60 minute read
300 shots and were focused on vaccinating county employees and partner agency employees.
Saturday’s clinic saw the expansion into using the entire building. The front lobby was used to check in people who had registered online. After they fi lled out their paperwork, they headed to the gym and had their paperwork verifi ed twice along the way. They stood in line to receive their vaccines, which was the quickest part of the whole process, and then sat in chairs spread well apart in the rest of the gym for the requisite 15-minute period to monitor for any immediate side effects. Additionally, the band room, which is closer to the front door than the gym, was used to vaccinate people with mobility issues or those who couldn’t walk as far.
The ability to expand so rapidly in the number of patients served was down to another big change the county made – switching from using the Moderna vaccine to the Pfi zer vaccine, Nellis said.
He had been promised 300 vaccines a week when using Moderna but was told he could get up to 1,100 at a time if he switched to Pfi zer. He has been saying for weeks that if he could get more shots to put in people’s arms he knew they could handle it. So after the remaining people who already had their fi rst doses of Moderna come back for their second shots, Nellis said he will switch exclusively to using Pfi zer.
Because of how it has to be stored, the Pfi zer vaccine is logistically more complicated to plan around for Emergency Services Solutions (ESS), which is administering the shots. But the public won’t see any difference on the medical side, Nellis added.
With the increased volume of patients the clinics can now hold, Nellis also made a big switch in scheduling. To date, the clinics he has organized have been held on different days of the week, depending on the availability of vaccine.
Moving forward, Nellis said he plans to hold fi rst dose clinics on Saturdays and, once they start, second dose clinics on Sundays. These are days more people are off of work, which includes staff that would be working at the center if the clinics were scheduled during the week. Nellis praised the job done by both ESS workers and the volunteers who handled registration, directing people, answering questions, and more.
“The volunteers that came in are just amazing people and they stepped up to the plate. I told them when they came in, ‘We are going to have fun with this,’ and that was the key,” Nellis said. “We try to relax and just joke around with the public and let them know they are appreciated and take the edge off of it. … Everybody has been pleasant and very helpful, and that is the Powhatan way.”
Sense of relief
Shirley Ward, 70, and her husband, Robert, 71, said they were very anxious to get the vaccine. The Powhatan couple has been severely limiting how much they go out and who they see and they are ready to feel more comfortable getting out and about and, eventually, even getting to see their son and his family in California.
So when their neighbor emailed them a link about Saturday’s clinic, they were eager to register for their shots, she said.
They were also infl uenced by knowing people who have suffered from and even died from the coronavirus, Robert Ward added.
“We felt that we needed to get this shot and get it as soon as we could,” he said. “It is a comfort. It makes me feel better that even though I will continue to distance and continue to wear my mask, I think I am a little bit more protected,” he said.
The couple agreed that the vaccination clinic was very well run and they didn’t have any issues during the experience. The one thing that concerned Shirley Ward was a lack of people of color in the crowded gymnasium as she looked around, and she said she hopes the word is getting out to people, especially those without reliable internet.
Carl Tobias, 74, and Peggy Sanner, 68, also heard about the clinic through an email sent by a friend. The Henrico couple had been looking for an opportunity to get vaccinated, mainly because of Tobias’ job as a University of Richmond professor, which puts him in contact with more people, and their desire not to be a risk to their extended families.
Sanner said she and her husband arrived early for their 1:30 p.m. time slot and were pleasantly surprised at the clinic’s effi ciency and well-thought out layout.
“I would like to express my appreciation for how this has been organized and run by the county. It is very well done and it is a service that people really are grateful for,” she said.
Katrina McIntosh of Powhatan is a Powhatan County Public Library employee who was previously scheduled to receive the vaccine at a smaller clinic for county employees but it was canceled because of icy weather. Her motivation for getting the vaccine was both her interaction with the public through the library and wanting to be part of the “herd immunity” buildup of protection for the community.
Other than wishing she had worn a warmer jacket for her wait outside, McIntosh said the experience was hassle-free and she is glad to have the fi rst shot done.
Long lines of people wait in the gym of the Pocahontas Landmark Center to receive their first Pfizer vaccine at a clinic held by the county on Feb. 20.

Emergency Services Solutions employee Hilary Holman gives Katrina McIntosh, a Powhatan Library employee, her first Pfizer vaccine dose at a clinic held on Feb. 20. Registration
Moving forward, Nellis intends to hold more community vaccine clinics, but said it will continue to be subject to the availability of the shots.
Powhatan has established a page on its website regarding COVID-19 information that can be found at http://www.powhatanva.gov/1687/COVID---19-Information. The county also set up a new COVID Vaccine hotline at 804-905-9970. This line is run by a limited, mostly volunteer staff answering calls. If a voicemail is left, it will be returned as soon as possible. Nellis said the county will announce future clinics on the county’s COVID-19 website and its Facebook page. Virginia residents and workers can now pre-register to get a COVID-19 vaccine through the new Statewide Vaccine Pre-registration System. They can sign up on online 24/7 at vaccinate. virginia.gov; or by phone from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days a week by calling 1-877-VAXIN-VA (877-829-4682). Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

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February 24, 2021 Powhatan, Virginia Page 1B

Powhatan senior Linwood Hill (left) wrestles Amherst County’s Parker Hoden in the 170-pound weight-class semifinals of the Class 4 state wrestling championships held Saturday at the Virginia Beach Sports Center.
6 wrestlers earn state placements

Above: Powhatan senior Sean Hall wrestles Eastern View’s Kadin Smoot for third place; below: Powhatan senior Hayden Fitzsimmons (left) reacts after winning his third-place match over Courtland’s Charlie Henderson.

By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
VIRGINIA BEACH – At the end of the Class 4 state wrestling championships, there was, for Powhatan’s competitors, some heartbreak, as, for the second year in a row, the closest they came to an individual state title was a second-place fi nish.
But none of them left empty-handed.
All six of Powhatan’s wrestlers who qualifi ed for states earned placements at states in their respective weight classes. And all three seniors – Linwood Hill (170 pounds), Sean Hall (132) and Hayden Fitzsimmons (195) – fi nished third or better.
“All-in-all, obviously there’s some things that we would like to change, but at the same time, I’m proud of our guys, not even for the wrestling aspect...I’m just super proud that our kids were super-mature about everything (with) everything thrown at them,” said Powhatan head wrestling coach Jonathan Tanaka. “They continued to roll with the punches. They continued to do what we asked them to do, and even against all the odds, they just kept wrestling and we were able to get a season in. At the end of the day, that’s probably going to be the takeaway for the weekend.”
Linwood Hill fi nally broke through for a state podium fi nish, and for the four-time state qualifi er, it was a postseason to remember as he rallied from coming up short in his regional semifi nal match, to qualifying for states by powering his way through consolations to earn a true second-place fi nish, to reaching the state fi nals in thrilling fashion, to earning state runner-up honors.
