FLASH Wikipedia takes a stand, it’s time we make ours Log on to Wikipedia’s English page today and you will see a message that hits home. It reads: “For over a decade, we have spent millions of hours building the largest encyclopedia in human history. Right now, the US Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open Internet. For 24 hours, to raise awareness, we are blacking out Wikipedia.” This mania for information censorship is also gripping our very own country. Just imagine a world where our right to information is governed by anachronistic naysayers! Just imagine a world without access to knowledge! Imagine a blackout indeed!
BIG FISH NABBED AT RGIA Four high-profile passengers who arrived from London via Dubai were taken into custody at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at Shamshabad by Directorate of Revenue Intelligence investigators on Wednesday morning. Kin of a minister from Guntur district, and a couple of legislators are P3 said to be among the foursome.
Hyderabad’s first compact afternoon newspaper
Megan Fox also in talks to play Elizabeth Taylor P25
Shriya Saran We Indians have a chalta hai attitude P20
Delhi fog made its presence felt at RGIA in Hyderabad. Four Hyderabad-bound morning flights from Delhi were delayed and one headed to Delhi was also delayed.
Page Two
Spirit of Twin Cities
TDP launches state-wide enrolment campaign Md Inkeshaf Ahmed ahmed.m@postnoon.com
TDP president N Chandra Babu Naidu will renew his primary membership in the party on Wednesday evening. The move of the party president will kick-start party's membership drive. Interestingly, the renewal of his membership is coinciding with party founder NT Rama Rao's 16th death anniversary. Naidu began his day by garlanding the statue of NTR at Rasoolpura junction and flagged off NTR Amar Jyothy rally there. Later he headed towards NTR Ghat at Necklace Road and paid tribute at the Samadhi of NTR along with his family members. After paying rich tributes to
the former party president, he distributed fruits at Basavatarakam Cancer Institute to patients along with his brother-in-law Balakrishna. He also delivered a speech at party headquarters recalling the yeomen services of NTR during his term as the chief minister and party president.
500 vehicles gutted
fire engulfed over 500 vehicles pooled at Goshamahal Stadium on Wednesday, leaving a mass of charred and twisted metal parts behind. The stadium is used by the police as a dump for unclaimed and seized vehicles. While no casualties were reported, the cause of fire is yet to be ascertained. According to Shahinayathgunj police, a head constable guarding the Goshamahal Stadium noticed smoke billowing out from a motorcycle and alerted the fire control room. By the time fire tenders reached the spot, around 500 vehicles, including motorcycles, autorickshaws and cars, were gutted. There were about 1,300 vehicles in the stadium. Five fire tenders were pressed into service and fire fighting was on till the last reports came in.
Around the city: Your guide to the Twin Cities
My name is Minnu
Kites are a childhood memory of carefree life, of cheery sunny days .They have become a metaphor of soaring freedom, of flights sky-high, towering above the humdrum of life. Artkites are such an expression of festivity and creative vision. Where: Iconart, Banjara Hills When: Ongoing Contact: (040) 32411554
To witness strokes of various kinds head to Gallery Space. It’s an exhibition presenting paintings and drawings by various artists and is being held at Gallery Space from December 24. Where: Gallery Space, Banjara Hills When: Ongoing, 11am to 7pm Contact: (040) 65541836
A childhood favourite of every Hyderabadi, The All India Industrial Exhibition is on. Where: Exhibition Grounds, Nampally When: Ongoing
Eat in the dark Have you ever wondered how it feels to eat in the dark? Come and experience this. Pay `499 to enjoy a 4course meal worth `1,000 at Dialogue in the Dark. Where: Dialogue in the Dark, Inorbit Mall, Hitech City When: Ongoing, 12.30pm Contact: (040) 64603341
Controlled freedom Catch Controlled Freedom, an exhibition of portrait photography that showcases the works of two photographers with contrasting approaches to capturing people — Sucharitha Rao and Lakshmi Prabhala. Where: Alankritha Art Gallery, Kavuri Hills When: Ongoing, 6.30pm Contact: (040) 23113709
One love
Different strokes
Childhood memory
One Love is an International exhibition by artists from around the world who aim at promoting humanity and love all over the world. Where: State Gallery Of Fine Arts , When: Ongoing, 11am Contact: (040) 32913922
Contact: 9247175135
It is the first solo Art show by actor Kamal Kamaraju on a series of paintings he has done on ‘Minnu’ in 2011. The show will also launch calendars with Kamal’s paintings and will be exclusively on sale at the Muse gallery. The proceeds from this show will be donated to CAP Foundation. Where: Marriott hotel & Convention Centre, Tank Bund When: Ongoing, 6pm Contact: (040) 27522999
Martini ‘n music Enjoy the winter evenings with grey goose martinis and crooner Kelly dishing out your favourite numbers. Where: Taj Krishna, Banjara Hills When: Every Evening Contact: (040) 66662323
Cognac and Cigar The Seasons Bar opens up again as a Cigar and Cognac lounge with a wide selection of cognac, rare whiskies, single
malts and cigars. Where: Taj Krishna, Banjara Hills When: Ongoing, 7pm Contact: (040) 66662323
Visual art An exhibition cum sale of paintings by Hari Srinivas. The exhibition is on display till January 30 2012. Where: VSL Visual Art Gallery, Plot no 100, AP Text Book Colony, Gun Rock Enclave When: Ongoing
Go commercial Get set as DJ Abhijit belts out the best commercial tracks at underdeck Taj Banjara. Where: Underdeck, Taj Banjara When: January 18, 8pm Contact: (040) 66669999
Get spoilt Get spolit as DJs Errol & Deepak enthrall you at Wednesday Salsa only at Spoil pub. Where: Spoil, Jubilee Hills When: Ongoing, 8pm Contact: (040) 64513333
Big Cinemas, Ameerpet, 30581470; Cinemax, Banjara Hills, 44565555; Cine Planet , Kompally, 61606060; INOX, Banjara Hills, 447677770, Prasads, Tank Bund Rd, 23448888; PVR, Punjagutta, 08800900009; Talkie Town, Miyapur, 40214175; Tivoli, Secunderabad 27844973
Hyper Local
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Jumbling or juggling?
DRI nabs four high profile passengers at the airport
It speaks volumes of governmental laxity in ensuring proper facilities in colleges. Some 60 per cent of 4,800 intermediate colleges have no proper laboratories
EDUCATION U Srinivas srinivas.u@postnoon.com
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A jumbled world
umbling means students have to go to colleges other than their own for practical exams. Last year, the practical tests were held in the same colleges for their students where a lot of malpractices were reported. Some students who did not attend the practical also got cent percent marks. Jumbling will make things difficult for students but the quality of education will improve, educationists say. ~êÉ=åç=éêçéÉê=Ñ~ÅáäáíáÉë=áí=ï~ë=åçí áãéäÉãÉåíÉÇ=ä~ëí=óÉ~êK=^=ëíìÇÉåí åÉÉÇë= íç= Çç= NR= íç= PM= éê~ÅíáÅ~äë ~ÅÅçêÇáåÖ= íç= íÜÉ= ëóää~Äìë= áå áåíÉêãÉÇá~íÉK= _ìí= åç= áåíÉêãÉÇáJ ~íÉ= ÅçääÉÖÉ= áå= íÜÉ= `áíó= ÅçåÇìÅíë éê~ÅíáÅ~ä=Åä~ëëÉë=áå=íÜÉ=Ñáêëí=óÉ~êK= ^= ÑÉï= ÅçääÉÖÉë= ÅçåÇìÅí= çåäó ëáñ=çê=ëÉîÉå=éê~ÅíáÅ~äë=ÄÉÑçêÉ=íÜÉ
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Postnoon News
our high-profile passengers who arrived from London via Dubai were taken into custody at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at Shamsabad by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) sleuths on Wednesday morning. Sons of a Cabinet minister, a Congress MLA and the brother of another Congress MLA were among those picked up by the DRI officials. They were allegedly in possession of alcohol and watches worth `50 lakh, according to sources. However, it was yet to be confirmed whether they were carrying them beyond permissible limits, and whether they were ‘smuggling’ goods into the country. Official sources said that the foursome were trying to take out the goods they brought without paying the tax. Sources indicated that they tried to exit through the green channel. The DRI is yet to evaluate the cost of the material seized. Though reports suggested that Congress MLA from Vikarabad Prasad Babu is also among those picked by the DRI, he condemned the reports.
Hyper Local
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Miyapur bolstered by booming realty PICS: N SHIVA KUMAR
LIVING SPACES With the City bursting at its seams we visit the top 5 locales that are luring Hyderabadis looking for a new urban adventure Osama Salman salman.o@postnoon.com
F Located at a strategic 8 kms from the IT hub, Miyapur boasts of excellent connectivity,hospitals, schools, luxury apartments and is a resident’s delight Why Miyapur When asked why they chose Miyapur as home, the common answer that denizens gave was its close proximity to Hitech City. “My husband, Dhananjay Kumar, works in Hitech City and we wanted to rent an apartment that was closest to office. Being on a budget, renting an apartment in Madhapur was expensive,” says Seema Kumar, a homemaker who moved into Miyapur two years ago. “Every morning, I can take in fresh and less polluted air which is a privilege living in Hyderabad. My apartment faces a lake which not many areas can boast about,” says C Manorama, a teacher whose husband also works in Hitech City.
Rental and Property Rates Property in Miyapur ranges from `20 lakhs to `30 lakhs for a two bedroom apartment, making it a favourable and viable option for first-time buyers. Road facing properties can demand a price upto
Nageshwar Rao
Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints
198 155313
POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section
155333 23431178 23431179 Street Light 155304 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION:
`50,000 a square yard, says real estate agent, Nageshwar Rao. “The rents range from `7,000 for a two-bedroom unit to `10,000 and `15,000 for 3BHK,” says Venkat Reddy, a resident and realestate agent. “One of the main reasons why we chose Miyapur is because it is still affordable despite being a developed area,” he says.
Schools and Hospitals There are nine yellow-page listed hospitals and clinics in the area, and more coming up. For residents, hospitals are always in close proximity. “In case of an emergency, there are many hospitals at hand. Senior citizens can buy Rajeshwar Rao a retirement home here for the same reason,” says Rajeshwar Rao, who has been living in the area for the last six years. “There are at least 50 schools in Miyapur. What’s better is that there are both regular schools and the high end ones and quality of education is outstanding in all of them,” says Nageshwar Rao.
Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266 24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833150 Railway Information 131 Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333
WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital, Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital,
Security Adequate security holds priority for prospective buyers and tenants. Real estate agent Venkat Reddy who has been living here for 25 years, claims that the C Manorama police patrol the area twice daily. “I have never felt unsafe here,” he adds. “Apart from having internal security, the police always keeps a watch,” says Manorama.
Connectivity Despite being considered 'outskirts', Miyapur is well connected by all modes of public transport. The closest railway station, Hafeezpet, is three kilometres away Seema Kumar from Miyapur crossroads. “As soon as I step outside my apartment, I can easily hire an autorickshaw,” says Seema. “A bus stop is walking distance from home. It is LB Nagar
155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888 30417777 30419000 30416666
BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills
39879999 27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445
AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777 Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332
rom property rates that have climbed up from a mere `300 per square yard in 2000 to `50,000 in 2012, Miyapur is an investor’s paradise. Real estate agents across the City have recognised Miyapur as one of the fastest developing areas. And with the growing demand, the area is only getting better. Located 12 kilometres from Jubilee check post and a meagre eight kilometres from Cyber Towers in Hitech City, Miyapur is the preferred destination for most IT professionals. It is no wonder then that 40 per cent of the area comprises of apartments, some of which fall under the category of luxury dwellings. Postnoon examines Miyapur, one of the top developing areas in the City and what sets it apart.
extremely well connected, except when you have to go to areas beyond Hitech City where it can be a long ride,” says Nageshwar.
Water and Electricity Denizens are content as they have never had to face any major power or water shortage. They say the entire area is blessed to have 24 hours water supply. “I have been living here for six years and have never faced any problems. But when I was living in Himayat Nagar, water was a scarce resource there,” says Rajeshwar.
Venkat Reddy
Do you like it here? “I have been living here for 25 years and have seen the best and worst phase. The area has grown tremendously. It is a great area and I would never want to move out,” says Venkat. “Having lived in KPHB, Miyapur is better. It has better roads, lung space as well as very good restaurants and shops,” concludes Seema.
