Postnoon E-Paper for 07 December 2012

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BLOODLESS CITY STRIKES THALESSEMIA PATIENTS With a shortage of 500 units of blood last month, nearly 300 patients registered with the Thalassemia society in the City could not get blood transfusions. A severe shortage is reported from other blood banks as well.

REPORT ON P3 DISQUALIFICATIONS REVEAL POOR SCREENING PROCESS After Borabanda corporator G Vanaja was disqualified in a court ruling a couple of months ago, it was the turn of Langer House corporator B Ravi Yadav (MIM) to face the High Court’s decision. The reason for Yadav’s disqualification was that he has more than two children. Reportedly, there are more than 10 corporators in the GHMC who have grounds to be disqualified, but the lack of solid proof was allowing them to continue in power.






city events


Goethe-Zentrum, Hyderabad Vegans and Nina Osswald (activist) present Vegan Celebration. Films on animal protection and healthier lifestyles will be screened, followed by discussions, on December 9 at Goethe-Zentrum at 1pm. December 7 is the last date to register.

Weather for Hyderabad





A mix of clear and cloudy skies

A mix of cloudy and clear skies





A mix of cloud and sun

A mix of cloud and sun

New Delhi Mumbai Max 25 Max 33 Min 11 Min 24 Mostly sunny

Chennai Max 30 Min 21

Clear skies

Mostly sunny

Bangalore Max 28 Min 14

Mix of sun and cloud

AROUND THE CITY: YOUR GUIDE TO THE TWIN CITIES 5:30pm-9pm Contact: 77990 00792

ART Photo exhibition A wildlife photography exhibition by Suheim Sheikh will be held from December 8 onwards. It will be inaugurated on December 7 at 6pm. Where: Goethe Zentrum, Banjara Hills, Rd No 3 When: December 8 onwards, from 9:30am Contact: (040) 2335 0473

Story Writing Contest Annapurna International School of Film and Media has launched the preliminary phase National Level Story writing Competition. It is open to both UG and graduate students. Where: When: Before December 10 Public speaking workshop There is a four-day workshop on effective public speaking. Where: Media Junction, Parthani Towers, , Golconda Cross Roads, Musheerabad When: 13-16 December 6-9:30pm Contact: 98488 42471

Tales of an idyllic world Alliance Française, Hyderabad, is hosting an exhibition of paintings: Tales of an Idyllic World by Bala Abhiram. The exhibition is on till December 14. Where: Alliance Francaise, Banjara Hills, Rd No 3 When: December 7 onwards from 9am Contact: (040) 2355 4485 Po10tial A show of r works by artists like Anand Bekwan, Jinson Jospeh and Maredu Ramu. Where: Kalakrithi Art Gallery, Banjara Hills, Rd No 10 When: Ongoing, 11am onwards Contact: (040) 6656 4466

CYCLER’S TRAIL: Members of bicycle club hit the trail at Necklace Road at dawn. Where: 10 Downing Street, Begumpet When: December 8 9pm onwards Contact: 9930666106

SHOWS Silent party Smirnoff presents “Silent night party,” a headphone party for noiseless fun.

by Jacques Rampal. Where: Nift Auditorium, Madhapur When: December 11, 7pm onwards Contact: (040) 2355 4485

The last Christmas The last Christmas is a large-scale production featuring live singing, dancing and acting, is the heartwarming story of Retired Gen Roy who recounts his seven favourite Christmases. Where: RNR auditorium, Banjara Hills, Rd No 12 When: December 8, 9 and 10 Contact: (040) 6515 7558 Célimène and the Cardinal Alliance Française of Hyderabad and Qadir Ali Baig Theatre Foundation present Célimène and the Cardinal

Commissioner & Spl Officer

Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints

198 155313

POLICE CONTROL ROOM Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY General Complaints Breakdown Section

155333 23431178 23431179


23262266 24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833169, 27824216 Railway Information 131 Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333

DINING 1 Night 2 Give There is a gala dinner to launch and raise funds for the “Girl child education” campaign. Where: Park Hyatt Hyderabad, Road No. 2, Banjara Hills When: December 12, 7pm onwards Contact: (040) 4949 1234 Rajasthani food festival There is a Rajasthani food festival at Deccan Pavilion.

WATER SUPPLY Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital, Nampally Care Hospital, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital, LB Nagar

155313 23307328 23313163

27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888 30417777 30419000 30416666 39879999

BLOOD BANKS Blood Bank,Narayanguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills


Where: Deccan Pavillion, Begumpet When: Upto December 9 Contact: (040) 23400132

MISCELLANEOUS Photo competition Alliance Francaise, Hyderabad, is conducting a photo competition. The theme is Professions of the world. The winning entries will be sent to Paris. Where: When: December 3-January 6

Handloom exhibition Pochampally Handloom Park is organizing IKAT Mela, exhibiting handloom linen, dress material and saris, among others. Where: State Gallery of fine Arts , Department of Culture, Kavuri Hills, Madhapur When: 13-16 December from 6-9:30pm Contact: 98488 42471

Music workshop There is a 3-day workshop on Hindustani classical music and ghazal singing by Ustad Rajkumar Rizvi Sutradhar and Naadbrah. Where: 3-6-145/9/1/1, Himayatnagar When: December 7-9

27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445

AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777 Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332 AIRLINES

Transpersonal counseling “Art & Science of Self-Actualization,” a foundation course in transpersonal counselling, by clinical psychologist Sujata Potay. Where: Center for Organization Dev Madhapur When: January 19-April 27 Contact: 9849453045

Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Website; TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec-bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999 UK VISA OFFICE VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7

Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum

24523211 232431300/7641 24521029

Readers’ views

We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222





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Lake cleaning project launched

Massage and loot! New trick: A masseuse claiming to be poor and in need of accommodation stole jewellery from the owner and her friends during massage sessions. Mohd SUBHAN


oung Kavya, a selfappointed masseuse, has massaged her way to relieving her benefactor and her friends of gold ornaments in a hilarious crime reported by the Gopalpuram police.

Kavya relieved them of one ornament per session, so that the victim did not notice the loss immediately. The complaint by V Madhavi states that she works with a private firm and lives with a few of her friends in a home in Regimental Bazaar in Secunderabad. Recently, a

young woman, claiming to be a multimedia faculty, approached her with a request for accommodation for two months as she is from a poor family in Guntur.

Madhavi and friends yielded and slowly, the young woman, Kavya, gained more confidence and suggested facial and massage to Madhavi and



friends. They found her adept at it and so soothing that they often dozed off in the midst, feeling cozy, warm and comfortable. Meanwhile, Kavya was smartly relieving them of one ornament per session so that the victim did not notice the loss immediately. Her massage became popular among the residents and each one vied with the other to get her attention. Kavya used the opportunity and in a few days, she managed to pocket a considerable quantity of ornaments and swiped more from where they had been keeping jewellery. One fine morning, she disappeared with gold worth several lakhs. Madhavi and her friends are blaming themselves for the predicament. Meanwhile, the police have formed a special team to track the alleged cheat.


hief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy is on an inaugurations-cum-foundation-laying spree of a slew of government’s development programmes. Two days after concluding his pet programmeIndiramma Baata in Ranga Reddy district, the CM is set to inaugurate another prestigious programme — Clean Hussain Sagar Campaign — in the City. The campaign is aimed at cleaning the Hussain Sagar lake to make it a clean spot that visitors can frequent. The CM will also commission an upgraded sewage treatment plant and inaugurate the dredging operations at the lake. HMDA superintendent engineer DLN Reddy said that the project cost `73 crore, which involved upgradation of the existing STP and dredging operations


Blood shortage hits Thalassemia patients With a shortage of 500 units of blood last month, nearly 300 patients registered with the Thalassemia Society in the City could not get blood transfusions. The shortage seems to have hit other blood banks as well. DEEPASHRI V


he Thalassemia Society in Hyderabad requires nearly 24,000 units of blood per annum, but only 8,286 units could be given to Thalassemia patients till November this year. “There is always a shortage of blood,” said Dr Suman Jain, sec-

What is Thalassemia? Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder, where the body produces abnormal haemoglobin. Patients require regular blood transfusions.

retary at the Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Society (TSCS), Hyderabad. “If 20-25 people of the same blood group adopt a child, and become a ‘blood brother’ or ‘blood sister’ for the child, there will never be a shortage,” she adds. Nearly 1,400 Thalassemia patients are registered with TSCS in Hyderabad. Majority of them are Thalassemia major (who

need blood transfusions every 23 weeks, throughout their lives).


“If we don’t have donors, we don’t have life. You are God’s gift to us,” said Lakshmi, mother of a nine-year-old child who had

come for blood transfusion to TSCS. If his transfusion is delayed, Khaja Moinuddi, 11, becomes dull and inactive. He eventually stops eating, his mother said. Around 900 children with Thalassemia come regularly to

the society for transfusions. Around 60 patients are above 18 years of age and require two units of blood (as opposed to one for a child) per transfusion.





Thalassemia patients at TSCS and government-funded blood banks. If there is a shortage at TSCS, patients go to other banks like Chiranjeevi and Red Cross. “The current situation is very critical. People come and return empty handed,” said Sudhir Kumar, in-charge at Chiranjeevi blood bank. “Donor count has decreased and number of people needing blood has increased.” “We need around 1,500 units of blood per month. We get 7-800 units,” said Madhavi, administrator at NTR blood bank, adding December and May are the most difficult months. Dr Jain said parents should also share the responsibility of finding donors. Of the 15,400 units of blood collected by TSCS this year, only 8,286 could be given to Thalassemia patients. The blood used for Thalassemia patients should not be stored for more than five days. Blood that was unfit was discarded, and those that were more than five days old were sold to general public.


city FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012



Campaign brings change

Clampdown on freedom


ast year, we had reported how Union communications minister Kapil Sibal had issued a directive to social networking sites to disallow derogatory and hateful messages. While netizens were howling in protest, the government blithely clamped down on the freedom on Indians. Comparisons with China flew fast and thick, but Sibal couldn’t care less.

DECEMBER 7, 2011



is the number of candidates who were disqualified during the last corporation elections. Recently, two more corporators were disqualified for flouting norms.

UPA government said it would bring the fruits of development to the doorsteps of the poor. But it gave fruits of development to itself and to its rich patrons. CM Ramesh, TDP leader See page 5



The column that teaches everyone something new about the way the City functions.


Shortage of blood hits Thalassemia patients. Nearly 300 Thalassemia patients in the City are suffering due to shortage of fresh blood. People approaching blood banks return empty-handed because of shortage of donors.


Congress in a fix over allies in State. Congress’s allies in AP are now questioning the policies of the ruling party at the Centre. The Congress is now going all out to placate the belligerent lot.


Traffic cops credit the success of the campaign against drunk driving with improving the behaviour of drivers. Those caught say they want to see an impartial police. N SHIVA KUMAR




he legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit is fixed at 30mg per 100ml blood. Any person testing more than 30mg per 100ml blood is booked under the first offence of drunk driving. At the first booking for such an offence, the law dictates a fine of `2,000 and /or imprisonment up to six months. At the second offence of similar nature, penalty will go up to `3,000 and imprisonment up to two years. On third and subsequent similar charges, the

Classification of vehicles booked Two-wheelers








police have the mandate to recommend to the magistrate to suspend the accused’s driving licence for a specific period, besides fine and imprisonment. The law also empowers the traffic police to recommend to the regional transport authority to suspend or cancel the driving licence of a habitual offender or of one who committed a heinous crime as a result of drunk driving. The City police have so far been very soft on drunk drivers. Though it booked over 10,000 in the past year during its intensive drive against drunk driving, it did not cancel the driving licence of any offender. The police admit that corruption exist at some levels allowing offenders, many a time powerful people, to get away. In Hyderabad, only 17 have been awarded one-day impris-

Drunk driving offenders are brought before the special magistrate court in Erramanzil, where they are either fined or imprisoned for a few days.

onment for drunk driving. Two were awarded two-day imprisonment. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and Bloomberg Philanthropies initially supplied the breathalysers used by the City traffic police. A person who was booked for drunk driving and did not wish to be named told Postnoon, “I welcome the drive though I do drink. Previously, when the traffic cops found anyone driving drunk, they used to put them in an autorickshaw and send them home. Now, the booking (of offenders) has cre-

When can a licence be revoked? If the offender n is a habitual criminal or a habitual offender; n is a habitual addict to any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance within the meaning of the narcotic drugs; n is using or has used a motor vehicle in committing a cognisable offence; n has indulged in dangerous driving.

ated a scare among bigwigs who do not want to be caught. I believe the police should be strict in dealing with offenders.” The traffic police, on their part, claim to have achieved considerable improvement in the drivers’ behaviour. Traffic ACP G Anjaneyulu said, “This drive has brought down the accident rate in the City. Most of the time, it was noticed that drunk driving led to serious accidents.” The police officers add that prevention of crime is the major aim of law and policing.


He might be later, but he gets the job done. CM Kiran Kumar Reddy is proud of his ability to clear files efficiently. Now if he only turned up at meetings on time...

10-year-old succumbs 18-year-old sets self to cylinder blast injuries ablaze, dies

Two thieves arrested for Woman dies of burns, stealing cellphones harassment suspected




Who will keep a check on corporator candidates? The GHMC and election commission keep passing the buck when it comes to screening candidates.


Hyderabad drivers learn good behaviour. We hope the traffic cops are right when they claim that drivers are learning not to drink and drive.

Karthik, 10, a resident of Sanjeevaih Nagar of Bowenpally, succumbed to injuries he received in a cylinder blast on December 4. The boy died in hospital while undergoing treatment. Four of his family members, including his mother T Shobha Rani, grandmother and two sisters, are also being treated at the hospital.


n employee of a cloth shop, Adhiram, set himself ablaze on December 4 at his home in Maruti Nagar of Musheerabad. He received severe burn injuries and died in the hospital on Thursday. He gave clothes to his friends on credit when the shop owner left him in charge. He took the extreme step after the owner scolded him for doing so.

police team arrested two professional thieves, P Kalyan of Vijaywada and G Srinivas of Medak, at Secunderabad Railway Station on Thursday. They recovered five stolen mobile phones and six stolen car tapes from their possession. The duo was involved in stealing mobile phones from bus passengers.They produce before the court on Friday.


