. But with extra efforts the Congress could wean some of them away from the YSRC. However, the Congress would have to face a keen tussle in Prattipadu, Ramachandrapuram, Ongole, and Yemmiganur. Highly placed sources monitoring political activity in the intelligence department told Postnoon that there is chance of change in public opinion by the time voting takes place in June as the ruling party, especially the chief minister and PCC president have a lot at stake in the coming by-poll results. “Definitely there will be some change in these calculations when the actual voting
Chief whip vs chief minister on Parakala POLITICS Postnoon News feedback@postnoon.com
arakala assembly constituency seems to have captured the fancy of all as everyone wants to contest from there. This is the only seat in Telangana among 18 constituencies going to polls. The importance of the seat stems from the fact that the TRS has to win it at any cost but the BJP is determined to annex it. Now, a lot of spoilers have entered the arena with the sole aim of making life difficult for the two parties. Now, the Congress candidates are at loggerheads, each demanding a ticket. Curiously, the chief whip of the Congress himself is set to counter the chief minister on the Parakala seat, it is learnt. Gandra Jyothi, wife of chief whip Gandra
Venkataramana Reddy was the aspirant from Parakala. But the seat was allotted to Samma Rao, a TDP leader who crossed over to the Congress. Now Rao is facing stiff opposition from the followers of the chief whip and his wife. Yesterday, the chief whip created a ruckus at the camp office to draw the attention of the chief minister. His contention was that it was a suicidal to have lured a TDP leader into contesting the seat. Some of the Reddy followers told Postnoon that they will present the matter to the high Command if it was not corrected immediately. That means they would in effect complain against the chief minister. The chief whip also said that there was nothing wrong in presenting the matter to Delhi and that it was to see that the winning candidate gets the seat.
takes place,” they said. Keeping the predictions aside one has to keep in mind that it is a multi-cornered contest and any of the political parties can change the fortune of the other overnight. The sitting candidates of Congress, now contesting on YSRC ticket, are well placed and they have already done a round of campaigning in the constituencies. Tirupathi candidate from YSRC B Karunakar Reddy has already completed his campaigning it is reported. TDP leader and Rajyasabha member Devendar Goud said that the situation for the TDP is now better and they have very good chances of winning in majority of the seats. He shot back at the PCC chief saying that it was the Congress that will be in third place, not the TDP. BJP leader and former union minister CH Vidyasagar Rao said that they would win Parakala at
any cost. He pointed out that there is every chance that the Congress could be rejected by the electorate. The other parties also have chances in some of the constituencies and it could be fifty fifty chances as it is multi-cornered contest, he opined. TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao after a press meet told that they will win Parakala, and that the atmosphere for Congress was not conducive in any of the constituencies. The Congress party knows about the outcome of the by-polls he stated. However, the Congress leaders hanging around the CLP were not convinced of the bleak chance. Some of them said these surveys should not be taken seriously and this time they will get a good number of seats. The reality is that some of the proposed candidates do not know if the seats are finalised for them or will be they go to someone else .
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Hyper Local ‘Welcome Cong MPs actions on Telangana’
he Telangana Freedom Fighters Forum has welcomed the Congress Party MPs action in expressing resentment in the Parliament, over the delay in formation of a separate State. Speaking to the media on Wednesday, forum convener Konda Lakshaman Bapuji said that many doubts were cropping up as the Congress party high command’s silence even though the party leaders were making contradictory statements by crossing the party discipline. He said that some of the leaders were trying to create confidence among the Telangana people that the issue of a seperate state would be resolved by the Congress. With the leaders making such statements time and again without any result, the people were losing confidence on the democratic processes, he added. He appealed to the political leaders to come forward to achieve a separate state by united action. He urged the political parties and the people not to project the state bifurcation issue as the main issue during the by- elections. Freedom fighters KV Keshavulu, Dr B Venkata Ramana Rao, Deshini China Mallaiah and Ambati Krishnamurthy were also present. AGENCY
‘CM consulted all before naming candidates’
inority welfare minister Syed Mohammed Ahmadullah on Wednesday asserted that Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy did not act unilaterally in the selection of party candidates for the June 12 by-elections in the State. Ahmadullah made it clear that the Chief Minister selected the candidates only in consultation with party activists and leaders in the constituencies. Stating that he has high respect for DL Ravindra Reddy, Ahmadullah said that he does not want to cross words with the former. Ahmadullah exuded confidence that Ravindra Reddy would cooperate with the Congress in the by-elections. Stating that they have no dissatisfaction over selection of candidates, Ahmadullah said that the selection was smooth and proper. He also dismissed the rumours that he was contemplating to leave the Congress. Ahmadullah said that he had never written to Vayalar Ravi to change the candidates that have already been selected. AGENCY
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
City Tamilians love to be called Hyderabadis COMMUNITY Anubha K Singh anubha.k@postnoon.com
yderabad boasts of numerous communities. For most of the people, Hyderabad is now their only home and are in no mood to relocate to another city or country. One such community is the Tamilians in the City. There are nearly five lakh Tamil Makkals in the twin cities. They loved to be called Hyderabadis now as they have adopted the traditions and culture of Hyderabad. “It’s been more than 30 years since I came here. My kids were born and brought up here and they have adopted the Hyderabadi culture now. However, I make sure that during every summer vacation I take them to our native place so that they should be aware of our local language and traditions,” said, Gopal Krishna, a member of South India Cultural Association. The community people are spread in Nallakunta, Malkajgiri and Safilguda areas. “People of the community are more openminded now. Earlier, marriages were strictly a traditional affair but now many of them are performing inter-caste marriages too. Youngsters have their own choice and you can’t force them,” says Gopal Krishna. “My ancestors came to Hyderabad and since then my
A Bharatnatyam performance at the Tamil Sangham
amil is the most prominent Dravidian language and teaching it would only broaden the tender mind, argue Tamil seniors in Hyderabad. They want AP government to encourage schools in the City to have the facility to teach Tamil. family is settled here. We religiously follow both the traditions and cultures. My family celebrate both the Tamil New Year and Ugadi, since my mother is from
Hyderabad. Just like the Telugu tradition of making pachadi on Ugadi we also make Panakam the Tamil version of Ugadi pachadi.” said, N Subash, member of Thiruvalluvar Tamil Sangam. The community in Hyderabad is represented by the South Indian Cultural Association. But there are many other small associations for their cultural meetings and celebrations. The Thiruvalluvar Tamil Sangam of the twin cities and Hyderabad Mahanagar Tamil Sangam are active in organising
various cultural programs and activities to promote the Tamil culture in city. However the community is upset as the number of schools teaching Tamil is reducing. Earlier, there were ten schools teaching the language but now it has been shrunk to four — Kachiguda government school, Tagore Home, Keyes Higher Secondary School and Mud Fort are the schools offering the language in City. Tamils want the AP government to have more schools teaching the language.
ICONIC CITY Dialogue in the dark
t might have been opened recently but Dialogue in the Dark in Inorbit Mall, Hitech City is fast becoming one of the most popular places in the City. Dialogue in the Dark offers what we think is almost impossible — ‘guided tours’ and a meal, in total darkness. They have an exhibition tour which puts one in situations like walking in a park, crossing a shaking bridge and a boat ride in the dark!! They have a restaurant called Taste of
Aishwarya Yerra Hyderabad as a City has a lot to offer in terms of heritage and sights. We take a look at the various places that make this City so special
Darkness in which one can sample an entire four-course meal in pitch darkness. Right from finding your seats to figuring out how to eat the food you can’t see, the experience is what we can call — unique. Taste of Darkness is the only place in Asia which offers such an experience. The remarkable feature about Dialogue in the Darkness is that the tour guides, waiters and workshop trainers are all visually impaired.
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Constructing insomnia Inkeshaf Ahmed ahmed.m@postnoon.com
Millennium Dental Clinic, film nagar main road, opp: cafe melange, jubilee hills, HydPh: 040-31000889
ity-based contractors are showing no remorse while violating existing building construction rules framed by the National Building Code and Model Municipal Law in Hyderabad. Apart from deviations from approved plans and violation of construction rules prescribed by National Building Code-2005 developers these days have no qualms about conducting construction work at night. According to the National Building Code and Model Municipal Law, it is prohibited to undertake any construction activity at night as it could lead to fatal accidents and also deprives repose to the residents around. Ironically, all 18 circles of the GHMC, witness uncontrolled building activities at night. According to an estimate, over 20,000 multi-storied buildings including apartments are being constructed with round the clock construction work. Developers also blatantly flout the rule of not using construction equipment that emits sounds of more than 10dB (A) as prescribed by the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules-2000. One of the contractors, who has undertaken a construction project was forthright in admitting that they (he included) bribe the town planning officials for uninterrupted construction. “It’s not new. We have to undertake round the clock construction to meet deadlines. Bribing officials works,” he said.
It’s very tragic that these builders are making life miserable for residents by by violating existing laws like Noise Pollution Rules 2000 and government orders. The sole responsibility for this violation lies with the GHMC officials.
KCR,Vijayashanti to boycott Parliament T he TRS chief and Mahaboobnagar MP K Chandrasekhar Rao on Wednesday announced that he and his party MP Vijayashanti will boycott the Parliament session from tomorrow, and go to the people on the issue of formation of separate Telangana state. Speaking to the media here, Chandrasekhar Rao said that though they stalled the proceedings of the house, PM Manmohan Singh, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and the Union minister for Home Pranab Mukharji have not responded, and did not say a single word on the Telangana statehood issue. The Lok Sabha speaker, Meira Kumar, who has a responsibility to direct the government to respond on the matter, has also not reacted, he alleged. He charged the UPA government of being insensitive to the T issue, which related to 4.5crore of people in the State. Though Telangana MPs raised their voice in the house on the issue, it was in vain. The Centre was not in a position to respond and react on the issue, he added. KCR regretted that there was no response from the Telangana Congress
S Jeevan Kumar, president, Human Rights Forum
MPs when they (TRS) agitated in the house. After suspension from the house, Telangana Congress MPs were not attending the house even aftercompletion of the suspension time. Moreover, they were projecting them (TRS) as anti-democratic forces for stalling the house. The TRS supremo stated that the Centre was not responding to their question whether it was in favour or against the formation of Telangana. Stating that Union Minister Vayalar Ravi had told him the government was not against Telangana. When questioned on the proposal of Telangana TDP MPs that irrespective of political party affiliations, all T MPs together should meet the President of India, KCR reminded that such efforts had been made several times in the last five years. He said that the T issue would be resolved if the TDP chief wrote a letter to the Centre supporting the formation of a separate state. He alleged that instead of resigning from their posts, Congress and TDP MPs were coming forward with delaying tactics. He said that if they were sincere to the cause, they should quit the Parliament. AGENCY
GHMC chief city planner GV Raghu said that night construction can be taken up without disturbing neighbours. He further added, that whenever they receive a complaint, they caution the concerned builders. It’s worth mentioning that for a population of over 7.5 million in the corporation limits, 75 town planning officers in 18 circles are found to be inadequate. Syed Fayaz Ahmed, Moghalpura police inspector, said, “We can’t book cases suo motu in such incidents as it is the responsibility of other authorities. But if somebody approaches us, then, we can file a nuisance case.”
Models beat the heat with spiked golas and summer coolers DEEPAK DESHPANDE being served at the Park Hotel this season
‘If the show doesn’t work, i’ll weep’ Aamir Khan admits that his upcoming TV show Satyameva Jayate was an emotional roller coaster and connecting with the people was of utmost importance to him With not just the big screen being extremely competitive, Bollywood stars with the likes of Shahrukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan and Salman Khan have all dominated TV space too with reality game shows. Aamir decided toplay it safe and have the programme broadcast in all languages. The USP of the show is that it will be simulcast in eight languages across all key channels of the Star Network in addition to ETV Telugu and Doordarshan. “India is a country with many languages. I wanted to be ableto reach out to everyone in the country so I thought it was best if we dubbedthe show for a wide group of audience,” he says. The programme has been scheduled to be telecast from Sunday, May 6 at 11 am. “The reason why I chose the 11am slot is because that is wheneveryone in the family is together. Colleges, schools and offices are all closed on Sundays. So, no one really misses the show. Even if you do, we haverepeats for it,’ he laughs. To have the show in 8 languages and on Sundays, is it inorder to generate TRP’s? “I don’t understand TRPs. My main aim is to connectwith the people,” he says. Whether the show will work or not, only time will tell but for now, Aamir decides to remain rather tight-lipped about it. “I don’t want to dilute the show to you. I want you to experience it on your own.”
