61 minute read
School board recognizes staff members

The Powhatan County School Board recognized the Support Staff of the Year at its May 11 meeting. Shown are Lisa Harris, from left, Mary Smith, and Angela Clarke. Amy Tucker is in individual shot. Not pictured are Veronica Sanders and Jarrod Lisker.
Contributed Report
The Powhatan County School Board recognized the important contributions of transportation employees and school support staff at its May 11 meeting.
The school board honored those individuals for building level awards of Support Staff of the Year as well as the transportation award of Bus Driver, Bus Assistant, and Mechanic of the Year.
The following staff members have been recognized by their school or department for their hard work and dedication to our students and the profession. Support Staff of Year 2020-21: Flat Rock Elementary, Veronica Sanders, secretary/bookkeeper; Powhatan Elementary, Angela Clarke, Mary Smith, and Donna (Lisa) Harris, Sodexo staff; Pocahontas Elementary, Amy Tucker, instructional assistant; Powhatan Middle, all support staff; and Powhatan High, Jarrod Lisker, computer technician. Bus Driver of the Year: David Funkhouser – There's a quote that “Being a school bus driver is not just a job, it's an adventure." Earlier this year, a PCPS driver encountered a situation that clearly illustrates this statement. In an unexpected encounter with wildlife on the bus, David Funkhouser’s professionalism as a driver was very apparent. Funkhouser maintained a calm, reassuring demeanor as he safely brought the bus to a stop to allow the surprise passenger to exit the bus. The professional manner in which he conducted himself in an unexpected event was an excellent example of how seriously Powhatan drivers take the safety of students they transport. Bus Assistant of the Year: Yvonne Howell – Although to some, Yvonne Howell may be a quiet presence, her impact on others is great. Described as helpful, caring, and reliable, it is no surprise that she is well loved by the students on the bus in which she serves as an aide. Sharing her wealth of experience to others as well as educating others on historical events, she positively impacts all those around her. Mechanic of the Year: Vincent Holman – While it is hard to single out one PCPS mechanic, Vincent Holman is this year's Mechanic of the Year. His professionalism and mechanical knowledge make him a great asset to PCPS transportation staff and students. As others, he has gone above and beyond this year, even fi lling in on bus routes that needed driver coverage.

The Powhatan County School Board recognized David Funkhouser, left, as the Bus Driver of the Year and Vincent Holman as Mechanic of the Year. Not pictured is Yvonne Howell, Bus Assistant of the Year.
High school honored with a continuous improvement award
Powhatan High School was recognized by the Powhatan County School Board at its May 11 meeting for receiving the 2020 Board of Education's Continuous Improvement Award through the Exemplar
Program. This award is for being accredited or accredited with conditions in the 2019-2020 school year and for significantly improving academic and school quality indicators for the past three years. To qualify, schools must have demonstrated one or more of the following: an increase in the academic achievement of all students in reading or mathematics; an increase in academic achievement for two or more student groups in reading and mathematics; an increase in graduation rates and a decrease in students who dropout of high school. This award was delayed due to operating and distribution concerns over the past year due to the pandemic. Dr. Mike Massa, principal, received the award on behalf of the staff and faculty of Powhatan High School.
Watermelon contest opens
Contributed Report
Powhatan 4-H is excited to host a Watermelon Growing Contest for youth ages 5 to 18 this summer.
Powhatan 4-H will provide the seeds and instructions, then the youth plant the seeds at home and care for their own patch. After caring for their melons for about 90 days, kids will bring their “best of the best” produce to the Powhatan Village Farmers Market on Thursday, Sept. 2, for the contest. Drop-off for the weigh-in is from 5 to 5:30 p.m. Winners will be announced at 6 p.m.
Prizes will be awarded for longest, cutest, roundest, heaviest and more! Children ages 5 to 8 will only participate; they not compete for prizes.
The deadline to register is June 15. Email Cathy Howland, Powhatan 4-H Extension Agent, at chowland@vt.edu to pre-register and instructions for picking up seeds and directions.
Continued from pg. 1
tially expressed interest in the student vaccine and then more than 200 actually signed up.
“I fi gured that it would be a lot lower in the sense that parents would want to wait over the summer to determine if they wanted to get them vaccinated. I would have thought it would be lower but I am happy to see the number that we had that responded,” she said.
Ahead of the clinic, the division let families know what vaccine would be available for their children and the benefi ts of them being vaccinated in the coming school year beyond the overall health protection and the potential benefi t of moving the schools closer to a return to normal, she said.
“If they are vaccinated and they come in contact with someone who tests positive, they will not be required to miss time from sports or from other activities,” she said.
As a county employee, LaToya Turner of Powhatan had already been vaccinated at a countysponsored clinic that went well. She brought her son, 14-year-old Deric Cypress, to receive his vaccine after talking to him about it.
“I did ask him how he felt about it. In discussing it with him, we just felt the best alternative was to get it. The main thing was he felt comfortable getting it also,” she said.
Robin Duty of Powhatan brought her two sons, Matthew, 15, and William 16, to the clinic to receive their fi rst doses.

Joe Sposa, an ESS contractor, administers a Pfizer vaccine to Madeline Gordon, 15, while her dad Scott Gordon watches.
Although William was eligible earlier because of his age, the family waited until the teens could get them at the same time.
“They are both traveling for a national bowling tournament in Indianapolis, and I know that is sort of a hot spot right now for COVID. We wanted to make sure they were vaccinated,” she said.
Duty appreciated that the school division offered the clinic and said the whole process was easy. They also liked that the boys would receive the Pfi zer shot, which carried less worry about side effects for them. She added that having had a mild case of COVID-19 that still sidelined her for two weeks, she wanted to protect against it happening again for her or her family.
William said he felt safe getting the vaccine and wanted to be part of the solution of keeping more people from getting sick.
Scott Gordon of Powhatan said he and his wife, Tammy, were already vaccinated through their work with Cumberland County Public Schools and their oldest child had received both doses as well. They were waiting to hear that younger people could be vaccinated so their daughter, Madeline, 15, was eligible and were eager to bring her to the school division’s clinic.
“Madeline was the last one standing in our family who was not vaccinated, and we wanted to make sure that Madeline had the same opportunity to get the vaccination protection that the rest of us have. And she was actually eager to be vaccinated,” he said.
Madeline said she was a little scared but also excited because of the freedom of movement that is expected to come with more people being vaccinated. The rising sophomore said it will be nice next year to go to school not as worried about catching the virus.
Powhatan native returns to open law offi ce
Contributed Report
Powhatan families ready to plan for the future, dealing with a health crisis, or with questions about how to plan for and pay for long-term care can now get help from a familiar face.
Powhatan native Lelia (Palmore) Winget-Hernandez and her husband and law partner, Michael Winget-Hernandez, are announcing the opening of Commonwealth Life and Legacy Counsel in Powhatan Courthouse. Services include estate planning, powers of attorney, long-term care and Medicaid planning, probate and estate administration, and elder law. The fi rm also focuses on special needs planning for loved ones with disabilities who may need long-term support through a trust or other fi nancial strategies.
For Lelia, who was born locally and graduated from Powhatan High School, the new offi ce is an exciting homecoming. Many locals knew Lelia’s mother, Nancy Palmore, who was the librarian at Powhatan High School for more than 30 years.
“I’m so thankful for the chance to provide these important services to the community that raised me,” Lelia said. “Michael and I have seen that many rural communities have limited options for elder law and estate planning needs, and it was important to us to offer these services here in my hometown. Anyone who has known me for more than fi ve minutes knows that I love Powhatan.”
The fi rm offers free initial consultations to help prospective clients understand their legal situation and ways the fi rm could help in a confi dential and relaxed setting.
“Of course, we are litigators, but our goal is always to keep families out of court and out of confl ict,” said Michael. “High-quality, intentional estate planning today is the best way to prevent those painful legal confl icts in the future.”
Through their efforts and education, the couple has established themselves as a voice for senior advocacy. On May 24, Lelia moderated a panel discussion at the Virginia Governor’s Conference on Aging. The topic was “Challenges and Opportunities in Addressing Elder Abuse During the Pandemic.” The discussion featured state and local elder abuse investigators and a long-term care ombudsman explaining their roles and giving suggestions for professionals (and the general public) on how to prevent, detect, and report elder abuse.
The Powhatan offi ce is located in Suite C of the Richardson Harris Boatwright Building at 3829 Old Buckingham Road. It is the third location for Commonwealth Life and Legacy Counsel. Their other offi ces are located at Zion Crossroads (Fluvanna County) and Lake Anna (Louisa County). Lelia and Michael have recently been named fi nalists in the Louisa County Chamber of Commerce’s Businessperson of the Year recognition program, and the fi rm was previously voted the Readers’ Choice Best Law Firm by the readers of the Rural Virginian Newspaper.