AIRLINES Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Website; www.airindia.in TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999 UK Visa Office
VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7 Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum
24523211 232431300/7641 24521029
Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to feedback@postnoon.com or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222
Hyper Local
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Sanitation staff withdraw strike
CIVIC Inkeshaf Ahmed ahmed.m@postnoon.com
he city sanitation workers are a happy lot. “GHMC commissioner spoke to our leader and INTUC President Sanjeeva Reddy and requested him to withdraw the strike. He also assured that he would solve
our problems. The commissioner immediately fulfilled our main demand by releasing the pending salaries of our sanitation. Following this development we withdrew our strike,” working president of APMSMU Masoom Shariff told Postnoon. To curb the allegations of irregularities in sanitation wing of
How they stand Number of Sweeping Units 990 Number of workers in each unit 19 (18 workers and One supervisor) Number of total workers 18088 Number of workers on strike 8000 Monthly expenditure towards salaries- ` 17 crore
Funds delay stalls Jalayagnam IRRIGATION U Srinivas srinivas.u@postnoon.com
iffed over the delay in releasing funds, contractors employed by the State government for the Jalayagnam project have decided to seek legal remedy and stall work connected with the project till they are served justice. The decision was taken at an emergency meeting of the Andhra Pradesh unit of the Builders’ Association of India (BAI). The works have already been stalled since January 10. President of the Builders Association P Mohan Reddy told Postnoon that the decision to stop work was taken as a last resort. Earlier, minister for IT Ponnala Lakshmiah had assured the contractors that the government would release funds. Members of BAI had met minister for major irrigation Sudershan Reddy over the issue, but nothing has happened yet. Contractors have demanded that Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy should assure them. But Kiran Kumar Reddy is busy on his Delhi trip and with other political developments. It is learnt that he had already assigned two of his cabinet colleagues to talk to the contractors, but the impasse is expected to continue. Of the 86 irrigation and power works proposed under Jalayagnam, only 12 have been completed. The rest was being
done at a snail’s pace. About 10 lakh workers are said to be directly involved in the works. Builders say that the initial plan was to complete 88 works at an estimated cost of `46,000 crore. But more projects were included and the allocation of funds too rose to `1.16 lakh crore in 2008. The government has only released about `35,000 crore. Builders say another ` 1.67 lakh crore is required to complete the proposed works. The contractors had also sought more funds as was decided during the YSR regime. They cited rising cost of labour, cement, steel and sand as the reason. The contractors have indicated that the prices which were agreed upon earlier might go up by three times if payments are not made as promised earlier. It is said the matter was brought to the notice of the chief minister.
the corporation, officials of GHMC has come up with a novel idea. As per this idea, the corporation has decided to do away with the existing system of hiring contractors for sweeping works. Under the new plan, the existing sweeping workers will be directly supervised by the corportion officials and their salaries will be paid
through bank accounts in the name of each worker. Speaking to Postnoon, GHMC special commissioner Naveen Mittal said that the proposed new system will save `50 crore annually for the corporation. He further added that they are planning introduce the new system in a phased manner from the new financial year.
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
City fails the handicapped PICS: SRINIVAS SETTY
CIVIC Sudeshna Koka sudeshna.k@postnoon.com
‘Table T Bill in Budget session’
tate BJP chief G Kishan Reddy has said that his party would be launching ‘Telangana Poru Yatra’ with the demand that a T Bill be introduced in the ensuing budget session of the Lok Sabha. Kishan, who will be touring Telangana region, said that his tour was intended to give confidence to the people that Telangana would be a reality.
ailu Nath and Rajinikanth, both handicapped, travel more than 10 kilometers everyday on their wheelchair to find odd jobs leaving them with no option but to beg for alms. Despite the pain and trouble they undergo they swear not to use the public transport. “Travelling by bus is a nightmare. We have seen normal people struggle so much that we don’t dare enter a bus or train. Secondly, it’s not convenient for us, we take time to get in and the drivers do not have the time or patience to help us or wait. We are happy using this small vehicle of ours,” said Rajinikanth, a physically handicapped citizen from Yousufguda,
pointing to his wheelchair. As a City we might be friendly to expatriates and foreigners, however, looking deep within, we are not really friendly towards citizens with disabilities. Commuting by public transport is a challenging task for these people. APSRTC buses have certain provisions like special seats and concessions for the physically challenged but unfortunately the steps of these buses are so high that boarding these buses is quite a challenge. However, keeping senior citizens and the physically challenged citizens in mind, the Hyderabad public transport has introduced low level buses. But the problem is that these are always too crowded. “Hyderabad is a well equipped City with the best facilities for a handicapped person. Now, the government has started to build low level buses keeping special citizens
THE FACES OF HYDERABAD B Narayana, Chudva vendor, Secretariat PIC: N SHIVA KUMAR
in mind. The situation at railway stations is also better. There are special ramps and wheelchair facilities available. The situation has however improved in the last 10 years. However, the irony is not many are aware of these facilities. The government has provided several facilities but there is now awareness,” said S Narsima Rao, coordinator, Sweekar Upkar. Despite these facilities being installed at railway stations they are not well maintained. What’s worse, not all stations are equipped with these facilities. City railway stations do not even have a special enquiry desk and sign boards for handicapped citizens. When Postnoon visited Begumpet railway station, there was only one wheelchair that too without an attender. The Footover Bridge had only stairs and no ramp. However, the station master,
very Hyderabadi has at some point of time spent a leisurely evening strolling at one of the many parks or along Tank Bund munching on some Chudva palli. Be it a teenager or a senior citizen, this spicy snack is a hot favourite and B Narayana who has his stall opposite the Secretariat sells some of the best. Balancing his wares in a basket perched on a wooden stand, Narayana dishes out some lipsmacking chudva palli sprinkled generously with lime, onion and spices. U Srinivas Originally a farmer, A city is defined by the Narayana came to the City people who live and to eke out a living after his work in it. Here we take a look at the attempts at agriculture human threads that failed. He stays near LIC make up our urban colony and has three sons tapestry and a daughter. On an average, Narayana makes around `250 a day, which although meagre, is Narayana’s hard earned money. On days when there are dharnas at NTR stadium, business is good for this vendor who rakes in as much as `500 a day on such occasions. On the whole, Narayana has no complaints as he says business is good since he is strategically located. If god willing he would want to return to Warangal, his hometown.
Sharma, got defensive and said, “The disabled should find out which platform their train will be stopping at. They can’t expect us to drop them to their point of boarding. They know they are disabled so they should be well informed and plan things in advance.” Not only is commuting a problem but the physically challenged are facing several problems from the government. They need to get their status renewed once a year which is creating problems for them and their family. “Once a person is certified physically challenged it’s supposed to be for life. However, the government expects them to get a new certificate every year. There is no need for that, it’s a huge problem for my students. Politicians need to take special interest towards this cause and do something about it,” said S Narsima Rao.
Will Bala fight Lagdapati? W
ill actor Nandamuri Balakrishna contest against Lagadapati Rajagopal, the Congress MP of Vijayawada? The TDP senior leader Revanth Reddy wants it but party supremo Chandrababu Naidu is silent about it. Revanth Reddy dropped the suggestion on Tuesday while talking to the media. He said that if Lagadapati Rajagopal was to be defeated in an election, Balakrishna has to step in. Only Balakrishna can do that, he said. “If Balakrishna had contested from Vijayawada, it would have a positive effect on the party’s prospects in four to five districts around the city,” said Reddy. He also felt that Balakrishna’s entry into elections would send shockwaves to various parties. Naidu declared that Balakrishna will contest but held back on possible constituency.
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The historic monument of Taramati Baradari came alive for a second time as words were exchanged, cultures discussed and an oath taken to preserve the writings that characterised regional works
Narrating life’s stanzas
T Vijay Kumar (L) and Saeed Mirza (C) at the festival. Postnoon News feedback@postnoon.com
n Day 2 of the Literary Festival at Taramati Baradari, Hyderabad's tryst with arts and culture continued with regional, national and international writers converging to either discuss their works or to throw light on the importance of greater acceptance of Indian languages
and literature. On one hand, Saeed Mirza, renowned filmmaker and screen writer, was deep in conversation with Indraganti Mohana Krishna and T Vijay Kumar, who is one of the founding editors of Muse India and also a professor of English and joint director at Osmania University Centre for International Programmes (OUCIP), while on the other
Adil Jussawalla and Sridala Swami
hand, Angshuman Kar, Amrita Nair, Semeen Ali who along with Anindita Sengupta was nominated for the Muse India Young Writer Award 2011, read out excerpts of their poetry. Eminent poet, newspaper editor and columnist, Adil Jussawalla also graced the occasion. In conversation with Hyderabad-based writer, Sridala Swami, Jussawalla discussed the dissatisfaction of various writ-
ers with their work. He said, “I have tried to destroy my work because either I was not satisfied with it or it didn't really say anything about me as a poet, trying to communicate my deeper feelings with the world.” “I am not the first. Kafka and Tolstoy too, tried to destroy their work,” he continued, going on to add that in India there is no sense of archiving the work of writers. “Even news-
Gulzar papers fail to do that,” he said. Jussawalla’s poems are considered to be often complex, fragmented, non-linear and ironic, evoking the dehumanised and spiritually sterile landscape, which is suspended in a perpetual state of catastrophe, but the short poem he recited based on his mother's convalescence, was over in a blink, strung rhythmically with simple words.
A ‘dead’ poets’ society Nissim Ezekiel and Dom Moraes epitomised modern Indian poetry but since Ezekiel’s passing nine years ago on January 4, 2004, the state of Indian poetry in English brings forth some mixed opinions
CULTURE Sana Mirza sana.m@postnoon.com
he youngest and first non-English person to win the Hawthornden Prize for his debut collection in 1958 was Dom Moraes, who said, “My agent tells me that I have a name.” As the audience waits, he says, “for what I say.” An excerpt that he recited from a collection of poetry titled John Nobody. That was when the poets of his time did have an audience. Not a very compact one perhaps, or a number close to a housefull, it was an audience nonetheless. As obscurity shadowed and thrust itself on a number of other poets like Ezekiel, who was described as the ‘Father of post-independence Indian verse in English’, it became quite evident that poets writing in English no longer enjoyed the kind of attention, albeit limited they once did. Dr Sukrita Paul Kumar, who is a scholar, critic and a poet of great sensitivity, disagrees rather vehemently, when asked. “To say that we don’t have poets writing in English is wrong,” she says, “To say that poetry in general is not being given enough attention, is right.” Dr Kumar believes that the audience is deaf to poets in general. “The audience is not really all that open to experimenting. Resourceful material as well as the
right kind of academics in order to impart knowledge of poetry to today’s generation is absent,” she says. A lot more poets in English are getting the much-needed attention and are also publishing with greater alacrity, as mediums like poetry festivals, and the blogosphere seem to generate more debates, discussions and required publicity. Why is it that we are masters in prose and bummers in poetry? A lot of people link fatigue and boredom, when they hear the words ‘poetry reading’ but as one of the founding editors of Muse India, Vijay Kumar, points out, “We are just two years old and the turnout this year has been better than the last. Poetry, too, needs dialogue to be conveyed to the people. It is still in the making as ours is a rich multilingual culture.” Poet, newspaper editor and columnist, Adil Jussawalla admits that while he has been a published literary, the acceptance is low. “Everyone has a view as to how a poem should be like,” he says, going on to add a few points regarding the absence of a tradition of criticism, “What is the point if poets didn’t write or criticise each other. Some of the more intelligent, nuanced, objective and contextualised criticism is written by poets themselves, like the Acme poets of Russia, and that is vital, but I wish there was more of it. We need to have indigenous criticism feeding off literature and literature feeding of criticism,” he opined. We agree.
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The Pokarna family and guests at the Sangeet ceremony of Abhishek and Sonal at HICC on Tuesday night. Almost all the who’s who of the city had turned up to participate in the celebration. Abhishek and Sonal
A rollicking night Rajiv Reddy and Manjula Reddy
Vishal and Maniza
Upasana Kamineni
Rekha Jain
Danam Nagender and Prakash Jain Viral and Sweta
India unveiled
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Tibetan activists try to escape from a police bus outside the Hyderabad House, the venue of the AFP Indo-China talk son border issues in New Delhi on Tuesday.
Cong mantri quits over Didi ‘dictatorship’ KOLKATA: qáÉë= ÄÉíïÉÉå= tÉëí _ÉåÖ~äDë= êìäáåÖ= qêáå~ãççä= `çåÖ=J êÉëë= ~åÇ= áíë= ~ääó= `çåÖêÉëë= ïçêëÉåÉÇ=ÑìêíÜÉê=çå=qìÉëÇ~ó=~ë=~ `çåÖ=êÉëë= ãáåáëíÉê= Å~ääÉÇ= `ÜáÉÑ jáåáëíÉê=j~ã~í~=_~åÉêàÉÉ=~=ÇáÅí~J íçê=~åÇ=Ñ~ñÉÇ=Üáë=êÉëáÖå~íáçå=Ñêçã íÜÉ=ÖçîÉêåãÉåí=íç=`çåÖêÉëë=éêÉëáJ ÇÉåí=pçåá~=d~åÇÜáK ^åÖêó= ~ÑíÉê= _~åÉêàÉÉ= ÅäáééÉÇ Üáë= ïáåÖë= Äó= í~âáåÖ= ~ï~ó= íïç ÇÉé~êíãÉåíë= áå= jçåÇ~óÛë= êÉëÜìÑJ ÑäÉI= `çåÖêÉëë= jáåáëíÉê= çÑ= pí~íÉ j~åçà= `Ü~âê~Äçêíó= ëÜçí= çÑÑ= Üáë êÉëáÖå~íáçå=íç=pçåá~=d~åÇÜáI=é~êíó ÖÉåÉê~ä= ëÉÅêÉí~êó= o~Üìä= d~åÇÜá ~åÇ= cáå~åÅÉ= jáåáëíÉê= mê~å~Ä jìâÜÉêàÉÉK= ^åÇ= ~ÑíÉê= ~= Ç~ó= çÑ= Çê~ã~íáÅ çìíÄìêëí= ~Ö~áåëí= íÜÉ= ÅÜáÉÑ= ãáåáëJ íÉêI=`Ü~âê~Äçêíó=äÉÑí=íÜÉ=ëí~íÉ=ëÉÅJ
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‘Coalition dharma doesn’t permit unilateralism’ NEW DELHI: The Congress on
`Ü~âê~ÄçêíóK ^=äÉÖáëä~íçê=Ñêçã=íÜÉ=`çåÖêÉëë ëíêçåÖÜçäÇ=jìêëÜáÇ~Ä~ÇI=`Ü~âê~=J Ä=çêíó=áë=~äëç=~=äçó~äáëí=çÑ=_~åÉêàÉÉDë ÄÉíÉ=åçáêÉ ~åÇ=`çåÖêÉëë=jm=^ÇÜáê `ÜçïÇÜìêóK= f= ÇçåÛí= âåçï= ïÜó= f ï~ë= ëÜáÑíÉÇK= fí= ï~ë= ÇçåÉ= ïáíÜ= ~å ~ííáíìÇÉ=çÑ=îÉåÖÉ~åÅÉK=f=ÇçåDí=ï~åí íç= ÄÉ~ê= ëìÅÜ= áåëìäíëK= aáÖåáíó= áë ãçëí=áãéçêí~åí=íç=ãÉKÒ= IANS
Competitors try to control a bull during bull-taming festival Jallikattu at Alanganallur in Madurai PTI district on Tuesday. Jallikattu is an integral part of the harvest festival Pongal.
