69 minute read
see PLAN


The Powhatan AntiThePowhatan A t nti Litter Council held a free Amnesty Day recycling event on April 24 at the o Powhatan County P Fairgrounds. Local F residents dropped r off 1,200 tires and o 250 appliances for 2 free to be recycled. f Powhatan High P School JROTC cadets S volunteered to do v much of the tough m lifting work to make li the day happen. t

Continued from pg. 1
After the presentation, most of the initial questions about those adjustments came from Bill Cox, who represents District 4. In particular, Cox, who has made it clear on many occasions that he values keeping the county as rural as possible, took issue with several of the land designations renamed or created by the planning commission in its draft allowing higher residential density.
Cox was leading a back-andforth dialogue mostly with Hurt and Pompei about the planning commission’s choices and the reasons behind them when chairwoman Karin Carmack, District 5, and David Williams, District 1, essentially called a halt. They said the planning commission was invited to the meeting to introduce the document and for the board to listen to their explanation of the commissioners’ work. They said the board’s work would now begin with individual meetings with their respective planning commissioners and board workshops in the coming months.
Several of the board members thanked the planning commission for its work on the document and stressed to county staff that they want to move expeditiously on their own work on the comprehensive plan to get it adopted. Once that document is approved, they have already made clear their intention to make revisions to the zoning and subdivision ordinances.
Pompei outlined the most signifi cant changes to the plan made by the planning commission members, who focused much of their attention on the chapters dealing with Transportation and Land Use and Community Character, with particular emphasis on the Countywide Future Land Use Map.
In the Transportation chapter, the planning commission re-organized the county’s Major Thoroughfare Plan. In total, the county has $1.13 billion worth of projects on the plan, and the commissioners wanted to organize them in such a way that their general purposes and their priority levels are clearer to the public.
The new way of organizing the list shows which projects the county is likely to pursue in the short term versus ones that are several years out or would be better categorized as visionary.
In the Land Use and Community Character section, the planning commission gave names and descriptions to land use designations that clearly describe the types of desired uses and development possibilities within those areas. They eliminated the Rural Enterprise Zone, combined Rural Preservation and Rural Residential into a single Rural Areas designation, and created two new mixed-use designations to use in the Courthouse Village area.
They also spent a good deal of time looking at the county’s three growth areas and identifi ed commercial nodes, which are areas surrounding major signalized intersections with existing commercial development in the Route 60 Corridor East Special Area Plan, Pompei said.
“The overall concept of the plan remains the same from 2010 and 2019 – direct development to three growth areas. The growth areas themselves make up less than 5% of the county, 80% is rural areas, and the difference between 95 and 80 is our natural conservation areas. Rural preservation plus natural conservation make up more than 95% of the county,” Pompei said.
Pompei and Hurt both pointed out that the planning commission worked collaboratively on their recommended updates. They did not all agree on every recommendation, but they tried to come together to create compromises that represent best practices regarding land use in Powhatan.
Hurt also stressed in her remarks and in her responses to Cox’s questions that they treated the comprehensive plan as a “visionary document that shows the community what properties would look like over a long-range time period.” She said the planning commission considered different sources to determine what Powhatan citizens want, including a 2018 citizen survey and public comments.
“Our overall goals were we wanted residents to be able to work, live, play, shop, and learn without leaving the county. That would be really ideal. We wanted a good balance between growth and preservation of the wonderful natural resources of our beautiful county. We wanted to keep the dominant rural character but realized it had to be supplemented by some sort of mixed residential and business uses for economic and revenue reasons,” she said. residential densities in the different land use designations.
For instance, in Economic Opportunity, the maximum allowed density is nine units per acre, but in a project area, only 30% of the land can be used for residential. Cox gave a specifi c land example where the project would be more than the maximum size project allowed by the county.
Hurt pointed out any project would still have to be approved by the supervisors using their current ordinances and access management standards.
Pompei said the planning commission wasn’t only focused on density numbers, saying “they really tried to look at the overall package of a potential project within each of these designations.”
For example, in the Neighborhood Residential designation, which allows a maximum of four units per acre, the commissioners increased the amount of the recommended open space to 30%, he said.
Hurt said the planning commission made keeping Powhatan rural a big focus of their deliberations, but they also tried to listen to the people who have said they want alternative housing choices.
“I sat back and refl ected, and I know other members of the planning commission did as well. There are 30,000 people that live in this county, and I think it is very important to listen to everyone and not just the most vocal handful of people,” she said.
Cox pointed out that there have been four high density projects on Route 60 East in recent years, three of which were voted down and one that was pulled by the applicant. He asked repeatedly about the planning commission’s process and why they thought the supervisors would support the plan with the recommended designations.
Hurt pointed out that Powhatan does have mixed use designations and it does struggle with how to bring more business into the county to help relieve the tax burden on residents.
The back and forth continued for a few more minutes before the discussion was halted and the board instructed staff members to start coordinating with them to set up opportunities for them to begin working on the comprehensive plan again in earnest.
The county is expected to have workshops in the coming months to continue work on the plan.
La ura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.
Keep friendships to remain healthy
By Barbara Brown
Special to the Powhatan Today
Friends give us more than companionship. Having friends and keeping them are key to our mental health. Social isolation increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and susceptibility to infection as well as feeling “down.”
Being chronically lonely is as bad for you as drinking or smoking – by some estimates equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes per day – and worse than inactivity or obesity. Social isolation as a result of pandemic restrictions has taken its toll, but there are options for moving beyond isolation and tuning up friendships.
Friendships in the best of times are fragile. Unlike family bonds, they depend on investing enough time and effort to keep the relationship well-oiled and functional. If you see someone less by force of circumstance (pandemic), the relationship weakens. In fact, few friendships stand the test of time and absence: usually no more than three or four, and they tend to be people to whom we were particularly close in early adult life. This occurs, in spite of social media, the internet, and cell phones. Children need at least one friend, a confi dant, for their mental wellbeing.
According to research, friendships thrive when six rules are followed. The key with the six rules is they all need to be followed, not just one or two. The rules are: Stand up for friends in their absence. Share important news. Provide emotional support when it is needed. Trust and confi de in
one another. Volunteer to help when a friend needs you. Try to make your friends happy.
If isolation has led you to feel distant from others, try restarting connections using the six rules. Children may need to be coached about how to feel closer to schoolmates and neighbors after this year of being isolated.
If you or your children are experiencing emotional or psychiatric distress that goes beyond restarting friendships, the Free Clinic has resources to help. The clinic’s counselor is seeing students at both Powhatan Middle and Powhatan High Schools. School counselors can provide an immediate referral. Adults can obtain counseling at the clinic. Financial eligibility has been expanded so more students and adults can obtain counseling and psychiatric services at no charge. Patients are eligible at 300% of the poverty level - this means a family of three making $65,160.00 is eligible.
Call 804-598-5637 for information on qualifi cation guidelines and to make an appointment.
Strengthening or restarting friendships is a good fi rst step for emerging from quarantine.
Barbara Brown is on the board of directors of the Free Clinic of Powhatan. She has a master’s degree in nursing and a Ph.D. in health administration.

May 5, 2021 Powhatan, Virginia Page 1B
BSH soccer shuts out SHA 2-0

By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
POWHATAN -- Tyler Jenkins’ voice was loud and clear throughout Friday’s match. The junior keeper could be heard directing his Blessed Sacrament Huguenot teammates and providing them with leadership from the goal.
“It’s crucial getting everybody lined up back there, because it’s one thing to hear it from (your coaches on) the sideline… but when your goalie yells at you from behind, and you respect the heck out of your goalie, you move,” said BSH head coach Patrick Winterrowd. “Tyler can also see things I can’t see – he can see the entire fi eld from the back, so we’ve got a lot of experienced people really helping us a lot, a lot of good upperclassman leadership this year, which has been great to see.”
Jenkins and his teammates earned the shutout in their 2-0 win over Southampton Academy to improve to 3-1. The Knights’ leading scorers this season, senior Michael Timmons and sophomore Jackson Hawkins, made the two goals in Friday’s win.
“It’s huge for the confi dence for next season, huge for our seniors – they wanted to win in front of their home crowd and they did, and I’m really proud of them,” Winterrowd said. “Michael again had a great game, Emily (Smith) again had a great game. We’re running out of time with them, I’m counting the days. It’s getting closer, I don’t want to see it, but it was nice to send them out with a bang here. We have another home game, but I wanted to get the win today for them.”
see BSH, pg. 4B
Blessed Sacrament Huguenot goalie Tyler Jenkins passes the ball to a teammate in Friday’s home game.