In a lightning fi rst round, Hill pinned Riley Fesser in under 15 seconds to advance to a classic semifi nal duel. He and Amherst County’s Parker Hoden wrestled in the neutral for most of regulation, with Hoden rising to his feet on a quick escape at the top of the
see WRESTLERS, pg. 3B
Knights all set for new season
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
Blessed Sacrament Huguenot’s Knights are all set to begin their sixgame varsity football season in the Virginia Colonial Conference’s 8-man league this coming Friday when they host Southampton Academy at 2 p.m.
“The season itself, it’s going to be a tremendous opportunity for us and the school 2019 FILE PHOTOS in general to have an DECKER uplifting experience,” said BSH head football coach Gary Brock.
With only two seniors, the Knights, now more than a year removed from their 5-4 campaign in 2019, will be young FICHTER to begin this season.
“You certainly want to go into every ball game – we go in to win it, and be competitive,” Brock said while adding: “With a shortened season like this, in a way, NADEAU you’re looking at: Okay, we want to see performance and so forth and hopefully when we get through this thing and the next year comes up and we’re playing a full season and for a championship... HATFIELD we’ve had some success and some growth during this time period…we’re looking at now, and we’re looking at the future also.
see BSH, pg. 2B
The wait for Powhatan football is almost over
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
POWHATAN – It’s been more than 15 months since its players have gone toe-to-toe with another team beneath the Friday night lights on the high school gridiron.
But for a Powhatan High School varsity football team stacked with talent and experience, that prolonged break is set to expire on February 26.
That’s when the Indians will head to L.C. Bird High School to begin the long-awaited, much-anticipated 2020-21 season.
“I love our coaching staff. I think the kids have been super-receptive to everything that we’re doing,” said Powhatan head coach Mike Henderson. “It’s a really special group of guys to be around…I’m just happy for them that they’re getting the chance to play, because they deserve it. They’ve worked for it.”
Powhatan is coming off of a keynote season in its fi rst year in Coach Henderson’s system. While that 2019 team went 4-6 and came up shy of making the playoffs, it secured two memorable road victories: an historic 2-0 shutout of Midlothian and a thrilling comefrom-behind 21-20 triumph over Clover Hill. Additionally, the margin of victory in four of Powhatan’s six losses was eight points or less.
In building on that competitive season, the Indians are much more experienced as they bring back many returners, notably up front on the offensive line. Six-foot-three, 270-pound right tackle and UNC Pembroke commit Bradey Lindhjem, senior guard Luke Beatty and junior guard Tanner Palmore, the latter of whom recently placed third in the heavyweight class of the Region 4B wrestling championships, will all be a part of a line that Henderson described as bigger and stronger.
Powhatan’s Aaron Nash (5) runs the football while Mitchell Johnson (34) blocks in a 2019 home game versus Monacan.


TheracecardriverfromPowhatanCounty completedhisfirstpointsraceinthe eNASCARCoca-ColaiRacingSeries, thepremiereNASCAR-sanctioned virtualeSportsleaguethatutilizesthe NASCARCupSeriesstockcarmodels, intheseries’2021seasonopenerheld Feb.8onthevirtualDaytonaInternational Speedway.Manesraninthetop5for mostofthe100-laprace,ledtheevent with30togoandwasbehindthefront setofleadersonthebackstretchofthe white-flaglapwhenanaccidenttriggered atthefrontofthefieldcausedahuge multicarcrash,withManesamongthe driverstogettakenout.Despitethe wreck,hefinishedtheeventin13th. ManesandhisfellowCoca-ColaiRacing Seriescompetitorsracedagainon Tuesday,Feb.23at9p.m.onthevirtual Homestead-MiamiSpeedway. ManesdrivestheNo.2OfferpadToyota forElliottSadlereSports. (PhotocourtesyiRacing.com)


By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
When 38 girls came out for the varsity and JV teams, it was the most that Powhatan fi eld hockey coach Caryn Rehme said they had ever seen at tryouts.
“They’re really excited just to be out there and competing for their high school,” Rehme said. “Even though it’s a lot of hard work, everybody’s enjoying every day we get to be out there.”
Powhatan graduated several seniors from an incredibly hard-fought 2019 in which the team went 6-8 in the regular season as a member of the highly competitive Dominion District, but played fi ve games that went beyond regulation, winning three of those fi ve. All three victories came during shootouts, the second level of overtime in fi eld hockey, against three perennial powers: Cosby, Midlothian and Maggie Walker Governor’s School.
Powhatan’s fi nal game of 2019 – a 3-1 loss to Monacan in the Region 4B quarterfi nals – was another hard-fought game, as well as a showcase of some of the players who are projected to contribute to the team in this condensed 2020-21 season that was delayed from fall to early spring.
“They were really excited – their energy, enthusiasm was really great,” Rehme said of the younger players in that quarterfi nal match. “We’re excited to build on that and take it into this year.”
Returners expected to make an impact include Lexie Campbell, Catherine Griffi th, Joy Johnson, Savannah Johnson, Jordan Krauss, goalie Peyton Tuttle and lone senior Kaitlin Thompson.
Tuttle, who did well for Powhatan last
see FIELD HOCKEY, pg. 3B
Powhatan High School senior Kaitlin Thompson, seen in a 2019 varsity field hockey game, is back to help lead the team in the 2020-21 season.

Continued from pg. 1B
Newcomer Neco Jackson, a 6-2, 255-pound senior who previously played for Life Christian Academy, is ready to start for Powhatan at left tackle. Another transfer, junior Ashton Tingle, who previously attended Skyline High School, moved to Powhatan last year after the 2019 football season and has been with the team since then. Henderson said he had a great summer and fall with his teammates. Tingle is competing for the center position with last year’s starter Mason Hathaway, who is making his way back from an injury.
Powhatan’s bench will feature several linemen who previously started in games, and will give the team plenty of depth up front.
In the pocket, the Indians will have two experienced dual-threat quarterbacks to turn to in senior Aaron Nash, whose versatility will enable him to also play at wide receiver, and junior Hans Rehme, who was another thirdplace wrestler in this year’s Region 4B championships.
Henderson described both Rehme and Nash as really good running quarterbacks, and he noted that they should be able to run the ball more effectively.
Another key player in Powhatan’s ground game will be junior Mitchell Johnson, who got better and better as last season went on, emerging as the team’s lead running back. The 190-pound RB complemented his strong game-time results with his offseason efforts over the past year-plus, and he also impressed in the two wrestling seasons in-between, most recently placing fourth in regionals while wrestling up a weight class in the 220-pound division.
“Mitchell Johnson has had as good an offseason as anybody we’ve had,” Henderson said. “He’s gotten a lot faster. He already was tough as nails. We’re really expecting him to have a big season – a real big season – and with all these linemen that we have that are back – that are bigger and stronger – we feel like we’re going to be able to run the ball pretty well.”
The Indians will have even have more blocking and rushing ability in the back with 6-1, 235-pound junior Chase Gayness on offense moving from guard to fullback and, senior 6-0, 225-pound tight end Micah Holt, who was also a standout wrestler, expected to play in the FB position at times as well.
They also return senior JaySun Carroll, who has Division I FCS offers from Norfolk State and the Virginia Military Institute. The coaches feel that Carroll is as good a receiver as anyone that they’ll see this season. He made arguably one of Powhatan’s biggest plays in 2019 when he high-pointed a pass in the end zone for the game-tying touchdown in the Indians’ game at Clover Hill. Class of 2020 alum Mason Pinnell went on to kick the go-ahead PAT for the 21-20 fi nal score.
