The power of illusion

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The Power of Illusion

The Power of Illusion is an openhearted and loving guide to help you find peace in difficult times. This book will help to see through illusion with clarity, connect to the truth within, release self sabotaging programs whereby enabling you to live in love and Joy no matter what life has to offer.

By Maya Vidhyadharan


I dedicate this book to my divine teachers Maya, Dr.Carley J. Henius & Adyashanti. I would have been lost without their compassion and divine guidance. May their path be blessed.

Table of Contents ♥ Author’s Note 1 Chapter I: My Story 4 The Early Days 4 Adyashanti 6 Goddess Maya, Creator of Illusion 7

Chapter II: Divine Teachings 13 The Way 13 Illusion 16 The Truth 19 Resisting the Truth 21 Trust 24 Tolerance 27 Faith


God Hears us 29 Love


Letting Go of Ownership 33 Wake Up 34 Divine Connection 37 Moving On 38

Communication 40 God Above All 42 Sexual Maturity 43 For Women 45 For Men 46 Raising Children 48 The Universal Power 49 Prayer Heals 51 Forgive Yourself 52 Energy Transfer 53 Staying in the Unknown 56 Will 57 Spiritual Teachers 58 Manifestation 59 Abundance 62 Self Doubt 66 Form and Formlessness 67 Living through Difficult Times 69 Showing up 71 Time to Act 72 Ultimate Reality 74 Creation and Destruction 76 Breaking Free of Old Patterns 78 The Way to Live When You Don’t Know How 80 Creative Expression 82 Taking Charge 83 Getting back into the Flow 84

Listen 87

Chapter III: Self Mastery 88 Getting to Know the Unconscious Mind 88 Reprogramming your Unconscious Mind 92 Cleansing and Rebuilding the Body 98 Grounding 100 Cutting the Energy Cords 102

Chapter IV: My Journey 104 Gratitude 104 Completion 107 Living in the Divine Flow 109 Aloneness 112 The Dying in the Process of Awakening 114 My Connection to God 116 Meeting Dr. R. Ibrahim Jaffe, M.D. 120 The Last Dance 123

Chapter V: Prayers & Affirmations 124 I.

Prayers 124


Affirmations 127

Chapter VI: Connections 130

Divine Teachers 130 Powerful & Profound Books 131 Raising the Frequency 133 Healers & Coaches 134

Thank You 136

Copyright Š 2007 by Maya Vidhyadharan. All rights reserved.

Author’s Note ♼

This book is written with my love for all of creation to attain the highest enlightenment while we all share this journey called life. This love in me, which is the universal love, meets the same in you, to share or maybe to acknowledge the sameness in both of us. My deepest gratitude to life for bringing me to this place where I can feel the love move in me unhindered to reach out to another and make a connection. This same connection is passed on from one to another until we are all lifted from our invented reality called life to something that is within our hearts and truly does not belong to us.

We all share the same story. We use each other to weave patterns of pain until we finally break away from this net. This breaking away is the result of our love for truth and the need for something real, more than a beautiful illusion. We all need to be in this illusion and see through our shadows so that we may see ourselves as human beings first. We cannot bypass our humanness for a higher divinity. We need to walk through our deepest darkest shadows, embrace them, own them and then release them back to the light. This process opens the heart so that the power of the universe can flow through us; show us the magic, touch another and heal, and to ultimately fall in love with life and creation. This love is the gift which will reveal you 1

are part of the one great mind, which is creating and destroying life constantly, so we may realize our true nature is God.

You are perfect as you are. You are not going to be more perfect after reading this book. Your perfection will become clear to you so that you can own it along with your imperfections. The perfection in you will embrace the divine imperfections with love so much that, you will come to your knees in gratitude. Your head bows and touches the ground you walk on. You realize the divine being that you are is being supported by all the other divine beings for your own selfrealization. The horrendous heart wrenching sadness in your life was created by your unconscious mind. The people who hurt you have played their part, out of love, to release you from this bondage. This is a realization that needs to be directly experienced. The more you understand illusion, the more you will know the truth behind the grand play of it all. When you allow that truth to live in you, it is your key to freedom and your initiation to realizing the divine being that you are. Until this happens, we live life in our own invented reality. One that is created to sustain us until our ignorance is lifted.

It’s okay to be in denial until you are ready – ready to know you are God. I learned from my teacher, Goddess Maya, that denial was created as an illusion to give us time to accept what is real. It’s a good thing!

This book is meant for you to ‘feel’ more than to understand. It is meant for the words to resonate with an inner knowing already present within you. It’s like coming home after a long and interesting journey. The teachings in this book are my valuable learning from Goddess Maya, along with teachings 2

from a group of Ascended Masters called Frodham. Please take what is true for you and leave out the rest.

The most important suggestion that I would like to pass on to you is to be open to being teachable by all, even with those who shake your belief structure at its core. You will never know when an epiphany can occur and set you free forever.

Enjoy reading!


Chapter I: My Story ♼

The Early Days I was born to a middle class South Indian family. At the age of sixteen I knew I had to take care of myself to leave the life I did not want in order to have the one that I wanted. I turned myself around from being a below average student to one who aced the twelfth grade and was invited to multiple engineering schools. It was my first opportunity to realize that I could have what I wanted. I knew there was something in me that could break all the judgments, hurt, dysfunction and lack of abundance that I saw around me.

I received a degree in Computer Engineering and entered the corporate life in order to see what it was all about. In the blur of activities like marriage, childbirth and divorce, I forgot who I was. I knew there was something more because I was completely empty inside. I did not know what love was, neither did I know pain. I was a survivor who worked on solving situations by moving on. However, my time was up, and this body and mind had taken all it could for twenty-nine years. The mountain was sliding down all around me. 4

Panic attacks and tears followed as I was discovering pain. I had to stop my ‘shuck and jive’ maneuver and sit with all the disappointments from childhood to the present. That was the pull towards the spirit.

I was never drawn to religion and was not interested in ‘fixing’ myself with some temporary high. Unconsciously, I wanted something deeper and more lasting. To my conscious mind, I was just searching for God. A God I did not want to accept as a stone idol or some belief created by another. I had one wish, to see God and ask Him why He screwed up my life. He created me and owed me an explanation. Being an engineer, I saw the ‘design flaw’ in creation as witnessed in my life. I just wanted to talk to Him and ask questions, which He owed me, since I did not ask to be created!

God came to me through humans who were there to help me when I was lost in the mountains during a hike or as the paramedic who showed up in the middle of the night during a panic attack. He then led me to my first spiritual teacher, Swami Anubhavanandha, who was my father from a previous lifetime. That was my first recognition in the presence that was beyond science and logic, which I could no longer ignore. The knowing came swiftly and with clarity. The truth in me was now speaking clearly and I was allowing it to happen.

My search for God soon changed into my search for self-realization. I now wanted enlightenment to escape from the pain of living. I started searching for enlightened teachers to fill this void in my life. Yoganandha, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ammachi, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, and Ramana Maharshi were my divine teachers who introduced me to the Self. I 5

wanted God to be something far from me and I was taught to turn back to myself. That was very difficult! It was then that I met my teacher Adyashanti.

Adyashanti Adya was a strong wind that ripped away a lot of my ideas and beliefs that I held sacred. I did not understand his teachings for nearly a year, but I showed up, which was divine grace. I remember sitting in the last row during his talks with the hope that escape would be easier when the teachings zipped over my head! Slowly, I found myself staying for the entire talk and also moving up to the front seat. For five years I did not get up to ask Adya a question because I did not want him to see how confused and ‘unenlightened’ I was. Pure ego stuff! I slowly noticed all my questions would get answered in his presence without having to ask a question. It was simply divine and helpful!

I cried for years in his presence as the grief of separation from something that I could not define hit me. I showed up for several years and something inside me shifted as I started the movement of stopping. It was time to stop looking outside of myself for joy. I became aware of the movement of thoughts in my mind and inquiry began. The most important question that took me from delusion to a higher place of truth and joy was the question, ‚Is This True?‛ That truth was nothing but love, which helped me discover the love already present in me. A love that no longer catered to neediness and helped me make very difficult decisions, in order to stay in the 6

truth, no matter what I lost. I love Adya deeply and I bow to his divine feet for lifting me from the darkness. He never allowed me to put him on a pedestal because of my lack of self-love. He never bought into my deceptive neediness. He just made me turn back home and stay there. I am still a student on the path of God realization and my deepest gratitude to Adya for meeting me where I am, every moment.

Goddess Maya, Creator of Illusion I continued this journey of existing day to day and grasping at good moments and reassuring myself that everything was getting better. Somewhere along the way, I got down on my knees and asked God to lift me out of this pain. Slowly, something shifted. I was led to my divine teacher Goddess Maya through her beautiful channel, Dr. Carley J. Henius. I prayed to see God for years and received a Goddess from the God plane!

I was confused and defensive with having Maya on my path, since I was against blind faith and not easily drawn to anything that I did not experience directly. The Creator being formless was easy for me to rest in, but Goddesses threw me off. It was safe for me to ignore the part of creation manifested as form. This creation can come in the form of the most divine teachers as well as the most painful suffering endured in life. Maya came to my life to help embrace ALL aspects of creation, form and formless, so I may know God.


The day came when I was ready to attend my first workshop with Maya in Greece and I stood in front of her as she came into the body of Carley. I felt fear like never before. She held my face gently in her hands and lifted it to look into her eyes – I then knew! The lifetimes of knowing rushed through me and I cried to her like a daughter crying to her mother for the pain I endured in this lifetime. Her compassionate eyes and loving arms healed me and she asked me to let it go, and I did. That was the beginning of my spiritual journey in a direction I never envisioned.

She knew what my soul wanted and she blessed me with gifts for which I could never express my gratitude. She took me lovingly on a path that was like walking through fire and thorns. The lessons were difficult, more difficult than ever before, since I was now seeing and eliminating core dysfunctional beliefs. All my illusions were laid bare for me to see. All my comfort zones were getting wiped out. For several days I would bow to the ground and weep and ask for the courage to live that day in integrity. I knew there was no going back, and I would crawl onto the lap of the Creator to hold me and I was held. Maya never gave me something that I could not handle.

Maya lifted the veil of illusion to reveal all that was hidden for lifetimes. Goddess Maya’s teaching is simple: What is revealed is healed. The healing process starts the moment our fears are revealed and from there on, it is taken to its full release and we are healed. We were given tools to understand illusion, which are mentioned in this book. Her teachings address emotional healing, physical healing, expansion of the mind, owning our power, heart opening, God realization, ascension and more. 8

Without the emotions resolved from childhood and past lifetimes, I was not going to realize who I was, since I was too caught up in my sorrow and false beliefs. My heart center was totally disconnected from my lower centers so I had compulsive eating patterns and self-sabotaging behaviors that I did not know existed. My first shocker was the realization that I created my life experiences. I created my unhappy childhood and marriage because my soul wanted it for its highest learning. I was introduced to my unconscious mind and I got to know it every day. I got to see and undo sabotaging behaviors. I started manifesting what I wanted.

I let go of people and things, which were held earlier out of my constant need for reassurance. I found my house empty of things and no one around me, which was total freedom! There is a time in our lives when we need to isolate ourselves to have a deep connected experience of who we are. We then discover the abundance of love already existing within us, which sees our strength and weakness with equanimity. This love gives us the courage and knowing to handle everything God wants us to learn without external dependence. Once we have this inner connection we can go back to the world and enjoy it more fully, knowing there is no need to get hooked onto anything.

Maya also showed me who I thought I was not. I saw that I was arrogant, proud, jealous and envious most of my life. I cried and surrendered to the Creator and asked Him to take my shadows away from me. I work at it everyday by writing to my unconscious mind and releasing my shadows. It is a lot of hard work which is paying off. I am discovering humility and service. I am discovering joy in everything that I do. I am discovering the ability to say no to anything that is not in the 9

divine flow. I can now say it with total confidence and without guilt. That is freedom and compassion. I am no longer leaning on another to feel secure in their false belief that they are worthy because I let them into my life out of a lie!

I was taught how to have good boundaries, being open to a man, expressing my sexuality, sexual maturity, understanding illusion and how to break free, listening to angels and owning and releasing my dark shadows. I came to this point in life through pain inflicted by me onto others and experienced it inflicted back on me so that I would understand the effect of my actions. I realized what not having any power really meant, so that I could finally release this cycle of pain and anger. As I live, so is life lived onto me.

With Maya’s loving guidance, I learned the teachings can come in any form God chooses to use. I learned about the existence of Angels, Ascended Masters and Unseen Beings (E.T.). Ultimately we are all of the same essence and one is not superior to another. Her teaching laid emphasis on being teachable by all and not to separate God. It is all One.

She took away my guilt and the belief that I cannot have everything that I want. I now know I can have abundance and the relationships I desire and still have my divine calling. After 11 years of working in the corporate world, life is now taking me on a different path. I do not know where the final destination is, but I no longer want to say no to anything out of fear. I want to pay heed to the calling and march right through it, knowing it is all right to stumble, at which time I hold on to Maya and the Creator. 10

I am drawn to helping children and adults find their way out of this maze of pain and illusion that we are enmeshed in. What I have learned, I am now passing on. It is time for me to act and live in what is true.

I love Maya. My love for her cannot be expressed in words. She is an enchanting loving mother, divine teacher and ultimate reality in motion. My blessing this lifetime is to have her on my path as my divine teacher.

This life is a play. A play of such human pain and joy that you might come to a point where you want neither; since both have a price to pay when one is not grounded in wisdom. Sometimes you just want to drift and let everything wash over you because you are tired of living. There have been many times in my past where I wanted to wrap up this act on earth and have requested Yoganandha to take me back in my sleep. I am one of those who wanted enlightenment so much that I could easily imagine myself saying to the Universe, ‚Bring it all on!‛ I got an armful!

Life was difficult, the way was not clear and many times I was lost. If I let go of all clichés I can truly say I do not know if it was all meant to be the way it was or did I take on more pain due to my resistance to change. I guess this is where free will played a role in my life. I was free to live a pattern of lack and experience it over and over in my life. So, choose wisely. If you do not, that’s ok too. Denial was created in illusion to give us some time until we are ready to face the truth. Maybe, at one stage, the truth might have broken us apart and denial was better. Who is to judge? 11

The path to living in the truth is not easy while you are breaking free from old patterns of behavior. You can always ask for help and it will be given to you. The help may not be in the form that you expected, but accept it, and see the hidden gifts unfold. I am where I want to be; always open to any feeling that arises, and surrendering to each day. Along the way I will pass on what I know, so one can avoid the suffering. Maybe they will go through the same path of ignorance and pain if that is their way to freedom. Who is to say anything about this divine life?

If there is one thing that I can pass on, it would be to honor the truth within you at all times. Realize that there is no need for protection by being defensive. You will discover truth and love only when you connect deeply within yourself. Your heart will then burst wide open and you will feel everything around you - the earth, a child in sorrow, and the love of the divine Creator. You will enjoy everyone fully, knowing they can be themselves, without having the need to take care of you. You will begin to dance in the divine flow and a song will come out that has the power to heal all those who come to you – all done in total silence.


Chapter II: Divine Teachings ♼

This book has the divine teachings of my teacher, Maya and channeled teachings of a group of ascended masters called Frodham (in italics), and all of my learning through this journey called life.

The Way Humans live under the misconception they need to solve all their problems by themselves. The way out of illusion is using their discrimination and being open to help that comes in any form. By any form, we mean any form. It can be a fish jumping in the ocean, a trail on the mountain, a garbage can that helps keep your home clean, a realized master - all are serving the truth in their own way. All are in alignment with the divine will and so are you when you are open to being taught by the smallest blade of grass and the magnificent mountains. Humans need to be humble. Humility is overlooked in all walks of life, including the spiritual path, for fear of inadequacy. Pretending to know all the answers is taking away all the happiness and joy from your life as it is living in the land of illusion. The world 13

is so big and the Creator is beyond your mental comprehension. Stop and let go of pride. Welcome humility into your lives. Let the light flow into every aspect of your life. You will be blessed. This light from you will be transmitted to all around you. The reach of this light will extend to the earth and universe as your heart opens more and the universal power flows through you. This is the love of the divine. A love that holds all in equality.

Do not go for big ideas - just little ones with a lot of heart and prayer. The heart will keep you open and the prayer will help you get over hurdles. That’s all that is needed. Your divine purpose is shown to you when you become humble and open to teachings. When you know you know nothing, which is the secret to opening your heart and mind, the brain expands, the centers open and the divine knowledge flows through you unhindered.

There is love in the world. You just need to know how to tap it. You are missing the big picture by walking through this maze of darkness thinking it is light. Stop that now. It is time for you to wake up and realize your full power. You are not what you think you are. You are the child of God. As such, you have the same power as the divine. Until your heart opens, you will be in delusion. Let the love and light flow. Let it heal the earth and the planets. Let it release mankind to its liberation. Let the eagles fly in joy and scatter flowers of glory on earth. Let the fishes swim in ecstasy. Let the rainforest breathe in freedom and joy. Let the wilderness enjoy its manifestation without fear. Let yourself live in freedom and joy. It is time for you to wake up and own your strength.

Food is essential for your growth and the growth of those around you. You are eating food that causes more harm than good. Stop going for momentary happiness. You have a responsibility to 14

your body as the divine will flows through you. Your light and love can be felt by those around you when the vehicle that is carrying it is clean. Clean your intestines. Eat herbs and drink green juices to clean the tract so that the waste leaves your body. As your spiritual path is cleansing the shadows out of you, your physical body needs to do the same. Take care of it. It is your divine vehicle to freedom.

Take special care of your heart. Do not see, read or hear anything that constricts your heart. Pay attention to what is out in the air. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Your neighbor is everyone that you come into contact with from the moment you step into the world. Do not forget the divine is flowing through all and they are your teachers, as you are a teacher to them. The energy that flows through you when your heart is open is very transformative. Earthquakes can be stopped, war can be stopped, disease can be cured, a broken heart can be mended and a life can be saved. Open your heart and feel me go through you and transform the world in front of your eyes. You transcend earthly limitations and go to dimensions where rejuvenation is happening through light waves. You will constantly transform as you open your heart more and more.

