51 minute read
Contributed Report
Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who promote environmentally sound horticulture in their communities. If you have an interest in becoming a Master Gardener volunteer, now is the time to complete your application for an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about gardening and give back to your community. All applications for the Goochland Powhatan Master Gardener training program for 2021 must be turned in by Nov. 15. The program offers more than 50 hours of instruction on a broad range of horticultural topics, including garden fl owers, ornamental trees and shrubs, insect/plant disease identifi cation, weed management, soils and plant nutrition, vegetable gardening, home fruit production, lawn care, and water conservation.
Classes will be held twice weekly in the mornings from January through April, via both virtual and socially–distanced, inperson sessions. All classes are taught by Virginia Tech extension specialists, agents, and local experts. In exchange for training, participants are asked to volunteer time to their county’s Virginia Cooperative Extension program with at least 50 hours of volunteer service within one year following the training to earn their certifi cation as a Master Gardener.
The type of service done by Master Gardeners varies according to community needs, and the abilities and interests of the Master Gardeners. Some answer telephone requests for information related to gardening while others staff plant clinics or displays at community events. They may help establish community garden projects, work with 4-H youth, or assist their agent with press releases related to gardening. The Master Gardener coordinator in the County Extension offi ce decides how volunteer time can be best utilized. Tuition for the training class is $140 (cash, check, or credit card). Limited scholarships are available. Applications can be acquired at www.gpmga.org or by calling the Powhatan Extension Offi ce at 804-598-5640.
Continued from pg. 1 opportunities where other people can get involved for the public good.
The resolution was actually approved by the House of Delegates on Aug. 24, but Ware kept it a secret from Boatwright until the chamber meeting. Drawing on something Boatwright had said earlier in the luncheon about not waiting for just the right conditions before acting, Ware said he didn’t want the opportunity to honor her to get away.
“This is as happy a day as I have had for many, many days in this year we have had with all of its diffi cult days,” Ware said.
Boatwright said she had a suspicion something was going on because her daughter, Amy Potter, was insistent she come, and all of the employees from Richardson-Harris-Boatwright Insurance Agency Inc. were there as well. She listened in stunned silence as Ware read the resolution in her honor.
“My fi rst reaction was I thought, so this is why Amy wanted me to come to this meeting today,” Boatwright said with a big grin.
Ware said Potter was his “secret agent” to gather information about her mother.
As Ware read the resolution, Boatwright said she was amazed to hear her life laid out in that way.
“If I had to sit down and think about all the things I have done, they have just been so fun. What I have done in my life has been fun times,” she said.
Boatwright was asked to attend the October chamber meeting on the pretext of sharing her memories during a presentation on the Powhatan Leadership Institute (PLI). Organizers of the community program have decided to cancel the 2021 session and plan instead to return in January 2022.
During the presentation, Boatwright talked about the county tour that always begins every PLI session. As a lifelong resident, she assumed before the tour she would be seeing things she already knew. She said she got off the tour bus realizing she had learned even more about her county, which she appreciated.
At the end of her speech, Boatwright reminded those present to live in the moment and not put off things until tomorrow that they can do today.
“I want to tell you, don’t wait to do something until it gets convenient, because it’s never going to be convenient,” she said.
The House resolution talks about Boatwright’s life from childhood to present day. The daughter of William Ivy and Eva Denoon Stokes, she was born Ruth Stokes in in her parents’ home on Trenholm Road and has spent the entirety of her 83 years in the Trenholm community. Boatwright credits her humble but happy upbringing as a key factor in how she decided to live her life and help others.
“I lived the greatest life but didn’t have anything,” she said.
She graduated from Powhatan High School in 1955, where she played on the girls’ basketball team, and to this day she “loves basketball and doesn’t miss a game when her granddaughter, Charlie, is playing.”
Shortly after high school, at a dance at Sunnyside, Ruth Stokes met Freddie Boatwright. The couple married 66 days later. In May 2020, the couple commemorated their 64th wedding anniversary. Together, Ruth and Freddie Boatwright have three children, six grandchildren, and fi ve great-grandchildren.
In 1962, Boatwright began working at a local insurance agency, where she subsequently became an equal partner in 1981, and, though semi-retired in 2007, she still works three days a week in the fi rm.
In addition to being a wife, mother, and businesswoman, Boatwright is a lifelong member of Muddy Creek Baptist Church; a longtime member of the Powhatan Chamber of Commerce; served on the Huguenot Academy board for several years in the 1980s; supported Powhatan’s Relay for Life since its inception in 1995; and worked on the organizational
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Powhatan resident Ruth Boatwright holds a resolution in her honor that was passed in the House of Delegates. Del. Lee Ware was the chief patron of the bill and presented the resolution to her at the Oct. 15 Powhatan Chamber of Commerce meeting.
committee that conceived and inaugurated the Festival of the Grape, fi rst held in 2002.
She helped to organize the 200th anniversary celebration of Powhatan in 1977; organized the National Day of Prayer program in Powhatan for more than 20 years, and was one of the people instrumental both in saving the Powhatan Village Building from destruction and refurbishing the Powhatan War Memorial Building.
Boatwright was recognized for her special love of veterans and the way she has honored them with her annual Veterans Musical Show since it was fi rst held in 1993 and by organizing the monthly Word War Round Table.
Of her many accomplishments, Boatwright said she was especially proud of her work with the veterans and with Relay for Life.
Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.
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October 21, 2020

Powhatan, Virginia

Page 1B
Powhatan runners earn fi rst XC wins
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor

Powhatan’s Olivia Goodrich goes to receive her first-place medal after it is announced that she is the winner of the girls open B race in 24:32 at Pole Green Park on Oct. 10.
MECHANICSVILLE – Olivia Goodrich had just fi nished her 5k race in the rain at Pole Green Park.
The Powhatan High School freshman was standing at the back of the fence with the impression of, “Dang, that was a lot harder than I originally imagined it was going to be . . . I didn’t know it was going to be so many hills!” And then, when race offi cials were announcing the top three fi nishers in the girls’ open A and B races, they said something she wasn’t expecting to hear.
They said her name.
She had won the girls B race in 24:32.
“I was like, ‘Whoa! That’s crazy!’” Goodrich said, “and I just had like this moment of enlightenment almost, like, ‘Whoa! I can do this!”
Saturday’s triumph marked the fi rst win for the freshman – who ran a little bit of cross country in eighth grade prior to running for the high school team this year – and it’s inspired her to keep going with it.
She wasn’t the only winner from Powhatan that day. Her teammate and fellow freshman Rylan Powers set a personal record (PR) when he won the boys open B race in 19:43. That, too, was the fi rst-ever cross country win for Powers. He also PR’d by more than a minute while racing in the rain.
“It was really nice – I didn’t think that I was going to win when I was running it,” Powers said. “But then afterward, when I saw the time on the clock, I’m like,
see XC, pg. 2B

Powhatan’s Rylan Powers sprints to the finish in the closing stretch of the boys 5k race at Pole Green Park on Oct. 10 to win the boys open B race in 19:43 and PR by more than a minute.
Making a catch to remember
Copeland reels in 44-pound, 1-ounce citation Blue Catfi sh on James River

Staff Reports
Allen Swift took his nephew Colton Copeland and a couple of friends out on the James River to fi sh on Sept. 26. That’s when Copeland caught a citation Blue Catfi sh weighing 44 pounds and 1 ounce. For Copeland and his fellow fi shermen that day, it was a trip, and a catch, to remember.
