48 minute read
see RIDE
Alternative prom block party group donates proceeds to Company 2
In June, the committee that planned the Powhatan High School alternate prom block party donated the excess funds raised for the event to the Huguenot Volunteer Fire Station. The $500 donation was made from funds raised for the Powhatan Community Prom in honor of the Senior Class of 2021 and Amery Lecik, whose late father Mike Lecik served with the fire station.

Drivers for Ride Assist Services were recognized on July 14 when team members from Chick-fil-A at Westchester Commons washed their cars, shown above. Several local seniors also attended.
Continued from pg. 1 Nathan Boehm, trainee director for the Westchester Chick-fi l-A, said the restaurant tries to do service project in the local communities it serves. The projects not only help the community but encourage their team members, many of whom are teenagers, to develop skills and an appreciation for helping others. He and six team members completed this project. “Something like this service is to help them understand that giving is a vital part of who they are. It raises their value with a company – whoever they are working for – if they have a heart of giving,” he said.
Other recent projects have included tending the garden of a senior who recently had back surgery or holding lunches where they sit and talk to seniors. All projects are voluntary and done outside of work hours, he said.
Ryan Buffa, 18, of Powhatan was one of the team members who participated in the event. He has been working for the restaurant about a year and this was his fi rst project with Chick-fi l-A. He said it was a good chance to chip in and do something and he liked knowing he was doing something nice for the volunteer drivers.
“I think it was a good thing to do for those people who have these cars and are doing a good thing by helping seniors out. It was good to help them out,” he said.
Arlene Booker of Powhatan was one of the drivers who had her vehicle washed. Booker has been a volunteer driver for a year and a half and got involved because she wanted to serve the community however she could.
“It is a great way to meet people. The people I have given rides to are very appreciative and it is a good time. I have given medical rides. I have taken people to the grocery store and the drug store. They love the program,” she said.
Booker said she appreciated having her car washed and the thanks, but she was actually the most excited to talk with the other drivers. Since people do individual rides on their own schedule, there aren’t many opportunities to meet up and get to know each other better.
Booker said there is a need to give more attention to seniors in Powhatan who can’t travel around.
“It becomes a forgotten generation in some ways. I think it is good for the community because it keeps the people here. They don’t have to fi nd alternative housing. They don’t have to pay a cab or an Uber. And it is good for the people who can volunteer to serve those who can’t do for themselves,” she said.
In addition to the drivers, Lloyd invited some active local seniors out to gather and show their appreciation for the volunteer drivers.
Ride Assist Services began offering services in early 2020 but came to an abrupt halt when COVID-19 struck, Lloyd said. She has been slowly building the program back up since September 2020 and is pleased that the program is growing at a healthy pace with both riders and drivers.
“One of the things I learned in gerontology is that a huge factor in aging in place successfully is self-determination – being able to decide Wednesday I would like to go to the grocery store instead of waiting for your granddaughter to come in town. That self-determination is a huge part of not only aging successfully but feeling like you are a part of a community,” Lloyd said.
As the program grows, it will continue to need more drivers. Lloyd pointed out that riders make requests, the need is sent out to the driver pool, and someone who is available agrees to drive. Volunteering is very fl exible and based on a driver’s availability.
For more information about Ride Assist Services or to see about becoming a volunteer driver, contact 804-698-0438 or raservices.pva@gmail. com.
Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday. com.

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July 21, 2021 Powhatan, Virginia Page 1B
Sarah English makes First Team All-Metro

Powhatan High School Class of 2021 graduate Sarah English (center) is introduced as part of Powhatan softball’s Senior Night. English was named to the First Team All-Metro softball team in 2021.

By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
Across her standout softball career, Powhatan High School Class of 2021’s Sarah English contributed to tournament triumphs in travel ball, to Powhatan Middle School softball winning the 2016 and 2017 conference championships, and to Powhatan’s varsity softball team achieving a combined record of 23-9 across the last two seasons.
Her impact and successes in her senior year helped her make the Richmond Times-Dispatch’s prestigious All-Metro softball First Team for utility in 2021.
“When Coach (Marie) Crump called me to let me know that I had been selected for First Team All-Metro, I was honored to be selected for this,” English said, adding that it validated that all of her hard work, and the extra training she had done throughout her high school career, had fi nally paid off .
“I have always taken so much pride in representing my county on the softball team,” English said, “and being part of the legacy.”
Her trademark versatility shined once more in her fi nal season on the varsity diamond as she helped lead Powhatan softball to an overall 8-3 record in 2021. She was able to play wherever she was needed on the fi eld, whether it was at fi rst base, in the outfi eld or in the pitcher’s circle, in which she assembled a 5-3 pitching record. Her fi elding percentage was .973.
English was also a leader on offense, batting a fi ery .571 with 15 RBI, nine runs scored, three doubles and fi ve triples.
English contributed to arguably two of the biggest wins by any Powhatan varsity team in the 2020-21 athletic season. After Kayla Davis, who received All-Metro Honorable Mention, had hit a game-tying double in the bottom of the seventh inning against two
see ENGLISH, pg. 3B
Breaking records
Muminovic delivers 7 best new times in RMAL season
Staff Reports
Powhatan Middle School studentathlete Aidin Muminovic has been enjoying a record-breaking summer while representing ACAC in the Richmond Metro Aquatic League for the 2021 swimming season.
As of Sunday, July 21, Muminovic had broken seven RMAL records, including one that had stood for 37 years. He will look to break some of his own records in today’s Champs meet at Swim RVA.
Earlier in the season, Muminovic broke the 100-meter individual medley record (1:07.54) that was previously held by Marc Macomson (1:10.59), the
see MUMINOVIC, pg. 3B

Powhatan Middle School’s Aidin Muminovic, standing with two awards he received at NOVA’s recent SC awards ceremony for the SC 20-21 season, has set several new records in the RMAL season.