Six future collegiate student-athletes take a photo with their Powhatan High School coaches and school leaders during a signing ceremony in the PHS gymnasium last Wednesday.
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
POWHATAN -- After nearly 15 uncertainty-fi lled months, eight of Powhatan High School’s senior student-athletes were able to come together with their families, coaches, administrators, friends and teammates and celebrate the continuation of their academic and playing careers.
PHS on Wednesday held signing ceremonies to honor softball players Ellie Barton,
see SIGNINGS, pg. 4B
Powhatan High School wrestling coaches Jonathan Tanaka (left) and Zach Olson (right) stand with future collegiate student-athletes A.J. Gaskin (second from left) and Sean Hall during a signing ceremony.

Powhatan girls, boys soccer teams honor seniors
Seniors leading scorers in rout Indians overtake Bird, win 3-1
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
POWHATAN -- For Powhatan High School seniors Sarah Amiss, Sarah McFadden and Kat Smith, there was a lot to celebrate Thursday night.
It was their second game back on a varsity fi eld since the COVID-19 pandemic fi rst gripped the nation last year in March, as well as their fi rst game back on their own home fi eld.
It was also the trio’s Senior Night, and as their coaches, teammates, friends, families, administrators and supporters celebrated the night along with them, the three seniors, through their own efforts, made sure they had even more to celebrate.
Amiss, McFadden and Smith were the three leading scorers in Powhatan girls

Powhatan senior Sarah Amiss fends off an L.C. Bird player on Thursday.
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
POWHATAN -- More than a year after the COVID-19 pandemic wiped out what would have been his fi rst regular season leading the Powhatan varsity boys soccer team, head coach Willie Miles fi nally got to celebrate his fi rst win at the helm when the Indians powered past L.C. Bird 3-1 with the help of two goals in the second half.
“It feels amazing,” Miles said. “We lost a great amount of leadership on that (2020) senior class, a lot of minutes that were there. But I am very confi dent in this group moving forward. We just have to stay composed. Our big philosophy is outworking our opponents and just showing what Powhatan soccer is all about.
Powhatan senior Cooper Schardt reacts following his team’s 3-1 win.

Thetwoplayersledthewayinscoringtohelp BlessedSacramentHuguenot’ssoccerteam winitsfirsttwogamesofthe2021spring sportsseason.IntheKnights’seasonopener versusRichmondChristianonApril19,BSH trailed1-0beforeTimmons,asenior,kicked inthegame-tyinggoal.With90seconds left,Timmonsnettedthepenaltykickforthe go-aheadandgame-winningtallytohelplift BSHtoa2-1triumph.

InitsApril21homeopenerversusKenston Forest,BSHagaintrailed1-0beforeTimmons inthesecondhalfscootedtheballacrossthe grassandintothenettingonaslidingkickto tiethematch.

Hawkins,asophomore,wasinonthenext threegoalstohelptheKnightswin4-1over theKavaliers.Hawkins’go-aheadgoalwas anairballthatnarrowlylandedinsidetheleft goalpostandliftedtheKnightsintothelead forgood.
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
POWHATAN -- After Powhatan’s varsity boys lacrosse team waited nearly two years to play its fi rst contest of any kind – scrimmage or regular-season game – it’s an amazing feeling to be back on the fi eld, said head coach Joe Niles.
“I think all the guys have been wanting to do this for a long time, and it’s so super-nice to be out here, just be together again as a community, it’s really, really nice,” Niles said. “It feels so good to be back out here. Missed it.”
In its return to the fi eld, Powhatan boys lacrosse won Monday’s season opener in resounding fashion, routing a young Clover Hill team 20-2. Senior Chase Mahaney scored 6 goals and junior Hayden Somerville had 5. Sophomore Parker Unmussig had 3 goals, sophomore Paxton Sloan had 2 and seniors Nate Gray, Brandon Palmore and Ryland Davis each had 1.
“I thought we did really well, especially considering we hadn’t played for two years and we hadn’t had a scrimmage, and so that game was a bit of kind of feeling things out,” Niles said. “The guys played well together, they worked and they hustled…they did everything we normally ask them to do.”
In addition to Somerville and Palmore at the attack position and face-off specialists Mahaney and Davis, Powhatan brings back junior goalie Connor Jeffs and senior midfi elder Andrew Bastiaensen.
“A lot of these guys...have been playing since they were freshmen with me, so that means a lot,” Niles said, “and they can show all the younger guys really what it means to play Powhatan lacrosse.”
A lot of the team’s sophomores – including Sloan and midfi elders Unmussig, Jack Connelly and Connor Walters – have been doing really well according to Niles, and freshman Tommy Menting is playing for the varsity team as a long stick midfi elder, which Niles said is a hard position to play.
“He’s learning, but he’s doing really, really, really well,” Niles said of Menting.
Sloan and Unmussig scored both of Powhatan’s goals against Midlothian on Wednesday. Sloan fi elded an airtight pass from Palmore and fl ung in the short-distance shot to cut the Trojans’ early lead to 2-1, and then Unmussig fi nished off a fl owing string of passes from his teammates to land a long-distance goal and tie the game at 2-2 before the end of the fi rst quarter.
While the team allowed two goals in the fi rst stanza, Jeffs was still a wall both in that quarter and for much of the game, saving several more shots including one with the Trojans player in his face trying to make the goal shortly before the fi rst quarter’s end.
Ultimately, however, Midlothian scored 12 straight goals from there to win the game 14-2.
“I have a lot of respect for Midlothian’s program,” Niles said. “They’re super successful. I told the guys when we came out here today and yesterday: this game is really going to be about learning how to play the game, because they play very well.
“And they’re kind of a benchmark for us,” Niles added. “That’s where we want to be eventually. We’re not there yet. But we can be. We’ve got a lot of potential on the team – we’ve just got to tie some things up and that sort of thing, but you learn a lot from Midlothian – how they move the ball, their defense, everything.”
As the Indians continue their fi rst regular season in the Dominion District, they will next face Monacan on the road at 6 p.m.
“I’m happy to be out here, I’m super excited. It’s nice to be out here in front of the fans again,” Niles said. “The guys are working really hard. They’re really dedicated, great group of kids…it’s my privilege to be able to coach those guys and I enjoy it so much, so I’m excited about what this season holds for us.”

