Powhatan Today – 07/01/2020

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Inside A6 Cumberland High School Class of 2020

Powhatan, Virginia B1 PYAA Ponytails setting sights on going to Dixie World Series

Vol. XXXIII No. o. 52

July 1, 2020

Smither tapped as new county administrator By Roslyn Ryan Richmond Suburban News

After an extensive search, Powhatan has selected a new county administrator. Edward N. Smither, who most recently served as the director of finance for Henrico County, will assume the role on Aug. 1, 2020. Smither brings over 16 years of local government experience, and in his most recent position was responsible for the management and supervision of the divisions of real estate assessment, management and budget, accounting, purchasing, and risk management. In his role as director of finance, he also managed the roles of


the commissioner of revenue and the treasurer for Henrico. Prior to his time at Henrico, Smither provided financial advisory banking services to many counties within the Commonwealth, assisting with the development of comprehensive 10-year financial plans designed to provide the framework for future operating and capital improvement budget planning. Smither earned his undergraduate degree and his Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Richmond. He currently serves as the director of the VML/VACO Finance Board and as chairman of the Lewistown Commerce Center Community Development Authority.

“I have full faith that Mr. Smither’s leadership during these most trying of times will help us emerge as a better and stronger Powhatan,” said David Williams, chairman of the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors. “Mr. Smither’s comprehensive financial experience will be especially valuable as we continue to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, his work in financial planning will help us strengthen our long-term planning efforts, to better anticipate and plan for Powhatan’s needs further into the future.” For his part, Smither seemed just as pleased that he will soon be heading up the county’s leadership team. see SMITHER, pg. 4

Powhatan’s Great Outdoors By Laura McFarland Editor


Maiden Voyage Outfitters owner Kevin Webster explores the James River on one of his rental stand-up paddle boards.

POWHATAN – While Powhatan County’s rural character has long been a draw for residents wanting to enjoy life in a more natural environment, the locality’s resources are also acting as an enticement for businesses specializing in outdoor recreation. In recent months, Powhatan staff members have been involved in helping three outdoor recreation ventures become established in the county. Two have already opened and one is set to launch in spring 2021. The recent rise in outdoor recreation businesses is very fitting to the rural character of Powhatan, said Roxanne Salerno, the county’s economic development program manager. The landscape of Powhatan with two rivers along the northern and southern borders combined with vast green spaces and close proximity to Richmond appeals to anyone in the outdoor recreation business. The tourism industry is a rapidly grow-

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see OUTDOORS, pg. 7

Gade earned majority of county votes in primary

DELIVER TO: Postal Patron Powhatan, VA 23139

Staff Report Powhatan County saw a 9.55 percent turnout for the Republican Congressional Primary for U.S. Senate last week with 2,120 registered voters turning out to cast a ballot in the statewide election. Daniel M. Gade earned the most votes in Powhatan County, with 1,458 (68 percent) of Powhatan’s voters choosing him as the republican nominee to run for the U.S. Senate against the democratic incumbent, Mark Warner. Of the other two remaining can-

didates, Thomas A. Speciale II drew 326 votes (16 percent) and Alissa A. Baldwin also received the exact same amount of 326 votes (16 percent). Statewide, Daniel M. Gade won the election with 205,554 votes (67.44 percent), followed by Alissa A. Baldwin with 55,107 votes (18.08 percent), and Thomas A. Speciale, II with 44,118 votes (14.48 percent). Karen Alexander, director of elections, said she was initially hoping to see at least a 20 percent see PRIMARY, pg. 5

VDOT approves Route 711 safety study By Laura McFarland Editor

POWHATAN – The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has secured funding for a rural roadway safety study on Huguenot Trail (Route 711) in Powhatan County. The study will cost about $75,000 and will focus on the two-lane section of Huguenot Trail from Route 288 to Maidens Road (Route 522), said Kyle Bates, VDOT resident engineer. The goal of this study is to identify cost-efficient safety improvements throughout the corridor. "It is great to see Powhatan CounPHOTO COURTESY OF VDOT ty and VDOT working together to VDOT employees work on a prioritize much needed funding on recent shoulder hardening see VDOT, pg. 5

project on Route 711.



Local authorities talk about marijuana decriminalization By Laura McFarland Editor

POWHATAN – A slew of new laws go into effect today, July 1 in Virginia, including one that decriminalizes being found in possession of 1 ounce or less of marijuana. As states across the country have taken steps to either legalize or decriminalize marijuana use and advocates argue for both, there remains some confusion about what Virginia’s new law actually means.

There is a great deal of momentum to change the law in Virginia to legalize marijuana and Sheriff Brad Nunnally acknowledged it could happen during his time in office. But in the meantime, it hasn’t happened yet. Nunnally stressed that people need to understand the difference between decriminalization and legalization when it comes to knowing their rights regarding marijuana possession. Simply put, decriminalization see MARIJUANA, pg. 4

Board members skip discussion of budget By Roslyn Ryan Contributing Writer

Anyone who had hoped to learn more about where Powhatan County supervisors stood on this year’s proposed budget was likely left disappointed on June 22, when the subject was quickly passed over during that evening’s board of supervisors meeting. Despite the fact that several significant questions regarding this year’s budget were expected to be discussed publically by the members, board chairman David Williams did not open the matter up for discussion. “There will be no vote tonight. That will be taking place next Monday,” Williams said, before moving directly into a discussion of the fiscal year (FY) 2021 county fee schedule. Larry Nordvig, District 2, had previously suggested all of the board members come prepared with a plan for a budget that included their budget priorities and the rates they thought would fund them as well as what margins for flexibility they were willing to accept around their plans. The board had held a public hearing on the FY 2021 proposed tax rate as well as a brief budget discussion during its meeting on Monday, June 15. But despite holding numerous budget workshops over the see BUDGET, pg. 5

Powhatan Today, July 1, 2020

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Thursday, July 2

To help limit the spread of COVID-19, the Powhatan County Public Library will be closed to the public until further notice. This includes meeting room reservations. While the library is closed, it has begun offering Books to Go. Patrons may reserve print materials, DVDs, and audiobooks online or by phone. This provides a contactless pick-up option for those who prefer to obtain library materials in traditional formats while the building is closed to the public due to COVID-19. To take advantage of this service, patrons have two options: place items on hold online through the catalog at www.powhatanlibrary. net or call the library at 804598-5670 to request items. Online hold placement is available 24/7. Phone service is available Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Holds placed after 4 p.m. (online or via phone) will be available on the next business day. Staff will contact patrons by phone when items are available for pick up. Items will be packaged in a new paper bag labeled with the patron’s last name. The bag will be placed on a table at the main entrance of the library. When patrons are notified that their items are available for pick-up, the order must be picked up by 4 p.m. that day. Due to limited stock, items not picked up will be placed back into circulation and patrons may place another hold for pickup. Limit of 10 holds per cardholder per day and 50 items checked out total per card. Library WiFi and e-branch resources are available 24/7. For details, contact Powhatan County Public Library at 804-598-5670 or library@ powhatanlibrary.net. Powhatan County Public Library is now offering Curbside Print. Patrons may submit one printing/ copying request per day for up to 10 pages of black and white printing at no charge. Requests may be submitted via email to print@ powhatanlibrary.net. Staff will notify the patron via email when the print request is ready for pickup on the table at the library’s main entrance. Powhatan County Public Library will hold Facebook Storytime at 10:30 a.m. on the library’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/pg/ powhatanlibrary.

Feeding Powhatan is a nonprofit food pantry that exists to feed people who are struggling financially in the Powhatan community. The pantry will be open from 7 to 8 p.m. at 2408 New Dorset Circle (next to Community Life Church). Income guidelines apply. Visit us on Facebook at Feeding Powhatan or call 804-3036431.

The Powhatan Food Pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursdays, Saturdays and Tuesdays and 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursdays at 2500 Batterson Road. Contact the pantry at 804-372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@ gmail.com. The Mill at Fine Creek is now offering a new Thursday night event series to bring live music and drinks under the stars. The Moonlight, Music and Moonshine series will be held at the outdoor venue of The Mill at Fine Creek at 6:30 p.m. and will welcome new performers to play music under the stars while guests enjoy wine and cocktails. Tickets are $10 and will be sold at the door, first come first serve. (If you would like to call and check seat availability that evening, you can reach us at 3798211 ext. 1.) The event will be following the CDC and governor’s guidelines with distance assurances making this series at The Mill at Fine Creek the prime social distanced outing venue. Limited tickets are available for 21+ adults. The event will be weather permitting with cancellations listed on The Mill at Fine Creek’s Facebook page.

Awaken to Hope Al-Anon meets at 7:30 p.m. every Thursday at St. John Neumann Catholic Church.

Feeding Powhatan is a nonprofit food pantry that exists to feed people who are struggling financially in the Powhatan community. The pantry will be open from noon to 3 p.m. on Fridays at 2408 New Dorset Circle (next to Community Life Church). Income guidelines apply. Visit us on Facebook at Feeding Powhatan or call 804-303-6431. Community Life Church is organizing Operation School Supplies again, giving free school supplies (everything on their school supply list) and a brand new backpack to any child who qualifies for the fourth year in a row. The registration form can be found online at https://forms. gle/FH3cu1kWAkWn73nN6. The church is offering application assistance from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays. Pick up dates will be in August. Register early to give the church ample time to supply each child who applies with the needed supplies. Families must register ahead of time to get the supplies, which is different than years past. Visit www.Communitylife churchpowhatan.org/oss.

Saturday, July 4

The Powhatan Freedom Festival will be hosted by the Powhatan Dental Outreach Foundation for Children at 6 p.m. at the Powhatan County Fairgrounds, 4042 Anderson Highway. Admission is free and open to the public, but donations will be accepted for the foundation, which holds free dental clinics for children. Gates will open for the drive-in celebration at 6 p.m. There will be patriotic songs, a children’s movie played on an inflatable big screen, goodie bags, and drawings for prizes. The fireworks will begin at 9:15 p.m. The celebration will adhere to the governor’s 6-foot social distancing guidelines. There will be a food vendor selling food. People may bring in water and soft drinks, but no alcohol is allowed. For more information, visit the event’s website, www. powhatanfreedomfestival. com, or check for updates on its Facebook Page.

A Powhatan Hope Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Monday at PCC Church, 4480 Anderson Highway, Powhatan, Room 102. It is an open discussion meeting. Wheelchair accessible

Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center needs volunteers to help in 2020 with sessions with veterans participating in equine therapy. Helpers are needed starting at 9 a.m. on July 7, 15, and 21; Aug. 4 and 12; Sept. 1, 9, and 15, and Oct. 6, 14, and 20. The start time goes back to 10 a.m. for sessions on Nov. 3, 11, and 17. No sessions in December 2020. Both volunteers and veterans will be asked to wear a mask (volunteers are asked to bring their own personal protective equipment). To volunteer, call 804-318-6485. Visit www.ldequestrian.com.

Available now Emergency Housing relief funds to assist with rent, mortgage or other housing concerns. Powhatan Community Action Agency received a donation from Bob and Karla Curtis for emergency housing relief for families in Powhatan County affected by COVID-19. Contact Renee Van Natter at valerie.vannatter@dss. virginia.gov or via cell at 804 814-5332.

With school facilities closed, the registration process for students starting kindergarten this fall at Powhatan County Public Schools will be online. Details and required documents for registration can be found on the Powhatan County Public School website www.powhatan.k12.va.us. Online registration forms are available on the division and school websites. After registering, you will be contacted by school personnel to complete the process, share information and answer any questions. Welcome Class of 2033!!

The new Bridge of Reason AA meeting is held at 7 p.m. every Tuesday at Powhatan Mennonite Church, 3549 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan. It is an open, decision and literature meeting for Powhatan, Goochland, and Cumberland counties. AA meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.


Powhatan County Public Library has partnered with Powhatan County Public Schools and Virginia Cooperative Extension/ Powhatan 4-H to offer Imagine Your Story, a Summer Learning Challenge. Participants may register by visiting www.powhatanlibrary. net and clicking the “Summer Learning Registration” button. Summer Learning runs through Aug. 31. Participants can earn chances to win a summer prize raffle all summer long. As part of the Summer Learning Challenge, adults and teens are also invited to provide feedback and reviews of library materials. Each submission will earn the participant an entry into a summer prize drawing. In addition, teens may now pick up Summer Challenge Kits from the library. Each kit contains information about virtual teen programs like a short-film contest, which be posted on Discord, as well as materials for other summer activities, including journaling. Participants at teen events will receive additional entries for the summer prize drawing. Monthly Summer Learning Challenge Kits for children ages 2-12 may now be picked up from the library. Each kit contains a new book, materials and instructions for art and science projects, as well as additional enrichment activities. Summer Learning Challenge Kits help battle “summer slide” by encouraging children to find the joy of reading and provide opportunities for children to build their own library. Future kits will be available July 13 and Aug. 3. Kits will also be distributed from both Feeding Powhatan and Powhatan Food Bank each month. Contactless pick up of Summer Learning Kits and Teen Summer Challenge Kits may be arranged by calling the library at 804-598-5670. All kits are available while supplies last.

OBITUARY SUBMISSIONS Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3 Email: paidnotices@timesdispatch.com

Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.

times since the onset of COVID-19. If you are having difficulties/issues (sad, anxious, not sleeping, having alcohol issues, etc.) and need to talk to someone, the Free Clinic’s services are available with no cost to you. The clinic has professional counselors and a psychiatrist that are on staff at the clinic. This service is available to our community to help you get through this stressful and difficult time. For more information, contact 804598-5637.

Due to ongoing restrictions and concerns due to the coronavirus, the AARP Powhatan Tax-Aide in-person tax assistance program offered at the Powhatan library will not reopen this tax season, which ends July 15. If you are still in need of assistance, AARP TaxAide is providing access to selected tax preparation software so taxpayers can prepare and file their own tax returns at no cost. Log onto aarpfoundation.org and click eligibility requirements to see the options.

Powhatan AA meets at 8 p.m. every Saturday at Manakin Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.

Tuesday, July 7

The original Powhatan AA meets from 8 to 9 p.m. every Thursday in the Powhatan Village Building.

Feeding Powhatan is a nonprofit food pantry that exists to feed people who are struggling financially in the Powhatan community. The pantry will be open from noon to 3 p.m. on Fridays at 2408 New Dorset Circle (next to Community Life Church). Income guidelines apply. Visit us on Facebook at Feeding Powhatan or call 804-303-6431.

Habitat For Humanity Powhatan depends on volunteers and donors. Habitat is blessed with the community’s helpful, kind and generous participation. The Habitat Store at 1922 Urbine Road will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. During this pandemic, anyone coming into the store must wear a facemask. The volunteer hotline number is 804-3729755. The office is located in the Habitat Store and the office number is 804-5947009. Call and volunteer! Donate! Help us build!!