are flexible and can change based on provider availability.
Consider joining the dedicated group of volunteers who help keep Powhatan residents healthy in mind, body and spirit. Contact Connie Moslow at 804-379-6484. The Coalition of Powhatan Churches has available resources to help people who would like assistance in learning to manage their finances. If you know of anyone who needs or would like to have this service, or to get more information, call Robin Cupka at 804-801-9851.

June 9, 2021 Powhatan, Virginia Page 1B
Pfab wins regional singles championship

By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
MECHANICSVILLE – Every day, at least for two hours a day, Jacob Pfab has kept his game sharp on the tennis court. Even when it would rain, or when it was cold, he’d work out. He’d do sprints. He’d run cone drills. As Powhatan boys tennis’ head coach Lee Kelley put it, Pfab would make those calls to him, saying: “Hey coach, I need to put some time on the court.” And when it’s nice out, the Powhatan High School junior will play fi ve hours a day.
Those long sessions – and all the work he’s put in – came into play. Not long after he had played a three-set regional semifi nal doubles match that had lasted around 2 hours, Pfab’s ability to run down shots, cover the edge and slam powerful groundstrokes from baseline to baseline never wavered as he defeated Hanover opponent Ethan Belote 6-2, 6-0 to win the Class 4, Region B boys tennis singles championship.
“It feels good – all the work paid off,” said Pfab, who secured his fi rst regional title in singles. “Ethan’s a great player. It defi nitely wasn’t easy. I had to come out here and hit my shots. I didn’t take anything for granted.”
“It all paid off…practicing in the cold, running cone drills in the rain, it paid off,” Kelley said. “He deserves it – he defi nitely deserves it.”
Powhatan’s Jacob Pfab returns a ball during a Class 4, Region B boys tennis tournament match at Hanover High School.

Powhatan High School assistant softball coach Linda Farmer was honored for the 50 years she has dedicated to coaching Powhatan softball last Wednesday on Powhatan High School’s softball field.
Honoring 50 years of coaching

Powhatan assistant softball coach Linda Farmer (right) shares a fist-bump with Carsen Hogston after Hogston reached first base on a single in Powhatan softball’s 10-0, five-inning win over L.C. Bird last Wednesday at Powhatan High School.
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
POWHATAN -- From her storied coaching career – one that has spanned half a century and features 34 district championships, 21 state tournament appearances, two state runner-up fi nishes and fi ve state championships – Linda Farmer particularly remembers the players she coached across all of those years. She praised their dedication – their willingness to come out and work hard.
Their love for the game.
“Just great kids,” Farmer said. “We’ve been blessed with talent, but, more importantly than that, we’ve been blessed with good people, and that’s so important.”
On Wednesday, many of those former players came out to celebrate the 50 years that Coach Farmer has dedicated to coaching Powhatan softball.
“I can’t tell you what that meant to me. That was just an overwhelming day for me, it really was, just to know that softball has meant so much to them and that I possibly played a part in hopefully making them better people and certainly making them responsible citizens,” Coach Farmer said. “That’s been my goal all along, and it was overwhelming to see all of them come back today.”
see FARMER, pg. 2B
Greenhow runs 21.31 for record
Staff Reports
Last July, Anthony Greenhow ran a blazing personal-record time of 21.31 seconds in the 200-meter dash during an electronically timed run on Powhatan High School’s track.
While that time - along with an incendiary 10.49 that Greenhow ran in the 100 dash on the same day - helped increase schools’ interest in him, it didn’t go down as a Powhatan High School record because it wasn’t run during an offi cial meet.
Nearly a year later, Greenhow made sure that it did.
Barreling past his competitors at a blistering pace through the corner and setting sail down the front straightaway on his home track, the Powhatan High School senior and University of South Carolina signee ran yet another 21.31 to take fi rst in the 200-meter dash during Powhatan High School’s Senior Day track and fi eld home meet, which was held Wednesday.
Making Greenhow’s win even more special was the 1-2 fi nish that
see GREENHOW, pg. 3B

Powhatan’s Anthony Greenhow runs in the boys 100-meter dash.
C&FBank’sAthleteoftheWeek C&FBank’sAthletesoftheWeek
RepresentingPowhatanHigh Schoolandcompetingina May26,2021DominionDistrict outdoortrackandfieldmeetat MonacanHighSchool,Timmons,a senior,wontheboys1600-meter runin4:38,whichtiedhispersonal recordintheevent.
TimmonsalsoledaPowhatan sweepofthetopsixpositionsinthe boys3200-meterrun.Timmonswas followedbyIanTimmonsinsecond, EliTimmonsinthird,SeanSeibelin fourth,JoshHollandinfifthand LiamClancyinsixth.
Atthesamemeet,Goodrich, aPowhatanHighSchoolfreshman, wonthegirls3200-meterrunwitha timeof13:05.
Goodrichalsobroke6minutes withhersecond-placerunof5:59in thegirls1600.
Powhatan baseball storms past Bird 15-4

