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Crystal Lynn Privett

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Summer Fun Sun

Professional And Management Development Training

Crystal Lynn Privett is an energy psychologist, mental health specialist, and personal trans formation coach who helps others raise their level of consciousness with their mind. She is responsible for facilitating, training, and keynote speaking for a variety of individuals and businesses worldwide. Empowering men, women, and teens to grow their brains with their mind so they can joyfully live their purpose daily is her greatest passion. Through out her life Crystal had many health challenges, which she was able to overcome despite the negative prognosis from conventional medicine.

Crystal vowed to break free from any shackles holding her mind, body, and soul back, by releasing the hidden and unacknowledged blocked, trapped subconscious emotions she had stuffed within her body her entire life. Her compassion as a coach and trainer comes with deep empathy and a heartfelt desire to see others turn their triggers into triumph like she did. The tools to reprogram the subconscious mind are validated by some of the most credible neurological scientists around. The possibilities are endless. We can all let go of the past and embrace a new future with only the best possibilities, so we can achieve sustainable joy. Imagine improv ing your physical health, enhancing your personal and professional relationships, removing your annoying triggers, and helping your business get to the next level all in one session. Crystal believes that people are just like crystals- we can either be broken from the pressure or born from it, and the more facets we have the more we sparkle.

To reach more people, Crystal created an online course called CRYSTAL CLEAR MINDSET, to help others achieve success by gaining insight into and enhancing 12 fundamental aspects of consciousness that balance your life. The convenience of this online course allows clients to have support and transformation for a lifetime. The modules are very deep and profound, and The Cycle of Consciousness tool Crystal has created allows clients to track their progress along the way. The beauty of this online program is it can contin ue to be used endlessly.

Crystal has a new book that corresponds to the online course, also called “CRYSTAL CLEAR MINDSET.” It delves into passion, career, education, en vironment, service, social life, physical activity, relationships, health, spirituali ty, finances, and pleasure, to create a comprehensive resource to build stability where the world has caused misalignment, so you can embrace supreme success. Clients will have the option to utilize a free online course to process blocked, trapped subconscious emotions, or have the ability to read along to achieve the same goal. We all learn differently and have unique needs, so Crystal created a book that will disrupt negative emotions and patterns and replace these with the most beneficial beliefs for healing. She has gifted the free resource of The Cycle of Consciousness tool, which is available to download and print on her website. She is also the co-author of five bestselling books, “Magdalene Rising,” “Jaguar Medicine,” “Sovereign,” “Isis Mother of Magic,” and “Magdalene Codes.” The proceeds of all five books are donated entirely to charities that benefit women and children worldwide. Crystal’s women empowerment efforts continue by helping to serve many communities improve mental health with joy on many levels. She also utilizes pageantry as a platform to bring awareness and resources to support the mental health of young girls, who also deserve to release the pressures and stigmas that they endure.

Crystal is clearly making an impact on a global level and would en joy sharing this same support with you, should you choose to upgrade your life today. mindsetservice.com

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