“We’re going to fi nd ways to get him the ball,” Henderson said of Carroll.
He added that Nash is a big-play threat anytime he touches the football, whether it’s at quarterback or receiver, and that 5-9, 160-pound senior wide receiver Tye Morris is versatile and underrated.
Powhatan’s depth in the receiving position goes even further, as junior Ethan Dowdy, who started at wide receiver last year, will be in the team’s four-receiver look this year, and junior Fisher Hamersley, who will start at cornerback on defense, is “an awesome receiver” according to Henderson and will likely see some time in that role on offense.
While they’ll have depth across the skills positions, Henderson noted that “we need to be able to run the ball as well as we think we’re going to run the ball,” and that they need to improve in their passing game.
“We have to throw the ball better; last year we probably tried to throw the ball a little bit too much, but we need to throw the ball more consistently,” Henderson said. “We have big-play receivers, and we have a good line, so we have the potential to do it, and we’ve seen fl ashes of it in practice. We’re just not as consistent as we would like to be.”
But he did note in regards to the team’s passing performance in recent days: “We are improving steadily in that area.”
On defense, junior Zach Karanian never missed a workout in the offseason and brings tremendous strength to the defensive end position. Henderson described junior Mitch Bolt as one of their best offensive linemen last year, “but as good as he is, he’s even better on defense.” Thanks to its depth on the offensive line, the team will be able to start Bolt on the defensive line this year, although Bolt remains part of that OL depth if he is needed there.
In both his senior year and his fi rst year with Powhatan, Neco Jackson, whom Henderson described as a tremendous asset to the program, will start both ways, playing tackle on defense.
Junior defensive tackle Dominic Guppenberger was, according to Henderson, “terrorizing us” in practice – “he was making a ton of plays” – but unfortunately, he ended up his injuring his knee in practice a couple weeks ago. Henderson, who praised Guppenberger’s toughness and quickness, expects that he will be back at some point during the season, although he will likely miss the fi rst couple of weeks in the sixgame regular season. The team as of Thursday was working to fi nd someone to replace him for that time period.
Behind the front four, 6-0, 240-pound, all-region lineman and junior Wyatt Lowe, who has started every game since his freshman year on the defensive line, has moved to the inside linebacker position beside fellow junior Gayness, a multisport standout who, like Lowe, has started every game since his freshman year. Henderson described both players as the keys to making everything work.
They will be joined by senior Ben Allanson, who has worked hard to step into the starting role of outside linebacker.
The coaches feel that stopping the run will be a strength for the defense. The team will also feature a talented core of defensive backs, which, according to Henderson, includes two “true cover guys” in cornerbacks Nash and Hamersley and a terrifi c safety in Carroll, whose key defensive plays last season included an interception that ultimately helped tighten Powhatan’s game against Cosby. Sophomore talent Landon Hutchinson, who was one of Powhatan’s top JV players, looks to become a longtime fi xture on the varsity team as he steps into the starting role of free safety.
Concerns for the defense include staying healthy. The unit currently has little depth at the DB and LB positions, and one of the issues that Powhatan faced last year is that it played some of its biggest games in 2019 without some of its key players, who were sidelined by injuries.
“We trained hard this offseason,” Henderson said, “but you’ve got to have a little bit of luck, too.”
The coaches are also looking for the defense to gel together with new starters in the group.
“But as far as putting talent on the fi eld, I feel pretty comfortable with where we’re at,” Henderson said.
Powhatan’s players have been able to lift together throughout the summer and fall, building up not only their strength and fi tness, but also their chemistry with one another.
“They care about each other,” Henderson said. “That goes a long way, too.”
When they were all on the fi eld for a recent practice, Henderson said: “It was so fun. The coaches were happy. The players were happy. It felt like we were all doing something that we love, and really that’s just what you want it to be.”
There was a sense of normalcy, he said.
“Obviously we care deeply about football, but it was great to see the guys be happy to practice,” Henderson said, “and be happy to be together.”
Powhatan will face six of its Dominion District opponents in the regular season, beginning with perennial powerhouse Bird on Feb. 26. For their home opener, the Indians will host Manchester, who won the 2018 state championship when it was in Class 6, on March 5 at 7 p.m. But as the pandemic continues, the possibility of further changes to the schedule remains.
“We’re going to prepare every week to play,” Henderson said, adding of each game: “We’re going to play it like it might be our last one and we’re going to give it everything we’ve got, and hope the next week we have a chance to do it again.”
Continued from pg. 1B
“If we can win them all in the process, fantastic,” Brock said, “but I think all of us who are playing, we’re all in the same boat. We’re looking at: it’s a shortened season, and we’re looking at: okay, can we get these kids ready for next year and so forth?”
Junior center Garrett Musselman, sophomore tight end David Mann and senior offensive guard and second team all-state player Zach Miles all return to lead the team up front on the offensive side.
Those three will also contribute their talents to the team’s defensive line, with all three having played on the defensive front in 2019.
Sophomore Jeb Hatfi eld is slated to play at split-end on offense and cornerback on defense. Also coming back is Josh Decker, whom Brock described as a big force for the Knights on offense. Decker last year rushed for about 300 yards at fullback.
“We look for him to help us out quite a bit,” Brock said.
Decker will also return at linebacker on defense.
Will Fichter, a freshman who got playing time last year, has earned his way into a starting position at receiver. Brock said he’s steadily gotten better and developed more both physically and mentally as far as the game goes.
Michael Timmons, who joins Miles as the two seniors on the team, is vying for a spot in the defensive backfi eld, and is also in consideration for one of the kick returner positions.
Standout 6-foot-6 athlete and junior Zander Nadeau, who broke out on the varsity basketball team as a key player in his sophomore season, will move from wide receiver to quarterback this year. Brock pointed to Nadeau’s CASE long arms, quick release and ability to throw the ball pretty well.
The Knights will look to junior Julian Alcazar, who transferred in from the Northern Virginia area, and freshman returner Hunter LEE Case to help them out as running backs. Brock noted of Case: “When he had opportunities (as an eighth grader) to get in there (on the fi eld), he did a really good job, and…he’s gotten bigger and stronger…even as young as he is, he’s got BARRAS a lot of poise, so we’ll see what he can do.”
Sophomores Nathan Roberts and Nathan Barras are projected to play alongside Miles and Musselman on the offensive line, and Barras, who also played on the defensive line last year, is set to join Musselman, Mann and Miles up front on defense.
Returning player and junior Harrison Lee will move from linebacker to safety on defense this year, and junior transfer Gage Smith is projected to contribute both on the defensive line and at linebacker. Brock added that Alcazar and Hatfi eld have solidifi ed themselves at the cornerback positions on defense.
In addition to playing at quarterback, Nadeau will be the team’s punter, which, MILES Brock said, “always puts a little pressure on the defense.” The Knights’ star kicker in 2019, James Hawkins, has graduated, but his younger brother, sophomore Jackson Hawkins, will take over kicking MUSSELMAN duties for BSH. Hatfi eld will continue to be the holder, and Mann will do the snaps for punts, extra points and fi eld goals.
