Get your work face on with effective
Rajanna ʼs
Seeing alone isn’t believing
music out in stores
They conquer the unthinkable by their sheer confidence. What if the eyes turn blind? The other senses take charge and guide the rest. It is walking into the darkness, literally for the blessed. For the less fortunate, however, every tour they guide is an occasion to demonstrate their innate talent and strength, Dialogue in the Dark, located at Level 5 of InOrbit Mall, is part of a global chain and India's first. see on pg4
First compact afternoon newspaper of Hyderabad
Tollywood stars, business tycoons, politicians and bureaucrats, who stole the show all these years, were conspicuous by their absence this time
t was celebrities galore all these years at the 10K run. For the first time, on Sunday, most of them stayed away. “We too did not call them,” says organiser D Suresh Babu. Apart from him, the other two VIPs spotted on the opening dais were Speaker Nadendla Manohar and Police Commissioner AK Khan. “We have intentionally avoided invitation to celebrities. Initially, we used to invite them to popularise the event. Now, we want the 10K run to
survive on its own,” Suresh Babu told Postnoon. Celebrities were not important any more, he said on the previous day’s press conference too. “This is for the people and by the people,” he asserted. What’s the in-thing behind this? What’s more, there is a dash of Telangana agitation to it. Agitators marked their presence with permission from the organisers. Every kilometre, they wanted to represent one district each to bring the full complement of 10 Telangana districts demanding a separate State.
Page Two
Spirit of Twin Cities
Kin in kidnaps; a new twist Trend of involvement of friends and relatives in abduction and killing has been on the rise in the City, and it strikes out a warning to citizens to be wary of those close to them D Sree Charan
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Jealousy responsible
Jealousy is the main factor in such cases. Even kith and kin or acquaintances can't see someone close to them flourishing and hence develop a grudge against them. Moreover, this is the easiest way of earning. If they want to earn money by working it will take years,” said P Jyothi Raja, a senior child psychologist. “Another important thing,” she says, “ is that earlier people used to lead a simpler life by not revealing their actual wealth. But, now-a-days people are showing off their wealth by celebrating big, which is invoking frustration among others. Basically human tendency is 'If I don't have, then even he shouldn't have it.' They loose control and tend to commit crime. At this stage they are not even bothered about the consequences or that it may strain their family relations.” But why target children. "Children are the safe targets as the resistance is minimum. Children blindly trust them and can't make out their plot. If someone hurts them physically they may forget as time passes, but if they hurt someone close to them, especially their children, the cuts are deeper."
Kishenji’s funeral at `_f=ÑáäÉë=mb=~Ö~áåëí=_~Äì Peddapally today q Postnoon News
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Hyper Local
Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities
10K run takes a T tinge q
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Discover Hyderabad
They conquer the unthinkable by their sheer confidence. What if the eyes turn blind? The other senses take charge and guide the rest. It is walking into the darkness, literally for the blessed. For the less fortunate, however, every tour they guide is an occasion to demonstrate their innate talent and strength, Dialogue in the Dark, located at Level 5 of InOrbit Mall, is part of a global chain and India's first, writes A Saye Sekhar
Seeing alone isn’t believing HYDERABAD: When the sixfoot-tall Soham says the last best thing he remembers to have seen was his mother, he is surely touching a sentimental cord. Soham Svarna wasn’t born with blindness. He turned visually challenged just before he entered the age of adolescence. Yet, his grit and determination makes the visitors awestruck. He is one among the 15-odd visually-challenged youths bubbling with enthusiasm to induce an experience of being blind among those who can see at Dialogue in the Dark, established on the Level 5 at InOrbit Mall at Madhapur less than a year ago. It isn't an amusement park or an art exhibition to titillate the basic instincts. It is a concept woven around "social inclusion of marginalised people around the globe." What’s it all about? What does it feel like when you turn visually challenged? You give rest to your eyes and your other sensory organs will obviously assume charge. You begin to touch and feel, you tend to smell effectively, you learn to listen carefully, and you obviously communicate Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints
198 155313
POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section Street Light
155333 23431178 23431179 155304
articulately. It’s always amazing to watch a visually-challenged person walking past every obstacle with the help of a stick toting it to the left and the right. Sighted people, torn out of their social routines, are shown the way by the blind. The Dialogue in The Dark is an exhibition created by Andreas Heinecke, a German journalist, in 1988 with the first premier show at Frankfurt in Germany. He actually created the Dialogue in the Dark while developing a programme for a colleague who lost his eyesight. While it remained a travelling exhibition for a decade, the first permanent exhibition was
MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266 24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833150 Railway Information 131
set up at Hamburg in Germany in 2000. It is called Dialog im Dunkeln in German. While over six million people visited the exhibition from across 25 locations in Japan, Italy, Israel, Australia and the USA, the Dialogue in the Dark has presence in several countries across the globe now. Hyderabad is the chosen location for the company to establish its centre in India. As you enter, you are made to deposit all that glitters, including your wrist-watch, pen, mobile phone, ring, and the likes. You are allowed to take some small currency inside. A totally or partially blind person will brief you on
Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333 WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital,
155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888
how to love the environment without being able to see. The exhibition has multiple themes like Park, Fountain, and boat tour. After you are thoroughly briefed, the guide walks you through the exhibition. A visitor (in case there are more than one visitor, they will have to walk in a queue one after the other) is ushered in with all the warmth that a guest can expect from his/her most loved ones. For instance, the visitor touches and feels the leaves of plants, a large trunk of a tree, a
There are about 150-200 footfalls every day on the weekdays and 300 on weekends small cantilever hanging bridge, a wooden bench where the visitors are engaged by the guide in a dialogue. Then the visitors are made to buy a chocolate of their preference. While the general practice of people is to litter the place by throwing away the wrappers, the guide makes sure that you dispense the chocolate covers
Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital, LB Nagar BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills
30417777 30419000 30416666 39879999 27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445
AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777
in a garbage bin. The visitor walks back to light feeling totally delighted and also awakened to the harsh realities of the Creation. Yet, he appreciates the environs cobbling up the strengths of all sensory organs. The shows for visitors run from 11am through 9pm on week days and 11am to 10pm on weekend days — Saturday and Sunday. And the proceeds of the entry fee are used for maintaining the facility and to meet the salaries and operational costs of the staff and guides, says Krishnan, Director. There are about 150-200 footfalls every day on the weekdays and 300 on weekends. In fact, Dialogue in the Dark has as its mission “to facilitate social inclusion of marginalised people on a global basis”. Soham, who is conversant with many languages like English, Hindi, Tulu, Marathi, Gujarati, and Punjabi, is raring to learn Telugu from his other colleagues. He makes the visitors touch him and describe him if he is tall or short, thin or fat. It’s all about seeing the brighter side of life through the darkness.
Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332 AIRLINES Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Websit;
TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999 UK Visa Office VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7 Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum
24523211 232431300/7641 24521029
India unveiled nice and full
Team Anna has its back against wall Plea for probe into CWG graft Delhi Police files FIR against Kiran Bedi cases dismissed by Delhi court
NEW DELHI: A Delhi court on Saturday dismissed the plea of members of Team Anna and others seeking a direction to the probe agencies to investigate and lodge an FIR for alleged corruption in the Commonwealth Games-related cases.
Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Amit Bansal, who rejected the application for registration of the FIR, however, said if Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal, Swami Agnivesh, yoga guru Ramdev and others want to furnish any further evidence in support of their claims, they could submit it on February 7. “The application is dismissed. As far as CWG scam is concerned, I am not passing any order now. The date fixed for further evidence, if any, will be February 7,” the court said. The complainants had alleged that despite massive corruption in the Games-related works, probe agencies have not been probing all the cases. They alleged contracts were awarded for Games-related projects without following any proPTI cedure.
NEW DELHI: The Delhi Police today (Sunday) registered a case against former top cop and Team Anna member Kiran Bedi for alleged cheating and misappropriation of funds in collusion with foreign companies and foundations. “We have registered a case against her (Kiran Bedi) under Sections 406 (criminal breach of trust), 420 (cheating) and 120 (B) (criminal conspiracy) of the Indian Penal Code,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (crime) Ashok Chand said. A Delhi court had on Saturday directed police to file a case against Bedi on a complaint filed by petitioner Devinder Chauhan. Chauhan alleged that Bedi cheated various paramilitary forces and state police organisations on the pretext of providing free computer training
Youths disrupt Rahul’s public meeting in UP KUSHINAGAR: Some youths, allegedly belonging to the Samajwadi Party, created a ruckus at a public meeting of Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi soon after he completed his speech at Padrauna here on Saturday. The trouble arose when the youths entered Udit Narayan Inter College where Rahul’s meeting was underway and chanted slogans and distributed pamphlets, official sources said. The youths took off their shirts
immediately after Rahul ended his speech displaying slogans like: ‘UP people are not beggars’ emblazoned on their vests. A scuffle ensued between the Congress workers and the youths in which the two sides hurled chairs at each other, the sources said. Some youths were reportedly injured in the clash, they said. A few youths were detained by police in this PTI connection.
to troopers’ families under the banner of her NGO India Vision Foundation. Bedi said she was not surprised by the development and it only strengthened her resolve to do more. “I am informed an FIR is registered against me. For me now nothing is a surprise!” Bedi said on micro-blogging site Twitter. “It only strengthens my resolve to do more,” she added.
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Bedi was caught in a controversy last month when it was revealed that she allegedly gave inflated travel bills to various social organisations and educational institutions that invited her for lectures. She admitted she charged various NGOs business class airfare while buying the lower class airline tickets, but said the excess money went to her IANS own NGO.
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Global firms may face hurdles NEW DELHI: With BJP, JD(U), AIADMK, BSP and Trinamool Congress strongly opposing FDI in multi-brand retail, global chains may face problems in opening stores in 28 of the 53 cities which have been thrown open to retailers like Walmart and Carrefour. The parties and alliances ruling in 11 major states have strongly opposed the decision of the Central government to allow foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail which is dominated by small traders. According to 2011 Census, there are 28 cities in 11 states ruled by the parties opposed to the decision. These include
big cities like Bangalore, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Patna, Allahabad and Bhopal, which have over one million populations — the threshold set by Cabinet while approving FDI in retail on November 24. Excluding Punjab, BJP and NDA rule in eight states: Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Bihar and Himachal Pradesh. BJP indicated that states where the party is in power may not permit foreign stores. Besides, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati has already stated that no foreign retailers would be PTI allowed in her state.