Powhatan High School senior Ellie Barton gets ready to throw a pitch in a 2019 season game. Barton commits to Randolph-Macon
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
Colton Copeland stands with the 44-pound, 1-ounce blue catfish that he caught while fishing on the James River.

Ellie Barton has wanted to attend RandolphMacon College for as long she can remember. Her sister started softball before her and took batting lessons with R-MC’s assistant softball coach, Chip Bailey. After every one of her sister’s lessons, coach Bailey would take the time to let Barton hit, too.
“I fell in love with the campus and atmosphere of the school immediately,” Barton said.
And it wasn’t just the team and environment.
see BARTON, pg. 2B

Powhatan High School senior Ellie Barton (left) receives congratulations from coach Linda Farmer after Barton reaches first base in a 2019 game.

RacingintherainonPoleGreenPark’sfirst R implementationofitsreverse-courselayout,the i PowhatanHighSchoolfreshmenbothearnedtheirfirst P crosscountrywinswhilecompetingunattachedinthe c 5kraceshostedbyHanoverEliteXC.Goodrichwonthe 5 girlsopenBracein24:32,andPowers,settinganew g personalrecordbymorethanaminute, wontheboysopenBracein19:43. “Ijusthadlikethismomentof enlightenmentalmost,like,‘Whoa!Ican dothis!’”Goodrichsaidaftertherace. “Andit’sinspiredmetokeepgoing!”

“Itwasreallynice–Ididn’tthinkthat IwasgoingtowinwhenIwasrunning it,”Powerssaid.“Butthenafterward, whenIsawthetimeontheclock,I’m like,‘Oh,thisisactuallyprettyfast!’” Powers,Goodrichandtheirteammates trainwithPowhatancrosscountry coachPaulSmartschanfor90-plus minuteseveryMonday,Wednesday andFridayatthehighschool,working onvariousaspectsincludinghillsand speedwork.
Staff Reports
To say Collegiate is opening 2020 on a dominant start to the season would be putting it lightly.
The Cougars, who play their home matches at the Robins Campus in Goochland County, have won their fi rst fi ve team matches, going 34-1 in singles as they defeated St. Catherine’s – the team that beat them for the League of Independent Schools tournament championship in 2019 and fi nished one round better than them in the state fi nals – with a winning score of 6-1, and then routed Trinity 7-0.
When breaking down the individual statlines, Collegiate played its most competitive sets of singles yet against St. Catherine’s. The Cougars went into that Tuesday match having recorded 13 10-0 wins, but the Saints prevented a single bagel, winning at least one game against each of the Cougars’ players.
For Collegiate, senior Helena Huff defeated Madeliene Carithers 10-4, freshman Elizabeth Mendoza fended off Reagan Butler 10-5, senior captain Nora Willett powered past Lily Caldwell 10-1, senior Kayli Shenk from Powhatan out-dueled Lindsey Paulin 10-6, sophomore Lucy Ottley held off McKenly Thompson 10-5 and sophomore Emma Eldridge battled past Olivia Aghdami 10-5.
Ava Dalton got the sole win for the Saints, fending off sophomore Claiborne Dillard 10-5.
Collegiate dominated against Trinity on Thursday, notching fi ve bagels in the seven singles matches. The top three Cougars players all won 10-0, with Huff routing Lucy Rowe, Mendoza blanking Sophie Aprahamian and Willett trouncing Lucy Crichton.
Shenk routed Gabby Strickler 10-1, Dillard bounced back to defeat Perrin Gilman 10-4, Ottley blanked Emma Smith 10-0 and Eldridge dominated against Clare Murphy 10-0.
In Collegiate’s fi ve exhibition matches against Trinity, McKenna Boardman blanked Brynn Giuerette 8-0, Malone Morchower routed Kate Hurtbert 8-0, Kylee Sanderson trounced Meredith McCray 8-0, Lucy Barnes defeated Emily Krickus 8-2 and Ann Carter Arendale won against Sonnie Kayer, 8-2.
Continued from pg. 1B
Loading takes place at the home of Elwood Yates, Jr., for the annual elk and mule deer hunting trip from Powhatan to Hayden, Colorado. A tradition undeterred

Staff Reports
The COVID-19 pandemic at fi rst halted, and has since altered, many events, functions, practices and plans across the globe.
But one tradition is still going strong.
On a gorgeous fall day in Powhatan, a group of local hunters loaded their equipment into a truck and trailer at the home of Elwood Yates, Jr., in preparation for their annual mule deer and elk hunting trip to Hayden, Colorado. Four are fl ying up, and four are driving the equipment across the country, with stops in states including Indiana, Missouri and Wyoming.
The fi ve-day hunt is set to take place from Saturday, Oct. 24, to Tuesday, Oct. 28. They’ll also be able to do some scouting, shooting and installing of blinds on Friday, Oct. 23.
The hunters are planning to load the game on Thursday, Oct. 29 and head home. They’re looking to return Saturday in the p.m. after completing the 1,900-mile, two-and-a-half day trip back with the meat.
Going on the hunt this year are Bill Nixon, Brian Gregory, Cory Fridley, John Agee for the fi rst time, Ralph Lineweaver, Ray Avery IV, Scott Thorpe, and Elwood Yates, Jr., who is organizing the hunt and has been going for 28 years.
On loading day, the hunters remembered former Powhatan Sheriff Shirley Reynolds, who passed away on April 2 of this year at the age of 92. Sheriff Reynolds began the longtime hunting tradition in 1965.
Continued from pg. 1B
‘Oh, this is actually pretty fast!’”
While the Virginia High School League cross country season isn’t slated to begin until February due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Powhatan High School’s student-athletes have been able to run unattached in races hosted by clubs like Hanover Elite XC Club, who held the reversecourse 5k’s on Oct. 10.
“It really makes me happy, and it makes me think that our team is going to be doing really well this season,” Powers said of the win.
Saturday’s races marked the fi rst time that the reversed-course layout was used at Pole Green Park. Goodrich said the fi rst mile was defi nitely the fastest – it was really fl at, and it’s when you had the most energy – and then, once they got into the woods, the hills came into play.
Goodrich had also never run this course before, so she wasn’t expecting that – and as rain fell, she said she almost fell down a few of the hills because they were so slippery and wet.
“But it was kind of fun,” she said, describing how it gave her energy. “It was defi nitely really diffi cult – by like halfway through mile 2, I was like, ‘Whoa, this is starting to get really tiring,’ but you’ve just got to keep positive and telling yourself you can do this and keep going. . .
“. . . learn to love the pain,” she added with a laugh.
For Powers, the challenges posed both by the course’s diffi cult layout and the rainy conditions included the uphill and downhill transitions. He described both the downhill slopes and bridge on the course as being slippery.
“I almost fell twice,” he said, noting how that led to him utilizing different paces, including slowing down on the downhill transitions to keep from falling.
Before running high school cross country, Powers ran for the middle school and also a few times with his dad before that; he was 9 years old when he ran his fi rst Monument Avenue 10k in Richmond. It was around last year when he got serious about running.
Along with their teammates, Powers and Goodrich have been able to train with Powhatan cross country coach Paul Smartschan for 90-plus minutes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the high school. They’ll work on a various aspects like hills and speed – things they would’ve still tackled at this point of the year even without the impact of COVID, although now, the sessions account for social distancing and COVID-related precautions, Powers pointed out.