Powhatan’s Andrew Cheatham gets a lead off of first base in the Indians’ home finale versus L.C. Bird. Cheatham had a 3-run home run in the victory.
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
POWHATAN -- As the rain picked up over the course of Wednesday’s home fi nale, home plate was fl ooded by Powhatan’s base runners in the bottom of the fourth as they poured in 9 runs in the frame alone to ensure a 15-4 victory over L.C. Bird via the 10run rule in fi ve innings.
“It’s great for the seniors,” said junior Chase Gayness, who added of the fourth inning: “It was a great momentum shift, so that defi nitely helped get the momentum in our favor. We just took it from there.”
Andrew Cheatham smashed a 3-run home run in the Indians’ 9-run frame, following up Thomas Robinson’s 2-run double. Also in the inning, Gayness walked in senior teammate Connor Woodel, senior Ben Allanson scored on a passed ball and Josh Boelt drove in Gayness and Andrew Shifl ett on a 2-run line-drive single to left fi eld.
L.C. Bird led 2-0 after the gameopening half-inning, but the Indians responded with 3 runs in the bottom of the fi rst. After Boelt scored on a base hit from Carter Dawson, Woodel, facing 2 outs, bounced the 3-2 pitch into play, and an error by the fi rst baseman not only enabled Woodel to reach base, but also allowed Cheatham and senior Stone Talley to score.
After the Skyhawks tied the game in the top of the third, Powhatan went ahead for good in the bottom half-inning when Robinson rushed home on an infi elder’s error. Woodel, who was up to bat when Robinson scored, plated Talley on an RBI triple for the insurance run. He would soon score off of a sacrifi ce at-bat by Allanson.
The Skyhawks scored a run in the top of the fi fth as the rain came down harder, but Gayness, who was the third pitcher to take the mound for Powhatan in the inning, persevered in the wet conditions. Facing one out when he took over, Gayness forced a fl yball to right fi elder Allanson, then struck out the last batter for the fi nal two outs of the game.
“It was tough,” Gayness said of pitching in the rain, “but: just do your job, throw strikes, get it done.”
Cheatham batted 1 for 1 with the 3-run homer and 2 runs scored.
Boelt batted 3 for 3 with 2 RBI and 2 runs scored. Woodel batted 1 for 2 with an RBI, 2 runs and a triple. He also got the win in 4 innings pitched, scattering six hits and 3 earned runs and striking out four. He walked no one in Wednesday’s win.
Robinson batted 2 for 4 with 2 RBI, 2 runs and a double.
Dawson batted 2 for 4 with an RBI and a run scored.
Talley batted 1 for 2 with 2 runs scored. Gayness took two walks, scored 2 runs and had an RBI.
Continued from pg. 1B
Coach Farmer fi rst started coaching softball in the spring of 1972. She remembers how they used to have all of their games and all of their practices at Lonesome Oak Field near the Administration Building. Usually their run of the day consisted of going from home plate to the oak tree and back.
One of the many players that Farmer coached was Marie Crump, who fi rst played under Coach Farmer in her fi rst year of high school, graduated from Powhatan High School in 1976 and James Madison University in 1980 and became Powhatan’s head softball coach in 1981.
Coach Crump and Coach Farmer have been working side-by-side ever since, and along with the hundreds of players they have coached, they have built one of the most successful and storied softball programs in Virginia.
Earlier in the year, Powhatan High School senior and current varsity softball player Emmalee Lawson said she was always told that “if you were playing for Coach Crump and Coach Farmer, that you were blessed, because they’re some of the best coaches in Virginia, and have been for everyone to know.”
“It’s been great, and I wouldn’t want to coach with anybody else,” Coach Crump said. “It’s always special when you’ve been able to maintain the same coach, and I think that says a lot to the program, and I think that’s one reason we’ve had the success that we’ve had: just consistency.”
“She was a pretty incredible athlete herself,” Coach Farmer said of Coach Crump. “She loves the game just like all the other kids, but softball is just a very contagious sport.”
To Coach Farmer, one of the common traits shared by all of the different players who have come through the program over the past half-century has been their love of softball.
“Softball’s a great game, and I love it, and the kids loved it, and we just share that love,” Farmer said. “It’s just an incredible game.”
And you can tell, Coach Crump said, that Coach Farmer “loves the game, and she loves working with the players, and that’s what it’s all about.”
During the ceremony, the group of current and former players, administrators, teachers and coaches who came out to celebrate Coach Farmer’s 50 years of coaching stretched all the way across the lower diamond of Powhatan’s softball

Powhatan assistant softball coach Linda Farmer is surrounded by her current Powhatan softball players as she is honored last Wednesday at Powhatan High School for her 50 years of coaching Powhatan softball.
fi eld from third base to fi rst.
With her players, both past and present, standing behind her, Coach Farmer gestured to them, emphasizing their role in Powhatan softball’s successes over the decades.
“They are the reason I’m here,” Farmer said. “A lot of people have asked me… ‘Why do you stay in coaching so long?’ And it’s because of them, because, every year, I say, ‘Well, maybe it’s time,’ and then a new group comes in and you say, ‘I can’t leave these kids hanging.’ You go right back to it.”
Softball has been a huge part of Coach Farmer’s life.
“I don’t know what I’d do without it...I’d get bored to death,” Farmer said with a laugh. “But hopefully I’ve had an infl uence on some of the kids’ lives and have helped make them better people and better citizens. That’s been my goal.”
Continued from pg. 1B
After Belote won the fi rst game of the championship match and led 30-15 in the second, Pfab gained momentum with his serve. He went-ahead 40-30, then tied the set at 1 game apiece on both a groundstroke return from the baseline and a powerful fi rst serve, both of which Belote hit into the net.
Pfab set the tone in the third game when he stayed on the run in a wild rally before delivering a clear winner down the right set while in transition for the fi rst point. He took a 30-15 lead when Belote netted Pfab’s backhand return, then held out for the break point and a 2-1 lead after Belote double-faulted twice.
Pfab in the fourth game rallied from an advantage-out point with the help of another fi ery fi rst serve and won the game for a 3-1 lead thanks to another backhand return.
Belote swept the fi fth game to trail 3-2, but Pfab rallied from a 30-15 defi cit to win his next game while serving, then broke Belote’s serve again on straight points to lead 5-2.
That seventh game featured one of the points that saw Pfab draw Belote to the net on a drop shot, catch hold of Belote’s return shot and drive the winner past Belote and into clear court.
“Sometimes you’re just guessing, but sometimes you can see a little fl icker in his eye,” Pfab said. “You can just see, ‘Oh, he’s going to my backhand,’ so you step over there, but sometimes it’s just guessing.”
“Again, it’s all based on practice,” Kelley said. “If you have a plan, you execute that plan, you get the results that you need…and the intensity of executing that plan will be the results, and you could see it.”
Pfab won a similar point to open the eighth game of the fi rst set with a 15-0 lead, then went up 40-0 after quickly covering the left edge on a powerful return shot from Belote for his second, and also after seeing Belote hit out one of Pfab’s fi rst serves.
Pfab bounced back from a doublefault to deliver a winner on a low re-

