6 minute read
Mike Courtois, co-owner of Courtois Signs, stands by his new workshop, which was rebuilt after a fire.
Company rebuilds after fi re
By Laura McFarland
POWHATAN – A Powhatan sign company that is celebrating 47 years in business this month is also happy to say they are almost back to normal after a fi re in 2020.
In October 2020, a fi re destroyed the external workshop at Courtois Signs, Graphics, Screen Printing and Embroidery, which is owned by Mike and Carol
Powhatan County Public Schools had three students place in the VSBA Art Contest. Winning artists are Luke Forkey, left, with his artwork ‘Zentangle Bunny,’ top left; Kasia Smith, not pictured, who made ‘Moonlight,’ top right, and Savannah Hall with her piece ‘Snow Owl.’

Contributed Report
Powhatan County Public Schools recently announced that three students won Southside Regional Awards in the 2021 Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) Art Contest.
Nineteen school divisions are members of the Southside Region. PCPS students won at all three levels: elementary, middle, and high school. Congratulations to the artists and their teachers.
First place elementary school
winner: Luke Forkey, Zentangle Bunny, Pocahontas Elementary School. Teacher: Elizabeth Martin.
Third place middle school win-
see VSBA, pg. 7
Continued from pg. 1 nance directors, and numerous staff members. She has run in fi ve elections – two with opponents.
Powhatan County has changed a great deal during that time, she said. When Barton fi rst started working for the county, the population was closer to 8,000 people. The treasurer’s offi ce had four employees, including Barton, who worked part-time in those days. The county collected real estate taxes and personal property taxes once a year, and, at the time, the treasurer’s offi ce wasn’t as persistent about collections as it is today.
“It was only 8,000 people and it is hard to collect from your neighbor,” she said.
As the county has grown and the treasurer’s offi ce took on more responsibility, the staff has changed along with it. The offi ce now has one part-time and seven full-time employees who stay busy collecting taxes twice a year and doing proration on a monthly basis, she said.
In her time as treasurer, Barton said she came to understand that while her offi ce deals in hard numbers, the job is often about working with people, especially those going through a diffi cult time.
“That is the hard part of this job but it is part of this job. It is important, because, if you don’t collect it, you have to write it off and that falls as a burden on other taxpayers,” Barton said.
At the same time, the treasurer said she was willing to work with people who were struggling with bills so they didn’t lose their homes.
“You have to be a servant to do this job because you are going to meet all kinds of people that walk through that door. Whether you agree with what they believe in it is your job to help them to the best of your ability,” she said.
Barton credited her staff members with so much of that work in serving the public.
“I wish I had more time here because I do think the world of them. I think I am going to miss them even more when I am gone than I already am. I haven’t had time to think about it. But I am excited about this next chapter because I will have more time with my husband,” she said.
Pauline Evans, deputy treasurer III, has worked for Powhatan County for 36 years. She started out in 1985 in the building inspector’s offi ce and transferred to the treasurer’s offi ce in 1995. Evans said it has been wonderful working with Barton since coming to the offi ce.
The two have butted heads through the years, Evans said, but she described Barton as “one smart lady.”
“She stands her ground when she knows it is right and she knows what is good for this offi ce. She will stand up to anybody and fi ght for her girls in this offi ce,” Evans said.
Evans agreed with Barton’s self-assessment about being precise about her fi gures down to the last penny.
“If it takes her a day and a half to fi nd that penny, she is going to fi nd it. If anything is off, she will fi nd it. She doesn’t stop until she fi nds it. We all know that,” Evans said with a smile.
When Barton announced she was retiring, Evans said she was initially sad but was still happy that her boss would have more time with her husband. Barton asked Evans, who was considering retirement, to stay until her term was up back when she thought she would be there until July 1. Evans’ last day will be June 30, which will take her to 36 years and one month of service to the county.
“It has been wonderful. We had some rough patches but we got through it and I am still here. You have your bad days. People don’t always agree. You’ve got to put it behind you,” Evans said. “I have enjoyed working with all the people and the knowledge I am coming out with of how an offi ce is supposed to be handled.”