Tuesday expressed its displeasure with the Trinamool Congress, saying “coalition dharma does not permit unilateralism”, after a Congress minister in West Bengal sent his resignation from the Mamata Banerjee government when two of his portfolios were taken away in a Cabinet reshuffle. The Congress also hoped that things will become harmonious between the two parties in the near future. Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi said that “deep restraint” was required in
exchange of views between the Trinamool Congress and his party in West Bengal. “As far as West Bengal is concerned, deep restraint is required. I don’t think sharp exchanges can help things...Coalition dharma does not permit unlilateralism,” Singhvi said. Congress Minister of State Manoj Chakraborty on Tuesday shot off his resignation to Sonia Gandhi, party general secretary Rahul Gandhi and Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee after two departments were taken away by Banerjee in Monday’s reshuffle. IANS
Live-in is an ‘infamous western product’: Court NEW DELHI: aÉëéáíÉ= äÉÖ~ä= äÉÖáíáã~ÅóI= äáîÉJáå= êÉä~íáçåëÜáéë ~êÉ= ä~êÖÉäó= éÉêÅÉáîÉÇ= íç= ÄÉ áããçê~ä=~åÇ=áí=áë=~=Ñ~Ç=îáëáÄäÉ=çåäó áå= ìêÄ~å= ~êÉ~ëI= ~= aÉäÜá= Åçìêí çÄëÉêîÉÇ= çå= qìÉëÇ~ó= ïÜáäÉ= ÇìÄJ ÄáåÖ=áí=~ë=áåÑ~ãçìë=ïÉëíÉêå=ÅìäJ íìê~ä=éêçÇìÅíÒK ^ÇÇáíáçå~ä= pÉëëáçåë= gìÇÖÉ pìêáåÇÉê= p= o~íÜá= ë~áÇI= qê~Ç=J áíáçå~ääó= ëéÉ~âáåÖI= äáîÉJáå= êÉä=~íáçåëÜáéë= ïÉêÉ= ~äáÉå= íç= çìê å~íáçå=íáää=ä~íÉK=bîÉå=íçÇ~ó=áí=áë=Ñ~Ç ïÜáÅÜ= áë= îáëáÄäÉ= çåäó= áå= ìêÄ~å ~êÉ~ëKÒ= qÜÉ= àìÇÖÉ= ã~ÇÉ= íÜÉ= çÄëÉêî~íáçåë=ïÜáäÉ=Ü~åÇáåÖ=Ççïå ~=TJóÉ~ê=à~áä=íÉêã=~åÇ=~=ÑáåÉ=çÑ=oë=T ä~âÜ= íç= ~= ïçã~å= ~áäáåÖ= Ñêçã jáòçê~ã= Ñçê= âáääáåÖ= ÜÉê= äáîÉJáå é~êíåÉêI= ~= káÖÉêá~å= å~íáçå~äI= áå åçêíÜ=aÉäÜá=çîÉê=íÜêÉÉ=óÉ~êë=Ä~ÅâK
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Around the World
Beyond Borders
Obama allies target Romney over tax bill CHARLESTON:
Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney drew fierce Democratic fire on Tuesday over his tax bill, part of a plan to paint the multi-millionaire as out of touch with middle America. The former Massachusetts governor, who could seal up his party’s nomination with a convincing win in South Carolina’s primary on Saturday, bowed to mounting political pressure and said he would release his 2011 tax filings come April. And Romney, thought to be worth between $190-250 million, said he pays an effective tax rate of about 15 percent, which would be in line with tax laws that President Barack Obama has denounced as lopsidedly favouring the rich. “What’s the effective rate I’ve been paying? It’s probably closer to the 15 percent rate than anything,” the Republican, who touts his business acumen as his top asset, told reporters after a rally in Florence, South Carolina. Romney noted that his rate is lower than the highest tax bracket on wage income, 35
Security Council holds talks: Syria UNITED
UN Security Council diplomats held prolonged talks on Tuesday on a proposed Russian resolution on Syria without getting closer to UN action on the bloodshed, diplomats said. Experts from the 15 nations met for more than four hours to discuss Russia’s latest proposition with criticism mounting of the council’s failure to pass a resolution on President Bashar alAssad’s deadly crackdown , diplomats said.Western nations reject Russia’s demand that blame for the violence be attributed equally to the Syrian government and opposition. The United States, France and Germany said that the current Russian text was unacceptable. AFP
Arab League observers meeting with Syrian officials at a government office in the
percent, because his money “comes overwhelmingly from investments made in the past” and benefits from a tax code meant to encourage investments. In a rare campaign-related salvo from the White House, spokesman Jay Carney said Romney’s disclosure “illuminates” an ongoing debate about widening US income inequality and that Obama thinks the rich must “pay their fair share.” Obama, whose 2010 returns showed he paid an effective tax rate of 26 percent, “believes that we ought to change the law” so that “everybody... gets a fair shot at the American dream,” Carney told reporters. Carney stopped short of calling on Romney to publish his tax returns, but pointed out that leading past candidates, including then-senator Obama, had revealed their personal financial records — and not just one year’s worth. Carney also noted that George W Bush, Bill Clinton and nominees for each party for years had provided the information AFP
Captain put under house arrest
talian judges have put under house arrest the captain of a cruise ship that crashed into rocks on Friday. Prosecutors say Francesco Schettino caused the crash and also fled the Costa Concordia while passengers were still stranded. A recording of a call between Capt Schettino and a port official after the crash appears to support this, though Capt Schettino denies the claims. Rescuers have recovered 11 bodies and are searching for 24 missing people. The local authority says 20 passengers are still missing. They include people from
The captain of the Costa Concordia cruise liner Francesco Schettino being arrested. AFP
Germany, Italy, France and the US. Four crew members - one each from Italy, Hungary, India and Peru - are also missing following the incident, just off the coast of the island of Giglio Porto. A recording of a call between Capt Schettino and a port official shortly after the crash appears to support the prosecutors’ accusation that the captain left the vessel while passengers were still on board. Livorno Port Authority chief Gregorio de Falco can be heard repeatedly telling the captain to get back on board the ship to help the stranded passengers. BBC
GLOBE AT A GLANCE Smoke bomb thrown over White House fence WASHINGTON: Protestors linked to the Occupy movement apparently threw a smoke bomb over the White House fence on Tuesday, capping a day of protests in Washington, the Secret Service said. No arrests were made after demonstrators from the Occupy DC group marched on the White House, and protesters were peacefully dispersed, as officers dealt with the device, a Secret Service spokesman said.
White House shooter indicted, to face trial WASHINGTON: A man accused of firing shots at the White House in November has been formally charged with attempting to assassinate US President Barack Obama, according to an indictment unsealed today. A psychiatric evaluation in December found Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, 21, competent to stand trial.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez review cadets during the military inauguration ceremony of his new Defence Minister in Caracas. AFP
Iran: Toy model of downed drone for US MOSCOW: Iran has said it will send to the US a toy model of a RQ-170 Sentinel drone in response to Washington’s request to return the pilotless aircraft that crashed in Iran, The miniature that will bear an inscription “We will trample the US” will be sent to Washington to mark the 34th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran on February 5.
Indian-origin woman gives birth on US train NEW YORK: An Indian-origin woman gave birth o her first child during the train ride from New Jersey to New York, in what would be her most unforgettable journey. At first, Rabita Sarker, 31, of New Jersey said she thought she was experiencing false labour pains as she boarded the train in Jersey City. The boy has been nicknamed jhatpat (fast or hurried).
Big Brother Brazil: Rape on live TV? LONDON: A housemate in the Brazilian version of reality TV show Big Brother was raped after an alcohol-fueled party and was shown on live television, a media report said. Police on Tuesday confirmed they have begun
an investigation as well as carried out a search of the studios in Rio de Janeiro, where the Big Brother Brazil is being filmed, the Daily Mail reported. A 31-year-old contestant, Daniel Echaniz allegedly
raped 23-year-old student Monique Amin, who had passed out drunk after a party Sunday. Cameras filmed Echaniz get into the bed where Amin who appeared unconscious was sleeping. IANS
Women honor US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the Presidential Palace in Lome, Togo, on Tuesday. AFP
16,493.35 27.30
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Matters of saving and spending
IIIT makes talk to text G Diwakar
City-based HYDERABAD: International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) is set to develop a mobile technology that would accept speech as input and convert it into language and text, which can be sent as an SMS, a top functionary of IIIT said. According to Rajeev Sangal, Director of IIIT, the project, which has been funded by the Ministry of Information Technology, will be ready in the next two years. “You can talk to the mobile phone. Suppose, anybody does not know reading or writing, they can dictate the phone the SMS, which they would like to send. They should be able to speak it out and then the phone will convert it into text and send it as a message,” Sangal told PTI. According to him, seven other institutions are currently working on this project. Sangal said, the
technology will be useful in mobile phones, which have smaller screens and keyboard, making it difficult to type letters. The speech lab of the IIIT aims to develop robust speech systems for applications, such as speech translation, phonetic engine for Indian languages, speaker recognition for biometrics, and dialog systems in speech mode, a senior faculty member said. Speaking about other projects currently the institute is working upon, Sangal said, the research teams are also engaged in developing an optical character reader for mobile phones.
“The optical character reader will read whatever is written on the screen with the help of a handwriting recognition tool. We can write the instructions in any Indian languages on a mobile phone, using a stylus. The text will be recognised by the cell-phone and action can be taken accordingly,” the academician explained. The institute has also developed a software for an international mobile maker that would read out the SMSs in Hindi, Sangal said, without naming the mobile maker’s name. According to analysts, this technology is useful to expand in to rural Indian markets where mobile penetration is still in the nascent stage due to higher levels of illiteracy. Last year, former President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam launched machine translation (MT) systems, which facilitates web-based language translation, developed by IIIT along with 16 other institutions. PTI
other board members may also step down soon, including chairman Roy Bostock. In a letter to Bostock, Yang, who held the title of “Chief Yahoo!,” said “my time at Yahoo!, from its founding to the present, has encompassed some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of my life. However, the time has come for me to pursue other interests outside of Yahoo! “I am enthusiastic about the appointment of Scott Thompson as Chief Executive Officer and his ability, along with the entire Yahoo! leadership team, to guide Yahoo! into an exciting and successful future,” Yang said. Bostock, in a statement, described Yang as a “visionary and a pioneer, who has contributed enormously to Yahoo! during his many years of service.
“He has always remained focused on the best interests of Yahoo!’s stakeholders, including shareholders, employees and more than 700 million users,” he said. “And while I and the entire board respect his decision, we will miss his remarkable perspective, vision and wise counsel,” Bostock said. Yang co-founded Yahoo! in 1995 with David Filo and the company went public the following year. Yang served as chief executive of Yahoo! from June 2007 to January 2009, during which time he notably turned down a $47 billion takeover bid from Microsoft, earning the ire of many shareholders. Thompson, who was named CEO just two weeks ago, replacing Carol Bartz, who was fired in
Oracle to tap govt Postnoon News
HYDERABAD: Oracle India is foreseeing rapid momentum in the information technology initiatives in the government sector. It wants to be a leading service provider for the government IT service initiatives by building up applications for various government departments, said Ashish Gupta, Director, GovernmentEducation Applications, Oracle India. He said here on Tuesday that there were three opportunities in the field -- to modernise the existing IT infrastructure by building shared services in the government offices; to increase the transparency and efficiency in the system by delivering back office
functions; and to transform government service delivery to citizens by a wide variety of solutions from electronic billing to effective and complete online application process for various services. Oracle had multiple contracts from 20 states in the country and various government departments and agencies to moderate their IT infrastructure. It would provide an innovative technology foundation that would allow the government to improve efficiency, reduce costs, increase transparency, and become more responsive to current and future mandates. Government agencies were already transforming their computers to serve citizens better.
