2011 LA: 2013 Ford Mustang, Boss 302 and Shelby GT500 hang out in LA Two from State die in Shirdi bus mishap
is on cloud nine
A private bus belonging to SVR Travels going to Shirdi turned turtle near Ahmednagar in Maharashtra leading to the death of two women (Radhika and Saritha) and injuring seven passengers this morning (Saturday). The bus from Hyderabad was heading to the temple town of Shirdi.
First compact afternoon newspaper of Hyderabad
SKS to write off all loans in State SKS Microfinance Ltd, which wrote off `678 crore loans in Andhra Pradesh, may also give up the remaining `822 crore. See page 6
tarted as an innocent teasing of new faces by the seniors on campus, ragging has often degenerated into cruelties to new students whose traumatic experiences lead them to the brink of suicide. In this light, the City Police Commissioner's warning to those indulging in ragging to be ready for the strictest punishment has evoked a strong response Police Commissioner AK Khan's
stern warning that ragging will attract severe punishment including filing a history-sheet, cancellation of licence and damage to career, has evoked an overwhelming response from the educational stake-holders. Almost everybody agrees with the commissioner on punitive measures but they do not want the police to play judiciary; rather, they want the police to play a reformatory role, also since those involved are all youngsters of impressionable age.
Page Two
Spirit of Twin Cities
Children happy to gain from global exposure Nandita Das
International Children’s Film Festival, Hyderabad HYDERABAD: The 17th edition of the International Children’s Film Festival here has provided a platform for children from different countries with varied cultures to share their views, said actress and chairperson of the Children Film Society of India Nandita Das.
Children from far away places in India like Jammu and Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh, particularly from the rural backdrop who are coming out of their places for the first time, had a rare opportunity to enthusiastically share their feelings and views with those who
Madhu Yashki asks Centre, States to encourage children’s films HYDERABAD: Nizamabad MP Madhu Yashki wants the governments, both Centre and the State, to encourage children’s films which are not commercially viable. On his Part, he promised to take up the matter with Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy. He said he derived interest in watching the children’s films being screened during the 17th International Children’s Film Festival as he is a movie buff. “I watch a film daily at least for a few minutes before going to bed,” he said, adding that children’s films are not commercially viable and thus governments should come forward to take them to even the remote corners of the country so that children in that part of India should enjoy them, he said. The festival being held in
Madhu Yashki here has once again proved that the City has occupied a suitable place on the world map for holding internationallevel programs, he opined. “Given the movement for sep-
arate statehood, I felt that it is my bounden duty to tell the world that Hyderabad is a place that has developed not only as an IT hub but also for entertainment,” he observed. He said he was so impressed with the response the film festival is receiving from around the world and on seeing the media coverage about the delegates who have come from across the globe. Madhu Yashki said that he was pained at the reports that several IT giants have moved to Chennai following the ongoing movement for separate Telangana. “No doubt, I strongly advocate for separate statehood. At the same time, I felt that it is my responsibility to safeguard the ‘Brand Hyderabad’ image that has been built over the years with perseverance,” he asserted .
have come from countries like Netherlands and China, she said. Nandita Das believes that the children’s films selected for the festival are chosen with the sole aim of providing wholesome entertainment to them. “We don’t want to send any big message to them,” she clarified.
From the entries received, the screening committee has carefully selected only such films which have high values and can be viewed by different age groups, she maintained. This time the entries are more and countries from South America and Africa are taking part , she said. “Even the number of films selected for screening this time is more than double than the last time,” she noted. About the participation of foreign child delegates in different entertainment programs, she said that whoever is interested is allowed to give a performance on the stage and even if it is for two or three minutes. The workshops being held as part of the event are receiving good response and children are exposed to skills like film directing, puppet making which will be of great help for them. The Little Directors section, which is introduced for the first time is also a big success as many of the child directors who made the films being screened here have come as delegates, she observed.
Entertainment items big hits, says Deepika Reddy HYDERABAD: The entertainment programs being organised at different venues as part of the Children’s Film Festival are drawing huge crowds and are evoking tremendous response, said Deepika Reddy, chairperson of the culture wing of the ICFF. Over 3,500 students from different schools across the country are performing in these programs, she said. A section for government schools’ students and for the under-privileged has been created and the “participation is really overwhelming”, she added. The Lalitha Kalathoranam is exclusively for the performers from AP and the audition was conducted a month ago. “They were trained in their respective art forms,” she explained. Making a special mention of the inaugural function, she said that the dance perfor-
Child directors Shrey Gupta, Ansh
mance enacted by the children was choreographed by her. It received great applause from the delegates, she stated. About the valedictory, she said that celebrities like Usha Utup and Yella Venkateswara Rao will be giving their performance as part of the concluding ceremony. Five Indian classical dance forms will also be performed in the grand finale, she said and exuded confidence that it will also be a great success.
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Academics cautious on Khan FROM PG 1 “The police commissioner’s statement is right. But it should strictly be a temporary measure as there is always scope for misuse. The police should show their stern faces towards culprits, who resort to ragging. But let me tell you that alone is no permanent solution,” says Jandhyala N Murthy, Principal, Gokaraju Ranga Raju Institute of Teachers. “The only permanent solution for prevention of ragging menace is the transformation within — the students and the regulators of their growing set up comprising parents, teachers, peers, and friends. As far our college is concerned, it’s a regular practice on our college campus to organise anti-ragging awareness programmes for the students and make them speak on ragging issue,” said the principal. Teachers, parents and human rightists are more or less supportive of the commissioner’s stance but they too do not
want the cops to run amuck on campus. “I welcome the move of the commissioner of police. Ragging is nothing but violation of human rights. Such steps will definitely help in preventing it permanently from education sector,” says G Vasanth Kumar Goud, AP president, All India Human Rights Association. But Ramesh Reddy, former dean, Faculty of Engineering OU, has opposed the police chief’s statement as it is not in the interests of academic freedom. Youth is full of errors and they eventually grow out of them. The police should show reformist attitude as far as dealings with students’ indiscretions are concerned. This is not to justify horrible crimes in the name of ragging.” A Venugopal Reddy, principal, OU Engineering College, too believes the Commissioner is right. “But it depends on the intensity of ragging. If the act of ragging is minor, some kind of small punishment should be given. If the degree of ragging is major like physical assault in
Is Commissioner AK Khan’s statements on eradicating ragging a step forward for peace in education institutions?
It is a great step forward. Ragging is increasingly becoming a menace and, at least this way students will think twice before engaging in such activities. I am completely with the police on this one.
Ragging is bad and can take a serious toll on someone, mentally and physically. There should be a firmer action taken than just cancelling issuing of license and passports. They should be jailed immediately.
Ragging does not only happen in professional colleges, but also in schools where children are not mentally capable of handling such issues. More than colleges, it should be banned strictly in schools specifically.
The students who face ragging are battered physically and mentally. When such a thing happens, the offenders must be punished severely for it. The commissioner’s ideas are welcome and will be more for a positive change.
television where such incidents are overplayed. There should be a healthy relationship between the juniors and the seniors. But if the police want to curb it by issuing a history-sheet or by not issuing licenses and passports, it would not work. KRISHANK MANNE,
Seniors and juniors in a college are meant to help each other. It's camaraderie, not confrontational path one should take. It is good that the police are taking a stern action against such students. But, the police should not become judges. They have no right to cancel the issue of licenses and passports. . Filing a history-sheet is too harsh and TRSV does not endorse such a step. RAJESH KOTA, IN-CHARGE, PDSU, OU
Ragging is definitely an offence and it needs to be curbed immediately. The right method to do so would be to banish it from films and
We welcome what AK Khan is doing to eradicate ragging from colleges. It is a problem that needs to be addressed and action taken. However, these students are not criminals and should not be treated as such. Issuing a history sheet is an extreme step. Instead, these students need to be counselled so that they don't repeat the offence again.
which loss of life is also there, then I think harsh punishment including opening of history sheet should be done.” Students’ community seems divided on the issue. Syed Aneef Hussain, MTech (Power Electronics) student says the commissioner’s statement is chilling “I think, it’s a very harsh statement. The student accused of ragging should be put to counselling to ensure that it is not repeated again.” Aditya Ganpathi, BTech student, wants a line drawn on ragging which began as an innocent teasing of newcomers by seniors. “It was supposed to be fun and frolic but has degenerated. The police chief is right when ragging takes the toll of lives and career but allowances should be given to youth’s age and the colleges should have a role to prevent or regulate such activity.”
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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Rope in all the stakeholders 6.8 Community Participation The school is a part of the community. The functional aspects of the school can be achieved through community involvement. At present the schools do not feel answerable to the community. They hide information including that of their own attendance, regularity and performance. They also do not invite community involvement. The VECs, S.Cs, SMC are nominal and exist only on paper due to mutual distrust. Since education can be meaningful only when children see reflections of what they study in the outside world, community participation should be encouraged to establish these linkages. It is also likely to make schools more accountable to the community, which is an important stakeholder.
6.9 Systemic Support for Diversities Children from different backgrounds have different needs, since they relate to different kinds of materials and learn in different manners. It would be unrealistic to expect a single curriculum to fit all. Hence, in order to cater to the needs of all, the curriculum should be flexible enough to cater to the needs of all children. Teachers should be sensitised to the needs of special children. Communication between children and teachers should be promoted to turn this diversity into a valuable resource for information and learning.
6.10 New Partnerships Different initiatives have been taken by the Centre as well as the State towards the aim of providing quality education for all. However, these are often found to be working in parallel rather than in collaboration. The institutes responsible for supporting quality like SCERT and DIETs have been sidelined and face scarcity of funds and persons. The establishment of parallel project offices separately under DPEP and SSA has also delinked elementary education from the regular administrative bodies like district educational office. Slowly, the official and regular structure is moving away from its mandatory duties of maintaining and supporting quality. Therefore, any impending project shall invariably run through regular department. The implementation of the projects
With one more day to go before the final list of educational reforms can be suggested by the public we bring to you the reforms as proposed by Andhra Pradesh State Curriculum Framework 2011
nal or external to the department but should be in consultation and partnership with the persons whose work is being assessed. It should be supportive rather than fault-finding. Every programme must have a certain budget towards its own assessment. Discussions involving all stakeholders may be organised on the findings of the assessment and program implementation made more transparent. Building networks between institutions and initiatives will ensure more effective functioning and getting results.
in AP are being operated under the government, local bodies, tribal welfare department, minority welfare department, private management, Christian missionaries, residential institutions societies etc. Several departments which run the schools do not have the required zeal, understanding and professional expertise. Though the department of school education is responsible for quality education across institutions, it does not have control over the employees, teachers since service matters are the concern of the respective departments. Therefore there is no effective control on quality management. Policy formulations are required to get schools under one management i.e. under Panchayati Raj duly reflecting the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendment. Panchayats take up ownership and management of the schools at the local level. They attend to the local-level problems and issues as well as to enrolment, retention, attendance of teachers and people, infrastructure etc. appropriate budgetary allocations may also be made to Panchayats for the same. Appropriate orientation and training may be given to the PRI members on school management, support and financial transactions and procurements.
6.12 Management and Governance
6.13 Accountability and Performance
The organisation of educational system and its governance has a major impact on the functional aspects of the system. Appropriate governance structures and procedures are required. At present the schools
Parents send their children to schools with the expectation that they would grow in academic, social and personal behaviour. The child invests a lot of formative years in school, the parents invest their time and money in
Expert’s suggestion
would like to suggest changes in the medium of instruction like, teaching should become more practical in terms of the present scenario by using information technology. Use of interactive media like PowerPoint presentation, films, graphical presentations, news presentations would make a great difference. Audio-visual is an easy medium to grasp information. for the primary section as well as secondary level as such inputs make learning an easy process. More of on-the-spot exercises and live projects should be inculcated. By this the teachers know how much work the students have done by themselves. Stress on creativity and originality. Less of copypaste — which has become very
through department mode will result in capacity building for the system and individuals and will lead to sustainability of quality. The Centre-sponsored schemes should strengthen the existing structures.