Monday, July 6

Friday, July 3

Feeding Powhatan will hand out meals for children in coming weeks while schools are closed. The nonprofit food pantry will hand out meals from 1 to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays during the school closures at 2408 New Dorset Circle (next to Community Life Church). Income guidelines apply. Visit us on Facebook at Feeding Powhatan or call 804-303-6431. Pre-register at https://docs.google.com/ forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf9VL8V DTKVkjnTvSjnSbjkYUUSmn rm9TSJ4F1DwohdHeH_HQ/ viewform The Free Clinic of Powhatan, located at 3908 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan offers health services (medical, dental, mental health, women's health) free of charge for uninsured and low income residents of Powhatan County. Administration hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. On Thursdays, lab services are from 9 a.m. to noon and patient hours are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Mondays, registration for new patients is from 5 to 7:30 p.m. and patient hours are from 4 to 8:30 p.m. All patient visits are by appointment. For more information, contact 804598-5637.

Powhatan County Public Schools has found five locations to park school buses that will give Wi-Fi access to students who need it. The Wi-fi enabled school buses are part of the school district’s plan to help families with poor connection to the internet as they work to continue the 2019-2020 school year while distance learning. The five locations of the school buses are: Little Zion Baptist Church, 5680 Cartersville Road; Muddy Creek Baptist Church, 3470 Trenholm Road; Mount Zion Baptist Church, 2591 Ridge Road; Providence Presbyterian Church, 1950 Ridge Road; Powhatan Volunteer Rescue Squad Sub Station, 5901 Old Buckingham Road, and Macon District Volunteer Fire Department (Company 3), 6377 Old Buckingham Road. The school division saw negligible usage at the Fire Station 5 location and moved the bus from Company 5 to Mount Zion Baptist Church in the hope that it will be a more convenient location for community members to access free internet. The Powhatan Convenience Center is now allowing a modified schedule for disposal of “free loads,” which are small amounts of construction and demolition waste generated at a residence. They may be disposed of at no cost, no more than once per month, provided such waste is limited to the amount contained in one level pickup truck load without supplemental sides. Convenience center employees will track monthly free loads by documenting the vehicle, license plate, and a description of the individual. At this time the convenience center will also resume metal recycling and oil/antifreeze/paint collection but will NOT accept any fee-based materials such as tires, appliances or materials in excess of the monthly free load. Commercial businesses are NOT permitted to use the convenience center. Free loads will only be allowed Tuesday to Friday subject to available capacity. Any resident attempting to dispose of free load material on Saturday or Sunday will be turned away. The Free Clinic of Powhatan is open and serving the community throughout this pandemic. The clinic has now expanded its mental health/counseling services to be able to serve more folks in the community that are going through difficult

Although the 25th annual Relay for Life of Powhatan originally scheduled for May 2 was postponed, organizers are still hoping to put it on later in 2020. As part of the 25th anniversary celebration, organizers want to honor the volunteers who started this wonderful event. In 1996, a spirited group of Powhatan volunteers held the first Relay For Life of Powhatan. They worked together to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Some were cancer survivors or cancer patients, and many others were friends or loved ones of people who had suffered with cancer. Organizers are trying to reach the volunteers from that 1996 Relay to show their appreciation for the great event that they founded and passed down. If you participated in the first Relay For Life of Powhatan in 1996, contact Carol Beach at cmasten01@hotmail.com. Visit www.relayforlife.org/ powhatanva. No health insurance? Goochland Cares will offer free medical care for adults living in Goochland, Louisa, Columbia, Fluvanna, and Cumberland counties. Goochland Cares is at 2999 River Road West, Goochland, VA 23063. Visit www.goochlandcares.org or call 804-556-6260.

Ride Assist Services is now accepting ride requests. Powhatan county ambulatory seniors age 60+ can call 804-698-0438 or email RAServices.PVA@gmail. com to be registered as a rider in the program. They will then be able to request transportation by volunteer drivers for medical appointments, grocery needs and personal business such as banking.

Ride Assist Services needs more drivers! Join a team of volunteer drivers providing transportation when their schedule permits - for Powhatan County ambulatory seniors age 60+ for basic needs. Call Transportation Coordinator at 804-698-0438 or email RAServices.PVA@gmail.com to sign up or to learn more about the program.

Powhatan Food Pantry is in need of volunteers for AM food pickups at both Food Lion stores for various days of the week or substituting for illnesses and vacations. Vans for pickup are provided. Contact the food pantry at 804-372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@ gmail.com.

No one deserves to be abused. Find safety, options and support. Women’s support group based in Powhatan but open to all women impacted by domestic violence. The group is free, confidential and childcare is available. Contact 804-5985630 ext. 2422 or 2420 for more information.

Powhatan County Public Library is excited to partner with Wowbrary to offer library patrons the opportunity to subscribe to a curated weekly e-newsletter showcasing new library acquisitions. Each newsletter features the latest bestsellers, movies, audio books, children's titles, cookbooks, mysteries, and more purchased by the library. Wowbrary alerts are free and all you need is a valid email address. Visit www.wowbrary.org to sign up. A Powhatan County Public Library card in good standing is required to check out print and electronic items. To obtain a library card, visit the library or apply online at www. powhatanlibrary.net.

Narconon Arrowhead is here to help you. Narconon offers free addiction counseling, assessments, and referral services to rehabilitation centers nationwide. Call 1-800-468-6933 or log on to www.narcononarrowhead. org.

Habitat For Humanity Powhatan is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping our Powhatan neighbors with housing needs. We build homes for sale to qualified individuals and we repair existing homes for those who cannot afford to make repairs themselves. For the work we do at Habitat, we depend on volunteers and on donors. We operate the Habitat Store and the income from the store helps pay for repairs on homes. Volunteers can call 804594-7009 to volunteer with helping with construction, repairs, store staffing and other needs. For those wishing to make donations of acceptable items to the Habitat Store, call 804-5947009. For those wishing to make cash donations, donations can be mailed to P.O. Box 416, Powhatan, VA 23139. Check out our website at habitatpowhatan. org and become a friend on Facebook at Habitat For Humanity Powhatan!

Hope Project provides free transportation for Powhatan County residents to court, rehab, job interviews, doctor's appointments, and probation meetings for the those who have lost their driver's licenses due to drug-related charges. Contact the Hope Project coordinator at 804-3013324. Give a minimum of 24 hours notice.

Backpacks of Love, nonprofit committed to eliminating hunger in schoolage children by providing nourishing food for their weekend, needs help. BPOL is looking for delivery drivers that would be available to deliver on Thursdays. They are in immediate need of a driver to deliver to Cumberland County. The group also needs help breaking down boxes for recycling. This job should be done weekly, preferably on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and/ or Thursdays after packing days. These are great jobs for students looking for community hours. Contact Brenda Fulcher at 804-5982723.


Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center needs volunteers to help in 2020 with sessions with veterans participating in equine therapy. Helpers are needed starting at 9 a.m. on July 15 and 21; Aug. 4 and 12; Sept. 1, 9, and 15, and Oct. 6, 14, and 20. The start time goes back to 10 a.m. for sessions on Nov. 3, 11, and 17. No sessions in December 2020. Both volunteers and veterans will be asked to wear a mask (volunteers are asked to bring their own personal protective equipment). To volunteer, call 804-318-6485. Visit www.ldequestrian.com.

The second annual Barks, Bourbon and Bronze fundraiser will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 23 at Three Crosses Distilling Company, 3835 Old Buckingham Road, Suite A, Powhatan. Island Glow and Three Crosses Distilling are hosting the event, which is a fundraiser to support the Powhatan Animal Control. Be sure to come on out with your family and pets and enjoy cocktails, dinner from a local food truck, music, shopping, pet portraits, photos with Miss Virginia, raffle prizes, and much more to raise money for a great cause! Purchase Barks, Bourbon and Bronze apparel, which includes dog bandanas, baseball caps, and T-shirts. Special guest appearance by Miss Virginia 2019-20, Dot Kelly. There will also be several vendors selling food and products. People can also donate dog and cat food; leashes, collars for dogs and cats; dog/cat toys; quality dog/cat treats; kitty litter, and cash/ check donations for Claws ‘n Paws (medical/surgical fund).

Fax submissions to calendar to 804-344-8746 email to news@powhatan.com, or mail to 8460 Times Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville, Va 23116. Deadline is 3 p.m. Wednesday for the following week’s issue. Calendar announcements cannot be taken by phone. We reserve the right to edit all items submitted.

Powhatan Today, July 1, 2020

Page 3A

Commonwealth’s attorney offers summary of new Virginia laws taking effect on July 1 subject to forfeiture has been with or without a hearing and ground check from a licensed convicted of the crime unless the motion shall be heard by the dealer. One exception is if the forfeiture is ordered pursuant to court as soon as practicable. sale occurs at a firearms show a plea agreement or the owner Any person subject to a perma- and the VSP confirms the buyer does not submit a written de- nent protective order (PPO) is is not prohibited. It is a Class 1 mand for return within 21 days prohibited from possessing misdemeanor for a seller or of the date the stay is terminat- firearms while the Order is in purchaser to engage in a fireeffect. Violation of this section arm sale if no background ed. “Skills games” were added is a Class 6 felony (1 to 5 years check is performed. Effective Jan. 1, 2021, the within the definition of “gam- in the penitentiary or 12 months bling devices.” Family enter- in jail and/or up to a $2,500 online option for safety training to obtain a containment centers cealed handgun were exempted Anyone selling a firearm who permit (CHP) is from the prohibieliminated. Virtion against play- is not a dealer must conduct a ginia localities ing or offering of will be allowed to any skill game, background check. The Virginia ban guns in public provided the prize won is a noncash, State Police will set up the means buildings, parks, recreation and merchandise prize whereby a seller may obtain the community cenor a voucher, bilters. This also aplet, ticket, token or plies to streets electronic credit check from a licensed dealer. where events or redeemable only for noncash, merchandise prize fine, either or both). An indi- rallies requiring permits will which meets certain other re- vidual served with a PPO must occur. Specified in-home child quirements. Enactment of this certify in writing with 48 hours care facilities must unload and law is delayed until July of that he or she does not possess lock up firearms and ammuniany firearms or has properly tion must be securely locked in 2021. The regulation of sports bet- disposed of them. A failure to a separate container. The “Red Flag Law” will ting was placed under the au- certify shall be punished as thority of the Virginia Lottery contempt of court. It is a Class permit police and prosecutors Board. The law prohibits bet- 4 felony (2 to 10 years in the to petition the court to tempoting on Virginia college sports penitentiary) for any person to rarily prohibit people judged to and youth sports and proposi- sell, barter, give or furnish any be a risk to themselves or others firearm to an individual the per- from buying or having a gun. A tion bets on all college sports. The definition of “hate son knows is subject to a PPO. petition cannot be filed until Courts are now authorized law enforcement conducts an crime” was expanded to include a criminal act committed to issue a protective order, independent investigation and against a person or his property which can be for any reason- determines that grounds for the because of disability, as defined able period, including the life- petition exist. The petition must by law, sexual orientation, gen- time of the defendant, upon a be under oath and supported by der, or gender identification. conviction for an act of vio- affidavit. An Emergency SubThe mandatory minimum terms lence and upon the request of stantial Risk Order may be isof confinement for such crimes the victim or the prosecutor. sued, ex parte, upon petition to The possession of marijuana a magistrate or any judge to were eliminated. The threshold amount for by an adult will be decriminal- prevent possession or purchase grand larceny was increased ized. The maximum civil pen- of a gun for up to 14 days if from $500 to $1,000. A new alty is $25 and the first offender there is probable cause to bestatute makes it a Class 5 felony option has been removed. Mis- lieve that the person poses a (up to 10 years in the peniten- demeanor possession with in- risk of injury to self or others in tiary or up to 12 months in jail tent to distribute is now an the near future by such possesand/or a fine of up to $2,500.00 amount of 1 ounce or less (pre- sion. Prior to the ESRO expireither or both) to brandish a viously ½ ounce) and the felo- ing, the circuit court must hold firearm while assembled with ny weight has been upped to a hearing to determine if the one or more persons for the more than 1 ounce to 5 pounds judge should issue a Substanpurpose of, and with the intent for the Class 5 felony. Over 5 tial Risk Order (SRO) to proto, intimidate any person or pounds remains an unclassified hibit the individual from purfelony (5 to 30 years) and there chasing or possessing for up to group. Potential jurors may now be is a rebuttable presumption 6 months. A finding of risk of informed as to the range of than 1 ounce or less is for per- injury must be supported by punishment authorized should sonal use. clear and convincing evidence No person shall be subject to presented by the Commona conviction occur. Previously, this information was not made arrest or prosecution for any of- wealth’s Attorney. available. An indigent defen- fense of possession of alcohol, Those subject to an ESRO dant charged with a felony or marijuana, any controlled drug, or SRO must surrender any Class 1 misdemeanor may re- drunk in public or possession of concealed handgun permit, quest the appointment of a paraphernalia if that person cannot obtain such a permit and qualified expert to assist in his calls for emergency help for may not work for a firearms defense upon meeting certain himself or another overdosing dealer. The law does not require requirements. Notice of the re- or if the person is overdosing the subject to receive mental quest, but not what the request and someone called for emer- health treatment or permit the is, must be provided to the gency help for him. This statue removal of any other type of Commonwealth. To obtain now gives immunity where be- weapon that could inflict injury. funds, the defense must show fore it was an affirmative deNo one, not a licensed firefense. that an expert will materially arms dealer, may buy more Background checks for all than one handgun in a 30-day assist in preparing a defense and a denial of an expert would gun sales, but not all transfers, period. A violation is a Class 1 result in a fundamentally unfair such as trade or barter, are ex- misdemeanor. Certain exceppanded. Anyone selling a fire- tions apply, among them are trial. Upon a motion by a petition- arm who is not a dealer must law enforcement, those who er to dissolve a protective order, conduct a background check. have a valid concealed permit a dissolution order may be is- The Virginia State Police will and purchases of antique firesued on an ex parte (both par- set up the means whereby a arms. ties will not be present) basis seller may obtain the backThe penalty for recklessly

The Powhatan Today honors veterans submitted after the Memorial Day section was published. CARROLL L BOLLING





leaving a loaded, unsecured gun in a way that endangers a child under 14 years was increased to a Class 1 misdemeanor. The federal “bump stock” ban was enacted as a state law and a violation of the same is a Class 6 felony (1 to 5 years or up to 12 months in jail and/or a $2,500.00 fine, either or both). In essence, a bump stock is a device designed to allow a semi-automatic firearm to discharge more than one shot with a single pull of the trigger. Possessing a firearm on school property or a school bus is prohibited and now includes public, private or religious preschools and certain licensed daycares during the regular operating hours of such child daycare center. Prior to the custodial interrogation of a child, the child’s parent, guardian or legal custodian shall be notified of the child’s arrest and the child shall have contact with that person unless that person is a codefendant, suspected of committing a crime against the child, cannot be reasonably located or refuse contact or the officer believes the information sought is necessary to protect life, limb or property from imminent danger and the questions are limited to obtain that information. The crime of disorderly conduct cannot be charged against an elementary or secondary student while on school property during school or a school sponsored event. School property includes the property of the school, on a school bus, or wherever an activity sponsored by the school is held. Automatic certification of juveniles for trial in circuit court as an adult is now limited to those 16 and 17 years of age. Juveniles age 14 and 15, may be transferred on murder and aggravated malicious wounding charges after the prosecutor moves to transfer, a report is prepared and a hearing held to determine if the case should be transferred for trial as an adult in circuit court. It is a civil penalty of up to $100 to smoke in a car with minors under the age of 15 present. Operator’s licenses may no longer be suspended for a conviction or a deferred disposition on a drug offense, non-payment of certain fees owed to a jail or theft of motor fuel. The requirement that an operator’s license be suspended when a person fails to pay fines or costs is repealed. Driver privilege cards may be issued to an applicant who is not eligible for a regular driver’s license but has reported income or been claimed as a dependent on an individual tax return and has motor vehicle insurance. These cards have the same effect as drivers’ licenses see LAWS pg. 4