Rupee at two-month high MUMBAI: The rupee strengthened by 16 paise to a fresh twomonth high of Rs 50.57 per US dollar in early trade on the Interbank foreign exchange on Wednesday on increased foreign capital inflows. Dealers said increased foreign capital inflows into the Indian market and dollar losses against other currencies in overseas markets mainly provided support to the rupee. The rupee had surged by 64 paise to close at two-month high of Rs 50.73/74 against the American currency on Tuesday on
Yahoo co-founder quits SAN FRANCISCO: Jerry Yang, who co-founded Yahoo! nearly 17 years ago and had an ill-fated stint as chief executive, abruptly resigned on Tuesday from all of his positions with the struggling Internet company. Yang, 43, a Web pioneer and one of the original dotcom billionaires, stepped down, effective immediately, from the board of directors of Yahoo! and from the boards of Yahoo! Japan and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Yahoo! shares rose more than 3.5 percent to $15.99 in after-hours trading following the announcement that Yang was leaving the Sunnyvale, California, company. Yahoo! did not name a replacement for Yang on the board and technology blog All Things Digital, citing sources close to the situation, said four
September, said Yang “leaves behind a legacy of innovation and customer focus for this iconic brand. “Jerry has great confidence in the future of Yahoo!, and I share his confidence in the enormous potential of Yahoo! in the days ahead,” Thompson said. Since Bartz’s departure in September, Yahoo!’s board has reportedly been looking at selling all or part of the company and Yang was seen as a fierce opponent of a breakup by some shareholders. Yang owns 3.6 percent of Yahoo!’s shares and has a net worth of $1.1 billion, according to Forbes. Analyst Jon Ogg of 247wallst.com said Yang’s departure was “classified as a resignation” but “in reality this is a force-out.”
strong rally in equities and continued dollar selling by exporters. Sensex quite The BSE benchmark Sensex rose by nearly 44 points in early trade today on sustained buying by funds and retail investors. The 30-share index, which has gained over 428 points in the past three sessions, rose further by 43.93 points, or 0.26 per cent, to 16,509.98 points. The wide-based National Stock Exchange Nifty index moved up by 13.35 points, or 0.26 per cent, to 4,980.65.
Fair, free and forthright
Editorials LET THE ARMY CHIEF êÉíáêÉ=ïáíÜ=ÇáÖåáíó
he Central government is preparing for a high-profile legal battle with the army chief at the apex court over the latter’s date of birth. Gen VK Singh is adamant on getting the date corrected to his version. Gen Singh has said that he will step down on the scheduled day fixed as per the government records but will not budge on his demand for rectification of government records. If he backs down, it will imply that he tried to fudge records to ensure a longer tenure at the helm. So it is natural that he considers any backtracking or compromise a dishonour — something no soldier will accept. The image of the armed forces has taken a beating in the last few years due to massive scams and sacking of highranking officials. Since Gen Singh doesn’t want anything other than his honour and credibility acknowledged, the government should show some gratitude to the man who heads the army and let him retire with his honour and dignity intact.
CM bets on Cabinet rejig to quell dissent Polytricks A Saye Sekhar
You’ve got to love a man who can turn down a $42bn buyout offer from Bill Gates. And that’s exactly why we think the world of Jerry Yang, Yahoo’s co-founder, who stepped down as the online giant’s CEO on Tuesday. But one thing’s for sure — this is not the last we’ve seen of Yang, as he said, “The time has come for me to pursue other interests outside of Yahoo!” We can’t wait.
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Unending debate
OU betrayed
If one starts a debate on the Telangana issue, it may never end. What the students’ leader said about the media ignoring them when a platform is organised to discuss the separate statehood is true. He is also correct when he says politicians have upstaged them. It is a good decision that they would focus on their studies and not take orders from politicians and stage bandhs. They should remember that by the time they were mere pawns in the hands of leaders, the most valuable thing that they have would have passed — time. Rajappan T Secunderabad
The lead story of today’s edition on how the Osmania University Telangana student leaders have been betrayed by the political parties is quite touching. KCR and his cronies are using these youths as cannon fodder to achieve their political ambitions. These youngsters need to understand that it is their education rather than the regional affiliation, which would take them forward in life as achievers. Politicians follow a use-and-throw policy and if these students think they are considered indispensable, they are completely mistaken. Raghuveera Reddy Medchal
WHY WE LOVE... gÉêêó=v~åÖ
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Fashion page
Adventure club
I like F folio page in your paper. The way it covers different areas in fashion and talks about different trends. Also, I like the recent topics covered in H factor like Alzheimer's and yesterday's article understanding your pain was a good read. We might know about somethings but H factor gives a lot more to know. I look forward to reading that section. The page is helpful to people of all age groups. Keep up the good work. Nishana Syed Miyapur
The story of adventure club is very interesting and the cool look of the page makes one want to go out and try all those activities. Most of us shy away from finding time to pursue our passions and later regret it. On the other hand, in developed countries people as well as employers give top triority in ensuring that there is time for all such activities. The requirements of urban work environments and lifestyle are driving us into a schedule which allows little room for having fun. These people have shown us that it is possible with a little willpower. Let’s follow them and make our lives fuller BT Chandrashekar RC Puram
Holistic view of mind, body and soul
‘You will never know what’s in his mind’ Alzheimer’s as a disease impacts not just the person suffering from the disease but also the lives of the loved ones whose world revolves around them Anishaa Kumar anishaa.k@postnoon.com
very life story has its good and bad, but there are some that in the true spirit show persistence, practicality, dedication and most importantly standing by those you care for no matter what the situation. Such a story is that of Shah Jehan Khan and her husband Asad Ali Khan. Asad Ali Khan can be described as one of those intelligent minds that have helped us develop with his many contributions. Talking about his active days, his wife Shah Jehan Khan, a doctor herself, proudly recounts, “Asad has been a scientist at the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology. A very active and well travelled man who has published nearly 80 papers and worked with many PhD students. He loved his work, has been an enthusiastic worker who enjoyed travelling, studying and research.” Disease has been man’s biggest enemy and sometimes there is no sign or warning of its onset. When Alzheimer’s struck Asad, it was not easy to come to terms with. Recalling the first time she noticed the changes in him Khan mentions, “We realised that there was a problem for the first time in the year 2004. We were travelling to the US. As he had not received his visa I went ahead and he joined
me a month later. When my son and I reached the airport to pick him up it had become slightly late. We found him sitting on the ground with his suitcase open and frantically searching for our son’s number.” This was just the first instance and slowly she started to notice that he began losing interest in many things. For someone who always enjoyed learning, in the last two months he has even stopped reading the newspapers. The hardest blow however, for anybody is when a loved one fails to recognise them. “Although he does recognise me but he goes through phases when he can’t even remember my name,” she says. For somebody who’s been married so many years, this is definitely not easy. There have been instances when Asad has answered their daughter’s calls, had a perfectly amiable conversation lasting several minutes and then handed the phone to Khan stating he didn’t know who the person at the other end of the line was. For a person who loved travelling, these days Asad is reluctant to step out of the house and meet people. “Our son is abroad and daughter is married but does visit us often so usually at the end of the day it’s just the two of us. People offer to help by taking care of him in case I have work, but he is not too keen on going out or meeting anyone anymore.” But there’s one thing that Asad still loves to do — go for long walks. “He is usually very disturbed in the morning after
taking all those medicines so he likes to take walks. I try to take him out whenever I can.” There have been times though when Asad wakes up even before the crack of dawn to go for a walk. Though much of her time is taken up in caring for her husband, Khan doesn’t complain. For her, he is still the man she
loves and respects. “Also I do try to do things that interest me and hire a helper to care for him when I go out for a couple of hours. For the most part though, I avoid leaving him alone. It’s still difficult, people say they try but at the end of the day we will never know what’s in his mind.”
La Nina may trigger flu pandemics: Study WASHINGTON: Influenza pandemics that caused death and illness worldwide in the past were preceded by La Nina conditions in the equatorial Pacific, a study has found. The study examined weather patterns during the devastating flu pandemics in 1918, 1957, 1968 and 2009, Xinhua reported. The La Nina pattern is known to alter the migratory patterns of birds, which are thought to be a primary reservoir of human influenza. Experts theorise that altered migration patterns promote the development of dangerous new strains of influenza. To examine the relationship between weather patterns and influenza pandemics, the researchers studied records of ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific before the four most recent flu pandemics emerged. They found that all four pandemics were preceded by below-normal sea surface temperatures consistent with the La Nina phase. The findings were published online Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. The authors cite other research showing that the La Nina pattern alters the migration, stopover time, fitness and inter-species mixing of migratory birds. Shaman of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health co-authored the study.“We know that pandemics arise from dramatic changes in the influenza genome. Our hypothesis is that La Nina sets the stage for these changes by reshuffling the mixing patterns of migratory birds, which are a major reservoir for influenza,” Shaman said. Changes in migration not only alter the pattern of contact among bird species, they could also change the way birds come into contact with domestic animals. Gene-swapping between avian and pig influenza viruses was a factor in the 2009 swine flu pandemic. IANS
Holistic view of mind, body and soul
WASHINGTON: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) caused by excessive smoking is characterised by blockage or narrowing of airways in the lungs. Researchers identified the protein SAA as playing a key role in chronic inflammation and lung damage in COPD and also in inhibiting the natural effort of the lung to repair itself after smoking has stopped. Gary Anderson, professor at the University of Melbourne, said the discovery could help improve lung function at any stage of COPD. “It has the potential to dramatically improve the lives of many people suffering these conditions and reduce the huge burden of health and hospital costs associated with their treatment,” he said. The symptoms are shortness of breath, chronic cough, increased mucus production, wheezing or whistling sound, chest tightness and fatigue, among others. Steven Bozinovski, associate professor from Melbourne, who led the study, said the findings were significant because SAA was normally made in the liver, but they found that very high levels were made in the lungs of COPD patients. “It was a breakthrough for us to confirm that SAA played such a key role in the lung,” he said. Bruce Levy, associate professor at Harvard, said they found that as the SAA interacted with its receptor, it not only triggered lung inflammation but also stopped a natural healing molecule which helped to turn off inflammation and heal the lung. “This mechanism appears to explain one of the reasons that inflammation in COPD just never resolves despite stopping smoking,” he said. The discovery could lead to the development of a dual treatment by firstly, targeting SAA to switch off its function in the lung and secondly, adding a synthetic form of the natural healing agent to boost lung healing. Clinical development for the synthetic agent is currently under way in the US.
All for that perfect smile E
Protein shows promise in treating smoker’s diseases
Desk job is injurious to health LONDON: A British study has said that people in desk jobs could be compromising with their health as it often perpetrates a
sedentary lifestyle. According to the research, sitting at a desk all day means you are more likely to slump on the sofa at home and perform no exercise. The average office worker spends five hours 41 minutes daily at their desk, almost as long as the seven hours they spend sleeping, the Daily Express reported. These desk bound workers are more likely to turn into couch potatoes, increasing their risk of obesity, says the researchers at the Loughborough University, a researchbased campus university in Britain’s Leicestershire county. The trend is partly blamed on technology making it simpler for lazy people at offices to email a colleague rather than walking over to see them, it adds. IANS
veryone want’s a great set of teeth. Given are some tips to maintain your teeth. n Brush regularly: The basic rule is to brush your teeth regularly. Three times a day before breakfast, after meals and before sleeping are suggested. The toothbrush should have soft bristles. n Floss regularly: Another great way to get rid of any food particles from the surface of the teeth and gaps is to floss. It helps to clean all the grooves and prevent tooth decay. n Avoid chewing tobacco and smoking as it causes stains on teeth and they also weaken the teeth. n Use a fluoride rinse to prevent decay of the tooth and also helps in Strengthening the outer enamel of the teeth. n Avoid soda and cola like drinks as they contain acids like citric acid, and phosphoric acid. They slowly react with the teeth and dissolve them. n Avoid chewing gums as they have a sugar content that attracts microorganisms onto the teeth and they cause decay of the teeth. n Avoid alcohol as it causes problems like irritation of the gum, tongue and oral tissues, poor healing after dental surgery, increase in tooth decay, increased risk toward periodontal disease. n A healthy diet not only helps in maintaining fitness and getting a perfect body, but also helps in maintaining your oral structures very well. n Visit a dentist atleast twice a year. SOURCE: www.drchetan.com
Brain re-routes traffic for maximum alertness WASHINGTON: The brain re-routes traffic within itself to maximise alertness and make the best of our knowledge.“In order to behave efficiently, you want to process relevant sensory information as fast as possible, but relevance is determined by your current situation,” said Joy Geng, assistant professor of psychology at the University of California Davis Centre for Mind and Brain. For example, a flashing road sign alerts us to traffic merging ahead; or a startled animal
might cue you to look out for a hidden predator. Geng and co-author Nicholas DiQuattro, used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study brain activity , the Journal of Neuroscience reports. The new work shows that the brain doesn’t always “ramp up” to deal with the situation. Instead, it changes how traffic moves through the existing hard-wired network — rather like changing water flow through a network of pipes or information flow over a network to maximise efficiency. IANS
Cinema Paradiso
By George, look at him! Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Director: George Clooney Starring: Sam Rockwell, Drew Barrymore, George Clooney and Julia Roberts eorge Clooney took over the direction of Confessions of a Dangerous Mind when Bryan Singer's plan to make a movie with Johnny Depp did not materialise. The story revolves around Chuck Barris — a television producer by day and a CIA operative by night. Basking in the glory of the entertainment and the espionage worlds, his life takes a peculiar turn when he is unable to decide between the woman who loves him, and the woman of his fantasies. How he takes control of his life forms the plot of the story. The movie did bomb at the box office, but received rave reviews from the toughest of critics, earning Clooney a Golden Bear nomination.