From left: Region 4B singles boys tennis champion Jacob Pfab, from Powhatan, stands with regional runner-up Ethan Belote, from Hanover; Powhatan’s Jimmy Frame serves in the regional semifinals for doubles.
turn shot and take the fi rst-to-6 set in eight games.
The fi rst set was a matter of patience, Kelley pointed out.
“He knows and I know that the fi rst four games of any match pretty much determines the momentum,” Kelley said. “He rode it out. That was it. The tidal wave happened.”
Pfab bounced back from a 40-15 defi cit in the fi rst game of the second set to break Belote’s serve when he ran down a shot, then responded to Belote’s return stroke with a volley that Belote hit out.
From there, Pfab seized the momentum and rolled out to a 3-0 lead with the help of quick defending and powerful groundstrokes. He also persevered in an 18-point fourth game while serving, and he put away the sixth and fi nal game of the set and the match with a winner down the right side.
Pfab had reached Thursday’s Region 4B fi nal by winning two tournament matches in singles the day before. In the fi rst round he won 6-0, 6-0 over Mechanicsville’s Preston Edmonds, whom Pfab earlier this year had defeated via a tiebreaker in a USTA Juniors tournament. Kelley noted that, “through hundreds of hours of training and playing some of the top area players, Jacob was able to take his game to another level.”
Pfab broke his opponent’s serve in the fi rst game of the fi rst set and won most rallies throughout the match. Edmonds put up a fi erce battle in the fourth game, but the constant pressure of Pfab’s serve won out, and Pfab took the fourth game en route to sweeping the set.
Pfab remained resilient in spite of what Kelley said were some excellent rallies from Edmonds to deliver a 6-0 second set, adding two service winners and two bounding rallies to Edmonds’ backhand in the closing stretch.
In the regional semifi nals, Pfab rallied out of a 3-1 defi cit to overtake Courtland’s Matthew Leonard 7-5 in the fi rst set and then close out the match with a 6-0 run in the second to advance to the fi nal. The second set was all Pfab’s set, said Kelley, who pointed to his serves fi nding their mark, his unreturnable forehand and footwork that helped Pfab chase down all of Leonard’s best shots.
In the Class 4, Region B boys tennis doubles tournament Pfab and his partner Jimmy Frame also stunned the No. 1 seed of Leonard and Gabe Avelino from Courtland to reach the semifi nals.
Powhatan was the fi rst to strike, and surprised everyone with a 4-1 lead.
Playing off each other’s shot placements and court coverage, the Powhatan duo won the fi rst set with Pfab serving it out to ensure the 6-3 set win.
Courtland didn’t surrender. Helped by strong shot making, Leonard and Avelino broke Pfab’s serve to go-ahead 3-1 and then held serve for a 4-1 secondset lead.
But Frame in the next game held serve, and his and Pfab’s net play and hand speed started taking over. Aided by key volley exchanges at the net, Pfab and Frame earned the points they needed to get back into the match. They broke Avelino’s serve, and then Pfab held serve to tie the match at 4-all.
Leonard was serving for a 5-4 lead with his fans coming alive, but strong communication and courageous play gave Powhatan the break point, with Frame serving in the next game.
Courtland rallied to force deuce, but Frame delivered a service winner, and a reaction shot that landed deep into the corner helped secure the 6-4 second set and match win for Powhatan.
Frame and Pfab’s run in doubles, however, would end the next day in the semifi nals against Mechanicsville’s Edmonds and Matthew Lavinder, who eventually fi nished the tournament as regional runners-up. Frame and Pfab fended off the duo to win the fi rst set 6-4, but Edmonds and Lavinder won both the second and third sets 6-2 and 6-3.
Pfab will play his Class 4 state semifi nal match on Friday, June 11 at Huntington Park in Newport News at 10 a.m.
Pfab plans on going into that match with a winning mindset.
“You’ve got to be confi dent when you’re out here,” Pfab said. “You’ve just got to be confi dent and you’ve got to play your game. Sometimes it’s all you can do. If you lose, so what? At least you played your game.”
Staff Reports
In its fi nal week of the 2021 campaign, Powhatan showed the improvement it made over the course of the season when it blanked L.C. Bird 3-0 for its second shutout win of the season and its third overall.
Following a seasonending 3-0 loss to Cosby - another improvement from when Powhatan lost 5-0 in its opener - the Indians will look to continue to grow under secondyear head coach Willie Miles, who was also taking on his fi rst regular season at the helm after COVID-19 cut the 2020 season short.
“The two biggest signs of improvements that I have seen since our second game of the year to (our) ninth game when we played the Skyhawks and other opponents within our squad has been the more consistent play with our back line and the progression of moving the ball confi dently in the fi nal third more,” Miles said. “Within our backline, it took some shuffl ing around within our personnel to get a sound unit that clicks in unity.”
And they’ve made life a little easier for their sophomore keeper, Tucker Thomas, to operate and allow them to not have to defend constantly, Miles added.
“Within our attacking methods, we have progressed well into diversifying our approach against these teams,” Miles said. “We have also played it more to our playmakers in the middle and have allowed them more freedom to create chances. That has been evident in our past three contests and I am confi dent to see that same mindset moving forward.”
In the victory over the Skyhawks, Fischer Daniel put the Indians on the scoreboard with a goal off of an assist from Parker Sloan. Senior captain Zach Shelor netted the insurance goal on a penalty kick set up by Colton Hiatt, and Connor Nickerson added goal no. 3, with Daniel making the assist on Nickerson’s goal.
“Even though it took longer than expected, we fi nally put most of what we have been trying to achieve as a team together with the principles that we emphasized in this game from start to fi nish,” Miles said. “We created over six realistic chances at goal in the fi rst 10 minutes of the game and at least fi nished one into the back of the net.
“Of course, we want to score as many goals as we can, but it was awesome seeing the guys put the pressure on the opposition to battle back instead of us having to come from behind like we have done in previous contests,” Miles said. “From there, it went relatively smoothly the rest of the game.”
The biggest boost, Miles added, was having Shelor, back in the mix after he was out due to injury.
“He brought that needed energy back into our team, especially with our attacking presence in the central midfi eld,” Miles said. “I am happy he was able to contribute effectively like he has done in the past over three years. We will miss him and the other seniors greatly next year.”
As a young team in age and varsity experience, they knew there were going to be multiple learning moments throughout the entire year, Miles said. And after Miles got to see the concepts that their new Dominion District opponents threw at them, he’s ready to implement an effective offseason initiative across the board to get the program ready for the 2022 campaign.

Powhatan’s boys soccer team comes together during last Tuesday’s game at L.C. Bird.
Indians became 2nd team in 2021 to score on Cosby
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor

POWHATAN -- Cosby’s girls soccer team not only went into Thursday’s match at Powhatan High School on an unbeaten record, but it had only given up goals – two total – to just one team this season: James River.
Seconds before the end of the fi rst half, Powhatan became the second team to score on this year’s Titans.
Taking hold of a free kick, Bella Russell smashed it in an upward trajectory, and Cosby’s goalie got an outstretched hand on it.
She defl ected the ball higher and into the topshelf netting behind her, propelling the Indians into a 1-0 lead.
Ultimately, the stunner would not happen. Ella Knight hit a game-tying goal 12 minutes inside the second half, and Abbey Muir notched the goahead shot with 5:30 to play, ultimately pushing Cosby past Powhatan 2-1 and keeping the Titans undefeated going into the playoffs.
But the result didn’t keep Powhatan’s season fi nale from being a strong end to the very young team’s strong debut in the formidable Dominion District.
For both senior captains Sarah Amiss and Sarah McFadden, it was a season to remember.
“I’m just really glad we were able to play this year,” said McFadden, who had come back from an injury to contribute to Powhatan’s standout showing in its fi nale. “It’s been incredible. I’ve been on this team for four years, fi ve years now. I’m just happy to be here.”
“I think everyone left it on the fi eld, and this was defi nitely the best team I could ask for, and Sarah could say the same for our senior year,” Amiss said. “We really went out with a bang.”
“This was defi nitely our season,” McFadden said. “I’m really happy with how it went down.”
In its challenging district, Powhatan’s young team – featuring at least eight sophomores and fi ve freshmen – swept James River 2-1 and 1-0, defeated Clover Hill 3-1 and blanked both L.C. Bird 10-0 and Manchester 5-0. Three of the Indians’ fi ve losses were by 1 goal, including two narrow 2-1 setbacks to Region 4B opponent Monacan.
When it came to challenging Cosby in Thursday’s home match, McFadden was really happy with how they played the Titans.
“Especially being a young team…we’ve improved so much,” McFadden said.
To Amiss, everyone was there for the team.
“And there were so many bonds created,” Amiss said, “and I defi nitely think this is the tightest team we ever had.”
“I’m just happy to be connected,” McFadden said. “I don’t even care how the score went down. I made so many good friends here. I’m really happy with how we connected. It’s amazing.”
Powhatan head coach Jared Rottmund praised this year’s senior leadership, calling it phenomenal.
“These ladies stepped up with the most ninth graders – I mean it was a young, young team,” Rottmund said, “and these ladies made just everything fun…they will be missed.”
“It was such a great opportunity to take them under our wings,” Amiss said.
“I feel like they have so much experience now just from where we started (to) where we are now,” McFadden said.
“I can’t wait to come home and see what they’re doing,” Amiss said of their younger teammates. “It’s going to be great.”

