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How To Build A Drystone Wall Po sted o n June 21, 20 12 by

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Introduction Building with stone is not only beautiful, but also durable. Unlike railroad ties or wooden fences, which may rot and must be replaced every 10-15 years, stone does not deteriorate. Stone walls also offer a charm that no other material can equal, and are especially beautiful as part of flowerbeds and perennial gardens. A “dry” stonewall means one without mortar holding the stones together. Because the individual stones are able to shift slightly in

Recent Posts How To Build A Drys tone Wall How To Build A Rock Wall Container Vegetable Garden Create A Potted Herb Garden Country Lands caping Ideas

Categories subject:drysto ne wall 17th cent at Muchalls Castle, Sco tland date:aug, 20 0 6 pho to grapher: self (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

Build A Rock Wall Cottage Lands caping Uncategoriz ed

response to frost heave, there’s no need to have a foundation below the frost line. Even so,

building with stone requires a substantial commitment of time and effort. Yet the results are so satisfying it’s easy for the project to become a minor “obsession.” The following steps will help you create a freestanding wall or a retaining wall that will beautify your property for as long as you own it. Building a Dry Stone Wall Dry stone walling is an ancient craft that can take years of practice to do with any real speed and perfection. For professional dry stone wallers, a wall can be build with incredible speed, but for the rest of us there will be a lot of trial and error involved. Provided you take your time and are not over ambitious, you should be able to produce an attractive and stable wall without too much effort. Just be advised that your hands and forearms will suffer if you over do it in the beginning! Building Your Wall Even though dry stone walls may lack the straight lines and vertical faces of a traditional brick wall, the base of your dry stone wall should still be laid to a straight line, and ideally on a well prepared footing Mark out the area to be excavated for the footing using a garden line and pegs, then excavate a trench about 8 inches deep. Just ensure that the bottom of the trench is as flat as possible as you will be laying the foundation stones on it.

Dry sto ne wall building in So uth Wales (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

Choose large flat stones for each end of the trench, and infill with other large ones to form a firm base for the rest of the wall. Just don’t forget to put aside enough large flat stones to cap the wall,

and also to act as tie stones! Most of these content comes from How To Build A Dry Stone Wall Dry Stone Resource: Video – Walls of Stone: How to Build Drystone … 6/15/12 The Dry Stone Resource is a site dedicated to the growth of dry stone walling in North America. With a focus on education, preservation, resources, certified dry stone masons in the USA, how to’s, documentary videos, … Dry- Stone Wall Building Workshop | Permaculture Sydney Institute 6/17/12 For those that want to keep the traditional skills and art of dry-stone building alive, reduce their footprint and become more self-reliant and sustainable. heave and hoe: A Successful Dry Stone Wall Building Workshop 4/30/12 We wrapped up a successful dry stone wall building workshop at around 4:30, Sunday afternoon, and for those who could spare a few minutes , capped it with a round of Sam Adams’ Belgian Session brew. And what an … Related articles

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How To Build A Rock Wall Po sted o n June 20 , 20 12 by

Hi my friends! Welcome to another post about “ How To Build A Rock Wall � I hope you have had time to follow my content that I have been providing. I really am trying my very best to inform you with relative content based on this topic. Enjoy the article below and remember to return after clicking any of the links that I provide. Building another rock wall Dave, Sonebridge Masonry is back again to build a low fieldstone wall including old stone trough. He shows how and tells why he does it this way.

This project is for the homeowner with small retaining wall problems, lots of rock, and not enough yard space. This is no way an engineered wall! But low or well built walls can easily survive for 50 to 100 years with a little thought. Just make sure you reinforce them properly if people are going to be walking above them or they are holding up something important like your house! Look at the height of the wall. If it’s greater than 4 foot and you can’t push back another 4-8 feet to make the next wall, or the combined height is more maybe 20 feet, than you’ll probably have to have an engineered reinforced concrete wall built. (Some communities limit you to as low as 2 feet, but usually it’s 3 or 4 feet in height.) Length of wall doesn’t matter. The wall can be 500 feet long with 500 feet of muddy soil behind it, if the shelves are wide, it is only the height that matters. I personally like to limit the height of each wall to bench height, about two feet. It’s safer, much more fun to garden in, and has it’s own seating. How to build a retaining wall. An easy rock wall or a rock garden?