Coach Patrick Winterrowd is also back alongside Coach Brock.
It’s expected at this MANN point that the offense will still primarily run the football, with Brock noting that it will depend on the growth that they have up front. He added that their rookie QB Nadeau has “a lot of potential and he’s got good size, but he hasn’t been in a game situation at all, so it’s going to be defi nitely a growth process with him. He and I have got to be on the same page.”
But Brock added: “I think we’re in pretty good shape when it comes to that; it’s just he’s got to get (that game experience). We’ve been trying to pressure him and do a few things in practice – you’re trying to hurry up everything because, my gosh, you don’t have much time – and we tried to do that, and he looks like he’s up to the task. It’ll be interesting to watch his development this year.”
Brock expects that the defense, featuring linemen and linebackers with experience, will be strong against the run, and then the pass defense, he noted, is going to directly correlate with how much pressure that the defensive front can put on their opponents.
The Knights will face Brunswick Academy on the road twice in their six-game slate, with the fi rst game being moved to Monday, March 1, at 4 p.m. They will also play Fuqua on the road and Kenston Forest at home.
Additionally, they will host two opponents the players have never faced – Southampton Academy and North Carolina-based Halifax Academy – in back-to-back 2 p.m. home games on Feb. 27 and March 6.
But there’s some history with those two teams. Halifax used to be in the old VCC when Brock was at Huguenot Academy, and Southampton is another former rival from years ago.
“That was a regular trip, either (us going) there or them coming to us. It’ll be fun to see that group again, Brock said of Halifax. On Southampton, he added: “It’ll be fun to renew that rivalry right there, see how it goes.”
To Brock, this season will be a successful one if the Knights are able to get out there and play.
“Just getting to play a game is going to be a major victory.”
second period to lead 1-0.
With under a minute to go in the third, Hill got in a takedown to go-ahead 2-1 before he and his opponent went out-ofbounds, but he allowed a point as he chose neutral when he and Hoden returned to the middle.
The match carried into overtime, and with 9 seconds left in the extra period, Hill took down Hoden once again, ending the match in a 4-2 decision and propelling Hill into the fi nal.
He stayed in the mix until the end of his championship match, in which his Eastern View opponent, Griffi n Smythers, prevailed 5-2.
“Linwood making the fi nals I think was huge – a huge way to cap his high school career,” Tanaka said. “We’ve talked a bunch and at length with Linwood about knowing how good he is and then knowing what he’s capable of, and it was just obviously awesome to see it spill over, and him to fi nally punch through the fi nals. At the end of the day, we’ll hang our hat on that.”
Sean Hall concluded a phenomenal high school career by becoming a fourtime top-three state placer. The future Roanoke College wrestler opened his tournament strong, pinning Pulaski County’s Nick Golden in 2:20, but he was dealt a tough loss in the semifi nals as the eventual state champion, Liberty’s Mason Barrett, pulled away from him late to win the match in a 9-2 decision.
Hall wouldn’t lose any more matches after that.
The four-time regional champion took command of his consolation semifi nals match, routing Blacksburg’s Tharun Svetanant in a 9-1 major-decision to rematch Eastern View’s Kadin Smoot, whom Hall had beaten for the regional championship.
Hall registered a takedown right before the end of the fi rst period, then added another in the second to fend off Smoot 4-1 and take third place.
Hayden Fitzsimmons, who was among the fi rst-ever wrestlers in the Blackhawk Powhatan youth wrestling club, was Powhatan’s fi nal wrestler to complete a match on Saturday. The regional champion took third in the 195-pound class with an emotional victory by pinning the same wrestler

Continued from pg. 2B

year and showcased her talent in shootout situations, will be back in goal and could share time with Bella Hoffman.
Sophomore Kate Adams will step up as a forward on the varsity team, and Rehme expects that Casey Grell will do good things for them at the midfi eld position. Newcomers also include Emily Taylor, Emily Reimondo and Karley Martin.
For this spring, Rehme will coach both the JV and varsity fi eld hockey teams. Varsity head coach Stephanie Tyson is virtual for this school year and will be taking the spring season off, but Rehme said she will be back for the fall season.
Coaching alongside Rehme this spring will be Varna Redlich, who brings fi eld hockey experience to the team, and whom Powhatan coach Jared Rottmund also praised on the girls soccer side.
Weather and the current COVID-19 pandemic have both presented challenges when it’s come to working together in the offseason, but the team has continuously worked to fi nd ways to prepare with one another, like holding workouts via Zoom. Additionally, more than 20 players from Powhatan signed up to play in a Panthers United Field Hockey fall league that opened up this past year when it was found out that the VHSL fall season would be moved to the spring. The league featured competitors from top programs in the region, including Collegiate, Cosby, Midlothian and Trinity Episcopal.
Rehme refereed several of the Panthers league games at the River City Sportsplex this fall.
“I could see the girls, I could see some of the weaknesses that they had, some of the things I felt like we needed to work on as a team,” Rehme said, “and that’s been very, very benefi cial coming into this season: knowing exactly what we need to work on to improve the level of play.”
Several girls from Powhatan have also been participating in the winter league.
“They’ve been putting in the work,” Rehme said. “That’s for sure.”
She praised the team’s energy, enthu-

Powhatan sophomore Britton Proffitt (left) wrestles Dominion’s Santiago Pena in the 138-pound third-place match of the state championships.
Above: Powhatan junior Cade Van Buskirk (above) competes in the 145pound weight-class bracket; Powhatan junior Dylan Coward (113 pounds) controls his consolation semifinal match versus Loudoun County’s Zach Rios.

he had beaten two weeks earlier for the regional title: Courtland’s Charlie Henderson. After the match ended, he embraced his dad, Powhatan wrestling assistant coach and Blackhawk Powhatan youth wrestling program cofounder Richard Fitzsimmons.
Fitzsimmons had pinned Smithfi eld’s James Sessoms in 30 seconds in the fi rst round before he fell to eventual state champion Royce Hall, from Liberty, in the third period of the semifi nals. But from there, Fitzsimmons dominated.
The senior racked up near-falls and takedowns in the consolation semifi nals to rout Amherst County’s Austin Deanda by tech fall, then jumped out to an 8-0 lead over Henderson in his thirdplace match before securing the second-period pin.
Powhatan junior and regional runner-up Dylan Coward (113) broke through for his fi rst state podium fi nish, taking fourth. He bounced back from a fi rst-round loss (a 10-3 decision) to the eventual state champion, Tuscarora’s Robert Philpot, and edged past Loudoun County’s Zach Rios in a 4-2 decision with a third-period takedown in the consolation semifi nals. Coward would ultimately fall to Eastern View’s Elijah Smoot, who was also his regional fi nals opponent, in the second period of the third-place match.
