CRUISING INTO TROUBLED WATERS As salvage efforts begin on the stricken Costa Concordia, we take a look at the world’s largest cruise liner, Oasis of the Seas, to find out just what makes these leviathans tick P16&17
Hyderabad’s first compact afternoon newspaper
The fate of conjoined twins — Veena and Vani — has taken a curious twist as legal experts point out the ultimate guardian of a Hindu minor is the Court. Now, in the light of this, what will happen to the twins? REPORT ON PG 3
KALMADI, SINHA GET BAIL Suresh Kalmadi and VK Verma were granted bail in a case related to irregularities in organising the 2010 Commonwealth Games. The CBI arrested Kalmadi on April 25, 2011 for approving illegal contracts.
THE DAY THE EARTH WENT DARK Imagine this if you can... The year is 2025. The Internet has been disabled. A union of nations helmed by the US, India, China and Iran celebrates a victory that began 13 years ago with the acceptance of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) across the world. P7
PARIS teams up with LMFAO HILTON for new single
Page Two
Spirit of Twin Cities
Literary jewels enlighten HLC PIC: A SUDHEER REDDY
Robert Bohm interacting with the audience
Maryam Sultana
he third day of the Hyderabad Literary Festival (HLC) started on a beautiful note with a creative writing workshop held for school students by Cheryl Rao, an award-winning children’s writer, a specialist in the horror genre. There was an interesting interaction with writers Suniti Namjoshi and C Vijayashree. Suniti
Namjoshi has published numerous poems, fables, articles and reviews in anthologies, collec-
tions and journals in India, Canada, US, Australia and England. This was followed by a
thought provoking discussion between Gillian Wright, Mark Tully, Robert Bohm, Meitim Connolly Jean and Manuel Duhaut, the moderator, on adapting to India. An initiative of Muse India, HLF is a multi-lingual annual event, which debuted in December 2010, drawing 80 writers representing 14 different national and international languages. Few of the events included readings by Navkirat Sodhi, Kazim Ali, Prageeta Sharma, Meena Alexander. English readings by K Srilata Rao, Swati Chawla, Sagarika Chakraborty and Sudha Balagopal, successfully managed to keep the audience mesmerized throughout. Celebrating the completion of 60 years of Indo-German diplomatic relations, Monika Hirmer of
Goethe Zentrum, had also participated by conducting a parallel session for children. After lunch, readings by The Little Theatre, Shankar Melkote and Team kept the audience engrossed. Readings of Urdu Nazms by Ashraf Rafi, Hasan Farrukh, Mushaf Iqbal Tausifi and Masood Jafri enthralled the Urdu speaking audiences. The focal point of the third day was the Urdu-Hindi Mushaira by Muztaar Majaaz, Sardar Saleem, Jagjeevan Asthana, Tasneem Johar, Elizabeth Kurian Mona, Naredra Rai and Syed Khalid. Valedictory by GPS Rao, Vijay Kumar and Amita Desai, marked the end of the festival. It was a beautiful conclusion to a wonderful day, thanks to the resplendent mood created by these gems of literature.
Around the city: Your guide to the Twin Cities
Bird Watch
One love
A film screening titled HawaI'in Birds by Jim Denny will be held at GoetheZentrum.The film is being presented by the birdwatcher's society of AP and GoetheZentrum. Where:Goethe-Zentrum, Nampally When: January19, 6.30pm Contact: (040) 65526443
My name is Minnu It is the first solo Art show by actor Kamal Kamaraju on a series of paintings he has done on ‘Minnu’ in 2011. The show will also launch calendars with Kamal’s paintings and will be exclusively on sale at the Muse gallery. The proceeds from this show will be donated to CAP Foundation. Where: Marriott hotel & Convention Centre, Tank Bund When: Ongoing, 6pm Contact: (040) 27522999
One Love is an International exhibition by artists from around the world who aim at promoting humanity and love all over the world. Where: State Gallery Of Fine Arts When: Ongoing, 11am Contact: (040) 32913922
Eat in the dark Have you ever wondered how it feels to eat in the dark? Come and experience this. Pay `499 to enjoy a 4-course meal worth `1,000 at Dialogue in the Dark. Where: Dialogue in the Dark, Inorbit Mall, Hitech City When: Ongoing, 12.30pm Contact: (040) 64603341
Different strokes To witness strokes of various kinds head to Gallery Space. It’s an exhibition presenting paintings and drawings by various artists and is being held at Gallery Space from December 24. Where: Gallery Space, Banjara Hills When: Ongoing, 11am to 7pm Contact: (040) 65541836
Documenting creativity Bernard Bloch, a reputed French Documentary filmmaker. His talk will be on the concept of Creative Documentary.He is the co-founder and Director of ‘L’œil sauvage’. Where: Alliance Francaise, Banjara Hills When: January 19, 3-6pm Contact: (040) 27700734/36
Martini ‘n music Enjoy the winter evenings with grey goose martinis and crooner Kelly dishing out your favourite numbers. Where: Taj Krishna, Banjara Hills
Where: Iconart, Banjara Hills When: Ongoing Contact: (040) 32411554
Controlled freedom When: Every Evening Contact: (040) 66662323
Cognac and Cigar The Seasons Bar opens up again as a Cigar and Cognac lounge with a wide selection of cognac, rare whiskies, single malts and cigars. Where: Taj Krishna, Banjara Hills When: Ongoing, 7pm Contact: (040) 66662323
Visual art An exhibition cum sale of paintings by Hari Srinivas. The exhibition is on display till January 30 2012.
Where: VSL Visual Art Gallery, Plot no 100, AP Text Book Colony, Gun Rock Enclave When: Ongoing Contact: 9247175135
Numaish A childhood favourite of every Hyderabadi, The All India Industrial Exhibition is on. Where: Exhibition Grounds, Nampally When: Ongoing Childhood memory Kites are a childhood memory of carefree life, of cheery sunny days .Artkites are such an expression of festivity and creative vision.
Catch Controlled Freedom, an exhibition of portrait photography that showcases the works of two photographers with contrasting approaches to capturing people. Where: Alankritha Art Gallery, Kavuri Hills When: Ongoing, 6.30pm Contact: (040) 23113709
Eternal music Catch Phoenix performing live at Hard Rock Cafe, Banjara Hills. The band infuses rock with rock and reggae. Where: Hard Rock Cafe, Banjara Hills When: January 19, 9pm Contact: (040) 44767900
Big Cinemas, Ameerpet, 30581470; Cinemax, Banjara Hills, 44565555; Cine Planet , Kompally, 61606060; INOX, Banjara Hills, 447677770, Prasads, Tank Bund Rd, 23448888; PVR, Punjagutta, 08800900009; Talkie Town, Miyapur, 40214175; Tivoli, Secunderabad 27844973
Hyper Local
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Whose life is it anyway? The hospital says only one of the conjoined twins, Veena-Vani, will survive a surgery to separate them. And, the ethical question as to who should live remains Md Inkeshaf Ahmed
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State’s stance The State had given its consent for operation, it is learnt. YSR had assured the parents that all expenses of operations would be borne by the State. But officials are in doubt because not only does it involve heavy expenses, also, the State would be blamed if the twins suffer deformities or die. It is safer to rear them.
What the doc says We have received a plea from the parents of conjoined twins Veena-Vani that we go for the separation operation. We will send it to the State government and wait for its response. Let me tell you, it’s a highly risky operation. If they are allowed to live as Siamese they may live up to 60 years.” Ramesh Reddy, in-charge Superintendent, Niloufer Hospital
Medical circles are not sure, as the operation is to be done abroad. But knowledgeable sources put the sum to at least `4 crore.
Profile of Veena-Vani Date of Birth — October 16, 2003 Parents — Murali and Naga Laxmi (farm labourers) Native — Birishettigudem village, Warangal district Sibilings — Bindu (11), Sindu (6)
Hyper Local
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
A paradise for nature lovers Located a mere five minutes away from Hitech City, Kondapur boasts of some great apartments, plenty of green spaces and fresh air Osama Salman
he saying ‘never judge a book by its cover’ holds true for Kondapur. Your drive to Kondapur is guaranteed to throw up some chaotic traffic and bad roads. However, once you get off the main road and drive towards the botanical gardens you’re met with plenty of greenery and fresh air. And with Hitech City just around the corner, the area is hugely popular with the IT crowd. Maybe this is why real estate agents say investing here is a wise decision. Postnoon spoke to residents to check if Kondapur is really as good as real estate agents claim.
Why Kondapur “Location, location, location,” said KM Vishwanathan, a resident of Kondapur, when asked why he chose Kondapur as home, “having a botanical garden in the area, we get clean and fresh air.” However, for Hima Bindu, who has been living in the locality since November last year, it’s all about its proximity to the IT hub. “Besides, my daughter’s school is located at a short distance from home too,” she added. “Kondapur is the closest, most affordable area as well as a five minute drive from Hitech City. This is why I chose this over Madhapur and Miyapur,” said Vishawanathan.
Rental and Property Rates Although not inexpensive, property in Kondapur is about 20 per cent cheaper than it is at Madhapur and Hitech City. Rents however are affordable. “I pay `15,000 a month for my three-bedroom flat. Flats here are big in size and lighter on the pocket,” Hima said. But buying a flat here can set you back `3500 a square foot.
Schools and Hospitals Good schools are aplenty here, with 11 listed in the yellow pages. “There are
Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints
198 155313
POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section
155333 23431178 23431179
PAL CORPORATION: Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266
available. Otherwise there is adequate water here,” said Padmaja. “There are hour-long power-cuts but that is the case everywhere. There is power backup in most apartments. That privilege comes when you live in newly built flats in a developing area,” said Hima.
Do you like it here?
Padmaja Sai, who works as a teacher in a pre-school here, said that ever since she has been living in the area, she has never heard of any thefts or crimes taking place here. “It’s a safe area and residents are satisfied with it. I have lived in two areas in this locality and I too have felt safe here though it does get deserted by night. Police patrol the area often. Despite the fact that most homes in the area are empty at night since most of the residents work night shifts, the area is secure,” said Smita.
“It isn’t a great place to invest in. As most of the people here have migrated from outside the City, they don’t plan to stick here for too long. So buying a property here is questionable,” opined Smita. Echoes Hima, “There is only one grocery shop in the area where we live. Apart from being close to the IT hub, there isn’t much in Kondapur.” But for Vishwanathan it is this very feature that is appealing. “You are disconnected from the world, yet connected to it. I love it here,” he concluded.
With the City bursting at its seams we visit the top 5 locales that are luring Hyderabadis looking for a new urban adventure
“Kondapur is an affordable area as well the closes to Hitech City. It is a mere fiveminute drive from there. This is why I chose this over Madhapur and Miyapur Vishwanathan
Connectivity But the area lacks adequate public transport, making connectivity an issue. “Unless you have your own vehicle, you are stuck here. There are few buses along this route and the MMTS station is 8 kilometres away,” ishwanathan said. “I always use a car to commute as public transport is almost nil. Unless you are prepared to use shared autorickshaws, you are going to have a tough time,” warned Smita. The roads are wide and with enough lung space, driving to and within the area is a breeze, say residents.
Water and Electricity The common complain of residents is that they only have access to borewell water. “Manjeera (government) water isn’t
24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833150 Railway Information 131 Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333 WATER SUPPLY:
some great schools here, but if you still don’t find one to match your liking there are several other good ones just outside the locality as well,” said Smita Bhosle, who has been living for six years now. But when it comes to healthcare, there’s not much Kondapur can boast of. “Although I have been living and working here since three years, I know of only one corporate hospital and that is three kilometres away. Nonetheless, there are many clinics for out-patients,” said Vishwanathan. Smita said that there is an urgent need for a big hospital in the area for emergencies.
Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital, Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital, LB Nagar
155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888 30417777 30419000 30416666 39879999
BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills
27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445
AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777 Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332 AIRLINES Airport Director
27903785, 27906001
For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Website; TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999 UK Visa Office VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7
Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum
24523211 232431300/7641 24521029
Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222
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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Chiru’s men in, Shanker Rao out POLITICS Postnoon News
wo people sponsored by Chiranjeevi, C Ramachandraiah and Ganta Srinivasa Rao, were sworn in a six-minute-long ceremony as Cabinet ministers on Thursday at the Raj Bhavan. Textile minister P Shanker Rao was shown the door. Governor ESL Narasimhan administered the oath of office and secrecy to both legislators. Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, deputy CM Damodar Rajanarasimha and APCC president Botsa Satyanarayana along with several Cabinet ministers made it to the swearing-in ceremony. However, the usual euphoria associated with any expansion of the Congress cabinet — exchange of pleasantries, hugs, the tearing noise of bladestarched khadi dresses, garlands and slogans — were conspicuously missing this time. Even the pressmen were not present in full strength as the
P Shanker Rao videographers and photographers were kept out of the event. Jolted by the limitation of the Cabinet to just the induction of two Praja Rajyam Party legislators, the sulking Congress leaders fired over the shoulders of their MPs. Congress MPs met at a hurriedly-convened meeting at the residence of G Vivekanand and expressed their anguish. Nalgonda MP Gutha Sukhender Reddy said that “injustice was meted out to Telangana legislators” in the expansion.
Ganta Srinivasa Rao Getting a separate State carved out was more important for the Telangana MLAs rather than to hanker for ministerial berths in the State Cabinet. Stating the obvious, the vocal Congress MP said, “Once the State is formed, all ministries will be held by our MLAs only.” Meanwhile, PRP chief Chiranjeevi accompanied C Ramachandraiah and Ganta Srinivasa Rao for the swearingin ceremony in a convoy of cars amid euphoria and fanfare by
C Ramachandraiah his fans and supporters. The Congress men indeed remained silent and grumpy, what with the party high command did not take up the expansion to accommodate them. Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, who wanted to fire at least four ministers, including APCC president Botsa Satyanarayana from the Cabinet, had to silently swallow the curt ‘no’ from the party high command to his proposal to take up a major rejig.
