Postnoon E-Paper for 22 November 2011

Page 1

Gerard Butler

Source of insect buzz around beer identified

looking for true love P26

Rupee bleeds, crosses ` 52.73 Vs $

The Indian rupee on Tuesday hit a record low against the dollar, as fears about eurozone debt and the global economy as well as falling local stock markets provoked further selling of the currency see on pg11 @ lunch West P28Indies

Iʼm a complete foodie: P22


80/0 P8

First compact afternoon newspaper of Hyderabad




Nigerians in large numbers swarmed the city in the garb of students and began drug peddling. Their nefarious activities spread to sex rackets and financial frauds



D Sree Charan


igeria. The very name intoxicates the youths of upmarket Hyderabad. Drugs of numerous kinds are finding their way into the nerves of the city. Nigerians are coming into the city in the garb of students and indulging in drug peddling, sex racket and varied other crimes. Earlier rich and affluent people were only aware of

weed (ganja), as it was readily available in the market at very cheap rates. But thanks to Africans who introduced several new narcotic drugs to Hyderabad an array of options opened up to choose from. Stephen Ravindra, deputy commissioner of police of west zone, along with his team, tried to flush out the illegal sale of ganja from the city. He stumbled upon some other narcotic substances being sold in the market. Until July

22, 2010, the team, which only managed to arrest those accused of supplying Ganja, caught a cocaine peddler for a second time. The Central Crime Station (CCS) of the city for the very first time arrested a drug peddler in April 2010 in Delhi. Since then, the city police busted 15 cocaine gangs, nabbed 27 peddlers, including 17 Africans and 22 Indians (customers/peddlers). Nigerians are not only


accused of supplying drugs but also involved in various organised crimes including prostitution, assaulting the police, credit card cloning and the infamous Nigerian Fraud, also called as the 419 scam (equivalent of 420 Cr PC). About 95 per cent of Africans charged with various crimes are Nigerians and a mere two per cent are from Uganda, Somalia and Sudan. There are nearly 4,500 Africans living in the city.



Enough land for grab, not for play Inkeshaf Ahmed


hile the GHMC is unable to locate some 2,000 plots allotted to it by the government long ago, the Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA) is going round with cricket gear to find a ground to conduct league matches for the budding talent. The HCA, the apex cricket body in the city, has now postponed all its league matches scheduled to be held at Secunderabad Parade Grounds from November 19 to 26, as the gro und is not available for matches. Deferment of the matches bring to fore the basic question of ground availability in the city for holding matches. Speaking to Postnoon, HCA secretary DS Chalapathi confirmed the news of postponement of matches and said that they took the decision following allotment of the ground to the National Cadet Corps. According to Chalapathi, a total of 26 matches had been scheduled to be held at the Parade Grounds during the eight-day-long series. He said that since the grounds belonged to Defence authorities, they could not do anything but to postpone the matches. “Defence owns the ground. This time around they gave permission to hold NCC programmes.” “We got to know about it only when we wrote to them about the tournaments,” he said.


Page Two


Spirit of Twin Cities

City drugged FROM PG 1 Why Nigerians turns into Drug peddlers? It is known that coca is extensively grown in South America, though it is not sold anywhere there as the law strictly prohibits the sale of narcotic drugs. It is shipped to Nigeria, the global hub of drugs. Nigerians stash money and buy cocaine in large quantities at low prices and smuggle them to other nations.

Nigerians attacked a car driver in a drunken condition last year. When the car driver called up Punjagutta police station, two constables went to the scene and tied to take them into custody, but they retaliated. However, another police party went there and nabbed the offenders. A few hours later about 10 people of their community barged into the police station and tried to attack officials on duty. Of the 30 Nigerians picked up by the west zone police for interrogation, only two blurted out their names. The rest

remained tight-lipped. “They make sachets of 0.7 grams and sell them as 1-gram packs. Buyers too don’t pay attention, fearing the police vigil on them, according to Stephen Ravindra. According Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, possession of up to two grams of narcotics attracts a punishment of only six months of rigorous imprisonment or a fine up to Rs 10,000 or both. While 10 years jail and Rs 1 lakh fine is imposed on those found in possession of above two grams and below 100 grams.

Indian law soft on peddlers

How do they come to India and where do they stay in the city? About 60 per cent of the population coming from Africa to India possess student visas, while a 35 per cent come on business visas. Mostly, they stay closer by and on the outskirts like Yapral, Sainikpuri, Vayupuri, Alwal and Vikrampuri areas since these localities are close to their colleges and the rents over there are very less.

About 70 per cent of the drugs are smuggled through the waterways and 25 per cent through airways and the remaining five per cent by different other methods like courier service, books, portraits etc. These drugs are initially smuggled to ports (main hubs like Mumbai, Goa and Kerala) and then change hands, reach internal or secondary hubs like Hyderabad, Delhi, Bangalore and Pune.

dealers/customers - How do they function? Agents facilitating the drugs in the city, under the cover of students, approach the main drug dealers in Mumbai and Goa (main hubs) and get them for a wholesale price. They sell the same drugs at a very high price as per demand in the city. They have an interesting code language to communicate for identification purpose.

How do they smuggle drugs from Nigeria?

How do they establish relations/links with main drug

Do they fear police? No. For instance,




ndian law is soft to such criminals. City police aver that the government should come up with some policy to deport the drug dealers. As of now, courts order the seizure of passports of the offenders and wouldn't return them till the case is finalised, which generally takes a minimum of five to 10 years. The accused are taking this as an advantage and are staying put in India without any hassle of visa extension or another legal formalities. This is, indirectly, helping them take to the business once they are out on bail. "I recently met Cheema

All grab, no play in city grounds “Now, we will reschedule the matches and hold them at other grounds available at various places like Osmania University, NG Ranga Agricultural University, CCMB etc. We have to do this as we do not have any other resources” he added. Chalapathi said Defence ground comes free and it is spacious whereas anywhere else the Association has to pay for


usage and also regulate the matches strictly to suit the needs of the educational institutions. Generally, we write letters to the Defence authorities for 15 days for utilising the Parade Ground. Asked whether the disruption of schedule did not cause any inconvenience to them, Chalapathi said that they can’t do anything as they do not have any other option. But he


FACES VOICES Does the lack of play grounds cause any problems to the residents of a city?


Until about ten years ago before the IT boom came into the picture, Hyderabad had large open spaces for children to play. Almost every area used to have a community grounds. Unfortunately, there are few play grounds these days.

informed Postnoon that the HCA has plans to construct their stadiums for holding league matches and has already passed a resolution in the general body meeting of the Association. According to the secretary, they need 60 acres of land for construction of new stadiums and the association has already identified land at three places. He said that by the next season they have plans to

build a new cricket ground with a feasibility of holding eight matches simultaneously. At present the Parade Ground has the facility to hold nine matches simultaneously. He informed that whenever, they shift the venue from Parade Grounds to any other place, they are liable to bear the maintenance charges for the grounds they use to hold the matches. “We are not paying

Clayton, a drug dealer who was arrested while supplying cocaine and asked him why he didn't go back to his country. I was shocked to hear when he said, ‘sir how can I go back to my country when my passport is with the court. The government should send us back.’ In fact, when we caught him he had no Visa with him," said an SI attached to the DCP’s team. The government doesn't even deport them because it has to shell out a lot of money to send them away," he added. If a person is caught with drugs in the West, he would be jailed and later deported.

any money to defence authorities for utilising their ground. But whenever we use grounds belonging other authorities like Osmania University, CCMB etc, we have to pay the maintenance charges if not user charges. The association has recently come forward to construct fencing wall across various grounds used by the association in Hyderabad,” he said. Chalapathi added that they are doing this as they are using various grounds for their activities. (With inputs from Sudeshna Koka and Osama Salman)







Hyderabad has few or no playgrounds. It is the price you pay for commercialisation and increasing population. I remember I used to play in my area’s (Abids) playground and we had three of them. Now, there aren’t any remaining.

My children don’t have a ground to play in. That is extremely sad as children do need a ground to play in. This is essential for them to grow physically and mentally as well. Even if there is a ground, it is always used for other activities.

Hyderabad does not have many grounds. However, most metros across face a similar situation. We need to start an awareness drive about issues as I want my children to be able to play in proper playgrounds.

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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities


Molester should get tainted Peers and doctors demand a change in the societal mindset where a girl subjected to sexual harassment is forced to live with a tainted image while it actually should be the other way round Sudeshna Koka


hen I was in class VIII my s c i e n c e teacher who was also the vice principal called me to his room and kissed me. He was advancing towards me with endearing remarks when I managed to flee. I was terrified and was in a shock for several years,” recalls Nihara. “Years later when I confided about the incident to my friends, I realised that they too had undergone the same trauma,” she says. But they now regret that they stayed mum back then. “Had we complained at the time, we could have probably several others from the harrowing experience.” Instances of sexual harassment in educational institutions involving girls are seeing an

Communal bogey exposed, man arrested Postnoon News


convenient lie could have flared up serious communal tension in the City. Thanks to the timely investigation by the City Police, the lie was nailed and a possible tragedy avoided. The South Zone police on Monday arrested Mohammad Junaid, who was admitted in the Osmania General Hospital claiming that he was stabbed by unknown persons. Based on his statement, the police assumed that the stabbing was related to the communal incidents reported earlier this month. Junaid, a resident of Chandulal Baradari, found by his relatives with bleeding injuries on Sunday night. He claimed that he was beaten up by unknown persons who came on two motor-bikes after they asked his name. The news spread like wildfire. The police after registering a complaint even picked up nearly five youngsters of different community and questioned them. However, they found his statements contradictory and during interrogation he spilled the beans.

alarming rise in the city. Two incidents, for instance, had been reported in less than 48 hours a week ago. Every day several such incidents take place. Culprits have no sense of fear and hence they dare to do such acts. There should be two forms of punishment, one, what the court sentences, and the other, the social stigma. It is not the molested but the molester who should get the stigma, parents say. “Ironically, it’s the other way round in our society. It’s the victim who is victimised and not the culprit. From family to media everybody questions the victim and this makes them uncomfortable. This needs to change only then will the stigma attached to such incidents eliminate,” says Dr Sunitha Krishnan chief functionary, Prajwala. “It is not like only girls are sexually harassed. Boys too suf-

fer but they are far more shy to admit it than girls,” remarked a retired teacher. Till date 18 cases of molestation were registered across the State during this academic year. Ranga Reddy district tops the list with seven molestation cases, followed by four in Nellore and three cases in Hyderabad. “These are incidents which came to light as a case has been registered with the police. In several instances the parents don’t even approach the police fearing the reputation of the girl. We strongly condemn the series of incidents of physical and sexual abuse of the children by their teachers in private schools of twin cities,” said Andhra Pradesh Bala Hakula Sangam president Achyuta Rao. Dr Kalyan Chakravarty, a child psychiatrist adds, “Since the last two years I have seen an increase in such cases. And I

CM alert, avoid favour-seekers

have seen patients have post traumatic syndrome for more than 10 to 15 years. These paedophiles do this because of lack of sympathy and guilt. They

mainly target girls as they know that they won’t have to face any consequences. The child is not in a position to understand what is happening to them.”

Symptoms to look out for


arents should watch out for behavioural changes in their kids who faced sexual harassment in schools. n There is a sudden change in behaviour and attitude. n Such kids are in a dilemma about whether or not to confide in their parents. Parents should check for these signs. n Child becomes withdrawn. He/she won’t socialise and stays isolated. n Have disturbed sleep and sweat while asleep. n They seem pre-occupied,e ven while watching TV or eating. n Irritability and tantrums.

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What to do when such incidents take place. n Do not panic or fear and act emotionally. n Observe the child and let them speak out everything. Give them the time and space to pour their hearts out, this is called venting out phenomena. n Parents should ask open ended questions and not close ended. Give them the space to speak out than answering in yes or no. n Questions on this description and characteristic should be asked after 48 hours. n Contact a professional to avoid post traumatic syndrome.

today Hyderabad’s first afternoon newspaper

Postnoon News


aking a cue from the sorry phase of former chief minister BS Yeddurappa and Madhukoda from Jharkahnd, CM Kiran Kumar Reddy, is being very cautious these days. He is not making hasty decisions, especially in terms of business and land proposals. He is advising his core team to be cautious with the pyravicars. He has also gained enough grip over the administration, after ending the general strike. Last night Kiran disposed of the IAS officer Srilakshmi in just two minutes. She had to wait at the camp office for about 1.5 hours to meet the CM. Srilakshmi met Kiran along with her husband but the CM was not prepared to hear her explanation as the CBI probe was going on. A disappointed Lakshmi had to cut a sorry figure last night at the camp office. Requests for pardoning officials involved in Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) cases and inter-district transfer of government teachers are not being done. Kiran has been telling his close aides and officials that he would not entertain any plea for letting corrupt officials off the hook. There are 30,000 cases of teacher transfers pending. If one is accepted then all other cases will come up and a ruckus will be created in the State

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Jana Reddy with Karthika Reddy, Sowmik and Kanishk

Prasads owner, Babu Mohan with Karthika Reddy

Minister K Krishna Reddy

Actor Lakshmi Manchu with Sowmik and Kanishk

Celebrations galore Mayor Banda Karthika Reddy hosted the Minister D Nagendar

Actor Venu Madhav

Dhoti ceremony of her sons Sowmik and Kanishk at the N Convention Centre on Monday. Many politicians and stars made their presence felt at the do.

Actor Raja

D Rama Naidu

Minister Geeta Reddy hands over the prize to winners of the TMC Cash Rich for a Lifetime contest held during the Dussera and Diwali festive season.