ENTERTAINMENT Sana Mirza in Kochi sana.m@postnoon.com
ollywood actor Aamir Khan adds yet another feather to his cap by making his entry on the small screen. With a line-up of hit films right from Sarfarosh, Lagaan to memorable ones like Dil Chahta Hai, Rang De Basanti and 3 Idiots, the versatile actor has never failed to impress. Now, he is all geared up to experiment on the small screen with his own TV show, Satymeva Jayate, a compelling narrative of real stories from across India. The concept was conceived 3-4 years ago. “It all startedwhen I was approached by Uday Shankar, the CEO of STAR India. He wanted me to host a game show but I wasn’t excited about it,” says Aamir. “So I decided onsomething that would help me connect with the masses of India. I lived alone with the concept in my head for 2 years. I wasn’t too sure if it was possible. When we started conceptualising, we weren’t sure if this would work but 6 months later I felt confident about it. Satyameva Jayate is my most ambitious project,” he admits. “If the show doesn’t work then I am going to weep,”he laughs. A strategist by nature, Khan’s marketing techniques has no space for loopholes.
OU gets set to welcome foreign students This September, Osmania University is all set to open a hostel facility that promises to provide various amenities for its foreign students
FACILITIES Sukriti Sen feedback@postnoon.com
he Education management of Osmania University (OU) has taken a step forward to provide the foreign students with hostel facilities. The University initially planned to set up this hostel in five floors but financial constraints have limited it to only one. “Coming September the hostel will be ready for occupation” says Prof C Venugopal Rao, director, University foreign relation office(UFRO) OU. There are almost 3,700 international students in OU. They belong to different countries, most of them are from Afro-Asia, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, and Afghanistan. “We used to face a lot of
No. of Students
2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012
31 153 955 1,218 1,342
Grand total
I hope the changes in the system will prove beneficial for the foreign students to reach their goal KVS Lakshmi, Superintendent, UFRO
problems like powercuts and restrictions by house owners,” says Filsan from Djibouti who is a CCFS student UFRO, OU. With no proper lodging facilities on campus, foreign students were forced to hire apartments in places like Tarnaka, Sainikpuri, Gachibowli, and Mehdipatnam. The University authorities have also set up a special committee to look into issues like sererate hostels for boys and girl. The committee will also be visiting Universities like HCU, EFLU and Symbiosis (Pune) which already have international hostels. The management promises to provide facilities like AC, inbuilt kitchen, modern furniture, good food, and additional treats like Hyderabadi biryani. Three years down, OU officials hope to construct 3 more floors to accommodate atleast a
1,000 students. “We will also feel more secure staying inside the campus than outside” says Roukiya, CCFS student of UFRO, OU from Djibouti. “The food is too spicy but the people here are good and the best part is that they respect women” she added. OU has a great reputation and is seeing a steady inflow of
international students. “There is a revision in fee, from `1 lakh last year to about `1,50,000 this year “ says Rasheed, an MBA student. “I hope the changes in the current system will prove beneficial for the foreign students and assist them in their pursuit of reaching their goals” says KVS Lakshmi, Superintendent, UFRO.
17,160.60 144.38
5,191.95 48.80
10g= `29,500
1kg= `55,400
Matters of saving and spending
Metro gives realty a boost prudhvi.k@postnoon.com
Buyers’ check list
n n n n n n
n n n n n
office and residential spaces resulting in an increase in demand when compared to supply. This development in the industrial sector is driving the growth of the real estate market, he added. However, issues like depleting ground water levels and burgeoning traffic have to be sorted out for the City to grow further. Many developers are now looking for alternatives by opting for water recycling. However, the government has to hasten the process of bringing in water from Krishna and Godavari.
Tata, Fiat end pact MUMBAI: India’s Tata Motors and Italian automaker Fiat on Wednesday announced the end of their distribution pact, meaning that the Indian firm will stop selling and servicing Fiat cars in the country. Distribution of Fiat cars will be handed over to a separate Fiat group-owned firm, the firms said in a joint statement, as the Italian auto giant seeks to boost sluggish car sales in India. This was done as “part of the growth plans and in order to provide greater focus on the Fiat brand,” the companies said, which ends months of speculation over the fate of the pact that was set up in 2006. Fiat sold 16,073 cars in India during the fiscal year which ended March 31, a 24
K Prudhvi Raju
ith some clarity emerging on the completion of the much-delayed metro rail project, the real estate sector in the City is all set to get a boost as well. Although the project will take five years to be completed, the metro rail will cover 71.16 km consisting of 66 stations, making it the biggest infrastructure project under the public-private partnership in the country. “There will definitely be a positive impact on the real estate sector. Especially, in the residential segment. Houses within a 5km radius from a metro station will fetch higher property and rental values than houses that are located far from the stations. There will be an appreciation of 25-30 per cent in capital and rental values once the metro services commence,” said PV Ravindra Kumar, CEO, Vasathi Housing. The growing infrastructure in the City will be adding value to the real estate sector. Setting aside the political turmoil, the City’s real estate has many things to its credit. Hyderabad is every investor’s favourite hub, not only for quality infrastructure but also for added attractions like SEZs, industrial parks, IT campuses, and a new international airport. The growth of the IT industry has increased the demand for both
per cent drop in sales year-onyear. It will now also set up its own car dealer network in India, the firms said. The two firms will, however, continue with their 50:50 joint venture — Fiat India Automobiles — to manufacture Fiat and Tata cars, their engines and transmissions. Fiat — whose brands include Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Maserati — currently manufactures cars such as the Punto and Linea in India through its joint venture with Tata Motors. “Ending the pact was anticipated. Fiat had never got a desired foothold in the Indian market,” said Mahantesh Sabarad, auto analyst with Fortune Equity Brokers. “In the future, Fiat will need to get its pricing right.” AFP
Though there is a slowdown in the global economy, the demand for the housing sector will remain strong in the country. But the sector as a whole in the country will not witness the kind of price appreciation it has seen in the last couple of years. The government’s recent move to increase service tax rate from 10 per cent to 12 percent is likely to the developers’ cost of production, who are already reeling under high input costs. This increased burden will be passed on to end users, said Kumar. Property costs have been
Certified copies of the title deeds Encumbrance certificate Possession certificate Deal agreement Proper approvals Plans and layouts Built-up area and carpet area Penalty for delays Early exit charges Tax liabilities Preferential location charges Check how the undivided share of land (UDS) has been apportioned among buyers and conditions regarding the same
increasing due to increase in the input costs in recent times. The other places in the State have seen a definite growth but in the City, the prices have been stable for the last six months. In the near future however, there will be a definite growth, he said. Talking about RBI rate cuts, he said, the decrease in housing interest rates will definitely ease the debt servicing burden of customers and have a positive impact on sales. There will be a definite growth in absorption rate, especially in the affordable housing segment this year.
Yahoo! girds for fight with activist investor SAN FRANCISCO: Yahoo! set the stage Wednesday for a battle with an activist investor intent on winning seats on the struggling Internet giant’s board of directors. In a letter to shareholders, Yahoo! said it had been unable to reach a compromise with Daniel Loeb, head of New York-based hedge fund Third Point, who wants a direct hand in running the California company. “Our efforts to avoid a proxy contest with Third Point were unsuccessful,” Yahoo! said a letter to stockholders. “The board believes that Mr Loeb does not bring the relevant skill set and experience to the board, particularly in comparison to the candidates selected by the board.” Yahoo! said that it offered Third Point two seats on the
is the amount owed to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) by private telecom players such as Airtel, Idea and Vodafone as interconnect usage charges (IUC).
THUS SPAKE “The government in-principle has decided to allow FDI from Pakistan and the move is expected to enhance commercial engagement between the two countries. Exports in sectors such as agriculture produce, chemicals, textiles, auto components could be enhanced through bilateral investment.” Anand Sharma, Commerce and Industry minister
SENSEX DOWN Sensex fell by 103 points in early trade on Thursday on continued selling by foreign funds and retail investors. The 30-share barometer, which had lost 16.90 points on Wednesday, fell further by 103.02 points to 17,198.89 in early trade on Thursday.
board but would not approve Loeb being one of them. Loeb owns six per cent of Yahoo! stock. His “Shareholder Slate” of candidates includes himself, Harry Wilson, Michael Wolf, and Jeff Zucker. “After years of failed leadership and poor governance, Yahoo! shareholders have a chance to inject experienced, independent voices aligned with their interests,” Loeb said at a ValueYahoo.com website devoted to his cause. AFP
MosChip Semiconductor Technology announced a new system that integrates Television with the PC and empowers it with tremendous powers of computing. The multi-function PC Virtualization System (PCVS) from MosChip links the television with the PC to enable a variety of display options and also includes intelligent video solutions for independent multi-display. The PCVS facilitates video streaming, gaming and also virtual functioning of multipurpose home networking for Small Office Home Office (SOHO).
India unveiled
RS poll may wobble Munda The March 30 Rajya Sabha poll was countermanded after `2.15 crore in cash was seized from the vehicle of a relative of an independent candidate Nityanand Shukla
RANCHI: Today’s (May 3) poll for two Rajya Sabha seats from Jharkhand is casting its shadow on the stability of the Arjun Mundaled government. The two ruling coalition parties, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM), are making last ditch efforts to garner support for their respective candidates. The JMM has issued veiled threats about the stability of the state government in a bid to put pressure on the BJP to support JMM candidate Sanjiv Kumkar. The JMM wants the BJP to withdraw its candidate SS Ahuwalia from the election to the upper house of parliament. Apparently to highlight his party’s displeasure, Deputy Chief Minister and JMM leader Hemant Soren Monday did not go to New Delhi to meet BJP president Nitin Gadkari, who had convened a meeting of alliance partners to discuss the strategy for the Rajya Sabha poll. Another ruling partner, All Jharkhand Students Union (AJSU) also did not attend
Gadkari’s meeting in New Delhi. Only Jharkhand Chief Minister Arjun Munda met Gadkari alone in New Delhi, and according to sources, discussed the poll and its likely impact on the state government. “We are busy in party meetings here. What was the need to go to New Delhi when the BJP has not withdrawn its candidate? We cannot face humiliation,” Hemant Soren told reporters here Tuesday. Asked about the fate of the state govern-
ment, he said, “JMM chief Shibu Soren has been authorised to take any decision.” Hemant in his letter to Gadkari last month had sought the BJP’s support for its candidate in the Rajya Sabha poll. The BJP, which had initially decided to stay away from the March 30 poll, had backtracked and voted in favour of the JMM candidate. The JMM wants the BJP to vote for its candidate this time too. Three candidates are in the poll fray for the two Rajya Sabha seats this time — SS Ahuwalia of the BJP, Sanjiv Kumkar of the JMM and Pradep Balmuchu of the Congress. The second main opposition party, Jharkhand Vikas Morcha-Prajantantrik (JVM-P), which has 11 legislators, has announced it will stay away from the poll. The Rashtriya Janata Dal of Lalu Prasad Yadav, which has five legislators, has announced it will support the Congress. In the 81-member house, both the BJP and the JMM have 18 legislators each. The AJSU, JD-U and the Congress have 5, 2 and 13 legislators respectively and the rest are independents. IANS
Thai woman returns to ailing dog BODH GAYA (BIHAR): Their love knew no boundaries. This is the story of Thai national Fa Tha Nik who has returned to India to take Prince, an ailing German Shepherd she adopted here, back home with her. “I cannot live without Prince and it appears that Prince also cannot live without me. We love each other like brother and sister,” Nik told IANS. She adopted the dog and kept it at the Buddhist monastery here she helps run. She went back to Thailand a month ago. But soon Prince fell ill. His misery pulled Nik back — she returned on Saturday. “Last week, when I was informed that Prince was ill, I decided to visit Bodh Gaya for its treatment,” she said. She now plans to return to Thailand along with Prince on May 9. “I have approached the local authorities for the required documents,” she said. IANS
From streets to stage: Living, dancing Tagore Madhusree Chatterjee
Devotees pay their respects at the Golden Temple in Amritsar on Wednesday on the occasion of the 449th birth anniversary of the Sikhs’ fifth Guru, Arjun Dev. AFP/ NARINDER NANU
SC asks media to stay within ‘Lakshman Rekha’ NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Wednesday said media should know where the ‘Lakshman Rekha’ of reporting sub-judice matter begins while the Editors’ Guild of India questioned the court’s jurisdiction to frame guidelines for journalists. The apex court constitution bench of Chief Justice SH Kapadia, Justice DK Jain, Justice SS Nijjar, Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai and Justice JS Khehar said, “We wanted to make media aware. They should know where Lakshman Rekha begins.” The court said the guidelines sought to be put in place by it on media reporting of sub-judice matters were “misconstrued”.