He couldn’t keep his Kadapa colleagues happy either, as Chiranjeevi had his way in getting Ramachandraiah elevated to the cabinet. By virtue of being the only Cabinet minister representing the Legislative Council, Ramachandraiah would also become the leader of the Upper House in the State. G Veersaiva Reddy who aired his resentment over the induction of Ramachandraiah dropped hints on the possibility of his resignation from the Assembly. Health minister DL Ravindra Reddy was successfully tamed by the party leadership. P Shanker Rao, who was shown the door, however, did not get any official communication on his ejection from the Cabinet. It is learnt that AICC general secretary Ghulam Nabi Azad spoke to Shanker Rao and asked him to quit. The eccentric minister reportedly told him that he would submit the resignation only to the Governor and not to the Chief Minister. How Shanker Rao will be thrown out is yet to be determined — will it be by resignation or through a gubernatorial notification that he has been dropped.
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Students protest against lack of facilities at college EDUCATION Sudeshna Koka
6 killed in accident ANANTAPUR: Six people, including two women, were killed when a Kesineni Travels bus, going from Coimbatore to Hyderabad, rammed into a stationary lorry at Gummallakunta in Anantapur in the early hours of Thursday. Yesupadam the driver, the conductor Anand, two Ayyappa devotees and two women were killed and seven others injured. The injured were shifted to a hospital in Bathanapalli. Two of them were sent to Dharmavaram hospital as their condition was critical.
mob of students took to the roads of Karkhana on Wednesday afternoon in protest after APSRTC declined their request to renew their bus passes. Gowtham Intermediate College located at Karkhana has been black-coded by the APSRTC department. Because of this blackcode, students have been struggling for the last three months to renew their bus pass. Students claim that the college management has not cleared the required dues and has not been making any efforts to remove the black-code. “It becomes very expensive for us to pay `30 to `60 each day for transport. We have been complaining to the management but in vain. As the management was not taking any step we had to boycott classes and start an agitation,” said Dheeraj Kumar, an inter second year student. The Karkhana branch of Gowtham College was earlier a coeducational college. However, since the last few months girls have been shifted to another building. Management states that this is the reason why the government gave the college a black code. “We are a registered college and recently we sepa-
Students of Gowtham Intermediate College allege that they don’t have bus passes or professors rated girls and boys, this is the only reason for these problems. We have been working on this since months and now we are almost at the last stage. Within a day or two Gowtham College students can renew their bus passes,” said K Ganesh, principal. Unlike in other agitations by the students, this time the police force supported their cause. However, initially when hundreds of students were out on the roads the police force had to be stern to control them. Later, in order to solve the issue, SI Omar Khan acted as a mediator between the students and college management. Students were of the opinion that they do not need a pass as the academic year was ending and demanded a refund of `4000 which is their last term fees and also
THE FACES OF HYDERABAD Mohammed Abu Bakar, Cane artisan, Lakdi ka pul PIC: N SHIVA KUMAR
accused teachers for rude comments and lack of responsibility. Replying to the accusations by the students, English teacher Kannaya K said, “I did not pass any rude statements, all I said was we get our salary on the 15th of each month, it’s you students who are losing your time by boycotting classes and protesting. I agree that without a bus pass they are suffering. Our college has students from lower middle class families and it’s very difficult for them,” he said. Not only this, students are facing several other problems such as the absence of an Arabic lecturer. The management had appointed an Arabic lecturer only last month. This lecturer teaches in both the campuses and students complain that he
ane furniture is one of the most popular choices world over. It’s known to be versatile, pocket friendly and chic! Wait, stop! Think! Who brings the versatility to them? Meet Mohammed Abu Bakar, who is all of 19 and is a specialist with cane work. He has 11 years of experience, which means he started at the age of 9! He spends 8-12 hours a Shiba Minai day crafting the furniA city is defined by the ture and is one of the people who live and most efficient and work in it. Here we take a look at the experienced workers in human threads that his industry. make up our urban He can make a sofa tapestry set in a week’s time and gets paid `450 per day. As a result taking a holiday inevitably means loss in pay. However, this man ensures he takes a day off, at least once a month and makes time for his family. He also, loves eating at his favourite bandi with friends. As of now, Abu is preparing for the peak furniture season where he hopes he will contribute in helping people make a ‘complete’ home.
does not come to boys’ campus. Mohamed Sultan, a student, says, “We have our pre-final exams from tomorrow and we do not know what to study. We do not even know which text book to refer to.” In the police station during a discussion, the management told Postnoon, “We need only three months to finish languages. Only the main subjects are important and languages will be done within no time.” The Karkhana police has been a witness to the problems of the students. “I have seen the whole incident since the beginning and what the management is doing is not right. If they are not capable they should not run the college. They need to be more responsible and accountable,” says SI Omar Khan.
Corporate cycling event on Jan 26 Postnoon News
ndia’s biggest corporate cycling event is going to be held in the City on January 26 at the Gachibowli stadium. The cycling is open to all and has distance options of 100kms, 50kms, 10kms and 5kms. This event is not a race, and the essence is to get as many people as possible to support the charity. This is a fully supported ride with support stations at every 10kms which provide food, beverages, mechanic help and first aid, said Dheenanath, country head, Invesco. He said there is a registration fee of `750. The event is conducted for a social cause, to raise awareness and funds for the education of under-privileged students in Anjaiah Nagar government primary school, Hope school, Adya school and Ashray Akruti school.
Special Report
THE DAY THE EARTH WENT DARK its information from four TV news channels, and one global radio station (no music only devotional chants). In early 2024, the world’s four remaining Internet sites are hacked and pictures of Larry Page and Sergey Brin (both executed in China for sedition in 2017) are plastered on the home pages. A global information lockdown begins, and over four million people are arrested. Twentyseven are charged with the hacking offense and sentenced to death by an Iranian court acting on behalf of MoMA. By 2025 the last four websites are removed. In June 2026 a MoMA spy satellite detects a series of pulses emanating from an area of the South Atlantic, 160 miles off the Falklands. When a Rapid Deployment Force is sent to the area (an Op beamed live) all they find is a buoy, with an unsigned note attached to it. It reads...
Urban Jetsam Dean Williams
magine this if you can... The year is 2025. The Internet has been disabled. A union of nations helmed by the US, India, China and Iran celebrates a victory that begun 13 years ago with the acceptance of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) across the world. Wikipedia, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Amazon were the first websites to be shut down after America’s then President Mitt Romney passed the Act (it was amended to charge those who did not allow full state censorship with treason) in November 2012. In December that same year, India and China followed suit, effectively shutting down the Internet completely in those countries. UN charter 64BC26, making it mandatory for all members to censor the Internet in their countries, was passed in January 2013. By 2015 only 127 sites were still functional and all were owned wholly by governments or major corporations. Their content varied from ratting out your neighbours to religious programming, but at their core was the message that the Internet’s demise is ultimately good for man’s moral fibre. In 2018 the treason trials of Jimmy Wales’ and Mark Zuckerberg ended. Both were sentenced to life without parole. By 2020, the Web had been dismantled rendering all tablets and smartphones defunct. The Desktop and Laptop market plunges 96%, while sales of typewriters rise sharply. Olivetti and Brother now rank among the richest corporations in the world. Apple is the largest entertainment company, charging $50 per song downloaded, and over $150 per governmentapproved app. They announce plans to launch a sleek word processor with no keys.
To the free, It has taken us 14 years, but we’re finally back. At exactly 5.30pm, July 16, dust off your old tablets and smartphones, plug in your desktops like you used to, and turn on the Internet. To quote Mel Gibson in Braveheart (many of you may have never seen the film, nor know who Mel Gibson is): “They can take our lives, but they won’t take our freedom!”
July 16, 2026
In 2021, the Moral Men Association (MoMA) that now controls both houses in the US, the Lok Sabha in India and the new People’s Assembly in China votes to destroy all “morally repugnant books”. Over 427,000 titles are earmarked for destruction from over 28 languages. In December of that year the ‘Cleansing’ begins. In a span of six months nearly two
billion books are burned in vast, though mobile, electric furnaces. By the end of 2023, 97% of the world’s books have been destroyed; the remaining 3% comprise sacred texts and other holy books. They are moved into the now empty British Library and the Library of Congress. All digital archives are also erased. The global population now gathers all
At 5.30pm today the world’s commercial and military industry ceased to exist after a massive electromagnetic pulse took out every piece of machinery that was not connected to the Internet. Over two billion people logged on to the Web to find all 7.74 billion pages that existed in 2012 back online.
September, 2028 Pirate Bay is the world’s leading website, but Wells and Zuckerberg are close on their heels, and Brin and Page have been immortalised in Google’s revamped search engine. Apple is the leading entertainment company, now selling everything for free.
Freedom SOS! Make your opinions heard Maryam Sultana
he recent moves by the government and judiciary to prosecute social networking sites has brought about a flood of rage amongst the educated classes in this country. Majority are of the opinion that the government is trying to restrict citizen movement through this decision. “The censorship is not required as many of the social networking sites have provisions wherein offensive or obscene content can be reported and blocked,” says Rebaica Safiya, a student at St Francis College. But the sentiment is not restricted to students alone. Arun John, a lecturer of Mass Communication at St Francis is of the opinion that the government is using this
(clockwise from top left) Anusha Kamat; Arun John; Rebaica Safiya; Shruti Malviya
façade to protect vested interests. “The government should stop playing with religious sentiments of the people for its vote bank politics before accusing these websites for their ‘inflammatory’ content,” opines John. Others too are critical of the government for trying to curb freedoms of speech and expression through this diktat. Anusha Kamat, a CA trainee doing her articleship at PKF Sridhar & Santanam, says, “Directing Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. to remove any/all ‘objectionable’ matter is irrational especially when the term has different meanings to different people. This is a whole new level of moral policing which is not acceptable.” Hima Sruti, an engineering student from Methodist College, on the other hand feels that,
“censoring of social networking sites is necessary, but to a certain extent only, it should not act as a barrier to freedom of speech, which is a fundamental right of every citizen”. The prevailing feeling among the youth, is that the government is treading a ‘hegemonistic’ path by trying to reign supreme over the cyber world. “Yes, the government should try to curb obscene content like pornography and religious insults on the Internet, but without any hidden agenda of trying to avoid public criticism. It is wrong! The government cannot stop public agitation by depriving them of their constitutional right of freedom of expression,” feels Shruti Malviya, a student of political science, echoing the sentiments of millions of furious Indians.
Harshita Anikita and
ismet on Wednesday Night is the place to be. As the DJ took over the turntables, the crowd took over the dance floor. To top it all it was Ladies Night and all the young women were seen burning up the dance floor.
Sandy and Sonia
Sara and Harsita
Tollywood actor Archana, on Wednesday, met some orphans at the Kens Hotel at Srinagar Colony as part of Spreading Smiles, an initiative by the Marg foundation
India unveiled
Indian children worst victims of cyber-bullying
A member of the BSF camel contingent speaks to a camel as they wait to take part in a rehearsal of the Republic Day parade in New Delhi on Wednesday. AFP
BJP slams HC order on Gujarat Lokayukta NEW DELHI: The BJP on Wednesday said the Gujarat High Court’s decision to uphold the appointment of state Lokayukta by the governor was a “setback to federalism”. “The divided judgment of the Gujarat High Court is a setback to federalism,” Leader of
Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley told reporters on the sidelines of a function here. “The governor is a nominee of the Centre. If a governor gets primacy over the state on the appointment of Lokayukta, it amounts to government of India appointing the Lokayukta,” he
added. In a setback for CM Narendra Modi, the Gujarat HC on Wednesday upheld Justice (retired) RA. Mehta’s appointment as Lokayukta. But the state government said it would challenge the verdict in the Supreme Court. IANS
MUMBAI: Three out of 10 parents in India say their children have been victims of cyber-bullying and a majority of them through social networking sites like Facebook, according to an online global poll released Wednesday. The survey done by Ipsos — a global market research company — found that 45 per cent of Indian parents believed a child in their community was being cyber-bullied, while a majority (53 per cent) parents are aware of the issue. The poll surveyed 18,000 adults in 24 countries, 6,500 of whom were parents. It showed the most widely reported vehicle for cyber-bullying was social networking sites like Facebook, which 60 percent cited. Globally, mobile devices and online chat rooms were a distant second and third, each around 40 percent. In India, it is evenly split
between social networking sites (55 percent) and online chat rooms (54 percent). “The findings are quite surprising, which revealed that the frequency of cyber-bullying in India was higher than that of western nations, including the US (15 per cent), Britain (11 per cent) and France (5 per cent). Prior to this survey, there has been little evidence to suggest cyber-bullying is a major issue in the country,” said an Ipos official. IANS
BJP to field Poll panel rejects BSP’s Uma Bharti plea on covering statues in UP polls NEW DELHI:
NEW DELHI: The Bharatiya Janata Party has decided to field its leader Uma Bharti as a party candidate in the forthcoming Uttar Pradesh assembly elections.The decision to field Uma Bharti, a former Madhya Pradesh CM, as a party candidate in the polls was taken by BJP President Nitin Gadkari. Uma Bharti, who is already a lead campaigner of the BJP in the state, said that she would abide by the decision. “We will work for getting majority ...we will turn Uttar Pradesh into Uttam Pradesh (best state),” she said. Party leaders said that Uma Bharti will be fielded from Charkhari constituency of Bundelkhand region. The move comes amid efforts by the BJP to get backing of OBC) in UP polls. IANS
The Election Commission on Wednesday rejected the Bahujan Samaj Party’s plea to reconsider its Jan 8 order to cover statues of elephants and party chief and Chief Minister Mayawati, built in public places and at government expense, until the assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh are over. It also expressed dismay at Mayawati terming the decision “casteist” and “anti-Dalit”. “The Election Commission needs to reiterate that it takes its decisions and enforces them within the provisions of the Constitution and that does not include considerations of religion, race, caste and community in the manner allege,” the poll panel said in a release. IANS
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Maya sacks another mantri LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati dismissed another minister — the sixth — on Wednesday night following his indictment for corruption by the state Lok Ayukta Justice NK Mehrotra. “Small-scale industry minister Chadradeo Ram Yadav has been relieved of his charge as minister with immediate effect,” said an official release. Governor BL Joshi given his nod to the chief minister’s decision. Yadav is the sixth minister being dismissed after being indicted by the Lokayukta. Mayawati has shown the door to as many as 20 ministers since she formed her government in May 2007. Ten of these were fired over the past three weeks alone. Among those whose removal was prompted by the Lok Ayukta’s report were Rajesh Tripathi, Awadhpal Singh, Badshah Singh, Rangnath Mishra and Ratan Lal Ahirwar.