Navneetha, aka Archana, died under suspicious conditions at her home in Shaitangally of Asifnagar area last night. Severe burns led to her instant death. The 28-year-old was married to B Balraj since a few years and the couple has three children. Balraj currently works as a security guard. Harassment is suspected.


city FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012


Big Brother arm-twisted, concern in Congress camp The Congress’ inability to manage its allies in Andhra Pradesh has been revealed during the recent voting for FDI in Parliament. INKESHAF AHMED

Congress sit up and take notice. Immediately after the voting, the Congress president Sonia Gandhi gave audience to the Tbrigade and tried to placate it with a promise of an all-party meeting on Telangana.


he recent voting in Lok Sabha on the FDI in Multi Brand Bill retail sector of the country exposed a new factor: UPA’s inability to manage its allies in AP. The small and regional political parties from the state like TRS, MIM, YSR Congress, who used to follow Congress with some whimpers and grunts earlier mustered courage to look the Congress in the eye and question it. While the TRS and YSR Congress have joined hands with BJP led NDA Government and voted against the central government, the one-MP MIM party abstained from voting. The belligerence of the regional parties made the

The small and regional political parties from the state, who used to follow Congress earlier mustered courage to look the party in the eye. MIM president and party MP Asaduddin Owaisi also made an aggressive statement that he would tour the entire state to ensure the defeat of the Congress citing that it had turned into a communal force when it came to issues concerning the minority


Congress dumped Aam Aadmi, says TDP TDP leader CM Ramesh expressed the party’s anguish at how kirana shop owners were being cheated. POSTNOON NEWS


he Congress that came into power using the sentimental slogan, Congress ka haath, Garibon ke saath (Congress for poor) has cruelly dumped the poor, said TDP leader and MP CM Ramesh while taking part in discussions on the FDI in Multi-brand Retail Bill in the Upper House on Thursday. Ramesh, expressing his party’s anguish at ‘cleverly cheating’ the common kirana shop owners who eke out an independent living, said the Congress kept its own voters in the dark for its private benefits. He said that instead of improving the living conditions of poor people of the country the Congress had enriched itself

and helped the rich to become richer. “The UPA Government led by the Congress made several promises. It said that it would bring the fruits of development to the door steps of the poor. But the Union government gave

fruits of development to itself and to its rich patrons,” he lamented. Ramesh said that the FDI would push the ordinary people of the country into a deep abyss. This is a fight between giants like Wal-Mart, Tesco, Carrefour on one side and hapless farmers, two crore small retailers and another four crore in the supply chain. He said history will not forgive the Congress for leaving the common man on the mat. Ramesh alleged that the state government is hell bent on making AP as a beemar state (sick state). He reeled out facts and figures to show that the Congress has totally sidelined the common man and had sold itself to the MNCs and the rich in the country.

community. While many party leaders of the regional outfits welcome the reconciliation move, the Congress leader are apprehensive. Unwilling to go on record, they nevertheless carp at the party leaders in private saying this would send a wrong signal to the small parties who will use similar tactics to arm-twist the Big Brother in the coming days. “who will respect the Congress if it continues to bend backward?” asked a senior PCCI secretary in agony. Meanwhile, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy is said to be eager to meet the Central leaders in order to apprise them of the pressure tactics of the State-level parties and chalking out a strategy to tame them before the General Elections.

MEDICINE Apollo Hospital to host TEE workshop POSTNOON NEWS


erioperative and Critical Care Trans-Esophageal Echocardiography (TEE) workshop will be held by Apollo Hospital for the first time in Hyderabad on December 8 and 9 at Hotel Fortune Select Manohar. The TEE workshop, is accredited by AP Medical Council and has been awarded 12 CME credit hours. TEE is one of importance in Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Open Heart Surgeries to continuously monitor, diagnose and formulate instantaneous therapy in operation theatres and ICUs. The workshop aims to provide anaesthesiologists hands on experience, didactic lectures, sub-speciality symposia, and interactive sessions. The faculty will interact and share their knowledge, skill and vast experience during deliberations. According to Professor Dr Prabhat Tewari President, Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anaesthesiologists

(IACTA), Hyderabad has a number of large and small hospital setups engaged in cardiothoracic and vascular surgical work, therefore hosting TEE in Hyderabad will be of great significance.

The workshop aims to provide anaesthesiologists hands on experience, didactic lectures, sub-speciality symposia, and interactive sessions. The faculty will interact and share their knowledge, skill and experience. “Cardiac Anaesthetists from all over Andhra Pradesh and neighbouring states will be attending this workshop in good numbers and will immensely benefit from the vast repertoire of knowledge this workshop will showcase, “ said the organisers.


city FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012


Stake-holders of FDI in retail stay in dark, some like it

However, the apex body of kirana shops brands the Congress as a dhokebaaz (cheat) party and says history will not forgive it for handing over a massive market to the cash-rich MNCs. RAHUL RAMAKRISHNA


ow, it is revealed how the Congress-led UPA took the FDI in retail Bill with a light-hearted approach. Not many know much about it and its impact. A quick look Postnoon took at the small shops scene in the City revealed that a majority of kirana shop owners are unaware of the impact of FDI, though they have read and heard of it in the news. But some do know about it and welcome it. Santosh Yadav, a kirana store owner in Somajiguda is very charitable in his observation. “I know that the FDI will allow private companies like Walmart, Metro to set up their shops in our country when the bill gets approved. I think it will affect business’ in the long run, but I don’t believe that any government will take up a decision of this sort without considering its effect on the common man, no matter how corrupt that political party is supposed to be.” K Raju, a kirana merchant at Chikkadpally, on the other hand, has no knowledge of what FDI is all about, although he has been trying to read the news and find out more. “All I know is that big-

ger shops will be set up in the City and it is going to affect our business. It is surprising how no one asks us before taking such a big step. What about the future of our generations? We have been in this line of business for about three generations now. “A check with at least 10 kirana shops in the City brought out the fact that nobody had made any attempt to tell them what the hullabaloo is all about and how it will help or affect the common, small provi-

the City from a grassroot level. But it remains to be seen what is going to happen to the merchants and the kirana walas that all of us grew up with. I would personally vote in favour of FDI because it will mean better prospects for consumers under one single roof, unlike the many problems we face with general stores these days.” But the Apex body of grain merchants and kirana shops is inconsolable. “Congress party is a dhokebaaz party. It has always been against common man. We thought SP and BSP were against it, but they too changed their stands. Only Mamata Banerjee was firm. It was a black day for our businesses when the Bill was passed in Lok Sabha. It is the question of our daily bread. There are almost four lakh shops in Hyderabad. What will happen to all these people in the business? Our netas in Rajya Sabha say we give loans and bribes to farmers. What these fools do not realise is that we are supporting them by giving an advance payment, not loans on interest rates. Congress Party has not failed in disappointing us again,” said Sri Ram Vyas, president of Hyderabad Grain and Kirana Merchants. The leader said December 6 is going to be a Black Day for them.

While some say December 6 is a black day for kirana shop owners, others welcome the change. sion stores. A trainee at a supermarket chain said, “I have no idea what FDI is. There is a lot of noise being made about it but it is not clear as to what exactly this is all about.” Customers at various shops are however more aware about this, but the levels of awareness vary. Sanjeev Karan, a software employee said, “FDI is going to change the future of retail domestic and commercial businesses in

ARMOURED LOVE The rhino calf, Sai Vijay, which was born on July 5, 2012, completed five months in the small holding corral at the Nehru Zoological Park. The rhino calf, along with its mother Saraswathi, were released for public display in a large enclosure in the rhino complex adjacent to the existing enclosure, where the male rhino is on display. The visitors will have the opportunity of viewing three rhinos, including the calf. Both the mother and the calf are in good health.



Across Stores

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TDP ‘Samarabheri’ to be held T

he main Opposition Telugu Desam would organise “Samarabheri” on the anti-people policies of the Congress government under the direction of former minister and Greater Hyderabad TDP president Talasani Srinivas Yadav. Announcing this to mediapersons on Thursday, Srinivas Yadav said that the Samarabheri meeting will be held in the Nizam College grounds on December 8 evening. He said the meeting aims to enlighten the citizens about the miserable failures of the Congress government in the State and at the Centre. The former minister said that the TDP, while explaining about monumental progress achieved by his party government, would also expose the miserable failures of the Kiran Kumar Reddy government. NSS




Unions rule parking space at GHMC



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arking problems in GHMC premise have become insoluble after the TRS-affiliated GHMEU (Greater Hyderabad Municipal Employees Union) got possession of the union office in the premises. Its leader, U Gopal, has got a big car for which he needs luxurious parking space. What the zealous union leader did was to barricade a lot of space in front of his office which reduced the already shrinking parking space. Even his supporters are grumbling at the highhandedness and call it arrogance. Till now no such act had been perpetrated on the people. Employees say that the recent visit of TRS chief KCR has emboldened the union leader who now strut about with assumed authority. Now, the long and short of it is that many employees are planning to park their vehicles in areas reserved for higher authorities if only to draw their attention. MN

TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu who at 63 is on a marathon 2,000 km padayatra has a health secret that can now be shared. He has totally shunned meat and follows a strict diet regimen containing fruits and buttermilk with a tulsi leaf everyday. His food diet menu, standard all through, has 34 items of grain, mint, spinach, soya milk, tulsi leaves and coriander leaves. He has become more diet conscious over the years. A known non-vegetarian prior to becoming CM of the State about 18 years ago, Naidu has been symbol of healthy life ever since and his party cadres look at him with awe. He takes only the milk and curd prepared by his family concern — heritage foods. His only junk food indulgence is instant noodles. IA


Chiru Swamy, the celluloid king of Telugu has not forgotten Lord though he has a hun-

Despite numerous engagements, the CM manages to clear files either at the camp office or secretariat office. dred calls on his times after becoming a Union minister. He took the traditional 41-day vrat (fast), a rigour few can follow, and is set to trek to Sabarimala on December 18. Sources say he stuck to the regimen of avoiding non-vegetarian food, not touching women, and allowing the mind to be filled with only good thoughts, no ill-will. And, befittingly, before he is about to set forth on his pilgrimage his department has announced `100 crore for AP coastal tourism development. Hail Chiru! SS

FAST ON FILES, SLOW ON EVENTS It must be said that Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy happens to be the only chief minister who cared for clearing files. Despite his Indira Baata and other numerous engagements, he manages to clear files either at camp office or in his secretariat office. Even on the move he does it. No wonder he went about town recently claiming that

seems a grain of truth in both the stance. IA


holds a record of clearing files at the rate of 92 per cent. No other CM before him had achieved this. Only on one count people give him a low mark. He never reaches anywhere in time. His lax time management is giving him a bad image as the one who does not respect other people’s time. During the inauguration of the highway diversion the other day he came two hours late and having come cut the ribbon to mark the inauguration and scampered off to another function. “His assistants are to be held responsible for this,” fumed a disgruntled official. But another countered, “if he prolongs a meeting with someone he summoned how can assistants help?” There

There is a saying that only cribbing baby gets the milk. So is true of political parties too. So far the regional political parties in AP used to be too subservient to defy the big brother Congress. This time, however, the big brother had to count every penny vote in Lok Sabha to get the vexed FDI bill passed. And the troubled satraps tore their hair in despair after regional parties, one after another, came haggling and negotiating on their support. All UPA allies and the two pliable parties of UP — BSP and SP — had claimed their pound of flesh, it is too obvious to put a gloss on it. But what the Congress leadership did not expect was the hassles the AP parties created. TRS went with its perennial agenda of Telangana, YSRC was angry with the Congress for the continued incarceration of its chief, MIM a friend-turnedfoe stayed away pouting lips at the Congress for what it perceived as appeasing majority community. At last, a Central leader is said to have remarked, “ So even AP is becoming unruly!” PK (Reported by Inkeshaf Ahmed, Md Nizamuddin, Srinivas Setty and PK )


city FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012


Disqualifications reveal poor screening process Despite a number of corporators being disqualified, the GHMC and the election commission refuse to take responsibility for screening candidates before corporation elections. have been appointed corporator. However, the seat has been lying vacant all these days and elections are likely to be held again. According to GHMC officials, this is the first time that the corporation is facing this kind of problem. Earlier, no one went to the extent of fighting the battle in court; the fights used to be settled by local leaders. However, political analysts say that since



he series of disqualifications of GHMC corporators has raised many questions about how the municipal elections are being held and how many more corporators are to lose their profiles in the coming months. On the other hand, officials of both the GHMC and the election commission do not want to take responsibility of the screening process ahead of polls. After Borabanda corporator G Vanaja was disqualified in a court ruling a couple of months ago, it was the turn of Langer House corporator B Ravi Yadav (MIM) to face the High Court’s decision. The reason for Yadav’s disqualification was that he had more than two children, proof of which was produced by his detractors in court. Reportedly, there are more than 10 corporators in the GHMC who have grounds to be disqualified, but the lack of solid proof in the hands of their opponents was allowing them to continue in power.

Corporators B Ravi Yadav (left) and G Vanaja were recently disqualified for not adhering to GHMC regulations. After Ravi Yadav’s disqualification, Uday Kumar of the BJP, who was listed second in the Langer House elections, will now be the corporator. However, the case is not as clear in Borabanda. After G Vanaja was disqualified nearly three months ago, MIM corporator Bhanumati, who secured the most number of votes after the Congress, should

the MIM was involved in both cases, the opposing parties have failed to reach a settlement. When asked whether elections are to be conducted soon, additional commissioner (elections) K Siva Parvati said that if the election commission orders it, the GHMC will oblige. According to her, even the screening and verification (of

candidates) process rests with the election commission, as it is the body that oversees everything related to polls. “We are here to conduct elections and follow the designated process ordered by the commission. Other aspects rest with the election authority,” said the additional commissioner. However, higher officials from the state election commission do not acknowledge that it was the commission’s lapse during the screening process. “We disqualify scores of applicants, if it is brought to our knowledge. There will be hundreds applying for the elections, and credentials that they have provided cannot be proved within a few days before the elections. If aggrieved persons bring proof of false information, the candidate is likely to be disqualified,” said Jai Simha, joint director, state election commission. While it is mentioned in Section 21 B of Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Act, 1955, that a candidate will be disqualified for having more than two children, several who flout this law continue in office as cor-

There will be hundreds applying for the elections, and credentials that they have provided cannot be proved within a few days before the elections. Jai Simha Joint director, SEC porators. A total of 384 candidates were disqualified during the last elections, but some of them escaped the screening process and now the corporation has to face the problems. Legal experts in the GHMC feel that those who are at responsible positions cannot wash their hands off this issue in this way. “If the GHMC is not responsible for the mess, why does it have a separate election cell?” asked one of the officials.


Kalam to head 108 emergency service Former President is now the chairman emeritus of the GVK Emergency Management Research Institute. M NAZIMUDDIN

Bharat Ratna Dr APJ Abdul Kalam said that the 108 emergency service should be transformed into a life-saving mission throughout the country.


ormer President of India and Bharat Ratna APJ Abdul Kalam became the chairman emeritus on the governing board of GVK Emergency Management Research Institute (EMRI). Kalam shared his vision on the emergency service: “GVKEMRI 108 mission is indeed a mission of partnership of every human being to remove the pain and give happiness.” This service should be transformed into a life-saving mission throughout the nation, he said. GVK Reddy, chairman of GVK-EMRI, expressed sincere gratitude to Kalam for consenting to be the chairman emeritus

and said that the visionary guidance of Kalam will help the organisation to add to its capability of being the premier

provider in all kinds of emergencies — medical, police, fire or disasters. Reddy reiterated the board’s commitment to

strengthen the 108 emergency services and thanked all the government partners of GVKEMRI for their ongoing support and partnership. The emergency response services, available across the country and currently operating over 3,700 state-of-the-art ambulances in 12 states and in two

Union Territories, aims at providing pre-hospital and emergency care covering a population of nearly 600 million. With an average of 12,500 emergencies per day and overall 17 million emergencies attended to since inception, the service has cumulatively saved more than 5.5 lakh lives since it was launched. The service also is providing direct employment to over 19,000 associates. The service is available as of now in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Assam, Meghalaya, MP, Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, and the two Union Territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu.





