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P16&17 Hyderabad’s first compact afternoon newspaper
If a tree falls... does anyone care? Kukatpally, Moosapet and Banjara Hills have all recorded incidents of tree-felling for vacuous reasons, threatening the City’s green cover. P7
CATWOMAN ROLE WAS LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE: HATHAWAY Anne Hathaway has confessed that she was stunned to land the role of Catwoman. The 29-year-old revealed that she still has trouble believing that she won the coveted role in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises.
In the five zones, only three entomologists are appointed while two spots lie vacant. In effect, three entomologists must insulate an 80-lakh population against the onslaught of monsoonrelated diseases.
Page Two
Spirit of Twin Cities
Eagle Riders
Eagle Riders, a contemporary rock band from Hyderabad who have been active since 2008. They will be performing live at Hard Rock Cafe on July 12. Where: Hard Rock Cafe, Banjara Hills, Rd No 1 When: July 12, 9pm onwards Contact: (040) 6463 6375
Art works A painting exhibition featuring the new works of artistes Laxma Goud, Vaikuntam Thota and Ramesh Gorjala is being held. Where: Gallery Space, Banjara Hills When: Ongoing, 11am onwards Contact: (040) 6554 1836
Documentary time A documentary screening will be held at Lamakaan on July 14. The two documentaries being screened are Call Cutta by Anjan Dutt and There is something in the air by Iram Ghufran. Where: Lamakaan, Banjara Hills, Rd No 1 When: July 14, 7pm onwards Contact: 96427 31329
Art-de-konj A painting exhibition depicting artist Aiyudha Pooja Kapur’s passion for horses is on display at Muse Art Gallery till July 20. Where: Muse Art Gallery, Tank Bund When: Ongoing, 11am onwards Contact: (040) 2752 2999
Art affair An exhibition featuring artistes such as Thota Vaikuntam, Rajeshwar Rao, Anjani Reddy, D Shanti and PJ Stalin will be held on July 20. Where: Taj Krishna, Banjara Hills, Rd No 1 When: July 20, 6pm onwards Contact: (040) 6666 2323
Living with the masters An exhibition of paintings by artistes such as Akbar Padamsee, Bikash Bhattacharjee, Ganesh Pyne, Jagdish Swaminathan, K G Subramanyan, Krishen Khanna, Ram Kumar, S H Raza, Tyeb Mehta is being held at Kalakriti Art Gallery. Where: Kalakriti Art Gallery, Banjara Hills When: July 18 onwards,
11am onwards Contact: (040) 6656 4466
Musical evening Boondhon ka Paigam, a yearly monsoon musical event will be held on July 12. The event being held at HICC will feature Kavita Seth and Jaswinder Singh. Where: Hyderabad Marriott and convention centre, Tank Bund When: July 12, 7pm onwards Contact: (040) 2752 2999
Parantha festival Haldi at Novotel Airport is hosting a parantha festival titled Parantha Overload. The food festival on till August 15, offers a variety of paranthas in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian combinations. Where: Novotel Airport, Shamshabad When: Ongoing, 6.30pm onwards Contact: (040) 6625 0000
A double life Qadir Ali Baig Theatre Foundation presents A Double Life: An Evening with Alyque. Catch Mohammad Ali Baig in conversation with Alyque Padamsee. Where: HICC, Hitec City When: July 15, 7pm onwards Contact: (040) 6616 3000
Stand-up act Head to Novotel Hyderabad Convention Centre on July 18 for a fun filled evening with a live standup act by Dan Nainan. Where: Novotel and HICC Complex, Madhapur, Hitec City When: July 18, 8.30pm onwards Contact: (040) 6682 4422
Being eunuch Being Eunuch, a play highlighting the plight and problems of eunuchs
in the country will be presented by Nishumbita on July 13. Where: Ravindra Bharathi, Saifabad When: July 13, 7pm onwards Contact: (040) 2323 1245
French film The French film Les Demoiselles de Rochefort will be screened at Alliance Francaise. The film deals with the life of two young women. Where: Alliance Francaise, Marredpally When: July 20, 6.30pm onwards Contact: (040) 2770 0734
Cloth paper scissors An exhibition featuring mixed media paintings and sculptures is being held till July 12. Where: Iconart, Banjara Hills, Rd No10 When: Ongoing, 11.30am onwards Contact: 98499 68797
Big Cinemas, Ameerpet: 30581470; Cinemax, Banjara Hills: 44565555; Cine Planet , Kompally: 61606060; INOX, Banjara Hills: 44767777; Prasads, Tank Bund Rd: 23448888; PVR, Punjagutta: 8800900009; Talkie Town, Miyapur: 40214175; Tivoli, Secunderabad: 27844973
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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Man held for raping daughter CRIME Mohd Subhan mohd.s@postnoon.com
lose on the heels of the news that a youth had arranged the rape and murder of his mother in Ranga Reddy district last week comes another shocker from the area: A middle-aged man was recently arrested for raping his teenage daughter. K Narsimhlu, 45, who is believed to be unemployed, allegedly raped his 13-year-old daughter repeatedly when his wife, K Santhamma, who is the sole breadwinner of the family, was away. The family lives in Dharur in Ranga Reddy district. According to deputy superintendent of police, Vikarabad, K Chaudeshwari, the couple has four children; three daughters and a son. Narsimhlu is reportedly an alcoholic with no job, while his wife works as a maid to support the family. Two weeks ago, Santhamma had to go to her village for some urgent work, and left the children in
K NARSIMHLU, 45, WHO IS REPORTEDLY UNEMPLOYED, ALLEGEDLY RAPED HIS 13-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER REPEATEDLY WHEN HIS WIFE, K SANTHAMMA, WHO IS THE SOLE BREADWINNER OF THE FAMILY, WAS AWAY. THE FAMILY LIVES IN RANGA REDDY DISTRICT. the care of their father. When Santhamma returned, her second daughter told her that her father had sexually assaulted her for four days. She kept mum so far because he had threatened to kill her if she told anybody about the incidents. Santhamma took the teenaged girl to the police station and filed a complaint against her husband. The police have arrested Narsimhlu and the teenager has been asked to undergo a medical test.
CM flags off 4 new trains from Sec’bad Postnoon News feedback@postnoon.com
hief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy flagged off four new trains from Secunderabad Railway station on Wednesday. Minister of state for Railways KH Muniyappa was present. The trains included SecunderabadVisakhapatnam Duronto Express (Train No. 22204), SecunderabadDarbanga Express (Train No. 17007), Hyderabad-Ajmer Express (Train No. 17020) and Hyderabad-Bellampally Intercity express (Train No. 17011). While Duronto Express is a tri-weekly express, the SecunderabadDarbanga train is a bi-weekly express. The train between Hyderabad and Ajmer will be a weekly one. The train between Hyderabad and Bellampally stations is a daily train. The railway authorities have started these services following increase in the number of passengers on these routes. Accordingly, an announcement was made during the railway budget (2012-13) this year.
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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
At the service of tribals, please wait GHMC
Anti larvae operations (ALO) has 42 groups, where each group comprises of seven and 15 supervisors head these groups. n Fogging programme consists of nine groups and four supervisors. n Special programmes are also taken up where pesticides are sprayed in ponds, nallas and large stagnant water bodies, headed by five supervisors and 14 groups.
Md Nizamuddin feedback@postnoon.com
ven as the Health and Sanitation Wing of the GHMC is preoccupied with the CBDCOB 11, the Entomology Department continues to function without adequate medical officials, leaving the citizens to the mercy of malaria and other debilitating diseases. Of the five zones, only three entomologists are appointed while two are vacant. In effect, three entomologists must insulate an 80 lakh population against the onslaught of monsoon-related diseases. Ironically, the corporation spends around `27-28 crore on anti-larvae, antimosquito operations every year, of which `24 crore goes towards payment of wages to the employees! According to the senior officials in health, the senior entomologists are deputed from the medical and health department. “The medical department will send the officials to GHMC subject to availability. Sometimes there is shortage of availability from the parent organisation, which deputes the officials,” says one senior official. Generally believed to be a position of promotion and prestige, deputed officials spend their last few years in service in the department as a token appearance before retirement. This being one of the reasons, even if the senior officials sincerely try to focus on improving the efficiency, they may fail to get support from the lower cadre,
What is entomology?
ntomology is the scientific study of insects and is a branch of arthropodology. The professional is called an ento-
mologist. The branch covers the study of arachnids as well apart from house flies, mosquitoes and other bugs.
who have been working for years. Another reason cited by the official, is that this being a technical post, there is always a shortage of senior entomologists, as they are sent to ‘tribal areas’. “As there is more incidence of malaria in tribal areas than in the City, most of the experts are sent there,” says the official. However, for people who see their tax money being spent in fogging, the efforts don’t seem worth the crores of rupees being spent. “At a time when we have made so many scientific and technological advancements, the GHMC is still experimenting with measures to control the mosquito menace,” says Narsing Rao of SR Nagar. However, Dr Shalini Devi, CMOH (chief medical officer of health) expressed no surprise as each AMOH was handling two circles at a time. “There is a paucity of qualified candidates to hold the post for these services. Several of these position remain vacant,” she said. She said that the officials like senior entomologists are sent on deputation by the director of Public Health and Family welfare.
No pubbing for under-21s Bike riders crash into car, POLICE Mohd Subhan mohd.s@postnoon.com
he City police have begun to keep a vigil on pubs and bars that entertain underage youth. The breathalyser test conducted on 31 under-21 youngsters who were partying at a pub in Banjara Hills yesterday afternoon is part of a series of raids to keep a tab on them. DCP West Zone M Stephen Raveendra said the law prohibiting those below 21 in pubs and bars has been dormant. Under pressure of the Excise officials,
Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints
198 155313
POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section
155333 23431178 23431179 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266
the police have now begun to crack down on pubs, many of which flout this law. Some 100 students from a junior college in the City had assembled for a party at the pub. When the police checked, they
24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833169, 27824216 Railway Information 131 Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333
found 31 of them were below 21. A breath analyser test on all of them proved that none of them had consumed any alcohol. However, their parents were summoned and the youngsters were let off after counselling. But the DCP said a case against the pub owner was being lodged. A City-based DJ Anand Prem Sagar, told Postnoon that usually pub owners check the identity and age proof of clients to be sure they are over 21 years of age. But sometimes a slip happens. The police have warned that more checks will be conducted on pubs and bars in the coming days.
WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital, Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital,
LB Nagar 155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888 30417777 30419000 30416666
BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills
pillion hurtles into glass Srinivas Setty
hree boys riding a bike, were speeding along Road No 36 around 11am. An Innova, ahead of them pulled over so the driver could ask directions, when the bike crashed into it from behind. The impact of the collision sent the pillion rider sitting in the middle crashing through the rear glass and ending up in the back seat of the car, much like a stunt in a film! Fortunately, the shocked youth escaped with nothing more
39879999 27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445
AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777 Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332
than a few scratches. The dazed boys pleaded with the car driver and agreed to pay for the damage caused. While this was holding up the traffic for 15 minutes the cops were nowhere to be seen.
AIRLINES Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Website; www.airindia.in TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999
UK Visa Office VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7 Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum
24523211 232431300/7641 24521029
Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to feedback@postnoon.com or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222
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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
More YSRC raids on bicycle No political party in Andhra Pradesh faces a catch-22 situation as does the TDP
ANALYSIS PK Surendran surendran.pk@postnoon.com
ith the TDP MLA Kodali Nani in the YSRC camp and some more rumoured to be ready to get off the bicycle, it now becomes increasingly clear that the YSRC raids are finding the TDP camp more open to plunder than the ossified Congress camp. The party that seems set to lose heavily to the night marauders is the TDP, as it finds itself besieged with enemies from all the four directions — its traditional rival, the Congress, its newfound foe the YSRC, its incidental enemy, the TRS, and finally its own Nandamuri family. TDP’s two-day State level
THE PARTY THAT SEEMS SET TO LOSE HEAVILY TO THE NIGHT MARAUDERS IS THE TDP, AS IT FINDS ITSELF BESIEGED WITH ENEMIES FROM ALL THE FOUR DIRECTIONS. plateau, its setback could be corrected without much difficulty, but it is the TDP that was born of the anti-Congress plank which is the sitting duck for predators from across the fence. K Nageshwar, MLC says
Kodali Nani
TDP leaves all to fate Naidu has no answers for continuing poll debacles, faces fire from leaders and cadre alike
N Chandrababu Naidu
POLITICS Inkeshaf Ahmed ahmed.m@postnoon.com
Naidu is totally bereft of ideas and has no clue to where the political wind is blowing. Like a gramophone needle stuck in a groove he repeats things ad infinitum and zero in on YS Jagan rather than on the Congress. So say all those who left the party to join Jagan. Diehard TDP leaders insist Babu will make a comeback. Buzz is that more than the outsiders, it’s the inside feud that has been damaging the party. The whisperers say Nani’s joining YSRC was a sure sign of the unquiet in the minds of Jr NTR and the Nandamuri family over Naidu’s plan to introduce Lokesh. “He is stuck with the idea that Lokesh and Akhilesh rhyme well and the former is destined to become an Akhilesh of AP. While ‘P’ is common ‘U’ and ‘A’ are poles apart, says a leader who used to be close to the inner circles of NTR Bhavan.
camp on how to win friends and influence people concluded on Tuesday with its chief Chandrababu Naidu tearing his hair in despair. Political observers point out that the Congress having its roots deep in the Deccan
aving shelved this year’s Mahanadu, the TDP camp wound up its two-day camp with no inspirational programmes to offer to its constituencies. The only solace it offered to backward castes with reservation in its party if it came to power has only antagonised scheduled castes and tribals. Kodali Nani joining the YSRC and U Kalpana, politbureau member, about to follow suit have put the TDP camp in a sombre mood. Another party MLA from Nuzvid assembly constituency Chinnam Rama Kotaiah has also revolted against the party supremo. He skipped the twoday State level party meeting which concluded on Tuesday. The MLA did not stop
Chinnam Rama Kotaiah here. He came down heavily on the party president N Chandrababu Naidu after the latter called upon party workers to confront leaders who left the party. Kotaiah was enraged, “How can he say that as the party president. It is undemocratic. It clearly shows his state of mind and how disturbed he is after party’s defeat in the recent by elections,” he told Postnoon on Tuesday. “Yes, this year is haunting us. We don’t know what will happen when. We have lost hope to revive the party,” one party leader said with a tinge of sadness. Addressing a press conference after the conclusion of the meeting, party president Naidu confined himself by saying that the party would announce a stand on separate Telangana in coming days. In totality, the party is clearly devoid of any clear solutions to the problems it faces and it has left everything to fate, it seems.