The judges said all that they were striving for was to balance the right of free speech and expression guaranteed under Article 19(1)(a) of the constitution and the accused’s right to free and fair trial under Article 21. The court was hearing an application by the Sahara India Real Estate Corp voicing its grievance over a news channel reporting its proposal made to the Securities and Exchange Board of India. The judges also told that they were not for invoking the punishment part under the contempt of court but for the prevention of reporting that affected the free and fair administration of justice. IANS
NEW DELHI: Poet Rabindranath Tagore, who was often derided as “elitist” by a section of ultra-Left intellectuals during his time, is bridging the class divide in a new way — thanks to eight dancers of the Astad Deboo Dance Company who began their lives as street children in the capital’s alleys. The Nobel laureate has not only been a breathing dream for them in the last few months, but also a window to sustainable livelihood as stage performers. The boys are contemporary dance maestro Astad Deboo’s star performers in a choreography, Interpreting Tagore. The contemporary dancepuppet theatre combining dance, recitation, puppet shows, masks and opera music is designed around three of his poems, Ekla Chalo Re, Your Grace and Every Fragment of Dust is Awakened. The dance theatre was staged at the Kamani auditorium in the national capital on Monday in the last leg of the bard’s 150th birth anniversary celebrations which close May 7. “The boys belonged to the Salaam Balak Trust, but they are members of my dance company. I had earlier worked with 14 of these street children in a production,
A still from Astad Deboo’s Interpreting Tagore. ‘Breaking Boundaries’, to showcase their talent and prove that given an opportunity they can rise to the occasion,” Deboo told IANS. The production premiered last year when the nation began to celebrate Tagore’s 150th birth anniversary, the maestro said. “I decided to use eight of the 14 boys in the dance theatre interpreting Tagore through layers of poetry and songs translated by Aruna Roy,” he said. Carrying Tagore across the cerebral divide was not easy, he said. “I sat with them and
explained what each dance and corresponding poetry was all about. They tried to understand the dance. They know Tagore was a poet but as the translations were in English, language was a barrier. The boys had joined my dance company in 2008 and in three years, they were familiar with my genre of dance,” Deboo said. Voiceover artist Akash Khurana, a popular television actor, who recites poetry at the production, describes the dance theatre and its social implications as “progression”.
India unveiled
‘Radar scene inadequate’ producing satellites that could be used for surveillance and military reconnaissance. However, for it to become a greater player in this regard, it must first increase its capacity to build and launch such satellites quickly, and in larger volumes,” Vaccaro said. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched the 1,858kg indigenously built Risat-1 from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh on its polar satellite launch vehicle (PSLV) April 26. Vaccaro said, “India has moderately strong satellite manufacturing capabilities, but could benefit from greater privatisation and a deeper commercial focus.” Currently, the centralisation of satellite production in ISRO and Antrix Corporation (ISRO’s commercial arm) is impeding the emergence of commercial satellite manufacturing firms, he remarked. According to him, India has an advantage in its highly skilled human capital base. IANS
Venkatachari Jagannathan
CHENNAI: The launch of the Radar Imaging Satellite (Risat-1) is a major step forward for India but it must increase its capacity and launch many more satellites to be considered a serious player in making military satellites, says an official of a US-based space consultancy firm. “Risat-1 represents another step forward for India. Its synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which enables imaging through bad weather conditions during both day and night, will assist Indian land management, agriculture monitoring and resource observation. The satellite mission is in keeping with India’s traditional use of space assets for social benefit,” David Vaccaro, programme manager at the Futron Corporation, told IANS in an e-mail interview. He, however, said India cannot be considered a major force in building military satellites at present. “With the development of SAR imagers and applications, India is increasingly capable of
General VK Singh witnesses final stages of Shoorveer exercise HANUMANGARH (RAJASTHAN): The Army carried out battle drills in synergy with the Air Force to fine tune war fighting concepts as Army Chief General VK Singh today witnessed the final stages of war exercise ‘Shoorveer’ in the desert area here. Singh and other senior Army and Air Force officers witnessed the mechanised predominant battle manoeuvres in which T-90 tanks, infantry combat vehicles, long range artillery gun, air defence weapon system, electronic warfare system and surveillance equipment carried out battle drills. Fighter aircraft of the Air Force, including Sukhoi-30 and Jaguars along with attack helicopters MI-25, MI-17, Unmanned Air Vehicles also participated in the exercise based on the integrated theatre battle concept. PTI
unable to store a bumper crop for the third year in a row, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday appointed a panel headed by C Rangarajan, chief of his economic advisory council, to suggest how it can distribute the additional grain to the needy. The decision was taken after the prime minister reviewed the food stocks and storage situation here. Food minister KV Thomas said the stock of wheat and rice stood at 199.52 lakh tonnes and 333.50 lakh tonnes,
respectively, as on April 1, 2012, against the buffer norms of 70 lakh tonnes and 142 lakh tonnes for wheat and rice, respectively. Most of the godowns are overflowing and the grains would have to be stored in the open thus making it vulnerable to rot. By an estimate, when monsoon rains begin in the country, around 231.82 lakh tonnes of wheat will be exposed to the weather in the open in major producing states of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. PTI
Mayo College not to admit poor kids RTE JAIPUR: The prestigious Mayo College Ajmer on Wednesday told the Rajasthan High Court that it will not grant admission to 25 per cent students from the weaker sections as made mandatory under the Right To Education Act, saying it is not applicable to it. Appearing for Mayo College administration in the High Court senior advocate Abhay Bhandari said, “there will be no admission for weaker section students as the Supreme Court has clarified that boarding schools are not covered by Right to Education Act and they are free to make their admission policies, which heard a writ peti-
LUCKNOW: Admirers of the Taj Mahal will soon be able to take a bicycle tour of the monument of love during nights. As plans to promote eco-tourism, the Uttar Pradesh government is working on a Taj nature walk project which entails constructing an eight-km-long cycle track to view the marble structure at night. Mumtaz eco-park too will be developed, sources said.
Illegal arms factory unearthed, 5 arrested FATEHPUR: An illegal arms factory was unearthed and five persons arrested in this connection in Hussainganj police station area here, police said today. The five arrested are Ram Prasad, Kallu, Udham Singh, Amit and Cheddu, they said. Three revolvers, one rifle, two guns, finished and empty cartridges were recovered, police added.
Panel to distribute surplus grain NEW DELHI: With the government
Children dressed as Mother Teresa form a human chain that reads ‘Mother’s Bliss’ during an awareness campaign in Mirzapur on Wednesday. PTI
NATION AT A GLANCE Now, cycle your way to the Taj Mahal
tion in this regard, senior. “It has further been clarified that the Central government will issue a separate notification clarifying this position shortly as per
direction of the Supreme Court,” he argued. Earlier, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) had issued a notice dated November 21,
2011 to Mayo administration to scrap the admission procedure after it was reported that it had conducted entrance test and screening as also interviews of parents on December 21 and 22 last year in violation of RTE Act. Besides, the local administration had also served a notice on the school to comply with the mandatory provision under RTE. The Act mandates that the poor, weaker sections and disabled students be given free education in their neighbourhood by all private schools. The senior counsel said the Mayo College administration will not be bound by RTE Act to admit poor students as the apex court has clarified that schools which are running day-boarding are not governed by the RTE Act. PTI
Meenara Biwi, 25, survivor of the ferry capsize in the Brahmaputra River, is shifted to a hospital at Buraburi, Assam on Wednesday. PTI
Case filed against Suri murder accused in MP SEONI (MP): Police on Wednesday registered a case against Bahnukiran, accused in the murder of Andhra Pradesh-based gangster Gangula Suryanarayana Reddy alias Suri, for procuring a ration card on the basis of fake documents from the municipal body here. Bhanukiran, while on the run from Hyderabad police, had lived in Seoni under the name of Mahesh Kunjam.
Blackbuck killed by hunting dogs GONDIA: A sub-adult blackbuck, a rare species of deer, was today found killed by hunting dogs near here and Forest Department officials said they do not rule out the involvement of poachers in the incident. The carcass was found under Amgaon forest range of Gondia district in Eastern Maharashtra on Wednesday.
Students stage a protest on Wednesday in Guwahati against those responsible for the suicide of MBA aspirant Dana Sangma. PTI
Around the World
Beyond Borders
Talking Free Press with Tawakkol To mark World Press Freedom Day, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman speaks about the importance of a free press in the Arab world What is the importance of a free press for the changes taking place in the Arab world today? Tawakkol Karman: A free press is the headline for democratic transition; it is an essential cornerstone of any country based on democracy. Freedom of expression is the right that the youth of the Arab Spring used to commence their revolutions; they exercised this very human right, supported by a free press that had been violated and suppressed for many years. A free press should be the standard of any country with claims to democracy. It is both the means and the goal of any change: In the absence of a free press, there is no democracy. What steps should be taken to ensure a broader scope for freedom of expression in the Arab world? We need press freedom without limits. We should safeguard the right to ownership of visual, audio and print media for individuals, organisations and political parties without obstacles, conditions
or prohibitions to detract or limit this right, as well as the right to publish without prior censorship, prohibition or consequent punishment. We also need to safeguard the right to fully dynamic expression, meaning the right to peaceful demonstration and protest without prior consent, suppression and punishment. To exercise these rights without prior consent, and to be responsible for the consequences and to struggle for them, is in itself a pressure exerted on governments to ensure a broader scope for freedom. Has it become easier for women in Yemen to work in journalism? Of course it has become easier for both women and men. The phenomenon of citizen journalism has allowed many young men and women to do journalistic work and excel in it, moreover to sacrifice for its sake too, in spite of being targeted by the authorities – as in the case of Yemen by the regime of President Saleh. During the events of the revolutions,
The phenomenon of citizen journalism has allowed many young men and women to do journalistic work and excel in it, moreover to sacrifice for its sake too, in spite of being targeted by authorities.
Stranded dolphin hiding from bullies
LOS ANGELES: A lone dolphin that has been stranded in Southern California's Bolsa Chica wetlands may be hiding out from bullies, wildlife experts on said Monday, NBC Los Angeles reported. Rescue officials witnessed a confrontation between the animal and other dolphins believed to be a member of its pod as they tried to usher the dolphin back out into the Pacific Ocean, according to the International Business Times.
