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Brighton’s ‘biggest challenge’ gets underway
[ONE OF THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES currently underway in the ironwork sector is to dismantle, transport, restore and then rebuild the country’s longest cast iron structure –Madeira Terrace in Brighton.
Madeira Terrace is a Grade Two*-listed, 865m-long stretch of seafront arches and promenade on Madeira Drive in Brighton. At almost one kilometre in length, it is the only land-based iron promenade in England.
Built in the late 1800s, it runs along the seafront rather than out to sea: the Victorians recognised that visitors needed shelter and shade when they were by the sea and that a new promenade could offer this.
The build combined wrought and cast iron to provide a technical solution to creating the promenade in a challenging seafront location. At the centre of each arch are cast representations of mythical gods Neptune and Venus.
However, more and more of it has been closed to the public since 2014. That is because the local marine environment has degraded the structure and made it unsafe.
The deterioration of the Terrace has occurred as the movement of the deck has created small cracks in its surface. Those have then absorbed water and allowed the structure to deteriorate from the inside out. While it may now look as if it simply needs a coat of paint, the restoration is far more complicated. Cast iron is a brittle metal which cannot be easily welded or forged and modern-day building regulations need to be complied with.
There are six tonnes of cast iron in each of the 151 arches, which will be dismantled and taken away from the site. Planning permission for Phase One of the restoration was granted on 2 November, paving the way for work to start on the first 40 arches this year. Once the full restoration is completed, over 900 tonnes of cast iron will have been removed and reinstated.
The first 40 arches are those between Madeira Terrace Shelter Hall (also known as Concorde 2) and the Royal Crescent steps. It will include the famous green wall behind the structure.
In renovating the historic structure, the council has committed to conserving the existing cast iron elements as far as possible and will only recast the iron where absolutely necessary. Decorative elements, such as the beautiful spandrels at the front, are more likely to be able to be repaired as they are not weight bearing. Trusses and balustrades do a different job, and some of those are more likely to be recast.
A special maritime treatment will be applied to every element of the refurbished structure, which will keep the cast iron protected for much longer than ordinary paint. Where the cast iron is repaired, planned maintenance should provide the same long life as the original cast iron, ensuring future generations can enjoy the heritage treasure.
Council Leader Phélim Mac Cafferty said: “Work is underway to restore Madeira Terrace, rebuilding this historic part of the seafront and restoring the country’s longest cast iron structure. Our goal? To return this Victorian landmark to the city, offering facilities fit for the 21st century which welcome all communities, and ensure it is here for generations to come.
“The revitalisation of Madeira Terrace is one of the most significant projects on which the council has embarked for a long time. In November we won the planning consent and the regeneration of Madeira Terrace will enliven the eastern end of the seafront, appealing