Photo at left: Powhatan player-coaches Brynna Tester (left) and Samantha Martin take a photo with a camper at Powhatan’s summer soccer camp; photo at right: Powhatan player-coaches Fischer Daniel (left) and Shaw Stancil move a water cooler prior to the start of a drill during the camp at Powhatan High School last Tuesday.
Coaches bring soccer camp to Powhatan
By Nick Vandeloecht
Sports Editor
POWHATAN – The fi rst soccer summer camp led by Powhatan High School varsity head coaches Willie Miles and Jared Rottmund kicked off this past week with around 40 participants turning out to learn and enjoy the game of soccer.
The vision for the camp, said Miles, is to grow the sport of soccer in Powhatan County to the best of the coaches’ ability, as well as help enhance Powhatan’s soccer program.
“It’s a great fi rst year; Will has done a fabulous job of putting it all together, getting the details right,” added Rottmund, the head varsity girls soccer coach, “and then what I’m most impressed with is – number-one, the turnout for the fi rst year – and numbertwo, the amount of varsity players that we had want to come out and volunteer four days of their time over the summer, get up early, and come out and work with these kids. I think it’s awesome.”
“It’s a good instructional time for our leaders within our program to give back to the community as well,” said Miles, the head varsity boys soccer coach, “and maybe one day, these kids could be the future them one day.”
Through the four-day summer pro-
Powhatan’s Mara Rutkai (right) helps coach campers during a shooting drill at the summer soccer camp last Tuesday at Powhatan High School.
see SOCCER pg. 3B
LovaszandDawsonwerebothcrucialto theAmericanLegionPost201Seniors’11-10 walk-offtriumphoverPost125onFriday,July 9athome.Lovasz,whowillattendandplay DivisionIbaseballfortheCollegeofWilliam
C&FBank’sAthleteoftheWeek C&FBank’sAthletesoftheWeek
andMary,batted3for5with2RBIand arunscoredanddeliveredthegamewinningsingleinthebottomoftheseventh inningwhilefacingtwooutstobringhome ChristianChambersforthewalk-offrun.
Withhisteamdown10-9andan outawayfromalossto125,Dawsongot hisfirsthitofthegameonFridaywhen hesingledona1-2pitchtobringhome EthanRobinsonandtiethegameat10-10. ThomasRobinsonthentookahitbypitch, bringingLovaszuptotheplateforthe decisive,game-winningplay.
WithPost201rematchingPost125on theroadonSunday,Dawsonhadabasehit, tooktwowalksandscoredtworunsinPost 201’s6-3victory.Dawsonalsoearnedthe saveonthemoundashethrew12pitches toretirePost125’ssideinorderinthe bottomoftheseventh.Dawsonstruckout thefinaltwobattersandforcedthefirst batterofthelasthalf-inningintohitting alineouttoDawson’steammateConnor Woodelatfirstbase.
VIRGINIA - Once Virginia residentsgotwindthatVirginiaStateRestrictedBankRollsfilledwithSilver WalkingLibertiesdatingbacktothe early1900’swerebeinghandedover, therewasamaddashtogetthem. That’s because some of these U.S. Gov’tissuedsilvercoinsarealready worthhundredsincollectorvalue.
“It’slikearunonthebanks.The phones are ringing off the hook. That’sbecauseeveryoneistryingto getthembeforethey’reallgone,”accordingtoofficialsattheNational MintandTreasurywhosaytheycan barelykeepupwithalltheorders.
Infact,theyhadtoimposeastrict limitof4VirginiaStateRestricted BankRolls.So,ifyougetthechance to get your hands on these State Restricted Bank Rolls you better hurrybecausehundredsofVirginia residentsalreadyhaveandyoudon’t wanttomissout.
You see, the U.S. Gov’t stopped mintingtheseSilverWalkingLibertiesin1947andtherecannever beanymorewhichmakesthemextremelycollectible.
Andhere’sthebestpart.Therolls areunsearchedsothere’snotelling howmuchtheycouldbeworthin collectorvalue.
That’swhyatjustthe$39state minimumsetbyNationalMintand Treasuryit’sadealtoogoodtopass up.
But you better hurry because these Virginia State Restricted BankRollsaretheonlyonesknown toexistandVirginiaresidentsare grabbingthemupasfastasthey can.
That’sbecausetheymakeamazinggiftsforchildren,grandchildren and loved ones. Just imagine the lookontheirfacewhenyouhand them one of the State Restricted Rolls—they’lltelleveryonethey knowwhatyoudidforthem.

■ GOT‘EM: ResidentsallacrossVirginiawhogettheirhandsontheseStateRestricted SilverWalkingLibertyBankRollaredefinitelyshowingthemoff.That’sbecausetheyarethe onlyonesknowntoexist.Andhere’sthebestpart,theseBankRollsareloadedwithU.S. Gov’tissuedSilverWalkingLibertycoinssomedatingbacktotheearly1900’sandworthup to100timestheirfacevaluesoeveryonewantsthem. LastStateRestrictedSilverWalkingLiberty BankRollsgotoVirginiaresidents
VirginiaresidentsgetfirstdibsonlastremainingBankRollsloadedwithU.S.Gov’tissuedSilverWalking Libertiesdatingbacktotheearly1900’ssomeworthupto100timestheirfacevalueforthenext2days
STATEDISTRIBUTION: Astrictlimitof4StateRestrictedBankRollsperVAresidenthasbeenimposed

VIRGINIA-“It’samiracletheseState RestrictedBankRollsevenexist.That’s whyHotlineOperatorsarebracingforthe floodofcalls,”saidLauraLynne,U.S.Coin andCurrencyDirectorfortheNational MintandTreasury.
Forthenext2daysthelastremaining State of Virginia Restricted Bank Rolls loadedwithrarelyseenU.S.Gov’tissued SilverWalkingLibertiesareactuallybeinghandedovertoVirginiaresidentswho calltheStateToll-FreeHotlineslistedin today’snewspaperpublication.
“IrecentlyspokewithanumismaticexpertinUnitedStatesofAmericacoinsand currencywhosaid‘InallmyyearsasanumismatistI’veonlyeverseenahandfulof theserarelyseenSilverWalkingLiberties issuedbytheU.S.Gov’tbackintheearly 1900’s.Buttoactuallyfindthemsealed awayinStateRestrictedBankRollsstill inpristineconditionislikefindingburied treasure.Soanyoneluckyenoughtoget theirhandsontheseBankRollshadbetter holdontothem,’”Lynnesaid.
“Now that the State of Virginia RestrictedBankRollsarebeingofferedupwe won’tbesurprisedifthousandsofVirginia residentsclaimthemaximumlimitallowed of4BankRollsperresidentbeforethey’re allgone,”saidLynne.
“That’s because the dates and mint marksoftheU.S.Gov’tissuedSilverWalkingLibertyHalfDollarssealedawayinside theStateofVirginiaRestrictedBankRolls haveneverbeensearched.But,wedoknow thatsomeofthesecoinsdateclearbackto theearly1900’sandareworthupto100 timestheirfacevalue,sothereisnotelling whatVirginiaresidentswillfinduntilthey sortthroughallthecoins,”Lynnewenton tosay.
Andhere’sthebestpart.IfyouarearesidentofthestateofVirginiayoucoveronly the$39percoinstateminimumsetbythe NationalMintandTreasury,that’sfifteen rarelyseenU.S.Gov’tissuedSilverWalkingLibertiesworthupto100timestheir facevalueforjust$585whichisarealsteal becausenonstateresidentsmustpay$118 percoinwhichtotals$1,770ifanycoinsremainafterthe2-daydeadline.
TheonlythingVirginiaresidentsneedto doiscalltheStateToll-FreeHotlinesprintedintoday’snewspaperpublicationbefore the2-dayorderdeadlineends.
“Rarely seen U.S. Gov’t issued silver coinslikethesearehighlysoughtafter, butwe’veneverseenanythinglikethisbefore.AccordingtoTheOfficialRedBook, aGuideBookofUnitedStatesCoinsmany SilverWalkingLibertyHalfDollarsare nowworth$115-$825eachincollector value,”Lynnesaid.
“We’reguessingthousandsofVirginia residentswillbetakingthemaximumlimit of4BankRollsbecausetheymakesuch amazinggiftsforanyoccasionforchildren, parents,grandparents,friendsandloved ones,”Lynnecontinued.
“Weknowthephoneswillberingingoff thehook.That’swhyhundredsofHotline Operatorsarestandingbytoanswerthe phonesbeginningat8:30amthismorning. We’regoingtodoourbest,butwithjust2 daystoanswerallthecallsitwon’tbeeasy. Somakesuretotelleveryonetokeepcallingifalllinesarebusy.We’lldoourbestto answerthemall.”Lynnesaid.
Theonlythingreadersoftoday’snewspaperpublicationneedtodoismakesure theyarearesidentofthestateofVirginia andcalltheNationalToll-FreeHotlines beforethe2-daydeadlineendsmidnight tomorrow. ■

ENLARGED TOSHOWDETAIL: yearvaries1916-1947 VALUABLE: mintedin philadelphia,denver &sanfrancisco