There are several basic types of gravitystacked natural wall stones: Quarried flagstone, like crab orchard, which is usually a brown or pink color, Tennessee field stone, usually a dark gray to black color, or field stone boulders, also dark gray to black; if you can find either of the latter two types with moss on them, and your wall will be predominantly in the shade, consider getting these guys — they will look great. Keep in mind that the flatter, or more angular, the rock, the easier to stack the wall — building with round rock is akin to stacking BB’s! Additionally, medium to thick rocks assist in wall stability. But, to begin at the beginning — some folks like to pick out their rock first, bring it home, and then start the project; I do it kind of

A gravity-type sto ne retaining wall (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

backwards — I already know the kind of rock I want for the project, so I lay out the project first so I have some idea of the quantity of

first so I have some idea of the quantity of material required, then I purchase the rock, so I don’t have to either go get more or return it. One of the axioms of construction is that you will never, ever, buy the exact amount of material required for the project — it’s always a bit over or a bit short. Save yourself the extra trips to the rock yard. Decide the kind of rock you want and how it Gravity retaining wall made o f sto ne blo cks (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

will fit into your landscape architecture — formal or informal. Retaining walls are best suited to incorporation into a slope — otherwise you have to bring in a lot of extra

dirt for back fill — not good. To find out more click Building a natural stone wall Rock Your Garden With A Stone Wall « DirectBuy – Blog 6/15/12 Personally, I really like the natural look that a rock wall gives to a yard and with so many different kinds of rocks to choose from, you can create a look that is unique, natural, and easy to maintain. Choosing the rock. You may … How to Build a Rock Wall in 5 Easy Steps | ej- 6/2/12 Step one is to prepare the area in which you plan to construct your rock wall. The sod should be

removed, and some material for drainage spread out, such as sand or pea gravel or a combination of the two. Take a piece of … Make a Rock Garden in a Day – Yankee Magazine 5/28/12 Best of all, it’s fun to collect rocks from travels, hikes and special days at the beach or lake to add to your wall over time. Rock Garden Tuck plants between large rocks to build a rock garden. If larger rocks are your preference, it’s best to build a …

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Container Vegetable Garden Po sted o n June 19 , 20 12 by

Gidday and welcome to the video blog post “ Container Vegetable Garden ” we really have done our very best to provide you with top quality content today on this subject! I recommend that you sit back watch the video, read the article and follow the resource links if you still need to research this subject. Enjoy! Potted Vegetable Garden The Potted Vegetable Garden teaches you how to grow successful fruits, vegetable and herbs at home in your very own container garden. See you there today! Marty

Container vegetable gardening can be very productive when love and tender care is put into the potted vegetable garden. Many do struggle, but this is usually only because of lack of education and knowledge. Today we plan to help you expand your knowledge, so you can grow a wealth of food in your very own container garden that you will be proud of. Also you will be able to access healthy fresh food that can be LONDON, ENGLAND – JUNE 0 9 : Azul Tho me, the co -fo under o f ‘Fo o d fro m

served right up on the dinner plate that not only tastes better, but is dripping full of vitamins.

the Sky,’ stands in the ro o f garden abo ve a

Nearly every type of vegetable can be grown in a container and if

supermarket in Cro uch End o n June 9 , 20 11 in Lo ndo n, England. The ro o f garden, the pro duce fro m which is so ld in the Budgens supermarket belo w it, is participating this year in the Open Garden Squares Weekend o n June 11 and 12th. The Open Garden Squares Weekend lets members o f the public purchase a ticket to give them access

you are lacking space and believe that container vegetable gardening is for you? Then you have come to the right place. Please follow the link provided here Potted vegetable garden – click here . Start with the Containers Start with obvious component, containers, and match them to suit your space. The containers do not have to be fancy nor expensive to grow vegetables, they only have to able to contain the soil and have bottom drainage holes to allow excess water to drain out. Build homemade containers from wood to fit your outdoor patio, porch or

to o ver 20 0 gardens

stoop or use new or old flower pots. Place the container(s) in a

acro ss the capital, many o f

sunny location that offers some protection from the wind and fill

which are usually private. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

three-fourths of the way full with a high quality planting mix. Reserve some planting mix to finish filling the containers after the vegetables are planted.

Caring for a Container Garden Container garden soil will dry out quickly so diligent watering will be required. Once the plants have begun to grow, water them every day it doesn’t rain. During harvest time and the hot months

of July and August, twice daily watering may be required. If the plant shows signs of heat stress (drooping leaves) water immediately. Feed plants with a water soluble fertilize once a week and top dress with organic matter like egg shells and coffee grounds to boost vegetable production. Guide to Vegetable Gardening in Containers Some Facts for Growing Vegetable in Containers 6/18/12 The container is the key to successful container gardening . You have to image the vegetable plant at full size when planting your vegetables. All seeds will grow in a cup but most mature vegetables won’t survive in a cup. Vegetable Gardening Tips: Choosing the Right Type of Garden for … 6/13/12 Container Gardening – Another option that is perfect for people who have less than the ideal amount of space, container gardening is basically growing vegetables in traditional plant pots. The size of the container determines … Urban Agriculture And How To Grow A Rooftop Garden – Infographic 6/19/12 You can use synthetic or soilless mixes, as they do well with container gardening . Pick Your Container: Just about every container can be used to grow vegetable plants. Prepare Drainage: Your container garden must drain …

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Create A Potted Herb Garden Po sted o n June 19 , 20 12 by

Welcome to “Create A Potted Herb Garden ” article. I trust you will enjoy the content below that includes links to other related topics, video and our very own article too! Anyway, I will leave you to it! How to Plant a Potted Herb Garden Tips on How to Plant a Potted Herb Garden. It’s container herb garden made easy this week on Six Minute Style.