Good Night and Good Luck Director: George Clooney Starring: David Strathairn, George Clooney and Robert Downey, Jr eorge Clooney is Fred Friendly, the co-producer of a television channel, who along with David Strathairn (Edward R Murrow), and reporter Joseph Wershba (Robert Downey, Jr) opposes the strategies employed by Joseph McCarthy to root out communism in America. Set in 1953, Clooney pays his tribute to the icon of American Broadcast Journalism — Edward R Murrow in his second directorial debut. Nominated for Best Picture, and Best Director, the film showed the prowess of Clooney not only as an actor, but as a director too.
Ocean's Eleven Director: Steven Soderbergh Starring: George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts he story of 11 friends who know each other from the World War II, set out on a mission to rob five of the biggest casinos in Las Vegas. By taking up jobs of entertainers and waiters in the casinos, the 11 make the best of their new-found jobs to device a 'foolproof' way to succeed in their plan — or so they think. But when Tony Bergdorf, their 'electricity' expert suffers a heart attack, and one of the 11's soon to be father-in-law finds out the ploy, Clooney and his gang get to deal with an unanticipated set of problems altogether. George Clooney as Danny Ocean easily outshines the other 10, which is far from easy considering the presence of the likes of Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Andy Garcia.
Michael Clayton Director: Tony Gilroy Starring: George Clooney, Tilda Swinton and Tom Wilkinson ichael Clayton is an in-house fixer at one of the largest corporate law firms in New York who is trying to pay off his brother' debts to a loan shark. A divorcee in financial crisis himself, Clayton is far from happy with his job at the law firm Kenner, Back and Odeen, but is tied to his job for the want of money. His firm is negotiating the defence of a conglomerate's pesticide use for six years, when one of the top litigators puts the case in jeopardy. Clayton is given the job of fixing things, but soon realises that someone is trying to kill him. Who could it be?
Oh Brother, Where art thou? Director: Joel Coen Starring: George Clooney, John Turturro and Tim Blake Nelson eleased in 2000, George Clooney plays Everett, who along with John Turturro played by Pete Hogwallop, and Tim Blake Nelson, played by Delmar O'Donnell escape from a chain gang and set off to retrieve a treasure hidden in a valley. They have only four days before the valley is flooded by a new hydroelectric project. Loosely based on Homer's Odyssey, the film was nominated for two Academy Awards— for the best screenplay and best cinematography. This was the first feature film to be colour corrected by digital means to give it a sepia tone. Clooney is at his comic best — just go watch it.
The dark force
irected by Mans Marlind and Bjorn Stein, the story is about the discovery of the existence of Vampire and Lycan clans who need to be destroyed. The human forces embark on the war to eradicate both species. The war against humankind is led by the vampire warrioress Selene,
played by Kate Beckinsale. She is at her vicious best, and returns after a long slumber to face the new enemy.
Underworld: Awakening Director: Mans Marlind Starring: Kate Beckinsale, Michael Ealy, India Eisley and Stephen Rea
George Clooney’s is the curious case of a man who simply seems to get better with age. His most recent venture The Descendants ruled the Globes and is en route for the Oscars. And, we have no doubt who to put our money on. We take a look at some of the movies that have made the actor what he is today Indira Atluri Indira.a@postnoon.com
Because you are what you wear
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan The high profile Bachchan bahu attracted more media attention than any other when she welcomed Beti B into the world. During the entire term of her pregnancy, she preferred to remain indoors making selective public appearances. But when she did, Aishwarya made sure she did it in style. She seemed to prefer the anarkalis with heavy drapes to keep her baby bump well-hidden from prying eyes. Dressed in Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla churidars, the Bachchan bahu created a fashion statement.
Victoria Beckham We have no doubts that if anyone were to lead the gang of stylish expectant mums, it has to be the former Spice Girl. Victoria is known for her fashion sense and she demonstrated it at the royal wedding too where she was dressed in a navy blue dress from her Victoria Beckham Autumn/Winter 2011 collection. It slightly showed off her baby bump and Victoria smartly accessorised it with a Philip Treacy hat which also added to her height. If the various pictures of baby Harper is anything to go by, then Victoria is sure rubbing off her fashion sense on to her little one early itself.
Shilpa Shetty
Lara Dutta Lara is one mum-to-be who doesn’t mind making public appearances, bump or no bump. She has been spotted at almost of the important events in town including the latest where she got to meet none other then talk show hostess Oprah Winfrey. But what remained common in all the events is Lara’s impeccable sense of style. Whether it was a short number or a long maxi dress of just a gown, Lara carried them off with elane, adding her name to the already long list of stylish celebs.
Now Shilpa is one fashionista from Bollywood who doesn’t seemed to have ever made a fashion faux pas and her winning streak continues even into her heavily pregnant term. Recently, when Shilpa made her appearance at an event with her husband by her side, she looked ethereal in an anarkali suit and the pregnant glow just added to her beauty.
You don’t have to let go of fashion CELEB when you are pregnant and our PICK celebrities know this really well
Taniya Talukdar
Beyonce Knowles The singer is a pretty lady with a great curvy figure and she loves to flaunt it too. The only person who can give tough competition to Shakira when it to comes to the shaking the hips is perhaps Beyonce but that’s not where it all ends. Beyonce, who also has a fashion line and recently gave birth to a girl Blue Ivy Carter, remained loyal to fashion during her term. Never was Beyonce spotted dressed in drab which many pregnant ladies tend to do.
hoever said that you have got to let go of style when you are pregnant, needs to take a lesson or two from our celebrities. During their pregnancies, none of these celebrities ever let go of their style quotient and always kept their comfort in mind. Their hectic schedules notwithstanding, the celeb brigade never compromised on their looks. If anything else, they would easily give the others a run for their cosmetic surgeons if not their money. Today we bring to you a list of celebs who looked impeccable even during their pregnancies.
Hillary Duff This 24-year-old actor and singer has certainly taken a cue from the experienced ones and has kept her fashion sense intact. Recently, Hillary was seen with husband Mike Comrie, dressed in a skinny jeans and red stilettoes doing shopping around town. With the right accessories, Hillary seemed to get it right, right from the word go.
Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
@pnavdeep26 I think I’m not going to report my stolen credit card cos whoever stole it seems to be spending less than me! Lol :) :)
@Alwayscharan A beautiful quote by Chanakya “Don’t be too honest in this World, Because Straight Trees are always Chosen 1st for Cutting...!!”
Businessman’s script to hit bookstores soon
he stupendous success of Mahesh Babu, Kajal starrer Businessman has come like a shot in the arm for Puri Jagannadh. The director was all praises for his hero and said that Mahesh Babu deserves most of the credit for the success of the film. “The dialogues turned out to be even better in the film than I had visualised,” he said. Buoyed by the
response to his film, the ace director is planning to release the complete script of the film, along with pictures, as a book. “My team is currently working on this book which might be hit the bookstores in a month’s time. I have always wanted to do something like this. When I was young, I read the script of Thodi Kodallu and that formed the basis of my under-
Aadhi in Rajinikanth’s Kochadaiyaan
adhi Pinisetty, who earlier acted in films like Oka V Chitram, Eeram and Mirugam, has reportedly bagged an important role in Rajinikanth’s upcoming 3D film Kochadaiyaan. He’s currently filming for Vasanthabalan’s Aaravan and another Telugu film Gundello Godaari where he’s paired up with Lakshmi Manchu. Confirming his role, Soundarya Rajinikanth, the director of the film tweeted, “Met actor Aadhi for a role in kochadaiyaan, he’s way taller in person than what he seems!!! Tweeps, Started locking cast!” Soundarya is currently in Mumbai to record with AR Rahman who’s working with 130 plus members from a German Orchestra for the songs and background score of this film. Katrina Kaif is likely to pair up with Rajinikanth in this film which will be made with performance capturing technology and Sneha has been cast as Rajinikanth’s sister. The film is expected to hit the screens in August this year.
Tanikella Bharani turns director
anikella Bharani, one of the leading character artistes in Telugu cinema, is going to be directing a Telugu film titled Mithunam. Veteran singer SP Balasubramaniam and Lakshmi are playing the lead roles in the film. Most part of the film will be shot a village named Vavilavalasa in Srikakulam district. Sri Ramana has written the script and Veena Pani is composing the music. In the past, he had directed some award winning short films like Sira, Blue Cross and Key. Tanikella Bharani has recently completed 25 years in the industry and has written dialogues for several films such as Ladies Tailor and Shiva.
standing of how a script should be written. I hope this script of Businessman will be a useful collectible for film enthusiasts,” he said. The producers have stated that the film collected a gross of `38.16 crore in the first three days of the film’s release. The actual share which the producers made is reportedly around `27.35 crore which is a new record.
@LakshmiManchu Off to Rajamundry to join my crew of #GundelloGodari. I start shooting for it tomorrow. Super excited.
@shraddhadas43 Just saved myself from another huge accident, this time a car accident with me driving! Saved by a second! God keep me safe!!
@shrutihaasan Fabulous and productive day at work, spent the evening with my darling friend @ShashaModi ..ahh I'm a happy girl:)
@sundeepkishan Hero’s r normal people who raise to the occasion..while most ppl r still waiting for the occasion, we actors r content enacting them #cinema
@trishtrashers Off to Bangkok for Samaran :) Feels like the holiday fever just about died down, looking forward 2 getting back 2 d grind...Toodles for now ;)
@actor_nithiin Dhoni banned for one test due to poor over rate...He finishes a game in 2nhalf days n still ICC cribs!!
Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
Shriya Saran, who will be seen in the upcoming Hindi film Gali Gali Chor Hai , doesn’t mind taking a stand when required
Taniya Talukdar taniya.t@postnoon.com
We Indian sh a
a ve
hai chalta
here are a handful of stars from the South Indian film industry who enjoy a pan Indian presence and Shriya Saran is one of them. Though a North Indian, Shriya has enjoyed great success in the South Indian film industry be it Telugu or Tamil. Quiz the pretty lady if the mass appeal has helped her and she is quick to agree, “It helps to have a pan Indian image as people recognise you easily and connect with you. People speaking different languages connecting with you is by no way an easy feat.” She then goes on to add, “Though I will always remain obliged to the South Indian film industry which is my bread and butter. I am happy that I started my career here and this is where I have achieved success, I have been good, bad and ugly yet people here have always given me chances and accepted me.” While Shriya has played a multitude of roles in different languages, her next release Rumi Jaffery’s directorial Gali Gali Chor Hai has Shriya playing a dance teacher. talking about the film, Shriya says, “Rumi is an acclaimed writer and his film is a satire on the corrupt system which is existent in our country currently. It’s an intelligent comedy which will make you come out thinking how you can stand up and bring about change.” She goes on to add, “It’s not a film about the blame game, rather it concentrates on the power that lies within the hand of a common man to change things.” It is a simple film based in Bhopal which is a beautiful city in itself. Going on to share more about the film and her role in it, Shriya says, “It’s is a well-crafted film which represents the audience in a particular way. Most of us get lost in our routine life and forget the deeper self and things around. In this film, I play the role of a small town girl married to Akshaye who teaches street children and her favourite character from history is Rani Lakshmi Bai but she is oblivious to the surroundings. It is only towards the end that she understands what her husband is going through and gets involved in the process of change.” We wanted to know if Shriya has personally ever experienced corruption in real life. “Directly I have never had to face anyone corrupt so far, thankfully, but yes I have heard people having to give a bribe here and there to get their work done,” offers Shriya. “We Indians have a chalta hai attitude which is the main hindrance to change. Even to get a passport here, we get woven into corruption. It is so subtle that it doesn’t really hit us that much and we just move on without sparing much thought to it or else it will become hard to survive,” she says. Shriya was working with a very interesting starcast in the film. Talking about Akshaye Khanna she says, “He is a very intense actor and very hardworking too. He comes prepared to the set and knows exactly what he is doing.” But it was Mugdha Godse with whom Shriya hit it off, “Mugdha is a very good friend, she used to always take care of me and we used to chill out together. We even worked out together and we had great fun on the sets,”says Shriya.
