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Top comedian Vine will head up a full cast in Esher
[ONE OF THE UK’S best-loved comedians will open CRE National 2022. Tim Vine (pictured), who has been on the UK circuit for more than 25 years and is best known for his on-the-spot jokes and outrageous puns, grew up a stone’s throw from an Anglican church. He made a personal decision about faith when he was “about 12, at one of those Pathfinder camps.”
“Belief in God felt natural,” he said. “I always enjoyed singing ‘Oh, how good is the Lord’ and all those great ones like ‘When the road is rough and steep, fix your eyes upon Jesus’.”
He will open CRE at 10am on 11 October “As long as I have a red ribbon between two free standing poles and a large pair of scissors!” He will then be interviewed by Steve Legg, editor of Sorted, the UK’s leading Christian men’s magazine.
In addition to Tim, live performances will include presentations by Saltmine Theatre Co. The Dudley-based company has been reaching people with the gospel for more than 40 years with custom-designed sketches, national productions, issue-based theatre and workshops. Members of the company will perform samples of their work.
Music will be provided by Jonathan Veira. Less than 18 months ago, top opera and gospel singer Jonathan’s life was saved when his wife Sue donated a kidney to him. He returns to CRE National on 13 October, at 3pm, singing songs he performed to thousands of people on Facebook and Youtube during lockdown. Other special features at this year’s CRE National include Children’s Ministry Day on 12 October, hosted by Hand in Hand and Children Matter, Mission Worship Wednesday with Lou Fellingham and friends – also on 12 October – and Mission on the Map, with a Mission Aviation Fellowship plane as a centrepiece, which will run for all three days. All that will be running alongside a comprehensive programme of talks, which is still being finalised. The programme will feature discussions on topics that include Church and climate change: a message of hope, Writing a church drug policy and Fundraising for major local church projects. q