Let your lungs open and expand. Breathe deeply into your lower abdomen. Let the cells get clear oxygen. Let the body heal with the healing energies of mother earth. Be kind to her. She has let you walk on her without demanding anything from you. She has given the glorious sunrise and breathtaking sunsets. She has given the plant kingdom to nourish and heal you. She gave the animals to eliminate the negative energy from you. She has shown the way when you were lost. She needs to be healed now. She has been a giver for a long time. Let her take your healing energy and prayers.


Maya is channeling from the highest realms of realization. We are the light workers who work through divine beings who are open to hearing our messages and passing them on. We will come back another time and continue our work. Love and light to you all. May your path be blessed with love and forgiveness. So be it.

Illusion This wondrous creation of Goddess Maya can make us believe we are in bliss one moment and have it all taken away in the next instant. It is all done in total love. The dance of Maya is of a sacred beat. She takes us on the path of illusion only to release back to eternal freedom. The path to truth is through illusion and to know illusion intimately. All it takes is deep earnestness, total integrity and faith.

What is Illusion?

Illusion is the reality we create by the power of our thoughts and emotions. We have the power to create happiness or suffering by the power of our thoughts and emotions. We cannot change something until we are aware of the limiting patterns we hold within our unconscious mind. All that is required for happiness is our devotion to absolute truth, in order to see and release all the fears and self–sabotaging beliefs we hold withinin our unconscious mind. Use the writing work described in Chapter 3 to release fears from the unconscious mind


Points to Ponder  No amount of spiritual practices, which ignore your core illusions, can give you freedom.  Living in truth is an illusion until the shadows within the unconscious mind are brought into awareness. How do you know you are acting upon the truth, when you don’t know all the self sabotaging programs within your mind? The ultimate deception is when we think our fears and beliefs are the ultimate truth, so we can feel more secure and selfrighteous. When we believe the Creator is ‚only‛ in the manifested form of a Saint, we are seeing through the veil of illusion. When we believe the Creator is ‚only‛ unknown, the veil of illusion is still on. Only when we are humble and accept we know nothing in the scheme of all things, and we are ready to see our fears and release it every day, does illusion bow to reveal the truth which we can handle at that stage of our evolution. We must have the patience to allow evolution to be a work in progress. The word ‘truth’ is sometimes used to placate us and support our false beliefs. We are all shown truth to the limit we can handle at a certain point in our spiritual evolution. When we are dogmatic about a realization at one stage in our life, the same truth becomes a lie. It is grace when illusion steps forward with a strong wake up call to erase any misunderstanding we might have in this area!


We may believe we are serving another in the name of truth, until we find our motivation driven by a need for constant reassurance. We may believe we are living in the truth by taking on a more ‘spiritual’ career, when we are really scared of living in the real world.

Until the separation ends between you and me, Maya is still dancing her divine dance for our God realization.

When we have had all the experiences that we wish to have, and are no longer attached to it for our happiness, we have finally owned that experience fully and are no longer bound to it. The illusion caused suffering due to the belief in wanting a certain experience for our happiness. The same illusion revealed the truth and set us free when we saw through it and realized our learning held within. Only God can give us the happiness we are all constantly searching for.

We have all lived life based on instant gratification, thinking the last fix was ‘it’ in attaining complete happiness. If that were true, we would have a solid center within us, which is completely content right now, and devoid of any lack of self. The reason instant gratifications do not work is because everything works in Gods time, not ours.

Everything in life is geared towards completion of the lessons that will set us free from the hamster wheel. How long are we going to keep going around and around exercising the same parts of the brain, without expanding our mind? Everyone has the capacity to create the magic created by geniuses all over the world. As you turn inward and work on 18

your feelings and emotions, your brain expands. You develop brilliant skills overnight. You develop the ability to see through all situations accurately and you no longer waste time running after things that do not work. You discover who you are, not through the eyes of fear, but through the openness of your heart.

When we discover ourselves through this abundance of love, truth takes residence within us. That is when separation between people ends and oneness begins. We can no longer force our thoughts and opinions onto another, because we now know what caused the turmoil in their minds and the fears that led them to act the way they did. This realization is a gift that can stop any war. We allow others their learning process of falling down and getting up several times, with great patience. This divine spark present within them will lead them out of illusion to joy and freedom in their own time, and we bow to that knowing.

The Truth This is a word that has caused a lot of confusion in your minds. The truth is one that sets you free from holding on to your beliefs, ideas and opinions about anything and anyone. The truth is the vehicle through which the divine moves through you. It is clear and concise in its communication, and you will never be in doubt of its message, as long as you are centered and completely in line with this movement inside you. The way to be in alignment is to stop questioning your inner guidance. Even when you make a mistake, its okay, everything is bringing greater clarity to all light workers. 19

Everyone has access to this truth; even the one caught in darkness. They are also listening to a movement within themselves when not blocked by fear. You chose to ignore the message since you did not want to give up what you ‘thought’ precious, like your false values and beliefs! You need to know that once something is written in stone it is no longer in the flow of life. A truth at one point may change at another point in time. You may be asked to create at one point and rest at another. There is no book written on the truth as it is not a constant. However, the following guidelines will help you stay open to receiving the truth: 1. Utmost honesty with self at all times, even at the cost of losing what you hold as valuable. 2. Never to ever give in to baser instincts for personal gain. Even if you do, remember no one is judging you. 3. Utmost awareness of every movement inside and outside of you without judgment. Awareness opens your heart center to receive messages of greater subtlety. 4. Measure your progress by the amount of peace in your life. 5. As you become more and more aware, your shadows will be revealed to you – own them and release them. Own the pain it has caused you and release it back to the source. 6. Be a child at all times – open and innocent to the glory around you. 7. Always be a student and realize that you know nothing. When you have this attitude the resistance within you will fall away and the simplest and most profound teachings will be made visible to you every waking moment. This is how the divine talks to you. It is not always the big bang catastrophic incident that raises your awareness. 8. When in doubt about a teaching, let it go completely from yourself into the light. Release it and ask the Father to bring more clarity and openness. If there is truth in the teaching it will be given back to you in a way you will know for sure. Sometimes, we deny the truth, which is ok. Denial is giving 20

you time to recuperate from past hurts. When you are ready, you will hear it. Pray for readiness and all fears to be removed from you knowing you are in divine hands. 9. The movement of truth is clearest in its reception when your body is clear of toxins, your intestines are clear and you are breathing deep into your lower abdomen so all the cells receive precious oxygen. Eliminate food which does not suit you. 10. Surrender to life every moment. Surrender to the force that is in you, outside of you and beyond your mind as you know of it. Surrender to God. When life becomes overwhelming, take a break. Break free from everything that is causing you distress. There is a time to create and there is a time to rest. When you ignore the messages from your body, you can manifest a physical ailment so that you are forced to take the rest you could have taken earlier. Everyone needs a holiday to replenish the mind, body and soul. When you are constantly on the go, life passes you by and one morning you will wake up feeling depleted. Life is so much more than what you think. Play is forgotten in your worldly and spiritual pursuits. Play is essential to opening your heart to be receptive to the truth that is ‘really’ happening around you – not what you want to be true. Play relaxes the heart muscles, improves the blood flow to your body and releases toxins. These toxins prevent reception of messages from above. Laugh in abandonment. Read Dilbert!

Resisting the Truth The conflict to listening to the truth is within you. You need to let go of it now. Repeat after me – ‘I now let go of all that is preventing me from living a life of light and joy. I no longer resist higher teachings for fear of losing myself’. How can you lose something when 21

you are everything? You think you are this tiny insignificant human trying to reach big – wrong! You are the divine will and divine love and divine Creator of all that you see around you. If you do not like what you see, change yourself. I repeat – Change Yourself. Not your partner, your child, your dog or your neighbor. This is the essence of self-realization. You start with you. The ‘you’ that you think is little has the power of the universe. This has often been misused. This journey is not about taking on an identity of being God. That is sure to keep you glued to the land of illusion. Instead, you become nothing. You know nothing. You hold no beliefs. You are open to being corrected every moment, so you may learn the higher teachings and travel to the next level. When you have a conflict about accepting the truth versus holding on to your egotistical self, chant, ‘I know nothing, I am open’. This will release you from that knot that has held you a prisoner.

The affirmation will also open the space for a higher truth to emerge as you are no longer holding on to past experiences as the ultimate truth. The truth at one moment may be different at another moment. For example, you may be asked to focus on being more assertive in one moment, while stay compliant at another moment. You may be given a glimpse of the truth one day, and be given a higher truth another day. All you can do is be open and have no attachment or authorship of anything that is gifted to you. This means you are now in the knowing and not in the possession of anything. When two primary realizations were gifted to me, formlessness and a brief glimpse at oneness, my last thought was affirming ‘I am open Father. I know nothing. I can’t do this without your divine grace’. There is magic in this affirmation.

Illusion is not a bad thing. It was created to set you free by observing the way you think and live and is not giving you unending 22

joy. By unending, we mean you are not at peace at all situations. The word peace is misleading. There is no word in your English language for what we describe. It is a feeling of being ever connected, ever present, ever loving and ever joyful. That feeling is what humans are constantly searching for.

Access to a higher knowing is available to everyone at all times. We just mask it with our fears and beliefs. When we acknowledge our fear and set the intention of knowing the truth, God allows us to see greater truths at a level we can handle at each moment. The process is divinely guided and patience is a virtue here. As we mature, God gives us more! Isn’t that a wonderful thing?

I had a very difficult time believing this until life taught me a valuable lesson. I used to do volunteer work at the hospital emergency room to help with setting up the bed and assisting the patients. I was put in that role by life so I could learn many valuable lessons. One day I saw a beautiful seventeen-year old girl in one of the rooms with a security guard posted outside. Normally this is done when the patient has a tendency to be violent. I could hear her screaming and crying down the hallway. She was having a fit and it was clear she was not of a stable mind. I was initially scared of meeting her, thinking she could harm me. However, something in me wanted to get close to her and I did. She tried intimidating me with facial expressions and rolling of the eyes. She then asked me if I was scared. I said no. I did not say another word to her. I just stood in front of her and looked deeply into her eyes. She quieted down and something shifted in her. She tentatively asked me in a quiet voice, ‚You and me are the same?‛ She then put her palms together and with amazement in her eyes said, ‚We are one. Am I God?‛ 23

I had tears in my eyes. There was so much joy in her after realizing this and she became my teacher that day. I saw that she had the connection to the truth, and awareness resided within her, in spite of her mental conditions and her life challenges. As I left her room, I could once again hear the screaming and crying. She ran out of the room in frenzy and the security guards had to drag her back in. I again stopped in front of her and she completely connected to the truth within her and I could see the knowing shine in her eyes. I did not worry about her after that. Our divine connection to God is present even when we are not in complete control of our senses. This knowing will set you free, if that is what you truly desire.

Trust Trust is lacking in all areas of life. There is no trust in yourself so you do not see trust in the world. It all starts with you my friend. You are caught in a dream and we want you to awaken. What happened to you to lose faith in yourself? Was it bad choices? Don’t you know these so called ‘bad’ choices are what propel you to expand your discrimination and open the door towards wisdom? You judged yourself as being wrong when you were being taught to rise above the current levels of existence. By levels, we mean rising above the current level of abundance, relationship and knowledge. This innocent mistake needs to be let go. Drop it now.


Be open to making mistakes. Lose all fear of failure. It is this failure which makes you lose track of life and stop living. You are so caught up in looking good that you have forgotten your place in life. You have forgotten the truth of your existence. You have assumed you are meant to wake up, go to work, take care of your family and end the day in total lack. How will you move forward if you are caught in your belief of how a thing should be? How do you learn if you are not teachable? How will you find joy if you are not open? You created this sadness in your life and you will now create joy. It is in your power. Move on when things do not work out. Do not stick in a situation which does not give fulfillment out of fear. Sometimes being alone can be the biggest gift you can give yourself. This is the time when all the chips fall down and you may be receptive to higher teachings. Don’t shy away from what is not the norm. Who is to decide what is okay and not okay? Other humans who are equally lost and disillusioned?

I ask of you to let go of all illusions that keep you from the gates of heaven. The gates of heaven are the doorway into the unending bliss and joy where no mark is left on you anymore and no opinions or beliefs cast their shadows. The gates are within you and once you enter through them, it is all around you. The sparrows sing in joy as they collect food in the morning light. Do you have that joy in your work? Where has the joy of creativity gone? Failure to move when a place no longer suits you can cause tremendous negative energy to manifest in all areas of your life. When karmic lessons are being given, you stop and learn in gratitude. Feel the past actions falling away through tears and you are renewed. Look for lessons in everything. You cannot be rejected because you are the source and the creator of all. Rejection is created so you may now realize nothing can truly make you feel insignificant other than your self-pity and self-indulgence. Both are powerful tools to keep you distracted and away from the divine flow. The love in you is so big it wakes you up in spite of being who you are when caught in an illusion. There is no deserving to wake up – waking 25

up happens in spite of you. The love in you is so big to forgive all and embrace you in its divine flow – why are you getting lost in small inconsequential illusions of lack?

The waterfall does not have a game plan before hitting the bottom, it just flows in abandonment. Why do you want to constantly have an exit plan in all situations? You have an exit plan in relationships by not connecting fully and not realizing true intimacy. You have an exit plan at work by not giving your creative self to all those you work with. This is not a life that can give fulfillment when you have withheld yourself from all situations. Why? All for fear of rejection, fear of pain and fear of past unhappy situations being triggered. Let it trigger so often that you forget to count. Let the pain envelop you so much that you can’t see clearly for days. Give in to it in abandonment without coping through alcohol, food, sex, people or other distractions. This total falling into the well of your insecurities is the way out of it. Nothing is forever. You feel it completely, you experience it to its fullest and then you automatically let go. And that my friend is the way out of everything. Along the way you will be gifted with realized masters and divine beings who can bestow their glance upon you and wipe the slate clean of any shadows. Be grateful when that happens. You just got a bypass!

Trust in us when you are not able to touch that place in you which is all about trust. The resistance to trust is the intense feeling of separation that you are disconnected from everything around you. Come closer to me and you will know you and I are one. We are the same essence and we flower alike. When did this lack of trust start, was it when you knew you were suffering and you wanted a way out? Did you know you chose that suffering? Did you know you were ready to learn that lesson and release a past karma and chose to free yourself? Did you know you trusted you could do it before birth and during this life? You had the trust that you could then, so don’t worry about it 26

now. You knew the angelic kingdom was there to help. The divine beings are listening and guiding your every way. As your learning increases to higher levels, the teachings are coming from various spheres and you will finally come to me.

Who am I? I am the one that gave birth to illusion. I am the one that is guiding you through life. I am the one living through you and around you. What is preventing you from believing that you are part of me and my creation, which is the essence of who you are? Not good enough for me? There is no right or wrong in this life. No one, other than your world, is judging you. When all is a dance of the divine to experience, learn, grow and realize your truth in ALL situations, where is the judgment coming from? You are loved beyond your comprehension. You are cared for even when you did not love yourself or others. We knew it was the illusion surrounding you which prevented you from experiencing the ocean of love that flows through every atom. You were never judged then because we knew. Why judge yourself when you were caught in the darkness and did not see your way out? Your actions at that time were a result of your level of consciousness at that point in time. You do better when you know better. Get to know yourself better. Start with you and the more you rest in yourself, and know all the answers start and end with you, you understand the world around you. When you do not have a physical body and the walls are crumbling around you, which happen when you are blessed by divine grace, what are you then? Find that out.

Tolerance I channeled the following when going through some rapid changes in my life. 27

Tolerance is needed when rebirth is in motion. You are still learning to navigate and it is a little challenging when you no longer have your old ways to help you. You will need to have tolerance to make mistakes until the new sureness resides in you and you are all set. The time of change cannot be sure footed and you are expected to fall every now and then. You are learning at the speed which best suits you and at a very fast rate. You have achieved great knowledge and the lessons have been mastered. You can pat yourself on your back. Let the old be seen without fear so it may be released and you may shine in your entire glory. Love be with you my dear one.

Faith Faith is trusting in God even if we have not had any tangible evidence of the presence of God in our lives. It is being humble by acknowledging that we do not know everything about creation. How can we claim to know the Creator, when we do not know who we are?

When we hold on to faith and take a step into the unknown, an opening is created within us. This same opening is created when we say ‘I know nothing. I am open’. This space is that which allows us to get to know God. Until this opening is created, we will not touch upon the existence of the simple magnificence, which is something far beyond our concepts and fears. 28

As the Faith grows, the revelations are more. We are also tested to see for ourselves if the faith is another effort at manipulating the divine for instant gratification. God will hold back the abundance when we do not honor it, and constantly move from one attraction to another without paying attention to the debris we leave behind.

Here is how we can bring faith into our lives:

When we start walking on a certain spiritual path, we hold on to teachings given by others until we have the direct experience through the expansion of our minds. Similarly, we will need to hold on to faith until the absolute knowing in the presence of God is graced upon you. We might make up false stories along the way, and that’s ok. But keep that hold firm, and even when you let go, get back up and hold on to your faith that God is here and He hears you.

Here is a beautiful prayer from Goddess Maya, which removed all the blockages that were on my path to knowing God.

Father, I am humble and open to what you will to teach me; Father I am able and willing in all levels of my being to receive all that you wish to give me. So be it.

God Hears Us


The world has stepped away from the knowing that God hears us. We have all been programmed to ‘see’ in order to believe; the faith, which is before the seeing, has taken a step back.

We have forgotten we have always known Him. We ‘know’ when we make a wrong turn; we ‘know’ when we touch another life profoundly; we ‘know’ when we walk away crushing their spirit; we ‘know’ when we have learned a valuable lesson in life. We all use this innate knowing every moment, which is our connection to God. However, we do not own it or acknowledge its presence out of fear. We demand of God to remove all challenges from our lives in order for us to believe in Him.