MLC D Srinivas with Sowmik and Kanishk Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints

198 155313

POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section Street Light

155333 23431178 23431179 155304

MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266 24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833150 Railway Information 131

MP Hanumanth Rao Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333 WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital,

155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888

Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital, LB Nagar BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills

30417777 30419000 30416666 39879999 27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445

AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777

Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332 AIRLINES Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Websit;

TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999 UK Visa Office VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7 Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum

24523211 232431300/7641 24521029

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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities

One lakh youth to get jobs by Jan, PM to hand over letters Chief HYDERABAD: Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy has said the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh will hand over the appointment letters to unemployed youth, under its flagship scheme the Rajiv Yuva Kiranalu, by end of December 2011 or January first week in 2012, in the City. He was speaking at the Industry Meet organised by Rajiv Education and Employment Mission here on Monday. He said that about 1.60 lakh posts are vacant in the various government departments in the State. He stated they would release

SI injured in ORR accident, dies


ijju, a 24-year-old Sub Inspector of police attached to Special Operation Team who was injured in a road accident succumbed while undergoing treatment at Yashoda hospital in Malakpet here early on Tuesday. The accident occurred on Outer Ring Road when the car in which they were travelling turned turtle after ramming into a heap of sand near Balajiguda. They were on their way to Warangal to attend a colleague’s wedding.

notifications to jobs by end of December this year. Their target, the CM said, was to provide 15 lakh jobs to youth by the end of 2015. He also said that the State government would set up large scale training centres to provide training to youth to develop industry-needed skills to get jobs. One of his assurances was that they would change the courses at the under graduate level and revise syllabus up to Post Graduate level to develop industry-needed skills among the students. The CM informed that they have adopted Adilabad and

Khammam districts under Rural Development for Skills Training and sanctioned Rs 120 crore fund to develop skills in rural youth. He said that they would introduce it in six districts shortly. He said that a high level council ‘Rajiv Education and Employment Council of Andhra Pradesh’ (REECAP) would be set up under chairmanship Chief Minister with nine cabinet ministers, Principal secretaries of relevant departments and 10 representatives of the industry and academia for creating necessary policy environment and guiding the implementation process.

Telangana already declared, KCR demands Centre to table Bill in LS HYDERABAD: TRS supremo K Chandrasekhara Rao on Monday clarified that a separate T state had already been declared by the Congress-led UPA government in 2009. Before going to Delhi to participate in the winter session of the Parliament beginning from Tuesday, the TRS leader demanded that the Union government immediately introduce the long-delayed “Telangana Bill” in the Lok Sabha. He also

demanded that the Centre begin the process of dividing Uttar Pradesh into four new

states as the Assembly of that state passed a resolution to that effect. KCR has demanded that PM Manmohan Singh respect the sentiment of the four-anda-half crores people of Telangana and take a favourable decision immediately. “I appeal to the PM once again in this regard,” he added. He also warned that the ruling party at the Centre and State would vanish in the region if it delayed the issue further.

TDP leaders wary about Babu’s probe HYDERABAD: Though the TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu and his staunch supporters were putting up a brave face and asserting that he would come out unscathed in the CBI investigation into his assets, many of the TDP leaders and sympathisers were expressing apprehensions about the outcome of the probe and the possibility of the TDP chief facing hard times. They were also pointing out, in their private conversations, the fact that the TDP chief and his supporters have repeatedly demanded a CBI probe into the assets of the Kadapa MP and YSR Congress party chief YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, till a few weeks back; but the same

Chandrababu Naidu is now saying that the CBI has become a “Congress Bureau of Investigation”, after the High Court ordered a CBI probe into his assets.

The TDP chief, taking the matter to other party leaders at Delhi like CPI’s AB Bardan and JD(U)’s Sharad Yadav, pleading that he had not committed any mistake, also came as a surprise to many circles, who ask where was the need for him to do so, if he is really not guilty and honest to the core. Sources in the TDP say that many of the party-men are expressing the view that the party’s image is sure to take a beating if any of the charges against its chief is proved during the probe. Another issue that is likely to go against Naidu is the Satyam’s Ramalinga Raju paying the Research Endowment Fund worth 10 lakh US Dollars to Stanford University for the

management seat of Naidu’s son Lokesh; and the allegation of Naidu receiving Rs 80 crores from Satyam towards TDP Identity cards. Why Satyam Raju pay these sums, and what was the deal involved in it and what did Raju get in return for this, is the big question. If Satyam Raju paid the amounts in return to making him seated along with the then American President Bill Clinton on the dais, then it would amount to some sort of International fraud played by Naidu, some contended. All said and done, TDP cadres are very much scared about the outcome of the CBI probe into Naidu’s assets, sources indicated.


SHORT TAKES OMC case, Rajagopal’s remand extended


he Special Judge’s Court for CBI cases at Nampally here on Monday extended the judicial remand of former director of Mines and Geology department Rajagopal upto November 25 in connection with the Obulapuram Mining Company irregularities case. As Rajagopal’s judicial custody in connection with the case ended on Monday, the CBI prosecutors produced him before the court this morning. After hearing arguments of both the prosecution and defence counsels, the Special Judge extended his remand upto November 25.

CPI demands to halt auction of endowments lands


he CPI has demanded halting of the auction of Endowments lands. CPI workers laid a siege to the Endowments Commissioner’s office in Boggulagunta. Party leader Rama Krishna has alleged that the government was trying to auction the seven-acre land belonging to the Kali Mata temple in the Uppuguda village on the city outskirts and demanded that the proposal be immediately shelved. He said that it was shameful that the Endowments department was trying to sell property worth thousands of crores belonging to the temple. He said the land should be used for the welfare of people. He also warned that if the auction was not stopped, his party would directly stop it.

Telugu Mahila demands probe against Sabita


elugu Mahila leader Hymavati on Monday demanded a CBI investigation into the illegal activities of Sabita Indra Reddy when she was minister for Mines and Geology. In a statement on Monday, Hymavati sarcastically commented that which ever department Sabita handled was weakened. She has alleged that it was during her tenure as the minister for Mines that the Gali Janardhana Reddy mining episode occurred. Referring to the statements of the officials that they issued GOs only under pressure from the CM and ministers, she said the CBI should also investigate into Sabita’s involvement. Referring to the law and order situation, Hymavati said that it was after Sabita became the Home Minister that the law and order had derailed and attacks on women had increased. She said that despite several complaints the minister had not done anything.



India unveiled nice and full

7 yrs later, SIT says Ishrat killed in staged shootout AHMEDABAD: Over seven years after college girl Ishrat Jahan and her three friends were killed and passed off as militants, court-appointed investigators have concluded that they were murdered by the State police in a staged shootout. The conclusion by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) deals a huge setback to the Gujarat government and also vindicates the stand long maintained by activists and families of the dead. Following the SIT report on the 2004 killings, the Gujarat High Court's Justice Jayant Patel and Justice Abhilasha Kumari on Monday ordered a fresh FIR against the accused police officers for the murders under Section 302 that recommends death penalty. The court-appointed SIT, headed by police officer R.R. Verma, said that Jahan, a 19year-old girl from Mumbai, Javed Sheikh alias Pranesh Pillai, Amjad Ali Rana and Zeeshan Johar were killed earlier than the shootout date of


June 15, 2004. They were shot dead on the outskirts of Ahmedabad in a private car. Police claimed that they were linked to the Lashkar-e-Taiba terror outfit and were in the city to assassinate the CM. A total of 21 policemen, including four IPS officers — then joint commissioner PP Pande, suspended deputy inspector general DG Vanzara, then assistant commissioner GL Singhal and assistant commissioner NK Amin — were involved in the staged shootout.




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Fight for justice.

“They should be hanged. They have ruined our lives. They killed my innocent daughter. We have always said that she was innocent. The truth has finally come out,” a choking Kausar told reporters. Rights activists hailed the SIT conclusion and sought public apology from police and the media for tarnishing the image of the family. “They made their life hell. The family stands vindicated. They killed and tarnished the image of a young girl and her family. They should apologise publicly,” lawyer-activist Vrinda Grover shouted outside the court. In Alappuzha, Kerala, Gopinathan Pillai, the father of Pranesh Kumar Pillai alias Javed Shaikh, said he was a much relieved man now that the SIT report said the shootout was not genuine. Gopinathan Pillai had sought an inquiry by an SIT. “I am a much relieved person because with this none will accuse me as the father of a IANS terrorist,” Pillai said.


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The court in its hearing on Monday did not divulge details of the SIT report because it would prejudice and hamper further investigations. The court is now to decide which agency will conduct further probe into the case. It sought suggestions from petitioners and the State government on whether to entrust the job to the CBI or the NIA. “The probe agency needs to find out who played the key role in the encounter... what was the motive and what was the actual time of the death of the four people,” the court said. The SIT report gave relief to Jahan's family, who called it a “victory because it washed away the terror blot police had stamped on us”. “She was innocent when she was alive, she was innocent when her body was brought to us. It is our victory,” her uncle Rauf Lala told reporters. Her mother Shamima Kausar thanked the court but said the justice was still awaited till the culprits were punished.

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June 15, 2004: Gujarat Police claimed they had killed Jahan and three others on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. They said the four were members of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-eTaiba on a mission to kill Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. September 2009: Ahmedabad metropolitan magistrate S.P. Tamang calls the shootout fake. August 2010: Gujarat High Court asks the Supreme Courtappointed special investigation team (SIT) to take up the case. September 2010: The high court constitutes a new SIT after the Supreme Court's SIT expressed its inability to undertake the probe. November 2010: The Supreme Court rejects the Gujarat government's plea challenging the high court order to form the new SIT. December 2010: Three-member SIT begins investigation in the case and starts recording statements of the witnesses, police officials involved. Nov 21, 2011: SIT tells the Court that the shootout was staged. The court ordered that a fresh complaint needs to be filed against those involved in the fake shootout under Section 302 that covers death penalty for the accused.

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India unveiled nice and full

Howrah-Dun Express inferno kills seven GIRIDIH: Seven passengers, including two children, were charred to death and four Australians injured when two coaches of the HowrahDehradun Express caught fire in Jharkhand’s Giridih district in the wee hours today. The fire, which broke out at around 3am in B-1 AC coach and then spread to B-2 AC coach, was spotted between Gomo and Nimiaghat Railway stations, Railway Protection Force divisional commandant Sashi Kumar said. “Seven persons, including two children, were charred to death after the fire broke out in an AC coach and then spread to another AC coach,” he said. Kumar said four Australian women travelling in the coach received minor injuries and have been admitted to the Railway Divisional Hospital in Dhanbad. The four foreign research scholars were travelling to Bodh Gaya. Out of the four, two suffered from excessive smoke inhalation and other two received minor injuries, Chief Matron of the hospital M Majumdar said.


Hazare returns to blogging NEW DELHI: Anna Hazare returned to blogging today, a fortnight after he fell out with his former blogger, whom he accused of airing his views without his authorisation. In his new blog, Hazare introduced a fresh agenda — development of 100 model villages to curb corruption — apart from the Jan Lokpal bill, electoral reforms and decentralisation of power. For developing 100 model villages, Hazare said they need to involve industrialists with “good character”, who

are willing to serve the country as some helped Mahatma Gandhi during the freedom struggle. His new blog postings can be read on and the first posting was about curbing corruption and developing model villages. Hazare had shut down his earlier blog in the first week of this month after he fell out with Raju Parulekar, a journalist who was managing his PTI blog.

US removes maps showing PoK as part of Pak from website Three of the deceased have been identified as 4-year-old Archita Thakur, 8-year-old Tubi Ali Akhtar and 25-year-old Dr Anumita Singh, DRM Sudhir Kumar said. Both the coaches have been detached from the train, which had left Howrah station last night. While one portion has been moved towards Gomo, the other has been moved to Parasnath. Railway minister Dinesh Trivedi condoled the loss of lives in the fire mishap and

announced an ex-gratia of Rs5 lakh to the next of kin of those killed. All other passengers in the affected B-1 and B-2 AC coaches will get Rs25,000 as immediate financial assistance for the inconvenience caused due to the fire, he said. There were a total of 128 passengers in the two coaches. Commissioner Railway safety, eastern circle, has been asked to conduct the inquiry into the accident and submit the report PTI at the earliest.

WASHINGTON: The US state department has removed “inaccurate” maps of India and Pakistan from its website which did not reflect the correct boundary and geographical locations. “We have taken the map (of India) off the website. It did contain some inaccuracies which were associated with the boundaries of some geographic features,” department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said yesterday. A screen grab of the US state department website

showing PoK as part of Pakistan. “My understanding is that is the way that it was inaccurate, that it wasn’t drawn properly,” Nuland said. “We will put up the new map when we acquire one that we are confident is accurate,” she said in response to a question but did not answer questions from where such inaccurate map came from. “This was unintentional. We’re going to get the map fixed and put up a fixed map,” PTI Nuland said.

