POTENTIAL-CREDIT Potential-Credit & Leasing Sdn Bhd is
a leading licensed company in Malaysia. Potential-credit is one of the top leading companies in Malaysia that provides the fastest and most reliable loan services. We provide personal loan service.
 Personal loans provide for personal
expenses.  Personal loans can be of home renovation, installments, compensation of credit payment, holiday loan.
BENEFITS OF TAKING A PERSOANAL LOAN There are benefits of taking a personal
loan from potential-credit: Easy accessibility Low interest rate Saves time No security required
POTENTIAL-CREDIT Documents required for applying loan NRIC/Foreigner (Work permit &
passport) Pay-slip Address proof Latest bank statement Latest 6 months EPF statement.
POTENTIAL-CREDIT CONTACT US: Potential Credit & Leasing Sdn Bhd Menara UOA Bangsar, A-30-5, Level 30 No. 5 , Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, Bangsar, 59000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . Toll Free: 1800-22-9977 Email: enquiry@loaneasycash.com Website: www.potential-credit.com