“We were able to get [the dolphin] to swim into open water Saturday," Peter Wallerstein, an expert with the nonprofit group Marine Animal Rescue, told the IBT. "It was about 100 yards into the harbour and swimming calmly when it was attacked by a couple of very aggressive dolphins. It was eye-opening to see that kind of aggression." The dolphin has been stranded in the wetlands since last Thursday, and wildlife experts have been monitoring the creature, avoiding another attempt to prod it back out into the ocean unless they see its' health deteriorate, NBC News reported. Though bullying does not line up with humans' usual views of dolphins, Wallerstein told reporters that it is not as uncommon as one would think. "Dolphins can be very aggressive toward each other," Wallerstein said. "They’re not the sweet, loving, gentle animals portrayed by the movies and the cartoons. They do have a dark side.” Crowds that have gathered to observe the rescue attempts have been trying name the dolphin, though its sex is unknown, msnbc.com reported. Marine Animal Rescue, based in El Segundo, California, has helped save 92 marine animals so far this year, Wallerstein told the Los Angeles Times. Most of their rescues have involved seals and sea lions. dil_^imlpq
hundreds of newspapers were published; many TV channels and radio stations were launched without conditions or authorisation, given that this was largely prohibited pre-revolution. As for professional journalists, they are practicing their profession under an infinite ceiling of freedom. They have retained their right to criticise which some of them died for. In Yemen alone, six journalists were killed during the events of the revolution. What is your role as a Nobel Prize laureate in raising awareness of the significance of press freedom and freedom of expression? This is the most important part of my life’s mission. Before the revolution, and before Nobel, I was defending the freedom of the press and freedom of expression in Yemen. I founded an organisation named “Women Journalists Without Chains” to defend press freedom and stand against violations of this right. Now, after the revolution and Nobel Prize, I feel that the mission is doubled. I will
work, with God’s help, on local, regional and international levels to defend freedom of the press and freedom of expression; I will work in partnership with local, regional and international human rights defenders to stand against the violations of these rights and for safeguarding the right to media ownership for all. What are your aspirations for Yemen in the future? Do you aspire to a bigger political role? I wish a dignified life and a free future for all the peoples of the world, and I’m already playing a political role right now. There is no need to be a president to play a political role. What would you say to the media and media professionals in the Arab region and beyond to mark World Press Freedom Day? We need to achieve full press freedom, not a fragmented version. We need to practice it without prohibitions. We need to own the media fully, without obstacles. This is what we should struggle for. t^kJfco^
Around the World
Beyond Borders
It’s a ‘Scream’ at $119.9mn
GLOBE AT A GLANCE 22 Syrian troops killed as UN monitors fan out
NEW YORK: The only privately owned version of Edvard Munch’s The Scream — one of the most recognizable paintings in history — set a world record on Wednesday when it sold for $119.9 million at Sotheby’s in New York. Heated competition between seven bidders took the price to the highest for a work of art at a public auction in just 12 minutes, sparking applause. “World record,” announced auctioneer Tobias Meyer after bringing down the hammer. The previous record was held by Picasso’s Nude, Green Leaves, and Bust, which sold in 2010 for $106.5 million. “The Scream” is one of four versions of a work whose nightmarish central figure and lurid, swirling colours symbolized the existential angst and despair of the modern age. It was sold by Norwegian Petter Olsen, whose father was a friend and supporter of the artist. He plans to establish a new museum in Norway. On two occasions, other versions of the painting have
DAMASCUS: Syrian rebels killed 22 troops on Wednesday in the army’s deadliest day of a shaky three-week-old ceasefire deal, even as UN observers said they were having a “calming” impact on the ground. Fifteen troops, including two colonels, were killed in a dawn ambush in Aleppo. Two rebels also died in the attack near Al-Rai village, after President Bashar al-Assad’s forces had “scaled up military operations”
Kiwi’s Possum drinking causes concern WELLINGTON: Authorities in New Zealand raised concerns on Thursday about a student drinking game called “possum”, in which participants sit in trees downing alcohol until they fall to the ground in a drunken stupor. The craze has reportedly swept the South Island city of Dunedin, which has a large student population, leaving public parks strewn with glass, litter and vomit. “It’s been occurring fairly regularly for the last two or three years,” Dunedin City Council’s parks manager Alan Matchett told Fairfax Media. Matchett described the activity as “pointless” and said his staff were tired of cleaning up the mess created by students playing possum. He said the council was concerned about potential injuries to students and damage to its trees, as well as the inconvenience to other park users. The game is named after the brushtail possum, a nocturnal marsupial introduced from Australia which has become a feral pest in New Zealand and is a common sight in urban parks. Dunedin University spokesman said any students caught engaging in the possum game were forced to clean up their litter and faced the prospect of further disciplinary action.
Edvard Munch’s The Scream is auctioned at Sotheby’s on Wednesday in New York City. MARIO TAMA/GETTY IMAGES/AFP been stolen from museums, although both were recovered. Copies have adorned everything from student dorms to tea mugs and the work has the rare quality of being known to art experts and the general public alike. Reflecting the excitement, Sotheby’s spokesman Darrell Rocha said there had been an “electric” atmosphere during
the sale of a painting that had been estimated to fetch at least $80 million. “A group of seven bidders jumped into the competition early, but it was a prolonged battle between two highly determined phone bidders that carried the final selling price to its historic level,” he said. Scream’s success means there are just three other works
that have sold for more than $100 million. One is the Picasso nude, another is Picasso’s Boy with a Pipe which sold for $104.1 million in 2004, and the fourth is Alberto Giacometti’s Walking Man sculpture which fetched $104.3 million in 2010. The version of The Scream sold on Wednesday was executed in 1895 and is the only one not held by Norwegian museums. It also features a poem inscribed by Munch in which he explains his inspiration for the work, which depicts “the great scream in nature.” Olsen said he was “very pleased” and said he hoped “the publicity given by this sale will increase interest in Munch’s work and awareness of the important message that I feel it conveys.” “The scream shows for me the horrifying moment when man realizes his impact on nature and the irreversible changes that he has initiated, making the planet increasingly inhabitable.” AFP
The glove finally comes off PARIS: French President Nicolas Sarkozy launched fierce assaults on Socialist rival Francois Hollande in their debate four days before their election clash, but failed to land a decisive blow on the frontrunner. The pair swapped insults in Wednesday’s tense exchange without either dominating, but Socialist challenger Hollande had gone into the televised clash as the pollsters’ favourite and appeared to emerge from it unscathed. Political observers said they had been surprised by the ferocity of the debate, but doubted it would swing the election far in either direction. With just days to go before Sunday’s run-off and the rightwing incumbent having trailed in opinion polls for more than six months, he did not hesitate to go on the attack, calling Hollande a “liar” and “arrogant” several times. Hollande’s response was just as fierce and sometimes mocking, accusing Sarkozy of refusing to take responsibility for his record and accusing him of self-satisfaction in a period of grim economic crisis for many voters. “Whatever comes along, whatever happens, you’re always satisfied,” Hollande declared, after an early exchange on the economy.
UN blacklists North Korean firms UNITED NATIONS: The UN Security Council put three top North Korean state firms on a sanctions black list over the country’s failed rocket launch. But the move against enterprises said to have financed the missile could soon be followed by a new UN sanctions battle if the North carries out a feared nuclear bomb test. AFP
Hillary Clinton and Chinese President Hu Jintao attend the opening ceremony of the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue.
Blind activist appeals for safety abroad BEIJING: Blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng appealed on Thursday for safety abroad, saying he feared for his life after his dramatic escape to Beijing, as US and Chinese leaders sparred over human rights. “I want to go overseas. I want the US to help me and my family. They helped me before,” he said from a Beijing hospital where he is being treated for a foot injury.
An image grab shows Francois Hollande (L) and Nicolas Sarkozy (R) during their national TV debate. AFP “That’s a lie! A lie!” retorted Sarkozy. “This is not a little joke competition.” Hollande bridled at being called a liar, but quickly regained his composure, saying “It’s obviously a theme I should find intolerable, but coming from your mouth it just becomes repetitive.” Tempers flared again when Hollande accused Sarkozy of stuffing senior posts in government, the media and industry with political cronies and the president responded by calling him a “little slanderer”. Sarkozy denied having been a divisive figure, insisting that there had been no violence and no mood of “civil war” during his first five-year term. Sarkozy also cited Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the disgraced former IMF chief and senior member of
Hollande’s Socialist Party, accusing his opponent of washing his hands like “Pontius Pilate” amid rumours of sexual excess. Hollande fiercely denied this, insisting he had no information about his former ally’s private life, and matched Sarkozy blow-for-blow ceding nothing and accusing him of making the rich richer and the poor poorer. “You’re not capable of developing a line of reasoning without being rude,” Hollande said, adding “Me, I will protect the children of the republic. You, you protect the most privileged.” The political scientist Emmanuel Riviere of pollster TNS-Sofres declared the debate “more or less a draw” but added this represented in effect a victory for Hollande. AFP
20 dead after attackers storm Cairo protest CAIRO: Thugs attacked an anti-military protest in Cairo sparking clashes that killed 20 people in the tense run-up to Egypt’s first post-uprising presidential poll. In a bid to placate the protesters against military rule, the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces said it was ready to hand power to civilian rule on May 24 if a candidate wins the first round of the election. AFP
Supporters of pro-Taliban party Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Nazaryati carry portraits of Osama bin Laden during an anti-US rally in Quetta.
Fair, free and forthright
It doesn’t get more accurate than this!
Talk back Price of peace It is most disheartening to see to what extent the government can stoop to fill its treasury. Only after reading your report Govt delays decision on booze biz did I understand why the government does not put end to the liquor menace that most women like me have to put up with. `20,000 crore, I must say, is a lot of money for the government to give up. But what I wonder is, how come the Gujarat government functions without this revenue? And, if they can, why can’t we? Actually the government has put a small price for the citizens of the state I must say. Kalpana S Mangalhat
Rid them their misery Home of hope in dire straits made for sad reading. While we harp that we are a happening IT city, we do not have the time to notice such hapless goings on in our backyard. While we have a high number of Audis, Mercedes and BMWs on our well kept roads, we do not have the heart to address the basic needs of a handful of unfortunate fellow beings. Hope that on reading this article, some philanthropic people will come forward and contribute to this organisation. This will not only help the organisation, it will also help the city maintain its name of being a hospitable one. Joseph Kutty Masab Tank
Sagar of filth It is not a good idea to depend on the government to save our most prized landscape, the Hussain Sagar Lake. From being a buff of this beautiful lake, I have become a hater. While a few years ago it used to draw people and appreciation by the hordes, today it has become an eyesore. I appeal to likeminded people of the city to join hands and do something about this before it is totally ruined, which is exactly what will happen if it is left unattended. The last group we should depend on to restore its beauty is our group of politicians. Venkatesh Bharadwaj Abids
Stop detailing crime What is the fascination your paper has with crime I don’t understand? I recommend that you project positive aspects of life through your paper for our children. What will they learn from reading about crime? They are better of learning details of a sport every day. Gayathri Vijay Madhapur
Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to feedback@postnoon.com or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222. Editor: Dean Williams
But... Seriously Ajay Hotchandani
Here’s your horoscope folks. (It’s a joke people, don’t take it personally.)
Aries Besides being born as a result of your parents’ poor planning you were also unfortunate enough to be born dark. Beauty being in the eye of the beholder, it would benefit you if the world was blind. You have a secret desire to eat cheese while checking your email. When it comes to matters of finance, you’re the reason why people think Indians are cheap. Your favourite past time is watching Chinese cooking shows dubbed in Tamil. Communication is your key word for this month; however no one will tell you this until next month.
Taurus You resemble your sign, you are full of bull! You are not attractive, but your saving grace is that your mum owns lots of diamonds and your dad drives a Mercedes. You have a good circle of imaginary friends who adore your sorry excuse for fashion. Food is your weakness, and your large rear is a testament to that. You have a deep fear of wet paper bags. Great time is spent discussing issues with loved ones, but you are often ignored and sometimes even mocked.