The Creator is experienced one step at a time. We first discover faith, when we have had no reason to have faith in God. It takes courage to stop the steering of the boat and let the boat steer itself, with you, to where God wants it to go. This does not mean we become total lifeless human beings. Only when we live in complete truth does awareness at the deepest level set in, followed by the ‘knowing’ to help us come back to joy even when surrounded by apparent negativity. As the heart opens, everything previously unknown becomes crystal clear. It slowly dawns upon us that God does hear us. As we see through our self, we understand why we created all the painful lessons that we did. We see the divine grace when we were plucked out of a rough spot, in spite of our steady downhill journey, and taken to safe ground.

God hears us. God helps all in his own time and not ours. Maybe if everyone picked you up when you tripped, what is 30

your learning and where is your growth? The world is operating through instant gratification caused by greed. This is a necessary learning for all to experience things are not working and change is needed.

Peace comes from the knowing that everything is moving towards your own freedom. Life becomes a joy when lived in the knowing He is with us all the way. I can finally rest in the clear knowing that God is in charge.

Love Love blooms in us when we live in truth. The more we become aware of ourselves and have the courage to see through our fears, the more abundant this love blooms within us. One day you realize this love is not within us, but the self is held within the love of the Creator, and you are part of the Universal Love. It becomes so abundant that it emanates from us in silence and heals everyone around us. The process starts with loving yourself and your imperfections, only then can you love the same in another, as there is no rejection of your shadows reflected by them. Then it simply grows and you love the dead animal on the road as much as you love someone dear to you. You will now say, ‚I love you‛ to your children, spiritual teacher, your partner and realize it is the same love expressed in different unique ways. This love can ask you to walk away from the most valuable thing in your life, or risk your life to be there for another.


The word love has been misused beyond recognition in today’s world.

Points to Ponder  When did it become so cool to withhold love from your self, the self that carried you thus far through raging fire and churning waters?  When did it become okay to hurt another and walk away in the name of detachment?  When did it become okay to live in greed in the name of survival and self preservation? Its time for this ignorance to be released to allow for the expansion of the heart and mind, so we are all living from a conscious place in truth.

The way to love is to serve. Serving yourself first before you can really serve another. Serve the child in you when it is not being heard. Serve the divine in you by bowing to the truth of your existence at all times. Serve the truth even when you are left to stand alone with nothing to hold on to. In this world we have all forgotten to serve because we are so busy taking. We take what is not ours. We do this all the time by not trusting ourselves.

Serving the truth is bigger than what it appears to be. Do you have the courage to undo a lie said to a loved one? Can you open your heart and say, ‚I lied to you and I am sorry. The 32

truth of the matter is that I don’t know if I am going to do well or not. I don’t know if I will make you happy or not. All I know is I will be truthful to myself at all times and that truth will show me the way.‛ We really don’t know what we will do until we are faced with the fact that we have lied. You then overcome the cold hand clutching your gut and you serve the truth that can set you free. You cannot stay away from the truth anymore. It becomes a part of you. More accurately, you become the truth.

Letting Go of Ownership Where do you think the wisdom of knowing comes from? It is tapping into the source of everything which is beyond your ego self. It never belonged to your mind alone. It is the universal Self. What have you got to gain when you hold on to the ‘I’? Didn’t you know the ‘I’ cannot exist without the whole? The ‘I’ was created as part of the learning to experience all that you wanted to experience, make mistakes, take over the same hurt you gave another so you may experience the effects of your experimentation, learn from it and finally realize you are the one who made the mistake, you are the mistake and also the one who experienced the mistake. You are everything. You are God.

Let go of any ownership. This ownership of something that never belonged to you in the first place has created greed and pain. Let go of trying to improve your self-esteem by grabbing what is not yours. Your Self will become stronger as you live in truth. Reflect on all that is happening all the time and act on it with integrity. Your Self will become the whole of creation when you become humble and selfless. Find out who you are by starting with the truth right now. 33

Wake Up The love that flows through you is tremendous and the healing is abundant. You do not realize this and look for it outside of you. When you seek in poverty, you live in poverty. The truth that cannot be spoken is already living in you and through you. You have the choice of recognizing and acting on it rather than acting in fear. When was the last time you took stock of a situation without ANY bias and saw what was really happening and acted on it with truth and integrity? You are so caught up in looking good that you miss the whole journey. You are caught up in getting from the outside what you already have within you. Wake up. It is time for you to wake up and the world to wake up. You are no longer living in the time where ignorance is okay. The time has come for a shift in global consciousness and you have a part in it too. This global consciousness is beyond ‘you’ and ‘me’. You are not in a position to sit back and miss the bus. If you are reading this book, you are IT. You are part of the reformation through love and an open heart. It is time for you to do house cleaning of your own deepest darkest secrets that make you cringe in shame. The divine loves you unconditionally. Own it and you will sense the divine help always available to help release your fears. You will be directed to the next step and the next until you are free from all that bound you to this earth plane in pain and sorrow. Let go. Take our hands. We will show you the way until you can walk on your own consciously connected to the divine. His love is beyond anything you have ever imagined. You are healed of all your sorrows when you let that love embrace you and allow it inside of you. Let it in NOW. Now is the time for you to release all and say, ‚I now release all life taking actions and thoughts back to the divine Father, so I may not manifest it again in my life‛. Burn the paper.


When you are in this cosmic madness, you are caught between good and bad, right and wrong. Stop! There is no judgment anywhere in heaven. There is no effort to slice and dice mankind into various pieces. You do it yourself singularly and collectively in your human consciousness. When did it become okay to settle for less? Don’t you know you are God and can manifest all that you want? Don’t you know it is given to you when you ask without ANY fear or lack in you. The reason you do not get what you ask for is because you do not think you will get it and you do not think you deserve it. First, write to yourself why you feel you should not get it and what is preventing you from achieving your goals. It might shatter you to realize it was all caused by you. It was not your boss, your wife or your boyfriend. Everyone is a figment of your imagination. You have created them because that is what you wanted.

When the going gets tough, let us in to make you strong. You were never expected to carry this load by yourself. Ask for help. It’s ok. You are constantly trying to prove yourself as being strong and taking on more than you can handle. Strength means to be centered within yourself and to have an open heart and love yourself so much that the other is no longer separate from you. Can you do that? It is now time. Love and light are gifts from heaven, a place of divine thoughts and actions. It is a place where you are one with yourself completely without any judgment. Heaven is here if that is where your consciousness is.

Only when you bow and surrender will the divine gifts be bestowed upon you. Only when you surrender to all, at all times, can you love. Only when tears cleanse your face as you see a thing really for what it is, will you be released from this burden called life. The good moments in your life are a reflection of the good work you have done on yourself in raising your consciousness. What is missing now needs to be set right. When you feel small, that’s okay. You need to 35

feel very small against the magnificence of creation before you realize you are that magnificence itself. Until that happens, we do not want God to be used just as another ego trip.

When the sun sets on your life and your old ways, wake up the next day and be reborn to a new sunny day. Let go of all that you do not need. You might give all your clutter to charity. By cleaning up, you allow the energy move unhindered through your physical space. Let the air have a path to pass in and out of your house to remove stagnation. Breathe deeply and it will help you have clarity in all things at all times. Messages will come in ways that will be a surprise to you. Do your homework and clean up the clutter. Trust in the process and do not question its truth. You may have to lose before you gain. The loss is freedom, so that space can now be created for your light.

Children need to be loved as they are. This means loving them when they are irritable or happy. You are used to instant gratification. You forget children are reality and have their own timetable and learning. You cannot force or program them to what suits you best. You are shutting off their connection to the creative powers when you do that. Let’s stop this cycle of burdening our children, taking them away from their truth, only to later suffer and undo it all with a lot of pain. Why? Those times of learning are over. The new way is here. The indigo, crystal and rainbow children are here. They will change the world and not sit back and watch it deteriorate. It is time for you to embrace all that children teach you. They will love you unconditionally until you take that away from them. They are playful and delight in small joys, even when the biggest toy ceases to please you anymore. They are your earthly teachers, but you missed it thinking you knew more. Yes, there are areas where you are the teacher. However, it will help to clean 36

yourself up before you assume what those areas are!

Divine Connection Deep inquiry touches upon the place which birthed thoughts and form – a place of tremendous energy and silence. Everything is at peace here. When one rests in this place, the movement of the truth is felt and the entire being resonates with an ancient knowing. The more we rest here, the more the truth embraces us. All action can now arise spontaneously untouched by human conditions and fear. This is our home, our divine connection to the Creator. Everything arises from here.

Our divine connection is filtered by a bubble made of fears, preconceived ideas and judgments. As long as this bubble exists, we are not living in alignment with the divine will; we are not in truth. When we have the humility to accept our deepest darkness carried over lifetimes, we pierce holes in the bubble so light can shine through. When we do the work of purging our unconscious mind, the bubble can no longer prevent the divine light from filling our life and taking us to a place of higher teaching and joy.

You are both the physical body and the One Great Mind that pervades our realty. When we ignore one, the other suffers and causes disharmony in our lives. This consciousness has infinite growth. You do not reach a certain stage and stop. This belief is wrong and created under the false hope one can escape 37

challenges in life after crossing an imaginary finish line. Everything is in constant growth and challenges arise when we resist the learning that is given to us. I learned from Goddess Maya that all Gods in the God plane also evolve constantly. Challenges are the means to help us stretch further and reach a higher frequency through higher learning.

The movement of the divine is a beautiful mystery. It wakes you up in the morning to see the redwood forest and can also drag you to see a romantic movie that can teach a divine lesson. There is no scale to measure one being more superior to another within this movement. All is essential and sometimes you will know the purpose of a particular movement if you are aware and sensitive. It allows you to make your choices and sometimes makes the choices for you.

Moving On There are times of cataclysmic changes within you and when that happens you will need to be prepared to have a lot of fear and uncertainty arise. This is a natural reaction because your foundation is being uprooted and shaken. Sometimes a lot of energy is needed for change to take place. When that happens, hold on to your center, your angels and your God to help you get through this upheaval. Do not hold on to any guilt or blame when the old falls away from you. At some higher level you wanted this change for your highest learning. At the same time others who are affected by this change are also learning lessons because they have asked for this learning to set themselves free. It is not always one way. Sometimes you need to walk alone to discover who you are. Are you ready to do so? Are you ready to throw 38

away all your comforts and stand alone with God? Are you ready to see what He is showing you? Are you ready to learn from what She wants you to see? Are you ready to drop an old way of thinking and acting and move to a truer existence? The path is not easy. It is strewn with points of darkness and you need to hold on to yourself to fully realize what you are and what you are not.

When you are lost, pray. Ask for clarity, so you may see through the maze of emotions engulfing you at the moment of shift. Remember you are not created to be a constant giver or a constant taker all your life. At some point all will have to come to a stop. You will make a change toward a mutually nurturing relationship with all. At that point, your friends and family may drop away. You will go through a time of transition where a shift will take place for something more solid to emerge. Do you have the patience to wait for the mud to settle down and the water to become clear? Walk alone in this new path and discover for yourself. Trust in whatever is brought forth in each moment. Maybe an old relationship becomes more fulfilling than before or maybe it will completely fall away. Love the people involved. Surround them with white light so they may also heal through this process and see the truth. Do not blame anyone or be angry. They played a role that you wanted them to play so that you would realize it is no longer working for you. When there is love, everything will set itself right.

I was going through a huge learning cycle when the above was channeled. It was of a tremendous help as it soothed my soul. I was lost. I realized all my friendships until then were formed out of neediness where I was playing the role of a giver, so that I would be seen as a ‘spiritual’, ‘loving’ and ‘good’ person. In the retreat with my divine teacher, Goddess Maya, my unconscious shadows were brought to light. I saw my neediness, and as it was being released from me, every 39

relationship was seen to be false. I now want a mutually nourishing relationship where we come together out of joy and not out of lack. When the heart center is closed, we constantly give and take energy from another to sustain our lack of self. When the heart center is open, along with the lower chakras, we will give when the movement arises and we will take when the same arises and all in perfect harmony.

Communication This is the means for the soul to develop. We bounce our current state of evolution against another, we get a response from them and we decide if we want to react to it by standing up to our false beliefs or standing up to our truth. We do this over and over again until we get so tired that we decide to take a break and not communicate with the world. Isolation is needed in order to have a centered experience of one’s own self. Once this experience is complete, we can go back to the world and reconnect more fully from a place devoid of any neediness or pre conceived beliefs.

When we have fear of intimacy we encounter communication issues because we are often engaged in lashing out in anger or waging a silent war. Somewhere along the way we forget to have an open hearted conversation with full permission to be wrong and to be open to learn from everyone. The secret to ending war lies in these words. When we are open to being wrong we are not defensive and listen clearly without any filters set by our minds. This gives us the 40

humility to recognize a profound teaching from any inanimate object and not just from enlightened teachers.

How do you stand up for yourself when you have never done it before? With love in your heart, observe what happened to make you feel not heard in a relationship. Evaluate if this is something that is core to your emotional wellbeing. If it is important, communicate to the person what you have experienced, what you will no longer support and what your expectations are. Do this with love and thank the person for being your teacher in helping you to understand yourself better and to stand up to your truth. If the person does not honor your wishes, break the relationship fully, which will give the other time to think. Be open to the person coming back to you or not wanting to be with you again. When anxieties arise, do not dismay. Hold on to the angels, do your daily homework of unconscious dumping and hug yourself and repeat many times, ‚I love you and I bless you‛. You are worthy of someone who truly honors you. Living a lie for fear of loneliness is a sure recipe for misery, which gets aggravated over time.

Communication is about honoring the other person’s thoughts and providing the space for another to express them freely without fear. It is about coming from a heart open place in dealing with conflicts. When differences in opinions arise, we can let go of our ideas and go with another person’s belief. It is not about being right; it is about being in the knowing. This does not mean we become a doormat. When we come from a heart open place, we will know when to walk away and when to stay. This knowledge will not be available when caught in a power struggle. When we relinquish all control, it becomes very easy to move with the flow. A dance takes place in silence and 41

tremendous healing happens to those who interact with one who is grounded in the knowing of what is real.

God Above All Know that no matter what you have in your life, the only joy that gives complete fulfillment is being one with God, being one with the divine flow. God wants you to experience all that you wish to your hearts content. You have all the freedom to experience all in complete abundance so you may finally come back home. Ask for all that you want and get it out of the way to see if there is something inside you that is still yearning. If you pay attention to the moment after each fulfillment of a desire, there will be a void which slowly starts waking up to the next desire. This constant yearning will continue until we stop and turn back to God. You will touch upon this unfulfilled self the first thing when you wake up. This yearning is the gift the divine left in each and every soul. This yearning is what drives you to seek the higher truth. This yearning is what whispers, ‚This is not it, keep going‛, until we are one with God. It is the surrender of the individual consciousness to the Universal Spirit – God. That peace and joy is your coming home. That contentment, no matter what is happening in your life, is your ticket to freedom. Nothing can fill that gap within you.

There is so much love. Are you looking for it? You are looking for momentary satisfaction and gain nothing. You will seek until you become one with Him/Her/It. It is your void seeking the glory of your origin. Are you ready to walk alone with God? By ‘alone’ we mean are you ready to drop your beliefs, your comforts, your 42

attachment to all negative and energy draining experiences so that you stand naked and have nowhere to go but to God? Every moment ask yourself if you are ready to walk alone with God. Ask yourself if you can let go of everything that you held precious, including your spiritual beliefs. Can you drop even that? Can you drop the need for everyone’s good opinion of you? Can you be so insignificant without reaching for some sort of support, reassurance or identity? Can you let everything drop away and discover God? This is your journey. We want you to discover this by yourself. This love, detachment, innocence and joy at small things are truly your salvation and release from the bondage created by your thoughts.

Nurture yourself. No one can do it better. Hold yourself. Celebrate yourself. Hug yourself and say, ‚I love you,‛ and feel comforted. This self love that you can give is tremendously healing. It is a sign of total acceptance of self. The more you do it, there will be a knowing that arises inside and then you become whole.

Sexual Maturity Along the spiritual path, we will come to face our sexuality and the blockages around it. Those who have been told to ignore their sexuality in the realization of the truth might be in for a surprise. Everything gets to be seen in the light of your divinity and that includes all repressed feelings towards sexuality. We discover sexual maturity.


Whoa! Brace yourself for this one! I thought I was all rigged up to blast off to enlightenment until Goddess Maya made me talk about sexual maturity in front of twenty-four strangers! Everyone in the workshop got to talk about our individual challenges and my topic simply blew my mind away. I did not think I had a problem with sexual maturity until I was asked to face it and found myself in tears. I realized sexual maturity has nothing to do with the physical attractiveness. It is a divine union between partners. The divine union comes with altruistic and romantic love between partners. As long as we think it has something to do with physical perfection, we will constantly be seeking a ‘better’ relationship until you are empty of life. Sexual Maturity could mean indulging in Victoria’s Secret while you attend a silent retreat! There is nothing wrong in this sexual energy within you. The divine Goddess exists in that sexual energy too. My realization of this divine consciousness started when I embraced my sexuality.

In this land where sexuality is twisted beyond words, it may be a shock to the system to realize it is not only about pleasure. It is about the partners healing each other and discovering each other selflessly and passionately and celebrating their oneness. Sex is a means to experience oneness with the Creator, by moving the energy up from your lower chakra through all the other chakras and out of your 7th chakra on top of your head. That helps in connecting your lower centers with your heart center and the higher centers, which releases all the survival and power issues that have dictated most of our lives.

Sexual maturity has no preference over same sex and different sex relationships. It is simply a union between two souls who are committed to the divine relationship within 44

themselves and each other. So enjoy wonderful and passionate sex in the name of Godď Š

For Women You need to own your power, which has nothing to do with making men feel small. It has to do with realizing your gifts that are meant to heal the world. You have something that is unique and can heal a wound so deep that is the miracle of womanhood. Celebrate yourself. Accept your body as the glorious vehicle of the healing energies flowing through you. As you focus on what is real, the effects of past habits like excess weight and trauma will fall off. Focus on what is true each moment. Crying is your tool to cleanse yourself from the pain from lifetimes. Your ability to feel is your gateway to cleanse all with ease. With this gift you cleanse the rest of the world of all that is not needed.

Learn to take back what you give. Notice if you have an imbalance between giving and receiving. Excessive giving and fear of giving are all signs of neediness and believing in poverty of self, which confirms poor self-esteem. The balance comes automatically when you sit in truth, and release all your shadows. This allows a tremendous amount of power to fully reside within you, which can heal and raise another’s consciousness.