AI women storm another male bastion Supreme Court ruling last week that women crew have equal rights to be appointed flight supervisor or any other position settles the longdrawn battle of male vs female cabin crew


dam in the air has lost one more battle to the eves. In a landmark judgement, Supreme Court has held the Air India management policy to bring gender parity in cabin crew has the sanction of the constitutional provisions envisaged in Article 14 and 15. “In our view, the management of Air India was always entitled to alter its policies with regards to their workmen, subject to the consensus arrived at between the parties in supersession of all previous agreements,”

said a bench of Justice Altamas Kabir and Justice Cyriac Joseph. The Court has delivered the important judgment in Air India Cabin Crew Association vs Union of India last week. Earlier, the women crew especially air hostesses had to fight a long legal battle when the company put rigorous physical conditions such as weight, look and demeanour. Air hostesses were grounded at the age of 50 while male cabin crew continued till 58. In essence, the judgement upheld Air India’s 2005 decision to abandon its policy of reserving the Inflight Supervisor designation to its male cabin crew. An Inflight Supervisor is the boss-in-charge of all cabin crew on board a flight — i.e. female cabin crew or Air hostesses, as well as male cabin crew, Flight Pursers. Once on board the aircraft, all cabin crew, whether Air hostess or Flight Purser, are under the direct supervision of the Inflight Supervisor.Until

2005, only men were designated by Air India as Inflight Supervisors. In December 2005, Air India decided to end this blatantly discriminatory practice, announced that Inflight Supervisors will be appointed from among both genders, and designated 10 women Senior Managers. This decision of Air India was challenged by the male Flight Pursers before the Delhi High Court, claiming that agreements between their union and Air India preserved the position of Inflight Supervisor only for men, and also claiming that the Supreme Court of India had recognized this right. Supreme Court had allowed a status quo. But dismissing all petitions in this regard, the Apex Court has now held the Air India’s rights to make gender equality and a workman is subjected to the rules of the company, it said. Here, the male bastion on board has ended.



India unveiled nice and full

House to see stormy session NEW DELHI: The Winter Session of Parliament is likely to have a stormy start on Tuesday with the Opposition planning to press for an adjournment motion on the issue of price rise. The NDA has also decided to boycott home minister P Chidambaram over his alleged role in the 2G spectrum scam as then finance minister. The session is scheduled to conclude December 21. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday said some "very important" bills are to be presented and hoped that the Opposition would not boycott it. "I sincerely hope that all political parties will realise that we have some very important pieces of legislation which are going to be presented in this session and our country's sustained development and prosperity demands that many of those

bills should be converted as acts of Parliament," Manmohan Singh told reporters here today before the beginning of the session. "As far as the boycott is concerned, I sincerely hope that the political parties will resist any such temptation. There is virtually no case for a boycott," he added. The Opposition’s move, which came as a surprise came after the meeting of the NDA at the residence of BJP veteran LK IANS Advani.


Jaya to appear in court today BANGALORE: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa will appear in a court here today to answer over 700 questions in a 15-year-old corruption case. She was to appear in the court on November 9 but her lawyers had sought another date. Judge BM Mallikarjunaiah, of the special court hearing the case, accepted the plea and directed her to appear

on November 22 to answer remaining questions on how she acquired assets valued at around Rs66 crores when she was the chief minister in 199196 after proclaiming that she was taking only Rs1 as salary. She had on October 21 and October 22 answered over 570 questions Mallikarujnaiah had over her acquisition of assets. On October 22, the judge had

directed her to return on November 9 to answer the remaining over 700 questions. Jayalalithaa appealed to the Supreme Court against this directive but her plea to exempt her from personal appearance again was rejected. The case was filed in 1996 soon after she lost power but was transferred to Bangalore in 2002 for fair and PTI free trial.

Visual splendour

Congress to defend Chidambaram NEW DELHI: A meeting of the Congress core committee here Monday decided to put up a strong defence of Union home minister P Chidambaram on the opening day of Parliament’s Winter Session that begins today, sources said. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Congress president Sonia Gandhi, finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, defence minister AK

Antony and other senior leaders attended the meeting, which discussed the strategy for the monthlong session, the sources added. Mukherjee may make a statement today pointing out the issue was under the consideration of a JPC and the Opposition should wait before they make a judgement and press the demand for resignation of the minister, the IANS sources said.

Devotees light earthen lamps as part of the lakshadeepaotsava (festival of a lakh lamps) during Karthika Somavara at a temple at Samapngiram Nagar in Bangalore on Monday. PTI

Quran with Bhagavad Gita in a unique class Asit Srivastava

VARANASI: Holding the Quran in one hand and the Bhagavad Gita in the other, Mukhtar Ahmad conducts “a class of communal harmony” at a madrassa in Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi district to enable students to draw similarities between Islam and Hinduism. Welcome to Bahrul-Uloom madrassa (Islamic seminary) in Chittanpura town where like Ahmad several other Muslim teachers are involved in imparting lessons of brotherhood and unity to inculcate “moral values” in their students. “Our main objective behind teaching Hindu scriptures along with the Quran is to undertake a comparative study of the holy

books of the two religions to enable our students to draw similarity between Islam and Hinduism,” Ahmad, a teacher at the Islamic seminary, said. “By drawing similarity between the two religions, students will be able to correlate the teachings of Quran with those of the Bhagavad Gita and other Hindu ancient text, which

in turn would enable them to respect the two religions in the same manner,” he added. “The management always asked the teachers to come up with ideas and suggestions for making students good in acade mics, improving their performance and inculcating moral values,” 58-year-old Ahmad said.

“In our discussions, we unanimously agreed that apart from grooming students and preparing them for future challenges, our other main objective was to churn out good human beings from the seminary,” he said. “A few seminary teachers proposed to introduce the comparative study of the Bhagavad Gita with the Quran that was already being taught to students. The sole objective was to make students imbibe the teachings of the religious books,” he added. Today, not only the Bhagavad Gita, the four Vedas -- Rig, Sama, Yajur and Atharva -- are taught to the students along with subjects like Hindi, English and Computer Science. The teachers first read the scriptures themselves for four-

five months and then impart the knowledge to the students. Seminary officials said the Hindu scriptures were initially introduced in the classes equivalent to 10-12 standards. But now they also form the course content of lower classes. There are over 2,500 students - both boys and girls -- enrolled in different classes of the madrassa. “While we admit boys only till Class 8, we have the provision for enrolling the girls till Class 12,” said Hadis Alam, another teacher at the madrassa. As there is no Hindu student at the madrassa, the Islamic seminary officials believe they would soon get their first batch of Hindu students with the introduction of Hindu scriptures in IANS the syllabi.

Around the World CAIRO: Egypt's cabinet said it had resigned amid deadly clashes between police and protesters demanding political change that have killed 26 and prompted the ruling military to call for crisis talks. On the eve of a new wave of protests planned for later on Tuesday, the cabinet announced its resignation on the third day of protests that have triggered Egypt's worst crisis since president Hosni Mubarak was toppled in February. Two people were killed early on Tuesday in the Red Sea town of Ismailiya, medics said, bringing the toll of

Egypt government quits among deadly clashes between protesters and police, toll 26 clashes since Saturday to 26. "The government of Prime Minister Essam Sharaf has handed its resignation to the (ruling) Supreme Council of the Armed Forces," cabinet spokesman Mohammed Hegazy said in a statement Monday. State television quoted a military source as saying the


Universally fresh

Resignation amid bloodbath Thousands of Egyptians protesters gather in Tahrir square in Cairo on Monday ruling military council had rejected the resignation, but Information Minister Osama Heikal told the official MENA news agency the matter had not yet been decided. Sharaf's resignation, if accepted, threatens to derail parliamentary elections scheduled for November 28, the first

An injured Egyptian protester is helped away during clashes with AFP security forces on the third day at Tahrir Square in Cairo

polls since Mubarak's downfall. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), which took power when Mubarak was ousted, "invited all the political and national forces for an emergency dialogue to look into the reasons behind the aggravation of the current crisis and ways to resolve it as quickly as possible," it said in a statement carried by MENA. It said it had asked the justice ministry to set up a committee to shed light on the violence, and called on "all forces and citizens to commit to (restoring) calm, and creating an atmosphere of stability with the goal of pursuing the political process." Amnesty International charged that Egypt's military rulers had failed to live up to their promises and had even committed worse rights abuses than the Mubarak's regime. Tens of thousands of people


packed Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square on Monday night, after clashes continued for a third straight day between protesters and police in and around the square. They greeted news of the cabinet's resignation with indifference, calling for the removal of the military rulers as clashes continued around the nearby interior ministry headquarters. Riot police fired volleys of birdshot, rubber bullets and tear gas at demonstrators who used stones and petrol bombs. Other protesters formed a corridor through which the injured were ferried into waiting ambulances. The United States said it was 'deeply concerned' by the violence and . White House spokesman Jay Carney said it was important that US ally Egypt move toward democratic elections.


Gaddafi youngest son maybe alive TRIPOLI: Slain Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's youngest son Khamis, whose death was announced several times since the Libyan conflict erupted, is reportedly still alive, a defence ministry official said. Gaddafi's son Saif alIslam, who was arrested by forces of the ruling National Transitional Council (NTC), has told officials that his younger brother Khamis was still alive, the ministry official told Xinhua. NTC forces have located Khamis's whereabouts in Terhouna, 90 km southeast of Tripoli, and are expected to capture him soon, he said. Saif, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of crimes against humanity, was arrested in Sebha in southern Libya Saturday. NTC fighters had earlier claimed that Khamis died in Tripoli Aug 29, a report that was later 'confirmed' by a pro-Gaddafi Syrian TV station.

Shopping woes cloud Thanksgiving WASHINGTON: It's one of the biggest US holidays, but some Americans are wondering if Thanksgiving, and the shopuntil-you-drop Black Friday that follows it, might be getting a bit out of control. Over 38.2 million Americans will hit the highway for the fourday holiday weekend that begins Thursday, with another 3.4 million taking to the air, the AAA motorists' association says. Most will go back to their home towns for a family Thanksgiving dinner, with 88 percent of them tucking into roast turkey with stuffing and cranberry sauce, according to the National Turkey Federation.

Americans go through 46 million turkeys at Thanksgiving, more than double the 22 million consumed a month later at Christmas. Once they've polished off their pumpkin-pie desserts, many will be off to the shopping malls for the preChristmas shopping melee known as Black Friday, when retailers slash prices on clothing, toys and consumer electronics. "The amount of Black Friday shoppers will increase from 212 million last year to 225 million this year," says, a kind of Wikileaks for consumers looking to see Black Friday advertisements before publication.

Over 38.2 million Americans will hit the highway for the four-day Thanksgiving holiday

So important is Black Friday to retailers — potentially more than $20 billion in sales, according to market analysis firm SpendingPulse — that many bigname outlets are opening earlier than ever. "It's a national holiday, not a national shopping day," wrote one signer, Bryce Allision of Portland, "Encouraging people to shop in the middle of the night is bizarre," added Scotty Brookie from Santa Cruz, California. But Anahita Cameron, a Target human resources executive, defended the idea of bargain-hunting at the witching hour.





2 1. Jaqueline Kennedy 2. Laura Bush 3. Frances Cleveland 4. Lou Hoover 5. Michelle Obama



Michelle Obama’s dress Former US First Ladies dresses are displayed at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in Washington, DC, during a media preview of ‘The First Ladies,’ a major new exhibition showcasing the premier objects from the century-old First Ladies Collection. The new exhibition features 26 dresses, including those worn by Frances Cleveland, Lou Hoover, Jacqueline Kennedy, Laura Bush and Michelle Obama and more than 160 other objects, including portraits, White House china, personal possessions and AFP related objects.




Matters of saving and spending

Rupee bleeds, crosses Rs. 52 MUMBAI: The Indian rupee on Tuesday hit a record low against the dollar, as fears about eurozone debt and the global economy as well falling local stock markets provoked further selling of the currency. The local unit plunged to 52.50 against the greenback as foreign exchange markets opened, causing further problems for the Indian central bank as it tries to rein in near double-digit inflation. The weakening rupee is expected to fuel domestic inflation because oil imports priced in dollars will become more expensive, translating into higher prices for local consumers and businesses. Forex dealers said the fall was due to investors fleeing riskier emerging market and eurozone assets, increasing demand for the dollar, which is seen as a safe-haven in times of crisis.

Dealers added that the rupee’s fall had been exacerbated by

the finance ministry’s comments on Monday that the Reserve Bank of India had only a “limited” ability to arrest the partially convertible currency’s slide. Media reports and analysts said the RBI had intervened for the first time in more than two months to try to quell the decline of the rupee, which has tumbled by about four percent against the dollar in the past six trading days. “There’s no official confirmation but people think that’s the case,” said economist Siddartha Sanyal, from Barclays Capital. “At this moment, the dynamics seem to be pretty much against all emerging market currencies and that’s not really helping the rupee,” he told AFP. A fall in the domestic share market also weighed on the rupee Monday, with the bluechip Sensex index of leading shares falling 2.6 percent to

15,946.10 points. India is a net importer, with one-third of foreign goods made up of crude oil that is used to power the energy-hungry nation. The rupee is the worst performing of Asia’s 10 most-traded currencies, having fallen around 14 percent since the start of 2011, while the 30-share benchmark Sensex index is faring worst among its regional peers, losing 22 percent in the same period. Thirteen interest rate hikes since March 2010 have slowed India’s fast-paced economic growth but made little impact on rising prices. Investors are also concerned about widespread corruption and a perceived lack of direction from the government, which has been embroiled in a series of corruption scandals for much of the past year.

East Asia cushioned from global crisis: World Bank SINGAPORE: Growth in East Asian economies will slow next year with demand from key export markets in the United States and Europe falling as they struggle with their debt crises, the World Bank warned Tuesday. However the region’s large foreign reserves and current-account surpluses will cushion it from the impact of another global financial crisis, while the bank said China could pick up some of the slack

from the West. In its twice-yearly report the Washington-based bank said developing East Asia see growth of 8.2 percent this year and 7.8 percent in 2012, down from 9.7 percent in 2010. “Lower growth in Europe in the course of fiscal austerity and the banks’ needs to increase capital coverage would affect East Asia,” said Bert Hofman, the bank’s chief economist for the East Asia and

Pacific region. “Less credit from European banks can also affect capital flows to East Asia, but high reserves and current account surpluses protect most countries in the region against the impact of possible renewed financial stress.” According to the bank, the region -- which includes China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia -- had foreign reserves.