6.11 Innovations in Ideas and Procedures There must be periodic assessment of Centrally sponsored schemes and programmes with large funding are operating in to improve the quality of education with equity, with a view to improve and direct them. Often, the assessment is mechanical and does not incorporate many contextual elements. There is little participation of the local functionaries and the process is not transparent. Sound participative methodologies may be developed for undertaking programme evaluation. The evaluation can be inter-
common in higher sections these days — should be encouraged. Importance should be given to current affairs and present day knowledge instead of endless historical information. History text books should be reworked on a large scale. More of Indian and State history should be introduced and well-blended with recent past. Stress on strengths and interests, instead of being forced to study all subjects, giving options right from a very young class. This will help them to get more knowledge on particular subjects which will later help them choose their careers. SARAH SWAROOP CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULT TRAINER AND COUNSELLOR
making it possible for the child to be in school and the government also invests in schools. There needs to be a justification for this expense and effort. Therefore, the system must ensure outcomes and make the individuals and institutions accountable towards the stakeholders particularly children and ensure their learning, performance and development. The emphasis given to employability has resulted in certain subjects being emphasised, leading to increase in stress levels and neglect of overall development of the child. If the schools were accountable to the community, they would have to answer for not having been able to meet their aims. Therefore, there must be clarity on the expected academic standard among all the stakeholders, viz. educational managers, supervisors, head teachers, teachers, parents and children. The description of the academic standard in terms of the quality of curriculum and textbooks, teacher preparation, classroom practices, learning outcomes etc. must be detailed and awareness must be raised about it. Frequent appraisals of the maintenance of academic standard must be taken up, and further steps should be guided by this appraisal. (Concluded)
Parent Speak
hildren going to school often complain about the excess baggage they have to carry daily to school. I think schools should implement the idea of lockers in schools so that children could keep some usual books and stationary or their art and craft material etc. in them safely. This would make life easier for them as well as the parents. Another facility that schools should take into serious consideration is providing bus facilities. Many of the schools, such as the HPS, which are great when it come to studies, do not provide transport. It's a challenge to send children to school, especially during the bandhs, which has become a frequent phenomenon in our city these days. There is less risk and it is more convenient if bus facilities are provided by schools during such crises or otherwise. AYESHA FATIMA PARENT
Hyper Local Suspended DySP to launch fast in Delhi for Telangana State KHAMMAM: Demanding that the Centre introduce the Telangana Bill in the forthcoming Winter Session of Parliament, the DSP Nalini, who was suspended by the State government, has made it clear that she will take up a fast unto death in New Delhi from December 9, if the Centre failed to announce a favourable statement on Telangana. Speaking to the media here on Friday on the occasion of her ‘Amaraveerula Spurthi Yatra’ which entered Khammam district, she urged all the political parties to wage a united fight under a single flag, to achieve Telangana. She said that it was time for the political leaders to take up the Telangana movement, as the people have fought for it all these days.
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
Dattatreya takes up MMTS cause
HYDERABAD: BJP senior leader and former Union minister of state for railways Bandaru Dattatreya on Friday wrote to the South Central Railway general manager Asthana urging him to get funds allocated by the railway ministry for executing MMTS Phase-II project in
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2011 Hyderabad, which was pending since 2002 resulting in cost escalation from Rs332 crore to Rs600 crore approximately. He also urged the SCR general manager to have a review meeting with Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy regarding release of State government
share (two-thirds) of funds and connecting city bus facility for the passengers from all MMTS stations. He also requested Asthana to increase the frequency of the MMTS trains along with the increase in bogies, especially for women, as they were facing problems due to congestion.
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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
SKS to write off loans in State Postnoon News
HYDERABAD: php=jáÅêçÑá=å~=J åÅÉ=iíÇI=ïÜáÅÜ=ïêçíÉ=çÑÑ=oëK=STU ÅêçêÉ= äç~åë= áå= ^åÇÜê~= mê~ÇÉëÜI ã~ó=~äëç=ÖáîÉ=ìé=íÜÉ=êÉã~áåáåÖ oëK=UOO=ÅêçêÉK=qÜáë=ïáää=ÄÉåÉÑáí=~ äçí= çÑ= ÜçìëÉÜçäÇë= ïÜáÅÜ= çÄí=J ~áåÉÇ= ãáÅêçÑáå~åÅÉK= qÜÉ= ÇÉÅáJ ëáçå= çÑ= íÜÉ= Åçãé~åó= ÅçãÉë= áå íÜÉ= äáÖÜí= çÑ= áíë= ~ííÉãéí= íç= ê~áëÉ ÑìåÇë=íÜêçìÖÜ=èì~äáÑáÉÇ=áåëíáíìJ íáçå~ä= éä~ÅÉãÉåíI= ÅçåëÉìèåÉí ìéçå=áíë=~ÅÅìãìä~íáåÖ=äçëëÉëK få= Ñ~ÅíI= íÜÉ= Åçãé~åó= áë= Üç=J éÉ=Ñìä= çÑ= ~= oëK= NMIMMMJÅêçêÉ ãáÅêç=Ñáå~åÅÉ=ÄìëáåÉëë=çìíëáÇÉ ^åÇÜê~=mê~ÇÉëÜK
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Around the World
Universally fresh
Encounter over sea for Obama and Wen
NUSA DUA: US President Barack Obama held previously unscheduled talks on Saturday with China’s Premier Wen Jiabao, after a week of sharp exchanges between the two nations. Obama and Wen met on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit on the Indonesian resort island of Bali, following public spats over currency, trade and a territorial dispute in the South China Sea. A White House official said there would be no public statements from the talks, which took place at Bali’s Grand Hyatt hotel. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Advisor Tom Donilon joined Obama for the talks, an AFP photographer present at the start of the meeting saw. The high-level encounter came after Obama escalated US
US President Barack Obama (and Thailand Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in Nusa Dua, Indonesia on Saturday AFP rhetoric towards China, saying that as the world’s second-biggest economy Beijing needs to start playing by international “rules of the road” in finance and trade. It was likely to address the concerns that have arisen as Washington rolls out a cam-
paign to assert itself as a Pacific power and provide a counterbalance to China’s growing diplomatic, economic and military might. Obama irked Beijing this week by announcing a deployment of 2,500 US Marines to
DC set for another siege WASHINGTON: As Occupy Wall Street struggles to get back on its feet in New York after police stormed its Manhattan encampment, its two Washington offshoots are poised for their moment at the vanguard.
A bipartisan but deeply divided “super committee” on Capitol Hill is under the gun to meet a Wednesday deadline to outline $1.2 trillion in public spending cuts over 10 years to rein in the galloping US deficit. For the occupiers of Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square, it is a perfect opportunity to drive home their core demands for greater social equality and less corporate influence over US politics, organizers said Friday. “There’s going to be a series of prot-
ests” around the report, said Kevin Zeese of Occupy Washington DC in windswept Freedom Plaza, where protesters living in 75-odd tents enjoy a postcard view of the Capitol down the avenue. “We see the supercommittee as a really great opportunity to highlight the disconnect between the government and the people, and what the people want and what the government is doing,” the seasoned activist from Maryland told AFP. A few blocks away, under the oak trees of McPherson Square in the K Street lobbying district, Matt Patterson of Occupy DC said: “We definitely are going to be doing some action ... to make sure that the outcome benefits everyone.” “Every lobbyist on K Street is working overtime here right now, trying to defend their turf” as the supercommittee finalizes its work, Patterson told AFP from behind an “Ask An Occupier” desk he set up to engage passers-by. Occupy DC popped up spontaneously on October 1, nearly a fortnight after Occupy Wall Street began, while its near-namesake grew out of an anti-war protest that started October 6 after several months of preparation. Unlike their counterparts in New York and elsewhere, however, both have largely avoided serious confrontations with the police, enabling them to deepen their respective roots and establish themselves as winter sets in.
Australia, which he billed as proof of America’s long-term commitment to defending its interests and allies in the region. The president’s support for a pan-Pacific trade deal also raised concerns in Beijing, as China is not included. And on Friday, Obama hailed the East Asia Summit as the top forum for settling the region’s maritime territorial disputes with China, contradicting Beijing’s desire to see such rows negotiated bilaterally. Beijing sees the initiatives as intruding into its own sphere of influence, and Wen warned again Friday against interference by “external forces” in the wrangle. China claims all of the South China Sea, as does Taiwan, while four Southeast Asian countries declare ownership of parts of it.
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Cambodia set for historic trial PHNOM PENH: The longawaited trial of top Khmer Rouge leaders accused of genocide and other atrocities finally gets under way in Cambodia on Monday, but one of the four accused will be notably absent. More than three decades after the country’s “Killing Fields” era, a UN-backed war crimes court is set to hear opening statements in the case against “Brother Number Two” Nuon Chea, ex-head of state Khieu Samphan and former foreign minister Ieng Sary. Led by “Brother Number One” Pol Pot, who died in 1998, the communist Khmer Rouge wiped out nearly a quarter of the Cambodian population through starvation, overwork and executions in a bid to create an agrarian utopia. And, next week’s proceedings are considered a major event in the still-traumatised nation’s quest for justice. Hundreds of Cambodians will travel to see the defendants in the dock, and events will be broadcast on television.
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Global Perspective
Libya’s ex-rebels for say in govt Imed Lamloum
TRIPOLI: Former rebel fighters in Libya are raising the stakes by demanding a role in the interim government which is currently being formed, amid rising tensions over the naming of an army chief of staff. Abdelhakim Belhaj, the former jihadist who heads the military council in the Libyan capital, said on Thursday that a deal had been reached with the ruling National Transitional Council for civilian ex-rebels to sit in the new cabinet. The NTC has said a new government led by interim premier Abdel Rahim al-Kib is expected to be announced on Sunday. Kib has said the new government will be formed of technocrats, but pressures from Libya’s tribes and from the various armed factions make his promise a difficult one to keep. “We have reached an agreement that candidates from the thwar (civilian rebels) will receive certain very specific portfolios,” Belhaj said at a military parade, without elaborating. “We hope that these promises will be kept,” added the man Libyan media have spotlighted as a leading candi-
date for the defence portfolio. Belhaj, who led the antiMuammer Gaddafi Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, spent years in prison and has a small army at his disposal. He called for a “strong government with the collaboration of the thwar.” “It is dangerous to say that the work of the thwar is done” now that the Gaddafi regime has fallen, he added. “We must be aware of the danger of the next phase... We won the battle on the ground
and we are now ready to join the battle for the state, a civil and modern state.” Belhaj rival Abdullah Naker, who also heads several thousand fighters, on Thursday met regional commanders to denounce the nomination of Khalifa Haftar as chief of staff of the army, which has yet to be officially reconstituted. Gathering under the banner of “The Union of Thwar in Libya,” they demanded the postponement of a chief of staff
being nominated until after the interim government is formed. “We were not consulted about the nomination of a chief of staff. We are competent, but they did not give us the chance to put forward our own candidates” for the post, Naker said. Earlier on Thursday, some 150 officers and sub-officers in the eastern city of Al-Baida unanimously approved Haftar’s appointment and announced the army’s reactivation. Haftar, who comes from the ranks of Benghazi’s military academy and trained in the former Soviet Union, defected from the Gaddafi regime in the 1990s after the Libya-Chad conflict and went to the United States. He returned in March to join the military campaign to unseat Gaddafi. Naker, who hails from the Nafusa mountains in the west, also demanded a say in the new government for former rebels. “The thwar must have a role in the interim government,” he said late on Thursday, adding that what they wanted of the new government was “transparency and non-marginalisation of the thwar.” “The army chief of staff
must be a thwar who fought on the battlefield,” Naker added. As in other “Arab spring” nations, Islamists who were suppressed under the former regime now represent Libya’s best-organised and rising political force. On Thursday, the country’s Muslim Brotherhood met for its first public congress in nearly
We have reached an agreement that candidates from the thwar (civilian rebels) will receive certain very specific portfolios 25 years in the eastern city of Benghazi, where the rebellion against Gaddafi erupted. “This is an historic day for us and for the Libyan people,” its leader Suleiman Abdel Kader told AFP at the opening of the three-day congress. The Brotherhood supports the idea of a “civil” state but founded on Islamic values, Abdel Kader said. “This country belongs to all its people and everybody must participate in its construction.”
China bares its harassment agenda Sebastien Blanc
BEIJING: Chinese police are investigating Ai Weiwei on pornography charges, the artist said on Friday, in the latest move against the outspoken government critic following his detention and a massive tax bill. The latest accusations centre on old pictures posted online of the activist — who spent 81 days in secret police detention earlier this year and was later accused of evading taxes on a huge scale — posing with naked women.
I think this is my artwork. My artwork is about communication and expressing my social concern “Yesterday they took my assistant to the police station. They (police) clearly told him this is an investigation, now, they are doing on me, on
pornography,” Ai told AFP by telephone. Ai said authorities had accused him before of producing pornography, but he had not taken the charge seriously. “When they detained me, they said ‘this is pornography’, but I just laughed, I said, ‘do you know what is pornography’?” he said. “Nudity is not pornography.” The pictures show Ai and four women, all naked, sitting on chairs in the middle of a bare white room. “Netizens came to take photos with me, so we said, why don’t we take nudity photos, then everybody agreed so we did it and they were put on the Internet, and that’s it, we forget about it,” he said. “This is completely ridiculous — our nation today is so corrupt, with so much sex, but they think nudity photos on the Internet is pornography.” Police in Beijing refused to immediately comment on the investigation.