In his state tournament debut, Powhatan sophomore Britton Proffi tt (138), whom Tanaka felt had “improved a bunch throughout the year,” brought home a fourth-place fi nish. He powered his way into the semifi nals by pinning Amherst County’s Seth Justice in 1:38, but fell to eventual state champion Colin Dupill, from Liberty, in a 10-3 decision to move to the consolation semifi nals. Proffi tt bounced back by pinning Pulaski County’s Parker Midkiff before taking a 7-2 loss by decision to Dominion’s Santiago Pena in the third-place match.
Powhatan junior Cade Van Buskirk (145), also making his state tournament debut, placed sixth in his weight class. He bounced back from a 9-5 fi rst-round loss to Blacksburg’s Logan Eberhardt by pinning Grafton’s Hyder Richardson in 29 seconds. Van Buskirk wrestled a wild, back-and-forth match with Salem’s Kyman Kinney, but narrowly missed making the third-place match when Kinney got in a last-second, match-winning takedown in regulation. Van Buskirk went on to wrestle in the fi fth-place match, with Eberhardt winning it by pin.
As a team, Powhatan took sixth place in the state tournament. Liberty won the team championship, Eastern View took runner-up honors and Loudoun County placed third. Amherst County and Smithfi eld rounded out the top fi ve.
“In a weird year like this, obviously we had higher goals, but at the same time, it is what it is,” Tanaka said. “We didn’t get the job done, but it doesn’t change the way we feel about our guys. I love our guys. I love our seniors. It doesn’t change what they’ve done the last four years and the legacy that they’re going to leave for our program.
“I hope that they take as much pride in that as we do,” Tanaka said, “because we’re super-happy and proud of them.”
siasm and speed, as well as the players’ fi tness level. She also expects the players to get better at those attributes as the season progresses.
“It’s a great bunch of girls – they really are super,” Rehme said of the players. “The amount of girls that we have had come out this year and be at everything – we ran conditioning three weeks prior to the season starting, had over 30-something girls there…the enthusiasm I see is really fun. I leave practices feeling excited and happy and looking forward to getting the actual season started with games.”
As for what the team is looking to improve upon as the season goes on, Rehme said the players “have the skill, they know how to do it – it’s a matter of getting them to increase the speed at which they do it, and that’s really what we’re focusing on.”
Rehme also noted that the team is still young in areas, and that they need to learn to work together. Some of the players are in new positions, so their goals will include adapting to those positions and working with the girls around them.
As of Thursday, the girls had yet to step onto a fi eld, but they’ve been able to use the tennis courts, which Rehme said has been advantageous for them when it comes to working on their speed and executing their drills with speed.
She added that Powhatan Athletic Director Tim Llewellyn and their school leaders “have been very supportive of us,” and that they’ve allowed the team to rent a fi eld at River City this Wednesday so that the players can get in a practice on a full fi eld before their fi rst game, which will be this coming Monday versus Midlothian at 7 p.m.
Rehme noted that if the players are able to compete in all of their games on the schedule and stay healthy, this year would be considered a successful one.
“We’re thankful for every game we do get to play.”
While Powhatan High School is currently in the hybrid model, the players across the JV and varsity levels are at practice at every day, and Rehme praised the parents for making it happen.
“I have a ton of eighth graders, so the parents have to work hard to get the girls there. We couldn’t do it without them,” Rehme said. “It takes a village.”
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FEB. 24
3 FS1 Women’s Soccer: SheBelieves Cup College Basketball: Xavier at Providence. College Basketball 4 ESPN 8 8 Sports. NBA Basketball: Warriors at Pacers NBA Basketball: Wheel Jeopardy Gold House Conners Call Your For Life Å (DVS) Lakers at Jazz News Kimmel 9 6 News Holly Tough as Nails (N) SEAL Team S.W.A.T. (In Stereo) News Colbert 11 35 Big Bang Big Bang Name That Tune “Episode 7; Episode 8” Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC ET Inside Chicago Med Chicago Fire Chicago P.D. News J. Fallon Last Man Last Man NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation Å Lock ’n’ Lock In the Kitchen With David - PM Edition Easy Life Hacks with Kerstin (Live) Å 23 3 PBS NewsHour (N) Nature (In Stereo) NOVA (In Stereo) Europe’s New Wild: Amanpour-Co 24 57 Inside Time/By Miss Scarlet All Creatures Great and Small Beyond PBS NewsHour (N)
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35 TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Conan Full
37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM 44 DISC Court Court Court Court Court Court I Sur I Sur Court Court “2 Guns” (2013) ››‡ “The A-Team” (2010, Action) Liam Neeson. ››‡ “2 Guns” (2013, Action) South Pk South Park Å South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily South Pk Airplane Repo Å Airplane Repo “Emergency Landings” Airplane Repo Å Airplane Repo Å 47 TLC My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life “Michael’s Journey” (N) Feet-Killing Me Half-Ton Killer? 48 ANPL 53 FREE North Woods Law North Woods Law: Uncuffed (In Stereo) “Shrek” (2001) Å ›››‡ “Inside Out” (2015, Children’s) North Woods Law North Woods Law Good Trouble Å The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV Andy G. Andy G. RaymondLove-Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “Affairs-Martha” ›› “Take a Giant Step” (1959, Drama) ››› “A Soldier’s Story” (1984, Mystery) “Frozen in Love” (2018) Å “A Valentine’s Match” (2020, Romance) Golden Golden Married Married Married at First Sight (N) Å Marrying Millions Married-Sight Love It or List It Property Brothers Design Star: Next Gen Å Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl
62 FOOD Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Save the Leftovers Guy’s Games
66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC T. Perry’s The Oval Tyler Perry’s Sistas Tyler Perry’s Sistas Wives Bigger Tyler Perry’s Sistas Armaged ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997) Bruce Willis. Å Resident Alien Å “Witch Hunter” ››› “The Bourne Ultimatum” (2007) Matt Damon. ››‡ “Bad Boys” (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence.