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Honoring our Veterans

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

(Editor’s note: The following was submitted by R.E. “Trip” Chalkley III, the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Hanover County. He provides an overview of all new laws every year to provide a better understanding for citizens. We appreciate him and his office for sharing this valuable information.) As always, July 1 will see new statutes and amendments to existing statutes take effect in Virginia and there were many new laws and amendments passed by the General Assembly. This article is not intended to address all changes. It is merely a summary of those changes to the criminal law that I believe may be of interest to my fellow citizens. Please note that this summary is based upon what I have received in advance of actual receipt of the complete Code of Virginia. Any questions about new statutes or amendments, whether herein noted or not, may be directed to me at 804-365-6186. Any person convicted of violating a hunting, fishing or trapping law may be prohibited by a court from engaging in those activities for a period from 1 to 5 years. Maliciously placing a dead animal within any church or on church property is a Class 1 misdemeanor (up to 12 months in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,500). The outdoor tethering of an animal is not “adequate shelter” (a) if the animal is not safe from predators or well suited or equipped to tolerate its environment, (b) during a hurricane warning or tropical storm warning, or (c) during a heat advisory, when it is 85 degrees or higher or 32 degrees or lower, during a severe weather warning. The amendment to “adequate space” allows for an animal control officer, after inspection, to determine that a shorter tether of at least 10 feet or three times the length of the animal makes the animal safer, more suited or better equipped to tolerate its environment. A first violation of either remains a Class 4 misdemeanor (up to $250 fine) but a second violation of the shelter provision is a Class 2 misdemeanor (up to 6 months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine) and a second violation of the “space” provision is a Class 3 misdemeanor (up to a $250 fine). An animal control officer may grant an exception after inspecting the animal’s circumstances and determining the animal is safe. Minimum tether length to constitute adequate space is increased to 15 feet or to four times the animal’s length, whichever is longer. Any action for the forfeiture of property used in the connection with a crime is stayed until the person whose property is

Powhatan Today, July 1, 2020

Page 4A

LAWS Continued from pg. 3

but do not confer voting privileges and their issuance is not dependent on proof of legal presence in our nation. No longer is there a mandatory period of in-

carceration to be imposed on a third or subsequent conviction for operating a motor vehicle while the privilege to operate is suspended. After a conviction for refusal to submit to a breath or blood test after being arrested for driving under the influ-

The Scriptures Are Reliable

Luke 1 - â€œâ€Śthose who from the beginning were eyewitnesses‌ having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus; 4 so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.â€? Acts 1 - “The first account I composed, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach,â€? The physician Luke wrote those statements above. He was an historian of the first order. The Bible, the most important history book ever written, is verifiable because it gives dates, events, names, and places that can be cross-checked. It passes with flying colors. You want truth? Read the Bible, the Word of God!

If you’re interested in further study of God’s word, meet with us Wednesday evenings at 6:30. Details on our website.

ence, the court may grant a restricted license upon a petition filed 30 days later. Previously, a first offense refusal conviction mandated 12 months with no privilege to drive. Per se reckless driving by speed was increased to in excess of 85 mph from 80 mph. Effective Jan. 1, 2021, no person may hold a handheld personal communications device while driving a motor vehicle. Photo speed monitoring devices are authorized to be used in or around school crossing and highway work zones. Exceed-

ing by at least 10 mph the posted limit will be a $100.00 civil penalty. Summonses issued by mail will not go on one’s DMV transcript but those issued by officers will. Misdemeanor crimes of larceny under Section 18.2-95 et seq, Article 3, of the Code of Virginia, are now eligible for deferred dispositions for property crimes. If certain conditions put in place by the court are met, a finding of guilt will not be entered against the defendant even after their culpability was proven

SMITHER Continued from pg. 1

“I am humbled and honored to join the team at Powhatan County,� Smither said. “The energy and vi-

MARIJUANA Old Trail Church of Christ oldtrailcoc.com | oldtrailcoc@gmail.com

Hi Guys and Gals, My name is Captain Ralphie, You may have heard of be before, As I have been the featured pet before. So little more about me. I have been at a trainers for about 6 weeks or so, I am learning obedience and some others things. I am really hoping that when I am released, That I will have a home to go to. I am a really good boy, and this trainer is wonderful, I will need someone that will continue to make sure I do not forget things that I have learned. If you are interested please contact 804-598-5672, and they will be happy to speak with you in reference to me. They can also put you in touch with my trainer so you will understand me better. Look forward to hearing from you. If you would like to help the animals in our care you can do so by donating to our medical fund at Claws and Paws 4313 Anderson Hwy, Powhatan, Va 23139.

If you would like to help the animals in our care, you can do so by donating to our medical fund at Claws and Paws, 4313 Anderson Hwy., Powhatan, VA 23139 Powhatan Sheriff’s Office | Division Of Animal Control Phone: 804-598-5672 | Fax: 804-598-5109

Continued from pg. 1

means ceasing to treat something as illegal or a criminal offense. Under the old law, minor marijuana possession offenses were classified as criminal misdemeanors, punishable by up to 30 days in jail, a criminal record, and the possible loss of driving privileges. The new law reduces penalties for offenses involving personal possession of up to 1 ounce of marijuana to a civil violation that is punishable by a maximum $25 fine, no arrest, and no criminal record. “What people have to realize is it has been decriminalized, not legalized,� the sheriff said. “You are still committing an offense, and as such, you are putting yourself out there. You are speeding down the road and you get pulled over for any offense, there is an opportunity that we may detect something in your car that you shouldn’t have. You are subjecting yourself to that risk.� If someone is found with 1 ounce or less of marijuana, he or she is issued a summons, which is akin to a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt, and the weed is still seized as evidence for the civil violation, said Jeff Searfoss, chief deputy. The confiscated weed is not returned because it is still an illegal

beyond a reasonable doubt. The venue for a prosecution of possession, distribution or production of child pornography was increased to add the jurisdiction where the offender resides. A massage therapist, person practicing the healing arts or a physical therapist, or a person purporting to be such a practitioner, who sexually abuses another without consent, is guilty of aggravated sexual battery (1 to 20 years confinement and a fine of not more than $100,000).

sion of the board of supervisors is very exciting and I am looking forward to working with the supervisors, county and school board staff, and the proud citizens and business owners of Powhatan

County.� Bret Schardein, who has served as interim county administrator since January shall return to his role of assistant county administrator.

product. Nunnally said he isn’t in favor of or opposed to the legislature decriminalizing an ounce or less, which is generally for personal use. However, he is not in favor of marijuana use being legalized. “I believe just as with alcohol, there needs to be a certain amount of control over it because it can be harmful. But I also do believe science supports that there are certain uses medically that people benefit from,� he said. “I don’t necessarily believe we should keep it where it’s at and the severity it’s at. I don’t like to see people’s lives ruined over having an ounce of marijuana. You don’t necessarily want to see someone in jail for a year because they had an ounce of weed in their car.� In a way, this new law is an experiment on the legislature’s part, and moving forward the state will see how much of an impact it will have on society, Nunnally said. His biggest concern remains people using marijuana and getting behind the wheel. He pointed out law enforcement has a way to measure alcohol levels, but there isn’t a way to measure how much marijuana someone has smoked. “My biggest concern, as it has always been whether with marijuana or anything else, if your behavior is endangering folks, you are not in the right,� he said. “A lot

of these people who get caught with marijuana, especially if they are carrying under an ounce and they are recreational users, it is not the possession of the marijuana that got them in trouble; it is the behavior that caused us to stop them in the first place, whether it is reckless driving, excessive speeding or being impaired.â€? Still, at the end of the day, this is just another law that was updated and has to be enforced accordingly, regardless of personal opinion, Searfoss said. As far as enforcement, Richard “Dickieâ€? Cox, commonwealth’s attorney, said he doesn’t see much changing with the decriminalization of 1 ounce or less of marijuana. “I think most commonwealth’s attorneys in the state had gotten to the point where they were treating minor residue cases with a fine anyway. The misconception that people were going to jail for residue or small amounts of marijuana was totally overblown. That just wasn’t happening,â€? he said. “If you were a first-time offender, you were given the option of going through the first-time offender program and having it dismissed. ‌ Even if you were a second-time offender, the worst that would happen to you would be a fine.â€? Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church SUNDAYS 8AM Holy Eucharist (Quiet Service) 9:15AM Christian Formation (Sunday school for children & adults) 10:30AM Holy Eucharist All are Welcome

For more information visit www.stlukespowhatan.org Route 711 at Three Bridge Road 794-6953

The Bridge The Church of Genito Jesus Christ of Church Presbyterian “Building a Bridge of Hope� Latter-day Saints


Isaiah 58:12

2910 Genito Rd. Powhatan, VA

598-2086 Worship with us this Sunday Church service @ 9:30 AM Sunday school @ 10:30 AM

Providence Presbyterian Church

Proclaiming & Practicing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Worship service at 9:30 AM Meeting at Flat Rock Elementary School



Located 1950 Ridge Road (Rt. 627) 2/10th of a mile north of Rt. 13

Rev. Robert Barnes

! " # $ %

Meeting Sundays in Amelia, Farmville, Fork Union, Midlothian, Powhatan and Online. Visit pccwired.net for services times & locations. 598-1174 pccwired.net

Powhatan United Methodist Church Living As Christ’s Disciples Within Our Hearts and Beyond Our Doors 2253 Rosson Rd.

Just off Rt. 13 in the Village


Worship: 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.

www.powhatanumc.us Weekday Preschool (ages 2-5)


Mount Calvary Baptist Church 2020 Red Lane Road

Powhatan, VA 23139 1801 Huguenot Trail Sunday School 9am Pastor, Larry B. Collins Sunday Worship 10am Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6:45pm Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study Bryan M. Holt, Pastor 7:30 p.m. 378-3607 www.EmmausChristianChurch.org Office 804-598-2398

Powhatan Christian Fellowship Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.

Worship Service 11:00 am Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 am Wednesday Night 7:30 p.m.


Community Church Dr. Cavell W. Phillips, Pastor Where there is Unity, there is always Victory. A church “Where you are welcome� Wednesday: Bible Study Join Us For Sunday Worship 6:30 – 7:30pm ( 60 Minute 11:00AM – 12:30PM Warm Up To Sunday ) Powhatan Village Building 3910 Old Buckingham Road ucc4me.org Powhatan, VA 804-256-4411

Advertise in

1957 Capeway Rd., Powhatan, VA

804-403-3963 Sundays: Morning Worship 10:00 AM Patrick Conner, Bishop Wednesday: Sacrament Service – 10 am - 11 am Family Life Night 7:00 PM Gospel Doctrine – 11:10 am 2480 Academy Road Priesthood/Relief Society – 11:10 am 598-7159 Located off Route 60 at Lower Hill Rd. Pastor: Johnathan M. Whichard


I emphasize this is not a complete review of all new legislation and amendments. Please do not hesitate to call me if there are questions about any legislation, whether or not contained in this summary. My appreciation to Senators Ryan McDougle and Siobhan Dunnavant and Delegates Buddy Fowler and Scott Wyatt for being available and receptive to my concerns. My thanks to them for attempting to keep some sense of reason in the new legislation.

3308 Pleasants Road, 1/4 mile off of Route 711 Russ Cress, Pastor 598-0733

St. John Neumann Catholic Church Rev. Walter G. Lewis, Pastor Saturday - 5 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. 598-3754 www.sjnpowhatan.org Located behind Flat Rock Village Shopping Center

Church Directory.

Call 804-746-1235 ext. 2 for details.

Powhatan Today, July 1, 2020

PRIMARY Continued from pg. 1

turnout in the very republican county of Powhatan for the primary on June 23. However, she admitted that her optimism over turnout faded during absentee voting when the in-person and by-mail absentee numbers were significantly lower than expected. “I believe that the low turnout had as much to do with the extreme lack of campaigning by candidates as much as it had to do with voters’ concerns over COVID,” she said. Governor Ralph Northam’s delay of the election from its originally scheduled date of June 9, back two weeks to the 23rd, could have played a large role in low turnout as well, Alexander said. Northam urged voters to vote by mail during this COVID-19 pandemic to reduce the exposure to poll workers and other voters at the polls. Alexander said only 167 people cast their votes via absentee ballot. “There were a lot of conspiracy theories spreading like wild-fire on social media, which presented a lack of trust in voting-by-mail. The lack of understanding behind the actual absentee process caused many voters to have misgivings; therefore avoiding voting all together,” Alexander said. She attempted to placate concerned voters by installing a secure, monitored, ballot drop box outside of the Office of Elections, allowing voters to submit their absentee ballots in a secure way, avoiding reliance on the postal service for delivery. About 30 voters took advantage of the ballot

VDOT Continued from pg. 1

this secondary roadway. Huguenot Trail is a main vein through Powhatan County that connects the residents of Powhatan to Route 288 and, ultimately, to the metro-Richmond area,” Bates said. “Rather than holding funds for a large-scale project that may never be funded, we are able to make a difference immediately that will be felt by the local residents." The safety study will give recommendations for sight distance improvements, off-road fixed objects, roadway geometry and warning signs, pavement markings, and various other cost-feasible alternatives, he said. “When you look at the most dangerous crashes out on 711, it is because someone drives off the road into the ditch and on the other side of the ditch there is a tree,” he said. VDOT has completed safety studies like this in previous years, but this will be the first time working together with Powhatan County to implement the recom-


drop box during this election. Planning this election has been a logistical challenge throughout the process, Alexander said. In addition to the date change, she faced the challenge of recruiting enough election officials to staff Powhatan’s 12 precincts due to the concern over COVID-19. Several precincts had the legal minimum number of election officials due to this challenge. Additionally, there was the unique challenge of the procurement of adequate PPE, the establishment of new procedures to account for proper social distancing at the polls, along with the inability to offer the typical preelection training to election officials due to Phase 1 restrictions. The biggest game-changer came when, less than two weeks before the election, Alexander learned that the Catholic Diocese of Richmond had mandated the prohibition of the use of their facilities for any local, state, or federal elections due to COVID-19. This would impact voters assigned to vote at both Precinct 103/Flat Rock, which is located at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, and Precinct 301/ Bethesda at Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Catholic School. Without enough notice to properly relocate those two precincts and provide written notice to all affected voters, it was decided that emergency measures would be taken to adequately accommodate the voters and the election officials at both precincts, allowing them to remain on site. This involved Alexander renting event tents, bathroom trailers, and other

equipment to set up make-shift precincts in the parking lots of both facilities. Luckily, no voters were disenfranchised by this change. However, it did create issues for those election officials who worked hard to adjust to the change. Not only did it make precinct set-up more challenging, but the extreme heat of the day caused one of the two installed air conditioning units to break at each precinct location, causing an uncomfortable environment for a portion of the workers’ 15-hour long day. Luckily, the rain held off until after the close of polls and therefore voters were not negatively affected. However, the storm did cause several precincts to lose power during their closing procedures; making it a new, challenging Election Day experience to complete necessary paperwork and pack up equipment and signage with only the help of a few flashlights. Alexander said that despite all of the challenges, Election Day ran smoothly and ended-up being a valuable learning experience in adjusting to change. She credited her staff, the Powhatan County Electoral Board, Powhatan’s Emergency Manager (Curt Nellis) and Powhatan’s Facilities Supervisor (Christian McIntosh) for their tremendous assistance in helping to pull everything together for this election. However, no one deserves a bigger pat on the back than the selfless election officials who worked tirelessly, and who risked their health to enable every voter the opportunity to exercise their right to vote on the 23rd.