Guns N’ Roses have been credited with reviving the mainstream popularity of rock music, at a time when popular music was dominated by dance music and pop metal. The band’s classic lineup, along with later members Reed and drummer Matt Sorum, were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012, their first year of eligibility.

With Guns N’ Roses, fronted by Axl Rose, set to rock Bangalore on December 7, we look at the line-up of a band missing its key members including the superstar guitaritst, Slash.



Dizzy Reed

Richard Fortus

Aside from frontman Axl Rose, Reed is the longest-standing and only member of Guns N’ Roses to remain from the band’s Use Your Illusion era. In 2012, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Guns N’ Roses, although he didn’t attend the ceremony.

Richard Fortus has played in bands of his own as both a member or session musician with heavy metal ventures, the most recent of these is as the rhythm guitarist for Thin Lizzy.

Frank Ferrer Frank Ferrer is a drummer and session musician. In October 2006, Ferrer became an official member of GNR. Ferrer is also a member of the band Psychedelic Furs.

Tommy Stinson Tommy Stinson came to prominence in the 1980s as the bass guitarist for the seminal band The Replacements. After their breakup in 1991, Stinson formed the short-lived Bash & Pop. In the late 1990s he was bassist for the group Perfect, and also joined hard rock band Guns N’ Roses.

Chris Pitman Chris Pitman is a multi-instrumentalist known to play keyboards, guitar and drums, in addition to his role as a lead or backing vocalist. Pitman currently fronts alternative rock band SexTapes and performs with Guns N’ Roses, and previously worked with such bands as Lusk, Replicants and Tool.

Bumblefoot Guitarist Ronald ‘Bumblefoot’ Blumenthal performed on Chinese Democracy. Thal has released 9 CDs. His 1995 debut studio album, was The Adventures of Bumblefoot.

28mn+ DATES

Is the number of copies GNR’s first album, Appetite for Destruction sold worldwide, including, making it the bestselling debut album of all time in that country.

Bangalore, Dec 7 Mumbai, Dec 9 Gurgaon Dec 12


Is the estimated production cost of Guns N’ Roses’s 2008 album Chinese Democracy making it the most expensive album to ever be produced in music history.

DJ Ashba Daren Jay Ashba is tGNR’s lead guitarist. Ashba has worked with various artists including Mötley Crüe, Drowning Pool, Marion Raven, Aimee Allen and Neil Diamond.

Is Guns N’ Roses the same without Slash? ELIZABETH SOUMYA

Sixteen years after Slash, the tophat-wearing former lead guitarist of Guns N’ Roses performed with Indus Creed in Bangalore, Axl Rose the frontman of the original band will be

in India. Guns N’ Roses, one of the world’s most popular hard rock outfits, famous for songs like Paradise City and November Rain, will make their India debut in Bangalore, this Friday. The band was roped in for the India tour by Mooz

I have seen Axl on YouTube and it’s not pretty. I love GNR and am a big fan of Slash. If it were Velvet Revolver or Slash and friends, then I would go anywhere in India to see that gig. I first heard GNR when Appetite for Destruction came out and it blew me away. I got a pirate tape in 1988 , then got the vinyl when I worked as DJ. Vehrnon Ibrahim Vocalist, Millennium, Bangalore

Entertainment, that brought American Nu Metal band Korn to India this year. The GNR India tour Facebook page with over 40,000 likes is buzzing with contests, pre-parties and tributes. It has been revealed that the opening bands for GNR will be Brand

New Machine in New Delhi, Goddess Gagged will open in Mumbai, while Thermal And A Quarter (TAAQ) is opening for the band in Bangalore. The current band members include Axl Rose, Dizzy Reed, Tommy Stinson, Chris Pitman, Richard Fortus, Ron

I’m still undecided about going to the concert because, let’s face it, it isn’t really GNR, but an out of shape, out of voice Axl Rose playing with a pick-up band. I saw Slash play in Bangalore in 1996 and the guy is a monster guitarist. Appetite was a breakthrough album and songs like Welcome to the Jungle, Sweet Child O’ Mine and Paradise City are incredible. GNR was what a whole generation of kids grew up on. Vinod D’sa, Guitarist, Mumbai

‘Bumblefoot’ Thal, Frank Ferrer and DJ Ashba. The band’s last album was Chinese Democracy, released in 2008. But Bangaloreans believe the a GNR sans Slash may not offer the powers and vibe that they would have expected from the original line-up.

My husband and I are definitely planning to go for the concert. Although in all honesty, we don’t know what to expect of the new line-up. The first time I heard GNR was back in school. The first song I heard was Paradise City. The song’s groove just blew my mind away. Don’t know what Slash’s absence means; we will have to find out now, wouldn’t we. Shalini Mohan, Bassist, Lagori, Bangalore




The Washington Post, one of the last top US newspapers to offer its content free of charge online, will likely begin collecting fees next year, a report said Thursday.




For investors or govt? MONEY MATTERS Nupur Pavan Bang


o Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India is launching a new Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP)?” asked Srikanth. “Yes. So the newspapers and news channels have reported”, I replied. Srikanth: I remember, ULIPs were really popular a couple of years back. Everyone was talking about it, investing in it. Then suddenly, they disappeared from the investments arena. Why? What happened? Me: Well, as the regulations stood way back in 2010, the costs to the investors were huge in the case of ULIPs. The distributors and agents got large selling commissions, as high as 40% of the first year premium, and hence many of them pushed the product, mis-informed and missold it to the investors. It is. Hence the investors protested, once they realized that they had a product which was a sure way to lose money. Following the protests and a legal battle with the capital markets’ regulator, SEBI, the

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), brought in new regulations regarding the costs and losses in the event an investor fails to pay subsequent premium installments. After this, ULIPs did not remain as lucrative for the agents as they were earlier. Hence they stopped pushing it to the investors. And the sheen faded. Yeah, SEBI claimed that ULIPs were Mutual Funds being sold as Insurance and hence they should have jurisdiction over ULIPs. Anyways, the result was a set of new regulations,

which brought down the charges for the investors and increased the minimum lock-in period of ULIPS from three years to five years. Earlier, most of the insurers charged higher during the initial years of the plan. But now, the charges have to be distributed evenly over all the years of the lock-in period. IRDA also mandated a minimum mortality cover and a minimum guaranteed return. The charges are capped between 2.25% to 4%. Srikanth: That’s good for the investors. But not for the insurers and the distributors.

Me: That’s the reason the share of ULIPs has only gone downhill since 2010. LIC is now coming out with a ULIP product after almost two years. And even that may not be with the investors’ in mind. As Vivek Kaul points out in his article on, it could just be a ploy to help the government raise money through divestment. Since the investor’s may not be willing to pick up stocks in PSUs, LIC will bail out the government by picking up stake in those companies. Srikanth: But why launch a ULIP product for it? Me: That’s because the premiums collected through traditional plans cannot be invested in the Equity markets completely. There is a cap of 15% on equity exposure for the traditional plans, according to the Insurance Act. However, in the case of ULIPs, the entire premium can be invested in equities. Srikanth: Ah, so basically LIC may be hoodwinking the investors, in order to help the government. Me: Hmmm...I did not think in that direction earlier. But after reading Vivek Kaul’s article, I feel that may be the real story! Ultimately, the investors must do their homework before making any investment decision!


Judge calls for ‘global peace’ SAN JOSE: A judge mulling whether to trim or overturn Apple’s billion-dollar damages award against Samsung on Thursday called for a ceasefire in the ongoing patent war between the smartphone titans. “I think it’s time for global peace,” US District Court Judge Lucy Koh said after legal teams from Apple and Samsung dueled for hours over post-ver-

dict motions in her courtroom in the Silicon Valley city of San Jose. “Let me hear if there is anything the court can do,” she continued. “It would be good for consumers; good for the industry and good for the parties.” Samsung attorney Charles Verhoeven responded to the challenge by saying the South

Korean consumer electronics firm was willing to negotiate a settlement with Apple but “the ball is in their court.” Apple attorney Harold McElhinny expressed no interest in working out a settlement, opting instead to urge Koh to back legal “remedies” daunting enough to dissuade a powerhouse like Samsung from ever copying an Apple gadget.

“It is the power of this court to establish a line and enforce it,” McElhinny argued. “If you didn’t see the same case that the jury saw, I am not sure how we get to resolution.” Verhoeven told Koh that Apple was engaging in “thermo-nuclear war” and choosing the court instead of the market as the battle ground. AFP







is India’s score in BluFin Consumer Confidence Index for November. The numbers show an improvement in consumer sentiment, its current level at 41.6 being the highest in the last six months. This indicates that consumers are more confident about overall economic conditions compared to the previous months.

ADB CUTS FORECAST The Asian Development Bank on Friday cut its economic growth forecasts for the region, which has been dragged back by a continued slowdown in India despite positive data out of powerhouse China. The ADB lowered its 2012 growth forecast for developing Asia, which comprises 45 nations, marginally from 6.1 per cent to 6 per cent. It also revised downward the 6.7 per cent growth outlook for 2013 to 6.6 per cent.It is the second time the bank has slashed growth estimates for the region, after cutting April’s forecast of 6.9 per cent growth in 2012 to 6.1 per cent in October — the lowest rate since 2009 when the economy expanded by six percent. It said the adjustment was made following mixed third quarter data in which “positive events” were slightly outweighed by sluggish figures elsewhere. “Recent downside developments are expected to pare 0.1 percentage points from developing Asia’s growth both this year and next,” the Manila-based lender said.

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US-based coffee giant Starbucks said Thursday that it will pay around £10 million in corporation tax in Britain in each of the next two years after lawmakers roasted the company for avoiding taxes. Kris Engskov, the managing director of Starbucks UK, made the announcement in a speech in London amid rising public anger in austerity-hit Britain at multinationals that fail to pay enough tax. Starbucks had previously confirmed that it did not pay any corporation taxes in Britain for the past three years on sales worth £400 million.



Since our country is a union of states, we abide by its federal character and, therefore, are bound by the consensus on the issue, ANAND SHARMA, COMMERCE MINISTER

19,515.76 28.88





FOUR ARRESTED FOR GANG-RAPING RWANDAN GIRL Four youth were arrested on Thursday for gang-raping a Rwandan national in Delhi earlier this week, police said. The four, identified as Deepak, Ashok, Vikas and Pravin, were arrested from Timarpur area of north Delhi where the 24-year-old victim was raped on Monday, a senior police officer said.



Ajit back with a bang, sworn in

MUMBAI: A week after a government white paper on irrigation gave Ajit Pawar a clean chit, the senior NCP leader was today sworn-in as deputy CM. He is the nephew of NCP president and Union minister Sharad Pawar. Governor K Sankaranarayanan administered oath of office to Pawar in the presence of CM Prithviraj Chavan. Opposition Sena-BJP members, which have denounced the move, kept away from the swearing-in ceremony. The dramatic announcement of resignation of Pawar on September 25, in the wake of allegations of corruption in irrigation projects, had plunged the

state’s Congress-NCP government into a crisis with all other 19 party ministers offering to quit. Pawar, 53, had resigned after media reports alleged he had arbitrarily awarded irrigation contracts worth over

3 policemen suspended for abusing sex workers The women alleged that they had been exploited for several months by the cops.

Aam Admi party founder demands audience with the Delhi CM over demolitions.

`20,000 crore when he was the irrigation minister during 19992009, before he was elevated as deputy chief minister and handled the plum finance and energy portfolios. The white paper, presented by the irrigation department to the state Cabinet on November 29, had claimed a 28 per cent increase in irrigation potential in Maharashtra in the last ten years. It was described as a status paper on irrigation and not an investigation report. Chavan had announced a white paper on irrigation would be brought after state’s economic survey report said the state’s irrigation potential had risen only by 0.1 per cent in 10 years.



Kejriwal stages sit-in near Sheila house

Train carrying fuel catches fire BAHRAICH (UP): Fifteen wagons of a train carrying kerosene caught fire after it derailed near Jarwal Railway Station in the district in the wee hours today. The fire broke out after four bogies including the engine of the train going to Bihar derailed, PRO, Northern Railway, Alok Srivastava said. Fire tenders have been rushed to control the flames from the district headquarters, he said. No injuries or casualties have been reported so far.

NEW DELHI: AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal and scores of people staged a sit in near Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit’s residence this morning to protest against demolition of buildings in a south Delhi locality and demanded that they be given an audience with her. Over 100 people started gathering at Dikshit’s Motilal Nehru Marg residence at 7 AM while Kejriwal joined them an hour later to protest demolition of their houses in Shaheenbagh. A large number of police personnel were deployed to avoid any untoward incident. Police barricaded one side of road from Janpath side which has the entry gate to Dikshit’s residence.

Protesters shouted slogans against the government action. “The land where these people are living is there land, they have documents of it. But it’s unauthorised because you have to get the map passed by the government,” Kejriwal said. “But on October 4, 2010 Sonia Gandhi had announced that 1600 colonies will be regularised, this colony is also one of them. But despite that 500 houses were demolished,” he said. He alleged showrooms nearby were not razed. “ We were asking for Dikshit’s time which was not given. We are not here for a clash with the government but a sit in protest,” he said. PTI


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7 killed by spurious liquor

PANAJI: Three Goa policemen were suspended for allegedly exploiting commercial sex workers here, police said today. Two head constables - Vaman Naik and Santosh Vengurlekar and constable Vijay Gaikwad were suspended yesterday after two middle-aged commercial sex workers named them in their complaint to the crime branch, police said. The policemen were under scanner after two commercial sex workers had claimed about a fortnight back that they were sexually abused by them in return of protection to their business. The women alleged that they had been exploited for several months by the policemen. The complaint was finally lodged when the women were rescued by Calangute police during a raid recently, they added. PTI

PATNA: At least seven people, including a woman, died after they consumed spurious liquor in a village in Bihar’s Bhojpur district, police said on Friday. The incident happened late Thursday in Anitha village in Bhojpur district. After consuming the liquor, the villagers started complaining of stomach pain and began vomiting. “Police were informed Friday morning about the deaths,” a district official said. A probe has been ordered into the incident.

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Six drug peddlers held ERODE: Six members of a gang allegedly involved in drug trafficking were arrested in Nashik and 'charas' worth `14 lakh was recovered from them, police said. Acting on a tip-off, the local crime branch intercepted two cars near Adgaon-Shivar on the Mumbai-Agra national highway on Wednesday night, Nashik Commissioner of Police Kulwant Kumar Sarangal told reporters last evening.

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AUS POLICE SEIZE COCAINE WORTH $81 MILLION Australian police on Friday said they had seized cocaine shipped from Chile worth up to Aus$77 million (US$81 million), the third global drug syndicate busted in as many weeks. The 135-kg (298-pound) seizure followed a three-month Australian Federal Police investigation.



US conducts ‘limited’ nuclear test According to UN figures, the United States has conducted 1,032 nuclear tests since 1945.