Planting a Potted Herb Garden is a healthy exercise for all the family. Why? Think not only of the tasty meals you can cook by adding these, but their health benefits, too. Herbs are a wonderful source of nutrition. They augment meals with both ‘zest and zing’ and a whole range of vitamins. On top of this, you’ll all have the satisfaction of growing your own. It’ll give both you, the Missus, Granny, the kids – everyone a chance to have input with a minimum of fuss.

Herb Garden at Ro yal Bo tanic Gardens, Sydney (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

Oh, yes -and think of the money you’ll all save by not having to buy herb powders in packet from a supermarket! Such a garden can also enhance your creativity as you tune in with Nature. Your ‘green thumb’ will grow even greener as you give your potted herbs the tender loving care they are looking for. Yes, plants have feelings, too. It’s been proven. It would be fair to say that every creature on this planet needs love – including herbs. So give them some. Potted Herb Garden Click here Even if you’re not a gardener, and even if you don’t have a lot of gardening space, you should really think about growing herbs. It takes just a few minutes to create an attractive planter filled with fragrant, delicious herbs–and a small space on the patio or windowsill to show it off. Every summer I plant a container garden of herbs which sits on the deck right outside my kitchen door. It’s so easy to pick a few leaves for a pizza, salsa, or salad, and once you try this I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, too! You’ll need a large container, potting soil, and 3 or 4 herb plants from your local garden store. I’ve picked four plants that have similar growing requirements so I can put them all into one pot. You’ll want to read about the herbs you’re selecting to know that they’ll all be happy together, or plant into several pots if they have different WASHINGTON, DC – MARCH 16 : U.S. First Lady

needs. How To Make a Potted Herb Garden

Michelle Obama participates in planting with

Cheering Up Moods

lo cal scho o l children at the

When you feel lonely and you are out of work, spending time for

White Ho use Kitchen Garden March 16 , 20 11 in Washingto n, DC. That was the third planting seaso n o f the garden which has been pro ducing fresh fruit

your herb garden design is seriously the best time pass. It will not only help you feeling better, but you don’t feel like you are alone. Especially, for people who bear hectic working schedule and want to have some peaceful hours, an herb garden can be an eternal

been pro ducing fresh fruit and vegetables to feed the Obama family and their guests, and fo r do nating to

companion of them. For this purpose, you should use your heart instead of using only your mind or money. When you will start

shelter in the DC area.

developing your herb garden design heartedly, your soul will automatically connect to this job. Thus, as its result, you will gain

(Image credit: Getty

various creative ideas to set up a different and unique kind of herb

Miriams Kitchen, a fo o d

Images via @daylife)

garden design. Desiring Garden But Having Small Space

If so is your concern and due to this cause, you are not getting enough courage to establish a herb garden design, then no need to worry more because now, it is absolutely possible for you to develop your own herb garden design even in a small space. For this, you just need to plan a proper strategy and then walking on that plan will certainly help you setting up a beautiful garden inside your apartment. There are countless designs available and as per your convenience, you can follow any particular design and start having benefits of it immediately. Potted Garden Design, A Compatible Idea For Small Space If you do not have much space in your house except a balcony or a windowsill, then a potted garden is your option. With a potted garden you can gain all the benefits that you want to have from a herb garden design. This garden will support you growing varied kinds of herbs and for this, you can use multiple pots of small size or you can use one single pot of large size to plant various herbs. This garden will help you accessing fresh herbs anytime you want. If your purpose is to beautify your home with this garden, then you can decorate the pots with colorful designs. content from Herb Garden Is Not Merely For Big Spaces Planting a Container Herb Garden: Plant Height and Layout for ‌ 4/15/08 A container herb garden can be more than functional. It can be beautiful! ‌ By planting several

herbs in a large container, you can create an attractive display of kitchen herbs that is useful and easy to maintain. Window Box … Gardening Benefits With A Mini Herb Garden Design | Herb Garden … 6/15/12 If you want to design your own mini herb garden in your house due to get amazing benefits of it, and then you must attain all required tools and materials to do this job. These materials include potting soil, plastic container for platting, small … How to create a perennial herb garden in a container | Tips from … 11/9/09 Plant a Perennial Herb Pot for Winter. By; Sheena Adams. Sheena Adams’s four-step guide to creating your own unique perennial herb planter. To create this simple planter, first pick a unique container, such as a washbasin …