146 CMT Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Reba Reba
177 HIST Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire (N) Assembly Required Forged in Fire
FEB. 25
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4 ESPN College Basketball: Teams TBA. (Live) College Basketball: Teams TBA. (Live) SportsCenter 8 8 Wheel Jeopardy Celebrity Wheel The Chase (N) The Hustler (N) News Kimmel 9 6 News Holly Sheldon B Posi Mom (N) Unicorn Clarice (In Stereo) News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC 23 3 Big Bang Big Bang Hell’s Kitchen (N) Kat Last Man Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside Mr. Super Law & Order: SVU Dateline NBC Å News J. Fallon Last Man Last Man NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation Å Toni Brattin Down Home with David (N) (Live) Å Susan Graver Style PBS NewsHour (N) 400 Years-Knee Jazz “Risk (1945-1955)” Å (DVS) Amanpour-Co 24 57 Untamed Wine “Home-Chorus” Amen Music: Racism PBS NewsHour (N)
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33 USA Law & Order: SVU Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley She’s The Rev Chrisley
34 TNT NBA Basketball: Mavericks at 76ers NBA Basketball: Pelicans at Bucks 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Go-Big Show (N) The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Å ›››› “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994) Å ›››‡ Wipeout (In Stereo) Conan Go-Big The First 48 Å The First 48 Å “Inglourious Basterds” (2009) Brad Pitt. Å 40 COM 44 DISC Office The Office BattleBots (N) Å “Mafia” Office Office Office Office Office Daily Office BattleBots (N) (In Stereo) Å BattleBots (In Stereo) Å
47 TLC Darcey & Stacey Darcey & Stacey Darcey & Stacey Darcey & Stacey Darcey & Stacey
48 ANPL 53 FREE Lone Star Law Lone Star Law: Uncuffed (N) (In Stereo) Lone Star Law Lone Star Law “Princess-Frog” grown- ››› “Coming to America” (1988) Eddie Murphy. The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “I Walk-Zombie” “The Palm Beach Story” Å ››› “Boom Town” (1940, Adventure) Clark Gable. “Love and Sunshine” (2019, Romance) “Love in Design” (2018, Romance) Å Golden Golden Rizzoli & Isles Å Married-Sight Married at First Sight (N) Å Marrying Millions
61 HGTV Property Brothers Flip.-America Rehab Addict Hunt Intl Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl
62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT 177 HIST Beat Beat Beat Beat Beat Beat Beat Beat Beat Beat ›››‡ “Creed” (2015) Michael B. Jordan. ›› “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (2005) Kimberly Elise. Fifth ››‡ “San Andreas” (2015) Dwayne Johnson. ››‡ “Hancock” (2008) Will Smith. Å ›› “Bad Boys II” (2003, Action) Å ››‡ “12 Strong” (2018, War) Chris Hemsworth. Å Last Man Last Man “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry” (2007) ››‡ “Hot Tub Time Machine” Swamp People Swamp People Swamp People Å Swamp People: Swamp People
FEB. 26
3 FS1 College Basketball College Basketball PokerStars Players
4 ESPN 8 8 9 6 NBA NBA Basketball: Indiana Pacers at Boston Celtics. Wheel Jeopardy Shark Tank (N) 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News Holly MacGyver Å Magnum P.I. Å NBA Basketball: Trail Blazers at Lakers News Kimmel Blue Bloods News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) News First Spo DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside The Blacklist Å Dateline NBC (N) (In Stereo) Å News J. Fallon Last Man Last Man NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation Å
22 QVC Fri-YAY!: With Jane Maran Cosm. Sobel Skin Rx Koolaburra by UGG DaretoShareBeauty
23 3 PBS NewsHour (N) Wash Hoover Independent Lens (In Stereo) Beyond Amanpour-Co 24 57 Travels Unwine’d Antique Roadshow Legacy List Inside Harrods: PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight Special Report
28 MSNBC The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour 29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM 44 DISC Shepard Smith Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Fox News at Night Chicago P.D. ›› “Transformers: The Last Knight” (2017, Action) Mark Wahlberg. She’s Bones (In Stereo) ››‡ “Justice League” (2017, Action) Ben Affleck. ›› “Suicide Squad” (2016) Seinfeld Seinfeld ››‡ “Fast & Furious 6” (2013, Action) Vin Diesel. “Fast & Furious 6” (2013) The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Rescue Rescue Rescue: Rewind ›› “Couples Retreat” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. Å ›››‡ “My Cousin Vinny” (1992) Å Creek Creek Office Office Office Office ››› “Coming to America” (1988) Å Gold Rush: Pay Dirt Gold Rush “The $6 Million Cut” (N) (In Stereo) Å Gold 47 TLC Dr. Pimple Popper 90 Day Fiancé (N) (In Stereo) 90 Day Sister Wives 90 Day 48 ANPL 53 FREE River Monsters Mysteries of the Deep: Predators Rising River Monsters River Monsters Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “Two-Guillotine” “The Manchurian Candidate” (1962) ››‡ “Butterfield 8” (1960, Drama) 58 HALL 60 LIFE “Harvest Moon” (2015) Jessy Schram. “Sense, Sensibility & Snowmen Little Women Little Women Little Women: Atlanta (N) Å ” (2019) Golden Golden Married-Sight
61 HGTV Dream Dream Frozen Frozen Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream
62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Noto ›› “All Eyez on Me” (2017, Biography) Demetrius Shipp Jr. Å T. Perry’s The Oval “Harry Potter” ›››‡ “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” (2004) Resident Alien Å ›› “Divergent” (2014) Shailene Woodley. Å ››‡ “The Divergent Series: Insurgent” (2015) Å 146 CMT 177 HIST Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom The UnXplained The UnXplained The UnXplained (N) Ancient Aliens Å Ancient Aliens
FEB. 27
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11 35 Big Bang Big Bang Boxing News Mod Fam I Can See Your
12 12 15 WGN-A 12 News Paid Prg. Rock Kenan Weakest Link Saturday Night Live News SNL Blue Bloods NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation Å 22 QVC Maran Cosm. Fitness at Home Belle by Kim Gravel - Fashion (N) (Live) Fitness at Home
23 3 Lawrence Welk Durrells in Corfu Endeavour on Masterpiece Sun Stud Song of Mountains
24 57 Europe’s New Wild: Nature (In Stereo) NOVA (In Stereo) Independent Lens (In Stereo) Passion:
27 CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Stanley Tucci Stanley Tucci Lincoln 28 MSNBC American Voices Week-Johnson Week-Johnson American Voices Week-Johnson
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44 DISC Mysteries of Mysteries of Mysteries of Mysteries of Mysteries of
47 TLC My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life (N) (In Stereo) 1000-Lb. Sisters (N) My 600-Lb. Life 48 ANPL 53 FREE The Zoo (In Stereo) The Zoo (In Stereo) The Zoo (In Stereo) The Zoo (In Stereo) The Zoo (In Stereo) ››‡ “The Proposal” (2009) ›› “Sweet Home Alabama” (2002) Reese Witherspoon. Å Feel 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE Two Men Two Men Two Men Two and Half Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “Chariots of Fire” ›››› “Dances With Wolves” (1990) Kevin Costner. Å Teddy Sing: “Taking a Shot at Love” (2021) Å “It Was Always You” (2021, Romance) “Love Flight” “Chris Watts: C” “Girl in the Basement” Stefanie Scott. “Cleveland Abduction” (2015) Å
61 HGTV Chateau Chateau Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It
62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT 177 HIST Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners The New Edition Story “Part One” Å The New Edition Story “Part Two” Å New Edition “Harry-Phoenix” ›› “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald” (2018) FuturamaFuturama ›››› “Forrest Gump” (1994, Comedy-Drama) Tom Hanks. ›‡ “Gone in 60 Seconds” (2000, Action) “He’s Just Not” ›› “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (2003) Kate Hudson. ››‡ “27 Dresses” The Pacific: Å The Pacific: Å The Pacific: Å The Pacific: Å
FEB. 28
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27 CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Stanley Tucci Lincoln State-Union
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC American Voices Week-Johnson Week-Johnson American Voices Week-Johnson Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank
30 FOXN Justice Judge Life, Liberty Revolution Greg Gutfeld Life, Liberty
33 USA 34 TNT 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” ›››‡ “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi” (1983) Mark Hamill. “Joyful Noise” Å Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ››› “Beauty and the Beast” (2017) “American Sniper” ›››› “Saving Private Ryan” (1998, War) Tom Hanks. (In Stereo) Å ›››› “The Godfather, Part II” ›››› “The Godfather” (1972, Drama) Marlon Brando. (In Stereo) Å “The Longest Yard” (2005) ››› “The Wedding Singer” (1998) Adam Sandler. “Longest Yard”
44 DISC Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush
47 TLC 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé (N) (In Stereo) Sister Wives (N) Unpolished 48 ANPL 53 FREE Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law (N) Lone Star Law Lone Star Law ›› “Sweet Home Alabama” ›› “I Feel Pretty” (2018, Comedy) Amy Schumer. Å Mike 54 TVL 55 TCM Two Men Two Men Two Men Two and Half Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “To Sleep-Anger” ››› “Du Barry Was a Lady” (1943) Å ›››‡ “The Front” (1976) Woody Allen. 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT “It Was Always You” (2021, Romance) Calls the Heart Golden Golden Golden Golden Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Home Town Å Home Town Å Home Town (N) Home Town Å Home Town Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Worst Cooks in America Å Beat Beat Beat Tyler Perry’s Sistas Boiling Point (N) Disrupt- Disma. The Temptations Å “Fantastic Beasts” ›› “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald” (2018) Resident Alien Å The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Talking Dead Å The Walking Dead National ›››‡ “My Cousin Vinny” (1992) Joe Pesci. Å ›‡ “Vegas Vacation” (1997, Comedy)
177 HIST Built America Built America Built America Modern Marvels Built America
FEB. 24 - MAR. 2
3 FS1 The Herd with Colin Cowherd Speak for Your. Var. Programs Fox Skip NASCAR Hub 4 ESPN SportsCenter Jalen Ques NBA: The Jump NFL Live Around Pardon SportsCenter 8 8 GMA3: What General Hosp. Drew Barrymore Dr. Phil 8 News 8 News News ABC 9 6 Young Bold The Talk Ellen Show CBS6 News News News News CBS 11 35 Funny Funny Wendy Williams Maury Steve Wilkos Judge Judge Fam Fam 12 12 Days of Lives Kelly Clarkson Tamron Hall News at 4PM News News News News 15 WGN-A Heat of Night Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Last Last 22 QVC Varied Programs 23 3 VirginiaVaried Cat in Arthur Wild Odd Cyber CuriousSciGirlsBiz Kid News BBC 24 57 Read SciGirlsCuriousBiz Kid Varied Programs Amanpour-Co 27 CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper Situation Room Situation Room 28 MSNBC MTP Daily MSNBC Live MSNBC Live Deadline: White House The Beat With 29 CNBC The Exchange Power Lunch Closing Bell Fast Varied Mad Money 30 FOXN America Reports The Story Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report 33 USA Varied Programs 34 TNT Supernatural Varied Programs 35 TBS Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Amer. Amer. Amer. Amer. Family Family 37 A&E Varied Programs First 48 Varied First 48 Varied First 48 Varied 39 PARMT Bar Rescue Mom Mom Mom Mom Two Two Two Two Two Two 40 COM Varied Programs Office Office Office Office Office Office 44 DISC Varied Programs 47 TLC Varied Programs 48 ANPL Pit Bulls-Parole Pit Bulls-Parole Lone Star Law Varied Programs 53 FREE Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied 54 TVL Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith 55 TCM Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie 58 HALL Movie Movie Movie 60 LIFE Major Crimes Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles 61 HGTV Varied Programs 62 FOOD Chop Varied Chop Varied Chop Varied Programs 66 BET Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie 127 SYFY Movie Varied Programs 138 AMC Movie Varied Programs 146 CMT King King King King King King Last Last Last Last Last Last 177 HIST Varied Programs
MAR. 1
3 FS1 Women’s College Basketball Athletes Unlimited Volleyball
4 ESPN College Basketball College Basketball: Teams TBA. (Live) SportsCenter 8 8 Wheel Jeopardy The Bachelor “The Women Tell All” (N) The Good Doctor News Kimmel 9 6 News Holly Neighbor Bob All Rise (In Stereo) Bull “Prison Break” News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC Big Bang Big Bang 9-1-1 (N) (In Stereo) 9-1-1: Lone Star (N) Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside The Voice (Season Premiere) (In Stereo) Debris “Pilot” Å News J. Fallon The Donlon Report NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield (Live) Å The Donlon Report Fashion’s Night In Å 23 3 PBS NewsHour (N) Antique Roadshow Antiques Creating Independent Lens “Unrest” Aman 24 57 TBA America To Be Announced PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Å FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Fox News at Night Chicago P.D. WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Straight She’s ›››‡ “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” (2017) Snowpiercer (N) Snowpiercer “Star Wars: For” 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy AmericanAmericanConan Seinfeld The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Movie (In Stereo) Å ››› “Scarface” (1983) Al Pacino. Å 40 COM 44 DISC Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Daily Office Street Outlaws: Full Street Outlaws “New Rules, New Road” (N) (In Stereo) Å Street Outlaws Å 47 TLC 1000-Lb. Sisters Feet-Killing Me Feet-Killing Me 1000-Lb. Sisters (N) 1000-Lb. Sisters 48 ANPL 53 FREE The Last Alaskans Alaska: The Last Frontier- Frozen Edg. Homestead Rescue: Survival Shelter (N) ››› “Hercules” (1997) Å ››‡ “Jumanji” (1995, Children’s) Robin Williams. The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “Around-80 Day” “Romance on the High Seas” ››‡ “My Dream Is Yours” (1949) Å Tea for 2 “A Winter Getaway” (2021, Romance) “Yes, I Do” (2018) Jen Lilley. Å Golden Golden Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å 100 Day Dream 100 Day Dream Ty Breaker (N) Å Rock the Block Ty Breaker Å Baking Baking Spring Baking Spring Baking Easter Basket The Big Bake Å “Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys” ››‡ “Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married?” (2007) Å ›‡ “Gods of Egypt” (2016) ››‡ “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013) Gerard Butler. FuturamaFuturama ›››‡ “The Green Mile” (1999, Drama) Tom Hanks, David Morse. Å “Hobbit-Battle” 146 CMT 177 HIST Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers (N) Å American Pickers
MAR. 2
3 FS1 College Basketball College Basketball: Marquette at DePaul. Boxing 4 ESPN College Basketball: Teams TBA. College Basketball: Teams TBA. (Live) SportsCenter 8 8 9 6 Wheel Jeopardy To Tell the Truth black-ish mixed- Soul of a Nation (N) News Kimmel News Holly NCIS (N) (In Stereo) FBI “Discord” Å FBI: Most Wanted News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A Big Bang Big Bang The Resident (N) Prodigal Son (N) Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside Rock Kenan The Voice (N) Å New Amsterdam News J. Fallon The Donlon Report NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield (Live) Å The Donlon Report 22 QVC 23 3 philosophy - beauty Shoe Shopping Carmindy Beauty Cheers! to Shopping with Leah PBS NewsHour (N) Finding Your Roots Heard: (In Stereo) Å POV Amanpour-Co 24 57 Travel Keep Up Durrells in Corfu Endeavour on Masterpiece Unwine’d PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit (N) Å The Profit Å FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Fox News at Night
33 USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Temptation Island Law & Order: SVU
34 TNT Star NBA Basketball: Clippers at Celtics NBA Basketball: Suns at Lakers 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Misery Conan Misery The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å ››› “Scarface” (1983, Crime Drama) Al Pacino. (In Stereo) Å “Inglourious Basterds” (2009) 40 COM 44 DISC Office Office Drunk Drunk Drunk Drunk Office Office Daily South Pk Moonshiners Moonshiners “Another Man’s Mash” (N) Moonshiners Å Moonshiners Å 47 TLC Outdaughtered Outdaughtered “Quints’ Night Out” (N) Unpolished (N) Sister Wives 48 ANPL 53 FREE Animal Cribs Insane Pools: Deeper Dive (In Stereo) Treehouse Masters: Ultimate Builds (N) ››‡ “Jumanji” (1995) Å ›› “The Game Plan” (2007, Children’s) Å The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King ›‡ “Smart Blonde” “Thoroughbreds Don’t Cry” ›››‡ “Easter Parade” (1948) Star-Born “The Color of Rain” (2014, Drama) Å “It Was Always You” (2021, Romance) Golden Golden Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å 61 HGTV 62 FOOD Rehab Addict Fixer to Fabulous Home Again Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Chopped Å Chopped Å Chopped Å Chopped Å Chopped Å 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC “Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married?” T. Perry’s The Oval T. Perry’s Ruthless T. Perry’s The Oval “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013) ›‡ “Robin Hood” (2018, Action) Taron Egerton. FuturamaFuturama “The Green Mile” ››‡ “Unbroken” (2014, Biography) Jack O’Connell. Å “12 Strong” (2018)
146 CMT Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom 177 HIST Curse-Island Digging Deeper Curse-Island Assembly Required Curse-Island

Powhatan Middle School student-athlete William Blashfield earned three top-eight finishes in the Central District 9-12 year-old championships.