WASHINGTON: The United States said on Thursday that it has conducted a ‘sub-critical’ nuclear test at an underground site to study the behaviour of nuclear materials without triggering an atomic explosion. The test, conducted on Wednesday in Nevada, aims to gather scientific data that will “provide crucial information to maintain the safety and effectiveness of the nation’s nuclear weapons,” the Energy Department said in a statement. “Challenging subcritical experiments maintain our capabilities to ensure that we can support a safe, secure and effective stockpile without having to conduct underground testing,” said National Nuclear Security Administration head Thomas D’Agostino. Staff from the Nevada National Security Site, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories conducted the experiment, known as Pollux. It marked the 27th subcritical experiment to date. The last one, known as Barolo B, took place in February 2011. Sub-critical nuclear tests, which do not trigger a self-sustaining chain reaction that would create a nuclear explosion, examine how plutonium behaves when it is shocked by forces produced by chemical high explosives. The US halted underground nuclear tests in 1992. By then, it had conducted 1,032 tests since 1945. AFP

Justice Brian Leveson, who led the inquiry into Britain’s phone-hacking scandal, said on Friday that the Internet’s growth had complicated debate about mass media privacy, with no easy solution. Leveson, who last month called for an independent media regulator in Britain, told a privacy symposium in Sydney that there was “an element of mob rule” in identifying people online, and said it was a difficult area for us to police.




is the number of hits from Iranians the virtual US embassy in Tehran has received since its launch, the State Department said on the occasion of its first anniversary.

SPACE TRAVEL FOR SALE Japan authorises N Korean missile shoot-down TOKYO: Japan on Friday issued the order to shoot down a North Korean rocket if it threatens the nation’s territory, the top government official said. Tokyo has readied surface-toair missiles in and around Tokyo, as well as Okinawa, and is putting its armed forces on standby ahead of Pyongyang’s planned missile launch. It is also deploying Aegis warships in neighbouring waters. Defence minister Satoshi Morimoto has told forces to

destroy the projectile or any parts that look set to fall on Japanese territory, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said. The North announced last week a December 10 to 22 window, its second long-range rocket launch this year after a muchhyped, botched attempt in April. Pyongyang insists it is a peaceful satellite launch, but the international community sees it as a poorly disguised test of ballistic missile technology, which is banned under UN Security

‘World’s biggest, oldest trees are dying’

MPs call Sri Lanka’s top judge ‘mad woman’

UN calls for access to conflict displaced

Nepal Prez extends consensus deadline

SYDNEY: Scientists on Friday warned of an alarming increase in the death rates of the largest living organisms on the planet, the giant, old trees that harbour and sustain countless birds and wildlife. Research by universities in Australia and the US, published in Science, said ecosystems were in danger of losing trees.

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s top judge Shirani Bandaranayake stormed out of her impeachment hearing after government lawmakers called her a mad woman, her lawyers said. The move to impeach the country’s first female chief justice came after she scuttled bills, including one that gave more powers to the president’s brother.

YANGON: The UN’s humanitarian chief has called on Myanmar to stop blocking aid to thousands of people displaced by conflict with northern ethnic rebels, raising concerns over welfare as winter draws in. The UN has been prevented from reaching more than half of the 75,000 people forced from their homes.

KATHMANDU: Nepalese President Ram Baran Yadav extended by six days the deadline to name a consensus prime ministerial candidate, a day after major political parties failed to agree on forming a national government. “This has been doneas per the request made by political parties,” a notice issued by his office said.

Council resolutions. Washington and Seoul have urged Pyongyang to scrap the launch while Tokyo has postponed talks originally planned this week with North Korea. Once Pyongyang launches the rocket, “the government will swiftly deliver information” to local authorities, as well as to broadcasters , Fujimura said. “We would like people to carry on as normal because the missile won’t fall towards Japan if all goes as expected,” he added. AFP


Two former top NASA officials unveiled plans on Thursday to sell manned flights to the moon by the end of the decade, in an announcement 40 years after the last human set foot there. Spaceflight, long the province of national governments, has moved toward increased commercialization in recent years, with private companies for the first time successfully launching rockets into orbit. NASA has paid for space on Russian craft to get people and supplies to the International Space Station and, more recently, on one built and operated by SpaceX .

Without repaying the debt, the North’s leadership plans to launch a missile at a time when its people are suffering from food shortages Kim Hyung-Suk S Korea spokesman






Hookers, guns & money In a plotline worthy of Hollywood, US Internet security guru John McAfee, on the run from authorities in Belize over a murder probe, has been arrested in Guatemala. Andrew Gully unveils the man. ANDREW GULLY


rostitutes, gun-toting bodyguards, experimental drugs, police raids, poisoned dogs, murder, elaborate disguises, cloak-and-dagger interviews: welcome to the incredible world of John McAfee. In a plotline worthy of a Hollywood thriller, the American anti-virus software pioneer went on the run from his Belize island home hours after his Florida expat neighbour Gregory Faull was murdered early on November 11. With 20-year-old girlfriend Sam in tow, McAfee evaded capture for more than three weeks, until his arrest in Guatemala yesterday. McAfee's ramblings are laid bare for the public at, the blog he set up to counter the lies he says the media and the Belize government have perpetuated in the wake of his disappearance. In the McAfee story, the truth is an enigma. Did he actually commit the crime? If he did, why leave such an elaborate e-trail? If he didn't, why go on the run at all? McAfee was involved in a spat with the deceased but maintains his innocence and says he fears for his life if he gives himself up because the Belize authorities are corrupt and have it in for him. Belize Prime Minister Dean Barrow has described McAfee as

ALL ABOUT JOHN John McAfee (born September 18, 1945) is founder of McAfee. He was one of the first people to design anti-virus software and to develop a virus scanner. McAfee was born in England and raised in Salem, Virginia. McAfee was employed as a programmer by NASA's Institute for Space Studies in New York City from 1968 to 1970. In August 2009, The New York Times reported that McAfee's personal fortune had declined to $4 million from a peak of $100 million, the effect of the global financial crisis and recession on his investments. In February 2010, McAfee started a new venture in the field of bacterial quorum sensing. His company QuorumEx is headquartered in Belize and is working towards producing commercial all-natural antibiotics based on antiquorum sensing technology. McAfee teaches yoga and has written several books about yoga.

“bonkers”, saying he is only wanted for questioning, and urged him to give himself up. Police found no sign of the tech guru when they raided his property on the island of Ambergris Caye — a ring of white sandy beaches around a mangrove swamp off the northeastern Belizean coast — on the evening of the murder. McAfee said he didn't immediately leave his home and was hiding neck-deep in the sand with his head obscured by a cardboard box. He later claimed to have donned a serious of elaborate disguises to keep an eye on the police investigation, including masquerading as a drunken German tourist complete with a Speedo and flamboyant Hawaiian shirt. McAfee has given interviews from hiding. Many were straight out of a John Le Carre novel, involving elaborate meetings with middlemen, telephone calls with different numbers and rendezvous at safe houses with secret passwords. A successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur who cashed out to live the life of an adventure seeker, McAfee amassed huge wealth from the antivirus software that bears his name. He decamped to Belize in 2009 after losing an estimated $96 million of his $100 million fortune due to bad investments and the financial crisis. According to profiles in the

New York Times and tech magazine Wired, his lifestyle became increasingly extreme as he descended into a drug-fuelled existence centered on young prostitutes. Jeff Wise, a science and adventure writer who has known McAfee for years, told Fox News that his increasingly odd behaviour earlier this year had seen him become estranged from the US expatriate community in Belize. "Around the time his herbal drug plan collapsed, he started to get really heavily into this kind of synthetic, hallucinogenic hyper-aphrodisiac," he said. "Everyone was scared of McAfee. He was walking around the beach carrying a gun." Police raided McAfee's home in April and he was briefly incarcerated after police found him living with a 17-year-old girl and discovered an arsenal of seven pump-action shotguns, one single-action shotgun, and two 9mm pistols. Police say Faull, 52, was discovered by his housekeeper with a 9-mm slug in his head lying in a pool of his own blood. Prior to his murder, Faull had led neighbours in writing a letter to the mayor complaining that McAfee's "vicious" dogs and aggressive security guards were scaring tourists and residents alike. McAfee shot dead four of his dogs before fleeing, claiming they had been poisoned.

In its ongoing pursuit to strike back at hackers, UK.courts have convicted a member of Anonymous for conspiracy. A London jury found Christopher Weatherhead, a 22-year-old self described "hacktivist," guilty of carrying out a campaign of Distributed Denial of Service attacks against major credit card companies that refused to process online donations to WikiLeaks, according to the UK's Crown Prosecution Service. The conviction came after guilty pleas of three of Weatherhead's coconspirators. Dubbed Operation Payback, Weatherhead and his comrades targeted MasterCard, Visa, and PayPal.


Facebook released some new numbers for its local business Pages, revealing that about two per cent of the Pages have used promoted posts. The social network said it's reached 13 million local Pages now — up from the 12.8 million last reported during its earnings call in October — and 300,000 of those have promoted more than 2.5 million posts. Promoted posts are ones that Pages pay for to make sure they reach more of their Facebook fans. Facebook may be sharing some numbers to show that there are businesses that find its services valuable.

SPOTIFY ARE KINGS Streaming music service Spotify has now paid out more than $500m in royalties to rightsholders since its launch in 2008, according to chief executive Daniel Ek. He revealed the milestone at a press launch in New York, where he also announced that Spotify now has more than 5 million paying subscribers, and more than 20 million active users overall. Ek also sprang a surprise at the event, inviting Napster co-founder and Spotify board member Sean Parker and Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich on to the stage, despite the band famously suing Napster in 2000. Ulrich also announced that Metallica is adding its entire back catalogue to Spotify.


Comment If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. Mother Teresa Missionaries of Charity

One toke over the line THE HUMAN CONDITION Dean Williams


uring a discussion a few years ago on whether recreational drugs like marijuana should be legalised, a friend of mine came up with this doozy: “Have you ever heard of a pot-head who was a serial killer?” Actually I hadn’t, and to be honest I still haven’t. Last night, marijuana became legal in the US state of Washington, the first of three US states set to unleash Cheeches and Chongs onto its streets, and make every snack and candy company a lot of money. Should India even consider legalising marijuana? Apart from some people being aghast that it’s not legal already, I think maybe it’s something worth seriously considering. I have seen more violence fuelled by alcohol than by any other drug, and make no mistake, alcohol is a drug (albeit one that kills very, very slowly and is more likely to destroy families and society). That we can allow drinkfuelled louts and drivers to roam the streets endangering the lives of citizens while locking up a stoner with a reefer and a penchant for Crosby, Stills and Nash beggars belief. But the law is the law, strange as it may seem. I believe that legalising drugs like marijuana will go a long way in breaking the back of drug cartels in this country, who while not as hell-bent on dismembering people like they are in Mexico, are still a very dark cloud on the horizon. And like my friend said: “Sometimes a spliff gives you a silver lining.” Not that I would know anything about that.


Return of former irrigation minister of Maharashtra Ajit Pawar, nephew of NCP chief Sharad Pawar, shows who the boss is when it comes to power politics. Whether it is dealing with critics of his fiefdom BCCI or nephew, Uncle Pawar always makes an example of his enemies.






espite living much of their lives behind a veil, some Afghan women are feeling pressure to conform to ideals of female beauty and are lining up for cosmetic surgery at a handful of clinics in Kabul. A few years ago, most operations would have been to repair war wounds or scars from family violence, acid attacks or attempts at self-immolation by women driven to despair by hard times in a male-dominated society. Now, nose jobs are most popular, but facelifts, breast enhancement and tummy tucks are also sought after. “Ten years ago it was all about repairing scars,” said Dr Aminullah Hamkar, 53, who runs a Kabul clinic. “When I sometimes ask the young people who come here why they want cosmetic operations, they simply say they want to look better and beautiful,” he told AFP. This was a good sign, he said, showing that people, at least in the capital, were moving beyond the violence of a hardline Islamist Taliban insurgency and contemplating ideas usually reserved for times of peace. “I was always jealous to see my sisters and others had longer and bigger noses while my nose was small and flat,” said Shaida, an 18-year-old girl who had a nose enlargement at Hamkar’s clinic.

Shaida is from the minority Hazara ethnic group, many of whom have slightly Mongolian looks, with almond eyes and noses that are flatter than those of other Afghans. Shaida, who works as a policewomen, sought cosmetic surgery after seeing some of her friends and colleagues change the shapes of their noses and eyes. “Now that I have a bigger nose, I feel more comfortable and satisfied,” she said smiling. The two surgeons at the clinic perform about two cosmetic procedures each week, apart from their regular plastic surgery for medical or reconstructive purposes. Most cosmetic operations are done under local anesthetic to cut costs. And for nose enlargement, instead of using

silicon, the surgeons cut cartilage from a rib, carve it to the right shape and use that. A typical nose enlargement costs about $300, more than a month’s salary for many Afghans, but since the ousting of the Taliban regime 11 years ago, the influx of billions of dollars in aid has led to the emergence of a growing middle class. They have been exposed to trends in Iran, Dubai and European countries, and are willing to pay for plastic surgery purely for cosmetic reasons. Hamkar tells the story of an 18-year-old woman whose husband complained on his return from working in Dubai that her breasts were sagging and not up to the standards he had seen abroad and he didn’t want her any more.

The girl, from a conservative and insurgency-plagued province in eastern Afghanistan, had married, had children early and had breast-fed them. “Now for me, who has worked as a plastic surgeon for years, seeing such cases in other countries was nothing new, but this was something new here in Afghanistan,” the doctor said. “Her husband travels to a liberal, more open city like Dubai, probably sees beautiful and in-shape women and upon his return home he dislikes his wife’s shape and even approves her visiting a plastic surgeon. “Many people’s perceptions of life and sex change upon their return from a trip to a less conservative place.” Mohammad Ibrahim, a former army officer whose daughter wanted to make her nose smaller -- the family belongs to the Tajik ethnic group -- says he agreed with the operation as it would make her feel better. “Back in the sixties and seventies, the governments then would encourage us to learn about different cultures and even as government employees they helped us travel to different countries.” But decades of war after a Soviet invasion in 1979 and the rise to power of the Taliban “deprived our youths from their god given and human rights”. “Today we enjoy a relative democracy and I don’t want my daughter to feel ugly and isolated,” he said. “That’s why I easily agreed to bring her here, so she can have a better nose and feel happy.”



He deserves the worst of deaths

he one question that people are asking now after reports emerged of the killing a police official who was shot dead by an eve-teaser is this: if this is the fate of a police official, what should be that of a common man? Who happens to be the key accused? An official of the Shiromani Akali Dal. He brazenly shot the officer, first in the leg and then in the chest, who had come with his daughter to warn him. He even opened fire at the police party that later came to arrest him. Is it any coincidence that this happened a few days after the Supreme Court issued directions to states that eve-teasers should be dealt with zero-tolerance? The incident happened on a public road metres away from a police station and despite the locals alerting the cops there about the


incident, they did not rush to the aid of one among them who was dying. The incident lays bare the state of affairs in Punjab: the law and order situation in shambles; a dysfunctional police department; and lastly the impertinence of politicians in power. And how has ruling party responded? It suspended Ranbir Singh Rana, the key accused. That just seems not enough. That’s not even remotely enough for a rogue who took an innocent life. This is where one feels to wish a fate like one of Vlad the Impaler’s victims for Rana: a slow tortuous immiseration where the victim knows not the difference between the pain of the body and soul, and yet all along tormented by visitations of the demons of his sins till his very last breath.