Sensex rebounds MUMBAI: The BSE benchmark Sensex rebounded by over 151 points in opening trade today, snapping its eight-session long losing streak on the emergence of buying at prevailing levels amid covering up of short positions by speculators. The 30-share BSE index, which has lost nearly 1,625 points in the past eight sessions, recovered by 151.20 points, or 0.94 per cent, to 16,097.30 in opening trade, with realty, metals, capital goods and auto stocks leading the recovery. In a similar fashion, the wide-based National Stock Exchange Nifty index shot up by 45.45 points, or 0.95 per cent, to 4,823.80. Brokers said today’s recovery was mostly due to covering up of short positions ahead of monthly expiry in the derivatives segment later this week and bargain buying in select bluechip stocks by participants. They said, however, a weakening trend on other Asian bourses, in line with overnight losses in the US market, capped the gains.

Market@noon BSE 16,139.78 NSE 4,832.40 Gold 24k : 10g Silver 1kg Dollar $ Pound £

192.92 53.40 `28,900 `55,600 `52.59 `82.25

Pvt sector to be roped in for food processing Postnoon News

HYDERABAD: Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, who keeps on chiding the TDP supremo N Chandrababu Naidu at the drop of the hat for terming non-remunerative, also trod almost the same path on Monday at a FICCI seminar on food processing. Without saying it in so many words that agriculture was not remunerative-enough, Reddy also wanted the farming community to take up allied activities to support the agriculture. Stating that farmers were incurring huge losses from time to time, he said they must also plan for some diversification. He said that for paddy cultivation, a farmer had to spend around Rs 1,350 per quintal towards input costs, only to earn Rs 1,110. He also suggested to them to

B Ravindranath, Managing Director of NuZen Herbals Pvt Ltd, was presented the best start-up award by Speaker N Manohar at the FICCI’s Food 360. take to poultry, fisheries, and dairying. The wages of workers had also gone up three times and this was one of the areas where the farmer was overburdened, he felt. Food processing benefits, to

a large extent, should be passed on to farmers. Without benefiting the farmers, setting up food processing companies could be counterproductive, he said. He inaugurated .Food 360, the

first international exhibition and conference, jointly organised by Government of Andhra Pradesh and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) here on Monday. India was spending a lot on subsidising fertilisers. Most of the fertilisers were being imported from foreign countries. It was time the farmers went back to conventional methods to make their lands fertile, said the Chief Minister. Emphasis was laid on roping in private sector into the food processing industry. Would the private sector initiate and invest heavily in food processing when a majority of the stake in profit was diverted to farmers? Sangita Reddy, chairperson, FICCI AP State council said agribusiness and food processing was a critical and integral

part of the economic development of the nation. Even Siva Kumar, head of agri-business division of ITC Ltd, said that there was a need to reform the APMC Act and Essential Commodities Act to increase the participation of private sector. Traditional farming has its own challenges. The soils are so used to in-organic fertilizers; it may be very hard to reap the same yield using age-old methods. Siva Kumar said that there was a paradox in the price points: while farmers felt that the price they got was very low, the consumer always was pinched by high prices as an end user. He underscored the need for long-term solutions to these nagging problems. Speakers dwelt at length on the investment of Rs. 6,000 crore on processed milk foods.

Play Field


A critical look at games and players

World number one Novak Djokovic pulled off one of the more unlikely victories of his sensational year in his opening match against Tomas Berdych at the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals in London

Adebayor fires Spurs into third H

Djokovic scrambles to victory


he Serb, whose fitness had been in doubt prior to the tournament, lost the first four games, and subsequently the set, and then fought back from a break down in the decider, saving a match point before winning a tie-break to triumph 3-6, 6-3, 7-6 (7/3). Djokovic said, “All the credit to his game, it was an incredible match, throughout most of the match he was the better player. I was hanging in there and I managed to get the win in the end.” In-form Berdych was tipped by many to give

Djokovic a tough night but even the man himself would surely have been shocked to find himself 4-0 up in the opening set. The world number one did not help himself by double-faulting on his first service point but mostly he was just being outhit. Djokovic has not won 10 titles this year by letting his head go down, though, and the precision of his shots began to tempt Berdych into going for too much. The Serb almost pulled back both breaks in succession but he could not take advantage of three chances to make it 3-4,

and Berdych made no mistake in serving out the set. Djokovic’s only loss in eight previous meetings with his 26year-old opponent came in the Wimbledon semi-finals last year, and he set about making sure that would not be followed by another here with a break at the start of the second set. The Serb had cut his error count right down and, although Berdych applied plenty of pressure, it was a deficit he could not make up. Djokovic was now a firm favourite to take the decider but it was the world number one who found himself facing

the first break points when a thumping Berdych forehand took him to 15-40 in the sixth game, and another clean winner made it 4-2. The seventh seed was now within touching distance of a notable win but his nerve wobbled and he threw in two double-faults in a poor game to hand his advantage straight back. Still Djokovic lived dangerously, surviving a tight game serving to stay in the match at 4-5, and he did not seem to know whether to praise or curse Berdych as the winners kept coming. EVENING STANDARD

Bhutia for transparency through bill MUMBAI: Football great Baichung Bhutia came out in support of the Sports Development Bill that seeks to bring in accountability and transparency in the country’s sports associations. Union Sports Minister Ajay Maken is trying to get the Sports bill introduced in the winter session of the Parliament. “I support the Sports bill. It is needed to bring accountability

and transparency in the associations,” the 34- year-old former India skipper said on the sidelines of a function on Monday. “Besides, it has a provision under which 25 per cent of the posts (in associations) would be reserved for sportspersons, which would help them use their expertise,” he said. On the opportunity for Indian strikers — Sunil Chhetri

and Jeje Lalpekhlua — to appear in trials for Scottish club Rangers, Bhutia said if the club was serious about hiring them they should send their scouts to India to judge the duo’s abilities. Commenting on his farewell match against Bayern Munich in January, Bhutia said, “I am still not prepared. I’m recovering (from injury). But I’m looking PTI forward to it.”


arry Redknapp enjoyed a successful return to the Tottenham dugout as his side moved into third place in the Barclays Premier League table with an easy 2-0 win over Aston Villa at White Hart Lane Emmanuel Adebayor scored his fourth and fifth goals of the campaign in a hugely one-sided affair that should have seen the former Arsenal striker take home the match ball. Adebayor put Spurs ahead with a brilliant scissor kick before he took advantage of a mix-up between Shay Given and James Collins to stab home for his second. Luka Modric, Rafael van der Vaart and Scott Parker were all outstanding on Redknapp’s comeback. After Adebayor had somehow headed an early chance wide, the striker redeemed himself on 14 minutes by putting Tottenham ahead. After seeing Younes Kaboul’s shot cleared off the line, Van der Vaart whipped in a corner that fell to Gareth Bale. The Welshman hammered a miscued effort that flew up in the air and Adebayor was on hand to convert an acrobatic effort from 10 yards. Spurs made it two five minutes before half-time. Collins’ failure to clear Bale’s low ball caught Given unawares, causing the ‘keeper to fumble the Welshman’s cross into the path of Adebayor, who made no mistake from less than a yard. Brad Friedel made his first save of the game to deny Emile Heskey just after the break, but Spurs were soon back on top. Adebayor should have grabbed his hat-trick but he could only shoot wide when clean through. Kyle Walker then flashed a 20yard drive just past Given’s righthand post before Adebayor curled a brilliant shot inches wide. Substitute Jermain Defoe shot over late on and Spurs had to settle for a two-goal victory margin. ES

Play Field


A critical look at games and players


WI make solid start in final Test MUMBAI: Ishant Sharma and the other Indian bowlers failed to take an early wicket after West Indies captain Darren Sammy won the toss and opted to bat against India in the third and final Test of the series at the Wankhede stadium here today (Tuesday). India made two changes with Virat Kohli in place of axed Yuvraj Singh while Umesh Yadav made way for debutant Varun Aaron. West Indies' experienced batsman Shivnarine Chanderpaul has been ruled out with a calf muscle and

has been replaced with Kieran Powell. India: Gautam Gambhir, Virender Sehwag, Rahul Dravid, Sachin Tendulkar, VVS Laxman, Virat Kohli, Mahendra Singh Dhoni (captain/wicketkeeper), Ravichandran Ashwin, Ishant Sharma, Pragyan Ojha and Varun Aaron. West Indies: Adrian Barath, Kraigg Brathwaite, Kirk Edwards, Darren Bravo, Kieran Powell, Marlon Samuels, Carlton Baugh (wicketkeeper), Darren Sammy (captain), Fidel Edwards, Devendra Bishoo, IANS Ravi Rampaul.

West Indies 1st innings AB Barath not out KC Brathwaite not out Extras (lb 7, nb 1) Total (0 wickets; 30 overs)

35 37 8 80

To bat KA Edwards, DM Bravo, KOA Powell, MN Samuels, CS Baugh†, DJG Sammy*, FH Edwards, D Bishoo, R Rampaul Bowling I Sharma VR Aaron PP Ojha R Ashwin

O 7 6 11 6

M 1 2 5 1

R 19 16 16 22

W 0 0 0 0

Econ 2.71 2.66 1.45 3.66

Australia win thriller against SA Anand draws with JOHANNESBURG: Australia pulled off a thrilling two wicket victory over South Africa in the fiercely contested second Test to square the series 1-1. Eighteen-year-old debutant Pat Cummins (13), after surviving a close leg before call off leg spinner Imran Tahir, send the next ball to the midwicket fence, sparking jubilant scenes in the Australian team. Australia thus completed the highest successful run chase (310) at the Wanderers,

11 days after their embarrassing defeat at Newlands in Cape Town where they were bowled out for their lowest Test score (47) in 109 years. The gripping fifth day was full of twists and turns and had the spectators on the edge of their seats. Mitchell Johnson (40 off 47 balls) and Brad Haddin (55) showed tremendous courage to stand the fire the Dale Steyn and score 72 runs for the seventh wicket that proved decisive in the end.

Australia resumed the day on 142 for three, 168 runs short of the target. Ricky Ponting departed for a wellmade 62 and the tourists were reduced to 222/6 at tea, leaving the enthralling match in the balance with all four results possible. Philander was declared the Man of the Series for taking 14 wickets while debutant Cummins, who got seven wickets, including six in the second innings, was named IANS the Man of the Match.

Kramnik at Tal Memorial

South African Arthur appointed Australia's cricket coach MELBOURNE: Former South African coach Mickey Arthur has been appointed Australia cricket head coach, Cricket Australia (CA) announced here Tuesday. CA chief executive officer James Sutherland said Arthur would be in the role in time for the first Test against New Zealand, due to start in Brisbane from Dec 1. "The position is a new, elevated role responsible for day-to-day coaching of the Australia team but also encompasses responsibility for the overall Australian cricket coaching strategy. The function was created as one of the key recommendations of the recent Australian Team Performance Review (ATPR)," he said. Arthur, who was working as Western Australia head coach, will also act as a national selector. Arthur was South Africa's coach from 2005-10 and has been head coach with the Western Australian Cricket Association (WACA) since 2010.

He came to coaching after a 15-year first-class playing career in South Africa that netted him 6,657 first-class runs including 13 centuries, as well as 3,774 runs in South Africa's domestic one-day competition. Sutherland said it is the last of the major new positions recommended, following the recent appointments of Pat Howard to the new role of general manager team performance and that of John Inverarity to the new fulltime role of national selector.

CA general manager team performance Pat Howard, to whom the head coach reports, said Arthur was the outstanding candidate, found after a global search and assessment of a long list of eminent Australian and overseas candidates. "Mickey impressed on a number of levels, including his proven ability to turn teams around and his deep knowledge of the Australian cricket scene and its current and prospective future international players across three formats," Howard said. Arthur has been contracted to take him through past the end of the next ICC World Cup, due to be staged in Australia and New Zealand in 2015. "I am honoured and privileged to have another chance to coach an international team, particularly a team of the ilk of Australia. I think I bring a fresh, unblinkered eye to the role," he said. IANS

MOSCOW: World champion Viswanathan Anand played out another insipid draw with former challenger Vladimir Kramnik of Russia in the fifth round of Tal Memorial International chess tournament. With his fifth draw on the trot, Anand remained on a 50 per cent score in the strongest tournament of the year and remained on the joint fifth spot. For the second day running, all the games ended in draws but they were not devoid of action. Vassily Ivanchuk of Ukraine pla-

yed out a draw with world No 1 Magnus Carlsen of Norway while American Hikaru Nakamura achieved the same result against Armenian Levon Aronian. Results round 5: V Anand (Ind, 2.5) drew with Vladimir Kramnik (Rus, 2); Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukr, 2.5) drew with Magnus Carlsen (Nor, 3); Hikaru Nakamura (Usa, 2) drew with Levon Aronian (Arm, 3); Boris gelfand (Isr, 1.5) drew with Ian Nepomniachtchi (Rus, 3); Sergey Karjakin (Rus, 3) drew with Peter Svidler (Rus, 3). PTI

Whacky World

The snooze text


octors say more people are paying the price for easy communications access with a disorder they call “sleep texting.” “I twist and turn for at least two or three hours before I actually fall asleep,” said 16year-old Elizabeth Hammonds. When Hammonds finally falls asleep, the unexpected happens. Some people may experience night terrors, sleepwalking and even sleep eating, but for Hammonds, who carries her cell phone everywhere, it’s sleep texting. She doesn’t realize she’s sending text messages while she’s sleeping until the next morning, thanks to her friends. “You sent me a text message at three in the morning and I didn’t know what you meant by it,” she said. Her mother, Betty, is equally stunned. “She was telling me how she had texted somebody that said ‘Close her door’,” Betty Hammonds said. It seems unbelievable, but the proof is captured on the phone. “Then he showed me on his phone, I’m like, ‘Are you really joking? I sent that to you, like at three in the morning?’,” Hammonds said. “He’s like, ‘Yeah, you did’.” She’s sleep texted words and sometimes random letters to friends. Sleep expert Dr. Marcus Schmidt says he’s starting to see


Fun and frolic in a flat world


Doctors noting increase in ‘sleep texting’ more cases of sleep texting. “Four out of five kids that have cell phones sleep with the cell phone in the bedroom, next to their bed and only one in ten actually turn it off,” Dr. Schmidt said. He says sleep deprivation can trigger common motor behaviors during sleep, including reaching for the phone when it goes off. To get a good night’s sleep, doctors recommend leaving your cell phone somewhere else, so your fingers don’t do the walking. “As far away as possible and even out of the bedroom,” Dr. Schmidt said. He also suggests making your children go to bed a little earlier to decrease the desire to use the phone. “They kind of get stuck in a no man’s land, where they’re not really fully awake, but yet feel the need or urge to be able to respond to that text message,” Dr. Schmidt said. But for a generation that’s grown up with cell phones, is it likely children will keep them out of reach? “Probably not,” Elizabeth Hammonds said. Dr. Schmidt says the phenomenon is so new, that there’s not much research yet, but he knows it can be carried to extremes. One conservative young patient was alarmed to find herself sleep “sexting” sending compromising photos of herself in her sleep. As more people give up landlines and use only cell phones, he thinks sleep texting will become more common.