Gemini When your star aligns with your plant you will have a severe case of explosive diarrhoea, so wear brown pants to help disguise any mishap. You are such a materialistic person you would sell your own kidney to buy a new cell phone. When it comes to kids, efforts haven’t been made by the scientific community to ensure your genes do not continue to exist in the gene pool. Romance is only a phone call away; have your credit card ready and make sure your mother doesn’t pick up the phone this time. A future trip to Mexico or Canada may be in order if you plan to go to the US anytime soon.
Cancer You are unique; you march to the beat of the
voices in your head. Career promotion and financial rewards would be on your agenda; however, the mentally retarded always beat you to it. You often experience high levels of tension and constipation when you can’t find soft toilet paper. You are a very caring person; problem is you only care about yourself. Your friends and you don’t see eye to eye, but that’s ‘cause of the height difference. Being technology inept, people around you might frequently find themselves explaining to you why the phone won’t turn on the TV.
Leo Acting on impulse is what you are known for; however, people will remember you for being annoying. There will be matters you and your partner don’t agree on; this is best resolved by having them leave the room. You have a strong
MUNCH’S MASTERPIECE GOES UNDER THE hammer for a $119-million Scream
e came, he saw, and he screamed. At least that’s what we think Edvard Munch would have done when he found out that his famous painting, The Scream, sold for a stratospheric $119.9 million at yesterday’s Sotheby’s auction. The painting, which surpassed the previous record of $106.5 million, held by Picasso's Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, proves that people are still willing to shell out squillions for art and the so called Double Dip be damned. Art has always had the happy knack of bucking economic trends, wooing billionaires into allowing them into their vaults. Needless to say, the anonymous buyer will now loan it to a museum where mere mortals can appreciate it. There are three versions of The Scream, an infinitely more impactful painting than Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, the other two have been stolen, and then recovered at one point or the other. Looks like the security will cost a truckload too.
inner conscience that often leads you to making horrible decisions. In the near future you will encounter great difficulties using office stationery. If you look in the kitchen, you will see unfinished business, now go wash those dishes.
Virgo Things in your career and life will happen depending on your drive and ambition, which means you are screwed you lazy bum! Working with — rather than against the flow should be easy to do, especially since you are weak and can be pushed around easily. The planets and the reflection in the mirror are indicating that you have a deeper reason to feel worried about finding someone. The others will be enlightened... in my column next week.
WHY THE SUN JUST won’t give up the tat
or Rupert Murdoch’s flagship, The Sun, the Levenson enquiry into media ethics seems to have been swiftly forgotten. It’s headline in response to Roy Hodgson’s appointment as England coach (see page 32) is a new low for a paper that revels in the gutter of British journalism. Maybe it was the paper’s way of saying that not matter what happens to ‘god’, for his archangels it will be business as usual.
Telly Tales
Small screen, big idea
Padmini C padmini.c@postnoon.com
It's maker: Band of Brothers, Boardwalk Empire, Entourage, Eastbound and Down, Mildred Pierce, Sex and the City, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, The Wire...what do they have in common? Their maker. Few production houses can make better series than HBO and we know it. Why, just look at their brilliant adaptation of the epic adventure series Game of Thrones, which has effortlessly managed to oust every other show on TV from the vicinity, sitting lordly in a league of it's own. So when it's from them that comes Veep, a brand new comedy, we pay attention alright. And if the pilot is anything to go by, we can safely say, it’s the best political satire of the season.
FIVE REASONS TO VOTE FOR VEEP Or how about just one? Politically incorrect in every way, it is without a doubt, the best comedy show to debut on TV this season
thing. Veep works because of its awesome supporting cast, who are essentially scrambling members of Selina's team. There's Anna Chlumsky as Amy, (yes! The girl from My Girl) as the Veep's snarky and temperamental chief of staff; not-very-effective spokesperson Mike (Matt Walsh); the airhead fashionista and right hand man (Tony Hale); and the slick spin doctor Dan Egan (Ridd Scott). Their antics and shenanigans in the office are where the uproariously funny one-liners come from.
Comic stylings: It's fresh, its natural and its as politically incorrect as it gets, what more can you ask for. The characters are quirky, the dialogues are witty, the goof-ups legendary and the repartee hilarious. The 30 minutes of the episode slide easy without too much notice. Easily explained, considering the show's creator is Armando Iannucci, a master at seamlessly fusing subtle and overt to hilarious effects.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus : We loved her as Elaine in Seinfield and we love her as palinesque Vice President Selina Meyer in Veep. How Selina got to being one step away from being the leader of the free world is anybody's guess, considering that she's a walkingtalking accident waiting to happen. And having watched her on the show, there's simply no one better to do it than Dreyfus. From being a livid, profanity sprouting boss having to cope with her inept staff in one scene to charming the pants off senators in another, she's perfect as the attention-craving, scatter-brained, dimwit Veep.
Political undertones: Underneath all the fun and frivolity, Veep has some genuine moments of insight (even if only in satire) into the political machinery. There's back-stabbing, blame games, ladder-climbing, hegemony of lobbies (plastics, oil), disaster control, self-serving politicians, useless public programmes — basically, all the incidents that routinely take place in governmental offices. We have little doubt, fans of both smart, and slapstick comedies are going lap this one up. Episodes of Veep are available online.
The supporting cast: It's not often in a show that you like “the extras” as much as you would as the lead. But here's the
FULL HOUSE Where are they now?
ull House is an American sitcom television series. Set in San Francisco, the show chronicles widowed father Danny Tanner, who, after the death of his wife, enlists his best friend Joey Gladstone and his brother-in-law Jesse Katsopolis to help raise his three daughters, DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle.The show originally ran in prime time from September 22, 1987 to May 23, 1995 on ABC. The series originally ran for 8 seasons, and 192 episodes.
A fun, family adventure John Stamos played Jesse Katsopolis
Bob Saget played Danny Tanner
Then: Jesse first moves into the house with virtually no experience in taking care of young children or babies, but starts to learn the ropes. In the first season, Jesse works for his father Nick's exterminating business before leaving to pursue work in advertising, frequently working with Joey. Now: Stamos has appeared in numerous television films and series. He starred in ER as Dr Tony Gates. In September 2010 Stamos began a multi-episode arc as Dr Carl Howell on the second season of the Fox series Glee.
Dave Coulier played Joey Gladstone Then: Joey is mainly known for his love of cartoons and other childlike things. He is also a stand-up comedian albeit a hilariously terrible one. He has a pilot's license and can fly a two-seater, out of which Jesse skydives the day of his wedding. He can give quite good advice at times. He is the show's tritagonist. Now: Coulier struggled to find prominent roles in television and film. After a brief stint in reality TV with The Surreal Life and Skating with Celebrities, Coulier continued to make regular television appearances as the host of shows including America's Funniest People. He continues to tour the US and Canada as a stand-up comedian, and recently Coulier launched a youth-oriented comedy website, clean guys TV.
Then: Bob Saget is left with three young daughters to raise after his wife, Pam, dies from a car accident caused by a drunk driver. At the beginning of the series, he works as a sportscaster for Channel 8 News. He becomes the co-host for the station's talk show, Wake Up, San Francisco. Now: He recently guest starred on Entourage: A Look Back and Louie and is continually playing to sold out audiences in theaters and universities across North America as he prepares to shoot his next stand-up special in 2012.
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen played Michelle Then: Michelle Tanner shares a special bond with her Uncle Jesse; they are "best pals". When Michelle was an infant, her favorite plaything was a dish rag, even after Danny, Jesse, and Joey built her a tree house. At the age of two, she had her first crush, on a good-natured boy named Howie. Michelle was 8-years-old in the final season of Full House. Now: After being in the spotlight since they were 6, at 25, the twins decided that they had had their fill of the spotlight. The twins are now busy with lauded clothing lines, Elizabeth & James and The Row.
Holistic view of mind, body and soul
DEALING WITH DYSLEXIA Your child not doing well at school? Is unable to read and makes a lot of spelling errors? It is time that you consider this to be a sign of dyslexia Treatment Anishaa Kumar anishaa.k@postnoon.com
e have screamed at him and even tried to talk to him. Nothing is working, my child is very intelligent and is very talkative otherwise. He loves school. When it comes to his writing and reading work I fail to understand what to do,” exclaimed a distressed parent. Many cases such as these can be seen nowadays. The condition may be due to dyslexia, a developmental reading disorder in which the brain fails to recognise or understand certain symbols. The causes for dyslexia cannot be specifically pinpointed at.
Symptoms According to Natasha Palaparthy, a remedial consultant, Reach Out Development Centre, “dyslexia is basically a reading disability in which the child struggles to read with a flow and may also make a lot of mistakes when it comes to writing.” Dr S Jayanthi, child psychologist says, “In childhood, most children reverse alphabets and numbers such as d and b. This usually sets right by the time the child is in UKG or class I. If it still continues then this could be due to dyslexia.” Apart from reversal of symbols, dyslexic children may show certain other symptoms. “You may notice that while playing with a bat and ball they may be trying to hit the ball in one direction but it goes in the other direction. Children with dyslexia may appear intelligent but are unable to read and write even though they are orally quite sound,” says Dr Jayanthi. The causes of dyslexia could be anything from genetic problems to birth trauma. One may wonder that if many children may not be good at reading and writing how can someone identify that the child is suffering from dyslexia. Dr Jayanthi says, “Usually children are lazy so they may make mistakes while writing, but the difference is that a dyslexic child may want to study and do well but is genuinely unable to do so. The anxiety can be seen in their face.” She adds that such children when they read may use their fingers and also may skip words. “One could take for example the word LEADER, the child may stop at the word lead. They substitute words with words that are familiar to them.”
Diagnosis Like most disorders the diagnosis of dyslexia is done through a detailed analysis. Dr Jayanthi says, “A detailed case work of the child is done which also includes an analysis of his/her notebooks to notice a particular pattern of writing. The child is then tested for various forms of reading and writing disorders such as dyslexia (reading), dyscalculia (maths) and dysgraphia (writing).”
Natasha says, “Once it is identified that the child is dyslexic, they are put onto a remedial learning programme that goes along with their regular academic programme. The child is provided with special reading material and other materials or they maybe taught with the help of phonetics. Natasha explains that the remedial learning methods may make use of visual and auditory means. “Learning is done by using all areas of the child. For example, if a child is told about an apple he or she may not be able to recognise it. But if a child is shown an apple and then told it’s sounds, he or she will understand and also remember.”
Fitting in Usually when it comes to such developmental problems, people are concerned about the child fitting in society and in their school. Dr Jayanthi says that it usually isn’t a problem if a child has a good or average IQ and is undergoing remedial treatment. The problem usually occurs
when the child has a borderline IQ. With awareness about dyslexia growing schools, teachers and society are now more accepting about the situation. “Parents and people should understand that dyslexia is not a disease and a cure thus cannot be there. A child through these remedial measures is taught how to cope with the situation. They are taught to work around their problem.” With the increase in available information, parents are now more open and understanding about the problem. Natasha mentions, “Now that parents have understood that dyslexia is not associated with any mental disability they have become more receptive. Various school boards also are providing a lot of help for children with learning disabilities.We keep telling parents and teachers that they should never make the children feel less than the other. Even a little change has to be encouraged.” She mentions that although it is never too late to provide help, the earlier it is done it is better.
Are oral contraceptive pills safe?