“He defi nitely knows what he’s doing,” Goodrich said of Smartschan. “Last year he improved some of my times by 30 seconds in one season.”
“He helps us get our mileage in so that we can be ready for the season,” Powers said. “It’s been really helpful because it gives me more motivation to run outside of practice as well.”
Powers will go on runs around his neighborhood, and Goodrich will usually try to run on the roads around her house; some days she’ll go on longtempo runs, some days she’ll do crosstraining in her house, and then her driveway has a really big hill, so she’ll do a little bit of hill work there.
To still be able to do what they would’ve done their freshman year even if the COVID-19 pandemic had not occurred – partake in cross country training at the high school, compete in meets – it means a lot, Goodrich said.
“Since everything is so different right now – school and just daily life in general – running and going to cross country is like the one thing in my life that’s stayed pretty normal,” Goodrich said. “It’s just the one thing that’s kind of kept me sane and I look forward to it.
“I think that running is one of the things that’s keeping me sane through all this,” Powers added.
“I can go to cross country and feel like things are normal again,” Goodrich said, “and it’s nice, and I love that Smartschan is comfortable enough to do that for us.”
Her goals include making sure that she keeps having fun with cross country.
“I love it,” she said, “and I don’t ever want to lose this.”
“They have a very successful PreLaw major with many off- and oncampus internship opportunities,” Barton said. “Everything lined up perfectly, from academics to athletic aspects of attending my dream school.”
Come the 2021-22 school year, Barton, a senior at Powhatan High School, will realize her dream of attending R-MC. She’s also embracing the opportunity to play for the school’s highly successful Div. III softball team.
“Being committed is a huge accomplishment in my mind because I have fi nally reached my goal,” Barton said. “I have been working hard toward this for a long time, and it feels good to have made it this far.
“I feel like all my hard work has paid off, and that’s something I’m proud of,” she said. “I’m super excited to play in college and can’t wait to continue working hard and getting better.”
Barton will join a powerhouse program that in 2019 went 30-17 and secured its fi rst berth in the NCAA Championship series after beating Christopher Newport in the super regional. R-MC’s coaches, she said, put each of the girls fi rst.
“Head coach Kevin Proffi tt and I have been talking since my freshman year of high school and he has been nothing but understanding and helpful throughout my commitment process,” Barton said. “Assistant coach Bailey has helped me with the mental and physical aspects of softball. He has always put the girls fi rst and will give his all to bettering the team.”
Barton has also been receiving lessons from assistant coach Amanda Sopko since freshman year.
“She has improved my hitting and slapping skills more than I could’ve ever imagined,” Barton said, “and Coach [Dana] Wood knows exactly what I’m doing wrong and how to fi x it.
“Both the coaches and players at R-MC dedicate their time every day to bettering themselves and each other,” Barton said. “That is a team I would love to be a part of.”
When it came to meeting the players, Barton said her favorite part was that “they truly understand how to talk to us because they have been through it. They answered all our questions and told us exactly what it would be like to play DIII softball.”
Barton feels that Randolph-Macon is the best fi t for her because she’s never wanted to attend a large school – she feels she learns better in smaller classes with smaller teacher-to-student ratios.
“All the professors at RandolphMacon have an open-door policy, meaning we can meet with them oneon-one whenever we need to discuss homework or diffi cult topics.”
She loves the campus, describing it as “beautiful,” and with the school being centered in Ashland, it’s only 45 minutes from her house.
She wants to major in Pre-Law and pursue a career as an IP attorney or family lawyer. After college, she plans on attending a law school like the University of Richmond or William and Mary to further her knowledge and pursue an internship.
When it comes to R-MC’s softball program, she feels that her speed will help the team physically, and her attitude will help mentally.
“I’m a slapper (slap hitter), so my speed on the bases is where I contribute,” Barton said. “My positivity on and off the fi eld will encourage girls to have fun and do what they love.”
As part of Powhatan softball’s varsity unit, Barton pitched in some games her sophomore season, has experience at several infi eld positions and will be counted on to anchor the infi eld for the Indians this coming spring.
Coming in print
Learn about Powhatan High School senior Kayla Davis’ commitment to attend and play softball for Randolph-Macon College in the Oct. 28, 2020, print edition of the Powhatan Today!
In 2019, she batted .343 and had a fi elding average of .980 (1 error in 50 attempts) while helping a young Powhatan softball team go 15-6 and reach the regional semifi nals after it lost seven starters following its state runner-up season in 2018.
Powhatan head softball coach Marie Crump praised Barton’s good speed on the bases and described how the senior has “really developed her defensive skills the last few years.”
“Her versatility is a real plus,” Crump said.
One of Barton’s current teammates, Kayla Davis, is set to join her on Randolph-Macon’s softball team next year.
“I am thrilled to have Kayla remain a teammate throughout my college experience. She pushes me to do my best and is always focused on improving herself and others,” Barton said. “Kayla is not only a solid player but also one of the smartest girls I know.
“If I ever need help with homework I know I can go to Kayla,” Barton added. “This will be an especially important quality to have in a teammate at Randolph-Macon because it is a DIII school focused on mainly academic excellence.”
Barton has been playing softball since she was 5 years old. She fi rst got into it through her older sister, whose games she would watch while growing up.
“My dad would always play with me and my sister in the yard and I had so much fun,” Barton said. “My family has always been competitive, and playing with my sister only made the game more competitive.”
In addition to her speed, Barton’s competitive attitude has contributed to her successes.
“I have been raised and coached to have a ‘never quit’ mentality, and that has made me a go-getter,” Barton said. “If I see an opportunity, I take it, and that’s the mentality you have to have to be successful in softball.”
Her favorite part of softball would be the qualities she’s picked up throughout her years of playing.
“I have met so many amazing girls who have bettered me as a player,” Barton said. “To be successful in softball, you have to be individually focused, but also a team player.
“Finding a balance between those two qualities has made me a better person all-around.”
Some of the major achievements Barton has been a part of throughout her softball career include going to nationals with her travel team, the Hanover Hornets 18u Keys, for the last three years in a row, as well as going to multiple camps, which helped her to put herself out there for coaches to see her play.
To Barton, being part of Powhatan softball has probably infl uenced her the most to continue softball throughout college.
“It taught me that, even though some days might be rough, that I could get through it and become a better player,” Barton said. “Coach Crump has bettered me as a player more than I could ever imagine. She pushes us hard each day to help us remain focused and reach our goals.
“Coach [Linda] Farmer always knows what to say to inspire us to play our best,” Barton said. “Coach [Sami Byerly], who is a former player, works with me individually to better my slapping ability and mental approach.
“I could not have gotten where I am today without being a part of Powhatan softball.”
Scenes: PYAA Ponytails team routs Goochland

Jessie McArtan slides home to score a run in her Ponytails’ 23-8 win over Goochland on Oct. 7.
From left: Brooklynn Narbut (16) throws a pitch on a 3-2 count to strike out the batter and secure the 23-8 win for the Powhatan Youth Athletics Association Ponytails over Goochland on Oct. 7; DaZiya Henderson hits a two-run double; Liza Watkins rises after sliding to third base.