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India unveiled nice and full
US in damage control mode after deadly friendly fire ISLAMABAD: The United States moved to salvage ties with Pakistan after NATO air strikes on border outposts killed up to 26 soldiers and plunged relations into crisis, backing a full probe and expressing condolences. Pakistan said it was reviewing its alliance with the US and NATO after the lethal strike which it branded a violation of international law, summoning the US ambassador Cameron Munter and warning of serious repercussions. It also announced the closure of its Afghan border to NATO, shutting down a supplies lifeline for 130,000 USled foreign troops fighting the Taliban, and called on the US to leave a remote air base reportedly used by CIA drones. The NATO force in Afghanistan admitted it was ‘highly likely’ that its aircraft caused the deaths in Saturday’s pre-dawn strike, inflaming US-Pakistani relations still reeling from the May killing of Osama bin Laden. The US commander in
Activists of Islami Jamiat Tulba (IJT), the student wing of a Pakistani Islamic and political party Jamaat-eIslami (JI), shout slogans against NATO strikes during a protest in Lahore on Saturday AFP
Afghanistan promised a full investigation and sent his condolences over any troops ‘who may have been killed’ on the Afghan border with Pakistan’s lawless tribal belt, branded an Al-Qaeda hub by Washington. US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bolstered
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that message in a joint statement on Sunday, offering their ‘deepest condolences’ and backing ‘NATO’s intention to investigate immediately.’ Clinton, the US commander in Afghanistan General John Allen, and the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, called their Pakistani counter-
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parts to discuss the situation. “These US diplomatic and military leaders each stressed — in addition to their sympathies and a commitment to review the circumstances of the incident — the importance of the US-Pakistani partnership, which serves the mutual interests of our people,” the US statement said.
Britain’s contingency plan LONDON: Britain is stepping up its contingency plans in case the eurozone breaks up, even though analysts believe that only Greece is currently at risk of departing the 17-nation bloc over the debt crisis. A senior official at Britain’s financial watchdog, the Financial Services Authority, said on Thursday that Britain’s banks were drawing up plans for the possible dismantling of the eurozone, but did not elaborate. Andrew Bailey, deputy head of the FSA’s prudential business unit and an executive director of the Bank of England, said banks such as HSBC and Barclays could not afford to ignore the possibility of a breakup.”We are talking to them about it and they are doing (something about) it,” Bailey told reporters in London.”We have talked to them already and will be talking to them again.” Bailey said at a retail banking conference “Good risk management means planning for unlikely but severe scenarios, and this means that we must not ignore the prospect of the disorderly departure of some countries from the eurozone.
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Sunday Soup
Business on its lighter side
As you sow
Makhani happy
so shall you reap
returns of the day
he business of politics and politics of business got intertwined so much that none can disentangle them to delineate between the two. Egging his trusted lieutenant K Yerran Naidu to implead himself in a public interest litigation (PIL) taken on file by the Andhra Pradesh High Court consequent upon a letter written by Congress MLA P Shanker Rao, TDP supremo N Chandrababu Naidu successfully cornered the YSR Congress founder Y S Jaganmohan Reddy. The court, which dealt with the case, ordered a CBI investigation into the charges of ill-gotten money of the YSR clan’s scion. The erstwhile first family, which was already feeling estranged by the Congress by then, of the State was rattled by the court decision. Even as the apex probe agency began delving deep into the books and documents that evidence the transactions of the companies that threw their weight behind Jagan’s companies, a master political move by the Jagan camp aimed at the master political strategist (Chandrababu Naidu) caught the latter as also his associates unawares. Political charges and counter-charges apart, a whole lot of listed companies like Madhucon, Sujana, Ramky, Aurobindo, and numerous private limited entities came under CBI scanner. The State would be contrite at the end of the day what with the top politicians’ dragging one another to court. Businessmen who toed the line of Jagan and Chandrababu Naidu are now getting it as much as their ‘benefactors’ do. After all, as you sow so you reap.
City baked The aroma of wines, honey, sugar, and all ingredients wafts through the nostrils of the celebs and enthusiasts as also the regular guests thronging the hotels for cake mixing in the city. Small, medium and big hotels have all begun the cake mixing much in advance this season amid a lot of fanfare. Every other day, a hotel or a restaurant is conducting a cake mixing event. Nothing wrong in it, though. But we have a copycat culture, if not herd culture. If one does something and tastes success in it, all follow suit – be it traditions, activities or even businesses (read video parlours, corporate colleges, cyber cafes, etc). Thanks to the revolutionary scale on which cakes are being mixed, the entire city appears to have been baked. Turn the pages of newspapers to find the pictures of celebs adorned by caps and gloves and commoners rubbing shoulders with them and a huge cake mixed on an elevated platform. The Hyderabad Bakery...and it all means publicity and also business.
he country’s most prestigious ‘milk factory’ on November 26 celebrated the 90th birthday of Milk Man of India Verghese Kurien, who was milk, fat, SNF, butter, ghee, peda, khova and what not for the Anand Milk Union. “You changed the lives of 15 million farmer families. You revolutionised the dairy sector. You gave India 200 Amul brands. We give you 90 candles.” This is the message put up by Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation on Amul’s website greeting its mentor. “Indian dairy co-operative movement became a shining example of success due to wisdom and toil of our farmers, visionary leadership of Dr. Verghese Kurien and tremendous encouragement and support extended by successive governments at Union and State level,” said P G Bhatol, Chairman of GCMMF. He had said in his annual speech: “During the year, sales of our Federation registered a quantum growth of 22.1 per cent to reach Rs. 9,774.27 crores (Rs. 97.74 billion). On November 26, 1921 – exactly 25 years before the Indian Constitution was enacted, a lad was born to create ‘operation flood’ in India after crossing his 50s. That was Verghese Kurien who held the reins of Amul until 2004-05. Amul welcomed visitors of its website to greet its legend through email (, Facebook and twitter. And the $ 2-billion company greeted him on its topicals ‘Makhani happy returns of the day, Dr. Kurien’. A SAYE SEKHAR
Dance floor on fire DJ Ane of FTV literally had City’s partygoers dancing to her tunes at Kismat on Saturday night. Party animals lapped up the heady mix she belted out and had a gala time PICS: A SUDHEER REDDY
Bulbul, Namitha
Play Field
A critical look at games and players
Mata inspires Chelsea Chelsea returned to winning ways with a comfortable 3-0 victory over Wolves to ease the pressure on under-fire manager Andre Villas-Boas
ecent defeats to Liverpool and Bayer Leverkusen had piled the pressure on the 34year-old Blues boss, but the tension at Stamford Bridge eased in the sixth minute of Saturday's game when John Terry capitalised on some poor marking to head home Juan Mata's cross. Daniel Sturridge slipped his marker to tap home Mata's ball just before the half hour before the Spaniard added the hosts' third in the last minute of the first half when he was given plenty of space to convert Ashley Cole's cross from 12 yards. The result could have been a rout had it not been for a series of excellent stops from Wolves goalkeeper Wayne Hennessey, the highlight of which was a double-save from Sturridge and Mata halfway through the second period. Wolves, who had won just one of their last 10 games before this, were there for the taking, and after a cagey opening five minutes, Chelsea took hold of the game thanks to Terry's opener. Ramires stole the ball off a dallying Nenad Milijas and fired goal-wards only to see
Juan Mata
Hennessey tip the Brazilian's effort wide with a brilliant save. Stamford Bridge went into uproar from the resulting corner as Terry lost his marker to head Mata's cross home from eight yards to give the Blues the lead. The Blues were cautious in possession and appeared to lack the confidence to turn the screw on their opponents, but they suddenly sprung to life to double their lead in the 29th minute.
Vettel sets pole record
ouble world champion Vettel was again in a class of his own over one lap in the final qualifying session of the year at Interlagos. The 24-year-old German now possesses the record for outright number of poles in a single season after matching the previous best mark of 14, posted by Nigel Mansell in 1992, two weeks ago in Abu Dhabi. Underlining Red Bull's
superiority, Mark Webber managed to lock out the front row for the team, finishing 0.117sec behind Vettel. All the McLarens could manage was third and fourth, albeit with Jenson Button out-qualifying Lewis Hamilton for the seventh time this year — the latter half a second behind Vettel. Ferrari's Fernando Alonso was fifth ahead of Nico Rosberg in his Mercedes, who has the second Ferrari of Felipe Massa behind him. Force India's Adrian Sutil, in what was almost certainly his last qualifying session for the team ahead of an anticipated move to Williams, was a superb eighth. Bruno Senna, who is expected to make way for Romain Grosjean next season, was ninth in his Renault, out-qualifying Vitaly Petrov for the fifth time in eight races, with Mercedes' Michael Schumacher 10th. ES
Ronald Zubar attempted to bail Mata over, but the Spaniard kept his footing and sent over a low cross that Sturridge tapped home from close range after muscling past his marker. Hennessey spilled Sturridge's powerful shot over the bar just before the break and Mata made it 3-0 on the stroke of half-time when he was given room to beat Hennessey from EVENING STANDARD 12 yards.
United held at home Manchester United were left furious as a Demba Ba penalty robbed them of victory in a 1-1 draw
eading through Javier Hernandez, TV replays showed Rio Ferdinand played the ball as he slid in on Hatem Ben Arfa. The well-placed far-side linesman decided otherwise and despite the dismissal of Jonas Gutierrez, United were unable to force home a winner, old boy Danny Simpson producing a magnificent goal-line clearance to turn away Hernandez's header. Ryan Taylor wasted an early opportunity and Ba produced a wasteful half-volley moments later. Hernandez was the most dangerous member of a United attack that had been bolstered by the return of Wayne Rooney. The Mexican also had a shot saved by Tim Krul and drove another effort over, with Nani also off target with a curling strike from the corner of the penalty area. Fabio, Rooney and Ashley Young had chances that came and went and it was just as well for United that they had profited from some bad luck on Steven Taylor's part. He stuck out a leg to turn away a Rooney piledriver but could only hit Hernandez and watch the ball bobble in. Then, when Ferdinand slid in on Ben Arfa, assistant referee John Flynn surprisingly signalled
for a penalty and Ba kept his cool to send David De Gea the wrong way. Gutierrez pushed his luck too far when he slid through the back of Nani and got a second yellow. Nemanja Vidic and Patrice Evra had chances and Simpson magnificently turned away Hernandez's goal-bound header before United's final hope was extinguished thanks to an offside ES flag.
