Postnoon E-Paper for 14 November 2011

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Myths about diabetes busted India has the infamous tag of being the diabetes capital of the world. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates the total number of people in India with diabetes to be around 50.8 million in 2010, rising to 87 million by 2030. The figures are alarming. And what is more alarming is the fact that the age of incidence of diabetes seems to be decreasing rapidly with younger and younger people falling prey to it. See more on pg 18 First compact afternoon newspaper of Hyderabad








November 20 is the deadline for all the well meaning citizens to act and add value to the education system as the State government is ready to reform the sector

Page Two


Spirit of Twin Cities


Treating kids as adults in wisdom ing will be convened to discuss the comments and suggestions to finalise the Curriculum Frame Work 2011.

U Srinivas


f the primary education minister and the SCERT have their way, your children will henceforth have ‘true education.’ They will grow up as ‘rational beings,’ not just fodder for social beliefs. And you have six more days to help the government achieve this. What the SCERT (State Council of Educational Research and Training) has suggested in its draft plan highlight far-reaching changes in the existing attitude to education. Primary education minister S Sailajanath has sought help and suggestions from parents, educationists and academics and the State government will accept suggestions till November 20. Additionally, the minister is keen to reduce the burden on kids. Today, he observed, even the KG students become ‘load

COVER STORY bearers.’ It’s atrocious, he believes. Speaking to Postnoon, Sailajanth said school children will get multicoloured quality text books by the end of May. The minister regretted the general notion that the private management is always better. “There had been a flight of students from government to private which reached an alarming 40 percent last year. The fact is that some of the government schools are performing better than private schools.” A steering committee meet-

Let’s rectify: SCERT It is assumed that a child’s mind is a blank slate and kids do not have any knowledge before entering the school. n People believe that teacher is the sole source of provider of knowledge and information. n If a child can reproduce a poem or a table, he/she is appreciated a lot. n People and teachers generally believe that children come to school with highly inadequate language. n Stop this flight: In 2000-2001, the enrolment in private schools was only 17 per cent; but in 2010-2011, it rises to no less than 40 per cent. n Teachers as perpetual students: Updating their knowledge is key to improve education. n Community participation in schools: The participation of parents and community in the school life is treated by the teachers as an obstacle in their business. It should go. Boorishness of schools as the end of knowledge is outright false. n Roting has to go to a large extent possible. n A common overseeing on all sorts of schools under different managements. That quality of upgradation is uniform and benefits all sections of students and not a privileged few. More details are available at n

Politicians speak


Nageshwar, MLC and academic, said that people think greater the syllabus, the greater the intelligence which is absolutely foolish. Too many books and too much of load is just a marketing technique to impress upon parents that they are teaching more subjects he said. Talking to Postnoon today, he reminded of the Yashpal committee which said education has become a torturea lot is taught but a little is learnt, he stated. The Pre-primary, and Primary students are over burdened. Education should be more interactive, experimental and involvement of the student is a must, it should not be rank oriented and publicity should not be taken as the hallmark, he explained. Mechanically they just add subjects and text books which is just a burden to the kind

he said. There is every need for reduction of syllabus at the stage of kids and some of books can be just stationed at the school itself so that the kinds need not carry on daily basis, he opined.


Kishan Reddy BJP State President and MLA Amberpet said intense schooling did not mean more knowledge. There are instances where village students have qualified for IIT. There are many false believes of parents that come in the way of good education. Why should there be an IIT coaching for a class VI student? he questioned. In fact, commercialisation of education has become the bane of imparting knowledge. Tuition is the best example. If schools taught properly there is no need for tuition.


eachers’ leader and MLC, B Mohan Reddy said that a lot of changes have to be made in the interest of the students, but the parents also must have their mind set changed. More than the teachers the parents themselves have a mindset about the corporate education. The parents must think that apart from education there is every need for games, sports and other extra activities he said.


J Radhakrishna, parent and teacher says treating kids as only receivers of knowledge is the basic flaw of our education. They are intelligent beings with a vast untapped potential waiting to be flowered. Treat the kids with not just love but respect, you will know the difference.

It’s law of disorder in schools Osama Salman

Schools have structured their study hours in different fashions. Some conduct only exams on Sundays, some have extended study hours. But there are a few that have managed to shun working on Sundays. A two-part report


s the Intermediate board examinations are slated for March 2, colleges across the city have extended study hours and conduct classes on Sundays. Having lost out on time, several colleges are compensating by working on holidays to complete the syllabus in time. I-Class CDR Junior College, Secunderabad, is one of the many colleges that works on Sundays. They claim they conduct only examinations from 8 am to 11 am on Sundays.

“We have lost over 30 working days. To compensate for that we have to conduct examinations on Sundays. We have structured our syllabus in such way that we only conduct exams on that day,” explains Syed Mukarram, director, IClass Junior College. Most of the corporate colleges too have opted to work on Sundays. “We are working for students even on Sundays. What most people don’t understand is that our students don’t just write state level competitive exams but the national level exams as well. We have to

conduct classes on Sunday to be able to qualify them,” says Balaji Kumar, director, Narayana Junior College. Many colleges have extended their study hours. “Our college used to finish by 3.20 pm, but of late, it is getting over at 4.30 pm,” complains Sri Sumona Koka, an intermediate Ist year student at I-Class Junior College. “We have structured our periods in a way that we cover maximum syllabus. We utilise all the 40 minutes that we have for each subject. Plus the additional time of Sundays and

extended study hours really helps us cover the syllabus better,” says Dinesh Kumar, maths lecturer, Unique Junior College. “Our college timings are from 8 am to 6 pm. But after the Sakula Janala Samme, we are working till 8 pm, apart from working on Sundays,” says Ravindra Babu, principal, Sri Chaitanya Junior Kalasala in Yousufguda. Though schools have recast their timings apparently for the best intrests of their students, parental pressure is admitted by many schools. (To conclude tomorrow)

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IT boss cautions students against plunge into ITeS Postnoon News

HYDERABAD: The Indian ITeS industry should stop smirking with complacency. “India's dominant role in ITeS is slowly fading," warned Ramesh Bhandari, MD of Pegasys Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd, while addressing the first year management students of IMT Hyderabad. "Brazil, Philippines and Sri Lanka are giving tough competition to India in ITeS. We have become very expensive. And they are offering services

Speaker to decide on T defectors fate today Postnoon News


peaker Nadendla Manohar will use his discretionary power on some more MLAs today, political sources told Postnoon. The Congress is desperate to lure its MLAs back into its fold from the flagging Jagan camp. The homework is all done and the act now follows. The CBI probe into Jagan's ommissions and commissions has helped the Congress. It looks like the chief minister is not worried about the numbers. He has assured the Centre and Governor ESL Narsimhan that he will be able to get the numbers and tide over the crisis if a noconfidence motion is moved. The first step now being considered is to get some of the demurring MLAs disqualified. The ruling party leaders believe this could weaken the spirit of YSR Congress and also stop the MLAs defecting to the TRS. The speaker is likely to announce his decision on the disqualification petitions filed by the Congress and TDP against their MLAs. They are now with the YSR Congress. Two MLAs resignations have already been accepted. The MLAs — Bhuma Shobha Nagi Reddy , Konda Surekha , Adi Narayana Reddy , G Srikanth Reddy and A Amarnath Reddy are now with the YSR Congress and they may face the music, it is learnt. This is to send out a strong message to other pro-Jagan legislators.

cheaper than India,” he said . He was the chief guest on Saturday on the fifth day of the 12-day Business Orientation Program at the IMT. ITeS is contributing to the economical growth accounting for around 5.66 per cent of the GDP and provides employment to about 2.3 million, he said . Stating that emerging trends like Cloud Computing and Platform BPO are likely to remodel the industry by creating new business opportunities for the IT/ITeS vendors and driving changes in the tra-

ditional service offerings, he said that Cloud Computing is the next big thing to happen. The emerging trends in 2011 include Cloud Computing, Platform BPO, emergence of tier-2 cities as IT/ITeS destinations and growth of Indian software product industry. “The ITeS industry has lost its charm”, he pointed out and asked the students to be doubly sure about this sector before they take the plunge. He also told them not to get into entrepreneurship unless they are passionate about it.

Ponnam lined up next on TRS poaching list

U Srinivas


onnam Prabhakar, the firebrand Congress MP from Karimnagar, is the next target for TRS, it is reported. Talking to a television last night, Ponnam Prabhakar said he was prepared to do anything for getting Telanagana. He even added that there are nine MPs who would take the same decision at the same time for achieving the Statehood for Telangana. Recently, Ponnam has also raised his pitch, attacking Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy openly and he links it all to the Telangana cause. As the Congress government at the Centre and State are not willing to give the statehood, the TRS has intensified its poaching activity , luring the elected representatives to join TRS by promising them MLA and MP seats for the coming elections. There is already a buzz across Telangana that the Congress and TDP may not do well if the Telangana issue is not solved. TRS is the safe bet, the Congress leaders openly admit this. Ponnam is believed to be in touch with the TRS leadership and there are common friends between the TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao and Ponnam. The three Congress legislators who quit the party recently to join the TRS are said to be working with Ponnam to make a plank for him.



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19 ‘obscene dancing’ girls rescued, 31 clients held Postnoon News


n less than three months of the Cyberabad police rescuing six girls from the clutches of obscene dance organisers in Medchal, another such incident surfaced in the same locality after the police raided a restaurant following a credible information on Sunday night. The

police arrested 31 customers and rescued about 19 girls who were roped in to attract customers with seductive “obscene dance and act.” Police seized Rs1.92 lakh in cash, 49 cellphones, two cases of beer bottles and a DJ system. In an act straight out of Bollywood flick, around 11.30 pm on Sunday, the police in


mufti entered Green Valley restaurant located on Rajiv Rahadari road in Medchal. Organisers who didn’t suspect their identity directed them to the vacant seats. About 31 customers who were mostly realtors and businessmen from the City were busy drinking liquor and completely immersed in the dance performed by girls clad in skimpy

dresses. After a while the police blew their cover and arrested the customers and the organisers. Petbasheerabad police ACP D Shiv Ramakrishna said, “On Sunday we got information about bar dance being conducted in a restaurant and we deployed a decoy and arrested the organisers and rescued 19 women, mostly

youngsters. We don’t know since when they are organising such events as interrogation is still on. It is learnt that some of the girls were bought from Mumbai and other states by paying huge amounts. The restaurant didn’t have permission to serve liquor to the customers but they violated the rule,” said Petbasheerabad ACP D Shiv Ramakrishna.


Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints

198 155313

POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section Street Light

155333 23431178 23431179 155304

MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266 24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833150 Railway Information 131

Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333 WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital,

155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888

Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital, LB Nagar BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills

30417777 30419000 30416666 39879999 27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445

AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777

Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332 AIRLINES Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Websit;

TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999 UK Visa Office VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7 Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum

24523211 232431300/7641 24521029

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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities


Metro works to choke roads Postnoon News


race up for narrow roads from the New Year. The Hyderabad Metro Rail (HMR) will barricade roads to a width of 26 feet between Nagole and Mettuguda ( 8 km) on corridor-III and between Miyapur and Ameerpet (12 km) on corridor-I from January 2012 as it begins construction of metro rail pillars and viaduct. However, the HMR has widened the road network to allow smooth flow of traffic. HMR managing director NVS Reddy has informed that more than half of the RCC pipe drain work in place of existing open nala from Nagole bridge to Hyderabad nala for a length of 600m at a cost of Rs40 lakh has been completed thereby adding two more lanes to the carriageway. Widening of one minor bridge and three culverts at a cost of Rs42 lakh was in progress. Uppal junction has been remodelled at a cost of

Rs10 lakh with new catch-pits constructed and the underground drain was being improved to prevent water logging. He said that all intersections were being improved on a priority with pre-cast RCC slabs. An alternate road was also being formed along the Hyderabad nala to Ramanthapur for a distance of 1.2km at a cost of Rs1.77 crore to ease congestion on the main road.