Dr Divya T Sudershan
I have been reading a lot of scary reports about the oral contraceptive pill. My doctor has prescribed them to me. Should I take them ? How safe are they? I think every doctor has been shouting from the rooftops about NOT taking medicines without medical advice, about not sharing prescriptions and also about stopping certain medicines when told to do so. The problem with people is once they get comfortable with medication, they assume they can continue it for ever without side effects. As far as OCPs go, they are oral contraceptive pills usually combined of two hormones in very low doses and given either to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, a hormonal imbalance, or to reduce bleeding, or pain during cycles. The most common side effects of the birth control pills include nausea, headache, breast tenderness, weight gain, irregular bleeding, and migraine and mood changes. These side effects often subside after a few months use. Sometimes women with migraines may notice an increase in symptoms. Oral contraceptives may contribute to increase blood pressure, blood clots, heart attack, stroke. Women who smoke, especially those over 35, and women with a history of blood clots, with a family history breast or endometrial cancer, may be advised against taking oral contraceptives. That is why history is so important. The doctor will normally ask for a few tests , will check your BP and take a detailed history before she prescribes anything, and your honesty and clarity is very important. Even when she prescribes the pill she will ask you to take it for a period of 2-3 months and come for follow up. She will also ask you to inform her about any other discomfort, once you take the medicines. As long as the communication is clear between the patient and doctor, you can take any medicine safely! The writer is a gynaecologist and obstetrician practising at Happy Women Clinic. You can write in to her at happywomenclinic@gmail.com
Holistic view of mind, body and soul
SIMPLE DEVICE CAN HELP BABIES WITH HEART FLAW PARIS: A cheap, simple device widely used to monitor blood oxygen can help save newborn babies with congenital heart defects, a study in The Lancet determined. Congenital heart flaws account for between three and 7.5 per cent of all infant deaths, but surgery greatly improves the chances of survival, especially if the problem is detected at the earliest stages. Doctors led by Shakila Thangaratinam of Queen Mary University of London looked at published research into pulse oximetry, in which a small monitor is placed on the fingertip or toe to check levels of oxygen in arterial haemoglobin. It works by comparing the differences in red light, which is absorbed by oxygenated blood and infrared light, which is absorbed by deoxygenated blood. Oxygenation levels are given instantly, in a digital display. Thirteen studies covering nearly 230,000 newborn babies were included in the trawl. Pulse oximetry detected 76.6 per cent of congenital heart defects and had a rate of just 0.14 per cent of “false positives,” a term meaning the times when the device wrongly signalled a problem when in fact the infant was healthy. The risk of a “false positive” was even lower when the baby was tested more than a day after
birth, rather than within the first 24 hours, the paper said. Pulse oximetry is a useful, non-invasive early warning test for babies who do not have obvious symptoms of cardiac problems, say the researchers. Infants that are spotted as being at risk can then be diagnosed by echocardiography
HOUSECALL lbinism occurs when one of several genetic defects makes the body unable to produce or distribute melanin, a natural substance that gives colour to hair, skin, and iris of the eye. The defects may be passed down through families. The most severe form of albinism is called oculocutaneous albinism. People with this type of albinism have white or pink hair, skin, and iris colour, as well as vision problems. People with albinism do have some problems including bad vision and get easily sunburnt. A common myth is that people with albinism have red eyes. In fact there are different types of albinism and the amount of pigment in the eyes varies. Although some individuals with albinism have reddish or violet eyes, most have blue eyes. Some have hazel or brown eyes. However, all forms of albinism are associated with vision problems.
try to use it as a routine screening tool. But the new study says the evidence is now emphatic, as pulse oximetry has been tested on more than a quarter of million infants, 100,000 more than in 2009 when the last review took place. AFP
and, if need be, treated by surgery. Pulse oximetry for newborns is an issue that has been hotly debated in medical circles, with some experts saying its reliability is unproven. The United States is the only coun-
ou’ve been weight watching for some time now but didn’t know how to keep a track of your calories? The MyFitnessPal app that is available for the iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Windows markets is the perfect answer. The app helps you keep a track of what you eat. The app offers a database of more than 1 million food items. Once you enter details of everything you’ve eaten, the app calculates the nutritional values for you. Before using the app, you specify your height, weight, age and any weight goals you have; using that data, MyFitnessPal keeps a running total of remaining calories you have in a given day, along with the total fat, protein, carb and vitamin/mineral intake you have left.
Discovery may better arthritis treatment SYDNEY: Muscle inflammation outside the joints is as much to blame for discomfort and poor mobility in arthritis sufferers as inflammation of the joint itself, says a new study. It potentially opens the way to better treatment. Knee arthritis treatment has focussed on relieving knee joint inflammation. But researchers from Victoria University, La Trobe University, Warringal Hospital and St Vincent’s Hospital found muscle inflammation outside the joint in those suffering knee osteoarthritis, meaning that treatment may need changing. Pazit Levinger and Itamar Levinger from Victoria explained muscle inflammation was a body’s natural reaction to injury or infection but lead to muscle wastage when prolonged, the Arthritis and Rheumatism journal reports. For those with knee arthritis this muscle wastage can result in less capacity to perform daily activities, according to a Victoria statement. “With the better understanding of changes in muscle function coming out of this study we will be able to target exercise and drug therapy more effectively to keep this population active and increase their quality of life for longer,” Levinger said. IANS
DID YOU KNOW...? Sweat causes smelly feet
he source of smelly feet, like smelly armpits, is sweat. And people sweat buckets from their feet. A pair of feet have 500,000 sweat glands and can produce more than a pint of sweat a day. Sweat is basically just salt and water, though, so it doesn’t have a distinctive smell of its own. The smell is actually caused by bacteria on our skin that eats the sweat and excretes waste that has a strong odour. The sweat our feet excrete can’t easily escape into the air like the sweat our hands excretes — it all collects on our skin and in our socks. When you take off your shoes, the smell that hits you is all the bacteria excretion that's collected on your feet and in your socks and shoes.
Because you are what you wear
his segment of the Fashion Week Australia was special as it marked the debut of Oroton into the apparel line. The Aussie brand founded in 1938 and famous for its leather goods, handbags and accessories has finally branched out to give the fashion junta a first look at its first foray into clothing. Geometric prints, palettes of purple and orange and shirts with sparkly collars were the heroes of the collection, with Aztec prints, sequin dresses and swimwear also making a statement. The collection was described as polished but wearable, comfortable yet stylish, with a South American undertone.
SPLASH amilla Frank’s beautiful and colourful spring/summer collection, titled Gypset sure had the lensmen present at the venue going into a frenzy. The ramp was filled with what one would call an explosion of shades. Alll 45 models who walked the ramp were dressed in a riot of colours, enough to make any summer day special.A release by her fashion house termed Gypset as truly print-alicious, “fusing the wild and unconventional ethos of a gypsy with the sophistication and speed of the jet setter”. Embellishments of Swarovski crystals, sequins and beading are seen widely throughout the collection; lending a nice contrast to the bright hues of the prints.
Diwaker, Varun & Arnab
Karthik & Suman
Lavish luncheon
Patrons were seen enjoying the delicious lunch spread at Food ‘n’ I on Wednesday afternoon. Madhav & Varun
Muthu & Praveen
Surya & Yadagiri
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TRISHA goes on vacation
@RGVzoomin “@najafjaved: 3 types of ppl: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen & those who wonder what happend.”
week after the release of her recent Telugu film Dhammu, Trisha has decided to go on a long vacation along with her close set of friends. Incidentally, her birthday falls on May 4, so this year she’s planning to make her vacation all the more special. Although she had an insignificant role to play in Dhammu, Trisha is happy that the film is doing pretty well at the box office. After Dhammu, she’ll soon be seen opposite Vishal in a Tamil film titled Samar and in Telugu, she’s in talks for a Ravi Teja’s film tentatively titled as Saar Vastaaru. It’s been almost 10 years since Trisha made her debut in Telugu cinema and she doesn’t seem to be in a mood to bid adieu anytime soon.
Vishwaroopam catches Hollywood’s attention
amal Haasan’s upcoming film Vishwaroopam has caught the attention of some studios in Los Angeles. Some part of the film was shot in LA and Kamal Haasan has roped in some LA-based studios to complete the special effects in the film. As a result, word about the film spread in Hollywood and now we hear that Barrie Osborne, one of the producers of Lord of the Rings and Matrix, has expressed his interest to watch the film. When Kamal Haasan came to know about this, he decided to fly to Los Angeles to organise a special screening of Vishwaroopam for Osborne. Michael Westmore, the make up artist of films like Star Trek and Dashavataram, will join Kamal Haasan at the film’s screening. The film stars Kamal Haasan, Pooja Kumar, Rahul Bose and Andrea Jeremiah in lead roles. Kamal Haasan has also written and directed the film.
Punjab are the giant killers to watch out for in ipl5... easily the best IPL so far! And Bangalore is where every batsman wants to play!
@_Hansika Your day is made when the watchman at the door ,opens the door n say mam’m ur film was worth watching :D #OkOk. Happy me.
@actressanjjanaa Enjoying a cheat meal !! Indulgence is true bliss!pampered @ home, blessed to hav lovely folks and frienz!! Gn :-)
Shadow team heads to Switzerland
enkatesh starrer Shadow is turning out to be quite a prestigious project for Meher Ramesh. After his last film Shakti bombed at the box office, Meher Ramesh is reportedly quite eager to make a comeback and he is pinning all his hopes on Shadow. Venkatesh is playing a mafia don’s role in the film. Taapsee and Madhurima are also playing the lead roles in the film. Currently, the film is being shot near Interlaken, Switzerland. Some major portions of the songs and few scenes are being canned on the principal cast and we hear that the film unit will return to India on May 20. Thaman is composing the music. Kona Venkat and Gopimohan have written the film’s script. Parachuri Kireeti is producing the film.
Had the yummiest steak ever...followed by the yummiest ice cream coupe. French vanilla and coffee. Yummmm au revoir zweisimmen :)
@tashu_02 Met the entire team n felt great... Gonna learn my dialogues in Malayalam from tmrw...!! Calling it a night now... Gudnite :-)
@ramsayz Karunakaran garu told me that “Nee Chupule” is one of the best montage songs shot by him till date... Mine & Tamannaah’s too.
@LakshmiManchu Back in hyd after some fun and great meetings. Post production work for #UKUP and #Varuvanthalaivan on full swing.
Chai Time
How to play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: ‘How do you play kakuro?’, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells — called a run — any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two — it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.
Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa
QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Pacific Island group 6 More than impressed 10 Some add it to the fire 14 Praise to the skies 15 Oliver Twist's entreaty 16 Actress Bancroft 17 Jargon of a particular field 18 ‘___ go bragh’ 19 Fawn's father 20 Outdoor bazaar 22 Monkey with a long tail 23 Participate in one part of a triathlon 24 Biceps band 26 Tick off 30 Good hole card 31 Asian tongue 32 Word with ‘high pressure’ 33 ___ temperature (was feverish) 35 Digs for pigs 39 Gain wisdom (with ‘up’) 41 Send around the bend 43 Injures 44 1871 Verdi opera 46 An awful smell 47 Came down with 49 Prefix with ‘understanding’ 50 Proboscis 51 How seaweed might be washed 54 Extinct New Zealand birds 56 Beach ball? 57 Feature of a dim-witted person 63 Stopswaffling 64 EdiblePacific tuber 65 Event with ropers and riders 66 Complimentary 67 ‘Put a tiger in your tank’ gas brand 68 Collect little by little 69 Small amounts 70 Cause a stench 71 Make happy DOWN
1 ___-help (popular book genre) 2 Angle between a stem and a branch 3 King of beasts' crowning glory 4 One of Chekhov's ‘three sisters’ 5 Molecule parts 6 Bits and pieces of US history 7 Labourers 8 One of the Great Lakes 9 Type of hygiene 10 On-screen effect 11 Up to the time that 12 Related on Mom's side 13 On theup-and-up 21 Fully up-to-date 25 Poison-ivy reaction 26 Pulverise potatoes 27 ‘My Friend ___’ (Martin-
Lewis film) 28 Bully's weapon 29 Rural abodes 34 Novel that isn't read 36 ‘European’ opening 37 Filmdirector's headaches 38 Dusty dry 40 Old Russian monarch 42 Kind of spray for allergies 45 Involve deeply 48 More adroit 51 Floating above the rooftops 52 Old Toyota model 53 Despised
55 Twilled fabric 58 ‘At ___, private!’ 59 ‘___ Flanders’ 60 Concept 61 Without ice, as a drink 62 Over PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER
THOUGHT OF THE DAY A man likes his wife to be just clever enough to appreciate his cleverness, and just stupid enough to admire it. – Israel Zangwill
Your tomorrow today̶Star Power and Tarot THIRUVAIKUMAR
As per Hindu panchang
FOR 4-5-2012
thiruvaikumar@yahoo.co.in 040-27177230 / 9177596118
Money, as expected will come. You will understand the mentality of the person with whom you have to get the jobs done and approach accordingly. You will clear all hand loans you have taken.