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3 FS1 Pregame NFL NFL Breaking Tua Å Copa MX Soccer 4 ESPN Baseball Tonight The Undefeated 30 for 30 (Part 2 of 2) SportsCenter 8 8 9 6 Wheel Jeopardy The Goldbergs (N) News Holly Big Brother (N) Å Conners black-ish The Con (In Stereo) The Amazing Race S.W.A.T. “Stigma” News Kimmel News Colbert 11 35 Big Bang Pregame 2020 World Series: Game 2: Teams TBA. (N) (In Stereo Live) Fox News at Ten 12 12 15 WGN-A ET Inside The Wall (In Stereo) Last Man Last Man NewsNation (Live) American Ninja Warrior “Semifinals 2” NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) News J. Fallon NewsNation Å 22 QVC 23 3 Gourmet Holiday In the Kitchen With David - PM Edition House to Home by Valerie PBS NewsHour (N) Nature Å (DVS) NOVA (In Stereo) The Age of Nature Amanpour-Co 24 57 Make48 Time/By Trouble-Maggie Flesh and Blood: Cobra: (In Stereo) PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Å The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Fox News at Night NCIS (In Stereo) WWE NXT (N) (In Stereo Live) Å “Boo 2! A Madea Halloween” “Edge-Tomrrow” All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (Live) Å Misery Misery “The Nun” (2018) 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Conan Full “Apollo 13” (1995) ››‡ “The Magnificent Seven” (2016) Denzel Washington. The First 48 Å Two Men Two Men 2020 CMT Music Awards: (N) (In Stereo) Å “A Few Good Men” (1992) 40 COM 44 DISC South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily South Pk Expedition Un. Back-DeLorean: Expedition X Å Expedition X Å Expedition X Å
47 TLC 1000-Lb. Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters
48 ANPL 53 FREE 54 TVL 55 TCM Lone Star Law North Woods Law: Uncuffed (In Stereo) North Wo. Law North Woods Law Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson The 700 Club Å Andy G. Andy G. 2020 CMT Music Awards: (N) (Live) Å King King King “Dr. Kildare” ›› “Hard to Handle” (1933) ››› “The Beast of the City” “Live by Night” 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV “Under Autumn” “A Country Wedding” (2015, Romance) Golden Golden Golden Golden Married Married Married at First Sight “Pack Your Bags!” Married at First Sight Å Good Bones Å Brother vs. Brother Brother vs. Brother Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl
62 FOOD Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games
66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT 177 HIST “Meet the Browns” Payne As. Liv Tyler Perry’s Sistas Games People Play Tyler Perry’s Sistas “Back to the Future” (1985) ››› “Back to the Future Part II” (1989, Comedy) “Back-Future III” “Friday the 13th” ›‡ “Friday the 13th, Part 2” (1981) Å ›› “The Amityville Horror” (2005) Å › “Grown Ups 2” 2020 CMT Music Awards: (N) (Live) Å 2020 CMT Music Awards: Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Å Counting Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars
3 FS1 4 ESPN NHRA Drag Racing: Dallas. Å NHRA MLS Soccer Football College Football: Arkansas State at Appalachian State. (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å 8 8 9 6 Wheel Jeopardy Trump vs: News Holly Big Brother (N) Å The Final Presidential Debate: CBS News-Presidential Debate: News Kimmel News Colbert 11 35 Big Bang Pregame NFL Football: New York Giants at Philadelphia Eagles. (In Stereo Live) Mod Fam 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC 23 3 ET Inside CON Debate: 2020 Presidential Debate 2: NBC: News J. Fallon Last Man Last Man NewsNation (Live) Second Presidential Debate: News NewsNation Å Christmas Decor David’s Down-Home Christmas (N) (Live) David’s Great Big Christmas (Live) Å PBS NewsHour (N) Currents America PBS NewsHour Debates 2020 (N) Å Amanpour-Co 24 57 27 CNN Untamed Wine Finding Your Roots The National Parks: America’s Best Idea PBS NewsHour (N) Debate Night in America (N) (Live) Å Second Presidential Debate: Debate Night in America Å 28 MSNBC 29 CNBC The ReidOut (Live) Debate Pre-Show Presidential Debate on MSNBC (N) (Live) Debate Analysis Shepard Smith Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Å
30 FOXN The Story Tucker Carlson Second Presidential Debate: TBA Fox News at Night
33 USA 34 TNT Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Bones (In Stereo) ››› “Captain America: Civil War” (2016, Action) Chris Evans. “Pirates: Dead” 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Misery The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å ››› “Casino Royale” (2006, Action) Daniel Craig. Å ››‡ “Man on Fire” (2004, Crime Drama) 40 COM 44 DISC Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Daily Office Gold Rush Å Gold Rush Å Gold Rush: Claim Chronicles (In Stereo) Gold Rush Å
47 TLC Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pim My Feet Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pim My Feet Stories of the ER
48 ANPL 53 FREE Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch ››‡ “The Mummy Returns” (2001) Å ››‡ “Hocus Pocus” (1993) Bette Midler. The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King Merrily MGM ››‡ “The Killers” (1964) ››‡ “The Breaking Point” (1950) Å Mystery 58 HALL 60 LIFE “Time to Dance” “Sweet Autumn” (2020) Nikki Deloach. Golden Golden Golden Golden “Christmas-Krank” ››‡ “The Holiday” (2006, Romance-Comedy) Cameron Diaz. “Where Heart Is”
61 HGTV Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl 62 FOOD Beat Beat Gingerbread Gingerbread Gingerbread Gingerbread
66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT Li.- Chronicles Li.- Chronicles Li.- Chronicles “Alieu the Dreamer” (2020, Drama) ››› “Dawn of the Dead” (2004, Horror) ››› “Zombieland” (2009, Comedy) Å “28 Days Later” “Nightmare-Elm” ›‡ “Friday the 13th” (2009, Horror) Å ›› “House of Wax” (2005, Horror) Å Last Man Last Man ››› “The Italian Job” (2003) Mark Wahlberg. Å ››› “The Italian Job” (2003)
177 HIST American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers
3 FS1 4 ESPN 8 8 9 6 Pregame NFL WWE Friday Night SmackDown Å WWE Special Å SmackDown Football College Football: Tulsa at South Florida. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Wheel Jeopardy Shark Tank (N) 20/20 (N) (In Stereo) Å News Kimmel News Holly Big Brother (N) Å Undercover Boss Blue Bloods News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC Big Bang Pregame 2020 World Series: Game 3: Teams TBA. (N) (In Stereo Live) News First Spo ET Inside American Ninja Warrior “Semifinals 2” Dateline NBC Å News J. Fallon Last Man Last Man NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation Å David & Jane’s Holi-YAYS (N) (Live) Å Isaac Mizrahi Live! DaretoShareBeauty With Shawn (Live) 23 3 PBS NewsHour (N) Wash Hoover American Masters (In Stereo) Beyond Amanpour-Co 24 57 Week High Antique Roadshow A Tale of Two The Rockies: PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight
28 MSNBC The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour 29 CNBC 30 FOXN Shepard Smith American Greed American Greed American Greed The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham (N) American Greed Fox News at Night 33 USA 34 TNT 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Mod Fam Mod Fam Bones (In Stereo) ››› “Transformers” (2007, Action) Shia LaBeouf. Å (DVS) “Transformers” ››‡ “Central Intelligence” (2016) ›››‡ “Black Panther” (2018, Action) Chadwick Boseman. The First 48 Å The First 48: Killer Live Rescue (N) (In Stereo) Å The First 48 Å ››‡ “Man on Fire” (2004, Crime Drama) Denzel Washington. ›››› “Goodfellas” (1990, Crime Drama) 40 COM 44 DISC Office Office Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Office Daily South Pk Gold Rush: Claim Gold Rush “The Perfect Storm” (Season Premiere) (In Stereo) Gold Rush Å 47 TLC The Family Chantel 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way (N) 90 Day 90 Day: Other 90 Day 48 ANPL 53 FREE River Monsters Beast-Kept Secrets River Monsters: Deadliest Man-Eaters River Monsters ››› “Beetlejuice” (1988) Å ››› “Sleepy Hollow” (1999, Horror) Johnny Depp. The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “Drowning Pool” “Creature-Black Lagoon” ››‡ “The Blob” (1958) Å ›› “The Tingler “Christmas Un” “Christmas at the Plaza” (2019) Å “Picture a Perfect Christmas” (2019) ” 60 LIFE 61 HGTV “Christmas” “Christmas on Ice” (2020) Abigail Klein. “Christmas a la Mode” (2019, Drama) Renovation Inc Å Builds Builds Selling Selling Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT 177 HIST Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners, Drive Diners Diners Diners Diners ›› “All About the Benjamins” › “Anaconda” (1997, Suspense) Jennifer Lopez. Payne As. Liv ››› “Zombieland” (2009, Comedy) Å ››› “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (2015) Robert Downey Jr. “Bride of Chucky” ›‡ “Seed of Chucky” (2004, Horror) “Curse of Chucky” (2013) Fiona Dourif. Last Man Last Man 2020 CMT Music Awards: Å Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Deadly Jellyfish: MonsterQuest: MonsterQuest: Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Å
3 FS1 College Football: Utah State at Boise State. Å College Football 4 ESPN College Football: Teams TBA. College Football: Teams TBA. 8 8 Football College Football: Michigan at Minnesota. (N) (Live) News NCIS 9 6 Paid Prg. Carbon NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: New Orleans 48 Hours (In Stereo) News Know 11 35 Series Pregame 2020 World Series: Game 4: Teams TBA. (N) (In Stereo Live) News America 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC 23 3 24 57 12 News MAXX Weakest Link Ellen’s Game Saturday Night Live News SNL Blue Bloods Å NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation Å Maran Cosm. Styld by Ken Paves Shawn Saves Christmas (N) (Live) Å Lawrence Welk To Be Announced Doc Martin Å The Kate Å Song of Mountains The Age of Nature Nature Å (DVS) NOVA (In Stereo) Afropop: Cultural Independent Lens
27 CNN Situation Room Situation Room Situation Room Special Report Special Report 28 MSNBC American Voices Week-Johnson Week-Johnson American Voices Week-Johnson
29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Life, Liberty Watters’ World Å Justice Judge Greg Gutfeld Watters’ World Å ›› “Fast & Furious” (2009) ››‡ “San Andreas” (2015, Action) Dwayne Johnson. Drift “Transformers” ››‡ “Rampage” (2018, Action) ›› “The Legend of Tarzan” (2016) ›››‡ “Black Panther” (2018, Action) Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Misery The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Live Rescue (N) (In Stereo) Å The First 48 Å ›››› “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981) “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” (1989) Å IndianaJ ››‡ “The Internship” (2013) ››‡ “Old School” (2003) Luke Wilson. ›› “We’re the Millers” (2013) 44 DISC Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier “Operation: Winter Prep” (In Stereo) Last Frontier
47 TLC Little People, World Little People, World Little People, World Little People, World Little People, World
48 ANPL 53 FREE Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Mega Zoo (N) ››‡ “The Addams Family” (1991) Å ››‡ “Addams Family Values” (1993) Secret Life-Zoo “Ghostbusters” 54 TVL 55 TCM Two Men Two Men Two Men Two and Half Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “Citizen Kane” ››‡ “Ace in the Hole” (1951, Drama) ››‡ “Flesh and Fury” (1952, Drama) 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV “Christmas Town” “Jingle Bell Bride” (2020) Julie Gonzalo. “Christmas at Pemberley Manor” (2018) “Christmas on Ice” “Christmas Unwrapped” (2020, Drama) “Sweet Mountain Christmas” (2019) Å Good Bones Å Should I Stay or Go Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It
62 FOOD Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners
66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT 177 HIST “Drumline” (2002) HBCU Homecoming: Meet Me: HBCU Homecoming: Meet Me: ››› “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (2015) ››› “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017) Chris Pratt. Shining ››‡ “Carrie” (2013, Horror) Chloë Grace Moretz. History of Horror Cursed Sematary To Be Announced ››› “Beverly Hills Cop” (1984) Eddie Murphy. Å Barrett-Jackson Live Auction: Super Saturday: (N) Å Counting Cars Counting Cars
SUNDAY EVENING C=COMCAST OCT. 25 C 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:3010:0010:3011:0011:30 3 FS1 PBC PBC PBC Collection Mexico Primera Division Soccer MLB Postgame
4 ESPN SportsCenter (Live) SportCtr UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed UFC SportsCenter (Live) 8 8 9 6 Funny Videos Supermarket Who Wants to Be Card Sharks “201” News NCIS Football 60 Minutes (N) Å Neighbor ››› “Scream” (1996, Horror) Neve Campbell. Å News 11 35 Series Pregame 2020 World Series: Game 5: Teams TBA. (N) (In Stereo Live) News ROH 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC Football Night in America (N) NFL Football: Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Las Vegas Raiders. News Last Man Last Man NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation Å Gourmet Holiday Maran Cosm. Countdown to Christmas “Gift Edition” (N) (Live) Å 23 3 Finding Your Roots Trouble-Maggie Flesh and Blood: Cobra: (In Stereo) Austin City Limits 24 57 27 CNN Confucius Was Magical Land of Oz American Masters Can Be Done Trouble-Maggie CNN Newsroom Situation Room Situation Room First Ladies Å State of the Union 28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN American Voices Week-Johnson Week-Johnson American Voices Week-Johnson Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Fox News Sunday Life, Liberty Revolution Watters’ World Å Life, Liberty 33 USA 34 TNT 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM 44 DISC Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU “Rampage” (2018) ›› “The Meg” (2018) Jason Statham. Å (DVS) ››‡ “Godzilla” (2014) “Overboard” (2018) ›››‡ “Crazy Rich Asians” (2018) Constance Wu. “Crazy Rich Asians” (2018) “Magnificent” ›› “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back” (2016, Action) Court Court Court ›››‡ “Jurassic Park” (1993) Sam Neill. ››‡ “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997) Jeff Goldblum. ››‡ “Old School” ›› “We’re the Millers” (2013) Jennifer Aniston. “Kicking & Screaming” (2005) Alaska Alaska: The Last Frontier (N) Å Terrorism Cl. Homestead Rescue 47 TLC 90 Day: Other 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way (N) Love-Mama’s Boy 90 Day: Other 48 ANPL 53 FREE North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law ››‡ “Ghostbusters” (2016) Melissa McCarthy. ››‡ “Hocus Pocus” (1993) Bette Midler. The Craft 54 TVL 55 TCM Two Men Two Men Two Men Two and Half Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “What-BabyJane” ››› “3:10 to Yuma” (1957) Van Heflin. ››› “Gunman’s Walk” (1958, Western) 58 HALL “Write Before” “Chateau Christmas” (2020, Romance) “Christmas in Rome” (2019, Romance) 60 LIFE 61 HGTV “Christmas Un.” “Forever Christmas Love It or List It Renovation Inc Å ” (2018, Romance) Good Bones (N) “Hometown Christmas Good Bones Å ” (2018, Romance) Good Bones 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Halloween Wars (N) Hallow Hallow Halloween Baking “Big Mommas” ››‡ “Madea’s Family Reunion” (2006, Comedy) Tyler Perry. Tyler Perry’s Sistas “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017) ››› “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1” (2010) 138 AMC 146 CMT “Halloween H20” Fear the Walking Fear the Walking Walking Dead Fear the Walking Mom Mom To Be Announced ››‡ “17 Again” (2009) Zac Efron. Å
177 HIST American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers
DAYTIME AFTERNOON C=COMCAST OCT. 21 - OCT. 27 C 1:001:302:002:303:003:304:004:305:005:306:006:30 3 FS1 The Herd with Colin Cowherd Speak for Yourself Fox Skip NASCAR Hub 4 ESPN SportsCenter Jalen Ques NBA: The Jump NFL Live Around Pardon SportsCenter 8 8 GMA3: What General Hosp. Drew Barrymore Dr. Phil 8 News 8 News News ABC 9 6 Young Bold The Talk Ellen Show CBS6 News News News News CBS 11 35 Funny Funny Wendy Williams Maury Steve Wilkos Judge Judge Fam Fam 12 12 Days of Lives Kelly Clarkson Tamron Hall News at 4PM News News News News 15 WGN-A Heat of Night Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Last Last 22 QVC Varied Programs Gourmet Varied Programs 23 3 CuriousElinor Cat in Arthur Wild Odd Ready CuriousSciGirlsBiz Kid News BBC 24 57 Varied SciGirlsCuriousBiz Kid Varied Programs Amanpour-Co 27 CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper Jake Tapper Situation Room Situation Room 28 MSNBC MTP Daily MSNBC Live MSNBC Live Deadline: White House The Beat With 29 CNBC The Exchange Power Lunch Closing Bell Fast Varied Mad Money 30 FOXN Outnumbered Daily Briefing Bill Hemmer Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report 33 USA Varied Programs 34 TNT Supernatural Supernatural Movie Varied Programs 35 TBS Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Varied Amer. Amer. Amer. Amer. Family Family 37 A&E Varied Programs First 48 Varied First 48 Varied First 48 Varied 39 PARMT Bar Rescue Mom Mom Mom Mom Two Two Two Two Two Two 40 COM South South South Var. Programs South Office Office Office Office Office Office 44 DISC Gold Rush Varied Programs 47 TLC Four Weddings Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Varied Programs 48 ANPL Varied Programs 53 FREE Movie Varied Programs 54 TVL Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith 55 TCM Movie Var. Programs Movie Varied Movie Var. Programs Movie Varied 58 HALL (12:00) Movie Movie Movie Movie 60 LIFE Movie Movie Var. Programs Movie Var. Programs Movie 61 HGTV Varied Programs 62 FOOD Varied Programs 66 BET BrownsBrownsVar. Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie 127 SYFY Movie Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied 138 AMC Movie Varied Programs Movie 146 CMT King King King King King King Last Last Last Last Last Last 177 HIST Varied Programs
3 FS1 PBA Bowling: Playoffs, Round of 24. ››› “Rudy” (1993, Drama) Sean Astin. Å NHRA 4 ESPN Monday Night NFL Football: Chicago Bears at Los Angeles Rams. (N) (Live) SportsCenter 8 8 9 6 Wheel Jeopardy Dancing With the Stars “Villains Night” Emergency Call (N) News Kimmel News Holly Big Brother (N) Å Essential Hero: One Day One Day News Colbert 11 35 Big Bang Big Bang L.A.’s Finest (DVS) Filthy Rich (N) Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC ET Inside The Voice “The Blind Auditions, Part 3” Last Man Last Man NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) Fashion’s Night In Å Weakest Link (N) NewsNation (Live) News J. Fallon NewsNation Å 23 3 24 57 PBS NewsHour (N) Antique Roadshow Antiques Gener Independent Lens Chesapeake-Air: The Gene: An Intimate History Å Virginia: (In Stereo) Aman PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Fox News at Night Chicago P.D. WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Mod Fam Mod Fam “The Meg” (2018) ››› “It” (2017, Horror) Jaeden Lieberher. Å (DVS) ››› “It” (2017) 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy AmericanAmericanConan Seinfeld The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å ››› “Casino Royale” (2006, Action) Daniel Craig. (In Stereo) Å ››‡ “Shooter” (2007) Å 40 COM 44 DISC Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Daily Office Outlaws: Fast Street Outlaws: Fastest in America (N) (In Stereo) Å Street Outlaws
47 TLC The Family Chantel 90 Day Fiancé The Family Chantel The Family Chantel Love-Mama’s Boy
48 ANPL 53 FREE Dude--Screwed Homestead Rescue: Survival Shelter (N) Homestead Rescue Off the Grid ››‡ “Hotel Transylvania 2” (2015) Å “Hotel Transylvania 3: Vacation” The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “The Gazebo” Å ›‡ “Nothing but the Night” ››‡ “Madhouse” (1974) Vincent Price. From 58 HALL 60 LIFE “Christmas-Ever “My Christmas” ” “Crown for Christmas” (2015, Romance) ›› “Christmas With the Kranks” (2004) “A Gift to Remember” (2017) Ali Liebert. “The Christmas Contract” (2018) Å 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It (N) Love It or List It Love It or List It Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Championship Å Outrageous: ›› “Meet the Browns” (2008) Å ›› “National Security” (2003, Comedy) Martin Lawrence. Å “Jason-to Hell” › “Jason X” (2002, Horror) Lexa Doig. ›‡ “Jigsaw” (2017, Horror) Tobin Bell. ››› “Pacific Rim” (2013, Science Fiction) Charlie Hunnam. Soulmates (N) Å Soulmates Å 146 CMT 177 HIST Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom House House Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Å
3 FS1 Pregame Breaking The Spring League Football: Conquerors vs Generals. Å MLB Postgame 4 ESPN 8 8 Playoff Top 25 Documentaries ESPN Original Documentaries SportsCenter Wheel Jeopardy The Bachelorette (In Stereo) Å (DVS) To Be Announced News Kimmel
