1 minute read


Since its founding in 1883, Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home has relied almost entirely on gifts in wills to keep its doors open.

The home costs nearly £3m a year to run, and in the absence of any regular government funding, they are left almost completely dependent on donations and fundraising initiatives to keep going.

One of the most powerful ways that the community has supported the charity is by leaving gifts in their wills. An astounding one in three animals that reside with them each year has had their care funded by legacies.

Legacies and Individual Giving Manager Ella Wilson explained: “We simply couldn’t keep going without this lifeline and there really are no words to describe what it means to us when we discover that someone has made that decision to include us in their will.

“This support can transform the lives of the hundreds of vulnerable animals who need our help each year – for as long as they need it. By leaving a gift, your love and compassion for animals can live on.”

To find out how to make a lasting contribution, please visit edch.org.uk/legacies or contact Ella Wilson, Legacies and Individual Giving Manager on 0131 609 0621 or by emailing fundraising@edch.org.uk

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