mendations with local funding, which will assist in expediting the product delivery, he said. “It is not your large scale project that you would do at an intersection on Route 60. It is looking at low cost alternatives to make the roadway safer,” he said. The curves, hills, limited road width, shoulder area, and tree canopies that lend to Route 711’s rural beauty and saw it designated as an official Scenic By-Way also, unfortunately, make it more dangerous than other roads in the county, particularly when a vehicle leaves the paved surface, said Bret Schardein, interim county administrator. “We are encouraged VDOT has been able to help us find the necessary funding. We are still working with VDOT to determine the full scope of the study, but I think in general we want to figure out the best way to use the limited transportation funding available, to have the maximum benefit on the safety of drivers on this route,” he said. Being one of the few critical east/west

arteries for traffic in the county and with the continued growth the Powhatan has seen over the years, the importance of Route 711 only continues to increase, particularly with so many of local citizens commuting out of county to the Richmond region for work every day, Schardein said. The past few years have seen a record amount of improvements made to Route 711 between the completed four-lane project at 288, the on-going trench widening of shoulders, and the upcoming SMART Scale improvements to the Huguenot Springs intersection, Schardein said. However, these improvements only address a small portion of Route 711’s total length, and “we’ve still seen tragic accidents, so we have to keep working to ensure improvements to the remaining roadway are planned, prioritized and funded.” Powhatan County and VDOT recently prioritized sections of Huguenot Trail for shoulder hardening, which widened the shoulders by 1 to 2 feet. Locations for

Sunday School 9:45-10:45 Sunday Morning Worship will begin at 11:00 a.m.

Holly Hills Baptist Church

5680 Cartersville Road Powhatan, Virginia 23139

(Independent Bible Believing)

Pastor Gregory L. Beechaum Sr. “The church where Jesus is Alive”


Randy Blackwell, Pastor Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Youth Ministry 6:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:30 PM

379-8930 1659 Anderson Highway 3½ miles east of Flat Rock

9:00 a.m. ---- Sunday School 9:45 a.m.----- Prayer & Praise 10:00 a.m.--- Sunday Morning Worship 5th Sunday at 11 a.m. Hour of Power 7:30 p.m. ---- Tuesday Night Worship & Bible Study

Baptist Church “A Church Where Love Never Fails!” Pastor Otis B. Lockhart, Jr.



Muddy Creek BAPTIST CHURCH Baptist Church

Rev. Bryan Stevens, Pastor 11 a.m. – Worship Service 9 a.m. – Church School Wednesday Bible Study 10 a.m. & 7 p.m.

Sunday School - 9:45 am Worship - 11 am Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Service - 7:00 pm Pastor Jeff Beard, MA, MBA 3470 Trenholm Road www.muddycreekbaptist.org


Advertise in Powhatan Today’s Church Directory. Call 804-746-1235 ext. 2 for details.



2591 Ridge Road Powhatan, Virginia 23139 804-598-2051

last several months, no clear plan had emerged regarding the budget. The county’s FY2020 budget was expected to be adopted during a meeting held last Monday. A report on that meeting, which occurred too late to be featured in this week’s edition, can be found at www.powhatantoday.com. An agenda packet posted online last week and amended a few times before Monday showed that supervisors planned to consider two separate proposals, one featuring an effective tax rate increase of 85 cents and one of 82 cents, according to Bret Schardein, interim county administrator. Given the overall increase in assessments this year, the tax rate would need to be 80 cents for most residents to pay the same amount in taxes that they did last year, he said. The supervisors had been in agreement for the last several months that they would wait as long as possible before adopting their budget because new information is constantly coming out that could help them formulate better plans. In recent meetings, board members had said that they weren’t as worried about the current state of the county’s revenue as they were about what will happen when taxes are collected in November.


VDOT employees work on a recent shoulder hardening project on Route 711.

widening were selected by Powhatan County based on crash data over a fiveyear period. Additionally, the roadway was recently paved from Route 288 to Three Bridge Road (Route 615). Striping was expected to be completed soon, weather permitting.

Graceland Baptist Church

Contemporary – 8:30 a.m. Sunday School – 9:45 a.m. Worship – 11 a.m. Children’s Worship – 11 a.m. Prayer/Bible Study – Wed. 6:30 p.m. 2095 Red Lane Road Children’s Worship (all ages) – 1/2 mile off Rt. 60 on Red Lane Road Wed. 6:30 p.m. 804-598-2455 New Generation Praise & Worship – www.redlanebaptist.org Sunday 6 p.m. Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Lighthouse Youth – Wed. 5:30 p.m. Small Groups 10:30 a.m. Miracles of God Sp. Needs Service: 2 p.m. the 2nd Sat. of each month Wednesday Night Classes for all ages at 6:15 598-3481 • 975 Dorset Road Dr. James Taylor, Pastor www.gracelandbc.org

Praise and Worship Service

Sunday School: 10:00-10:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. 4731 Bell Road, Powhatan, VA 23139 804-598-5491

Continued from pg. 1

Dr. Ronald Wyatt, Jr., Pastor

Reverend Mark A. Divens, Sr. Pastor

“God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. We walk by faith and not by sight” – Pastor Darnell Carruthers



1059 Dorset Road Powhatan, VA 23139


Page 5A

OLD POWHATAN BAPTIST CHURCH 3619 Huguenot Trail Powhatan, Virginia 23139 www.finecreekbaptist.org Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Traditional Rev. David A. Simpson, Pastor

2202 Old Church Road www.powhatanbaptist.org

“Your Community Church”

598-2763 Sunday School at 9:30 am Morning Service at 11:00 am Bible Study Every Wednesday Night at 6:30 pm 3964 Old Buckingham Road

Sundays 10:00 AM Wednesday 6:30 PM Experiencing the presence, power and person of Jesus Christ

Loving, Investing, Fulfilling, Empowering Senior Pastor Justin Wilson Sunday Service 10:30am 2410 New Dorset Circle www.Communitylifechurchpowhatan.org Feeding Powhatan Open 3rd Wednesday of the month


Sunday 10am, 11am & 6pm Wednesday 7pm



Evening Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Worship on the Lawn Service Times 8:30AM and 10:15AM OPBCKids during 10:15AM service

Family Worship Center 2901 Judes Ferry Road Powhatan, Va 23139 804-379-8223

Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Mid Day Bible Study 11:30 a.m.

Brad Russell, Pastor 598-4241

Travis L. Keith- Pastor Church Office: 794.7054 1530 Cook Road (Rt. 636)


Just Across from South Creek Shopping Center!

Page 6A

Powhatan Today, July 1, 2020

Cumberland County Cumberland High School Graduation 2020

Since an in-person graduation wasn’t an option amid COVID-19 restrictions, Cumberland High School held a Drive-Thru Diploma Celebration on June 2. Despite the need to adhere to social distancing guidelines, administrators and teachers worked to make the outdoor event special for the Class of 2020. Students had the chance to formally cross the stage and receive their diplomas and the recognition of the hard work it took to reach this achievement.

Braven Environmental to create 52 new jobs in Cumberland Contributed Report Governor Ralph Northam recently announced that Braven Environmental, a leader in deriving fuel from landfill-bound plastic, will invest $31.7 million to establish a manufacturing operation in Cumberland County’s shell building. Virginia successfully competed with North Carolina and South Carolina for the project, which will create 52 new jobs. This is the first economic development announcement for Cumberland County since 2009. “Braven Environmental will bring wellpaid job opportunities to the citizens of Cumberland County while lessening our overall environmental footprint in the years to come,” Northam said. “Providing the business environment and infrastructure to attract operations of this kind to rural Virginia is critical to our efforts to generate economic growth in all corners of the Commonwealth. Our economy is hurting right now, and these new jobs will have a great impact in the region.” Braven Environmental uses the science of pyrolysis, not incineration, to break down waste plastics with minimal emissions. The output can be used to create new plastics or as fuel produced with much lower carbon emissions than traditional oil or gas production. Braven Environmental’s new plant will stop waste plastics from entering

landfills, oceans, and waterways, while also reducing Virginia’s greenhouse gas emissions by ending the impact of long distance transportation used in current waste plastic solutions. Braven Environmental is committed to hiring locally and providing good jobs in the Cumberland County community. The company plans to create a total of over 80 new jobs within 18 months of the first phase of this project. “Job creation announcements are especially important as we work to repair the economic impacts of COVID-19,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Brian Ball. “Braven Environmental’s decision to establish its new fuel manufacturing operation in Cumberland County is an exciting win for the Commonwealth, and it underscores the competitive advantages available to industryleading companies in the Southside Virginia. We welcome Braven to the Commonwealth, and we look forward to working together to ensure Virginia is proactively reducing its carbon footprint.” “Braven’s decision to develop its next site in Virginia as part of its planned U.S. expansions was driven by the state’s pro-business and innovation economy, and the fact that Virginia sees an enormous amount of waste that is either transported long distance for processing or ends up in local landfills,” said see JOBS, pg. 7

Unity Walk promotes togetherness, peace By Laura McFarland Editor


UMBERLAND –Cumberland County’s Unity Walk once again brought local residents together to promote unity and love in their community. The walk, which was started in October 2016, was held again on Sunday, June 7. More than 100 participants gathered at Cumberland Elementary School that evening and walked together in solidarity to the front of Cumberland Middle School, where they listened to speeches from local community leaders. Organizers Terri Jackson and Jennifer Turner desired to give a platform for all to come together regardless of color or religion when they created the first walk, and that was true again with the 2020 walk. The walk’s mission of focusing on what brings people together rather than separating them was especially poignant because of protests and riots sweeping across Virginia and the nation drawing attention to the country’s racial divide. The 2020 Unity Walk was also important because it was held in honor of the late George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died in police custody in Minneapolis. Organizers encouraged participants to come out and unite, saying this is not a “black issue,” it’s a humanity issue. The walk is a peaceful way to let the voices of people in the community be heard and their presence felt. Organizers worked with representatives from the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office and Cumberland County Public Schools, both of which were represented during the walk along with local pastors and members of the Cumberland chapter of the NAACP.

what advice would you give to members of the Class of 2020? E-mail answers to editor@powhatantoday.com or share them on the Powhatan Today’s Facebook page.

July 1, 2020

Page 7A

History still has lessons to offer graduates By Roslyn Ryan Richmond Suburban News

With the Class of 2020 now officially finished with high school, many of our newly-minted graduates are no doubt focused on what grand adventures lay ahead. Just for a moment, however, if you’ll indulge me, I’d like to humbly ask every member of the Class of 2020 instead to take a minute to look backwards. I once heard it said that we as a nation, as gifted as we are at so many things, often fail to produce students well-versed in history. This is in part because the history textbooks we insist on using are generally dreadful to read and often sanitized beyond recognition. Instead of igniting a passion for discovering the real, often flawed men and women who shaped our world, students are trained to memorize dates and view historical figures as unrelatable, one-dimensional characters. Unclear of how what happened “then” relates to “now”? Students of history will understand beyond a doubt, for example, that the people fighting for the

rights of Black Americans today are standing on the shoulders of giants. Do the young people taking to the streets in protest carry in their minds the image of bus boycotters in Baton Rouge and Montgomery, of Freedom Riders and lunch counter protesters? I hope so. I hope they know the names that never made the front pages — Claudette Colvin and Wyatt Tee Walker— and remember the hundreds of thousands of unheralded men and women who risked everything to provide a better future for those who would come after them. Perhaps knowing the legacy of which you are a part does not make one any more or less passionate about a cause. But understanding just how long the fight has been going on— and the sacrifices made long ago — could certainly bolster resolve when the going gets tough. Graduates, you have in your hand access to 10,000 libraries worth of information. There is almost no subject that you cannot, in a matter of seconds, begin to understand. My greatest hope for each and every member of the Class of 2020 is that you leave your graduation ceremony not as someone who “was” a student, but as someone who is curious, energized and intent on learning everything there is to know


JOBS Continued from pg. 6

Hate lives in the heart, not in a flag Dear Editor, In response to Mr. Terry Paquette's letter to the editor of June 24, 2020. I agree with the idea that we, as free and equal citizens of Powhatan, do not engage each other in conversation. I disagree however that the little flag at our monument in the courthouse square conveys only hate. We can agree, I hope, that hate lies not in a piece of cloth but rather in the hearts of men. I am the man that placed that flag on that monument. There is no hate in my heart in placing that flag. Only love and respect for our ancestors. Regarding the flag and monument, perhaps a little history is in order. That flag at its inception was a soldier’s flag. It was a unique symbol of the Southern soldier born out of need during the confusion of battle. The only proper use and display of that flag is to honor the Confederate soldier. Period. I acknowledge that hateful groups of bigoted cowards have disgraced my grandfathers' flag and dishonored the men that served under it. Many people are of the opinion that that flag should just disappear. However for me and my compatriots to cede its honorable use to those bigots is unthinkable because then the haters win. We owe it to our forefathers to remember them properly. The next question is if the Powhatan Troop Monument is a proper setting for such a remembrance. It is not a monument to a what but rather a who. Specifically 162 men, mostly from Powhatan, who served with honor when Virginia called. Some of those men fell on the battlefield and their bodies were never recovered. Some made it home and lie in unmarked graves lost to time. That monument and others like it serve as a place of remembrance for the families of those 162 men and their descendants. Sometimes there was no other physical marker for them. The use of a small flag to honor them is entirely appropriate and honorable. I reject the notion that love and the Confederate Battle flag cannot coexist on the same square. I too have had many enlightening conversations in recent weeks with my neighbors of all races. We do not talk enough. We do not trust enough. We must engage in conversation but that conversation cannot be one sided. We are not dishonorable peo-

ple because of a flag. The people of Powhatan should know that this little flag and those placed on graves in our community on holidays are not intended for anything but their only honorable purpose, to remember the citizen soldiers who served honorably long ago and who have been demonized too much already. They are our family. We can and must co-exist as neighbors and not relive the hate and rancor of the past. We are equally imperfect and fallible in the eyes of God as were our forefathers. Your view of the flag is different than mine. That's ok. We can disagree and still live together as equals. Let us come together as a community. Let us trust each other a little more. Ken Morrison Powhatan County