The latest development comes after Ai this week began the process of challenging a bill for 15 million yuan ($2.4 million) in alleged back taxes by paying an 8.45 million yuan guarantee to authorities. The money was raised from supporters who came from far and wide to help him raise cash, some even throwing banknotes folded into paper airplanes over the walls of his courtyard home.
Ai, who is most famous in China for his work on the “Bird’s Nest” Olympic stadium, said earlier this week that the generosity of the Chinese people had made him realise that he was “not alone” in his struggle. Ai — who has been banned from leaving Beijing since his release — denies the government’s charge that he evaded taxes for years, insisting it is a politically motivated attempt to silence his vocal rights activism.
The painter, sculptor, architect and activist has become a thorn in the side of China’s Communist authorities. He is known for tallying the number of children killed in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake — a hugely sensitive topic as many died in schools that were shoddily built and collapsed onto them, which many blamed on corruption. The value of his sculptures, photographs and installations has shot up since his detention in April catapulted him into the global spotlight, and last month the influential Art Review magazine named him the most powerful figure in the art world. Ai has said he currently has little time for his regular art work, but that he considers his fight against the government to be an extension of his artistic endeavours. “I think this is my artwork. My artwork is about communication and expressing my social concern,” he said.
Matters of saving and spending
Forever eying Rs2500-Cr sales D
eriving the cutting edge advantage, ‘Forever’ jewellery chain is on an expansion spree. The company, which is opening a showroom in Somajiguda on Sunday, is planning another on Road No. 36, jubilee Hills in a month. Managing Director of Forever Jai Begani told A. Saye Sekhar of Postnoon in an interview that his company was targeting Rs. 2,500 crore turnover this fiscal. How many manufacturing units Forever has and what are the expansion plans? Right now, we have five units in Goa, Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Kolkata. Now, the future strategy is that instead of putting up a factory, we are hiring exclusive vendors. As we get into retailing, it is not possible to set up factories. How many outlets does the company have so far? And any expansion plans? We have 146 outlets so far with the addition of our exclusive store at Somajiguda in the city this Sunday. We plan to open 40 more outlets in the next financial year with a capital expenditure of Rs. 800 crore. What is the sales the company is looking at in FY12 through B2B, B2C, direct marketing through own outlets and corporate gifting? Any plans to go public?
CBI raids Airtel, Vodafone offices NEW DELHI: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is carrying out searches at Vodafone office in Mumbai, Airtel office in Gurgaon and residences of a former Telecom Secretary and, Shyamal Ghosh and an ex-BSNL director, according to agency reports. These raids are in connection with the 2G spectrum allotment scam. The CBI charged Ghosh with conspiracy and criminal misconduct. The CBI registered fresh case regarding allocation of additional spectrum during late Pramod Mahajan's tenure as Telecom Minister in the NDA regime. In response to the raids, Bharti Airtel said that it would provide complete support to the apex probing agency in the investigation.
Jai Begani, MD, Forever The company is targeting a business turnover of Rs. 2,500 crore. While 40 per cent of the business is exports, 25 per cent will be retail. While we cannot specifically quantify the corporate gifting business, we are largely into it. Most corporates need more transparency in what they do and what they buy. Jewellery coins being very transparent mode of gifting and the most acceptable way of gifting, many companies are preferring that. The quality we give is the best. Many large corporates are our clients which include petroleum companies, Reliance group, Moser Baer, StanChart and many others. How do you see the highly fluctuating precious metal prices impacting the industry in gen-
eral and your company in particular – in value terms and percentage terms? One cannot see the market falling or rising in short term. There is an increase by 25-30 per cent in the last three to five years. We see the trend to continue. Gold is going to cost $ 2000 from $ 1,750. A lot of buying is done because of that hope. In fact, South is the biggest market. People of Tamil Nadu and Kerala buy the most. People have saving habit from the very beginning and they saved in gold which helped them now. The three States of the South account for the maximum buying. What is your take on the local designs and their patronage in different regions (like ornaments made in West Bengal to Gujarat to Bangalore)?
As much as 60 per cent of the designs in the showrooms are universal. The difference is the 40 per cent . For instance, designs with ruby and emerald are popular in Hyderabad. Delhi and Gujarat don’t buy them. People prefer for chakri jewellery (diamonds) and temple jewellery here, which is not big in Delhi and North. Fashion changes when the offering changes. Who are the B2B customers for Forever and what is the contribution of B2B to the topline of Forever? As we got into retailing, it is not right to name clients. It becomes a competition. We have more than 100 accounts. We take a chain of stores an account. It could be a chain of five or fifty stores. Do you still have the shop-inshop (NAVRAS) tie-up with Futures Group? Are you considering any more partnerships like this? Right now, our partnership is with Kishore Biyani’s Big Bazaar. We now have 47 stores and we want to expand it to another 10-12 stores. The focus is more on ‘Forever’ stores which are complete stores with complete offerings from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 1 crore. How do you think the latest entrants and local brands into this segment of business can
Strategy evolution essential Postnoon News
HYDERABAD: Planning is essential for the success of any enterprise. Strategy has to evolutionary and alive all the time, according to Bipin Pendyala, vice-president of Computer Associates (CA). Pendyala, in his key-note address at a seminar on ‘how to take your company to the next level’ organised by MasterClass here on Friday, said that A simple innovative idea could change the course of the company. He cited the success of Xerox, Microsoft and WalMart as examples. He wanted entrepreneurs to think of a few questions before devising the strategy. “Where are we, where we want to go, what can be aligned, what we want to get and by when we should get that?” “If you fail to plan then
essentially you are planning to fail," he observed. Managers, corporate executives, entrepreneurs of different companies and management students attended the programme.
Strategy execution cannot happen overnight. It is a slow process The event was divided in to two sessions. Ambrish Chheda, chairman and managing director, MasterClass Training & Consulting LLP, explained how to leverage the growth of economy and create successful businesses. Often, long strategic plans from consulting firms were confusing. There was a tremendous need to inculcate four-page strategy
planning for easy understanding and effective execution. Kulwinder Singh, CEO, Postnoon, said three key factors -- employees, product and customer – were important for the success of start-ups. He said publishing non-malicious and non-grudge content added value to Postnoon. He stressed creating strategies wasn’t enough, but companies needed to revisit their corporate strategies every fortnight to understand where they headed. Ramesh Loganathan, vicepresident and centre head of Progress Software, underscored the importance of creating value and identity for a product. He said: “Strategy execution cannot happen overnight. It is a slow process.” He said that the strategy had to be long term and modular so as to make the businesses profitable.
survive amid the cut-throat competition? We understand one thing that Indian customers look for value for money. We will provide quality product by keeping lesser margins and sell more. If there are big stores and very fancy decor, people get scared to get in. If people don’t talk in the customers’ language, the footfalls come down. We need to have a basic store and make the customer comfortable. You will be finding our store lie that and our products are better priced, more than anything else. Hyderabad has an exclusive gems and jewellery SEZ under the auspices of Gitanjali. Do you think you should be eying for such a facility anywhere in India? We have one in Kochi. We are part of a couple of SEZs actually. The second one is at Sachin in Gujarat. Jewellery for executing export orders are made there, exclusively. They are fully owned by us and the two SEZs together contribute 40 per cent to our top line. We hope to achieve Rs. 2,500 crore in the current fiscal from the Rs. 1,750 crore last year. The bottom line is only Rs. 45 crore, as most earnings are spent on security, marketing, brand building, real estate, and infrastructure. We provide employment to 850 directly and 3,000 indirectly.
INCAL meet on Dec. 6,7 in city Postnoon News
HYDERABAD: An investment of Rs 1.2 lakh crore is expected to flow into Aluminium industry by 2015, according to Aluminium Association of India (AAI). As of now, the production of aluminium is 18 lakh tonnes. The AAI is going to organise sixth International Conference and Exhibition on Aluminium on December 6 and 7 in the city, according to KSS Murthy, honorary general secretary of the association. “The expo aims at attracting investors to the Indian aluminium sector, foster innovation for sustainable development, promote technology and exchange of expertise, streamline the industry, and to create awareness about the potential of the sector,” Murthy said
Play Field
A critical look at games and players
Latif blasts Condon over delayed claims
Salman Butt
Butt, Aamer plea to be heard next week LONDON: Britain’s top judge will next Wednesday hear appeals by Pakistani cricketers Salman Butt and Mohammad Aamer against their sentences for spot-fixing, a judicial official said. Former Pakistan captain Butt, 27, was on November 3 sentenced to two and a half years in prison and fast bowler Aamer, 19, was sentenced to serve six months in a young offenders institute. Lord Chief Justice Igor Judge, the head of the English
judiciary, will hear their appeals, a spokesman for judiciary told AFP, adding: “It has been scheduled for next Wednesday.” In a scandal that rocked the world of cricket, Butt, Aamer and fast bowler Mohammad Asif, 28, were all jailed for their parts in fixing elements of the August 2010 Test match against England at Lord’s. Cricket agent Mazhar Majeed was also jailed. Asif and Butt were found
guilty charges of conspiracy to cheat at gambling and conspiracy to accept corrupt payments after a trial, while Aamer and Majeed admitted the charges. Under the current arrangements, the four will serve half their sentences before being released on licence. The fixing plot was uncovered by the News of the World, the Rupert Murdoch-owned British tabloid which was shut down over a phone-hacking scandal in July this year.
KARACHI: Former Pakistan captain Rashid Latif on Friday lashed out at a former ICC anticorruption chief for taking a decade to reveal that all top international teams were involved in fixing, not just Pakistan. Paul Condon, the founding head of the International Cricket Council’s anti-corruption unit, revealed this week that all of cricket’s leading countries were involved in the fixing of major matches. “In the late 1990s, Test and World Cup matches were being routinely fixed,” Condon said in an interview with the London Evening Standard. “There were a number of teams involved in fixing, and certainly more than the Indian subcontinent teams were involved.” Latif questioned why it took Condon so long to make that revelation. “I can’t understand why he took 10 long years to unearth the fact that all the teams, in one way or the other, were involved in fixing,” Latif told AFP. “The long silence actually suggests that Mr. Condon turned a blind eye to the menace.” This month, Pakistani players Salman Butt, Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Aamer were jailed for between six and 32 months for spot fixing during the August 2010 Lord’s Test against England. Latif blew the whistle on his team-mates for being involved in match-fixing during the
1994 tour of South Africa and Zimbabwe. He also gave evidence to a judicial inquiry on fixing between 1998-2000 that resulted in life bans for Salim Malik and Ata-Ur Rehman, and fines for six other top players. Latif acknowledged that fixing cannot be curbed totally but said “at least premier tournaments like the World Cup could be monitored”.
“It’s not rocket science only cricket knowledge with common sense that can destroy the efforts of maligning the sport.” Latif advised cricketers to galvanise anti-corruption efforts. “The ACSU (ICC’s anti-corruption unit) lacks the ability. They might be the best in their respective fields, but cricket is a different ball game. “I have said it before and will say it again that cricketers need to be included in the ACSU to make it effective.”
Calm before storm for Chopra at Johor Open JOHOR BAHRU: Daniel Chopra of Sweden fired a six-under-par 65 in the second round of the weather-hit Iskandar Johor Open on Friday, 18 years after his first professional victory in Malaysia. Chopra, a two-time PGA Tour winner, returned in the morning to complete four holes of his opening round before setting the clubhouse target of 13-underpar 129 at the $2 million event sanctioned by the Asian Tour and European Tour. An in-form Siddikur of Bangladesh fired a 67 to lead the Asian charge in tied second place with Sweden’s Christian Nilsson and Michael Jonzon on 134 at the scenic Horizon Hills Golf and Country Club.
Threats of lightning suspended play for two hours and 30 minutes before the second round was stopped due to darkness. A total of 70 players will return early Saturday to complete their rounds. Chopra, who grew up in India, rekindled his love for the country where he won his first professional title at the 1993 Johor Open. “My first ever professional win was here in Johor so I have fond memories here,” smiled Chopra, who earned his 2012 PGA Tour card through the Nationwide Tour this year. Chopra took advantage of the ideal scoring conditions early in the morning, turning in 33
before shooting four birdies in six holes highlighted by three straight birdies from the 13th hole. Siddikur, winner of the 2010 Brunei Open, birdied his opening two holes before making a huge 15-foot par save on the 15th. He added three more birdies against one bogey to trail the clubhouse leader by five shots. “I’m happy with my round because my hitting has really improved. I missed the cut last week and that was disappointing but I’m glad I’ve regained my form. I’m in good position, I think it sets me up nicely for the weekend,” said Siddikur, who returned to complete six holes in his opening round on Friday. Nilsson, who has five top-
10s on the European Tour this season, battled through fatigue to keep himself in contention of ending a twoyear title drought. “It was pretty tiring for the last few holes — it’s difficult enough just to play 18 in these hot conditions, let alone 25. But I had plenty of snacks in my bag, and luckily they kept my energy levels up, even though I was feeling pretty tired towards the end of my round,” said Nilsson, who shot 67. Overnight leader Joost Luiten of the Netherlands was nineunder through six holes while title holder Padraig Harrington of Ireland was two strokes back after nine holes.