RARELYSEEN: mintedbytheu.s. mintintheearly1900’s
IfyouareaVirginiaStateResidentreadtheimportantinformationbelowaboutclaimingtheStateSilver BankRolls,thencalltheStateToll-FreeHotlineat8:30am: 1-800-979-3771EXT:RWB1191
AretheseSilver WalkingLiberties worthmorethan otherhalfdollars: Yes.TheseU.S.Gov’tissuedSilverWalkingLibertiesweremintedintheearly1900’sandwillnever bemintedagain.Thatmakesthemextremelycollectible.Thevastmajorityofhalfdollarsmintedafter 1970havenosilvercontentatallandtheseWalkingLibertieswereoneofthelastsilvercoinsmintedfor circulation.That’swhymanyofthemnowcommandhundredsincollectorvaluesothere’snotellinghow muchtheycouldbeworthincollectorvaluesomeday.
Howmuchare StateRestricted WalkingLiberty SilverBankRolls worth:
Whyaresomany Virginiaresidents claimingthem: It’simpossibletosay,butsomeoftheseU.SGov’tissuedWalkingLibertiesdatingbacktotheearly1900’s areworthupto100timesthefacevalueandthereare15ineachBankRollsoyoubetterhurryifyou wanttogetyourhandsonthem.Collectorvaluesalwaysfluctuateandthereareneveranyguarantees. ButwedoknowtheyaretheonlyVirginiaStateSilverBankRollsknowntoexistandWalkingLibertiesare highlycollectiblesoanyoneluckyenoughtogettheirhandsontheseSilverBankRollsshouldholdonto thembecausethere’snotellinghowmuchtheycouldbeworthincollectorvaluesomeday.
BecausetheyaretheonlyStateRestrictedWalkingLibertySilverBankRollsknowntoexistandeveryone wantstheirshare.EachBankRollcontainsawhopping15SilverWalkingLibertiesdatingbacktothe early1900’ssomeworthupto100timestheirfacevalue.BestofallVirginia residentsareguaranteed togetthemforthestateminimumsetbytheNationalMintandTreasuryofjust$39perSilverWalking Libertyforthenexttwodays.
HowdoIgetthe StateRestricted WalkingLiberty SilverBankRolls: Virginia residentsareauthorizedtoclaimuptothelimitof4StateRestrictedWalkingLibertySilverBankRollsby callingtheStateTollFreeHotlineat 1-800-979-3771Ext.RWB1191 startingatprecisely8:30amthismorning. EveryonewhodoesisgettingtheonlyStateRestrictedWalkingLibertySilverBankRollsknowntoexist.That’safull BankRollcontaining15SilverWalkingLibertiesfromtheearly1900’ssomeworthupto100timestheirfacevalue forjustthestateminimumsetbytheNationalMintandTreasuryofjust$39perSilverWalkingLiberty,whichisjust $585forthefullBankRollsandthat’sarealstealbecausenonstateresidentsarenotpermittedtocallbefore5 pmtomorrowandmustpay$1,770foreach VirginiaState RestrictedWalkingLibertySilverBankRollifanyremain.
Staff Reports
The YMCA of Greater Richmond hosted Woodlake in a Richmond Metro Aquatic League regular-season swim meet on Monday, July 12, with the home team winning the combined team meet over Woodlake 775-739. Both teams featured swimmers who are from and/or have competed for Powhatan.
William Blashfi eld, representing the YMCA of Greater Richmond, won the silver division of the boys 11-12 100-meter individual medley (1:21.24) and the 50-meter butterfl y (38.42) and took second in the gold division in the 50 freestyle (32.76).
Ember Brown won the girls 7-8 25-meter backstroke (28.96) and the 25 butterfl y (31.35) and took second in the 25 free (25.90) as well as in the mixed 8 and under 100 freestyle relay with Carson Hessick, Catherine Chavez and Weston White (1:38.43).
Brinn Brown won the girls 9-10 50 butterfl y in 59 seconds.
Brady Rinehart won the silver division of the boys 9-10 50 breaststroke (56.98).
Elizabeth Vallent, representing Woodlake, won the gold divisions of the girls 11-12 100 IM (1:25.39), the 50 freestyle (32.33), the 50 butterfl y (37.26) and the gold division of the mixed 200-meter freestyle relay with Patrick Grinsell III, Leighana Abell and Ethan Mooney ( 2:13.11).
Brandon Vallent, also representing Woodlake, won the gold division of the boys 15-18 50 free (28.42), the gold division of the 50 butterfl y (30.98) and the gold division of the 200 free relay with Brooklyn Scoby, Ben McVey and Ashley Dyer (1:57.79).
Powhatan winners in the 50 back included Greater YMCA of Richmond swimmers Tommy White in boys 9-10 (51.02) and Leah Zhuang in girls 1112 (41.11).
Zhuang also won the silver division of the girls 11-12 50 butterfl y (39.90) and the silver division of the 200 free relay with Savannah Hufner, Cameron Pace and Ruth Zhandira (2:42.00).
50-meter butterfl y record (30.14), previously held by Julian Zimmer (30.86) and the 50-meter freestyle record (27.62) that was held for 37 years by Briarwood’s Greg Burgess.
Muminovic is also now the league’s record holder in the 50-yard free (24.66), the 50-yard fl y (27.05) and the 100-yard IM (1:00.84), which he broke twice this year. He set the new 100 IM mark during last Monday’s regular-season RMAL swim meet between ACAC and Shenandoah to narrowly break his own record of 1:00.86.
Muminovic secured three individual wins and one relay victory in last Monday’s meet. All three individual wins came in the boys 11-12 blue division, with Muminovic earning overall fi rst-place fi nishes in the 100 IM (1:00.84), the 50 backstroke (28.26) and the 50 fl y (27.23).
In the mixed 11-12 200-yard freestyle relay, Muminovic earned the gold-division win and the overall fi rst-place fi nish alongside Kendall Kryszon, Malcolm Hess and Kylie Kryszon (1:51.59).
The RMAL Champs Swim Meet will be held today (Wednesday, July 21) at Swim RVA. Following the meet, Muminovic will swim in the long course states July 22-25 at Swim RVA. He is also set to compete on the Virginia Zones team at Eastern Zones Aug. 4-7 at Swim RVA.

From left, clockwise: Elizabeth Vallent swims the freestyle, William Blashfield swims the butterfly, Brinn Brown swims the freestyle, Sadie Tucker swims the backstroke and Tommy White reacts after winning an event at last Monday’s swim meet featuring Woodlake and YMCA of Greater Richmond at the Midlothian Family YMCA.