Bit of boozy music Man functional builds sound system out of 5000 recycled beer cans


apanese designer Yuri Suzuki teamed up with Mathew Kneebone to create an incredible beer can sound system for Red Stripe’s “Make Something Out of Nothing” project. Suzuki and Kneebone were commissioned by Red Stripe, Jamaica’s most popular beer, to use their talents and create a work that reflects Jamaican DIY culture. The two came up with a sound system inspired by the towering, bass-driven

sound systems that started out in the ghettos of Kingston and nowadays provide the rhythm of Jamaica street life. Because they can’t get their hands on expensive materials needed to build sound systems, Jamaican reggae groups often have to improvise and make them from scratch, using all kinds of stuff that doesn’t usually serve as components. This inspired the artistic duo to create their own DIY sound system from recycled Red Stripe

A batty proposal Man proposes to lover dressed as Batman


n inventive groom-to-be stunned his girlfriend by proposing to her after abseiling from the 100-foot-high roof of a packed shopping centre dressed as Batman. Caped crusader Ryan Gleeson even conquered a crippling fear of heights to pop the question to love of his life, Charlotte Kinman.

And luckily for Ryan - whose cape was plastered with the words Charlotte Will You Marry Me? - Charlotte made it all worth while and said yes. Ryan, 28, from Towcester, Northamptonshire, did his daring deed last month and even recorded the event at West Orchards Shopping Centre, in

beer cans. Most of the 5,000 tin cans used for the project were collected from this year’s Notting Hill Carnival. The final piece, which measures 2.5 meters high and 2.5 meters across, has speakers hidden inside the cans as well as a can microphone. Jamaican singer/songwriter Gappy Ranks tested the DIY can sound system and was impressed with the sound quality and the design of the musical structure.

Coventry, on camera. It comes just two weeks after Daniel Dixon proposed to his fiancée Nicola Burgess - on a skydive. Midflight Daniel held out his specially made gloves to Nicola and she spotted a message on the palms saying ‘marry me’. In an even more unusual proposal a Chinese man chose dancing carrots over dazzling carats when he proposed to his long-term girlfriend - while dressed as a vegetable.

Brave New World

From the world of science & research



Scientists track mercury poisoning risk from diets

WASHINGTON: Mercury in diets could whittle down the power of antioxidants and cause serious threats to health by accumulating in the body, aver scientists. Antioxidants, playing a critical role in protecting cells, could also — if they are not functioning properly — damage them or cause their deaths. This damage, known as oxidative stress, is tied with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s dis-

ease and diabetes, the journal Environmental Research Letters reports. As such, antioxidants are widely used in dietary supplements and have been investigated in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease, according to a University

of Alaska statement. University of Alaska Fairbanks researchers analysed groups of 12 huskies, a working dog breed, in four villages each with similar lineage, sex and age and in their peak racing years. These huskies are exposed

to the same environmental hazards as humans, sharing similar responses to ageing, immune function, toxicology and cognitive disorders. Fairbanks professor Kriya Dunlap, who led the study, said: “The amounts of mercury in the salmon (fish species) are well below Environmental Protection Agency limits and the health benefits compared to processed food are still quite significant. “However, the fact that health indices may be impaired by mercury levels indicates that monitoring should continue and that mercury generation should be monitored.” Data taken from the huskies’ diet, comprising flesh and fish, showed that as their mercury exposure increased, their antioxidant status IANS decreased.

Source of insect buzz around beer identified WASHINGTON: Why do insects buzz around beer — because flies can sense glycerol, a sweet-tasting compound used in yeast fermentation. “Insects use their taste system to glean important information about the quality and nutritive value of food sources,” said Anupama Dahanukar, researcher at the University of California, Riverside. “Sugars signal high nutritive value to flies, but little is known about which chemical cues flies use for food sources that are low in sugar con-

tent — such as beer,” the journal Nature Neuroscience reported. Dahanukar’s lab examined the feeding preference of the common fruit fly for beer and other products of yeast fermentation, a university statement said. It found that a receptor (protein that serves as a gatekeeper) tied with neurons (brain and nerve cells) located in the fly’s mouth-parts is instrumental in signaling a good taste for beer. The protein receptor, Gr64e, detects glycerol and transmits this information to

the fly’s neurons influencing the response of the insect. Dahanukar explained that flies use other receptors in their sensory organs to find food from a distance. “Taste becomes important only after the fly makes physical contact with food,” she said. “A fly first locates food sources using its odour receptors, crucial for its long-range attraction to food. Then, after landing on food, the fly uses its taste system to sample the food for suitability in terms of nutrition and toxiciIANS ty,” she added.

New tool accelerates diabetes diagnosis WASHINGTON: A new diagnostic tool would enable doctors to diagnose a patient’s diabetic condition much faster and more comprehensively, reveals a study. Even the number of mouse clicks required to find information was reduced from 60 to three, saving time besides showing what kind of lab tests were needed. Physicians using the dashboard correctly identified the required data 100 per cent of the time, compared with 94 per cent using traditional electronic records, according to researchers who developed the tool, the journal Annals of Family Medicine reported. “Diabetes care is complex because there are so many other health conditions tied with the condition that requires coordination,” said Richelle Koopman, researcher at Missouri’s American School of Medicine. “Doctors can see, at a glance, everything that might affect their decision. This makes their minds lighter and helps them make better decisions about patients’ care,” he said. “Doctors are going to spend 15 minutes with each patient, but instead of using a large portion of that time to search through charts for information, they can have interactive conversations with patients about lifestyle and diet changes that are important for diabetes IANS care,” Koopman added.

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Holistic view of mind, body and soul

The more things change, the more they remain... insane. Michael Fry and T. Lewis

Marshal your inner strength

Touted to be moving meditation, Tai Chi is one of the few martial art forms that helps not just calm the mind but also gives you inner strength

Sifu George Thomas performing Tai Chi Ranjani Rajendra


ou’ve been huffing and puffing your way through gym or aerobics classes to stay fit. How about trying something different? Something that can help you get in touch with your inner being, energise you and yet calm your mind? Something like Tai chi? Tai Chi is also considered to be a martial art; but experts say that it is different from other martial art forms. It is much more slower, graceful and sophisticated. In fact, according to Tai Chi masters, this martial art form has therapeutic value and helps to calm the mind. “Unlike other martial arts it can be learnt at any age and different physical abilities. Even people in a wheel chair can learn and practice this art. It is an exercise, unlike other martial arts which is effortless in nature and does not leave you exhausted or tired. It instead energises and rejuvenates you,” says Sifu George Thomas of the Fu Sheng Yuan Tai Chi Academy. In fact, Tai Chi’s therapeutic properties are many. “It is a form of martial arts designed

Benefits of Tai Chi?


hile practicing Tai Chi, the heart rate does not go up, breathing remains evenly paced out and you spend about 21 minutes to perform the 85 forms which has approximately 600-700 movements. At the end of the practice session, one feels more energetic compared to exercises like aerobics where you get exhausted and tired.

with many internal benefits. It aims at strengthening your inner Chi (prana) and gives you the inner strength to fight back. Although it is much

slower than other martial arts and exercises, after the 21 minutes of Tai Chi a person will sweat and muscles will be strengthened. A person who practices Tai Chi will find that his/her lower body is much stronger and upper body is light and flexible,” says P Nischal, a Tai Chi master. “With regular practice it works on the central nervous system, calming the mind. It works on the cardiovascular system strengthening the heart, lungs etc. It works on the digestive system strengthening the internal organs. Over all it strengthens the immune system and protects

us from ailments and even if we fall ill it helps us to recover faster. It tones up the muscles, strengthens the ligaments, tendons, bones, nerves etc,” explains Sifu George. It also helps you to cope up with the day to day pressures of life and keeps you mentally strong and alert. For a person with ailments or disorders it helps them to recover good health. Tai Chi is gaining popularity with fitness enthusiasts in the city too. Everyone from a doctor, engineer, IPS officer, software professional and sports person is willing to try out this martial art form. Even people with conditions like arthritis, spinal disorders, hypertension, breathing disorders etc perform Tai Chi. “I’ve been learning Tai Chi for the last six months and find that it leaves me feeling quite energised. I am also into dancing and yoga, but nothing rejuvenates me like Tai Chi. It even makes my body more flexible and calms my mind. I find that I need to concentrate a lot on each movement which makes me feel very involved and I pretty much forget everything else while performing Tai Chi,” says Jagruti Kapur, an interior designer.


Doctors overlook signs in diagnosing delirium WASHINGTON: Clinicians are overlooking vital signs in the blood that could help them more accurately diagnose patients with delirium, a condition tied to shorter lifespans. “These biomarkers linked to delirium provide us with a window to the disease process,” said study investigator Babar Ali Khan, assistant professor of medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine. “With a clearer understanding of underlying mechanisms, we can do a better job at recognising and managing delirium and ultimately of developing therapies,” added Khan, who led the study, the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reports. Delirium is a temporary state of confusion and fluctuating consciousness resulting from high fever, intoxication, shock, or other causes. It is also linked with decreased life spans and higher health care costs. More than 60 per cent of patients with the condition are not

being diagnosed, says the American Delirium Society, according to an Indiana University statement. Nor is there any US Food and Drug Administration-approved drug therapy for its prevention or management. Study authors analysed relevant peer-reviewed studies of delirium since 2000. They concluded that while proper use of a patient’s chemical markers might help his or her doctors identify delirium and predict its course, these biological tools are not being used currently in routine clinical care. “Future research on delirium should assess risk markers through serial blood draws, comparing the levels during the delirious episode and then follow up with levels after delirium resolution,” Khan said. He estimates that 80 per cent of critically ill patients in the US IANS develop delirium.



From mundane to luxury look


PUT A SOCK ON IT! An outfit is only as nice as its weakest accessory, they say, and a nice pair of socks can add another subtle touch to refine and distinguish your look

Model Sahil Salathia says the colour of his sock defines his mood for the day. “I personally wear colourful socks all the time. Obviously not with my formals. A lot of men and women both have this mental block that one should have only the greys, blue and blacks in their sock wardrobe but I love to experiment and play around with it.”

Men’s Only

Sana Mirza


here are too many men out there who seem to be spoiling perfectly prim outfits by wearing the wrong socks. They are seldom seen as they are hidden beneath your pants but they are quite important in the whole scheme of dressing up the right way. Aside from being a wardrobe essential, they need to be comfortable as they keep our feet from rubbing into our shoe and remove the perspiration away from our feet. While there aren’t a ton of

rules to follow, it’s important to keep a few pointers in mind in order to match the right sock with the right outfit. Designer Neelam Ashley says that a lot of men fail to concentrate on the kind of socks they wear. “It’s very important that you pay a little attention to the type of sock you wear. Basically there are two types of socks that are essentials for your wardrobe – for prime formals and semi formals. When you are dressing up for work, stock up on different pairs of blacks, greys and browns and it’s safe to have at least six pairs of socks.

“With your semi-formals like jeans, you can add a little colour to your sock collection. Motifs and bright colours are seasonal and it’s always a good idea to stock up on something funky,” he advises. It’s a general rule that the colour of your socks should be dictated by the colour of your pants and not by the shade of your shoes. For example, white socks can only be worn when you are playing sport but they too should be worn with caution if you know they are going to get dirty with sweat and dirt, make sure to wear socks of a darker shade.

Apart from matching the socks to your ensemble, comfort is also an important point that needs to be kept in mind when you are socks shopping. According to designer Ashwin Malwe, comfort is extremely important and it’s best to invest in some good quality socks. “It’s not just about the size of the sock, but more about the length and the quality of the sock. Buy acrylic socks which are sure to give more cushioning for your feet,” he says. Cotton, however is great for absorption of moisture but is not very durable and is not apt

for winters. “The kind of activity that you are doing should determine the kind of socks that you wear,” says Ashwin going on to add, “Quality sports socks will help keep your feet from smelling, fit your toes well and not bunch up at the end of your shoes. Cotton, nylon or lycra blend socks have a good amount of stretch and will stay put around the calves. Wearing woollen socks in winter will keep your feet protected from freezing up. “Refrain from wearing long socks with your shorts. It’s such a common fashion error that almost all men seem to make,” he adds Now that you’re all set to look all natty in your new socks, what are you waiting for? Go! Get shopping!