Play Field Tevez won’t play for City again, says Mancini
A critical look at games and players
LONDON: Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini has reiterated his belief that troublesome Argentinian striker Carlos Tevez will not play for the club again. The 27-year-old flew to Argentina without the permission of the club last week, further straining already tense relations after the furore following claims he refused to go on as a substitute during a Champions League match with Bayern Munich. City found Tevez guilty of five breaches of contract for refusing to warm up in that match, which took place in September. Tevez was then suspended for two weeks and had a four-week fine halved after the intervention of the PFA (Professional Footballers Association). Asked Friday if Tevez could play for the club again, Mancini replied: “I don’t think so. “I know he is in Argentina. I don’t know what he is doing.”
Blatter sorry for racism remarks but won’t quit LONDON: FIFA president Sepp Blatter apologised Friday for his “unfortunate comments” on racism in the game but rejected calls to resign as head of world football’s governing body. “It hurts and I am still hurting because I couldn’t envisage such a reaction,” Blatter told the BBC in an interview, admitting he had used “unfortunate words” which he “deeply regretted.” “When you have done something which was not totally correct, I can only say I am sorry for all those people affected by my declarations.” But when asked about calls from a British minister and others that he should quit for his remarks suggesting that disputes on the pitch involving
racist abuse should be resolved by a handshake, he refused. “I cannot resign. Why should I?” he told the BBC. “When you are faced with a problem you have to face the problem. To leave would be totally unfair and not compatible with my fighting spirit, my character, my energy.” Blatter insisted however that he had a “zero tolerance” attitude towards racism in the game, and that any players found guilty of it on the pitch should be thrown out of the game. British Prime Minister David Cameron also called the comments “appalling” and sports minister Hugh Robertson and the head of England’s Professional Footballers’ Asso-
ciation, Gordon Taylor, said Blatter should quit. Blatter’s initial comments came after Liverpool’s Uruguayan striker Luis Suarez was charged by the English Football Association for allegedly racially abusing Manchester United’s French international defender Patrice Evra. England captain John Terry is also facing a police and FA investigation over allegations he hurled racist abuse at QPR defender Anton Ferdinand. Blatter’s remarks have sparked a storm in England, where he was already unpopular for the way in which he and FIFA dealt with the country’s failed bid to stage the 2018 World Cup. Players also criticised him,
with former England captain David Beckham adding to the condemnation on Thursday, although he stopped short of calling for Blatter to resign. “I think the comments were appalling. I think a lot of people have said that,” Beckham said at a press conference to preview his Los Angeles Galaxy’s clash with the Houston Dynamo on Sunday for the MLS Cup. “I don’t think the comments were very good for this game,” he added. Manchester United defender and former England captain Rio Ferdinand was one of the first players to criticise Blatter, eventually engaging in a war of words on Twitter with the FIFA chief.
Italy win World Cup, China to Olympics TOKYO: Italy defended their World Cup women’s volleyball title on Friday as Asian champions China also claimed their ticket to the London Olympics next year. The Italians whipped winless Kenya 25-6, 25-10, 25-17 for a 10-1 win-loss record but had to wait for the outcome of the last match between the United States and Japan. And the Americans crashed to the Japanese 29-27, 25-23, 25-18 for a 9-2 record, surrendering the title to Italy. The Chinese Athens Olympic gold medallists, who have won the World Cup three times before, rallied to a 25-18, 25-18, 25-21 victory over Germany for third place to join the United States and Italy in the Olympics. The Chinese collected 26 points ahead of Japan on 24 points and Brazil on 21 points.
We are going to improve further before the Olympics to cope with the top teams, says Chinese coach “Before the World Cup, we thought that we would not be able to finish among top three to qualify for the Olympics,” said Hui Ruoqi, who was the team’s joint best scorer with 11 points, the same as Xu Yunli. “Because our team are still young, we couldn’t win at the beginning of the year. But our progress to the World Cup was excellent. I’d like to thank those who have supported us.” Chinese captain Wei Qiuyue agreed that they had struggled a lot since the beginning of the year. “But we did our best in the World Cup. I think we grew up a lot
through this tournament. We are determined to do our best in the Olympic Games as well,” said Wei. Chinese coach Yu Juemin said it was an important match which they hope to build on going towards the London Games. “We had to fight against the pressure, because we were vying for the Olympics. We prepared very well for this match, so I had nothing to talk to my players during the match,” said Yu. “It was our best match in this tournament. We are going to improve further before the Olympics to cope with the top teams in the world,” added Yu. The top three teams in the final standings qualify for the Olympics. The winning teams received three points from 3-0 and 3-1 wins, two from a 3-2 win, while the losing team received one point from a 2-3 defeat.
Carolina del Pilar Costagrande of Italy spikes the ball over Kenyan players, Diana Khisa (C) and Esther Wangeshi (R) during the World Cup match in Tokyo AFP
Exploring complexities
Working out with a personal trainer has its share of benefits but how many of us can resist the temptation of not falling for the Greek gods pumping iron
How personal
Sana Mirza sana.m@postnoon
ersonal trainers boldly overstep each boundary. They motivate us to push ourselves, yell and demand an explanation for the high calorie meal we had the night before, and also have the full right to know how much we really weigh. Trainers intimidate us but at the same time make us feel good about ourselves and make us realise our personal dreams; to fit into our college jeans once again, to feel like a million bucks and to reignite that spark with your spouse. It’s a given that women, married or single, are more attracted to men who are not only good looking but fit as well. Two years ago, various rumours did the rounds that actress Liv Tyler was dating celeb trainer David Kirsch. Real Madrid’s star player, Cristiano Ronaldo was dating his female trainer he met at the gym. And of course, there is pop star Madonna who had her daughter Lourdes with her personal trainer. But how personal can you get with your ‘personal’ trainer? Psychotherapist Sujata Raman believes that a woman should have a happy married life and should know where she stands. “I wish I knew the reason why women find their gym trainers attractive,”chortles Sujata. “But, if
is your personal trainer?
you look at it from a wider perspective, not all women are attracted to their gym trainers. If they are satisfied with their husband, it’s not easy for them to fall in love with someone they are working out with,” she says. Women whose husbands are always away on business trips or spend long hours at work may need someone to talk to and since they spend so much time at the gym working out, they tend to emotionally and physically open up to their trainers. Since your personal trainer gives you the attention, care and show concern, vulnerable women may take it as a sign that the trainer may be interested. Dr Savita Date Menon, a psychologist says intimacy is a major factor. “Your personal trainer is someone who has seen you at your worst — your tub of lard, your love handles, and your thunder thighs, but your trainer accepts all of that and pushes you to exceed your own limitations. He makes sure that you reach your goal to fit into that perfect dress. If you are single or are nursing a recently broken heart, then there is no harm if you nurture those feelings of attraction towards your trainer.” Samia Sayeed, a QA analyst, who is single and loves hitting the gym every now and then says that working out with a good looking trainer inspires her to work out harder. “It is so healthy in the company of such positive people who motivate and inspire you to do the right thing. And if the trainer is good looking, then you get the extra motivation to show them that you aspire to be like them. The gym is a great way to meet new people, single or married,” she informs. In many ways there’s something about our relationships with our personal trainers. It’s not just the moral panic over obesity and fitness levels — it’s that personal trainers touch some deeper themes of our times; a touch of celebrity, the undivided personal attention, the promise of transformation and improvement and most of all, the allusion of intimacy without the responsibility.
Auto Show
From policies to new models in the market
ext year the successful Audi R8 LMS GT3 will be replaced with this, the R8 LMS Ultra, providing customers with a thoroughly upgraded car. The Ultra will feature an updated transmission, new exhaust system equipped with race catalytic converters, optimised cooling system with a larger engine oil cooler and transmission fluid cooler, better weight distribution, tweak-
ed chassis with Bilstein weight-reduced compression and rebound-adjustable gas dampers, optimised brake cooling at the front wheels, and revised aerodynamics for more downforce and better airflow. As part of aerodynamic changes for 2012, the wider front hood has been optionally provided with louvres, subject to permission by the homologation rules for the various racing series. The new rear
wing has been widened and now features larger end plates. The 5.2-litre unit delivers a power output of up to 419 kW (570 HP), depending on restrictor regulations. It is still based on the production engine produced at Audi’s plant in Györ, Hungary. Mileages of up to 20,000 kilometres were certainly typical in customer operations before and continue to be easily achieved.
2011 LA: 2013 Ford F Mustang, Boss 302 and Shelby GT500 hang out in LA
ord had a lot of anticipation building up for the new 2013 Mustang, with many of us thinking that it was going to be a completely new design. And although the new 2013 Ford Mustang was just fully revealed today at the 2011 Los Angeles Auto Show, the new 2013 Mustang looks to be more like mid-cycle refresh. Either way, the new Mustang looks better than ever. The changes are also more than just skin deep. The GT’s 5.0L gets slightly reworked to punch out 420hp, up from 412. Additionally, the optional automatic transmission is now equipped with Ford’s SelectShift, which allows drivers to shift their own gears. Along with the base 2013 Ford Mustang came some new special editions as well. The 2013
Ford Mustang also got a special Boss 302 package that pays homage to the original 1970 model Powered by the GT’s same 5.0L V8, the Boss 302 gets reworked to produce 444hp and 380 lb-ft of torque. To add to the package, the Boss 302 Mustang gets a unique yellow paint scheme with Boss 302 vinyl badges. Lastly, the new 2013 Shelby Mustang GT500 was also fully revealed today at the show. Weighing in at just 3,850lbs, the new Shelby Mustang GT500 gets a revised 5.8L supercharged V8, which is good for a whopping 650hp and 600 lb-ft of torque. No performance figures were released for the GT500, but we could expect it to post some serious numbers, further proving the car’s performance value per dollar.
Whacky World Not easy being Santa Burglary suspect stuck 10 hours in chimney
Fun and frolic in a flat world
A steely accomplishment Belarussian builds bison sculpture out of car parts
Proclaiming your sin
R ATLANTA: A person found in the chimney of an Atlanta-area home was not Santa Claus arriving early but a 17-year-old alleged burglar who got stuck as he tried to leave the house. The teen spent about 10 hours lodged inside the chimney on Tuesday before firefighters climbed on the roof and lowered ropes to rescue him. Police were alerted after a neighbour heard someone calling for help early in the afternoon, said Cpl Jake Smith, spokesman for the Gwinnett County Police Department. Ranaldo Montez Jack, 17, who was not injured, was arrested on one count of burglary and another of providing a false name to police. The owner of the house was not at home during the incident, authorities said. Edyn Rodriguez, told WSBTVthat he was standing in his driveway when he heard cries coming from across the street. “He said, ‘Help me! Help me!” Rodriguez said. “Man, never in my life! … I called 911.” The station reported that the home’s owner, Tsehainesh Kidane, came home from work during the rescue, saying that she had no idea someone was stuck in her chimney until a TV crew told her. WGCL-TV said the accused thief threw clothes on the ground and allegedly stole $500 out of her safe. “I was going to use it to pay my taxes,” said Kidane. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Jack told rescuers with the Gwinnett County Fire Department that he had been stuck in the chimney since about 3 a.m. Firefighters pulled him from the stack, and police brought him down a ladder and placed him under arrest on the ground.
oman Beybutyan, a young car enthusiast from the Grodno region of Belarus has built an impressive bison sculpture exclusively out of car parts. Using shock absorbers, springs, steering rods, clutches, chains and various parts from soviet era cars like UAZ, Moskvich and Lada, Roman and his father managed to create a life-size metal bison, in three months. Roman and his father got all the parts they needed from their neighbours’ garages and from the local scrapyard, and welded them together using a photo for reference. Although the young boy, whose family arrived to Belarus from Armenia, has never seen a real bison, he did a fine job recreating one from metal parts. Beybutyan, who now plans to start work on car part sculptures of a horse and foal, dreams of having his metal bison placed on display in his country’s Białowie a Forest, known as a sanctuary for the mighty European Bison. He is confident it would draw a large number of tourists to this natural paradise.
Batting for lemonade?