Blashfi eld earns 3 top-8’s at Central District championships
Contributed Report
William Blashfi eld, an 11-year-old studentathlete at Powhatan Middle School, represented his USA Swimming team, Poseidon Swimming, at the Central District 9-12 year-old championships at NOVA of Virginia Aquatics, held Friday, Feb. 12 - Monday, Feb. 15 (Friday - Monday).
After aging up in the fall, Blashfi eld swam in eight individual events over the three-day period in the 11-12 age group. He earned three topeight fi nishes and earned Age Group Qualifying times in both the 50-yard and 100-yard backstroke events. He swam fi fth in the 200 back in 2:28.72, seventh in the 50 back in 31.67 and eighth in the 100 back in 1:08.78.
All-in-all, Blashfi eld recorded personal bests in seven of the individual events in which he competed, including the three in which he earned topeight placements. He also set personal records in the 50 butterfl y (32.30), the 100 individual medley (1:13.59), the50 freestyle (29.32) and the 200 IM (2:39.87).
He fi nished the meet scoring 38 points for his Poseidon team, which fi nished in third place behind NOVA of Virginia Aquatics and Quest Swimming.
In a year where sports throughout the country have been partially or fully sidelined by the COVID-19 pandemic, Virginia swimmers have been very lucky to be in the water, some as early as last June (while many swimmers in the U.S. only started back in the fall and some even later), and to be able to train much less compete safely.
No relays were held due to proximity restrictions, and no spectators were allowed other than offi cials and coaches. There were also no fi nals. Preliminaries were treated as fi nals. Swim meets, including this one, have been livestreamed much of the season.
Blashfi eld will go on to participate in the VSI Age Group Champs at the Christiansburg Aquatic Center in Christiansburg (March 11-14), where he will compete in the 50 back and 100 back.
Sloan commits to UVA
Staff Report
Powhatan High School boys soccer standout Parker Sloan recently announced that he has verbally committed to the University of Virginia, where he is set to continue both his academic and soccer careers. Sloan’s speed and athleticism have been apparent throughout his varsity career. As a freshman, FILE/POWHATAN TODAY he contributed to Powhatan High School Powhatan’s boys student-athlete Parker Sloan, soccer team seen heading the ball into reaching the re- teammate Kaleb Muminovic's gional quarterfi - (not pictured) goal-scoring nals with a 4-0 header early in Powhatan boys win over Caro- soccer’s 2019 season home line. game versus Charlottesville,
In 2018, recently announced his Sloan, through commitment to the University his travel soccer of Virginia. organization, FC Richmond, was selected for the 2018 Generation Adidas Select A.F.C. Ajax Program, one of only 32 players in the United States to be chosen for the honor.
The NCAA Division I UVA Cavaliers last won the national championship in 2014 and reached the NCAA tournament quarterfi nals in 2019.

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Noticeisherebygiven,pursuantto§15.2-2204ofthe CodeofVirginia,that thePlanningCommissionofPowhatanCountywillconductapublichearingon
Auditorium,3910OldBuckinghamRoad, toconsiderthefollowingrequest:
PowhatanCourthouse/Mt.Zion) requesttherezoningofTaxMapParcel#26B1-110fromAgricultural-10(A-10)toVillageCenterPlannedDevelopment(VC-PD)with profferedconditionsandamendmentofthezoningdistrictmapofapproximately9.757 acresoflandlocatedonthesouthsideofStateRoute13(OldBuckinghamRoad) approximately1,400feetwestofStateRoute687/1007(MannRoad)(4000Blockof OldBuckinghamRoad).Profferedconditionsaddressadherencetoatextualstatement andconceptualplan;buildingelevations;trailconstruction;maximumnumberof residentialunits(30);sizeandconfigurationofresidentialunits;andsignage.Amix ofresidential(upto30attachedunits)andcommercialusesisproposed.The2019 Long-RangeComprehensivePlandesignatesthesubjectpropertyasVillageCenter (CourthouseVillageSpecialAreaPlan)ontheCountywideFutureLandUsePlan,with recommendedresidentialdensitiesoffour(4)toeight(8)unitsperacre. Membersofthepublicmayalsoparticipateremotelybyjoiningawebinarathttps:// us02web.zoom.us/j/89655087654orbydialinginbyphoneat1-929-205-6099OR 1-312-626-6799,thentypinginthewebinarID89655087654.Duringthepublic commentperiod,participantsmayraisetheirhandusingthezoomcontrolsonthe computerscreen,or(ifdialingin)bypressing*9onaphone. Themeetingmaybewatchedlivebyvisitinghttp://powhatanva.gov/432/Live-Streamof-Powhatan-County-Meetings. AllPlanningCommissionmeetingsareopentothepublicandinterestedpersonsare encouragedtoattendonthedayandtimespecifiedabove.Copiesoftheproposed plans,ordinances,andamendmentsmaybereviewedintheDepartmentofCommunity DevelopmentinthePowhatanCountyAdministrationBuilding(3834OldBuckingham Road)between8:30AMand5:00PMofeachbusinessday.Copiesofstaffreportsare availablepriortothePublicHearinguponrequestandwillbeavailableonlineatleast five(5)dayspriortothemeetingathttp://powhatanva.gov/agendacenter.Pleasecall (804)598-5621withanyquestions.