India concedes equaliser in dying seconds to draw JOHANNESBURG: India has been unlucky to concede a goal 26 second from time to draw 3-3 their opening game in the Champions Challenge hockey tournament against Belgium. It was a match fought on even keel in Group A on Saturday and the Indians struck thrice in the second half in quick succession, but they allowed the Belgians to level the score twice after they themselves caught up to make it 1-1. Rupinder Pal Singh scored the first goal in the 45th minute, followed by Chingelnsana Singh in the 48th and V Raghunath nine minutes later. They looked well placed to
win the game when the Belgian equalizer came through a penalty corner, Xavier Rekinger scoring off a rebound. Alexandre de Paeuw scored the first goal of the game in the 31st minute goal. Then Tom Boon scored the second in the 55th. India next play hosts South Africa, who should have beat-
en Poland by a bigger margin than the eventual 3-1. South Africa scored through two brilliantly taken penalty-corner drag-flicks in each half by Justin Reid-Ross of Northerns Blues and the third was a field goal going by Lloyd Norris-Jones. Artur Mikula scored for Poland after the South Africans struck twice. In Pool B, tournament favourites Argentina were held to a 2-2 draw by unheralded Japan, semi-finalists at the inaugural Asian Champions Trophy in September while Canada, who will be the main challengers for India in the New Delhi Olympic qualifiers, downed Malaysia 3-1. IANS
Sunday Special
Tsonga in tune with win Roger Federer will play Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in the final of the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals on Sunday after the Frenchman defeated Tomas Berdych 6-3, 7-5 at the O2 Arena
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Functions and Celebrations
Isha Mukoo
airy lights shimmer, as pretty baubles catch the glimmer. Colourful drapes add that festive touch even as girls dressed in all their finery giggle. The sounds of shehnais and dhols fill the air even as the blushing bride awaits her handsome groom. Every other night, there’s a baraat being taken as enthusiastic revellers dance to the beat of the gregarious wedding bands. The wedding season is here and it’s hard to miss. The year-end is usually one that is filled with festive cheer what with the Christmas goodwill and the promise of the New Year. But being the wedding season only adds to the festive flavour. And weddings across the country are undergoing a sea change. New rituals are being fused with the traditional ones to create a pleasant cocktail of celebrations. For instance, a few years back, if one would recall a south Indian wedding, they would recall scenes of ladies in heavy kanjeevarams and men in pattu dhotis looking as the pundit read the mantras and solemnised the wedding. A stark contrast to the loud and pompous north Indian weddings. But things are changing. Everybody wants to have a bachelor’s/hen’s parties, cocktail party, mehendi, sangeet and baraat. The traditional wedding finery is changing too. Bright lehengas and cocktail gowns are the in things, even as kundan jewellery is replacing chunky gold jewellery. Wedding stylist, Dinaz Noria, shares her experience of making these dream weddings turn a reality. “Unlike earlier, weddings nowadays have become a much more elaborate affair. People want to make it the most memorable event and share their happiness with their near and dear ones. There are a few rituals that have percolated from north India like Sangeet and Mehendi. The whole idea for people nowadays is to make the wedding more colourful, lively and cheerful. Earlier, weddings were more serious affairs. Now people have enhanced the other ceremonies and made it larger,” she says. So, gone are the days when the wedding would be just an auspicious affair. While expensive beverages flow during cocktail parties, menus are undergoing a revamp even as new traditions are being introduced. The otherwise uptight uncles and aunties also gladly
let their hair down and break into a jig on the dance floor when the occasion calls for it. But despite the cosmopolitan nature of weddings these days, the actual wedding ceremony remains untouched. Radhika Reddy, a wedding planner feels the marriage scene in Hyderabad has changed by leaps and bounds not only in terms of rituals but also the decor and preparations. Everything has become extravagant and elaborate. “There are a lot
season saying that its vintage look people are going gaga over. “This season is all about going arty and classic. People are bent towards the vintage feel for their wedding. They want it to be like those old palace, royal feel, and classy older touch to the wedding. Also, the paintings are something attracting people this season, they want a lot of paintings on things, like Madhubani. While the Sangeet and other functions still continue on the glass and crystal looks, but it’s
become the superlative version of grandeur, one more small but significant part that marks the beginning of this auspicious and memorable affair is wedding cards. “Cards have gone to a different level altogether — from scented candles to wine bottles to all the exotic stuff. It is all about making a statement and this season has seen a lot of musical cards,” she says. So why is this change? Radhika replies, “It is mainly
reveals, “Nowadays, flowers are ordered from Holland, make up is no less than a Mac with well known make-up artistes roped in and celebrity photographers capture candid moments. There is a spread of delicacies with an innumerable variety of cuisines. An average wedding these days would cost upwards of Rs 20 lakh.” Just take a look at the wedding celebrations of the Allus, Nandamuris or GVKs; and you’ll get an idea of what we’re talking
GLITTER, GLORY AND GRANDEUR South Indian weddings just got bigger and more colourful. And this wedding season we take a look at what’s in
of rituals that have been imbibed from north India. There are cocktail parties before the rituals begin. These days, weddings last for a minimum of a week. Pre and post marriage parties have become the norm of the day and people don’t mind extending their budgets for the same,” she says. Dinaz Noria shares the latest trends on the wedding styles this
the D-day that goes the Vintage way.” she says. “One thing that south India never compromises is on flowers. They are flown from all across the world. The cold ones coming down from Europe, while the warm ones from Thailand and China. It’s all about keeping it real and not fake and plastic.” adds Dinaz. While weddings have
because Hyderabadis have a huge spending power. The weddings have become a competitive affair and also a means to show off which in a way works fine for event managers, as we get bigger orders.” In fact, weddings have become ostentatious these days that people don’t think twice before placing an order for exotic flowers and food. Radhika
about. But it’s not just the creme de la creme of the society that is going all out to celebrate weddings. Attend any true blue Hyderabadi wedding and you are sure to catch glimpses of what wealth can bring into the wedding season. At the end of the day the idea is to have the best wedding of the season, one that will leave a lasting impression on the guests and the couple.
Adventure sport
REV VING IT UP B iking enthusiasts in Hyderabad had a field day on Saturday evening at Inorbit Mall, thanks to Pulsar Stuntmania. The event witnessed an enthusiastic crowd cheering for more stunts as Ghostriderz, India’s best stunt team performed some carefully choreographed feats including stoppies, wheelies and burnouts much to the crowd’s delight. The show was part of Pulsar’s branding exercise to reach out and engage with the youth. Apart from Hyderabad, similar events have been planned in Pune, Nagpur, Chennai, Coimbatore, Lucknow, Mysore and Cochin in the coming few days. “We already have our ad campaigns in print and electronic media and a reality show Pulsar Stuntmania on MTV and the basic purpose behind this event was to give a live experience to the audience about what it means to ride on a Pulsar,” said Shyam Narayan, Senior Manager, Marketing, Bajaj HEMANTH KUMAR Auto Ltd.
Srikanth(Brutus), Mikhil(Phenom), Saravana(Dambuy), Senthil(Dauntles), Abishek(Neo)
Get your work face on with effective make-up
hat a dilemma! If anyone can settle the argument, it’s Bobbi Brown. Since launching a collection of 10 lip shades at New York’s Bergdorf Goodman department store in 1991, her products are now sold in 56 countries. Hers is the go-to brand for Susan Sarandon, Brooke Shields and Yasmin Le Bon but also the one that gets real women out of the front door each morning looking and feeling a damn sight better than they did when they rolled out of bed. “My ethos has always been that make-up should make women look like themselves — but just a little bit better,” she says when we meet at the Connaught Hotel. “The time-short city woman needs to look groomed and professional without seeming to wear a faceful of product.” Stepping into the office looking effortlessly radiant is our aim but few of us really know how to achieve the elusive “no make-up make-up” look. According to Brown, the mistake we’re making is jumping straight to accent features (bold lips and eyes), when really we should be letting our skin do the work. The rule is “lose the foundation”. Or at least wear much less than we do now.
“Women often start by applying foundation merely out of habit,” says Brown. “Instead, moisturise the face to immediately plump and hydrate skin. “Then apply my Corrector just where you need it — usually under the eyes, around the nose and sometimes on the chin. You can top this with the Creamy Concealer . Step back from the mirror and you’ll be surprised how little foundation — if any — you need.” Shade-matching is Brown’s forte. Her biscuit-toned concealers, she says, counteract purple or green imperfections in light skin tones — the peachy ones neutralise the flaws of warmer complexions. Then it’s a case of adapting product textures. “Skin changes from day to day — and even from morning to evening — so learn to adapt your routine,” she adds. Waking up feeling dry-skinned after a sleepless night? Pat moisturiser over make-up onto cheeks and temples to make it dewy. If your Tube ride has left you shiny, try a loose powder around the nose and across the forehead. We should also stop expecting our make-up to last all day in centrally heated offices. If it lasts all day, it’s usually because it’s having a drying
Bright lipstick and heavy eyeshadow are off the agenda at the office. A report this week said a third of bosses think women wear too much make-up to work. But showing up with a scrubbed face is no good either, as managers do want presentable staff effect on the skin - and it shows. Looking artlessly immaculate herself, Brown skips eyeshadow then lines upper lashes with the deep brown Long-Wear Eyeliner Gel in Espresso Ink. Apparently many mascaras have a grey undertone - yet finding one that’s true black will mean you don’t have to load up your lashes to add definition to eyes. Brown swipes on two coats, skips the fiddly business of lash curlers and instead uses her index finger to hold them in a curled position for a few
Secrets for a perfect work face
Get into the habit of patting moisturiser over make-up and topping up your cream blush for a lightning-quick lunchtime refresher. Use any product remaining on your eyeliner brush from morning to redefine the lower lash line in a way that looks natural. Travel light. Buy one of the empty customisable palettes, and fill it with a small amount of your concealer, blush, a lip shade, eyeliner and shadow to hide gaps in brows. You’ll have everything you need in one compact that slides into your bag. Ditch the “back of your hand” myth and test skin shades on the side of your face and forehead. Your correct match will disappear into your skin. Corrective products should be used to even out your skin tone - not change it. To add warmth, choose a non-shimmer bronzer and use a large, fluffy brush to sweep it across the top of the forehead, down the nose and onto the apples of cheeks. Pick up a free sample size of the Extra Face Oil on counters, pop it in your handbag and pat onto cheekbones and through brows for an instant skin pick-me-up while on the go. Groomed brows add instant polish to your face. Match a brown eye shadow to your hair colour and brush on in small, hair-like strokes. (And watch this space for the arrival of the Bobbi Brown brow pencil.)