Meanwhile, the GHMC has begun to replacement of central lighting poles with poles on the road sides between Nagole and Mettuguda at a cost of Rs2.52 crore. HMR had paid CPDCL Rs2.42 crore for shifting of electrical poles. Most of the work on the storm water drains work from Kukatpally ‘Y’ junction to bus depot to cover the open drain and get additional carriageway at a cost of Rs49 lakh was also

being done. The municipal corporation was constructing two alternate roads from Moosapet junction to KPHB road at a cost of Rs30 crore and IDL Cheruvu to KPHB road at a cost of Rs13 crore. Once completed, these roads would provide alternate roads from Moosapet junction and IDL Cheruvu to JNTU, New Kukatpally ROB, Hitec City and Miyapur. Reddy has also assured that Rs32 crore would be spent to develop additional lanes between Miyapur and LB Nagar on either side of the road. Even the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is pitching in to ensure traffic movement. It would float tenders for the first stretch between Miyapur and Sanatnagar flyover costing Rs14 crore soon. The NHAI would also improve all junctions by removing of trees, electrical poles and other obstacles to ease traffic congestion on the Miyapur-Ameerpet road.


Mayor post uncertainty worries GHMC babus Inkeshaf Ahmed

HYDERABAD: GHMC officials are confused over the convening of a Special General Body Meeting (SGBM) for election of a new mayor from the MIM. The two-year term of mayor B Karthika Chandra Reddy and deputy mayor Jaffer Hussain will end on December 3, according to the agreement reached between alliance partners the Congress and MIM. According to officials they will need at least a month's time to initiate the process of electing a new mayor and deputy mayor by calling a SGBM . But for this to happen, the present mayor has to resign first by calling an SGBM. GHMC secretary MSS Somaraju told Postnoon that he did not receive any direction from the mayor for convening of the SGBM so far.



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RAIPUR: Over 20,000 girls belonging to Chhattisgarh’s tribal region have been sold by human traffickers in the last eight years in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai, Congress leader Ajit Jogi said on Sunday. These girls mainly belonged to Jashpur, Surguja and Raigarh districts and were taken away by human traffickers in the name of jobs and trainings, the former Chhattisgarh chief minister said in a statement. Expressing serious concern over the rising rate of human trafficking in the state, the leader hit out at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government and accused it of “overlooking the problem since it came to power” in December 2003. He said the prevailing law-andorder situation was “one of the main reasons for rise in human trafficking cases in the state’s tribal areas”. Chhattisgarh’s vast northern region, including Surguja, Korba, Jashpur, Koria and Raigarh districts are infamous for human trafficking cases. There have been many incidents of men taking away impoverished girls to big cities on the pretext of providing them jobs and forcing them into prostitution. In a recent case, police Nov 10 arrested a youth in Jashpur for allegedly taking away 20 locals, including 14 girls.

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India unveiled nice and full


Frisking missile man boomerangs Former president APJ Abdul Kalam was subjected to security check at New York airport after he was seated NEW DELHI: Former Indian president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was frisked by the John F. Kennedy airport authorities in New York September 29, resulting in a strong Indian protest and a subsequent US apology for the breach of protocol. Eighty-year-old Kalam, who was in the US to attend a series of events, was returning home by an Air India flight when the airport authorities boarded the aircraft to frisk the former Indian president, who had already occupied his seat. The Air India crew immediately protested the US Transportation Security Administration’s action. However, Kalam did not object and subjected himself to the security check, officials said. External Affairs Minister SM Krishna later asked Indian Ambassador Nirupama Rao to raise the issue at the highest level in the US administration,

saying it was “unacceptable” to India and that New Delhi may reciprocate the treatment to

American dignitaries. Following the protest, the US government “deeply”

Politician Maderna adopts familiar sickness trick JODHPUR: Mahipal Maderna, who was sacked as Rajasthan minister and suspended from the Congress’ primary membership over alleged involvement in the case of a missing nurse, has been hospitalised here after he complained of chest pain. “Maderna has been admitted to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of Mathura Das Mathur Hospital. He is under observation,” said a doctor at the hospital. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Saturday quizzed his wife Lila and Congress legislator from Luni constituency Malkhan Singh over their alleged involvement in the case of missing nurse Bhanwari Devi. Though this could not be officially confirmed, sources told IANS that the former minister was also asked to appear before the CBI Saturday but he presented a medical certificate and expressed his inability to come. Sources said some supporters of the former minister attacked reporters outside the hospital and damaged an OB van of a private news channel. Bhanwari Devi had gone missing

regretted the incident and conveyed its “utmost respect” for Kalam. “The United States government has the utmost respect for former Indian president Abdul Kalam. We deeply regret the inconvenience that resulted for him as a result of a Sep 29 incident involving the security screening at John F. Kennedy airport in New York,” the Obama administration said in its apology. Subsequently, charge d’affaires of the US Mission in India Ambassador Peter Burleigh personally handdelivered a letter from the US Transportation Security Administration to former president Kalam, and a similar letter was delivered to the Indian government. In these letters, the US government extended its apology that appropriate procedures for expedited screening of dig-

from Jodhpur’s Bilara area Sep 1. Maderna was sacked from the cabinet by Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot Oct 16 over allegations that he had a role in her disappearance. It was alleged that the nurse had started blackmailing Maderna on the basis of a CD showing both of them in a compromising position. On Saturday, he was suspended from the primary membership of the Congress. Maderna, a legislator from Osian, is likely to be questioned by the investigating agency today (Monday). “Both Lila and Malkhan were grilled for a couple of hours at the circuit house here,” said a source in the CBI. After facing CBI sleuths, Lila told media persons that her husband was innocent and a CD, aired by certain TV channels, was fabricated and aimed at maligning their family. “I frankly do not have any clue of any relationship between Bhanwari and my husband and even if they were in a relationship, it is not an offence,” Lila said. “I feel that it was an act of mutual consent,” she added.

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nitaries had not been followed. “We are actively working to prevent similar incidents in the future from occurring,” it said. Noting that the US “deeply values and appreciates” its “strong relationship and partnership” with India, the Obama administration said: “We are confident that despite this regrettable incident, we will continue working closely with India in the many areas of our strategic partnership.” This is the second incident of frisking of Kalam by American authorities. On April 21, 2009, the former president was boarding a Continental Airways plane at the Delhi airport when the airline authorities frisked him, clearly breaching diplomatic protocol. A protest from India and its parliament led to the airlines and the US government apologising to Kalam later.

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Global Perspective


Empathy and annoyance on Wall St over protest Veronique Dupont

NEW YORK: Balanced somewhere on the scale between sympathy and exasperation about the Occupy Wall Street movement, many New York bankers and financiers say the protesters have a point but are missing the mark. “I don’t really understand what message they’re trying to convey,” sniffed Peter Cardillo, chief strategist at boutique securities firm Rockwell Global Capital. “They are just creating havoc and interfering with people trying to work.” Thousands of protesters have descended on the financial district in the past two months, fueling a resistance effort that galvanized into a worldwide people-power movement slamming corporate greed, growing income disparities and multinationals they say control the puppet strings of an unfair global economy. Some who earn a living on Wall Street and in the surrounding canyons of lower Manhattan are more sympathetic toward the protesters who have been organizing speaker forums and gaining celebrity support as they denounce what they see as inequalities fostered by the richest one percent in the country. “Time after time there were ways in which the banks were taking enormous risks... only to be saved by the American taxpayer,” admitted Gregori Volokhine, director of financial management house Meeschaert New York. A trading manager at a major Wall Street bank, who identified himself as Jack, rued the creation of huge amounts of debt “by encouraging people to buy things they couldn’t afford, especially real estate.” Most economic analysts say plummeting home prices following a boom in the housing market helped trigger the 2008-2009 financial crisis, which led to billions of dollars in losses on mortgage-backed securities and the bailouts of US mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The bosses of some major US banks, prime targets of the

Occupy Wall Street movement, have taken the appeasement tack in public. Citigroup chief executive Vikram Pandit told a press conference that protester rage was “completely understandable.” “The economic recovery is not what we all want it to be,” Pandit said, as US President

They are just creating havoc and interfering with people trying to work Barack Obama’s administration battles an unemployment rate that has remained at or above 9.0 percent for most of this year. “Trust has been broken between financial institutions and the citizens of the US, and... it’s Wall Street’s job to

reach out to Main Street and rebuild that trust.” Pandit’s counterpart at JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, also believed that large financial institutions left Americans in the lurch, even if he urged people not to tar all banks or politicians with the same brush. “In general, these big institutions of America let them down,” he said. But the majority of sector employees queried by AFP said Occupy’s targets were misplaced. For them, it is not the financial industry that’s responsible for the crisis, although many ceded that the US mortgage sector prompted a global credit crunch through risky financial products sold by the big Wall Street banks to financial institutions worldwide. “To blame Goldman Sachs for the 9.1 percent unemployment rate doesn’t make a lot of

sense,” said Mace Blicksilver, a strategist at Marblehead Asset Management. “Wall Street created the structured financial products but it was government policy (that was) encouraging buying houses,” Blicksilver said. Plus, many traders “work 90 hours a week,” bringing in millions of dollars in profits for their firms, and are often “some of the most accomplished academic people in the country,” he said. Trading manager Jack sought to cast the average Wall Street worker as a New York everyman. Protesters “think that all bankers are rich,” Jack said. But 90 percent of employees in investment banks “make within $300,000 gross a year.” On that salary and “with two kids at home, you don’t go to the Hamptons or buy a BMW.” Most believe that the protesters would do better to target regulators at the US Federal Reserve or other government agencies which they said encouraged unsustainable debt under the policies of promoting home ownership. “They should have a big march like Martin Luther King (did) in the Sixties,” Cardillo said. An Occupy delegation had just left the makeshift camp at New York’s Zucotti Park on Wednesday to walk to the US capital.


Internet keeps govt honest: Google chief HONOLULU: Broader adoption of the Internet will keep governments on their toes as wired-up citizens exercise their newfound power to check rights abuses, Google chief Eric Schmidt said on Saturday. “In nations and communities around the world, citizens are turning to online tools to keep their governments honest,” he told business leaders on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Honolulu. “Whistleblowing has never been so easy,” he said. Schmidt cited demonstrations that toppled the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt in which activists used Facebook to schedule protests, Twitter to coordinate them and YouTube to broadcast the events to the world. “Online citizens can find like-minded allies, they can find like-minded diasporas from a country,” he said. With 52 percent of the global population under the age of 30, the youth can have a bigger say on issues because they are the most prolific users of the Internet. But while governments should not ignore online protests, Schmidt also warned that they could be exaggerated. “It’s easy in the online world to create the impression of a revolution in the form of noise. It’s important to understand what is a legitimate protest and whether it’s just people trying to create some noise... some excitement.” Greater adoption of the Internet will lead to the creation of two global systems - the physical sphere where the government has power over its people and a virtual world where people can have more influence, he said. And there’s little place to hide for those who do bad. Atrocities against citizens can be documented more easily and “we can start trials against evil-doers before (their acts are) even stopped,” he said. “There are no caves online.” With only an estimated two billion online, there is still room for expansion, Schmidt said.

