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Nightingale Courts won’t achieve anything with no staff
IN RESPONSE TO the news that the UK will extend the use of Nightingale Courts for a further year, Michelle Heeley KC, leader of the Midlands Circuit and Barrister at No5 Barristers' Chambers, commented: “As the criminal court backlog in the UK grows more by the day, extending the use of Nightingale Courts provides some help to getting more cases through. However, this shortterm measure does not address the cumulative effect of a lack of recruitment to the Criminal Bar, the loss of barristers to other areas of law and court closures over the years.
“The impact we are seeing on both victims and the accused following these delays has been catastrophic. During the agonising waiting time to go to court, there is significant pressure on all parties. Victims are left without justice and witness memories begin to fade, which can have serious repercussions when they are called to testify. My concern is that people will completely lose faith in our broken justice system, put off pursuing justice in highly traumatic and sensitive cases because it could take years to reach court.
“The solution is not a short-term one. We must recruit more barristers and judges to the Criminal Bar and recognise that working in this area of law is tough. For barristers and judges who are currently overworked and taking on cases, greater support is needed to avoid them leaving the Criminal Bar and worsening the crisis.
“We cannot afford a situation where the public lose faith in the judicial system and so we must address the long-term issues for us to be able to deliver justice for victims and the accused.” q