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Risk assessing of glass as a construction product
What should we consider when applying glass into our construction projects?
Cobuilder asked James Allen (right), Glass Safety & Security Risk Consultant at AITCo Consulting, who is leading the Glass Safety Working Group at the Institute of Construction Management (ICM) in the UK.
[SINCE MARCH 2021, Cobuilder and ICM have been collaborating to deliver a structured approach to identifying, assessing and eliminating hazard risks related to the use of glass in construction projects.
The goal of the project is to enable actors to prevent hazardous instances already in the design phase and secure a positive outcome of the hazard audit of the built asset. Through structured digital data, stakeholders will be able to gain access and take full advantage of essential product information, which allows them to adopt a more comprehensive approach to hazard management.
In a special interview for Cobuilder, Mr. Allen shares insights into glass technology, explains why some of today’s practices can put people’s safety at risk and discusses the role of better information management to address such issues.
Glass as a crucial building component
Float glass! Pilkington Brothers’ 1950’s float glass development fuelled a UK and worldwide glazing revolution. This industry-changing process guaranteed a continuous flow of annealed glass with flat and parallel surfaces, vastly reduced imperfections and improved clarity.
Float glass, combining with new silicone sealant, spawned construction glazing dispensing with traditional framing systems. Buildings could be cloaked, internally and externally, with glass units bonded to each other.
In London, commercial premises were always restricted in height by weight considerations in respect of the local clay substrate. Fully glazed highrise premises now span the range of governmental, local authority, commercial, industrial, educational, recreational and housing sectors.
Cobuilder: Glass as a construction material is everywhere around us. Are there cases when it is not safe to use?
James Allen: Annealed glass remains the base material for producing toughened and laminated grades. Despite its versatility, all glass is fragile to a greater or lesser degree and must always be seen as a potential risk for security or physical safety.
Each glass type must be fitted in the right place to ensure personal safety. Competent risk assessment is indispensable for selection of the best glass, or for recommending use of alternative materials.
The recent horrific Grenfell Tower tragedy has pulled the issue of fire safety to the forefront of public awareness. But we ignore inherent danger from accelerating glass installation, so often undertaken without adequate control or close supervision.
The emotive sight of shattered glass heaped in the streets after a bomb blast might be daunting, but UK blast casualties cannot match the daily toll of unreported injury inflicted by breaking or falling glass.
Based on years of observation, glass without consistent supervision should be classed as an unsafe construction material. Concern for a building’s safety and security must be paramount – for employees, visitors, maintenance staff and even those just walking past outside.
Cobuilder: Has the United Kingdom government taken steps to improve glass safety?
James Allen: Unprotected or unmodified annealed flat glass panes, whether used as windows and/or as construction cladding, need to be regarded as a potential risk to personal and public safety.
There has been much regulation since 1981 and a rash of non-mandatory British Standards. These only attempt to ensure flat glass safety from manufacture through to installation.
BS6262:1982 Code of Practice for Glazing for Buildings, together with a separate BS impact testing schedule, was elevated to full UK legal status following a decision within the 1981 Rimmer v Liverpool City Council Appeal Court judgement.
Glass protection is eroded by loose wording, which allows glass suppliers or installers too much latitude over interpreting ‘safety’.
Building Regulations can be vague and are sometimes said to leak like a sieve. Happily, for public safety, Building Regulation 7 does have clear safety requirements where glass is the material used and can’t be ignored. On top of this, there are mandatory Health and Safety requirements in the form of Regulations 13 &14 of The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.
British Standards are useful guides, albeit with high commercial industry input. Such standards must still pursue strictly objective goals if vital public confidence is to be maintained.
Following the Grenfell fiasco, root and branch reassessment of both regulation and industry standards should be undertaken. Cobuilder: Tell us how you foresee Data Templates resolving those issues related to glass safety. James Allen: It all comes down to competent information and data. Improving information management means improving decision making. It all needs to be linked closely together and available.
Manufacturers control their product information for everybody’s safety. This should be made available to all construction actors working with the materials. Architects, designers, installers and even the client must have access to fully competent product data – this is just what Data Templates aim to achieve.
Additionally, designers and specifiers will become more aware of those materials they intend to use, which will lead to better decisions. Responsibility should not be passed on to building control or to the next actors within the chain.
This negative culture of passing responsibility on to somebody else must be rooted out. Total transparency is of key importance.
It’s a domino effect. If manufacturers fail to share fully all of their product information, then installation of their materials might well be compromised.
Using Data Templates, processes throughout a construction supply chain are improved and performance maximised.
Manufacturers will structure product information consistently and clearly. Properties of the different types of glass may be easily evaluated. Only glass possessing the right properties will be selected by specifiers, designers and even the client. This process of continuous planned control will improve safety throughout the construction project. It is pivotal that product information can be tracked fully and accurately at any point in the construction processes. If necessary, we should be capable of jumping back to the start of the material’s production process.
If you are curious to read the full interview, please follow this link. q • Learn more about Cobuilder’s Data Template methodology and how we apply it in our software solutions, by contacting our team.