ud attit
Magic Screen
Farhan running for role
arhan Akhtar has not only begun to grow his hair and beard to be ready to play a Sikh athlete in Bhag Milkha Bhag, he has also changed his lifestyle. Every morning he is up early to put in those extra hours of practice for his role as Milkha Singh and says he has to get it right. “I am playing someone who is iconic. I can’t afford to get it wrong. But the role’s authenticity is what makes it exciting for me. If I can pick roles that can surprise me and the audience, I’ve achieved what I set out to as an actor,” said Farhan. “Yes, there is a radical change in my lifestyle. I’ve a training session every morning from 6.45 to 8. I wrap up my athletic activities by 9 in the morning. In any case, the film industry is not awake before 9 am. And yeah, late nights are being avoided. Even
The glamour behind the glitz
after the Tom Cruise party on Saturday night I was home by midnight,” he added. The 38-year-old says the morning running regime has transformed his entire lifestyle. “After running in the morning I feel a lot fitter. I am all charged up, raring to go each morning. A month ago when I was skipping gym to edit Don 2, I felt sluggish. That heavy feeling is gone,” he said. As for the change in diet, Farhan is avoiding food that I was, in any case, not too fond of. I do have a relatively athletic frame. Playing Olympian sprinter Milkha Singh is proving to be a far bigger challenge for Farhan than he had bargained for. “At the moment it’s just a morning session. I am being trained by a gentleman named Melvin who trains Central Railway athletes. But as we get closer to the shooting, there would also have to be an evening session with an Olympian trainer,” said the director-actor. IANS
Lovely meeting beautiful ‘Bollywooders’: Oprah
nternational talk show queen Oprah Winfrey, who is in India to shoot for her new show, is all praise for Bollywood celebrities after meeting them at a party hosted in her honour by socialite Parmeshwar Godrej. “Was so great meeting you and all the beautiful Bollywooders. Directors, poets, screenwriters, what a nite!” the 57-year-old wrote on her Twitter page. On her maiden visit to India, Winfrey got a warm welcome from Indian socialites and Bollywood celebrities like megastar Amitabh Bachchan, superstar Shah Rukh Khan, and Aishwarya Rai at the party. The guest list also included filmmakers Ashutosh Gowariker and Rajkumar Hirani, actors Anupam Kher, Sikander Kher, Abhishek Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan, Preity Zinta, Priyanka Chopra, Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra, Abhay Deol with Preeti Desai, Lara Dutta, Dino Morea, Sameera Reddy, Kalki Koechlin, Kangna Ranaut, Anil Kapoor and Imran Khan. Before going for the party, Winfrey went to Jalsa to meet Abhishek and Aishwarya’s two-month-old daughter, nicknamed Beti B. Oprah is in India to shoot for her new show Next Chapter, which will see her travelling around the world and interviewing celebrities. She is scheduled to attend the forthcoming Jaipur Literature Festival. IANS
It’s good to be bad, says Priyanka S he is one of the most sought after leading ladies in the Hindi film industry, but Priyanka Chopra prefers characters with grey shades over positive roles. And why not? Her role of a femme fatale in 7 Khoon Maaf has fetched her a prestigious award. “I like doing negative roles. I think they are lots of fun. It’s so good being bad,” said the 29-year-old who bagged the Screen award for the best actress in
a negative role for 7 Khoon Maaf. Priyanka had earlier donned negative shades for the 2004 successful film Aitraaz — for her performance in that film also she had won the Filmfare award for the best performance in a negative role. The former beauty queen is careful while choosing a role as she feels that the character should leave an impact, however, small it is. “I think the most important thing in
a character is to see that it has a presence. A character should not feel wasted or redundant. Even if it is a small role, the scenes that you have should make an impact, that is important,” said Priyanka who will be seen playing Hrithik’s love interest Kaali in Agneepath releasing on Republic Day. Besides Agneepath, Priyanka is also busy shooting for Teri Meri Kahaani, Barfee and Krrish 3. IANS
@SrBachchan T 626 - Ali biography a gem and such a good read for all who aspire for incentive to fight... not just in the ring, but outside it as well ...
@FarOutAkhtar If people only believe what they see, then truth is a beautiful thing for it too lies in the eyes of the beholder.
@sonamakapoor John Mayer is probably the best guitar player right now! Listening to his live recordings...
@NeilNMukesh I love the way u all refer to me as SPIDER SPIDEY. :) looks like this bad boy created an impression ! ;)
@bipsluvurself Rickshaw rides r fun! Driver has not turned up as we are shooting all nights right till 5 am! So m going 2 gym in a rick after long!
@iamsrk My son going to a toy store & me begged him to get me something too. Boyz will b boyz. Only thing that changes is the price of their toyz!
@RGVzoomin The most beautiful woman in world is just anther pce of meat 2 a lion nd most beautiful lioness in world 2 a man is just anther danger to run from.
@rampalarjun The birth of my first born Mahikaa, the most blessed day of my life. Her smell, her cry all so vivid. Amazing 10 yrs gone by Happy b'day darling.
Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
Baby Blue changing Jay-Z?
Jessica Simpson’s living it up
ay-z is opting to do something not too many rappers can ever say they have: stop using the word b— -h! According to NME, the rapper released a poem dedicated to his newborn baby girl Blue Ivy Carter which shows his newfound stance on the much maligned word. “Before I got in the game, made a change, and got rich/I didn’t think hard about using the word b—-h,” he wrote. “I rapped, I flipped it, I sold it, I lived it/Now with my daughter in this world I curse those that give it. “ The poem was released a week after he gave the world Glory, a song which featured baby Blue’s first sounds and earned her a spot in Billboard history.
essica Simpson and her sister Ashlee arrived at LAX on Monday evening. They were off celebrating pal Lauren Zelman’s bachelorette with friends, including Cacee Cobb. Last weekend, Jessica was all about business as she attended the TCAs with Nicole Richie in Pasadena, where they promoted their new reality show, Fashion Star. In addition to discussing their upcoming project, Jessica revealed that she’s planning to design a maternity line now that she understands a pregnant woman’s clothing needs. It’s going to be a busy few months for Jessica, since the TV series debuts in March and she’ll soon welcome her first child with fiancé Eric Johnson.
Elizabeth Taylor’s painting collection to be auctioned
aintings by greats such as Vincent van Gogh and Camille Pissarro from the art collection of late Hollywood star Elizabeth Taylor are to be sold at auction. A total of 38 artworks are to come under the hammer at the sale next month at Christie’s in London. They include a Van Gogh, which dates back to 1889 and is expected to fetch up to £7m. The painting, Vue de l’Asile de la Chapelle de Saint-Rémy, was completed the year before his death and will go on public display prior to the auction. It was acquired by Taylor in 1963. Also included is Pissarro’s Pommiers d’Eragny, which is estimated to go for up to £1.2m. The items, due to be auctioned on 7 and 8 February, are being sold as the second batch of works the Taylor’s collection, with 1,778 lots having already been sold in New York in December. Other leading works from her collection include a self-portrait by Edgar Degas which should fetch up to £450,000, while an oil painting by PierreAuguste Renoir is valued at up to £250,000.The bulk of the artworks is made up of sketches and paintings by Augustus John. The works will be spread across three important Impressionist and Modern sales. Also in the catalogue for the sales are a key Cubist work by Juan Gris which could go for up to £18m. Christie’s is also holding an Art of the Surreal sale early next month which will feature an important “paintingpoem”, expected to go for up to £9m.
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Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
Kidman says she is boring company
ctress Nicole Kidman admits she is not a very interesting person because she no longer drinks alcohol. The 44-year-old says many people don’t consider her as a fun person because she no longer drinks alcohol and stays on the soft drinks when she goes out. “I don’t drink alcohol. See how boring I am? I’ll have sparkling water tonight,” femalefirst.co.uk quote Kidman as saying. IANS
Bradley Cooper ‘loves’ therapy
ctor Bradley Cooper “loves” therapy, as it has helped him to “grow as a person”. The 37-year-old was recently voted the Sexiest Man in Hollywood. “Oh, God, I love therapy. It was not really a crisis I went in with, just getting turned on to that aspect of wanting to grow as a person. I thought it was fantastic,” femalefirst.co.uk quoted Cooper as saying. IANS
Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
Jessica Biel
goes sans engagement ring
erhaps it didn’t look right next to all her other bling? Jessica Biel was highly bejewelled at Sunday’s Golden Globes, but one notable adornment was missing — the engagement ring from fiancé Justin Timberlake. The actress, 29, was sporting a load of Tiffany & Co. jewellery, including a stitches diamond ring in platinum and 18-karat yellow gold (designed by Jean Schlumberger, worth $25,000), as well as five diamond metro band rings set in 18-karat yellow gold (worth $1,900 each). But her left ring finger was bare, with no sign of the custom-designed ring that Timberlake, 30, reportedly proposed with in Montana. Biel also dazzled with two other notable Tiffany pieces—round solitaire diamond stud earrings set in platinum, 6.12 karats (worth $243,000), and a round diamond daisy opera length necklace set in platinum (worn down her back and worth $135,000).
Clooney jokes about Gosling’s trip to Thailand
o, where was Ryan Gosling on Sunday night? Oh, just trying to make ends meet. That’s according to The Descendants star George Clooney, who gave some hints backstage about the whereabouts of the most high-profile noshow at Sunday’s Golden Globes. He is in Thailand or something, the best-actor winner, 50, said of Gosling, 31. “And you know what you do in Thailand.” “He’s working, I think, in Thailand,” Clooney added. “He wrote me a nice letter, an email, this morning. You know, he’s gotta work, he’s gotta earn a living, he’s a struggling actor.” Gosling’s rep earlier revealed only that the actor was “working out of the country.”
t appears Lindsay Lohan isn’t the only starlet in talks to play Elizabeth Taylor. Although the Mean Girls star confirmed she is still up for the role in the buzz-worthy biopic to E! News Sunday night at the Weinstein Company Golden Globes after party, we’ve learned Lohan has some competition by way of Megan Fox. “I’ve been talking to Lindsay Lohan directly, and with her reps, and have been in conversations with other actresses, including Megan Fox,” Larry Thompson, the executive producer of Lifetime’s Liz and Dick, told E! News exclusively. Thompson declined to elaborate further on the specifics of the negotiations, but added that being in talks with more than one actress is not meant as an affront to the talent involved, but rather is simply de rigueur for projects of this nature. “It’s a very serious selection,” Thompson continued. “It’s like casting for Hollywood royalty.” And speaking of serious, a source tells E! News that while Lohan is still one of the frontrunners for the role, her probation status is “a complication.”
Megan Fox
also in talks to play Elizabeth Taylor
Chai Time
How to Play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: “How do you play Kakuro?”, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two - it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.
Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa
QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Crab’s sensor 5 “... ___, whatever will be, will be” 9 According to 14 “Young Frankenstein” role 15 “Evil” Bush grouping 16 Alarming sound 17 Daily output from a huge dairy? 19 Not a liquid or a gas 20 Deep fissure 21 Virginia and West Virginia 22 Kidney bean 23 “A Walk in the Clouds” star Reeves 24 Animal shelter 25 Laugh track alternative 28 Arson aftermath 31 Pilgrim settler John 32 Neither’s partner 33 Comedy teams, usually 34 Building’s story 35 Helen of Troy’s mother 36 Bird on the Australian Coat of Arms 37 Thinks ahead 38 Elaborate parties 39 Certain piercing 41 Lobster eater’s protector 42 Gives off, as light 43 Pursued academically (with “in”) 47 The best dressed men in church, often 49 Military operation’s start 50 Commerce pact that went into effect in 1994 51 Volkswagen dealer’s faithful companion? 52 Start for “wear,” “stand” or “study” 53 ___ B’rith 54 Homer Simpson’s hangout 55 Spacek of “Carrie” 56 It’s underfoot 57 Calls Tim “Jim,” e.g. DOWN 1 Sell, as an idea for a TV show
2 Athenian marketplace 3 “Table for one” type 4 Is a breadwinner 5 Delilah’s victim 6 Be among the real 7 Aggravate 8 “... ___ what you can do for your country” (JFK) 9 What the celibate do 10 Joe Orton play “Entertaining Mr. ___” 11 Underground place to meet your friends? 12 Albany-to-Buffalo canal 13 1975 and 1976 World Series champs 18 Confronts 21 Meal with a Haggadah reading 23 Compliments, as to the chef 25 “I knew it all ___!” 26 Concluding passage, in
music 27 Geological time spans 28 Arabian port 29 Shoving match? 30 Fraternity for students with barely passing grades? 31 Hale Sr. and Jr. 34 Emulates a butterfly 35 “Rent” inspiration 37 Early part of a big race? 38 Boy’s doll 40 Hams it up 41 Girl’s doll 43 It may be forged or precious 44 Palindromic helicopter part
45 Swiss mathematician Leonhard 46 Slip cover? 47 Antelopes with beards 48 Punjabi princess 49 Greek founder of the Stoic school 51 Noncommercial network PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER
THOUGHT OF THE DAY I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants. – Anonymous
Your tomorrow today̶Star Power and Tarot
Date 19-1-2012
As per Hindu panchang
thiruvaikumar@yahoo.co.in 040-27177230 / 9177596118
You will get the works done with slow and steady approach. Businessmen will see a phenomenal growth and financial position will be beyond expectations. Wasteful expenditures are ruled out.
You will implement the biggest plans and succeed. Works which were held up, pick up speed and end in a fast pace. In your trade or job, you will gain the top slot. Financial inflow will be steady.
Businessmen need to be more alert. New investments should be done only after weighing the pros and cons. Those who gave troubles to you will become inactive. Be cordial with parents.
You will plan the works well and reduce the wandering a lot. Some will undertake pil‑ grimage to their place of interest. Accept close friends' suggestions and implement them which will benefit you.
Friends will help you to bring a growth in your business and you too will be very cor‑ dial with them. You will also diversify into various fields and gain good profits. Your importance in the family will increase.
You will take clear cut decisions which will bear fruit. Businessmen will plan and expand their horizon. Business related travels likely. Financial position will improve.
Business will go smooth , steady and profitable. Your skills will be exposed. You will befriend socially famous per‑ sonalities. Avoid unwanted travel. You will be cheerful.
Avoid sharing your secrets blindly with all the friends. Understand about the friends' characters first and then only share with those wo are really serious in the friend‑ ship.
Remarkable growth is seen in your busi‑ ness activities. Your social status is set to increase. Your subordinates will be very co‑operative and obey your instructions. Income will be beyond expectaions.
Works which were held up will get activat‑ ed and get completed smoothly. You will rectify the mistakes committed in the busi‑ ness and ratify them so that transactions take place smoothly.
Your experience, knowledge and good skills ensure that all the works are done with perfection. . You will respect the feelings of people working under you.
Income will as per expectations. Happy events will take place at home with which expenses too will increase. Businessmen will see a stability. Travels will be undertaken.
Ten of Pentacles – Finances are in foc‑ us. You need to plan your money better. Itʼs not that there is a dearth of money or that you need to cut corners. Plan!