Continued from pg. 1B outs, English completed Powhatan’s rally out of an 11-6 defi cit by hitting the game-winning extra base hit over the right fi elder’s head.
English’ clutch play to bring home Davis propelled the Indians past James River 12-11.
“Being able to come through for my team in a high-pressure situation is something that I will forever remember.”
Powhatan later in the season found itself trailing Manchester 3-1 in the top of the seventh, but six hits by the Indians in the inning - including the go-ahead, 3-run home run by Jillian Ratliff , a follow-up single by English and a two-run homer by Savannah Johnson – catapulted Powhatan into a 7-3 lead, which it preserved through the bottom half-inning to defeat the Lancers.
English called the late rallies against James River and Manchester “a prime example of how much heart this team has.”
“We never gave up even when we were down,” English said. “We all contributed to the games any way we could.”
After English and her teammates lost the 2020 season due to COVID-19, and after “not knowing for sure if we would ever play again together,” this year’s team meant a lot to her.
“Most of us have played together since middle school,” English said, “and have developed a bond on and off the fi eld, which made my senior season even more memorable.”
English feels that the pre-season workouts they did as a team, as well as her own training, helped her prepare for school ball and for the University of Lynchburg, where she will attend classes in the fall and play college softball.
“The coaches really challenged us,” English said, “and made sure we were in the best shape we could be in so we could be prepared for the Dominion District.”
For English, to be able to play one last time for Powhatan softball meant so much to her.
“Powhatan softball has always been a legendary sport in our county,” English said, “and to be able to say I played for Coach Crump and Coach (Linda) Farmer is something I will forever be grateful for.”
According to the Times-Dispatch, coach Crump – a Virginia High School Hall of Famer who has led Powhatan varsity softball as head coach for 40 years and is the winningest softball coach in Virginia High School League history – said English is one of the best off ensive players she’s ever coached.
To English, that is the biggest honor of her entire high school career.
“Coach Crump has coached a lot of talented athletes over the years,” English said, “and to be put in that category is amazing.”
Post 201 splits games
Staff Reports
American Legion’s Post 201 Seniors split their games on Sunday and Thursday last week. The Seniors picked up their second straight win last Sunday by defeating Post 125 6-3. Carter Dawson scored 2 of 201’s 6 runs and added a hit and two walks. Jack Carris had a double, an RBI and a run scored. Thomas Robinson batted 2 for 3 with a run scored, and Ethan Robinson had a hit and 2 RBI. Paul Broussard had a hit and scored 2 runs.
Connor Woodel had a hit and an RBI and also earned the win on the mound, scattering three hits, 2 runs and one walk and striking out four in 3 innings pitched. Dawson earned the save as the closing pitcher, striking out two and locking down the side in 12 pitches in the bottom of the seventh inning.
Post 201 grabbed an early 3-0 lead in the top of the fi rst inning. Carris’ double on a line drive to center fi eld brought home Dawson for the fi rst run of the game, and Ethan hit a line-drive single to plate both Carris and Broussard.
Post 125 tightened the Seniors’ lead to 3-2 in the bottom half of the opening inning, but Dawson gave his team insurance by scoring on a passed ball against two outs in the top of the second. 125 shrunk the lead back down to 4-3 in the fourth, but 201 responded with 2 runs in the top of the seventh. Woodel hit a line-drive single to plate Broussard, and Thomas scored on a 125 fi elder’s error against two outs.
In Thursday’s 10-1 loss to Post 284, Stone Talley hit a double and Ethan Smith scored a run. Post 201 was slated to play Post 280 this past Sunday.

American Legion Post 201 Seniors pitcher Jackson Toler warms up on the mound in Thursday’s game versus Post 284 at Shepherd Stadium in Colonial Heights.
Continued from pg. 1B
Continued from pg. 1B
gram, the participants worked on the fundamentals of the game, from ball control to spatial awareness to passing situations to fi nishing technique to establishing themselves in a defensive position, all-the-while receiving the benefi ts of the all-encompassing fi tness aspect of the camp.
“They’re moving around the entire time,” Miles said, “and truly the coachcounselors that are seeing it – the varsity players – they’re like, ‘Wow, we do move around a lot.’”
On a bright and sunny late Tuesday morning on the lower fi eld behind the high school, the campers battled one another for possession of the ball, smiled as they took shots on goal and both learned and received praise from varsity soccer players who took on the roles of coach-counselors.
“It’s really interesting to kind of see how the program is going to change, and I like to see what the younger, the future generation is. I can see their skill level, and I just like being part of it,” said Powhatan High School rising senior Keegan McCullough. “I’m just glad that we can do more for the people in the community and help even get kids who maybe haven’t started playing soccer, get them playing, get them interested, and maybe they can go play it further.”
“I just like helping them and seeing them how they are as little kids…and how they’re going to develop and grow,” said Powhatan High School rising sophomore Mara Rutkai. “I hope this helps grow soccer for Powhatan. I hope more people get into it…because I grew up with Powhatan soccer and it was super fun. It really helped me.”
While the camp provides a means for the varsity players to help the campers learn the game, it also presents multiple benefi ts to the varsity players themselves. Communication – Rottmund pointed out – is one of them.
“They’re on the other side of the drill now; they need to communicate how the drill is run, and then execute the drill,” Rottmund said. “I hear it from both sides, from the girls and the boys, is that: ‘Oh, I see how hard it really is to run a practice,’ which is great…it just makes them adaptable on the fi eld.”
“I also think it teaches me how to be a mentor for maybe further days when I grow up and get older,” Rutkai said. “It’s good experience.”
Additionally, the camp helps reinforce the players’ own fundamentals and understanding of the game.
“When you work with the kids, you kind of see what mistakes they do, and you can kind of translate it to what I’m doing,” McCullough. “You can do some self-refl ection and…you can remember it for yourself to work on.”
The players have also enjoyed getting to teach the campers.
“They’re super-cute and funny, and they really like soccer,” Rutkai said. “It’s really fun teaching them.”
Rottmund pointed to their emphasis on teamwork within the camp.
“We trying to show them the teamwork from the counselor side right down to the camper side,” Rottmund said. “You’ve got to work as a team, and Will has done a nice job…I’m hoping this is the fi rst of many of these camps, and he’s done a fabulous job of building a solid foundation.