9 6 News Holly Price Is Right: Let’s Make a: FBI Declass. News Colbert
11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A Big Bang Big Bang Cosmos: Possible NEXT “FILE 3” (N) ET Inside The Voice (N) Å This Is Us (N) Last Man Last Man NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam This Is Us (N) News J. Fallon NewsNation (Live) NewsNation Å 22 QVC 23 3 24 57 Shoe Shopping With Courtney (N) (Live) Color Cosmetics Cheers! to Holiday Shopping With Leah PBS NewsHour (N) Va. Home Grown Not Done: Women: Frontline (In Stereo) Å Saman Keep Up Durrells in Corfu Doc Martin Å Great Museum: PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Å The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Fox News at Night 33 USA 34 TNT Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam “Jack Reacher” ››‡ “The A-Team” (2010, Action) Liam Neeson. ››‡ “Jack Reacher” (2012)
35 TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Misery Conan Misery
37 A&E 39 PARMT Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage ›› “Four Brothers” (2005) Mark Wahlberg. Å ›‡ “Gone in 60 Seconds” (2000, Action) Movie 40 COM 44 DISC Office Office Office Office Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily Tosh.0 Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue Building Off the Grid (N) (In Stereo) Å Off the Grid 47 TLC 48 ANPL 53 FREE Little People, World Little People, World Little People, World Sextuplets 7 Little Johnstons Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush People: Wild Life Yukon Men Å Yukon Men Å “Hotel Transylvania 3” ››‡ “Hocus Pocus” (1993) Bette Midler. Kal Penn The 700 Club Å
54 TVL Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King
55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC “Escape-Bravo” Women Make Film “Fools in the Mountains” (1957) Women Make Film “Christmas” “Christmas Under Wraps” (2014) Å “Holiday Date” (2019) Matt Cohen. Å “Christmas Stars” “Wrapped Up in Christmas” (2017) Å “The Christmas Pact” (2018) Kyla Pratt. Home Town Å Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Chopped Å Chopped Å Chopped (N) Å Chopped Å Chopped Å ››‡ “Just Wright” (2010) Queen Latifah. 2020 Hip Hop Awards: (N) Å Hip- Awards: “Truth or Dare” ›‡ “Jigsaw” (2017, Horror) Tobin Bell. ››‡ “Sinister” (2012) Ethan Hawke. “The Shining” Å ››‡ “Trick ’r Treat” (2007, Horror) Å ›‡ “Bride of Chucky” (1998, Horror) 146 CMT 177 HIST Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom House House American Pickers American Pickers The Campaigns That Made History: Å American Pickers
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CASEMANAGER,SubstanceUseDisorders,wantedtoprovidecasemanagement services to adolescents and adultsexperiencingsubstanceuseand co-occurringissues.Dutieswillinclude being a coordinator/liaison for the GoochlandFamilyTreatmentCourtand workingwithRecovery/PeerServices. FulltimePositionwithBenefits.Visitw ww.gpcsb.orgforanapplicationand job description. Deadline: Friday, 10/23/2020,4:30pm.EOE. MEDICATION CASE MANAGER GoochlandPowhatanCommunityServicesisseekingaMedicationCaseManagertosupportmedicationonlyservicestoadultswithseriousmentalillnesswhoaresteppingdownfrommore intensiveservices. Bachelor’sDegree inHumanServicespreferred,LPNorRN also accepted. Salary starting at $38,002basedoneducationandexperience.Pleasecall804-556-5400orvisit www.gpcsb.orgforapplicationand details. Deadline:Friday,10/23/2020 by4:30PM.EOE MENTAL HEALTH CASE MANAGER –GoochlandPowhatanCommunityServicesisseekingaMentalHealthCase Managertoprovideservicestoadults withseriousmentalillness.Bachelor’s degreerequiredandmustmeetthe qualifications for Qualified Mental HealthCaseManager.Salarystartsat $38,002basedonexperienceandeducation.Pleasecall804-556-5400orvisit www.gpcsb.orgforapplicationanddetails. Deadline:Friday,10/23/2020by 4:30PM.EOE
NURSE-Goochland Powhatan CommunityServicesislookingforanLPN orRNwithexperienceinpsychiatric servicesfor24hours/week.Pleasesee www.gpcsb.org,fordetailsandapplication,orcall804-556-5400.Openuntil filled.EOE.
Residential forRent
Apartmentreferralservicecompaniesselllists ofavailableapartments for rent in your area. Please read contracts thoroughly to ensure thatyouunderstandand agreetoalltheterms and the cancellation policyofthecontract.
3bedroom,1bathranchhouse withcentralair&heat.Storage outbuilding. 6013 Cartersville Road, Powhatan, 23139. $850/ month+deposit.AvailableNov. 1st.Credit&CriminalBackground Checks&IncomeVerificationrequired.Pleasecall804-381-1098.
FOR RENT 1744Ballsville Road Powhatan, VA23139 4bedrooms, 4baths Walk-out Basement $1,595/month
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SimplySafeStorage 2209AcademyRoad, Powhatan,Virginia,23139 (804)508-7233
SimplySafeStoragewillholdastorageauctionon Thursday,October22nd,2020at10:00 am. Thefollowingunitswillbeupforauction: B08"JohnDoe"andA06MichelleSmith.We havetherighttorejectanyofferforanyunit. Cashonly.
TRUSTEE’SSALEOF 1458DonavonMillLane,Powhatan,VA TaxMapI.D.No.051-A-8-1
InexecutionofaDeedofTrustrecordedJuly1, 2010,inDeedBook790,Page1362,Instrument No.100002318,("DeedofTrust"),intheClerk’s Office,CircuitCourt,CountyofPowhatan,VA ("Clerk’sOffice");theSubstituteTrustee,havingbeenappointedSubstituteTrusteebyAppointmentofSubstituteTrusteerecordedOctober7,2020asInstrumentNo.202005317in theClerk’sOffice,willofferforsaleatpublic auction,therealestatebrieflydescribedas 1458DonavonMillLane,Powhatan,VA,and whichismoreparticularlydescribedinthe DeedofTrust("Property"). Thesalewillbe conductedatthefrontentranceofthebuilding whichhousestheCircuitCourtoftheCounty ofPowhatan,3880OldBuckinghamRoad,Powhatan,VAonNovember18,2020at11:30a.m. TERMSOFSALE: Cash. ThePropertywillbe offeredforsale"ASIS,WHEREIS"and"WITH ALLFAULTS"andwillbeconveyedbyspecial warrantydeedwithoutanywarrantiesandthe conveyancewillbesubjecttoallencumbrances, rights, reservations, covenants, conditions,easements, restrictions andstatutory liens,ifany,havingpriorityovertheDeedof Trust,astheymaylawfullyaffecttheProperty. TheTrustee,theAuctioneerandtheSecured Party make no representation or warranty whatsoeverastotheexistence,survivalor termsofanylease,tenancyorpossessoryarrangement, and no credit shall be given againstthepurchasepriceforanyassociated securitydeposit(s). Exceptforthespecialwarrantycontainedin thedeed,theTrustee,andtheAuctioneerdisclaimallwarrantiesofanykindfortheProperty,includingwithoutlimitationanywarranty relatingtothezoning,physicalorenvironmentalcondition, title,possession, quietenjoyment,habitability,fitnessforaparticularpurposeandmerchantability. Theriskoflossor damagetothePropertyshallbebornebythe successfulbidderfromandafterthedateof theauction. Thesuccessfulbiddershallassumeallobligationsforcontinuationofutility servicestotheProperty. Securingpossession andcontrolofthePropertyfollowingclosing shallbethesoleresponsibilityofthesuccessfulbidder.