A bat sucks from lemon juice at the Troja Zoo in Prague on Thursday AFP
man wearing a t-shirt reading ‘I’m A Drunk’ crashed into a police car early on Thursday on Long Island and is being charged with driving while intoxicated, police said. Kevin Daly, of Coram, N.Y., was driving a 2000 Saturn on County Road 83 at about 1:45 a.m. when he hit the patrol car. The entire message on his tshirt reads ‘I’m Not An Alcoholic, I’m A Drunk. Alcoholics Go to Meetings.’ The officer, who is assigned to the Suffolk County Police Department’s alcohol fatality enforcement team, was treated for minor injuries. Coram, 22, was not hurt. He was ordered held on $10,000 bail at his arraignment and was issued several traffic summonses. He was represented by an attorney from Legal Aid.
Brave New World
From the world of science & research
Heart rate recovery predicts clinical decline in hypertension cases
Chromosome glitch tied to separation anxiety Tina Hesman Saey
eparation anxiety in some children may be due to extra doses of a particular gene. The gene, GTF2I, is located on human chromosome 7. People missing part of the chromosome that contains GTF2I have a condition called Williams syndrome and are generally extra social. On the other hand, people who have extra copies of that part of chromosome 7 may have social and other types of anxiety: About 26 per cent of children with an extra copy the region containing GTF2I have been diagnosed by a doctor as having separation anxiety, human geneticist Lucy Osborne of the University of Toronto said at a press conference early this week at the Society for Neuroscience’s annual meeting. Osborne and colleagues genetically engineered mice to have a duplicate copy or two of GTF2I, or to be missing one copy of the gene, then tested the effect
Finding joins other links between extra or missing genes and mental conditions of the gene dosage on separation anxiety with a squeak test. Weekold baby mice separated from their mothers send out ultrasonic distress calls. “It’s a ‘come get me’ signal,” Osborne said. Baby mice with a normal two copies of GTF2I squeaked an average of 192 times over four minutes when removed briefly from their nests. Mice with three or four copies squeaked nearly twice as much, indicating greater anxiety at being separated from their mothers. Mice missing one copy of the gene were a little bit less vocal. Previous studies have linked missing or duplicated genes to schizophrenia, autism and
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but this is the first study to show that some forms of anxiety may be linked to added or subtracted genes. The researchers don’t yet know how the gene leads to anxiety, but GTF2I regulates the activity of other genes and helps control levels of calcium, which brain cells use to communicate with each other. The mouse experiments make the observation of greater separation anxiety of children with extra copies of GTF2I much more believable than a mere association of a genetic change with a certain human disease, says Klaus Miczek of Tufts University in Boston, who was not involved in the work. Even though the researchers have shown that duplications of the gene may be involved in some cases of separation anxiety, the gene is probably not involved in all types of anxiety, Osborne said. And not every child with separation anxiety will have extra copies of GTF2I.
Plastic isn’t over yet Rachel Ehrenberg
tough new plastic that’s easily healed if scratched or damaged could find use in products prone to getting beat up, such as paints or parts for cars and sailboats. What’s more, it can be ground up and recycled into completely new products like plastic moulding for electronic devices or optical lenses. By adding some extra ingredients to traditional epoxy resins and a dash of a zinc compound to help move the chemistry along, researchers made a mate-
rial whose chemical bonds continually break and reform. At really high temperatures, the bonding switcheroo makes the material malleable, but the reactions are so sluggish at ordinary temperatures that the material’s shape is essentially fixed, resisting deformation, the researchers report in the journal Science.
“They developed a unique and very powerful approach that will have a great deal of applications,” says polymer chemist Christopher Bowman of the University of Colorado at Boulder. “It’s quite exciting.” Most plastics that are super durable — such as those used for kitchenware and some car parts — are moulded into shape and then ‘cured’, turning them into one giant cross-linked molecule. The molecules of softer plastics, typically aren’t held together with these strong bonds and can be melted and reshaped.
eart rate recovery at one minute after a six-minute walking distance (6MWD) test is highly predictive of clinical worsening and time to clinical worsening in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH), according to a new study. “Ours is the first study to show that heart rate recovery at one minute of rest (HRR1) following a 6MW test is a strong predictor of clinical worsening in IPAH patients,” said Omar A Minai, MD, staff physician in the Department of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic. “Predicting long-term prognosis in these patients usually requires analysis of several pieces of data in complicated risk scores. This easily measured, cost-free biomarker may ultimately advance patient care in view of its ability to accurately predict clinical worsening even in patients receiving treatment for pulmonary hypertension.” The findings were published online ahead of print publication in the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. The study enrolled 75 patients with a diagnosis of IPAH, confirmed by right heart catheterisation. Heart rate was recorded at the end of the 6MW test and then one minute after completing the test. Clinical worsening was defined as any of the end points of death, lung transplantation, hospitalization for worsening
PH, or escalation of PH therapy. The cutoff value for abnormal HRR at one minute following the 6MW test was identified as 16 beats. A greater reduction in heart rate after exercise indicates a better-conditioned heart.
This easily measured, cost-free biomarker may ultimately advance patient care “Patients with HRR1 <16 were significantly more likely to have clinical worsening events and also had significantly shorter time to clinical worsening (6.7 months versus 13 months) than those patients with HRR1 16,” according to Dr Minai. “The odds of clinical worsening were significantly greater among patients with HRR1 <16 at all time points during follow-up.” HRR1<16 was a better predictor of clinical worsening than 6MWD alone, and when added to 6MWD improved the ability of 6MWD to predict time to clinical worsening. “HRR1<16 was also associated with known predictors of poor prognosis in IPAH,” Dr Minai added. “Patients with HRR1<16 were more likely to need supplemental oxygen during the 6MW test, be in World Health Organisation functional class 4, and have more severe right ventricular dysfunction and pericardial effusion.”
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Holistic view of mind, body and soul
We did not change as we grew older; we just became more clearly ourselves. Lynn Hall
Opt for a milk substitute the nutritional way Ranjani Rajendra ranjani.r@postnoon.com
emember the ‘doodh hai good for every season, piyo doodh for healthy reason’ ad? The one where a bunch of people cutting across age groups danced joyfully, proclaiming the goodness of milk and its related products. It leaves little doubt about India’s love for all things milk. But for a country of people obsessed with milk and its various products, being lactose intolerant can really be limiting. Think about that wholesome glass of milk that you can’t have or that thick malai waali lassi or even the
butter laden dosas or parathas. As much as you love downing that glass of wholesome yummy milk, you simply cannot thanks to your lactose intolerance. Missing out on your favourite beverage apart you’re probably also missing out on some much needed nutrition. Milk as we all know is an excellent source of calcium, potassium, vitamins, thiamine, magnesium, saturated fats and proteins. In fact, for babies, the mother’s milk is considered to be a complete meal for the first six months at least. However, if a child is lactose intolerant then even the mother’s milk can cause the baby to react to it – probably
Tofu masala Ingredients 250 gms firm tofu cubed 3 tomatoes sliced 1 onion sliced 1 capsicum chopped 1 tsp cumin seeds 1 tsp ginger garlic paste 1 tsp coriander powder 1/2 tsp garam masala 2 to 3 green chillies (slit) 2 tsp red chilli powder Water 1 tsp turmeric powder 2 tsp oil Salt to taste
Method Heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds. Once they splutter, add onions and fry till they are golden brown. Add some ginger garlic paste and sauté. Now add the tomatoes and capsicum and fry. Add all the masalas and stir well. Allow the mix to cook on a low flame for a couple of minutes. Now add some water to make thick gravy and the tofu and stir well. Cover the pan and let it cook for a few more minutes or till the gravy is thick. Serve hot with rotis.
Moms need nutritious diet
Dr Suneetha Sapur
with a colic or diarrhoea. However, you can still catch up on your daily dose of nutrition with some effective milk substitutes. Lactose free milk and lactose free milk powders are an excellent option. Alternatively you could also try almond milk. Soya milk is also a great substitute. “It is available both in liquid and powdered form. Not only can it be easily digested it is also available in range of different flavours. Soya milk is a great source of god calories, high biological value proteins and vitamin B. However, it is not a very good source of calcium, which is why most of the varieties available in the market are fortified to calcium,” says Dr M Gayathri, a consultant nutritionist at Apollo Hospital. “Apart from drinking soy milk you can also try using it to make porridge, smoothies and tofu. In fact, instead of making paneer sabji, you can use tofu in a similar fashion. You can even fortify it by using vegetables like green peas and carrots to make a yummy yet wholesome meal,” says Dr Gayathri. Here are two recipes you can try for some fun soya milk dishes at home.
Soy milk strawberry smoothie
Ingredients 3 cups plain or vanilla soy milk 1 banana, peeled 1 cup frozen strawberries or raspberries 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract Sugar to taste Method Peel and cut banana into large chunks. Place in plastic freezer bag, seal, and freeze at least 5 to 6 hours or overnight. Place all ingredients in blender or food processor. Blend until smooth. To serve pour into a tall glass and top with freshly chopped strawberries.
What kind of a diet should be followed during pregnancy? Does a specific food group need more attention? During pregnancy the demand for a nutritious diet is high. Not eating a healthy diet during pregnancy can lead to low birth weight of the baby. Additional foods are required to improve pregnancy weight and birth weight of infants. So extra food is required to meet the needs of the foetus and the pregnant woman. The daily diet of a pregnant woman should contain an additional 350 calories, 0.5 gm of protein during first trimester, 6.9 gm during second trimester and 22.7 gm during the third trimester. Few micronutrients also play a very important role during pregnancy, like folic acid. These are especially important during the first three months of pregnancy. Folic acid is essential to reduce the risk of congenital malformations. Green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts and liver are good sources of folic acid. Calcium is also essential, both during pregnancy and lactation, for proper formation of bones and teeth of the offspring, for secretion of breast-milk rich in calcium. It is important to use iodised salt during pregnancy; iodine intake ensures proper mental health of the growing foetus and infant. Iron rich foods need to be taken care of, as most of the women suffer with iron deficiency anaemia, anemic during pregnancy can lead to various complications. Plant foods like legumes, green leafy vegetables and dried fruits contain iron. Iron is also obtained through meat, fish and poultry products. (The writer is the director Akkshaya Foundation and a consultant nutritionist at LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad)
From mundane to luxury look
Animal Print Top: Work a cool laid-back style in this ultra- soft top. Round neckline. Ruched, pleats and cuff detailing on sleeves. Animal motif on the front. Straight hemline. You could either wear it with wool mix shorts or jeans.
Plain Opaque tights: Invest in a few colour shades of these tights to quickly create different fashion looks! Pair with skirts, dresses and long tunics. A wardrobe essential this season.
SHADES OF BLUE AND GREY This winter season, look your best with wool mix shorts, style coats and knit snoods from PROMOD Leather lace-up boots: Raise your fashion credibility wearing these new-shape leather boots. With textile laces, eight metal eyelets and finished off with topstitching.These are worth a dekko definitely.
60’s style coat: Ease into the winter season with this ‘60s inspired piece. Flattering trapeze styling. Double breasted fastening. Twin patch pockets. Pintucks to bust and a satin lining.
Ribbed Knit Snood: How to beat the winter blues? Try a cool snood. Keep out the cold and add a touch of colour to your ensemble. Soft stretchy knit with a rolled hem.
Wool Mix shorts: Cut a chic and sexy figure in these gorgeous shorts. Uniformed inspired details. Fitted waistband. Button closure.Pleated details with two seamed hip pockets.
Nyko X-Box Kinect Zoom One of the things that is required of the Microsoft Kinect is that it requires some room between the user and the unit itself. We can honestly say that in the current living room space, the Kinect wouldn’t function at top capacity. Nyko, makers of some quality video game merchandise, have figured out the problem and created the Zoom. The Zoom is ideal for small rooms and confined spaces, and allows the user to play up to 40 per cent closer. Not only can it allow for a player for less space, but two people can play in space where once only one could before. No additional calibration or software is required; all you have to do is clip it on. The Zoom itself isn’t really technically complicated, as it is just a bunch of lenses. The set up is not too complex, and Nyko has once again given its users just what it needs at the right time, especially with those who live in dorms or small apartments. Kinect owners in small places, this could be what you are looking for!
Hercules Dualpix HD720p for Notebooks Aww, Hercules! Hercules! Yes, the company has given us this Dualpix HD 720p webcam for notebooks. So if you are an owner of a laptop that doesn’t have an integrated webcam, this might be your thing. According to the company site, this is the first 720p high definition (1280 x 800 pixels) webcam for the PC, and it comes with a wide-angle autofocus lens. It can shoot at up to 30 frames per second, with a photo resolution of 5 megapixels. The Dualpix is probably named for the two rotation axes that can work on the side or on top of the laptop’s screen. The image can be adjusted automatically just by twisting it ninety degrees. In addition to this feature, the Dualpix has a lot of software like Hercules Webcam Station Evolution for photo/video capture, for file conversion to iPod, PSP, or just YouTube.
