13 minute read
Prof. Olga Mroz
Exclusive Interview with
Prof. Olga Mroz
Powerhouse Global Impact Leader
I remember reading her story in the 7th Powerhouse Global Book project, and she got me thinking… The sun and the unwavering and unconditional love her mother have for her. This woman is an inspiration to so many individuals around the world. She is one of the world’s finest leaders with a heart of service, great style, and taste of opulence. She is phenomenal in her field of play. Her paintings are in the hands of the rich and famous of the society. She is a global impact leader with a difference.
This woman’s name is Prof. Olga Mroz. She is the director Open World and Art Business at Al-Khalifa Business School, and the Editor-In-Chief of AKBS Art Journal. She holds other titles, but she is a true leader with a heart of service.
PGMAG: Prof. Olga, welcome to today’s interview with Lady Anita.
POM: Dear Lady Anita, it is my privilege and honour, and an important factor in times of upheaval and change, to have a dialogue and exchange of views with you. You are a real Leader for me, who moves forward step by step and wins in the end.
PGMAG: You are a phenomenal woman with deep sense of style. When did you realise that you are going to be a successful artist?
POM: I love the smell, play and movement of colours. The brush strokes that allow me to describe my state of mind and express my feelings on canvas have been familiar to me since childhood. It seems to me that my first acquaintance with painting happened before I was born. Mom, carrying me under her heart, drew children's pictures - a cheerful smiling sun with little men dancing on it.
Drawing, art has become the image and style of my life. Visiting museums, exhibitions and meeting artists inspire me to search for "My Self” on canvas. So, thanks to H.E. Zakyah Al Qaydi, The Private office of Her Highness Al Nahyan, I visited the Louvre and the Khawla Foundation for Art and Culture in Abu Dhabi, UAE. It inspired me to paint the painting "The Energy of Life", that is in the White House now. For me, art is my journey through fears, doubts, failures and disappointments. But this is the way to success, to joy and harmony in my life. The role of art in human life is invaluable. It brings people together, gives them the opportunity to communicate without words, feel each other's heartache and sympathize.
I am grateful to fate, and I can proudly say that my paintings are in different parts of the globe. Through my paintings, I have the opportunity to evoke feelings, evoke positive emotions, bring joy to people and influence the improvement of life on our planet.
PGMAG: As a leader, what are the keys to building a successful business?
POM: No one is born a successful person, everyone strives for success, but only a few of them achieve it. It is important to define your own goals, desires and attitudes. Turn your idea into the goal of life and live this idea. Success in business is not only how much we earn, it is what kind of person we become by devoting time and a lifetime to our business. Having chosen a business to which we have a soul, and where we can show all our talents, we open the way to success.
We get a sense of confidence that our life is important and meaningful. As for me, I have clearly defined my purpose in business. I want to contribute to the improvement of people's lives, to make the world more open, to bring art, knowledge and culture to the younger generation. This is a big task and a big responsibility. Its solution requires great self-confidence and self-expression in specific cases. I was never satisfied with my achievements; I was flexible and open to new ideas and challenges. An indestructible optimist lives in me.
I am proud that I took part in the international project - BOOK "Cracking the Rich Code". I am officially a #1 international Best-Selling Co-Author.

PGMAG: It was such a lovely experience to have spent quality time with you at the recently concluded Powerhouse Global event. Thank you for taking time out to grace the occasion.
POM: I am extremely grateful to you, dear Lady Anita, for inviting me to the Powerhouse Global Summit/Awards May 2022 in England. Those were incredible days. Together with influential Leaders from around the world, we celebrated everyone's success.
We had a great stage to talk to each other of using different experiences, to act, to make decisions. This Summit gave me a new charge and allowed me to look at my own activities from a different angle. But the main merit belongs to you - the founder and director Powerhouse Global, with positive energy, vision, determination to make the world a better place.

I had a special two days. I received the Global Impact Leader of the Year Award, and I recognised as a difference maker in the world. I am very happy and proud to receive this award. This is my result and my motivation for me to continue the work I do. I'm full of energy and optimism. I can say "Yes, I am successful"
Each of us has our “Path to the Sun”. We go forward, fall, get up, cry and rejoice, lose and find. But every morning the sun's rays call us to live, and we start writing another new day of our life. Thank you, very much dearest Lady Anita_ Powerhouse Global Team and all my friends. Together, we can change the world!!!
PGMAG: As a leader, what would you say has helped you to become a ‘global impact leaders?
POM: If we have the right motivation in life, it will help us achieve more and more success on the world stage. A real Leader does not need external incentives, his energy is enough to motivate others. Motivation, motivation and more motivation. It makes us move forward. This is what makes our dreams come true. This encourages us to be as active as possible, new ideas are born. I'll give you an example.
After graduating from school, with great enthusiasm, I began to get acquainted and be interested in the works of other artists. One idea after another arose in my head. I needed a large field to implement them.
Having selected a group of artists whose paintings interested me and radiated positive energy, I organized a one-day exhibition for the sale of paintings on the street, since I did not have the means to pay for the premises. The paintings were held in the hands of the artists themselves. Although there was not a single sale of paintings, I received a great boost of energy for my further work.
Success was not long in coming. I drew the attention of the press, and I received an invitation to prepare a project in a business firm. Having earned money, I immediately bought the paintings from the artists. That's how I got my first collection of paintings. Thanks to my self-confidence and opportunities, this exhibition has become the starting point of my long-term financial and creative success.
Success motivates me to do good work. Knowing that my work and perseverance requires more professional success and that my efforts are going in the right direction, it motivates me to put in more success.
Therefore, I need success as a motivation for my growth as a person and as an outlet for global success.