From left: Powhatan head boys soccer coach Willie Miles (left, kneeling) talks to participants in a summer camp at Powhatan High School.
3 FS1 4 ESPN Countdown MLS Soccer: Atlanta United FC at FC Cincinnati. (N) MLS Soccer SportsCenter Å MLB Baseball: Chicago Cubs at St. Louis Cardinals. (N) (Live) SportsCenter 8 8 9 6 11 35 Wheel Jeopardy Press Your Luck $100,000 Pyramid Match Game (N) News Kimmel News Holly Big Brother (N) Å Love Island Å S.W.A.T. (In Stereo) News Colbert Big Bang Big Bang MasterChef Å Crime-Kitchen Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC ET Inside Olympic Dreams Chicago Fire Chicago P.D. News J. Fallon The Donlon Report On Balance NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report Gourmet In the Kitchen with David: Holiday Holidays With David (N) (Live) Å 23 3 24 57 PBS NewsHour (N) Nature (In Stereo) NOVA (In Stereo) Secrets of Dead Amanpour-Co Inside Time/By Palace Secrets: Unforgotten Professor T Å PBS NewsHour (N)
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28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Å Shark Tank FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å 33 USA 34 TNT Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU “The Accountant” All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (Live) Å Titans (In Stereo) “Taken 3” (2014)
35 TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Full Wipeout
37 A&E 39 PARMT Court Court Court Court Court Court Seatbelt Seatbelt Hustle Hustle ››‡ “The Da Vinci Code” (2006, Mystery) Tom Hanks. Å ››‡ “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004) 40 COM 44 DISC South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Hunting Atlantis (N) Expedition Unknown (In Stereo) Å
47 TLC Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper 1000-Lb. Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters
48 ANPL 53 FREE The Zoo Cast The Zoo: San Diego “Playing Matchmaker” (N) (In Stereo) ›› “Sweet Home Alabama” (2002) Å Good Trouble Å The Zoo The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondYounger King King King “The Millionaire” ››› “Bye Bye Birdie” (1963) Å ›››‡ “The Music Man” (1962) Å 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC “A Timeless Christmas” (2020) “Christmas Made to Order” (2018) “Time for Us” Married-Sight Married at First Sight “Lone Stars No More” (N) Å Married-Sight Bargain Block Å Property Brothers Two Steps Home Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Kitchen Crash Å Guy’s Games ›› “White Chicks” (2004, Comedy) Å Tyler Perry’s Sistas The Encore Å Tyler Perry’s Sistas ›‡ “Robin Hood” ›››› “Alien” (1979, Science Fiction) Tom Skerritt. ›››› “Aliens” (1986) Å “Knight and Day” ››› “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” (2000) Å ››› “Fury” (2014) Brad Pitt.
146 CMT Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Reba Reba
177 HIST Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire (N) Forged in Fire Forged in Fire
3 FS1 WWE Friday Night SmackDown Å NHRA Drag Racing: Dodge//SRT Mile-High NHRA Nationals. 4 ESPN SportCtr MLS Soccer: Union at Lions MLS Soccer SportsC. 8 8 9 6 Wheel Jeopardy Kimmel NBA 2021 NBA Finals: Bucks at Suns News Holly Big Brother (N) Å Love Island Å Bull (In Stereo) Å News News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC Big Bang Big Bang Beat Shazam (N) LEGO Masters Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Inside Making It (N) Å Good Girls (N) Good Girls (N) News J. Fallon The Donlon Report On Balance NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report Christmas Decor Holidays With David (N) (Live) Å Christmas in July Sale (N) (Live) Å 23 3 PBS NewsHour (N) Untamed Crea Chesapeake: Halifax: Retribution: Amanpour-Co 24 57 Untamed How She The National Parks: America’s Best Idea Walk in Park: PBS NewsHour (N)
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28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Shark Tank Å FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å 33 USA 34 TNT Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Bones (In Stereo) ›› “Taken 3” (2014) Liam Neeson. ›› “Need for Speed” (2014) Aaron Paul. 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang The Cube (N) The Cube The Cube The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 The First 48 Å ›››‡ “The Help” (2011, Drama) Viola Davis. (In Stereo) Å ›››‡ “My Cousin Vinny” (1992) Å 40 COM 44 DISC Office The Office “Fire” Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue “Paradise in Peril” (N) (In Stereo) Å Homestead Rescue 47 TLC Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper My 600-Lb. Life “Krystal’s Journey” Family by the Ton 48 ANPL 53 FREE Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch “Sweet Home” grown- ››‡ “The DUFF” (2015) Mae Whitman. Å The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “No Other Woman” ››‡ “Jailhouse Rock” (1957, Musical) ›› “Follow That Dream” (1962, Musical) 58 HALL 60 LIFE “Meet Me at Christmas” (2020, Drama) “Reunited at Christmas” (2018, Drama) “Christmas On” Rizzoli & Isles Å ››‡ “Sleeping With the Enemy” (1991) ›‡ “The Boy Next Door” (2015) Å 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC Love It or List It Hot Mess House Christina/Coast Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Beat Beat Beat Beat Restaurant: Im. BBQ Brawl Å Beat Beat ››‡ “Keanu” (2016, Comedy) Å ›› “Tyler Perry’s The Single Moms Club” (2014) Nia Long. “Alien” (1979) Å ››› “Signs” (2002, Suspense) Mel Gibson. Å › “The Happening” (2008) “O Brother-Thou” ›››‡ “Die Hard” (1988, Action) Bruce Willis. Å “Die Hard 2” (1990)
146 CMT Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Campfire Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba
177 HIST Mountain Men Mountain Men (N) (In Stereo) Alone “The Grizzly” (N) Mountain Men
3 FS1 Boxing: Andy Ruiz Jr. vs. Chris Arreola. Å
4 ESPN The Basketball Tournament
PokerStars PokerStars The Basketball Tournament
SportsCenter (Live) 8 8 9 6 Wheel Jeopardy Shark Tank 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News Holly Celeb Reno Love Island Å News Kimmel Blue Bloods News Colbert 11 35 Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) News First Spo DailyMail Mod Fam 12 12 15 WGN-A ET 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Opening Ceremony. The Donlon Report On Balance NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report 22 QVC Fri-YAY! Style philosophy - beauty Susan Graver Style DaretoShareBeauty With Shawn (Live) 23 3 PBS NewsHour (N) Wash Hoover Icon: Music Classic Albums (N) Amanpour-Co 24 57 Curious Unwine’d Antique Roadshow Their Words Parks Changed: PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Special Report Don Lemon Tonight Don Lemon Tonight
28 MSNBC The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour 29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Shepard Smith Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å Law-SVU 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Rowing, Cycling. (Live) Å 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Cycling. (N) (Live) Bones (In Stereo) ››‡ “Ocean’s 8” (2018, Comedy) Sandra Bullock. ››‡ “The Heat” (2013) Burgers Burgers ›› “Get Hard” (2015) Will Ferrell. ››‡ “Money Talks” (1997) Chris Tucker. The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å ››‡ “Old School” (2003) Luke Wilson. › “Joe Dirt” (2001) David Spade. Å ››‡ “Old School” 40 COM 44 DISC Office Office Office Office Office Office South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk “Jaws” (1975) Å ››‡ “Jaws 2” (1978, Suspense) Roy Scheider. Getaway Driver Outlaws 47 TLC 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? (N) 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever Darcey & Stacey 90 Day 48 ANPL 53 FREE River Monsters River Monsters: Deadliest Man-Eaters River Monsters River Monsters Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “Captain Sindbad” ››› “Blood Simple” (1984) John Getz. ››› “Night Moves” (1975) Cutter 58 HALL 60 LIFE “A Christmas Carousel” (2020) “Christmas With the Darlings” (2020) “Boy Next Door” ››‡ “The Proposal” (2009) Å ›‡ “Fool’s Gold “Christmas” ” (2008, Action) Å
61 HGTV Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream
62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners “Single Moms” ›› “Boo! A Madea Halloween” (2016, Comedy) Tyler Perry. Tyler Perry’s Sistas Signs ››‡ “San Andreas” (2015) Dwayne Johnson. SurrealEstate Å FuturamaFuturama “Die Hard 2” (1990) ››› “Die Hard With a Vengeance” (1995) Bruce Willis. Å “Live Free-Die”
146 CMT Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom 177 HIST Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens
3 FS1 MLB Baseball: Tampa Bay Rays at Cleveland Indians. (Live) Gold Cup 2021 CONCACAF Gold Cup 4 ESPN UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs. Dillashaw (N) (Live) SportsCenter (Live) SportsCenter (Live) 8 8 9 6 Wheel Jeopardy Funny Videos Shark Tank The Good Doctor News NCIS Bensin Carbon Magnum P.I. Å 48 Hours (In Stereo) 48 Hours (In Stereo) News Storm of
11 35 Big Bang Big Bang Hell’s Kitchen LEGO Masters News Mod Fam Game of Talents
12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC 23 3 12 News Olympic 2020 Tokyo Olympics News NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield Å Banfield Å NewsNation Prime philosophy - beauty Northern Nights Susan Graver Style (N) (Live) Å Northern Nights Lawrence Welk Father Brown Å Trouble-Maggie Trouble-Maggie Song of Mountains 24 57 Steve Backshall Andes: Kingdoms: Magic Numbers: POV “Stateless” (In Stereo) Good
27 CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom History of the Sit Jerusalem-Faith CNN Special: 28 MSNBC American Voices Week-Johnson Week-Johnson American Voices Week-Johnson
29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT Undercover Boss Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Softball Tokyo Olympics Life, Liberty Watters’ World Å Justice Judge Unfiltered with Watters’ World Å Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Skateboarding. (Live) Å Tokyo Olympics Olympics Ocean 8 ›› “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” (2019) Kyle Chandler. ››‡ “A Knight’s Tale” (2001) 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM 44 DISC 47 TLC “Star Wars: Return of the” Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Miracle Miracle “The Other Guys” ›› “Pain & Gain” (2013, Action) Mark Wahlberg. Å Seatbelt Seatbelt Die Hard ››‡ “Fast & Furious 6” (2013, Action) Vin Diesel. ›››‡ “Die Hard” (1988) Bruce Willis. “Shrek 2” (2004) ››‡ “Shrek Forever After” (2010) Å South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue (In Stereo) Å Homestead Rescue “Stuck in the Mud” Say Yes, Dress Say Yes to the Dress (N) (In Stereo) Å sMothered sMothered 48 ANPL 53 FREE The Zoo (In Stereo) The Zoo: Bronx-Sized (N) (In Stereo) The Zoo (In Stereo) Despicbl ››‡ “Minions” (2015, Children’s) Å ››‡ “Despicable Me 3” (2017) Å The Zoo (In Stereo) Future 54 TVL 55 TCM Two Men Two Men Two Men Two and Half Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “Robin Hood” ›››‡ “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” (1968, Children’s) ›››‡ “Tom Thumb” (1958) 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV “Crown for Christmas” (2015, Romance) “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” “Christmas Card” “Neighbor-Wind” “Next-Door Nightmare” (2021) Å “Evil Stepmom” (2021, Suspense) Å Home Town Å Vacation House Vacation House Love It or List It Love It or List It 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC 146 CMT BBQ Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners “Fist Fight” (2017) ›› “Ride Along” (2014, Comedy) Ice Cube. Å “Welcome Home Roscoe” ››‡ “Cowboys & Aliens” (2011) Å ››‡ “The Magnificent Seven” (2016) Denzel Washington. “Perfect Storm” Eden: Untamed Planet Å ››› “Only the Brave” (2017, Drama) Josh Brolin. “Overboard” (1987) ››› “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993, Children’s) Robin Williams. Å “Grumpy Old Men”