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Country Landscaping Ideas Po sted o n June 19 , 20 12 by

Hi, and welcome to another video blog post “ Country Landscaping Ideas “! I would like to thank you for coming to visit my website and the content inside! The sure is plenty of articles in here based on a wide variety of subjects on this Niche! Also there

are plenty of links to help you find out even more on this topic, all I ask is that you remember to return to read and finish this article! Enjoy! Front Yard Landscaping Ideas – Landscaping Ideas For Small Yards Get Front Yard Landscaping Ideas here Designing a front yard is usually about accessibility and invitation. We spend hardly any time in the front yard as opposed to the backyard, but it is where we enter and exit our homes. For this reaso‌

Country inspired landscapes are usually

Country inspired landscapes are usually quaint, charming and casual. Country gardens have their roots in English cottage gardens, which are very personal in nature and feature treasured items and cherished plants. Common objects used in country landscape design are white picket fences, birdhouses, arbors, gazebos, antiques, wicker furniture, ornate cast iron benches and fieldstone paths or walls. Country gardens typically include climbing vines and plants with bright and showy blossoms.

English: Co astal landscaping o n the beaches o f Newpo rt Beach, Califo rnia (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

A country garden is well suited to farmhouse, Victorian, ranch or rustic architecture. Matching the style of your landscaping to the style of your home will help create a connection between the two, making the outdoors feel like an extension of your home. Consider using a color scheme similar to your home, or selecting outdoor fabric that coordinates with indoor upholstery. For more info Country Landscape Design – click here English Cottage Gardens and Lawns Emulating an English cottage landscaping garden is an additional home and garden inspiration. These type of gardens are notable for their overall lack of a formal plan. There is very little rigidity in their design with English cottage gardens since the whole idea behind them is to let the plants themselves “just grow” and to let them develop in a more

natural, or organic method. These type of gardens have a specific charm to them and very often make individuals feel more relaxed as well is embraced by nature. Lush green lawns are, in all probability, the English: Deco rative and attractive yard deco r, surro unded by plants such as larkspur. (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

most common and largest component of most of the landscaping design plans. A beautiful lawn is very popular since it provides for homeowners with an area where the family

can enjoy numerous different types of activities. Lawns are also one of the simplest of the landscape components to maintain as well as staying beautiful for many years afterwards with basic maintenance routines. To find out more about landscaping ideas visit Amazing Landscaping Ideas – click here . Different Ideas for Landscaping | Country Style 4/15/12 Landscaping ideas have to be performed with some consideration of certain aspect based on the location. The big factor which can create or break the landscape is climate. Making Australian … Home Landscaping Ideas to Add Oomph Factor to Your Home … 6/16/11 Informal: This landscaping idea works miraculously with smaller country cottages and homes. Flowerbeds and borders with curved edges are extremely favored. In this landscape design, random positioning of blossoms is done and bunches …

Country Landscape Design Ideas – Flower Garden design,Flower … 2/22/12 Country Landscape Design Ideas Designing home landscapes is a fun activity With proper planning and a bit of creativity affect plant growth. A bridge at the entrance it is possible to make a decent including vases add to the …

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Herb Rock Garden Landscaping Po sted o n June 19 , 20 12 by

Good day! How are you? I would like to thank you for coming to visit my website and to read this article “Herb Rock Garden Landscaping “. The really is plenty to learn on this blog post and within this website as a whole! All articles created here are thoroughly researched to provide you with the best and latest content on this subject! Enjoy! Placing My Rock Art At C&H Landscaping And More… I placed some of my rock art for sale at C & H Landscaping. My orchids and other flowers are blooming and I made a new herb garden out of the nice planters that my friends gave to me last fall. They are perfect. Also, I visited my neighbors and got s…

Herbs and rock gardens are almost synonymous. They just love being together. Their natural synchronicity is created with ease, though there may be some heavy lifting involved. Not always, though! The beauty of rocks is not only do they provide protection and warmth; they also contain many minerals, stabilize the soil and create homes for small creatures that will protect your herb garden. Microbes will be more abundant for soil life, and your herb rock garden will radiate an

