2 minute read
Shades of Green
Isabelle Southcott

Kermit the Frog had it right all those years ago. It’s not easy being green. Being a good steward of the environment and weighing our actions against the impact they will have on the planet takes time and effort – it’s what Earth Month is for (pages 6 to 20). When I was a child, I was careful not to litter. I rode the bus or my bike when I wanted to go somewhere my own two feet couldn’t take me. These days I drive everywhere I need to go – I even put the dogs in the truck and drive to the trail head for our morning walk.
I’m not perfect. I drive more than I should, and sometimes I throw a soft plastic bag in the garbage, though I’m otherwise a pretty darned-good recycler. I wear sweaters all winter and keep the home heat set at 66°F.
Because “being green” is so complex, we are pleased to bring you so many voices from the community on ways we can make a contribution – from listening to birds (Page 10) to reducing your impact by 50% by 2030 (Page 13) and more. Our “I Made the Move” profile, Jan Slakov, said, “It would be wonderful to get humanity living in ways that respected nature’s needs and limits. A great talent to that end would be the ability to use musical instruments to bring people together, to 'surround hate and force it to surrender' like Pete Seeger was able to do.” (Page 27).
Coincidentally, April 2023 will surely go down in history as qathet's most vibrant music month ever. Jazz, punk, traditional Tla'amin, medieval madrigals, hip hop and more: if you haven’t bought a pile of tickets yet, head to Pages 42 & 43 to see the full range of what's on stage this month.

At Pollen Sweaters in Lund, author Paul Shore and his daughter Jashia, 15, with illustrator Prashant Miranda, show off their new graphic novel, Steve and Eve Save the Planet: I can Hear your Heart Beep.
Pieta Woolley
I think about being a good steward of the environment because I have a good reason to do so. My reason why is the future. My why is so my kids, your kids, our grandkids and great grandkids can enjoy birds, insects, trees, flowers and frogs, they way you and I can.