Powhatan head girls soccer coach Jared Rottmund stands with senior captains Sarah Amiss (left) and Sarah McFadden (right) following Powhatan girls soccer’s 2021 season finale versus Cosby at Powhatan High School on Thursday.
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Continued from pg. 1B he and fellow senior teammate Aaron Nash delivered in the 200. Nash, who was a standout player for Powhatan football and also made a positive impact on Powhatan basketball this past winter, ran a time of 22.86.
Earlier in the day, Greenhow ran another school-record time of 10.64 to win the boys 100 dash. Nash added a fourth-place fi nish of 11.33 in the 100.
Also winning fi rst place for Powhatan was senior Gavin Timmons, who dominated the boys 3200 run with a PR of 10:11.36. Also from Powhatan, freshman Sean Seibel took third place in the 3200 in 11:18.35, and sophomore Liam Clancy fi nished fourth in 14:06.98.
Asher Timberlake earned two podium fi nishes for Powhatan, placing third both in the boys discus with a throw of 112 feet, 8 inches, and in the boys shot put with a throw of 39 feet, 8 ¾ inches. Timberlake’s teammate and fellow junior Jack Altieri placed fi fth in the shot put with a throw of 36 feet, 6 inches.
Mayson Jenkins led the girls with a podium fi nish as she took third in the girls 200 dash in 28.42. Also from Powhatan, Hanna Vosburg fi nished fourth in the 200 in 28.55, and Ari Taylor ran the race in 32.96. In the girls 100, Jenkins, Vosburg and Taylor ran respective times of 13.85, 13.93 and 15.45.
Freshman Ian Timmons led Powhatan’s runners in the boys 1600 with a fourth-place time of 4:54.06. Freshman Eli Timmons won the fi rst heat of the 1600 in 5:08.69. Also running in the boys 1600 for Powhatan were sophomore Joshua Holland (5:19.52) and freshman Tane Jeffs (5:27.97). Eli, Holland and Jeffs also ran respective times of 2:18.21, 2:21.27 and 2:32.56 in the boys 800.
Freshman Olivia Goodrich led Powhatan’s runners in the girls 1600 run with a time of 5:52.99. Sophomore Raquel Iga and seniors Marissa Lampkin, Alexis Elzey and Carly Dolan ran respective times of 6:35.63, 6:36.54, 6:37.22 and 7:47.58 in the 1600. Goodrich, Lampkin, Elzey and Dolan also ran respective times of 2:45.51, 3:02.58, 3:04.38 and 3:37.92 in the girls 800.
Additional boys discus competitors from Powhatan were Altieri (88 feet, 8 inches), sophomore Richard Huber (87 feet, 1 ½ inch) and Jack Dennis (79 feet, 11 inches). Huber also competed in the boys shot put with a throw of 33 feet, 3 inches.
In the girls fi eld events, freshman Leyla Sakrisson had throws of 61 feet, 6 inches in the girls discus and 24 feet, 8 ½ inches in the girls shot put. Also from Powhatan, freshman Madeline Barnswell had throws of 44 feet, 5 ½ inches in the discus and 17 feet, 6 ¾ inches in the shot put. Sakrisson also ran a time of 1:00.83 in the girls 300-meter hurdles.
Amanda Eacho ran a 1:21.83 in the girls 400.
Powhatan’s Senior Day meet honored the efforts and contributions of seniors Carly Dolan, Alexis Elzey, Anthony Greenhow, Micah Holt, Marissa Lampkin, Aaron Nash and Gavin Timmons.