Linda Jones, former human resources manager, worked for the county from 1999 to 2018. She said Barton was very welcoming when she fi rst started with the county – almost aggressively so.
“She was almost like a Mack truck. She wouldn’t take no for an answer. She was like come on we are going to lunch,” Jones said with a laugh.
The two women worked closely together through the years on payroll issues. Jones said she could tell Barton made her decisions with the county’ fi nancial interest as her top priority, but she was also reasonable when it came to working with people going through a rough patch.
Outside of work, Jones said she is also happy to count Barton as a friend and recalled a number of fun trips they took with others in the offi ce.
“She just was very generous and a great hostess. I really can remember just rolling on the fl oor laughing,” Jones said.
Karen Alexander, director of elections, said she has known Barton for 12 years. She worked with her whenever it was election time and Barton would need to come in and take care of paperwork.
“As a candidate working with her, it was very smooth and easy because she understood the process and was very grateful from whatever help she received from me,” Alexander said.
On a personal level, Alexander added that Barton is laid back, funny, and makes everyone around her feel important.
“She would engage with you and took interest in you and was just incredibly friendly,” Alexander said.
Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.
ReverendMarkA.Divens,Sr. Pastor PraiseandWorshipService SundaySchool9:45-10:45 SundayMorningWorship willbeginat11:00a.m.
“Godusesordinarypeopletodo extraordinarythings. Wewalkbyfaithandnotbysight” –PastorDarnellCarruthers
SundaySchool:10:00-10:45a.m. WorshipService:11:00a.m. 4731BellRoad, Powhatan,VA23139 804-598-5491
HollyHills BaptistChurch
www.HollyHillsBaptist.org (IndependentBibleBelieving) RandyBlackwell,Pastor
SundaySchool-10:00a.m. SundayMorningWorship-11:00a.m. YouthMinistry6:00p.m. AdultBibleStudy6:30p.m. WednesdayPrayerMeeting7:30PM 379-8930 1659AndersonHighway 3½mileseastofFlatRock
2591RidgeRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139 804-598-2051 Rev.BryanStevens,Pastor
MuddyCreek BaptistChurch
SundaySchool-9:45am Worship-11am WednesdayBibleStudy& PrayerService-7:00pm PastorJeffBeard,MA,MBA 3470TrenholmRoad www.muddycreekbaptist.org 375-9212
5680CartersvilleRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139
PastorGregoryL.BeechaumSr. “ThechurchwhereJesusisAlive”
9:00a.m.----SundaySchool 9:45a.m.-----Prayer&Praise 10:00a.m.---SundayMorningWorship 5thSundayat11a.m. HourofPower 7:30p.m.----TuesdayNightWorship& BibleStudy
804-375-9404 Hollywood
“AChurchWhereLove NeverFails!” PastorOtisB.Lockhart,Jr. 598-2763
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3920MAIDENSRD.,POWHATAN 804-598-2301
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3619HuguenotTrail Powhatan,Virginia23139 www.finecreekbaptist.org SundaySchool:9:45a.m. WorshipService:11:00a.m. Traditional
GracelandBaptistChurch Dr.RonaldWyatt,Jr.,Pastor
Contemporary–8:30a.m. SundaySchool–9:45a.m. Worship–11a.m. Children’sWorship–11a.m. Prayer/BibleStudy–Wed.6:30p.m. Children’sWorship(allages)–Wed.6:30p.m. NewGenerationPraise&Worship–Sunday6p.m. LighthouseYouth–Wed.5:30p.m. MiraclesofGodSp.NeedsService: 2p.m.the2ndSat.ofeachmonth 598-3481•975DorsetRoad www.gracelandbc.org
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Servicetimesare 8:30AMand10:15AM Worshiponlineat10:15AM 2202OldChurchRoad www.powhatanbaptist.org
Loving,Investing,Fulfilling,Empowering SeniorPastorJustinWilson SundayService10:30am 2410NewDorsetCircle www.Communitylifechurchpowhatan.org FeedingPowhatanOpen3rdWednesdayofthemonth
Sunday10am,11am&6pm Wednesday7pm