The extended childhood we unconsciously live

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The Extended Childhood We Unconsciously Live I am very intrigued by all that prevents emotional wellness and what changes within can open doors to allowing more peace, acceptance and harmony in our lives. I am devoted to the self work of researching and unveiling the hidden aspects of my unconscious, so I can make choices to live consciously more and more. This work has had much challenges and also some wonderful experiences which keep me focused to heal more and share with others more. Scientists have proven 95% to 99% of our thoughts come from our unconscious mind. We have a small window wherein we are conscious of the choices we make, free from the past fears and hidden agenda. If a big part of our daily thoughts and actions comes from our hidden personality aspect, it opens the door to the possibility of us acting out some inner child or past life imbalance at work, relationships, and more. I have lived through and researched the role inner children played in my life. I have found we all regress to a young age when in fear. It is just the way it happens, until we become more conscious beings, which is a work in progress. Hence non judgmental observation of what is happening within us is key to healing it. Sometimes the inner children within us (toddler to early 20’s, sometimes can also be the fetus) is responding to adult life situation at work, romance, health, saving money, doing spiritual practices, exercising and reaching our goals. The inner child’s brain frequency is in Theta or hypnosis state from last stage trimester of mother’s pregnancy, until 7 years and longer. In this Theta stage all criticism and limited talks from mother, father and society can go straight into the subconscious mind in the absence of a robust reasoning and logical conscious aspect. A 40 year old adult’s inner child can still hold on to limiting messages about worthiness, lovability, brilliance, safety in relationships and looks learned from parents and hold it as true unconsciously. If one is not conscious of the inner regression, this can continue on for decades. One day, the person wakes up in their 40’s or 70’s to discover the best part of life has had the inner child making some key life decisions, which is a huge load on the child as she or he do not have the skills or mental makeup to make mature choices. This I call Extended Childhood and it sometimes comes with a good dose of anger, sadness and/or anxiety as the child is using its limited resources to resolve adult life issues and not succeeding. The child misses the bigger picture of a life challenge (i.e. virtue mastering) and can get angry, resentful, fearful or sad if the re-parenting is not done by the adult through positive reeducation. Techniques to step out of regression and having the mature wise adult conscious self deal with life is key to conscious living. Inner Child Regression Symptoms: Eating unhealthy food, with very little concern for the impact of the food on the emotions, DNA and brain chemistry. Food is more taste driven and impulse driven, rather than health or wellness driven. • Inability to be self responsible, which covers our emotional wellbeing, physical wellbeing, spiritual wellbeing, financial wellbeing and community wellbeing over time, as we are all a work in progress. • Consistent poor judgment 1. Spending money on emotional eating or doing the nails is seen as more important than saving the limited money to buy gas for the car or buy a much needed supplement for the body. 2. Lack of filter between the brain and the mouth – no contemplation of immature outburst before it is said or action taken. It is like the adult mature self has taken a hiatus. •

3. Leaving a job in haste. Avoiding taking up a good opportunity (work, love relationship) out of fear of rejection. • Unrealistic expectations in a relationship 1. Getting angry when people disagree with us. The need to punish the other through withdrawing love, taking a privilege away or giving a sarcastic remark to make things even. 2. Not ready to see imperfections in people with a kind accepting eye. 3. Fearing authority or rebelling against it. • Consistent sense of overwhelm in dealing with life challenges.

Reasons for regression I believe regression is largely due to the following: 1. Unhealed childhood wound awaiting to be healed by the process of regression as an adult by the conscious adult self. Lack of sufficient love and safety from parents to children sometimes results in the child having to grow up too soon, expected to take care of parents emotional well being and the well being of self (called Parentified) and miss childhood play and development. Hence the child to adult transition within us may not have taken place seamlessly. There are also situations where the child refuses to grow up to be the adult as it is trying to get the missing love from parents by projecting his or her mother or father on to authority figures. This is an unfulfilled and disastrous relationship for the adult in relationship with the authority figures as the adult self never gets to be seen or experienced by the other. 2. We are wired to be unconscious until we become conscious 100% of all thoughts that lead to decisions. This seems to be life on earth until we consciously awaken and remember who we are, God’s in human form, and evoke that power to embody us and step out of limitation and lower dimensional living. Having a kind eye in seeing the fact we need to improve our conscious awareness through writing, intention, prayer, visualization, meditation and more is essential to break the episodes of regression.

We can stop regression only with time, through mindfulness and with needed therapy and spiritual guidance. What works well is using any method taught by teachers or therapists to reparent the inner child within the unconscious mind and to heal the inner child and educate it to stay in the background. This needs to be consistent in effort, until the state of consciousness is changed through the personality being healed. I like to journal with my inner child using a writing method and visual journeying into different dimensions with the Archangels for deeper healing. I believe regression is created for greater awareness of what imbalance needs to be healed so one day we can allow the unlimited powerful aspects within our unconscious higher self to embody us. Now we are fully conscious advanced beings living life and making choices from an unlimited place of love and creation, rather than dysfunction personality aspects. This is freedom to me. By Maya Vidhyadharan Spiritual teacher and Student of Life Now offering sessions to heal the inner wounds and connect to divine beings

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