Women need to be comfortable with the male and female energies within them. When you are comfortable with the male 45

energy, you are at ease with power and realize its full potential. When you are comfortable with the female energy, you are at ease with beauty, sensuality, nurturing, loving and more. Do not hide your femininity. We have a tendency to pretend our beauty does not exist, or we dishonor it when we have been hurt. Goddess Maya is a great champion of women wearing clothes that enhance their beauty. On more than one occasion she has asked me to dress in a way which signals to the man ‘you may look at me’, since I loved to live in isolation and ignore men around me. When was the last time a spiritual teacher said that to you? She taught me how to flirt, how to look deeply into someone’s eyes instead of looking at the ground! Flirting from a place of an open heart, without anything sexual, is wonderful and it gives great joy to another.

Women need to know they can take care of themselves financially and emotionally. There is this subtle expectation that a man needs to take care of the greater financial abundance. This is not true. When you see through your illusions and live in truth, your mind expands allowing you to use parts of your brain not used before. The balance between the right and left brain is accomplished. This results in manifestation! You can have the logical ability to solve multiple intricate problems simultaneously in your mind and also know how to enjoy the artistic side within you. All held in total equanimity.

For Men You need to own your power in a humble and loving manner. This power of yours can cause destruction if it is not 46

grounded in love and wisdom. You have tremendous power to create that which you do not own, thereby causing you to feel threatened by the power in women. Men and women need to come together for this power to transmute into perfect oneness. You need to be open to things you do not understand for a little bit longer than you did in the past. This will allow the centers to open and receive the truth behind what is being presented to you.

Balance is needed in the feminine side within you. This lack is what keeps you constantly searching for quick gratification. You are scared of the power behind your feminine energy, which is your gateway to opening your heart and the gateway to your freedom. You need feminine love with your masculine discrimination for the realization of the truth. The heart center being open is about love with discrimination. Until the heart center is open, what you thought was love is nothing but fear and preconceived ideas. It is this fear and lack of wisdom that causes people to kill in the name of love, which is far from what love really is. Do not separate another as being inferior. Do not separate God. Realize we are all experiencing multiple forms and personalities for our learning, having joy and freedom. We are all playing multiple roles to finally realize our true self. This brings humility and joy.

Men like to take care of women, which is a total joy to experience. When you embrace your power, you will notice how much you love the same power within a woman who can take care of herself. Fears need to come out. It is okay to not have the right answers all the time. It is okay to fall down and cry. It is okay to own your humanness. It is magic to see a man and women come together in complete self-acceptance and freedom to let another be who they are. 47

Raising Children Move on with the times. Do not stick to old world views for fear of losing yourself. When something unpleasant is happening, it is a message to ask your self what is being resisted out your fear of losing self importance. The event is happening because of your judgment and resistance to change from the good old comfort zone. Parents will not always know more than their children, who are connected to the source and very aware, until they lose it due to controlling parents or peer pressure. Children are more in tune with the divine flow than an adult who is lost. Stop and listen to them and see them as your teachers. If you set them free to express themselves, they will grow into their life purpose quicker than when you force your views on them.

Children need to be taught with love. When my son gets upset with me, he would say ‚Mom, I am angry with you and I want to be left alone for a while, but I still love you.‛ I learned about good communication from him. When there is love untouched by your attachments and fear for survival, your child will pick up that energy. Even when we are making a mistake, which we parents often do, they can tap into the love underneath it all and still be okay. Separation is not felt, which is key to a child’s wellbeing. They quickly get a teaching from you when they recognize unconditional love and know they are set free by the one they adore and look up to. This is the biggest gift you can give your child. Set them free from your beliefs and fears. Quoting a delightful and loving teacher, Swami Anubhavananda, ‚Children are born through you and not to you.‛ So let go of any kind of self righteous ownership over 48

your children. Love them so much, so that even when they may not want to be with you, you set free to have that experience.

The Universal Power This is the power behind everything - war, peace, angels, heaven, genocide, Hitler, Mother Teresa and you. It is the power which expresses itself in all the above mentioned forms to show us its versatility. It also shows how power can transmute into shadow forms when not grounded in the heart love. This power is the source of all creation and destruction. This is what you humans are hungrily searching for thinking it is the answer to all your dreams. It can be the answer to your prayers or the catalyst which wipes your prayer away, wipes your idea of you away and maybe succeeds in wiping ‘you’ away! This power is the life force in every living and nonliving being. Can you accept the same power exists in a garbage can as well as in you? Can you see yourself that small and big simultaneously?

Stop searching for power and let power come to you. It is already in you waiting to be discovered. You will tap into it when you embrace your imperfections, when you realize the insignificance of your existence as you know it to be, and recognize IT to be the force to wake you from this dream. What can you do to wake it up? Be truthful at the cost of losing all that you hold close to your heart. Be fearless, even when you feel death surrounds you. Be humble, even when the power of this universe washes over you and gives you the key to this existence. It gives me great joy to write and learn simultaneously.


As a student I am in love with these words which are already causing a shift within me. An invisible force has taken away my tiredness and confusion. The energy cruising through my body is bursting with eagerness to learn more!

The greatest gift in this life is to know your strength and be humble and bow to it; to know your shadows and hold it like you lovingly hold a baby. Inquire why the shadow exists within in, and later release it; the technique is covered in a later chapter. As long as you feel a ‘charge’ when you see someone do something you do not like, the same exists within your self. The other person is lovingly helping you see it. The way to know you are free of a shadow is by the absence of a reaction/charge out of anyone and anything – all judgmental thoughts have no more effect on your self.

We are all in this earth to learn. So you need to understand there is no finish line. Love your failures as they are defenses which were created to protect you at one time. Realize that protection is no longer needed, and release them and go on to a higher learning. As Goddess Maya would say, all teachers on the earth plane are teachers in training. They are teaching what they need to learn. Do not let go of your divine connection and knowing in pursuit of more ‘enlightened’ beings. It is true we all need teachers, whether it comes in the form of another living or nonliving being. We are constantly learning and transmitting what we know. I cannot label the path of the truth as being a certain way, since the truth will wake us up even if we are closed as a clam shell if that is the divine will. Who is to say when or how this process takes place. All you can do is be open and pray.


Prayer Heals Prayer breaks the barricades around your heart and opens it to the higher powers to allow the transformative energy in so that change can take place. Prayer is the seed which comes into fruition when it arises from a place of earnestness and surrender - the twin gifts to unlock any resistance. In my earlier spiritual days when I no longer believed in God or any force unseen to my eyes, except Yoganandha, I was shown the power of surrender in the simplest mundane way while hiking in the Rancho San Antonio Park in Los Altos, California.

My longest hike never exceeded an hour and one day I ventured to reach any peak without water, a map or sufficient hiking gear! I was in search of God in my own way. After 3 hours, I knew I was lost and dehydrated. I asked the people whom I met on the trail for water, and was refused. I was panicking and losing my state of equilibrium envisioning the worst. At that point, I sat down on the narrow path, usually cluttered with lizards, and prayed to Yoganandha. I told him I was not able to receive any message from him as I was scared, and I hoped he was listening to me. I asked him to give me water, or the energy to go back to the base as I was unable to take another step out of mental and physical exhaustion. After this conversation with Yoganandha, I got up and took a couple of steps. I was not sure that Yoganandha would help, so I continued asking people for water only to be turned down again. At that point, I heard a voice within asking why I was trying on my own after giving this up to God. At that point I knew I would be refused by every person until I surrendered.


I then saw an old man with a huge backpack climbing up the mountain. I was desperate for human contact and I overcame my shyness and asked if I could walk along with him. He was very willing to walk with me and he told me the peak was only another ten steps away. Imagine my Joy! It was like I reached God! He then asked me if I was thirsty. I was at that point feeling insecure of being rejected again and requested a few sips of his water. He immediately opened his backpack that was filled with bottles and bottles of drinking water, which he used as weight for training with the intention of pouring it all into the ground at the peak! Imagine this miracle? He filled my bottle and was happy he met me before he poured out all the water. He then connected me with a fellow hiker going downhill who took me through the shortest and most beautiful trail back to the base. I realized I did not need the water and had enough energy to hike to the bottom with a couple more sips. I was taught to surrender that day.

Forgive Yourself It is time for you to forgive yourself. You did what you did without knowing the entire truth. Now that you know, do not do it again. Knowing the truth and continuing to impart hurt upon yourself and others will have harder consequences, than being ignorant. However, you will do what you will do until you stop doing it. The way to stop recurring negative behavior is to come to your knees in recognizing the divine being that you are and forgive yourself. You hug yourself and own the hurt you imparted to others and yourself. You grieve for the pain flowing through you. You pray for help and guidance. 52

Affirm ‚I am done with life taking statements and action and do not need to manifest it again it my life‛. Repeat this affirmation as many times as needed. Put it up on your wall so that the unconscious mind can observe it. You will now let go of it.

We did not create illusion for you to be stuck in it for ever. It was created to show you the way out. Illusion is the way the divine dances with you every moment of your life. Wake up and realize you are the divine - the beloved child, beloved student, beloved teacher and the universal power of creation, God.

Energy Transfer As we evolve further, we become more and more sensitive to energies around us. We know when someone is hooked on to us and taking our energy by means of negative attention, or when we give away our energy to sustain our neediness. The more aware we become of all our shadows, the need to move away from certain situations and people become more pressing. You may change jobs, homes, partners, friends and spiritual teachers. This change is very essential, as you need to let go of the old so that the new and higher learning can come to you.

Life taking relationships need to be let go. The most important part in this process is to avoid blaming the other person for being in your life because the relationship is no longer working. They were the divine teachers who helped you realize the current life choices no longer work for you. 53

Remember, you wanted them in your life in the first place to feed the shadow self of yours. If you can understand this bigger picture you will be able to let go of the past with love and gratitude. Write a letter to their unconscious mind and share your love and gratitude for helping you realize your own shadows. Let them know its time for you to move on as it is not the right place for you anymore. Burn the letter. I learned from Goddess Maya that there is no right or wrong in this universe. So when you need to move away from a situation which is draining your energy, MOVE. No explanations are needed unless you feel that will help give closure.

We are all giving energy or taking energy constantly. This is done because underneath our fears exist love, and we like to give love when someone needs it. The problem is when we take or give energy to sustain our own shadows. You want that energy to be used consciously towards your own creativity, healing, teaching etc. You will consciously give away your energy when you choose to heal another. This is okay. All teachings will take away some of your life force. However, this is done consciously and from a place of lifting another to a higher level rather than feeding guilt or filling a lack of self. You will also know at that point how to replenish your energy, either by sitting barefoot on mother earth, hugging a tree, holding crystals or getting a massage from a person with good energy. Take care of your energy until you no longer need to worry about that.

I channeled the following after a tiring bout of releasing shadows and having painful human interactions.


We are here to protect you. We are the protectors of the light. When light workers incarnate in the earth, we are around to protect and grow their light as they live their human incarnation. We are always here in groups protecting you when you walk alone learning your lessons so that the rest of mankind can benefit from it. We know you have taken on bigger challenges so that you may throw off all that you don’t need and raise the consciousness of those around you in the process. This is no small feat and we bow to you for taking this on. The path will be clear as you walk and discover the truth in all existence. You discover you are the light, which can expel darkness in human consciousness. Take courage from us when the weight on your shoulders is overwhelming. Let us carry your load while you rest and rejuvenate. All of us need a break.

Clear your aura and rebuild your energy as you give energy out to heal the world. There are loving entities that will come your way to gave back to you as you are giving to others. Rest in peace. It will no longer be an unequal exchange of energy. You will be nourished and fulfilled by divine beings and earthy beings from here on. March in to the light. We are right with you holding your hand when you need us. You are not alone on this. I know you have been sad and frustrated with not knowing where this is all going for you in your journey. Find peace in knowing you are doing the work which light workers cannot do easily when not incarnated on earth. It is easy to reach another and make change when you are in your dimension. You are doing the work of God. You are healing, you are creating light in places of darkness and you are creating joy all around you. People get uplifted when they come in your presence. You can heal by your thought, touch and prayers. You are a healer. Own it. Let all of you own it. It is time for change and you will now own it and you will do your job in love.


Staying in the Unknown When you are going through a difficult time, it is sometimes hard to be patient and wait to find out if all will be well. Your feelings are motivated from a place of human conditioning that all things need to be a certain way – happiness means good, pain means bad. This is not true. Sometimes there is a greater plan that you are not aware of, until the smoke clears and the sun comes out. You will know the greater plan as you are more attuned to the divine and the power of the universe flows unhindered. When in fear and uncertainty, call upon the angelic guidance. They are waiting to raise you from the shadows to the light. They have the unconditional love to see beyond your egotistical struggles and lift you from darkness. I got the following beautiful message from the angels when unsure of my path.

All is well. You are in fear of failure and uncertain of your self, hence you are in confusion. Nothing is a mistake. The divine never makes a mistake. Even the darkest deed is divinely guided so that you may stretch and expand. Without challenges, the human evolution will not grow at the rate at which it is happening now. This is a moment of tremendous growth. All are in perfect alignment and doing what they are meant to do. No more fear is needed. As long as your heart in open, no matter what the situation is, it will bounce off you since now you ‘know’. All you need to do is have your heart open. The secret to ending war and allowing peace is to learn from the darkness and having the courage to see the light. So you may finally go back to yourself. So you may finally own your shadows and the destruction you have caused yourself and the world. So your heart may now open fully. The gateway to freedom is through owning and releasing your 56

shadows. Use all the angelic help and the divine guidance when you are in the unknown. We are here to lift your spirit higher until its all One.

Will The thought or action in each moment sets the course of actions for generations to come. You are creating along with the rest of creation in each moment. Rarely, the events set in motion are interrupted for the greater good. There is a great surge of energy when that takes place.

What about free will? There is the divine will, which is yours, when it becomes lived by you in the divine flow. You have free will to choose the path of your liking. The divine Creator has opened Her heart to let you experience everything that you want. When things happen that are not to your liking, it may be due to your unconscious mind creating it. You have created everything that you experienced in your life and your soul is reaping wonderful benefits from the learning. You experimented with darkness so you may decide if you want to choose light and experience joy. There is no judgment. There is neither good nor bad. Everything is geared towards realization of your true self.

When the way is strewn with rocks, you are lifted in the arms of the divine and taken to the soft sand, where you then continue to walk. There are times when this divine will is so close to you, it is talking to you and you are listening and acting accordingly, whereby 57

raising yourself above the current challenges. There are times when the divine lets you walk alone so that you may discover the power residing within you. So that you may discover the total creative force using which you can walk through the rocks and not be hindered by their sharpness. You walk alone and discover you are the path and the walker. Your will is essential for you to stand up and walk alone so you may discover this for yourself. These are the times when the doubts set it. These are also the times when your free will can set you free, to claim the divine God that you are.

Spiritual Teachers The paths are many and the destination one – Love. Do not compare teachers and teachings. Everyone is led to the teacher that best serves you at a certain point in time. It is important to stay open to any teachings coming your way and be ready to move on when it is time. Staying on out of fear is delaying your learning. When a teaching becomes sticky, it is time for you to take stock of the situation. Are you feeling unsure due to your resistance to the teaching, or having overstayed your welcome?

Usually a teacher becomes the first safe entity we encounter in our life, so leaving them might bring up fears of abandonment hence we hang on. We had kindergarten teachers with certain skill sets at one time and teachers with different skill sets at grad school. The same applies to spiritual teachers too. Know when to stay and know when to leave. Remember you will not make a mistake as each movement is helping you get clarity on what is right for you. 58

It is natural to feel attached to your teacher, and at one point you will have to stand up and walk alone. You will need to find what is true for you and not hold on to the teacher’s words. Only when you have the courage to stand up on your own, will you be able to find your complete truth.

Goddess Maya has given great clarity around the student teacher relationship. We are students, so is our earthly teacher. There is not one great teacher on this earth who has not had to learn from the masses while teaching the masses at the same time. This was a profound teaching for me as I was then free to make mistakes, always be a student open to being teachable by all, and be a teacher and pass on the divine teachings.

Manifestation Why the struggle? You don’t believe it will happen hence you do not put all your energy into it. You feel a lack, like this is not what you deserve or can achieve. It comes as a shock to realize all the greatest manifestations were given not because you deserve or not deserve, it was given because it was asked for with full entitlement. It was asked knowing it will happen. There was no doubt in the mind at all. The greatest masterpieces were creations from the unmanifested to the manifested. It was pure creative potential straight from the source. There was never a doubt about it not existing. What is preventing you from asking with complete knowing? Lack of self-esteem and disappointments in life have turned the creative switch off. Unlock it. Let it reign free as a bird and soar into the skies, to the other worlds and create in abandonment and ecstasy. Let it all go free – free of fear, and free of expectation. Let it be what it wants to be. You simply let go 59

and let it happen. No more holding back in fear and inadequacy. When the world turns 360 degrees, you are also exposed to the energies around and beyond. As the planets align in different ways so is your creative ability touching areas which you may not have touched upon earlier. The moon and the planets will guide you and your energy will shift and flow and touch upon realities you may not have touched before. As that happens, you are producing work this world needs to hear, see, touch and feel. Just do it and let go of your worry to the Father.

As you venture into new areas of manifestation, be prepared for fears, lack of self worth and anxiety to come up. This is your reflex action as you are being shifted out of your comfort zone. Every time that happens, own it; release it back to the Father. Say, ‚Father, please take this (name the fear or judgment) away from me so I do not need to manifest it in my life ever again. I thank you for this Father. So be it‛.

In illusion, in order to have what you want, all fears must come out. Fears are a no-thing. These are thoughts that go around and around in the program of your computer and you must get rid of it. The way to get rid of it is to write to your unconscious mind and understand the reasons behind the fear. Reeducate it, and release it.

You are already manifesting what you want. If you don’t like what you see, then understand the existing program and change it. We manifest relationships, money, level of joy and peace in our lives by the unconscious beliefs that are in our minds. This might come as a surprise, but unless you really start working on understanding what is in your unconscious mind, you are living in ignorance. A lot of humility is needed to accept the fact that you are not who you thought yourself to be. You 60

cannot blame anyone anymore for your own creation of lack and unhappiness.