We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222. Editor: Dean Williams



Katy Perry is creating her own flavour of Popchips! Talk about music to the tastebuds. E! News has exclusively learned that the snack food brand's latest face is branching out into an all-new endeavour with the potato purveyor—no longer content to merely front the healthy nibbles, the Fireworks superstar is in the midst of concocting her own specially curated flavour.


of the question, when even local bands can't perform.


There are others who are an integral part of the band. Anwar Maqsood is responsible for most of your lyrics and you now have new musicians who perform with you. Words and poetry, are a very integral part of songs and how they are executed. Anwar Maqsood, Bilal's father, is a great poet and he is kind of a band member. He has always been around and supported our music. He knows and understands us. So in the lyrics he writes, he perfectly portrays our personality, even the vocabulary is what would have been ours. If we had someone else writing, we wouldn't be able to achieve that. Our songs Duur, Anjaane, Na Jaane Kyu are all written by Maqsood saab. Performing live is very demanding, we have four young musicians from Karachi who've been doing a great job – Adeel on the lead guitar, Shakir on the bass guitar, Haider on key boards and Qaiser on drums.

ou've just finished a tour of Goa, Bangalore and Singapore? How was the experience? Our experience keeps evolving. Today, as musicians we thoroughly enjoy playing live, it's a joy. Places like Goa and Bangalore have an amazing crowd and what more can musicians ask for? Our first serious gig in India was in 2003 at IIT Chennai, followed by a gig in Hyderabad. We've done over 100 concerts in India and in 2013 we'll complete a decade of ALBUMS 1990 1992 2000 2003 2003 2008

Strings Strings 2 Duur Dhaani Hai Koi Hum Jaisa Koi Aanay Wala Hai

performing in India. The crowd is always very enthusiastic whether it's Kolkata, Hyderabad or Mumbai. Pakistani musicians have always been acknowledged well in India. There is extra warmth as any band from outside receives, in Pakistan, we're a local band. What is the situation like for independent musicians in Pakistan? The past 3-4 years haven't been the best for indie musicians. Earlier any independent music was by default mainstream, with TV presence and concerts, since there isn't that much film music here. But with the country's situation now, places for rock bands aren't available. There aren't any channels that play music, current affairs has taken over the media with 60-70 channels. YouTube and the digital platform is growing, but isn't a household name yet. Even on radio, music finds 10% of airspace. International bands coming to perform is out

The themes in your songs seem to be changing — Beirut was about the Lebanon bombings and you also made Ab Khud Kuch Karna Padega and Main To Dekhoonga. In the last few years, we have talked about Pakistani politics as well. When in 2006 we saw the bombing of Lebanon, it got us thinking — what are we heading towards, it's 2007 and countries are still fighting, why is it happening? There are a lot of unresolved issues, whether it's health or social issues. We're thinking about where we see our kids in the future. So that inspired Beirut and Koi Aanay Wala Hai happened in 2008. What are your future

After their comeback with Duur in 2000, Pakistani band Strings are still popular with the Indian audience. In 2013, they complete a decade of performing live in India with around 100 shows to their credit. They tell Postnoon about their upcoming single in collaboration with Indian Ocean, what it's like to be musicians in Pakistan today and more...

plans? We heard you're releasing an album next year? It has been four years since our last album Koi Aanay Wala Hai in 2008 and it's time for another one. We have lots of songs and recording demos, we've not decided on who will produce or any details yet. But this month, we will be releasing a new single, Hum Se Bada Nahi Dekha, with Indian band Indian Ocean. It's a satire on India and Pakistan.

Besides, everything is very commercial now, to reach out to fans, to bring out albums and videos one only has to have sponsors. There was an era when music used to come out automatically. The era of Elvis and The Beatles being so big themselves is over. Music keeps evolving like everything else. It wasn't until later, with musicians like Michael Jackson and Madonna that music videos became a norm. So things will

What's playing on your music player now? What sort of music inspires Strings? Right now I could be listening to anything — Rafat Ali Khan, 30 Seconds to Mars, Cold Play or John Mayer. But what inspires us is anything that appeals to us, an act by a person, a moment, a song or movie. Anything can spark an idea and get your attention. While we listen to diverse music from RD Burman to U2, we've never followed one particular music. Music is all around you.

BOLLYWOOD Year Song Film 2006 Zinda Hoon Zinda 2007 Aakhri Alvida Shootout at Lokhandwala 2010 Khan Theme My Name Is Khan HOLLYWOOD Year Song Film 2004 Najane Kyun Spider Man 2

Indie music is seeing a spurt in corporate sponsorships and support. Strings is the brand ambassador for Ethiad Airways and Levis in Pakistan. Does this liaison endanger the independence of the musician in anyway? Corporates are becoming an integral part of music, but unlike earlier, they don't involve themselves in the creative part. They support the band and don't dictate, so it's healthy.

keep changing. What role does music have in inspiring peace between the two countries? You are an Indian paper talking to Pakistani musicians. That shows a lot about the attitude of people in both countries. Deep down the common man on either sides is the same. In Pakistan people are fans of Bollywood and Indians love Pakistani musicians such as Rahat Fateh Ali. To keep and share the channel of music and arts between the two countries is very important. Few Pakistani musicians you recommend we tune into – Vital Signs: They were perhaps the first Pakistani band to really be out there and inspire us. Junoon: India already loves Junoon but there are plenty of albums that need to be heard. Fuzön: This is an alternative rock band from Karachi. Lead singer Shafqat Amanat Ali’s solo album is also something you need to listen to.




Sutradhar & Naadbrahm bring, for the first time in Hyderabad, a 3-day workshop on Hindustani Classical Music & Ghazal Singing by Ustad Rajkumar Rizvi, Ghazal maestro and acclaimed classical singer Indrani Chatterjee Rizvi. Head to Sutradhar at Himayathnagar today.




A school choir performed at the launching of the Christmas celebrations at the Novotel HICC on Thursday. Wearing Santa hats, the children’s sweet rendering of the carols delighted all who had gathered there.


Fashion designer Anand Kabra and jewellery designer Moni Agarwal launched the new collection of clothing and jewellery titled Bridal Blush at Anahita, Banjara Hills on Thursday.


Welcoming the lights The Westin on Thursday invited its guests and patrons to help set up the Christmas lights. Guests were seen admiring the decorations and bonding over the food spread before them.





1 Sharan 2 Saritha 3 Manjula Narsa 4 Vinetha, Manisha 5 Saru 6 Kishan 7 Manisha









Lead author Damaris Rohsenow, Brown University in the US, said, "At the same number of drinks, people who smoke more that day are more likely to have a hangover and have more intense hangovers." Her team controlled for other factors as well, such as drug use in the past year.



Keep the winter bug at bay!

Assailed by bouts of nausea and an upset stomach bang in the middle of winter? It is quite common say experts and the culprit is a bug called Norovirus. DEEPASHRI VARADHARAJAN


ust as you’d begun to enjoy the wonderful winter months, you’re set back by a bout of nausea and diarrhoea. Puzzled, you try to jog your memory to nail the cause. Watch out before you get cozy this winter! Winter vomiting disease, one in which you suffer from acute diarrhoea or vomiting for a couple of days, is caused by the notorious and highly contagious winter bug, “norovirus.” Norovirus is the most common cause of gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhoea worldwide. According to Health Protection Agency (HPA), an independent organisation in the United Kingdom, the disease is more prominent during winters, though it can occur at any time of the year. Hence, the name, “winter vomiting disease.” Nearly 21 million cases of acute gastroenteritis caused by norovirus are reported each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and over 80 per cent of the outbreaks occur from November to April. CDC surveillance shows that norovirus outbreaks are most common in schools, hospitals and restaurants. Being a major cause of food related disease outbreaks in USA, the virus can contaminate food during growth, transportation or preparation. “The rate of viral infections

is higher in winter because of the climate,” said Dr D Kannan, a gastroenterologist in Chennai. "It is a self-limiting acute diarrhoeal illness," said Dr Poorna Chandra KS, gastroenterologist at Fortis Hospital, Bangalore. “We do not test for norovirus as it is not cost effective,” he adds. Self-limiting illnesses are those that end on their own without any treatment.


Norovirus symptoms typically last two to three days. As long as you are not dehydrated, it can take care of itself. Adding that there is nothing to worry about, Dr Chandra said, “It is usually caused due to



close contact. Be well hydrated and maintain pure hygiene. There is no need for antibiotics." But the major concern is its highly infectious nature. According to reports by the HPA hospital outbreak reporting scheme, published on November 26, there were 1,653 outbreaks in the last season in various part of UK. Wards were closed to admission to minimise spread of the virus.


Fact File


orovirus was initially called Norwalk Virus, after an acute gastroenteritis outbreak among school children in Norwalk, Ohio in 1968. It is highly contagious, and is responsible for 90% of epidemic non-bacterial outbreaks of gastroenteritis around the world. Antibiotics do not work for this disease as it is viral and not bacterial. It usually lasts only 2-3 days, during which you need to keep yourself hydrated with plenty of liquids. Sources:,


The snack app

Obstetric cholestasis

Women burn fat faster

Bruce Reitz

You have the sudden urge to eat and are contemplating over whether to give in and pick up that bar of chocolate? The snack app helps you choose the perfect snack based on your cravings and also tells you how many calories it has and other nutritional values. It also gives you options on how to lose weight.

Obstetric cholestasis refers to a disease that effects the liver during pregnancy. There is a possibility that it may cause a premature delivery. Itching is considered to be the most common symptom of this ailment.In most cases, the cause isn't known, although it may be related to the effect on the liver of high levels of hormones, or stretching of the skin as the bump grows. other symptoms include jaundice, fatigue and nausea.

Women burn fat more slowly than men, by a rate of about 50 calories a day. Most men have a much easier time burning fat than women. Women, because of their reproductive role, require a higher basic body fat proportion than men. Because of this, their bodies to not rid themselves of excess fat at the same rate as men.

Bruce Reitz is a Cardiothoracic Surgeon. In 1981, he performed the first successful heart-lung transplant. This was the first time a lung had ever been transplanted. In 1995, he also performed the first Heartport procedure. He used a device that allows minimally invasive coronary bypass and valve operations. He also played a major role in the resident education program at Stanford University.


health FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012



Arsenic in drinking water damages lungs According to a recent study conducted at the University of Western Australia, pregnant women who drink water with traces of arsenic may give birth to babies with respiratory infections. SYDNEY: Pregnant women who drink water with traces of arsenic may give birth to babies who have increased odds of respiratory infections, says a new study. The study from the University of Western Australia (UWA) has uncovered links between arsenic in drinking water and higher

risk of developing chronic lung disease. “These findings are significant because whilst arsenic is well known for its cancer-causing properties, its impact on lung health is less known,” Kathryn Ramsey, UWA environmental health researcher, was quoted as saying in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. “When we examined mice that had been exposed to the

same levels of arsenic in drinking water as many humans, we were able to see just what sort of impact this chemical can have on lung development,” said Ramsey, according to a university statement.

A previous report e has shown that exposure to high levels of arsenicincreases the likelihood of dying of a chronic lung disease . “What we found was abnormal lung development and structural damage to an extent that is likely to cause problems later in life. We also found that arsenic increased the amount of mucous produced by the lungs which may reduce the ability to clear respiratory pathogens.” A previous report from Chile has shown that exposure to high levels of arsenic via drinking water in early life increases by 40 times the likelihood of dying of a chronic lung disease as an adult. “The contamination of drinking water with naturally occurring arsenic is a significant environmental health problem which affects millions of people,” he said. “The next step is to identify at what concentration arsenic causes detectable changes in lung growth so we can better inform public policies around water quality,”Ramsay said.

Dogs can sniff out lung cancer: Pilot study VIENNA: Dogs are surprisingly adept at sniffing out lung cancer, results from a pilot project in Austria published on Wednesday suggested, potentially offering hope for earlier, lifesaving diagnosis. “Dogs have no problem identifying tumour patients,” said Peter Errhalt, head of the pulmonology department at Krems hospital in northern Austria, one of the authors of the study. The test saw dogs achieve a 70-per cent success rate identifying cancer from 120 breath samples, a result so “encouraging” that a two-year study 10 times larger will now take place, Errhalt said. The results echo anecdotal evidence of odd canine behaviour when around cancer sufferers and are backed up by the results of similar small studies, including one by German scientists in 2011. The ultimate aim is not however to have canines stationed in hospitals, but for scientists to identify what scents the dogs are detecting, explained Michael Mueller from the Otto Wagner Hospital in Vienna, who collaborated on the pilot project. This in turn could help scientists reproduce in the long term a kind of “electronic nose” — minus the wagging tail — that could help diagnose lung cancer in the early stages, thereby dramatically improving survival rates, Mueller said. AFP



Technique to detect genetic variations KOLKATA: In what could help predict one’s susceptibility to various ailments, a new technique to detect genetic variations associated with diseases, including cancer, has been proposed by scientists at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) here. Some of these genetic varia-

tions termed SNPs (pronounced snips) are associated with cancer, certain infectious diseases like leprosy and AIDS. “These genetic variations can give us an idea about how humans respond to pathogens, chemicals, drugs, vaccines etc,” IACS’s associate professor in biological chemistry, Rupa

Mukhopadhyay, said. Detection of these genetic variations can help predict one’s susceptibility to diseases. Identification of these abnormalities is often done by using DNA probe based biosensor technologies. DNA is the double stranded helically twisted molecule that

serves as the hereditary unit of life. A biosensor is a device that uses a living organism or biological molecules, especially enzymes or antibodies, to detect the presence of chemicals. According to Mukhopadhyay, the DNAbased biosensors which are in use have certain

limitations.“The points to be considered for an ideal biosensor are easy use of the biosensor system, the reading should be reproducible, target-specific and sensitive. We have proposed in a recent work that LNA, can be a much better probe in surface-based DNA detection,”he said. IANS




to team up for Bol Bachchan’s remake


he trend of multistarrers seems to be fast catching up in Telugu film industry. Ever since Srikanth Addala and Dil Raju convinced Mahesh Babu and Venkatesh to team up for Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu, several other directors are toying with the idea of collaborating with Telugu actors for multistarrers. Ram Charan’s upcoming film Yevadu has Allu Arjuna and Kajal teaming up for important roles. Now, Venkatesh has confirmed that he’s going to team up with Ram in the remake of Bol Bachchan. The original film has Sanjay Dutt, Abhishek Bachchan, Asin and Prachi Desai in lead roles. Venkatesh will be reprising Sanjay Dutt’s role whereas Ram will step into the shoes of Abhishek Bachchan’s role for the Telugu version. Talking to the media, Venkatesh said, “I am ready to do more multistarrers and I have told several directors and writers to come up with different roles for me. Perhaps, the success of films like Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu will encourage more directors to experiment with multistarrers.” The Telugu title for the remake of Bol Bachchan hasn’t been confirmed yet and it’s likely to go on floors in mid 2013. Meanwhile, Venkatesh will soon be seen in Srikanth Addala’s Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu and Shadow.