Salary reductions could help lower costs Dear Editor, Discussions are continuing between the County Board of Supervisors and the School Board with respect to the FY 2021 school budget. In an earlier letter, I proposed that the school board consider an across-the-board 3 percent to 5 percent cut in payroll and benefits, in addition to other actions already proposed, to bring expenses in line with potentially lower funding. Here is my rationale for the 3 percent to 5 percent cut in payroll and benefits. Per the article regarding the school budget in the 10 June issue of Powhatan Today, Dr. Jones stated that nearly 85 percent of the school operating budget ($40.9 million out of $48.8 million) is payroll and benefits. He stated that a cut in staffing would be necessary to effect a reduction in expenses. However, another way to effect the expense reduction would be to implement a 3 percent to 5 percent across-the-board cut in payroll and benefits. On an annual basis, a 3 percent cut in payroll and benefits would save over $1.2 million, whereas a 5 percent cut saves over $2 million. In today’s economic climate, we have to assume that lower funding for the schools will be a reality. Dr. Jones and the school board have to consider all means of delivering a quality education with a lower operating budget. Ranjit Mazumdar Powhatan County

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Nick Canosa, president and CEO of Braven Environmental. “With this facility, we’re looking forward to working hand-in-hand with Cumberland County to address the existing plastic waste issue with proven technology, while bringing long-term jobs to the community.” The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Cumberland County and Virginia’s Growth Alliance to secure the project for Virginia. Northam approved a $150,000 grant from the Commonwealth’s Opportunity Fund to assist Cumberland County with the project. The Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission approved $65,000 in Tobacco Region Opportunity Funds for the project, and funding and services to support the company’s employee training activities will be provided through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program. “Cumberland County’s Board of Supervisors is proud to welcome Braven Environmental to

OUTDOORS Continued from pg. 1

ing economic sector with many opportunities, and Powhatan has something to offer in the realm of outdoor recreation, she said. Tourism revenue is beneficial to the county as it draws visitors who come for the experiences while eating, drinking and shopping in Powhatan before returning to their homes in other communities. “These businesses are

about who you are and where you come from. I hope you begin, if you haven’t already, to see history not as a handful of dates to be memorized but a vibrant, endlessly fascinating celebration of what human beings are capable of and how they have adapted and strategized and failed and succeeded. As you continue to move forward, may studying history offer both guidance and inspiration. When you find yourself facing what appear to be unprecedented challenges, you will learn that they are not. When the world seems to be spinning off its axis, you will take comfort in the fact that it has always managed to right itself. When you doubt whether you have what it takes to accomplish great things, you will have at the ready hundreds of examples of people who reached unimaginable heights after starting right where you are now. Graduates, one day the way you chose to spend your days will become part of the historical record. We here at the Powhatan Today wish for you a prosperous road ahead, a lifetime of learning, and the kind of success that will inspire all who come after you. the County,” said Brian Stanley, board chairman. “Through the diligent work of our Economic Development Authority, opportunity and prosperity has been delivered.” “Braven’s investment and development of technology to transform a global problem into a clean fuel solution is revolutionary,” said Fred Shumaker, chairman of the Cumberland County Economic Development Authority. “This type of forward thinking not only reduces the use of traditional fuels, therefore lowering the state’s carbon footprint, but also reduces the volume of waste in the environment. This is a great win for Virginia and her environment, but specifically for Cumberland County.” “Braven Environmental’s investment is a gamechanger for Cumberland County and these new jobs will change lives in Southside Virginia,” said Congressman Denver Riggleman. “I am very excited about this announcement and the potential of the project. Braven brings an innovative technology project that will increase prosperity in Cumberland and reduce carbon emissions

in Virginia.” “This reaffirms that Virginia’s current policies toward business and growth are attractive to commercial interests,” said Senator Mark Peake. “Beyond the much-needed jobs that Braven Environmental will provide, the total impact on Cumberland is almost unimaginable. I am very excited about how this project will bolster local government, generate growth in area businesses, and offer new educational opportunities in Cumberland County Public Schools. I welcome Braven Environmental and offer my support in my capacity in the Senate of Virginia.” “We are always looking for innovative businesses to join our community here in Cumberland County and Southern Virginia, and Braven Environmental is exactly that,” said Delegate Thomas Wright. “I am pleased that Virginia was able to successfully compete against other states for this project, and I believe that our strong business climate and more-than-capable workforce will play a strong role in the success of this new venture.”

beneficial in that they offer a unique tourism experience for locals and visitors alike to see what makes Powhatan special. The outdoor recreation businesses celebrate the natural beauty of Powhatan and make minimal impact to the land,” Salerno said. Taking advantage of Powhatan’s proximity to the James River, Maiden Voyage Outfitters, which will rent kayaks, tubes and stand up paddle boards,

opened its doors on June 1 at Maidens Landing. Meanwhile up in the trees, Canopy Adventure Park is offering outdoor enthusiasts hours of fun on four specially designed zipline courses at its location near Independence Golf Course. The business had a soft opening in October 2019 with plans for a spring grand opening, but the restrictions caused by the pandemic put a hold see OUTDOORS, pg. 8

WE WANT TO PUBLISH YOUR ISSUE-DRIVEN LETTERS Powhatan Today welcomes your Letters to the Editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Letters, which should be no longer than 400 words, must include the name, address and telephone number of the author. The deadline is noon the Thursday before publication, but letters may be held until the following week upon the editor’s discretion. The publisher or editor of Powhatan Today reserves the right to edit or withhold from publication any letter for any reason whatsoever. Once received, all letters become the possession of Powhatan Today. Letters reflect the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of Powhatan Today or its staff.

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Powhatan Today, July 1, 2020

Page 8A

OUTDOORS Continued from pg. 7

on that. Still, the business is open for the season this summer and into early fall. In spring 2021, Longleaf Conservation Capital Inc. will launch a low-impact outdoor recreation venture on a 1,410-acre property along the Appomattox River. Geared largely toward conservation and preservation, Longleaf will generate cash flow by providing access and limited recreation amenities such as camping, mountain biking, hunting, and water access.

Maiden Voyage Outfitters Maiden Voyage Outfitters owner Kevin Webster recently moved to Powhatan after managing an ATV rental operation in Sedona, Arizona. Before starting the business, he would visit Powhatan State Park and saw how much it was growing. He also noticed a lack of resources available for people who wanted an introductory experience to the James River without the investment of buying and transporting their own kayaks, tubes, and stand-up paddle boards. “I saw how much they were growing. So many people were using that area, and I saw a push to bring the service out there so more people could be introduced to the outdoors in a safe, controlled way where they wouldn’t feel so intimidated,” Webster said. Parties of up to 10 people can rent equipment at a time, he said. They come check in and leave their vehicles at Maidens Landing. Then they are shuttled to a launch at Powhatan State Park, where they begin their float back down to the landing and their vehicle. All tours are self-guided with all safety equipment provided and safety instructions before every trip. Starting the business in the middle of a pandemic has been a big gamble, with Webster not even sure he could have a season or if he would be allowed to shuttle people with current guidelines. Webster said he has seen a shift to consumers wanting to spend more of

their time outdoors and looking for ways to access it without a huge capital outlay. Powhatan already had the natural resources he needed, and he said county staff and state park employees have been wonderful to work with as he launched his business. Maiden Voyage Outfitters’ season is scheduled to run through mid-September. Bookings run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday to Sunday. For more information, contact 914-299-6142 or visit www.maidenvoyageoutfitters.com.

Canopy Adventure Park Canopy Adventure Park co-owners Matt Klaman and Alex Van Ness are friends and fellow adventure park enthusiasts who decided to start a venture of their own. The park utilizes a swath of land near Independence Golf Course that is approximately 200-by400 feet and features more than 28 obstacles, including swings, platforms, ladder bridges, Tarzan swings, tightropes, and more. There are four unique courses stacked on two different routes that are either 20 or 40 feet off the ground and range from beginner to expert. Ten zip lines are integrated throughout the courses. Rather than choosing and running through a single course once, groups can come in for two-and-ahalf-hour blocks and enjoy traipsing among the trees as much as they want, Klaman said. The beauty of the business is that the same course can be so different depending on the user, Van Ness said. They have had couples, families, and larger groups doing team building exercises. “We have had groups of two and 20. Groups of 20 have a great time working through it, and a couple or a family of four has a great time also because they like hanging out together,” he said. “Then there are the people who want to see how fast they can get through it in their time slot. It is really go at your own

pace and do the course how you want to do it.” Themselves enthusiasts of zipline courses, when Klaman and Van Ness decided to start their own business, they picked Powhatan as a great location because of its natural resources and the fact that it was close to the population of the Richmond metro area without being too close. The duo looked at starting their business on land deeper in Powhatan along Route 711 but met with pushback from neighbors, Klaman said. County staff connected them with Giff Breed at Independence Golf Club, who took them down to the spot where the zipline courses are now located and they knew it was the right fit. Instead of starting from scratch on empty land, this location had infrastructure already in place. The friends did a great deal of research in designing the courses, which were built by Vestals Gap Ventures, a ropes course building company, Klaman said. The course meets Association for Challenge Course Technology standards and will be recertified every year. They pride themselves both on their courses and their safety measures. Van Ness talked about the fivepoint safety harnesses they use, which are more rigorous than the standard harnesses used by some companies. The adventure park has a minimum height requirement of 4 feet 9 inches, which is the average height of a 10-year-old, Klaman said. If the high ropes courses take off, the pair is considering a low ropes course more geared toward children. The park is open on weekends throughout the fall, winter and spring with reservations required. With advanced booking over the phone, the park will open for groups of six or more during the week. The park is open seven days a week in the summer and limited walk-ups will be accepted. Rates range from $35 to $45 and include unlimited use of the course during a 2.5-hour time slot and all necessary gear. The park can accommodate up to 40







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Jackson Sompayrac paddles in a kayak owned by Maiden Voyage Outfitters, which rents out equipment for visitors to experience the James River.


Matt Klaman and Alex Van Ness, co-owners of Canopy Adventure Park, stand on the beginner zipline course they started together in Powhatan.

users at a time and group discounts are available. For more information, contact 804-220-6308 or visit www.canopyadventurepark.com.

Longleaf Conservation Capital Inc. Right now the plan for a 1,410-acre property along the Appomattox River in Powhatan is very focused on sustainable forestry, said Aaron Bumgarner, founder and CEO of Longleaf Conservation Capital Inc. They are finalizing a conservation easement and partnership with the Virginia Department of Forestry and a preservation easement utilizing the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation Natural Area Preserve grant. Longleaf purchased the property in early 2019 for the purpose of preserving forestland, implementing carbon sequestration, and

establishing outdoor recreation and public access to the river. The recreation endeavor will include tiny homes for cabin rentals and low-impact, eco-friendly camping starting in spring 2021 and building out trails on the entire property for a regional mountain bike destination integrated with canoe and kayak access, walking and hiking trails, and more, Bumgarner said. “The primary focus will be mountain biking on the trail system. There will also be various and different trails open to hiking, trail running, and training as well as canoe and kayak access on the Appomattox River,” he said. The size of the acreage of the property and having 3 miles of river frontage made the Powhatan location an ideal spot for the project, he said. The land also has a unique ecosystem with rare and native wildflowers along the river.

There will be about 300 acres marked for conservation that will be completely off limits to visitors to preserve critical habitats, Bumgarner said. “Our business is focused on protecting and preserving special and unique places. It is protecting large contiguous tracts of land for future generations, and the recreation on it just meshes well into that to help promote that area more. Recreation is a part of the big picture – it is not the big picture, it is part of it,” he said. Currently, the project is focused on cleanup, trail building, mapping, and planning, he said. While the project will launch in spring 2021, it will be a phased build out over several years. For more information, www.longleaf.capital. Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday. com.

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July 1, 2020

Powhatan, Virginia

Page 1B

Fall athletics: VHSL taking wait-and-see approach By Tim Pearrell PHOTOS BY NICK VANDELOECHT/POWHATAN TODAY


The PYAA Ponytails are looking to compete in this year’s Dixie World Series in Alabama starting July 31.

The Virginia High School League wants to buy more time before deciding whether sports can be played this fall. During a special session of the league’s executive committee on Thursday, VHSL executive director Billy Haun said the league needs to continue to take a wait-and-see approach because of unknowns about COVID-19 data, social distancing measures, how schools will open and other issues. Haun said while the VHSL wants to reopen sports “in a safe and reasonable way,” the league can make a more informed decision in four to eight weeks when it has more data. The committee will meet again in July and August. “There’s still two months before we reach Labor Day,” Haun said. “It’s very possible Virginia’s health data will continue to be good and show decreases as it has each of the last couple of governor’s meetings. “But the other side is it may go up. We have states that are spiking. We just don’t know exactly where we’re going to be.” Participants compete in Saturday’s corn hole tournament, a Gov. Ralph Northam announced Tuesday fundraiser to help the PYAA Ponytails play in the Dixie World Series. that on July 1 the state will ease some restrictions and move into the third phase of gradual trophy. an, to attend. “I think we have a good chance reopening from the pandemic. But the state tournament is also The measures provided little insight into still happening. It’s slated to begin of winning state this year – we’ve July 17, with the location still to be got a good group of girls,” Gillespie what that means for school sports – the league is hoping to get some clarity soon – but they determined. The Ponytails’ All-Stars said. will be competing for the Virginia see PYAA, pg. 2B see FALL, pg. 2B

Sights are set on World Series By Nick Vandeloecht Sports Editor POWHATAN - With local softball under way, the Powhatan Youth Athletics Association’s Ponytails are looking to achieve a few more major goals this summer. A couple of those are playing in – and winning – the Dixie Softball World Series. Saturday’s corn hole tournament, held at the Moose Lodge in Powhatan, raised funds for the PYAA Ponytails’ All-Stars – coached by Nathan Miller, Alex Narbut and head coach Stony Gillespie – to go and play in the six-day, double-elimination 12u tournament down in Oxford, Alabama. Series play begins July 31. Normally teams would have to win their respective state tournaments to advance to the Series, but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there are many teams that won’t be participating at all, opening up the opportunity for those that are participating, including Powhat-

Schiefer named BSH Female Athlete of the Year By Nick Vandeloecht Sports Editor


rom a very young age, Katie Schiefer looked up to the athletes at Blessed Sacrament Huguenot. She could not wait for the day that she would be the athlete representing BSH on the field. Growing up, she watched her brother play football, basketball, and soccer, which excited her even more for the day that she would be on the field, as well as on the court. Fast-forward to this June. Schiefer, a three-sport standout, graduated from Blessed Sacrament Huguenot as the school’s 2020 Female Athlete of the Year. “Being named the BSH Female Athlete of the Year is such an honor. I am very humble to be receiving this award after someone who I have admired and looked up to most of my life,” Schiefer said. “Coach Jeff Zimmerman has truly been an inspiration to me on and off the court and will be in my heart forever.” Her athletic journey at BSH began with both cheerleading and basketball on the prep team during her fifth grade year. In seventh grade, she helped to CONTRIBUTED PHOTO create the first prep soccer team in school history. FILE/POWHATAN TODAY She stuck with all three sports throughout middle Katie Schiefer stands with the plaque officially school and high school, becoming a captain on all Katie Schiefer goes for the layup in a 2019-20 recognizing her as Blessed Sacrament Huguenot’s 2019-20 Female Athlete of the Year.

see SCHIEFER, pg. 2B

season basketball game.