Living Room


A peep into the lives of cityʼs stars and achievers


Mithun Khaitan, who has his fingers in multiple pies, owns one of the best fine dining restaurants in the city Zafraan Exotica, and six other restaurants apart from his real estate business. A unique combination of humility and flamboyance. He talks to us about his work, life and love


passions Shiba Minai


ithun Khaitan believes in living life king size but ironically he confesses to being a workaholic. He goes on to explain why, “I am someone who gets bored easily. I constantly need to push the envelope, therefore I am always trying newer things. That is how I ended up having two restaurants in Hyderabad, four in Pune, and also my real estate business in Hyderabad and Goa.” He continues, “But once I start something, I have to do justice to it, therefore most of time goes in working.” Mithun’s childhood was spent in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. This was the place where he lay the foundation for his dreams. On his formative years, he says, “I grew up in a small, warm and healthy city. I went to a great school. My parents also gave me a great club life, so I did a lot of swimming and learnt golf.” Mithun started his own business at the age of 20 in Jamshedpur while he was pursuing his higher studies at St Xaviers, Calcutta. “My first venture was a showroom of Ford cars. I used to manage my business while studying,” and he

continues ecstatically, “The two best things I did after my college was decide to be a full-fledged businessman and marry Pooja. Ours was a love marriage, and today I feel it was the best decision I made.” He got married very young, didn’t that mean a lot of responsibility and commitment? Mithun dispels our doubts by saying, “Absolutely not! My wife and I do everything together. She is very supportive and understanding. The feeling of burden comes with materialistic goals and pressures, and my wife is not materialistic at all instead she has always been my pillar of strength.” The decision to expand his business southwards led him to come to Hyderabad. He has been here since 2003. Those were difficult times, he tells us, “For almost a year I didn’t have work, as I was not sure what I supposed to do. I was groping for a ground in a absolutely new city and so with my father I started Zafraan, and Shanghai Dice which we sold a year back. Then I started Zafraan Exotica and everything else kept falling in place.” He adds, “I have been very lucky to find good friends in Hyderabad. Both my partners are also my close friends and they have been a great support system for me.”

Does Mithun regret any decisions that he made in his life, he pauses and then replies “Sometimes I regret having opened my restaurants in Pune, as there is so much you can do in Hyderabad. Also, it takes away a lot of my family time.” As hectic his work schedule might see, Mithun likes to indulge in a bit of sports as well. He says, “I am a keen golfer, I play squash and snooker and do love sports a lot. Travelling is another of my passions. I ensure that I take a few vacations a year with my family. We all enjoy it and it’s also our time together. I prefer international destinations, as you got more space and privacy.” He continues, “I particularly love the cruises, as everything there is planned and I know what to expect. With my every day life filled with pressure, every hour is a decision making hour for me. So travelling is really relaxing for me.” Mithun is also a connoisseur of liquor. He has in his house a vast collection of the finest single malts. He speaks eagerly about his passion, “I love scotch, vodka and some more drinks. So whenever possible I collect anything unique or different that I see.”


t looks like Mithun’s son is already taking after his dad. All of nine, Manav shows keen interest in exploring and trying out different things like his dad. About his dad he says, “My father is a very kind person and I have never seen him being rude. I want to be a nice businessman like him

Mithun. She says, “He is a romantic person. He is also very family oriented, and tries to spend as much time as possible with us.” She goes on to tell us what makes the family stay as bonded as they are, “Everyday both of us ensure that we drop our son to the school bus and also have our

Another businessman in the making when I grow up.” Wife Pooja Khaitan, directorpartnership for Safe Medicines India, says, “He is a very passionate person and dedicates himself completely to his work.” Pooja too is all praises about

dinner together.” She continues, “Sometimes the three of us also play board games just to unwind.” They say that it is all these little things in daily life which makes the Khaitan family tick.

FULL OF SPIRIT: Mithun with Pooja and Manav

I believe in n n

Living life to the fullest n Family being top priority Nature must be used, not abused

Magic Screen

About stars, actors, and a bit of fun



Niharika Khan, the woman behind the hot look of Vidya Balan in The Dirty Picture, has sent the entire nation into a tizzy



ver wondered about the face behind the new steamly look of Vidya Balan? Well, you don’t have to look further, for we bring to you the ever so versatile Niharika Khan whose designs have made Vidya Balan more sought-after than Shah Rukh Khan himself. Talking about how the project came about, Niharika says, “I got a call from the production house and I was speaking to this girl called Meenakshi and after telling me all about what they are looking for, for some reason, she kept on saying, ‘Oh but you will not do it for us.’ I told her to give me the details first and then let me make the decision. It was really interesting to know how much difference the costumes made to the story and that is what intrigued me to take up the project.” “I liked the era that the film is set in and liked what was being portrayed. There were challenges and the biggest was the budget that we were working with. From the beginning I knew that the film

we were working on is a small budget one and I had to work within that. “But then I like challenges and fights because that’s when you know you can overcome them and take ownership,” explains Niharika talking about the challenges she faced while working on The Dirty Picture. Before signing up a project, Niharika looks into a few details. “It includes a lot of things like the production house, the storyline, the actors, the feel of the film and if it can challenge me. If it is something that has been done before then I won’t venture into it. The treatment of the film is also very important. I like the challenge a film comes

with and I go out of my way if it is required to,” clarifies Niharika. “The look for Vidya was done purely on the basis of the looks of South Indian actresses in 1980s and I had to tailor it accordingly for Vidya. We took her through the age, a lot of research was done on South India and the actresses, we did not have to do anything out of the ordinary. Keeping her body type in mind we went about designing the costumes. We had to invest some time into the character and not consider her personal style. The look is trendy and stylish. Though underplayed, I had to conceptualise Vidya as an actress who has a beautiful face and looks

good wearing Indian clothes and colours,” offers Niharika talking about Vidya’s look in the movie. There were lots of changes that Niharika had to incorporate once the first costume design was out as they realised that they had gone over the top. It had to be toned down as the look required Vidya to be glamorous. Niharika also shares that she had a great working relationship with Vidya while working on The Dirty Picture. Talking about her Niharika says, “She is a dedicated actor and the big question when we started off was whether she will do the role or not. She is an intelligent actor and she has her views on what looks good on her and what doesn’t. We had to convince her otherwise. I was initially afraid about her approach but she trusted me. And when somebody trusts you, you tend to give more.” On her way of working she says, “I don’t think I am a dictator. First I make a presentation on the look and then take the actor into confidence and then I tailor it according to what is required of me. I had a lot of discussions with the

She is a dedicated actor and the big question when we started off was whether she would do the role or not director and it was great to see that Vidya did not have much reservations. We tried everything within the frame and it turned out great for us,” says Niharika. Despite being so popular in the fashion circuit, it comes as a surprise that Niharika hasn’t studied fashion nor does she have any technical knowledge about it. She understands how a person should look. “I might not know the trends or the market but I surely know how to style a person and do a good job of it,” informs Niharika who got into costume designing quite by chance. “A friend of mine asked me to try it and I was really touched when someone like Sudhir Mishra gave me a chance to work on one of his films,” says Niharika who gets excited by the subject.

Magic Screen


About stars, actors, and a bit of fun

Shahid shoots ad with Priyanka


hahid Kapoor, who is here after his Spanish vacation, is trying to complete his ad shoots before he finalises new film projects. In one of the commercials, he has teamed up with Priyanka Chopra. He shot two ads on Wednesday in Madh Island on two adjacent sets — one for a paint brand and the other for a coffee brand, the latter with Priyanka which required them to splash water on one another in a garden. We asked Shahid about his doublead shoot and he said, ‘’It was just another working day. What’s there to say?’’ Shahid and Priyanka are also shooting for Kunal Kohli’s untitled film together and while shooting the ad both the actors tried to keep as much cordiality as possible. But apparently the duo simply refused to give joint bytes to the waiting television journalists who had gathered at the venue of the adshoot. IANS

New actors are lured by the glamour


ell-known TV and theatre actor Rajendra Gupta, who featured in the Limca Book of Records for doing maximum number of television serials, says most of the new faces on the small and big screen are attracted by glamour and it has an adverse effect on their career. ‘’Experience definitely counts. I would say that 50 per cent of those who join showbiz today are attracted by the glamour part and they don’t stay for long. Time has proved that those who are experienced have more

knowledge and that’s the reason they dominate the small screen,’’ Rajendra said. Among the new faces, he is impressed with Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor’s powerful performance in Imtiaz Ali’s just released musical romance Rockstar. Rajendra, who portrayed Pandit Jagarnath in the 1990s fantasy costume drama Chandrakanta has worked in over 40 shows. He was last seen on small screen as Mahavir Singh in Ballika Vadhu and says he follows his instincts while choosing roles. “I follow my instincts and try to do something different from what I have done in last 35 years. Yes, I have to repeat certain roles to earn livelihood, but what I crave for is variety,’’ said Rajendra, who will next be seen in comedy show Chidiyaghar. The show will be aired on SAB channel from November 28. Apart from television, he also played character roles in movies like Guru as Abhishek Bachchan’s on-screen father, and his last was Tanu Weds Manu’. He also did director Anwar Jawal’s small-budget movie Swaraj. IANS

I’m a complete foodie: Deepika B

ollywood actress Deepika Padukone may be one of the fittest actresses in the industry but she does not believe in starving herself. In fact, she is a self-confessed foodie. ‘’I love food. I love trying out different types of cuisine. I love eating in different kinds of restaurants, trying out new things and I think I have the luxury to do that because I travel a lot,’’ said Deepika at the unveiling of a food magazine. She feels staying fit is about following the right diet. “It’s about eating correctly, healthy and eating what suits your body. I don’t believe in dieting. For me, diet is about eating correctly and eating healthy,’’ Deepika said. Last seen in Aarakshan’, the 25-year-old is geared up for her next, Desi Boys, which is IANS coming out on November 25.



@NeilNMukesh Definitely the most stylish film I've worked on till date and an awesome screen name "spider"

@FarOutAkhtar The flu virus has launched an attacked my anti-bodies! This means War! Current status: they are leading! :-(

@udaychopra This is where my walk brought me...isnt it beautiful...sigh only if NYC was a woman

@bipsluvurself Sometimes its nothing but Music that drives you!Bow down to all the maestros who give us this wonderful beat to live on, called Music!

@ActorMadhavan @bipsluvurself you know I mean it totally Bips-I totally LOVE U 4 U R spirit. Honestly U R a dream co star n such Funnnnnnnnn to work with..

@AnupamPkher Remember whoever gossips to you will certainly gossip of you.:)

@RGVzoomin Majority cannot be right becos the majority of the world are fools

@iamsrk unto extremely important work..have to buy pet head gel for the dogs...running shoes for the son. apple store visit in the memory of s. Jobs

Magic Screen


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Magic Screen

About stars, actors, and a bit of fun

‘Tumhari Amrita’ most satisfying experience: Shabana


habana Azmi, who has been part of the Indian film industry for the past 35 years and has worked in about 120 films, says her most memorable role is not from a film, but a play. “I have been working for the last 35 years and I have played a lot of different roles. But the most satisfying experience for me was the character of Amrita in the play ‘Tumhari Amrita’ written by Javed Siddiqui,” the actress, who is also a social activist, told reporters at a book launch function here. “When I first heard the story of the play, I started crying. Even after doing 300 shows of the play, I start crying at the same point every time,” said Shabana. Besides Javed Siddiqui, Shabana, who is married to well-known writer Javed Akhtar, is also a huge fan of Gulzar. “I consider Gulzar a fabulous lyricist and a dialogue writer. I want him to make a film and give me an opportunity to work with him again,” said the actress who worked with the writer-lyricist in his directorial venture “Namkeen” and “Libaas”. “Libaas” has yet to see the light of day, but its songs were released and some of them like “Khamosh sa afsana pani pe likha hota” and

“Silli hawa chhoo gai” are still played and tops music lovers’ favourite list.\ The 61-year-old has an interesting body of work that boasts of films like “Ankur”, “Nishant”, “Masoom”, “Mandi”,

“Fire”, “Godmother” and “Morning Raga”. Recently she made her debut in the Pakistani cinema with “The Dusk”. Directed by Zeeshan Kazmi, it is based on the issue of missing people in IANS Pakistan.



Magic Screen


About stars, actors, and a bit of fun


Lady Gaga inspires Queen guitarist


rian May, guitarist from British rock group Queen, has revealed that he is a huge fan of pop star Lady Gaga and is inspired by both her music and personality. May collaborated with Gaga on her track You & I, which appears in her album Born This Way. During the recording process, he says he was

in awe of her talent, reports a website. “I had a blast working with Lady Gaga. She’s fantastic, she’s very inspiring. She’s a very human person underneath all those layers. I love her, she’s great. The persona she’s built up certainly seems to be working,” the 64-year-old told a magaIANS zine.