seconds while the formula dries. Rootle around in a beauty editor’s makeup bag and you’re sure to find Brown’s Pot Rouge for Lips and Cheeks. A creambased formula, it blends into the skin, rather than sitting crustily on top as many powders do, to create a natural flush that makes us look perkier without detracting from our professionalism by appearing too girlish. BELLA BLISSETT
Special Notes
Music and dance of all genre
Here I Am (Motown) fter spending years in Beyoncé's bootylicious shadow, the former Destiny's Child star, is back in the spotlight as one of the judges on this year's X Factor. Initially, it sounds as if this new-found attention has gone to Rowland's head. "I'm not tacky, I just love myself," she asserts over I'm Dat Chick's Gaga-esque backing. For one who seems so confident, however, she's unwilling to take risks on her third solo album. Mildly raunchy R&B ballads are the default setting here, with Rowland sounding like a less exotic Rihanna. "Sometimes you gotta do it, don't talk too much, just kiss and touch, and just do it," she advises on the synth-heavy All of the Night. Stranger still, given the X Factor associations, there's a conspicuous lack of window-shattering high notes on display. Instead, Rowland is largely content to purr over plodding beats and plaintive piano. Even a cameo from the usually brilliant Lil Wayne fails to liven things up. "It goes deep, but I go deeper/Make you lose yourself, like finders keepers," he drawls on Motivation, sounding about as motivated
In Case You Didn't Know (Epic/Syco) air play to Olly Murs, runner-up to Joe McElderry in X Factor 2009. Not only has he clung on to make a second album but he's even cowritten some of it. Alas, he's rather foolishly taken to comparing himself with Paul Weller as a lyricist. He's nothing of the kind, of course, and for all In Case You Didn't Know's bright eyes and bushy tail, it veers from a karaoke version of Bruno Mars's The Lazy Song on the title track to a karaoke version of Bruno Mars's Grenade on Anywhere Else, supplemented by the aimless plod of Just Smile and the anodyne Just Smile. Rizzle Kicks bring a hint of edge to Heart Skips A Beat and Murs's voice is undeniably passable but don't take bets on a third album happening.
as Eeyore on a hangover. Backed by bolder beats, however, and Rowland can sound like a star in her own right. Turn it Up is a frenetic floor-filler and Lay it on Me has an irresistible chorus, though the less said about the David Guetta-inspired Commando, the better. A missed opportunity.
AA BONDY Believers (Fat Possum) uguste Arthur Bondy is one of those numerous gentlemen from the southern US (in this case, Alabama) who have arrived on the planet with mellifluous vocal cords and the ability to navigate a fret board with some ease. Believers is a collection of songs that eschew the dreary clichés of alt country, in favour of a dreamy rock 'n' roll sound, spiked with just a hint of magic mushroom. The best songs from this tight little three-piece ensemble — Macey Taylor on bass, Ben Lester on drums and occasional pedal steel guitar — fill in some gaps between Chris Isaak (The Twist) and Tom Petty (Rte.28/Believers). Other highlights include DRMZ, Hiway/Fevers and Skull & Bones. If you have 1,399 records in your collection and are hell-bent on making it 1,400, then this might well fit the bill for a languorous afternoon.
(Socadisc) niversity of Gnawa is the new project of Aziz Sahmaoui, who's played alongside Joe Zawinul and in the great Paris-based Orchestre National de Barbes. Here he draws on the melting-pot sounds of his home city of Marrakech — both the healing music of the Gnawa trance masters (which thrillingly fires tracks like Ana Hayou and Foufou Danba with their pile-driving rhythms), as well as popular chaabi sounds and Nass el Ghiwane, the Moroccan equivalent of the Rolling Stones. The track Gnawa Market is a distinctly Moroccan version of Weather Report's Black Market. With top producer Martin Meissonnier (Khaled, Seun Kuti, Robert Plant), Sahmaoui has assembled a powerful band with some West African kora and guitar flourishes. He plays at Momo on December 6.
U CHICK COREA & STEFANO BOLLANI Orvieto (ECM) tefano Bollani's scintillating duet set with Martial Solal at the London Jazz Festival should whet the appetite for his latest ECM album, where he meets one of the all-time greats. If anything this partnership works even better because Corea's famously steady sense of time allows the fearless Italian to venture even further out on a limb. Bollani, in return, indulges in some lowdown walkingbass in the left hand while Chick hits his solo stride. Taped live at the Umbria winter festival, they play bossas, folk melodies, two successful free-improves and some great standards, including Nardis, Darn That Dream and a revitalised old Fats Waller classic, Jitterbug Waltz.
Brave New World
From the world of science & research
Recipes easier than grandmas’ cookings Network analysis confirms ingredient swaps are feasible
Rachel Ehrenberg
f your pumpkin pie recipe calls for cinnamon but you’ve used the last of it, nutmeg, ginger or cardamom will do. Out of olive oil? Try applesauce. A new in-depth analysis of recipes, reviews and suggestions from an online foodie site reveals that many recipes are more flexible than standard cookbooks suggest. Researchers mined more than 40,000 recipes and nearly two million reviews from the website, investigating various aspects of cooking and ingredient preferences. “We wondered if the analysis would let us see how flexible recipes are,” says co-author Lada Adamic of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Her team discovered that there’s a lot of wiggle room. The analysis, reported online at, identified several clusters of ingredients that can be swapped for one another. For the uninitiated, using less sugar than called for, or substituting or skipping an
ingredient altogether, could ruin a dish. But distilling the collective wisdom of recipe reviews revealed alternates that would allow even the culinary challenged to improve a dish or tailor it to their tastes. Adamic, Michigan’s ChunYuen Teng and Yu-Ru Lin of Harvard and North-eastern University in Boston generated a list of the top 1,000 ingredients, which accounted for 94.9 per cent of the ingredients in the database. The team noted heating methods, such as broiling and simmering, and various food processing techniques, both mechanical (such as grinding) and chemical (such as marinating). Recipe ratings and regional preferences within the United States were also taken into account. Then the team created a huge diagram of ingredients that are frequently substituted for one another, yielding a network of clustered communities of swappable ingredients. A sweet potato community, for example, includes yams, pumpkin, potatoes, parsnips
and butternut squash. Milk, butter, chicken broth and sugar all have recipe doppelgangers. And in some instances, dropping ingredients all together won’t hurt a dish. A second ingredient diagram connected complementary ingredients, pairings that are found together more often than expected by chance. This network split cleanly into two communities, one sweet and one savoury. The only other community detected was a small satellite cluster comprising alcoholic drink ingredients. Recipes that had healthier substitutions were typically rated more highly by users, the researchers found, suggesting that making such swaps easier for users to find — such as with a roll-over or pop-up on a website — would enhance user experience. Restaurants or meal planners might even learn a thing or two, says Lin, perhaps experimenting with healthier replacements on menus. Other foodie preferences also emerged. Recipes that called for processing foods in some way, rather than just tossing ingredients together, were rated more favourably. This link could relate to a longstanding hypothesis regarding the development of bigger brains in the evolution of humans and our hominid relatives, the team speculates. Processing food mechanically and chemically makes extracting nutrients easier, reducing the cost of digestion. Such techniques may have allowed more nutritional resources to be allocated toward growing bigger brains. “This research gives us a lot of insight into how different people want to eat their food, whether they prefer quick or healthy,” says Vaidehi Venkatesan who, with Ali Minai at the University of Cincinnati, is investigating the relationships among various cuisines. “It is a really great paper.” And the research project helped the scientists feel slightly more at ease in their own kitchens. “I’ve felt more comfortable leaving out nutmeg,” Adamic said.
Monarch butterflies have genes that may help the insects sense the position of the sun and navigate, reveals a new study
Nerve stimulation ups airflow during sleep in obstructive sleep apnoea
ypoglossal nerve stimulation (HGNS) produced marked doserelated increases in airflow in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients without arousing them from sleep, according to a new study from the Johns Hopkins Sleep Disorders Centre. The study suggests the potential therapeutic efficacy of HGNS across a broad range of sleep apnoea severity and offers an alternative to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), the current mainstay of treatment for moderate to severe OSA. The effectiveness of CPAP is often limited by poor patient adherence. “With HGNS, airflow increased in all of our patients, and increased progressively with stimulus amplitude,” according to Alan R Schwartz, MD, medical director of the Sleep Centre at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Centre. “The increases in airflow we observed were of sufficient magnitude to eliminate inspiratory airflow limitation (IFL) in the majority of patients.”
The findings were published online ahead of print publication in the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. The study, which was supported by device manufacturer Apnex Medical, Inc, enrolled 30 middle-aged patients with moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnoea who were implanted with a novel HGNS system. The pacemaker-like device monitors breathing patterns and is activated during sleep to stimulate the hypoglossal nerve, which controls muscles in the upper airway. During the study, current was increased stepwise during non-REM sleep. Frequency and pulse width were fixed. At each current level, stimulation was applied on alternating breaths so that responses in inspiratory airflow could be compared to adjacent un-stimulated breaths, and maximal inspiratory airflow (VImax) and IFL were measured.
Turning pages
Explore a world without borders Padmini C
If you are looking for something easy to read, consider this strong, funny and very witty memoir by Tina Fey aptly titled Bossypants
nce in a generation a woman comes along who changes everything. Tina Fey is not that woman, but she met that woman once and acted weird around her,” reads the review on the jacket flap of Bossypants. The self-deprecating humour is a recurring theme in her book. But don’t lead that mislead you. For the uninitiated, Tina Fey is a woman that comes along once in a generation. Best known for her portrayal of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live, Tina Fey is a seven-time Emmy Award winning actress, comedian, writer and producer, and the creator of her own television series – 30 Rock. Bossypants isn’t your usual memoir. Though it’s largely chronological, it’s a little jagged and non-linear, much like you’d get from sketchy comedy that Fey is so used to writing. Through twenty-five odd chapters, Bossypants follows Fey from the time of her birth through her nerdy childhood, awkward teenage years with a group of gay friends, summer experiences in theater to her career at Saturday Night Live and finally, how she came to create 30 Rock. That said, don’t expect any heart-wrenching revelations or confessions or even anything very personal from Fey. Even the two chapters dedicated to her experiences on SNL and 30 Rock , which are the most interesting, are heavily censored. The most likely explanation is that perhaps that Bossypants is more about the making of Fey the woman than Fey the comedian. What stands out however, is Fey’s own take-no-prisoners brand of feminism and a righteous indignation that runs through out the book. For instance, she relates a story about her SNL co-star Amy Poehler and writes “I think of it
whenever someone says to me, ‘Jerry Lewis says women aren’t funny’. Or ‘Christopher Hitchens says women aren’t funny?’... Do you have anything to say to that? Yes. We don’t f****** care if you like it.” Similarly, a question that’s she’s “freaking always asked,” about the difference between male and female comedians has her sardonically remarking, “The men urinate in cups.” In another instance, Fey explains the title of the book. As SNL’s first ever female lead writer and as the star and producer of 30 Rock, she is needless to say, is the Bossypants. But despite having conquered a niche for herself in the male-dominated world of comedy, she is continually plagued by those who doubt if she really is the boss, responsible for 200 people on the show. So, in a chapter titled Juggle This, she rips apart her retractors by writing, “Ever since I became an executive producer of 30 Rock, people have asked me ... ‘Is it uncomfortable for you to be the person in charge?’ You know, in the same way they say, ‘Gosh, Mr.Trump, is it awkward for you to be the boss of all these people?’” Needless to say, there’s plenty more where that came from. So, if you like the sassy, venomtongued humour of Fey on television, chances are that you are going to dig the generously interspersed array of one-liners in Bossypants.