Seven of Pentacles – Improve your skill set by taking up a work‑ shop or a learning pro‑ gramme. It will add value to your CV and you will also begin to see the big picture.
Two of Wands – You may be feeling frus‑ trated that nothing is moving quite as per your plan. Donʼt get impatient. Stay with the plan and it will eventually work out.
Queen of Pentacles – Youʼre in too much of a comfort zone to try out the new. How about starting by ordering a dish at a restaurant you havenʼt tried before?
Six of Swords – Spend some time on social networking and make contact with long lost frien‑ ds. They will help you in unknown and unseen ways.
Page of Cups – Good news is on the way. Singles will not be single for very long. Romance and mat‑ ters of the heart are in focus.
Judgement – Donʼt get impatient if you havenʼt been able to achieve your short‑ term goals. Re‑jig your plans and work it out as per the new plan.
Two of Pentacles – Work‑life balance has been going for a toss, mostly because a lot of commute time is eating into your day. Make the commute more productive.
Two of Cups – Marriage, love affairs and romance will suddenly come into your life and sweep you off your feet. Itʼll likely be an uncon‑ ventional relationship.
Strength – You have come up successfully against all odds, and again, you will be expected to do the same. You have trem‑ endous inner strength and will power.
The Hanged Man – You get into a spiritual zone and are interest‑ ed in doing things that improve your under‑ standing of the world around you. Meditate!
King of Swords – Yo‑ uʼre approaching pr‑ oblems in too much of an intellectual man‑ ner. Step back and try to analyse it from the emotional angle, too.
For Better or for Worse Stone soup
Number game
Ink pen
Fred Basset
Vol: 1, No. 185 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No. 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad–500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad–500037, Editor: Dean Williams – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: feedback@postnoon.com and for subscription, please call 040-40672222, Fax: 040-40672211
Chai Time 1400 Naadi Aadajanme 1430 Pavitra 1500 Movie 1800 Sri Shanidevuni Mahimalu 1830 Vasantha Kokila 1900 Chinnari Pelli Kuturu 1930 Anna Chellelu 2000 Missamma 2030 Edureetha 2100 Challenge 2200 CID 2300 Challenge 0700 Silver Screen 0730 Just For Fun 0800 Ayurvedam 0830 Chaganti Arunachala Mahatyam 0900 Bhale Chancele
1400 Kannavaari Kalalu 1430 Maavichiguru 1500 Sumangali 1530 Movie 1800 Jai Shri Krishna 1830 Shraavani Subramaniam 1900 Mandhara 1930 Auto Bharthi 2000 No. 23, Mahalakshmi Nivasam 2030 Mogali Rekulu 2100 Aparanji 2130 Devatha 2200 Mamathala Kovela 2230 Anveshana 2300 Gemini Vaarthalu 0800 Gemini Talkies 0830 Movie 1130 Aha Emi Ruchi 1200 Jeevitha Chakram 1230 Maa Inti Aada Paduchu 1300 Chittemmaa 1330 Gorintaku
1400 [V] Vignettes 1430 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1500 [V] Humse Hai Life 1530 [V] Trailers 1600 [V] Zabardast Hits 1800 [V] Fresh Songs 1830 [V] Humse Hai Life 1900 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1930 [V] Humse Hai Life 2000 [V] My Big Decision 2130 [V] Trailers 2155 [V] Fresh Songs 2200 [V] Steal Ur Girlfriend 2300 [V] Humse Hai Life 2330 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 2355 [V] Fresh Songs 0700 [V] Trailers 0730 [V] Zabardast Hits 0800 [V] Mind Blasting Mornings 1100 [V] Fresh Songs 1200 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance
‘[V] Humse Hai Life’ at 1930 Hrs on CHANNEL [V]
1300 News Now At1 1330 News Now 1800 6 Pm 1830 Live Report 1900 Primetime 1930 The Game 2000 News Now At 8 2030 Live Report 2100 The Newshour 2200 The Newshour - Plus 2230 E Now 2300 News Now At 11 0800 The Morning News 0900 News Now 1200 Live Report 1230 News Now
‘The Game’ at 1930 Hrs only on TIMES NOW
Telly sitcoms, news and movie listings
1400 Abhishekam 1430 Aadade Aadharam 1500 Antahpuram 1530 Aakasa Ganga 1600 Prema Mandiram 1630 Jagadeeswari 1700 Wow 1800 Devimahathyam 1830 Puttadi Bomma 1900 Kumkuma Rekha 1930 Manasu Mamata 2000 Chandra Mukhi 2030 Bharyamani 2100 Etv News 2130 Adurs 2245 Movie 0800 Subhamastu 0830 Jeevana Jyothi 0900 Movie 1130 Abhiruchi 1230 Star Mahila
1400 Ardhangi 1430 Movie 1800 Veera Naari Jhansi Laxmi Bhai 1830 Kalavari Kodallu 1900 Chinna Kodalu 1930 Pasupukunkuma 2000 Muddu Bidda 2030 Radha Kalyanam 2100 Kanyadanam 2130 Luckku Kickku 2230 Shree 2300 Bindas 2330 Latest Songs 0800 Gopuram 0830 Bhakti Samacharam 0900 Sri Raghavendra Vybhavam 0930 Ayurveda Jeevana Vignanam 1000 Bindass 1200 Mee Inti Vanta
‘Business Tonight’ at 2100 Hrs only on ET NOW 1400 The F And O Show 1430 Closing Trades 1530 Tomorrow's Trades 1600 Business Day 1730 Markets Tomorrow 1800 Rush Hour 1830 Brand Equity Special 1900 Global Business Report 1930 Business Express 2000 Business First 2030 Markets Tomorrow 2100 Business Tonight 2200 Top 10 At10 2230 Leaders Of Tomorrow 2300 Starting Up 0900 First Trades 1000 Hot Stocks 1100 Buy Now Sell Now - The Stock Game 1130 Buy Now Sell Now 1200 Market Sense 1300 Business Day 1330 Markets Now
‘Man Woman Wild’ at 1900 Hrs on DISCOVERY 1400 Haunting 1600 Swords 1700 Man Woman Wild 1800 Wild Discovery 1900 Man Woman Wild 2000 Virus Hunters 2100 Man Vs Wild 2200 Swords 2300 Desire & Pleasure Decoded 1000 Virus Hunters 1100 Man Woman Wild 1200 I Should'nt Be Alive 1300 Wild Discovery
1415 CSI - Crime Scene Investigation 1510 Wipeout 2 1605 Flipping Out 1700 The Voice 1800 Reaper 1900 Nz Smashes Guinness World Records 2000 Sports Crash 2100 Minute To Win It 2200 Wipeout 2 2300 Criss Angel Mindfreak 0900 Sky Teleshopping 0930 Criss Angel Mindfreak 0955 Infomercial/5 Min 1000 Criss Angel Mindfreak 1025 Infomercial/5 Min 1030 Flipping Out 1130 Sports Crash 1225 The Voice 1320 Criss Angel Mindfreak
‘Criss Angel Mindfreak’ at 2300 Hrs on AXN
‘Haar Jeet’ at 2230 Hrs on IMAGINE 1400 Haar Jeet 1500 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo 1600 Haar Jeet 1700 Dharampatni 1730 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 1800 Beendh Banuga Ghodi Chadhunga 1830 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo 1900 Haar Jeet 1930 Mahima Shani Dev Ki 2000 Dwarkadheesh - Bhagwan Shri Krishn 2030 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 2100 Beendh Banuga Ghodi Chadhunga 2130 Dharampatni 2200 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo 2230 Haar Jeet 2300 Dharampatni
1400 Parichay 1430 Balika Vadhu 1500 Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha 1530 Uttaran 1600 Phulwa 1630 Parichay 1700 Sasural Simar Ka 1730 Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha 1800 Uttaran 1830 Balika Vadhu 1900 Hawan 1930 Sasural Simar Ka 2000 Balika Vadhu 2030 Veer Shivaji 2100 Phulwa 2130 Parichay 2200 Uttaran 2230 Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha 2300 Na Aana Is Des Laado 2330 Balika Vadhu
‘Na Aana Is Des Laado’ at 2300 Hrs on COLORS
‘Hitler Didi’ at 2000 Hrs on ZEE TV 1400 Hitler Didi 1430 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1500 Afsar Bitiya 1530 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 1600 Pavitra Rishta 1630 Dance India Dance 1800 Hitler Didi 1830 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1900 Afsar Bitiya 1930 Choti Bahu 2 2000 Hitler Didi 2030 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 2100 Pavitra Rishta 2130 Ram Milaye Jodi 2200 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 2230 Bhagonwali 2300 Afsar Bitiya
1400 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1430 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1500 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1600 CID 1800 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1830 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1900 Crime Patrol - Dastak 2000 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 2045 Dekha Ek Khwaab 2130 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi 2200 Saas Bina Sasuraal 2230 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 2300 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 0730 Sky Star Advertising 0900 Adaalat 1100 Crime Patrol - 1 1200 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1245 Dekha Ek Khwaab 1330 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi
‘Bade Achhe Lagte Hai’ at 2230 Hrs on SONY
‘Pratigya’ at 2230 Hrs on STAR PLUS 1400 Sapnon Se Bharey Naina 1500 Survivor India - Highlight 1530 Diya Aur Bati Hum 1600 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 1630 Sasuraal Genda Phool 1700 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1730 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 1800 Survivor India - Highlight 1830 Ruk Jana Nahin 1900 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1930 Sasuraal Genda Phool 2000 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2030 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 2100 Diya Aur Bati Hum 2130 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2200 Navya 2230 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 2300 Maryaada ... Lekin Kab Tak?
1400 Cradle 2 The Grave 1555 10,000 Bc 1800 The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford 2100 Star Trek - First Contact 2310 Star Trek - Nemesis 0850 Friends 0920 The New Adventures Of Old Christine 0950 Nikita 1040 Star Trek - First Contact 1245 Star Trek - Nemesis
1415 Legend Of The Fist - The Return Of Chen Zhen 1630 Tremors 3 - Back To Perfection 1845 Dragonfly 2100 Sharktopus 2300 The Final Destination 0800 Treasure Guards 1000 Dragonfly 1210 The American
1400 Scrubs 1430 $H*! My Dad Says 1500 In Plain Sight 1600 Parenthood 1700 Scrubs 1730 $H*! My Dad Says 1800 E News 1900 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 2000 Scrubs 2030 America's Funniest Home Videos 2100 In Plain Sight 2200 Parenthood 2300 Scrubs 2330 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 0800 In Plain Sight 0900 Parenthood 1000 Scrubs 1030 America's Funniest Home Videos 1100 In Plain Sight 1200 Parenthood 1330 America's Funniest Home Videos
‘In Plain Sight’ at 2100 Hrs on ZEE CAFE
Dekha Ek Khwaab
Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein
Storyline - Love is in the air for Monia and Aakash! Monia will be seen gleaming with happiness. She will be making plans for a surprise Birthday Party for Aakash.
Storyline - The family comes to know about Ria’s pregnancy, & they are all delighted, BS wants to go to the temple, everyone leaves for the mandir leaving Dulaari to look after the house.
‘Dekha Ek Khwaab’ at 2045 Hrs on SONY
‘Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein’ at 2200 Hrs on ZEE TV
‘The Simpsons’ at 2030 Hrs on STAR WORLD 1400 Supernatural 1500 Combat Hospital 1600 The Big Bang Theory 1630 The Simpsons 1700 The Shield 1800 Supernatural 1900 Love2 Hate U 2000 Two And A Half Men 2030 The Simpsons 2100 Supernatural 2200 The Shield 2300 The Big Bang Theory 2330 Two And A Half Men 0700 The Shield 0800 Las Vegas 0900 Charlie’s Angels 1000 The Shield 1100 Love2 Hate U 1200 Two And A Half Men 1230 The Simpsons 1300 The Big Bang Theory 1330 Friends
1400 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 1430 R. K. Laxman Ki Duniya 1500 Lapataganj 1530 F.I.R. 1600 Chidiya Ghar 1630 Gutur Gu 1700 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 1830 R. K. Laxman Ki Duniya 1900 Chidiya Ghar 1930 Lapataganj 2000 Chintu Chinky Aur Ek Badi Si Love Story 2030 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 2100 Chidiya Ghar 2130 R. K. Laxman Ki Duniya 2200 Lapataganj 2230 F.I.R. 2300 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 2330 Chidiya Ghar 0800 Teleshopping 0830 Religious Programmes 0900 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah
‘Chidiya Ghar’ at 2100 Hrs on SAB
‘The Final Destination’ at 2300 Hrs on HBO
‘Mumbai Meri Jaan’ at 1400 Hrs on ZOOM
1400 Junkies 1430 Mythbusters 1530 Discovery Science Classics 1630 Sci Fi Science 1700 One Step Beyond 1730 Futureweapons 1830 Best Of Discovery Science 1930 How Do They Do It? 2030 Ultimate Cars 2100 Deconstructed 2130 Food Detectives 2200 Deconstructed 2230 Heavy Metal Task Force 2330 Industrial Revelations 1030 Sci Fi Science 1100 One Step Beyond 1130 Mythbusters 1230 Best Of Discovery Science 1330 How Do They Do It?
