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[ RESEARCH HAS REVEALED that houses in the UK lose heat up to three times faster than houses in Norway or Germany. Our homes are typically older and less energy efficient, with limited insulation and single glazed windows: requiring more gas or electricity to heat them to a liveable temperature. That has presented an economic and environmental challenge for households, pushing many into fuel poverty and leading to increased carbon emissions, contributing to the on-going environmental crisis.
According to research from the UK Green Building Council, shared by The Guardian, despite lofty promises laid out by the Conservative Government in the Green Deal in 2013, the number of installations of both cavity wall and loft insulations have fallen from more than two million per year to around a tenth of that number in 2022. Energy needs to be invested back into retrofitting these energyleaky homes if we are serious about lowering the heating costs of UK homes, and also making an impact on reducing the carbon emissions from these buildings.
City & Guilds have developed Retrofit qualifications in collaboration with industry specialists to ensure that the qualifications are fit for purpose in upskilling the workforce with the knowledge they need about the evolving retrofit industry.
The Level 2 Award & Certificate in Retrofit are designed to be delivered as a stand-alone qualification, or run alongside other programmes of learning, for example a study programme. The purpose of the qualifications is to raise awareness of retrofit in a general way, while focusing on PAS 2035. The content allows learners to gain knowledge on the key topic areas to do with the retrofitting of buildings q