Beckham couple set to move to Paris?

elebrity couple Victoria and David Beckham are reportedly planning to move their family to Paris as the footballer prepares to sign for the city team Paris St Germain. David is in negotiations with Qatar Investment Authority, the owner of the team, and a deal is said to be imminent, reports a website. Victoria will visit the French capital in the next few weeks to look at apartments in the Sixth Arrondissement area, said to be the most exclusive and stylish in the city. She will also visit English-speaking schools for sons Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz in preparation for a move in January. David is currently playing for American soccer team LA Galaxy and his contract will end on December 31. IANS

It’s painful to be away from Stefani: Rossdale


inger Gavin Rossdale finds it “painful” when he is away from his singer-wife Gwen Stefani. The 46-year-old, who is currently on tour, admits the worse thing about the trip is not to wake up next to 42year-old Stefani. “It’s painful to be away from her, but who has a life without pain? Any guy in a relationship should pinch themselves no matter who they’re with and I am no different with Gwen (Stefani),” a website quoted Rossdale as say-

ing. “It would be nice to wake up to Gwen every morning, but I haven’t seen her for a while so I’m waking up next to myself which isn’t as exciting to me,” he added. IANS

Magic Screen


ctress Demi Moore has reportedly instructed lawyers to “punish” her estranged husband Ashton Kutcher by “grabbing his fortune”. The 49-year-old actress has confirmed she is splitting from the 33-year-old Kutcher after it was alleged that he had cheated on her with another woman. She is said to be planning to claim part of his personal fortune, even though they signed a pre-nuptial agreement while tying the knot in 2005. “With a pre-nuptial agreement, Ashton should be sitting pretty. But Demi is furious. She wants to punish him financially because of the way he has broken her heart. She is talking

About stars, actors, and bit of fun


ASHTON KUTCHER about going after a share of what he has earned since their marriage on the grounds that she contributed to much of what he has achieved,” a website quoted a source as saying. “She is going to give him a bitter fight and, whether or not she wins, it will be an expensive lesson for him,” the source added. IANS

Gerard Butler looking for true love



Taylor Lautner wilight actress Kristen Stewart says she misses her co-star Taylor Lautner after the movies wrapped up because they had become good friends. The 21-year-old actress got close to her co-star while filming the vampire movies, and although they no longer see each other as frequently as they used to, Stewart makes sure they keep in touch as much as possible by phone and email.



Kristen Stewart



“When I don’t see Taylor for a while I take out my phone and call him. It’s not like I see him all the time or every day, it’s just that when you work with people like that, you can give so much,” a website quoted Stewart as saying. “It’s so comfortable, you can do no wrong— they’ve got you. We get along together and I think it shows,” she added. IANS

ctor Gerard Butler says he is ready to settle down and share his life with the right woman. The 42-year-old was previously linked with actresses Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston and model Sarah Carrol. “I would love to settle down and share my life with someone. But it’ll happen when it’s going to happen,” a website quoted Butler as saying. “When I try and plan things in my life they very rarely pan out. And it’s often when I think, ‘Okay, you know what, I don’t want to be in a relationship right now for whatever reason’, that suddenly I find myself open to one and it happens,” he added. IANS

Magic Screen


About stars, actors, and a bit of fun



Hemanth Kumar


ver 100 artists and visual effects experts from Pixelloid worked for more than five months to create various sets and computer generated images in Bapu’s latest film Sri Rama Rajyam. It’s the first time in over 15 years that a full fledged mythological film has been made in Tollywood. Along with Bapu’s direction, Ilayaraja’s music, the visual effects in the film have been the talk of the town ever since it opened in screens across the state on November 17. Yugandhar Tammareddy, the founder and MD of Pixelloid, who was recently awarded the Young Entrepreneur award for excellence in the Creative Sector by the British Council, UK, says, “It’s a great pleasure working with a living legend like Bapu. We had worked with him for Raadha Gopalam, so we knew what he expected from the visual effects team.” But Sri Rama Rajyam was unlike anything they had worked on in recent years. The visual effects team at Pixelloid has worked on

recent films such as Dookudu and Oosaravelli but this is the first time that they were working on a mythological film on such a grand scale. “We created about 52 minutes of visual effects for the film and some of the scenes were very tough to work on. Our team had to work for almost 20 hours on each frame for some scenes to create the right look,” Yugandhar says. Although film-makers have been seeking the help of visual effects experts for a long time, it’s still not a norm to make the visual effects team a part of the whole process of filmmaking. But Yugandhar is mighty pleased with the experience of working with Bapu. “Bapu sent us storyboards and discussed the shots which he had in mind for several scenes. Film-makers rarely do that these days. We worked along with Bapu’s friend, Suresh, who’s also the concept artist of the film. Moreover, Yalamanchali Saibaba, the producer of the film, played a vital role in the whole process,” he says. The post production of the film began in June, 2011 and it took about five months to complete the work. Around 100 people from

Pixelloid’s teams in Hyderabad, Vizag and Guntur worked on the project and the two time Emmy nominated CG supervisor from Los Angeles, Michael Cliett was also part of the team. “We worked majorly on the scenes involving Bhoodevi and set extensions. The entire sequence of Bhoodevi emerging from the Earth was done in-house and it came out really well. Among other scenes, we created the opening scene where Rama and Sita come to Ayodhya in Pushpaka Vamanam,” he reveals adding, “the entire sequence of Rama and Sita entering the palace with hundreds of onlookers was another scene we worked on. All the buildings in that scene are visual effects and it was really tough to create everything from scratch.” The interiors of Rama’s palace in Ayodhya had to go through a lot of post production to achieve the grandeur. “If there’s anything which is too huge then you can take it for granted that it’s CGI. A lot of production cost can be saved using CGI. For example, the original set of Kaushalya Mandiram and Shyana Mandiram, where Rama sleeps, were 12 ft high and we extended the height and depth of the sets to make them look larger than what they originally were,” Yugandhar reveals. So did they take any references to create these sets? “Most of our references were from Bapu and Suresh’s drawings, old temples and paintings. We stuck to ancient temples because there’s a lot of Mughal influence in the architecture of temples built in the past 500 years,” he says and adds, “we have been creating visual effects for several films in the past but they were all invisible. It feels good when people finally talk about our work.”

Yugandhar Tammareddy talks about how his team at Pixelloid created mind boggling visual effects in Sri Rama Rajyam

Magic Screen

About stars, actors, and a bit of fun

Priya Anand shares screen space with Sridevi


riya Anand is all set to share screen space with Sridevi in a Hindi film titled English Vinglish. Most part of the film has already been shot in New York and Priya Anand has returned to India after a hectic schedule which went on for over a month. English Vinglish has been touted as a comeback film for Sridevi and Priya Anand, who was last seen in 180 with Siddharth. She is all set to make her Bollywood debut with this film. Gauri Shinde is directing the film and Balki, who made films like Cheeni Kum and Paa, is producing it. The film is going to release in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil in 2012.

Oh My Friend turns out to be a hit


iddharth’s latest film Oh My Friend has collected a share of around Rs6 crore in the first 10 days of its release. Dil Raju, who produced the film, hasn’t sold the satellite rights yet and the buzz is that various TV channels are quoting about Rs4 crore for the satellite rights. Going by the popularity and the revenue from sale of satellite and other ancillary rights, Oh My Friend will defi-




@sundeepkishan Routine ga malli morning shoot..kani life lo koni koni visheyalu Nanna thitulu,Girlfriend tho godava la Routine ga untene baga untayi :)

@shriyasmiling Love the sunrise in Vishakapatnam. Its spectacular.


Raccha’s fight sequence being shot at Anji, China

nitely be in the safe zone, although it’ll be far from being a huge hit. Despite getting mixed reviews and negative early buzz, the film has managed to find takers especially in Nizam, Ceded, Karnataka and other areas. Siddharth, Shruti Haasan, Navdeep and Hansika played the lead roles in this film. Venu Sriram directed the film and Rahul Raj has composed the music.

Finally reached Kanpur after struggling with fog for nonstop 18hrs..we took exactly double time to reach here..damn tired. Gonna sleep nw!

@shraddhadas43 I'm tired of listenin to ppl dancin n singn kolaveri kolaveri on repeat around me!! Tooo much!

@PriyaWajAnand Watching 'Oh My Friend' with my Grandma! :)

@ramsayz Surprise! gonna be posting the first look of #ENDHUKANTE PREMANTA in a bit ;)



am Charan Tej’s upcoming film Raccha is currently being shot in China. A fight sequence is being shot at the Bamboo Forest in Anji which is three hours away from Shanghai. This is the first time that a Telugu film is being shot in this forest where films like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon were shot in the past. Tamannaah is pairing up with Ram Charan in this film for the first time and Sampath Nandi is directing the film. After this schedule in China, Charan is going to take a break for a while since his engagement with Upasana Kamineni is right around the corner.

Sweet Chinese visitor on my shoot today Love her cheeks. ..

@devakatta we are blinded to future possibilities with yesteryear glory...happens more so in a mystic cult !!

Chai Time 1400 Naadi Aadajanme 1430 Movie 1800 Sri Shanidevuni Mahimalu 1830 Vasantha Kokila 1900 Chinnari Pelli Kuturu 1930 Anna Chellelu 2000 Pellipandiri 2030 Edureetha 2100 Bhale Chancele 2200 CID 2300 Roju Oka Laksha 0700 Silver Screen 0730 Just For Fun 0800 Ayurvedam 0830 Chaganti Bagavatham 0900 Movie 1200 Maa Voori Vanta 1300 Modern Mahalakshmi

1400 Kalyana Tilakam 1430 Maavichiguru 1500 Idhuru Ammayilu 1530 Movie 1800 Jai Shri Krishna 1830 Shraavani Subramaniam 1900 Kannavaari Kalalu 1930 Auto Bharthi 2000 No.23, Mahalakshmi Nivasam 2030 Mogali Rekulu 2100 Aparanji 2130 Devatha 2200 Mamathala Kovela 2230 Sree Mathi Sree 2300 Gemini Vaarthalu 0800 Vendithera 083024 Frames 0900 Movie 1200 Aha Emi Ruchi 1230 Maa Inti Aada Paduchu 1300 Chittemmaa 1330 Gorintaku

1400 [V] Deadly Dus 1430 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1500 [V] Humse Hai Life 1530 [V] Trailers 1600 [V] Zabardast Hits 1800 [V] Fresh Songs 1830 [V] Humse Hai Life 1900 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1930 [V] Humse Hai Life 2000 [V] Steal Ur Girlfriend 2100 [V] D3 Bloopers 2130 [V] Trailers 2200 [V] Axe Ur Ex 2300 [V] Humse Hai Life 2330 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 2355 [V] Fresh Songs 0700 [V] Trailers 0730 [V] Zabardast Hits 0800 [V] Mind Blasting Mornings 1100 [V] Fresh Songs 1200 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance

‘[V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance’ at 1900 Hrs on CHANNEL [V]

1300 News Now At1 1330 News Now 1800 6 Pm 1830 Live Report 1900 Primetime 1930 The Game 2000 News Now At 8 2030 Live Report 2100 The Newshour 2200 The Newshour - Plus 2230 E Now 2300 News Now At 11 0800 The Morning News 0900 News Now 1200 Live Report 1230 News Now

‘The Newshour’ at 2100 Hrs only on TIMES NOW


Telly sitcoms, news and movie listings

1400 Abhishekam 1430 Aadade Aadharam 1500 Antahpuram 1530 Aakasa Ganga 1600 Prema Mandiram 1630 Jagadeeswari 1700 Premato Mee Lakshmi 1800 Mahabharatam 1830 Puttadi Bomma 1900 Kumkuma Rekha 1930 Manasu Mamata 2000 Chandra Mukhi 2030 Bharyamani 2100 Etv News 2130 Abhimani 2230 Sambhavi 2300 Movie 0800 Jeevana Jyothi 0830 Tollywood Time 0900 Movie 1130 Abhiruchi

1400 Movie 1730 Shridi Sai Katha 1800 Veera Naari Jhansi Laxmi Bhai 1830 Kalavari Kodallu 1900 Chinna Kodalu 1930 Pasupukunkuma 2000 Muddu Bidda 2030 Radha Kalyanam 2100 Kanyadanam 2130 Movie 0800 Gopuram 0830 Bhakti Samacharam 0900 Sri Raghavendra Vybhavam 0930 Ayurveda Jeevana Vignanam 1000 Latest Superhit Songs 1030 Kanyadanam 1100 Charanadasi 1130 Ardhangi 1200 Mahadevi

‘Business Tonight’ at 2100 Hrs only on ET NOW 1400 The F And O Show 1430 Closing Trades 1530 Tomorrow's Trades 1600 Business Day 1730 Markets Tomorrow 1800 Rush Hour 1830 Brand Equity Special 1900 Global Business Report 1930 Business Express 2000 Business First 2030 Markets Tomorrow 2100 Business Tonight 2200 Top 10 At10 2230 Leaders Of Tomorrow 2300 Starting Up 0900 First Trades 1000 Hot Stocks 1100 Buy Now Sell Now - The Stock Game 1130 Buy Now Sell Now 1200 Market Sense 1300 Business Day 1330 Markets Now

‘Swamp Brothers’ at 2200 Hrs on DISCOVERY 1300 Wild Discovery 1400 Man Vs Wild 1500 Swords 1600 Factory Made 1630 Time Warp 1700 Discovery Showcase 1800 Wild Discovery 1900 Fight Quest 2000 History 2100 Man Vs Wild 2200 Swamp Brothers 2230 Destroyed In Seconds 2300 Miracle Detectives 1000 Man Vs Wild 1100 Into Alaska With Jeff Corwin

1320 CSI - Miami 1415 Most Shocking 1510 Masters Of Illusion 1605 Got To Dance 1700 Top Chef Masters 1800 Wipeout 1900 Most Shocking 2000 Masters Of Illusion 2100 Wipeout 2200 Got To Dance 2300 Impossible - The World's Greatest Magicians 2011 0905 Sky Teleshopping 0930 Scare Tactics 0955 Infomercial/5 Min 1000 Scare Tactics 1025 Infomercial/5 Min 1030 Top Chef Masters 1130 Wipeout

‘Got To Dance’ at 2200 Hrs on AXN

‘Dwarkadheesh’ at 2000 Hrs on IMAGINE 1400 Haar Jeet 1500 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 1600 Haar Jeet 1700 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo 1800 Beendh Banuga Ghodi Chadhunga 1830 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 1900 Dharampatni 1930 Haar Jeet 2000 Dwarkadheesh - Bhagwan Shri Krishn 2030 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 2100 Beendh Banuga Ghodi Chadhunga 2130 Dharampatni 2200 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo 2230 Haar Jeet 2300 Dharampatni