177 HIST American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers
3 FS1 2021 CONCACAF Gold Cup Gold Cup Day 2021 CONCACAF Gold Cup
4 ESPN MLB Baseball: Chicago White Sox at Milwaukee Brewers. (N) SportsCenter (Live) SportsCenter (Live) 8 8 9 6 Funny Videos Celebrity Fam The Chase (N) To Tell the Truth News NCIS 60 Minutes (N) Å Big Brother (N) Å Love Island (N) (In Stereo) Å News The 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC 23 3 24 57 Duncan House Simpson The- Burgers Fam Guy News AttkissonThe ROH 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Triathlon, Gymnastics, Swimming. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å News NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime Banfield Å Banfield Å NewsNation Prime Classic Christmas Decor with Jane Å The Joy of Christmas (N) (Live) Å Finding Your Roots Secrets Unforgotten Professor T Å Austin City Limits Icon: Music The War: (In Stereo) Å (DVS) Silent Soldier: Craft in America
27 CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Special: History of the Sit Jerusalem-Faith CNN Special:
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC American Voices Mehdi Hasan Week-Johnson American Voices Mehdi Hasan Undercover 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Skateboarding, Rugby. (N) (Live) Å Olympics Olympics
30 FOXN Sunday Night Life, Liberty Revolution Sunday Night Life, Liberty
33 USA 34 TNT 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM Tokyo Olympics Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Softball Tokyo Olympics “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017) Animal Kingdom (N) Animal Kingdom “Just Friends” Å “Star Wars: For” ›››‡ “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” (2017) Mark Hamill. “Star Wars: For” Lost for Life: Kids Who Kill: (In Stereo) Å Juvenile Lifers: Killer Kids Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue Å “Shrek Forever” ››‡ “Bee Movie” (2007, Children’s) Å South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk
44 DISC Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid
47 TLC 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? (N) You, Me & My Ex 90 Day Fiancé 48 ANPL 53 FREE North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law ››‡ “Despicable Me 3” (2017) Å ›››‡ “Coco” (2017) Voices of Anthony Gonzalez. Jumanji 54 TVL 55 TCM 58 HALL 60 LIFE Two Men Two Men Two Men Two and Half Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men “Bonfire-Vanit.” ››‡ “Dragonwyck” (1946) Gene Tierney. ›››‡ “Jane Eyre” (1944) Joan Fontaine. “Christmas Under Wraps” (2014) Good Witch Å “The Nine Lives of Christmas” (2014) “Nxt.-Nightmare” “Murder on Maple Drive” (2021) Å “Secrets of a Marine’s Wife” (2021) Å 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY Renovation Island Renovation Island Battle on the Beach Beach Mediterr. Mediterr. Guy’s Games Buddy vs. Duff Å Buddy vs. Duff Å Buddy vs. Duff Å Beat Beat ›› “Ride Along” ›››‡ “Ray” (2004, Biography) Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington. Å Martin “The Magnificent Seven” ››‡ “Constantine” (2005, Fantasy) Keanu Reeves. FuturamaFuturama 138 AMC 146 CMT “Forrest Gump” A Discovery of Kevin Can F... A Discovery of Kevin Can F... “Urban Cowboy” ›› “Soul Surfer” (2011) AnnaSophia Robb. Å ››› “Pure Country” (1992) 177 HIST The Machines The Machines The Machines Modern Marvels (N) The Machines
3 FS1 Herd Varied Programs Speak for Yourself Fox Skip NASCAR Hub 4 ESPN SportsCenter Jalen Ques NBA: The Jump NFL Live Around Pardon SportsCenter 8 8 GMA3: What General Hosp. Drew Barrymore Dr. Phil 8 News 8 News News ABC 9 6 Young Bold The Talk Ellen Show CBS6 News News News News CBS 11 35 Funny Funny Wendy Williams Maury Steve Wilkos Judge Judge Fam Fam 12 12 Varied Programs News at 4PM News News News News 15 WGN-A Heat of Night Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods NewsNation: 22 QVC Varied Programs 23 3 Peg Donkey Tiger Arthur Wild Odd Varied CuriousSciGirlsBiz Kid News BBC 24 57 Varied CuriousGreat British Varied Programs Amanpour-Co 27 CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper Situation Room Situation Room 28 MSNBC MTP Daily Reports Reports Deadline: White House The Beat With 29 CNBC The Exchange Power Lunch Closing Bell Fast Varied Mad Money 30 FOXN America Reports The Story Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report 33 USA Varied Programs 34 TNT Supernatural Super. Varied Programs 35 TBS Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Amer. Amer. Amer. Amer. Family Family 37 A&E Varied Programs 39 PARMT Bar Rescue Mom Mom Mom Mom Two Two Two Two Two Two 40 COM South South South South South South Office Office Office Office Office Office 44 DISC Varied Programs 47 TLC Varied Programs 48 ANPL Pit Bulls-Parole Pit Bulls-Parole Lone Star Law Varied Programs 53 FREE Movie Varied Programs 54 TVL Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith 55 TCM Movie Varied Programs Movie Var. Programs Movie Movie 58 HALL Movie Movie Movie 60 LIFE The Closer Major Crimes Major Crimes Major Crimes Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles 61 HGTV Varied Programs 62 FOOD Varied Programs 66 BET Prince Prince BrownsBrownsMovie Varied Programs Movie Varied 127 SYFY Movie Varied Programs Movie Var. Programs 138 AMC Movie Varied Movie Var. Programs Movie 146 CMT King King King King King King Last Last Last Last Last Last 177 HIST Varied Programs
3 FS1 2021 CONCACAF Gold Cup 2021 CONCACAF Gold Cup
Gold Cup
4 ESPN MLB Baseball: Teams TBA. SportsCenter (Live) SportsCenter (Live) 8 8 Wheel Jeopardy The Bachelorette “Men Tell All” (N) Celeb-Dating News Kimmel
9 6 News Holly Neighbor Bob Sheldon United-Al NCIS: Los Angeles News Colbert
11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC Big Bang Big Bang Hell’s Kitchen House Duncan Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Olympic 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Diving, Gymnastics, Triathlon, Swimming. (N) Å News The Donlon Report On Balance NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report Fashion’s Night In Å 23 3 PBS NewsHour (N) Antique Roadshow Antiques Antiques POV “Mayor” (N) (In Stereo) Aman 24 57 Richmond City Council PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time Don Lemon Tonight Don Lemon Tonight
28 MSNBC The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour 29 CNBC 30 FOXN 33 USA 34 TNT Shepard Smith Tokyo Olympics Tokyo Olympics Tokyo Olympics Tokyo Olympics FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å Tokyo Olympics WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Tokyo Olympics Equalizer ›› “Shaft” (2019, Action) Samuel L. Jackson. Titans “Origins” (N) ›› “Fallen” (1998) 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy AmericanRick Tuca- Miracle Hoarders Å Hoarders: Coming Clean “Sherry” Å Dirty Rotten Hoarders Å ››‡ “Draft Day” (2014, Drama) Kevin Costner. ››‡ “The Guardian” (2006, Drama) Kevin Costner. 40 COM 44 DISC Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Street-Memphis Street-Memphis Getaway Driver (N) Getaway Driver Street Outlaws Å 47 TLC 48 ANPL 53 FREE Darcey & Stacey Darcey & Stacey sMothered (N) So Freakin Cheap Germophobia: “Jaws” (1975) ››‡ “Jaws 2” (1978, Suspense) Roy Scheider. I Was Prey: River “Back-Future II” ››› “Cast Away” (2000, Drama) Tom Hanks. Å The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “Cool Hand Luke” ›››‡ “Johnny Belinda” (1948, Drama) ›››‡ “Now, Voyager” (1942, Drama) 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC “Jingle Bell Bride” (2020) Julie Gonzalo. “Check Inn to Christmas” (2019) “Christmas Bow” Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Fixer to Fabulous Celebrity IOU Å Celebrity IOU Å Home Town Home Town Å Beat Beat BBQ Brawl Å BBQ Brawl (N) Å Beat Beat Beat Beat ››‡ “Keanu” (2016, Comedy) Å ››‡ “Jumping the Broom” (2011, Comedy) Angela Bassett. ››‡ “Constantine” ›› “London Has Fallen” (2016, Action) ››‡ “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013) ›››› “Goodfellas” (1990, Crime Drama) Robert De Niro. Å Beast Must Die: “Hobbit-Battle”
146 CMT Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Reba Reba 177 HIST American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers
3 FS1 NHRA Drag Racing: NHRA Sonoma Nationals. Å ››› “Hoosiers” (1986) Gene Hackman. 4 ESPN The Basketball Tournament The Basketball Tournament SportsCenter (Live) 8 8 9 6 Wheel Jeopardy Gold Home E. Conners black-ish To Tell the Truth News Kimmel News Holly NCIS (In Stereo) Love Island (In Stereo) Å Bob News Colbert 11 35 12 12 15 WGN-A 22 QVC Big Bang Big Bang LEGO Masters Mental Samurai Fox News at Ten DailyMail Mod Fam ET Olympic 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Women’s Gymnastics, Swimming. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å The Donlon Report On Balance NewsNation Prime Banfield (N) Å The Donlon Report IT Cosmetics Å Shoe Shopping hairUWear Cheers! to Shopping with Leah 23 3 24 57 PBS NewsHour (N) Va. Home Grown Their Words American Masters (In Stereo) Aman Darley Keep Up Father Brown Å All Creatures Great The Seaside Hotel PBS NewsHour (N)
27 CNN E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time Don Lemon Tonight Don Lemon Tonight
28 MSNBC 29 CNBC 30 FOXN The ReidOut (Live) All In With Rachel Maddow The Last Word The 11th Hour Shepard Smith 2020 Tokyo Olympics: Rowing. (N) (Live) Å 2020 Tokyo Olympics FOX Primetime Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å Ingraham Gutfeld! (N) Å 33 USA 34 TNT Tokyo Olympics Tokyo Olympics Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics “Geostorm” (2017) ›› “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back” (2016, Action) “Jack Reacher” Olympics 35 TBS 37 A&E 39 PARMT 40 COM Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Miracle Miracle Wipeout ›› “Pain & Gain” America’s Top Dog An Ani An Ani Storage Storage Storage Storage ››‡ “The Guardian” (2006, Drama) Kevin Costner. Å ››› “Tombstone” (1993) Kurt Russell. Office The Office Å Office Drunk Drunk Drunk Drunk Office Office 44 DISC Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch “The Crush” (In Stereo) Deadliest Catch Hunting Atlantis 47 TLC 48 ANPL 53 FREE So Freakin Cheap Little People, World Little People, World Doubling Down Doubling Down “Jaws III” (1983) › “Jaws the Revenge” (1987, Suspense) Extinct or Alive: Extinct or Alive ››› “X-Men: First Class” (2011, Action) James McAvoy. Å Motherland The 700 Club Å 54 TVL 55 TCM Andy G. Andy G. RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondKing King “Shoot-Piano” ››‡ “Butterfield 8” (1960, Drama) ›››› “The Gay Divorcee” (1934) Å 58 HALL 60 LIFE 61 HGTV 62 FOOD 66 BET 127 SYFY 138 AMC “Coming Home for Christmas” (2017) “Christmas Wishes & Mistletoe Kisses” “Cmas Starlight” Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Home Town Å Good Bones Å Good Bones Å Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Chopped Å Chopped Å Chopped (N) Å Chopped Å Chopped Å ››‡ “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” T. Perry’s The Oval Celebrity Fam Celebrity Fam “London Fallen” WWE NXT (N) (In Stereo) Å ›‡ “Hellboy” (2019) David Harbour. Å “Transformers” ›› “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” (2011, Action) Shia LaBeouf. Å Matrix 146 CMT 177 HIST Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Reba Reba America’s Book America’s Book of Secrets: Special Å Man vs. History (N) America’s Book