PGMAG: Please tell us more about your business and how it impacts the world.
POM: I am the Professor, honorary Doctor of Art (DA h.c.) and Director Open World and Art Business Program in Al-Khalifa Business School (AKBS) UK, the Editor and Chief of AKBS Journal. I am also a Board Member delegate of Art and Culture of the Private Council of H.H. Prince Mahmoud Salah Al Din Assaf.
Al-Khalifa Business School where I work, is focused on E-Learning on technology disrupting, Disruptive Innovation, supports revolutionary changes in education. The school listens to the people and companies that will hire our students, whose success depends on our ability to provide innovative education to students.
I am very proud, that I am a part of the global multilingual successful team. I have devoted myself to managing various art projects. All my projects and exhibitions were aimed at the development of social and cultural innovations and were a great success. It also gave maximum financial freedom and independence.
It is very important for me to instill and pass on to the younger generation a love for art, discover and support new talents. It is great importance not only for education but also for teaching young people to form a cultural image, a new leader.
As a director of Open World Program in Al-Khalifa Business School, I work under the supervision of AKBS Chairman and Founder H.E. Professor Sir Manuel Freire- Garabal y Nunez. H.E. Professor Sir Manuel is a lawyer and journalist with an MBA and more than 300 courses and specialisations in different areas from IVY league and Elite Business Schools.
I have always been flexible and open to new ideas and challenges. During the acute situation of the Pandemic, we have developed together with Professor Sir Manuel a new project "Art and positive emotions - key success" aimed at improving the work of the team and the working atmosphere in companies. This helped to raise the productivity level and efficiency of firms.
However, a radical change was required in the management of firms and, above all, the leaders themselves. We need to know that the new generation of leaders will be different. Who are they, leaders of the future? These are young people - talented, successful, with a high potential for professionalism.
The leader of the future is tolerance, flexibility, and trust. I would like to note that if we want to make changes, we must change ourselves. We must adapt to the progressive evolution of global information technology.

My contributions to education and social welfare, and participation in major conferences such as World No. 1 Ritossa Global Family Office Investment Conference, where World Leaders and Elite Family Office Investors unite together to invest and create a Brighter Future, allow me to positively impact the global improvement of life.
PGMAG: What are the top three keys to winning in life?
POM: Returning home after the conference, I thought about what brought me to the top of my victories. I'm sure it's my job, but it's not just a job, it's a hard job that I chose myself. I chose my own path, my own business, thanks to which I am where I am now. The key to victory is in each of our hands. We just need to open the right door. By opening it, we get a great chance to be successful and happy in life. As a child, I was sure that I wanted to draw pictures. And these are not just paintings, but my suns that will give people positive energy, warmth, light and love.
For me, art in all its manifestations has become the meaning of my life. I studied architecture, theatre, music, cinema, drawing. I have worked on various projects related to art. And now I take all my knowledge and experience to the younger generation. I live the life that inspired me.
I was lucky. My parents supported all my ideas since childhood, helped me to find my way, my self. They had a positive influence on the formation of my personality.
For me, the Family plays one of the important values in my life. My mother will soon be 90 years old. But I still listen to her advice, her indispensable experience in life. And my daughter is my closest friend. This is a very important factor for me to always be in time and feel what the younger generation lives and is interested in. Throughout my career, my entire life path, I have been accompanied by loyal and devoted friends, my life companions. I learned to understand and appreciate the selfless support of people close to me, not to be offended by their criticism or lack of time to meet with me.
I am sure that I have opened the right door to victory in life. I do what I love, I have a beloved family and true friends. This is my success.

PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?
POM: Looking back at the beginning of my life, I want to say a big thank you to myself. Like everyone, I had victories and defeats. But each time, in difficult situations, I did not despair, did not give up, looking for a way out. In this case, I turned to art. I painted my picture. They were people dancing in the sun. They called me to life, to love.
Yellow dominated the canvas. It is a bright, cheerful color that represents energy and movement. I felt energized and determined to move forward. I am also grateful to myself for always being a thirsty for knowledge, constantly learning, increasing the level of my knowledge.
Education is the ticket to the future. Taking this opportunity, I want to appeal to young people: it is important to live in such a way as to leave a trace in life. You have the opportunity to achieve success in your life, to have a positive impact on life on our planet, to help make people happier. Do not miss your chance. Do not be afraid of mistakes and failures, defeats on the way to success, accept sharp challenges, improve knowledge. You are the pillars of the globe, you are the new Leaders.

PGMAG: Thank you so much for your time and we wish you success on your endeavours.
POM: Dear Lady Anita, thank you very much for your interest in my person and the invitation.
I enjoyed talking with you. It is a great honour and pride for me to appear in your renowned magazines.