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Around the World
Beyond Borders
Obama rejects pipeline deal
GLOBE AT A GLANCE China plans to launch 30 satellites in 2012
WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama on Wednesday rejected the proposed Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, saying he could not vouch for its safety by a deadline despite intense election-year pressure. Obama’s political rivals had given him 60 days to make a decision on whether to approve the $7 billion, 1,700-mile (2,700-kilometer) pipeline route through the Great Plains to Texas, forcing him to choose between environmentalists and industry. The Obama administration said TransCanada Corporation could resubmit the Keystone XL project but that officials were not able to assess its plan by a February 21 deadline put into law by the Republican majority in Congress. “This announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, but the arbitrary nature of a deadline that prevented the State Department from gathering the information necessary to approve the project and protect the American people,” Obama said in a statement. “I’m disappointed that Republicans in Congress forced this decision but it does not
BEIJING: China plans to launch 21
Speaker John Boehner speaks during a press briefing. Republican leaders lashed out at President Obama. change my administration’s commitment to Americanmade energy that creates jobs and reduces our dependence on oil,” said Obama, who initially hoped to make a decision in 2013. TransCanada said it planned to reapply for a permit. Senior State Department official Kerri-Ann Jones said that the administration would undertake a “completely new review process” . The oil pipeline has turned into a major issue in US politics,
ROCK HILL: Republican White
The Costa Serena, passes the wrecked Costa Concordia, off the Isola del Giglio. AFP
with environmentalists waging months of street protests against it and the oil industry funding an advertising blitz saying the project would immediately create shovel-ready jobs amid a weak economy. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressed “profound disappointment” in a telephone call to Obama and repeated warnings that he would look to other markets such as China to sell oil. Harper, a conservative and critic of efforts to curb climate
Gingrich closing on Romney
Cruise captain admits mistake he captain of the cruise ship that capsized on Friday, killing at least 11 people, has admitted making a navigation mistake, Italian media say. Captain Francesco Schettino told investigators he had “ordered the turn too late” as the luxury ship sailed close to an island, according to a leaked interrogation transcript. The Costa Concordia ran aground with about 4,200 people on board. More than 20 are still missing but the search for survivors has been halted. According to the leaked transcript quoted by Italian media, Capt Schettino said the route of the Costa Concordia on the first day
change, voiced hope for the future of the project “given the significant contribution it would make to jobs and economic growth” in both countries. Mitt Romney, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination to challenge Obama in November, meanwhile called the Democratic president’s decision “as shocking as it is revealing.” “The president demonstrates a lack of seriousness about bringing down unemployment, restoring economic growth and achieving energy independence,” Romney said in a statement as he campaigned in South Carolina. House Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican in Congress, accused Obama of failing to stand up to his political base “even in the interest of creating jobs.”But environmentalists have raised fears of an accident along the proposed route. “His decision represents a triumph of truth and its disinformation campaign with wildly exaggerated jobs claims,” said Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defence Council. AFP
of its Mediterranean cruise had been decided as it left the port of Civitavecchia, near Rome, on Friday. The captain reportedly told the investigating judge in the city of Grosseto that he had decided to sail close to Giglio to salute a former captain who had a home on the Tuscan island. “I was navigating by sight because I knew the depths well and I had done this manoeuvre three or four times,” he reportedly said. “But this time I ordered the turn too late and I ended up in water that was too shallow. I don’t know why it happened.” The ship’s owners, said earlier this week that the change of route had not been authorised. BBC
House hopefuls brawled on Wednesday ahead of South Carolina’s key vote, with frontrunner Mitt Romney pounding his main conservative threat, Newt Gingrich. With victories in Iowa and New Hampshire already in his pocket, Romney is hoping a win in South Carolina on Saturday will put him on an unstoppable path to being crowned the Republicans’ presidential candidate. But his lead in opinion polls appeared to be slipping slightly after Gingrich put up a feisty show in Monday’s debate. A survey poll on the eve of
ight US lawmakers have withdrawn their backing from anti-piracy laws, amid “blackout” protests on thousands of internet sites. Two of the bill’s co-sponsors, Marco Rubio from Florida and Roy Blunt from Missouri, are among those backing away. Online encyclopaedia Wikipedia and blog service WordPress are among the highest profile sites to block their content. Both bills focus on responding to online piracy, specifically illegal copies of films and other media. The bills would also outlaw
Official reply to Lodhi sacking demanded ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court Wednesday asked the government to submit a reply regarding the sacking of then defence secretary Lt Gen (retd) Naeem Khalid Lodhi.The court was hearing the petition filed by Lodhi challenging his dismissal. Lodhi’s counsel said his dismissal was illegal and should be cancelled.
Nicaraguan elderly people take part in a protest to demand a minimum pension per month, in Managua. AFP
Putin preaches on ‘Freedom of Speech’ MOSCOW: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Wednesday criticised a liberal radio station for serving US foreign policy interests and going overboard with the notion of freedom of speech. At a meeting with Russian media directors in his out-of-town residence, Putin took issue with the way Ekho Moskvy, which provides generous air time to opposition figures.
Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney AFP Thursday’s final debate before the primary found Romney leading 33-23 percent among likely voters in the state. AFP
Website blackouts creates furore E
rockets with 30 satellites in 2012, the China Aerospace and Technology Corporation (CASC) said Wednesday. The country’s ambitious space programme will see a steady increase in the number of space launches. China launched 20 rockets with 25 satellites to become the world’s second country after Russia in terms of the amount of space launches.
sites from containing information about how to access blocked sites.The US news website Politico estimated that 7,000 sites were involved by early Wednesday morning. Google did not shut down its main search but is showing solidarity by placing a black box over its logo when US-based users visit its site. The White House issued a statement saying that “we will not support legislation that reduces freedom of expression, increases cyber-security risk, or undermines the global internet”. BBC
Nato calls for Strait of Hormuz to remain open BRUSSELS:NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said that the strategic Strait of Hormuz, where most oil exports from the Gulf to the West pass, must remain open and called on Iran to behave responsibly, Xinhua reported. “It is of importance to make sure that energy supplies continue to flow through the waterway” Rassmussen told reporters.
A sign welcoming presidential hopeful Romney during a visit to Hudson’s Smokehouse in South Carolina. AFP
16,608.07 155.74
5,006.15 50.35
10g= `27,700
1kg= `53,600
Matters of saving and spending
Rupee gains, bourses jump
Cement industry in the State is passing through a rough patch as the demand has come down last fiscal. While infrastructure sector occupied only 40 per cent, the lion’s share was taken by real estate, says KV Vishnu Raju, chairmanmanaging director.
Anjani Cements
expects to double turnover Prudhvi Raju K
njani Portland Cement Limited (APCL) will be doubling its turnover this fiscal (Rs254 crore in FY11), as it expanded its Nalgonda plant in March 2010. What’s adding to the numbers this year is the increase in profitability, according to KV Vishnu Raju, chairman and managing director, APCL. Cement consumption in the State has fallen in 2011-12. While 60 per cent of production is consumed by real estate sector, 40 per cent goes to infrastructure. Both industries took a beating this year. Real estate projects did not take off as expected due to political agitations, he told Postnoon in an interaction. There is an increase in the
input and fuel costs. Power cuts took their toll on cement industry, which is heavily power intensive. There is almost 40 per cent power cut. The supply to the company almost halved from 15 MW to 8MW. The companies are ready to buy expensive power at least to keep the units running instead of shutting down. Coal prices are also spiralling due to short supply. Singareni Collieries hiked the coal prices through electronic auctions. First preference is given to power plants in coal supply, forcing the cement industry to import. There is no respite in the rise of cement prices owing to dwindling rupee. A cement bag is priced at Rs 250, which means a kilogram costs a meagre Rs 6, which is less than that for a kilogram of salt.
Unless each cement bag is priced at Rs300, the industry wouldn’t grow, he observes. Many companies have increased production capacities. The consumption doesn’t meet the supply. He feels this trend is likely to continue in the next financial year as it is a transition period. Raju foresees 2013-14 as a better year for the cement industry. Cement consumption in India is less than 300kg per capita against the world average of 500kg. The consumption would increase in coming years with increase in incomes, aspirations and literacy levels. The limestone deposits are decreasing in different parts of South India. Andhra Pradesh will have an edge over other States in this sphere with its substantial limestone reserves.
Facebook releases new apps Social SAN FRANCISCO: media giant Facebook released dozens of new applications on Wednesday to let users catalogue every aspect of their lives, from movies to books to food to fashion, and share them with friends. “Whatever you love, whatever story it is you want to tell, you can add that to your timeline,” said Carl Sjogreen, director of platform products for Facebook. The initial batch of some 60 “apps” included contributions from companies such as Foodspotting, Rotten Tomatoes, Pinterest, TripAdvisor and e-reader Kobo. The handful of companies pre-
sent at the rollout event in San Francisco pitched their apps as a way to allow users to more fully integrate their social experiences outside of Facebook into their social networking profile. Someone reading an e-book from Kobo, for example, could highlight passages they want to share with Facebook friends. The app also will automatically track which books they have finished or started reading and connect them with other Facebook users reading the same books. Richard Penner of Kobo said the company views books as a social experience and believes that
is what its customers want too. “We believe users want to engage with each other,” he said. It was a theme echoed by almost all developers who gathered in a chic, softly lit downtown lounge to show off their apps: it’s no longer enough to simply allow users to “like” a book or a pair of jeans; an entire social experience should be created around everyday habits. With the app from Food spotting, food connoisseurs can easily share their love of a particularly delicious cheeseburger or just let friends know they tried an avocado roll at a new sushi place everyone is talking about.
The cement companies from Andhra Pradesh are going to be leading suppliers in the entire South India and also to eastern and western of the country, he envisioned. Talking about the growth plans of APCL, he says the production at the Rs50-crore ceramic tile factory will commence operations from June. As of now, there is no wall tiles plant in South India and every one imports from Gujarat. The product can be offered at a cheaper price to the consumers here. “We will continue to spend at least Rs1crore every year on CSR initiatives that include welfare of the local villagers and will continue to offer free education for the under-privileged people in the villages around the plant,” he concluded.
MUMBAI: The rupee strengthened by 15 paise to Rs 50.23 per US dollar in early trade on the Interbank Foreign Exchange on Thursday on dollar selling by exporters and capital inflows. Dealers said euro’s gains on IMF plans to expand its lending resources to counter Europe’s debt crisis against the American currency overseas, also kept the rupee sentiment firm. The rupee had jumped 35 paise to close at a fresh two-month high of Rs 50.38/39 in Monday’s session, on the back of sustained capital inflows. Meanwhile, the BSE 30-share index, Sensex, rose by 206.02 points or 1.25 per cent to 16,657.49 in early trade. Sensex jumps 206 points; The BSE benchmark Sensex rose by over 206 points in early trade today on funds buying propelled by hopes of better quarterly results and a firming trend on other Asian bourses. The wide-based Nifty of the National Stock Exchange regained the psychological 5,000 points mark rising by 57.05 points, or 1.15 per cent to 5,012.85, for the first time since December 8 last year. The 30-share Sensex, which had lost 14.58 points in the previous session, surged by 206.02 points, or 1.25 per cent, to 16,657.49. Brokers said sentiments on the domestic boures buoyed in line with a firming trend in other Asian markets following overnight gains in the US after surprisingly strong housing figures and nternational Monetary Fund’s plan to expand its lending resources to counter Europe’s debt crisis. Expectations of encouraging third quarter earnings by corporates also triggered buying activity, they added.
M Bhagavanth Rao Managing Director of SBH signed a memorandum of understanding Jeweller Merchant for the SBH product loan to buy Gold on Thursday. PIC: N SHIVA KUMAR
Fair, free and forthright
Editorials FDI IN AVIATION WILL fix damaged wings
In 65 years of independent rule, India learnt how to institutionalise mediocrity the best. Take any institution, it is replete with systems that are the brainchild of idiosyncratic bureaucrats and politicos who epitomise red-tapism. Only after a couple of decades of rhetoric on open skies policy, the actionable points began seeing the light. The move to rope in 49 per cent of FDI is a step in that direction. Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh’s decision to allow FDI in airlines is welcome. But keeping the foreign airlines out of the ambit of investing in this sector is ridiculous, though cabotage (carrying passengers between two domestic destinations) isn’t usually allowed to be handled by foreign airlines.But the FDI in aviation would yield the desired results only if those with expertise taxi the domestic airlines to take off on the trajectory of profits. Otherwise, it will exactly replicate Ajit Singh’s role in UPA – remaining a junior partner playing second fiddle.