You can manifest anything you want. It is not wrong to have a big house or a million dollars. You simply go for whatever you want without any judgment and experience your desires fully. In order for desires to manifest, all fears must come out. This results in the ability to see through illusion with clarity and live in truth. So, do not shun desire at all. Go for it!

Steps To Manifest Your Desires  Make a list of all that that you want in your life and put it up on your wall. Look at it several times during the day and bless it. Say ‚This is mine. I thank you Universal Mind/Father for everything‛.  Deep dive into the fears which prevented your desires from manifesting. Refer to the chapter on Self Mastery on methods to release fears from the unconscious mind. When the fears are seen and released, the pathway is cleared for manifestation.  Act from truth. If you are wavering, meditate and call upon the angels to provide clarity, and they will show you the way. Act without delay. What is not working now will not work tomorrow if that is no longer in your path. The incident happened in the first place for your higher learning. Make sure you have learned it well.


Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman is a great book for releasing unresolved emotions.

Abundance Ask for all that you want in abundance. In this asking, your needs will become clear to you and you can also understand the reason behind your desire. Maybe it is your insecurity, maybe it is very clear that it helps towards your life mission. Ask anyway. Do not hold back anything as this universe is vast and full of abundance. What you ask may be your vehicle to enlightenment, for example, a bad marriage!

Let there be no judgment. Simply ask and believe it will be given to you at the right time. You need to work on the fears arising within you, which earlier prevented the gifts from manifesting into reality. This step is important. Desires do not manifest due to many reasons – one of which is your own resistance to receiving it. However, ultimately nothing can give you that continuous contentment and joy that comes with the knowing yourself and being one with the divine.

Abundance is a seed planted in everyone’s life. This seed will grow if you are ready to let it grow. It will show you all that is available in this earthly life. When you are ready to accept what you truly deserve - all the wealth, and nurturing relationships, and abundance of creativity will be laid at your doorstep. Spiritual people have this vow of poverty for fear of 62

being attached to anything. The best way to stay attached to anything is to abstain out of fear. The trick is to walk through it, play with it, determine your tolerance level and notice your feelings when guilt and fear are not motivating your actions. You may find yourself addicted to it initially since it is new. When you are totally in acceptance of what is, without fear and guilt, this attachment will move away from you. The way out of addictions and attachment is to give yourself full permission to have what you want and observe with out fear and guilt how you feel about it. Sometimes you may need to buy a home for a million dollars to realize the source behind creation is what finally fulfills you. As such, the home has now become your divine spiritual teacher, so bow to it in reverence! This is the way out of all traps in life. Experience it and learn from it, with love and acceptance guiding your way.

Love and let love flow though you now.

The way is simple – do not try too hard to go anywhere. You are all on a mission to reach perfection. In your journey, you miss seeing it right here and now. Smell the flowers and see the bees. Enjoy life. When the going gets tough, relax and regroup. Come back to nature, back to your center and regroup. Stop when you need a break, collect yourself and move forward. Don’t complicate things and punish yourself by denying yourself the loving gifts the divine has given you. The beautiful nature, the wonderful trinkets, toys to cheer you up, beautiful clothes to inspire and bring your beauty out. Please express yourself. Do not be too serious and ‘right’ minded. Spiritual people lose their way and delay their progress by starving themselves of all joys. Go buy a lovely car if that gives you joy. It is here for your enjoyment. Go run a marathon if that makes you feel good about your body and mind. Everything is in abundance – take it. There is a time for moderation and there is a time for abundance. 63

Moderation is needed in all walks of life to bring balance. It got confused with deprivation and guilt.

Have the beautiful clothes and the lovely car, but know it is not going to make you happy for too long. It is joy for that moment and you can embrace that. The reason we want you to have abundance is to take the divine fully into you. Unless you go for the abundance, you will not recognize the abundance within yourself. We all go for things that comfort us at points in life, which is perfectly okay, since they are here to comfort us. Do not deny yourself these small comforts. You are going to constantly seek material goods until you overcome your poverty and then you will go to the next step, which is the realization that material things do not give you the joy that you seek. This knowing brings spirit into your life. When you have an aversion to material things you cause more delay in your spiritual growth as you have shun the divine within the material. See the divine in everything – then you will treat it with sacredness. See the divine in the cars, in the clothes and in the food you buy. When you love it, you will not abuse it, you will not take more than you need and you will not discard it easily for another fix. That is the secret. See, the way is very simple. Do not complicate it.

When we get drunk from the lights and sounds of life, we get drained of our life energy. We have taken more than we need, to fill a part of us that belongs to the Father, so the energy leaves us. There is nothing wrong in this, as you did this to learn. You learn that the path is the way of the truth and love. When your heart opens fully, the truth you experience is clearer and you are directly connected to the source. You get the messages clearly and you pass it on with love. You say no with love and you walk away with love. You know what is true and all is clear; no guilt, no confusion. It’s clarity all the way.


Don’t forget the simple things in life. Build the mansion, but don’t forget to build the small hinge that holds the door. It’s all the same and equally important. There is no hierarchy in importance and values to God. Its all the same – you pick what works for you. The nature of things is to move towards the light and it will all move in its own time. Not yours. Allow another to have their realizations in their own time. It will do tremendous damage if a teaching is forced onto one who is not ready. Live and Let Be.

Sugar is not good for you in any form. Take it in moderation. You eat according to your body needs or your blood type. Sometimes it is essential to take in some chicken, a couple of days a week, to get rid of your food addictions and harmonize your body. You need to follow your body needs. As you know better, you will do better.

Honesty is not something you cultivate. You realize dishonesty does not work, and your system will automatically choose honesty. You do not force anything on yourself until it is seen and released by itself. All cleansing is released by the way of having the right view. Why not try to be who you are now, as of this moment? This is you at this moment and no amount of dressing it up will change it. Start here. When you ‘really’ see yourself as you are, you will allow another to be as they are too – full of their quirks and imperfections. You, as a collective consciousness, have decided what is okay and not okay at the superficial level. No one is judging you for being overweight, bald, stocky or blind. You chose these characteristics to experience it fully. Variety is created for learning and growing further. Changing your physical body in lifetimes helps face the challenges and benefits experienced through that form.


Self Doubt The following message was channeled from a beautiful master when I was worried about introducing romance into my life.

Dear Master, what is it that makes you doubt yourself so much? Is it the lack of faith in the divine? Is it the separation you experience from the whole? Don’t you know when you feel the separateness, the whole is separate? You are one with me and one with the rest of the universe. Why is the love being held back from flowing and filling your cup? Why is this turmoil on what is right and wrong? Can there ever be a wrong? Can there ever be a way other than the One. You are resting in the lap of the divine and thinking you are lost. I am always here closer than your thoughts. I have never been separated from you even in your dreams. When you feel the need to commune with me, call upon me. I am here for you. When the doubts plague you, relax and take a deep breath. Center yourself and know I am here. My message was on love and forgiveness. Love for the self through which you reach the higher Self. Forgive yourself for your imperfections, which are nothing but minor bruises as you cycle through life. Let go of all fear. Hold your place in this divine play with love and joy. Love like you have never been hurt. Your partner and you are meant to find the sacredness through love. The Way is any ‘way’ that is given to you. Don’t alienate yourself from this love of another through which you will also heal. The path is in silence and in solitude. Your playmate will balance your energy and show you facets of this love which you will receive as you have given a lot. Receive this nectar in love and joy. You will learn and you will heal.


Form and Formlessness I experienced formlessness through embracing form all aspects of form. I was attracted to emptiness and living in the truth of the moment. I later realized my arrogance by conveniently taking only what suited my ego by rejecting the dark side of form. I loved emptiness so much that I got attached to it, so I formed concepts and ideas in my head which were not in alignment with the truth. Life took care of that for me by bringing Goddess Maya as my teacher. I now had a form of a Goddess, when I had shunned all forms of Gods for the divine emptiness. I realized I had developed an attitude that I knew more than others and would only take teachings from ‘enlightened’ beings. When my shadow was reflected back to me by Maya’s divine guidance, I saw how much I had judged others all in my life and not really seen the divine in anyone. I saw I had stagnated in my spiritual growth because I was not teachable by all that life chose to teach me. The person I did not like was my teacher reflecting my disowned shadow back to me. I bowed when I saw how much my pride and my fear of failure were holding up my spiritual growth. That night I saw the formlessness of my body as it dissolved in front of my eyes. The divine was waiting for me to bow down and own my shadow before the gift was given to me. From there on, I was open to being taught by any human being irrespective of their state of consciousness. The conflict in me was that I shunned form without realizing that emptiness uses form to teach us in unique ways, which maybe very specific to our growth. You may miss these teachings if you are dogmatic about a certain concept in your mind.


The formlessness uses the paintings I create to heal myself and other people. The same formlessness is constantly learning and there is no finish line. All of creation is constantly growing. Even the divine beings in the higher dimensions are learning and not in a constant place. So, how can I expect to reach a finish line and say I have attained anything? I am always a student and a teacher when I bow to the unknown saying, ‚I know nothing and I am open”. I am a humble student of this magnificent life.

I love the flow of the divine movement and I watch in wonder as I create my invented reality. Everything is finally a figment of my imagination. The man in my life is a figment of my imagination created for my joy. I can now enjoy him knowing he is not the one to fill the void in my life, which can only be filled by the divine. I can enjoy a fulfilling relationship with all that come in to my life. I can walk away when the relationship does not suit me without any judgment and fear. I can love all without holding on to them due to my fears of being alone with God. I am truly alone with God. Even when I fall for destructive life patterns and believe an illusion, life quickly wakes me up. I can no longer pretend to create an illusion of love because of my addiction to the feelings it invokes within me. Holding on to our concepts in the name of ‘truth’ is a big one that most spiritual people fall for! The only way to know it is illusion is through hindsight, or though writing to your unconscious mind, or relaxing into the place of knowing that resides within you at all times.

So, how do we live knowing what we know now? In freedom and love!


There is no more hierarchy or ‘specialness’ in this love flowing through me. There is this one love, the intensity of which can heal a broken heart. It is the same intensity for a dead deer on the roadside, a stranger, my child and my divine teacher. I now give another person complete freedom to have their own experience of me – to love or hate me. I give myself the same freedom to choose what best suits me at all times without any fear. Know the kingdom of heaven is within you.

Living through Difficult Times The art of forgiving is to see another as yourself. This comes with knowing who you are and accepting yourself. Accept your weakness as your divine imperfections. You deny the imperfections in yourself hence you see the same reflected in another and do not forgive. When the heart is opening, there are times of great distress and sadness as emotions are being cleared out of your system. There is a period of doubt and lack of faith. Just extend your hand to me and walk knowing I am with you. It is difficult to hold to faith when things are going downhill. Don’t try to understand anything at this time of change. Just walk holding my hand. I am with you always. You are allowed to make mistakes and learn. You are not expected to see a shadow and immediately not have it any more in your system. A shadow took awhile to get into your system, respect its depth and its emotions. Erase the shadow a little at a time knowing every small step counts.

You are in a hurry to cleanse yourself thinking it is going to be the end of challenges. We all dislike events that push us further. However, putting a block and preventing challenges is like saying ‚I 69

don’t want to learn anymore‛. You will constantly learn even when you are no longer in this human body. Learning and growing is part of the infinite enjoyment. You cannot bypass this precious learning. Your creative power within you needs this growing so it can express itself in many different ways. Learn to let go when things are no longer working. Don’t hold on to relationships which do not serve you anymore. There is no judgment anywhere. You do not need to have guilt. Everything done in love cannot be wrong. Lovingly let go of a situation or person that is no longer in sync with your growth. You do not want anyone to stagnate or pull you down.

The angels are guiding you. Ask for their help and you will be released from your pain. Ask them to guide you and to heal you. Mankind was never left alone to fend for itself. You need to ask for help and it will be given. The way out of sadness and depression is to finally see something is not helping you at all. To see it is not serving your higher purpose. Hold it in love and let it go. See it has served a purpose in you, by giving you some time to rest until you are getting ready to walk. You need to get up and walk one day. It is important that you dust yourself and get up – in your own time.

Use divine help when you get caught in the stories of your depression. Know these stories were created by you and the events corresponding to the stories also had you for its author. Others played a role in your story to release you from this pain. There is no where to go and no one to blame when you finally see you are creating your reality. You are creating the romance from not coming to your life and you are creating the unhealthy energy draining relationship in your life. You do not want to let go since then you are truly alone - alone to walk with God. It is scary when you realize this truth. You wanted the painful energy cord connected to various people to feed your dysfunction. You wanted this energy draining experience so you do not have to be alone with God. You are scared of something which is 70

your very essence. Standing alone means you get rid of all the cords which connect you to people and things which no longer truly serve you. Then trust in the higher power to walk with you alone. You will never be let go unless you want to experience that letting go and standing alone. The sense of being scared is generated by your ego which thinks it is going to die. This is the self which needs to die so the new Self can be born. Rebirths are not easy and know you are not alone. You do not know of the gifts that await you as you discover the kingdom within you. You are free, so free that all your possessions can be robbed from you and you will smile in joy knowing all is well. All is a play in this illusionary dream. It is all so the infinite can dance in abandonment. It is for you to know your own power and be humble at that which gazes through you, at you.

Showing up I wanted nothing more than being in the divine flow and doing what the Father wanted of me. I was fully ready to bow to life and asked God to give me the ability to love all of creation the same way my divine teacher Maya loves me. So, God heard my prayers and gave me the first gift. I had a manager who was a perfect manifestation of all my shadows. He constantly acted on fear, blamed everyone around him when things went wrong, wanted the world to look up to him while he looked down upon all.

I was lost! I did not ask for this corporate job. I cried every day and prayed to God to give me the strength to not judge him. I prayed for strength to stand up for myself and not 71

have to lose my self respect. I prayed for the right guidance. And I was given all that and more.

One day I went up to him and told him everything that I observed in him in a soft gentle manner, without any accusations. I let him know that it was my opinion and I realized mine is just one opinion in the sea of opinions. I told him he was not honest; he overworked the team members, blamed everyone, acted out on fear and did not have my best interest or anyone else’s wellbeing in his heart.

I learnt a very important lesson that day. I never once believed that people could change, and I saw his heart break and cry. I saw the goodness within him and how I had badly judged him as being a mean person. He had his fears and insecurities, but there was goodness alongside everything else. That’s when I realized we are all in different places, but all on the path to truth.

When God invites you in, you need to show up. You need to be fully open to being teachable by all that God gives you. Be fully able and willing to receive all that God wants you to have. Receive fully, only then can you serve fully.

Time to Act When the time comes to take the torch which is being offered to you, you need to take it. It will only be given when you are ready. You all have many purposes in your life. Some key roles you will play 72

are essential in the play of life. You may be asked to communicate or get involved in the arts to pass the messages you know and come through you. Own it joyfully, knowing the light workers are with you guiding you when you stumble. When you are insecure, put on your headphones, listen to some quiet music and ask the divine to help you create what your passion is all about. You have no idea what your part of the equation is in relation to the whole.

There is magic everywhere, do you see it? It is in the flowers blooming, it is in the wings of the bird and it is in you. The magic is revealed when you really see what is happening in illusion. When you see you are the Creator of it all. It is fun and play – enjoy it! You can play with illusion to see what you want to see in your consciousness and let go of the rest. You can ask for the highest spiritual learning and let go of all distractions being seen or heard by you and keep going – it will be done. You can make the day peaceful, playful and joyous, if you so prefer. Set your day.

You need to learn about illusion and its workings. It was created for your learning. At first you think you have no control over it and as you become more centered and in your heart you will be shown how to play with it. You can write down all that you want and what you do not and see it manifest as you will it. When you come from your heart, it is never being taken advantage of and you will manifest it all. We want you to manifest what you want; we want you to learn all about reality. It is NOT wrong.

Spiritual people have ideas of right and wrong, which needs to be let go. You are here to learn and experience everything. There is nothing wrong in wanting a small or a big thing. It is just an experience and you shall have it if you bring clarity and let go of fear from your life. You manifest with clarity and you shall have it. This 73

manifestation is a beautiful dream. Enjoy dreaming it. It is your path to waking up too. You need to understand all about your current reality to transcend it. You do not bypass it to go higher.

Reality is such a beautiful dream you have created. Your individual reality is so different from another’s which gives you full freedom to create what you want at any time.

Greet your day in love and joy. If you cannot do that due to low energy, sit in your cushion and clear your energy centers one by one. Pull in energy from you base chakra to the 7th chakra above your heart. Visualize the colors of the energy centers as you breathe in through the seven chakras from the bottom to the top. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. When things do not go the way you expected them to, it is a clear sign this is not your path. You have done all you have in releasing your fears, all you can now do is manifest what you need and wait for it to show up. Sometimes it is not a fault of yours or others. It is just the way this life moves – giving what is right for you. Maybe it is a message you need to be strong in your faith and not give up in spite of any challenges that come your way. Maybe you just give it to God. Don’t lose faith during the toughest times. Let me hold your hand when you are not able to walk alone.

Ultimate Reality The ultimate reality – what is this? It has been misunderstood so much that it is no longer recognizable. The 74

ultimate reality is in you, it is you and it is around you. You cannot see it as long as there is separateness. Sometimes there can be separateness and yet you get glimpses of it.

What if the ultimate reality is something that constantly recreates itself? There is birth of life followed by death, and each time it is so unique that you can never really talk about it as being one thing.

In your meditation, it is your silence In your rage, it is your anger In your despair, it is your sadness In your truth, it is your love. It is in everything. Every single evil or negative emotion, which originally was created in fear, is to help us expand. It is help you learn more. If all is perfect and peaceful, the learning may not be so fast. You chose this way of learning. You can transcend this learning if you are open to seeing the world around you in its every breath. The pain stops when you can see the lesson in every flap of the butterfly’s wing.

