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Editor's Message: Funny & Festive once more
ON THE COVER: Comet ‘Gloria’ – (plywood, paint and vintage Xmas lights) – flown over Townsite by artist Clancy Dennehy in his black bear onesie. For more on Clancy’s show – which includes plenty of singing and dancing throughout July – see Page 57.

At the PR Women in Business Awards in June, the theme was the Roaring 20s (see Page 26). Looking across the crowd at the Town Centre Hotel, dozens of peacock feathers waved in the breeze of the air conditioning – many, many women had gone all-out on their 20s costumes. Speaking as one of them, I can say that was partially because the 20s had some seriously skookum style (bangs, bands, feathers, beads), and partially because, gosh it is so exciting to be out and about again. Just being around other people feels festive.
This month, long-time locals will be missing three major region-defining events: Sea Fair, Logger Sports, and Kathaumixw. Festivals and events bring us together to parade, compete, sing, cheer each other on, and most importantly, remember that we are one community. While these big three are missing this month, many new events are debuting in July, including Townsite Day and Up-lifted (see the whopping-big events section on Pages 53 to 67.)
In our seventh annual “Best of qathet” issue, we present a little taste of what we’re most proud of – what we want to show off to the many tourists flooding into town (starting on Page 6). Hundreds of readers voted for their favourite foods, personalities, events and more in April and May, and this list is the result.
I love how funny the answers were this year – it makes me hopeful that we’re starting to enjoy ourselves again, and take life just a little less seriously.