Living in ‘sin’, until boredom do us part… Hard talk PK Surendran
xcuses don’t get much better than this. According to Italian media reports, Francesco Schettino, the besieged caption of the stricken Costa Concordia, didn’t so much as abandon ship as he tripped and fell overboard... so far so plausible. But it was the fact that it is claimed he fell overboard and straight into a waiting lifeboat that pushes the boundaries of reason. If it wasn’t for the fact that people died, we’d be having a laugh.
ere is piece of news that came from Mumbai on November 23, 2011: A young woman filed a case of rape against her partner after the victim learnt that her live-in partner, Viral Parekh, 31, was already married. He was arrested. The girl hailing from Hyderabad said that Parekh forced her to get an abortion three times. When she refused the third time, Parekh allegedly mixed an emergency contraceptive with her medication, causing her to miscarry. Now, listen to a Delhi judge who observed yesterday, “Despite legal legitimacy, live-in relationships are largely perceived to be immoral and it is a fad visible only in urban areas. “It’s an infamous western cultural product.” The Judge, Surinder S Rathi said, “Traditionally speaking, live-in relationships were alien to our nation till late. Even today it is fad which is visible only in urban areas.” Let’s now listen to the world body. According to United Nation Population Fund Report, around two-third of married Indian women are victims of domestic violence and as many as 70 per cent of married women in India between the age of 15 and 49 are victims of beating, rape or forced sex. And, here’s the young India speaking in their cyber tongue. “It’s because of the MCP attitude. I don’t find any problems marrying a girl who has lived in with someone else sometime back. Only, she should not carry that baggage,” writer seems a young man. “But,” a woman rejoined, “Will your parents accept that? It’s the female that loses. I too don’t mind as you said but what face you men present.” So goes the spat on. But I found a representative voice that neatly summed it all up. “Live-in relationship does not guarantee a long lasting relationship. But then even marriages are turning sour, be it a love marriage or an arranged one. Many ‘perfectly matched’ marriages are proving a flop. What of it?” “If most love marriages are a flop, nobody
Errant service
Variety adds value
What I would like to bring to the Editor as well as the management’s notice is that the newspaperwallahs are failing to bring in the copy to our doorstep on time. Either, we get the newspaper the next day in the morning with the rest of the lot which makes the news stale or we end up not getting the edition at all. This has been happening for quite some time now and I have complained at the office on various occasions. I request the management to look into it immediately as you may end up losing out on a few subscribers. Niloufer Khan Banjara Hills
Postnoon looks very interesting and is fun to read. Just the look of the paper is very attractive. I think this paper is meant for the youth and has a lot of article that deal with a variety of subjects that is entertaining and educative. I like the very idea of an afternoon paper in Hyderabad is great. I want all of you to please increase your circulation, and I am sure it will be one of the most popular papers of Hyderabad. I like the centre spread stories. In one go I am able to get all the information without going through several websites or encyclopedias. Thanks Postnoon. PC Raju Madhapur
is sure whether in arranged marriage they will truly like each other. But in the live-in the couple know that the relation might come to an end one fine day. They are at least prepared for it and can get back to their lives knowing that they were responsible for whatever happened.” Many Indian young males are veering round to the view that the live-in is a better option as it allows one to correct the path rather than bearing it. After all, the Indian women can’t be worse in live-in, could they? That’s why Supreme Court of India has recently sanctified the live-in rather than prudishly striking it down.
TALK BACK Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222
Today, live-in relationship is included in the definition of domestic relationship defined in Section 2 of Protection of women from Domestic violence Act. Kids born of the tie are also protected. Social relationship, which is an extended form of sexual relationship, has been a conundrum since the beginning of Time. Man experimented with many forms but stuck with the marriage institution as a lesser evil than others, but one must march with times. In today’s intelligent world, the collective mind must jettison biased, intolerant ideas, and give live-in a chance before condemning it. The truth is any form is as good as the partners that work it.
Different and good
Jalayagnam strike
Postnoon is truly a comprehensive paper and has a lot of information packed into a small and crisp bites. According to me your USP is the style of coverage. I think the photographers of this paper do an amazing job and some of the articles, make us feel like some real people with genuine opinions write and make us relate to it. I can relate to the authors of the articles, like the one about Big Boss. I like the angle through which this paper shows the city to its readers. I like the combination of news, events and entertainment! Raj Kamal Himayatnagar
The Jalayagnam contractors’ strike is a double blow for the people of the state. In the first place late Mr YS Rajashekara Reddygaru tried to make everyone happy by launching an extremely expensive but popular scheme. It has been plagued by corruption and red tape till now. Now that the government has realised the project is draining all its resources, it is stalling payments. So now whatever works that were happening also stopped. At the end of it the public is at loss. Vamsi Jagannath Uppal
Holistic view of mind, body and soul
FEAR We all look forward to a time when we can retire from work and enjoy life with our family, pursuing a hobby or living a carefree life. But age also brings with it Fear. A fear of ill-health and disease, any disease no matter how big or small creates a sense of panic amongst us.
Anishaa Kumar
lzheimer’s, memory loss, How can I talk about that I’m only 50? Isn’t that for only really old people.” These are reactions we received while asking respondents on their understanding and fears regarding Alzheimer’s. We may pity someone with a disease but feign ignorance of it possibly affecting us.
Concerned voices According to RN Mital, president of All India Senior Citizens Council, “It has not really come to my mind about a possibility of getting Alzheimer’s in the future.” Although he has specifically
never thought about it he admits to have seen people suffer from the disease and calls it a ‘pitiable and miserable’ condition that after a point in the disease people are not able to take care of their basic needs. Mital has not taken any steps to prevent the disease in the future as he believes nothing will help. Snehlatha Kumar, a housewife says, “Sometimes I do not remember things like where I have kept a key, but have never looked at it as a possibility of a disease and visited a doctor.” She believes that not much is known about memory loss related illnesses, “We all just usually take not remembering small things as a part of old-age, no one knows much about serious illnesses that could be causing it.” Col Vinay Sagar (Retd) on the other hand admits to
being concerned about Alzheimer’s. According to him, “I try to keep myself healthy and get regular check-ups so that any problem can be detected as it is important that my family does not suffer any problem in the future because of my illness.”
Need for awareness According to Mital, there needs to be more awareness about the illness, “There needs to be an awakening. People need to be made aware as to how the disease if not prevented at least can be delayed. There are many organisations which take care and assist people with Alzheimer’s.” Col Sagar agrees that awareness is there but the main issue is fear, “People are aware but they are scared to visit a doctor for the fear of some illness getting detected. But what they do not realise is
that in the if the illness is detected late it could be a bigger problem. He suggests that insurance companies should make it compulsory for people to get a medical check-up done every 6 months; it could help both the insurance companies as well as the insured. For awareness, Snehlatha believes that a programme to make people within the age-group aware will help educate a large group. Alzheimer’s as such cannot be prevented but awareness will help people and their families understand the issue and learn how to deal with it with promptness and the right emotions. It’s time to first fight the fear. A person is never too young to think it’s okay to dismiss the need to be aware. It could help you or even someone very close to you in time of need. Take care, fight the fear!
Menstrual synchrony is common
Dr Divya T Sudarshan
Dear doctor, I know this question may seem weird, but how is it that almost all my friends at work get their periods at the same time as myself? Scientific evidence suggests that we all release substances called pheromones. They are chemicals produced by glands in the skin, which become airborne and act as chemical signals that give information about sex and reproduction to, the brain. These pheromones change in intensity in different times in the cycle, and so over 3-4 months of working together women tend to respond to these chemical triggers and get synchronous periods. The importance of the odour, is indicated by the fact that women who live next door to each other, with a wall separating them don’t show the same synchronicity! Another interesting worry seems to be, if one uses too much of anti perspirant/ deodorants will we mask our natural pheromone activity? The answer is marginally, yes. And suddenly there is a market for pheromone sprays! There are very valid questions attached to this phenomenon like does one woman have more influence? How can it affect fertility treatments? Pheromones being about sex and reproduction, also seem to respond to male chemicals, and women who live with their husband/ boyfriends seem to get shorter, more regular cycles too! (But one should not suggest this a treatment for delayed periods and instead ask them to meet their gynaecologist!) (The writer is a gynaecologist and obstetrician practising at Happy Women Clinic. You can write in to her at happywomenclinic
Holistic view of mind, body and soul
Radical technique repairs damaged eardrum TORONTO: A radical technique that requires only about 20 minutes in an outpatient clinic may replace long and costly eardrum surgery in children. The quick procedure, requiring only local anaesthesia, will be much easier on patients and parents and also substantially reduce long waiting lists, stretching to 18 months. Issam Saliba developed the low cost technique to treat perforations of the tympanic membrane (eardrum) in children and adults, at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Centre,
affiliated to the University of Montreal, reports the journal Archives of Otolaryngology reports. “In the past five years, I’ve operated on 132 young patients in the outpatient clinic at the Sainte-Justine UHC using this technique, as well as on 286 adults at the University of Montreal Hospital Centre (CHUM) outpatient clinic,” says Saliba, an ENT specialist and professor of otology and neuro-otology. “Regardless of the size of the perforation, the results are as good as those obtained using traditional techniques, with the
incomparable advantage that patients don’t have to lose an entire working day, or 10 days or more off school in the case of children.” The technique, which Saliba has designated “HAFGM” (Hyaluronic Acid Fat Graft Myringoplasty), requires only basic materials: a scalpel, forceps, a probe, a small container of hyaluronic acid, a small amount of fat taken from behind the ear and a local anaesthetic. The operation, which is performed through the ear canal, allows the body by itself to
rebuild the entire eardrum after two months on an average, allowing patients to recover their hearing completely and preventing recurring cases of ear infection (otitis). “With the traditional techniques, you have to be on the waiting list for up to a year-and-a-half in order to be operated on. Myringoplasty (reconstruction of eardrum) using the HAFGM technique reduces waiting times, cost of the procedure and time lost by parents and children. What’s more, it will help clear the backlogs on waiting lists,” Saliba says. IANS
Health tips for stronger bones
ealthier bones contribute a great deal to a healthy body. Given are some tips to make your bones more healthy. n Lactose from the milk is important. For those with Lactose intolerance, Vitamin D and calcium can be obtained from soy milk that is fortified with 30% of the daily value of calcium and vitamin D. n Apart from dairy products, eating nuts and seeds is also beneficial as they are a good source of minerals. For example, one ounce of almonds contains 75mg of calcium while 1 ounce of sesame seeds contains 37mg of calcium. n Fortified cereals, broccoli and fortified juices also are a good source of calcium. n Eating a variety of beta-carotene rich vegetables helps in meeting the bones vitamin A requirement. Betacarotene rich vegetables include carrots, sweet potatoes and cantaloupe. n Vitamin-K is also essential for bone health. A serving of spinach or two servings of broccoli help meet the requirement. n Apart from eating well it is also important to exercise. Weightbearing exercises such as walking, aerobics, basketball and weightlifting also help keep the bones strong. n For those eating calcium supplements and suffer from gastrointestinal issues after starting supplements, first try eating more fibre and drinking more fluids.
Baby girls more malnourished than boys, says survey
New therapy could help beat Hepatitis C virus
GURGAON: About 48 percent of pediatri-
TORONTO: Scientists have found a way to
cians across Delhi, Haryana and Punjab, areas with most skewed sex ratio in India, have observed baby girls are more malnourished than boys, according to a survey released here Tuesday.The Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) conducted an online survey among 679 pediatricians in these three states. According to the survey, about 65 per cent pediatricians observed that the birth of a boy is more celebrated while 26 per cent felt that celebration is equal at the birth of a baby with either gender.” The reason for conducting this survey on pediatricians was that they are perfectly positioned to observe gender discrimination playing out vis-a-vis child health,” said Mahavir Jain, organising secretary of the annual national conference of
the Indian Academy of Pediatrician (PEDICON 2012). Haryana has the lowest child sex ratio of 830 girls per 1000 boys followed by 846 in Punjab and 866 in Delhi against the 914 across India. Malnutrition is the breeding ground for all diseases and a major reason for death of children. IANS
block the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and possibly benefit 170 million people worldwide.The breakthrough opens the way for new therapies to treat HCV which targets the liver and is among the leading causes of liver cancer and liver transplant globally. “Our approach would essentially be to block the life cycle of the virus so that it cannot spread and cause further damage to the liver,” says François Jean, associate professor of microbiology and immunology, University of British Columbia, who led the study. HCV is spread by blood-to-blood contact and there is no vaccine to prevent it. Current treatments are only moderately effective but come with serious side-effects. “As HCV infects a person, it needs fat droplets in the liver to
form new virus particles and ultimately leads to chronic dysfunction of the organ,” said Jean. “HCV is constantly mutating, which makes it difficult to develop anti-viral therapies that target the virus. We decided to take a new approach,” added Jean. Jean and his team developed an inhibitor that decreases the size of host fat droplets in liver cells. IANS
Telly Tales
Small screen, big idea
We want better TV soaps You know that frustrating feeling when you think, “Yeah, I think that show is going to be great!”, and end up being disappointed by yet another serial? Well, join the club
JJ Abrams returns with an intriguing drama about prisoners at Alcatraz who resurface 50 years after they disappear back in 1963
J Abrams, the creator of Lost and Alias, is back with a new series, Alcatraz starring Sam Neil, Sarah Jones and Jorge Garcia. The pilot episode, which went on air on January 16 on Fox was seen by more than 10 million viewers and it left them gasping for more. Co-created by Elizabeth Sarnoff, Steven Lilien and Bryan Wynbrandt, the series brings alive one of Hollywood's biggest fascinations — Escape from Alcatraz. With JJ Abrams backing up the series, the mystery surrounding the plot keeps you hooked on to the screen to a large extent. The series opens with a backstory about the disappearance of 302 prisoners from Alcatraz under mysteri-
ous circumstances in 1963 and 50 years later they are all coming back. Sarah Jones stars as Rebecca Madison, a homicide detective with San Fransisco Police Department, who loses her partner while chasing a convict. She's asked to investigate the murder of EB Tiller (Jason Butler), the ex-associate warden at Alcatraz. When she arrives at the scene of crime, Emerson Hauser (Sam Neil), an FBI agent intervenes and takes over the case. Rebecca traces the killer and realises that he was an Alcatraz prisoner named Jack Sylvane (Jeffery Pierce). She seeks the help of Dr Diego ‘Doc’ Soto (Jorge Garcia), an expert on Alcatraz prison, who in turn informs her that Jack Sylvane had died
in the ‘70s. The plot has a dazzling mix of action, drama and mystery, although it remains to be seen if the rest of the series carries forward this momentum. In the series, Rebecca and Diego form an unlikely team to solve the case of disappearance of the inmates of Alcatraz, despite the fact that Emerson Hauser knows a lot more that he doesn't want to reveal. The intriguing part of the drama is that none of the inmates have aged since 1963 and why each of them is resurfacing after so many years. There's even a dialogue in the episode where Diego asks, “Is anyone's head exploding right now?”, which pretty sums up the reaction of the viewers.
