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Friday, January 6

Kings vs. Wenatchee


7 pm Hap Parker. One lucky row will get hot Panago Pizza.

Saturday, January 7

Kings vs. Cowichan Valley

7 pm Hap Parker. Arthur Arnold from PRISMA will play O Canada on his cello.

Friday, January 13

Fun and fitness with your cell phone

4:30 pm at the Library. Local outdoor fitness enthusiast Ean Jackson will present five free mobile apps that help you track your outdoor activities from walking and jogging to hiking and biking. Mark at mmerlino@prpl.ca

Saturday, January 14

Kings vs. Chilliwack

7 pm Hap Parker. A night with Tla’amin Nation, and the third jersey reveal.

Sunday, January 15

Kings vs. Chilliwack

1:30 pm Hap Parker

Saturday, January 21

Villa vs. Nanaimo United

1:30 pm Timberlane

Friday, January 27

Glow Swim at the Rec Complex

6:30 to 9 pm. See powellriverprc.ca for more.

Glow Yoga at the Rec Complex

7 to 8 pm. $5. Pre-registration required. See powellriverprc.ca for more.

Saturday, February 4

Villa vs. Cowichan Axis

1:30 pm Timberlane

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