1 minute read
Learn and Participate
Tuesday, July 7
Library’s 5th anniversary
Cake on the patio at 11:45 am, a Friends of the Library booksale (2 pm – 5 pm), and a demo of our fun robots and tech boxes in the MakerSpace, including green screen!
Wednesday, July 6
Community Conversation on Health & Housing
5:30 to 8:30 pm. To register, contact Ashley at: avanzwietering@powellriver.ca or 604-485-8613
July 14
Fiddle workshop with Jocelyn Pettit and Ellen Gira
4 pm workshop, 6 pm jam, 8 pm show. All at the qathet Art Centre. Hosted by Serena Eades. Register: www.serenasmusicacademy.com/workshops
Saturday, July 9
Community Conversation on Health & Housing
Noon to 3 pm. To register, contact Ashley at: avanzwietering@powellriver.ca or 604-485-8613
Saturday, July 31
Texada Library Book Sale
11 am to 4 pm, the Library parking lot in Gilles Bay
August 7
Fiddle workshop with Gordon Stobbe and JJ Guy
12:30 workshop, 2:30 dance. qathet Art Centre. Hosted by Serena Eades. Register: www.serenasmusicacademy.com/workshops