Sarah Jones and Sam Neil are good in their roles but Jorge Garcia is the weakling in the plot. Although the story is set in San Frasisco, most part of the series has been filmed in Vancouver, Canada. Despite a promising start, the series stands the risk of losing out its steam, unless the creators pack in a surprise in every episode. While that may not be much of a hindrance for JJ Abrams, whose last TV outing Lost was a huge hit, there's a growing concern that the mystery might never be revealed. But then, in any mystery, the thrill lies in the journey rather than the ending. Alcatraz went on air on Fox on January 16 and will be available to watch online.
Darshani Nene
oday’s crop of serials begin with very interesting concepts and hence garner high TRPs initially, but after a while, somewhere down the line, they just lose the plot. The shows begin as a breath of fresh air, tackling new ideas and issues, but somehow, after a while, they just get back to dishing out daily doses of clichéd, exaggerated sagas of love, deceit and revenge, and still easily manage to run for so long. What then goes wrong? Pranay Rupani, a lecturer of Mass Communication and Journalism says, “TV shows these days just lack logic. There are a limited variety of shows when it comes to content and it is not even like the content is original these days. It is either the same, or has been lifted from some successful show abroad. Shows like Buniyaad, Hum Log and Tehkikaat, which were telecast earlier on Doordarshan were simply superb! We need more shows like those.” Soumya Das believes that it is the audiences who are to be blamed. “The problem here is that we only watch what we are comfortable with. This is one of the reasons why western shows don’t gel well with the older Indian audiences. But that isn’t the only problem. Shows like Bade Ache Late Hay, Saas Bina Sasuraal and Kuch To Log Kahenge began with brilliant concepts, just that, by the time the story progressed we ended up losing our patience.” With over 500 television channels and five to six shows running on each channel, the race for TRPs force the producers to spiral back to using the age-old success formulas of the saas-bahu sagas and scheming women. But enough is enough. We can take no more. Our demand is simple. We want better TV soaps!
Because you are what you wear
Television actors Shraddha Nigam and Mayank Anand have turned designers and they have been showcasing at the Lakme Fashion Week since the Summer Resort 2011 in March. Their collections have met with huge success and today they list out the top10 rules of style that they think people should keep in mind when dressing up
GET YOUR COLOUR AND FIT RIGHT =Your underwear plays a pivotal role in your dressing up; buy good fitting and correct sized underwear. Ill-fitting underclothes tend to create unsightly bulges, which look absolutely horrendous. =Go for a look that suits you and your image. We don’t need to say this twice. Your clothes should reflect your own personal style. =The right accessory can make or break an outfit, so accessorise well. Even a simple outfit can be turned into a jaw dropping one just by merely playing with accessories.
Shraddha Nigam and Mayank Anand
=Dress appropriately for the occasion. Don’t wear jeans to a formal function, similarly, don’t wear something overtly revealing to an office party. =You can't go wrong with the quintessential little black or for that matter a blue or brown dress. Just get your colour and fit right.
=Sometimes less is more, especially when it comes to bling. Make sure to limit it. =Know your body type and dress to accentuate as opposed to hide. The more you try and hide your flaws, the more they have a tendency to show. Accentuate your assets instead. =Wear a perfume always! Smelling good is one of the essentials of dressing up well. =Get your hair styled or cut periodically and make sure your nails are well manicured. AS TOLD TO TANIYA TALUKDAR
Basic denims
A statement necklace
A statement blouse, which can be teamed with any sari
A pair of black stilettos A crisp white shirt
=Your shoes and your bag are the first things that people will notice about you. Often a great outfit is ruined because of tacky shoes, or a shabby bag. So put a lot of thought before picking the right kind of shoes and bags and also pairing them.
A little black dress
Good perfume
A layered maxi
A go-withall stole A perfect pair of sunglasses
Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
I see myself in Suriya Bhai Puri Jagannadh is a happy man because of the response that his latest film Businessman has received. He tells us more about the film, the philosophy in his writing and the pain he has undergone in the past few years Hemanth Kumar
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Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
PAWAN KALYAN gives nod to Puri Jagannadh’s film
SVSC goes on floors
he principal shooting of Venkatesh, Mahesh Babu starrer Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu began on Tuesday in Vizag. A song is being shot on Venkatesh in Beach Road and Andhra University. We hear that Mahesh Babu will join the film’s shooting in February after the crew returns to Hyderabad. Srikanth Addala is directing this family entertainer where Venkatesh and Mahesh Babu have been cast as brothers. Anjali and Samantha are playing the lead roles in the film. Dil Raju is producing the film and Mickey J Meyer is composing the music.
awan Kalyan and Puri Jagannadh are going to team up after a gap of 12 years. The duo had last collaborated for Puri Jagannadh’s debut film Badri back in 2000. Confirming the news, Puri Jagannadh tweeted, “Just met Pawan kalyan. Finally doing a film together. Very sooooooon.” Although it’s not clear when exactly this film will go on floors, fans of Pawan Kalyan will be waiting with bated breath hoping that the duo recreate the magic of Badri. More details about this film will be announced soon. Pawan Kalyan is currently acting in Harish Shankar’s Gabbar Singh, which is a remake of Dabangg. The film was recently shot in Hyderabad and the next schedule will begin in Pollachi later this week. Meanwhile, Puri Jagannadh is on a high post the success of Businessman, which is turning out to be a blockbuster.
Aamir to grace Snehitudu’s audio launch
amir Khan is going to be the chief guest at the audio launch of Shankar’s upcoming film Snehitudu, which is a remake of 3 Idiots. Apparently, Shankar and Gemini Film Circuit, which produced the Tamil and Telugu versions, were keen on inviting Aamir Khan, who played the lead role in the original version and the actor immediately said yes. The audio of Snehitudu is going to be launched on January 19 at Shilpakala Vedika, Hyderabad. Harris Jayaraj has composed the music for this film, which stars Vijay, Jiiva, Srikanth and Ileana. Initially, the producers were planning to hold the audio ceremony on January 9; however, it was postponed as Shankar was busy with doing the finishing touches for the film’s Tamil version, Nanban, which released on January 12. Dil Raju is going to distribute the film throughout Andhra Pradesh and it remains to be seen whether Snehitudu repeats the magic of 3 Idiots.
@sneha_ullal I feel like a housewife without a hubby. Hheheheh. Good feeling to starts tomorrow. Happy bday mamaaaaa.
@themohanbabu Anna NTR. He is one man, who will live forever in the hearts of every Telugu. Remembering him every day.
@tashu_02 Spending time in #Kanpur these days with family...its freezing cold here.... Enjoying winters of North India after a long time....!
@shraddhadas43 Just saw Ladies vs Ricky Bahl finally, I’m a big fan of both Ranbir n Ranvir now! What charm! Blown away! Though Salman will b my eternal fav!
@taapsee Just got dun with @AnupamPkher sir’s book launch in Goa with d whole team of Chashmebadoor! What an amazing way of writing simple things!
@shrutihaasan I feel like all my electronics are failing me :( nothing seems to work right not my phones or my I pod or lap top :( what's happening!!!*cry*
@pnavdeep26 Most men r players :) until that one special girl comes along and makes them lose their game!! :) :)
@richyricha Curling up in my childhood spaceship fleece blanket in this chilly weather during shoot!#vaaradhi
Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
Twisted logic M
Isha Mukoo
Boy happy, meets girl and boy’s world turns upside down. All too familiar ain’t it? ‘Woman is the source of all trouble’ or so, our films claim. We take a closer look
other, sister, girlfriend, fiancé or wife — be it any character played by the actress in our masala flicks, they have been flawless. Our power puff girls have proved their mettle in all roles given to them. Although loved and admired by all, there are these notions that keep doing the rounds: How can a girl make the simplest of
things complicated? One thing that amuses many, mostly the young male section of the audience, is the way the leading lady is portrayed. One wonders at the talent of turning a breeze into a twister. This seems to be one of the topics being explored by the directors, mainly because it catches the attention of all jilted and blinded lover boys. Although this cardinal rule prevails in every film, we pick out a few recent ones depicting this particular trait of women.
PYAAR KA PUNCHNAMA Loved by many and related to by all, this movie became an anthem for the young blood of the nation, mainly the boys. Although not a commercial success, the movie showcased three single boys living together enjoying their lives... till they meet the love of their life (or so they think). Sprinkled with a pinch of salt as it is, the girls shown in this flick might be a bit of an exaggeration but somewhere or the other one does get to see one trait or the other if not all-in-one. The love-struck romeos have their lives turned upside down, both on the professional as well as personal front. To translate the title, post-mortem of love — it certainly is. One of the boys, too dumb to realise that he is being used, not only does all his girlfriend’s office work but also foots her shopping and parlour bills. The other two also don’t see a glimpse of the promised happilyever-after phase in their love life. While one leaves the flat and joins his girlfriend only to be suffocated with her possessive and complaining behaviour, the other is an object in the scheme of ‘his’ girl — to make her ex jealous. The movie concludes with all of them single again. Moral of the story being, a girl is enough to thwart even the best laid plans and men are putty in their hands.
NAYEE PADOSAN It was an ideal neighbourhood until she came there. The protagonist Mahek Chahel is the object of attention and desire. There are three boys who keep fighting among themselves as they vie for her attention. A laugh riot, as the men end up doing all sorts of chores and are even willing to make fools of themselves in order to please the girl and her family.
YEH SAALI ZINDAGI A romantic drama although not focused on the same plot but inevitably reaches the same situation, not in a funny way this time. The movie revolves around the kidnapping of a minister’s future son-in-law; the hunt leads to different characters emerging from the storyline and finally the leading lady Chitrangda Singh
who is the son-in-law’s girlfriend tries to salvage the situation by becoming a go-between for the the kidnappers and the minister and ends up putting everyone’s life in danger. An average grosser in the box-office, the movie received mixed reviews. Once again, woman power proves that they indeed have the power to make or break.
While the above mentioned movies are a few examples of some films that have tried to depict the reality, albeit exaggerated, they make for a fun watch. Women have often been called temptresses and trouble makers and films lose no opportunity to elicit a few laughs piggybacking on this fact. Be it Veer Zara, the historical love saga, in which the poor lad spends his life in jail just because he helps this girl. He was a happy guy before that, fulfilling
his parents’ dreams and then falls in love (literally). Another epic character, Devdas, has his fate written by not one but two ladies, Paro and Chandramukhi, only to finally die at the door of Paro. Pick up any movie, even a family drama; one can see the havoc the ladies have the power to create. Well, having mentioned all the ‘unintentional’ goof ups by our pretty babes, one also needs to keep in mind the saying ‘it takes two to tango’.
Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
Not remaking Appadi Podu song: Sonu Sood
ctor Sonu Sood has denied reports that he is doing the Hindi remake of Tamil chartbuster Appadi Podu, saying the rights are with Bollywood star Akshay Kumar. “Hi, all the stories of me doing the ‘Appadi Podu’ song for ‘Lucky Unlucky’ are not true. The rights are with Akshay Kumar for his home production,” the 38-year-old posted on Twitter. “Will really look forward to it, I am sure he will rock,” he added. According to reports, Sonu had bought rights of the song for his home production Lucky Unlucky and that will dance on the song with Mallika Sherawat, his leading lady in the film. It is now said that Akshay will use the song for his upcoming film Naam Hai Boss. IANS
T 627 -How does one sum up one’s life with Father ... it is beyond words deeds and action ... Just the honor of living in his shadow and presence.