CBI call list leak case posted to Friday
earing in the case filed by Raghurama Krishnam Raju on making him an accused in the call data leakage of the CBI JD Lakshmi Narayana has been posted to Friday by the HC. Raghurama Krishnam Raju has filed the petition stating that he had already withdrawn his petition charging the CBI JD of leaking vital information regarding cases under his investigation and he has also discussed the matter with Lakshmi Narayana. His lawyer has also informed the court that he had filed a defamation case against some newspapers which had published his name as an accused in the case. Rama Krishnam Raju has also said that he had collected only details of the people with whom the JD has spoken and not the records of his conversations. Stating that any one could obtain call data from the service provider, the lawyers argued that there was no conspiracy involved in the matter. The State advocate general would also be putting forth the argument of the home department on that day. It is learnt that CBI has also submitted a report on the matter. NSS
CM discusses strategy for Indira Bata
he Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy has directed the officials to work out plans to take the welfare schemes to the people even while explaining the ground realities and the difficulties being faced by the government indifferent fields. The CM held a meeting with the ministers and the officials in his camp office on the strategy to be adopted during the ‘Indira Bata’ to be launched from July 12. He wanted the officials to evolve plans to explain to the people the facts relating to the problems of electricity, irrigation and drinking water, and at the same time push forward the welfare programmes of the government. Kiran Kumar Reddy elicited information from the officials on the problems that would be raised by the people at the field level. Officials explained that the people are likely to confront the government on major issues like shortage of electricity, irrigation and drinking water scarcity, and the problems being faced by them in regard to seeds and fertilisers. The officials are stated to have informed the CM that they could not try to avoid the peoples’ problems by pointing out to other reasons. The chief minister is said to have felt that while explaining the ground realities and problems to the people, they should place before them the welfare programmes. He felt that the ministers should strive to solve the problems in their districts. NSS
Hyper Local
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Builders pulverise Jubilee Hills Just 100 yards from speaker N Manohar’s residence lie a series of construction sites. The contractors have wantonly occupied half the road with construction material that is posing great danger to pedestrians and motorists SRINIVAS SETTY
Rahul Ramakrishna rahul.r@postnoon.com
new death trap has sprung up in the City. Surprisingly, it is located in Jubilee Hills, where the cream of society has taken up residence. The roadside here is piled with sand, iron rods, cement blocks and bricks in such a way that an inattentive driver can have an accident. It will not come as a shocker if these roads claim lives in the near future. All this is apart from the noise and air pollution they create with impunity. Road No 18 in Jubilee Hills is littered with cement blocks and bricks and iron rods strewn dangerously along the road. It has proven to be a concern for pedestrians and motorists especially at night when power goes off.
Ramesh Babu, a resident of the colony says, “The construction here has been going on for a year. When it rains, all the sand and mud spills onto the road and is dangerous for passing vehicles. At night, it is impossible for
drivers to notice the iron rods along the road.” Another resident adjacent to a plot under heavy construction says the GHMC officials, obviously sedated by easy money, turn a deaf ear to these goings-on. “We know why the
DYS stitches broken lives Instead of lecturing on empowerment, here is an organisation that dives into action and equips marginal women with a means of sustenance
GHMC does not care. The officials concerned get bribes from contractors,” he alleges. GHMC officials when contacted demanded to know the exact address of the place in question. The materials have been piled up on the road for over a week, despite being located very close to the speaker’s residence. Ashok, another resident, says, “Nobody bothers to check with the contractor or complain about
the iron rods placed dangerously on roadside. I won’t be surprised if a few bikers get spiked in the near future.” Carelessness and an absolute disregard for rules have already claimed two innocent lives in the recent past. A toddler and a biker were killed in two separate incidents when construction materials crashed onto them from above. These events point towards a negligence on the part of the authorities and the concerned individuals who throw caution to the wind. When informed about this, DCP PVS Ramakrishna of the Jubilee Hills traffic police station said, “We have not received any complaints regarding this issue. However we will look into it and gauge the situation and if the need arises we will take appropriate action. Causing obstruction to traffic can result in a case being booked under the City Police Act.”
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EMPOWERMENT Anubha K Singh anubha.k@postnoon.com
n the midst of the busy residential locality in Amberpet, live scores of women whose lives are sought to be transformed. Many women are busy learning the art and craft of stitching, embroidery, patchwork and thereby changing the dynamics of their lives. Each day, these women, most of them domestic helps, set aside two hours to convert ordinary pieces of cloth into magnificent pieces of art. Maya is a mother of two and her husband works as a security guard. After having undergone these classes, she stitches blouses and salwars for ladies. There are many more women and girls like Maya who are trying to become self-reliant. The two-month course enables women to set up their own units at home or seek employment. Empowering these marginal women is the Anand Vidyalaya Vocational Training Centre for Women, powered by Dhyan Yog Society (DYS). DYS primarily focuses on child education and women’s empowerment through training. DYS runs free tailoring classes across the country. A unit was set up in
5 Hyderabad two months ago where women are taught stitching and embroidery. “Initially we were doubtful about the response, so we started with a few women at Amberpet. It picked up momentum and more women approached us. We are coming up with two more centres — one more in Amberpet and another in Hitec City,” said Poonam Kapoor, head of Anand Vidyalaya Vocational Training Centre for Women. “It’s a two-month course divided into morning and evening batches. After the course a certificate will be provided. We are trying to tie up with some tailoring shops in the City which can provide employment. Some owners have expressed willingness. In addition to training we also provide sewing machines to the poor,” she adds.
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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
‘Wayward growth of trees causing traffic accidents’ Forest officers’ excuses a grim reminder of environmental illiteracy among officials N SHIVA KUMAR
ENVIRONMENT Rahul Ramakrishna rahul.r@postnoon.com
T-MPs asked to boycott Prez poll
REAL ESTATE GACHIBOWLI, KOKAPET SEZ TO 12kms from ICFAI, IBS CAMPUS BESIDE MOKILA VILLAGE HMDA PLOTS FOR SALE 70% BANK LOAN, CLOSE TO VILLAS, INDUS SCHOOL MMTS CT: 9989354333 BHASHYAM DEVELOPERS “FORTUNE CITY”,HMDA approved nr.JP DARGAH,Bangalore highway,Rs.2250 per sq.yard EMI available. Ct:8142398989, 9652042015, Email: ksbhashyam@gmail.com SUVARNA BHUVI DEVELOPERS ”SUVARNA CITY”IV@shamshabad beside DLF Township on Bangalore Highway.Fully Developed 200&400sqyds plots are available Contact: 9849482826
elangana E l d e r s ' Forum convenor D Shankar said the people of Telangana region will not accept the proposal of Rayala Telangana. Speaking to mediapersons in the City on Tuesday, Shankar appealed to all th Telangana MPs and MLAs to boycott the presidential poll as the Central government has delayed the announcement of a separate Telangana state. He urged MLAs from the region to resign their posts and fight for the cause of a separate state. He wanted the State government to take steps for the equitable distribution of Krishna river water in Telangana region and other districts. He demanded that the Centre increase medical seats in Telangana region to make it on par with Andhra region. Shankar said they would organise a symposium on ‘Future Telangana movement — Political Scenario’ on Wednesday at Madina Educational Society, Nampally at 6 pm. Telangana political JAC chairman Prof Kodandaram would be the chief guest. Party and caste association leaders will attend. kpp
ains are failing Hyderabad but trees are falling aplenty, not by themselves but chopped off by various authorities on facile pleas. This, warn environmentalists, will further aggravate the urban ambience. It is estimated that nearly 700 adult trees have been felled for road widening projects, Metro Rail and plain commercial interests since the year began. They could have replenished the reducing oxygen supply. Kukatpally, Moosapet and Banjara Hills have all recorded incidents of tree-felling for various reasons, none of which seem serious enough to kill a tree. This is apart from the mindless chopping of tree branches by labourers contracted by electricity board. On Monday, the posh Banjara Hills Road No. 12 was witness to cutting of three lush trees that must have taken half a century to come to this stature. As no one around had any idea why this was happening, Postnoon approached the Urban Forestry officials. The response was terse and shocking. Ch Venkataiah, deputy forest range officer of the Urban Forestry wing, remarked, “The trees on Road No. 12 caused problems to vehicular movement. Three accidents were reported because of the wayward growth of the trees. So we decided to chop them off.” The question as to why the trees were not trimmed but chopped off is left unanswered. As an afterthought, Venkataiah added, “We have planted around 2,000 saplings in the Banjara Hills area to counter the number of trees being chopped,” says Venkataiah. Has it anything to do with the timber business, we ask. Deputy municipal commissioner T Sakala Reddy says, “Once chopped, the timber is pretty useless. Nobody uses it as firewood anymore.” Elsewhere, the MoosapetKukatpally stretch has been witness to rampant treefelling. This was done to
Tree stumps at Banjara Hills Road No. 12 point to the environmental degradation make way for the Metro Rail works that are about to begin there. Chopped tree logs and wood chips are strewn across the road with no regard for commuter safety. When approached, forest section officer of Kukatpally circle L Sainath Reddy said, “The Kukatpally circle comes under the Medchal division, which is under the purview of the AP Forest Department.” The divisional forest officer of the AP Forest Department, Nagabhushanam, was unavailable for comment.
So far, there have been over 700 recorded tree-felling incidents in the City, especially in the Kukatpally circle. Officials claim to have relocated these trees and replanted them to compensate for the green cover loss. However, the proof of it is yet to be made public. As the City waits for rains, one wonders if we really deserve the monsoon showers when the dying green cover of the City seems to indicate otherwise. Environmental activist Jaya Prakash is not surprised
by the wanton tree-felling. “The value of trees is not clear to our authorities. The trend is to chop down trees way below the required limit of two feet. June and July are plantation periods and the Forest Department or the Urban Forestry division should announce guidelines on tree plantation. What is the use of building eco tourism parks when hundreds of trees are felled to make space for them Retaining forest cover within the City is of utmost importance,” adds Jaya.
Postnoon scribe threatened
n Monday, Postnoon reporter Rahul Ramakrishna saw the wanton felling of trees on Banjara Hills Road No. 12. He stopped to enquire why the trees are being cut. He was taking a few cellphonesnaps when a hefty axe-wielding man came up threateningly, asking why he was taking pictures. He tried to snatch the phone but was dissuaded by onlookers.
