The POS Handout - November 2017

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the POS handout

2017 | ISSUE

NO. 11

A letter from the pastor BY PASTOR




All Nations As we celebrate the various nationalities in our local assembly, we are reminded of God’s great love for all mankind regardless of race, language or skin colour and how he has brought into His Church people from every corner of the globe. We are particularly blessed here at the POS that, from our last count, we have over 50 different nationalities represented. With such varying backgrounds and cultures, there is always the possibility of misunderstanding and even outright offence from the differences of styles, approaches, nuances and idiosyncrasies unique to certain cultures. While we should not be removing these differences but rather celebrating them, yet there is a culture that supersedes all others and that is; the Culture of Christ. When we become born again and come into the Family of God, we take on a new identity that permeates who we are as individuals. We become new creatures in Christ Jesus, although our unique qualities are not removed. We have a new spiritual family, we talk and walk differently, we take on different priorities in life, we celebrate things that matter to God, we embrace a whole new worldview. This is why we rejoice, it’s because God has redeemed us from wherever we came from and has put us in His Body to serve Him and one another. So let us appreciate our differences, knowing that we are united by the one blood of Jesus Christ and we worship the one God and Father of all. And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; Acts 17:26



Connect at the Pentecostals of Sydney

Life Studies are an enjoyable, non-threatening

We invite you to join NLJ; a teaching program conducted on

way to learn more about the Bible. We can

Sunday mornings following worship. These classes will

meet with you in your home, our home, or a

cover questions you may have about doctrine, why we

coffee shop. The studies are less than an

worship the way we do, what God really has in store for

hour but have the power to change your

your life and how God’s love for you can conquer all. These

life. Speak to one of our greeters if you would

classes are very beneficial to your Christian walk, so take

like to start a Life Study.

your first steps with Jesus today!

We understand that High School, Uni and Tafe

These are groups that meet on Wednesdays all

are times of much change- Physical, Mental

across Sydney. It is a great time of Biblical

and even Spiritual. Whether you're the big

teaching, growing and spending time together.

man at school or the quiet one in the back of

You will not want to miss out on these exciting

the class you have a place at KEY Youth. Come


along to a dynamic service on Friday nights at 7:30pm - with skits, games and a message aimed right at you, we guarantee you'll have a great time. NOVEMBER 2017 |



WOW31 END OF YEAR EVENT Join the ladies of the POS for a special end-of-year event hosted by WOW31 Ministries. More details forthcoming.

24- AYM WEEKEND 26 Every year young people from across

Australia participate in the AYM Program where they travel and minister at local churches. Many our our KEY Youth members have been part of this wonderful program. We have a team visiting us and we will be blessed by their ministry!


CHINESE SERVICE Our monthly Chinese Service is at 3pm, here at the POS, where the worship & preaching is in Mandarin. Please contact John Wang or Danny Lee for more info.

2 DEC COMMUNITY DAY Join us for a time of fun and fellowship at Clemton Park as we reach out to our local community. There will be a Jumping Castle, Face Painting, Sausage Sizzle, Gift bags and LIVE music!

NOVEMBER 2017 | 4




WED 01

THU 02

FRI 03

SAT 04

KEY Youth- 7:30pm



Women Of Prayer5:30pm

Church Prayer Meeting- 7:30pm





Bible School 10am & 6:30pm

Life Group

Music Practice

KEY Youth- 7:30pm


WOW31 Prayer7:30pm



Chinese Bible Study Class- AM Service

Church Prayer Meeting- 7:30pm

14 Bible School 10am & 6:30pm



Life Group

Music Practice



KEY Youth- 7:30pm

WOW31 End of Year Event

Church Prayer7:30pm

Fijian Prayer Meeting6pm








Chinese Bible Study Class- AM Service

Church Prayer Meeting- 7:30pm

Bible School 10am & 6:30pm

Life Group

Music Practice

AYM Weekend

AYM Weekend






AYM Weekend

Church Prayer Meeting- 7:30pm

Bible School 10am & 6:30pm

Life Group

Music Practice

Homeless Ministry

Fijian Service- 3pm

Mandarin Service- 3pm WOW31 Fundraiser

5 | NOVEMBER 2017

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