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3 FS1 Unrivaled ››› “Hoosiers” (1986) Gene Hackman. FOX Soccer Boxing Å 4 ESPN 8 8 2021 Women’s College World Series MLB Baseball: Royals at Angels Wheel Jeopardy Press Your Luck A Million Little Things (N) Å (DVS) News Kimmel 9 6 11 35 News Holly Darndest Things S.W.A.T. “Buried” S.W.A.T. (In Stereo) News Colbert Big Bang Big Bang MasterChef Å Crime-Kitchen Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam 12 12 15 WGN-A ET Inside Chicago Med Chicago Fire Chicago P.D. News J. Fallon The Donlon Report NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report 22 QVC Skechers (N) (Live) In the Kitchen With David - PM Edition Maran Cosm. L. Geller Makeup 23 3 PBS NewsHour (N) Operation Maneater NOVA (In Stereo) Nazi Weapons Amanpour-Co 24 57 Inside Time/By Jane Austen:: “The Chaperone on Masterpiece” (2018) PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time Don Lemon Tonight Don Lemon Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Å FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å 33 USA 34 TNT Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Queen of the South Law & Order: SVU ›› “The Legend of Tarzan” (2016) NBA Basketball (N) (In Stereo Live) Å In NBA
35 TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Conan Full
37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM 44 DISC Court Court Court Court Court Court Court Court Court Court Two Men Two Men 2021 CMT Music Awards: (N) (In Stereo Live) Å ››› “The Rundown” (2003) South Park Å South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Yankers Daily South Pk Expedition Expedition Unknown (N) Å Curse of Akakor Secrets of the 47 TLC Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Filth Fighter (N) Stories of the ER 48 ANPL 53 FREE 54 TVL 55 TCM North Woods Law North Woods Law: Wildside (N) ››› “The Parent Trap” (1998, Children’s) Lindsay Lohan. Å Andy G. Andy G. 2021 CMT Music Awards: (N) (Live) Å “Andy Hardy” ››› “Arsenic and Old Lace” (1944) North Woods Law North Woods Law The Bold Type Å The 700 Club Å King King King ›››› “Singin’ in the Rain” (1952) 58 HALL 60 LIFE “Mr. Darcy” “Love to the Rescue” (2019, Romance) Rizzoli & Isles Å Married-Sight Married at First Sight Golden Golden Golden Golden (N) Å Married-Sight 61 HGTV Property Brothers Property Brothers Bargain Block (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games ›‡ “Nobody’s Fool” (2018) Å Tyler Perry’s Sistas BET- Encore Tyler Perry’s Sistas “Cult of Chucky” ›› “Child’s Play 2” (1990) Alex Vincent. ›‡ “Child’s Play 3” (1991, Horror) Å “Con Air” (1997) ›››‡ “Lethal Weapon” (1987, Action) Mel Gibson. “Lethal Weapon 2” (1989) “We’re the Millers” 2021 CMT Music Awards: (N) (Live) Å 2021 CMT Music Awards: 177 HIST Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire (N) Forged in Fire Forged in Fire
3 FS1 Hub NASCAR Pregame Women’s Soccer: Summer Series FOX Soccer Soccer 4 ESPN NBA NBA Basketball: Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA. NBA Basketball 8 8 Wheel Jeopardy Real Rebel: Rebel “Trial Day” Rebel “36 Hours” News Kimmel 9 6 News Holly Sheldon United-Al Mom B Posi Clarice (In Stereo) News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC Big Bang Big Bang Beat Shazam (N) LEGO Masters Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside Manifest (Season Finale) (In Stereo) Å Law & Order News J. Fallon The Donlon Report NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report Women, Control Down Home with David (N) (Live) Å 23 3 PBS NewsHour (N) Untamed Reel Craft in America Halifax: Retribution: Amanpour-Co 24 57 Untamed How She Prince Philip: Queen Garden: American Masters PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time Don Lemon Tonight Don Lemon Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å ››› “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (2015) Robert Downey Jr. ››› “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (2015) Bones (In Stereo) ››‡ “Jack Reacher” (2012, Action) Tom Cruise. “Jack Reacher” Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang The Cube (Series Premiere) (N) Å Conan Cube The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Nightwatch (N) Å The First 48 Å ››› “Role Models” (2008, Comedy) Å ››› “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” (2008) Å Role Office The Office Å Office Office Office Office Office Daily Yankers 44 DISC Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue “Dead of Winter” (N) Off the Grid Off the Grid 47 TLC Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper My 600-Lb. Life “Melissa M’s Story” Family by the Ton 48 ANPL 53 FREE Lone Star Law Lone Star Law: Uncuffed (N) (In Stereo) Louisiana Law Lone Star Law ›› “A Walk to Remember” ››› “Wonder” (2017, Drama) Julia Roberts. Å The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “A Star Is Born” › “Riot in Juvenile Prison” “So Young, So Bad” (1950) “So Evil-Young” “It Was Always” “You Had Me at Aloha” (2021) Å Golden Golden Golden Golden Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Married at First Sight (N) Å Cellmate Secrets 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT Fixer to Fabulous Christina/Coast Christina/Coast Hunters Hunt Intl Happily Hunters Beat Beat Beat Beat Restaurant: Impossible (N) Å Beat Beat ›› “Harlem Nights” (1989, Comedy) ›› “Boomerang” (1992, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. Å “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” ›› “White House Down” (2013) Channing Tatum. Cold “Lethal Weapon 2” ››› “Lethal Weapon 3” (1992, Action) Mel Gibson. ›› “Lethal Weapon 4” (1998) Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man TBA 2021 CMT Music Awards: Å 177 HIST Mountain Men Mountain Men (N) (In Stereo) Alone “Open Season” (N) Mountain Men
3 FS1 The Spring League Football: Linemen vs Alphas. (Live) Å The Spring League Football 4 ESPN 8 8 9 6 NBA NBA Basketball: Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA. Wheel Jeopardy Emergency Call (N) 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News Holly Magnum P.I. Å Magnum P.I. Å NBA Basketball News Kimmel Blue Bloods News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC 23 3 Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) News First Spo DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside ››‡ “Minions” (2015, Children’s) Dateline NBC Å News J. Fallon The Donlon Report NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report Fri-YAY! With Courtney and Jane Denim & Co. Å DaretoShareBeauty With Shawn (Live) PBS NewsHour (N) Wash Hoover American Masters (In Stereo) Å (DVS) Amanpour-Co 24 57 Buzz Unwine’d Antique Roadshow Queen Elizabeth The World Is: PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time Don Lemon Tonight Barack Obama:
28 MSNBC The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour 29 CNBC 30 FOXN Shepard Smith American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å 33 USA 34 TNT 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM 44 DISC Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. ››› “Captain America: Civil War” (2016, Action) Chris Evans. All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (N) Å The Cube Å ››‡ “Fast & Furious 6” (2013, Action) Vin Diesel. “The Hitman’s Bodyguard” The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Court Court ››‡ “Jack Reacher” (2012, Action) Tom Cruise. Å ››‡ “Jack Reacher” (2012) Tom Cruise. Office Office Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek South Park Å Gold Rush: D. Turin Gold Rush (N) Å Bering Sea Gold (N) (In Stereo) Å Bering Sea Gold 47 TLC 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? (N) 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever 90 Day 48 ANPL 53 FREE River Monsters River Monsters: Deadliest Man-Eaters River Monsters River Monsters Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “The Blue Angel” ››› “Million Dollar Mermaid” (1952) ››› “Royal Wedding” (1951) Meet Me “Brush-Love” “The Christmas House” (2020) Å Golden Golden Golden Golden Rizzoli & Isles Å “Drew Peterson: Untouchable” Cellmate Secrets “Drew Peterson”
61 HGTV Dream Dream Dream Dream Frozen Frozen Dream Dream Dream Dream
62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners ›› “Boomerang” ›› “All Eyez on Me” (2017, Biography) Demetrius Shipp Jr. Tyler Perry’s Sistas White ›››‡ “Ghostbusters” (1984, Comedy) Bill Murray. Van Helsing (N) FuturamaFuturama “Lethal Weapon 4” ››‡ “Shooter” (2007, Suspense) Mark Wahlberg. Å ››‡ “Man on Fire”
146 CMT Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom 177 HIST Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens
3 FS1 Pre 145th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show “Day 1” (N) (Live) Å Westminster 4 ESPN 8 8 NBA Basketball UFC 263: Adesanya - Prelims Boxing Wheel Jeopardy NBA NBA Basketball: TBA at Utah Jazz. (N) (Live) Å News NCIS 9 6 Bensin Carbon Auto Race 48 Hours (In Stereo) News Storm of 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC 23 3 24 57 MLB Baseball: San Francisco Giants at Washington Nationals. News Mod Fam Name That Tune 12 News Welcome Olympic Trials America’s Got Talent “Auditions 2” Å News SNL NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield Å Banfield Å NewsNation Prime DaretoShareBeauty With Shawn (Live) Belle by Kim Gravel QVC Birthday Month Kickoff (Live) Å Lawrence Welk Father Brown Å Murder Midsomer Murders Blue Song of Mountains Human-World Operation Maneater NOVA (In Stereo) Reel South Å Independent Lens
27 CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Stanley Tucci Stanley Tucci Stanley Tucci 28 MSNBC American Voices Week-Johnson Week-Johnson American Voices Week-Johnson