Around the World


Universally fresh

Israel paints scary picture of Iran’s A bomb programme


Monti to lead Italy out of debt crisis


sraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday the full extent of Iran’s nuclear programme was not reflected in a recent UN report, which said that Tehran appeared to have worked on designing an atomic bomb. “Iran is closer to getting an (atomic) bomb than is thought,” Netanyahu said in remarks to cabinet ministers, quoted by an official from his office. “Only things that could be proven were written (in the U.N. report), but in reality there are many other things that we see,” Netanyahu said, according to the official. The Israeli leader did not specify what additional information he had about Iran’s nuclear programme during his cabinet’s discussion on the report by the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released last week. At the start of meeting, Netanyahu made a broadcast repeating his call for the world “to stop Iran’s race to arm itself with a nuclear weapon before it is too late”. Iran has dismissed accusations that it is developing nuclear weapons and says it needs atomic technology for

A suspected uranium-enrichment facility near Qom, 156 km (97 miles) southwest of Tehran electricity and other peaceful projects. it called the IAEA report ‘unbalanced’ and ‘politically motivated’. The IAEA paper has intensified media speculation that the United States or Israel might take military action against Iran to destroy its nuclear programme. The UN nuclear watchdog said it had ‘credible’ information that Iran had built a large explo-

sives vessel to conduct hydrodynamic experiments, which are “strong indicators of possible weapon development”. Both Washington and Israel have said they are keeping all options on the table to stop Tehran developing a nuclear bomb. Israel, a close strategic ally of Western powers, is widely believed to have the Middle East region’s only nuclear arsenal,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in his Jerusalem office dating back decades. It has never confirmed or denied this, under a policy of ambiguity designed to deter attacks.

ROME: Former European commissioner Mario Monti moves Monday to form a new government to lead Italy out of an alarming debt crisis that has shaken the eurozone and toppled his predecessor Silvio Berlusconi. The 68-year-old economics professor faced his first being test after being nominated on Sunday with the opening of financial markets and a bond auction which will give an indication of Italy’s ability to avoid a debt blow-up. The technocrat’s nomination as prime minister has already won endorsements from all of Italy’s main parties including Berlusconi’s People of Freedom.

Troops nail Rio’s notorious slum Historic day for Brazilian government as armed forces occupy Rocinha without firing a shot


hree thousand troops backed by helicopters and armored cars occupied Rio de Janeiro’s largest slum without firing a shot on Sunday, the biggest step in the Brazilian city’s bid to improve security and end the reign of drug gangs. The occupation of Rocinha, a notorious hillside ‘favela’ that overlooks some of Rio’s swankiest areas, is a crucial part of the city’s preparations to host soccer’s World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics two years later. Security forces have occupied nearly 20 slums in the past three years but none as symbolically or strategically important as Rocinha, a sprawl of shacks, stores and evangelical churches

A Brazilian marines’ AAV crushes a motorcycle at a Brazilian anti riot police officers secure a street street of Rocinha shantytown at Rocinha located at a traffic choke point between the main city and western areas where most Olympic events will be held. With large army helicopters

thudding overhead, troops began climbing the slum’s winding roads just after 4 am and declared the operation a success within two hours after

encountering no resistance. The invasion of Rocinha and the nearby Vidigal slum was as much a media event as a military operation, as hundreds of

reporters followed soldiers and police up through deserted, garbage-strewn streets. The authorities had announced their plans days in advance, giving gang members plenty of notice to flee. According to TV news channel GloboNews, only one person was detained during the operation. There were no reports of casualties. After years of living in fear of both gang members and the often-violent tactics of police, residents were wary of embracing the new reality. Rio state Governor Sergio Cabral said he had called President Dilma Rousseff to inform her of the operation’s success, saying it was a ‘historic day’ for the city.




Hannibal 8, driven by Jack Lemmon in 1965 film 'The Great Race', based loosely on the 1908 New York-toParis race, at an exhibition in Petersen Automotive Museum, Los Angeles. One of approximately five built, the Hannibal 8 was a "rocket-propelled" elevator car powered by a Volkswagen industrial engine AFP

Way of wheels A child views a special collection never released to the general public of Mattel die-cast vehicles from the Disney-Pixar film 'Cars' at an exhibition in the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles over the weekend

A collection of Mattel die-cast vehicles from the Disney-Pixar film 'Cars' at an exhibition in the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles over the weekend. The auction house Bonhams and Mattel teamed up to bring fans of all ages to the exhibition. Since the launch of the first 'Cars' film in 2006, Mattel has produced more than 200 million die-cast vehicles representing the many characters from the 'Cars' and AFP 'Cars 2' animated movies

A boy walks past 1949 Triumph 500 Custom motorcycle ridden by Henry Winkler, better known by his television character "The Fonz" in the long-running sitcom Happy Days, at the exhibition in Los Angeles Petersen Automotive Museum



Matters of saving and spending


Industry wants quick decisions Government wants to meet aspirations of all sections; Prime Minister and Pranab skip India Economic Summit MUMBAI: “India is a land of billion opportunities and not billion problems,” echoed Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director, Reliance Industries Ltd, at a panel discussion on the first day of India Economic Summit on Sunday. He went on to say that he always thought that India was a land of billion opportunities and not a billion problems as perceived by many. The financial capital of the country was a abuzz with activity with over 700 men and women from 40 countries congregating in the city at the India summit of the World Economic Forum (WEF). While the Prime Minister and Finance Minister stayed away, their statements on Kingfisher crisis were taken note of by the industry. Team Anna member Kiran Bedi said that corporates were not putting up a united fight against corruption. She indicated that another agitation would be launched if the anti-corruption bill was not passed in the winter session of the Parliament. Business leaders like Ben J Verwaayen, CEO of AlcatelLucent, and technocrats like Sam Pitroda, discussed how “stodgy institutions” of the 20th

Mukesh Ambani, Anand Sharma (Minister) and Chanda Kochar at World Economic Forum’s India Economic Summit in Mumbai century were unable to meet the aspirations of the 21st century. “Don’t fix the unfixable old system. Let some things die,” said Pitroda who, as the advisor to the Prime Minister on information infrastructure and innovation, was trying to persuade babus and politicians to share government data, locked up in files, with the public. Interestingly, no major

Middle East tensions cast shadow on oil market SINGAPORE: Oil was mixed in Asian trade on Monday as traders weighed the prospects of renewed Middle East tensions after the UN nuclear watchdog said Iran had worked on nuclear weapons technology. New York’s main contract, light sweet crude for December delivery fell 20 cents to USD 98.79 a barrel and Brent North Sea crude for December was 23 cents higher at USD 114.39. “We think that the markets are just getting a little concerned over the supply side shock that could come if the matter escalated in some form or extent,” said David Lennox, a Sydney-based resource analyst with Fat Prophets research house. “We don’t believe that it will. At this point, we are not too concerned,” he told AFP. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday called on world governments to

waste no time in stopping “Iran’s race to arm itself with a nuclear weapon.” The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in its report last week there was “credible” intelligence suggesting Iran had carried out work towards building nuclear warheads, a claim denied by officials in Tehran. Iran is the second-biggest producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries after Saudi Arabia, and any escalation in the standoff over its nuclear programme is seen as potentially disruptive to oil supply. AFP

announcement or promise from any one of some consequence came in and optimism was tempered with greater levels of caution. Divergent views came from those representing the government and industry on growth. This highlighted the polarisation between the two. While industry, with the likes of Mukesh Ambani and Chanda

Kochhar, CEO, ICICI Bank, demanding quicker decisionmaking and policies to spur faster growth, the government apparently brush it aside saying “aspirations of all sections of society and the need for social justice and equitable growth must be taken into account.” “People need instant gratification in this age. Today, people need everything faster and bet-

ter. We have to make sure rules are redefined so we can meet the aspirations of that 25-or 26-yearold youngster,” Mukesh Ambani said at the panel discussion moderated by WEF Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab. Focus on high growth in India, its sustainability and challenges remained the key focus area at the summit. High interest rates, inflation and corruption seemed to be serious concerns, while new manufacturing policy and the talent pool found favour. Adi Godrej, chairman, Godrej Group felt that the high interest rates are affecting future investments and growth. “High interest rates are affecting GDP growth rates, consumption in interest sensitive sectors and investment that can affect future growth,” said Godrej and indicated that “we may now be coming to the end of the interest rate cycle. The Reserve Bank of India needs to fight inflation by not merely with rate hikes but also controlling the rupee depreciation and through addressing supply side economics.” N Chandrasekaran, CEO, TCS said that he is bullish on India and the country needs to take advantage of its talent pool.

IT, financial stocks spur growth in Sensex MUMBAI: The BSE benchmark Sensex rallied by nearly 200 points in opening trade on Monday as IT and financial stocks rose on fresh buying by funds and retail investors, amid a firming trend in global markets. The 30-share index, which has lost almost 377 points in the previous two sessions, recovered by 199.17 points, or 1.15 per cent, to 17,391.99. In a similar fashion, the wide-based National Stock Exchange Nifty index moved up by 58.60 points, or 1.13 per cent, to 5,227.45. Brokers attributed the rise to a firming trend in Asia in the wake of a higher close in the US market on Friday, amid easing concerns over Europe’s debt crisis, as former EU commissioner Mario Monti was nominated to

Market@noon BSE 17,331.89 NSE 5,209.55 Gold 24k : 10g Silver 1kg Dollar $ Pound £

139.07 40.70 `29,200 `58,600 `50.02 `80.35

head a new Italian Cabinet. Stocks of Kingfisher Airlines, which slumped to a record low of Rs 17.55 on Friday on escalating financial concerns, recovered by 4.07 per cent to Rs 20.45 after reports that the company plans to cut debt. In Asia, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index was up 2.48 per cent, while Japan’s Nikkei Index rose by 1.21 per cent in morning trade. In the US, the Dow Jones

Industrial Average closed 2.19 per cent higher in Friday’s trade. The Indian rupee appreciated by 16 paise to Rs 49.96 per US dollar in early trade on the Interbank Foreign Exchange today, supported by gains registered by other currencies against the American dollar and a rebound in the domestic stock market. Dealers said dollar weakness against the euro and other currencies overseas and gains recorded by the domestic bourses in opening trade today influenced the rupee sentiment. The rupee had closed 5 paise higher at Rs 50.12 against the US currency in Friday’s trade on fag-end selling of dollars by banks and exporters after the greenback weakened in overseas markets.

Play Field


A critical look at games and players


Lara blasts WI infrastructure PORT OF SPAIN: West Indies batting legend Brian Lara has described the Caribbean cricket infrastructure as “terrible” and says it will take much more than just talent for the regional side to emerge from the prevailing slump. Lara was speaking at the World Travel Market in London earlier this week, following the West Indies’ five-wicket defeat to India in the opening Test in New Delhi. “[We] still (have) a very long way to go. I would not have been surprised if we won this game, because I know what we

are capable - sporadic, good sporadic performances - one here, one next year, but in terms of consistency, Trinidad, West Indies lack that, and that is not something that you regain overnight,” the former West Indies captain told the Caribbean Tourism Organisation. “I think our infrastructure is terrible administratively, we have got it wrong on many occasions.” He continued: “Our playerboard relationship - that has gone wrong for many years, gone sour, and we need to

improve these things, fix it, set a base, get the infrastructure in, and then think about five, ten years down the line.