S Africa, a ‘rainbow nation’ battling for cohesion The bitter realities sugarcoated by the euphoria of the early years of Nelson Mandela’s presidency are resurfacing to haunt South African society and spurring a bout of intense soul-searching Sibongile Khumalo
rchbishop Desmond Tutu coined the term in 1994 to celebrate postapartheid South Africa but 18 years on, the “rainbow nation” is battling entrenched racial, social and economic divisions. Observers argue that while the much-emulated 1996-2001 Truth and Reconciliation Commission chaired by the Nobel Peace prize laureate focused on the abuses of white minority rule, social issues were being overlooked. The bitter realities sugarcoated by the euphoria of the early years of Nelson Mandela’s presidency are resurfacing to haunt South African society and spurring a bout of intense soulsearching. After the end of apartheid, “the focus was on building the country... and the people were left behind,” Futhi Mtoba, the black chairwoman of Business Unity South Africa, said at a social cohesion forum held last month. “Now is the time to begin to understand each other and work on what divides us and try to heal those divisions and pull each other up,” she said. A melting pot of diverse cultures, post-apartheid South Africa recognises 11 official languages. Besides the black majority, it is home to the descendents of British, Dutch and French settlers, as well as large Asian communities. But racial tensions remain evident and a general lack of social cohesion is threatening the continent’s political and economic powerhouse, delegates said at the forum held late last month, the first of its kind. Some accuse the whites of failing to give up any of their privileges and extend the hand of reconciliation to blacks. “History has shown that black people are the ones who are always willing to extend a hand of reconciliation and they continue to suffer racial prejudice,” said social commentator Andile Mgxitama. “Whites retreat to their comfort zones. So how can black people address issues of racism and economic inequality
South African dancers perform during the opening session of a Social Cohesion Summit on July 4, 2012 in Kliptown, Soweto. South African President Jacob Zuma opened talks to mend social rifts after outcry over a painting depicting his genitals which exposed racial differences 18 years after apartheid. The two-day social cohesion talks, the first of its kind in post-apartheid South Africa, aims at getting citizens of all races to confront social inequalities and challenges. AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN alone,” he asked. President Jacob Zuma stressed at the talks held in Soweto, the Johannesburg township that became synonymous with South Africa’s struggle for freedom, that reconciliation had to involve both sides. “Whilst we have made progress in institutionalising the principle of an inclusive citizenship since 1994, there are certain matters that still cause divisions and frustrations,” said Zuma. Late last month he told his ruling ANC party police conference that South Africa’s economy is still largely under white control. South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) chief reseacher Lucy Hornbill however argued that it would be incorrect
to suggest that no economic ownership had changed hands. In terms of ownership of unlisted companies, property ownership, income levels and senior management positions
“the picture is mixed, but is generally one of continuing, yet narrowing disparities between white and black.” She blamed the government’s post-apartheid policies for failing to sufficiently address wealth and income disparities. The policies have left nearly 20 million blacks in the country — out of a population of around 50 million — in relative poverty and up to 2.5 million in severe poverty, scraping by on less than two dollars a day. A declaration at the end of the social cohesion meeting conceded that “the task of uniting diverse peoples to work together to build a caring and proud society is complex and challenging.” It cited poverty and racism among some of the major issues
that hinder social cohesion. Zuma called for the national social cohesion forum after a painting in which his genitals are depicted sparked a furore that exposed the racial and cultural differences that still dog Africa’s top power. Two days after the talks, Zapiro, a leading white cartoonist dismissed the forum as an attempt to “encourage conformity rather than real diversity”, raising a fresh storm with his cartoon depicting Zuma in the shape of a penis. The ANC said it had hoped that the forum, “would have assisted the likes of Zapiro and his ilk to appreciate that as South Africans we need to respect each other immaterial of the positions we hold in society”. AFP
17,571.75 46.60
5,333.55 11.80
10g= `29,600
1kg= `52,900
Matters of saving and spending
Office realty shows stability prudhvi.k@postnoon.com
he office space (commercial realestate) market is getting stable from last five months. Earlier, the market situation was grim due to political agitation. Overtime, businesses are gaining confidence in the City. Begumpet, Panjagutta, Banjara Hills, Kondapur, Madhapur are the key locations which have Rents
INR per sq ft per Key month Areas Begumpet 45-55 Banjara Hills 50-60 Hitec City 34-42 Gachibowli 34-38 Uppal 25-35 Shamshabad 20-25
“The key will be forceful and expeditious implementation of these reforms. To the extent that public support weakens then this will become more challenging,” Kenneth Kang, head, IMF mission to Italy
INR per sq ft 4,500-6,500 4,500-7,500 4,000-5,200 4,000-5,000 3,000-4,000 3,000-4,000 Source: JLL
PFG IN TROUBLE Jubilee Hills, which come under central business district. However, the supply is not in proportion to demand. Many of the companies have also started buying the properties as the commercial property prices became low last year. However, they are limiting themselves to purchase 50 per cent less space than they actually require to bring down costs and are also waiting to get clarity on political uncertainty. The facilities like car parking, GHMC approvals and location are key parameters for purchasing a commercial property, said M Rama Krishna, sales head, Vamsiram Builders. The market is driven by new companies coming in to the City that not only include IT
Barclays’ Bob Diamond to forgo £20 mn bonus LONDON: Former Barclays chief executive Bob Diamond will give up bonuses worth £20 million after resigning over a rate-rigging scandal, the bank’s chairman said on Tuesday. But chairman Marcus Agius told a British lawmakers investigating the scandal that Diamond, whose pay packages during the financial crisis were
fiercely controversial, would still receive a final pay-off of around £2 million. “Bob Diamond has voluntarily decided to forego any deferred consideration and any deferred bonuses to which he would otherwise have been entitled,” Agius told Parliament’s Treasury Select Committee. AFP
Comcast sells A&E stake for $3bn NEW YORK: US media giant Comcast said on Tuesday it was divesting its 15.8 percent stake in the A&E cable channel held through its NBCUniversal unit, getting some $3 billion. In documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Comcast said it
Capital Value
got huge demand, said Chayan Mukherjee, sales and recovery head, Prajay Engineers. Around 60 per cent of the companies go for leasing the property than owning it. The domestic companies go for renting a property for first few months, once they see good returns and gain confidence in the environment, they look for settling by buying the property. The demand for rental properties is higher, compared to last year and there are also good returns on rentals, he said. Many major companies are looking for renting office space with a floor plate size of 10,000-15,000 sft in areas around Somajiguda, Begumpet, Banjara Hills,
will be the worldwide spending on information technology, according to industry tracker Gartner.
Prudhvi Raju K
was redeeming its stake in the joint venture with Disney/ABC and Hearst Communications. Comcast, which took control of the vast NBC television enterprise in 2011, said earlier this year it would sell its stake in A&E but had not indicated a price. AFP
but also include other sectors like banking, finance, petroleum products. The property prices have grown up by 10-15 per cent compared to last year where as rentals grown by around 15-20 per cent, he said. The sub-urban market like Miyapur, Kompally, Manikonda are yet to take off for commercial office space absorption. However, certain sub-urban areas around Gachibowli, HITEC City are most sought after by IT companies, he said. Even though, the office space absorption has increased and businesses buying properties, the clarity on political agitation, which may take another two years, will only make it to regain its full potential, he added.
Airbus hits back, bags order worth $3.2 bn
FARNBOROUGH, UK: Airbus struck back at rival Boeing in the battle for plane orders at the Farnborough airshow on Tuesday, revealing a surprise multi-billion-dollar firm deal for the future A350. US planemaker Boeing announced larger orders in terms of value for its future 737 MAX aircraft but stressed that they were only commitments at this stage.
Boeing had upstaged its main European competitor on Monday — the opening day of the Farnborough airshow near London — with a massive firm order for its MAX jets. Airbus said that Hong Kong airline Cathay Pacific had made a firm order for 10 of its long-haul A350 planes worth $3.2 billion. Cathay also agreed to convert 16 of its existing orders for the A350900 to the larger A350-1000, earning Airbus another $1 billion before the possibility of discounts which are often the case with large purchases. The deal was a major boost for Airbus, a day after it revealed only a tame order for four of its future single-aisle neo passenger planes to Arkia Israel Airlines for a combined $453 million. AFP
Eight months after the shock bankruptcy of MFGlobal, another respected futures brokerage, PFG, is being sued for fraud by US regulators in the latest black eye to confidence in futures trading. In a complaint filed Tuesday in an Illinois federal court, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission accused Peregrine Financial Group and its sole owner and chief executive, Russell Wasendorf, of misusing customer funds.
GOOD NEWS Cash remittances sent home by migrants, a major part of developing world revenue, have grown faster than expected despite the world financial crisis, the World Bank said on Tuesday. In an update to its annual report on remittance flows, the development lender said recorded transfers increased by 12.1 per cent last year to $372 billion and are expected to hit $467 billion by 2014. The report said the growth of remittances had helped developing countries weather the global financial storm but warned that several factors could combine to slow the growth in such transfers in future years. “Persistent unemployment in Europe and the US is affecting employment prospects of existing migrants and hardening political attitudes toward new immigration,” the report said.
India unveiled
President poll divides parties NEW DELHI: The July 19 poll to elect India’s 13th president has divided not only the ruling UPA but opposition blocks like the NDA and the Left parties alike. Within the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance, opposition to its presidential nominee Pranab Mukherjee has come from Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee, who thinks the veteran parliamentarian has not done enough for West Bengal, a state she rules. After ending three decades of Left rule in West Bengal in May 2011, Banerjee has been pressing Mukherjee, who was union finance minister, for a bailout package. With the financial relief nowhere in sight, Banerjee pushed the name of APJ. Abdul Kalam for the high office till the former president himself decided to stay out of the contest. The Congress is hopeful it will somehow manage to convince a mercurial Banerjee to support Mukherjee ahead of the presidential poll. “This presidential election has affected unity among all the three major political groups,” veteran journalist and political observer Kuldip Nayar said. Mukherjee’s candidature divided the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance as well. While the BJP kept waiting for the UPA to announce its can-
Krishna thanks Pak for helping AI passengers Thanking NEW DELHI: Pakistan for its help to passengers of an Indian plane that made an emergency landing at Nawabshah airport in Sindh, External Affairs Minister SM Krishna on Tuesday acknowledged that India’s neighbour had gone out of its way in providing assistance. “I would like to convey my sincere appreciation and my thanks to the helpful attitude and cooperation that we received when an Air India flight had to land in Pakistan,” said Krishna, who arrived in Phnom Penh on Tuesday evening. “I think the Pakistan government went out of their way to make things easy for all those who were inside the aircraft and they provided every possible assistance,” he said. “This certainly is something which India deeply appreciates,” Krishna added. Krishna is in the Cambodian capital to attend the 10th Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN). IANS
Presidential candidate PA Sangma is greeted by a tribal artist at a press meet venue in Maharashtra. PTI didate, the AIADMK, led by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa and the Biju Janata Dal, led by Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, both of whom are former NDA constituents, took the lead and nominated former Lok Sabha Speaker Purno A. Sangma as their presidential nominee. As the BJP pondered whether to support Kalam or Sangma, its key allies Janata Dal-United (JDU) and Shiv Sena broke ranks
with the alliance and announced their support for the UPA nominee saying they did not want a contest for the top constitutional post. “We nicely agreed to disagree,” JD (U) chief Sharad Yadav said. With Kalam opting out of the race, the BJP was left with no choice but to back Sangma, hoping the move would help it rope in the AIADMK and the BJD to strengthen the NDA ahead the
2014 general elections. Battling indecision, the BJP also did not want itself to be seen supporting the UPA’s presidential candidate. The issue has divided the Left too. “Mukherjee’s candidature has divided both the NDA and the Left,” Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar said. While the Communist Party of India-Marxist and the Forward Bloc are supporting the UPA nominee, the Communist Party of India and the Revolutionary Socialist Party have decided to abstain from the contest. “We have decided not to support either Mukherjee or Sangma,” CPI national secretary D Raja told IANS. According to an article written by CPI-M general secretary Prakash Karat for People’s Democracy, the party mouthpiece, the party is supporting the UPA nominee “to prevent the BJP from putting in place a constitutional head of state who would be amenable to the influence of the Hindutva forces, a development that would be inimical to the secular democratic principle of the constitution.” The RSP, said the article, has often refused to support the Congress nominee since 1992. IANS
New naval base in Andaman NEW DELHI: To keep an eye on maritime security around the Malacca Straits and to gain strategic supremacy in the area, India will in about a fortnight from now open a new airbase, aptly named as Baaz (Hawk), in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, said defence sources. The new naval base, which will get an upgraded air base too, will soon be operating heavier military planes from the Indian air fleet including the US-made special forces plane, C130Js, that was inducted last year. INS Baaz will come up at Campbell Bay, India’s southeasternmost fringe in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands chain. It straddles a strategically key location in the Indian Ocean/Bay of Bengal overlooking the mouth of Malacca straits, from across Aceh in Indonesia. This move by India comes even as the US spelt out its future strategy to focus on the AsiaPacific in “rebalancing” its military strategy earlier this year. Malacca Straits is a key maritime chokepoint that acts as a link between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, connecting East Asia, Australia and the US with Asia and Africa, which are the key oil resources of the world. IANS
Kashmiri Muslim women from the Association of Parents of Disappeared people (APDP), with portraits of missing relatives, sit beside a painting during a demonstration in Srinagar on July 10, 2012. The APDP is demanding the setting up of a commission to probe the disappearances of people in Kashmir since 1989. AFP
India unveiled
Bahuguna wins Sitarganj bypoll
DEHRA DUN: Uttarakhand
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) activists wear condom-shaped dresses to promote animal birth control on the eve of World Population Day, in Chennai on Tuesday. PTI
Agnivesh backs wee ‘treatment’ NEW DELHI: A nationwide outrage over a Visva-Bharati warden asking a Class V student to drink her urine for bed-wetting notwithstanding, social activist Swami Agnivesh claimed on Tuesday this was a "traditional cure" for such a condition. "Why is there so much fuss made about the suggestion given to Visva-Bharati' Patha Bhavan school girl who was suggested to consume her own urine by her hostel warden, Uma Poddar, as cure for bed wetting. It is a simple piece of advice by the hostel warden, which has created so much ruckus by the girl's parents and then by the media," Agnivesh said in a statement. Agnivesh said that he himself had bed wetting problem till adulthood and had used the traditional cure called "Shivambu" or "Swamootra Chikitsa" while being imprisoned at the Ambala Jail during the Emergency days. "For many, the traditional cure may sound abhorrent and and feudal. I practised it myself for months. I read books on nature cure and found this method described. I had this problem of bed wetting till quite an advanced age. Shivambu Cure helped reduce it," he said in a statement. IANS
Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna today won the Sitarganj Assembly seat by a record margin of 39,954 votes over his nearest BJP rival to retain the top post. The victory margin is the highest in all the Assembly elections in Uttarakhand so far, officials said. At the end of the last round of counting of votes, Bahuguna won 39,954 votes to beat BJP's Prakash Pant, a former cabinet minister, said Radha Raturi, Chief Electoral Officer. Sitarganj by-election was held on July 8 to decide the fate of the chief minister, who had to win the election to continue in office. The byelection was necessitated after BJP MLA Kiran Mandal quit in favour of Bahuguna. Immediately after the results, Bahuguna thanked
NATION AT A GLANCE 14 charred to death in Uttar Pradesh van fire LUCKNOW: At least 14 people died in Uttar Pradesh's Prabudhnagar district when the van they were travelling in caught fire after a gas leak in the vehicle, police said. The incident took place at Kandhla on the Delhi-Saharanpur highway late Tuesday. The victims were returning from a marriage. According to eyewitnesses, the driver jumped off the vehicle when the fire broke out.
Two held with precious idol worth `2.5 crore LUCKNOW: Two persons were arrested the people of Sitarganj for giving him a big victory and said he would now work for development of Uttarakhand, particularly Sitarganj. The by-election in Sitarganj was marred by allegations of rigging with the state election Office ordering an inquiry by the district magistrate to verify them as the BJP had formally lodged a complaint seeking to cancel nomination of Bahuguna. PTI
Hyderabad India’s 4th competitive city NEW DELHI: India's capital has emerged the most competitive city in the country for the third straight time with the commercial hub of Mumbai retaining the second spot, according to a report by an international think tank released on Wednesday
after a mixed metal idol of Lord Mahavir worth about `2.5 crore was recovered from their possession, police said today. The duo said that one Babadur, a native of Nepal, is kingpin of their gang which used to steal such idols from the state and sell them at high rates.