American Legion’s Post 201 Juniors team talks prior to the start of a halfinning in the Juniors’ game versus Post 125 at Douglas Freeman High School last Wednesday. Post 125 walked-off 3-2.
Post 201’s Max Altieri scores a run.
Post 201 Juniors face 125
Staff Reports
Defense shined for American Legion Post 201’s Juniors throughout much of Wednesday’s game at Douglas Freeman High School, but two key innings - the fi rst and the last - ultimately led to Post 125 walking-off 3-2 for the victory in the tightly contested matchup.
Outside of the fi rst inning in which 125 took a 2-1 lead, Post 201’s defense was airtight up until the fi nal frame. 201’s starting pitcher Matthew Layman struck out six in six innings pitched, initiated two 1-3 plays, caught a fl oating comebacker in the fi fth and completed a 3-1 play with a catch in transition in the sixth. He kept batters off-balance late in the game with his breaking-ball pitches.
Layman also put the fi rst scoring run of the game on base with his walk in the top of the fi rst. Layman’s courtesy runner Max Altieri scored to make it 1-0 when his teammate Luke Burkhart hit a grounder to second base and 125’s attempted 4-3 play defl ected off of the fi rst baseman’s glove.
Post 125 took away the lead with the help of a couple of errors, a base hit, a stolen base and a sacrifi ce fl y in the bottom of the fi rst. But 201 settled in, allowing only two runners on base in the fourth inning and none in the second, third, fi fth and sixth frames.
Defensive plays included Will Karanian going to one knee as he tracked down and caught a fl yball in left fi eld to complete a three-up, three-down second inning for Post 201. Catcher Zach Smith also reeled in a pop fl y near home plate in the fourth.
The defense’s momentum eventually shifted to the offense in the top of the seventh; after reaching fi rst base on a walk, Sam Shevrin stole both second and third, then scored off of Henry Bowman landing the ball in play in right fi eld against two outs. The two teams entered the bottom of the seventh with the game all tied up at 2-2.
Facing a new pitcher, Post 125 loaded the bases on two walks - one intentional - and an error. From there, the home team knocked a groundball single up the middle to bring home the walk-off run.