Overburden of work is inevitable. To help blood relatives in certain works, you have to travel a lot. Property issues will be finalised amicably. In‑laws will extend their support with well.
Tension, travel and wasteful expenses are going to either come down or disap‑ pear. Health will be fine. Newly married can get ready to welcome their offspr‑ ing. Sudden financial fortune likely.
Your long‑pending wishes will get ful‑ filled. Friendship with persons of pow‑ erful position likely. Those trying for a job will get one. Court verdicts will go in favour. Some will go on a pilgrimage.
You have to reduce your anger. Employ‑ ees have chances of getting hurt at the workplace; be alert. Deficit financial sit‑ uation likely. You will have to struggle hard for completing promised work.
Long‑pending hitches will be resolved now. Unexpected income likely. Health problem likely; be careful and take care. Sudden trips and sleeplessness will up‑ set you. Friends, relatives pester you.
Tension and wasteful expenditure will come down. Money inflow will increase. Health problems will be over. Differen‑ ces you had with VIPs will disappear. Some will change their residence.
New efforts will become successful. Works that kept on dragging will end soon. Hurdles in marriage talks will be over and talks will end favourably. A happy atmosphere is expected at home.
Cold war and ego clashes between cou‑ ples will come to an end. Housing loan sanction will now get sanctioned. Cla‑ shes and differences with in‑laws will come to an end. You will clear a debt.
Change of residence is on the cards. Meeting with old friends and close rela‑ tives you cheerful. Minor accidents like‑ ly; caution is advised while driving. Be in harmony with your VIP friends.
A straightforward approach will yield the best results. Mental depressions will disappear. Favours likely from govt cir‑ cle. Sudden trips likely. Those trying for a job will be favoured with a good one.
Your stock is set to pile up. Court ver‑ dicts will favour you. Honorary posts will come in search of you. Blood rela‑ tives will extend their whole‑hearted support. Visa to go abroad will come.
FOR 4-5-2012
The Emperor – Happiness is within kissing distance if you only alter your perspective a little bit. There are many ways to look at the same situation.
Six of Wands – Donʼt hesitate to ask for h‑ elp when you need it. It is a sign of a stron‑ g, stable and secure person who knows t‑ hat one cannot be ex‑ pected to do it all.
Ten of Swords – Wo‑ rk‑life balance needs attention. Be strict and disciplined about stopping work when office hours are over. You will feel more energetic to work.
The Hermit – Be care‑ ful of your keys, cell‑ phone and other small but very important objects you keep with you all the time. Keep it in a bag/ safe place so you donʼt worry.
Two of Swords – You may feel as though you are being made the victim of someth‑ ing you do not even know. Donʼt feel pre‑ ssurised to act offen‑ sive. Be patient.
Five of Wands – Justice will be done. For that, you have to be patient and not do anything that will add to more problems or create more confusion.
Two of Wands – You need to play the ga‑ me that others expe‑ ct you to play. Life can be simple if your needs are simple. Al‑ as, we live in a com‑ plex world of desire.
Ten of Pentacles – Y‑ ou get a lot of satisfa‑ ction by doing things for other people. It may be charity in the simplest of forms but it makes you proud. Keep it going.
Three of Pentacles – Think sharp and clear about your next mov‑ es, especially in career. There is always going to be office politics where there are ambi‑ tious people.
The Fool – You have been taking care of your body well of late‑ ly. Paying attention to diet and exercise is reaping good results. Go easy on yourself and enjoy a bit also.
The Sun – You have tr‑ emendous energy and this is coming from in‑ ner self‑motivation. U‑ se this energy to acco‑ mplish some impor‑ tant tasks. Prioritise your time better.
Page of Wands – Or‑ ganise your time in a way that you optimi‑ se time spent at work. Start by creating a time table and stick‑ ing to it. It is doable if inclination is there.
For Better or for Worse Stone soup
Number game
Ink pen
Fred Basset
Vol: 1, No 291 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad – 500037, Editor: Dean Williams – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: feedback@postnoon.com and for subscription, please call 040-4067 2222, Fax: 040-4067 2211
Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
Karismalearns Urdu for Dangerous Ishhq
arisma Kapoor is making sure she makes a flawless comeback — she learnt five languages, one of them Urdu, for Dangerous Ishhq that is set in different time periods. Karisma had to learn Urdu for the movie to get her dialect right as her role demands it. She took special interest in reading massive phrases of Urdu for the film and dubbed for two months to get her dialect right. The film is slated for release May 11 and also features Rajneesh Duggal and Jimmy Sheirgill.
Neil moves into new genre with 3G A
Not missing playing Sher Khan in Zanjeer
ctor Sonu Sood, whose name was earlier in the race for the role of Sher Khan in the remake version of Zanjeer, said he will not miss playing the iconic character now that Arjun Rampal has been signed on for it. When asked if he would miss playing the role of Sher Khan in the remake, Sonu said, “No I am not missing doing the role. Apoorva (director) is a great friend. I know Arjun will do a good job. I feel it is all destiny... whichever character is written for an actor, he gets to do that. The script is great, so it does not matter whether Arjun does the role or me. As far as the film is good, it should not be a problem!” “I am sure they will make a good film. I am looking forward to the film. I have always enjoyed watching Zanjeer,” he said. PTI
ctor Neil Nitin Mukesh, who plays the lead opposite actress Sonal Chauhan in Bejoy Nambiar’s 3G, says the film has allowed him to penetrate a different genre. The psychological-horror film is about the sixth sense and the actor seems to be excited over his role. “It’s easier to get into a comfort zone and do the same predictable scripts. It’s a challenge to crack some thing different, 3G offers that,” Neil tweeted. Some parts of the film have to be shot in Fiji and the actor says he is working on his character. “The next destination is Fiji islands for 3G . Sonal Chauhan is preparing her look and character and I’m racking my brains over mine,” he posted. The actor made his Bollywood debut with 2007 Johnny Gaddaar and was last seen in AbbasMustan’s Players. IANS
@AnupamPkher Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage :)
@reddysameera One of my favourite restaurants Indigo Deli opens in Bandra! Fabulous for a lazy brunch! Congrats @rahulakerkar !
@NeilNMukesh Nothing Can stop love ! U got to let it take over and ull be happy u fight it ull be sad! :D / :( Ur choice
@imarshadwarsi Had the cutest mad chaotic fun time at Waterstones with @mariagorettiz @jaya_misra Sambo n 5 kids, spent the whole day in the pool...
@FarOutAkhtar Think of personal achievements as milestones, not as destinations. Life will move on and you don’t want to be left behind.
@SrBachchan T 730 - Good night ! Early morning shoot for KBC promotions for registrations to the next season !! Be safe and be peaceful !!
@udaychopra Everyone tells me to follow my dreams but my dreams are mostly about scary clowns trying to make me into a spider... it’s a bit hard to follow.
@deespeak There is a ‘culture’ that our country is so proud of. We MUST protect and give respect to those that UPHOLD it. #LeelaSamson #Kalakshetra
6 403
Chris Gayle (RCB)
29 4S1019
Ajinkya Rahane (RR)
Ajinkya Rahane (RR), Kevin Pietersen (RCB)
Ravindra Jadeja (CSK)
Will Dadagiri upset Mum‘bhai’? I have seen him (Virender Sehwag) take incredible decisions on the spur of the moment and they have really paid off. He is an instinctive leader.
Rajesh Ravindran rajesh.r@postnoon.com
Mahela Jayawardene
Ajinkya Rahane (RR) 458 runs
Morne Morkel (DD) 19 wickets
Sreesanth to miss action for 5 months S
reesanth, the India fast bowler, will be out of action for five months as he needs two surgeries on his toes, reports ESPNcricinfo. He hasn't turned out for India since the Tests against England last August, and has only played one first-class match since, before picking up a toe injury. Sreesanth had opted against going for surgery in December, instead preferring ayurvedic treatment. He had originally hoped to be fit in time for the CB series in Australia earlier this year, and had said at the end of February that he was looking forward to playing again in three weeks. He had initially travelled with Rajasthan Royals this season before heading to the National Cricket Academy in Bangalore for his rehabilitation late last month.
P 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 9
W 8 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 2
ROYAL CHALLENGERS BANGALORE V KINGS XI PUNJAB Royal Challengers Bangalore innings MA Agarwal b Harris 7 Gayle c sub (DA Miller) b Azhar Mahmood 71 V Kohli b Chawla 45 de Villiers† c Chawla b Azhar Mahmood 17 AB McDonald c †Saini b Azhar Mahmood 9 AUK Pathan not out 2 SS Tiwary not out 1 Extras (b 1, w 5) 6 Total (5 wickets; 20 overs) 158 Bowling O M R W Econ P Kumar 4 0 8 0 2.00 RJ Harris 2 0 21 1 10.50 P Awana 4 0 48 0 12.00 Azhar Mahmood 4 0 20 3 5.00 PP Chawla 3 0 35 1 11.66 AM Nayar 1 0 16 0 16.00 DJ Hussey 2 0 9 0 4.50
Kings XI Punjab innings (target: 159 runs from 20 overs) Mandeep Singh lbw b Appanna 43 SE Marsh b McDonald 8 N Saini† c Vettori b McDonald 50 DJ Hussey* run out (Vinay/†de Villiers) 45 Azhar Mahmood run out(Appanna/†de Villiers) 2 P Dogra not out 3 PP Chawla not out 6 Extras (lb 2, w 2) 4 Total (6 wickets; 19.5 overs) 163 Bowling O M R W Econ Z Khan 4 0 31 0 7.75 R Vinay Kumar 3.5 0 32 0 8.34 AB McDonald 4 0 25 2 6.25 DL Vettori 4 0 29 0 7.25 KP Appanna 3 0 30 1 10.00 AUK Pathan 1 0 14 0 14.00
Kings XI Punjab won by 4 wickets
L N/T PT NRR 2 0 16 1.037 3 1 13 0.632 4 0 10 -0.18 5 0 10 -0.28 5 1 9 -0.02 5 1 9 -0.44 6 0 8 -0.06 6 0 8 -0.12 6 1 5 -0.54
P-played; W-win; L-lost; N/T-no result/tie;NRR-net run rate; PT-points
une Warriors face Mumbai Indians today and a lot has changed since the start of this IPL season for the Warriors. The once points table toppers have slid down to just one above the last team on it. They kicked off their campaign in an impressive manner by beating the team they are to meet today, deemed then by many to be an upset. But their fortunes have changed and of the 10 games they played they have only won four. If they need to make it to the playoff stage, they need to pull up their socks and focus, for they just have only six games to play. Mumbai Indians too is none the better with just one more win that
their opponents from nine games. It must be said that last year’s runners up are yet to show their true mettle. Apart from Lasith Malinga, none of their bigshots have come good. Notable names are that of Sachin Tendulkar and skipper Harbhajan Singh. Rohit Sharma though has been touted as one of the most promising talents along with Virat Kohli is yet to show the consistency that is expected of him. Agreed, he is the top scorer for Mumbai, yet he has shown a propensity to throw away his wicket when his team needs him most. Warriors will be glad that they have Michael Clarke with them. It seems formats don’t matter to Pup and his amazing adaptability is evident from his 41 from 31 balls in his first outing this season.
Royal Challengers batsman Virat Kohli plays a shot during his IPL Twenty20 cricket match against Kings XI Punjab at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium.