Monique Bozize, wife of the President of Central African Republic, at a school in a village in Ballabhgarh on Tuesday. PTI
Three-day-old infant abducted from hospital NAMAKKAL (TN): A three-day-old child was allegedly abducted by a woman from the Government General Hospital here, police said today. The unidentified woman had taken the baby girl away last evening telling her grandmother that the doctor wanted to examine her and give a present,sources said. When she did not return, the family lodged a complaint.
City Score Delhi Mumbai Chennai Hyderabad Kolkata Gurgaon Bengaluru Noida Pune
Child trafficker with 52 ‘victims’ arrested
69.732 67.856 62.323 61.782 61.464 61.167 61.100 60.406 59.854
Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata, in that order, make up the top five in rankings of the India City Competitiveness Report-2012, compiled by the Institute for Competitiveness (IFC) that conducts studies in this area for use by businesses and governments. The report is based on a model that has been established by celebrated management guru, Michael E Porter, Bishop William Lawrance University Professor, based at Harvard Business School.
Regarding New Delhi, the report says the city has managed to demonstrate a phenomenal growth by balancing demand and development in equal measure. The two areas it is found lagging in are administrative and institutional support. Among the smaller cities, while Coimbatore, Mysore, Madurai and Guwahati climbed up, Surat, Lucknow, Agra and Allahabad dropped in their rankings. Porter's model is founded
on four pillars — the factor conditions, demand conditions, context for strategy and rivalry, and the quality of supporting and related industries. These are further divided into 12 sub-pillars to give information on 50 top cities. When benchmarked globally, Indian cities have much to catch up. Delhi, which takes the top slot in the country, is benchmarked at 46.7 — which is way below 71.4 for New York, 70.4 for London, 55.2 for Shanghai and 69.3 for Hong Kong. IANS
trafficker was arrested for allegedly luring 52 children from Odisha's Gajapti district with promises to provide them good education. Arun Kumar Patnaik was arrested yesterday for cheating the parents of the children by promising to admit the children in school, said sub-divisional police officer, Chikiti BN Dehuri.
A child carries a flag along with Left Front supporters at a protest rally in Kolkata on Tuesday. PTI
Around the World
Beyond Borders
The caped crimefighter will not survive the landing
The Dark Knight can fly, but...
ow there’s some good news and some bad news for all the Batman fans out there. The good news: Batman can fly; the bad news: if he does he will crash and die. These are the findings of a group of British physics stu-
dents. Four students from the University of Leicester said that while Batman could use his cape to glide as he does in the 2005 film Batman Begins. The problem arises when he has to land, as it could be fatal. As superhero returns to the
Pacu packs a bite
he pacu fish might not be as large as jaws, but for men it can be just as frightening. The pacu is lovingly referred to as the “ball cutter” after killing two men in Papua New Guinea by biting off the testicles off at least two local men. The fish that sports human-
like teeth and can weigh up to 55 pounds, has been spotted in Lake Lou Yaeger in Illinois, KSDK reported. The lake’s superintendent Jim Caldwell brought the fish to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources after initially responding to a report that a piranha had been caught. The lab quickly identified it as a pacu, according to the Huffington Post. There are conflicting reports that a second pacu fish had been spotted shortly after. How did a fish native to the Amazon basin end up in a small late in the middle of Illinois? Caldwell believes they were dumped there and were most likely someone’s aquarium pet. GLOBAL POST
cinemas later this month in The Dark Knight Rises, the students suggested that he go shopping before attempting to soar over Gotham City. “If Batman wanted to survive the flight, he would definitely need a bigger cape,” said David Marshall, 22, one of the students
in the final year of their four-year Master of Physics degree. “Or if he preferred to keep his style intact he could opt for using active propulsion, such as jets to keep himself aloft.” Their paper titled Trajectory of a falling Batman argues that if he jumps from a 150-metre (492-
A woman practises on a “slackline” on July 9, 2012 in the Mistral Parc in Grenoble. Slacklining is a practice in balance that uses nylon webbing tensioned between two anchor points. AFP
foot) high building, the 4.7 metre (15-foot) wingspan of Batman’s cape would allow him to glide 350 metres (1148 feet). However, he would hit 68 miles per hour (109 km per hour) before hitting the ground at a life-threatening speed of 50 mph (80 kph).
Weird dance moves earn Brit bar ban
LONDON: A man in Britain has been barred from entering his favourite bar because of his unique dancing moves. Dave Cooper was a regular at Cosy Joes in Newcastle’s city centre, and could be seen busting into his moves on the dance floor every weekend, the Daily Mail reported. But the 48-year-old, who has become an internet star thanks to his American Ninja-inspired dancing, claims he’s been barred from the popular nightspot. Cooper affectionately known as Dishwater Dave - has gained a legion of fans through his dancing routines. Not only is dancing therapeutic for Cooper but it entertains pub-goers around Newcastle who love to watch him on weekends, the newspaper said. Cosy Joes declined to comment.
Around the World
GLOBE AT A GLANCE US envoy to Myanmar set for Prez date today
Russia to host Assad’s foe MOSCOW: Russia will host a top opponent of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday hoping to find common ground with one of the most scathing critics of its refusal to turn against the Damascus regime. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will hold talks with Abdel Basset Sayda, the new Kurdish leader of the umbrella organisation Syrian National Council (SNC) based in Turkey and openly backed by Western and Arab states. Russia has seen itself cast as the last protector of an Arab ally it buttressed in the Soviet era and has in the past year rejected two rounds of UN Security Council sanctions as well as calls for the use of force. But Moscow is increasingly keen to be viewed as a nation crusading for the supremacy of international principles and self-determination rather than the global rule of powers such as the United States. On Tuesday Moscow proposed a UN Security Council resolution on Syria that would extend the UN mission in the conflict-stricken country without any threat of sanctions, diplomats said. The resolution was sent to the council’s other 14 members ahead of a briefing on Wednesday by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan on efforts to revive his peace plan, Russia said.
Beyond Borders
NAYPYIDAW: The first US ambassador to Myanmar in over two decades will arrive in the Southeast Asian country Wednesday, US officials said, as dramatic reforms spur greater engagement with the longtime army-run nation. Derek Mitchell, a veteran United States policymaker on Asia, will travel to the purpose-built capital Naypyidaw to meet Myanmar’s President Thein Sein.
American who insulted Thai royalty pardoned BANGKOK: Thailand on Wednesday
A volunteer shows US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney the expiration date of donated food as he helps sort donations for victims of the recent Colorado wildfires during a tour of the Care and Share food bank in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on Tuesday. AFP
‘Al Qaeda a plague’ We can’t win Afghan war, admits Taliban commander
ne of the Taliban’s most senior commanders has admitted the insurgents cannot win the war in Afghanistan and that capturing Kabul is “a very distant prospect”, obliging them to seek a settlement with other political forces in the country, according . In a startlingly frank interview in Thursday’s New Statesman, the commander – described as a Taliban veteran, a confidant of the leadership, and a former Guantánamo inmate – also uses the strongest language yet from a senior figure to distance the Afghan rebels from al-Qaida. “At least 70% of the Taliban are angry at al-Qaida. Our people consider al-Qaida to be a plague that was sent down to us by the heavens,” the commander says. “To tell the truth, I was relieved at the death of Osama
[bin Laden]. Through his policies, he destroyed Afghanistan. If he really believed in jihad he should have gone to Saudi Arabia and done jihad there, rather than wrecking our country.” The New Statesman does
At least 70% of the Taliban are angry at al-Qaida. I was relieved at the death of Osama. Through his policies, he destroyed Afghanistan. An unindentified senior Taliban commander
not identify the Taliban commander, referring to him only as Mawlvi but the interview was conducted by Michael Semple, a former UN envoy to Kabul during the Taliban era who has maintained contacts with members of its leadership, and served on occasion as a diplomatic back-channel to the insurgents. Semple, who is now at the Carr Centre for Human Rights Policy at Harvard, said the commander’s identity had to be protected because the Taliban was highly sensitive about unauthorised pronouncements on the movement’s behalf, but he added there was no doubt about Mawlvi’s role within the movement. Semple said that speaking unofficially allowed Mawlvi to stray from the rigidly controlled Taliban “party line” and voice the unvarnished views of a pragmatic wing of the leadership.
‘Lawrence of Arabia’ hangs up his boots LOS ANGELES: Colorful veteran Irish actor Peter O’Toole, famous for films including “Lawrence of Arabia,” announced his retirement Tuesday, saying it was time to “chuck in the sponge” aged 79. The acclaimed stage and screen star said he was taking his last bow “dry-eyed and profoundly grateful” for his halfcentury long career. “It is time for me to chuck in the sponge. To retire from films and stage. The heart for it has
said a Thai-born US citizen jailed for insulting the kingdom’s revered monarch had been granted a royal pardon. Joe Wichai Commart Gordon, a car salesman from Colorado, was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in December under the kingdom’s strict lese majeste laws.
gone out of me: it won’t come back,” O’Toole said in a statement cited by People magazine. “My professional acting life,
stage and screen, has brought me public support, emotional fulfillment and material comfort,” he said. He added: “It has brought me together with fine people, good companions with whom I’ve shared the inevitable lot of all actors: flops and hits. “However, it’s my belief that one should decide for oneself when it is time to end one’s stay. So I bid the profession a dryeyed and profoundly grateful farewell,” he added.
Irish-born, blue-eyed Peter Seamus Lorcan O’Toole was raised in northern England the son of a bookie. After school, he initially became a journalist and a radioman for the Royal Navy, before deciding to be an actor. He attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, where his classmates included Albert Finney, Alan Bates and Richard Harris, who would also go on to illustrious acting careers.
Hillary Clinton with Laotian PM Thongsing Thammavong. She is the first US secretary of state to visit Laos for 57 years.
Tetra Pak heir held after wife found dead LONDON: British police on Tuesday arrested a 49-year-old man, reported to be the heir to the Tetra Pak packaging fortune, after his wife was found dead at their luxury London home. Officers identified the woman as 48-year-old Eva Kemeny and said her body was found in the five-storey house she shared with her husband in a wealthy borough of Chelsea.
Mentally-ill man gets death sentence WASHINGTON: An African American man diagnosed with mental retardation will be executed on July 18 for killing a fellow prisoner, his lawyer said. Warren Hill was sentenced to death in the southeastern state of Georgia, despite a US Supreme Court decision banning the execution of convicts with intellectual disabilities.
Shin Dong Hyuk, the only person to have escaped from a ‘totalcontrol zone’ grade internment camp in North Korea, at an event.
Fair, free and forthright
Let India, not Time, judge Manmohan
Taiwan’s not choosy when it picks friends Cain Nunns feedback@postnoon.com
ast month, Swaziland’s Princess Sikhanyiso Dlamini, an aspiring rapper and actress, wrapped up a lavish five-day tour of Taiwan. According to Swaziland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the princess — the eldest child of King Mswati III, the last absolute monarch in sub-Saharan Africa — was on a fact-finding mission. She met with hip-hop producers, visited art galleries and sat down with Taipei’s film set. Her visit is only the most recent display of warmth between Taiwan and Swaziland. Over the years, Swaziland has embraced Taiwan despite the island’s diplomatic isolation, and Taiwan has in turn welcomed Swaziland’s friendship, despite the royals’ reputation for corruption and cruelty. Though Taiwan likes to trumpet its democratic credentials against the spotty human rights record of China, the truth is that Taiwan has a track record of cooperating with brutal autocratic regimes, particularly in Africa. In addition to Swaziland, Burkina Faso and Gambia make the relatively short list of Taiwan’s friends. And the diplomatically marginalized island was a chief supporter and arms supplier to South Africa during the apartheid years. An official from Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affair’s Africa desk, who gave her name as Sophie, said, “We are a democratic country, but we respect other systems.” In Swaziland, that “other system” involves an autocratic regime rife with corruption. The polygamous king and his sprawling family, which includes around a dozen wives and 24 kids, have somehow remained unscathed during a continuing economic crisis in the landlocked southern African country where two-thirds of the 1.4 million population survive on less than $1 a day. The reason that they are not choosy about who they make friends is because Taipei has just 23 official allies. GLOBAL POST
Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to feedback@postnoon.com or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222. Editor: Dean Williams
Despite all that, Singh has steered the country through economic doldrums in different capacities. He is free of corruption (though not the same can be said about his colleagues and allies), a gentleman and a statesman of international standing.