Asha Bhosle to judge Sur-kshetra
@realpreityzinta If there ever was a KILLER workout I did it 2day! 4 fitness tips that work follow my trainer @YasminBodyImage cuz u deserve 2 be fit! Grrrrr!
inging legend Asha Bhosle will be one of the judges on Sahara One’s Sur-kshetra, a new reality show that will feature singers from India and Pakistan. A source told that the Dadasaheb Phalke Award and Padma Vibhushan winner, who has sung evergreen numbers like Mehbooba mehbooba, Piya tu ab to aaja, Chura liya hai tumne jo dil ko and Dum maro dum, will be one among three judges on the show. The other two names will be officially announced soon by the channel. Other names associated with the show include singer-composer Himesh Reshammiya and hit Pakitani singer Atif Aslam, who will captain the Indian team and the Pakistan team respectively. The host of the show, expected to be launched in February, is yet to be announced. Sur-kshetra is being produced by Gajendra Singh, founder and managing director, Saaibaba Telefilms. IANS
hen it comes to promoting and helping colleagues and friends from the film fraternity in popularising their products, Shah Rukh Khan takes the cake. He proved it once again while co-hosting an award event when he told the audience to go and see Priyanka Chopra’s next film when it releases. The film is Kunal Kohli’s tentatively titled under-production Teri Meri Kahaani, which he has just finished shooting. The actress has teamed up with Shahid Kapoor in the movie. Kohli who was present on stage when the incident happened, said, “It was really very sweet of Shah Rukh Khan. He was on stage cohosting the show with Vidya Balan. I went up on stage to give Priyanka Chopra an award, and I said I hoped she’d get one next year for my film. “Shah Rukh turned around and asked me, ‘What is this, plugging your film at any given opportunity?’ I told him, ‘Sir, I learnt it from you only.’ Then Shah Rukh announced to the audience that they must watch my film. I thought it was a thoughtful gesture.” IANS
@RGVzoomin Ultimate greatness of Mahaan Bhaarat is that Hollywood makes Rocky and Rambo series with Stallone and we make Kambhakt Ishq...Oooooh I luv India.
@bipsluvurself Going to Siddhi Vinayak fr blessings from Ganpati Bappa!Will pray fr all!
@AnupamPkher “You need power, only when you want to do something harmful, Otherwise Love is enough to get everything done.” :)
@sonamakapoor Day 3 of the L’Oreal commercial! 2 commercials in 3 days. Not bad! Super team working on it...
@iamsrk My friend Melita (marrakesh festival) got me shoes from my friend Christian Louboutin. Thanx both.
@NeilNMukesh Suddenly remembered a film called Anjali. So want to see that film. I remember watching it as a kid.
Magic Screen
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Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
Sean Hayes is Pawnee-bound!
arks and Recreation is slowly working its way through the cast of Will & Grace. The NBC comedy’s latest hire: Sean Hayes! TVLine has learned exclusively that the actor-producer will guest star in a spring episode that puts the spotlight on Leslie’s (Amy Poehler) campaign for city council. Hayes will play a revered TV journalist who the locals refer to affectionately as ‘the Matt Lauer of Indianapolis’. His character lands a big interview with Leslie, potentially boosting her election prospects. Or not. Rumour has it the high-profile chat doesn’t go as smoothly as
Leslie would have liked. Hayes’ former Will & Grace sidekick, Megan Mullally, recurs on Parks and Rec as Ron Swanson’s second ex-wife, Tammy, although their paths are not expected to cross in this particular episode. As TVLine reported over the summer, the Peacock is currently developing a fresh sitcom vehicle for Hayes, who has kept very busy in recent years as a successful TV producer (Hot in Cleveland, Grimm). He also stars as Larry in the upcoming big-screen adaptation of The Three Stooges.
Tommy to play General Douglas MacArthur in Emperor
Kate Winslet wants to play a man
ctress Kate Winslet is keen to play a role of man in future as she believes it would be a “challenge”. The 36-year-old recently won a Golden Globe for her performance in TV mini-series Mildred Pierce. “I would like to one day play a man. That is something that I do know. I don’t know what kind of a man, I don’t know whether it will ever happen, but I do know I would be really interested because I think that would probably be the ultimate challenge,” quoted Winslet as saying. IANS
ommy Lee Jones will play General Douglas MacArthur in Emperor, a thriller/epic directed by Peter Webber (Girl With a Pearl Earring). Production on the Fellers Film and Krasnoff/ Foster Entertainment movie, which also stars Matthew Fox, is due to start later this month in New Zealand and Japan. “Tommy will bring strength, intelligence, and gravitas to the portrayal of [MacArthur], a legendary American hero,” producer Gary Foster (Ghost Rider, Daredevil) said in a statement.
Magic Screen
The glamour behind the glitz
Lillard E in talks to star opposite Clint Eastwood
W has confirmed that Matthew Lillard is in negotiations to join Clint Eastwood in the new film Trouble With the Curve, directed by Robert Lorenz. Lillard, who broke through in Wes Craven’s Scream (1996), has most recently been seen in the Golden Globe-winning The Descendants opposite George Clooney. In this film, Lillard will play a baseball scout opposite Eastwood, a Warner Bros rep told EW. The film follows Eastwood’s character, an aging scout coping with blindness, on a trip to Atlanta to evaluate a player.
Paris Hilton teams up with LMFAO for new single I f there’s one word that comes to mind when you hear the name Paris Hilton, it’s ‘music’ (obviously), which is why all of America will surely be thrilled to learn about the artistic virtuoso’s plans to release a new studio album this summer. As if that weren’t enough, the unspeakably gorgeous superstar bombshell has dropped a bombshell of her own by revealing that she’s teamed up with beloved party-rockers LMFAO for the follow-up to her 2006 album Paris, which sold, um... not that many copies. “It’s completely different from my last album,” the socialite-cum-actresscum-model-cum-singer-cumentrepreneur-cum-reality-star told MTV News . “I’m going with a whole new genre. I have [Dutch DJ/producer] Afrojack executive-producing the entire album. So we’ve just been coming up with the most incredible tracks... I was just in the studio with RedFoo the other night, so we’re going to be doing my new single with LMFAO.” As it turns out, Hilton has been friends with the bestselling duo — made up of the Redfoo and Skyblu, the son and grandson, respectively, of Motown founder Berry Gordy — since she “was a little girl”.
Tyra Banks is dating again
lert Elizabeth Gilbert! Taking a page from the Eat, Pray, Love author’s playbook, took a trip to Asia and found a new love. “It’s a total long-distance romance,” a source reveals to People of Banks’s new Balinese love interest. “But it’s a big deal.” Banks, who split with longtime, had gone to China shortly before the holidays to tape the latest season of . She met her new man while travelling and after flying back to New York, she turned right around and flew back to Bali to spend the holidays with him, the source says. A rep for Banks would not comment on her new romance.
Chai Time
How to Play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: “How do you play Kakuro?”, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two - it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.
Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa
QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Inflatable floatables 6 Astonishment 9 Dunderhead 14 Silas Marner's creator 15 "Something Wicked This ___ Comes" 16 Having more gains than losses 17 Citrus spread 19 "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" writer 20 Absorbed, as an expense 21 Allowance for weight 22 Analyzes, as a sentence 23 Mother's Day gift, sometimes 25 Campus quarters 26 Last word of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" 27 Calamity 31 Dish alternative 34 This puzzle's theme 35 Camouflaged communication 36 Ed of "Daniel Boone" 37 Twinkle-toed 38 Large, and then some 39 One of Hook's gang 40 Actress Tyne 41 Haven off the highway 42 Wholeness 44 Stock answer? 45 Delinquent 46 Small streams 50 Quagmire 53 Act the mother hen 54 First person in France? 55 What osmics is the study of 56 Tour de France champ 58 City known for its Heat 59 Constellation with the star Regulus 60 Vanished, as victuals 61 Common thing 62 Apportionment word 63 What baby Moses was hidden among DOWN 1 Chart anew
2 Having wings 3 Pink-slip dispenser? 4 Playwright Stoppard 5 Lincolnesque feature 6 Far from oblivious 7 1973 Supreme Court decision name 8 A Cyclops has one 9 African hot spot 10 Place to learn some manners 11 Half of a matching set 12 Partner 13 Some of Sappho's poems 18 Fabric with gold or silver threads 22 Old West assemblage 24 Unnecessary worries 25 How haunted houses are lit 27 With tongue in cheek
28 Praise lavishly 29 Periphery 30 Stagger 31 Splint alternative 32 Arsenal contents 33 Shade of red 34 Marble material 37 Mine passageways 41 Scary film staple 43 Timmy's pooch 44 Make untidy, as hair 46 Gossip mill's product 47 Tread the boards broadly 48 Opposite of flabby 49 Indications
50 Some soccer game observers 51 Garfield sidekick 52 Mottled horse 53 Unfettered 56 Finsteraarhorn, for one 57 "Norma ___" PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER
THOUGHT OF THE DAY I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realise I should have been more specific. – Anonymous
Your tomorrow today̶Star Power and Tarot
Date 20-1-2012
As per Hindu panchang 040-27177230 / 9177596118
Avoid advising friends in their personal issues. A peaceful atmosphere will pre‑ vail at home. Parents' health may be a cause for concern. Take care of them with utmost care. Avoid seeking help.
Your children will correct their mis‑ takes on their own and do it with speed and shrewdness. Blood relatives will extend their full help. You will take steps to perform happy events.
Superiors will be co‑operative and be flex‑ ible with employees. Though there may not be promotion, pay hike will keep em‑ ployees satisfied. Businessmen will collect old dues. Financial situation is strong.
Income will be as per expectations. Some have bright chances to buy a new vehicle. Blood relatives will help in your struggle to complete hard jobs. Tensions that employ‑ ees faced at work place will seize.
You will help blood relatives fulfill their needs and retain your speciality. But act with patience. Employees will struggle hard and colleagues help them by shar‑ ing work. Official travels possible.
Avoid misunderstanding blood rela‑ tives. Be careful while handling pre‑ cious items. Problems for employees at work place will start reducing gradual‑ ly. Expected pay hike is on the cards.
Fresh problems might crop up due to blood relatives; be cautious and manage them diplomatically. Employees will feel comfortable as superiors will be flexi‑ ble; be careful with colleagues.
Health needs attention. Avoid getting fina‑ ncial assistance to anyone in your name. Employees can be sure of a pay hike. However, they will face delay in their work. Businessmen can increase profits.
You will be involved in religious activi‑ ties. Efforts to buy a new house will be successful. Happy events will take place at home. Wishes of employees will be fulfilled. Colleagues will co‑operate.
Parents will extend support. Medical expenses will come down. You will man‑ age indirect enemies tactfully. Happy events to take place at home. Be careful while expressing your opinions.
You will make decent gains in specula‑ tive deals. Family will be happy. You w‑ ill spend happy time with children. Avo‑ id commitments to blood relatives. Pro‑ blems for employees will come down.
Health will be a cause for concern; take care. Avoid standing guarantee. Employ‑ ees may be entrusted with new respon‑ sibilities which could disturbed them. Income is set to increase considerably.
The Magician – Use your intuition to work around problems that seem too overwhelm‑ ing. Listen to what your heart is saying and do it, however ridiculous it may seem.
The Hermit – You are perhaps feeling alone at this time. It cannot be avoided. Instead of focusing on your loneliness, focus on your spiri‑ tual goals.
The Moon – Youʼre fe‑ eling moody. But donʼt let the ups and downs of your mood affect your work or relation‑ ships around you. You may come across as unprofessional.
Nine of Wands – Youʼre nearing the end of a p‑ roject and youʼre begi‑ nning to feel exhausted. Take a break but donʼt take your focus away from the work at hand.
Eight of Swords – There is some rest‑ lessness and anxiety in you. As a result, you may not be slee‑ ping too well either. Practice hygienic sleep habits.
Ace of Pentacles – This is a time for ide‑ as. Youʼre in a creati‑ ve frame of mind and are brimming with high energy. Make a note of your ideas lest you forget them.
Page of Pentacles – Good news is coming your way. It may have to do with your job or with a close relationship. Either way, it will give you more options.
The Empress – Love is in the air. This is the perfect time to show your loved one how much you care. You will be in a posi‑ tion to woo him/her with exotic ideas.
Five of Cups – Some form of loss is indi‑ cated. You probably did not account for this loss when you were planning. It cannot be avoided either.
Seven of Wands – There is secrecy invo‑ lved, especially at the work place. The who‑ le truth is being kept from you. Thereʼs and uncomfortable mys‑ tery surrounding you.
Three of Pentacles – You need to upgrade your skills and be pre‑ pared for the bigger challenges your career is going to throw up in the near future.
Ace of Cups – This is a creative phase. You may be spending time by yourself but good ideas are hit‑ ting you at great speed. You wonʼt get this time back again.