English: Cragside Estate, ro ck garden (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

almost tangible vitality as you admire and

walk amongst the beauty you have created. Find out more about Herb Rock Garden – click here Rocks and Herbs Sometimes, a rock garden can be hiding an area that you simply can not change. I once had an old cast iron belly stove that had been left in what was now my front yard. Whenever I looked out the window while doing dishes, there it was. The solution? I created a rock garden around it and the once rusty eyesore became a focal point with trailing herbs surrounding it and cascading out of the firebox. Amazing Rock Garden Design Ideas | House Design and Furniture … 5/30/12 In addition, rock garden design also adds variety to the landscape. … Or maybe the rock garden location is obvious due to landscaping limitations or a pre-defined area, as in the driveway-side sloping space in this next image. … rock garden plants include evergreens, succulents and herbs, such as oregano. Many rock garden plants are those that grow abundantly in mountain regions. Don’t forget that variety in color keeps things interesting. [from]. Rock Garden Plants … Tone on Tone: Swedish Gardens and Landscapes 6/18/12 Swedish Gardens and Landscapes. For a country with such a cold climate, Sweden offers

surprisingly … A short drive outside the cities leads to verdant woodlands of pristine white birches, fragrant evergreens, lush ferns and, ancient rocks and boulders covered in moss and lichen. Equally lovely, the countryside is scattered with … We visited the herb, hops, and vegetable gardens of Carl Linnaeus, the father of botany. A charming “green roof” on an 18th Cen cottage. Herb Garden Landscaping 11/3/07 Herb garden landscaping tips and great ideas! For your herb rock garden. Welcome to another page on how to create a dazzling Herb Rock Garden! Herbs and rock gardens are almost synonymous. They just love being together. Their natural …

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English Country Garden Flowers Po sted o n June 19 , 20 12 by

Hi, and welcome to another video blog post “ English Country Garden Flowers“! I hope you enjoy all the content below and benefit from it greatly, there really has been a lot of research and study put into this article and I have done my very best to provide you with the latest information on this topic! Please remember to return after clicking any links to devour the rest of our content on this website! Rolf Harris :: English Country Garden (with lyrics) Rolf Harris and English Country Garden is a superb song to put images to … like all the flowers

… all the rum gardens … all the insects … and ‘specially the last bit about the common market … it is a song that really depicts the times that …

IDEAS FOR CREATING AN ENGLISH COUNTRY GARDEN When we talk about a cottage garden we are really talking about an English country garden. The plants and flowers that are used in such WINDSOR, ENGLAND – APRIL 20 : Shane Co nno lly, the Ro yal Wedding Flo rist, stands in Windso r Great Park where many o f the flo wers and

a garden design, are seen in gardens throughout England. These country gardens conjure up thoughts of romance, bumble bees, butterflies and lazy summer days. To try and recreate such a garden is not difficult, but to be successful you should choose your cottage plants and flowers

plants fo r Westminster Abbey will be so urced befo re the wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleto n, o n April 20 , 20 11 in Windso r, England. The Middleto n family’s flo rist, Emma Sampso n has also been asked by Kate to help with arrangements o n the day. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

successful you should choose your cottage plants and flowers wisely with regards to color groupings, know the heights of your plants so that you have proper planning, and finally choosing cottage plants that will thrive in your climate and soil conditions. click here for more! Plants for an English Country Garden Plants for an English country garden include a variety of annuals, perennials, and bulbs that

lend an air of cultivated formality to the landscape. Organized around a focal point or along a well-

IMGP0 8 54 – vege garden (Pho to credit: RaeAllen)

thought-out line, the following plants display subdued color and beauty that could invoke a sign to pass your lips — the perfect effect for an English country garden. Organized around a focal point or along a well-thought-out line, the following plants display subdued color and beauty that could invoke a sign to pass your lips — the perfect effect for an English country garden. English Country Garden Ideas – click here English Country Garden Landscape Ideas | Gardening | Landscape … 6/16/12 Rural tenants had small land to cultivate, and the land was used for growing vegetables, medicinal

flowers and herbs. If you’re looking for garden landscape ideas in order to create an English Country garden, here are some … An English Country Garden | Ocean Delight Cottages 6/1/12 Well, well, well – or I should say, flowers, flowers, flowers. There were flowers everywhere in the faerie land called Butchart Gardens, where The Berry and I feasted our eyes and noses yesterday. Few words to describe it – so … English Country Gardens – Savill Garden in Windsor Great Park … 6/12/11 English Country Gardens – Savill Garden in Windsor Great Park. Tweet. Jun 12, 2011; Cathy Smith … number of rare specimens. The great sea of flowers began with little more than a handful of seeds, donated in 1946 by an amateur gardener.

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Cottage Landscaping Ideas Po sted o n June 19 , 20 12 by

Angie's List Local Rat ing Read Lo cal Ratings & Reviews. Find Reliable Ro o fers in Yo ur Area! www.Ang ie s Lis t.c o m/Ro o fe rs

Welcome to another blog post that shows you plenty of Cottage Landscaping Ideas to make your mouth water. Well maybe not water, but I am sure you will love these tips and ideas in this article. I have searched the web for the best content on this subject and shared it with you below. So, read the article follow the links and remember to return back to this site to finish the article. Actually there is so much content you may want to consider bookmarking it so you can return later. Planning a Cottage Garden thoughts and ideas on planting a cottage garden

Top Ten Plants For A Cottage Garden Top 10 plants for a cottage garden Don’t worry about finding authentic oldfashioned flowers; a colourful mixture of bulbs, perennials and flowering shrubs creates a chocolate box look with more structure and year-round appeal than a real cottage garden ever had.