Powhatan High School sophomore Parker Unmussig (5) possesses the ball in a varsity boys lacrosse game at home versus Midlothian last Wednesday.
Seven seniors leading softball unit in return
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
POWHATAN -- After the entire 2020 regular season was cancelled by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, seven Powhatan High school seniors are embracing the opportunity to play their fi nal varsity season on the softball diamond with the return of spring sports in 2021.
Powhatan softball’s 2021 senior class is stacked with talent as it features Ellie Barton (headed to attend and play for Randolph-Macon College), Kayla Davis (Randolph-Macon), Sarah English (Lynchburg University), Emmalee Lawson (Richard Bland College), Autumn McMillen (Ferrum College), Courtney Osterman and multisport athlete Jillian Ratliff.
“That gives us a lot of leadership, a lot of experience,” said Powhatan head coach Marie Crump. “However… a lot of those players are playing at different positions – just because of personnel – different positions than they’ve played in the past, so we’re going to have to work through the kinks there and get them feeling more comfortable in the role that they’re playing.”
Barton, English, Davis, Lawson and Ratliff all contributed to Powhatan’s young 2019 team achieving a fi nal record of 15-6 and reaching the regional semifi nals. For McMillen and Osterman, this is their fi rst regular season of varsity after 2020 spring sports were wiped out. McMillen, who had put together two strong scrimmages last year, immediately made her presence known in this year’s season opener on April 27 by locking down Cosby’s offense in the fi rst inning from third base.
In her fi rst at-bat of the season, Davis – who along with English factored into a powerful middle of the batting order in 2019 – clocked a two-run home run over the left fi eld fence against the Titans, with the ball landing on top of the batting cage.
English opened the season batting No. 4 in the lineup, and she returns as one of Powhatan’s primary pitchers for the season. She is joined by freshman Madalyn Johnson, who pitched four scoreless innings against Cosby.
Powhatan’s juniors include Payton George, Carsen Hogston, Emma Phillips and returning players Joy and Savannah Johnson. Both Savannah and Joy were part of Powhatan’s 15-6 season in 2019 as freshmen.
In the 2021 opener, Savannah made a huge running catch deep in right fi eld in the fi fth inning versus Cosby, and she ran down another fl yball from right fi eld to center in the sixth.
Also getting hits for Powhatan on April 27 were Barton, Savannah, McMillen and English. Barton slapped a shallow grounder up the middle for a single, then scored off of Davis’ homer in the fi rst inning. In the fi fth inning, Johnson laced a single into center fi eld, and then McMillen, quickly shifting out of a bunting stance, slammed a line-drive single into center for a single.
With Johnson looking to score from third, Ratliff was able to load the bases on the bunt against one out, but Cosby got out of the inning on another strikeout and a fl yout.
English in the sixth hit a groundball single up the middle, and she appeared to score when Savannah appeared to hit a tying double into left fi eld, but offi cials ruled the ball foul.
Cosby narrowly led Powhatan 3-2 until the top of the seventh, when Taylor Norton’s two-run double sparked a four-run frame for the Titans. Cosby sealed the 7-2 win in the bottom of the frame.
Powhatan bounced back on Thursday with a resounding 21-1 victory over L.C. Bird. English batted 4 for 4 with three triples and three RBI, Lawson batted 4 for 4 with three doubles and an RBI, Davis batted 3 for 5 with a double, another home run and four RBI, and Barton batted 3 for 5 with two RBI. Madalyn batted 2 for 3, Hogston batted 2 for 4, Savannah batted 1 for 3 with two RBI and a double, Ratliff batted 1 for 2 with an RBI, Joy Johnson batted 1 for 1 and McMillen had an RBI sacrifi ce fl y.
“It’s just great to be back on the fi eld again this year,” Crump said. “We want to be able to take advantage of this opportunity that we lost last year.”

Powhatan senior Kayla Davis rounds the bases after hitting a two-run home run in her first at-bat of the 2021 season at home versus Cosby.
Powhatan girls lacrosse embracing new season
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
For head coach Laura Camp and the Powhatan High School girls lacrosse program, being able to have a season this year after the COVID-19 pandemic wiped out all sports last spring means the world to them.
“We can all remember the day when we were told that it would be our last practice. It felt like time had stopped and it was all a dream,” Camp said on Tuesday, “so being back out on the fi eld makes us feel thankful and appreciative for each day that we have the opportunity to practice and work with these girls.”
Powhatan’s returners include captains Chloe Degroat, Jordan Krauss and Kendal McMullin. The 2021 Indians are young overall as Degroat, who has been part of the program since her freshman year, is the team’s only senior.
Camp said that Krauss – a junior and dual-sport leader who also plays fi eld hockey and is committed to Christopher Newport for lacrosse – will bring extensive game experience and a strong lacrosse IQ to the team. Camp also said that McMullin – a junior and one of Powhatan’s leading defenders on the volleyball team – is a natural athlete whose athleticism is dominant on the fi eld.
Camp expects sophomores Isabelle Carson and Sam Flippo to be strong defensively in addition to Lexi Campbell, Kate Adams and Sophie Payne on attack/ midfi eld.
Among the newcomers, freshmen Grace Hayden, Casey Grell and McKayla Brasswell are settling into varsity nicely and showing great potential according to Camp, who added that sophomores Taylor Fitzsimmons, Summer Kantanen, Hannah Johnson, Jessie Fens and junior Grace Cowles have all been great additions to the team.
Despite Powhatan’s youth, the varsity unit has gotten off to a very strong start in its fi rst regular season in the Dominion District. The Indians routed Clover Hill 17-5 in their season opener, and they racked up double-digit goals despite their loss to Midlothian, 20-14.
Against Clover Hill, Campbell and Adams led the way with 4 goals apiece and were followed on the team by Hayden, Krauss and Payne with 2 goals each and Carson, Flippo and Grell with 1 each. Krauss and Adams each tallied up three assists and Fens and McMullin each had one.
Against Midlothian, Adams and McMullin each had 3 goals, Kraus, Flippo and Payne each had 2 and Hayden and Jonson each had 1. Krauss racked up eight assists and Adams added one.
“Our team is fast and the girls are really connecting on their transitions. This is something that took us a while to iron out in previous years, but this year the girls are transitioning the ball well from the start of the season!” Camp said. “They also work really well together in general and have a natural chemistry with each other.”
The biggest challenge, Camp said, is trying to teach the players everything they need to know in such a short amount of time.
“However, the girls are so receptive and truly eager to learn everything they can! “ Camp said. “They are so happy to have a season this year and they come to practice ready to play each day!”
The young team will look to build up its game experience and knowledge as the season progresses. Camp noted that they’ve been doing a lot of teaching when it comes to concepts, positioning and rules in addition to scrimmaging during practice.
“Now that we have a JV team, we have the ability to full-fi eld scrimmage,” Camp said, “which has been extremely helpful!”
Camp said this is the fi rst year that Powhatan offi cially has a JV girls lacrosse team, and to Camp, it has been incredible seeing the interest in girls lacrosse grow.
“We used to hope to have enough players to fi eld a varsity team, and now we easily have two full teams. All of the girls are picking up the sport so quickly and it’s just a wonderful group of girls!” Camp said. “Both the varsity and JV teams have come so far in such a short amount of time. Our future is bright!”

Powhatan junior Kendal McMullin is among the returners on the varsity girls lacrosse team for 2021.
Staff Reports
Powhatan’s junior-heavy baseball team this past week took on its fi rst regular-season varsity contests since May 2019. The unit bounced back from a season-opening 10-0 loss to Cosby last Tuesday with a dominant 16-5 win on the road over L.C. Bird on Thursday.
Senior and lead-off hitter Ben Allanson, looking to make an impact after seeing his junior season on varsity get wiped out by the COVID-19 pandemic, delivered a fi ery showing at the plate on Thursday, batting 3 for 4 with a double and bringing home four of his teammates while also taking a walk and scoring two runs.
Allanson’s fellow senior Connor Woodel and threesport athlete and junior Andrew Cheatham each clocked a double, tallied up two RBI

Powhatan senior Ben Allanson lines up to bat in last Tuesday’s varsity baseball season opener versus Cosby.
and scored twice. Junior Thomas Robinson subbed in for Cheatham and also hit a double. Carter Dawson, who along with Cheatham and Woodel contributed to American Legion Post 201’s baseball team this past summer, racked up three runs scored and batted 1 for 2 with an RBI and two walks. Sophomore Andrew Shifl ett, who helped the Legends win the Powhatan Little League Seniors tournament this past August, and junior and dual-sport athlete Chase Gayness each scored twice.
Caden Beil batted 1 for 2 and had an RBI. Josh Boelt, a key middle infi elder for Post 201 over the past two summers, batted 1 for 2 and scored a run.
Four pitchers held down the mound for Powhatan across fi ve innings. Junior Alex Reeves pitched the opening inning and was credited with the win. Junior Hayden Wasson, who also had a hit in Thursday’s game, put in two innings of work on the mound and struck out three while allowing one earned run and two hits in that stretch.
Another key player for Post 201, Stone Talley, pitched a scoreless fourth inning with one strikeout, and Shifl ett helped ensure the game ended via the mercy rule in the fi fth, striking out one.
In Tuesday’s opener versus Cosby, Wasson batted 2 for 2, and Boelt batted 1 for 2.
Woodel, Shifl ett, Gayness and junior Connor Yates pitched on Tuesday. Yates allowed one hit, one earned run and one walk while striking out one in 1.2 innings pitched, and Gayness, despite allowing two walks, threw a hitless, scoreless fi fth inning.
Seniors Talley and Woodel and juniors Gayness and Wasson were among the players who contributed to Powhatan’s 12-7 season and regional quarterfi nals appearance in 2019. Powhatan baseball’s senior class includes Talley, Woodel, Allanson and Beil.
The junior-laden unit also features two sophomores: Shifl ett and Kendrick Sheffi eld, who also competed on the Post 201 team this past summer.
Powhatan’s head coach is Gregg Conner, who was inducted into the Virginia High School League Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2020.
Powhatan boys tennis team edges past Monacan 5-4