Can you embrace everything? The world is just a reflection of you. Can you embrace all your anger, hate, love and sadness in equal footing without rejecting anything? When you do that, a love which is of an essence not known to your mind, will bloom. This love has no reason to love, but sheds a tear when it connects with the same in another thing or person. The expression of love can be in the form of devotion to the job you do, it can be picking up the garbage from the ground or it can be in divine communion in silence. 75

Creation and Destruction There is an expansion when your needs are met. This expansion needs to be kept open for the flow to be in any direction that life chooses it to be. Often, we contract in fear of losing what we got, which is a sure way to lose it. This is fear of scarcity. We feel we do not deserve what we have and fear it will be taken away. That is what causes possessiveness and control. Let go. Open you arms with abandon and give it the freedom to come to you or find another home. When you can do this, you are allowing yourself to have the power to be what you are and ask for what you need without anger or suppression. You are so open that you lovingly say ‚I want to be loved like the divine Goddess I am and I will love you like the divine God that you are‛. Can you really feel the energy behind these powerful words? Can you feel the transformative force when you see another in completeness of their form? This force is the unlimited power of creation and destruction.

We create and destroy every day. A breath is created and it is destroyed. A thought is created and it is destroyed. With each creation and destruction, if there is any kind of holding on to it, you have lost it. You have missed the magic that just happened. A birth and death in complete freedom, which is an expression of the divine. You hold on to a birth and prevent it from dying, which is the root cause of all your problems. That is the home ground of illusion, Maya - The 4 letters that have created Jesus, Hitler and you.

If you want to experience Jesus, you will, and if you chose to experience Hitler, you did. It was your divine choice. This is a hard one for many to accept that you script your life as 76

it is. It takes tremendous courage to see it. Until you are ready to see the magnitude of it, you will continue to blame fate and people for your misery.

One day the veil will slip off and you will see. Every side that you turn you will see everything that is inside you which is causing each moment. You will then come to your knees and surrender. You will no longer be angry at your own creation. You will know that failure is your doorway to freedom. When you wake up in the morning, you do not think what a lousy human being you are. It is the mask you put on immediately after waking because you wanted it. You wanted to feel your own rejection of yourself. You wanted to feel you have not succeeded in life. You wanted to feel nothing you do will ever lead you to happiness.

What have you gained by these thoughts and feelings? A sense of right that your beliefs were true? This is a feeling of great power in spite of the situation robbing you of your personal power. There is an underlying anger to it which fuels it and it feels good to believe you were always right. And guess what! You will be proven to be right over and over because you are co-creating this again and again. You need to sit and ask yourself if you truly want to change. This means, you will no longer be in a place having predetermined conclusions in your head. You will now be open to infinite possibilities. Can you do that? Can you walk alone finally with your arms wide open, allowing everything?


Breaking Free of Old Patterns A time comes in your life to break free of known patterns of behavior. You come to a point where you know you cannot go back to the old way of thinking since you have seen through that illusion completely. You may have limped through life with the same pattern for a long time and then life gives you the ultimate gift, by showing it no longer works! What do you do next? You cannot go back, since that door is closed and you are in front of the new door which you are hesitating to open and see what life has to offer.

You may stay in limbo for a while until you overcome your fear sufficiently to open the door a little bit and take a peek inside. Maybe you will be kicked through the door by life, which got tired of waiting for you to come to your senses! Either way, you need to step through the new door. You will have to open the door wide and get both your feet inside and move away from the door into what life awaits you. You can do this gracefully or not, it does not matter. Once you see the futility of pursuing the old, you just have ONE way out – through the new door in front of you. The sooner you take that step the better. No one is judging you, so take your time!

What do you do after going through the door?

Educate yourself so you can operate in this new world. If you are open, you will be led to it. For example, I was asked to close the door on corporate job with abundance to become self employed. I had no idea where to start. So I started with basics – talk to a tax attorney to get advice on how to be self78

employed. I read books on making investments where the cash flow would meet my monthly expenses, so I wouldn’t need to work if I didn’t want to. This was a new concept to me.

I also knew I would be doing multiple jobs that my creativity would like to explore. I am a spiritual teacher and it was time to go deeper into this. I was also reading wonderful books on laws of attraction and investments for women. I was in an unknown area and I was going to spend time making myself familiar with this area.

You cannot go through a new door and expect all your ducks to line up with no effort on your part. The ducks will all line up if you are in alignment with the truth and then you will be led by the divine. However, when you are asked to take a turn, you need to shift your body in that direction and walk that way, no one can walk for you if you are resisting in fear.

The most important homework at this juncture is to own your fears daily and release them to the divine. Ask the angelic kingdom to help you even if you not believe in angels. Ask and watch the fun! You might be completely blown out of your mind by what you experience! You always had the ability to know the truth from a lie – you chose to believe a lie as the truth, because you wanted the false comfort it offered. So this time, give up this false comfort and embrace the truth in each moment.


The Way to Live When You Don’t Know How You come to a point in your spiritual evolution where you simply get in the divine flow and no longer create your own confused path. At that point, you are not given a roadmap ahead of time, you simply are shown each moment what to do. The control freak in you will have a lot of fun over this one! Fortunately, you will reach this place when that part of you has also surrendered. If there are any remnants of control, it may not have any power to act out. What a gift!

You wake up and start moving from inside, a knowing indicated by body sensations and thoughts which have no attachment to anything. That’s when you know you are not in your conditioned belief system. Call upon the archangels to cleanse all lower energies so that you are feeling only your feelings and not that of others. Remember the more you are connected to the source, the more connected you become to all and the more sensitive you are to all energies around you. Boundaries are important to prevent your energy from being drained and to have clarity of thought.

The way back to the light is through the exact same way you moved out of it in the first place - through your fears, false beliefs and experiencing the pain you caused others. Dying before the physical death is not romantic as all spiritual books make it out to be. We still do it, or it is done onto us, in spite of us, out of sheer grace – so we may finally be free.

Some of my days were lost in the darkness of my despair as nothing is known anymore. My old self confidence 80

seemed to have died as I was dying. All my past accolades in my job in Corporate America have faded and I see the falseness in it all. How do I live not able to sell my talents, not knowing what I am right now? Only life will have to show it to me. I follow the angel’s advice where a thought is seen for its falseness before it is believed and try to stop its escalation right there. The journey was lonely and I wondered if it could get any lonelier. I wondered if I could I lose my faith in God.

I later channeled this section, which helped me rest in peace.

When the sun rises it also sets – that’s the law of things. Why do you hold on to one event in desperation and reject another? The cycle is what makes the sunrise and sunset breathtaking. You are caught viewing life with blinders on. You choose one experience and reject the rest. This preference is causing the pain in your heart. Yes, the side you are rejecting does cause pain – it is so you will transform and see the truth. You are missing the whole picture when you are focused on a minute part. How can you make decisions when you don’t have total information at hand? You have a certain preference for food, partners, clothes, job and spiritual teachers – everything viewed with bias will only be a partial experience of the fullness. You own an experience when you have fully experienced it and have seen all sides of the coin. Only then is wisdom gained. This life is a journey for you to experience all that you can, so you may learn and know what makes you really happy. It is not the happiness that comes and goes, but the kind that stays on forever because you now see the joy in everything. Pain and pleasure are held in equanimity without discrimination.

The journey is painful and you will have moments of utter despair. That is when you are taught to learn that you do not hold it 81

all in your hands. You learn to surrender. You hold on to your faith. You bring God and Angels into the picture so your load is shared and you gently walk through the thorns in your path until they are all removed by your divine grace. You think too much and spoil the fun of the moment. Love is a word least understood by mankind. Love is not conditional. It is not because of something you perceive as a feeling and emotion. Love existed even before ‘you’ existed. Before your thoughts, beliefs and personality existed. These thoughts, beliefs and personality covered the love and tainted it to be a form of barter system – you give me this and I will give you a few morsels of my love. What nonsense! This love is experienced when it is allowed to come forth and bloom in you without any of your input. It is already there just waiting to express itself. It dawns like the first sunrise after a storm when you have cleansed out all your shadows and have owned your life as being your creation entirely. You are divine. How can it be otherwise? Live and watch that love dawn inside you. It will surprise you completely when you observe yourself doing the most uncharacteristic things as this love moves. You be this love in action once it has graced you with its presence. That is God taking house in you when your old self is dying.

Creative Expression From the birthing of your soul, which is the creative expression of the Oneness, every subsequent action of yours is for the joy of creation. We create joy, sorrow, destruction and love. This creativity does not have an affinity towards anything in particular and every mind will create what it is drawn to for its own learning.


I created destruction in my live until I decided I no longer wanted the outcome of that creativity. If I had not had a first hand experience, I would be in denial trying to be good when I have destructive tendencies waiting to get out. There are ways to let go of our innate tendencies through prayer and meditation to release these emotions. You no longer act out on your darkness when you understand the energy underneath it. You cannot experience this causeless love inside you as long as you are in denial or suppressing your shadow. Own it and release it and experience the transformative force of this love. This love makes me sit in front of my computer and create this book without knowing how it will touch another’s life or if anyone will buy it. I am simply moving in the divine flow.

Taking Charge There is a time to let go and let life lead you and there is a time to take charge of the situation and create what you want. Spiritual students get lost when they determine a course of action out of fear and comfort rather than the truth. Sometimes, it is best to not use any spiritual clichÊs or wise teachings. There is a time to hold on to your teacher’s words and there is a time to let go and find what is true for you. When you are ready to do that you may find that you have a different point of view than your teacher on many topics. This is okay as long as you are not rejecting anything out of fear. This is very important for your personal development since your freedom is a result of your walking the path on your own without holding to any beliefs.


When in the midst of your spiritual path, ask yourself if it is time to move on to another teacher or teaching. Have you learned all that you were meant to learn here? Do not stay out of fear; your divine spiritual teacher would not want that for you. I had a beautiful teacher called Adyashanti for five years of my life. I love him and his divine presence. I was so much against accepting Goddess Maya as my teacher because I was attached to Adya to feed my insecurities. I later realized that Adya had prepared me to the point where I was ready for Maya. Adya taught me about listening to the truth and living in the emptiness within me. Maya taught me about form and illusion so that I could finally experience the formlessness of me. Both worked in harmony towards my spiritual growth.

Take charge of any situation which you know is not working for you. If that means you need to leave your mate, your job, your current lifestyle – do it. You will know when something is not working for you. Remember that you do not have to compromise in life. If you do compromise it will continue to give you situations to keep that belief alive. You are creating your own reality, so choose well.

Getting back into the Flow When you fall down, get up, dust yourself and get back into the flow of life. Stopping and worrying because your unconscious is churning up a cauldron of potential issues is a delay tactic from experiencing the truth in that moment. Accept it and get up and tell your unconscious that you are not going to be stopped and get back in the flow. 84

Not being awakened in your timeline is also being in the divine flow. Not having a committed relationship with anyone at a certain moment is also in your divine flow. We measure success through events which give us joy. If everything worked that way we would not have the epiphany of an awakening happen when we were deep down in our sorrow.

We humans like to think life is a certain way. As long as we box ourselves in, we are not allowing life to expand and give us more teachings. We are shutting off our brain and keeping it from expanding; we are shutting off everything that is unfamiliar. This is where free will plays a role. We can delay our learning because of our fears.

Why don’t you try an exercise where you wake up one day and do everything different? Have breakfast at a different time and also have a different meal than the usual. Maybe take the local transportation instead of your car. Try to ignore the first thought in your mind for every situation that day and choose the action after asking yourself if that is what you really want to do. If you judge people who drink beer, drink a glass of beer with some friends who can drive you home safely. If you are addicted to alcohol, drink something that is not alcoholic and one that gives you no pleasure - like wheatgrass juice! Get over it. Get over your blocks in life. Get rid of your hang-ups. Get into the divine flow of what each moment reveals to you. Be completely open so you are not rejecting and misinterpreting anything out of fear. Even if you do, that’s okay.

When we were children we fell down several times without having a huge story or analyze the reasons for our 85

falling. Adults think that the more information they have, helps them control their lives better. Nope. You take away the peace and joy of living each moment. Yes, there are days when you wake up and are not blissful! So what? Take a hot shower, release your thoughts with a writing exercise, eat a good breakfast, workout and keep going. Who is to say each moment has to be the way you want it to be? You? The same ‘you’ that caused a lot of trouble in your life by needing constant approval, controlling everyone and acting like a know-it-all? Get real!

There is something that shifts, in its own way, when we come close to the truth and become one with it every moment of our lives. Let this be revealed to you as you touch upon it.



Did you listen to the bird song? Did you hear its plaintive cry? Did you see it soar in abandonment? Dipping into the setting sky. Love makes me wonder why we still walk on earth. Is it the blisters on our feet, which make us wake up from this dream?

The life can never be wrong The movement does not come from your self It comes from the divine born in your heart dancing merrily in your shoes.

Time to say grace Time to bow in surrender Time to see what you always see The emptiness and the fullness of being The glory and the fall All one to me.


Chapter III: Self Mastery ♼

This chapter has specific techniques I learned from Goddess Maya in seeing through illusion and gaining selfmastery. By understanding the unconscious mind and reprogramming it, you can create your reality from a conscious place and have what you want in life. If the homework is done sincerely, your life will change. You will have peace and joy in your life by not acting on judgmental thoughts because you are now in the knowing.

Getting to Know the Unconscious Mind In illusion, in order to have all that you want, all fears must come out and be released. Time is collapsing in this illusion, so that all may experience a state of timelessness. When time collapses, fears come out so they can be seen and released. Getting rid of fear is through writing to the unconscious mind and reprogramming it.


The unconscious mind has no logic and it is like a fiveyear old child. If it had logic, we would not be living life acting out our unmet parental needs several decades after completing childhood!

You create illusion all the time. If you are creating all this turmoil with your mind, you can also undo it all with your mind. It is that simple.  You create relationships and incidents in your life by the unconscious shadows living within you.  You attract people and situations that support your belief system.  If you believe that you are not capable of unconditional love, the people around you will reflect the same.  If you believe that you are always being taken advantage of, illusion will give it right back to you. So, why not reprogram our unconscious mind, which is creating life experiences unbeknownst to you? Shadows are the disowned part within yourself that you do not wish to see; under the innocent mistake that it protects you. A shadow can be any of the following, which includes both good and not so desirable.


Shadows to be Released

Shadows to be Embraced




Self Love








Sexual Maturity







How to See Our Shadows

This prayer will help to remove all blockages from getting to see your shadows.

Dear Father/Universe, Divine Mother, I am ready to see all my shadows fully without any fear. I know these shadows were not seen earlier due to a need to defend myself. I no longer need that protection as I am ready to know the truth and be in the divine flow. I thank you for your help.

Keep a small notebook with you as you go through your day and when someone causes you to form a judgment, or 90

if you get a charge out of it, quickly write down your observations. That is the disowned part in you, which you can now own and release back to the Creator.

Example 1:

If you see someone being rude, the rudeness exists within you. If you did not have this in your unconscious mind you would not have gotten a charge out of it and had a judgmental thought.

Example 2:

When you see a person and a thought come to you appreciating their beauty and maturity, you have the same beauty and maturity in you too. When you see a positive shadow, hug yourself and you can say ‚I love you, I love you, and I love you.‛ You are now acknowledging its existence, so it can expand further.

Allow all your shadows to be seen. Release the negative shadows and embrace the positive to bloom inside you. As you do this often, you will notice a very obvious shift in your personality. Everyone that comes in contact with you will experience a tremendous joy. Now isn’t that a really wonderful thing?


Reprogramming your Unconscious Mind Once the shadows are seen, the unconscious mind can be reprogrammed. The writing needs be done everyday, for a minimum of thirty minutes, since the release intensifies after this time. After you write, some remaining thoughts associated to that fear will be seen. Release it as soon as it comes to your mind by thinking, ‘Father/God, please take this fear back to the light so I do not manifest it again in my life. So be it.’ I constantly whisper my release while shopping or driving, which is very funny, especially when I get caught talking to myself!

Releasing all shadows are not done overnight, but if done regularly, it becomes easier and the unconscious mind can no longer pull off self sabotaging actions without our consciously agreement.

Here are some examples of releasing the shadows:

Example1: Eliminating Neediness

Write the following in your dominant hand:

Dear unconscious mind,

Why do you constantly seek approval? 92

Switch hands and write in your less dominant hand all the thoughts that are coming from your unconscious mind. At the end, switch back to your dominant hand and re-educate it.

Dear One,

I know we have suffered a lot in this lifetime and we are unsure of ourselves. However, those times have ended. We have more awareness and clarity than ever before. We know that the love we seek is already within us and only God can fill this void within us. It is time to find out who we are and stay true to ourselves. Let us allow everyone to have their own experience of loving or hating us. They need to have that freedom so they can become whole too.

What can I do to give you all the approval that you want?

Switch to your less dominant hand and let your unconscious mind share its thoughts. Then act on what your unconscious mind wants of you. In this case, my unconscious mind wanted me to appreciate all my accomplishments, instead of pushing myself to excel further whereby ignoring the great work already done. So, everyday I would hug and rock myself like a mother rocking a baby and say, ‚I love you. I bless you.‛

Example 2: Eliminate Addiction to Chocolate

Write the following in your dominant hand:


Dear unconscious mind,

I understand we are not getting love in the amount and in the ways that we want, hence we eat chocolate thinking it is giving us love. However, you need to understand the chemistry part of it too. Chocolate lowers my serotonin levels and brings down my moods. I promise we will have some chocolate on (name an upcoming celebration) and we can enjoy it then. Until then you need to stay away from it as it not helping us as you intended. I am ready to do this. Are you ready?

Switch hands and write in your less dominant hand and get permission from your unconscious mind. If it replies with an affirmative, switch to your dominant hand and say:

I thank you very much. I love you, I love you, I love you. I will speak onto you again. So be it. As you get deeper into understanding your mind and reprogramming it, you may notice some self-sabotaging actions that you experience. You may trip and fall down, or hurt repeatedly in the same place. When that happens, it is time to firmly command the unconscious mind that you will not tolerate it anymore.

Example 3: After a fall

When you fall down and hurt yourself, instead of making a big deal out of it, just brush off the dust and put some antiseptic on the wound and walk away. 94

Then tell your unconscious mind the following:

Dear unconscious mind,

You let me have a slip. I will not be slowed down and will resist this in the future. From now on you will take your lead from me as I am in the divine flow. So be it.