1400 Hamari Saas Leela 1430 Hawan 1500 Veer Shivaji 1530 Uttaran 1600 Phulwa 1630 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 1700 Sasural Simar Ka 1730 Veer Shivaji 1800 Uttaran 1830 Balika Vadhu 1900 Hawan 1930 Sasural Simar Ka 2000 Balika Vadhu 2030 Veer Shivaji 2100 Phulwa 2130 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 2200 Uttaran 2230 Bigg Boss 2330 Balika Vadhu

‘Phulwa’ at 2100 Hrs on COLORS

‘Ek Nayi Choti Si Zindagi’ at 1900 Hrs on ZEE TV 1400 Hitler Didi 1430 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1500 Bhagonwali 1530 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 1600 Pavitra Rishta 1630 Shobha Somnath Ki 1730 Ram Milaye Jodi 1830 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1900 Ek Nayi Choti Si Zindagi 1930 Choti Bahu2 2000 Hitler Didi 2030 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 2100 Pavitra Rishta 2130 Ram Milaye Jodi 2200 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 2230 Bhagonwali 2300 Pavitra Rishta

1400 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1430 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1500 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1600 CID 1800 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1830 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1900 Crime Patrol - Dastak 2000 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 2045 Dekha Ek Khwaab 2130 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi 2200 Saas Bina Sasural 2230 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 2300 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 0900 Adaalat 1000 Crime Patrol - 1 1200 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1245 Dekha Ek Khwaab 1330 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi

‘Saas Bina Sasural’ at 2200 Hrs on SONY


‘E H M M B H’ at 2030 Hrs on STAR PLUS 1400 Sapnon Se Bharey Naina 1500 Navya 1530 Diya Aur Bati Hum 1600 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 1630 Sasuraal Genda Phool 1700 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1730 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 1800 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 1900 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1930 Sasuraal Genda Phool 2000 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2030 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 2100 Diya Aur Bati Hum 2130 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2200 Navya 2230 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 2300 Maryaada ... Lekin Kab Tak?


1415 The Dark Knight 1710 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 1910 Cellular 2100 It's A Boy Girl Thing 2255 Blade II 0750 Friends 0820 Good Morning, Miami 0850 Friends 0920 New Adventures Of Old Christine 0950 The Conan O'brien Show 1040 Little Nicky 1220 It's A Boy Girl Thing

1405 Rocky 1640 The Informant! 1905 Dinocroc Vs Supergator 2100 For Your Eyes Only 2350 The Core 0810 Nanny Mcphee & The Big Bang 1030 The Core 1320 For Your Eyes Only

1400 $H*! My Dad Says 1430 Mike And Molly 1500 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 1600 The Event 1700 $H*! My Dad Says 1730 Mike And Molly 1800 E News 1900 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 2000 $H*! My Dad Says 2030 America's Funniest Home Videos 20 2100 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 2200 The Event 2300 $H*! My Dad Says 2330 Mike And Molly 0800 Just For Laughs 0830 Scrubs 0900 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 1000 Pretty Little Liars 1100 America's Funniest Home Videos 20

‘$H*! My Dad Says’ at 2300 Hrs on ZEE CAFE

Mrs. Kaushik Ki Yeh Rishta Kya Paanch Bahuein Kehlata Hai Storyline - Bindeshwari finds out about the surprise party Lovely had planned for the kids and gets caught. Before that she had summoned all her bahus, who tried to hide the fact and lied to her.

Storyline - The family faces various problems in the new house which they were unaware of. ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ at 2130 Hrs on STAR PLUS

‘Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein’ at 2200 Hrs on ZEE TV

‘Melissa & Joey’ at 2300 Hrs on STAR WORLD 1400 Masterchef Australia 1500 Breakout Kings 1600 The Big Bang Theory 1630 Home Improvement 1700 Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior 1800 Masterchef Australia 1900 Love2 Hate U 2000 Rules Of Engagement 2030 The Simpsons 2100 Masterchef Australia 2200 Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior 2300 The Big Bang Theory 2330 Home Improvement 0700 The Big Bang Theory 0730 Home Improvement 0800 Rules Of Engagement 0830 The Simpsons 0900 Masterchef Australia 1000 Criminal Minds Suspect Behavior 1100 Love2 Hate U

1400 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1430 Don't Worry Chachu !!! 1500 Lapataganj 1530 Fir 1600 Chintu Chinky Aur Ek Badi Si Love Story 1630 Don't Worry Chachu !!! 1700 Ring Wrong Ring 1730 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1900 Lapataganj 1930 Don't Worry Chachu !!! 2000 Chintu Chinky Aur Ek Badi Si Love Story 2030 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 2100 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 2130 Mrs. Tendulkar 2200 Lapataganj 2230 Fir 2300 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 2330 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 0900 Happy Housewives Club 0930 Don't Worry Chachu !!! 1000 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo

‘Ammaji Ki Galli’ at 1930 Hrs on SAB

‘It's A Boy Girl Thing’ at 2100 Hrs on WB

‘Rang De Basanti’ at 1400 Hrs on ZOOM 1400 Movie - Rang De Basanti 1730 Star Bonanza 1800 Letz Go! 1900 Planet Bollywood News 1930 Link'D 2000 Style Strip 2030 Letz Go! 2100 Royal Stag Make It Large Series 2130 Link'D 2200 B - Tonite 2230 Page 3 2300 Bollywood Bonanza 0700 Fresh Mornings 0800 Red Carpet 0805 20 - 20 Songs 0825 Fresh Mornings 1100 Zoom Box 1200 Garma Garam 1300 Planet Bollywood News 1330 Tentalize

1430 Discovery Science Classics 1530 Megascience 1630 Food Detectives 1700 Deconstructed 1730 Heavy Metal Taskforce 1830 Best Of Discovery Science 1930 Catalyst 2000 Oddities 2030 Cosmic Collisions 2130 Mythbusters 2230 Machines! 2300 Industrial Junkies 2330 The New Inventors 1000 Industrial Junkies 1030 Cosmic Collisions 1130 Mythbusters 1230 Best Of Discovery Science 1330 Critical Eye

‘Oddities’ at 2000 Hrs on DISCOVERY SCIENCE

‘Galileo Extreme’ at 2030 Hrs on BIG CBS PRIME 1300 Galileo Extreme 1330 The Defenders 1430 Jerry Springer 1530 Big Wheels 1600 Survivor 1700 Bellator 1800 Galileo Extreme 1900 The Defenders 2000 Entertainment Tonight 2030 Galileo Extreme 2100 The Defenders 2200 Jerry Springer 2300 CSI - Crime Scene Investigation 0700 Big Wheels 0730 Aspire 0800 Galileo Extreme 0900 Bellator 1100 Jerry Springer 1200 Big Wheels 1230 Entertainment Tonight 1300 Galileo Extreme

Chai Time


How to Play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: “How do you play Kakuro?”, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two - it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.



Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa


QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Gentle creature 5 Collectible that displays its original value 10 Cute porker of film fame 14 Confederate Gen. Robert ___ 15 Word with basin or wave 16 Unholy figurine 17 One market for U.S. exports 18 Fill with wonder 19 Russell of "Waitress" 20 Over the hill 23 Someone a lot like you 24 Term of endearment 25 Wooden shoes 28 Supplied 33 "Zip- ___ -Doo-Dah" 34 The longest river in France 35 ___ Speedwagon ("Keep on Loving You" band) 36 It pictures the U.S. Capitol 40 Job-related term created under LBJ 41 Start of a child's choosing rhyme 42 Contents of a large, round, flat can 43 Comes up for air 45 Like clear night skies 47 A neighbor of Syr. 48 Eccentric one 49 One-time CBS spinoff 56 Wise threesome in Matthew 57 Window parts 58 Reading material for psychics? 59 Proven wrinkle remover 60 Every film has one 61 Writer Rice 62 Parts of a train 63 Atlantic City tourist attractions 64 Mythical monster's loch DOWN 1 Canadian flag feature

2 "Let me just add ..." 3 Golda's surname 4 Stereotypical '50s Greenwich Village figure 5 Conditions of equilibrium 6 Island near Java 7 Man who was never born 8 Perplexing path 9 Overabundance 10 Skimpy beachwear 11 Gulf of ___ 12 He was Bjorn to serve? 13 "The Book of ___" (2010 Denzel Washington film) 21 "Is it soup ___?" 22 Hang in midair 25 Containers that may be cracked 26 Something you might bid 27 Support 28 End for "Anna" or

"Indiana" 29 Cause agitation 30 More arid 31 Sniggler 32 Parton of "Nine to Five" 34 Only 37 You can get a rise out of it 38 Breaks the code 39 Important railroad employee 44 Sides, slangily 45 Drenches 46 Huggies wearer 48 Prepared to propose 49 Lee of bakery products fame 50 Flunky in "Young Frankenstein"


51 Word with "junk" or "snail" 52 Word of division 53 ___ qua non 54 Stops along the road 55 Oct. 15, e.g. 56 Tape recorder input (Abbr.) PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER

THOUGHT OF THE DAY How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank



Your tomorrow today̶Star Power and Tarot THIRUVAIKUMAR

Date 23-11-2011

ARIES 040-27177230 / 9177596118

March 20 - April 18 Financial situation will improve. Some might change their job or residence. Businessmen will sign new profitable deals. Be cordial with life partner. Relatives may create disturbances.


April 19 - May 19 Health needs attention. Debt problems will be under control. Legal issues will turn in your favour. Single people advised to avoid romance. Problems in ancestral property will be resolved.





June 21 - July 21

July 22 - August 21

May 20 - June 20

Expected opportunities may be delayed. You may be upset and full of confusions. Avoid disputes with anyone. Journalists and medi‑ apersons will have a good time. Couples should avoid ego clashes and remain cordial.

Indirect enemies are active and trying to spoil your reputation. Be alert and vigil to thwart them. Businessmen will face tough competition. Strained relationships will resume on their own.

Misunderstanding with wife might upset you. Solve the issue without ego. Businessmen need to be transparent with partners to improve the business. Keep your cool as tense is situation likely.



SAGITTARIUS November 21 - Dec 20

October 23 - November 20

Those who fell in romance will have a good time and things move towards a favourable end. Businessmen can think of expansion with fresh investments. Friendship circle will expand. Expenses will increase. Official journey likely.

Financial fortunes likely. Family will be very happy. Businessmen will have a boom period. Maintain accounts correctly. Avoid believing anyone blindly and dis‑ closing business secrets.

Avoid undertaking journeys. Financial situation will improve. Hardwork may not bring desired results which might bog you down. Take decisions with the advise of family and well‑wishers.




January 20 - February 18 Real estate matters will bring profit. Some have chances to buy vehicle. Put off taking any major decision for now. Motherʼs health is a cause of concern which is to be attended without any delay.




Seven of Wands – Your dream is to make it big on your own through entrepreneurship and self employment. You have it in you to actu‑ ally make it work.

Five of Cups – Some form of loss is indi‑ cated. You feel emo‑ tionally empty and cannot invest in a relationship anymo‑ re. Give yourself ti‑ me and let it pan out.

Two of Swords – Youʼre perhaps being blind to some very harsh facts of life and that is stopping you from making more practical deci‑ sions.




The Lovers – Rom‑ ance is in the air. A relationship has co‑ me to a point where you need to make a decision whether you want to deepen the commitment.

The Magician – Your intuition is at the peak and your plans are working well. Trust yourself and your decisions. Donʼt compare your life to that of othersʼ.

Seven of Cups – Thereʼs confusion in your mind bordering on insanity. Calm yourself and medi‑ tate to think clearly so you can make the right decisions.




King of Pentacles – Finances are in great shape. Youʼre in con‑ trol and people around you are see‑ ing you as a good leader and one they can trust.

King of Swords – Use your intellect in pro‑ blem‑solving. This is the day to weigh the pros and cons of some‑ thing carefully before you decide which side you want to take.

Queen of Swords – Youʼre successful and very ambitious. But you also need to kn‑ ow that itʼs lonely at the top. Be aware of what youʼre sacrific‑ ing to be successful.




Ace of Pentacles – Mo‑ ney is in great shape. You may get a raise or bonus, which is beyo‑ nd your expectation. You also have great ideas to make this money work for you.

King of Wands – Youʼre a fighter and believe in fighting till the very end in order to get what you want. Youʼre also feeling emotional. Itʼs a strange combination.

Six of Swords –You make some beneficial overseas contacts and this helps in the future. Focus on net‑ working and keep your contacts alive to benefit from them.

February 19 - March 19

Avoid getting work done via shortcuts as it might create trouble in the long run. Spend time to find solution for long pending problems. Judge yourself whether you will be able to do a particu‑ lar assignment and then only commit.

For Better or for Worse Stone soup



Number game



Ink pen


Fred Basset

Dec 21 - January 19 All your expectations get fulfilled. All you touch will be done without any hurdles. Financially a sound position is seen. Those joined in a job recently will cope with the situation and settle comfortably.


August 22 - September21

Opportunities will come searching. Finances look sound. Realtors and speculators can take bold decisions. Childrenʼs health may be a cause of concern. Businessmen must use good opportunities they get.

September 22 - October 22



Vol: 1, No. 129 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No. 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad–500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad–500037, Editor: Prahlad Rao – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: and for subscription, please call 040-40672222, Fax: 040-40672211






pencer’s Retail, which was awarded the Images Excellence Award for pioneering retail in East at the East India Retail Summit Awards in 2011, celebrated the annual Cake Mixing Ceremony with underprivileged and special children from the voluntary organisation Ashray Akruti on Monday at its Musheerabad outlet.

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