For Better or for Worse Stone soup
Number game
Ink pen
Fred Basset
Vol: 1, No. 186 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No. 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad–500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad–500037, Editor: Dean Williams – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: and for subscription, please call 040-40672222, Fax: 040-40672211
Chai Time 1400 Naadi Aadajanme 1430 Pavitra 1500 Movie 1800 Sri Shanidevuni Mahimalu 1830 Vasantha Kokila 1900 Chinnari Pelli Kuturu 1930 Anna Chellelu 2000 Missamma 2030 Edureetha 2100 Challenge 2200 CID 2300 Challenge 0700 Silver Screen 0730 Maa Shakti 0800 Ayurvedam 0830 Chaganti Nava Vidha Bhakti 0900 Money Money 1000 Chinnari Pelli Kuturu
1400 Kannavaari Kalalu 1430 Maavichiguru 1500 Sumangali 1530 Movie 1800 Jai Shri Krishna 1830 Shraavani Subramaniam 1900 Mandhara 1930 Auto Bharthi 2000 No. 23, Mahalakshmi Nivasam 2030 Mogali Rekulu 2100 Aparanji 2130 Devatha 2200 Mamathala Kovela 2230 Anveshana 2300 Gemini Vaarthalu 0800 Gemini Talkies 0830 Movie 1130 Aha Emi Ruchi 1200 Jeevitha Chakram 1230 Maa Inti Aada Paduchu 1300 Chittemmaa 1330 Gorintaku
1400 [V] Deadly Dus 1430 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1500 [V] Humse Hai Life 1530 [V] Trailers 1600 [V] Zabardast Hits 1800 [V] Fresh Songs 1830 [V] Humse Hai Life 1900 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1930 [V] Humse Hai Life 2000 [V] Steal Ur Girlfriend 2100 [V] Vignettes 2130 [V] Trailers 2200 [V] My Big Decision 2300 [V] Humse Hai Life 2330 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 2355 [V] Fresh Songs 0700 [V] Trailers 0730 [V] Zabardast Hits 0800 [V] Mind Blasting Mornings 1100 [V] Fresh Songs 1200 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance
‘[V] Humse Hai Life’ at 1930 Hrs on CHANNEL [V]
1300 News Now at 1 1330 News Now 1800 6 PM 1830 Live Report 1900 Primetime 1930 The Game 2000 News Now at 8 2030 Live Report 2100 The Newshour 2200 The Newshour - Plus 2230 E Now 2300 News Now at 11 0800 The Morning News 0900 News Now 1200 Live Report 1230 News Now
‘The Newshour’ at 2100 Hrs only on TIMES NOW
Telly sitcoms, news and movie listings
1400 Abhishekam 1430 Aadade Aadharam 1500 Antahpuram 1530 Aakasa Ganga 1600 Prema Mandiram 1630 Jagadeeswari 1700 Genes 1800 Devimahathyam 1830 Puttadi Bomma 1900 Kumkuma Rekha 1930 Manasu Mamata 2000 Chandra Mukhi 2030 Bharyamani 2100 Etv News 2130 Super 2245 Movie 0800 Jeevana Jyothi 0830 Tollywood Time 0900 Movie 1130 Abhiruchi 1230 Star Mahila
1400 Ardhangi 1430 Movie 1800 Veera Naari Jhansi Laxmi Bhai 1830 Kalavari Kodallu 1900 Chinna Kodalu 1930 Pasupukunkuma 2000 Muddu Bidda 2030 Radha Kalyanam 2100 Kanyadanam 2130 Luckku Kickku 2230 Shree 2300 Bindas 0800 Gopuram 0830 Bhakti Samacharam 0900 Sri Raghavendra Vybhavam 0930 Ayurveda Jeevana Vignanam 1000 Bindass 1030 Gadasariatta Sogasarikodalu
‘Global Business Report’ at 1900 Hrs only on ET NOW 1400 The F And O Show 1430 Closing Trades 1530 Tomorrow's Trades 1600 Business Day 1730 Markets Tomorrow 1800 Rush Hour 1830 Starting Up 1900 Global Business Report 1930 Business Express 2000 Business First 2030 Markets Tomorrow 2100 Business Tonight 2200 Top 10 At 10 2230 Brand Equity 2300 Investor's Guide 0900 First Trades 1000 Hot Stocks 1100 Buy Now Sell Now - The Stock Game 1130 Buy Now Sell Now 1200 Market Sense 1300 Business Day 1330 Markets Now
‘Swords’ at 2200 Hrs on DISCOVERY CHANNEL 1400 Rampage 1600 Swords 1700 Discovery Showcase 1800 Wild Discovery 1900 Man Woman Wild 2000 Dinosaur Revolution 2100 Man Vs Wild 2200 Swords 2300 Desire & Pleasure Decoded 1000 Kennedy Detail 1100 Stephen Hawkings Special 1200 I Should'nt Be Alive 1300 Wild Discovery
1415 CSI - Crime Scene Investigation 1510 Wipeout 2 1605 Flipping Out 1700 The Voice 1800 Reaper 1900 Nz Smashes Guinness World Records 2000 Sports Crash 2100 Minute To Win It 2200 Wipeout 2 2300 Criss Angel Mindfreak 0900 Sky Teleshopping 0930 Criss Angel Mindfreak 0955 Infomercial/5 Min 1000 Criss Angel Mindfreak 1025 Infomercial/5 Min 1030 Flipping Out 1130 The Voice 1320 Minute To Win It
‘Wipeout’ at 2100 Hrs on AXN
‘Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo’ at 2200 Hrs on IMAGINE 1400 Haar Jeet 1500 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo 1600 Haar Jeet 1700 Dharampatni 1730 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 1800 Beendh Banuga Ghodi Chadhunga 1830 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo 1900 Haar Jeet 1930 Mahima Shani Dev Ki 2000 Dwarkadheesh - Bhagwan Shri Krishn 2030 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 2100 Beendh Banuga Ghodi Chadhunga 2130 Dharampatni 2200 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo 2230 Haar Jeet 2300 Dharampatni
1400 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 1430 Balika Vadhu 1500 Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha 1530 Uttaran 1600 Phulwa 1700 Sasural Simar Ka 1730 Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha 1800 Uttaran 1830 Balika Vadhu 1900 Hawan 1930 Sasural Simar Ka 2000 Balika Vadhu 2030 Veer Shivaji 2100 Phulwa 2130 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 2200 Uttaran 2230 Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha 2300 Na Aana Is Des Laado
‘Parichay’ at 2130 Hrs on COLORS
‘Pavitra Rishta’ at 2100 Hrs on ZEE TV 1400 Hitler Didi 1430 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1500 Afsar Bitiya 1530 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 1600 Pavitra Rishta 1630 Dance India Dance 1800 Hitler Didi 1830 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1900 Afsar Bitiya 1930 Choti Bahu 2 2000 Hitler Didi 2030 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 2100 Pavitra Rishta 2130 Ram Milaye Jodi 2200 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 2230 Bhagonwali 2300 Afsar Bitiya
1400 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1430 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1500 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1600 CID 1800 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1830 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1900 Crime Patrol - Dastak 2000 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 2045 Dekha Ek Khwaab 2130 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi 2200 Saas Bina Sasuraal 2230 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 2300 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 0730 Sky Star Advertising 0900 Adaalat 1100 Crime Patrol - 1 1200 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1245 Dekha Ek Khwaab 1330 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi
‘Parvarrish’ at 2130 Hrs on SONY
‘Navya’ at 2200 Hrs on STAR PLUS 1400 Sapnon Se Bharey Naina 1500 Survivor India - Highlight 1530 Diya Aur Bati Hum 1600 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 1630 Sasuraal Genda Phool 1700 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1730 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 1800 Survivor India - Highlight 1830 Ruk Jana Nahin 1900 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1930 Sasuraal Genda Phool 2000 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2030 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 2100 Diya Aur Bati Hum 2130 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2200 Navya 2230 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 2300 Maryaada ... Lekin Kab Tak?
1245 Star Trek - Nemesis 1500 The Time Machine 1645 Lost Boys - The Tribe 1825 Sphere 2100 17 Again 2300 Lethal Weapon 3 0745 Friends 0815 Good Morning, Miami 0845 Friends 0915 The New Adventures Of Old Christine 0945 Superman II 1220 17 Again
1410 Sharktopus 1610 You Only Live Twice 1840 Arachnophobia 2100 Red Eye 2250 The Scorpion King 0825 Arachnophobia 1040 Inglourious Basterds 1345 The Scorpion King
1400 Scrubs 1430 $H*! My Dad Says 1500 In Plain Sight 1600 Parenthood 1700 Scrubs 1730 $H*! My Dad Says 1800 E News 1900 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 2000 Scrubs 2030 America's Funniest Home Videos 2100 In Plain Sight 2200 Parenthood 2300 Outsourced 2330 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 0800 In Plain Sight 0900 Parenthood 1000 Scrubs 1030 America's Funniest Home Videos 1100 In Plain Sight 1200 Parenthood 1330 America's Funniest Home Videos
‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ at 2330 Hrs on ZEE CAFE
Balika Vadhu Storyline - Vasant refuses to pay salary to Rameshwar and so he takes the matter to the panchayat. Bhairon, Sumitra and Anandi try to convince Vasant to pay Rameshwar his salary, but Vasant stays adamant. ‘Balika Vadhu’ at 2000 Hrs on COLORS
‘The Sheild’ at 2200 Hrs on STAR WORLD 1400 Supernatural 1500 Charlie’s Angels 1600 The Big Bang Theory 1630 The Simpsons 1700 The Shield 1800 Supernatural 1900 Love2 Hate U 2000 Two And A Half Men 2030 The Simpsons 2100 Supernatural 2200 The Shield 2300 The Big Bang Theory 2330 Two And A Half Men 0700 The Shield 0800 Las Vegas 0900 Achievers' Club 1000 The Shield 1100 Love2 Hate U 1200 Two And A Half Men 1230 The Simpsons 1300 The Big Bang Theory 1330 Friends
Saas Bina Sasural Storyline - Chedi will organize hawan for his late friend, father of Kia. Everyone in the family will be seen gathering together for it. ‘Saas Bina Sasural’ at 2200 Hrs on SONY
1400 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 1430 R. K. Laxman Ki Duniya 1500 Lapataganj 1530 F.I.R. 1600 Chidiya Ghar 1630 Gutur Gu 1700 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 1830 R. K. Laxman Ki Duniya 1900 Chidiya Ghar 1930 Lapataganj 2000 Chintu Chinky Aur Ek Badi Si Love Story 2030 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 2100 Chidiya Ghar 2130 R. K. Laxman Ki Duniya 2200 Lapataganj 2230 F.I.R. 2300 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 2330 Chidiya Ghar 0800 Teleshopping 0830 Religious Programmes 0900 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 0945 Gutur Gu 1100 Chidiya Ghar
‘R.K. Laxman Ki Duniya’ at 2130 Hrs on SAB
‘Red Eye’ at 2100 Hrs on HBO
‘Shaadi No. 1’ at 1400 Hrs on ZOOM 1400 Movie - Shaadi No. 1 1730 Star Bonanza 1800 Letz Go! 1900 Planet Bollywood News 1930 Link'da 2000 Tentalize 2030 Letz Go! 2100 Style Strip 2130 Link'd 2200 B - Tonite 2230 Tentalize 2300 Bollywood Bonanza 0700 Fresh Mornings 0800 Red Carpet 0805 Fresh Mornings 1100 Zoom Box 1200 Garma Garam 1230 Telly Talk 1300 Planet Bollywood News 1330 Letz Go!
1430 Food Detectives 1500 Deconstructed 1530 Discovery Science Classics 1630 Rising - Rebuilding Ground Zero 1730 Heavy Metal Task Force 1830 Best Of Discovery Science 1930 Paleoworld 2000 Megascience 2030 Ultimate Cars 2100 Deconstructed 2130 What You Can't See 2230 Top Sniper 2330 Industrial Revelations 1030 Rising - Rebuilding Ground Zero 1130 Food Detectives 1200 Deconstructed 1230 Best Of Discovery Science 1330 Paleoworld
‘Top Sniper’ at 2230 Hrs on DISCOVERY SCIENCE
‘Jerry Springer’ at 2200 Hrs on BIG CBS PRIME 1430 Jerry Springer 1530 Big Wheels 1600 Survivor 1700 Bellator 1800 Galileo Extreme 1900 Defenders 2000 Entertainment Tonight 2030 Galileo Extreme 2100 Survivor 2200 Jerry Springer 2300 Defenders 0700 Big Wheels 0730 Aspire 0800 Galileo Extreme 0900 Survivor 1000 Bellator 1100 Jerry Springer 1200 Big Wheels 1230 Entertainment Tonight 1300 Galileo Extreme 1330 Defenders
Playing Field
The games people play
MELBOURNE: Russian duo Maria Sharapova and Vera Zvonareva eased into the third round of the Australian Open Thursday as Serbia’s Ana Ivanovic also progressed in style. Former champion Sharapova lost just one game as she dismantled US qualifier Jamie Hampton 6-0, 6-1 on Melbourne Park’s centre court in just over an hour. It followed an equally emphatic first round win over Argentina’s Gisela Dulko by an identical scoreline, meaning the 2008 winner has dropped just two games so far. Sharapova, 24, dominated Hampton in all areas, hitting 23 winners to six and making 77 percent of her first serves to her opponent’s 50 per cent. “I didn’t know much about my opponent so it was more a matter of getting my feet going and worrying more about myself and trying to improve from the first round,” Sharapova said. The Russian next faces Germany’s Angelique Kerber. Zvonareva, who this time last year was ranked number two in the world, was almost as impressive as Sharapova as she downed Czech Lucie Hradecka in straight sets. After racing through the first set, Zvonareva held off a spirited fight-back from Hradecka to win 6-1, 7-6 (7/3) and set up a third round clash with another Russian, Ekaterina Makarova. Makarova upset Brisbane International winner and the tournament’s 25th seed, Kaia Kanepi of Estonia, 6-2, 7-5. Italian Sara Errani ensured it
Marcos’ meltdown creates a racket
MELBOURNE: Former Australian Open finalist Marcos Baghdatis was fined $800 on Thursday for a jaw-dropping
tantrum when he smashed up four racquets during his defeat to Switzerland’s Stanislas Wawrinka. The Cypriot, trailing by two sets late on Wednesday, destroyed his first racquet by hammering it into the ground — before taking three more out of his bag and giving them the same treatment. As the stunned crowd looked on Baghdatis, beaten in the 2006 Australian Open final by Roger Federer, left the shattered racquets in a small pile near his chair, with two of them still in their plastic wrappers. However, the outburst appeared to give Baghdatis a brief boost as he won the third set — before he went on to lose the second-round match in four sets. The fine handed down by the tournament referee to the 26-yearold was for ‘abuse of racquets and equipment’.