“I was very nervous,” he said. “But I remember: I caught the ball, and I just dodged, and I remember being tripped, and I didn’t see a flag, and then the flag finally came out.”


He had this thought of: Do I take a shot now? Because if you get a flag, it’s a free possession, he said – even if you miss the shot or lose the ball, you get it back. The shot he ended up taking “was kind of a laughing moment,” he said.


“It was bad. It was slow,” Williams said, citing nerves. “It bounced like four times on the ground. . . . It was not an impressive shot at all.”

T Powhatan High School Class of 2020 graduate made a play The hat will go down in program history during a regular-season game th att former Jefferson District rival Charlottesville on March 26, 2019. The two teams battled each other into overtime, tied 15-15. One o overtime goal would decide the game. Williams never wanted the game to go into overtime. W

But there was a lot of commotion in front of Williams, and that commotion made it hard for the goalie to see the ball coming. It rolled in, and Powhatan won 16-15. “Whenever I score . . . I’m not one to celebrate; I kind of just stand there and might give out a high five or whatnot,” Williams said. “I think that was the one time where I was just so excited to score, and jumping up and down and getting tackled after was crazy.”

Powhatan Today, July 1, 2020

Page 2B

SCHIEFER Continued from pg. 1B

three teams during her junior and senior years. With cheerleading, Schiefer has always had a love for football, and she grew up going to football games at both BSH under the Friday night lights and at Virginia Tech. That love for football grew into a love for cheerleading. “Cheerleading gave me an opportunity to be at every football game whether home or away, especially once my brother graduated,” Schiefer said. “Cheerleading always seemed to be such a fun sport and great way to bond with many girls throughout the entire school.” Watching the girls at pep rallies since she was little also played a big part in her wanting to be a cheerleader since a very young age. She began playing basketball for the YMCA at the age of 5, and she’s loved it ever since. “There was never a season that went by that I did not want to play nor try another sport,” she said. “When I finally hit the fifth grade, I was so excited to be able to be a part of a team within my school and start my journey of being a BSH basketball player.” She was 6 years old when she started playing for the Powhatan Soccer Association – and she was all in. “I had been watching my brother play soccer for a long time,” she said, “and was very excited to finally be on the field.” She continued her soccer career by playing travel for quite a few years, but once she started getting involved in school sports, it became too much going from a full day of school to a school sport practice and then to a travel soccer practice. “This was a very hard decision for me to make as soccer had been ‘my sport’ for most of my life,” Schiefer said. “When I then helped to create the first prep soccer team I was still able to play soccer and enjoy all the other opportunities BSH was able to offer to me.” While each sport is very different in the specific skills needed, Schiefer felt she was able to bring the core skills to all three: leadership, commu-


Blessed Sacrament Huguenot’s Katie Schiefer (right) drives the ball in a 2019 soccer match.

nication and the ability to have fun while still being competitive. “Playing basketball allowed me to be much more prepared for the conditioning that comes with playing soccer. Each sport allowed me to grow in my leadership and brought different challenges to the table,” she said. “The challenges that were brought to me in basketball allowed me to take those skills used and then apply them to a similar challenge that would appear in soccer. It would always be a little transition from basketball to soccer, from using your hands to your feet, but the concepts of the game are very similar.” In cheerleading, Schiefer said it was very nice to have a strong bond with the girls and “have so many sisters that you could talk to about anything.” One of her favorite memories was of their routine from this past Homecoming pep rally. In basketball, she was part of a smaller group of girls, and that allowed them to become very close as the teammates spent a lot of time together practicing, traveling to games and playing together. And that close bond, she said, definitely helped them with the success they had. Along with her fellow seniors Elizabeth Carter and Sidney McMinn, as well as freshman Madelyn Mitchell and eighth grader Hailey Holcombe, Schiefer led the Knights basketball team to a 15-8 overall record,


Blessed Sacrament Huguenot’s Katie Schiefer cheered for the BSH football team as part of the BSH cheerleading team during the fall seasons.

a memorable Virginia Colonial Conference (VCC) semifinal win, 40-26, over Brunswick Academy at Richard Bland College (RBC) and an appearance in this year’s state quarterfinals after Schiefer and her teammates defeated Eastern Mennonite, 34-31, in the first round of the Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association state tournament in Harrisonburg. “It was awesome! All the hard work that my teammates and I had put in since the summer had finally paid off,” Schiefer said. “We encoun-

tered many trials and tribulations during the season but we persevered and exceeded our team goal of the year.” She and her teammates also got to play Richmond Christian in the VCC championship game at RBC. The Knights would enter the state tournament as the VCC tournament runners-up. “Ever since I started playing basketball for BSH and went to the tournament to watch the teams play, I always dreamed of being there and playing at Richard Bland,” Schiefer said. “This year, not only did I get to play there, but I got to be a part of a team that was in the championship game. We worked very hard to get to where we were and we all deserved it.” For Schiefer, soccer was a nice way to end each year. She and her teammates in 2018 had a season to remember when they won the VCC championship. “This year we were going to have a few more girls which I was very excited for,” Schiefer said. “The bond that was created between the entire team and the support given from all the guys on the team is something special.” With soccer this spring, she was looking forward to a great season, and to having the opportunity to claim the trophy one last time. “We had a great team this year,” she said. “We were all determined to put in all the work necessary in order to be

FALL Continued from pg. 1B


Participants compete in Saturday’s corn hole tournament, a fundraiser to help the PYAA Ponytails play in the 2020 Dixie World Series.

PYAA Continued from pg. 1B

Right now Powhatan’s teams are still playing regular recreational softball, and they’ve been able to play opponents from neighboring counties including Goochland and Amelia. “It’s nice to get out there; we went from playing nothing, now to a bunch of games, which is a good thing; to have the girls out there, having a good time . . . that’s the biggest thing,” Gillespie said. “We’re trying to do our social distancing as much as we can, but we’re outside; we’re not inside.” Some of the changes with social distancing include not having the girls clap hands at the end of games – what they’re doing now to still show sportsmanship is bump elbows instead, Gillespie said. The teams are also still do-

ing their respective cheers, but right now, they’re doing so without huddling together like they normally would. The PYAA continues to raise funds for the trip to Alabama. The program and its supporters are looking to include sponsors, as well as put together a banner with all the sponsors for the team. The 2020 Ponytails have a GoFundMe page (2020 Ponytails Allstars World Series; https://www.gofundme. com/f/2020-ponytails-allstars-worldseries?sharetype=teams&member=48 36280&utm_medium=copy_ link&utm_source=customer&utm_ campaign=p_na+share-sheet&pc_ code=ot_co_ dashboard_a&rcid=55847da38c824ca eba55c2cab22a0cbd). Anyone who is looking to learn more and/or make a donation can email Gillespie at twogillespies@aol.com.

did include a section for indoor and outdoor recreational activities, among them: players, spectators and instructors are expected to maintain 10 feet of distance; and the total number of people who can attend increased from 50 to 250 people per field, or the lesser of 50% of occupancy load or 250 people. “While we’re in Phase Three, we’re still talking about social distancing,” Haun said. “I don’t understand how you think about playing team sports while you’re social distancing. It doesn’t seem to add up to me that you can do that.” He added: “If we had to make that decision today, getting ready to go into Phase Three with the social distancing we would have to vote, I think, that we would have no sports because you can’t play sports with social distancing.” Haun also said he didn’t know “how some school divisions can do social distancing, staggered schedules, and not think there’s going to be an equity issue about who gets to practice every day if you try to do team sports.” “If the A kids are here on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the B kids are here on Thursday-Friday, well, while the B kids are here on Thursday-Friday, how are the A kids going to get to practice [those days] because they weren’t in the building [those days]? In some locations, that wouldn’t be an is-

in the championship game another year.” But before the season could get going, the COVID-19 pandemic began to worsen throughout the nation, leading to school closures in Virginia for the rest of the academic year. As a result, VISAA’s spring sports seasons, including soccer, were cancelled. “I was very sad to not be able to get to play at least one game my senior year,” Schiefer said. “We had just finished up our core weeks on conditioning and were supposed to have our first game the following Tuesday that schools closed. Not only did I miss out on my final season of soccer but also on many memories that would have been gained throughout the season.” The pandemic has made her realize even more “that you should live everyday like it is your last.” “Never did I think that my senior year could be taken away from me in just a splitsecond,” she said. “One needs to cherish every minute on the field and the court because one never knows when it may be their last.” Schiefer will be attending Virginia Tech in the fall. She plans to major in Human Nutrition Food and Exercise and eventually become a pediatric nurse practitioner. “I would love to continue to play basketball and soccer at the club level,” she said, “but we will just have to wait and see what God has in store for me.” Schiefer said that sports have provided her with many important everyday life skills. “I have become a strong leader through sports, have learned great time management skills, problem solving skills and I have learned how to win and to lose.” To Schiefer, there is nothing like BSH athletics. “All students are given the opportunity to play a sport and be a part of a team. It is a great way for students to get involved and make friends with others outside of your grade that may not be made in the classroom,” Schiefer said. “Sports are a large part of BSH and truly can make a difference in the experience one has while at BSH. BSH is truly a family and there is no place like it!” To all athletes, Schiefer offers one last piece of advice. “Play hard, play fair and have fun!”

sue, kids might have cars, parents could bring them, they can walk. In many of our school divisions, that’s going to be a huge issue.” With the 250-person limit per field, Haun said “one of the things we have to acknowledge is that how much can we afford a full slate of athletic activities if we don’t have all those gate receipts.” “I think there’s a lot of issues to be determined,” he added. “I hate to disappoint people who are expecting us to come out today at the end of this meeting and here’s the schedules for the fall … here’s when football starts, here’s when golf starts, here’s when cross country starts … I don’t think we’re there yet.” At this point, VHSL teams only have the go-ahead for limited offseason practice conditioning and drills during the summer (once they get approval from the Department of Education for plans to mitigate the spread of the virus). If fall sports can’t start, Haun said the league might consider models that would move the fall, winter and spring seasons. Winter sports might start in mid-December and run through late February. Fall sports, including football, might start in mid-February and run through early May. Spring sports might start in mid-April and run through late June. “Obviously you’d be talking about a reduced number of games, reduced schedules,” Haun said, emphasizing that the model was just an example.

Powhatan Today, July 1, 2020

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Greatest Races: NASCAR (N) Å Greatest Races Å To Be Announced Wheel Jeopardy Gold black-ish Conners House S.H.I.E.L.D. News Kimmel News Holly Game On! (N) Å SEAL Team S.W.A.T. “Diablo” News Colbert Big Bang Big Bang MasterChef (In Stereo) Å (DVS) Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside Chicago Med Chicago Fire Chicago P.D. News J. Fallon Married Married Married Married Married Married Married Married Married Married philosophy - beauty Christmas in July Sale (N) (Live) Å philosophy - beauty (N) (Live) Å PBS NewsHour (N) Spy in the Wild NOVA (In Stereo) Prehistoric-Trip Amanpour-Co Good Time/By Royal Myths Grantchester Beecham House PBS NewsHour (N) E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight Decision 2020 All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour CNBC Special Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Jay Leno’s Garage Jay Leno’s Garage The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Fox News at Night NCIS (In Stereo) WWE NXT (N) (In Stereo Live) Å ›› “Couples Retreat” (2009, Comedy) “Longest Yard” All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (Live) Å ››‡ “The Longest Yard” (2005) Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Conan Full The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Two Men Two Men ››› “Coming to America” (1988) Eddie Murphy. ››‡ “Caddyshack” (1980) South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Park Å South Pk Daily South Pk Expedition Expedition Expedition Un. Mysteries of Deep Dino Hunters Å My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life “Rena & Lee’s Story” My 600-Lb. Life “Lee & Rena & Sarah” Lone Star Law Lone Star Law: Uncuffed (N) (In Stereo) North Wo. Law North Woods Law The 700 Club Å ››› “Easy A” (2010, Comedy) ›› “Sweet Home Alabama” (2002) (In Stereo) Å Andy G. Andy G. Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King “Charge-Brigade” ›››› “Singin’ in the Rain” (1952) ››‡ “Annie” (1982) Aileen Quinn. Å “A Royal Winter” “Rome in Love” (2019) Italia Ricci. Å Golden Golden Golden Golden Married at First Married at First Married at First Married at First Married at First Property Brothers Hot Hot Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games The BET Awards 2020: (In Stereo) Å T. Perry’s The Oval American Soul Å T. Perry’s The Oval ›‡ “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” “R.I.P.D.” (2013) ›››‡ “Se7en” (1995) Brad Pitt. Å “Lethal Weapon 4” ››‡ “Major League” (1989) Tom Berenger. Å “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom “Tammy” (2014) Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Counting Cars (N) Forged in Fire




1992 All-Star Race WWE Friday Night SmackDown Å MotoAmerica Greatest-Races Backstory Boxing: Jose Pedraza vs. Mikkel LesPierre. (N) (Live) SportsCenter Wheel Jeopardy Holey Moley Don’t (In Stereo) To Tell the Truth News Kimmel News Holly Sheldon Unicorn Mom Mom NCIS: Los Angeles News Colbert Big Bang Big Bang Celeb. Watch Labor of Love Å Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside Council of Dads (N) Blindspot (N) Å Law & Order: SVU News J. Fallon Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Denim/Clearance Down Home with David (N) (Live) Å hairUWear No Problem/Shawn PBS NewsHour (N) Inside Art Inside the Ritz: To Be Announced Amanpour-Co Untamed Wine Finding Your Roots The National Parks: America’s Best Idea PBS NewsHour (N) E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight Decision 2020 All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour CNBC Special Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Fox News at Night Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Bones (In Stereo) ››› “Beauty and the Beast” (2017) Emma Watson. ››› “Beauty and the Beast” Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Misery Conan Misery The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Two Men Two Men ››‡ “Addams Family Values” (1993) ›››› “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” (1982) Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Daily Office Naked and Afraid Treasure Island Naked and Afraid (N) (In Stereo) Å Naked and Afraid Hoard-Buried Hoard-Buried Hoard-Buried Hoard-Buried Hoard-Buried Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch While ›› “Sweet Home Alabama” (2002) (In Stereo) Å The Bold Type Å The 700 Club Å Andy G. Andy G. Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King “All Neat-Black” ›››‡ “The Black Stallion” (1979) Å “The Black Stallion Returns” (1983) Å “Puppy Love” Å “A Valentine’s Match” (2020, Romance) Golden Golden Golden Golden Married at First Married at First Married at First Married at First Sight (N) Å Married Home Town Å Home Town Å Design Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Beat Beat Beat Beat Restaurant: Im. Undercover Chef Beat Beat ››‡ “Jumping the Broom” (2011) Angela Bassett. I Can Do ›‡ “Two Can Play That Game” (2001) “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire” ›› “Clash of the Titans” (2010) Sam Worthington. Debate Kingdom “Major League” ››‡ “Demolition Man” (1993) Sylvester Stallone. ››‡ “Total Recall” (2012) Last Man Last Man ›‡ “Tammy” (2014, Comedy) Melissa McCarthy. › “Joe Dirt” (2001, Comedy) Mountain Men Mountain Men Mountain Men (N) Alone “The Fly” (In Stereo) Mnt. Men