Powhatan’s Peter Rusin (left) and Noah Lawson return shots in Thursday’s varsity boys tennis match versus Monacan. Staff Reports
Powhatan’s boys tennis team picked up its fi rst victory of the season when it edged past Monacan 5-4 on Thursday. In singles, Peter Rusin defeated Chris Counoupas 6-3, 6-4, Noah Lawson defeated Ajai Upadhyaya 6-0, 4-6, 1-0 (10-4) and Nathan Anderson beat Andon Simpson 6-4, 6-0. In doubles, Rusin and James Frame beat Upadhyaya and Will Dossick 8-6, and Lawson and Kayden Rogers secured the team win by beating Simpson and Chris Johnson 8-2.
Continued from pg. 1B
soccer’s 10-0 rout of L.C. Bird. Amiss and McFadden each notched the hat trick with three goals apiece before fi rst half’s end, and Amiss broke through for two goals in the second half - one she scooted through the goalie’s legs, and the other she arched into the left corner of the goal.
“Amiss and Smith and McFadden are just delights, man. They’re great,” said Powhatan head coach Jared Rottmund, who added that they’ve been in the program since 2017. “They’re great leaders. Going into this Dominion District with them, I’m excited. But I will certainly miss them after the season’s over.”
Joining the three seniors in scoring on Thursday night against Bird were freshman Mara Rutkai and sophomore Morgan Oliver with one goal apiece.
While Powhatan this year is very young, the team is stacked with talent. There are just seniors and three juniors: Regan Baltz, Meghan Hodge and Lena Parker. The rest of the team features eight sophomores and fi ve freshmen - more freshmen than Rottmund said he has ever had.
“We’ve got a phenomenal team this year, man, a lot of young talent,” he said. “I’ve never had this much young talent before, and if we can keep it all together, we’ll do all right, which I think we will...we’ve got some tough opponents, but we’ll do all right.”
He praised the team’s speed and ability to connect, and as the season progresses, he’s looking for the players to come together and play well as a team.
“We’re heading in the right direction,” Rottmund said.
Thursday’s win marked Powhatan’s fi rst of the season after it fought hard on the road against Cosby, who ultimately won 2-0 over the Indians on Tuesday.
“We have them at home at the end of the season,” Rottmund said of the Titans, “and I’m optimistic.”
Powhatan will take on two road matches this week with Clover Hill next Tuesday at 7 p.m. and James River next Thursday at 7 p.m.
“The future looks really bright,” Rottmund said of his team, “and my future is every game - I’m not looking forward to next season. I’m looking forward to the next game. I feel really, really good. And the girls are great. They’re just super.
“I just love coaching at Powhatan,” Rottmund said. “It’s a great place to be.”
Continued from pg. 1B
“They performed as a group, and it was a total team effort. I couldn’t be prouder of them,” Miles added. “I couldn’t be prouder of my assistant coaches (Paul Smartschan and Zachary York) really giving great input throughout the night...I’m really proud of them being on my staff.”
Thursday night’s game against Bird was also about celebrating the team’s four seniors, as captain Zach Shelor, Jackson Tester, Cooper Schardt and Stevie Bigham were honored on Senior Night. All four started in the lineup on Thursday. Tester throughout the night moved the ball up from midfi eld and narrowly missed scoring on a far-traveling shot in the fi rst half.
Shelor, whom Miles said has led by example, sparked Powhatan’s fi rst two goals of the night after the Skyhawks had grabbed an early 1-0 lead. In the fi rst half, Shelor cleared the ball out of the defensive end, and sophomore teammate Paul Bonner picked up the ball and passed it on to junior teammate and UVA commit Parker Sloan.
With the immediate space on all sides of him clear and his incendiary speed on his side, Sloan chased the ball up to the goal. He footed it through the keeper’s

Powhatan senior Kat Smith scores her second of three goals in Thursday’s Senior Night home game versus L.C. Bird as Smith’s teammate Mara Rutkai (14) looks on; senior Sarah McFadden (4) drives the ball towards the goal.
legs and into the bottom netting to tie the game at 1-1.
In the second half, Shelor launched the ball towards the goal on another rocketing kick, and sophomore Connor Nickerson drove it in with a header. Nickerson immediately unleashed a joyous outburst upon scoring his fi rst-ever varsity goal, which put Powhatan ahead of Bird at 2-1.
The Indians added an insurance goal in the closing stages when Bird’s goalie and another defender went for the save and missed, and Sloan, getting a hold of the ball, passed it to Schardt, who landed the wide-open short-distance shot up the middle.
“Cooper’s a man that just grinds it out and does everything for the team, truly. Always asks me what he can do better each and every practice, how he can improve,” Miles said. “I’m glad he got that moment. I’m glad he can contribute as a team member.”
Schardt also had a huge clear-out on defense towards the end of the game, and junior keeper Tucker Thomas made several big saves to hold the Skyhawks to one goal on the night.
Miles noted that there’s a lot of young talent to build around on this year’s team. The 2021 varsity program features nine sophomores and freshman Brayden Elzey. He praised the team’s commitment to “each and every chance that they have