I am woman, hear me roar At your nearest bookstore... Title: Micro Author: Michael Crichton ISBN: 0060873027 Publisher: Harper hree men are found dead in the locked second-floor office of a Honolulu building, with no sign of struggle except for the ultra fine,razor-sharp cuts covering their bodies. The only clue left behind is a tiny bladed robot, nearly invisible to the human eye. Trillions of microorganisms, tens of thousands of bacteria species, are being discovered. Micro pits nature against technology in vintage Crichton fashion.
Title: The Diary of a wimpy kid: Cabin Fever Author: Jeff Kinney ISBN: 9780141341880 Publisher: Penguin UK he sixth book about the comic adventures of Greg Heffley and family. The funniest books you'll ever read! Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the prime suspect. But the crazy thing is, he’s innocent. Or at least sort of. The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise blizzard hits, the Heffley family is trapped indoors.
Title: Clockwork Prince Author: Cassandre Clare ISBN: 1416975888 Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books n the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray has at last found safety with the Shadow hunters. But that safety proves fleeting when rogue forces in the Clave plot to see her protector, Charlotte, replaced as head of the Institute. If Charlotte loses her position,Tessa will be out on the street—and easy prey for the mysterious Magister, who wants to use Tessa’s powers for his own dark ends.
Title: How I Got This Way Author: Regis Philbin ISBN: 0062109758 Publisher: It Books n this entertaining memoir, the irrepressible Regis—consummate talk-show host, loving husband, father, and yes, obsessive sports fan—looks back at his years in show business. The book is filled with stories of lessons learned—and elbows rubbed—with extraordinary, and often unsuspecting, teachers: David Letterman; Donald Trump; George Clooney; Howard Stern; Jack Nicholson; as well as his own lovely wife, Joy—to name just a few.
The Alloy of Law: A Mistborn Novel Author: Brandon Sanderson ISBN: 0765330423 Publisher: Tor Books hree hundred years after the events of the Mistborn trilogy, Scadrial is now on the verge of modernity. Yet even as science and technology are reaching new heights, the old magics of Allomancy and Feruchemy continue to play a role in this reborn world. They are crucial tools for the brave men and women attempting to establish order and justice.
Here’s a great list of watches that women can sport around their wrist The Gucci 104G women’s luxury watch YA104532 with its silver dial with silver hour hands, Roman hour markers and diamond studded bezel, reflects the high standards that Gucci sets. The pink leather alligator patterned watch band with fastener, unblemished sap-
phire crystal, and 38mm round case demonstrates Gucci’s superb design and fantastic attention to detail. This watch ensures absolute accuracy. The water repellant feature up to 100 feet gives this watch a sturdy dimension. A great addition to any collection.
The Omega Quadra women’s mini watch 1537.74.00 demonstrates the genius of Omega design in the superb blue mother of pearl dial with silver hour markers and silver hour hands. The diamond studded stainless steel bezel and 20mm square stainless steel case adds an elegant dimension to these stunning women’s watch. This watch houses battery operated quartz movement ensuring the utmost accuracy. The Omega 1537.74.00 luxury lady’s watch also comes with a stainless steel bracelet with fastener, unblemished sapphire crystal and an underwater feature of up to 100 feet. This lovely women’s designer watch will keep you on time and in style.
The Movado Rondiro women’s watch 0605529 is a great example of Movado signature design. From the black dial with golden hour hands to the 18 karat gold toned diamond studded bezel, this women’s luxury watch contains all the elements of Movado manufacturing. The 18 karat gold tone bracelet with fastener, gold toned scratch resistant sapphire crystal and quartz movement adds another layer of Movado’s superb design to this lovely watch. Each Movado Rondiro 0605529 designer watch also comes with a water repellant feature up to 100 feet. This Movado women’s watch will add sparkle to any outfit. These stunning women’s watches will keep you on time and in style.
The Hermes Arceau PM Quartz women’s luxury watch AR5.210.130/VBA sports a sleek double lined round stainless steel bezel and a lovely leather brown watch band with fastener. The elegant white dial with black hour hands and slanted Arabic hour markers demonstrates Hermes well thought out and executed design. This watch comes with accurate Swiss quartz movement and a water repellant feature up to 50m. The unblemished sapphire crystal, stainless steel bezel and 28mm round case ensures that this stunning women’s watch will last a very long time.
Activist and filmmaker Saraswati Kavula believes in capturing life as is. Her documentaries are known for their raw and honest depictions of various social issues. We engage her in a tete-a-tete
Padmini C
hen we catch up with Saraswati, she is busy dissuading an aspiring actor who has come to seek her advice on how to break into mainstream cinema. “Only if you have someone to feed and house you for a long time should you even consider trying it,” she tells him, and adds, “And oh, consign yourself to not making money for a long, long time.” But just before he leaves, even as she urges him to re-consider, Saraswati assures him of whatever help she can offer. Then she turns to us and
recounts her own experience as a struggler in Mumbai. “It was shocking to see how desperate people were, and how willing they were to put everything on the line, including their dignity and self-worth to a score a break. I would never have done that. And luckily I didn’t have to,” says Saraswati, who got her chance to work in commercial cinema, quite fortuitously. After a stint in hospitality management, Saraswati went to the University of Salford in the UK for a PGD in Documentary Film-making. It was on her return that she went to Mumbai in search of work and found cinema come knock ing on her
Padmini C
n 19th century France, the reckless indifference of the dominant middle class towards any form of art which didn’t have a moral purpose infuriated artists and writers across Europe. They sought to establish an order where a work of art would be a selfsufficient entity, an end in itself. The rallying cry of the Aesthetic movement, as it came to be known,
door. She worked for a couple of years assisting with two movies which didn’t release, but gave her valuable experience. Her third project however brought her luck. Saraswati donned the role of an assistant director for the critically acclaimed Morning Raaga, and even designed costumes for Shabana Azmi and Tabu in it. “The team was amazing and it was a great learning for me. But I realised that it was going to be the last commercial movie and that my heart lay in documentaries. Incidentally, it was through Morning Raaga that I met Shankar Melkote who initiated me into activism,” she says.
as it is “At the end of day, if you can’t speak your mind or do your thing, there’s simply no point. In that sense, documentaries spoil you. You can work on your own and at your own pace and won’t have to depend on a hundred other people. There are no constraints,” says Saraswati who has made over a dozen documentaries around various social issues ranging from illegal gemstone mining and other environmental issues to human rights. Some of her prominent works include Behind the Glitter, Between the Devil and the Deep Sea, The Green Trap, Paradox City, Cutting off a Lifeline,
Vision2020, Playtime, Coast Under Attack, Seeds of Sovereignty and mostly recently, a profile on an HCU professor and gay activist, My Dear Gay Teacher. Apart from being a documentary film-maker and social activist, Saraswati is also a talented photographer, whose works were recently displayed in a well-received exhibition. “People often tell me that in my photographs and films they see life as it is. That it’s almost like there’s no camera. That’s gratifying,” she says, smiling. Interestingly, the documentary film-maker is camera shy! “I get conscious in front of the camera,” she sheepishly admits.
The Aesthetic Experience
was called l’art pour l’art (roughly translated as art for art’s sake). But strictly speaking, this was not the beginning of the movement itself. The roots of aestheticism can be traced back to the late 1700s. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant, for instance, wrote in his book Critique of Judgment that a pure aesthetic experience consists of “an objective contemplation of a form of art that pleases for its own sake.” Similarly, Edgar Allen Poe, describes in Poetic Principle (1850) that a great poem is one that’s a poem per se sans any didactic value. French Aestheticism spilled over into Victorian England courtesy of Walter Pater who worshiped stylistic beauty and high artifice. In its most extreme form, poets like Flaubert and Mallarme maintained that they followed the religion of “beauty” and that life was for art sake.
Does art need to have been a purpose or meaning? Absolutely not, say proponents of the aesthetic movement
Proponents of the movement included greats like Oscar Wilde, TS Eliot, JM Whistler, Yeats, TE Hulme among others. Even twentieth century
writers continue to argue the merits of judging art work by emphasis on its intrinsic value like craft and artistry rather on its meaning or purpose.
Body & Soul
y 2023, half of us will be fat (it's official). It is a frightening statistic — research indicates that people who live sedentary lifestyles can shorten their lifespan by up to seven years.
1) Walking raises your heart rate and speeds up the chemical reactions within the body, which burns calories. Use the stairs! 2) Stand up each time you
exercise into your busy daily routine
It's worrying but not inevitable. Moderate to high-intensity exercise can reduce body fat percentage. Spending 20 to 30 minutes a day exercising without equipment can be hugely beneficial to your health. The fast-paced lifestyles we lead
are often a barrier to exercise, with many people using the old excuse of being too tired at the end of the day. So with a significant amount of time spent at work, here are a five useful tips to help you fit some exercise into your daily routine.
make or take a phone call. Not only does this burn more calories than sitting down, it is also makes you sound more confident over the phone. 3) Get a work workout buddy. Find somebody who shares a similar exercise goal and motivate each other to get physically active. 4) Diet is important.
Consume a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins and a small amount of fat. A handful of nuts and dried fruit will be far more beneficial than biscuits or pastries. 5) Finally, here's a quick 10minute metabolism-boosting workout — a great way to start your lunch break: 10 squats 10 star jumps 10 press-ups 10 tuck jumps 10 triceps dips Repeat the circuit as many times as you can in the time. Four is good. Five is great.
Here are some viable options for you to explore
earing in mind none of these will make you an athlete, but will keep you in good shape providing your diet isn’t appalling. n Exercise and dance DVDs. n Home exercise equipment. n Yoga – classes or at home.
n n
Pilates. Stop-start sports like tennis, rugby, football, squash, badminton etc. HIIT workouts – these are my favourites – full body workout in less than 30 minutes and can be done in
n n n
any 3 by 2 m location. Jogging/Sprinting/Running – preferably in an HIT formation. Hiking. Combat/military style training. The GYM.