I think our infrastructure is terrible administratively, we have got it wrong on many occasions “So it might be a dismal outlook, but if we keep just trying to put a plaster on every sore that we have, it is not going to work. So I hope one day some-

body is going to take it up and really get things going.” The West Indies hauled themselves into a winning position when they secured a 95run first innings lead against the Indians. However, they plummeted for a disappointing 180 all out in their second innings, and India then cruised to their target of 276 to win the Test.”As I said, on any given day, I think we have got the best talented cricketers in the world,” said Lara, who scored 11,953 runs in 131 Tests. “It has always been the case

In times of F1, Punjab talked kabaddi Jaideep Sarin

CHANDIGARH: At a time when Delhi was going ga-ga over Formula 1, Punjab was on a different track that was perhaps little noticed by the rest of India. The state was busy trying to promote its traditional game kabaddi and, as is typical here, even created a political controversy around it. Around the time late last month when the likes of ace Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel and Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso were scorching the race tracks in excess of 300 km per hour on the Budh International Circuit in Greater Noida, the Punjab government put up its mega show in the form of World Cup Kabaddi with great fanfare. At the opening ceremony in Bathinda town in southwest Punjab, the likes of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and others were in attendance, along with scores of dancers. Khan was reportedly paid crores for his less than an hour performance at the event. He was specially flown into Bathinda, even getting a defence ministry permission, for his chartered flight. The multi-crore rupee opening ceremony was exe-

cuted on the lines of the inaugural show of last year’s Commonwealth Games (CWG) in New Delhi. While Punjab’s Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal, who is also the state’s sports minister, wants the world, especially Punjab, to believe that the government is spending crores to popularise kabaddi, it is no secret that the 20-day event, which ends with a gala closing at Ludhiana on November 20, is being held

with an eye on assembly elections likely in February-March next year. Badal, the man behind World Cup Kabaddi, wants the world to believe that teams from 14 countries are participating in the event. “My aim to give international recognition to Punjab’s traditional game kabaddi has been partially achieved as 14 countries are participating in second edition of World Cup Kabaddi and four countries are

participating in Women World Cup Kabaddi,” Badal said. A look at the composition of most teams - from US, Britain, Australia, Norway to others - clearly revealed that majority of the participating players were youths of Punjabi origin settled in those countries. While some of the countries do not even recognise kabaddi as a sport, the participating teams had no official recognition at all to represent those countries.

over the years, since even before my days … cricket has gone a long way now. Talent is only a very small part compared to 20, 30 years ago, when it was a major part - your physical fitness, your talent - that played a bigger role. “Now with technology, there is a lot of things coming into play, and I say it all the time we in the West Indies take very good talent and make it average, and people like Australia and England and India take average talent and make it very, very good, and that is where the problem lies,” he stressed.

Pacquiao retains WBO crown LAS VEGAS: Manny Pacquiao won a majority verdict against Juan Manuel Marquez to retain his WBO welterweight title. The Filipino fighter had beaten his Mexican opponent in similar fashion in 2008, four years after an epic draw between the pair, and he narrowly claimed victory once more as the trilogy was completed. Both fighters attempted to strike a victorious pose after the conclusion of the 12 rounds, but two judges gave Pacquiao the victory by scores of 116-112 and 115-113 while the third scored the fight a 114-114 draw. The verdict had a crowd filled with Marquez supporters booing the outcome, in some ways doing little to settle the score of a rivalry that has seen Pacquiao win two close decisions. Pacquiao shaded the early exchanges, which were unusually cagey, and stepped up with a two-punch combo to the head in round four. Pacquiao, who has not lost since 2005, improved to 54-3 with two drawn and kept his World Boxing Organization welterweight title.

Play Field


A critical look at games and players


Woods unbowed after missing elusive win

Robert Smith

Bolt, Pearson named IAAF athletes of the year MONACO: Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt and Australia’s Sally Pearson, the world 100m hurdles champion, were named IAAF athletes of the year here. Bolt, the Olympic 100metre champion, wins the award for the third time after being honoured in 2008 and 2009. This year the 25-year-old notably retained his 200m crown at the world championships in Daegu where he also helped Jamaica defend the 4x100m relay in a new world record time of 37.04 seconds. In South Korea, Bolt squandered his chance to defend his world 100m crown when he was disqualified from the final for a false start, allowing compatriot Yohan Blake to succeed him. It was in Daegu that Pearson, 25, produced the fourth fastest time in history, and the fastest in 19 years, for the women’s hurdles event which she dominated in a time of 12.21 seconds. She becomes the first athlete from Oceania to be honoured by the IAAF since the awards were introduced in 1988. Pearson won 10 of her 11 competitions and produced seven of the season’s quickest 11 performances. Both athletes will pick up cheques for $100,000 besides the award.

SYDNEY: Tiger Woods came up short again in his quest to end a two-year tournament drought with his third placing behind two-time Australian Open winner Greg Chalmers at The Lakes on Sunday. The former world number one, whose barren run has left him outside the top 50 rankings for the first time in 15 years, put himself into a winning position for the first time since the Augusta Masters last April. But despite an eagle three at the 14th and a birdie at the 17th he could not overhaul the 215th-ranked Chalmers, who beat compatriot John Senden by one shot with Woods a further stroke away. The 14-time major winner, who last won at the 2009 Australian Masters, finished with a five-under 67 for a fourround total of 11-under 277. Woods, who will play with a formidable US team against the Internationals in next week’s Presidents Cup teams event at Royal Melbourne, was encouraged in only his fifth tournament since the Masters after left knee ligament and Achilles injuries. “I had the lead at Augusta on the Sunday, that’s the last time I’ve been in that spot so it’s been a long time,” Woods said. “Unfortunately, I haven’t played a lot of tournaments in between, but it was great to be out there and I had a chance. “I kept telling myself that I needed to post 13 or 14 under to get up there and to see what happened but unfortunately I didn’t post the number I needed.” Woods, whose pulling power was again indicative of the total 67,000 crowd over the four days of the Australian Open, is relishing feeling fit again as he works on recon-

NO COMMERCIAL USE Tiger Woods of the US reacts after completing the final round of the Australian Open golf tournament in Sydney on Sunday AFP

structing his game. “I felt great. It’s nice to finally feel healthy again, it’s been such a long time. I felt I made some nice changes yesterday,” he said. Woods led at Friday’s halfway stage and looked to have finally recaptured winning form.

But he put in his worst round of the tournament with a three-over 75 on Saturday to lie six shots behind the leader heading into Sunday’s final round. “We did some work last night and I felt that I was close to finding it yesterday, but it wasn’t quite there,” Woods said.

“I did a little bit of work on the (driving) range, but really worked on the putting green for a while and found my stroke, found some of the keys and rolled it good today. “It was very simple easy fixes but if you play into this much wind it’s easy to start getting off and unfortunately I did that and I had to reset my game yesterday.” The former world number one set himself a Sunday target of 13 or 14 under to win, but fell a couple of strokes short. “I figured I needed to shoot at least 31 on the back nine to give myself a chance and I thought 13 or 14 was going to be the number that I had to get, but unfortunately I made a mistake at the 13th hole,” he said. Woods finished with an eagle and five birdies, but gave back two bogeys in the final round. He finished the tournament with 18 birdies, an eagle and nine bogeys. “Today was a day that could have been really low. I hit the ball really good, but hit two bad tee-shots on the back nine, made two bogeys, but other than that I controlled it all day,” he said. Woods is now looking forward to his seventh Presidents Cup appearance for the United States next week, with his event record standing at 18-11-1. “Golf-course-wise it will be totally different, the (Royal Melbourne) greens will be much quicker and much firmer and I know the fairways have slowed down so I know we’re going to take a look at that,” he said. “It will be nice to get with the team and map out our strategy that goes into these team events.”

Whacky World


Fun and frolic in a flat world

ilove for girlfriend

Dollar hungry canine Pooch eats couple’s $1,000 cash stash

Chinese boy creates iPad from scratch for lover


wning an Apple iPad is not such a big deal these days, but building one for scratch is definitely an impressive feat. That’s exactly what Chinese art student Wei Xinlong did, in the name of love. Like many other college sweethearts in China, Wei Xinlong and Sun Shasha decided to settle for a long distance

relationship in order to continue their studies or find better employment opportunities, after graduation. While some choose to end the relationship before parting ways, or reach that point after a certain period, Wei was determined to show his girlfriend how committed he is to their relationship and decided to prove it in a very special way. Although he attended art school, the young

Primped up

student had always been passionate about gadgets and loved building things with his own hands, so he set out to build Sun a touchscreen tablet PC for a daily video chat session. This way, when he leaves to Shenzen, they’ll be able to keep in touch easier. A student of China’s Northeas Normal University, in Changchun, Jilin, Wei had some knowledge of electronics and engineering, and whenever he had some questions about design and installation, he looked for the answers online. Most of the components were bought from a second-hand market, and come from dismantled laptops, but the resourceful young geek built some of the components himself, like a heat conductor he made from an aluminum soda can and a chopstick. It took him 10 days to complete his handheld masterpiece, and even had time to decorate it with the Apple logo and rhinestones.

The home-made iPad features a touchscreen, built-in camera, microphone, four USB slots, LAN socket and is powered by a lithium battery. It’s not as powerful and featurerich as a genuine iPad, but it can be used to read e-books, watch movies, listen to music and play video games. It cost Wei 800 yuan ($126). Wei Xinlong became somewhat of an online star in China, after photos of his labor of love went viral on a social website. The page he set up for the project got over 120,000 visitors in just a few days, and even computer experts applauded his skills.

Inspiration of true grit Girl without fingers creates beautiful embroidery


Toruk, a 3-year-old male harpy eagle, held an impressive pose for guests to the San Diego Zoo’s Discovery Days: Festival of Flight . Harpy eagles have excellent vision that allows them to see something less than 1 inch in size from almost 220 yards away. But the feathers on the top of the head, which can be fanned out into a bold crest distinguishes this raptor from other eagles

eng Jiangya lost all of her fingers when she was only a child, after she fell into a flaming fire stove while her parents were away, but that didn’t stop her from finishing school, establishing a family and even creating beautiful art. Growing up in a small village at the foot of the Fanjing Mountains on China’s Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Peng didn’t have the easiest childhood, but things got even worse after she burnt her hands severely after falling in a flaming fire stove. Her parents were too poor to afford reconstructive surgery, so the young girl had to learn to do everything without any fingers. At first she was unable to use chopsticks, and her parents had to teach her for a long time, but thanks to her strong will and a desire to do everything on her own and not rely on others, she managed to overcome those difficult times and is now capable of taking care of her own family. She slowly learned how to use what was left of her hands to hold a pen and, with the help of her teachers, managed to finish junior middle school. She married at the age of 18 and soon gave birth to her first child, Now she has a family of 4, but because they all relied


on one mule to put food on the table, Peng realized she needed to do something to contribute to the family budget. One day she found herself looking at the vivid colors of a cross-stitch artwork and decided to try it for herself. As you can imagine, handling a needle without fingers is painfully difficult, and the young woman failed numerous times. Still, she never gave up, and although it took her days to complete her first simple embroidery, her stubbornness helped her master the art of cross-stitch. Nowadays, Peng Jiangya needs less than five seconds to fit a thread through the needle, and many say she’s a lot faster than many normal embroidery artists. It took her around two months to finish a complicated cross stitch work.


air says pet devoured savings, leaving shards of $100 bills all over the floor. One Florida family unwittingly helped serve a very expensive meal to their dog — $1,000 in cash — and then forced the pet to cough it up. “I just think this is hilarious,” the dog’s owner, Christy Lawrenson of St. Augustine,, told WJXT in Jacksonville, on Friday. She laughs now, but it was a different story two weeks ago. “My husband and I are trying to pay off my car, and so every time we save $1,000, we just take it to the bank and we just put it in the account,” she told the Jacksonville station. This time, she took the cash, paper-clipped it and left it in an envelope on the counter, she said. The couple then said goodbye to their dog Tuity, a Labrador Retriever/chow/bulldog mix, and left for work. When her husband came home for lunch, the envelope was gone and he saw shards of $100 bills strewn across the floor. The rest, including the paperclip, was in Tuity’s stomach, she said. Lawrenson told WJXT that her husband induced the dog to vomit by feeding Tuity hydrogen peroxide. “I took the money from the vomit and put it in a bag and saved it for him because I didn’t want to puzzle it back together. It was still not real to me even though I had dug through vomit all afternoon,” Lawrenson said. They pieced $900 back together, but the last $100 bill had one too many serial numbers missing, she said. The couple sent it to the Department of Treasury with a letter of explanation. “I didn’t really see that one coming, and I guarantee we’ll keep money away from him for now on,” Lawrenson said

Brave New World

From the world of science & research



Probe of social media discussion on cardiac arrest reveals new avenues for public health education

Can Twitter save lives? D

iscussion about cardiac arrest on Twitter is common and represents a new opportunity to provide lifesaving information to the public, according to new research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. The Penn researchers evaluated cardiac arrest- and resuscitation-related Tweets during a month-long period in the spring of 2011 and discovered that users share information about CPR and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and discuss resuscitation topics in the news. Although their findings indicate that use of the platform to ask questions about cardiac arrest appears to be only in its infancy, the authors suggest that Twitter represents a unique, promising avenue to respond to queries from the public and disseminate information about this leading killer — particularly in the areas of CPR training and lifesaving interventions like therapeutic hypothermia.