Powhatan’s varsity boys soccer team’s seniors Stevie Bigham (left), Jackson Tester (14), Cooper Schardt (8) and captain Zach Shelor (4) stand with coaches Zachary York (right) and Willie Miles prior to Thursday’s game.
going on.”
“They essentially are here to play the right way,” Miles said. “We have to clean up some things within our game, but tonight, compared to our fi rst contest against Cosby, they did a much better job possessing, moving the ball around, looking up and going from side to side.”
After bouncing back from a 5-0 season-opening home loss to Cosby with Thursday’s triumph over Bird, Powhatan will host James River next Thursday at 7 p.m.
“This effort as a team right now is up. We’ve got to keep it up; we can’t be complacent,” Miles said, “and if we keep going at the right angles, we can generate more results like this.”
As the Indians are taking on their fi rst regular season in the Dominion District (last year was supposed to be their fi rst), they’re looking to get to that .500 mark.
“That fi ve- to six-win mark is achievable with this group if they stay together, we make the right impacts here and there and they truly see the fi eld with each other,” Miles said. “It’s not a oneman team. It’s truly an 11-man team.”
Kayla Davis, Sarah English, Emmalee Lawson and Autumn McMillen, fi eld hockey player Kaitlin Thompson and wrestlers Sean Hall and A.J. Gaskin for taking their careers to the collegiate level.
Barton and Davis will both play softball for Randolph-Macon College.
Barton has wanted to attend Randolph-Macon for as long she can remember; her sister started softball before her and took batting lessons with RMC’s assistant softball coach, Chip Bailey. After every one of her sister’s lessons, coach Bailey would take the time to let Barton hit as well.
“I fell in love with the campus and atmosphere of the school immediately,” Barton told the Powhatan Today last fall, adding: “I feel like all my hard work has paid off, and that’s something I’m proud of...I’m super excited to play in college and can’t wait to continue working hard and getting better.”
Barton last fall spoke to wanting to major in Pre-Law and pursue a career as an IP attorney or family lawyer.
She’ll be joined by Davis, who, after a visit to Randolph-Macon, knew she could see herself there, both academically and athletically.
“The players and coaches are amazing. The players answered all the questions I had about softball and about college in general,” Davis said last fall. “The coaches have also helped me tremendously throughout the process. The school is beautiful and small, which I like.”
She’s looking forward to still being able to play softball while pursuing the degree that she wants: a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. She wants to become a Certifi ed Registered Nurse Anesthetist after college.
“It means so much to me to be able to play in college,” Davis said. “Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of playing in college. It gives me four more years to be able to play the game that I have loved since I was 4.”
English will take her softball career to Lynchburg University. From the minute she stepped onto the campus, she immediately fell in love with the environment.
“I was looking for a college with smaller class sizes, and this is exactly what Lynchburg had to offer,” English said last fall, adding: “Lynchburg has a great softball program and coaching staff that makes you feel at home... Coach (Dawn) Simmons is very open to talk with and encouraging to her players both on and off the fi eld.”
She plans on majoring in Elementary Education with a concentration in Special Education.
“It feels great to know that all my hard work has paid off,” English had said, “and that I have accomplished my dream.”
Lawson is headed to Richard Bland College. Initially RBC was not on her radar, and Lawson had known that she wanted to study architectural design, which she said very few Virginia schools have. But after coach Jessica McCabe contacted her, asking to meet, Lawson “instantly loved her ideas for the team and her vision.”
“And I think we just have a similar mindset that really helped me feel like I could continue playing.”
Academically, it turned out to be perfect for Lawson, considering she’s always wanted to go to James Madison University in Harrisonburg, and through studying for two years at RBC, she could transfer from there to JMU.
“It’s seriously a blessing,” Lawson said in March. “Once (Coach McCabe) reached out to me...it really opened my mind to believe in myself more.
“It really built up my confi dence,” Lawson said, “and pushed me to make the decision.”
McMillen will compete for Ferrum College.
“I’ve wanted to play softball in college ever since I can remember, so, to me, it’s looking back and seeing everything that got me where I am today, and I am very excited to be pursuing that dream: playing at Ferrum College,” McMillen said last fall, adding: “I am thankful for Coach [Gerald] Culler giving me that opportunity.”
McMillen complimented Ferrum’s small size, academic atmosphere and physical therapy program, and when she visited the school, the team and coaches seemed like a family – which, McMillen said, is important in softball – “and just knowing you have someone to be there for you in college when you leave your own family.”
Barton, Davis, English and Lawson all contributed to Powhatan’s young team achieving a 15-6 season and reaching the regional semifi nals in 2019, and McMillen, playing her fi rst varsity season after COVID-19 shut down all Virginia high school athletic activities last spring, is quickly making an impact. She also had two strong scrimmages prior to the shutdown.
Wednesday’s signings showcased the players’ hard work and their dedication to the game, said Powhatan head softball coach Marie Crump.
“To see it fi nally culminate with them being able to sign and know that they’re moving on after high school – all the hard work they’ve done all the way up from when they very fi rst started softball through high school, and it doesn’t just start in high school, it starts before that – and just to see them have this opportunity is great,” Crump said. “They’re great leaders. They are very determined young ladies, and it’s going to be tough to see them graduate.”
Thompson, who was Powhatan fi eld hockey’s lone senior this season and was part of the fi eld hockey program since eighth grade, will continue her playing career at Roanoke College.
After personnel from Roanoke came out and saw her at a tournament, Thompson visited there, and it sparked her interest.
“The girls were really nice when I went there,” Thompson said on Powhatan fi eld hockey’s Senior Day in March. “The coach was super nice. I’m really looking forward to it.”
Thompson looks forward to remaining a leader, and to not being shy.
“It’s going to be a little nervous at fi rst, just because: freshman year,” Thompson said, “but other than that, I think I’m just going to keep doing me and keep staying positive.”
Powhatan fi eld hockey assistant coach Caryn Rehme, who held the role of head coach for this spring season, and head coach Stephanie Tyson praised Thompson as a great player, great leader and great person. The senior was key to Powhatan achieving a winning 6-5 season and reaching the Class 4, Region B playoffs this spring.
Rehme added that Thompson has been encouraging to her teammates, and that she set the tone for a positive atmosphere.
“Kaitlin’s a great girl. Through the season, she got better, and I feel like both (Coach Tyson and I) feel like we’re sending her off in a good place,” Rehme said. “She’s ready. I think she’s confi dent, and it’s exciting to know that she’ll be able to compete with any of them.”
“She’s worked really hard. She plays in the offseason with the Panthers and she’s always been a great leader even when she was younger,” Tyson said, noting that Thompson was also a captain on the JV team earlier in her career. “This year she did a great job as a captain for (varsity). She’s just a great kid. She’s a pleasure to coach, she’s got a good attitude. She always comes ready to work hard.
“She’s always one of those kids you can always count on,” Tyson added. “You know she’s going to be there for every practice. You know she’s going to be there for camp if you need her help, whatever it is, carrying the equipment in...it’s been nice to get to know her over the years and we’ll miss her.”
Attending Roanoke in addition to Thompson will be Hall, who will help start Roanoke’s new wrestling team as one of the program’s wrestlers. Hall has known the head coach, Nate Yetzer, since he was in fi fth grade.
“They want really good leaders and motivators,” Hall said this past winter. “I feel like I can help with that a lot.”
Hall had praised Roanoke College, surrounded by mountains, as a beautiful campus, and he felt that the school’s small size will be good for him; he wants to be a chiropractor, so he needs that close interaction with his teacher, he had said.
Gaskin will wrestle for Ferrum College, where he’ll compete alongside former Powhatan teammate and 2019 Class 4 state champion J.D. McMillin.
“I’m excited to see how much better I’ll get when I get there,” Gaskin said on Senior Night this past winter. “I’m excited to go down there and wrestle with them next year.”
He likes the environment at Ferrum, and he pointed to how McMillin has gotten a lot better since he started wrestling there.
“I just want to go down there in an environment like that,” Gaskin said, “where everyone’s like family.”
“Super excited for Sean and A.J. both to continue their careers,” said Powhatan head wrestling coach Jonathan Tanaka. “They’ve been in the Powhatan wrestling program, in youth and wrestling, for so long. They’ve dedicated a lot of time to the program.”
Hall, a four-time regional champion and four-time top three state placer, and Gaskin, a 2020 regional champion, were part of a venerable senior class that included Anthony Bastiaensen, Hayden Fitzsimmons, Linwood Hill, Micah Holt, Gavin Timmons and Austin Walter. Hall and Gaskin both contributed to Powhatan’s wrestlers winning this year’s Class 4, Region B championship and achieving an unbeaten regular-season team record of 15-0.
Tanaka said that Hall “has just been a model of consistency” and pointed to his high-level performance in the middle of the lineup throughout his fouryear varsity career.
“The last two years he’s done a phenomenal job just being a leader and stepping up and helping us, being a leader on the mat, being a coach on the fi eld, so to speak,” Tanaka said. “I don’t think we can measure the contributions that Sean has given to the program, but I think you’ll see his legacy kind of live on and hopefully see kids try to be the next Sean Hall as they grow up.”
While Gaskin’s high school career didn’t start off the way he had wanted it to do, Tanaka was “really proud of him fi ghting through adversity and fi guring out what he had to do to get better.”
“He did a phenomenal job improving himself throughout his high school career,” Tanaka said, pointing to “the amount of improvement we’ve seen in him physically, and the maturation of A.J. as a person is what we’re more actually excited about or proud of.”
Making this 2020-21 athletic season even more special for all of the eight student-athletes who signed is that, even during the ongoing pandemic, they were able to have their senior seasons earlier this year and/or get the opportunity to compete this spring. For Powhatan’s softball seniors, their 2021 campaign is under way after they lost last year’s season.
“I think it’s wonderful they’re getting to be back on the fi eld this year and play for high school,” Crump said. “Last year we felt so bad for all the players, especially the seniors, but for these young ladies to have the opportunity to come back and have the opportunity to play their senior year at Powhatan High School is great.”
During the fi rst session of signings on Wednesday, Powhatan Athletic Director Tim Llewellyn said of the student-athletes: “The perseverance and the dedication these kids have shown in some really rough times– and hopefully, we won’t ever see anything like this again in our lifetime – but the way they handled themselves has been amazing.”
Powhatan High School wrestlers and seniors A.J. Gaskin (Ferrum, seated) and Sean Hall (Roanoke, standing, center) take a photo with their classmates and teammates during a signing ceremony on Wednesday.

Powhatan High School seniors and softball players Autumn McMillen (from left, Ferrum), Kayla Davis (Randolph-Macon), Ellie Barton (Randolph-Macon), Sarah English (Lynchburg) and Emmalee Lawson (Richard Bland) stand together during a signing ceremony on Wednesday.
Powhatan High School senior and field hockey player Kaitlin Thompson (Roanoke) was honored in a signing ceremony on Wednesday.