Nyko’s Power Grip for 3DS In addition to trying out the Zoom for the Kinect, the Nyko company was also kind enough to supply yours truly with the Power Grip for Nintendo 3DS. All mobile devices have a need for power, which is why companies keep making external batteries for them. After all, everybody has a story about how the battery on their mobile device died at an important time. The Power Grip is for those who love the Nintendo 3DS, and it is designed to extend the battery by 300 per cent. One of the biggest problems with external batteries is that they tend to create too much volume on the mobile device itself. In the case of the Power Grip, it adds some ergonomics. Another advantage is that it clips easily to the back of the 3DS, with no need to remove the internal battery or the back cover. All that is required is to recharge through the standard 3DS AC Adapter. Perhaps you are looking for one of these cases for the 3DS for like a long road trip, cross country flight, or just want to play extended games at home.
ACCESSORIZE YOUR GADGETS Kensington PowerLift back-up battery It seems like there are a lot of external batteries that you can get for your iPod/iPhone, and mophie certainly has some good ones out. This one from Kensington, the PowerLift, is unique as it is a back-up battery, dock, as well as a stand. The 1200 mAh battery pack comes with an attached USB cord so it can be charged with anything with a USB port. The PowerLift has a kickstand that
allows for putting the iPhone or iPod as a display, perfect for watching videos or using FaceTime. Best of all, the PowerLift can fold up into a compact square that fits well in a jeans back pocket. It is good enough to add 20 hours of music, 5 hours of video, 3.5 hours of talk time, and 1.5 hours of FaceTime. All in all, the Kensington Powerlift is a very cool product for iPhone/iPod users, and I would recommend it, especially for those who forget to charge their iDevice Osama Salman salman.o@postnoon.com
Get ready for a crazy time Name : Shakal pe. Mat jaa Cast : Saurabh Shukhla, Raghubir Yadav, Aamna Sharif, Zakhir Hussain, Umang Jain and Chitrak Bandyopadhyay Director :Shubhashish Mukherjee
hen you have a theme of mistaken identities, it is bound to be a laugh riot. Four friends— Shubhashish Mukherjee, Pratik Katare, Harshal Parekh and Chitrak Bandhopadyay, are at the airport looking for the ideal plane to star in their documentary on terrorism. Unfortunately they choose to do it on a high alert day and that too at the Delhi Airport. The airport police catch hold of them while they are filming this American aircraft which is a terrorist target, for their documentary film. Aamna Shariff enters the picture, her behaviour with the four further heighten the senior inspector Raghuveer Yadav and ATS officer Saurabh Shukla’s suspicions. The rest of the movie revolves around how the guys get to prove their innocence and also, how police comes to the rescue of passengers by curbing the terrorist attack.
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
The bold, naughty heroine creating a lot of waves S he gulps down desi tharra, smokes pot, mouths expletives, talks naughty, exposes like never before and doesn’t mind some sultry moves — that’s the new age, raunchy, naughty and bold Hindi film heroine for you. From the Chhor do anchal zamana kya kahega coy woman to the I’m too sexy for you babe — the Bollywood heroine has come of age. Be it Nargis Fakhri’s desire to drink tharra and watch soft porn in Rockstar, Vidya Balan’s sensual and titillating looks in The Dirty Picture, Sonam Kapoor’s confident display of
the middle finger in Players, Katrina Kaif’s drunken act in Mere Brother Ki Dulhan or even Rani Mukerji’s uninhibited mouthing of expletives in No One Killed Jessica the bold drift is wide and visible on the big screen.
Just like a sharptongued girl causes a crowd on the streets, films with such female characters draw a huge crowd “Basically, cinema reflects what happens in society. So the homemaker, subservient, silent sufferer and pativrata woman of yesterday, was what was shown in Hindi movies earlier. But as times changed and society became more democratic and liberal, the woman’s portrayal underwent a change on the big screen too,” film critic Omar Qureshi says. “Today, women live with the ‘double income, no kids’ mantra, they go to work, some don’t mind living life alone, some don’t mind extramarital affairs...they socialise, party, drink and smoke...so that is clearly reflecting in cinema as well,” added Qureshi. Some other films with actresses in bold roles include Delhi Belly, Ishqiya, Shaitan, Tanu
Weds Manu, Jism, Saat Khoon Maaf, Dum Maro Dum and Girlfriend. In some, girls were shown consuming drugs and locking lips with the same sex. Young producer Ekta Kapoor has pinned her hopes on The Dirty Picture, in which a saucy Vidya is seen telling costar Tusshar Kapoor: Mujhe jo chahiye uska mazza raat ko hee aata hai. But she feels yesteryear films were more titillating. “Earlier, actresses used to play so-called sati savitris and used to be covered in wet dupattas or saris. I think that used to look more suggestive and raunchy,” she added. When acclaimed filmmaker Rajkumar Gupta made romantic Rani mouth cuss words and smoke in No One Killed Jessica, he had explained, “The abuses have been used to define attitude and not in a derogatory sense. These days abuses are a part and parcel of conversational language and we didn’t feel that there was any harm in using them.” The trend is only becoming rampant for many reasons viewer’s open-mindedness, directors’ daring attitude to show a realistic portrayal, actress’ confidence and producers’ risk-taking ability. “The sexy and bold woman was restricted only to the vamp in Indian films earlier. She would do the seducing act back then because a heroine was to
be shown doing all ‘ideal’ things. At that time, producers didn’t want to take a chance by showing a heroine doing ‘bad’ things and plus. Nowadays the audience is also more exposed — so they have a wider perspective about women and their sexuality,” said Qureshi. Writer-actor Manu Rishi, who penned dialogues for films like Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye and Aisha, says stories of the ‘bad and naughty one’ always turn out to be attention-grabbers. “Just like a sharp-tongued girl causes a crowd on the streets, films with such female characters draw a huge crowd.”
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
Anil inspired by Isaque Bagwan
ctor Anil Kapoor, who will play super-cop Isaque Bagwan in Sanjay Gupta’s Shootout At Wadala, is determined to extend the number of hours in the gym after meeting the encounter specialist earlier this week. Anil, 51, met Bagwan in Mumbai on Tuesday morning, and ever since then, he wants to work towards a leaner look. “The meeting happened at Anil’s residence at around noon. Anil kept surveying Isaque from close quarters. He kept asking questions, staring and just observing and absorbing. At the end of the meeting Anil turned to his director Sanjay Gupta and said he needed to work on his body and physical energy,” said
Sonakshi comfy with Indian look
a source. Anil will now spend an average of three-and-a-half hours in the gym each day. He not only wants to build his physique and stamina to portray Bagwan, he also wants to heighten his rage level. Gupta is amazed at Anil’s dedication. “That man is absolutely amazing. I’ve never seen a more passionate and clued-in actor. And it shows in his attitude and on his face. Isaque who is now a close friend came home to me to invite me for his son’s wedding. We both drove down to Anil’s place. The meeting was very revealing. I’ve come back with even more respect for Anil,” he said. “After meeting Isaque, Anil has decided to workout even more. He says he has to compete with John Abraham in physique and agility when they stand together in the same frame. He will get into better shape, if that’s IANS possible,” added Gupta.
I share a special equation with Akshay, says John
ctor John Abraham, who has teamed up with Akshay Kumar after six years for Desi Boyz, says they share a special equation offscreen and the film is an extension of their
onakshi Sinha shot to fame with her rustic village belle look in Dabangg, and the actress is still in love with her desi avatar. She says she wouldn’t mind playing a simpleton again. “Why not? You know, I am an Indian, I am a Hindi film heroine, and I am getting roles. There is no dearth of work and all the roles coming my way have been Indian. I am definitely open to doing western roles but if people see me fit enough to play that Indian heroine, I am absolutely okay with that,” Sonakshi said during the launch of her film Lootera. Sonakshi, who plays the role of a traditional Bengali woman in Lootera, has a lot of meaty projects in hand like Rowdy Rathore IANS and Joker.
brotherly love. “The film does bring our ‘bromance’ onscreen. Akshay and I share a very special equation and the film is an extension of our offscreen and onscreen bonding,” said John, who was here Thursday to promote his film. Desi Boyz is directed by Rohit Dhawan, son of popular filmmaker David Dhawan. But the director’s style is different from his dad, says Akshay. “The way Rohit has made this film is very different from the kind of comedy films we have seen. His take is exactly opposite from that of his father’s works. Rohit is a happy-go-lucky person and very honest with his work, and his way of dealing with comedy is very subtle,” said Akshay. The film is about two friends who become a victim of recession, how their friendship sours and how they end up being employed as pole dancers. IANS
@NeilNMukesh BEHAVIOUR is a mirror in which everyone DISPLAY’s ones own image
@iamsrk On way to dusseldorf...one day in london..kids were so good in the play...am proud of my 2 kids production...and so easy on stage...
@SrBachchan T 564 - Many morphed pictures of the ‘little one’ and with her and her Mother in hospital doing the rounds on the net .. all fake .. !!
@konkonas Guys don’t forget to watch the fabulous #tarasharmashow airs Sat 630pm Imagine & 9pm Pogo!
@rampalarjun All our kids rocked wow feeling proud. Now treat time.
@akshaykumar What a wonderful crowd in Bangalore and Ramesh Dembla, superb ramp show! Thank You :) A slightly late but heartfel... say.ly/AmE10QF
@kjohar25 Am thrilled to bits and excited about one of my closest friends upcoming wedding!!! @Riteishd is a truly special guy and he and
@sonakshisinha Mickey Mouse’s birthday today! Wishing him, Mini style ;) twitpic.com/7fr0dl
Magic Screen
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
Penelope Cruz enjoying motherhood
ctress Penelope Cruz, who gave birth to son Leo 11 months ago, is enjoying her motherhood and considers herself “the happiest ever”, says her director friend Pedro Almodovar. “She’s the most happy. Better than always! She’s with a man who she loves. She’s a really avocational mother. In all my movies she plays a mother. She always said, ‘I want to be a mother’,” a website quoted IANS Almodovar as saying.
Paris Hilton
visits orphans in Bali
ocialite Paris Hilton took time out from her week-long vacation in Indonesia to visit two orphanages in Bali. The 30-yearold posted a photo of herself with the kids on micro-blogging site Twitter and revealed the visit had been a wonderful experience, reports a website. “Had a great day spending time with the orphans from 2 of the orphanages in #Bali. Such sweet, beautiful children. Loved seeing them smile ... The orphans in #Bali are so adorable. Loved being with them today ... A pic from today w/ the orphans in #Bali. They are such sweet children. Love them! (sic),” Hilton posted. She also posted a link of the website of nonprofit organisation, Yayasan Kasih Peduli Anak, which provides housing and education for street kids in Bali, urging her followers to make a donation. “The orphans of #Bali need your help. Make a difference. Change a child’s life. Please donate (sic),” she further posted. IANS
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
Return of Happy Feet Happy Feet 2 is forgettable in almost every way except for the technical brilliance and 3D effects, which transport you right into the heart of Antarctica
t's hard to remember a time in which we last saw Hollywood try to cash in on previous hits than it has this year. The number of sequels we have had this year alone is astounding. Over the course of 2011, we had sequels to all kinds of blockbuster series such as X Men, Transformers, Pirates of the Carribean, Harry Potter, Kung Fu Panda, release and have more, including Twilight, Sherlock Holmes and Mission Impossible coming up. While some of these became runaway hits, most were duds. Happy Feet 2 falls perilously close to the latter. The original Happy Feet
ends with the establishment a world of Emperor Penguins that speak with their feet. Happy Feet 2 takes it cue from there. All penguins can dance except for the young Erik (Ava Acres), son of Mumble (Elijah Wood) and Gloria (Pink). Feeling like a misfit, Arek runs away with the womanizing Ramon (Robin Williams) to the colony of another breed of penguins. Their leader Sven (Hank Azaria) takes him in and teaches him about life. The plot revolves around how dangers threaten the penguin nation and how penguins cope with them by working and dancing together. The movie is not compara-
Movie Cast
: Happy Feet 2 : Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Hank Azaria, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon Director : George Miller Rating:
ble to its Oscar-winning predecessor Happy Feet (2006) in anyway but for the stunning visual effects which are simply gorgeous. The plot, however, is muddled at best and a drag for most part. But having said that it has its moments. The music is truly tap-worthy. The highlight of the movie for us, however, was the comic relief provided by best friends duo, Will (Brad Pitt) and Bill (Matt Damon) who have a krillion wisecracks to offer the adult audience. In an all, if you have another movie in your watch-list, give this one a miss. PADMINI C
A tale of politics and power
he Ides of March is an American political drama thriller film directed by George Clooney. The film is an adaptation of Willimonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2008 play Farragut North. It is an intense tale of sex, ambition, loyalty, betrayal and revenge. The film follows a young press spokesman who falls Movie
: The Ides of March Cast : Ryan Gosling, George Clooney and Philip Seymour Hoffman Director : George Clooney
prey to back-room politics, the treacherous manipulations of veteran operatives and seduction by a young intern. George Clooney plays Governor Morris, a candidate running in the presidential primary race for the Democratic Party ticket. Ryan Gosling plays his press spokesman, Philip Seymour Hoffman plays his campaign manager, Paul Giamatti plays a rival campaign manager, Marisa Tomei plays a reporter for the New York Times, Evan Rachel Wood plays an intern for the Morris campaign, Jeffrey Wright plays a key senator, and Max Minghella plays Ben Harper, a campaign worker for Morris.
