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Get to know: Candidates for School District 47
Rob Hill
A description of who you are:
Partner to Delyth and dad to Holden (8), Theo (6), Nia (4), and Bode (1).
Constituency Assistant to MLA Nicholas Simons since 2018.
Current UBC Rural & Remote Teacher Candidate
Your political experience and why you want to be a SD47 Trustee in the 2022 to 2026 term
Elected as a school trustee in the April 2021 by-election.
Student success is the main goal – something I’m passionate about. This is a four-year commitment and I’m prepared to serve.
From Volunteer Powell River Youth CAN: How do you intend to include input from students?
We must meet students where they are at (school & community groups, etc.), and invite more students to speak to the Board about their passions, concerns, endeavours, experiences, and successes.
From the Seniors Association: What improvements are needed?
Continue to address graduation rates.
Continue to address student/teacher mental health & wellness.
Continue to strengthen our relationship with Tla’amin.
Address academics – including literacy & numeracy.
From qathet Climate Action: How will you support real action on the climate emergency?
Support student/school-led climate & outdoor initiatives.
Support District Outdoor Learning, Sustainability Advisory Committee.
Work with trustees & staff to reduce GHG emissions – including upgrades and more solar panels at schools.
School District 47 Candidates
Left: Rob Hill | Right: Dale Lawson
Dale Lawson
A description of who you are:
Employer: Robbins and Co. Accounting Services.
Mom of two SD47 graduates who, like me, attended Henderson & Brooks.
Volunteerism and contributing to the community have always been important to me.
Your political experience and why you want to be a SD47 Trustee in the 2022 to 2026 term
I don’t consider myself a politician despite my current role as SD47 Board Chair.
I want to continue our momentum in supporting students and families in our district.
From Volunteer Powell River Youth CAN: How do you intend to include input from students?
Meaningful student engagement and connection to the board is important and encouraged. My favorite part of board meetings is when we hear from students about the things they care about.
From the Seniors Association: What improvements are needed?
Graduation rates.
Effective student, family, and staff support are all factors in student success. We need to improve food security, access to childcare, and physical and mental well-being for all.
From qathet Climate Action: How will you support real action on the climate emergency?
Continue to support strategic priorities and upgrades for efficient facilities.
Encourage and support active transportation.
Support student-led green initiatives.
Continue to encourage connection to the land we live on.
Maureen Mason
A description of who you are:
I am an educator and have two daughters and four grandchildren who attend school in Powell River.
Your political experience and why you want to be a SD47 Trustee in the 2022 to 2026 term
As Program Coordinator for Teacher Development at SFU, as a Faculty Associate in Indigenous and International Programs at both SFU and UBC and with the Ministry of Education gives me a foundational understanding for the role.
From Volunteer Powell River Youth CAN: How do you intend to include input from students?
Students have a legitimate and important role to play in public education and their voice should be part of the discourse. I have advocated for student rights in all my work.
From the Seniors Association: What improvements are needed?
I would like to see improvements in communication and establish regular community conversations as an informal way to connect. A trustee can not represent the interests of the broader community unless they understand those interests.
From qathet Climate Action: How will you support real action on the climate emergency?
Climate change should be front and center in our deliberations in the classroom and in the board room. No exceptions.
Jaclyn Miller
A description of who you are:
I’m a mother of two teenagers, Child Protection supervisor since 2020, with 20 years of front-line Child Protection experience. Significant local committee and PAC/DPAC involvement prior to by-election in 2021.
Your political experience and why you want to be a SD47 Trustee in the 2022 to 2026 term
Elected to Board of Education in a by-election in April 2021. I’ve learned a lot, since my election, about what School Boards actually do and I’m ready to hit the ground running!
From Volunteer Powell River Youth CAN: How do you intend to include input from students?
I’d love to get input from youth and I’d be happy to participate in meetings – Youth CAT, Brooks Students for Change, or any other youth group- email me!
From the Seniors Association: What improvements are needed?
I’m confident that plans are underway for these items, but we need to continue to improve our grad rates, our supports for students social/emotional health, and employee engagement.
From qathet Climate Action: How will you support real action on the climate emergency?
Continue adding solar panels and switching to LED lighting, and joining the city and provincial conversations around active transportation and increased funding to implement further strategies.
Scott Randolph
A description of who you are:
I am a Director with the City. My wife Sasha and I have three children aged 9, 8 and 3. I am a long serving Rotarian (Twice Club President).
Your political experience and why you want to be a SD47 Trustee in the 2022 to 2026 term
Elected Councillor in Prince Rupert (2002)
Served on many Boards (Local, Provincial, and National)
Have children aged 9, 8 & 3
Want to use my experience to support the District
From Volunteer Powell River Youth CAN: How do you intend to include input from students?
A Trustee’s job is to advocate for all residents, including students. I would connect with Student Councils and other groups such as Interact to understand their needs and concerns.
From the Seniors Association: What improvements are needed?
Enrollment continues to increase. Schools are aging and portables are being used to create classroom space. Funding must be secured to implement the District’s ‘Long Range Facilities Plan’.
From qathet Climate Action: How will you support real action on the climate emergency?
Continue to support improvement programs to be carbon neutral (e.g., solar grids, water efficiencies, window replacements, etc.); providing education programs about climate change; and fund various school led initiatives.
Kirsten Van't Schip
A description of who you are:
Proud Mother of three, two attending James Thomson and one at Brooks; Graduate student (aspiring post-secondary instructor/ student-uplifter); contract researcher; advocate; team researcher (Single Mothers Alliance-BC & UBC)
Your political experience and why you want to be a SD47 Trustee in the 2022 to 2026 term
-Advocacy and anti-racism work; public awareness initiatives
-prioritize Truth and Reconciliation and a relationship-centred approach
-learn from the lived experience in this region
-model a spirit of collaboration and service
From Volunteer Powell River Youth CAN: How do you intend to include input from students?
I am committed to listening to and learning from students’ lived experiences and integrating what I learn in meaningful and practical ways; let’s talk!
From the Seniors Association: What improvements are needed?
To strengthen/build on:-a relationship-centred approach
-continuous, holistic engagement with Truth and Reconciliation
-streamline communications and qualitative information gathering for more effective and meaningful allocation of time and resources
From qathet Climate Action: How will you support real action on the climate emergency?
-embed climate emergency action into strategic planning and fiscal governance
-model and promote a relational approach to these lands and waters
-collaborate and promote the work of other organizations