Continued from pg. 1B
Eighth grader Ryder Hansen continued his strong fi rst season on the Knights’ varsity team with his performance in Friday’s game.
“Ryder Hansen has been a huge addition to our team. His ability to control and distribute the ball has been very important in the development of our offense,” Winterrowd said. “He is a tough kid starting on varsity as an 8th grader against some really physical opponents and holding his own throughout. I’m really glad that he is with us and look forward to his continued development over the rest of this season and in the future.”
The win followed a hard-fought 3-0 setback to Isle of Wight Academy on Monday. Winterrowd said that, due to COVID and injuries, they were down to everyone playing the game with very little substitutions for 90 minutes.
“We ran ourselves ragged against a really, really good team, and that gave us a lot of confi dence for today,” Winterrowd said. “We hung with them for most of the game…it really gave us the boost that we needed today to know that we can hang with experienced teams with good soccer players.”
Following Monday’s game, the Knights had a long week to rest, and while it was really hot during practice, they ran anyway.
“We’re getting tough, and I think that showed today – we had the gas to go for the entire game,” Winterrowd said, “and I think at the end, I think the other team wore down a little bit, and that helped us quite a bit.”
Winterrowd said the Knights played a lot better on defense this week, although he added that they did not keep their shape like he wanted them to do.
“We’re still going to be working on that a lot – a lot of us were kind of fl owing around the fi eld in different spots, but really if we stay where we’re meant to stay and help out when we need to, we can do a lot less running; we’re running ourselves ragged in the back a little bit,” Winterrowd said Friday, “but we were very solid on defense today.”
BSH is currently slated to face Brunswick Academy on the road on Wednesday at 4 p.m.
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58 HALL Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden
60 LIFE 61 HGTV Married-Sight Married-Sight Married-Sight Married-Sight Married-Sight Property Brothers Property Brothers Bargain Block Å Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games ›‡ “No Good Deed” (2014) Idris Elba. American Gangster SurvivorsTwenties American Gangster ››‡ “Escape Plan” (2013) ›› “Transformers: The Last Knight” (2017, Action) Mark Wahlberg. “O Brother-Thou” ›››‡ “Moneyball” (2011, Drama) Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill. Å “G.I. Jane” (1997) 146 CMT 177 HIST Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Å Forged in Fire Forged in Fire
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3 FS1 RaceDay NASCAR Truck Series The Spring League Football: Sea Lions vs Blues. 4 ESPN 8 8 9 6 NBA NBA Basketball: Boston Celtics at Chicago Bulls. Wheel Jeopardy Shark Tank (N) 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News Holly MacGyver Å Magnum P.I. Å NBA Basketball: Blue Bloods (N) Nuggets at Jazz News Kimmel News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) News First Spo DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside The Blacklist Å Dateline NBC (N) (In Stereo) Å News J. Fallon The Donlon Report NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report 22 QVC 23 3 Fri-YAY!: Fash. Women, Control LOGO by Lori Candace Fashion Summer Fashion PBS NewsHour (N) Wash Hoover Great Performances “Uncle Vanya” (In Stereo) Å Aman 24 57 Buzz Unwine’d Antique Roadshow The Vietnam War “Deja Vu” (In Stereo) PBS NewsHour (N)
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61 HGTV Dream Dream Dream Happily Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream
62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners ›› “Think Like a Man Too” ››‡ “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” (2008) T. Perry’s The Oval “Ant-Man” (2015) ›› “London Has Fallen” (2016, Action) Van Helsing (N) FuturamaFuturama “Fifth Element” ››‡ “Demolition Man” (1993) Sylvester Stallone. ›› “Road House” (1989) Å
146 CMT Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Skyville Live: Reba Reba 177 HIST Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens
3 FS1 MLB Baseball: Philadelphia Phillies at Atlanta Braves. (N) (Live) MLB Postgame NASCAR Xfinity 4 ESPN 8 8 MLS Soccer UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs. Dillashaw (N) (Live) Wheel Jeopardy VAX-Concert: American Idol “416 (Disney Night)” Å SportsCenter (Live) News NCIS 9 6 USL 1 Soccer VAX-Concert: 48 Hours (In Stereo) 48 Hours (In Stereo) News Storm of 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC 23 3 The MLS MLS Soccer News Mod Fam VAX-Concert: 12 News Paid Prg. Dateline NBC Å Dateline NBC Å Saturday Night Live News SNL NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield Å Banfield Å NewsNation Prime Shoe Shopping Belle by Kim Gravel - Fashion (N) (Live) Fashion Day Finale (N) (Live) Å Lawrence Welk Father Brown Å Midsomer Murders Murder Blue Song of Mountains 24 57 27 CNN Untamed ChangingThunberg-Year Human-World Independent Lens (In Stereo) Darley CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom United Shades Story of Late Night The Seventies Å
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44 DISC Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue
47 TLC 48 ANPL 53 FREE Little People, World Little People, World Little People, World Little People, World Little People, World Pit Bulls and Parolees “Life in a Cage” Pit Bulls and Parolees (In Stereo) Å Pit Bulls-Parole ›››‡ “Brave” (2012, Children’s) Å ››› “Cinderella” (2015, Children’s) Cate Blanchett. Wonder 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE Two Men Two Men Two Men Two and Half Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “Bullitt” (1968) ››› “They Won’t Believe Me” (1947) ›››‡ “Lady Sings the Blues” (1972) “My Secret Valentine” (2018) Å “Baby, It’s Cold Inside” (2021) Å “Very Valentine” “Pool Nightmare” “Memories of a Murder” (2020) Å “The Secret Sex Life of a Single Mom”
61 HGTV Fixer to Fabulous Chateau Unsellable Houses Unsellable Houses Unsellable Houses
62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners ›‡ “Big Momma’s House 2” (2006) Å ››‡ “Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself” (2009) Å “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013) ›› “White House Down” (2013, Action) Channing Tatum. Futurama ››‡ “XXX” (2002) ››‡ “2 Guns” (2013, Action) Denzel Washington. ›› “U.S. Marshals” (1998) Along ››‡ “Mamma Mia!” (2008) Meryl Streep. Å ›› “He’s Just Not That Into You” (2009)
177 HIST American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers
3 FS1 Post MLS Soccer: Austin FC at Sporting Kansas City. (N) MLS Soccer 4 ESPN 8 8 9 6 MLB Baseball: Philadelphia Phillies at Atlanta Braves. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (Live) SportsCenter (Live) Funny Videos American Idol “417 (Mother’s Day)” Å The Rookie (N) News NCIS 60 Minutes (N) Å The Equalizer Å NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: New Orleans News The
11 35 Simpson Bless Simpson The- Burgers Fam Guy News AttkissonThe ROH
12 12 15 WGN-A American Ninja Warrior (N) (In Stereo) Zoey’s-Playlist Good Girls (N) NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield Å Banfield Å News Greta NewsNation Prime 22 QVC Vionic - Footwear: Tweak’d by Nature Susan Graver Style Sunday Night Q With Jen and Rachel (N) 23 3 24 57 Finding Your Roots Rise of the Nazis: Atlantic Crossing World on Fire: Austin City Limits Eyes on the Prize Eyes on the Prize Baseball (Part 7 of 9) Å Stanley:
27 CNN CNN Newsroom Special Report Story of Late Night United Shades State-Union
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC American Voices Mehdi Hasan Week-Johnson American Voices Mehdi Hasan Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Å
30 FOXN Justice Judge Life, Liberty Revolution Sunday Show Life, Liberty 33 USA Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order: SVU
34 TNT “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1” (2014) “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2” (2015) 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM 44 DISC Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Chad Chad Chad Chad Macho Man: Biography: Booker T: (N) (In Stereo) Å WWE’s Most WWE’s Most Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å ››‡ “Step Brothers” (2008) ››‡ “Old School” (2003) Luke Wilson. South Park Å Naked Naked and Afraid XL “Gat-R-Done” Å Six Degrees Naked 47 TLC 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? (N) Extreme Sisters (N) 90 Day Fiancé 48 ANPL 53 FREE North Woods Law Lone Star Law Louisiana Law (N) Lone Star Law Lone Star Law ››› “Cinderella” (2015, Children’s) Cate Blanchett. ›› “Second Act” (2018) Jennifer Lopez. Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Two Men Two Men Two Men Two and Half Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Hollywood: “So This Is Paris” (1926) ›››‡ “The Goodbye Girl” (1977) Fame 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC “A Country Wedding” (2015, Romance) Calls the Heart Golden Golden Golden Golden “Stalked by Ex” “Burning Little Lies” (2021, Suspense) “My Father’s Other Family” (2021) Å Home Town Home Town Home Town Å Beach Beach Mediterr. Mediterr. Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Worst Cooks in America Å Beat Beat Beat “I Can Do Bad All By Myself” Mother: ›› “Nobody’s Fool” (1986) Rosanna Arquette. Å “White House Down” (2013) ››› “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (2015) Robert Downey Jr. Futurama ›› “U.S. Marshals” Fear the Walking Fear the Walking Fear the Walking Dead Å Gangs
146 CMT Mom Mom Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba 177 HIST Built America Built America Built America Snack Snack Snack Snack
MAY 5 - MAY 11
3 FS1 The Herd with Colin Cowherd Speak for Yourself Fox Skip Hub Varied 4 ESPN SportsCenter Jalen Ques NBA: The Jump NFL Live Around Pardon SportsCenter 8 8 GMA3: What General Hosp. Drew Barrymore Dr. Phil 8 News 8 News News ABC 9 6 Young Bold The Talk Ellen Show CBS6 News News News News CBS 11 35 Funny Funny Wendy Williams Maury Steve Wilkos Judge Judge Fam Fam 12 12 Days of Lives Kelly Clarkson Tamron Hall News at 4PM News News News News 15 WGN-A Heat of Night Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods NewsNation 22 QVC Varied Programs 23 3 CuriousDonkey Tiger Arthur Wild Odd Cyber CuriousSciGirlsBiz Kid News BBC 24 57 Varied SciGirlsCuriousBiz Kid Varied Programs Amanpour-Co 27 CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper Jake Tapper Situation Room 28 MSNBC MTP Daily Reports Reports Deadline: White House The Beat With 29 CNBC The Exchange Power Lunch Closing Bell Fast Varied Mad Money 30 FOXN America Reports The Story Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report 33 USA Varied Programs 34 TNT Supernatural Supernatural Movie Varied Programs Movie Var. Programs 35 TBS Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Varied Programs Family Family 37 A&E Varied Programs 39 PARMT Bar Rescue Mom Mom Mom Mom Two Two Two Two Two Two 40 COM Varied Programs Office Office Office Office Office Office 44 DISC Varied Programs 47 TLC Varied Programs 48 ANPL Pit Bulls-Parole Pit Bulls-Parole Lone Star Law Varied Programs 53 FREE Middle Middle Varied Middle Middle Varied Programs Movie Varied 54 TVL Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith 55 TCM Movie Varied Programs 58 HALL Reba Reba Varied Programs 60 LIFE Major Crimes Major Crimes Major Crimes Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles 61 HGTV Varied Programs 62 FOOD Varied Programs 66 BET Prince Prince Prince Prince Movie Varied Programs Movie 127 SYFY Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs 138 AMC Movie Movie Varied Programs Movie Var. Programs 146 CMT King King King King King King Last Last Last Last Last Last 177 HIST Varied Programs
MAY 10
3 FS1 4 ESPN 8 8 NASCAR Race Hub PBA Bowling: PBA Playoffs: Round of 8. PBA Bowling: PBA Playoffs: Round of 8. SportsCenter Å MLB Baseball: Los Angeles Angels at Houston Astros. (Live) SportsCenter Wheel Jeopardy ›››‡ “Finding Dory” (2016, Children’s) The Good Doctor News Kimmel 9 6 News Holly Neighbor Bob All Rise (In Stereo) Bull “Snatchback” News Colbert 11 35 Big Bang Big Bang 9-1-1 (N) (In Stereo) 9-1-1: Lone Star (N) Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC 23 3 ET Inside The Voice “Live Top 17 Performances” Debris “Asalah” (N) News J. Fallon The Donlon Report NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report Fashion’s Night In Å PBS NewsHour (N) Antique Roadshow Antique Roadshow POV “Through the Night” Å Aman 24 57 Richmond City Council PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Å FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å Chicago P.D. WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Miz & Miz & “Hellboy-Army” ››› “Ant-Man and The Wasp” (2018) Paul Rudd. “Ant-Man and The Wasp” 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy AmericanFinal Sp. Conan Seinfeld Hoarders Å Hoarders “Margie” (N) (In Stereo) Å Intervention Å Intervention “Mike” ››› “Coming to America” (1988, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. ›››‡ “My Cousin Vinny” (1992) Å 40 COM 44 DISC Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Daily Office Street Outlaws: Full Street Outlaws “Slick Moves” (N) (In Stereo) Å Street Outlaws Å 47 TLC Seeking Sister Wife Seeking Sister Wife Return to Amish (N) Unexpected (N) Extreme Sisters 48 ANPL 53 FREE Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush People: Wild Life “Winter Closing In” (N) ›› “Second Act” (2018) Å ›› “The Wedding Planner” (2001) Jennifer Lopez. Homestead Rescue The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “Belle of NY” ››› “Waterloo Bridge” (1940, Romance) ››› “Marie Antoinette” (1938) Å 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Golden Golden Golden Golden Rizzoli & Isles Å Power of Women: Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å $50K Three Ways $50K $50K Inside Out (N) Å Home Town Home Town 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC Beat Beat Beat Beat Best Baker Chopped Sweets Chopped Sweets ›› “Nobody’s Fool” (1986) Å ›‡ “A Madea Christmas” (2013, Comedy) Tyler Perry. Å “Avengers: Age of Ultron” ››‡ “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009, Action) FuturamaFuturama ››› “Grease” (1978, Musical) ››› “Twister” (1996, Action) Helen Hunt. Å The Secrets
146 CMT Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Reba Reba
177 HIST Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars “Atomic Pawn; Gold Rush” Pawn Stars
MAY 11
3 FS1 MLB’s PokerStars Carib PokerStars Carib PokerStars Carib Bowling
4 ESPN MLB Baseball: New York Yankees at Tampa Bay Rays. (Live) SportsCenter SportsCenter 8 8 9 6 Wheel Jeopardy Pooch Perfect (N) News Holly NCIS (N) (In Stereo) black-ish mixed- Big Sky (In Stereo) News Kimmel FBI (In Stereo) Å FBI: Most Wanted News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC 23 3 24 57 Big Bang Big Bang The Resident (N) Prodigal Son (N) Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside The Voice (N) Å This Is Us (N) New Amsterdam News J. Fallon The Donlon Report NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report Shoe Shopping With Jane (N) (Live) Å L. Geller Makeup Cheers! to Shopping with Leah PBS NewsHour (N) Extra Life: A Philly D.A. (N) Å Frontline (In Stereo) Amanpour-Co Design: Keep Up Father Brown Å Miss Scarlet Jamestown PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å NCIS (In Stereo) WWE NXT (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Rock Rock Law & Order: SVU Red NBA Basketball (N) (In Stereo Live) Å NBA Basketball (N) (In Stereo Live) Å 35 TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Chad (N) Conan Chad 37 A&E 39 PARMT Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Hustle Hustle Storage Storage ›‡ “Grown Ups” (2010, Comedy) Adam Sandler. › “Grown Ups 2” (2013, Comedy) Adam Sandler.
40 COM Office Office Office Office Drunk Drunk Drunk Drunk Daily South Pk
44 DISC Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch (N) Undercover Billionaire “Pressure Tests” Undercover
47 TLC Little People, World Little People: Little People, World Extreme Sisters Extreme Sisters
48 ANPL 53 FREE Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters: Ultimate Builds (N) “Princess-Frog” ›››› “Beauty and the Beast” (1991) Crikey! It’s the Irwins Cruel Summer Å (N) (In Stereo) The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “Tab Hunter” “Tell Me That You Love Me” ››› “A Woman’s Face” (1941) Å 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV 62 FOOD Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Golden Golden Golden Golden Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Home Town Å Unsellable Houses Unsellable Houses Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Chopped Å Chopped Å Chopped Å Chopped Å Chopped Å 66 BET “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (2005) T. Perry’s The Oval T. Perry’s Ruthless T. Perry’s The Oval 127 SYFY 138 AMC Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone “Twister” (1996) ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis. “G.I. Jane” (1997)
146 CMT Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Reba Reba 177 HIST Curse-Island Drilling Down The Secret of Skin America’s Book America’s Book
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11949WBriarPatch Lane Midlothian,VA23113 3bedrooms,2.5baths $1,600/month 3915FightingCreek Drive Powhatan,VA23139 4bedrooms,3.5baths 3-CARGARAGE ShortTermLease Available $3,500/month 896Frenchs Store Road Cumberland, VA23040 3bedrooms,2baths $1,495/month
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V. CaseNo.:CL21000269-00
Theunknownheirs,descendants,devisees, assigns,and/orsuccessorsintitletoRUTHE. STAPLES(a.k.a.RUTHMAYO),DAVIDMAYO, JESSED.ABRAHAMS,andKATET.ABRAHAMS ifanytherebe,theconsortsofanyofthesaid unknownheirswhoaremarried,theliencreditorsofthesaidunknownheirs,ifany,andotherpersonswhomayhaveaninterestinthe subjectmatterofthissuit,whosenamesare unknownandareincludedinthegeneraldescriptionof"UNKNOWNHEIRSandPARTIES UNKNOWN" SERVE:ByOrderofPublication Defendants.
TheobjectofthissuitistoclaimtitletoacertainparceloflandsituatedintheCountyof Powhatan,Virginia,beingpreviouslyownedby RuthE.Staples,moreparticularlydescribedas follows:
ALLthatcertaintract,pieceorparcelofland, withallimprovementsthereonandappurtenancestheretobelonging,lyingandbeingin Macon District, Powhatan County, Virginia, containing21.61Acres,andidentifiedinthe PowhatanCountytaxassessor’sofficeasparcelnumber004-61,andcommonlyknownas 5780CartersvilleRoad,Powhatan,Virginia. Theunknownheirs,descendants,devisees,assigns,and/orsuccessorsintitletoRuthE.Staples,DavidMayo,JesseD.Abrahams,andKate T.Abrahamshaveormighthaveaninterestin thepropertybydeed,byinheritance,orbydulyrecordedliens. Affidavithavingbeenmadeandfiledthatdue diligencehasbeenusedwithouteffecttoascertaintheidentitiesand/orlocationsofcertainpartiestobeserved,andthatthereareor mightbepersonswhosenamesareunknown, interestedinthesubjectmatterofthissuit; ItisORDEREDthattheunknownheirs,descendants,devisees,assigns,and/orsuccessorsintitletoRuthE.Staples,DavidMayo, JesseD.Abrahams,andKateT.Abrahams,and otherunknownheirsorpartieswhohavean interestinthesubjectmatterofthissuit,who areproceededagainstasUnknownHeirsand PartiesUnknown,appearbeforeCourtonor before May14,2021 toprotecttheirinterests, ifany,inthissuit.
Enter: 25/MARCH/2021
LynnM.Tucker,Esq.,V.S.B.#25384 SavannahK.Sargent,Esq.,V.S.B.#96184 DANKOS,GORDON&TUCKER,P.C. 1360EastParhamRoad,#200 Richmond,VA23228 Telephone:(804)262-8000 Facsimile:(804)262-8088 Email:ltucker@dankosgordon.com CounselforPlaintiff