Latin name: Delphinium Common name: Delphinium Type of plant: Herbaceous perennial Soil preference: Fertile, well drained Hardiness: Hardy Flower colour: Various shades of blue, also

Kerasco ët, (Névez) (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

mauve, white Height and spread: 1.5m x 50cm (5ft x 1.6ft) depending on variety Description: These classic, cottage garden favourites produce spires of flowers in summer. Design tips: Use among shrubs or towards the back of a sunny, sheltered border. Stake plants with canes.


Latin name: Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’ Common name: Ornamental onion Type of plant: Summer-flowering bulb Soil preference: Well drained Hardiness: Hardy Flower colour: Deep violet Height and spread: 1m x 7cm (3ft x 3in) Description: These stylish bulbs produce violet, pompon-like flowers in early summer. Design tips: Dot between shrubs and slightly shorter perennials, such as lavenders To read the rest of the list for the top ten

To read the rest of the list for the top ten plants for a cottage garden click the link provided

English: Co ttage garden, Yarco mbe (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

Six Steps to a No Work Cottage Garden While formal gardens thrive on order and well-defined spaces, cottage gardens bubble in cheerful tangles of flowers that form a kaleidoscope of hue and texture. “Cottage garden style is relaxed, colorful, and fun,” says Darrell Trout, avid gardener, writer, and lecturer, whose own garden reflects his passion for easy-growing beauty. “A cottage garden has perhaps less regard for rules than for doing what you really love,” he says. Follow this step-by-step advice to cultivate your own corner of delightful floral abundance. Six Steps Enlarge Image 1. Start small. “Don’t create a monster that you don’t have time to feed regularly,” Trout says. “Keep your cottage garden small, and most of all, fun.” Over time, as your confidence grows,

increase the size. 2. Invest in soil. “Starting with good, rich, organic soil where plants will thrive with a minimum of watering and fertilizing cuts the work from the start,” Trout says. He also recommends doing a soil test to learn the type of soil you have. Add organic matter yearly, either by purchasing compost or making your own. 3. Position plants carefully. Much work in a garden comes from not having the right plant in the right place. As you gain gardening experience, you can push the envelope, Trout says. “But the healthiest plants — ones that need less care — are those that are in ideal conditions,” he adds. Enlarge Image 4. Select sturdy beauties. “Choose highperformance, almost bulletproof plants,” Trout says. “There is no absolutely right way or wrong way to create a cottage garden, so choose what you love.”

English: Co ttage Garden: Natio nal Trust Weaver’s

Co ttage. A view thro ugh the kitchen do o r into the garden at the rear o f the co ttage, in Kilbarchan. (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

The Cottage Garden By Wikipedia The cottage garden is a distinct style of garden that uses an informal design, traditional materials, dense plantings, and a mixture of ornamental and edible plants. English in origin, the cottage garden depends on grace and charm rather than grandeur and formal structure. Homely and functional gardens connected to working-class cottages go back several centuries, but their reinvention in stylised versions grew in 1870s England, in reaction to the more structured and rigorously maintained English estate gardens that used formal designs and mass plantings of brilliant greenhouse annuals. The earliest cottage gardens were more practical than their modern descendants — with an emphasis on vegetables and herbs, along with some fruit trees, perhaps a beehive, and even livestock. Flowers were used to fill any spaces in between. Over time, flowers became more dominant. The traditional cottage garden was usually enclosed, perhaps with a rose-bowered gateway. Flowers common to early cottage gardens included traditional florist’s flowers, such as primroses and violets, along with flowers chosen for household use, such as calendula and various herbs. Others were the old-fashioned roses that bloomed once a year with rich scents, simple flowers like daisies, and flowering herbs. A well-tended

topiary of traditional form, perhaps a cone-

English: Co ttage Garden (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

shape in tiers, or a conventionalised peacock, would be part of the repertory, to which the leisured creators of “cottage gardens” would add a sun-dial, crazy paving on paths with thyme in the interstices, and a rustic seat, generally missing in the earlier cottage gardens. Over time, even large estate gardens had sections they called “cottage gardens”. Modern-day cottage gardens include countless regional and personal variations of the more traditional English cottage garden,[3] and embrace plant materials, such as ornamental grasses or native plants, that were never seen in the rural gardens of cottagers. Traditional roses, with their full fragrance and lush foliage, continue to be a cottage garden mainstay — along with modern disease-resistant varieties that keep the traditional attributes. Informal climbing plants, whether traditional or modern hybrids, are also a common cottage garden plant. Self-sowing annuals and freely spreading perennials continue to find a place in the modern cottage garden, just as they did in the traditional cottager’s garden. To read the rest of this article by Wikipedia please click the link here I hope you enjoyed this article Cottage