29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM 44 DISC Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Life, Liberty Watters’ World Å Justice Judge Unfiltered with Dan Watters’ World Å “Jurassic Park” ››‡ “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997) Jeff Goldblum. “Jurassic Park III” “Blended” (2014) ›››‡ “Crazy Rich Asians” (2018) Constance Wu. “Crazy Rich Asians” (2018) “Star Wars: R” Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang The Cube Å Mick Foley: Andre the Giant (In Stereo) Å Biography: Stone Cold Steve Austin: ›››› “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (1981, Adventure) “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” (1989) Å ››› “Knocked Up” (2007) ›› “We’re the Millers” (2013) Jennifer Aniston. “Pineapple Exp” Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid XL (In Stereo) Å
47 TLC Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper
48 ANPL 53 FREE Crikey! Crikey... Irwins Crikey... Irwins Crikey... Irwins Crikey... Irwins ››› “Monsters University” (2013, Children’s) Å ›››‡ “Frozen” (2013) Voices of Kristen Bell. Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Two Men Two Men Two Men Two and Half Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “Ship of Fools” ›››‡ “Doctor Zhivago” (1965, Romance) Omar Sharif, Julie Christie. Å (DVS) 58 HALL 60 LIFE “All Summer Long” (2019, Romance) “The Baker’s Son” (2021, Romance) “Soccer Mom” “Left for Dead: Ashley Reeves” “Girl in the Basement “Taking a Shot ” (2021) Å ”
61 HGTV Vacation House Vacation House Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It
62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT Diners, Drive Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners “All Eyez on Me” ››‡ “The Five Heartbeats” (1991, Drama) Robert Townsend, Michael Wright. Ghost ››‡ “Ghostbusters II” (1989, Comedy) Bill Murray. ››‡ “Cowboys & Aliens” (2011) Å “Shooter” (2007) ›››› “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994) Tim Robbins. “Private Ryan” Museum ››‡ “Jumanji” (1995, Children’s) Robin Williams. ››‡ “Night at the Museum” (2006) Å 177 HIST Forged in Fire Vikings (In Stereo) Vikings (In Stereo) Buried: Knights: Buried: Knights:
3 FS1 NASCAR RaceDay NASCAR Cup Series Women’s Soccer: Summer Series 4 ESPN MLB Baseball: St. Louis Cardinals at Chicago Cubs. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (Live) SportsCenter (Live) 8 8 9 6 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A Funny Videos Celebrity Fam The Chase (N) To Tell the Truth News NCIS 60 Minutes (N) Å The Equalizer Å NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: New Orleans News The Preshow: 145th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (N) (In Stereo Live) Å News Attkisson Olympic Trials Olympic Trials Olympic Trials Small Fortune Å News Greta NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield Å Banfield Å NewsNation Prime 22 QVC Dyson Cleaning (N) WEN Chaz Dean Susan Graver Style Sunday Night Q With Jen and Rachel (N)
23 3 Prince Philip: Very British: Victoria & Albert Victoria & Albert Austin City Limits
24 57 Native America Secrets of Dead “Lavender Scare” “Clarence Clemons” Currents
27 CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Barack Obama: United Shades State-Union
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC American Voices Mehdi Hasan Week-Johnson American Voices Mehdi Hasan Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Å
30 FOXN Sunday Night Life, Liberty Revolution Sunday Night Life, Liberty
33 USA 34 TNT 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM 44 DISC Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Pre- NBA Basketball (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Inside the NBA (N) The Cube “Godzilla” (2014) ›› “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” (2019) The Cube Å Godzilla Ultimate Warrior: WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures (N) Å WWE’s Most WWE’s Most Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å ›› “We’re the Millers” (2013) ››› “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues” (2013) South Pk South Pk Naked and Naked and Afraid XL (N) (In Stereo) Å Naked and Afraid 47 TLC 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? (N) Extreme Sisters (N) 90 Day Fiancé 48 ANPL 53 FREE Louisiana Law Louisiana Law Louisiana Law (N) Louisiana Law Lone Star Law ›››‡ “Coco” (2017) Voices of Anthony Gonzalez. ›››‡ “Moana” (2016) Voices of Dwayne Johnson. 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV Two Men Two Men Two Men Two and Half Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “American-Emily” ›› “How to Steal a Million” (1966) Å ›››› “Topkapi” (1964) Melina Mercouri. “The Baker’s Son” (2021, Romance) Good Witch Å Golden Golden Golden Golden “Left for Dead” “Secrets of a Gold Digger Killer” (2021) “Murder in the Vineyard” (2020) Å Home Town Å Home Town Home Town Home Town Home Town
62 FOOD Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Food Truck Race Beat Beat Beat Beat
66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT New Edition The Bobby Brown Story “Part 1” The Bobby Brown Story Ghost II ››‡ “Armageddon” (1998, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis. Å ›‡ “Death Wish” (2018) “Taken 2” (2012) Fear the Walking Fear the Walking Talking Dead Å Gangs of London: To Be Announced ››› “The Rundown” (2003, Adventure) The Rock. “Lincoln Lawyer”
177 HIST Built America Built America Built America Snack Snack Built America
JUNE 9 - JUNE 15
3 FS1 The Herd with Colin Cowherd Speak for Yourself
Fox Skip Hub Varied 4 ESPN SportsCenter Varied UEFA Varied Programs SportC Pardon SportsCenter 8 8 GMA3: What General Hosp. Drew Barrymore Dr. Phil 8 News 8 News News ABC 9 6 Young Bold The Talk Ellen Show CBS6 News News News News CBS 11 35 Funny Funny Wendy Williams Maury Steve Wilkos Judge Judge Fam Fam 12 12 Days of Lives Kelly Clarkson Tamron Hall News at 4PM News News News News 15 WGN-A Heat of Night Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods NewsNation 22 QVC Varied Programs 23 3 Peg Donkey Tiger Arthur Wild Odd Cyber CuriousSciGirlsBiz Kid News BBC 24 57 Varied SciGirlsCuriousBiz Kid Varied Programs Amanpour-Co 27 CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper Jake Tapper Situation Room 28 MSNBC MTP Daily Reports Reports Deadline: White House The Beat With 29 CNBC The Exchange Power Lunch Closing Bell Fast Varied Mad Money 30 FOXN America Reports The Story Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report 33 USA Varied Programs 34 TNT Supernatural Supernatural Varied Programs 35 TBS Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Amer. Amer. Amer. Amer. Family Family 37 A&E Varied Programs 39 PARMT Bar Rescue Mom Mom Mom Mom Two Two Two Two Two Two 40 COM Varied Programs Office Office Office Office Office Office 44 DISC Varied Programs 47 TLC Varied Programs 48 ANPL Pit Bulls and Parolees Lone Star Law Varied Programs 53 FREE Middle Middle Varied Programs Movie Varied 54 TVL Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith 55 TCM Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Movie Var. Programs Movie Varied 58 HALL Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Movie Movie 60 LIFE Major Crimes Major Crimes Major Crimes Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles 61 HGTV Varied Programs 62 FOOD Varied Programs 66 BET Prince Prince BrownsBrownsMovie Varied Programs Movie Varied 127 SYFY Movie Varied Programs Movie Var. Programs 138 AMC Movie Varied Programs Movie 146 CMT King King King King King King Last Last Last Last Last Last 177 HIST Varied Programs
3 FS1 To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced
4 ESPN 8 8 9 6 MLB Baseball: Chicago Cubs at New York Mets. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (Live) SportsCenter (Live) Wheel Jeopardy The Bachelorette (In Stereo) Å (DVS) Celeb-Dating News Kimmel News Holly Neighbor Bob NCIS: New Orleans Bull (In Stereo) Å News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC Big Bang Big Bang Hell’s Kitchen (N) House Duncan Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside U.S. Olympic Trials: Swimming. (N) Small Fortune Å News J. Fallon The Donlon Report NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report Fashion’s Night In Å 23 3 PBS NewsHour (N) Antique Roadshow Antique Roadshow Independent Lens Amanpour-Co 24 57 Richmond City Council Meeting PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time Don Lemon Tonight Don Lemon Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Å Shark Tank American Greed (N) American Greed FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å Chicago P.D. WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Chrisley Chrisley Hitman NBA Basketball (N) (In Stereo Live) Å NBA Basketball (N) (In Stereo Live) Å 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy AmericanFinal Sp. Conan Cube Hoarders Å Hoarders Å Hoarders (N) Å Intervention Å Intervention Å ››‡ “Legally Blonde” (2001, Comedy) ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) Å “Legally Blonde” 40 COM 44 DISC Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Daily Office Street Outlaws: Full Street Outlaws “No More Mr. Nice Man” Mudder Fast N’ Loud Å 47 TLC sMothered sMothered (N) sMothered (N) Filth Fighter (N) Extreme Sisters 48 ANPL 53 FREE Last Frontier Alaskan Bush People: Wild Life “Losing Battle” (In Stereo) ››› “Working Girl” (1988) ›› “The Wedding Planner” (2001) Jennifer Lopez. Homestead Rescue The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “Her Kind of Man” ››› “Saboteur” (1942, Suspense) Å Norman Lloyd: “Limelight” (1952) “Destination” “A New Year’s Resolution” (2021) Å Golden Golden Golden Golden Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Love It or List It Home Town Home Town Å Home Town Å Home Town Å BBQ Brawl Å BBQ Brawl Å BBQ Brawl (Season Premiere) Beat Beat Beat ››‡ “Poetic Justice” (1993) Å ››‡ “Booty Call” (1997, Comedy) Jamie Foxx. Å Armaged ›‡ “Death Wish” (2018, Action) Bruce Willis. ›‡ “Robin Hood” (2018) Taron Egerton. “Demolition Man” ››‡ “Shooter” (2007, Suspense) Mark Wahlberg. Å “Knight and Day”