“Twitter is an incredible resource for connecting and mobilising people, and it offers users a way to receive instant feedback and information. The potential applications of social media for cardiac arrest are vast,” says Raina Merchant, MD, MS, an assistant professor of Emergency Medicine and a senior fellow in the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. “Health care providers and advocacy groups can push information to the public about CPR training and best practices in cardiac arrest care, and participate in realtime discussions about cardiac arrest issues in the media. Twitter might even be harnessed to save lives in an emergency, by allowing bystanders who respond to cardiac arrests in public places to seek information about the location of the closest AED.” In one of the new studies, the Penn researchers identified 15,324 tweets involving cardiac arrest specific information. Of

those, 14 per cent of tweets referenced cardiac arrest events, with 5 per cent of those messages relating personal experiences with the condition (such as, “when I or a family member/friend had a cardiac arrest”) and 9 per cent representing users sharing information relating to arrest locations and treatment interventions and guidelines. Twenty nine per cent of tweets referenced CPR performance or AED use, with 23 per

cent of those messages involving personal stories about reallife performance of CPR or classroom training in the technique and likes/dislikes regarding CPR/AED courses. Six per cent of the CPR/AED-related messages referenced what the researchers termed ‘information sharing’, such as observations about someone giving CPR or using an AED in a public place, or commentary about the new ‘hands-only’ CPR guidelines for

bystanders. Nearly 60 per cent tweets related to health education and the sharing of cardiac arrest-related news articles about celebrities, athletes, and adults affected by the condition. The researchers sought to understand what types of questions the public is asking about cardiac arrest on Twitter, in hopes to providing clues for how health care professionals can participate in the discussion to provide reliable information. They found that, during the month of tweets surveyed, users asked only about five questions each day. But the topics they queried about, the authors note, represent rich opportunities for public education and outreach to the broader Twitter user community. Among the cardiac arrest-related questions identified over the course of the study, 21 per cent were queries about symptoms, risk factors, prognosis, the difference between cardiac arrest and heart attack, treatment options, and the use of therapeutic hypothermia.

Intensive therapy halves kidney disease in type 1 diabetes


ontrolling blood glucose early in the course of type 1 diabetes yields huge dividends, preserving kidney function for decades. The new finding from a study funded by the National Institutes of Health was published online in the New England Journal of Medicine. Compared to conventional therapy, near-normal control of blood glucose beginning soon after diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and continuing an average six-and-a-half years reduced by half the long-term risk of developing kidney disease, according to the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial and Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Research Group. The risk of kidney failure was also halved, but the difference was not statistically significant, perhaps due to the relatively small total number of patients who reached that stage of the disease. Participants entered the DCCT on average six years after

onset of diabetes when complications of diabetes were absent or very mild. Half aimed for near-normal glucose control and the others received what was then standard glucose control. After an average 22-year follow-up, 24 in the intensive group developed significantly

reduced kidney function and 8 progressed to kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplantation. On conventional therapy, 46 developed kidney disease, with kidney failure in 16. The landmark DCCT demonstrated that intensive control reduced early signs of eye, kidney and

nerve damage and is the basis for current guidelines for diabetes therapy. However, the initial kidney findings were based on reductions in urine protein, a sign of kidney damage but not a measure of kidney function. Preventing a loss of kidney function and reducing kidney failure

had not been proven. Since the DCCT ended in 1993, all participants have tried to maintain excellent diabetes control and have achieved similar glucose levels. The new finding emphasises the importance of good control of type 1 diabetes soon after diagnosis.

drugs have caused kidney problems in patients with type 2 diabetes, so physicians are especially cautious when prescribing these agents to diabetics who also have chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Previous research indicates that the diabetes drugs sitagliptin and glipizide may not cause considerable kidney damage. New clinical trial results presented during the American Society of Nephrology’s Annual Kidney Week compared the two drugs. Sitagliptin and glipizide act on different targets but generate the same result — they boost the effects of insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels. Juan Arjona Ferreira, MD, (MSD Corp.) and his colleagues conducted a 54-week study to compare the efficacy and safety of sitagliptin and glipizide in patients with type 2 diabetes and moderate or severe CKD

who were not on dialysis. The researchers randomised 426 patients to receive sitagliptin or glipizide. Among the major findings at the end of the study: nBlood glucose levels dropped to a similar extent in patients in both groups. nPatients receiving sitagliptin were less likely to experience hypoglycemia—or dangerously low blood sugar levels—than patients receiving glipizide (6.2 per cent vs 17.0 per cent). nPatients who took sitagliptin tended to lose a small amount of weight, while most patients who took glipizide experienced a slight weight gain.

Which diabetes drug is best for diabetics with kidney disease? Sitagliptin is safe and as effective as glipizide in patients with Type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. nSitagliptin is as effective as glipizide at lowering blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. nSitagliptin is less likely than glipizide to cause dangerously low blood sugar levels. nPatients on sitagliptin tend to lose weight, while those on glipizide gain weight. Some blood-sugar-lowering



Holistic view of mind, body and soul


Myths about diabetes busted Postnoon News


ndia has the infamous tag of being the Diabetes capital of the world. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates the total number of people in India with diabetes to be around 50.8 million in 2010, rising to 87.0 million by 2030. The figures are alarming. And what is more alarming is the fact that the age of incidence of diabetes seems to be decreasing rapidly with younger and younger people falling prey to it. According to experts, genetically, Indians as a race are more prone to having high blood sugars and abdominal fat, an important marker for diabetes. Also with us aping the West by switching to high calorie foods and leading sedentary lifestyles, the risk of diabetes is only going higher. Add to that, in a country where people love to self-medicate, many people have several pre conceived notions about diabetes. Our panel of experts help bust some of those on the occasion of World Diabetes Day.

Diabetes is not that serious an ailment Diabetes can be managed with a proper, balanced diet, and exercise coupled with regular visits to your doctor. But if left uncontrolled it can lead to potentially dangerous complications like heart disease, kidney problems, eye problems and foot complications as well. In extreme cases it can lead to a stroke too. So the key is to manage it well and prevent fluctuations in blood sugar levels. It is important to cut down on high calorie and carbohydrate rich foods, avoid transfats and get at least 150 minutes of exercise ever week. Cutting down on stress levels can help too. —Dr Ra Santosh, endocrinologist, Apollo Hospital

People with diabetes cannot eat anything sweet It is advisable for patients with diabetes to avoid regular sweets as it can cause their blood sugar levels to rise drastically. It is important that there are no fluctuations in blood sugar levels as this can damage the vasculature. Frequent fluctuations can damage the blood vessels in the brain and heart, leading to serious complications. But that is not to say that diabetics cannot eat anything sweet. They can eat sweets made with artificial sweeteners, drink diet colas and eat dark chocolate to satisfy their sweet tooth. —Dr Raman Boddula, endocrinologist, KIMS Hospital

Eating too much sugar can cause diabetes In patients with existing diabetes, the body cannot metabolise the normal quantity of sugar. This is why they are advised to cut down on their sugar intake. But saying that eating too much sugar or sweets leads to diabetes is just a myth. That is not the case. It is just increasing the number of calories being consumed. But this can be burnt with exercise. However, it is important to strike a balance. —Dr J Sreekanth, senior internal medicine specialist, Apollo Hospital

Nothing can be done to prevent diabetes complications These days medical science has advanced enough to ensure that blood sugar levels,

blood pressure etc are kept under control. Also effective lifestyle modifications like switching to a balanced diet and indulging in regular exercise can help keep sugar levels under control thereby preventing complications. Complications usually arise when blood sugar levels are fluctuating or are uncontrolled. —Dr Rajasekhar Chakravarthi, nephrologist, Care Hospital

Only overweight people get diabetes This is not true. While obesity is associated with the incidence of diabetes, in India even a person’s genetic make up is responsible for the onset of diabetes. In India, thin-fat

thenotype is common, where even if a person is not obese the body has a high percentage of fat. Besides, Indians tend to have a higher amount of visceral (abdominal) fat even when they are not overweight. This itself is a high risk factor for diabetes. SO the fact that you are not overweight does not protect you from diabetes. However, that is not to say that just because you are not overweight you don’t screen yourself regularly for diabetes or don’t exercise. It is important to do both. —Dr Prasun Deb, endocrinologist, Yashoda Hospital

People diagnosed with diabetes are doomed If diabetes is effectively controlled it is not fatal. Diabetes is not a killer like cancer or chronic heart disease. However, if it is left uncontrolled it can lead to a lot of complications which in turn can be fatal. But it is easy to prevent the complications arising from diabetes. Proper attention to medication, regular self-monitoring of blood sugar levels, a balanced and healthy diet and regular exercise can do a lot to keep blood sugar levels under control and complications at bay. But don’t let dia-

betes bog you down. It is possible to lead a normal life despite it. —Dr Narsaraju Kavalipati, cardiologist, Yashoda Hospital

I only have a little bit of diabetes. There is no such thing as little diabetes. If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes then you have to take care of it. You can’t dismiss it saying it’s just mild or moderate and I need only worry if it is severe. Once you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes it is something you have to live with and modify your lifestyle habits accordingly to manage it. If you dismiss it thinking that it is not severe enough for you to be worried, it could lead to complications later. So no matter what your blood sugar levels are, once you are diabetic you have to take steps to control it. —Dr NG Shastry, diabetologist, Dr Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre

I don’t have any symptoms related to diabetes so I am safe Just because initially diabetes doesn’t present too many symptoms, it is wrong to think that it is not a serious ailment. If blood sugar levels are uncontrolled it can lead to complications. Even if you are healthy, you should know that diabetes is a problem of glucose metabolism, which if left untreated can lead to serious complications. Also realise that diabetes commonly occurs in people who are obese and have a sedentary lifestyle. Hence, regular exercise and healthy eating habits can go a long way in preventing the onset of diabetes. —Dr Ravi Mehrotra, senior consultant endocrinologist at Apollo Hospital



From mundane to luxury look


CAPE There's a superhero lurking within all of us. At least so say the gods of fashion who persevere with winter capes year after year. While there is an abundance of them this season, a hooded style that's lined with shearling is among the most popular. Our favourite? This claretcoloured offering from Dorothy Perkins .

WOOLY Coats like this make living in this climate worthwhile. Chic, stylish and unbelievably cosy, a bouclé coat is the ultimate walking centralheating unit. Thanks to its cute contrasting collar and square shimmering buttons, this trapeze-shaped style (£395) from Whistles is among the snuggliest around. We love.