Example 4: Moving Stagnated Energy

This script helped in moving stagnated energy in my lower abdomen, which was created due to emotional issues as well as the C-section performed during the birth of my son. You can use this script for any area of your body, which is resisting weight loss or causing discomfort.

Dear unconscious mind,

I am God. I am unlimited. You show me by these physical results your limitations. Therefore you must listen to me. I am the one in power and I am the one responsible for taking care of us, and unless you can show me 100% that you can do better than me, you are required to step aside and let energy move. So be it.

You can do what you are moved to do. I found Pilates is very good for releasing energy stuck in my abs.


Example 5: Get the Salary you Desire

You will not make the salary you really want as long as your unconscious mind thinks you are not worthy of it and is in full agreement to receive it.

Dear Unconscious mind,

What do you feel most comfortable in receiving?

Switch to less dominant hand and let the unconscious speak to you.

I would like to receive $75 per hour for my services.

Switch to your dominant hand and understand the reasons behind this unconscious thought.

What makes you feel comfortable about this amount?

Switch to less dominant hand and let the unconscious speak to you.

I feel this amount is what I deserve and anything more will turn people away from me and I will not have any money.

Now that you know the reasons behind the thought, educate it with your dominant hand now. 96

Our services are divinely guided and it is of great value to all those who come to us. I have the answers they need and I have the ability to hold the space for them to heal. Know this and let go of any sense of unworthiness. I would like to ask for $100 per hour for my services as I feel it is the right amount for me at this point in time. If people do not want to pay this amount then we will give the opportunity to another.

I am ready to have this amount and the world will be ready when you are ready. Are you ready?

Switch to your less dominant hand and let the unconscious speak to you.


Switch back to your dominant hand and say:

I thank you very much. I love you, I love you, I love you. I shall speak on to you again. So be it.

Continue the above work in updating the amount from $100 to a higher number as you learn, grow and expand further.


Cleansing and Rebuilding the Body At some point in the spiritual journey there is a natural movement led by your body-mind system to cleanse itself of toxins and realign the system for energy to flow without blockages. This happens to a greater or lesser degree depending on your system. The reason for this cleansing is to allow the tremendous creative energy of the Spirit to flow through your body and to live through you consciously.

Your shadows, beliefs and energy cords connected to others, can drain away tremendous energy from your being. When all that is released, the surge of energy flowing through you is tremendous. Your body glows. Your energy can heal another by its mere presence. You will be drawn to cleanse your body from toxins, change you’re eating and exercise habits – generally a complete overhaul can take place. There is no fixed rule about what food to eat. Always use your own discrimination in choosing what is right for you. Here is some general guidance which I found to be helpful.

My blood type required me to eat protein along with vegetables. You can use guidelines from books on eating according to your blood type, but remember you are unique and so are your needs. Sometimes your body may tell you to skip a meal or eat lightly. So when it does, I have found it best to listen to the body. Using food in a healthy manner is a gift experienced when you have more and more emotional healing. The shadow releasing work will help you to not use food as an alternative to anything else. Those emotions will no longer 98

reside in your body and their power over food is greatly diminished.

Maya helped my cells to get a lot of oxygen, stopped the food cravings, increase the metabolism and cleansed the system of toxins by putting me on a continuous course of Oasis/Univera products like Metagreens, Regenicare, Aloe Gold, Ageless Xtra and Ageless Essentials. The links to Univera are given at the end of the book.

The liver needs to be cleansed in order to receive the divine messages clearly. I use the product LivertonePlus by Dr.Sandra Cabot that is simply magnificent in breaking down fats effectively and releasing toxins.

The essential oils from Young Living helped tremendously towards my spiritual and physical well-being.

Essential Oil




Protects electrical field, immediate energy booster.

Spinal cord, under the feet, wrists.


Protects kidney and Area above the ensures its healthy kidneys. functions.



Stomach and intestines.

Endo Flex

Balances thyroid

Adam’s apple, base of the spine, wrist, around the big toe.



Candida, Parasites, Fungus, Bacteria

Stomach, intestines spinal cord.


Opens the heart center

Around the heart


Bee Stings

Immediate application on the area infected.


Digestion, Parasites

Stomach and intestines.



Under the feet.


Relief from muscular/sports injury

Directly on the impacted area.

As your energy increases, you will feel this electric current racing through your body. You brain expands to accommodate the changes, and start using parts of the brain that was never used before. That’s how you tap into universal knowledge about all of creation. Some throbbing pain around your third eye (frontal lobe) can be expected as your intuition develops. Gently bless this growth and allow it to happen.

Grounding As you learn and expand more, understand illusion and start living in the truth, the more susceptible you will be to the energies around you. Grounding yourself as soon as you wake up will help in this matter. 100

 Breathe in though your nose and pull energy up the 1st chakra and breathe out through the mouth. Repeat 3 times.  Breathe in though your nose and pull energy up the 1st and 2nd chakra and breathe out through the mouth. Repeat 3 times.  Continue this exercise until all seven chakras are covered. Visualizing the colors of the chakras are very helpful as the breathing exercise takes place.  Finally visualize a white light entering through your crown chakra and filling the body, around you and then go deep into the center of the earth. Crystals like Quartz help cleanse your aura. Doreen Virtue has written about crystal healing in her book Angel Medicine that I found very helpful.

The most important part is to use the increase in energy in a creative manner. Physical exercise took on a new meaning for me after a while. I used to do exercise to look good, now I do it for the joy of it and because it helps me in several levels. Exercise increases metabolism, gives me high energy, joy, the ability to discover and embrace my sexuality and keep my vibrations at a high level so I am not pulled down by lower energies. Being in touch with your body through dancing helps expand the sensual nature of yourself, which is simply beautiful. Embracing all aspects of you is a natural progression 101

on the path and not to be bypassed out of fear of some disowned hang-up. Enjoy it!

Cutting the Energy Cords We all exchange energy with people via energetic cords through which we are connected. One can have multiple cords between them and people they have encountered in their lives. We agree to give energy to one who needs it, since at a basic level we want to help another. But until you have emotional healing and stability, this link gets mostly formed out of our neediness. We can allow another to drain our energy because that keeps loneliness away.

Once a cord is created the other person can use you to refill their energy by drawing from you. They can also send back negative energy. This is one of the primary reasons we chase after energy highs like coffee, carbohydrates and chocolates. Remember you were a willing participant in having this cord established in the first place since it was also feeding your neediness. The time has come for you to stop this transfer.

Method to eliminate energetic cords

Write on a piece of paper the names of people who have caused you some hurt or anger in the past.


Stand outside with your legs wide apart and arms held parallel to the ground, and call upon Archangels Michael and Raphael.

You can say the following to them:

Dear Angels,

These cords were formed innocently and I no longer support this exchange of energy. I request you to cut my cords as I am ready and willing to let it go..

With the intention in your mind, let go of all judgments and neediness that you had towards all the people on your list. If you are sensitive, you will feel a physical pull as a cord is being yanked out of you. Michael cuts it and Raphael cauterizes it.

Please fill me with your healing white light. I thank you dear angels. I bless you and I love you.

Then drink a lot of water. That is it! The cords will be formed again and again, but the thickness of the cord will lessen each time you repeat the above exercise until it exists no more.


Chapter IV: My Journey ♼

This chapter is a compilation from my journals, reflecting my struggles and victory during difficult times. This is being shared so my challenges may be of help to someone who is unable to see with clarity. We all weave the same pattern when in delusion and we touch upon the same light when we surrender in humility.

Gratitude I am glad I have come to this point in my life to express this outpouring of words through me.

I was wired to think I was better than everyone, both professionally and spiritually. My belief was so strong and subtle that it went unnoticed for a long time, until I saw the constant judgment I had towards every person that I met. My dear teachers, Goddess Maya and Adyashanti ripped that judgmental face off me. I learned my karmic lesson and all that I held precious was taken away from me. I was shown humility and service. 104

When Maya is working with me she serves and honors me with the greatest humility. It never ceases to amaze me that Maya sees something so infinitely precious within me that I do not see for myself. Maya truly sees the Creator in everyone; even one deeply entrenched in illusion.

I learned that I am a servant to the people and the company that I work for. This is a concept that I would have readily rejected earlier, if I had not dropped to my knees through life lessons.

The paradigm is shifting within me. As I embrace it, my heart breaks at all the harsh judgments I laid at the feet of all my divine teachers. My ignorance was priceless. I had a belief I was better than my teachers. My divine teacher Adya – I bow to him and his sacred feet. I cry and cleanse myself of all the judgments. My beautiful teacher Maya, the one who took me through this karmic lesson in humility, may the unspoken words in my heart flower into existence and find home at her feet in love and reverence.

Was the journey extremely painful until the lesson was completed? Yes. It was very painful.

Would I have it any other way? No.

I no longer know if I am moving towards the Creator or if the Creator is pulling me into Her arms. Nothing matters anymore other than bowing to the feet of the divine and dying every 105

moment. The slightest untruth wants to be seen and released. This body wants to be cleansed and filled with surrender and love. I want to feel this goodness and godliness permeate every cell of my being. I want to let life show me what it wants to do next as I wait in humble service to. So be it.

As I am cleansing myself, I spend time everyday writing my beliefs in all areas of life and destroying that sheet. This purging releases self-sabotaging actions that prevented me from living life to the fullest in love and joy. I have missed the birds chirping in harmony, the morning sunrise in its orange hues and the glorious full moon gracing the indigo skies. As the old is dying away, I create more harmony in my life from the lessons I have learned.

The earth has its own dance spinning to its rhythm. The time has come to appreciate mother earth for holding us in her bosom. We have trampled on her with total disregard, which she has accepted with great patience. She is also growing and releases her expansion through natural disasters. Bless her growth. Bless her path. Touch a tree in love and whisper to the winds of your joy at its presence. Spend some quiet time every day and be grateful for everything that brought you to this place.

You don’t want to miss this miracle of life because you are busy living a lie.


Completion There is always chaos when you are completing a karmic lesson or letting go of an old way of thinking. When something big falls away, you grieve for the part of you which has died, you grieve for the pain that part has caused others in your life, and you grieve for not being able to make amends now. You also grieve for reasons unbeknownst to you. Still you must let the tears fall as often as they want to. This is your cleansing process. Along with this process comes not knowing how to operate in this new life. Sit in that unknown space without any judgment. When judgments arise, bless them and let them be. Get back into the flow of being. The intelligence that set your life straight knows the next step, which will be taken in its own time. All that you have to do is to listen. This is the time for self-love. You have done well in spite of the rough ride you took in life. Not many can have a rebirth while still alive and then get up and walk. So love yourself abundantly. Give yourself a loving massage, a facial, sit and watch the sun rise or write a letter to God and express your gratitude.

How will you live after this completion? No one knows. It will be revealed to you moment by moment. You stay wide awake so that you are simply listening and doing what you are led to do. We have all led an unconscious life far too long. This is time for celebration and quiet surrender. This is now between you and God. Bask in the divine blessings coming your way.


Sometimes I wonder if we live a chaotic life so that we may watch ourselves die. I am ready to let that self die so that I may finally live every moment in the divine flow. I am no longer creating a path of separation and no longer wanting to create pain to the collective consciousness. I want to be free, and set others free from my attachments, so they too may glimpse the sweet sadness of the death of their falseness. There are times I slip and go back to acting out of my fears and insecurities, in spite of knowing what I know. At which time I affirm the following: ď ś I forgive myself for not coming from an open hearted place. I know the next time God gives me the opportunity, I will. So be it. Illusion is lovely with all its pretty colors and pleasures. The same illusion, if not seen as a divine gift, can rip your life inside out until your heart is wide open with total seeing and love. I just completed a karmic lesson on humility on Jan 9, 2007. Life took away all my peace for a long time until my forehead touched the ground and I begged for forgiveness. As Goddess Maya was congratulating me on my completion of a huge lesson, she asked me how I had lived my life in the past knowing what I knew now? I shared all the instances where I had lost my humility and had taken away power from others. The conversation was held in quiet sacredness. I never thought I would come to this place of honest reflection while ‘acting out’ all those years.

All of us are answerable to the Truth when we stray away from love.


Living in the Divine Flow I don’t know who I am. This wondrous confused entity living in and out of the space between thoughts. Did I know who I was when I saw the divine in me playing the role of the confused one separate from another? This love makes me wonder what the next step will be. This love makes me stop and enjoy this step before I take the next one. The urgency to miss the journey for the final destination is a grand illusion. You arrive, experience and die every moment. Where is the permanence? What joy in knowing that everything dies and lives simultaneously? Now you can let go of your fears and truly ask for what is really important to you and live it in joy. No more compromising anything due to inadequacy. You are too caught in correcting your mistakes that you forget the mistake happened so you may see the light and accept another unconditionally. The phases of growth, birth, life, and death are a complete circle. You are given the smorgasbord of experience so that you may learn and completely own an experience. Initially you make choices that give you pain and then the experience of learning a lesson will lift your consciousness, so you may see what you have learned. That is when you gain wisdom.

Live joyfully. In the quest to attain, you forget the simple abundant moments. You forget you are the creator of each moment. You create everything and that is your gift to mankind. The creation and destruction is all yours so you may finally know you are God. The idea of God has been misinterpreted in different ways by the beliefs in your head. Can you imagine a God who is cranky in the morning, addicted 109

to chocolate and says moronic things out of fear? Of course, when you become more aware of the Truth, you get centered and grounded and nothing has a hold on you anymore. The more you become aware of yourself, the more the truth can move through you, and the less you are caught in illusion.

The divine flow will release you from all fears and uncertainty. An intelligence, which is beyond any human reasoning, wakes up within you.

This divine intelligence knows the next step when you are still contemplating on the last 50,000 thoughts!

You cannot take the next step when you are neck deep in ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t.’ You wipe the slate clean and move to the next one.

Living in deception because you do not want to look bad is a sad excuse that will take tremendous joy away from your life. Let go of that now.

Can you walk up to a person or situation that no longer serves you, say your gratitude in love and walk away?

Can you put your heart into a situation you wanted to leave, fix what is broken, because that is the truth for you? Writing this may trigger something in you to act. Words are just a vehicle to trigger a remembrance of what you already know in your higher self.


The changes and shifts you will experience are going to be magnificent. If you read this wholeheartedly, it will happen. You will be led to another person, an event or a thing that will guide you. You become more perceptive and a knowing is born inside you, which is different from the existential movement of thoughts that reside within you. You will no longer confuse truth with illusion when your feet are planted firmly in the divine flow. Follow all the guidance that is given here that resonates within you. Even if it does not resonate, sit with it for a while to let go of all resistance. Trust in the flow and move. Take a painting course, if that is what it is. Ride a horse feeling the sun on your face. Look into the eyes of this beautiful animal in wonder.

Play and laugh every day. Watch a funny movie. Who is to say what is spiritual and what is not! Enjoy a delicious meal and say grace to everyone who brought the meal to you. Arouse the curiosity in your mind, by really seeing every small thing in front of you, and wonder what that is. Don’t come to any conclusion, simply look and wonder<

What if there are no correct answers, what do you do with your constant judgments?

What a tremendous waste of energy! The same energy could have returned you back home. Everything takes energy. You don’t want to leave your energy scattered across as attachments to people and things. Enjoy both and consciously cut the energy cords when you get hooked on to them and move on.


Aloneness The aloneness of everything is evident in the sense of sadness in us when we start to wake up. There is a sense of unrest and not being connected to another, no matter how much they serve us. Our constant need for reassurance falls of and a part of us misses that clutch for survival.

We are searching for the inner connection to the divine. We want to reconnect to the inner wisdom that will divinely guide us when facing a fork on the road of life. We are too busy with the chatter of our minds to take notice of the subtle divine movement within us. We don’t even recognize it at times because we have covered it with dense matter – thoughts.

You are led to it when the time comes and you will be lifted above the denseness until you are free to live and breathe in the divine energy. This is when you are in the divine flow. You will know when you step off it, as a result of your unconscious mind pulling another trick. You can do the exercises mentioned in this book on commanding the unconscious mind and you will master it. There will be no more occurrences of self-sabotaging thoughts and actions.

For the first time in your life, you know every thought and action is coming from a conscious place and not the waves of dreams that we call ‘life.’

You are now living in the truth, in the divine flow. 112

The world is a big place for us to get lost. We all weave our own fantasy called life and demand others to have the same experience that we do. They might have their own web that interprets an identical event in a different manner other than ours. We do not give them the benefit of the doubt. That humility is missing from our lives.

We are so sure of our own ‘invented reality’ that we became the experts on how another should live!

Such arrogance created from ignorance! Who is to blame? No one! A thing done in ignorance is to be lovingly looked upon and blessed so clarity may be seen. The objective of this book is to help those who are ready to see the truth and to have a spontaneous change through resonance of the same truth within.

Change happens when the truth outside of you meets the same inside you and dances together for one brief moment.

That is all it takes and from that moment is a complete change in the reality you experience! When this dance is broken by a false belief, you go back into illusion land. How much are we all going to suffer? As much as it takes for you to wake up from this dream! This is not a bad dream. How can you consider chocolate to be a bad dream! ď Š

For me, seeing God inside me was one of great sadness followed by rejection. I could handle anything but the divine in me. I felt this flawed human could not be the divine because I am not worthy of this magnificence. This body, which was not 113

loved by me, cannot house God. This mind, which wanted to die and leave the earth, cannot be the mind of the divine. The hurt rendered to all living creatures by this person called Maya cannot in anyway be the divine mother and Creator. It is shattering for me to write these lines as the fullness of seeing, along with denial, is there simultaneously. God did not forsake me, because if He did, I would not have the love inside me seeing the same outside of me.