I hope you enjoyed this article Cottage Landscaping Ideas. I have provided more content below for you to obtain more information on this subject. Please share this content with others in your favorite website and return again to read more here about landscaping or even find a landscaper in your local area. Fishtail Cottage: Cottage Garden Party #7 6/14/12 Cottage Garden Party – button (3). I hope that you enjoy browsing at one another’s gardens and floral ideas in the landscape & please do invite your friends (always looking for new gardeners to join in)! I encourage you to …

English: Co rner o f a co ttage garden (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

Lavender Cottage: Garden Inspiration 6/17/12 Lavender Cottage · My Photo · Lavender Cottage: Innisfil, Ontario, Canada: A grandmother of six, I’m a freelance garden writer/photographer with a passion for gardening, Victorian decor and afternoon tea. View my complete … Related articles

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Herb Gardening with Kids Po sted o n June 19 , 20 12 by

Thanks for visiting my blog post “ Herb Gardening with Kids” below you will find plenty of information right at your finger tips on this subject, including video, article, and links to a variety of websites on the same topic. If you do visit another website through our links please remember to return to finish reading the article and view more content through the website. Enjoy! Creating a Kids Herb Garden The best way to get kids interested in gardening is to give them their own space where they can take ownership of what they grow. Selecting plants is an exciting part of gardening so allow your children to pick out what they want to plant. You can he…

Starting A Children’s Herb Garden Young children may not have heard of many of the herbs that they eat or come into contact with daily. By starting a child’s herb garden with him or her, you can teach the names of the different herbs and how they are used every day. Herb gardens for children should be kept small. A few herb plants in the corner of your garden, or a couple of containers, is enough to get Im ag e via Flickr

your child started. By keeping the herb garden small, you are helping make sure you keep it a fun project for the child.

Place your child’s herb garden near your own. That way, you will be better able to help them do it for themselves, without hovering over them, giving them a great sense of pride and accomplishment. Read the rest of the topic click here. Growing herbs is a fun and fantastic way to introduce children to gardening. No matter how much space you have, from a window box to an 8 foot by 8 foot plot, herbs are hearty, prolific and easy to maintain. A little dirt, some water and sunshine are all you need to share a lifelong skill with your kids. To start growing herbs in the house you can use Dixie cups. Fill the Im ag e via Flickr

cups to within a half inch of the top with potting soil. Help your kids read the instructions on the seed packet, and supervise the planting,

unless you really enjoy sweeping and vacuuming. Once they are done planting, water the cups well and then place them in a plastic tray in a warm spot with lots of sunlight. Water, gently, every other day. Click here for more info Eco Tips ~ Kids Herb Garden – kids clothes online: organic kids … 6/18/12 Eco Tips ~ Kids Herb Garden. June 18, 2012 Leave a Comment. Thanks to Better Homes and Gardens we have found a great little herb garden you can create with your kids! Terracotta trough or pot; All-purpose spray sealer; Herbs of choice … Plant a Healthier Future With Your Kids: Tips for Herb Gardening … 5/29/12

It’s important to teach our kids the value of fresh, real food and a home cooked meal. However, we often struggle with just the right way to introduce these concepts to our children’s developing palates and tastes. Why not try to … Herb Gardening With Kids « Parents on Post 5/12/12 Herbs arouse kids‘ curiosity and interest because they thoroughly engage the senses. What better motivator for student investigations than plants that feel cool, smell great, and can turn mere tomatoes into pizza sauce?

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Landscaping With Herbs Po sted o n June 19 , 20 12 by

Full Landscape Designs Award Winning Landscape Designs Serving Dallas Ft. Wo rth g ro witd e s ig ns .c o m

Welcome to our very first blog post for Lifestyle Landscaping Solutions. Today we have a very special blog post for and it’s called “Landscaping with Herbs” This will fall into our category for Cottage Landscaping and if you are green around the

edges and love that cottage feel then I am sure this section of the website will be very rewarding and plenty to learn inside. Below I have provided for you a large variety of content to help you create the best garden possible full of lovely aromatic herbs for consumption and even those that are great for healing. Betty Purchases Herbs and Plants an Herb Garden–NO RECIPE– In this video, Betty purchases herbs for

Herbs: basil, scallio n (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

planting outside, and then plants them in her herb garden. A few of our herbs that were planted last year survived the winter, so Rick and I had chives, tarragon, thyme, sage, and a few ornamental plants to st…