7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30


The Kings Celebrity Poker Challenge World Poker Tour World Armwrestling League (N) Å Movie 30 for 30 SportsCenter (Live) SportCtr Wheel Jeopardy Shark Tank 20/20 (N) (In Stereo) Å News Kimmel News Holly MacGyver Å Magnum P.I. Å Blue Bloods News Colbert Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) News First Spo DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside World of Dance The Wall (In Stereo) Dateline NBC Å News J. Fallon Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Fri-YAY! With Jane & David (Live) Å Isaac Mizrahi Live! Summer Fashion DaretoShareBeauty PBS NewsHour (N) Wash Hoover Gr’t Performances “Statue-Liberty” Amanpour-Co VCU High Antique Roadshow African Americans Before We Die Å PBS NewsHour (N) E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Special Report CNN Tonight Special Report Decision 2020 All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shark Tank Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Fox News at Night Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Mod Fam Mod Fam Bones (In Stereo) ›››› “Saving Private Ryan” (1998, War) Tom Hanks. Å (DVS) Lone Laughs ›› “Fast & Furious” (2009) Vin Diesel. “Talladega Nights: Ricky Bobby” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Yellowstone Å Yellowstone Å Yellowstone Å Yellowstone Å Yellowstone Å South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Chap Chap Chap Chap Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Dino Hunters Å Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue 90 Day: Other 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? (N) 90 Day 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day River Monsters River Monsters: Deadliest Man-Eaters River Monsters River Monsters “Miss Congeniality 2” ››› “There’s Something About Mary” (1998) Å The 700 Club Å Andy G. Andy G. Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King “Fort Apache” ›››‡ “My Darling Clementine” (1946) ›››› “The Searchers” (1956, Western) Golden Golden “Marry Me at Christmas” (2017) Å “A Harvest Wedding” (2017) Jill Wagner. ›› “Kidnap” (2017, Action) Halle Berry. ›‡ “Traffik” (2018) “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (2005) Dream Dream Dream Dream Color Splash Dream Dream Dream Dream Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners “Jumping the Broom” (2011) ›› “All About the Benjamins” (2002) Ice Cube. T. Perry’s The Oval “The Bourne Identity” (2002) ››› “The Bourne Supremacy” (2004) Matt Damon. Futurama Futurama Friday “Rambo: First Blood Part II” ››› “First Blood” ›› “Rambo” (2008) Sylvester Stallone. Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Grant: (In Stereo) Grant: (In Stereo) Å Grant: (In Stereo) Å

SATURDAY EVENING C 3 4 8 9 11 12 15 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 127 138 146 177


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7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30


Greatest Games: MLB (N) Å Walkoff Stories AFL Premiership Backstory Å The Basketball Tournament The Basketball Tournament Wheel Jeopardy Funny Videos Shark Tank The Good Doctor News Secre Bensin Carbon SEAL Team Å 48 Hours (In Stereo) 48 Hours (In Stereo) News 48 Hours To Be Announced Celeb. Watch Ultimate Tag News America Ultimate Tag Å 12 News Copper Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks: July Fireworks: News SNL Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å Shoe Shopping With Jane (N) (Live) Å Women Control Denim/Clearance Skechers (N) (Live) Lawrence Welk Call Home Murder Midsomer Murders Songs Song of Mountains Prehistoric-Trip Spy in the Wild NOVA (In Stereo) Polytrauma Rehab: Positive: POV Å CNN Newsroom CNN Special: CNN Special: CNN Special: AC360: T. Noah: MSNBC Live Å All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Life, Liberty Watters’ World Å Justice Judge Greg Gutfeld Watters’ World Å Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Miz & Miz & “Private Ryan” ››› “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017) Chris Hemsworth. ›› “Battleship” (2012) “Fast & Furious” ››› “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” (2016) Felicity Jones. Full Laughs Biography Å Gotti: Godfather & Son: Å Gotti: Godfather & Son: Å Top Gun ››› “Top Gun” (1986, Action) Tom Cruise. Å ››‡ “S.W.A.T.” (2003, Action) Å Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Expedition Unknown: Rediscovered “Lost in America” Å Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Untold Stories: Say Yes to the Dress America Å Bronx Tales The Zoo (In Stereo) Bronx Tales The Zoo (In Stereo) The Zoo (In Stereo) “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” ›› “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1” (2011) Å Twilight Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “Yankee Doodle” ›››‡ “The Music Man” (1962) Robert Preston. ››› “Bye Bye Birdie” (1963) “My Favorite Wedding” (2017, Romance) “The Perfect Bride: Wedding Bells” Å “Convenient” “The Bad Seed” “The Twisted Nanny” (2019, Suspense) “Killer Contractor” (2019) Alyshia Ochse. Home Town Å Home Town Å Home Town Å Home Town Å Home Town Å Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners “Barbershop” ›››‡ “Boyz N the Hood” (1991) Larry Fishburne. ›› “The Players Club” (1998) “The Bourne Supremacy” ››› “The Bourne Ultimatum” (2007) Matt Damon. Futurama Futurama ››› “Independence Day” (1996) Å ››› “Independence Day” (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith. ››› “Urban Cowboy” (1980, Drama) ››› “Pure Country” (1992, Drama) George Strait. Å Washington: Å Washington: (In Stereo) Å Washington: (In Stereo) Å

SUNDAY EVENING C 3 4 8 9 11 12 15 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 127 138 146 177

7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30


Bowling NHRA’s Greatest Races Å Boxing Å The Basketball Tournament The Basketball Tournament SportsCenter (Live) Funny Videos Celebrity Fam Press Your Luck Match Game News NCIS: LA 60 Minutes (N) Å 60 Minutes (N) Å NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: New Orleans News Elmntry Last Man Duncan Simpson Bless Burgers Fam Guy News America This Week ROH NASCAR Game Night America’s Got Talent “Auditions 6” Å News Greta Last Man Last Man Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest Dooney & Bourke Shark Solutions (N) Susan Graver Style (N) (Live) Å Last Tango Royal Myths Grantchester Beecham House Austin City Limits Somewhere South America America America America Music & Might: Royal Myths CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom 1968: Å 1968: Å 1968: (Part 3 of 4) Kasie DC (N) Å Dateline Extra Å Dateline Extra Å Dateline Extra Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Fox News Sunday Life, Liberty Revolution Watters’ World Å Life, Liberty Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Snowpiercer (N) Snowpiercer “Lara Croft Tmb” ››› “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017, Action) “Vacation” (2015) Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Laughs Laughs The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Yellowstone Å Yellowstone Å Yellowstone Å Yellowstone Å “Speed” (1994) Blended › “Grown Ups 2” (2013) Adam Sandler. ›‡ “Blended” (2014) Adam Sandler. Å Naked and Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? (N) sMothered (N) 90 Day Fiancé Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law (N) Lone Star Law Lone Star Law “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn” “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” (2012) What Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “Strangers-Train” ›››› “Driving Miss Daisy” (1989) Å ››› “The Seventh Cross” (1944) Å “The Last Bridesmaid” (2019, Romance) Good Witch Å Golden Golden Golden Golden “You Can’t T” “Driven to the Edge” (2020, Suspense) “Dying to Be You” (2020, Suspense) Property Brothers Renovation Island Bahamas Bahamas Beach Beach Lake Lake Diners, Drive Diners Diners Worst Cooks Beat Beat Beat Beat BET Awards: Sunday Best Å Sunday Best Å ›› “Harlem Nights” (1989, Comedy) ››‡ “Jurassic Park III” (2001) ››‡ “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997) Jeff Goldblum. NOS4A2 (N) Å NOS4A2 Å ››› “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012, Action) Christian Bale. “Grease” (1978) ››› “A League of Their Own” (1992) Tom Hanks. Å “Grease” (1978) The Food That Built America Å (DVS) America: Our Defining Hours: (N) Å Built America

DAYTIME AFTERNOON C 3 4 8 9 11 12 15 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 127 138 146 177




The Herd with Colin Cowherd Speak for Your. Undisputed Varied SportC Varied NFL Live The Varied Jalen Ques SportC Varied GMA3: What General Hosp. Mel Robbins Dr. Phil 8 News 8 News Young Bold The Talk Ellen Show CBS6 News News News Amer 25 Maury Injury Injury Steve Wilkos Judge Judge Days of Lives Kelly Clarkson Tamron Hall News at 4PM News News Heat of Night Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Varied Programs Splash Molly Hero Arthur Wild Odd Ready Cyber SciGirls Biz Kid Hist. Detective Varied Programs CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper Jake Tapper Situation Room MSNBC Live Deadline: White House MTP Daily The Exchange Power Lunch Closing Bell Var. Programs Fast Money Outnumbered Daily Briefing Bill Hemmer Neil Cavuto The Five Varied Programs Supernatural Supernatural Varied Programs Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Amer. Amer. Amer. Amer. Varied Programs Bar Rescue Mom Mom Mom Mom Two Two Two Two South South South South South South South South Office Office Varied Programs Varied Programs Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Simp Simp Varied Programs Gunsm. Varied Gunsm. Varied Gunsm. Varied Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs Varied Programs Varied Programs Browns Browns Browns Browns Varied Programs Movie Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs King King King King King King Last Last Last Last Varied Programs


Hub Varied SportsCenter News ABC News CBS Fam Fam News News Blue Bloods News Varied Amanpour-Co Situation Room The Beat With Mad Money Special Report

Family Family Two Office

Two Office

Griffith Griffith Movie Varied Movie Varied

Movie Movie





7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30


Greatest Games: MLB Å MLB Baseball Å The Basketball Tournament The Basketball Tournament SportsCenter (Live) Wheel Jeopardy The Bachelor: The Greatest Seasons -- Ever! (In Stereo) Å News Kimmel News Holly Neighbor Bob All Rise (In Stereo) Bull (In Stereo) Å News Colbert Big Bang Big Bang 9-1-1 “Malfunction” 9-1-1: Lone Star Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside The Titan Games The Wall (In Stereo) Dateline NBC Å News J. Fallon Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Fashion’s Night In Å PBS NewsHour (N) Antique Roadshow American Experience “The Vote” (N) To Be Announced VCU Positive: Daring Women: Great Performances “Gloria: A Life” PBS NewsHour (N) E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Decision 2020 All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour CNBC Special Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank American Greed The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Fox News at Night Chicago P.D. WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Miz & Miz & “London Fallen” ››‡ “The Commuter” (2018, Suspense) ››‡ “Red 2” (2013, Action) Bruce Willis. Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Family Guy Fam Guy American American Conan Celebrity Hoarders Å Hoarders “Patricia” (In Stereo) Å Hoarders “Andy & Becky” (In Stereo) Two Men Two Men ››› “Tombstone” (1993, Western) Kurt Russell. Å ››› “Tombstone” Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Street-Memphis Street Outlaws: Memphis “State Lines” Diesel Brothers (N) Fast N’ Loud Å 90 Day: Other 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day: Other 90 Day: Other Find Love LIVE (N) The Last Alaskans The Last Alaskans: Arctic Refuge (N) Homestead Rescue: Survival Shelter (N) The 700 Club Å ››› “Despicable Me” (2010, Children’s) ››› “Despicable Me 2” (2013) Å Andy G. Andy G. Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King “Hot Summer” ››› “Trapeze” (1956) Burt Lancaster. “The Defiant Ones” (1958) Vikings “All Summer Long” “The Sweetest Heart” (2018, Romance) Golden Golden Golden Golden “Diary of Mad” ›› “Madea’s Witness Protection” (2012) Tyler Perry. Å “Good Deeds” Home Town Home Town Å Making It Home Home Town Å Home Town Å Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Big Time Bake Å To Be Announced Chopped Å To Be Announced ››› “New Jack City” (1991) Ice-T Å ›››‡ “Edward Scissorhands” (1990, Fantasy) Å Futurama ››‡ “Jurassic Park III” (2001) “Godzilla” (2014) ››› “Wakefield” (2016, Drama) Bryan Cranston. ››‡ “Godzilla” (2014) Å Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom “Seabiscuit” (2003) American Pickers To Be Announced Pawn Stars (N) Pawn Stars

TUESDAY EVENING C 3 4 8 9 11 12 15 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 127 138 146 177


1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30

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WWE Royal Rumble (N) (In Stereo) Å Royal Rumble E:60 Boxing: Ivan Baranchyk vs. Jose Zepeda. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (Live) Wheel Jeopardy Mod Fam Mod Fam black-ish mixed- What Would News Kimmel News Holly NCIS “IRL” FBI “Undisclosed” FBI: Most Wanted News Colbert Big Bang Big Bang Hell’s Kitchen 24 Hours-Hell Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside America’s Got Talent “Auditions 7” Å World of Dance (N) News J. Fallon “Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer” “Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer” Married Married Shoe Shopping With Jane (N) (Live) Å The Find With Shawn Killinger (N) (Live) Å PBS NewsHour (N) Va. Home Grown To Be Announced Amanpour-Co Saman Keep Up Royal Myths Royal Myths Royal Myths PBS NewsHour (N) E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Decision 2020 All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour CNBC Special Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit Å The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Fox News at Night Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Dirty John (N) Law & Order: SVU “The Commuter” Inside the NBA (N) ››‡ “The Magnificent Seven” (2016) Denzel Washington. Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Celebrity Show-Off Conan Celebrity Murder-Laci The Killing of JonBenet: Hunting JonBenét’s Killer: Two Men Two Men ›› “Taken 2” (2012) Liam Neeson. Å ›› “Walking Tall” (2004) The Rock. Å Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office South Pk Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch (N) Dirty Jobs (N) Å Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Counting On-New: Counting On (N) Sextuplets Outdaughtered Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot “British Bigfoot” Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot “Despicable Me 2” ››› “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock. Å The 700 Club Å Andy G. Andy G. Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King “Pickup on South Street” “House-Bamboo” ››› “The Actress” “The Steel Helmet” (1951) “Royally Ever” “Nature of Love” (2020) Emilie Ullerup. Golden Golden Golden Golden Grey’s Anatomy ››‡ “It’s Complicated” (2009) Meryl Streep. Å “The Perfect Soulmate” Å Good Bones Å Good Bones Å Good Bones Å Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Chopped Å Chopped Å Chopped (N) Å Supermarket Chopped Å To Be Announced ››› “About Last Night” (2014, Romance-Comedy) Kevin Hart. ›› “Resident Evil: The Final Chapter” Futurama Futurama ›› “Resident Evil: Retribution” (2012) “Dances-Wolves” ›››‡ “The Green Mile” (1999, Drama) Tom Hanks, David Morse. Å Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom “Lincoln Lawyer” American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers

Powhatan Today, July 1, 2020

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Powhatan Today, July 1, 2020

A Webworm for All Seasons By Virginia McCown

Business & Service Directory

Goochland-Powhatan Master Gardener


verything becomes alive again in early spring. Yes, and so do tent worms. Eastern tent caterpillars and spring web worms are all names for Malacosoma americanum, the dark furry worms that weave silky webs usually around the branches of black cherry, apple or crabapple trees.