January 16 – January 29
RESULTS MEN’S SINGLES 2nd round Juan Ignacio Chela (ARG x27) bt Pablo Andujar (ESP) 6-4, 6-4, 6-3 Milos Raonic (CAN x23) bt Philipp Petzschner (GER) 6-4, 5-7, 6-2, 7-5 Michael Llodra (FRA) bt Alex Bogomolov Jr (RUS x32) 6-1, 6-3, 4-6, 5-7, 6-4 Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (FRA x6) bt Ricardo Mello (BRA) 7-5, 6-4, 6-4
WOMEN’S SINGLES 2nd round Maria Sharapova (RUS x4) bt Jamie Hampton (USA) 6-0, 6-1 Ana Ivanovic (SRB x21) bt Michaella Krajicek (NED) 6-2, 6-3 Vera Zvonareva (RUS x7) bt Lucie Hradecka (CZE) 6-1, 7-6 (7/3) Ekaterina Makarova (RUS) bt Kaia Kanepi (EST x25) 6-2, 7-5 Sara Errani (ITA) bt Nadia Petrova (RUS x29) 6-2, 6-2 Angelique Kerber (GER x30) bt Stephanie Dubois (CAN) 7-5, 6-1 Serena Williams (USA x12) bt Barbora Zahlavova Strycova (CZE) 6-0, 6-4 wasn’t all good news for the Russians when she upset 29th seed Nadia Petrova.
Injury? What injury? Williams breezes through MELBOURNE: Five-time champion Serena Williams brushed off fears about her injured ankle Thursday as she sailed into the Australian Open’s third round with her 500th career win. The American 12th seed, who pulled out of this month’s Brisbane International after rolling her ankle on court, fell awkwardly in the final game of her 6-0, 64 win against Czech opponent Barbora Zahlavova Strycova. “It’s fine, I just have really wobbly ankles,” she said. “I wasn’t meant to be a ballerina.” The 30-year-old American, who won the Australian Open in 2009 and 2010 but missed last year’s tournament through injury, has now won 16 consecutive matches at Melbourne Park. The victory was also her 210th at a grand slam, putting her equal with sister Venus and tied for fourth on the alltime list behind Martina Navratilova (306), Chris Evert (298) and Steffi Graf (278). Williams had started slowly in her first round match against Tamira Paszek but she raced out of the blocks on Thursday.
A spectator (C) waves a Greek flag as she cheers on Marcos Baghdatis of Cyprus playing against Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland in their second-round men’s singles match AFP/PAUL CROCK
Playing Field
The games people play
Sepoy will not get taste of Black Caviar
Geoffrey Riddle
DUBAI: Australians must brace themselves for the loss of one of the greatest thoroughbred match-ups of a generation after Black Caviar (pictured) was given entries to the two Group 1 sprints on Dubai World Cup night at Meydan racecourse on March 31. Peter Moody’s six-year-old mare was named the world’s best sprinter in the World Thoroughbred Rankings (WTR) earlier this month and the clash with Sepoy, the unbeaten sprinter owned by Sheikh Mohammed, the ruler of Dubai, was eagerly anticipated down under. Sepoy had already been con-
firmed as a likely runner in the UAE, however, and the entries to the Al Quoz sprint and the Dubai Golden Shaheen, which closed on Thursday, both featured the world’s best sprinter. “Her presence adds so much prestige to the races we have got,” Martin Talty, the International Racing manager for the Dubai Racing Club, said. “We are extremely pleased that Peter Moody has chosen the Dubai World Cup card to enter her. It’s a great venue in its own right and at the home of the owner of Sepoy.” The Golden Shaheen is considered the more likely target after the six-furlong race, which offers $1.2m to the winner, was admitted to the Global Sprint Challenge last season and should feature Sepoy. Black Caviar has amassed over $4m in an unbeaten career spanning 16 races and she bids to extend her sequence on Friday week in the Australia Stakes at Moonee Valley, Melbourne. Australian racing has also suffered domestically after the Melbourne Cup, twas dominated completely by European horses in November.
Manning, Brady struggling NEW YORK: New England quarterback Tom Brady and New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning struggled with setbacks on Wednesday that hindered their preparations for Sunday’s critical NFL playoff games. Brady did not practice with the Patriots on Wednesday in order to rest his sore left shoulder ahead of Sunday’s home playoff game against Baltimore to decide a berth in next month’s Super Bowl 46 at Indianapolis. Brady’s injury was sustained in a regular season game last month against Miami. Manning saw limited activity
in practice on Wednesday with the Giants because of what coach Tim Coughlin called “a stomach bug”, adding, “Hopefully it is just a 24-hour bug and he will be better tomorrow.” Reserve David Carr handled about three-quarters of the workload during the workout ahead of the Giants’ playoff game on Sunday at San Francisco to determine the other berth in next month’s NFL championship spectacle. Manning has started 119 consecutive games, the longest active streak by any NFL quarterback and third on the all-time
Hopefully it is just a 24-hour bug and he will be better tomorrow Giants coach Tim Coughlin list behind Brett Favre and Peyton Manning, who missed all of last season for Indianapolis with a neck injury. In his eighth season, Manning has thrown for 4,933 yards and 29 touchdowns to spark the Giants into the playoffs .
Ameen says he did no wrong LONDON: Mustafa Ameen whose mysterious behaviour ringside at the Amir Khan (above) and Lamont Peterson WBA and IBF light welterweight world title bout provoked a furore from the Khan camp told the BBC on Wednesday he had not been trying to influence the outcome. Instead Ameen — who is credentialled by the IBF — told them he was helping the supervisor Michael Welsh correct a mathematical error on his scorecard which he had noticed while sitting behind him at the December 10 fight in Washington DC. He insisted that he was not doing anything sinister as claimed by the Khan camp and added he was looking for an apology from the British boxer’s camp. While Khan lost the fight and his titles his complaints afterwards struck a chord with the WBA who ordered a rematch based on what they saw as bad refereeing decisions. Referee Joe Cooper deducted points from Khan in the seventh and 12th rounds for pushing, a rare call, and did not credit Khan with what should have been a knockdown in the first round, according to the WBA. The sanctioning body said Cooper’s moves impacted the outcome of the fight. Had Khan not been docked the point in the final round, judges scores would have made the fight a draw and Khan would have kept his titles. Ameen said that his appearing alongside Peterson post fight was simply a case of him helping out a fellow IBF official, 85-yearold Paul Artiist.
Playing Field
The games people play
Becks heads back to home Galaxy LOS ANGELES: English star midfielder David Beckham has signed a new two-year deal with the Los Angeles Galaxy, saying his family is “settled” and he hopes to stay long term in the United States. “My family and I are incredibly happy and settled in America and we look forward to spending many more years here,” Beckham said Wednesday.
The former England captain said that he has reached an agreement on a new twoyear contract for the 2012 and 2013 seasons with the Major League Soccer club. His fiveyear deal worth $32.5 million with the Galaxy expired at the end of last month. “This was an important decision for me,” said Beckham, who will be almost 39 when the latest contract expires.
“I had many offers from clubs from around the world,” he said. “However, I’m still passionate about playing in America and winning trophies with the Galaxy.” No details of the new contract were released. The deal was expected to provide for a sabbatical from the next Major League Soccer season that would allow Beckham to possibly play in the London Olympics.
PARIS: With around 50 players leaving France for the Africa Cup of Nations this month, Ligue 1 clubs are having to juggle their resources in order to keep their seasons on track. For some, like mega-rich Paris Saint-Germain, it is simply a case of dipping into the transfer market to recruit a replacement for a player bound for the continental showcase in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. When Siaka Tiene was drafted into the Ivory Coast squad, PSG moved quickly to sign Barcelona’s Brazilian left-back Maxwell, who made an assured debut in the leaders’ 3-1 win at home to Toulouse last weekend. Champions Lille have also
been active on the transfer front, with French striker Nolan Roux poised to arrive from Brest. Roux will cover for the absence of Senegal’s Moussa Sow, although Sow has been tipped to leave for Fenerbahce after rejecting Lille’s offer of a new contract. Elsewhere, the need to balance budgets means clubs have been obliged to test the unchartered depths of their squads. Marseille have been particularly affected by the Africa Cup of Nations, with Senegalese centreback Souleymane Diawara (seen above, #22) and Ghana midfielder Andre Ayew leaving two gaping holes in Didier Deschamps’ first XI. OM have also lost utility player Charles Kabore (Burkina Faso) and Ayew’s younger brother Jordan,
but they were still able to produce a fine performance in Sunday’s 2-0 defeat of Lille. Cameroon’s absence at the Cup of Nations meant Deschamps could draft Stephane Mbia into the centre of defence alongside his Cameroonian compatriot Nicolas N’Koulou, while the in-form Mathieu Valbuena deputised for the elder Ayew sibling on the left flank. Brazilian striker Brandao has also been recalled following the end of his loan spell with Gremio after Deschamps admitted it was “the only feasible short-term solution” in attack. Toulouse were left in a similar quandary by the departures of centre-backs Aymen Abdennour (Tunisia) and Mohamed Fofana (Mali) and Senegalese left-back Cheikh M’Bengue.
It’s all or nothing for Ghana David Legge
JOHANNESBURG: Nothing less than victory in the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations final next month will do for hard-toplease Ghana coach Goran Stevanovic. It is a mini-league the Black Stars should win and move within three victories of a title they last held 30 years ago when pipping hosts Libya in a Tripoli penalty shootout. “We were runners-up at the last Cup of Nations in Angola two years ago and a repeat of what has already been achieved is not good enough,” admitted
Stefanovic. “My players and I are motivated. All of us have spoken a lot about this African tournament and we agree Ghana are going to be champions. We are under pressure, but that is normal in football. “The record of Ghana in the Cup of Nations means they will always be among the favourites and we accept that playing in the final is the least our supporters expect from us.” Ghana prepared for the Cup of Nations at the same sport facilities used by England during the World Cup two years ago in north-west South African town Rustenburg.
Playing Field
The games people play
Los Blancos see red as Barçelona win Dermot Ledwith
Barcelona came from behind to beat holders Real Madrid 2-1 in the first leg of an increasingly bad-tempered Spanish Cup quarter-final in the Santiago Bernabeu on Wednesday. Second half goals from veteran defenders Carlos Puyol (left) and Eric Abidal overturned a half-time Madrid lead for whom Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo scored. It was the third victory in twelve months for the Catalans in the stadium of their biggest rival. Pep Guardiola is yet to lose in the Bernabeu in four seasons in charge and his team appear to have a psychological advantage over ‘los blancos’. Afterwards Guardiola was happy with the victory and looked towards the second leg. “We played really well tonight, controlled the game and apart from their goal reduced Madrid to the one header from (Karim) Benzema, but because of their quality anything can happen next week so we’ll go home and prepare for that and the league game at the
weekend,” he said. Madrid coach Jose Mourinho was less satisfied. “I did not expect to lose a goal to a dead ball as we did, we were winning 1-0 and at that stage it was a bad result for Barca, it was a bad goal to concede. Psychologically it hurt us and Barca took control of the game from then on,” he said. “The tie is now difficult for us, it’s still open, but difficult.” Mourinho surprised all with an unfamiliar side employing both Karim Benzema and Gonzalo Higuain in attack, while at the back playing the rarely used Hamit Altintop and Ricardo Carvalho who was playing his first game since September. Both teams started very cautiously with Madrid happy to allow Barca possession in deep positions and when the first attack came on 11 minutes it was to bring the first goal of the evening. Set free by Benzema, Ronaldo produced a stinging left footed drive from the left hand side of the penalty area that Jose Pinto, Barca’s regular goalkeeper ahead of Victor Valdes in the Spanish Cup, could perhaps have dealt better with. The game suddenly burst into life, Andres Iniesta brought a save from Iker Casillas with a long range
Cahill looks forward to Euro dream LONDON: England international central defender Gary Cahill (below) said on Wednesday he was very much looking forward to the challenge of playing Champions League football for his new club Chelsea. The 26-year-old signed from Bolton for 7 million pounds on Monday and told Chelsea TV
that it was the prospect of stepping up to another level that had been the great attraction of joining the Blues. “That’s the whole reason you want to move,” said Cahill, whose move was in the balance at one point over his wage demands and he is believed to have eventually settled for £80,000-per-week,
£20,000 less than he hoped for. “You want to play at the top level and the Champions League (Chelsea play Napoli in the Last 16) is the top level. “I’ve only played in Europe when I first moved to Bolton; (Atletico) Madrid away, Sporting Lisbon, teams like that. “It’ll be a new experience for myself, and I’m looking forward to pitting my wits against the top players in the world.” Cahill’s arrival — where he was part of the worst defence in the Premier League this season — has been warmly welcomed by club captain and prospective defensive partner John Terry. “He’s a great addition and he hasn’t played Champions League football, which is an added bonus for us,” said Terry. “He’s a great defender; he reads the game well, he’s got a bit of pace and he’s good in the air - he scores important goals, he has done for Bolton. “I’m looking forward to playing alongside him, it’s really good to have him on board so early.”
shot on 13 minutes and three minutes later Cesc Fabregas found Alexis Sanchez in space only for the Chilean to head onto the bar with Casillas stranded. At the other end Abidal had to make a last ditch block to stop Ronaldo reaching Benzema with the goal at his mercy, then Lionel Messi burst forward for Barca and forced a near post save from Casillas. Iniesta should have tested Casillas on 30 minutes from close range after Sanchez played him into a great position. By this stage Barcelona were possessing the ball in deeper positions and Madrid were counter attacking quickly on the break to make the game an open affair. Barca were finally level three minutes into the second period when captain Puyol got free from his marker Pepe to head home a Xavi corner. Pepe should have seen his second yellow card of the night for an off the ball stamp on the hand of a prostrate Messi on 69 minutes. However it took more than the dark arts to keep down the irrepressible Argentinian and it was he that conjured up the pass on 77 minutes that found Abidal onside and with the time and space to prod the ball home to win the tie.