Fusillade Arun Koshy Philip
t was only a few days back that Time magazine had branded Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as an ‘underachiever’ on its cover. The grave fault the US magazine found with the economist PM was that he ‘refused to stick out his neck’ for the liberalisation reforms. Well... The magazine is entitled to its opinions as it operates from a free country. We regret to tell you that majority of the 1.3 billion citizens of our country live on below $1 per day (Though according to Planning Commission that might be upscale lifestyle) and their priority is not exactly rolling out red carpet welcome to Wal-Mart and other global giants circling the Indian retail skies. The BJP was quick to grab the new stick to beat the Centre with, but seems to be oblivious to the fact that the same magazine had described its stalwart and former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee as ‘asleep at wheel’ in 2002. The main Opposition party must not forget that it is not in the best of health and is yet to catch its breath after putting out fires in its Southern base Karnataka, where a local caste strongman got the national party on its knees. The BJP constantly uses terms such as ‘weak, puppet, indecisive’ to describe Singh but forgets that the ‘strong’ NDA prime minister was comparatively less effectual. The Parivar campaign of going ‘swadeshi’ was the first casualty when the NDA government overtook the Congress in the road to liberalisation and selling off PSUs. While in the Opposition, the BJP was always ranting about how it would strike at terrorist camps in Pakistan if elected to power. The much-touted nuclear tests failed to stop Kargil intrusions. When terrorists attacked Indian Parliament, the government launched the biggest ever troop deployment to the Western border in Operation Parakram, but chickened out when generals on the other side of the border threatened to use nukes. Terrorists continued to strike with impunity and the controversial anti-terror law Prevention of Terrorist Activities Act (POTA) was used mostly for polit-
ical vendetta. But the biggest blot was the Gujarat riots of 2002. In a well-planned and methodical manner, thousands were butchered while the state machinery looked the other away or acted in complicity. And for the regional outfits, caste parties and Mao-worshippers, they have all proven their hypocritical sides by diverging from declared policies and ideologies to retain power, fatten wallets and woo vote banks. Media is a vital constituent of democracy, but it is not the last word. The Fourth Estate is not devoid of vested interests. Most media houses have business interests and this reflects in their analysis of news. In India, the most recent example was regarding the implementation of Wage Board recommendations for journalists. The publishing houses, who are otherwise at each others’ throats, united in publishing story after story about a grand conspiracy to bleed the industry — and never implemented
the recommendations. If Singh’s hands have been tied, it’s due to coalition compulsions. When your government’s survival is dependent on people like Mayawati, Mamata Banerjee and Karunanidhi, the elbow room available is little. Despite all that, Singh has steered the country through economic doldrums in different capacities. He is free of corruption (though not the same can be said about his colleagues and allies), a gentleman and a statesman of international standing. He has never responded to vicious criticism by stooping to that level. He might have several shortcomings, but is still the prime minister and the hope for this country to ride out of economic and political storms. And those baying for his blood must come up with credible alternatives (no, not the BJP). Let Indian public, and not Time, be the judge of its prime minister.
A PUB IS NO PLACE FOR Children and the immature set
fter a long time, our cops are doing something commendable. They raided a pub in the city last night where 100 college students were having a party and it emerged that 31 of them were under the age of 21. Now, the law stipulates that anyone under that age is not to be allowed in a bar though youngsters as young as 17 or 18 are a common sight in places that serve alcohol in the city. There are even pubs and nightclubs where nippers as young as five or six run about on the dance floor as if it were the community park while their parents sit and relax sipping from tankards. One of the dangers of such practices is that kids are introduced to the alcohol culture at a very young age where they are not old enough to understand the harmful effects of alcohol. There’s a difference between an adult drinking and those under the legal age drinking. That the police called up the parents of those who were not 21 and counselled them is proof enough.
The writer works for Postnoon
THANK YOU ‘Lawrence’
he handsome, chiselled face of Peter O’Toole gave life to many memorable characters like those in Caligula and the Last emperor. He was nominated for the Oscars eight times, but never could win it. He has called it a day today, but with Lawrence of Arabia, he has won an artist’s ultimate prize — immortal fame.
Cinema Paradiso
The Hit Squad
With former American president Abraham Lincoln taking on vampires in cinemas this Friday, we decided to figure out which characters would make the list for mash-up movies. Here’s a sneek-peek 1. Monsters get served!
o the world, the Williams sisters appear to be just another tennissibling act, albeit a tough one to beat. But if you pay attention to the furtive whispers at the seedier bars in Melbourne, Paris, London and New York, you might change your mind. The truth is that the sisters, under the tutelage of their father, are the most feared demon hunting team in the world. They became ace tennis players when they realised that demons are drawn to crowds that throng major tournaments. For years, they made the rounds of the championships, ridding the world of all kinds of monsters. In 2011, after fighting off a small army of werewolves, both the sisters were left injured and believed incapable of slaying monsters anymore. However, the slew of vampire killings across UK this year seem to indicate otherwise. There’s no keeping down the Williams sisters.
2. Born This Way
ou had to know Lady Gaga was an alien. Born on the distant planet of Gl’Amp Op, whose inhabitants are known for their dramatic natures, she was exiled to Earth for her excessively annoying poker face. On Earth, she grew up on a steady diet of pop videos (later, she would discover that Madonna was her grandmother). She realised she could get famous by just behaving the way everyone did on her home planet. Life was good until she learnt that Gl’Amp Op had been invaded by Cl’As Sic’al, and her people were now being forced to listen to symphonies. She trawled the entertainment world for other aliens sympathetic to her cause and created an army of leather-wearing soldiers, who can be seen protecting her in her music videos. In a couple of years,
after she reached 100 million supporters on Twitter, she headed back to Gl’Amp Op, where she plans to restore auto tune and repetitive lyrics.
3. Aliens vs. Astronaut
es, the moon landing video was fake. But not for the reasons you think. When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon, their shuttle was surrounded by grey moon aliens who attacked them because they thought they were here to invade their land. So the duo did what any good earthling would do; they extended a hand of friendship. Now, it turns out that wanting to shake someone’s hand is the ultimate insult on the moon. Faced with an angry and hostile alien army, the astronauts ran back into the shuttle to grab the only weapon they had — a flag. A bloody (not so bloody actually, moon aliens have no blood to speak of) 50 minutes later, Armstrong and Aldrin were the only two left standing. Houston was watching in horror the whole time as the astronauts methodically slayed every alien on the moon. After the massacre was over, Houston held a hasty
conference with the President of the United States, who told them to hush up the whole incident. Ground control told the duo to clear the bodies away and then make the official video of the landing. And yes, Armstrong’s original words were “One small alien fleet for us, one huge plot for Earth!”
4. iRobot
f you ever wondered why Steve Jobs always wore a black turtleneck and slacks, it was because he was a cyborg and only his face was humanoid. Jobs was created in a secret laboratory in Antarctica by scientists who were tired of lugging around
bulky black laptops. They planted him in USA and subtly manipulated the world of gadget companies to ensure that he steadily grew to be the most influential visionary of his times. When Jobs was a young robot, the scientist fed him with Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot. He was so influenced by the book that he decided to name all the products he would create after the book. When he was around 50 (in human years), his creators warned him that rival companies had designed rogue robots to take him down. Jobs went underground for several years, training and studying, till one day, he faced the robot fleet. He defeated the robot fleet but was left mangled beyond repair. His creators have preserved his electronic brain and vowed to resurrect him if ungainly, difficult-to-use electronics ever flooded the market again.
5. Osama rising
n the dead of the night they came to kill him. They riddled his body with bullets, checked his vital signs and pronounced him dead. The world rejoiced — Osama bin Laden was dead! The Navy Seals who carried out the operation buried him at sea, as per their instructions. They came home heroes. The reign of terror had ended. But one of the men who carried out the operation was not so sure. Logan (not his real name, of course) had spent ten years searching for bin Laden. It seemed impossible that he had been finished off so easily. But everyone, from his colleagues to his family, laughed at his fears. Still uneasy, Logan retired and went to live in a house in the south of France. For years there was silence. But deep beneath the sea, something was brewing. Ships mysteriously disappeared. Survivors went mad and muttered about the living dead. Then one day, a man climbed out of the sea. His beard had been gnawed at by sea creatures. His eyes were bloodshot and his skin grey. A strip of cloth was wrapped clumsily on his head. When the fisherman found him, he asked him who he was. But the only word the strange man would mumble was “Logan!” Jyotsna N jyotsna.n@postnoon.com
Holistic view of mind, body and soul
Trouble breathing? Pollution, smoking and a variety of other factors could be responsible for the rise in incidence of COPD cases, say experts Ranjani Rajendra ranjani.r@postnoon.com
here’s always a price to pay for rapid globalisation, rising pollution levels and changing lifestyles. Turn any street corner and you’re bound to see a youngster happily puffing away, either to make a style statement, to keep up with peers or simply for the kick of nicotine. The government’s decision to ban smoking in public places has gone up in smoke. Vehicles whizz past blowing plumes of smoke. But what is now emerging now as an alarming trend is the rising incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) in the country’s population as well as globally. And it is lifestyle changes and pollution levels that are to blame. The Global Burden of Disease Study estimated that in 1990, the worldwide prevalence of COPD was 9.34 per 1000 men and 7.33 per 1000 women. Today that number has rocketed to 14.84 million in 2011. In fact, COPD kills more than 3 million people every year, making it the fourth largest cause of death in the world. It has been estimat-
ed that by 2030 it will become the third biggest cause of death. According to the WHO, COPD kills more people than HIV-AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis all put together in the South East Asia. “The smoke particles and pollutants obstruct our airways leading to a chronic obstruction that makes it difficult for us to breathe. The commonest cause of COPD is smoking, exposure to pollution (either air pollution, exposure to pollutants at the workplace etc) comes a close second and repeated respiratory tract infections is another cause of this problem,” says Dr Ramachandra Sahoo, a pulmonologist and faculty at
Manipal University.
Symptoms This obstruction of the airways is largely irreversible and usually presents in two forms — chronic bronchitis and emphysema. While chronic bronchitis manifests with cough and sputum production for more than three months in a year for at least two years. The condition usually worsens in the winter, resulting in loss of functional capacity of the lungs. Emphysema is a long-term lung condition that causes shortness of breath and eventually destroyss the lungs. “Symptoms include fatigue, cough, wheezing, shortness of breath etc.
However, many people fail to identify these and are often detected at a late stage. It is only when they find themselves unable to perform even the simplest daily chores that they seek medical attention. Doctors too are at fault, because very few medical practitioners, whether chest specialists or not, ever ask for a basic lung function test. As a result, many COPD cases go undetected,” says Dr Sahoo.
Treatment Lifestyle modification is the cornerstone of treatment for COPD. “Once a person has been diagnosed with COPD it is absolutely necessary that they completely abstain from smoking and avoid any exposure to pollutants, even if it means changing a job. We can prescribe them bronchial dilators to help dilate the airways and in case of inflammation due to the smoke and pollutants then steroids to control it. Another important aspect of treatment and management of COPD is pulmonology rehabilitation, where the patient is taught to use their respiratory muscles better and lead a healthier life. Also 60 per cent of COPD patients are depressed due to their inability to function normally, so psychotherapy is also provided,” says Dr Sahoo.
Experts stress 5 musts before weight loss surgery NEW DELHI: Even as India and China top the global chart of obese and diabetic people, experts charted out five prerequisites for patients and surgeons before weight loss surgery, doctors said Monday. “Over the years, there has been a lot of international attention on metabolic surgery. And with increasing problems of obesity, these guidelines will also help diabetic patients in understanding whether they can choose bariatric surgery as an option to cure their problem,” said Muffazal Lakdawala, founder, Centre for Obesity and Diabetes Surgery (CODS). In the task force meet of the fifth Asian consensus meeting on metabolic surgery, top metabolic surgeons and diabetologists from across the globe came out with the list of requisites. The prerequisites that doctors have come with are: the metabolic surgery team must be a multidisciplinary team and patients who undergo surgery need life-long follow up by the diabetologist/ endocrinologist/bariatric physician and a nutritionist. The prerequisites defined various limits of the basic metabolic index (BMI) of the patient eligible for the surgery, holding that patients of type two diabetes with less than a BMI of 30 must be offered surgery only under experimental protocol. Metabolic surgery must be performed only at high volume centres performing more than a 100 procedures in a year, the list added. According to the Diabetes Atlas by the IDF, China had overtaken India as the “Diabetes Capital of the World” last year. US stands third in the list with over 23 million diabetics. While bariatric surgery is the most suggested treatment mode for obese people, the IDF last year called for the surgery to be considered earlier in the treatment of eligible obese diabetic patients. Aprospective trial is going to be started comparing the results of surgery with medical management to see the effects on micro and macrovascular complications of diabetes in these patients, the task force added. IANS
Holistic view of mind, body and soul
Potent anticancer drug from weed
Diabetics face four times the risk of developing TB COPENHAGEN: A third of the world’s population, living in developing countries, carry a dormant tuberculosis (TB) bug, which remains a lifelong risk. But the risk of TB breaking out is four times as likely if a person also suffers from diabetes, says recent research out of the University of Copenhagen. As a diabetic, a person is five times as likely to die during tuberculosis treatment. The growing number of diabetics in Asia and Africa increases the likelihood that more people will succumb to and die from tuberculosis in the future. University of Copenhagen researchers have just completed
a major research project in Tanzania in which they have documented that diabetes is far more widespread than previously thought, according to a Copenhagen statement. The risk of dying from tuberculosis is increased if a person also has diabetes. In the past, diabetes was most commonly tied with the Western world while tuberculosis was more widespread throughout the developing world. “Our studies show, firstly, that diabetes is hastily advancing in developing countries, not just in Asia, but in Africa as well. And secondly, that as a diabetic one is four times more at risk of
developing tuberculosis and five times as likely to die under tuberculosis treatment,” reports doctoral student and physician Daniel FaurholtJepsen, who has
Cradle Caps
Vibrate massager
radle caps medically known as seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp is said to be a genetic skin condition that can effect babies. Cradle cap appears on the skin as a red, scaly rash. The scales mount up to form a thick, yellow layer, or plaques. This condition may spread to other parts of the skin. It certain cases there may be hairloss in the affected area. In mild cases usually no treatment is required but massaging baby oil, olive oil or petroleum jelly into the scalp at night helps loosen the scales may be advised. Anti-fungal creams also form a part of the treatment.
based his dissertation on the study. The results of the study demonstrate that diabetes is a severe threat to the control of tuberculosis. “Tuberculosis kills more than a million people each year. The figure may be much higher in the future if nothing is done now,” he said. “We should develop better international guidelines for a combined treatment of diabetes and tuberculosis patients as well as better diagnostic methods, which can cheaply and effectively diagnose diabetes among tuberculosis patients,” emphasises Daniel. IANS
t’s yet another long day at office when you suddenly feel as though your necks muscles have knotted. One would have never imagined that a phone could be of assistance in such a situation. Vibrate massager offers various features such as 6 different vibration levels to choose from, life-like sound and vibration patterns depending on your requirements. This free-of-cost app is suited only for the iPhone and the phone must be on vibrate mode for the vibrate to work.