Kings XI Punjab’s Piyush Chawla (L) celebrates taking the wicket of RCB’s Virat Kohli during their IPL Twenty20 match in Bangalore. The Kings AFP PHOTO/MANJUNATH KIRAN won.
LAWN BOWLERS? Australian Olympic team members (L-R), Murray Stewart, Sarah Tait, Lauren Jackson (seated), Libby Trickett, Naomi Flood, Kynan Maley and Adam Gibson model the official Australian Olympic Opening Ceremony uniform in front of the Sydney Opera House on May 3, 2012. For the first time in Australian history, the Opening Ceremony uniform of the 2012 Australian Olympic team was unveiled ahead of the London 2012 Olympics. However, the uniform got mixed reviews with criticism that the athletes looked like lawn bowlers. The uniforms feature green jackets with white slacks for men and white knee-length skirts for women and white Dunlop volley shoes. “They hit the stage like ... escapees from your local bowling club,” the Sydney Daily Telegraph said describing the uniform. AFP/ GREG WOOD
reat Britain’s top GrecoRoman wrestler has failed a drug test, reports The Guardian. Myroslav Dykun, the Commonwealth champion in
the 66kg weight category, has produced a positive A-sample. British Wrestling learned the news last weekend and is waiting for the result of his B-sample. If that produces a similar result,
Dykun will face a ban and miss the Olympics. A source inside British Wrestling said that the A-sample indicated recreational drug use, rather than anything performance-enhancing. In the meantime British Wrestling has been seeking advice from the British Olympic Association and UK Sport. Dykun, 29, was born in Ukraine and came to Great Britain in 2003. He has been the most successful of a group of athletes who have qualified for the national team after first moving to this country to act as sparring partners for British wrestlers. A source close to British Wrestling’s chief executive, Colin
Nicholson, said: “It doesn’t look good but anything can happen because the ‘B’ result has not come through. You can’t make a judgment until it comes through.” In recent weeks Dykun has repeatedly failed to turn up to training sessions, and the same source suggested that Dykun “had gone off the boil” and may even have got himself a job because he was worried about how he would make a living after the Olympics. Dykun will now be subject to a B-sample test and a hearing. If he fails those, he will be banned. British Wrestling fully supports the UK anti-doping policy. The news comes as another blow for the sport.
Schipper recovering from surgery SYDNEY: Australia’s three-time butterfly world champion Jessicah Schipper was Thursday recovering after emergency surgery on an ovarian cyst, just months from the London Olympics. The 25-year-old butterfly star is expected to spend the next fortnight out of the water after being rushed to hospital complaining of severe abdominal pain. “Ended up having a cyst that was bleeding. All fixed now. Just very tired and sore,” tweeted Schipper, who won bronze medals in the 100m and 200m butterfly at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. AFP
Playing Field
The games people play
Pacers too quick for weak Magic Brilliant Chess tourney gets under way in the City 1ST ROUND RESULTS Sai Sumedha lost to CRG Krishna Ravi Teja S beat Rama Devi P Mohan TV lost to Praveen Prasad Purushothaman beat Ramana Rao Sai Anvith lost to J Venkataramana Abhilash Reddy beat Prasanna MY Raju beat Abhiram Sai Ramakrishna P beat Adithya K Akhil KG lost to CH Sahajasri Y Kalyan Kumar beat Akshitha Goud
Bodemeister early Kentucky Derby favorite LOUISVILLE: Bodemeister, the Bob Baffert-trained Arkansas Derby winner, drew the sixth post Wednesday and was installed as the 4-1 early favorite for Saturday’s Kentucky Derby. Bodemeister will be ridden by Mike Smith, who piloted Giacomo to victory in the 2005 Kentucky Derby. The first event in US flat racing’s Triple Crown drew a full field of 20 horses — plus one. My Adonis, the 21st eligible colt, will get into the field if there is a scratch by Friday morning. Union Rags, trained by Michael Matz, drew the fourth post and was made the 9-2 second choice.
ORLANDO: Danny Granger scored 26 points and Roy Hibbert added 18 Wednesday as Indiana pulled away for a 9774 victory over Orlando and a 2-1 lead in their NBA Eastern Conference first-round playoff series. The Pacers outscored the Magic 32-17 in the third quarter and 53-36 in the second half to edge ahead in the best-of-seven series, regaining home-court advantage after dropping the opener at Indianapolis. Glen Davis scored 16 of his 22 points for the Magic in the second quarter. JJ Redick had 13 points off the bench and Jameer Nelson added 10. Twelve points from Hibbert helped the Pacers pull away in the third quarter. A 15-3 scoring run swelled Indiana’s lead to 21 points, Hibbert scoring six points during the run and Granger seven. After leading by just six points at halftime, the Pacers led 76-55 going into the final period. “I think our starters are just really dialed in,” said Indiana coach Frank Vogel. “They have played extremely well together.” Despite the relative ease of the victory, Vogel said his team couldn’t afford to become complacent. “We understand how dangerous this team is,” he said. Magic coach Stan Van Gundy said his team could only try to put the defeat behind them and prepare for game four on Saturday. “We didn’t play well at either end of the floor,” Van Gundy said. “Our starting line-up was really low energy today, just walking up and down.”
Rangers prove too good for Rajender The Gymkhana Rangers defeated Rajender 11 41 and hence qualify for the quarter finals (veterans) of the Peter Thgangaraj Memorial Football Tournament being held at Gymkhana Grounds.
SPORT SNIPPETS O’Sullivan stays on course Ronnie O’Sullivan maintained his bid for a fourth World Championship title by advancing into the semi-finals with a 13-10 win over Australia’s Neil Robertson in Sheffield on Wednesday. O’Sullivan stunned Robertson, the 2010 champion, by coming from 5-3 behind overnight at the Crucible Theatre to win the first six frames on Wednesday and go 9-5 in front. To his credit, Robertson won the final two frames of the session.
I’d obviously like to be world number one again, but winning major championships is really my priority from now on. Rory McIlroy ahead of the Wells Fargo Championship
Fiorentina coach sacked Fiorentina coach Delio Rossi was sacked after punching his own player Adem Ljajic during Wednesday’s Serie A clash against Novara, taking exception to the midfielder’s sarcasm. Fiorentina acted quickly after the match ended 2-2 with owner Andrea Della Valle announcing the 51-year-old’s dismissal for “a serious action from a mild person.” The club was reviewing the incident, which took place during the first half.
Knicks’ Chandler named Defender of the Year The New York Knicks’ Tyson Chandler was named the NBA’s 2011-2012 Defensive Player of the Year, the first Knicks player to earn the award. Chandler received 311 points, including 45 first-place votes, from a panel of 121 sportswriters and broadcasters.
ANMIMMM Is the bounty offered by New Orleans Saints linebacker Jonathan Vilma in cash to any player who knocked Arizona QB Kurt Warner out of a 2009 divisional playoff game. Vilma has been suspended for an entire season, one of four players sanctioned for taking part in the bounty scheme.
NFL star Seau found dead Former NFL star Junior Seau was found dead Wednesday of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound at his home north of San Diego, authorities said. Frank McCoy, chief of police in suburban Oceanside, said the 43year-old Seau was found with a gunshot wound to the chest at his beachfront home north of San Diego by “a young lady who indicated that she was Junior Seau’s girlfriend”. The San Diego Chargers, his longtime team, voiced shock at “the passing of Junior Seau.”
Playing Field
The games people play
“I didn’t wake up on Monday morning and think, ‘what’s happened to my life, I’m not the England manager. It’s saved me making an decision in all honesty because I’m very happy at Tottenham.” Harry Redknapp, Tottenham manager, on being overlooked by the FA for the England coach position
You’d better believe it’s Real Dermot Ledwith
MADRID: Real Madrid claimed their first Spanish title in four years, ending the reign of bitter rivals Barcelona to boot, as they beat Athletic Bilbao 3-0 on Wednesday for what is their 32nd league crown. Gonzalo Higuain, Mesut Ozil and Cristiano Ronaldo scored the goals to give Jose Mourinho a record-breaking four titles in four different countries and the victory required with two games remaining. Mourinho’s first Spanish league title ended Barca’s run of three successive league titles in his second season at the club. Madrid needed to win after Barcelona had earlier beaten Malaga 4-1 with goals from Carles Puyol and a hat-trick from Lionel Messi that saw him break Gerd Muller’s record for goals in a single European season. Afterwards the players jubilantly celebrated on the San Mames pitch as the first visiting team to ever win a title in Athletic’s stadium. “It’s been a long hard season but we’ve finally done it and I just hope it’s the first of many with this young squad, we dedicate it to the fans,” said captain Iker Casillas on the final whistle. “We’re very happy,” said Sergio Ramos, who last Wednesday had experienced vastly different emotions when he missed a penalty in the Champions League semi-final
Higuain, Ozil and Ronaldo scored the goals to give Mourinho a record-breaking four titles in four different countries and the victory required with two games remaining.
shootout defeat by Bayern Munich. “It’s been a tough league and Barca were an extraordinary rival, we’ll enjoy it now and celebrate it with our fans.” Higuain was quick to dismiss any talk for now about his future, after being linked to Paris SaintGermain in the last week. “It’s been a fight week-in, week-out to win this league. I was happy to start tonight and, after we’ve gone three years without winning it, I think we deserved it this season,” said the Argentinian. Mourinho again refused to face the Spanish press after the game but spoke to Real Madrid TV. “It’s been a great title for us, no-one has given us anything all season, we’ve fought from start to finish, the players have been fantastic and deserve it,” said the 49year-old. “I’ve won titles before in Portugal, Italy and England but this has been the most difficult of all. I think even Barca, after they’ve won three titles in a row, know that we deserve this one,” he added. Messi’s hat-trick against Malaga took his total for the season to 68, one better than that mustered by Muller while playing for Bayern Munich in the 1972-73 season. However, not even that record will have softened the blow of missing out on the title and the penalty that he missed last week against Chelsea.
FA slams The Sun’s ‘poor’ headline LONDON: The Football Association said a front page headline in Britain’s biggest selling newspaper that made a joke out of new England manager Roy Hodgson’s manner of speech was “unacceptable”. Wednesday’s Sun reacted to Hodgson’s appointment with a headline of ‘Bwing on the Euwos!’ (We’ll see you in Ukwaine against Fwance)’. According to the FA, this led to both the governing body and the UK’s Press Complaints Commission receiving numerous complaints about the “poor taste and disrespectful” wording. An FA statement issued Wednesday said: “The FA and the Press Complaints Commission have today received a large number of objections relating to the front page headline in The Sun newspaper, regarding Roy Hodgson’s manner of speech.”
Chelsea can’t go fourth and conquer Steve Griffiths
LONDON: Chelsea’s hopes of finishing in the Premier League’s top four suffered a hammer blow as Newcastle kept their own challenge for a Champions League place on course with a stunning 2-0 win at Stamford Bridge on Wednesday. Roberto Di Matteo’s side looked drained by their recent gruelling schedule as they delivered a flat performance that was punished by two astonishing goals from Newcastle striker Papiss Demba Cisse. It was just Chelsea’s second defeat in 17 matches under interim manager Di Matteo, but
it could prove so costly as the Blues now trail fourth placed Tottenham and fifth placed Newcastle by four points with only two games remaining. Unless Tottenham and Newcastle fall apart in their final fixtures, Chelsea will need to win the Champions League final against Bayern Munich on May 19 to avoid failing to qualify for Europe’s elite club competition for the first time in owner Roman Abramovich’s nine-year reign. It will have made uncomfortable viewing for leaders Manchester City, who travel to Newcastle on Sunday in a crucial game for both clubs.
Campbell hangs up his boots LONDON: Former England defender Sol Campbell announced his retirement from football on Wednesday. Best known as a centre-back with north London rivals Tottenham Hotspur and Arsenal, Campbell also played for Portsmouth and, more recently, Newcastle. But the 37-yearCampbel was released by Newcastle at the end of last season and has not been able to secure a new deal.