Jaeger, Michael Kors and DKNY championed them on the catwalk, so it's little wonder that an ankle-skimming coat is among the most covetable this winter. This woollen one from Reiss is by far the most luxurious on the high street. Team it with simple basics and a stonking pair of heels.

For a winter warmer that puts you miles ahead in the style TREND stakes, sidestep SPOTTING pricey catwalk creations and head straight to the high street this autumn. Karen Dacre brings you six of the best coats on offer this season

A fresh coat for winter CONTRAST SLEEVE


Should a style-approved purchase be high on your agenda this autumn, you need a contrastsleeved coat in your life. A favourite with fashion folk - it first hit the big time at London Fashion Week - this coat works best in shades of black or camel. At £120, Oasis's interpretation - a leather-sleeved round neck - is amazing value for money.

If Mad Men's Betty Draper gave the high street the prom-style shift dress, Peggy Olsen gifted it its cutest winter coat. Round necked or with a Peter Pan trim, Sixtiesinspired overcoats are everywhere this season. Off limits if you're over 35, this is a girlie-girl trend that looks best worn with flat pumps or brogues.

MANNISH Of all of this season's coats, this slouchy, loose-fit style - a femalefriendly take on the Crombie - is the least intimidating. Lovely over a sweater dress, a pencil-skirt or should the tomboy look be your thing - with a pair of cigarette trousers, this checked version from Zara (£119) gets our vote. Buy now and wear for seasons to come.



A peep into the lives of cityʼs stars and achievers

I believe

Living Room


It is very important to be down to earth and humble no matter what position you are in. I have also brought my kids up with the same values and they are extremely grounded.

Perfectionist M

A Family of Foodies!

at work Taniya Talukdar

M Mamatha Mallipudi, co-founder of the fine-dining restaurant Sweet Nirvana is a woman of many shades

amatha Mallipudi is the face of the modern Indian woman who can effortlessly balance the two aspects of her life -- work and family. Unlike the wives of many ministers who choose to concentrate only on the domestic front, Mamatha has chosen a path which led to the birth of the restaurant Sweet Nirvana. She started it with her partner Pratima Koppolu and has been successful in bringing European food to the city of biryani lovers. As passionate foodies, Mamatha and Pratima have always wanted to open a restaurant. “Having lived and travelled abroad extensively, we wanted to bring authentic European food to Hyderabad. European cuisine has the reputation of being an acquired taste and we wanted Hyderabadis to appreciate it.

FANTASTIC FOUR: Mamatha with husband Pallam Raju and kids, Vahini and Jatin

We specialise in western desserts, hence the sweet part of Sweet Nirvana. The restaurant has mostly outdoor seating, so you can enjoy delicious food in the beautiful natural surroundings with a gentle breeze wafting through your hair and soft grass underneath your feet. Truly nirvanic, that's how the name Sweet Nirvana came about,” explains Mamatha. We wonder if it was tough for Mamatha to step out of the shadow of her husband Pallam Raju, who is the Union Minister for State for Defence. To which she says, “Like most Indian women, I’ve also juggled many roles of a daughter, wife, mother, daughter-in-law and many more. When my children grew up a bit and didn't need me as much, I felt that I should find my own identity and do something for myself. It was time to realise my long, desired dream of opening a restaurant. Now, I'm not just known as Pallam Raju's wife, I'm known as Mamatha, the restaurateur, which makes me feel very proud!” Mamatha who grew up in the UK moved to India when she was a teenager. Shedding a little more light about her, she says, “I am sure people also don't know that I have done hotel management so starting Sweet Nirvana was a result of that and personality wise, I'm a perfectionist!” Mamatha is also a sports enthusiast, football being her favourite sport. She also happened to witness the recently concluded first ever Indian grand prix, “Being a part of history was an honour for me! The atmosphere at the Buddh International Circuit was electric and when the national anthem was played, the pride on every Indian spectator's face was clear for all to see. The roar of the cars was deafening and it was a pleasure to watch those amazing cars racing around the track. The facilities at the circuit are truly world-class,” shares Mamatha about her experience.

amatha is at the restaurant from morning till night everyday which leaves her with very little free time. But when she gets time, she loves to read, see movies and watch sports like cricket and football. “I'm a big Liverpool FC fan and die-hard Deccan Chargers fan too. I have a small, close-knit group of friends and we meet up as often as possible and just hang out,” informs Mamatha. But what the world doesn't know and what Mamatha too kept away is revealed by her husband Pallam Raju, “She is a Facebook addict!” Talking about his wife's achievements, the proud husband says, “After playing the bigger and more responsible role in raising two kids with the right value systems, I am happy that

my wife has chosen to dedicate herself towards being entrepreneurial in a field that truly interests her. Her approach to the activity has been wholehearted and professional.” According to Pallam Raju, Mamatha is a dedicated mother who keeps a cosy home and is very zealous about her family and is someone who loves her privacy. Mamatha and Pallam Raju have been married for 20 years now and have two children -Vahini and Jatin, who are very attached to Mamatha. “As my husband travels a lot on work, it's usually my children and I who are together all the time. We generally watch movies together and hang out at malls and of course, we eat out quite a bit. My children are big foodies too,” quips the indulgent mother. Pallam Raju isn't as much of a foodie as his wife. So instead, their bonding sessions include watching movies, travelling and celebrating festivals together.

Magic Screen


About stars, actors, and a bit of fun

‘Acting is a difficult job & I am not much of an actor’ Desi Boyz has been in the news since the beginning and for various reasons, including its young director, Rohit Dhawan, who also wrote the screenplay of the film

Taniya Talukdar


esi Boyz is releasing on the 25th of November and last minute dubbing is being taken care of. Debutante director Rohit Dhawan is pretty busy tying up loose ends and hardly has the time to feel anything. “I am comfortably numb right now, I have lost objectivity. I guess when I walk into the theatre and see the final product then only will I be happy,” offers Rohit. Coming from a filmy background, things were not very easy considering his father is the illustrious director David Dhawan known for his comic capers. But it sure helped him find a stepping stone in the industry. “Today it doesn’t really matter what your lineage is. Some of today’s biggest directors like Rajkumar Hirani, Imtiaz Ali or Vishal Bharadwaj did not have any filmy connections,” clarifies Rohit. He goes on to add, “Film-making is no one’s birth right. If one is passionate enough about it and lives it every day, then obviously they will have the edge. Coming from a filmy family does help you get access initially but apart from that nothing else comes easy. No one will stick to you and or will care about relationships if you don’t perform. The competition is too fierce. It took me two years to convince Akshay and John to do my film.” Rohit initially started out with assisting Farhan Akhtar in the making of Don 2 but had to quit half way because one of the assis-

tant directors of Partner quit mid-way and Rohit had to assist his father after that. Quiz the debutante director if he ever considered a career in acting and pat comes the reply, “ I never thought of becoming an actor. I have always been interested in the technical aspects of film-making hence I was always a director cum writer. That’s why I ended up in a film school. It’s sad my life was chalked out so early! Acting is a difficult job and I am not much of an actor. Besides, I wouldn’t act for fun. Anything related to film-making needs to be taken seriously.” The concept of Rohit’s first film, Desi Boyz, has been with him since 2008 when he went to the US visiting his film school friends. “When I went there, the situation was pretty sad, not many of my friends had concrete jobs. More than unemployment, the thing that struck me the most was that 20 somethings were staying

with their parents which doesn’t normally happen. There were also instances where Indian techies were getting killed, so I came up with a story where two guys choose to battle it out as they lose their jobs for no fault of theirs,” informs Rohit. The protagonists in the film John Abraham and Akshay Kumar are back together six years after their last film Garam Masala. “They end up in the world’s oldest profession,” says Rohit in jest. Rohit is pretty happy about the fact that Akshay has agreed to work with him on his first project. “I was supposed to do a project with Akshay but it did not work out but he was gracious enough to work with me on this project,” explains Rohit going on to add, “As soon as he agreed I started chalking it out and Akshay really liked it and I am thrilled that he completely trusted me on it. Later John

came aboard and he was totally kicked about it.” Talking about the pairings, Rohit says, “ I wanted fresh couples for the film and both the couples here are fresh. Deepika has never been paired opposite John and likewise, Akshay with Chitrangda. Deepika and John make a stunning couple, they look great together. I’m glad to have such strong pairs in the film.”


Magic Screen


About stars, actors, and a bit of fun



@RahulBose1 Peter roebuck commits suicide. Bizarre.

@AnupamPkher Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.:)

Tarsem Singh’s 3D epic tops box office in North America


ndian director Tarsem Singh’s new 3D adventure epic Immortals, starring Henry Cavill, Freida Pinto and Mickey Rourke, has opened at number one at the North American box office with an estimated $15 million in ticket sales. Singh has become part of a very short list of Indian-born filmmakers to top the US box office multiple times. His fantasy thriller The Cell also opened at number one in August 2000. For Pinto, Immortals marks her second top spot debut of the year

Chitrangada item excites Shreyas A

ctor Shreyas Talpade is excited about shooting for an item song with actress Chitrangada Singh in their new film Joker. “Shooting tonight for ‘Joker’...rapchik item number continues with the lovely Chitrangada,” Shreyas wrote on microblogging site Twitter. Meanwhile, both the lead actors, Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha, have wrapped up shooting for the film, which is directed by Shirish Kunder who has finalised Aug 30, 2011 as its release date. IANS

following her sci-fi pic “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” from August which has grossed more than $450 million worldwide to date. Immortals also generated the third biggest opening day of the year for any R-rated film, and the best among non-sequels. A stylish and visually spectacular 3D action adventure, Immortals relates the story of a power-hungry king who razes ancient Greece in search of a legendary weapon and a heroic young villager who rises up against him in a thrilling quest as IANS timeless as it is powerful.

@Purab_Kohli cycling in rainy, no tourit but so so fantastic samui... Its breath taking!

@realpreityzinta So we will be working on a second season soon.... Who else would u guys like to see on my show ??? Let me know so I can call them :-)

@iamsrk Missed Bobby at the dinner. Come bak my friend...u have slept enuff now....

Still from New York I Love You

@SrBachchan T 558 -” Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure of the former “ ~ AE


Shekhar Kapur wants to make a musical


nternationally acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur is keen on making a full-fledged Bollywood film. “Hope I make a Bollywood film soon, why? because I love love love musicals. the combination of dance/poetry/music on film is awesome,” Kapur wrote on

microblogging site Twitter. Kapur, who won critical acclaim for Bandit Queen, directed Bollywood films Masoom and Mr India. In Hollywood, Kapur is known for wielding the megaphone for Elizabeth, The Four Feathers and New York, I IANS Love You.

Enjoy the rest of your day... talk soon... Peace out.

@shekharkapur Wonderful video conv with #deepakchopra on nature of Maya in age of reason. Will provide link soon.