Aninitialbidder’sdepositincashorbycertifiedorcashier’scheckof$10,000.00mustbe showntotheTrusteeandtheAuctioneerprior totheauctioninordertobeapprovedtoparticipatesubjecttobidderprequalification.Immediatelyafterthesale,thesuccessfulbidder shallexecuteacontractofsalewiththeTrustee,aformofwhichisavailableforreview uponrequest,andshalldelivertotheTrustee aninitialdepositwhichshallbethelesserof $10,000.00ortenpercent(10%)ofthepurchasepriceoftheProperty.NolaterthanNovember23,2020,theTrusteeandthesuccessfulbiddershalladjustthedepositamount(up ordown)toequaltenpercent(10%)ofthe winning bid amount. Any excess over $10,000.00mustbereceivedbytheTrusteeby 4:00p.m.,November23,2020. Ifthesuccessfulbidderfailstotimelyclose, thedepositshallbeforfeitedand(attheoptionoftheTrustee)thePropertymayeitherbe resold at the risk and expense of the defaultingsuccessful bidderortheTrustee andtheSecuredPartymayacceptthenext highestbidfortheProperty. Thedefaulting successfulbiddershallbeliableforanydeficiencyresultingfromsuchnext-highestclosingorresale,andshallremainliableforany operatingshortfallonaccountoftheProperty untilclosingofanysuchresale. Settlementinfullshallbemadeincashat901 EastCaryStreet,Suite1900,Richmond,Virginia,within30daysofsale,timebeingoftheessence. Additionalprocedures,termsandconditionsmaybeannouncedatthetimeofsale, andshallcontrol.
FORINFORMATIONCONCERNING THEAUCTIONTERMSCONTACT: HamillD."Skip"Jones,Jr. FloranceGordonBrown AProfessionalCorporation 901EastCaryStreet Suite1900 Richmond,VA23219 804-697-5128 hjones@fgb.com TranzonFox Attn:BillLondrey P.O.Box7448 Richmond,VA23221 804-355-2251 blondrey@tranzon.com www.tranzon.com


NoticeisherebygiventhatthePowhatanCountyBoardofSupervisors willconductapublichearingon Monday,October26,2020at 6:30PM inthe PowhatanCountyVillageBuildingAuditorium (3910OldBuckinghamRoad)regardingthefollowingmatters. OrdinanceO-2020-15AmendingAppendixA-FeeSchedule for PowhatanCountytoincludegymnasiumusefeesandtoincreasefieldusage feestobettercovermaintenanceandupkeepcosts. Membersofthepublicmayalsoparticipateremotelybyjoininga webinarathttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83998792911orbydialingin byphoneat1-929-205-6099OR1-312-626-6799,thentypinginthe webinarID8399792911.Duringthepubliccommentperiod,participants mayraisetheirhandusingthezoomcontrolsonthecomputerscreen,or (ifdialingin)bypressing*9onaphone. Themeetingmaybewatchedlivebyvisitinghttp://powhatanva.gov/432/ Live-Stream-of-Powhatan-County-Meetings. Publiccommentsmayalsobesubmittedtoadministration@powhatanva. govorbyleavingavoicemailat(804)598-5612.Anycommentsreceived priorto5:00PMofthedateofthepublichearingwillberecordedinthe meetingminutes. Allinterestedpersonsareinvitedtoparticipateinthepublichearing andtopresenttheirviewsand/ortosubmitwrittencomments.Persons requiringspecialassistancetovieworparticipateinthehearingshould contactthePowhatanCountyAdministrator’sOfficeat(804)598-5612 atleastthreedayspriortothemeeting.Documentsrelatedtothisproposal canbereviewedbycontactingtheCountyAdministrator’sOfficeat administration@powhatanva.govor(804)598-5612.
Noticeisherebygiven,pursuantto§15.2-2204ofthe CodeofVirginia, thatthePlanningCommissionofPowhatanCountywillconductapublic hearingon Wednesday,November4,2020,at6:00PMin the Powhatan CountyVillageBuildingAuditorium,3910OldBuckinghamRoad,to considerthefollowingrequests:
ReviewofAgriculturalandForestalDistricts(AFDs): AllAgricultural andForestalDistricts(AFDs)wereoriginallyscheduledtoexpireonApril 12,2020,withtheBoardofSupervisorstemporarilyextendingthese districtsthroughDecember31,2020(Resolution#R-2020-05).TheBoard ofSupervisorsisreviewingthesedistricts,andthePlanningCommission willmakearecommendationtotheBoardofSupervisorsastowhether theAFDProgramshouldcontinueas-is(foranothertenyears),shouldbe discontinued/terminated,orifanin-depthreviewshouldbeconducted. AtitsmeetingonOctober5,2020,theAgriculturalandForestalDistrict AdvisoryCommittee(AFDAC)recommendedthattheAFDProgram continue.Landmaybewithdrawnfromadistrictattheowner’sdiscretion byfilingawrittennoticewiththelocalgoverningbodyatanytimebefore itactstocontinue,modifyorterminatethedistrict.
Case#20-03-AZ: The CountyofPowhatan requeststheamendment ofprovisionssetforthinseveralsectionsofChapter68(Subdivision Ordinance)andChapter83(ZoningOrdinance)toreducetherequired holdingperiodbeforecreatingafamilydivisionlotfromtenyearstofive years;clarifythatonlyadultsmayreceiveafamilydivisionlot;clarify standardsregardingaccess;andincreasetheminimumsizeofthe residualparcelremainingafterafamilydivision.
Case#20-05-AZ: The CountyofPowhatan requeststheamendmentof provisionssetforthinseveralsectionsofChapter83(ZoningOrdinance) tochangetheCourthouseSquareCenter(CHSC)zoningdistrictfroma TransitionBaseDistricttoaVillageGrowthAreaBaseDistrict;andtoadd usestothelistofpermittedandconditionaluseswithintheCHSCzoning district.
Case#20-03-REZC: The CountyofPowhatan requeststherezoningof TaxMapParcels#26B2-3-8Band#26B2-3-10fromGeneralCommercial (C)toCourthouseSquareCenter(CHSC)andamendmentofthezoning districtmapofapproximately0.61acresoflandwithfrontageonthe westsideofStateRoute13(OldBuckinghamRoad)atitsintersection withStateRoute1001(MarionHarlandLane),including3867and3871 OldBuckinghamRoad.TheCHSCzoningdistrictpermitsamixof commercialandresidentialuses,withmaximumresidentialdensitiesof eight(8)dwellingunitsperacre.The2019Long-RangeComprehensive PlandesignatesthesubjectpropertiesasVillageCenter(Courthouse VillageSpecialAreaPlan)ontheCountywideFutureLandUseMap, withmaximumrecommendeddensitiesintheVillageCenterlanduse designationbeingeight(8)dwellingunitsperacre.
Membersofthepublicmayalsoparticipateremotelybyjoiningawebinar athttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89655087654orbydialinginbyphoneat 1-929-205-6099OR1-312-626-6799,thentypinginthewebinarID896 55087654.Duringthepubliccommentperiod,participantsmayraise theirhandusingthezoomcontrolsonthecomputerscreen,or(ifdialing in)bypressing*9onaphone.
Themeetingmaybewatchedlivebyvisitinghttp://powhatanva.gov/432/ Live-Stream-of-Powhatan-County-Meetings.
AllPlanningCommissionmeetingsareopentothepublicandinterested personsareencouragedtoattendonthedayandtimespecifiedabove. Copiesoftheproposedplans,ordinances,andamendmentsmaybe reviewedintheDepartmentofCommunityDevelopmentinthePowhatan CountyAdministrationBuilding(3834OldBuckinghamRoad)between 8:30AMand5:00PMofeachbusinessday.Copiesofstaffreportsare availablepriortothePublicHearinguponrequestandwillbeavailable onlineatleastfive(5)dayspriortothemeetingathttp://powhatanva.gov/ agendacenter.Pleasecall(804)598-5621withanyquestions.