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Noticeisherebygiven,pursuantto§15.2-2204oftheCodeofVirginia,thatthe PlanningCommissionofPowhatanCountywillconductapublichearingon Tuesday,
3910OldBuckinghamRoad, toconsiderthefollowingrequests:
Case#21-03-CUP: ChrisandVickiSmith(District#5:SmithsCrossroads/
Pineville/Tobaccoville) requestaconditionalusepermit(CUP)toallowaruralevent venuewithintheAgricultural-10(A-10)zoningdistrictperSec.83-162oftheZoning OrdinanceoftheCountyofPowhatan.TheuseislocatedatTaxMapParcels#22-13A and#22-13C(6100AndersonHighway)inwesternPowhatanCounty.The2019LongRangeComprehensivePlandesignatesthesubjectpropertyasRuralPreservation andNaturalConservationontheCountywideFutureLandUsePlan.
requesttorezoneTaxMapParcels43A-2-1,43A-2-2,43A-2-2A,43A-2-3,43A-2-4, 43A-2-4A,43A-2-5,and43A-2-6fromtheGeneralCommercial(C)zoningdistrictto theLight-Industrial(I-1)zoningdistrict.ThepropertiesarelocatedonDouthitCourt, whichislocatedonthenorthsideofU.S.Route60(AndersonHighway),approximately 0.45mileswestoftheChesterfieldCountyline.The2019Long-RangeComprehensive PlandesignatesthesubjectpropertiesasCommerceCenterintheRoute60Corridor EastSpecialAreaPlanontheCountywideFutureLandUsePlan. Case#21-03-AZ:TheCountyofPowhatan requestsanamendmenttotheCounty CodeofOrdinancestoamendChapter83(ZoningOrdinance),ArticleXI(Definitions)to addweeklyrentaltothedefinitionofbedandbreakfast,aswellasremovereferences togenerallytakingplaceinsinglefamilyhomes,whetherornotmealsareservedand specificsaboutthetypesofrenters.. Membersofthepublicmayalsoparticipateremotelybyjoiningawebinarat https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89655087654orbydialinginbyphoneat1-929-205-6099 OR1-312-626-6799,thentypinginthewebinarID89655087654.Duringthepublic commentperiod,participantsmayraisetheirhandusingthezoomcontrolsonthe computerscreen,or(ifdialingin)bypressing*9onaphone. The meeting may be watched live by visiting http://powhatanva.gov/432/ Live-Stream-of-Powhatan-County-Meetings. AllPlanningCommissionmeetingsareopentothepublicandinterestedpersonsare encouragedtoattendonthedayandtimespecifiedabove.Copiesoftheproposed plans,ordinances,andamendmentsmaybereviewedintheDepartmentofCommunity DevelopmentinthePowhatanCountyAdministrationBuilding(3834OldBuckingham Road)between8:30AMand5:00PMofeachbusinessday.Copiesofstaffreportsare availablepriortothePublicHearinguponrequestandwillbeavailableonlineatleast five(5)dayspriortothemeetingathttp://powhatanva.gov/agendacenter.Pleasecall (804)598-5621withanyquestions.
Notice is hereby given thatthe Powhatan County Board of Supervisors will conduct public hearings on Monday,July 26, 2021 at 6:30 PM in the Powhatan County Village Building Auditorium (3910 Old Buckingham Road) regarding the following matters.
Case #21-05-REZC: Timbercreek Building and Design, LLC (District #1: Subletts/
Manakin/Flat Rock) requests the rezoning of TaxMap Parcels #42-57F and 42-68 from Light Industrial (I-1) with proffered conditions (Case #04-04-REZC), General Commercial (C), andAgricultural-10(A-10)toLightIndustrial(I-1)withprofferedconditionsandamendment ofthezoningdistrictmapofapproximately7.89acresoflandlocatedonthenorthsideof U.S.Route60(AndersonHighway)approximately500feeteastofitsintersectionwithState Route1343(CarterGallierBoulevard)(1700BlockofAndersonHighway).Profferedconditions addressadherencetoaconceptualplan,buildingelevations,perimeterbuffers,sharedaccess withadjacentparcels,andpermitteduses.Office/warehousespaceandaself-servicestorage facilityareproposed.The2019Long-RangeComprehensivePlandesignatesthesubject propertiesasCommerceCenter(Route60CorridorEastSpecialAreaPlan)ontheCountywide FutureLandUsePlan. Case#21-06-REZC:GoodwynLLC(District#3:Bethesda/Lee’sLanding) requeststhe rezoningofTaxMapParcels#27-7and27-8fromCommerceCenter(CC)toAgricultural-10 (A-10)withone(1)profferedconditionandamendmentofthezoningdistrictmapof approximately15.41acresoflandlocatednortheastoftheintersectionofU.S.Route60 (AndersonHighway)/StateRoute1005(SkaggsRoad).Oneprofferedconditionaddresses futureconsolidationofthesubjectproperties.The2019Long-RangeComprehensivePlan designatesthesubjectpropertiesasCommerceCenter(CourthouseVillageSpecialAreaPlan) ontheCountywideFutureLandUsePlan.TheA-10zoningdistrictallowsresidentialdensities ofuptooneunitperten(10)acres.
Case #21-05-CUP: Alexcia S. Yellis (District #5: Smiths Crossroads/Pineville/
Tobaccoville) requestsaconditionalusepermit(CUP)toallowadetachedaccessorydwelling unitwithintheRuralResidential-5(RR-5)zoningdistrictperSec.83-183(b)oftheZoning OrdinanceoftheCountyofPowhatan.TheuseislocatedatTaxMapParcel#34A-3-3(2002 WalnutTreeCourt)inwesternPowhatanCountywithintheWalnutCreeksubdivision.The2019 Long-RangeComprehensivePlandesignatesthesubjectpropertyasRuralPreservationonthe CountywideFutureLandUsePlan. Membersofthepublicmayalsoparticipateremotelybyjoiningawebinarathttps://us02web. zoom.us/j/83998792911orbydialinginbyphoneat1-929-205-6099OR1-312-626-6799, thentypinginthewebinarID83998792911.Duringthepubliccommentperiod,participants mayraisetheirhandusingthezoomcontrolsonthecomputerscreen,or(ifdialingin)by pressing*9onaphone. Themeetingmaybewatchedlivebyvisitinghttp://powhatanva.gov/432/Live-Stream-ofPowhatan-County-Meetings. Publiccommentsmayalsobesubmittedtoadministration@powhatanva.govorbyleaving avoicemailat(804)598-5612.Anycommentsreceivedpriorto5:00PMofthedateofthe publichearingwillberecordedinthemeetingminutes. Allinterestedpersonsareinvitedtoparticipateinthepublichearingsandtopresenttheir viewsand/ortosubmitwrittencomments.Personsrequiringspecialassistancetoviewor participate inthosehearingsshouldcontactthePowhatanCountyAdministrator’sOfficeat (804)598-5612atleastthreedayspriortothemeeting.Fulltextanddocumentsrelated totheseproposalscanbereviewedbycontactingtheCountyAdministrator’sOfficeat administration@powhatanva.govor(804)598-5612.