146 CMT Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Reba Reba
177 HIST American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers “Fort Knox of Toys” American Pickers
3 FS1 NASCAR MLB’s Bowling Bowling Bowling “Hoosiers” (1986) 4 ESPN 30 for 30 (Part 1 of 2) 30 for 30 (Part 2 of 2) SportsCenter
8 8 Wheel Jeopardy Gold Home E. Conners black-ish To Tell the Truth News Kimmel
9 6 News Holly NCIS “Gut Punch” FBI “Leverage” FBI: Most Wanted News Colbert 11 35 Big Bang Big Bang LEGO Masters (N) Mental Samurai (N) Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam 12 12 15 WGN-A ET Inside U.S. Olympic Trials: Swimming. (N) America’s/Talent News J. Fallon The Donlon Report NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report 22 QVC Shoe Shopping With Courtney (N) (Live) Truth & Style Cheers! to Shopping with Leah 23 3 24 57 PBS NewsHour (N) Finding Your Roots Amer. Experience Frontline (In Stereo) Darley Keep Up Father Brown Å All Creatures Great Jamestown Å Amanpour-Co PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time Don Lemon Tonight Don Lemon Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Å FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å “Hellboy” (2019) WWE NXT (N) (In Stereo Live) Å ›‡ “Hellboy” (2019) David Harbour. Å Hercules NBA Basketball (N) (In Stereo Live) Å NBA Basketball (N) (In Stereo Live) Å
35 TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Cube
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Gardening: In search of the lost Umami
By Virginia McCown
Special to the Powhatan Today
In Japanese, umami means “essence of deliciousness” and is sometimes referred to as the “fi fth taste.” The umami sensation challenges the defi nitions of sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
In my little world of tomato gardening, umami remains elusive. Heirloom tomatoes are still the best when it comes to taste and substance, but they are often diffi cult to grow. I confess I love the taste of ‘Cherokee Purple.’ Yet, at the end of each season, I vow, “Never again!” For all the bother growing a ‘Cherokee Purple’ tomato plant, I still plant one every season. If I’m lucky I’ll get six acceptable eating tomatoes a year. What’s left is fed to my chickens.
‘Cherokee Purple,’ like many heirloom varieties, is subject to every disease our Central Virginia summers throw at it. It’s why we don’t see heirloom tomatoes in grocery stores. Big growers and suppliers fi nd that growing heirlooms simply isn’t worth the bother.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the heirlooms, truly I do. But if you’re looking to prepare, can or preserve your own salsa or sauce, they’re simply unreliable. Do you want plenty of plump, fresh tomatoes? My advice is to grow hybrid disease resistant varieties.
Yet…… could some umami be better than no umami?
Darn straight.
Odd-sounding names such as ‘Box Car Willie,’ ‘Aunt Ruby’s German Green,’ ‘Mortgage Lifter,’ and ‘Costoluto Genovese’ are only a few old heirlooms available to grow from seed. Each has its own interesting history.
“My favorite large heirloom is still ‘Barnes Mountain Orange,’” says Edmund Frost of Common Wealth Seed Growers in Louisa County (www.commonwealthseeds.com). “It tastes really good, is beautiful, and cracks less than other large heirlooms.”
“I also liked ‘Arkansas Traveler’ a basic small to medium round pink salad tomato,” Frost continued. “It’s productive, tastes good and doesn’t split.” He also recommended ‘Ruthje,’ a cherry tomato, and the light yellow-colored ‘Garden Peach.’
Imagine a warm summer’s day nibbling on heirloom slices with a little salt and some freshly ground pepper – or chowing down a squishy tomato sandwich prepared with homemade mayonnaise… Mmm…..mmm… mmm…. Umami!
Tomato Growing 101
Even if your harvest is small, your own home grown tomatoes are a reward in and of themselves. Success means choosing varieties that are a good fi t for Central Virginia’s hot, humid summers.
What characteristics are you looking for?
Do you live in an apartment, a townhouse or a larger suburban or rural site? Let’s discuss some basics.
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ccarter@harrismechanical.com (804)264-2229 8816BrookRoad GlenAllen,VA23060 Determinate v. indeterminate
Determinate tomato varieties tend to be shorter and bushier. Most ripen at about the same time. Determinate varieties are handy if canning salsa or sauce is your end goal. Indeterminate varieties tend to be taller and more sprawling or vining in nature. They don’t ripen all at once. Their harvest is spread out over the season.
Midget, patio or dwarf
These are varieties with compact vines best grown in containers. They are primarily cherry or salad size tomatoes. Although small, these are hardy plants with a lot of natural disease resistance. Two plants will provide a family of four with tomatoes all season. Of the heirlooms cherry-size tomatoes are the hardiest.
Fruit Characteristics
Yes, tomatoes are a fruit and not a vegetable. This fruit comes in many sizes and qualities.
Cherry tomato plants range from dwarf (Tiny Tim) to plants that grow to more than 17 feet (Sweet 100)
These are the large tomatoes that easily fi t on a single hamburger patty. One Beefsteak tomato can weigh up to two pounds or more!
These are the plum or pear-shaped fruits with very meaty interiors. The seeds are centralized within the core of the fruit so paste tomatoes are ideal for making salsa or pasta sauce. Some varieties hail originally from Sicily and volcanic regions where the soil is said to infl uence the taste.
Site size
Make sure your planting site is sunny. Tomatoes grow well in 5-gallon buckets, raised beds or directly in the ground. Each plant needs plenty of room – at least 6 square feet per plant. If this is impossible to accomplish, remember that the main goal is to keep the plants’ leaves aerated. Aggressive weekly pruning will be necessary if you chose to grow your tomatoes close together.
Tomatoes prefer loose soil with a pH of 6 or 7. Add a handful of bone meal or some calcium to the soil when transplanting outside. Extra calcium early at the beginning of the growing season will help eliminate blossom-end rot later on. Calcium can be found in composted chicken manure, Epsom salts, and even human over-the-counter calcium supplements.
Water steadily and evenly. Individual plants require at least a gallon of water per week. Drought can slow plant growth. An excess of water after a dry spell or drought can cause individual fruits to crack.
Plants should be staked or caged. Trellising between tall, strong poles is another method. A heavy-duty twine weaved between the poles acts as a very effective support.
Whatever tomato variety you choose, have fun growing it. For more information including directions on growing tomatoes from seed, consult Virginia Cooperative Extension publication 426-418, “Tomatoes,” and “Vegetables Recommended for Virginia,” publication 426-480.
Virginia McCown is a master gardener living in Central Virginia along with her garden and assorted creatures both great and small.
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Gotowww.powhatanva.govformore informationandtoapplyforthisposition.
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PUBLICNOTICE NorthRidgePowhatanSolarLLC
NorthRidgePowhatanSolarisproposingto builda20MWacsolarphotovoltaicgenerating facility located on 197 acres of privately-ownedlandnorthofAndersonHighway/Route 60WbetweenRoute628andRoute613.The projectconsistsofapproximately65,000solar panelsattachedtoasingle-axistrackingsystem,withamaximumheightof12’.Theproject hasbeenapprovedbythePowhatanCounty Board of Supervisors and is proceeding through the Virginia Permit by Rule (PBR) process. Weareconductingapublicmeetingto(i)acquaintthepublicwiththetechnicalaspectsof theproposedprojectandhowthestandards andrequirementsoftheVirginiaDepartment ofEnvironmentalQualityPBRregulationswill bemet,(ii)identifyandaddressanyissuesof concerntothepublic,(iii)addressquestions andfacilitatecommunication,and(iv)establishadialoguebetweentheprojectdeveloper andpersonswhomaybeaffectedbytheproject.
A30-daycommentperiod,inaccordancewith 9VAC15-60-90CwillbeheldcommencingJune 24throughJuly26,2021.Anyinterestedparties maycontacttheapplicanttoaskquestionsor providecommentsasfollows: NorthRidgePowhatanSolarLLC ATTN:KenNiemann 2701FarmRoad Alexandria,VA22302 703-801-0412 kniemann1@comcast.net Thepublicmeetingwillbeheldinaccordance with9VAC15-60-90 DonTuesday,July13th from5:30pm-6:30pmatthePowhatanVillage building, located at 3910 Old Buckingham Road,Powhatan,VA23139. Copiesofthedocumentationtobesubmitted totheDEQinsupportofthePermitbyRuleapplicationwillbeavailableforinspectionatthe CountyPlanningandCommunityDevelopment officelocatedat3834OldBuckingham Rd, Powhatan,VA23139.
PowhatanCounty Agriculturaland ForestalDistrict(AFD) AdvisoryCommittee
TheAgriculturalandForestalDistrict (AFD) Advisory Committee will hold aregularmeetingonTuesday,June 15,2021(9:30a.m.)attheHuguenot VolunteerFireDepartmentConference Room(1959UrbineRoad).Foradditional information, contact the Department of Community Development at (804)598-5621.