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Sock Virtuoso

Sock Virtuoso

Community-minded couple is back for more

Jerry and Stacey Causier lived in Powell River with their three children from 2003 to 2009. Both of them were involved in the community through the Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society, Transition House Society, various coaching roles with their three children (now grown-up) and several other organizations. They reluctantly moved away for other opportunities and after a move to Smithers, BC for work and then spending the last 10 years in Calgary, they made the move back to Powell River.


Why did you choose to move to qathet?

Jerry and Stacey • We lived here prior to 2009 when we left for a job at the hospital in Smithers. Stacey and I have returned for at least a week or two every year since – visiting friends and always trying to find a way to get back here. About a year ago an opportunity with Vancouver Coastal Health came up and the timing just seemed to be right to make the move back.

When? Where from?

Jerry and Stacey • Stacey grew up in Swift Current, Saskatchewan and Jerry grew up in the tiny hamlet of Silver Hill, Ontario. We met in Mississauga where we were both going to school. We moved around quite a bit with the kids, but spent two spans totaling almost 20 years in Calgary. Our three kids still live there.

What surprised you once you moved here?

Jerry and Stacey • Probably the growth. Housing and finding contractors for some of the renovations we’ve done since moving back has been much more challenging than we’ve expected. It seems that the secret is out and people know about the area much more than a decade ago.

Where is your favourite place in qathet?

Jerry and Stacey • Everything outdoors. Everything music and art related. Walking Marine during Blackberry Fest. Probably the place that every visitor gets taken to by us when in town would be Valentine Mountain- We tell visitors it’s the best ratio of low level effort to spectacular views.

How did you first hear about qathet?

Jerry and Stacey • Honestly, Jerry was encouraged to come out for an interview the first time about 20 years ago. We had never heard of it – but figured it would be a nice weekend spent on the coast. We fell in love with the area over the first weekend.

What would make qathet a nicer community?

Jerry and Stacey • Like every community, over the past few years particularly, there’s been an increase in the amount of people experiencing homelessness and struggling with addictions. Community resources and healthcare providers are definitely struggling to meet the need- all those folks need to be thanked, nurtured and encouraged to keep up the fight to help those in need. It’s really impossible to express how challenging that vital work is to people who haven’t spent years doing it.

If you were mayor, what would you do?

Jerry and Stacey • We’re glad we’re not! We’ve both had very positive interactions with previous mayors for various reasons and it’s a challenging job for sure to satisfy the community. I think it should be a real priority to balance supporting and encouraging business and economic growth with ensuring that the most at risk and vulnerable have the resources they need to thrive and flourish.

What are qathet’s best assets?

Jerry and Stacey • The people. We were impressed the first time we lived here with the profound sense of community and support for everyone here. I think it’s a function of the history of a company town combined with the isolation aspect. There’s a real self reliance and a “Someone should do something to address this situation – it might as well be me” mentality that builds a great community of interdependence and self-reliance.

What is your greatest extravagance?

Jerry and Stacey • Probably our view in our new house. In previous communities we’ve been fortunate enough to have river views, ski hill views, mountain views, lake views, and prairie views but honestly the ocean and island view from our new house blows all that away.

Which superpower would you most like to have?

Jerry and Stacey • Jerry’s a runner and cyclist/triathlete – but not a very fast one – his style is more “persistent”…. He doesn’t need “Super-speed” but maybe just fast enough to win some races might be nice. Stacey would probably want to talk to animals; our dog Beauregard Montgomery Dalyrimple the Third (Beau for short) had a pretty rough start in life before we rescued him. He’s made incredible strides from where he started, but there are times when he gets a little anxious on trails if he can’t see what’s coming and if she could speak to him in his language he’d eliminate those one per cent times when his interaction isn’t as good as it could be.

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