Magic Screen

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Mr. Ravi Chander




Magic Screen

About stars, actors, and a bit of fun

How Keaton fought bulimia


ctress Diane Keaton has revealed how she fought a five-year battle with bulimia. The 65-year-old has admitted how she used to devour entire tubs of ice-cream before making herself sick, reports a website. Keaton was just 19 when she fell under the grip of the eating disorder in a desperate attempt to stay slim. It’s a horrible problem, ugly and awful,” she said. The actress wasn’t aware that this condition had a name and suffered for several years until therapy helped her get better. IANS

Emma Watson’s brother may join Made In Chelsea


ctress Emma Watson’s brother Alex is being considered for the cast in Made In Chelsea, according Amber Atherton, who currently appears in the film. Alex has appeared as an extra in the Harry Potter movies and has also modelled for Burberry. “The producers think it would be amazing to get Alex on the show. He’s good-looking so he’d make great competition for Spencer,” a website quoted Atherton as saying. IANS


ocialite Nicole Richie is all set to create a fashion line for home shopping channel QVC. The 30-year-old designer will launch the line by February. “The line is cute — it can be worn by teenytiny girls but also goes up to size XXXL. Nicole has a great fashion sense, and she’s very hands-on,” a website quoted a source as saying. The line will be launched in collaboration with reality TV show Fashion Star, where Richie will act as a mentor. Richie recently said she designs for women who are not “afraid to take risks” and enjoy having “fun” with their wardrobes. IANS

Richie to create fashion line for TV



Magic Screen

About stars, actors, and a bit of fun

Irish singer Sinead O’connor quits Twitter


rish singer Sinead O’connor has quit Twitter after being abused by her followers on the microblogging site. “I’ve stopped Twitter now

because, although it was fun for a while, I had to stop because I was getting too much abuse. Some people just take things so seriously, and things I was being funny about they would take terribly seriously,” a website quoted the 44-year-old as saying. “Plus, it’s a bit of an addiction; you got to stop it at some point and get on with living,” she added. In September this year, Nothing Compares 2 U hitmaker posted a message which suggested that she was feeling suicidal. She later assured fans she had no plans to take her own life and wrote an open letter discouraging suicide. Earlier this week, actor Ashton Kutcher closed his Twitter account after receiving outrage over his post in defence of fired college football coach Joe Paterno. IANS

Gordon Ramsay to star in The Simpsons B

ritish celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay will be seen doing a cameo in The Simpsons, which will be screened in the US Sunday. “I grew up watching The Simpsons and love that they’re foodies,” a website quoted Ramsay, 45, as saying. The American animated sitcom, created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company, is a satirical parody of a working class American lifestyle epitomized by five important characters — Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. Ramsay stars in the episode called Food Wife, that sees Marge trying to launch her own food blog. When Homer tries to take over, Ramsay appears in his chef white dress yelling: “You f***ed up. Why did you invite Homer? He stole your f***ing thunder.” IANS



Kim’s wedding a contract: former publicist


im Kardashian’s former publicist Jonathon Jaxson has claimed that the socialite’s 72-day marriage with basketball player Kris Humphries was something she never wanted to do. “Unfortunately they were obligated to honour contracts (with the E! network which had TV rights) otherwise they would have owed a lot of people a lot of money,” Jaxson told on the television talk show. Jaxson worked with the 31-year-old between 2007 and 2009. The couple got married in Montecito, California Aug 20 this year and Kim filed for divorce from Humphries Oct 31, reports a website. IANS

Magic Screen


About stars, actors, and a bit of fun


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Katie Price receives kidnap threat


I am not into onenight stand: Amy Childs

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Magic Screen


About stars, actors, and a bit of fun


fååçÅÉåÅÉ ÇçÉë=åçí=ëÉää= Despite churning out more than 120 films a year, the number of children’s films made by Tollywood remains dismally low

Hemanth Kumar


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Magic Screen


About stars, actors, and a bit of fun

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@Siddharth @RahulBose1 i was just thinking the same thing. Bizarre!! And sad.

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Nippu’s audio launch on Dec 13 q

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@Shraddha Das Loved rockstar..ranbir kapoor is my big fav now! Any1 would love to have a true lover like Jordan! Impossible to find 1 in today’s times!

@Taapsee Pannu Dunno who maintains Wikipedia pages.Who so ever has written bout me needs SOME SERIOUS awareness n LOTS of editing 2 be done.FACTUAL errors

@Mmkeeravaani Good”@neeleshmisra: About to watch #Rockstar .. Have heard so many great things about it that I am having performance anxiety as a viewer!”

@Shruti Haasan My deepest condolences to our director venu sriram and his family :( may peeace be with them..

@Rajamouli Sorry to disappoint. Wrong news again. Haven’t planned any film in 3D or with Tarak yet.

@actor_Nikhil Trailers of “Veedu Theda” on all TV channels... if u watch them plz post ur feedback :-)

@Ram Pothineni Thanks guys...glad u all like it so much

Chai Time 1400 Naadi Aadajanme 1430 Movie 1800 Sri Shanidevuni Mahimalu 1830 Vasantha Kokila 1900 Chinnari Pelli Kuturu 1930 Anna Chellelu 2000 Pellipandiri 2030 Edureetha 2100 Bhale Chancele 2200 CID 2300 Roju Oka Laksha 0700 Silver Screen 0730 Just For Fun 0800 Ayurvedam 0830 Chaganti Bagavatham 0900 Movie 1200 Maa Voori Vanta 1300 Modern Mahalakshmi

1400 Kalyana Tilakam 1430 Maavichiguru 1500 Idhuru Ammayilu 1530 Movie 1800 Jai Shri Krishna 1830 Shraavani Subramaniam 1900 Kannavaari Kalalu 1930 Raktha Sambandham 2000 No. 23, Mahalakshmi Nivasam 2030 Mogali Rekulu 2100 Aparanji 2130 Devatha 2200 Mamathala Kovela 2230 Sree Mathi Sree 2300 Gemini Vaarthalu 0800 Vendithera 0830 24 Frames 0900 Movie 1200 Aha Emi Ruchi 1230 Maa Inti Aada Paduchu 1300 Chittemmaa 1330 Gorintaku

1400 [V] D3 Bloopers 1430 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1500 [V] Humse Hai Life 1530 [V] Trailers 1600 [V] Zabardast Hits 1800 [V] Fresh Songs 1830 [V] Humse Hai Life 1900 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1930 [V] Humse Hai Life 2000 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 2100 [V] Deadly Dus 2130 [V] Trailers 2200 [V] Steal Ur Girlfriend 2300 [V] Humse Hai Life 2330 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 2355 [V] Fresh Songs 0700 [V] Trailers 0730 [V] Zabardast Hits 0800 [V] Mind Blasting Mornings 1100 [V] Fresh Songs 1200 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance

‘[V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance’ at 1900 Hrs on CHANNEL [V]

1300 News Now At 1 1330 News Now 1800 6 Pm 1830 Live Report 1900 Primetime 1930 The Game 2000 News Now At 8 2030 Live Report 2100 The Newshour 2200 The Newshour - Plus 2230 E Now 2300 News Now At 11 0800 The Morning News 0900 News Now 1200 Live Report 1230 News Now

‘The Newshour’ at 2100 Hrs only on TIMES NOW


Telly sitcoms, news and movie listings

1400 Abhishekam 1430 Aadade Aadharam 1500 Antahpuram 1530 Aakasa Ganga 1600 Prema Mandiram 1630 Jagadeeswari 1700 Adurs 1800 Mahabharatam 1830 Puttadi Bomma 1900 Kumkuma Rekha 1930 Manasu Mamata 2000 Chandra Mukhi 2030 Bharyamani 2100 Etv News 2130 Paduta Teeyaga 2230 Sambhavi 2300 Movie 0800 Jeevana Jyothi 0830 Tollywood Time 0900 Movie 1130 Abhiruchi

1400 Movie 1730 Charandasi 1800 Veera Naari Jhansi Laxmi Bhai 1830 Kalavari Kodallu 1900 Chinna Kodalu 1930 Pasupukunkuma 2000 Muddu Bidda 2030 Radha Kalyanam 2100 Kanyadanam 2130 Teenmar Just Mass Dance 0800 Gopuram 0830 Bhakti Samacharam 0900 Sri Raghavendra Vybhavam 0930 Ayurveda Jeevana Vignanam 1000 Latest Superhit Songs 1030 Kanyadanam 1100 Charanadasi 1130 Ardhangi 1200 Mahadevi

‘Business Tonight’ at 2100 Hrs only on ET NOW 1400 The F And O Show 1430 Closing Trades 1530 Tomorrow’s Trades 1600 Business Day 1730 Markets Tomorrow 1800 Rush Hour 1900 Global Business Report 1930 Business Express 2000 Business First 2030 Markets Tomorrow 2100 Business Tonight 2200 Top 10 At 10 2230 Investor’s Guide 2300 Zigwheels 0900 First Trades 1000 Hot Stocks 1100 Buy Now Sell Now - The Stock Game 1130 Buy Now Sell Now 1200 Market Sense 1300 Business Day 1330 Markets Now

‘Swamp Brothers’ at 2200 Hrs on DISCOVERY 1400 Man Vs Wild 1500 Man Woman Wild 1600 Perfect Disaster 1700 Discovery Showcase 1800 Wild Discovery 1900 Fight Quest 2000 Curiosity 2100 Man Vs Wild 2200 Swamp Brothers 2230 Destroyed In Seconds 2300 Anatomical Travelogues 1000 Time Warp 1100 Raging Planet 1200 Swamp Brothers 1230 Destroyed In Seconds

1425 India’s Minute To Win It 1520 The Voice 1700 Top Chef - Just Desserts 1800 The Amazing Race 2000 Masters Of Illusion 2100 Wipeout 2200 Got To Dance 2300 CSI - Miami 0840 Infomercial/30 Min 0905 Sky Teleshopping 0930 Scare Tactics 0955 Infomercial/5 Min 1000 Scare Tactics 1025 Infomercial/5 Min 1030 Top Chef - Just Desserts 1130 Wipeout 1225 Got To Dance 1320 CSI - Miami

‘Got To Dance’ at 2200 Hrs on AXN

‘Dharampatni’ at 2130 Hrs on IMAGINE 1400 Haar Jeet 1500 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 1600 Haar Jeet 1700 Dharampatni 1800 Beendh Banuga Ghodi Chadhunga 1830 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 1900 Dharampatni 1930 Haar Jeet 2000 Dwarkadheesh - Bhagwan Shri Krishn 2030 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 2100 Beendh Banuga Ghodi Chadhunga 2130 Dharampatni 2200 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo 2230 Haar Jeet 2300 Dharampatni

1400 Hamari Saas Leela 1430 Hawan 1500 Veer Shivaji 1530 Uttaran 1600 Phulwa 1630 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 1700 Veer Shivaji 1800 Uttaran 1830 Balika Vadhu 1900 Hawan 1930 Sasural Simar Ka 2000 Balika Vadhu 2030 Veer Shivaji 2100 Phulwa 2130 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 2200 Uttaran 2230 Bigg Boss 2330 Balika Vadhu

‘Hawan’ at 1900 Hrs on COLORS

‘Pavitra Rishta’ at 2100 Hrs on ZEE TV 1400 Hitler Didi 1430 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1500 Bhagonwali 1530 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 1600 Pavitra Rishta 1630 Shobha Somnath Ki 1730 Ram Milaye Jodi 1830 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1900 Ek Nayi Choti Si Zindagi 1930 Choti Bahu 2 2000 Hitler Didi 2030 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 2100 Pavitra Rishta 2130 Ram Milaye Jodi 2200 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 2230 Bhagonwali 2300 Pavitra Rishta

1400 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1430 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1500 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1600 Crime Patrol - 1 1700 Crime Patrol - Dastak 1800 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1830 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1900 Crime Patrol - Dastak 2000 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 2030 Kaun Banega Crorepati 2200 Saas Bina Sasuraal 2230 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 2300 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 2330 Crime Patrol - Dastak 0700 Telebrands 0730 Sky Star Advertising 0900 CID 1130 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1200 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1230 Saas Bina Sasuraal