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Designing With Herbs Traditional herb gardens usually revolve around a theme such as culinary, medicinal or biblical. Although great for usefulness and herbal study, these gardens can be low in aesthetic appeal. But herbs can also serve as beautiful

landscape plants. By combining them in ways that highlight their ornamental value, you can create a dramatic (not to mention tasty and useful) landscape. Rule 1: Evaluate herbs for their individual characteristics. Herbs, just like any other plant, possess specific characteristics that can help you

English: The aro matic herb garden, with examples o f co mmo n medicinal plants and co mmo n herbs used in gastro no my, in the Bo tanical Garden o f Faial, civil parish o f Flamengo s, municipality o f Ho rta (Aço res), Po rtugal Po rtuguês: O quintal de ervas aro maticas, co m exemplares de plantas medicio nais e plantas utilizadas em gastro no mia, no Jardim Bo tanico do Faial, freguesia do s Flamengo s, co ncelho da Ho rta, Aço res, Po rtugal (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

decide how they should be used in different garden situations. They vary in “flower power,” foliage color, texture and form (vertical, spherical and horizontal). All herbs possess at least one dominant characteristic, but some herbs may possess more than one, making them useful for more than one reason. One such herb is lavender, which puts on a show of purple blooms in early summer, has beautiful gray foliage and is also very aromatic. ‘Opal’ basil has bold, purple foliage and a spherical form. Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’ has silver-gray foliage that is strikingly soft in texture. Lemon grass and purple Perilla contrast form (vertical and spherical), color and texture. The pink flowers of lemon mint (Monarda citriodora ‘Lambada’) provide a colorful

Lavendar flo wer (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

accent. (Photo by Susan Hamilton)

Rule 2: Create effective combinations. The secret to a pleasing and dramatic look is to combine plants that possess different dominant characteristics. For example, an ideal plant combination would include one plant with flower power, another with interesting texture and a third valued for its foliage color. Then, of these three plants, each should possess a contrasting growth habit or form (vertical, spherical and horizontal). As you combine these different plants, pay attention to how their foliage and flower colors go together. Try not to combine more than three distinct colors together. It’s okay, though, to combine numerous shades and hues of one color together since they are harmonious. Click the link to read the rest of this article here

Edible Landscaping Mixing Herbs and Vegetable with Flowers Edible landscaping is simply a way of using plants in the garden that will perform multiple functions, such as for food, flavor, and ornamental appearance. The idea of mixing edible crops with ornamental plantings was once frowned upon. However, placing vegetables, herbs and other edibles amongst flowers is a great way to add interesting textures and colors to the garden. Mixing vegetables, herbs and other edibles with flowers also creates year-round interest. Many

Herbs (Pho to credit: ThisIsTheZ)

gardeners also prefer to mix these plants to camouflage and repel pests. Choosing edible landscape plants When adding edible landscape plants to flower gardens, consider the overall look of each plant

and choose those that complement one another as well as those sharing the same growing requirements. For instance, some enjoy sun while others prefer shade. Some are tolerant of drought-like conditions while others require plenty of water. For best results, make sure vegetable and herb plants are situated within the same flowerbeds as those sharing the same conditions. Mixing vegetables and herbs with flowers can increase garden yields and flower production. The flowers increase nectar production, attracting more beneficial insects that protect edible plants and increase flower production. For instance, certain vegetables, such as onions, can help deter aphid attacks on plants such as roses. Marigolds have the same effect and work well with tomato plants, fending off snails. Another good example might include placing petunias with beans to repel bean beetles.

English: Ro yal Bo tanic Gardens Melbo urne Herb Garden (Pho to credit: Wikipedia)

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Find More Content About Creating A Wonderful Herb Garden Below How to care for a herb garden – Garden & Outdoor, Lifestyle 6/13/12 How to care for a herb garden: A healthy herb garden needs the right amount of sunshine and good

quality soil that drains well. Here are some tips to help your garden thrive… Eco Tips ~ Kids Herb Garden – kids clothes online: organic kids … 6/18/12 Terracotta trough or pot; All-purpose spray sealer; Herbs of choice; Blue and white acrylic paint; Brushes; Wooden letters to spell ‘My herb garden‘; PVA craft glue; Bag of potting mix; Trowel; Gardening gloves; Felt-tip pen … Herb Gardening 6/2/12 It is my intention every single spring to start a gardening journal. Actually, these past couple of years, I’ve considered writing a gardening blog rather than putting pen to paper but alas, nothing has come to fruition yet. But this. Doing my herb garden over again. | 6/13/12 Tips for how I rebound from constant, unebbing failure. Seriously, I fail a lot. I know this stuff. Related articles

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