KAK’s audio launch on Dec 8


he audio of Sharvanand and Priya Anand starrer Ko Antey Koti is going to be launched on December 8. Anish Kuruvilla has directed this crime comedy and Sharvanand has produced the film under Sarvaa Arts banner. Shakti Kanth has composed the music. The film has been shot by cinematographer duo Erukulla Rakesh and Naveen.

NTR’s statue to be installed in Parliament


life size statue of, former chief minister of AP and an iconic Telugu film actor, NTR is going to be installed in Parliament. Union Minister and daughter of Late NTR Daggubati Purandeswar has been entrusted with the duty of sourcing a suitable statue. More details about the installation will be announced soon.

Sarocharu’s first look makes a splash


he first trailer of Ravi Teja, Kajal and Richa Gangopadhyay starrer Sarocharu was unveiled on December 5. The film is a love story and the first look made a big splash. Parasuram has directed the film and Priyanka Dutt has produced it. Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music. The film will hit the screens on December 21.




KARL LAGERFELD shocked the fashion world with his thoughts on Alexander Wang becoming the new creative director for Balenciaga. Lagerfeld, the opinionated Chanel designer, gave Wang his blessing.

P udu Li fest yle, a popu la r Au str men’s fash io a l ia n n sets up sho bra nd pi I nd ia.We ta n ke a look.




Shilpa Singh will represent India at the Miss Universe pageant scheduled on December 19 at Las Vegas, US. She was selected by I AM She, a national beauty pageant that sends the winner to the international pageant. She will be wearing a dress by designer duo Anjalee and Arjun Kapoor.



ts threads are favoured by discerning personalities like cricketer Rahul Dravid, fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee, ace photographer Shantanu Sheorey and VJ Nikhil Chinappa. Making waves in Australia since 2008, Pudu Lifestyle, which came to India earlier this year, launches its first flagship store in Goa this month. Pudu Lifestyle’s keen attention to detail and the first of its kind to address the white space of men’s fashion and lifestyle in India makes it a hot favourite that separates the men from the boys. “We specialise in creating lines that are classic yet contemporary, comfortable and stylish all at the same time,” shares Andrew Piers, Co-Founder and Creative Head, Pudu Lifestyle. The company designs, conceptualises, manufactures, and retails all products themselves. Online stores offer many conveniences that traditional brick and mortar stores simply can't. Pudu Lifestyle has a large inventory in place where customers can browse and play with ideas. They can add things to their wish list for later, check-out and view items in different colours and designs. Online shopping lets you shop from the comfort of your home and avoid the stress that comes with shopping in malls and stores. It is the way of the future. With its enviable growth forecast

There is a dearth of options available to Indian men when it comes to classic, comfortable clothing. Andrew Piers co-founder, creative head Pudu lifestyle set to continue through 2012 and beyond, men’s fashion is just waiting to be tapped. Says Andrew, “I feel there is a dearth of options available to Indian men when it comes to classic, comfortable clothing. It helps that men are easier customers, online at least! For them, the shopping experience is less about exploration and more about being informed about what they should be buying. The Internet allows them to access this information and advice with relative ease. Unlike women, men don’t shop; they buy. They tend to spend significantly less time browsing online than women, viewing fewer pages before purchasing, and this is exactly why online shopping is the perfect solution for them.” Commenting on whether the Indian market was tougher to penetrate as compared to Australia, Andrew opines that India is a huge market and although there’s an abun-

dance of raw materials, the finished products leave much to be desired. Although designers and retailers all over the world come to India in search of beautiful fabric, we have yet to leverage the techniques and the material at home: “We hope to make the best use of the material and produce exceptional garments so that our customers will not have to turn to international brands for quality clothing anymore.” Fast gaining traction is Pudu Lifestyle’s unique made to measure (m2m) service. Getting a bespoke product just right without being able to measure a customer can be quite a challenge but Pudu Lifestyle’s got it all figured. Patrons can send over a garment from their wardrobe that fits perfectly and Pudu Lifestyle will use that as a measurement guide to create their styles. They will make as many changes to the garment as required to guarantee customers are satisfied with the final product. From an impressive collection of shirts, trousers, trench coats, golf wear and leather accessories, Pudu Lifestyle’s linen range, made from the finest European linen, is the most popular. When asked about the brand’s USP Andrew says, “We could tell you that our brand is different, a class apart, exclusive and unique. But, we’d prefer to let our customers do that for us. So, we hope you will pick up a Pudu today because it’s just a click away on”.


Entertainment FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012


Entertainment FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012



Chai Time

Play & Win

Please send in your filled-in entries to Postnoon, #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500033. The winners will be announced on this page in Sunday’s edition.


How to play kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: ‘How do you play kakuro?’, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column refer-


enced by the number. Within each collection of cells — called a run — any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once.Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so

on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two — it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.

Play & Win

voucher from VENKEY’S VEG Restaurant, Nampally



Play & Win voucher from VENKEY’S VEG Restaurant, Nampally




Play & Win voucher from VENKEY’S VEG Restaurant, Nampally

1 Whomped, biblically 6 Take a bough? 9 Some Indian nobles 14 Wild West movie 15 Palindromic response to a revelation 16 Up in the air 17 Circular 18 Upholstery defect 19 Lake near Reno 20 Game show that featured X's and O's 23 NIMBY opener 24 Flight announcement, briefly 25 Consecrates with oil 27 Encroach (upon) 32 Get in the game 33 Tourist's rental 34 Heads off hysteria 36 Entertainment director 39 Con ___ (with vigour, musically) 41 Defame in print 43 Cutting comment 44 Fort ___, Fla 46 Exposed, as one's soul 48 Bro's bro 49 Begin a hand 51 Holds spellbound 53 Transforms into 56 Psychic hotline ‘skill’

57 Letter with a right angle 58 Do a certain monthly chore 64 Exotic fruit flavor 66 Vietnam resident's neighbor 67 Fond farewell 68 He has slogans 69 Amateur's antonym 70 Coward's lack 71 Branch headquarters? 72 ‘Sock’ or ‘bunny’ follower 73 Strong wagons

DOWN 1 Far from stern 2 Bamako's nation 3 Suffix with ‘psych’ or ‘narc’ 4 Move unsteadily 5 Unpredictable 6 Kitchen fat 7 Youngstown's state 8 ___ New Guinea 9 Seedy dwelling 10 ‘Mode’ lead-in 11 ‘Man in Black’ singer 12 Like the game, to Sherlock 13 Proofreader's marks 21 Panama waterway 22 Measure of

economic activity (Abbr) 26 Foot that's part of a meter 27 Long-range warhead carrier, briefly 28 ___ a soul (no one) 29 Seafood entree 30 Smooth-tongued 31 Put in the clink 35 Fluids in shots 37 Great Lakes port 38 Subsides 40 Hugely popular cookie 42 Bank that deters flooding 45 Yangtze River transports 47 Break up the group 50 Grazing land 52 Little Miss Muffet frightener 53 Started 54 Escape capture by 55 She's slender and graceful 59 Plant with an edible root 60 Ringlike earring 61 Old Italian coin 62 Assess, as a tax 63 Becomes a plaintiff 65 Winery vessel

Chai Time FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012 Thiruvaikumar

STAR POWER for 8-12-2012


As per Hindu panchang thiruvaikumar@yahoo. co. in, 040-27177230 / 9177596118













You will become more active. Children will do well in their studies and in career development. Persons who created trouble will disappear. Hardship faced by businessmen will be over and they will prosper.


Tensions and worries will be over. Businessmen will see a flourishing time. Competition will reduce.Children will perform well. A peaceful atmosphere will prevail at home. Comforts are set to improve and a luxurious life likely.

Those who suffered from chronic disease will get and feel better. Bitter experiences never recur. Financial inflow will be very good which keeps you in a comfortable situation. Couples will be more affectionate towards each other.

Financially a strong position likely as money will come from all the expected sources. Debts are likely to get cleared. Those undertaking travel need to be careful. Enemies will be inactive and you will gain upper hand.

Misunderstanding with relatives and friends will disappear. Court verdict will be in your favour. Avoid anger and maintain a polite approach with all to achieve success. Keep a watch on children's activities and company.

You will fulfill the spouse's wishes and be more affectionate. Plan to purchase a house or land may be delayed. Worries about children might haunt you. Businessmen will be happy as competitors will keep a low profile. Health is fine.

Things will become crystal clear as confusions and taking wrong decisions will not be there anymore. Businessmen will see profit but will require lots of hard work. Couples will be cordial and support each other well.

Minor worries and laziness likely to upset you. Businessmen will be successful in their new efforts. Financial position looks comfortable and savings too are likely. Purchase of new house or land and electronic gadgets most likely.

Employees will get a good relief from the troubles they faced with burdensome works and superiors' strict action. Delay in purchase of house or land will now materialise. Misunderstanding with maternal relatives will be over.


Sumaa Tekur

tarotreadhyd@gmail. com



Queen of Swords – You might feel like you’re being left alone. You don’t belong to a gang and you feel alienated. Take measures to avoid feeling lonely.


ce of Swords – This is a double-edged sword, which brings with it a reason for every thought and action. It’s an intellectual time and you’re up to the challenge.



Knight of Wands – You’re charging ahead with a set of brilliant ideas in the bag. You also have the energy and the expertise to make them work.


Eight of Swords – Strong bonds are being cut off. You’re feeling a little lost and without anchor. But this is needed for you to be strong and independent.


Five of Cups – Avoid picking fights with anyone, coworkers or family, as it will typecast you as being of a certain type. There’s confusion around you today.


King of Swords – You know how to cut through the confusion and get to the heart of the matter. There is no middle path or mollycoddling you believe in.


Five of Wands – There’s secrecy and conspiracy around you. People may be telling you one thing but something else altogether may be happening.


Queen of Cups – Love is in the air. You’re able to make a strong connection with a person from the opposite sex. The mood is not flirtatious, though.


Seven of Swords – Someone is conspiring against you. There’s secrecy and conflicting points of view. Watch out for those who play with your emotions.



The Tower – Changes will alter the way you look at the world. They will also make you see that what you thought was great wasn’t so great after all.


Pentacles – You’re financially secure and with it comes the freedom to make some tough choices. You’re in a comfortable position to decide.




Tensions and hurdles for businessmen will reduce gradually. Employees will get good support from superior and cooperation from colleagues. Realtors will see a gainful phase. Financial position looks satisfactory.

for 8-12-2012

King of Pentacles – You’re in control and you feel you need to give guidance to those around you. Good idea, but are you forcing your ideas on others?


Health will be fine. Financial position will improve. Purchase of gold likely. You will fulfill the wishes of your children at any cost and keep them cheerful. Debt problems will be under control. Never delay important works.


Your social status is set to improve. Friendship with VIPs likely. You will take certain bold decisions which will yield desired results. Health will be good. Financial position will be strong. Confusions in the family will disappear.

Boggle COLONEL CAPTAIN CORPORAL Vol: 2, No 141 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad – 500037, Editor: Dean Williams – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: feedback@postnoon. com and for subscription, please call 040-4067 2222, Fax: 040-4067 2211


Entertainment FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012



The most eagerly-anticipated music festival in the country, Bacardi NH7 Weekender heads to Bangalore for the first time from December 15-16 at the Embassy International Riding School.


acardi NH7 Weekender features the best music from India and across the world — from underground artists that should feature on your playlist to award-winning artists you’ve been dying to see live. Here’s a little peek into the line-up: Foreign Beggars: Acclaimed rap, grime and dubstep group, Foreign Beggars are often credited with having successfully changed the face of UK hip-hop in the last decade. The band’s newest album The Uprising has been released on mau5trap. Testament: Thrash metal pioneers headline the Bacardi Black Rock Arena, performing in India for the first time. The American band has been around for 29 years now, is often credited with being the most popular thrash metal band of the 80s and has sold over 12 million albums.



Bands on the stage include Periphery, Testament, rock pioneers Parikrama (Delhi), metal act Inner Sanctum (Bangalore), guitar hero Warren Mendonsa’s Blackstratblues (Mumbai), thrash metal act Kryptos (Bangalore), metal heavyweights Bhayanak Maut (Mumbai), hardcore/metal biggies Scribe (Mumbai), Indian metal pioneers Demonic Ressurection (Mumbai), progressive rock/ metal act Goddess Gagged (Mumbai), and a set curated by the Bangalore Metal Project.


The Dewarists Stage programs the best of world, folk and eclectic music created by inspirational artists, who are part of The Dewarists movement. International headliners Fink (UK) perform on The Dewarists Stage. The line-up also includes the legendary Indian Ocean (Delhi), folk icons The Raghu Dixit Project (Bangalore), folk


hero Papon and The East India Company (Mumbai), folk/world music singer-songwriter Susheela Raman (UK) known for her intense live performances, fusion stars Advaita (Delhi), Idan Raichel Project (Israel) by singersongwriter Idan Raichel which is distinctive for its fusion of electronics, traditional Hebrew texts, Middle Eastern and Ethiopian music, path-breaking Bangalore rockers Thermal and a Quarter (Bangalore) and rising folkfusion stars Lagori (Bangalore).


The Eristoff Wolves Den features high-energy performances with live electronica and dance music. This year, the stage features an all-new live set by electronica pioneers Midival Punditz (Delhi), hip-hop and dubstep biggies the Foreign Beggars (UK), renowned beatboxing troupe Bauchklang (Austria), explosive electro-rock act Pentagram (Mumbai), threepiece live electronica band BLaNK (Chennai), bass heavy electronic DJ/producer Nucleya (Delhi), DJ/producer and one of the founding members of prolific dance act Jalebee Cartel - Ash Roy (Delhi), dubstep heavyweight B.R.E.E.D. (Mumbai), prolific electro-rock duo Shaa’ir + Func (Mumbai), comedy-rock project Vir Das’ Alien Chutney (Mumbai) and a special new set called Arjun Vagale presents Re:Focus (Delhi) where the pioneering producer reinvents dance music with a

TICKETING DETAILS Tickets are available at There’s a loyalty discount for regulars — if you attended Bacardi NH7 Weekender in the past or have a friend that did, you’re eligible for a 10% discount on the full price 2-day ticket. Tickets are priced at `2,250 and there’s a discounted ticket at `999 for people under 21. A single day ticket costs `1,500 on the first day, and `1,500 on the second day. The tickets are also available at visual and technology driven set and an artful new take on electronic music.


The Other Stage features raw acoustic talent and great singersongwriters at the festival. This year, catch acoustic folk-rock trio The Staves (UK), quickly rising


on the international stage, celebrated songwriter Martina Topley-Bird (UK), singer-songwriter Gowri (Mumbai), experimental singer-songwriter Nigel Rajaratnam (Mumbai), producer and singer-songwriter Vedanth Bharadwaj, Kamal Singh of Lounge Piranha’s alternative pop project 3 Sevens (Bangalore), singer-songwriter Nischay Parekh (Kolkata) and two-piece alt rock project Under The Influence (Mumbai/Delhi).