WASHINGTON: Scientists isolated a potent anti-cancer compound from a Mediterranean weed that acts like ‘molecular grenade’. In lab studies, researchers said they found that a three-day course of the drug called G202 reduced the size of human prostate tumours grown in mice by an average of 50 per cent within 30 days. G202 outdid the chemotherapy drug docetaxel, reducing seven of nine human prostate tumours in mice by more than 50 per cent in 21 days. Docetaxel reduced one of eight human prostate tumours in mice by more than 50 per cent, the journal Science Translational Medicine reports. Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Centre and Denmark also reported that G202 produced at least 50 percent regression in models of human breast cancer, kidney cancer and bladder cancer, according to a Johns Hopkins statement Based on these results, Johns Hopkins physicians have performed a phase I clinical trial to assess safety of the drug and have thus far treated 29 patients with advanced cancer. A phase II trial to test the drug in patients with prostate cancer and liver cancer has been planned. The drug G202 is chemically derived from a weed that grows in the Mediterranean region. “Our goal was to try to reengineer this very toxic natural plant product into a drug we might use to treat human cancer,” says Samuel Denmeade, professor of oncology, urology, pharmacology and molecular sciences, who led the study. “The drug can be injected and can travel through the bloodstream until it finds the site of cancer and hits a protein called PSMA. IANS
DID YOU KNOW? 8,00,000 commit suicide every year
ccording to statistics available with the WHO, on an average about 8,00,000 people commit suicide every year. Of these, 86 per cent of them belong to the low and middleincome countries. In most cases it has been seen than half of the people who kill themselves are aged between 15 and 44. The highest suicide rates are said to be among men who live in eastern European countries. Although many factors such as stress and depression can force a person to commit suicide it is said that mental disorders are one of the most prominent and treatable causes of suicide.
Nighttime fun
1 Meetu Chilana 2 Samrat Chakrabarti 3 Pooja Kumar 4 Rachel Roy 5 Ami Sheth
A glass of the best spirits, some foot-tapping music, friends and the desire to dance is all you need to make a party come alive and what better place than Firangi Paani on a Tuesday night. The youngsters here had a rollicking time as they made most of the evening. 1
1 Junaid & Rico 2 Diya & Irfaan 3 Madhu & Brinda 4 Shafi & Vijay
The Indian Connect The Cinema Society with Rachel Roy & Circa held a screening of Trishna and an after party at the IFC Center, New York, on July 10. This British drama directed by Michael Winterbottom stars Freida Pinto and Riz Ahmed.
A novel endeavour
Sudha Krishnan,COO of Ace Experiences and SP Krishnan CEO of the company with Shafi and Neela, the guides for the day at Dialogue in the Dark. Dialogue in the Dark at Inorbit Mall has reached a milestone of receiving more than 50,000 visitors in the last 15 months of operations.
Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
We are just good friends
@Actor_Siddharth Got to meet superstar Krishna garu and the legend Sharada garu today. The only blessing in shooting on set floors... you get to see the greats!
anchu Manoj and Taapsee had a rough day clarifying rumours about what's cooking between the two. Recently, an FIR was filed on Manoj in Chennai after a Tamil actor Mahat Raghavendra lodged a complaint that Manoj had attacked him and threatened to kill him. Incidentally, Manoj, Taapsee and Mahat have been good friends for quite sometime. When asked what had happened between Manoj and Mahat, the former said that it was a minor misunderstanding and the two have already put the incident behind them. However, what caught everyone's attention was Manoj and Taapsee's tweets regarding what's brewing between them. “Oh god!Take a break please! I AM NOT IN ANY RELATIONSHIP WITH ANYONE! That is it! (sic)” Taapsee posted on Twitter. On the other hand, Manchu Manoj went a step ahead and claimed that Taapsee is like his sister!“it makes me laugh out loud when I hear all these crazy rumours about @taapsee and me. she's none but a spoiled little brat sister of mine. Movies is our work and food... Pls don't compare movies with personal life :) we r same like u and we act like u in movies...There is no wrong in treating a co-artist as a sister or a super friend. It's all in ur mind:) Pls be a bit mature and practical :) And about the whole issue 'pichaa liteee' ( in Telugu ) All is well:) just like school days:) lol (sic),” Manoj posted on Twitter. So are the two just good friends? Seems so.
People today — Wait for the famous Artists to die, just so dat the d value of his/her paintings dat they possess go up in d market! #TRUESTORY
@taapsee Some interesting deals in the pipeline will let u know soon. Life has always made me happy for some or the other reason! Yay!
@LakshmiManchu We (actors) live our lives through heart and emotions... we don’t necessarily first think by our head. Hence we tend to overdo everything.
@richyricha Woah! My character Vasudha in Sar Osthara is like Yamini and Vinamra combined!
does the unthinkable P
awan Kalyan has all set to do the unthinkable for his upcoming film Cameraman Ganga Tho Rambabu. One of the scenes in the film requires him to move around with hundreds of people and for this Puri Jagannadh, the director of the film,suggested that die hard fans of Pawan Kalyan should be roped in. As soon as Puri Jagannadh approached Pawan Kalyan with this idea, the star immediately agreed. The scenes would be shot in two different locations in Andhra Pradesh which will be finalised soon. We hear that fans of Pawan Kalyan are really excited about this announcement and there's bound to be a deluge of fans hoping to have their dream of a lifetime fulfilled. Tamannaah is playing the lead role and Prakash Raj, Gabriela Bertante will be seen in important roles. DVV Danayya is producing the film.
@pnavdeep26 Let me tell you a little something I’ve learned about women: Nothing... lol
@actressanjjanaa Day29 — Mahanadhi @shoot, wonderful planning for shooting by dop — sundarnath suwarna, dir-krishnappa uppur.
@prakashraaj At home in Mumbai... monsoons!!!.... ghar ka khana!!! A few meetings!!! Blisssss.
Magic Screen
ndian comedy adventure Bol Bachchan starring Ajay Devgn and Abhishek Bachchan scored a terrific opening in North America generating the best debut this summer for any Bollywood film. Released by Fox International Productions, Rohit Shetty’s comic hit grossed $562,000 in its first three days beating the opening of Akshay Kumar’s Rowdy Rathore by a remarkable 47 per cent despite playing in fewer theatres, according to Boxofficeguru.com. It also debuted bigger than Teri Meri Kahaani starring Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra. In addition, Bol Bachchan more than tripled the opening weekend of the last Rohit Shetty-Ajay Devgn project Singham which released in July of last summer. The Hollywood Reporter remarked that Abhishek Bachchan gives “one of his best performances to date” and that the film is filled with “engaging performances and ever-spiraling hysteria.” IANS
The glamour behind the glitz
Bol Bachchan has terrific opening in North America
and I respect that. Nothing more to say beyond that. Everything else is just speculation,” he added. The actress, who made her Bollywood debut with Jannat, is reportedly miffed with reports of a serious relationship with Neil. The duo enjoyed a 45-day shooting schedule together for 3G in Fiji. IANS
@NeilNMukesh I remember shooting for Players in the North Pole. And the entire crew frozen since it was — 8 degrees. I wonder how was this film made
@juniorbachchan All of you have stood by me through thick and thin. And that means the world to me. I will never be able to thank you enough.
@AnupamPkher A father is a fellow who has replaced the currency in his wallet with the pictures of his kids. :). 5 months since Dad went to better world.
@GulPanag 30 km from Sach Pass. It has begun to rain. Will have to pitch tents in rain! Meanwhile there is still network :-~}
I’m extremely fond of Sonal Chauhan: Neil A
ctor Neil Nitin Mukesh admits he is “extremely fond” of his 3G co-star Sonal Chauhan. He has hinted that he has proposed to her and is awaiting her response. “For all asking... I really like and am extremely fond of @sonalchauhan7. While we’re very close friends, we’re not in a relationship,” tweeted Neil. “She’s taking her time to decide
@sonusood18 Shooting in Dongri (where DAWOOD lived) for #shootout @ wadala with my brilliant director @TherealGups. Screamed so much that lost my voice.
I am off the `100- cr club pressure: Homi
irector Homi Adajania’s, whose upcoming film Cocktail has already created a buzz with its fresh look and catchy music ahead of its release, says he does not feel the pressure to be a part of the `100 crore club. The romantic-comedy stars Saif Ali Khan, Deepika Padukone and Diana Penty in the lead roles and has garnered one million views on YouTube in three days since the first look of the film released in May. The songs have already become chartbusters. “I don’t feel the pressure of `100 crore. I don’t know what `100 club means. The pressure is there in sense that someone else’s money is at stake, so you make sure that you make a good film. I don’t mind if someone gives me `100 crore (box office collection) but all I want to do is tell a simple story. I hope that everyone’s effort pays off,” Homi said. PTI
Wishing one of the greatest batsmen ever — Happy Birthday Sir #SunilGavaskar — Wadh Divasachya Hardhik Shubhechya.
@realpreityzinta Question ? What gift do u give some1 who has everything ? Now it’s either going 2be Einstein or U guys who can help me answer that :-)Ting !
@SrBachchan T 800 — Great to be shooting sequence which requires rain machine, and then actual rain arrives... You can shut one on command, not the other.
Magic Screen
Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
Tom and Katie reach settlement J ust over one week since Katie Holmes filed for divorce from Tom Cruise, the couple has issued a joint statement regarding the rumours and details surrounding their divorce, including the custody arrangement for their 6-year-old daughter, Suri. Their reps, Nanci Ryder and Amanda Lundberg, released a statement on Monday(via People) “We are committed to working together as parents to accomplish what is in our daughter Suri’s best interests. We want to
keep matters affecting our family private and express our respect for each other’s commitment to each of our respective beliefs and support each other’s roles as parents.” Their reps confirm that the couple has reached a settlement in the divorce and sources told People that Suri will likely live with Holmes in New York. According to TMZ, Holmes will “have what amounts to primary physical custody, but Tom has significant custodial time with his daughter.”
nne Hathaway has confessed that she was stunned to land the role of Catwoman. The 29-year-old revealed that she still has trouble believing that she won the coveted role in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises. “I couldn’t believe that this was even an opportunity made available to me and then when I actually got it I, I mean it…it’s a little bit too good to be true,” Hathaway told Access Hollywood. “I’m kind of waiting for someone to come out and just be like, ‘Psych! You got punked!’” Hathaway went on to say that she found the character’s suit to be daunting. “It just dominated my thoughts for a year basically,” she said. “From the time that I got cast until the last time I wore [the costume]... everything I put in my mouth related back to how it would affect my time in the gym. My time in the gym was dictated by it. The actress previously said that she has no complaints about her role as Catwoman in spite of her character’s skin-tight costume. The Dark Knight Rises will be released in cinemas on July 20.
Chumbawumba announce split C
humbawumba have announced their split after 30 years together. The alternative band most famous for their 1997 worldwide hit ‘Tubthumping’ - confirmed the break-up on their official website. “That’s it then, it’s the end. With neither a whimper, a bang or a reunion,” a statement read. “30 years of ideas and melodies, endless meetings and European tours, press releases, singalong choruses and Dada sound poetry, finally at an end.” They explained that the split was because the “rest of our lives got in the way and we couldn’t commit the time and enthusiasm that the band demanded”. Their 14th studio album ABCDEFG was released in 2010. The band’s statement added: “So, sometime before the end of our thirtieth year - 2012 - we’ll play a few final times and then we’ll hang up our guitars, trumpets and football rattles.”
Chai Time
How to play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: ‘How do you play kakuro?’, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells — called a run — any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two — it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.
Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa
QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 ‘Au’ alternative 4 Hoodwink 11 ‘A likely story!’ 14 ‘Fill 'er up!’ filler 15 Of a reproductive gland 16 ‘And now, without further ___’ 17 Vision tester 19 Tax-shielded investment, briefly 20 Winner of four gold medals in 1936 21 Cause of white knuckles 23 Currycombs comb them 25 After-dinner server 28 Gave a makeover to 29 Three-time heavyweight boxing champ 30 Bit of fowl language? 32 Beds in the barracks 33 Absolute ruler 37 DVD player button 39 Make teams 43 ‘We ___ Overcome’ 44 Bad smell 46 ‘Aw, heck!’ 49 Acting too hastily 51 To boot 52 Ray Lewis, for one 54 ‘The one’ played by Keanu 55 Strong suit 57 Hooded jacket worn in the Arctic 59 Bad for picnicking 61 Airwaves regulatory gp 62 Thing to do in a beautiful garden 67 ‘What's ___ use?’ 68 Aboveboard 69 Abbr on a blotter 70 Barroom elbow-bender 71 Certain fishermen 72 ‘But then again ...’ DOWN 1 In a previous time 2 A place of luxury? 3 Amaze 4 Arena tops
5 ‘Don't ___ think about it!’ 6 McDonald's freebie (Var) 7 ‘To ___ is human’ 8 Sequel sequel 9 Far-ranging 10 ‘Abandon all hope, ye who ___ here’ 11 Beehive, for one 12 Canny 13 Accumulates excessively 18 Short people do it? 22 A hairline can do it 23 Off one's rocker 24 Obi-Wan before Ewan 26 Beat back 27 Tide type 31 Kisser or kitty 34 Advertising medium 35 Fireworks response 36 An anagram for ‘rats’
38 ‘Down in front!’ 40 Distinctive and stylish elegance 41 A door, for example 42 Aberdeen resident 45 Break up dirt clods, in a way 46 Preliminary sketches 47 ___ Cucamonga, Calif 48 Bird with a bent bill 50 ‘Ars Poetica’ author 53 Back row views, sometimes 55 Packs to the brim 56 Lover of Lennon
58 Box in flight 60 (From) a great distance 63 ‘The Sweetheart of Sigma ___’ 64 All in the family 65 ___ out (barely make) 66 ‘Willard’'s Ben PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER
THOUGHT OF THE DAY The person who makes a success of living is the one who see his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. – Cecil B DeMille
Your tomorrow today̶Star Power and Tarot THIRUVAIKUMAR
As per Hindu panchang
FOR 12-7-2012
thiruvaikumar@yahoo.co.in 040-27177230 / 9177596118
Strained relationship will resume on their own. Businessmen will see a boom trend. Bad friends will spell trouble for you; stay away from them. Govt officials will get good support.
