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Road danger is crushing qathet's cycling habits
More people would commute by bike in qathet if they felt safe doing so.
That’s the clear conclusion from two recent surveys undertaken by Chris Lightfoot, the director of active transportation of the qathet Regional Cycling Association (QRCA).
“Most people who bike are not the super gung-ho, brave and fit folks,” he said. “Most people are interested in riding their bikes in town, but riding alongside traffic is too scary.”
The City plans to enhance the path between Brooks and the Recreation Complex, which runs through the forest. The hope is that such federally-funded infrastructure will encourage many more students and staff, especially those living in Westview, to choose active transportation to get to school. According to the survey (see right), only about 4% of current students and staff bike to school regularly.
“I was surprised qathet is so far below the national average,” said Chris. Nationally about one in four students bike to school. Here, it’s about one in 25.
As cycling advocates, Chris explained, it’s important for the QRCA to understand what’s preventing more people from cycling and what infrastructure will help get more people on their feet and on their bikes.
“Most students’ and staff commutes to Brooks are within a five kilometre bubble, which stretches all the way to the airport and along most of Joyce, as well as Cranberry and Wildwood,” he said. Most people could comfortably bike to Brooks [if you were just considering distance.]”
But in this survey, and the QRCA Active Transportation Survey of the whole community, safety concerns were at the top of their minds, when considering whether they’ll bike. Chris is concerned that even with the Brooks-Westview Connector built, cycling uptake will lag due to concerns about cycling on “feeder roads,” such as Joyce and Manson.
“There are a lot of great places to ride your bike here, just not so much in the City core,” said Chris.
The QRCA is planning to survey students and staff again in the fall, after the Connector is built.

The Brooks-Westview Connector Survey
• Survey of Brooks students and staff in October 2023, about cycling and a new path to Westview
• 46% usually take the school bus to school, and 43% usually take a car
• Just 4% usually cycle to school
• 13% rode a bike to school at least once in the two weeks before
• Students reported that they’d be more likely to ride to school if there were a path protected from traffic, better bike parking, and a buddy to ride with
• About 80% said they would at least “maybe” try to use the new connector to get to school
• Another survey will be completed once the Westview Connector is built in fall 2024
• Quote from a participant: “While driving through the ‘cut’ I have witnessed staff, students and others seemingly take their lives in their hands riding along that very dangerous section of highway.”
QRCA Active Transportation Summary
• Survey of regular bike-riders and pedestrians from around the region
• 66% agreed that “I’ll ride in traffic when I need to, but I would prefer separated cycling paths.”
• Just one in five respondents was comfortable cycling on Joyce or Highway 101
• 85% of respondents said there are places, as a pedestrian, that they do not feel safe
• Half of respondents think adapting Joyce Avenue for active transportation should be the City’s top bicycle network project
• Quote from a participant: “My brother was struck and killed while riding his bike on the shoulder of the road. A protected lane would’ve saved his life.”
• Quote from a participant: “I love biking but as a driver, I feel super nervous driving next to bikers, especially young children biking on the roads. We need better options right away!”