The Fully Fantastic Stage makes its debut at Bacardi NH7 Weekender this year. The stage is dedicated to the late Indian rock pioneer Amit Saigal, who founded Rock Street Journal, who was one of the biggest influencers of the music scene in India today, and whose favourite phrase was “Fully Fantastic”. curates the music, programming popular favourites that cannot be missed, to quickly rising new bands that must be on your radar for the coming year. The stage is headlined indie rock biggies Bombay Bicycle Club (UK) and also features electro-rock indie darlings Sky Rabbit (Mumbai), pop-rock act Tough on Tobacco, vibrant folk-rock act Swarathma (Bangalore), quickly rising alt rock trio Blek (Mumbai), popular alt rock band Galeej Gurus (Bangalore), experimental rock act Pink

Periphery : Progressive metal giants Periphery make their way to India for the first time headlining the Bacardi Black Rock Arena. The American band is known for their heavy, modern, and progressive sound and continues to push the envelope of modern metal music. Bauchklang: Austrian beatboxing troupe Bauchklang can be credited with creating the beatboxing rage in India. Relying only on mouth percussions, human beatboxing and vocal sounds, Bauchklang cover a wide variety of genres in their incredible live shows. Fink: UK indie folk trio Fink headlines The Dewarists Stage. The band is helmed by singersongwriter, producer and DJ Fin Greenall who also featured on the second season of The Dewarists. SWARATHMA

Noise (Kolkata), four piece hard rock band Skrat (Chennai), and three-piece alt rock band The Shakey Rays (Chennai).


Pepsi Dub Station brings dancehall vibes, reggae, dubstep and drum ‘n’ bass to the festival each year. The lineup this year features star reggae trio Reggae Rajahs (Delhi), Aditya Ashok’s solo drum and bass project Ox7gen (Mumbai), dubstep artist Dub Sharma (Chandigarh), disco, old school hip-hop with Su-Real (Delhi), electro reggae act Illbilly Hitec ft. Longfingah (Berlin), reggae and dancehall duo Delhi Sultanate & Begum X (Delhi), hip-hop and reggae act Low Rhyderz (Goa/Bangalore), reggae and dancehall with Rudy Roots (Goa), hip-hop with Wazulu Ill Dravidian + MC Ax (Bangalore), dubstep DJ Moosick (Canada), reggae and roots with Ziggi Recado (Netherlands) and reggae artist Herb-A-Lize It (Netherlands).






Pacquiao seeks solid win The ‘Fighter of last decade’ wants to put end to accusations of Manuel Marquez that he won their previous encounters due to biased judging. GREG HEAKES Agence France-Presse LAS VEGAS: Filipino southpaw Manny Pacquiao needs a statement victory over Juan Manuel Marquez in the fourth installment of their epic rivalry Saturday to prove once and for all who is the better fighter. Pacquiao, 33, will face the 39-year-old Marquez for the fourth time in eight years in a 12-round non-title welterweight fight at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino. Trainer Freddie Roach said he has seen a meaner, harderpunching Pacquiao in their sparring sessions at the Wild Card Gym in Hollywood. “I think he has the fire underneath him that he used to have,” Roach said. “He has four knockdowns in training camp ... He wasn’t so compassionate in sparring this time.” Pacquiao, who is also eager to redeem himself after suffering a defeat in his most recent fight to Tim Bradley, is tired of Marquez blaming his failure to win in their series on biased judging. Marquez claims he won all three fights — although two were scored in favour of Pacquiao and one ended in a draw.

Pacquiao vows to help typhoon victims LAS VEGAS: Boxer Manny Pacquiao has pledged support for the victims of a devastating typhoon in his native Philippines that has left a quarter million homeless and killed over 470 people. “I am aware of what is going on, and my prayers are with the people of the Philippines,” Pacquiao said. “I have people who are monitoring the situation, and they will handle anything I asked them to do.” Pacquiao, who is a congressman representing the Sarangari province, talked about the

tragedy on Wednesday in Las Vegas, where he is preparing to fight Mexico’s Juan Manuel Marquez for the fourth time. “I’ll go out and raise money for the people who were affected,” Pacquiao said. “I have helped my countrymen before, and I will do whatever they ask me to do to help.” Pacquiao is running unopposed for re-election in May. He said his district was not severely affected by the typhoon but he is willing to assist in any way he can.

“I think this is the last fight with him,” Pacquiao says. “He always claims he won the fights. So he needs to prove something. “You cannot say, ‘Yes, I won the fight’ when you are always backing off. It is contradictory. If you are claiming you won the fight then you have to press the action.” Pacquiao and Marquez, of Mexico, have fought a total of 36 rounds with their most recent fight being 13 months ago. They met for the first time in 2004 for the featherweight title. Marquez survived three early knockdowns to scrape out a draw. Fast forward four years and they would meet again at 130 pounds. Pacquiao was awarded a split decision by the narrowest of margins as one judge gave the victory to Marquez, the second favoured Pacquiao and the third gave it to Pacquiao by just one point. In November 2011, Pacquiao won on a majority decision that was roundly booed when it was announced. An incensed Marquez stormed out of the ring thinking he had won the fight. “There is not much I can do about the judges,” Marquez said. “I don’t pick them, and I sure don’t know them.”

India in hunt for first medal since 1982

MELBOURNE: India grimly hung on to an early lead to prevail 1-0 over Belgium to advance to the semifinals of the Champions Trophy at the State Hockey Centre here today. The goal that settled the fate of the quarterfinal contest came in the 13th minute of the first shot India had at the rival goal. Nitin Thimmaiah capitalised on a rebound to send a firm shot into the right corner of the goal. The rebound had come to Thimmaiah on top of the circle following Gurmail Singh's try off a cross from Birendra Lakra. India had very few chances thereafter and were forced to fall back to defend stoutly as Belgians asserted strength in the midfield. Belgium forced six penalty corners against India's one. It was because of a fine display by defenders VR Raghunath and Rupinder Pal Singh that India managed to maintain their lead. PTI


Continental outshine Galaxy

A Division Two Days League Championship Continental 326 for 7 bt Galaxy CC 278 (Javeed 90, S Rajender 87, Jairam 38, Bharath Raj 3 for 21, M Yashwanth Reddy 3 for 94)


Vijays Winner looks in fine fettle Vijays Winner, Vijay Conquer, Killer Instinct, Skander and Castle Town caught the eye when horses were exercised at the Malakpet racecourse in the City this morning. Sand track 800 metres Vijay Jet (Culhane) 1-3, 600/47 Easy. Lady Of Grace (Alikhan) 58, 600/44 Urged. Metaforce (Kiran Naidu) 58.5, 600/43 Moved well. 2y. Fastest Finger (Joshi) Play The Music (app) 1-2, 600/46 They moved freely. Original Gladiator (K Alam) 55.5, 600/42 Pleased. Kohinoor Wish (Ravinder Singh) 57.5, 600/43.5 Moved freely. Dark Avanger (Imran Khan) 57, 600/43 Moved attractively. Montego Bay (Sai Kumar) 2y. Home Town Hero (N Rawal) 58.5, 600/44 They moved together. Aneres (Joshi) 1-0, 600/45 Easy. Racing Queen (Joshi) 59, 600/43 Moved on the bit. Lumier Blanche (Trainer) 58, 600/42.5 Moved well. So Be It (Anil)2y. Just Once (Dileep) 1-2.5, 600/46 Former finished in front

Vijays Winner (Togrolu) 57, 600/42 Pleased. 2y. Fair And Square (Dileep) 2y. Over Look (Anil) 57, 600/42.5 Thney finished together. Vijaysjyoti (Joshi) 57.5, 600/42 Moved on the bit. Green Bay (S Nayak) 58, 600/44 Moved well. Sand track 1000 metres Castle Town (Togrolu) 1-12, 800/55.5, 600/42 Impressed. Don Valentino (Chary) 2y. Lots of Love (Imran Khan) 1-13.5, 800/57.5, 600/44 Former finished in front. 2y. Symbol Of Victory (Nitin Singh) Energetic Lass (Laxmikant) 1-13.5, 80/56, 600/41 They finished together. The Leader (Imran Khan) 1-16, 800/1-0, 600/43 Easy. Sand track 1200 metres 2y. Staminoized (Ramana) Nihal

(rb) 1-31, 1000/1-14, 800/59, 600/44 They were pushed and finished together. Monsoon Inner Race grass 800 metres 2y. Gospel Of Bernabas (rb) 2y. Amazing Weapon (rb) 53, 600/40 They moved together. Sprint Saloni (rb) Catalina (app) 58, 600/44 They moved freely. Monsoon Inner Race grass 1000 metres Killer Instinct (Deep Shanker) Skander (Harinder Singh) 1-7, 800/53, 600/39 Finished together. Monsoon Inner Race grass 1200 metres Vijays Dhara (Culhane) 1-25, 1000/1-11, 800/57, 600/43 Moved

freely. Young Power (Deep Shanker) 1-20, 1000/1-6, 800/52, 600/ 39 Moved well. Enrapture (rb) 2y. Royal Opportunity (Chary) 2y. Sniper Fire (Kiran Naidu) 1-28, 1000/1-12, 800/56, 600/41 Moved freely. 2y. Goldie (Christopher) 2y. Magical Punch (S Nayak) 1-23, 1000/1-6.5, 800/52, 600/40 Former finished in front. Great Guns (M Mark) 2y. Aware (rb) 2y. Amazing Power (app) 1-26.5, 1000/ 1-9.5, 800/54.5, 600/40 They finished in the same order. Romantic Champ (Ravinder Singh) 1-25, 1000/ 1-9, 800/55, 600/40.5 Moved well. Monsoon Inner Race grass 1400 metres Vijays Conquer (Culhane) 1-34.5, 1200/1-18, 1000/1-4.5, 800/51.5, 600/38 Pleased.

Gate practice 1000 metres Daniella (Imran Khan) 1-7.5, 800/54, 600/41 Jumped out well. Devils Advocate (app) Dartos The Muscle (Laxmikant) Grand Challenge (Sai Vamshi) 1-3, 800/48.5, 600/36.5 They jumped out well and finished in the same order. 2y. Jamie (M Mark) 2y. Desert Radiance (K Alam) 2y. MullOf kityre/Serious Trouble (Alikhan) 1-13, 800/57, 600/42 They jumped out well. Splendid Knock (Laxmikant) Winjoy (Togrolu) 2y. Magical Spell (Josi) 2y. Ein Ein Ein (Anil) 1-6, 80/51, 600/37.5 They took a good jump. Symbol Of Beauty (Nitin Singh) 2y. Golden Flash (N Rawal) Bacardi Times (rb) 2y. Royal Glory (Sai Kumar) 1-7, 800/52, 600/39 Jumped together.





World body suspends IABF LAUSANNE/NEW DELHI: In a massive jolt to boxing in India, the International Boxing Association has suspended the IABF alleging “possible manipulation” in its recent elections but the body has denied the charge, insisting that the process was “transparent”. The development which has left the Indian Amateur Boxing Federation (IABF) “stunned” comes within a few days of the International Olympic Committee suspending the Indian Olympic Association. “Further to the International Olympic Committee’s suspension imposed on the Indian Olympic Association, the International Boxing Association (AIBA) Executive Committee Bureau has decided today December 6 to provisionally suspend the Indian Amateur Boxing Federation (IABF),” the AIBA said in a statement. “This provisional suspension is also due to the fact that AIBA had learned about possible manipulation of the recent IABF’s election.

Stunned by the suspension, Matoria said that the world body had been apprised of the election process in detail.

AIBA has suspended the IABF alleging “possible manipulation” in its recent elections but the body has denied the charge.

“AIBA will now investigate this election and especially a potential political link between IOA President, as former Chairman of the IABF, and the IABF election,” it added. During the September elections, outgoing President Abhay Singh Chautala, who was elected IOA President despite IOC’s suspension, was retained in the

body as nominated Chairman of the body. The development now also puts a question mark over Chautala’s election as IOA President since he came into the fray as an IABF representative. Interestingly, his brother-in-law and BJP MLA from Rajasthan, Abhishek Matoria, was elected as the new IABF President.



Senden leads Rose

SYDNEY: John Senden enjoyed calm morning conditions to fire a six-under-par 66 for a two-shot lead over world number four Justin Rose after the opening round of the Australian Open at The Lakes on Thursday. Senden, fresh from his finest season on the US PGA Tour where he had five top-10 finishes, collected eight birdies in his round. The 41-year-old led the field from Rose and four others — New Zealand’s Gareth Paddison and Australians Brendan Jones, Kim Felton and Richard Green — who were all on four-under 68.


SYDNEY: Two caddies have come to blows at the Australian Open in an incident local media described as ‘Caddy Whack’, organisers said on Friday. Tournament officials did not identify the warring parties, but reports named them as Grant Buchanan and Matt Kelly, the respective bagmen of Australians James Nitties and Marc Leishman. The incident took place before Thursday’s opening round of the OneAsia cosanctioned event at The Lakes course in Sydney.

“AIBA had specific queries about the election process and we had explained to them that there was no manipulation. Those who got elected were unanimous choices and just because there was unanimity, the AIBA cannot allege manipulation,” Matoria told PTI. “This is a provisional suspension and I am sure it would be lifted soon after we explain our stand to AIBA. If need be, I will personally go and speak to AIBA officials in Lausanne,” Matoria said. “Our boxers are not threatened by any repercussions for the time being because the next

major AIBA event is quite far and the matter will be resolved by then,” he added. The next AIBA event is the Junior World Championships in August next year, followed by the senior World Championships in October. A senior IABF functionary told PTI that there might be a reelection. “Let’s wait and see. Maybe there would have to be a re-election in a proper manner with AIBA Observer being present,” he said. In the September IABF elections, the body had been left in a fix after the Sports Ministry barred it from making constitutional changes that could have facilitated continuation of the incumbent set of office-bearers. Meanwhile, the AIBA’s decision came as a bolt from the blue for the boxers, many of whom are in the national camp. “It is a sad day for Indian boxing and I can’t understand how such a development can take place. I don’t understand why the matter was not explained to AIBA,” Vijender Singh, said. PTI

“I am playing some of the best golf of my life. I need to believe in that and keep going forward,” Senden said. Teeing off early, Senden took advantage of the perfect scoring conditions to make the turn at five-under. And despite two bogeys in the middle of his round he recovered to finish with two birdies. “We had perfect conditions this morning, teeing off at seven o’clock. You won’t get much of a better day,” he said. Rose also made a hot start, picking up three birdies in the first four holes on the way to a frontnine 32. AFP

Usha, Gopichand in advisory panel NEW DELHI: The newlyelected executive council of the Indian Olympic Association today constituted a three-member advisory panel to guide the office bearers on the problems faced by the athletes, besides forming a ninemember Athletes Commission to oversee the needs of the players. The three-member advisory panel includes P T Usha, P Gopichand and Dilip Tirkey. The General body also discussed the International Olympic Council’s statement that the elections were null and void and wished to clarify that the polls took place with a well laid-out procedure.