Making that extra effort to exercise? Exercise has to be a nonnegotiable part of your daily routine. It helps you in managing your weight and gives you a healthy lifestyle in the truest sense of the term
Design Talk
hese ancient ceramic vases are common decorations option in many an established home. They are made of terracotta material and are waterproof from the inside. These ceramic vases are best used against lighter backdrops. A big ceramic vase can be used to fill in spaces, either in the corner or on tables in the centre of the room.
ecorate your home with the latest and most innovative designed flower pots which are ideal for enhancing the appeal of the domestic and commercial interior and exterior spaces. These pots create statements and are also durable.
irror frames are examples of ancient and elaborate artistic manifestations. Mirror frames are usually handcrafted. With intricate carvings and embossed shapes, these are breathtaking in design and are instant eye catchers. Antique and contemporary designs are both in vogue. Any frameless wall mirror can be transformed into a decorative and beautiful art piece when the edges of those mirrors are covered up with attractive work of wood, glass and other such materials.
f a room is small and needs something to make it feel less cramped, consider choosing a tapestry that will bring a breath of fresh air into your living space. Make the most of this blend of old and new, using new improved fibres to reproduce classical art and famous tapestry art from the past.
he different vibrant coloured rugs offer graphics that add character and create a fun and daring atmosphere. The rugs are most common today and are fit for a modern lifestyle. Designed to suit today’s open plan living, these rugs are not only beautiful accents in any home, they are also hardwearing and durable. They transform any space and add warmth, texture and vibrancy.
Chic interiors your way Every homemaker takes a lot of effort in making her home look beautiful. For an elegant interior, there are lots of options that are available in the market. With decorative vases, ceramic pots and affordable home wall dĂŠcor, one can make their home look trendy and unique. Check out some of the following ornamental items that you could use to decorate your home Compiled by Sana Mirza
Where to shop n
n n n n
@Home Home Centre Home Plaza Bougainvillea
Animal Kingdom
hen it comes to emotional support, nothing compares to the support you get from a pet. Adopt a pet and give it as much love and care as you can. Adoption is the loving option. Consider adopting from the Blue Cross before buying an animal from the pet store. Contact: 91 40 3298 9858, 2354 4355 / 5523; Website:
Taking care of your tweetie-pies Birds make great pets for children and adults alike. With their occasional chirpy sounds, they are mostly telling you how much they love you. And what better way to show that you love them too, by giving them a happy home Indira Atluri
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A lady is walking down the street to work and sees a parrot in a pet store. The parrot says to her, "Hey lady, you are really ugly." Well, the lady is furious! On the way home she saw the same parrot in the window and upon seeing her it repeats the same thing. She was incredibly ticked now. Next day the same thing happened. The lady stormed into the store and threatened to sue the store and have the bird killed. The store manager apologised profusely and promised the bird wouldn't say it again. The next day, when the lady walked past the store the parrot said to her, "Hey lady." She paused, and said with a hoarse voice, "Yes?" The bird, in a cocky manner, said, "You know."
nBirds do not have teeth. nThe largest of all birds is the ostrich. nThe humming birds are the only birds that can fly backwards. nAn eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it.
Everyone can help preserve the world’s amazing, irreplaceable endangered species. One should time and again educate oneself about the dangers facing them, volunteer at conservation organisations and write to local officials highlighting issues facing conservation of animals
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
Katrina eager to meet American rapper Pitbull S
everal fans are eager to meet American rapper Armando Christian Perez, popularly known as Pitbull — who is to perform in India next week — and Bollywood star Katrina Kaif is said to be one them. When the news of Pitbull’s arrival to India hit the media circuits, Katrina expressed a wish to meet the musician. “Katrina has expressed a desire to meet him. She is a big fan of Pitbull and his music,” sources said. Superstar Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan and Salman Khan’s nephew Nirvaan Khan are ardent admirers of Pitbull and they have also expressed their desire to meet the American rap-
@AnupamPkher Happy Birthday Suresh @imRaina . Have a long, happy and peaceful life. May you always make the country feel proud.:)
per. The American songwriter-record producer will be performing in Noida on December 2, in Mumbai on December 3 and in Pune PTI on December 4.
It’s ridiculous to pay stars so much C
ontending that the story of a film is its real hero, veteran actor Om Puri has said that he finds it ridiculous that stars walk away with the biggest share of a project’s budget. “The share which they are given is ridiculous. If a star can make a film hit, then why is it that some of their films flop? It happens with everyone whether it is Shah Rukh Khan or Salman Khan,” the 61-year-old said. Pointing out that films are always a result of team work with everyone including directors, cameramen and technicians involved with its success, he said that recently the SRK starrer much hyped film Ra.One failed to live up to the expectations only because of a weak script. Film-maker Ken Ghosh admitted that he was also unhappy with the trend of paying film stars PTI more than script writers.
@shahidkapoor Coffee n some progressive house to KICK myself out of slumber .... Oh I'm so not a morning person !!!!!!!! Till later .. Keep it real u all
@iamsrk Marathon bound...the airtel half marathon in delhi...fog...lil chilly...oooh dilli. Always a pleasure to be with airtel team..old friends.
@imarshadwarsi Good mrng ... Have a super Sunday guys. I hate working on Sundays coz my babies are home on Sundays..
Abhishek still searching for name for Beti B A
s fans eagerly wait for Beti B’s naam karan, new B-town daddy Abhishek Bachchan is still struggling to finalise a name for his daughter. The Bachchan family welcomed the baby girl on November 16. Since then Bachchan junior has asked fans to suggest names for the new member on a microblogging site. “The suggestions still pour in and still we haven’t managed to finalise a name. Evenings are spent reading out all your suggestions in front,” Abhishek posted on his Twitter account. “Of the family and trying to decide. Will decide soon. Many thanks again. Lots of love,” he further tweeted. Meanwhile, Amitabh Bachchan is busy hosting well wishers. “A host of visitors for the baby and the joy and blessings
they leave behind... thank you. The name suggestions keep comIANS ing in,” he tweeted.
@SrBachchan T 571 -There will be a Concert in a couple of months and all those that contributed to the album 'Sounds of Peace' shall perform for charity
@FarOutAkhtar Watched a splendid performance of Ismat Chugtai's stories at Celebrate Bandra.. Naseer,Ratna and Heeba Shah were outstanding. Full Respect.
@bipsluvurself In Delhi!Hd an awesome time at the Pasta Party for #ADHM!Testing my culinary skills!Chef Basu!
@DuttaLara Happy Birthday Celeb trainer Extraordinaire @shayamalv!!! Are u now as old as the number of teeth in ur mouth??:-D
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
Lily Allen apologises for 'bullyish' remark p
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Sucker Punch voted worst movie of 2011 q
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Magic Screen
Magic Screen
26 A
Magic Screen
Price felt ‘sick’ when tracker was found F
ormer model Katie Price has revealed she felt physically sick when a tracking device was found underneath her car. The 33-yearold, who was targeted by a gang 10 months ago, was horrified when a device was found fitted to the base of her pink Range Rover car during a routine vehicle service. “I felt physically (sick) when I spoke to my mum and she told me how a mechanic had found a device hidden on the undercarriage of the Range Rover,” a website quoted Price as saying. “It was found on Tuesday. The first thing I thought about was my kids and their safety. I needed to be with them. We have had such an awful year. We have had to react previously to threats and I thought that was behind me,” she added. IANS
Gaga likes educated men P
op star Lady Gaga says that any guy trying to date her must have a degree from Harvard university. “Talent and perseverance and pushing the boundaries of love and acceptance. I don’t know. I can’t really say. It ranges from a degree at Harvard to just about anything,” a website quoted the 25-year-old singer as saying. Gaga had an on-off relationship with rock drummer and bartender Luc Carl.
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
ctor Ryan Reynolds, who is working with Denzel Washington in action thriller Safe House, finds the co-star adorable to work with. “He (Denzel Washington) is very method. He’s living, eating, breathing and sleeping his character. I have to always call him Frost and he calls me Matt. It’s adorable,” a website quoted the 35-year-old as saying. Ryan also says that the audiences will find the movie unusual. IANS
Magic Screen
About stars, actors, and a bit of fun
Nayanthara, Samantha, Kajal
irked by fake profiles
@taapsee Just read 1 of my fiend’s status “ for all d guys: treat ur girl how u want ur dad to treat ur mom” now dats called a punch line.
@mmkeeravaani Thanks to all who liked Rajanna album ! Hope you enjoy the songs even more in the movie..
@tashu_02 In Atlanta rite now......amazing weather.... :-))
ake profiles on Twitter seem to be giving sleepless nights to Nayanthara, Samantha and Kajal Aggarwal. Irked by this menace, all three actresses have categorically denied having an online presence on social networking sites especially Twitter.
However, this fact doesn’t seem to have any effect on 20,000 odd number of followers who are following each of these actresses on Twitter. Recently, a leading men’s magazine poked fun of Kajal Aggarwal based on her twitter profile much to the surprise of the
actress who said that she was not on twitter. Nayanthara and Samantha are said to be contemplating some sort of action against these miscreants who are already connecting with these actresses’ friends in the industry and tweeting wrong information.
Johnny Gaddar remake in Telugu
Big bosss has tooo much drama 2day..pooja misra shouldn’t have been eliminated! All d fun goes
riram Raghavan’s Jhonny Gaddar, which had released back in 2007 in Hindi, is now being remade in Telugu. The remake rights of this critically acclaimed film were bought by a new production house, Kubera Cinemas. Lakshmikanth Chenna is directing the film and he had earlier directed films like Hyderabad Nawabs and Ninna Nedu Repu. Krishi Arimanda and Sai Kumar are going to reprise Neil Nitin Mukesh and Dharmendra’s role in the Telugu version. The film also has Gracy Singh, Lekha Washington, Brahmaji and Ravi Babu are also playing important roles. Most part of the film is being shot near Hyderabad and Vijayawada. The film’s Telugu title is going to be announced soon and the buzz is that the film will release in theatres in January, 2012.
u al can shoot d rest of ur question too,wil answer the worth once,Until then lov u al mising india,exitedly waitin fo 1st nyte to fly bac:)
Rajanna’s music is out in stores T he audio of Nagarjuna’s upcoming film Rajanna was launched yesterday. Instead of releasing the audio CD & cassettes in a grand event, the audio has been released directly in the market under the label of Vel Records. MM Keeravani has composed the music for this film. There are 12 tracks in the film out of which tracks like Gijigaadu and Karaku Raati Gundello have already become quite popular. K Siva
Datta, Chaitanya Prasad, Ananth Sriram and Suddala Ashok Teja have penned the lyrics. Nagarjuna, Sneha, Shweta Menon and child artiste Annie have played main roles in the film. Vijayendra Prasad has directed the film and SS Rajamouli has choreographed the action sequences. Nagarjuna has produced the film under the Annapurna Studios banner. The film is going to release on December 23.
