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Statement of Changes in Equity
StatementofChangesinEquityfortheyear 2021
2020 January 1, 2020 Impact of subsidiary sale ............. Restricted share in earnings ...... Profit for the year ........................... December 31, 2020
2021 January 1, 2021 Statutory reserve ........................... Restricted share in earnings ...... Profit for the year ........................... December 31, 2021
Statutory Restricted Retained earnings / Total Notes Share capital reserves equity (Accumulated deficit) Equity
2.947.500 367.927 30.011 (142.704) 3.202.735 (17.987) 17.987 4.933 (4.933) 104.374 104.374 17 2.947.500 367.927 16.958 (25.276) 3.307.109
2.947.500 367.927 16.958 (25.276) 3.307.109 12.792 (12.792) (16.958) 16.958 255.840 255.840 17 2.947.500 380.719 0 234.730 3.562.949