1400 Movie - Mumbai Meri Jaan 1730 Star Bonanza 1800 Letz Go! 1900 Planet Bollywood News 1930 Link'd 2000 Zabar 10 2030 My Playlist 2130 Link'd 2200 B - Tonite 2230 Style Strip 2300 Bollywood Bonanza 0700 Fresh Mornings 0800 Red Carpet 0805 Fresh Mornings 1100 Zoom Box 1200 Garma Garam 1300 Planet Bollywood News 1330 Zabar 10
‘Food Detectives’ at 2130 Hrs on DISCOVERY SCIENCE
‘Galileo Extreme’ at 2030 Hrs on BIG CBS PRIME 1430 Jerry Springer 1530 Aspire 1600 Survivor 1700 Bellator 1800 Galileo Extreme 1900 Defenders 2000 Entertainment Tonight 2030 Galileo Extreme 2100 Survivor 2200 Jerry Springer 2300 Defenders 0700 Big Wheels 0730 Aspire 0800 Galileo Extreme 0900 Survivor 1000 Bellator 1100 Jerry Springer 1200 Aspire 1230 Entertainment Tonight 1300 Galileo Extreme 1330 Defenders
Playing Field
The games people play
Libya punches out memories of a tyrant TRIPOLI: Sofiyan al-Bassar swings his right fist and delivers a blow to the face of his rival, splitting his lower lip and knocking him off balance before rushing in to try to finish him off. “Stop! Stop!” yells a stocky man as he pulls the 23-year-old back. Bassar and his opponent Ramzi Abdulhadi al-Haji are not members of rival militias fighting on the streets of Tripoli, but they are among the first enthusiastic young men to join a newly opened boxing club in the city. Boxing, considered as a “savage” sport and banned since
Abdul Rahman (right) in a sparring session with his brother Habeeb ur Rahman
TO ALI, WITH GLOVE Abdur Rahman was not even born when Muhammad Ali was at the helm of boxing. But that has not stopped the young boxer from drawing inspiration from The Greatest Rajesh Ravindran rajesh.r@postnoon.com
leven-year-old Abdul Rahman wakes up at 5 in the morning. He then gets ready and goes to the LB stadium with his father and brother Habeeb ur Rahman. He stretches and runs 10 rounds around the LB stadium punctuating it with a couple of short breaks. After a session of body weight exercises, he puts on his boxing gloves and spars for half an hour — sometimes with his brother, sometimes with boxers who are twice or thrice in size and age. His inspiration: Mohammed Ali. “The Greatest” boxer of all time turns 70 today. He is not in the news as he once was for his quick fists and quicker wit, but the legend is very much alive, not just inspiring many who don the glove, but one and all from every walk of life. Young Abdul Rahman has been doing well for himself. He has two gold and silver medals at the state level and a bronze at a recently ended national school competition at Delhi. “He could have gone on to win the gold, but the refereeing was prejudiced and poor. But that’s
okay. He has time,” said Khaleel ur Rahman, Abdul Rahman’s father. Khaleel, a keen sports enthusiast, recalls Abdul Rahman as a very quick boy. “He was fast at everything — running, playing and at times when he fights with his brother.” Khaleel when young had dreamed of pursuing some sport, but could not. “I had decided that my boys will be allowed to pursue any interest of theirs and when I saw Maas (Abdul Rahman) and his brother had the aptitude in them, I
enrolled them for boxing.” Everyone at the boxing hall likes Abdul Rahman. On Monday, at practice, when his brother was a little late in putting on his gloves, Abdul Rahman was already in the ring sparring with an Army boxer, who had graciously obliged when he saw that the boy was without a sparring partner. It was amusing to watch the Army man back off and dodge the persistent attacks of the little boy jabbing and hooking — not exactly “flying like a butterfly and stinging like a bee”, but more like Sonic the Hedgehog
when moving and Woody the Woodpecker when punching. And when the senior boxer tapped gently on Abdul Rahman’s head or cheek, he surged forth and countered with double the zeal. Getting Abdul Rahman to sit and talk is hard. You smile at him, he returns it in a flash. You ask him something, he quips and hops off and it takes sometime before he settles down for the next question. It is needless to ask him what he wants to be, but when asked he says, “Boxer,” in a tone that sounded, “How obvious!” Many of the boxers who come here like Mike Tyson: it is natural because he was the best when most these guys were growing up. When you ask some of the Army boxers, if they knew Ali, they say, “Yes”. Have you seen his fights? “No, but we know him from the pictures (two — a. Ali glaring down on a floored Sonny Liston; b. Ali punching George Foreman) pasted on the wall here.” But Abdul Rahman and his brother Habeeb ur Rahman like Ali. They have seen videos of his fights. What do they like best of Ali’s style? “His quick slips, blocks and lightning-fast punches,” the brothers said. Too good an answer from two that’s so young, but good enough to ensure the legend lives on.
1979 by former Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, is making a comeback in the North African country after the strongman’s ouster and death. The club, which is still to be named, operates from what used to be a regular meeting place of Kadhafi diehards to discuss the dictator’s “Green Book”, a collection of his political, economic and social teachings. “This is our fitting reply to the dead tyrant. We are relaunching the sport which we love, but he hated, from one of his own places,” the stocky man, coach Dris Ali Mohammed, tells AFP. “Kadhafi banned boxing because he thought it to be a savage sport. But he had no problems hanging and killing people in Abu Slim (prison in Tripoli). No wonder he was killed by our boys,” says Mohammed. Kadhafi was killed on October 20 in a fierce battle at his hometown of Sirte, ending an eight-month conflict against his regime which erupted in February last year. Tens of thousands of young and old Libyans took up arms to fight his diehards, eventually ending his 42 years of iron-fisted rule.
Playing Field
The games people play
Kim, Li blaze into R3
TALK ON COURT There are issues, admits Men’s Tour chief MELBOURNE: Men's tour chief Brad Drewett on Wednesday admitted there were "frustrations" among tennis players but played down swirling talk of a strike after several spoke out over pay and conditions. He was speaking after rumours spread of a rumours and a brief rift between Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer.
January 16 – January 29
MELBOURNE: Belgium's Kim Clijsters and Chinese star Li Na blazed into the Australian Open's third round on Wednesday to lie just one win away from a rematch of last year's final. Li stormed through when she beat Australian wildcard Olivia Rogowska 6-2, 6-2 on the centre court, before Clijsters demolished France's Stephanie Foretz Gacon 6-0, 6-1 in just 47 minutes. Clijsters beat Li in the final of the Australian Open last year and all eyes have been on their possible fourth-round showdown, although the Belgian insisted she hadn't looked that far ahead. "In the media people always start to talk about the future, quarter-final, semi-final, a tough third, fourth round coming up before the tournament even starts," she said. "I don't like to waste my energy on those kind of thoughts, because I can use all that focus on whatever match I have coming up next." Clijsters' next match is against Daniela Hantuchova, who beat Ukraine's Lesia Tsurenko 4-6, 6-4, 6-3, but the manner in which she destroyed Foretz Gacon makes her a hot favourite against the 20th-seeded Slovakian. The defending champion had started slowly in her win over Portugese qualifier Maria Joao Koehler on Monday, but she was switched on right from the start against Foretz Gacon, racing through the first set in just 22 minutes. The Frenchwoman finally held serve at the start of the second set, but that was her only success as Clijsters sped away with the match. Clijsters was so dominant that Foretz Gacon only won 24 points in the match, 13 of those coming from the Belgian's unforced errors.
A young tennis fan holds up a sign saying "I love you" at Lesia Tsurenko-Daniela Hantuchova second round match.
Four-time champ Fedex gets walkover MELBOURNE: Four-time champion Roger Federer was awarded a walkover in the Australian Open's second round Wednesday when his opponent, Germany's Andreas Beck, withdrew with a lower back injury. The third seed from Switzerland will face either Croatia's Ivo Karlovic or Argentine Carlos Berlocq in round 3.
Alejandro Falla of Colombia gestures after victory in his men's singles match against Mardy Fish of the US.
Playing Field
The games people play
SNIPPETS Warne loses cool over unruly cyclists
MELBOURNE: Cricket great Shane Warne on Wednesday hit out at “antagonistic” cyclists after a road rage incident that he reported to police. In a Twitter rant late Tuesday, the spin-king said a cyclist had grabbed on to the back of his car for a free ride as he headed home from a training session at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Then at a change of traffic lights, he said the man rode past and hit the bonnet with his hand. “I yell, ‘hey buddy what the hell are you doing’?” Warne tweeted. The cyclist then pulled up in front of his car, halting traffic, and abused the cricketer, Warne said. The 42-year-old, who has called for mandatory registration for cyclists, told reporters Wednesday that he was fed up with the attitude of some riders.
Calm before The Fall? NEW DELHI: Less than a year after being hailed as India’s greatest cricket captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni finds his head on the block after another woeful Test series abroad. The 30-year-old could do no wrong when he led India to World Cup glory at home in April last year, his second big success as skipper after winning the inaugural World Twenty20 in 2007. He now presides over a disintegrating Test team that has lost seven consecutive Tests on foreign soil, four of them by an innings and the rest by margins
of 196, 319 and 122 runs. After 67 Tests and 3,509 runs, some say Dhoni barely merits a place in the team any more. “The need is to find a new captain from beneath the wreckage. Dhoni is no longer the answer in Test cricket,” former Australian skipper Ian Chappell wrote in the Hindustan Times on Tuesday. Dhoni made 220 runs in four Tests in England last year at an average of 31.40 and has managed just 102 runs in three matches in Australia at 20.40. India, ranked the world’s top Test side until they were
blanked 4-0 in England, will slip to fourth place if they lose the fourth and final Test against Australia in Adelaide next week in another series whitewash. Current form suggests they will lose, and lose heavily. Dhoni won’t be playing, having been banned by the International Cricket Council for one match for slow overrates during the third Test in Perth, his second offence in the last 12 months. Ex-captains Kapil Dev and Sourav Ganguly have gone on record to say they feel Dhoni needs a quick turnaround to secure his place as Test skipper,
while stressing his position at the helm in one-day cricket is not in doubt. Batting great Sunil Gavaskar supports Dhoni’s retention as Test captain — but only because there is no suitable replacement. “The team won’t miss him as a batsman,” Gavaskar said, reacting to Dhoni’s ban from the Adelaide Test. “But as a leader he will be missed despite the fact that his record is not good. “At the moment, I can’t think of anyone who is good enough to take over from Dhoni,” Gavaskar told NDTV.
Warner’s fit for fourth test My action is OK, says Ajmal SYDNEY: David Warner says
DUBAI: Pakistani off-spinner
he should be fit for the fourth Test against India after suffering dizzy spells when hit in the head during his stunning 180 in Australia’s thrashing of the tourists in Perth. The explosive opener, whose knock earned him comparisons to left-handed batting great Adam Gilchrist, was the catalyst for Australia’s innings and 37-run win at the WACA Ground on Sunday, with a 69ball century. He took a blow to head which led to the worrying dizzy spells but the 25-year-old said he was confident of lining up at
Saeed Ajmal brushed aside suspicions over his bowling action after wrecking England with career-best figures of 7-55 on the opening day of the first Test here on Tuesday. The 34year-old, whose claims to unveil a mystery delivery he called teesra (the third one) surrounded the build-up of the three-Test series, helped Pakistan bundle out England for 192 on a slow turning pitch at Dubai Stadium. Pakistan finished the day on 42-0, trailing by 150 runs. “I am just focusing on my bowling,” said Ajmal.
the Adelaide Oval when the fourth Test begins on Tuesday. “I think I’m over it,” Warner told reporters on Wednesday. “It’s a day-by-day thing. I’ve got to speak to Alex (Kountouris) about how I’m feeling,” he added, referring to the team physiotherapist.
Udonis Haslem No. 40 of the Miami Heat dunks during his game against the San Antonio Spurs.
James, Bosh star in Miami Heat’s win MIAMI: LeBron James had 33 points and 10 assists and Chris Bosh scored 30 points as the Miami Heat rallied from a 17-point first half deficit to beat the San Antonio Spurs 120-98 on Tuesday. Mike Miller had 14 points off the bench for the Heat who had a dismal first half and trailed 63-49 at halftime. “Once we got back to playing defence we were able to turn the game around,” James said. “We want to protect our home court. We didn’t have a good road trip so to come home after nine days on the road is nice. This is great start for us.” The win snapped a season-high three game losing streak for Miami who went 2-3 on their road swing. They play eight of their next nine games at home. Danny Green scored a team high 20 points and Tony Parker finished with 18 points for the Spurs.
Playing Field
The games people play
QPR break FA Cup jinx
Milton Keynes Dons’ Shaun Williams (left) vies with Queens Park Rangers’ English striker Jay Bothroyd.
LONDON: Mark Hughes registered the first win of his reign at Queens Park Rangers on Tuesday as the Premier League strugglers ended their 11-year FA Cup jinx to beat MK Dons 1-0. A powerful Danny Gabbidon header settled a scrappy game at Loftus Road, with QPR now advancing to a dream tie against west London neighbours Chelsea in the fourth round later this month. But Rangers, who had forced a replay with a late equaliser in the first meeting between the clubs, were made to work all the way for a win which exposed the scale of the task facing new manager Hughes. Gabbidon’s winner came against the run of play on 73 minutes, the Welsh defender rising to meet Shaun Wright-Phillips’ corner with a firm header which flew past Dons keeper David Martin. It was the first time QPR have reached the FA Cup fourth round since 2001, and only the club’s second home win of the 2011/2012 campaign. Elsewhere, relegation-threatened Premier League side Bolton had little difficulty in dispatching League Two outfit Macclesfield, from the fourth tier of English football, with a 2-0 win at the Reebok Stadium.