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
Journey’s audio launched
@actressanjjanaa Out hea @ d singapore airport shooting,long day ahead,lovin suhasini mams company,she is full of lif http://t.co/WoWRZQa3
@sneha_ullal Happy Feet 2..is amazingly cute..well done makers
he audio of M Saravanan’s Journey was launched on November 17 in Hyderabad. The film is the dubbed version of a recent Tamil film titled Engeyum Eppodhum which had Jai, Sharwanand, Anjali and Ananya in lead roles. A Murugadoss and Fox Star Studios had produced the
Tamil version and Suresh Kondeti is producing the Telugu version under the SK Pictures banner. Murugadoss, Allari Naresh, Anjali, Nani, Sharwanand, Rana, Navdeep, Gopichand Malineni and some other stars were present at the audio. The film is expected to be released soon.
@RGVzoomin I just so wish women appear in the night and disappear in the morning..poori jagan
is on cloud nine E Pawan Kalyan to meet IITJEE Topper
awan Kalyan is finally going to meet IIT-JEE topper Prudhvi Teja at the audio launch of his latest film Panjaa. Few months ago, Prudhvi stated in an interview that he’s a big fan of Pawan Kalyan and would love to meet him someday. Although someone from Pawan Kalyan’s office tried to contact Prudhvi Teja, a meeting couldn’t be arranged. Finally, the producers of Panjaa took the initiative to reach Prudhvi and they have reportedly invited him for the audio launch which will be held today in Gachibowli Indoor Stadium. Sarah Jane Dias and Anjali Lavania are playing lead roles in the film. Vishnu Vardhan has directed the film. Shobu, Neelima, Nagesh and Prasad have produced the film. Panjaa is expected to hit the screens on December 9.
ver since Sri Rama Rajyam released, Nayanthara seems to be on cloud nine and it’s not without a reason. Her performance as Sita in the film is being universally appreciated by critics and audiences alike. The actress who celebrated her birthday yesterday (November 18) told the media that Sri Rama Rajyam was her best birthday gift. Her friends and well-wishers in the industry have been calling her up right after watching the film and appreciating her performance. Reacting to the comments, she said,”Sri Rama Rajyam is like a God given gift for me, something I will live to tell my grandchildren about, if I have any.”
@shraddhadas43 Had my fav food! Punjabi style grilled fish! After a long time,actually havin proper dinner!
@geneliad @Actor_Siddharth awww sid,, family 4ever, thank u soo much
@shrutihaasan having a super fun night with my bestie @ShashaModi ! Girls night!!woohoo :) xoxo
@themohanbabu In Detroit. Fund raiser tonight.
@ramsayz #Kandireega 100 days ..thank u all for your love,support and patience..hope to keep you all entertained.. #EP coming up ;)
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
Cliched love story Veedu Theda tastes like a familiar cocktail sold under a different brand name
ne of the problems with love stories is that there seems to be a severe dearth of ideas. Not only are the problems which lovers remain the same but also there’s absolutely no difference in the way these problems are solved. Nikhil stars as Kathi Seenu, a happy-go-lucky guy who does what he wants. One day he goes to Bhimavaram for a wedding and falls in love with Meghana (Pooja). When he comes to know that Meghana doesn’t believe in the concept of love, he’s dejected and when he’s about to bid goodbye to her she’s abducted by some goons. What’s the reason behind this and how does Seenu solve the issue forms the rest of the story. Nikhil is at ease with his role and for a change he doesn’t try to be Ravi Teja although the film’s plot more or Movie Cast
: Veedu Theda : Nikhil, Pooja, Sayaji Shinde, Suman, Ali, MS Narayana Director : B Chinni Krishna Rating:
Movie Cast
: Sri Rama Rajyam : Balakrishna, Nayanthara, Akkineni Nageshwara Rao, Srikanth Director : Bapu Rating:
A splendid effort It’s grand, visually splendid and performances subtle enough to appreciate the effort that must have gone into making a mythological film like this
t’s been more than a decade since we have seen anything like Sri Rama Rajyam. The film opens with the return of Rama and Sita to Ayodhya after killing Ravana. After Rama’s coronation, he rules his kingdom with a golden heart and decides to uphold his duties towards his citizens above all other duties. The story revolves around the emotional conflict which Rama and Sita go through due to a sudden twist in their lives. Sri Rama Rajyam is one of those rare films where you cannot question the story and conflict between the characters. Kudos to Bapu for making a film like this. Balakrishna, Nayanthara and ANR render good perfor-
mances in their respective roles. Most part of the story revolves around Sita and her longing for Rama. Nayanthara’s performance as Sita deserves an applause and considering the roles she has done till date, this would easily be rated as one of her best. The kids who played Luva and Kusha take you by surprise with their ease in emoting. The other supporting actors in the film are good too. If there’s one person apart from Bapu whose presence you can feel in almost every scene then it has to be Ilayaraja. All the songs in the film reflect the mood of the story and the background score is terrific. Cinematographer Raju has done a fine job in capturing the emotions of the
less resembles Ravi Teja’s Krishna. Newcomer Pooja is passable in her role which is badly written. However, it’s the comedians and side actors like Sayaji Shinde, Suman, Ali, MS Narayana, Raghu Babu, Fish Venkat who save the day. In fact, MS Narayana’s cameo in the latter half brightens up the proceedings. It’s a pity that Brahmanandam’s cameo doesn’t really add value to the story. The biggest problem with the film is its script. There’s nothing distinct about the film and B Chinni Krishna, the director of the film, doesn’t even attempt to have a mark of his own. Instead, he chooses to walk down a safe path and ends up making a cliched film. If not for the cameos of MS Narayana and Raghu Babu, the film would have been a massive bore. However, the screenplay is fine tuned pretty well. For someone who knew what he was doing, it wouldn’t have hurt to try something which hasn’t been done before. Veedu Theda is a cliched film but if you don’t mind killing couple of hours of your time, maybe it’s a safe bet.
characters and the magnificent sets designed by Ravinder; however, there are several instances where the visual effects don’t sync well with the surroundings. Since the film tries to encapsulate a long story within three hours, the proceedings look rushed and unless you know the original story and understand the emotional conflict, it’s hard to grasp all that through this film. At a runtime of close to three hours, Sri Rama Rajyam is long and tries its best to rekindle the memories of yesteryears classics. For a generation which couldn’t experience the magnificence of NTR as Lord Rama on silver screen, maybe this is the best bet. HEMANTH KUMAR
Chai Time 1230 Movie 1600 Movie 1900 Panjaa Audio Launch Live 2300 Teleshopping 0800 Ayurvedam 0900 Comedy Show 0930 Special Program 1000 Movie
‘Comedy Show’ at 0900 Hrs on MAA TV
1200 Movie - Bindaas 1530 Movie - Neninthe 1800 Movie - Gaganam 2130 Film Fare Awards 0800 Vendithera 0830 Golden Hits 0900 Vivaha Bhandam 0930 Praja Vedika 1000 Movie - Evadi Gola Vadidhi
‘Gaganam’ at 1800 Hrs on GEMINI TV
1400 [V] Humse Hai Life 1430 [V] Steal Ur Girlfriend 1530 [V] Trailers 1600 [V] Zabardast Hits 1700 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1800 [V] Steal Ur Girlfriend 1900 [V] Humse Hai Life 1930 [V] Axe Ur Ex 2000 NGC Extreme Trail 2100 [V] Spot 2130 [V] Trailers 2155 [V] Fresh Songs 2200 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 2300 [V] Steal Ur Girlfriend 2355 [V] Fresh Songs 0700 [V] Trailers 0730 [V] Zabardast Hits 0800 [V] Mind Blasting Mornings 1100 [V] Fresh Songs 1200 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance
‘[V] Humse Hai Life’ at 1900 Hrs on CHANNEL [V]
Telly sitcoms, news and movie listings
1400 Abhishekam 1430 Aadade Aadharam 1500 Antahpuram 1530 Aakasa Ganga 1600 Prema Mandiram 1630 Jagadeeswari 1700 Ali 369 1800 Mahaveera Karna 1900 Kumkuma Rekha 1930 Manasu Mamata 2000 Chandra Mukhi 2030 Bharyamani 2100 Etv News 2130 Genes 2230 Movie - Bangaru Bhoomi 0800 Movie Mirchi 0830 Pelli Sandadi 0900 Panchatantram 1030 Atm 1100 Talk Time 1200 Abhiruchi
1300 Movie - Ashta Chamma 1630 Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Little Champs 2010 1800 Teenmar Just Mass Dance 1900 Movie - Mirapakaya 2230 Movie - Raana 0800 Shubhamastu - Live 0900 Movie - Surya S/o Krishnan
‘Mirapakaya’ at 1900 Hrs on ZEE TELUGU
‘Et Insight’ at 2030 Hrs only on ET NOW 1400 Business Saturday 1430 Brand Equity 1500 The Market Makers 1530 Zigwheels 1600 Brand Equity Special 1630 Starting Up 1700 Business Saturday 1730 Google Enterprise Roadshow 1800 Currency Camp 1830 Leaders Of Tomorrow 1900 Business Saturday 1930 Bollywood This Week 2000 Technoholik 2030 Et Insight 2100 The Market Makers 2130 Talking Technicals 2200 Bollywood This Week 2230 Starting Up 2300 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 2330 Your Trades 0900 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 1000 Starting Up
1300 Movie - Baseketball 1500 Big Wheels 1530 Aspire 1600 Bellator 1700 Survivor 1800 The Defenders 1900 Galileo Extreme 2000 Movie - Baseketball 2200 Big Wheels 2230 The Defenders 2330 Survivor 0900 Bellator 1000 The Defenders
‘Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’ at 1800 Hrs on SAB TV
‘Baseketball’ at 2000 Hrs only on BIG CBS PRIME
1400 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 1430 Lapataganj 1700 Gutur Gu 1800 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 2030 Gutur Gu 2100 Sab Ka Evening 2230 Office Office 2300 Yes Boss 2330 Shree Sifarishlal
1400 The X Factor 1500 Ghost Hunters 1600 Wipeout 1700 Got To Dance 2000 India's Minute To Win It 2100 Spring Wipeout 2200 Movie - Alive 0700 Infomercial/30 Min 0725 Sky Teleshopping 0825 Infomercial/30 Min 0900 Sky Teleshopping 0930 Spring Wipeout 1020 CSI - Miami 1110 India's Minute To Win It 1200 Wipeout 1300 Got To Dance
‘Alive’ at 2200 Hrs on AXN
1230 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1500 Movie - Robot 1900 CID 2000 Adaalat 2100 Comedy Circus Ka Naya Daur 2200 CID 2300 Crime Patrol - Dastak 2330 Prayaschit 0730 WWS Sky Shop 0830 Babosa Mere Bhagwan 0900 Comedy Circus Ka Naya Daur 1200 Movie - Mere Brother Ki Dulhan
1300 TBA 1600 TBA 1800 TBA 2000 Badmash Company - Ek Shararat Hone Ko Hai 2200 Bigg Boss - Aapka Farman 0700 Veer Shivaji 0730 Home Shop 18 1030 Bournvita Quiz Contest 1200 Mallika-E-Kitchen 1230 Badmash Company - Ek Shararat Hone Ko Hai 1300 Movie
‘Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na’ at 1530 Hrs on IMAGINE 1230 Movie - Baghban 1530 Movie - Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na 1830 The Tara Sharma Show 1900 Chandragupt Maurya 2000 Mahima Shani Dev Ki 2100 Chandragupt Maurya 2200 Gajab Desh Ki Ajab Kahaaniyaan 0800 Prannath Ji Maharaj 0900 Dwarkadheesh Bhagwan Shri Krishn 1000 Ramayan 1030 Chandragupt Maurya 1230 Movie - Veer
‘Phir Hera Pheri’ at 1545 Hrs on ZEE TV
‘Badmash Company - Ek Shararat Hone Ko Hai’ at 2000 Hrs on COLORS
1330 Hitler Didi 1545 Movie - Phir Hera Pheri 1930 Shobha Somnath Ki 2030 Star Ya Rockstar 2200 Hitler Didi 0800 Joel Osteen 0900 Namaste Cinema 0930 Shobha Somnath Ki 1030 Jalsa - Music for Soul 1100 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1230 Movie - Om Shanti Om
‘Mere Brother Ki Dulhan’ at 1200 Hrs on SONY
‘Diya Aur Bati Hum’ at 2000 Hrs on STAR PLUS 1300 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1530 Diya Aur Bati Hum 1800 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 2000 Diya Aur Bati Hum 2100 Master Chef India 2200 Masterchef India Zaykebaazon Ka Safar 2230 Master Chef India 2330 Masterchef India Zaykebaazon Ka Safar 0700 Diya Aur Bati Hum 0800 Superstar Preview 0830 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 1000 Star Event - Rockstar Event 1100 Master Chef India
1335 The Phantom 1535 Romeo Must Die 1750 Troy 2100 The Matrix 2340 The Matrix Revolutions 0755 Friends 0825 Good Morning, Miami 0855 Friends 0920 Collateral Damage 1125 Cellular 1320 Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
1405 Orphan 1630 A Cinderella Story 1840 Monster - In - Law 2100 Sex And The City 2 2355 The Losers 0600 Greenberg 0805 The Losers 1010 Despicable Me 1215 Sex And The City 2
Star Ya Rockstar
Master Chef India 2
Storyline - Akshay and John had landed up to promote their upcoming film Desi Boyz, the Khiladi was clearly in the mood to have some fun!