Don't be in a hurry to make fresh inv‑ estment for time being. Expenses will increase but towards happy events that are to take place at home. Avoid taking important decisions on friendsʼ advice.
Opportunities will knock your door; make use of them without missing any. Practice yoga and meditation to drive away anger and fear. Be careful while driving, untoward incident likely.
Govt officials to be in harmony with colleagues to avoid trouble. Do not share personal secrets with new friends. Minor tensions likely while undertaking night journey, so try and avoid this.
Self‑confidence and boldness will improve and decisions taken now will yield desired results. Plan work prop‑ erly and get them completed in time. Change in attitude and approach must.
If your ideas are implemented effec‑ tively, you can keep enemies away and inactive. At the same time beca‑ use of new friends, some old friends might become enemies; be alert.
Avoid anger and criticising others. Avoid hurried action and negligence in office work. Hurdles in performing good events will disappear with efforts. Some will undertake pilgrimage.
Be cordial with family members. To improve business, your direct involve‑ ment in day‑to‑day affairs is a must. New investments to be taken up only after consultation with well‑wishers.
Children's health to be taken care of; negligence might create complications in future. Ask your children to be care‑ ful while driving; must avoid fast drivi‑ ng. Happy events to take place at home.
Litigations in ancestral property will disappear. Strained relationship will blossom again on their own. You need to avoid revengeful talk and co‑operate. Parent's health is a cause for concern.
Marriage talks will end favourably. Ne‑ wlyweds will be blessed with offspring. Be careful in financial transactions. Tra‑ vel will increase but success brings che‑ er. Govt officials' influence set to go up.
Transfer on the cards for employees and it is good to accept the same. Avoid disclosing office secrets to out‑ siders as there are chances of trouble. Avoid unwanted or bad friendship.
FOR 12-7-2012
Three of Wands – You tend to feel like you know more than anyone else around you. It may be beca‑ use you were asked for help. Donʼt let this get to your head.
Nine of Wands – You need to keep your emotions in check. You are allowing “how you feel” to dictate your life decisions. Wear the practical cap.
Six of Pentacles – You need a platform to e‑ xpress yourself better. Why not try social media? Though you have apprehensions and may tend to be pessimistic, try it.
Ace of Cups – You are craving for an outlet for your cre‑ ative self. You want to try new things and experiment with an open mind and heart.
Six of Cups – Get into a hobby that inter‑ ests you. You may find pleasure in jobs that involve conser‑ vation and preserva‑ tion – it could be wildlife or art.
Eight of Swords – Communication is key with everything that you undertake. You should be able to effectively put across the message without any confusion.
Queen of Cups – You are an instrument of love and positivity for someone. Use yo‑ ur emotions for your own spiritual growth. Manipulating some‑ one will not work.
Knight of Cups – Even as you search within yourself for the right answers, you need to understand that dipl‑ omacy is always a sa‑ fer option. Donʼt go about telling all.
Justice – Pay atten‑ tion to your dreams. They will have the key to how you feel about life and what needs to be done in order to make your life better.
For Better or for Worse Stone soup
The World – This is the card of hope. Although your plans may be delayed, it is not over. Far from it. Keep dreaming; keep making plans for a better tomorrow.
The Emperor – Be wary of being too impulsive. Such acti‑ ons taken in haste could leave you feel‑ ing exhausted beca‑ use you have to deal with the problems.
Ten of Swords – This is not the best time for emotions or for people interactions. Not everything is going to go as per plan. Sooner you accept it, the better.
Number game
Ink pen
Fred Basset
Vol: 1, No 359 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad – 500037, Editor: Dean Williams – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: feedback@postnoon.com and for subscription, please call 040-4067 2222, Fax: 040-4067 2211
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DID YOU KNOW...? n An official IAAF marathon course must be at least 42.195 km and can be up to 42 m longer. n The standard distance for the marathon race was set by the IAAF in May 1921.
LEGENDS OF THE SPORT Samuel Wanjiru (born November 10, 1986) became a professional at a young age and broke the world record in the half marathon at 18 years. In 2007, he broke the 20 km road running record and improved the half marathon record by over twenty seconds. He moved to the full marathon and won the event at the 2008 Olympics in an Olympic record time of 2:06:32.
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Constantina Diţă (born January 23, 1970) is a long-distance runner, who specializes mainly in the half marathon and marathon. As a child, she became interested in athletics and particularly admired Maricica Puică after seeing her win the 3000m at the 1984 Games. Diţă won the women's marathon at the 2008 Olympics in 2:26:44. At 38, she became the oldest Olympic marathon champion in history.
n Violet Piercy has been credited as the first woman to be officially timed in a marathon. n The marathon races in the first few Olympic Games were not of a set length, but were approximately 40 kilometres (25 mi), roughly the distance from Marathon to Athens by the longer, flatter route. The exact length of the Olympic marathon varied depending on the route established for each venue.
48 47 46 MARATHON:
45 44 43 42
n Long after the re-establishment of the marathon in the Games, it did not include female participants. Although a few women had run the marathon distance, they were not included in official results. Marie Ledru has been credited as the first woman to race a marathon.
41 40 39
TALLY 2008
38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31
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The medals are for all the athletic events at the 2008 Games
MEDAL EVENTS August 5 Women’s Marathon August 12 Men's Marathon
The marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kilometres (26 miles and 385 yards), that is usually run as a road race. The event was instituted in commemoration of the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, a messenger from the Battle of Marathon (the namesake of the race) to Athens. The marathon was one of the original modern Olympic events in 1896, though the distance did not become standardized until 1921. More than 500 marathons are held throughout the world each year, with the vast majority of competitors being recreational athletes. Smaller marathons, such
THE LINGO Short course prevention factor The short course prevention factor (SCPF) is a multiplicative factor or coefficient used in the sport of athletics, specifically road running, to ensure that the measured length of a course is at least as long as the desired length of the course. The numerical factor is expected to be 1.001. The SCPF has important implications when verifying world record performances. as the Stanley Marathon, can have just dozens of participants, while larger marathons can have tens of thousands of participants.
Basics The Olympic Marathon events start and finish at the venue which is The Mall. There is a men’s event as well as a women’s event. the participating Athletes complete a first loop of 2.2 miles, which takes them to the River Thames, south to the Houses of Parliament, and back up to The Mall past the Buckingham Palace. After this they run back to the river, and this time head east, towards the City of London and beyond to the Tower of London, in an eightmile loop that is repeated three times before they can cross the finishing line.
Competition format The Marathon is a straight final – the athlete who manages to cross the finish line
first is declared as the winner.
Keys to success Marathon running takes incredible reserves of mental as well as physical strength. The pace will be extremely punishing and only a very few athletes will be able to maintain it and save a final push for the finish. Any number of factors can affect an athlete’s performance in the Marathon — from the conditions on the day that will suit some but not the others, to the quality of preparation during the previous days, weeks as well as months. An athlete’s body and mind must be working in perfect harmony if he or she is to put in a good performance.
he name Marathon comes from the legend of Pheidippides, a Greek messenger. It states that he was sent from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens to announce that the Persians had been defeated in the Battle of Marathon which took place in
490 BC. It is said that he ran the entire distance without stopping and burst into the assembly, exclaiming "νικωµεν’ (nikomen", We have won), before collapsing and dying. The account of the run first appears in Plutarch's On the Glory of Athens in the
1st century AD which quotes from Heraclides Ponticus's lost work, giving the runner's name as either Thersipus of Erchius or Eucles. Lucian of Samosata (2nd century AD) also gives the story but names the runner Philippides. There is debate about the histori-
cal accuracy of this legend. The Greek historian Herodotus, the main source for the Greco-Persian Wars, mentions Pheidippides as the messenger who ran from Athens to Sparta asking for help, and then ran back, a distance of over 240 kilometres each way.
29 1
DESERT CAMP FOR BOXING BHIWANI: Just before dawn, 100 boxers run up a steep sand dune pursued by the unrelenting voice of their trainer who believes his unusual preparation methods will help India succeed at the Olympics. As the fighters try to catch their breath at the top, Jagdish Singh orders them to roll back down the dune with their hands held behind their backs and their eyes tightly closed. They continue their gruelling workout with punching exercises into the sand, wrestling until they are covered in sweat and grit, and then washing in a nearby brick well. In the evening, the long
day’s exertions finish with dancing to Bollywood film music to relax tired muscles. Singh has prepared two fighters for the Olympics, and he hopes that his unique desert training camp at Bhiwani, 120 kilometres west of New Delhi, will enable India to secure gold in the ring. “My motto is simple — put in the hard work and everything else will fall in place,” Singh, 51, told AFP as he supervised an early-morning session with his charges, many of whom are just teenagers. “Training in the desert strengthens their leg muscles. It is more important for boxers to have stronger legs than hands,” he said as the temperature rose quickly despite the 5:30 am start.
Hardships ‘a blessing in disguise’ Singh, a former nationallevel fighter, is the figurehead of the boxing scene in Bhiwani, where the sport has been an important part of life since a string of professional fighters emerged from the region more than 40 years ago. Bhiwani is a testing and remote environment to grow up in, with dusty fields yielding poor harvests and residents often having to walk several miles to fetch drinking water. With industry scarce and unemployment high, boxing offers the chance of a better life — and teen-age boys and girls rush to sign on to Singh’s demanding regime. “All the physical struggle has made us rough
and tough,” he said. “Our children are stronger compared to those from the other regions. The hardships have turned out to be a blessing in disguise.” Bhiwani, a part of Haryana state bordering New Delhi, first found itself on the boxing map when Hawa Singh won gold at the 1966 Asian Games. Hawa won another gold at the 1970 Bangkok Asian Games, cultivating a boxing culture that nurtured the likes of Akhil Kumar, a gold medallist at the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games. The current crop of Bhiwani recruits to emerge from Jagdish Singh’s care include Vijender Singh and Vikas Krishan Yadav, both of whom will be fighting in London. AFP
AP players and officials pose after the felicitation by the SAAP ahead of the Olympics. (1st row) from left: Sania Mirza, V. Diju, Ismail Baig, Ashwini Ponappa, P. Gopichand, P. Ravi Shankar and P. Kashyap. (2nd row) Jwala Gutta, T.R.K. Rao, Vasudha Mishra, Vatti Vasant Kumar, Saina Nehwal, M.A. Aziz and Sandeep Kumar (3rd row) Sawarn Singh and Manjeet Singh.
China beats Australia 70-51 to win Stankovic Cup
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BEIJING: China used size, speed and 14 points from Dallas Maverick Yi Jianlian to outclass Australia 70-51 Tuesday to win the Stankovic Continental Cup, a warm-up tournament for the London Olympics. Yi scored 10 first-half points and anchored a swarming Chinese defence as the hosts jumped to a 34-18 half-time lead and cruised to victory before a boisterous crowd in south China’s Guangzhou city. With the retirement of iconic centre Yao Ming, Yi will be China’s best player in London as the team looks to improve on its eighth place finish at the 2008 Beijing Games, China’s historic best result at an Olympics. With the game well in hand, Yi sat out most of the third and fourth quarters, as did most of China’s starters. To win the Stankovic Cup, China easily beat African champions Tunisia, 2007 European champions Russia, and Australia, during the first round at the weekend. Russia and Australia both sent second-tier teams to Guangzhou, facilitating China’s easy win of the cup. AFP
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Clary bemoans Phelps’ work ethic LOS ANGELES: Tyler Clary has called out US Olympic swim teammate Michael Phelps for a poor work ethic, saying the 14-time Olympic champion could have done more had he worked hard. Clary made his comments to the Press-Enterprise newspaper in his hometown of Riverside, about observations he made of Phelps for a year at the University of Michigan four years ago. “I saw a real lack of preparation (from) him,” Clary said. “Basically he
was a swimmer that didn’t want to be there. They can talk about all of these goals and plans and preparation they have. I saw it. I know. It’s different. And I saw somebody that has basically been asking to get beat for the longest time.” Clary might have seen Phelps at the toughest time, however, just after his record haul from the 2008 Games when he gained weight and was not motivated. “The fact that I know I work harder than he does makes me appreciate every little goal and every little gain that I make,” Clary said. AFP
Didzbalis loses medal over doping VILNIUS: Lithuanian weightlifter Aurimas Didzbalis has been stripped of his European silver medal after failing a doping test, an offence that has also cost his country its one and only Olympic berth. In the statement, the Lithuanian weightlifting federation said that its international counterpart had on July 6 reported that a urine sample taken from the 21-year-old was found to contain a substance that exceeded an admissible rate. AFP
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Playing Field
The games people play
Trump tees off on new golf course in Scotland ABERDEEN: US tycoon Donald Trump struck the first ball on his new luxury golf course in Scotland on Tuesday, saying the battles with environmentalists had all been worth it. The Trump International Golf Links, situated at Menie, north of Aberdeen on the east coast of Scotland, took seven years and cost more than £100 million ($155 million, 125 million euros) to build. Bagpipers escorted Trump and 2010 European Ryder Cup captain Colin Montgomerie to the first hole, where the businessman cut a ribbon before teeing off. “It’s been worth it because we’ve created something iconic,” Trump said. “This is truly the greatest golf course anywhere in the world. “Everybody knows it, lots of people are saying it, and most importantly golf people are saying it, so we are really honoured by the way it has turned out.