BETTYLOUMILESAYRES,Plaintiff vs. CaseNo.CL21-263
Theabove-styledactionisapartitionsuitpursuanttoSection8.01-81etseq.oftheCodeof Virginia(1950),asamended,concerningcertainparcelofrealpropertylocated inthe CountyofPowhatan,Virginiadesignatedby theTreasurerofPowhatanCounty,Virginiaas TaxMapParcelNo.054-28,containingapproximatelyten(10)acres,moreorless.Plaintiff, BettyLouMiles,isanownerofanundeterminedundividedinterestinthePropertywith otherheirsofEgbertG.Miles.TheCourtherebysetsthefollowingdatebywhichanyparties with an interest shall file responsive pleadingsorotherwiseappear June1,2021 afterwhichtimetheCourtshallconvenethe partiesininterestinpersonorbytheirauthorizedrepresentativeswhoareadvisedtoappeartodowhatisnecessarytoprotecthisor herinterestsinthisaction. AnAffidavitforServicebyOrderofPublication hasbeenmadeandfiledbytheattorneyfor thePlaintiffwhoisunabletoascertainwhetherornotthereareanypotentialheirs,owners orpersonsclaiminganyinterestinthereal propertybesidesthosenamedaspartiesin thisaction. Endorsementsofcounselarewaivedpursuant toRule1:13oftheRulesoftheSupremeCourt inVirginia.
Iaskforthis: A.RussellWatson(VSBNo.29406) GORDON,DODSON,GORDON&ROWLETT 10303MemoryLane,Suite101 Chesterfiled,Virginia23832 (804)748-8153 (804)748-3287(facsimile) CounselforBettyLouMilesAyres