Storyline - Catch Bhajji bowling over the zaikebaaz with his knowledge of food!
‘Star Ya Rockstar’ at 2030 Hrs on ZEE TV
1400 Cougar Town 1500 Scrubs 1600 Californication 1700 Better With You 1800 The Event 2000 Happy Endings 2100 Private Practice 2200 Californication 2300 Better With You 0800 Less Than Perfect 0900 My Wife And Kids 1000 America's Funniest Home Videos 20 1100 Parks And Recreation 1200 Happy Endings 1300 Slot 1330 Just For Laughs
‘Necessary Roughness’ at 2200 Hrs on STAR WORLD
‘Private Practice’ at 2100 Hrs on ZEE CAFE
‘Master Chef India 2’ at 2100 Hrs on STAR PLUS
1400 Necessary Roughness 1500 The Dewarists 1600 Masterchef Australia 1830 The Simpsons 1900 Breakout Kings 2000 Extreme Trail 2100 Terra Nova 2200 Necessary Roughness 2300 Dexter 0800 Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior 1000 Breakout Kings 1100 Friends 1200 The Big Bang Theory 1300 Home Improvement
‘Sex And The City 2’ at 2100 Hrs on HBO
1400 Man Vs Wild 1600 Dino World 1700 Discovery Showcase 1800 Wild Discovery 1900 Fight Quest 2000 Damage Control 2030 Everything You Need To Know 2100 Man Vs Wild 2200 Swamp Brothers 2230 Destroyed In Seconds 2300 Man Woman Wild 1000 Damage Control 1030 Everything You Need To Know 1100 Man Vs Wild 1200 Swamp Brothers 1230 Destroyed In Seconds 1300 Wild Discovery
‘Fight Quest’ at 1900 Hrs on DISCOVERY CHANNEL
1430 Discovery Science Classics 1530 Treasure Quest 1630 How It’s Made 1700 New Inventors 1730 Weaponology 1830 Best Of Discovery Science 1930 Weird Connections 2030 Discovery Science Presents 2230 Showdown - Air Combat 2330 The New Inventors 1030 Discovery Science Presents 1300 Best Of Discovery Science 1330 What's That About?
‘Fashion’ at 1400 Hrs on ZOOM 1400 Movie - Fashion 1730 My Top 20 1830 Letz Go! 1900 Planet Bollywood News 1930 Page 3 2000 Blenders Pride Fashion Tour 2011 2030 Letz Go! 2130 My Playlist 2230 Letz Go! 2300 Bollywood Bonanza 0700 Letz Go! 0800 Red Carpet 0805 20 - 20 Songs 0825 Letz Go! 1000 Link'D 1021 Letz Go! 1100 Zoom Box 1200 My Playlist 1300 Garma Garam
‘Weird Connections’ at 1930 Hrs on DISCOVERY SCIENCE
‘The Foodie’ at 1730 Hrs only on TIMES NOW 1400 News Now 1430 Total Recall 1500 News Now 1530 Amazing Indians 1600 News Now 1630 Times Now Sport Weekend 1700 News Now 1730 The Foodie 1800 News Now 1830 Times Drive 1900 News Now 1930 Enow Spice 2000 Total Recall 2100 9 Pm 2130 Total Recall 2200 News Now 2230 Amazing Indians 2300 News Now Overnight 2330 Times Now Sport Weekend 0700 News Now 0730 Times Now Sport Weekend 0800 Morning News 0830 Times Now Sport Weekend 0900 News Now 1030 Times Drive
How to Play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: “How do you play Kakuro?”, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two - it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.
Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa
QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Box office earnings 5 Musician’s engagements 9 Not the least bit fresh 14 Financial page acronym 15 Diva’s show-stopper 16 Take into one’s family 17 Handed-down knowledge 18 Drum specialty 19 In great shape, as muscles 20 Grant’s horse’s team? 23 Deuterium discoverer Harold 24 Easy as ___ 25 Babble 28 Custard dessert 30 Sawbones’ gp. 33 “Encore!” 34 One past twelve? 35 Penultimate word in a fairy tale 36 Lone ranger’s horse’s banner? 39 Shaving cream ingredient 40 Breakfast grains 41 Flight attendant’s beat 42 Cariou or Berman 43 “For ___!” (“Absolutely!”) 44 Glove’s cousin 45 Snoopy, in his daydreams 46 Composer Schifrin 47 John Tyler’s horse’s reign? 55 Joe Flacco, for one 56 Political campaign ammunition 57 Tennessee’s flower 58 Subject of media coverage 59 Blade runner 60 Piles up birthdays 61 Superman’s folks 62 Welfare state? 63 Deliverer of much political humor
DOWN 1 Bathroom sprinkle 2 “Mine,” in Marseilles 3 Distance letters 4 Corporate bigwig 5 “Maverick” star 6 Device of the wryly humorous 7 River to the Colorado 8 Ice melter 9 Drives home 10 Revere 11 Number of hits in a perfect game 12 Made a mockery of? 13 Some used Fords 21 Title role for Renee Zellweger 22 Bucky Beaver’s toothpaste 25 ___ decongestant 26 Quick like a cat
27 Branch grabber 28 “Twelfth Night” clown 29 “I’m game!” 30 Warning to landlubbers 31 First name in cosmetics 32 “As You Like It” forest 34 Old ruler 35 Opinion column 37 Where Joan of Arc perished 38 Carpenter’s need 43 Hounds’ leads 44 Sweet shoppe treat 45 Scully or Bond, e.g. 46 Generous, as portions 47 Long day’s journey
48 Fortunate fellow 49 Exactly divisible by two 50 Ancient garden spot 51 Go biking 52 Prompt 53 Banker’s protection 54 ExxonMobil brand PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER
Chai Time
Say not, ‘I have found the truth,’ but rather, ‘I have found a truth.’ – Kahlil Gibran
Chai Time Aries
elp from friends and relatives staying abroad likely. You will meet those who are victorious and befriend them. Family will be peaceful. But unwanted doubts will haunt you due to Rahu. Businessmen will earn profits. Partner who had left you earlier will come and join you on his own. Politicians are advised to avoid criticising others. Daughter will fulfill wishes of parents. Due to Jupiter in Janma rasi, disappointment likely in certain matters. Employees will get support from superiors, despite critisism.
Weekly look into your future
eld up jobs will resume and end successfully. Blood relatives will be of great help. Existing irritations and anger existed will disappear. Ancestral property will come by. Parent’s health will improve. Chances of back pain and joint pain; take care. Due to Rahu-Ketu, you may feel giddy and have ego clashes with wife. Avoid such situation by keeping cool. Yoga and meditation will be of great help. Sudden travel and expenses inevitable. Politicians will be in the forefront during public meetings and protests.
s Jupiter and Mars are favourable, you will achieve in many areas. Happy events to take place at home. Friendship with VIPs bring benefits. You will be respected most in functions that take place at home. Govt work will end fast and favourably. Court cases will end in your favour. Construction of new house to start for some. Differences with wife will be sorted out. Business will pick up speed; but be careful with staff, as chances of loss due to their wrong doings. House and vehicle will be repaired. Artistes will be recalled an organisation.
ue to Saturn you will be successful in all your new efforts. You will show your assertion and get the work done. Proper budgetting is a must as expenses are competing with income. Pregnant women need to be careful. Women will buy new dresses and silver items. Be careful as minor accidents may take place. Businessmen may face disappointment. They have to be more adjusting with staff to get work done. Employees may be blamed and there may be cold war with superiors. Artistes struggle for release of their projects.
ouples will be more affectionate. Delayed marriage talks will resume and end favourably. Children will be very co-operative. You will sharpen your administrative skills and get appreciation. As Mercury is favourable, your approach will bring success. As Saturn is not favourable, delays possible in taking certain decisions. Also chances of getting hurt in minor accidents. Businessmen’s profit likely to double. Employees will appreciate you for your kind gestures. Employees are to get new responsibilities.
nexpected fortune is on the cards. Father’s health will improve. Chances of buying own house of their choice for some. Some have bright chance to buy a vehicle. You might construct another floor in your house, keeping in view some additional income. Your talks will be shrewd and work wonders, as Sun is favourable. Portion of your debts will get cleared, bring you cheer. Politicians will be in limelight. Women will discuss and decide about their future plan with parents. Businessmen will try new techniques.
THIRUVAIKUMAR thiruvaikumar@yahoo.co.in 040-27177230 / 9177596118
Date 20-11-2011
ou will always want to march forward independently. As Mars is strong, you deal with issues perfectly and register success. Inflow of money is more than expected. Some will buy a new property by selling old property. Politicians are advised not to find fault with others. Parents will extend support to their daughter’s efforts. Daughter’s marriage will get settled. Son will get a new job. As Jupiter is strong, your stock is set to pile up. You will take active part in performing Kumbabishekam.
ou will get your share in ancestral property. As Jupiter is not favourable, unexpected blame and indirect humiliation possible. Due to Venus effect, your approach will be smooth, which will bring success. Those trying for a new job will be favoured with a good job. Avoid controversies with anyone. Politicians are advised not to take a different stand from others within the party. Businessmen will struggle hard to sell products. Avoid sharing any confidential matters with staff. Employees will face health challenges.
usinessmen will enter new, profitable areas with good quality products. You will change the staff and also take very important decisions, which will be beneficial. Even partners will support you – whole heartedly. You will be able to identify relatives who are really loyal to you. Expected help from wife’s side will come by. Employees will be overburdened with work and feel upset. But superiors support them and also extend help. Artistes will see a good income. Comforts will increase. Children will make you happy.
pposition will be under control as Sun is favourable. Couples need to maintain cordiality. Chances of misunderstanding with blood relatives. Avoid such a situation. Debt problems might haunt you. Some will get chance to go abroad. Paternal relatives will extend support. Help of highlevel politicians likely to bring relief. Due to Jupiter, you may feel inferior and chances of rift with mother. Businessmen to get to depth of problem before entering new venture.
omen may be faced with menses problems and abdominal pain. But soon they will recover, need not worry. Couples should adjust with each other to remain happy. Those who graduated recently will get a job. Govt sops will come by. Girls to respect parents’ advise and keep them happy. Politicians may be favoured with a good post. Businessmen will have steady profits. Customers are expected to increase. Marriage talks will end favourably. Friends will know your importance.
usinessmen will sell off their products by adopting new techniques. New and expected contracts will be signed. Employees will get closer to superiors. Artistes wil sign new contracts. Their performance will bring them good recognition. Politicians advised not to adopt factional politics. Long pending wishes of women get fulfilled. As Venus and Mercury are favourable, half done jobs will resume and get completed without hurdles. Unexpected fortune likely. Home loan will get sanctioned.
Chai Time Aries
Six of Cups
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post noon
Weekly look into your future
Eight of Wands
Two of Pentacles
Queen of Pentacles
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Date 20-11-2011
TAROT Libra Nine of Pentacles
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Scorpio Three of Cups
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The Sun
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Capricorn Queen of Cups
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Four of Swords
Eight of Pentacles
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Welcome Winter Monte Carlo Fashions Ltd opened its Exclusive Brand Outlet at the City Centre Mall in Banjara Hills on Friday. Known for warm clothes like knitwear, pullovers and jerseys, this is the first exclusive outlet of the company in Andhra Pradesh
Boggle Number game