“It’s the whole structure that makes it special — the dunes, being on the North Sea — the architect has done an amazing job. “What’s good for golf is good for Scotland because Scotland is the home front for golf.” Work to create the course started in July 2010, some five years after Trump bought the site. The course, which is almost three miles (five kilometres) long, will open to the public on Sunday. Sandy Jones, chief executive of the Professional Golfers’ Association, and George O’Grady, chief executive of the European Tour, said they would work to bring major golf events to the course. Montgomerie called the site a “marvel” that made him proud to be a Scottish professional golfer. Trump, Montgomerie, Jones and O’Grady played the first nine holes.
Trump has clashed with local residents, environmentalists, wind farm manufacturers and Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond since buying the land. Environmental campaigners opposed the construction of the course on protected sand dunes. Around 160 jobs have been created so far, including management, catering and course maintenance posts. Plans for a hotel and houses on the site have been shelved until a decision is made on a proposed off-shore wind farm. “As soon as we find out that they are not going to destroy Scotland
by building windmills all over the place we will start immediately on the
hotel,” Trump said. “I don’t think the windfarm will happen because it will be the destruction of Aberdeen and the destruction of Scotland ultimately. “People are seeing that all over the world windfarms are being abandoned, so I can’t imagine that they will put up these ridiculous monsters that don’t make economic sense and destroy the environment.” To coincide with the opening, environmental campaigners have released a documentary film in selected cinemas entitled “You’ve Been Trumped”. Dave Morris, director of Ramblers Scotland, called on the Scottish government to protect the natural landscape. “Our coastline needs protecting from every Tom, Dick and Donald who wants to make a quick buck,” he said. AFP
PGA reveals new qualifying method from year 2013 FLORIDA: US PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem revealed on Tuesday the new system under which 50 players will qualify for the tour starting in 2013 through a developmental tour. The system diminishes the importance of the season-ending qualifying school tournament in favour of awarding spots on the subsequent season’s tour to top season and late-season players on the developmental Web.com Tour. The top 125 finishers on the PGA season money list will continue to earn berths for the following season. Starting in 2013, the PGA will also award tour spots for the following season to the top 25 finishers on the Web.com Tour season money list. Another 25 spots will be available to the top finishers in the Web.com Tour Finals, three $1 million season-ending tournaments in September. Those fields will include top75 Web.com money-list players, those from 126-200 on the PGA Tour playoff season points and non-members whose season performance would have put them between 126-200 in points. From that lineup, the top players from the developmental series and the least-successful players from the PGA level will face a showdown over several weeks for the last available PGA spots in the subsequent season. From next year, the PGA plans to begin its seasons in October and conclude with the PGA playoffs the following September. AFP
Israel frees Palestinian footballer Pinki released from 26-day jail BEIT HANUN: Mahmud Sarsak, a Palestinian footballer who staged a hunger strike of nearly three months while in an Israeli jail, was freed on Tuesday and returned to the Gaza Strip. An AFP journalist saw the 25year-old enter the Palestinian territory in a Red Cross ambulance to be greeted by hundreds of people, including relatives, who waved Palestinian flags and pictures of other prisoners. Tens of them surrounded the ambulance chanting “Victory,
victory!” and “Freedom for the prisoners! I cannot describe my joy,” Sarsak told journalists in Beit Hanun. “But at the same time I cannot forget the cries of the prisoners who are still in Israeli prisons.” “This is a victory for the prisoners and I thank all the Palestinian, Arab and international bodies and people who stood up for me,” he said. His mother told AFP she was proud of her son’s “victory in the empty-stomach battle.”
KOLKATA: After spending 26 days in jail, Asian Gam es gold medal athlete Pinki Pram anik was Wedne sday relea sed from a correctional ho me in West Bengal's North 24 Parganas district. Pramanik, who after being accused of being a male had been in judicial custody for alleged rape, was given bail Tuesday.
She had been housed in the Dum Dum Central Correctional Home. Pramanik had been in judicial custody since June 15. Pramanik, who retired from athletics three years ago, won gold in the 4x400 metres relay at the 2006 Asian Games in Doha in Qatar. The runner was a silver medallist at the Melbourne Commonwealth Games the same year. IANS
Playing Field
The games people play
Maradona sacked as Al Wasl coach
DUBAI: Argentinian foot-
ball legend Diego Maradona was sacked as coach of United Arab Emirates side Al Wasl just over a year after he was appointed to the job, the club announced on Tuesday. The 51-year-old — who was appointed in May 2011 after he had lost his job the
previous year as Argentina national coach — had looked to be in a precarious position after failing to win a trophy last season. His cause had not been helped when the board of directors that had hired him resigned following the previous campaign and their replacements took the deci-
sion to fire him after a meeting on Tuesday. “Following a meeting held by the board of directors of Al Wasl Football Company held today (Tuesday), to evaluate the technical staff of Al Wasl Football Team under the leadership of coach Diego Maradona, it was decided to
terminate the services of coach Diego Maradona and his technical staff,” a statement from the club said. Maradona — who as a player almost singlehandedly guided Argentina to the 1986 World Cup trophy and then to the 1990 final — had another year left on his contract. AFP
Afghans launch first professional league Mushtaq Mojaddidi
KABUL: Afghanistan is launching its first professional football championship with the ambitious goal of bringing peace to the war-torn country — and with teams chosen on a groundbreaking reality television show. Thousands of young Afghans have already applied to take part, with the members of each of the eight teams to be selected on the “Maidan e Sabz” (Green field) programme. It will be the first Afghan football championship to be broadcast on television. Previous amateur competitions have involved little-known players and failed to capture the public’s imagination. Football-crazy Afghans are more passionate about European competitions, especially Spain’s La Liga. Cushions with the emblems of Barcelona and Real Madrid are often seen in the back shelves of cars in Kabul. “To establish peace and stabilise a country, one must not only focus on training soldiers,” said Afghanistan Football Federation (AFF) president Keramuddin Karim as he announced the championship. “Sport is also a strong base for peace, as it (embodies) values such as unity, integration, pride and prevents racism, drugs and other elements that bring insecurity to the country,” said Karim, who is also governor of Panjshir province. AFF member Sayed Ali Reza
Aghazada said players would be paid but did not offer any further details. “We are now in a test. This is the first test on that matter. We will draw conclusions at the end of the championship,” he said. For the reality TV section, 30 players will be selected out of hundreds for each show and put through a series of physical, mental and football tests. Their performance will be judged by former Afghan national team players and coaches and 21 chosen, with each team’s final squad of 18 being decided by the studio audience. “We are doing it on TV so that people can know the players. They will be famous thanks to the reality show. This will help us to promote football,” said Aghazada. The tournament, to be played in September and October, will involve pool and knockout stages with matches broadcast on Afghanistan’s two main TV channels.
Newest nation proud of draw Hannah McNeish
JUBA: A day after celebrating its country’s first birthday, South Sudan’s national football team played its first international game on Tuesday and made their fans proud by drawing 2-2 with Uganda. Noses and fingers pressed to any bit of wire mesh, squeezed onto any stadium wall or balanced precariously atop huge billboard signs overlooking the pitch, the crowd went wild at seeing their nation play its first official game. “I like it because we have a national team and we have a country,” said Margaret Igali, a singer in the national choir who hooted, hugged her fellow singers and made lasso moves with her hands every time her side advanced. “The match is very good. It is the first match, and maybe the next one we will win,” said South Sudan
player Simon James, as he jogged off a pitch where fans clamoured to get through gaps between riot police to embrace players. “It’s a promising first step,” said South Sudan coach Zoran Dordevic. The Serbian said it was very difficult to prepare his players to take on Uganda, a strong east African side that has played many international games together, while his players were still trickling in from teams in Sudan and east Africa just weeks ago. South Sudan seceded from Sudan on July 9, 2011, after five decades of civil war that killed an estimated 2 million and scattered the rest into the bush or abroad. “These days South Sudan celebrated its first anniversary, and still there are a lot of painful stories here, a lot of sadness, a lot of people are missing,” Dordevic said.
Terry ‘upset’ at thought of racism claims LONDON: Former England football captain John Terry took the witness stand Tuesday and told his trial that he was “very angry and upset” when he thought an opponent had accused him of making racist remarks. The Chelsea captain is accused of calling Queens Park Rangers player Anton Ferdinand a “fucking black cunt” during a match between Chelsea and QPR on October 23 last year. Terry, standing trial at Westminster Magistrates Court in London, told the court he was sarcastically repeating words he thought Ferdinand had said to him. The central defender, who denies committing a racially aggravated public order offence, said: “I thought he was accusing me” of calling him those words. “I was very angry and I was upset. I replied, ‘A black cunt? You fucking knobhead’.” AFP
Playing Field
The games people play
Froome biding his time to third place overall at just 14secs off Australian Evans. It has led to a similar scenario to last year’s Tour of Spain, only then Froome took the leader’s red jersey after Wiggins ran out of juice on a steep climb before losing it to eventual winner Juan Jose Cobo of Spain. This time, Froome says he is dedicated to making sure Wiggins becomes the first Briton to win the world’s biggest bike race. “My priority is to get Bradley on the top step of the podium in Paris,” said Froome, who spent the first 14 years of his life just outside Nairobi before moving to South Africa where he took up road cycling. After his performances in the mountains, as well as in the time trial where he beat both Evans and four-time world champion Fabian Cancellara, Froome is being talked of here as the next big Grand Tour winner. Whether that is with Team Sky or not remains to be seen.
Justin Davis
MACON: From riding mountain bikes to school in Nairobi to finishing on the podium of the world’s biggest bike races, Chris Froome’s voyage from Kenya to cycling’s elite is the stuff of fairytales. But for the Nairobi-born racer, winning one of cycling’s biggest prizes may have to wait — for now. Froome, who finished runner-up at the Tour of Spain last year one place ahead of Sky teammate Bradley Wiggins, has been one of the sensations of the Tour de France so far. He beat defending champion Cadel Evans to victory in the first hilltop finish of the race on stage seven, when Wiggins took the race lead, and was the only Sky rider to help Wiggins stave off a series of attacks the next day. The icing on the cake so far for the 27-year-old was a superb performance in the stage nine time trial on Monday. While Wiggins won the stage, his first ever in the Tour, to stretch his lead over Evans to 1min 53sec, Froome moved up
BCB sued over unpaid player wages SYDNEY: The Federation of International Cricketers’ Association (FICA) said on Wednesday it will join players in legal action over unpaid wages by the Bangladesh Premier League, calling the situation “a joke”. Bangladesh’s inaugural Twenty20 league was held in February and attracted a host of overseas players, including Australians, but at least 12 have not been paid their full dues, amounting to over US$600,000, FICA said. In addition, local Bangladeshi play-
ers have received, on average, less than 60 per cent of their wages, with only eight paid what they are owed. FICA’s Australian chief executive Tim May said that despite numerous assurances from the BPL, the Bangladesh Cricket Board and its president Mustafa Kamal, they had proven to be “broken promises and empty public pronouncements”. “It is obvious that the BPL franchises and the BCB are either unable or unwilling to meet these financial obligations,” he said in a statement. AFP
Webber extends deal LONDON:
Australian Mark Webber on Tuesday ended speculation about his future by signing a new one-year contract with Red Bull Racing for 2013. Webber, who claimed the ninth victory of his Formula One career on Sunday in the British Grand Prix at Silverstone, had been linked with a move to Ferrari. But the 35-year-old, who trails Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso by 13 points in the overall standings, has opted to remain with Red Bull for a seventh season. “I’ve been with Red Bull Racing since 2007 and have achieved nine grand prix wins during that time,” said Webber. “I’m high on confidence at the moment and firing on all cylinders. I know the team well and I’m very comfortable here.
We have grown together over the years and it feels like absolutely the right thing to stay with Red Bull for another season. “The team is constantly working hard to improve in all areas and we’ve shown that together we can win
races. It’s great to be able to make this announcement off the back of the win in Silverstone at the weekend and I’m looking forward to competing on the edge and pushing myself in every race again next season.” Team chief Christian Horner added: “Mark has driven very well in the first nine races of this season and his performance has been impressive. “Much of his Formula One success has been during his time with Red Bull Racing and together we have achieved 10 poles, nine wins and 31 podiums. “As there was a strong desire from both sides to continue the partnership, it was a logical decision to extend our relationship and it is with great pleasure we confirm Mark will drive for us in 2013.” AFP
Armstrong renews attack of USADA COLORADO SPRINGS: Lance Armstrong refiled a federal lawsuit Tuesday against the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), hours after the group issued life bans against three of his former cycling associates. Armstrong, a seven-time Tour de France champion, wants a federal judge to issue a temporary injunction against USADA pushing forward with charges or punishments against him for charges he was part of a major doping conspiracy. USADA issued life bans as part of the conspiracy to former US Postal doctor Luis Garcia del Moral, Armstrong’s personal trainer and team consultant Michele Ferrari and coach “Pepe” Marti for what USADA termed “systematic doping within the team” during Armstrong’s run of Tour de France crowns from 1999 to 2005. “Permanently banning these individuals from sport is a powerful statement that protects the current and next generation of athletes from their influence, and preserves the integrity of future competition,” said USADA chief executive officer Travis T Tygart. This trio are part of the group of six accused by USADA of doping conspiracy. AFP