Athletes commission Chairman: G. Singh Randhawa – Athletics Members: W. Cherian - Swimming K Malleswari- Weighlifting Manjit Dua- Table Tennis Jatinder Singh- Boxing Aparna P- Badminton Anuj Kumar- Wrestling Lawn tennis and Archery will nominate their members soon.

“The elections were conducted under the guidance of a three-member Election Commission comprising Retired Chief Justice Anil Dev Singh, Justice V K Bali and Justice J D Kappor and even the Union Government had sent its observer Joy Sebastian to oversee the election process,” the IOA said in a statement. “Even the members of the media were present at the venue in large numbers and it only proves that the election were held in free and fair manner and also with the approval of all the stakeholders party to the Indian Olympic Association in India,” it added. PTI

SPORTS BRIEFS Federer targets Rio Olympics

Tomic denies being axed, vows to improve

SAO PAULO: Roger Federer wants to play at the 2016 Rio Olympics and will cut back his

SYDNEY: Troubled Australian tennis star Bernard Tomic has admitted to being on a “slippery slope” this year, but denied he was axed from the Davis Cup team by captain Pat Rafter due to his behaviour. Tomic, 20, has fallen foul of Tennis Australia several times since reaching the quarter-finals of Wimbledon in 2011 and the organisation said Thursday he would not be picked for the Davis Cup tie against Taiwan in February. “It’s not one specific incident, just an aggregation of his approach to the game,” said Craig Tiley, Tennis Australia’s director of tennis. Australia’s most recent Grand Slam winner, Samantha Stosur, also weighed in, telling Tomic he must “knuckle down” if he wanted to live up to his enormous potential. Tomic said he had taken the comments on board. “I’m young and I’m learning. You get to a point where you need to stop and I think it’s a good bit of advice,” he told the Ten Network late Thursday of Stosur’s comments.

schedule in an effort to extend his shelf life. The 17-time Grand Slam title winner will be 35 by the time the Rio Games come around, but the Swiss world number two remains without a gold medal in singles having been defeated by Andy Murray in the London Olympics final this year. He was a gold medallist in doubles in Beijing in 2008. “My goal is to be here again in three and a half years to play the Rio Olympics,” said Federer on Thursday, ahead of a series of exhibition matches in Brazil. Federer will play 14 events in 2013, beginning at the season’s first Grand Slam event at the Australian Open in Melbourne, but will skip the Miami Masters and Monte Carlo Masters. “I’m trying to prioritize the events in which I participate, therefore I am not able to play 25 tournaments in a year,” he told the Folha newspaper.





Tourists continue domination KOLKATA: England captain Alastair Cook and Jonathan Trott piled on the misery for India as they steered the visitors to a commanding 296 for one at lunch on the third day of the third cricket Tests here today. Cook was unbeaten on 167 after being dropped at 156 by Ishant Sharma, while Trott returned to form giving the skipper fine support with an unbeaten 66. England now trail India's first innings total by just 20 runs and are firmly in the driver's seat. Resuming the day at 216 for

MSD reaction unacceptable KARACHI: Pakistan's former captains Moin Khan and Inzamam-ul-Haq have criticised Indian skipper MS Dhoni for arguing with umpire Aleem Dar during the ongoing Test series against England, saying his behaviour was "unacceptable" and the ICC should have taken him to task. "I am not at all surprised that the ICC has not reacted to the way Dhoni engaged in an argument with Aleem Dar during the series as the ICC can't afford to upset the powerful Board of Control for Cricket in India," Moin said.

one, England did not have any problem against Indian bowlers who looked listless while the fielding was poor. The Indians were made to suffer as the duo put on an undefeated 131-run for the second wicket. Cook had one edgy moment when he missed a sweep off Ashwin as the ball struck the pad outside the line inviting a huge appeal, but thereafter he continued from where he left yesterday. Ashwin and Ojha continued bowling for 15 overs before India took the new ball in the 88th over but the result was no different.


AN Cook* not out 167 NRD Compton lbw b Ojha 57 IJL Trott not out 66 Extras (b 1, lb 3, nb 2) 6 Total (1 wickets) 296/1 Fall of wickets: 1-165 Bowling O M R W Z Khan 23 5 68 0 I Sharma 20 6 51 0 R Ashwin 35 8 99 0 PP Ojha 27 5 74 1


Ashraf satisfied with security

Taylor axed as captain WELLINGTON: Ross Taylor was dumped as captain of the New Zealand cricket team in favour of Brendon McCullum Friday and will sit out the Black Caps’ upcoming tour of South Africa, officials said. Taylor, 28, was axed after rejecting an offer to remain Test skipper while handing limited overs duties to McCullum, New Zealand Cricket (NZC) chief executive David White said. White denied coach Mike Hesson had lost faith in Taylor’s captaincy after a string of poor results since taking over in June 2011, but said he was concerned the skipper’s duties were affecting his batting. “He felt it would be better for Ross to focus on his game,” White told reporters. “It was felt that the workload for a young captain was a lot.” Despite his team’s woes, Taylor has been New Zealand’s best batsman in recent Tests, averaging 43.57, and his absence will be sorely felt against South Africa, who top the Test rankings while New Zealand are placed eighth. “It’s not ideal and we would be a stronger team with Ross in it but we respect his wishes,” White said. White said Taylor would take a break from cricket but was expected to


India 1st Innings 316 England 1st Innings (overnight score) 216/1

be available for the home series against England beginning in February. He said he regretted that Taylor’s departure, which came after a review of the Sri Lanka tour, was accompanied by a week of speculation and rumour over NZC’s intentions, conceding the matter could have been handled better.

Opener McCullum, 31, who will become New Zealand’s 28th Test captain, is widely seen as offering more attacking tactical nous than the conservative Taylor. But Taylor’s treatment has sparked fury in New Zealand cricketing circles, with batsman Jesse Ryder tweeting this week that it “angers me watching Ross Taylor getting dumped on”, and calling on NZC to support him. Retired allrounder Scott Styris also took to the the micro-blogging site saying “any goodwill/public support from fans and supporters towards the Black Caps after their brilliant win in SL (Sri Lanka) has now gone!”. TVNZ reported on Thursday that batting great Martin Crowe has resigned from his post as NZC talent scout in protest at the organisation’s actions. Fairfax Media columnist Ben Stanley wrote after the announcement Friday that the episode had been “an absolutely appallingly executed operation by a national sporting body and its board”. Stanley added that the South Africa tour beginning later this month, which includes two Tests, three one-day internationals and three T20 internationals, was now “looming as a potential massacre”. AFP

K A R A C H I: Satisfied by the security arrangements being put in place for the Pakistan cricket team in India, PCB Chairman Zaka Ashraf said the much-anticipated series this month would also help improve the bilateral ties between the two countries. “We are not worried about any security issues because we are certain that the Indian board and government will provide the best possible security for our players,” Ashraf said. A PCB delegation, including a senior police official of the interior ministry, is currently in India visiting the venues of the two Twenty20 matches and three ODIs in December-January to inspect the security arrangements and coordinate other issues with the Indian authorities. Ashraf said he was confident that the players would be able to focus totally on their cricket and give good results despite the threats being reported in the media. “I don’t see this series as just a cricket series I see this series as something bigger. I would like it to eventually help improve relations between the two countries,” Ashraf said.

CRICKET RIGHTS Ponting among very best: Richards

PCB requests for 100 VIP tickets

‘Maradona’s replica jersey for Sourav’

MELBOURNE: Hailing Ricky Ponting’s “no-fear” attitude, West Indies great Viv Richards said the recently-retired former Australian skipper is up there with the world’s very best. “Certainly he’s up there with the very best. What I love about him more than anything else, you look at the way he walks out to the crease. He always has presence,” Richards said. “There is a tenaciousness about him. He walks out and believes. He’s not going to be intimidated by no one. I would like guys like that. I appreciate seeing guys who come out and have a particular presence,” he added. Though their careers did not overlap, much like Ponting, Richards was known for his swagger and the ability to intimidate the best of fast bowlers. “You’ve got to make that crease your house. Ricky always made the crease his house. I’ve always been in his corner as a player because of that brashness, he’s an inyour-face sort of guy. Shows no fear.

NEW DELHI: The four-member recce team of Pakistan Cricket Board led by GM (Media Affairs) Nadeem Sarwar have requested the DDCA to provide them with 100 VIP passes and 1000 general tickets for third and final ODI between India and Pakistan at the Kotla on January 6. “We have received a request from PCB team about providing them with 100 VIP passes for their special guests who will be flying down for this particular match. Apart from that, they wanted another 1000 general tickets for their fans,” a senior DDCA official told PTI today. The ODI in the capital is likely to see the maximum number of Pakistani fans and celebrities in attendance as it is the most convenient among all the locations to watch an international match. PCB spokesperson Sarwar on his part informed that they are “satisfied with the arrangements and facilities” provided by the DDCA.

KOLKATA: Sourav Ganguly’s love for soccer is well-known and therefore it wasn’t surprising at all that he requested Sunil Gavaskar who was on a short trip to Argentine capital Buenos Aires, to bring replica No 10 jerseys of Diego Maradona for him. “I was in Buenos Aires during the break between second and the ongoing third Test and Sourav had asked me to get No 10 jerseys of Diego Maradona. Hopefully, I would present him (Ganguly) tomorrow. I am a big fan of Argentine football,” said Gavaskar during a promotional event of his association with Pailan Group. Gavaskar recollected fond memories of a packed Eden Gardens with vociderous support from 90,000 people. “When you look back,the applause of 80-90,000 fans still ring in your ears,” Gavaskar said when asked about the poor turn-out during the ongoing India England third Test here.




Chelsea midfielder John Obi Mikel was suspended for three matches for clashing with match officials after the 3-2 defeat to Man United. Mikel was reported to have stormed into the officials’ dressing room at Stamford Bridge following accusations that referee Clattenburg had racially abused him.



Fergie eyes derby triumph STEVE GRIFFITHS Agence France-Presse LONDON: Alex Ferguson (left) lit the fuse on a potentially explosive showdown with Manchester City as the Manchester United manager claimed a victory at Eastlands would be one of his club’s greatest ever results. For the first time in 44 years, City will go into the Manchester derby as reigning English champions, but the bragging rights from pipping United to the title on the final day of last season will count for nothing if Ferguson’s side inflict a first league defeat of the season on Roberto

Table ahead of this weekend’s matches Man Utd 15 12 0 3 37 2136 Man City 15 9 6 0 28 1133 Chelsea 15 7 5 3 25 1626 Tottenham 15 8 2 5 28 2326 West Brom 15 8 2 5 24 1926 Everton 15 5 8 2 25 1923 Swansea 15 6 5 4 23 1723 West Ham 15 6 4 5 19 1722 Stoke 15 5 7 3 14 1222 Arsenal 15 5 6 4 24 1621 Liverpool 15 4 7 4 19 1819 Norwich 15 4 7 4 13 2119 Fulham 15 4 5 6 25 2617 Newcastle 15 4 5 6 17 2117 Aston Villa 15 3 5 7 12 2314 Wigan 15 4 2 9 15 2814 Sunderland 14 2 7 5 13 1813 Southampton15 3 3 9 21 3212 Reading 14 1 6 7 19 27 9 QPR 15 0 6 9 11 27 6 (played, won, drawn, lost, goals or, goals against, points)

Mancini’s men at Eastlands on Sunday. United are three points clear of second placed City at the top of the Premier League and the prospect of allowing their bitter rivals to extend that lead is certain to provoke a ferocious response from the hosts after their exit from the Champions League in midweek. With United showing alarming defensive frailties in recent weeks, encapsulated by a chaotic 4-3 win at Reading last week, Ferguson knows it won’t be easy to subdue City, especially as the Blues have a formidable record on their home turf.

Manchester derby reflects passion of city rivals MARTYN WOOD

Agence France-Presse PARIS: Manchester United meet Man City at the Etihad Stadium on Sunday for the first time since the Sky Blues dethroned their neighbours to win the English Premier League title and their first top-flight crown in 44 years. The rivalry between the two clubs in northwest England dates back to 1881 and has developed into one of the most bitter in world

football. But the root of the enmity and jealousy — whether United’s string of domestic and European success, City’s deep-pocketed financial backers or claims about which supporters are the “true fans” of the city — has parallels around the world. Montevideo may have an astonishing 16 derbies but with no fewer than six clubs in England’s top division — the same number as Buenos Aires — London has the most

high-profile games between near-neighbours. Proximity and similar ambitions make for the most fervent rivalries. As such, north London enemies Arsenal and Tottenham, who are based just four miles (6.4 kilometres) apart and vye for Champions League football every season, are typical. But the fiercest of foes can bridge the gap created by playing in different divisions, as is the case of top-flight West Ham and second-tier Millwall.

‘Chelsea will make up for Euro woe’ IAN WINROW Agence France-Presse SUNDERLAND, UK: Chelsea defender David Luiz (above) insists his team-mates will make amends for their embarrassing Champions League exit when they return to domestic action at Sunderland on Saturday. The Blues routed Nordsjaelland 6-1 on Wednesday to secure a first victory under interim manager Rafael Benitez, but it wasn’t enough to book a place in the last 16 as Chelsea became the first European champions to bow out at the group stage. It was another dispiriting blow to Chelsea’s morale after a torrid few weeks, which featured Benitez being repeatedly jeered by fans unhappy with his links to rivals Liverpool as the team failed to win any of his first three matches.


Euro 2020 to take place across Europe? STEPHANIE PERTUISET Agence France-Presse LAUSANNE: UEFA’s executive committee has given the green light to holding the European championships in 2020 across the continent, the ruling body’s secretary-general Gianni Infantino said on Thursday. Former French captain Michel Platini (right), who is president of UEFA, first mooted the idea of holding the tournament in a number of cities earlier this year, as a way of avoiding high costs at a time of dire financial constraints in many countries. “UEFA Euro 2020 will be staged across the continent, in various major cities, following a decision taken today,” said Infantino, calling

the tournament in eight years’ time “A Euro for Europe”. The response has been extremely positive from all the national associations, he added, apart from Turkey. But there was widespread disbelief among many fans on Twitter, in particular over the potential cost of travelling to watch games in a number of countries. “Meanwhile, the chief execs of (low cost airlines) Ryanair and Easyjet are jumping for joy,” noted one user. Others said that the idea of not having a single host nation would ruin the atmosphere of the tournament, which is football’s secondbiggest after the World Cup but considered among purists to be of a higher overall standard.

A decision to award Qatar the 2022 World Cup has already caused disquiet among fans, especially with the tournament being held in the searing heat of a Gulf summer. Infantino said he was not in a position to say how many countries and cities would be involved but if the project was ready in Jan, it would be rubber-stamped then or at the executive committee meeting on March 23. Cities were likely to be chosen in early 2014 — six years before the start of the tournament, he added. Turkey, which has put itself forward as a candidate for 2020 alongside Azerbaijan and Georgia and a three-way bid from the Republic of Ireland, Wales and Scotland, was the only country opposed to the project.

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