‘Kuch Toh Log Kahenge’ at 2000 Hrs on SONY


‘Maayke Se Bandhi Dor’ at 2030 Hrs on STAR PLUS 1400 Sapnon Se Bharey Naina 1500 Navya 1530 Diya Aur Bati Hum 1600 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 1630 Sasuraal Genda Phool 1700 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1730 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 1900 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1930 Sasuraal Genda Phool 2000 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2030 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 2100 Diya Aur Bati Hum 2130 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2200 Navya 2230 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 2300 Maryaada ... Lekin Kab Tak? 2330 Diya Aur Bati Hum


1420 Beowulf 1620 Superman Returns 1920 Jason X 2100 Bloodsport 2255 Troy 0800 Friends 0830 Good Morning, Miami 0900 Friends 0930 The Conan O’brien Show 1020 Lost Boys - The Tribe 1200 Get Smart

Balika Vadhu

1250 At First Sight 1525 Iron Man 2 1805 John Grisham’s The Rainmaker 2100 Supercross 2250 Robocop 0820 Snow Day 1020 John Grisham’s The Rainmaker 1310 Robocop

1400 Better With You 1430 Mike And Molly 1500 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 1600 The Event 1700 Better With You 1730 Mike And Molly 1800 E News 1900 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 2000 Better With You 2030 America’s Funniest Home Videos 20 2100 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 2200 The Event 2300 Better With You 2330 Mike And Molly 0800 Just For Laughs 0830 Scrubs 0900 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 1000 Pretty Little Liars 1100 America’s Funniest Home Videos 20

‘Mike And Molly’ at 2330 Hrs on ZEE CAFE

Storyline - The goons are chasing Anandi and Jagya in the jungle.There are also a few intimate moments between Anandi and Jagya... to know how they escape from the clutches of the goons ‘Balika Vadhu’ at 2000 Hrs on COLORS

‘Home Improvement’ at 2330 Hrs on STAR WORLD 1400 Masterchef Australia 1500 Necessary Roughness 1600 Melissa & Joey 1630 Home Improvement 1700 Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior 1800 Masterchef Australia 1900 Melissa & Joey 1930 Home Improvement 2000 Rules Of Engagement 2030 The Simpsons 2100 Masterchef Australia 2200 Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior 2300 Melissa & Joey 2330 Home Improvement 0800 Rules Of Engagement 0830 The Simpsons 0900 Masterchef Australia 1000 Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior 1100 Melissa & Joey 1130 Home Improvement

Saas Bina Sasural Storyline - Tosty, Pashu, and Ved will go to the hospital, where Tosty will recognized Tej’s wrist watch and boots on a dead body. They will be shocked and at the same time, are in dilemma. ‘Saas Bina Sasural’ at 2200 Hrs on SONY

1400 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1430 Lapataganj 1530 Fir 1630 Don’t Worry Chachu !!! 1700 Ring Wrong Ring 1730 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1900 Lapataganj 1930 Don’t Worry Chachu !!! 2000 Chintu Chinky Aur Ek Badi Si Love Story 2030 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 2100 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 2130 Mrs. Tendulkar 2200 Lapataganj 2230 Fir 2300 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 2330 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 0800 Teleshopping 0900 Happy Housewives Club 0930 Don’t Worry Chachu !!! 1000 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 1045 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma

‘Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo’ at 2100 Hrs on SAB’

‘Darwaza Bandh Rakho’ at 1400 Hrs on ZOOM 1400 Movie - Darwaza Bandh Rakho 1730 Star Bonanza 1800 Letz Go! 1900 Planet Bollywood News 1930 Link’D 2000 Telly Talk 2030 Letz Go! 2100 Blenders Pride Fashion Tour 2011 2130 Link’D 2200 B - Tonite 2230 Business Of Bollywood 2300 Bollywood Bonanza 0700 Fresh Mornings 0800 Red Carpet 0805 20 - 20 Songs 0825 Fresh Mornings 1000 20 - 20 Songs 1021 Fresh Mornings 1100 Zoom Box 1200 Garma Garam 1300 Planet Bollywood News 1330 Page 3

‘Supercross’ at 2100 Hrs on HBO

1400 Oddities 1430 Discovery Science Classics 1530 Robocars 1630 Mythbusters 1730 Machines! 1800 Industrial Junkies 1830 Best Of Discovery Science 1930 What’s That About? 2030 Stan Lee’s Superhumans 2130 I, Videogame 2230 How Do They Do It? 2330 The New Inventors 1030 Stan Lee’s Superhumans 1130 I, Videogame 1230 Best Of Discovery Science 1330 Connections

‘Jerry Springer’ at 2200 Hrs on BIG CBS PRIME

‘Stan Lee’s Superhumans’ at 2030 Hrs on DISCOVERY SCIENCE

1430 Jerry Springer 1530 Aspire 1600 Survivor 1700 Bellator 1800 Galileo Extreme 1900 The Defenders 2000 Entertainment Tonight 2030 Galileo Extreme 2100 The Defenders 2200 Jerry Springer 2300 CSI - Crime Scene Investigation 0700 Big Wheels 0730 Aspire 0800 Galileo Extreme 0900 Bellator 1100 Jerry Springer 1200 Aspire 1230 Entertainment Tonight 1300 Galileo Extreme 1330 The Defenders

Chai Time


How to Play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: “How do you play Kakuro?”, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two - it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.



Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa


QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Chaucer creation 5 “No man ___ island” 9 “The butcher, the baker, the candle stick-___” 14 Holly plant 15 Prefix meaning “onebillionth” 16 Love, Italian-style 17 Alaskan city near the Arctic Circle 18 Spectrum bands 19 Daredevil’s opposite 20 Cowboy’s formal kitchen? 23 Trumpet blare 24 Late-night Jay’s family 26 London’s formal landmark? 30 Zorro wears one 34 It’s often iced in summer 35 Puget Sound port 36 Stay clear of 38 Just past five o’clock, compasswise 40 Coolidge and Hayworth 41 Certain symphonic movements 43 Suitable for the occasion 45 Sign of impact? 46 Baseball’s formal doubleheader? 49 Paddled craft 50 Rapid ___ (urban train system) 55 Formal type of poker? 57 Buddhist shrine 60 Adventure hero ___ Williams 61 End 62 Sweet-smelling love symbols 63 What one isn’t? 64 It comes before the storm 65 Sluggish by nature 66 Treat rudely, in slang 67 “The ___ the limit!”

DOWN 1 Color slightly 2 Honolulu farewell 3 Another name for Lake Geneva 4 Apply, as pressure 5 Receive by will? 6 They comes in links 7 All over again 8 The key for making change 9 Home canner’s implement 10 Protein builder 11 Boxing match enders 12 Hosp. trauma areas 13 Marina del ___, Calif. 21 Scientist’s hangout 22 Lady’s escort (Abbr.) 25 Walloped, old-style 27 Kind of metabolism 28 A model wife to Bowie 29 “Harper’s Weekly” car-

toonist Thomas 30 Wal-___ 31 Declare as a fact 32 Sega’s hedgehog 33 Ransom seeker 37 Nickname for a region in Maine 39 Perfect examples 42 Priory of ___ (group in “The Da Vinci Code”) 44 Silverscaled game fish 47 Looked lecherously 48 Silver screen actress West 51 Drug ring busters 52 Kind of preview or


thief 53 Vatican City setting 54 Periods in office 56 Strauss of pants fame 57 ___ Lanka (Ceylon) 58 Quantity of bricks? 59 Take unfair advantage of PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER

THOUGHT OF THE DAY Vigorous let us be in attaining our ends, and mild in our method of attainment. - Lord Newborough



Your tomorrow today̶Star Power and Tarot THIRUVAIKUMAR

Date 15-11-2011

ARIES 040-27177230 / 9177596118

March 20 - April 18 Those who want to change job can start their efforts today. You will work hard to complete the works. Avoid taking major decisions today. Keep your cool in the face of uncertainties


April 19 - May 19 Comforts set to improve. Don't make promises if you know that they are not possible for you to complete. Financially a sound position is seen. Your long pend‑ ing wishes get fulfilled. Try to be positive.





June 21 - July 21

July 22 - August 21

May 20 - June 20

Beware of enemies as they may be so closer to you. Identify such persons and keep them away.Those who are in powerful posts, will be helping to their friends well wishers with possible help. Avoid being harsh.

A day to enjoy. Attending parties, picnic with family will occupy the whole day. Avoid criticising others. Financial position looks sound. All your works will get com‑ pleted due to your positive approach.

Employees need to work hard with involvement. Financial matters look criti‑ cal. A surprise fortune is on the cards. Your confidence will improve. Avoid tak‑ ing fresh positions in speculative deals.



October 23 - November 20

SAGITTARIUS November 21 - Dec 20

Your suggestions will be accepted. People in romance will feel very happy. Talks of marriage likely for some and looks favourable. Avoid being emotional as you may feel sad. Be cheerful and keep good company with friends.

Be cordial with blood relations. Avoid heated arguments. Do not allow others to influence your decision. Financial position looks sound. Spend happy time with fami‑ ly members.

You will not be in a position to mingle with people today. An insecure feeling is bothering you. Sportsmen will achieve success. Your concentration need to be improved.




January 20 - February 18 Avoid being over ambitious. Take care of your spouse's needs. Seek help of your wellwishers and friends to complete your goal. Financial mat‑ ters will be in your favour. Maintain a cautious approach in love affairs.




Five of Cups – Plotting and planning, creating camps of us versus them, and con‑ spiracy are all part of the day. Itʼs a new experience you can‑ not avoid.

King of Pentacles – Youʼre in charge. Those around are looking to you for advice. Spend 70% of your time plan‑ ning and another 30% executing them.

King of Swords – You cut through the heart of the matter and have no time for niceties. The cut‑and‑ dried approach will not go down well with everyone.




Queen of Swords – There is a feeling of loneliness even when youʼre in a crowd. You cannot avoid this time of being alone. Spend time with yourself.

Five of Wands – Thereʼs confusion, politicking and con‑ flict at work and home. You feel exhausted and want to get away. Avoid personal attacks.

The Tower – Things are not going to be as hunky dory as you planned. Leave room for a Plan B and also give your‑ self time to adjust to all the change.




Six of Pentacles – This is a happy time when plans are working and youʼre moving ahead rapid‑ ly in the direction you want. Organise your time well.

Eight of Swords – You need time to relax and chill out. Youʼve been in a very tight spot recently when decisions and time management have been critical.

Knight of Swords – Youʼre being seen an insensitive person who thinks nothing of trampling on oth‑ ers. You may be mis‑ understood. But rec‑ tify your image.




Seven of Swords – Youʼre feeling tired by monotony and routine. You need time to relax and do something different. Donʼt feel guilty over taking time off.

Three of Wands – The waiting period is over and youʼre mov‑ ing to great times when things click and you find what youʼre looking for.

Queen of Cups – You find it difficult to curb your emotions. There are times when people can read through your thoughts. That may not be a good thing.

February 19 - March 19

There may be confusions; keep your cool and solve the problem. Value your intu‑ ition, which may become true. Focus on your career improvement with foresight. Those who graduated recently will get a job of their choice.

For Better or for Worse Stone soup



Number game



Ink pen


Fred Basset

Dec 21 - January 19 Avoid taking any important decisions in haste. Avoid making friendship with strangers. Women will be attracted towards you but exercise caution. Employees must work with involvement.


August 22 - September21

An unexpected excitement is possible. Avoid being impatient and thinking of getting everything done at one go. You will focus on your goal totally and nothing can dis‑ tract you. Keep emotions under control.

September 22 - October 22



Vol: 1, No. 121 RNI No: APENG/2011 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No. 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad–500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad–500037, Editor: Prahlad Rao – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: and for subscription, please call 040-40672222, Fax: 040-40672211



Kids carnival Children enjoyed at a carnival organised by Novotel hotel at Madhapur on the eve of Children’s Day on Sunday



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