Life is at its best when I work out..I wish I took more time for myself. The after effect is amazing..Just that there is a starting problem.
@shrutihaasan shooting 3 in chennai at the moment then off to shoot shoot gabbar singh!busy busy and super kicked about work!:)
@pnavdeep26 Let us see who gets punished faster, Kasab for killing civilians or Harvinder Singh for slapping Sharad Pawar.... Let us now talk democracy.
Chai Time 1230 Movie - Ghatikudu 1530 Movie - Athadu 1900 Movie - Maryada Ramanna 2330 Comedy Junction 0800 Ayurvedam 0900 Challenge 1100 CID
‘Maryada Ramanna’ at 1900 Hrs on MAA TV
1230 Movie - Bhadra 1600 Movie - Mangala 1800 Movie - King 2130 Bullithera Maharani 2011 0800 Vendithera 0830 Movie - Sitaramaiah Gari Manavaralu 1130 Aha Emi Ruchi
Telly sitcoms, news and movie listings
1300 Movie - Cash 1600 Movie - Dragon Tiger Gate 1730 Movie - Chudu Chudu Tamasha 2100 Etv News 2130 Paripoorna Mahila 2230 Movie - Drohi 0900 Movie - Thaali
1400 Got To Dance 1500 David Blaine - Drowned Alive 1600 Wipeout 1700 Spring Wipeout 1800 The X Factor 2000 India's Minute To Win It 2100 The X Factor 2200 Movie - Disturbia 0905 Sky Teleshopping 0930 Scare Tactics 0955 Infomercial/5 Min 1000 Scare Tactics 1025 Infomercial/5 Min 1030 Top Chef Masters 1130 Movie - Disturbia
‘Drohi’ at 2230 Hrs on ETV
1300 Movie - Bhimili Kabaddi Jattu 1630 Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Little Champs 2010 1730 Santosham Cinema Awards 2010 1900 Movie - Tulasi 2230 Magadheera 0800 Gopuram 0900 Sri Raghavendra Vybhavam
‘Disturbia’ at 2200 Hrs on AXN
‘De Dana Dan’ at 2000 Hrs on IMAGINE 1230 Movie - Bhoothnath 1600 Saware Sabke Sapne Preeto 1700 Dharam Patni 1800 Nach Le Ve with Saroj & Terence - Grand Finale 2000 Movie - De Dana Dan 2330 Saware Sabke Sapne Preeto 0800 Teleshopping 0900 Baba Aiso Var Dhoondo 0930 Saware Sabke Sapne Preeto 1000 Beendh Banunga Ghodi Chadhunga 1030 Haar Jeet 1200 Baba Aiso Var Dhoondo
1300 Movie - Godzilla 1600 Movie - Krodh 1900 Movie - Speedy Singhs 2100 Na Aana Iss Des Laado 2200 Bigg Boss - Undekha Action 2300 Bigg Boss - Aapka Farman 0800 Veer Shivaji 0830 Sasural Simar Ka 0900 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 0930 Bigg Boss 1000 Havan 1030 Uttaran 1100 Balika Vadhu - Kacchi Umar Ke Pakke Rishte 1200 Bigg Boss - Aapka Farman
‘Speedy Singhs’ at 1900 Hrs on COLORS
‘Hum Aapke Hain Kaun...!’ at 1200 Hrs on ZEE TV 1200 Movie - Hum Aapke Hain Kaun...! 1630 Hitler Didi 1900 Apka Sapna Hamara Apna 1930 Shobha Somnath Ki 2030 Star Ya Rockstar 2200 Star Ya Rockstar Spotlight 2230 Shobha Somnath Ki 2330 Jalsa - Music for Soul 0800 Teleshopping 0900 Bhagonwali 0930 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1000 Choti Bahu 1030 Yahan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 1100 Ram Milaayi Jodi
1200 Movie - 3 Idiots 1600 Kaun Banega Crorepati 1930 Crime Patrol - Dastak 2000 Adaalat 2045 Comedy Circus Ka Naya Daur 2200 Movie - Murder 2 0700 Telebrands 0730 Sky Star Advertising 0900 Adaalat 1000 Crime Patrol - 1 1200 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1245 Dekha Ek Khwaab 1330 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi
‘Murder 2’ at 2200 Hrs on SONY
‘Sivaji The Boss’ at 1730 Hrs on STAR PLUS 1300 Movie - Krrish 1630 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 1730 Movie - Sivaji The Boss 2000 Star Event - Super Star Awards 2300 Master Chef India 0800 Superstar Preview 0830 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 0900 Diya Aur Bati Hum 0930 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 1000 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1100 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 1200 Diya Aur Bati Hum
‘King’ at 1800 Hrs on GEMINI TV
1400 [V] Spot 1430 [V] Humse Hai Life 1530 [V] Trailers 1600 Gladrags Megamodel Manhunt 2011 1700 [V] Steal UR Girlfriend 1800 [V] Humse Hai Life 1900 [V] Steal UR Girlfriend 2000 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 2030 [V] Humse Hai Life 2100 Love 2 Hate U 2200 [V] Trailers 2230 [V] Behind the Sins 2300 [V] Steal UR Girlfriend 0700 [V] Trailers 0730 [V] Zabardast Hits 0800 [V] Mind Blasting Mornings 1130 [V] Fresh Songs 1200 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1230 [V] Humse Hai Life
‘[V] Steal Ur Girlfriend’ at 1900 Hrs on CHANNEL [V]
‘Tulasi’ at 1900 Hrs on ZEE TELUGU
‘Et Insight’ at 2100 Hrs only on ET NOW 1400 Bollywood This Week 1430 Et Insight 1500 The Market Makers 1530 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 1600 Technoholik 1630 Your Trades 1700 Zigwheels 1730 Market Summit 2011 1830 The Market Makers 1900 Investor's Guide 1930 Starting Up 2000 Zigwheels 2030 Talking Technicals 2100 Et Insight 2130 Your Trades 2200 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 2230 Brand Equity 2300 The Market Makers 0900 First Trades 1000 Hot Stocks 1100 Buy Now Sell Now - The Stock Game 1130 Buy Now Sell Now 1200 Market Sense 1300 Business Day 1330 Markets Now
1300 Movie - Love Actually 1500 Survivor 1600 Bellator 1700 Aspire 1730 Big Wheels 1800 The Defenders 1900 Galileo Extreme 2000 Movie - Love Actually 2200 Aspire 2230 The Defenders 2330 Big Wheels 0900 Bellator 1100 Jerry Springer
‘Aradhana’ at 2000 Hrs on SAB TV
‘Love Actually’ at 2000 Hrs only on BIG CBS PRIME
1400 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1600 Sab Ka Evening Show 1730 Fir 2000 Movie - Aradhana 2300 Fir 0800 Teleshopping 0900 Happy Housewives Club 0930 Don't Worry Chachu !!! 1200 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma
1250 Batman Forever 1515 It's A Boy Girl Thing 1710 New York Minute 1855 Deep Blue Sea 2100 Rush Hour 2255 Rush Hour 2 0915 New Adventures Of Old Christine 0945 The Conan O'brien Show 1035 Little Nicky 1215 Rush Hour 2
Star Ya Rockstar Superstar
1425 Thunderbirds 1630 The Mummy Returns 1920 Entourage - Second To Last 2005 Entourage - The End 2100 Red 2320 Bruce Lee, My Brother 0845 Constantine 1120 Live And Let Die 1355 Red
1400 Cougar Town 1500 18 To Life 1600 Californication 1700 $H*! My Dad Says 1800 The Event 2000 Happy Endings 2100 Private Practice 2200 Californication 2300 $H*! My Dad Says 0800 Just For Laughs 0830 Scrubs 0900 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 1000 Pretty Little Liars 1100 America's Funniest Home Videos 20 1130 $H*! My Dad Says 1200 Hell's Kitchen 1300 Slot 1330 America's Funniest Home Videos 20
‘Private Practice’ at 2100 Hrs on ZEE CAFE
Storyline - Suresh Wadekar was the special guest on the Sunday’s episode of maruti Suzuki present Star Ya Rockstar and he regaled the audience with his devotional songs. ‘Star Ya Rockstar’ at 2030 Hrs on ZEE TV
‘Dexter’ at 2300 Hrs on STAR WORLD 1400 Extreme Trail 1500 Love2 Hate U 1600 Masterchef USA 1800 Terra Nova 1900 Necessary Roughness 2000 The Dewarists 2100 Love2 Hate U 2200 Breakout Kings 2300 Dexter 0700 The Big Bang Theory 0730 Home Improvement 0800 Rules Of Engagement 0830 The Simpsons 0900 Masterchef USA 1000 The Sheild 1100 Love2 Hate U 1200 Terra Nova 1300 The Big Bang Theory 1330 Friends
Awards Storyline - Catch this 100% public Bollywood awards ceremony only on this Sunday. ‘Superstar Awards’ at 2000 Hrs on STAR PLUS ‘Red’ at 2100 Hrs on HBO
1400 Curiosity 1500 Discovery Biggest Shows Megaquake - Hour That Shook Japan 1600 Discovery Biggest Shows Bermuda Triangle Exposed 1700 Discovery Showcase 1800 Wild Discovery 1900 Man Woman Wild 2000 Dual Survival 2100 Man Vs Wild 2200 Gold Rush - Alaska 2300 Curiosity 1000 Detonators 1100 Worst Case Scenario 1130 Million 2 One 1200 Gold Rush - Alaska 1300 Wild Discovery
‘Dual Survival’ at 2000 Hrs on DISCOVERY CHANNEL
1430 Discovery Science Classics 1530 Stan Lee's Superhumans 1630 I, Videogame 1730 How Do They Do It? 1830 Best Of Discovery Science 1930 Is It True? 2030 Treasure Quest 2130 How It’s Made 2200 New Inventors 2230 Weaponology 2330 The New Inventors 1030 Treasure Quest 1130 How It’s Made 1200 New Inventors 1230 Best Of Discovery Science 1330 Catalyst
‘Jodha Akbar’ at 1400 Hrs on ZOOM 1400 Movie - Jodha Akbar 1830 Letz Go! 1900 Planet Bollywood News 1930 Business Of Bollywood 2000 Bollywood Big Story 2030 Just For Love 2300 Bollywood Bonanza 0700 Fresh Mornings 0800 Red Carpet 0805 20 - 20 Songs 0825 Fresh Mornings 0900 My Top 20 1000 Fresh Mornings 1100 Zoom Box 1200 Garma Garam 1300 Planet Bollywood News 1330 Business Of Bollywood
‘How It’s Made’ at 2130 Hrs on DISCOVERY SCIENCE
‘The Foodie’ at 1830 Hrs only on TIMES NOW 1300 News Now At 1 1330 Total Recall 1400 News Now 1430 Enow Spice 1500 News Now 1530 Times Now Sport Weekend 1600 News Now 1630 Times Drive 1700 News Now 1730 Amazing Indians 1800 Versus 1900 News Now 2000 Total Recall 2100 9 PM 2130 Total Recall 2200 News Now 2230 Times Now Sport Weekend 2300 News Now Overnight 0800 The Morning News 0900 News Now 1200 Live Report 1230 News Now 1300 News Now At 1
Chai Time
Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa
SUNDAY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Wander freely 5 Asked for milk 11 Pre-cable hookup 17 Average grades 21 Sheik colleague 22 Urbana 11 23 Shrimp dish 24 Wrist-to-elbow bone 25 Done, in Dijon 26 Pushes gently 27 Force 28 Jar tops 29 Forts 31 Banana throwaways 33 Bluish-gray feline 35 Alarm 36 Pilot's bird 37 — Picchu 38 Heat unit 41 Went first 42 Squirrel away 43 Heavy weight 44 Bedouins 48 High-priority 50 Ms. Streep of films 51 Part of mph 52 Gone (2 wds.) 53 Incites 54 Byron contemporary 55 1950s card game 57 Box-score stat 58 Purchases 59 Glowing embers 60 Big blaze 61 Earring site 62 Revenuer 63 Europe-Asia divider 64 Atomic number determiners 65 Porcupine spine 66 In poor taste 68 Cote murmur 69 Blue or green 70 Flat-topped hills 71 Brass instrument 72 Menacing sound 73 Above, to poets 74 “Fish Magic” artist 75 Dirty streaks 78 Shogun's yes 79 ER practice 80 Exemplar of excellence (2 wds.) 84 Type of lily 85 Delinquent (2 wds.) 87 Waken rudely 88 Pollen spreader 89 Not green 90 Halter kin (2 wds.) 91 Starbucks order 92 Carry on 93 — —moment's notice 94 Pocket change 95 Ballroom dance 96 Zest 97 Golfer's iron 99 Hot time in Quebec 100 NFL coach Don 101 Lustrous fabric 102 Red Cloud, e.g. 103 Um cousins 104 Holstein's home 105 Fronton word 106 Rx givers 107 Zodiac dozen 109 Mantle teammate
110 Animal life 112 Part under the hood (2 wds.) 115 — plexus 116 Little (hyph.) 120 Not in harbor 121 Bright songster 123 When mammoths roamed (2 wds.) 125 Huge, in combos 126 Bank holding 127 Volcanic rock 128 Snuggle 129 James Bond's school 130 Alan or Cheryl 131 Meager 132 Prodded into action 133 Self-confidence DOWN 1 Umps 2 Skip over 3 Pedro's wine 4 Ambler and Sevareid 5 Mosque feature 6 Gave the slip 7 Of yore 8 Once-powdered items 9 Compass pt. 10 Exhibits 11 Climb
12 Pierre's school 13 Collides with 14 Sitter's handful 15 Tarzan's moniker 16 Pastel color 17 Grow pearls 18 Nobelist Wiesel 19 Calls it quits 20 Business encl. 30 Pottery ovens 32 “Fatha” Hines 34 Buddhist sacred city 36 Harbor towns 37 Glacial deposit 38 Get lost! (2 wds.) 39 Bulb planter 40 African nation 42 Makes healthy again 43 CBer's acknowledgment (hyph.) 45 Skillful 46 Foam up 47 Sales pitches 49 MS readers 50 Powdery 51 “The Pink —” 52 Pass near Pikes Peak 54 Outback cutie 55 Lovey-dovey sound 56 Almost grads 59 Corn holders
60 Bikini half 61 Kin of mandolins 63 “Star Trek” lieutenant 64 Links goal 65 Knight's journey 67 Musty 68 Peanut candy 70 Indifferent 72 Rubber rings 73 Unfold, in verse 74 Clumsy sort 75 Buzzes off 76 Rum drink (2 wds.) 77 Border town (2 wds.) 78 Longs for 79 Cookbook measure 80 Terra — 81 Degraded 82 Nucleus 83 Wyoming range 85 Felt boot 86 Writer John — Passos 87 Recover 90 Fasten securely 91 Gene Tierney movie 92 Furrow 94 Undeliverable mail 95 Humming 96 Makes a profit 98 Family man 100 Mystery writer Paretsky
101 Browned in butter 103 Catch slyly 104 Strike out 105 Clang 108 Dollops 109 Cotton pods 110 Royal decrees 111 FilmdomÕs Anouk 112 Ladder danger 113 Orient
114 More than want 115 Rise abruptly 116 Pancho Villa's coin 117 Catherine — -Jones 118 Id companions 119 Hamlet or Ophelia 122 My mind — — blank 124 Corp. honcho
Your tomorrow today̶Star Power and Tarot THIRUVAIKUMAR
Date 28-11-2011 040-27177230 / 9949870449
March 20 – April 18 Spend good time with family members. You can consider launching of new pro‑ jects today. Financially sound position is seen. Hard work will get due recogni‑ tion. You will get support from friends.
April 19 – May 19 You should avoid journey today. Avoid getting into disputes and helping any one financially. Avoid bad friends or else you might land in big trouble. Busi‑ nessmen postpone decision making.
June 21 – July 21 Be careful, as enemies might join you as friends and take you for a ride. Ide‑ ntify such culprits and stay away from them. Chances of your mind taking a wrong path; try and control your mind.
July 22 – August 21 Those who graduated recently should take active steps today to apply for a job; a good day to receive favourable re‑ sults. Give full attention and affection to your children and make them happy.
September 22 – October 22 Romantic matters will be favoured. You will be very active and cheerful today. Hurdles will disappear and work will get completed. You will take bold deci‑ sions today. Willpower is set to increase.
October 23 – November 20 Avoid getting irritated and involving in disputes. Those who are doing higher studies will do well. Try and develop your skills. Good news from a distance. Neighbours will be very cordial.
SAGITTARIUS November 21 – Dec 20
January 20 – February 18 Travel and taking important decisions favoured. Politicians will be in lime‑ light. They will get public support for their good work. Your mind will be occupied with religious thoughts.
August 22 – September21 You will face worries and mental ten‑ sions. In spite of that, avoid adopting unfair means to get rid of them. Prac‑ tice yoga and meditation to come out of the problem. Avoid being emotional.
There are financial benefits seen today. Avoid being over sensitive today. Divert yourself into arts like music, painting and writing. The day is favourable for new ventures and applying for loans. February 19 – March 19 Your achievements will be praised by all. Your name and fame will increase. Employees may be rewarded with a promotion. Your suggestions will be accepted by all. Accept father's advise.
Queen of Pentacles – Youʼre the practical one in the relation‑ ship and might come across as insensitive to your partner who may be wanting to be wooed traditionally.
Page of Swords – You get into an arg‑ ument today and wi‑ ll be able to cut thr‑ ough the heart of th‑ e matter with valid points. Beware of ge‑ tting too aggressive.
Five of Pentacles – Not a great day to make decisions. You might want to put off, till another day, decisions that requi‑ re a lot of calculation and rational thought.
Four of Wands – Youʼre taking com‑ fort in routine and the familiar and are not yet in the mood to try out the new and some‑ thing different.
Five of Swords – Something is being hid from you by close friends or family me‑ mbers. It might bug you that youʼre not in the loop. It may be for your own good.
Four of Pentacles – Finances are looking great and you have planned everything beautifully for the immediate future. Take calculated risks, if you really have to.
Knight of Pentacles – Youʼre in the pur‑ suit of material com‑ fort and most of yo‑ ur decisions are bas‑ ed on this requirem‑ ent. Job fulfillment comes a far second.
Eight of Wands – Good luck comes yo‑ ur way. A project yo‑ uʼve been hoping to bag falls on your lap and all goes as per your plan. Good sho‑ w! Keep up the faith.
Page of Wands – This is a creative phase and you develop new interests and hobbies, which take up a lot of your time. Upgrade your skills. Itʼll help with the future, too.
Judgement – A new job opportunity comes your way and it looks irresistible. It might be all that youʼve been looking for. Think car‑ efully before choosing.
The Fool – Youʼve plunged in with both feet and the experi‑ ence has been both bitter and sweet. This may not be such a huge learning curve as you had expected.
Four of Cups – You have many options and itʼs for you to decide what attracts you most and where youʼd fit in better. Talk to people and see what they think.
For Better or for Worse Stone soup
Short little groaners An invisible man marries an invisible woman. The kids were nothing to look at either.
Ink pen
Fred Basset
Dec 21 – January 19 Expenses to be put under strict control, else your extravagance may put you in‑ to financial crisis. Don't be controversial as you will be opposed by all. You mig‑ ht be upset mentally and feel let down.
May 20 – June 20 Unexpected fortune is on the cards. You will frame up future goals and start working towards the same. Those in love, will have a happy time. Chan‑ ces of marriage getting finalised.
A man takes his Rottweiler to the vet and says, "My dog's cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him?" "Well," says the vet, "let's have a look at him." So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then checks his teeth. Finally, he says "I'm going to have to put him down." "What? Because he's cross-eyed?" "No, because he's really heavy." Apparently, one in five people in the world are Chinese. And there are five people in my family, so it must be one
of them. It's either my mum or my dad, or maybe my older brother Colin or my younger brother Ho-Cha Chu. But I'm pretty sure it's Colin. I went to the butcher's the other day and I bet him 50 bucks that he couldn't reach the meat off the top shelf. He said, "No, the steaks are too high." A man woke up in a hospital after a serious accident. He shouted, "Doctor, doctor, I can't feel my legs!" The doctor replied, "I know you can't – I've cut off your arms!" I went to a seafood disco last week... and pulled a mussel.
Vol: 1, No 134 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad–500 037, Editor: Prahlad Rao – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: and for subscription, please call 040-40672222, Fax: 040-40672211
Weavers of India, an exhibition-cumsale of handloom and handicraft products is on at the Gramin Hastkala Vikas Samiti at Sathya Sai Nigamagamam in Srinagar Colony.
Models display creations by Rahul Mishra at a fashion show on Pochampally weaves, organised by Taj Khazana and Taj Falaknuma at the Falaknuma Palace on Saturday.