the POS handout
2017 | ISSUE
NO. 6
A letter from the pastor BY PASTOR
Belong - Believe - Become Culture is defined as the unwritten rules of behaviour within any social group. We use basic terms such as language, custom, food, dress, religion and festivals to best understand culture. It is the way we see things and naturally behave without giving it much thought, in common with others of our group. Every community has culture whether or not the people in that community realise it, and what is of immense importance is that it can be good and life giving or the culture may be one that’s negative and toxic. As part of the Church of the Lord Jesus, we also have a culture that’s borne from the Word of God and the influence of the Holy Spirit but is also not independent of the behaviours, attitudes and mannerisms of the people in the Church. To a large extent we determine the spiritual and social barometer of the Church as the Holy Spirit and the Word works within the lives of individual saints. The early Church in the Book of Acts stands as an indelible model of Apostolic culture today that was both dynamic, bold, passionate and transformative. This is what we must strive to emulate in order to have an atmosphere of a revival and life giving culture. The very first characteristic is the unity of the Church. Acts 2:1 tells us that “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.” Unity is the keystone feature in any thriving culture and in the Church. It is brought about by the love of Christ in our hearts for one another; producing an environment of acceptance and non-judgemental attitudes towards those in our church and all who come in. Though culture is often natural and unwritten, we can however build and change our culture intentionally to where people are welcomed with love and celebration as part of our family. In the process, souls are added to the Kingdom of God. The old paradigm of ‘Believe, Become then Belong’ must give way to a culture of: Belong - Believe - Become Acts chapter 2 began with Unity and it ends with these words: "So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:46-47 NKJV
Connect at the Pentecostals of Sydney
Life Studies are an enjoyable, non-threatening
We invite you to join NLJ; a teaching program conducted on
way to learn more about the Bible. We can
Sunday mornings following worship. These classes will
meet with you in your home, our home, or a
cover questions you may have about doctrine, why we
coffee shop. The studies are less than an
worship the way we do, what God really has in store for
hour but have the power to change your
your life and how God’s love for you can conquer all. These
life. Speak to one of our greeters if you would
classes are very beneficial to your Christian walk, so take
like to start a Life Study.
your first steps with Jesus today!
We understand that High School, Uni and Tafe
These are groups that meet on Wednesdays all
are times of much change- Physical, Mental
across Sydney. It is a great time of Biblical
and even Spiritual. Whether you're the big
teaching, growing and spending time together.
man at school or the quiet one in the back of
You will not want to miss out on these exciting
the class you have a place at KEY Youth. Come
along to a dynamic service on Friday nights at 7:30pm - with skits, games and a message aimed right at you, we guarantee you'll have a great time. JUNE
2017 |
KEY YOUTH SUNDAY We are blessed at the POS to have a wonderful youth group. Twice a year we have a Youth Sunday where we are led in worship and ministered to by the next generation. This is always a wonderful time for the youth as well as the church, so come and support KEY Youth in our Sunday Services on the 4th of June.
These services are special events for parents, families and friends of young children as the parents ceremonially dedicate their children to the Lord. If you have a baby or toddler that you would like dedicated at this Special Morning Service please speak to Greg H. or Sis Jena.
30 JUNE - 2 JULY
UPRISING CONFERENCE Join us as KEY Youth presents UpRising Conference 2017. This is going to be an incredible weekend of services. Come and be a part of a movement of young people who are rebelling against the cultural and generational expectations of today's society and living out the destiny that God has for them! Guest Speaker - Rev Loammi Diaz
2017 | 4
THU 01 Music Practice
04 YOUTH SUNDAY Women of Prayer5:30pm
Church Prayer Meeting- 7:30pm
Chinese Bible Study Class- 10am
Queens Birthday Holiday
06 Bible School 10am & 6:30pm
13 Bible School 10am & 6:30pm
07 Life Groups
FRI 02
CLIO- 10am
Music Practice
KEY Youth- 7:30pm Men's Prayer7:30pm
14 Life Groups
15 Music Practice
KEY Youth- 7:30pm
WOW31 Event Fijian Prayer6:00pm
19 Church Prayer Meeting- 7:30pm
20 Bible School 10am & 6:30pm
Life Groups
Music Practice
KEY Youth- 7:30pm
Homeless Ministry
WOW31 Prayer7:30pm
Fijian Service- 3pm
25 Baby Dedication Service - 10am
Church Prayer Meeting- 7:30pm
Bible School 10am & 6:30pm
Mandarin Service 3pm
5 | JUNE
KEY Youth- 7:30pm
Guest Speaker - PM Rev Caltabiano
Chinese Bible Study Class- 10am
28 Life Groups
29 Music Practice
30 UpRising Conference School term ends