The Dying in the Process of Awakening I am dying now. All that I knew of the person called Maya is dying. I left a comfortable corporate job and I have been staying at home the last five months. Life has taught me a karmic lesson in humility. I always had resentment towards work from the time I started my career in 1992. I was paid well and seemed to do a good job wherever I worked. However, I had a lot of anger and pride. I always felt I was too good for the company and others were lesser than me. So, God took away my monetary rewards for five months so that I could come to my knees and clearly see what was happening. I was led to different people along the way to teach me valuable lessons. My hair stylist and my pedicurist, doing their work in utmost love and in total service to me, totally crumbled me. I wondered why I did not have their joy for work. These were my divine teachers. Despair set in and a belief that I could not have what I wanted followed it. I woke up each day and lived in tears, prayer, connecting with the angels and in utter despair. I saw clearly for the first time in my life that I created everything. A depth of sadness followed because I felt I could not change it because my unconscious mind was churning up roadblocks one after 114

another. I finally hit bottom and wept to my teacher Maya, who lovingly pointed out my completion of my lesson in letting go of arrogance. I was now ready to give myself fully to a job.

Following this important event, I started a full blown cleansing project. The first step was giving to charity all my furniture and other things I did not use. This helped in creating the space for my energy to move freely. I was asked to cleanse outside as I was cleaning up my insides. I felt sad giving up my old identity, but the movement within me was stronger. When I see my home, completely empty, reflecting something inside me, I have fear. Then with grace I was shown it was time to surrender to the divine and let God take over. My job, my source of income, my life was no longer in my hands. I am scared as I wake up each day in despair not knowing what is happening. All I know is that God will not let me down. I cry tears of fear and sadness for a loss so deep I cannot explain. I was dying and I cried for my death.

It was no longer joyful to seek enlightenment when God turned around and took me in His arms, whether I liked it or not.

There were days I cried against this taking and was angry with myself and God for this path of enlightenment. In spite of all my turmoil I knew I never wanted to stop this enlightenment process. I wanted it more than my death. That was the divine grace. The angels, ascended masters and Goddesses have helped me live each day. I was told one day I would get a sign indicating that I am looked after. That sign was a store assistant, who looked very big and unfriendly, with a nametag reading ‘Angel’! 115

As I am changing, I am seeing the world with different eyes. I am allowing everyone to have their own experience of me, good or bad. I am communicating more clearly, and supplementing everything that I say with more details. People now know when I agree to do something it is an agreement under certain conditions only. This is a step towards intimacy.

I am no longer holding on to people. I am seeing the divine in everyone, even the one’s I don’t like. I no longer have control over this life, neither do I want to. I just want to bow down and surrender.

I am so much lighter now. The despair is not there as much. Maybe I surrendered. I am open to my old-self falling away so the new one can create this life the way the divine wants it created. I have deep gratitude towards the angels, goddesses, and Ascended Masters who did not abandon me, even when I gave up on them.

My Connection to God With my constant inquiry and resting within me, a space was created for the divine energy to flow through me, unrestricted by beliefs and fears. My body changed completely as this energy took residence. My intuition and clairsentience started blooming. A certain knowing started dawning in each moment. When I was caught in my fears, I had less access to this knowing. This truth let me see what it wanted me to see.


As I gave permission to see my self fully, with all my quirks, I could now see the same in others. I could sense another’s energy and see through them. I was shown this so, if needed, I could meet them where they were and help them. In the early days, before I was grounded, I was drained of energy because I was feeling everything. I could feel the energy of the planet and the people around me, which Maya helped in bringing to a balance.

I isolated myself and did not mingle with people as I saw a lot through them. This also meant that I saw a lot within myself. When you really see every aspect of your being the deepest humility will be needed. You have tremendous power flowing through you that can heal others and you can be still a total arrogant piece of work!

In my early days with the realization of this power, out of arrogance, I took on an identity of being God. I had tremendous pride and I can now see how this power could be misused. This is a common mistake made on the spiritual journey. Of course, life took care of that and brought me to my knees and I learned my lessons well. In one of Maya’s workshops she asked me the following questions:  Why was I not teachable by all?  Why was I constantly searching for enlightened beings?  Why was I not open to learning from a person that I did not like, and who had not attained God realization?  Why was I not seeing them as God and owning my shadow-self reflected by them?  Why was I pretending to know everything and lacking in humility? 117

A lifetime of arrogance was seen that day, and I ran to bow to her feet and cried, and that was my release and healing. You need tremendous honesty to see through core shadows. Love your unconscious mind for letting it seep through your awareness. After this event, there was a big leap made in my spiritual progress. I was more connected to the truth and more at peace with the world and myself.

I was getting ready to go to bed after an intense working day with Maya and noticed a huge surge of energy in the room. I looked at my hand, and it did not exist. I looked at the bed and the walls, which did not either. I knew I was formless. I then had divine beings visit me and bless me. Everything was given only after I surrendered to being taught by all that God chose to teach me. That day changed my life significantly. This book was channeled after this divine experience.

Something slowed down in me and I was resting completely without a lot of external diversions. I started to love myself. That was when I started discovering God more deeply, who I lovingly call Father. The love bloomed and it is here to stay. I experience this deep love by connecting to Him every day. I can now understand why the Sufi’s wish to be a servant to God. When I heard this phrase earlier, I thought they all suffered from a strong dose of insecurity! When the divine started waking up in me, I became humble and filled with love and wanting to serve Him was an expression of my love for Him. I do not know if I will stop bowing to the divine in me, and say ‚I am the One‛ when I fully awaken, as I do not want to become arrogant and assume I know it all. I don’t want to stop this continuous revelation of the Creator/God/Universal-Mind. 118

It is revealed to me as long as I know I do not know everything and have an earnest desire to know God.

My external life changed dramatically. Not even the smallest lie was allowed. I had a tendency to act nice, helpful and phony, hoping people would see how spiritual I was. It was my constant need for reassurance. When I saw through this, I stopped hugging people I did not want to and no longer wrote emails to anyone addressed as ‘Dear’ or signed off with ‘Love’ if I did not feel it in my heart. I do not love everyone yet and I honor that feeling to be true instead of pretending and using ridiculous endearments! I no longer spend any time with anyone I don’t enjoy, unless life wants me to be there for them. I let everyone have their experience of being angry at me and experience the illusion of my rejection, if they want to. Maybe the experience will make them turn back to themselves and not care if the world accepted them or not.

I do feel pain and sadness when a loved one hurts me. I feel the pain more intensely than before. It also leaves me sooner because there is so much love and knowing inside me. I want them to be free with no more grasping on to them to fill my insecurities. I am still a student in the path to God Realization. I have my set backs in spite of all the wonderful revelations, when I chose to get caught in the emotions and resist my shadows. I know when I have no more judgments on my outside reflections, and when I stand up in my divine power grounded in love, I have fully become the God I am.

As long as I am living in the truth, the universe will align itself so I can receive the gift from my Father - living in the divine flow with love and serving His will. 119

Meeting Dr. R. Ibrahim Jaffe, M.D. The angel readings kept indicating repeatedly that I needed to find a healer. One day, while shopping at my favorite book store, East West Books in Mountain View, CA, my eyes fell upon the face of a man on the cover of a CD. I signed up to attend a free lecture given by him. It was my time to meet Dr.R.Ibrahim Jaffe. I kept getting an intuitive message that he would heal me. When the talk started I realized it was on Sufism. I was not particularly fond of any religion or any structured form of spirituality. God decided to play with me that day, and as the talk progressed, I knew Dr. Jaffe was my teacher! Here I was caught between recognizing my teacher and having to weigh the fact this was about Sufism. I saw the subtle prejudice that existed in my heart.

I was skeptical about the word ‘Allah,’ having associated it with the words like fanaticism and Hindu-MuslimWar. These were all judgments that had to be revealed. I always thought of myself as being nondenominational and in acceptance of the whole – which I found to be not true! It only took a few seconds to see this was a play to release my prejudice. By the end of the talk I was chanting the name Allah and feeling the divine vibration in that word. In that vibration I experienced the healing of a deep sorrow within me.

At the end of the talk I knew Dr. Jaffe was my teacher but I did not know how to approach him about it. I made my way to him and the moment came when he gave me his 120

attention. I said, ‚I don’t know what to say.‛ and then looked down and cried. By God’s grace he understood where I was in my path, my unspoken request and told me he would help. He told me I was ready to open - he used the word ‘explode’, which is more like what I felt! I had no questions, just a deep need to sit in front of my teacher and learn. I was in deep peace after that meeting. I don’t know what this journey is going to be about. Will I fall in love with God every moment? Will I become a Sufi? I don’t know. All I know is that I affirm daily, that I am teachable by anyone God chooses to teach me. I am open and I know nothing.

I followed up by having a one-on-one session with Dr.Jaffe at the beautiful Sufi institute in Pope Valley. He opened my heart with the help of the masters around him and something in me became permanent in my love for God and for another. May Allah be with him and his path be blessed.

When you are drawn to an external stimuli to feel loved, ask yourself if that feeling is true. Have the integrity and courage to act on it. Bless your thoughts that led you away from God and release it to the Father. Say ‚Allah Quayam‛ repeatedly in your meditation. Quayam means self-sufficiency. Ask for it and you will get it, then open your arms wide to receive it.

Light up the world with your love. Bring laughter to a tired unhappy heart; know that you have brought a smile to their divine lips. Wipe away a tear with compassion. Hold on to your values at all cost and bow to Him to help you when you feel that you are going to lose it. He will be there. Watch Him take you in his arms when you surrender the last thought to Him. He created you in his image as he created all 121

beings in His image. His essence is in all. It is not the form, yet it is the form. It is the divine spark which is embedded in each creation. He allowed man to create and to learn from his creations, good or bad. There was never any judgment. You are here to experience all and learn, so learn my dear one. When you realize a mistake that is a culmination of your experimenting in that area, you will have passed the lesson. It is then time to rejoice and not to judge the self.

A soul who has allowed His love to fully flow through them is God indeed. You have finally taken ownership of His creation, His oneness with you. The same way every soul will wake up when it is time. Do not worry about all the mistakes in the world. Humans need to stretch to learn and go higher in their soul’s evolution. Embrace all equally.

When the darkness is manifested in a man, bless Him so he may experience happiness and see the light soon. Let him have this experience so he can feel the opposite and be grateful for it. Creation is very simple. Humans complicate it with the concept of right and wrong, good and bad. When the Father has allowed it, who are you to judge further? Love your self first and only then can you love another unconditionally. What you reject in others is always the disowned part within yourself. Everyone has experienced what is termed good and bad in many lifetimes. All of us are the same – just experimenting and learning through direct knowing, and going towards God.


The Last Dance The music raised its tempo My life started moving faster than my feet I could not keep up with it So I let it drag me to defeat I danced Not knowing the dance.

The music quieted as I slowed down Whispering a love song I heard before I knew not what it meant I moved pretending to know its beat I danced Thinking I now owned the dance.

The music had an undercurrent very subtle and seductive The current wiped everything away The dancer was left with only the dance I danced Forever in discovery of the dance.


Chapter V: Prayers & Affirmations ♼

Words carry energy and can transform the toughest resistance that exists within the mind. There are times when a realization is spontaneous because one is ready for it. There are also times when we need to sit with it for a while and give time for the unconscious mind to allow the truth to seep through our awareness. Prayers and affirmations help in releasing the blocks to bring what we really want to your life. The power of a heartfelt prayer in total surrender can move mountains. This is a gift as we tread through troubled waters.

I learned the following prayers and affirmations from Goddess Maya. I have these printed and posted on my wall, so I can bless them and own them every day.

I. Prayers For Peace, Love, Humility, and Openness

Dear Father/ God/ Universal Mind/Jesus, 124

 Show me the way, so I may learn. Show me the path, so I may walk and fulfill God’s purpose.  I am open and humble for what You WILL to give me and teach me.  Teach me to be humble at the greatest accomplishments, so that I cherish it, fully knowing it is a gift from You.  Please bless me to not lose my peace, my happiness and my sense of wellbeing in all of life experiences. I can see my lessons clearly and I never lose my faith in You.  I am open; I know nothing. I am teachable by all that You wish to teach me.  I want to go to the highest place and help mankind in the best possible way that I can.  Any action to create war shall be foiled.  I am finally complete with waiting for enlightenment.  I am able and willing in all levels of my being to receive all that God wishes to give me. So be it.


For the Earth

Dear Father/ God/ Universal Mind/Creator  May all leaders act on eliminating Global Warming now.  May the earth grow, expand, shift its plates, and release its gases with zero loss of life.  May the water (rain) be distributed evenly and consistently so that the planet and the people benefit. So be it.

For our Leaders

Dear Father/ God/ Universal Mind/Creator  May all leaders in the position to make decisions on my behalf and for others come from a high frequency place.  For the leaders who have partial truth, bless them to experience full truth, which will help the world.  May the leaders of this country act with the highest integrity and with cool, calm and collected heads. So be it.


Sudden Painful Death

For the ones who have passed on, this prayer can be said for fifty-two days after the death to help them reach the highest level of ascension.  For all who have lost their lives, all karma involved in this to be completely healed. For the survivors:  All who have been traumatized at any level from these losses may be healed by the wisdom that was to be learned at the spiritual level and it will be done. So be it.

II. Affirmations Overcoming Difficulties  I am ready to see through Illusion fully.  What is revealed is healed.  There is an answer to everything if I am not defended against it. 127

 Things will be what they need to be for my highest evolution at all times.  Nothing is done to me. I do everything so I will wake up. I have let go of dishonesty to myself at all levels. Thank you Father.  I now have the balance of experiencing the mental realm as well as the emotional realm.  Any limiting thought that will free me will allow me to see it, so I may be free of it.  I am glad I completed everything. Yes, I am going to the next level. Yes, I am ready. Yes, the world is ready. So be it.  I am ready and mature to handle all things that come to me. I am ready. I am willing. I am able to do it.  I am victorious.

Eliminating Judgments  I no longer make someone wrong for my own creation.  I am open; I know nothing.


 I accept that I may not know everything and that does not mean I judge and reject it.  I do not know what is best for another. I let another be who they are and allow them to learn their lessons in their own time.  I am ready for intimacy. I am no longer enmeshed with another. Manifest Desires and Eliminate Addictions  I bless my mind’s ability to see the abundance clearly that I desire and will fully receive.  When nervous, say quietly, ‚I can do whatever is asked of me. I can, I am and I can see it in my mind.‛  I forgive myself for not knowing before how to handle money.  I can experience pleasure in life without guilt or reservation and can experience work with joy and light heartedness.  My compulsions have left me.


Chapter VI: Connections ♥

Divine Teachers 

Dr. Carley J. Henius & Maya o To have a consulting session with Maya, contact Dr. Carley J. Henius at (480) 595-1969 or

Adyashanti,, is one who is firmly grounded in truth. It is easy to slip into a deep silence in his presence and get to know the truth already residing within us.

Swami Anubhavanandha,, has the gift of teaching the ancient Indian scriptures in a manner easily understood by all.

Dr. R. Ibrahim Jaffe, M.D.,, is a beloved Sufi teacher and a truly gifted healer. Humble and gracious, his God realization shines though his divine words.


Ammachi, , can give you a healing and heart breaking hug, without words.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee is a wonderful and humble teacher, besides being a mystic. A total delight to be with! His key teaching is on Oneness.

Powerful & Profound Books 

Emotional Resilience by David Viscott is for anyone wanting ascension in this lifetime. Goddess Maya has described this book to be very profound, intense and divinely guided. It will slice through illusions like a sharp blade. If there is resistance, it is suggested to read one paragraph a day, and slowly make progress.

Rich Woman by Kim Kiyosaki will open the doors for women to invite financial abundance into their lives.

How Long Till My Soul Gets it Right? by Robert M. Alter and Jane Alter was the book that put me in the spiritual path. This is a good book for those who are comfortable with psychology but unsure about treading into spirituality.

The Impact of Awakening by Adyashanti will help you understand you are really not going crazy when you start waking up.


The Places That Scare You by Pema Chodron was a gift that helped me quickly get over my panic attacks.

The Divine Romance, Man’s Eternal Quest and Autobiography of a Yogi by Yoganandha will soften your heart to believe in God in spite of any resistance.

I am That is a profound book on the teachings of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. He does not spend time on the form. He cuts through everything and goes straight to the Self so that one can finally rest.

Turning the mind into an Ally by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche helps in understanding the mind.

The Dream Book by Betty Bethards is very helpful in interpreting dreams.

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman is essential for complete emotional healing. There is a script in this book for releasing pain, which is simply divine. She has revealed the emotional issues associated to each physical ailment, which may help in its recovery.

The Emotionally Abused Woman – Overcoming Destructive Patterns and Reclaiming Yourself by Beverly Engel is a powerful and transformative book for women! This book is simply precious and is a gem.


Raising the Frequency Please use your discrimination and the advice of a medical practitioner in using the products mentioned below. 

CieAura holographic chips simply changed my life! These chips gives high energy relieves pain and provides deep REM sleep with NOTHING entering the body! Simply unique and very effective in its delivery method:

The Univera products,, help increase energy, cellular regeneration and improve the physical health and overall wellbeing.

Young Living essential Oils are a gift from Nature and brilliant scientists. The oils can help in removing physical ailments and aid in spiritual growth.

Dr. Carley J. Henius is a medial intuitive and healer who helps those who are exhausted, stressed out, suffering from injury and auto-immune diseases.

Dr.Sandra Cabot’s Livertone Plus helps to strengthen the liver, remove toxins and reduce weight. 133

Hanna Kroeger’s Kidney Cleansing Tea helps filter out the toxins released by the liver. The Para-Cleanse Kit eliminates parasites and helps the body absorb the nutrients in food.

Optimum Health Institute,, takes health to a very high level and to become squeaky clean! I have met people who got rid of their cancer and other terminal illnesses through rigorous adherence to the program. This place is a gift to mankind.

Healers & Coaches 

Sonya Bibilos,, is a very powerful healer. She has the ability to release stuck energy caused by physical and emotional ailments. Her gift is divine.

Beata Radwanski is a gentle loving soul and a wonderful Reiki healer. She is one of the silent workers who help transmute other people’s ‘stuff’ for them. (408) 838-8507.

Cheralyn Rose,, is a fiery psychic and coach who will nudge you back to action whenever you slow down in your path.

Ann Albers,, is a very generous psychic and coach who took time in her very busy schedule, to write an email encouraging me to live 134

in my truth. This book came out due to her encouragement.


Thank You

I thank you for reading this book. May your path to God be clear, and may you always have the courage to live in truth. So be it. With love and gratitude, Maya


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