RegularMeeting The Agricultural and Forestal District (AFD)AdvisoryCommitteewillholda regularmeetingonTuesday,May18,2021 (9:30 a.m.) at the Huguenot Volunteer FireDepartmentConferenceRoom(1959 UrbineRoad).Foradditionalinformation, contacttheDepartmentofCommunity Developmentat(804)598-5621.
PowhatanCountyPublicSchoolsareintheprocess ofpurgingspecialeducationrecordsforstudentswho graduated,transferredorwithdrewfromPowhatan CountyPublicSchoolsduringthe2015-2016school year.Ifyouoryourchildmeetstheabovecriteriayou mayhavetheoriginalrecord.PleasecontactPowhatan HighSchooltoarrangetopick-uptherecords.We requestadvancenoticeoftwobusinessdayspriorto pickup.Officehoursavailableforpick-upare9:00a.m. to11:00a.m.FilesnotpickedupbyJune1,2021will bedestroyed.
GeneralReassessment Information
RepresentativesfromWamplerEanesAppraisalServiceareinthe processofvisitingeachparcelofpropertylocatedinPowhatan Countyforthepurposeofgeneralrealestatereassessment effectivefortaxyear2022.Duringthisprocess,assessorswillbe viewingandverifyingphysicalcharacteristicsofallproperties andimprovements. YoumayseetheWamplerEanesAppraisalServicesvehicleswith theCountySealonthedoorridingthroughyourneighborhood. Iftheyfeeltheyneedfurtherreview,thepropertymaybe identifiedforareturninspection.Asalways,theCountyhas requestedthatallpersonnelassociatedwithWamplerEanes wearapictureIDthatwillbeclearlyvisible.Allvehicleswillhave CountySealsdisplayedonthesidesofthevehicle. Ifyouhaveadditionalquestionsaboutthereassessmentprocess, pleasecall(804)598-5799or(804)598-5616tospeakwiththe CommissioneroftheRevenueOffice.


8302AUDLEY LANE RICHMOND,VA23227 Spacioustwo-storywith4bedrooms, 2.5baths,fencedbackyardwithin-groundpool. $385,000
88LOCUST GROVE ROAD CARTERSVILLE,VA23027 Lovelyhomewith3bedrooms,2fullbaths, openfloorplan.Private2.85acresetting. $189,950

3950MILL STATION DRIVE POWHATAN,VA23139 7.27acrecountryestate,spaciouscustomcape,4bedrooms,3full&2halfbaths,formal diningroom,livingroom/library,chef’skitchen,greatroom,sunroom,firstfloormaster, firstfloorhomeoffice,attachedthree-cargarage+detached36x24barn/workshop! Additional5.45acrelotavailable. $824,950

11731BEVILS BRIDGE ROAD AMELIA COURTHOUSE,VA23002 OneacresettingnearRt.153/MilitaryHwy. $74,950

2590, 2596, 2604, 2606 HUGUENOT SPRINGS ROAD MIDLOTHIAN, VA 23113 (PowhatanCounty) Fourrentalcottageseachwith2bedrooms, 1fullbath.FouracreswitheasyaccesstoRt.288 ineasternPowhatan. $699,950

3065JUDES FERRY ROAD POWHATAN,VA23139 ConvenienteasternPowhatanlocation!Justupdatedwithfreshlypaintedinterior andnewflooring.3bedrooms,2fullbaths.MinutestoRt.288! $289,950

830COLUMBIA ROAD COLUMBIA,VA23038 12.5+/-acrecountryestate,spaciouscustombuilthome4bedrooms,3.5baths.36x30DETACHEDGARAGE+ADDITIONAL36x17GARAGE ONTHEBACK!1stfloorbedroomsuitewithprivatebath&3closets.Openkitchen&greatroomwithfireplace&built-inbookcases.Two king-sizedbedroomsupstairsbothwithHUGEwalk-inclosetsandattachedstudy/playrooms.Beautifulsetting. $369,000

11949WBRIARPATCH LANE MIDLOTHIAN,VA23113 3bedrooms,2.5baths $1,600/month

3915FIGHTING CREEK DRIVE POWHATAN,VA23139 4bedrooms,3.5baths,3-CARGARAGE ShortTermLeaseAvailable $3,500/month

896FRENCHS STORE ROAD CUMBERLAND,VA23139 3bedrooms,2baths $1,495/month
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