POWER WASHING Affordable Quality Wash Houses, Decks & More! Lic & Ins. Call 804-550-2345 /873-5125. Serving Powhatan for over 22 years. Angie’s List Highest Rating!


COOK & KITCHEN HELPER Exp Cook. Fri & Sa. 4 to 9 pm $12/hr Kitchen Helper, Fri 4:30 to 9:30. $8.50hr. More hours as business grows. Pay Increase after 60 day evaluation. Call or text Leanne 804-426-4875

The early bird annihilates the worm Tent caterpillars aren't normally a threat to mature, healthy trees. They eat away some tree leaves, but that’s the extent of their damage. Young trees, however, remain vulnerable. There are several ways to remove these pests. The first way is to remove the webs by hand and kill the worms with a soapy solution. Aim to work early in the morning when the caterpillars are still inside their webs. If you think there are only a few worms within one of these nests, you're very wrong. I've made this mistake. I expected a few dozen worms but discovered hundreds. You might want to use gloves. I gathered and dumped the worms in a bucket of soapy water-- trying hard not to gag. I used a solution of 1/3 cup of Murphy's Oil Soap added to a quart of water. Dish washing fluid will work fine. For higher nests, pulling the webs down with a broomstick helps.

The tangled web the worms will weave Fall web worm caterpillars are often confused with tent worms.

LEGAL Probation Office - Piedmont Court Services Local Probation. Resp. for supervising misd. & felon cases, court attendance/testimony, documentation of adult nonviolent probationer progress, compliance with state stds. Detail oriented. Office/field visits reqd. Use of personal car reqd. Assigned to any of 9 cos. served, including Pr. Edward. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience required. Experience in case management of probationers preferred. Beginning salary $35,700. co. benefits, health insur., VRS, state holidays. A Piedmont Court Services’ application is avail. at 1012-G West Third Street, Farmville, by calling 434-392-8161, or at http://www.co.prince-edward.va.us/pi edmont_court_services_pcsemployment.shtml. Deadline: Until filled. EOE.

Hanover County Parks and Recreation recently announced that it was canceling the 2020 Hanover Tomato Festival, which was scheduled to take place in July. In a release issued on May 28, the department said that the safety of the community is its top priority and organizers remain committed to doing their part to protect all those involved with their events, including event attendees, vendors, volunteers and staff. While restrictions have been loosened across the state, it remains important to limit gatherings to protect the health of everyone, the release said. With


But Hyphantria cunea begin their webs from the ends of tree branches. Fall web worms are often found on pecan, sourwood, and persimmon trees at the end of summer or fall. Yet paw paws and other trees often prove attractive to them. Fortunately, web worm damage is mostly cosmetic. Worry only if you have an already failing or distressed tree. Fall web worms can be eliminated the same way as spring web worms by pulling down and destroying the webs within reach.

Should you use pesticide? If you do spray, remember to cover the foliage closest to the web mass. Spraying only the web will not kill all the caterpillars. The safest pesticide to use is Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) available at most garden centers. Sprays are best applied in the early morning or late afternoon. BT will not harm birds or beneficial insects. Virginia McCown is a master gardener living in Central Virginia along with her garden and assorted creatures both great and small.

this in mind, organizers made the difficult decision to cancel the Hanover Tomato Festival, which was scheduled for July 10 and 11. The 2020 would have marked the 42nd festival, which has never been canceled before, said Marcy Durrer, recreation program director. Each year, the festival draws thousands of people to the area for the event centered around Hanover’s famous fruit. The Hanover Tomato Festival is a time-honored tradition in the community and organizers look forward to seeing everyone at the 2021 event, which organizers say will be special. Organizers will stay connected with all of those involved with the event

through the festival website (www. hanovertomatofestival.com), Instagram (@hanovertomatofestival), Facebook (@hanoverparksrec) and Twitter (@hanoverparksrec) as they plan for next year’s event.

Transportation 4 WHEEL DRIVE 2015 3500 Sierra Denali Duramax Turbo Diesel, Bronze in Color, 23K miles, LBDRW 4W. Excellent Condition. Lot of Extras. $47,900 Call 804-598-4969 or 804-335-5579

Raegan Bruce, a nursing major from Powhatan, was named to the Spring 2020 Dean's List at Eastern Mennonite University. The Dean's List, compiled at the end of each term, includes degree-seeking students who achieve a semester GPA of at least 3.75 with no withdrawn, incomplete, or failing grades for 12 semester hours of standard grades. A leader among faith-based, liberal arts universities since 1917, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) emphasizes peacebuilding, sustainability, service to others and social justice to students of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. EMU educates undergraduate, graduate, professional and seminary students to serve and lead in a global context from the main campus in Harrisonburg, Virginia; the site in Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and online.

Benjamin Hanifin among University of Alabama grads The University of Alabama awarded some 6,326 degrees this spring. Among the graduates was


FOR RENT 708 County Line Road Midlothian, VA 23113 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths Basement with Garage $1,595/month

Benjamin Hanifin of Moseley, who received a Bachelor of Science in commerce and business administration. The recent change to remote learning during this unprecedented time affected the university’s plans for traditional commencement activities. However, commencement is a milestone, and the university wants graduates to have the opportunity to walk across the stage in celebration of their success. Although any plans are contingent on how the summer outlook progresses, all spring graduates are invited to participate in the summer commencement events scheduled for Friday, July 31, and Saturday, Aug. 1. “We will also be recognizing the achievements of our spring 2020 graduating class through online and social media outlets to highlight our shared pride in them,” said UA president Stuart Bell. “I look forward to congratulating each student on stage very soon.” The University of Alabama, the state’s oldest and largest public institution of higher education, is a student-centered research university that draws the best and brightest to an academic community

committed to providing a premier undergraduate and graduate education. UA offers its students a premier educational, cultural and social experience with more than 200 undergraduate, graduate and professional programs and gives students the opportunity to partner with faculty performing cuttingedge research.

Colby Cheatham named to Mary Baldwin Honors List Students who earn a place on the Fall 2019 Honors List at Mary Baldwin University must earn grade point averages of 3.75 to 4.00. To be eligible, a student must be a degree candidate and must have earned at least 12 semester hours for the grading period. Colby Cheatham of Powhatan earned this honor for fall semester 2019. Founded in 1842, Mary Baldwin University is a small, coeducational university offering a range of degree programs from bachelor to doctoral. It serves a vibrant student population on its main campus in Staunton; at its nearby health sciences campus in Augusta County; and online.

Cumberland, VA 23040 2 bedrooms, 1 bath Duplex $750/month 2482 Mountain View Road Apartment M Powhatan, VA 23139 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath $895/month OFFERING COMPLETE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Call for help with your rental property VISIT HankCosby.com Click RENTAL PROPERTIES for additional photos & information on available rentals.



STUDENT NEWS Raegan Bruce named to Eastern Mennonite Dean's List

Apartment Referral Services Policy Apartment referral service companies sell lists of available apartments for rent in your area. Please read contracts thoroughly to ensure that you understand and agree to all the terms and the cancellation policy of the contract.

929 B Anderson Highway

2020 Hanover Tomato Festival canceled Staff Report

Residential for Rent

NOTICE The purpose of this public participation period is to acquaint the public with technical aspects of the proposed solar farm project, Powhatan Solar I, LLC, and how the standards of the Virginia Permit by Rule process will be met, as well as identify issues of concern, facilitate communication, and establish a dialogue between the owner/operator and persons who may be affected by the project. The project is 18 MW AC and is to be located south of Three Bridge Road near Powhatan in Powhatan County and will cover approximately 200 acres, but no more than 225 acres. This project will consist of ground-mounted arrays and will utilize photovoltaic solar modules and single-axis tracking technology. The maximum height of the ground-mounted array is 12 feet, and the system will be constructed with approximately 57,000 solar photovoltaic modules. The 30-day public comment period begins on July 9, 2020 and ends on August 8, 2020 in accordance with subsection C of 9VAC15-60-90. You can request a copy of PBR documentation and submit comments to: Haley Larabee at Vir giniaPBR@ccrenew.com, 828-385-4943, 45 Banks Ave, Asheville, NC 28801. In accordance with subsection D of 9VAC15-6090 the Public Input Session for Powhatan Solar I, LLC will be held Tuesday, July 28, 2020 via a virtual zoom video conference from 5:00 PM until 6:00 PM or until all comments have been taken. To sign up for the public input meeting and request the zoom meeting call-in information, please email Haley Larabee at VirginiaPB R@ccrenew.com A physical copy of the PBR documentation will be available at the Powhatan County Community Development Department located at 3834 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA, 23139.

TRUSTEE’S SALE OF PROPERTY 6020 Brown Town Circle, Powhatan, VA 23139 Tax Map No. 023-11P In execution of a Deed of Trust dated December 18, 2015, in the principal amount of $134,961.07, recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Powhatan County, Virginia, of record in Deed Book 883, page 904, Woods Rogers PLC, Substitute Trustee, will offer for sale at public auction outside the main entrance of the Powhatan County Circuit Court, 3880 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA 23139, on July 21, 2020 at 12:00 noon, the property described in said Deed of Trust lying in Powhatan County, Virginia, and more particularly described as follows: All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, lying, being and situate in the Macon District of Powhatan County, Virginia, containing 2.061 acres, more or less, and shown as Lot #3 on a plat of survey entitled "PLAT OF SURVEY SHOWING A PORTION OF PROPERTY BELONGING TO HERBERT N. BROWN," prepared by Robert W. Timberlake, C.L.S., dated December 14, 2006, a copy of which was recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Powhatan County, Virginia on April 25, 2007, in Plat Cabinet H, Slide 61; and SUBJECT TO a 30’ easement of right of way running from Virginia Secondary Route 630 over and across the lands of the grantees as shown on the above referenced survey. Pursuant to Section 8.9A-604 of the Virginia Code, a 2016 Schult Manufactured Home, Serial Number ROC730415NCABAC will be sold with the real property. TERMS: Cash - Bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the sales price by cashier’s or certified check may be required. Balance of purchase price shall be due and payable not later than ten (10) days after sale. WOODS ROGERS PLC, Substitute Trustee For Information Contact: Woods Rogers PLC, P.O. Box 14125, Roanoke, VA 24038-4125, Telephone: 540-983-7729

Powhatan Today, July 1, 2020

Page 6B

(804) 598-2875






Just updated by a professional designer! Rancher with vaulted ceilings, wood floors, new kitchen and updated baths. 3 bedrooms + home office, 2.5 baths, attached two-car garage. $334,950






Spacious two-story with walk-out basement with garage! Country front porch, wrap-around deck, open great room/sun room and kitchen. 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, master bedroom has two walk-in closets & private bath. $344,950











Ten acres of privacy! Lovely private setting near Powhatan Courthouse. Two-story with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Could be used as primary residence - or build main home and use existing home as detached garage with bonus finished living area. $259,950

3.5 acre mini-farm! Fenced for your animals, 36x24 barn with four stalls, tack room & hay loft. 28x12 shed/garage, 30x10 barn with two stalls and storage area. Spacious two-story home with walk-out basement & walk-up attic. Lovely kitchen opens to dining area and sun room overlooking the beautiful setting. $349,950










Updated rancher with full country porch, large rear deck, HUGE DETACHED TWO-CAR GARAGE/WORKSHOP. Open floor plan with laminate flooring, three bedrooms, two full baths. $249,950

Four acres on private cul-de-sac! Lovely 24+ acre country estate with lovely combination of Cape with wrap-around front porch, huge open pasture perfect for horses and wooded acreage screened porch + deck with hot tub. 1st floor for privacy. Pond on the property. 960 sq ft DETACHED master, vaulted great room. Wonderful in-law GARAGE/WORKSHOP. Spacious 4000 sq ft brick home. attached apartment. Detached workshop. 4-5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2 half baths. $429,950 $449,950



396 DAVENPORT ROAD, CUMBERLAND, VA 23040 Spacious rancher on two acres! Open floor plan, three bedrooms, two full baths. Lots of space to enjoy the outdoors and gardening. $179,950


28 PINEGROVE ROAD, CUMBERLAND, VA 23040 Brand new rancher with three bedrooms, two full baths on seven acres! Open floor plan with vaulted great room! Wood floors throughout all living areas, tile in bathrooms. $229,950










Adorable brick cape with slate roof, lovely neighborhood. Beautiful yard with patio. 3 bedrooms on main level. Basement. $345,000

Lovely rancher with three bedrooms, two full baths, private setting near schools and shopping. $219,950





3.01 beautiful wooded acres! Private building site ready for your dream home. $69,950

3 .0 ES 7 1 CR A


Spacious 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath home on 17.03 acres with small pond on the property, next door to 3132 Huguenot Trail, 2.3 miles cul-de-sac with fenced back yard. east of Rt. 522 and Huguenot Trail. $249,950 $124,950

BRANCHWAY SPRINGS Beautiful wooded homesites with easy access to schools, shopping, library, park and YMCA!

6325 WalnutTreeDrive.IsForSale.com

6325 Walnut Tree Drive Powhatan, VA 23139 Spacious two-story with 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, beautiful park-like 2+ acres, attached

2-car garage, front porch & rear deck, freshly painted interior, new carpet, new granite kitchen countertops. $334,950

Lot 1 ...3.35 acres..........................................................$85,000 Lot 3 ...2.4 acres ...........................................................$84,000 Lot 12 .2.74 acres..........................................................$82,000 Lot 16..2.18 acres..........................................................$84,000 Lot 18..3.11 acres..........................................................$85,000

As deep as Hank Cosby’s roots run in Powhatan, he’s never been one to take his community for granted. His love for the area and its heritage have inspired him to do his best as a real estate professional. For Hank, his family’s deep local roots are a symbol of dedication to the Powhatan community. True to its name, Hank Cosby Real Estate brings the same kind of commitment to helping you achieve your goals. They know buying or selling a home is a big investment, so they commit all their energy and knowledge to helping you make the most of this exciting time. If you’re buying, selling, or renting a home in Powhatan or the surrounding communities, count on Hank Cosby Real Estate. Their time honored approach to real estate helps you see that These Roots Run Deep. Contact Hank Cosby Real Estate today -- you’ll be glad you did.


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