39 minute read
Continued from
Wednesday, Nov. 2
No excuse early voting for the 2022 General
Election is available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday to Friday as well as Saturday, Nov. 5 at a drive-thru behind the Village Building.
For more information about voting, contact the Powhatan Office of Elections at 804-5985604 or visit https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/
Powhatan County Public Library will hold Read 2
Rover from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 2 and Dec. 7. Would you like to gain confidence in your reading skills and have fun? Sign up to read to a certified therapy dog! Reading sessions are 15 minutes per child. A parent or guardian must stay with the child while they read.
Register through the library website, http://www. powhatanva.gov/247/Powhatan-County-Public-
Library, or by calling 804-598-5670.
Community Matters is a resource for all 55 and forward interested in learning, staying active and engaging with peers. Challenge and socialization are powerful combined and crucial at any age! Program is free; requires independent participation. Weekly sessions with a wide range of topics and activities are held on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Rescue Squad
Building, 3920 Marion Harland Lane. Information on various offerings, activities and topics presented can be found on Facebook: Powhatan
County Reach for Active Services. Call program coordinator Jayne Lloyd at 804-698-0438 for more information.
Powhatan County Public Library is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
Fridays, and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays.
Meeting rooms are available by reservation; study rooms are available first come, first served. The library offers e-books through Overdrive and materials to borrow in person or by using Books to Go. With Books to Go, patrons may reserve print materials, DVDs, and audiobooks 24/7 online at www.powhatanlibrary or by phone during open hours at 804-598-5670; once the patron is notified that their order is ready, they have three days to pick it up at the to-go shelf. The outdoor library book drop is open 24/7 for returning library items; however, patrons must return mobile hotspots to the circulation desk inside the library.
The library accepts donations and the Friends of the Library bookstore is open during library business hours. Visit www.powhatanlibrary.net or call the library at 804-598-5670 for more details, and like the library’s Facebook page for all the latest, up-to-date library news, information and program schedules.
Powhatan County Public Library will hold a weekly Story Time on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Participants will read stories, sing songs, learn finger plays and more! Story Time generally meets in front of the fireplace, and occasionally in our outdoor space.
Business Network International (BNI) Powhatan chapter meets virtually from 8 to 9:30 a.m. every Wednesday. Visit Www.BNIVA.com for information. To register, visit https://tinyurl.com/
BNIOnFire or contact executive director Dawne
Gulla at dawne@bniva.com or 804-690-9220 for more information.
The Free Clinic of Powhatan serves residents from Powhatan, Amelia and Cumberland
Counties as well as select Chesterfield areas.
Services include medical, dental, counseling and women’s healthcare by appointment.
Eligibility requirements on website www. freeclinicofpowhatan.org/patients. Registration for new patients by appointment Mondays 5-8 p.m. or walk-in Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, call (804) 598-5637.
The Powhatan Lion’s Club will meet at 6 p.m. at the County Seat Restaurant. Contact Mike Jones at 804-794-1440 for more information.
Thursday, Nov. 3
On Nov. 3, the Pocahontas Chapter of the Virginia
Native Plant Society is pleased to welcome Kaity
Bevenour, an ecological horticulturalist and the owner/operator of Parallel Nursery, a sustainable plant nursery in Richmond, specializing in growing species from the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast U.S.
Bevenour will be discussing her entrepreneurial journey with Parallel and the exploding native plant industry. She will discuss small business resources, how to bring others into the native plant community, and thoughts on the future of the industry. This hybrid meeting (live or via Zoom) is free and open to the public. The live meeting will be at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Kelly
Center. The meet and greet starts at 6:30 p.m., followed by the presentation at 7 p.m. A short business meeting will follow the presentation.
The chapter serves several cities and counties throughout the Richmond region, including
Goochland, Hanover, King William and Powhatan.
Membership in a chapter is available to anyone who joins the Virginia Native Plant Society. For more information, visit the state website: http:// vnps.org/.
Just Kids, an affordable clothing shop selling gently used children’s clothes, sizes newborn to 8 plus, had its official opening June 7. Moving forward, the store will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The shop is located in the Memorial Baptist Church
Youth House, 3926 Old Buckingham Road.
Just Kids is a ministry of May Memorial Baptist
Church. Clothes cost $2 per bag.
A Called to Care Meeting will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month at Powhatan United Methodist
Church. This organization offers both support to persons who have health issues and those who are caring for persons with health issues. The meetings may include guest speakers on a myriad of topics related to aging and good health. Guest speakers have included a nurse practitioner, neurologist, nutritionist, physical therapist and many more. All are welcome to attend. This group is facilitated by Judy Cain-Oliver, licensed clinical psychologist.
The Powhatan Food Pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursdays, Saturdays and Tuesdays at 2500 Batterson Road. Contact the pantry at 804-372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@gmail. com. beekeeping activities. The group meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month in the auditorium of the Powhatan Village Building, 3910 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan. Visit https:// huguenotbeekeepers.org.
Extension specialists and industry experts share timely topics for farmers in the Virginia
Cooperative Extension Ag Today, held virtually at 9 a.m. every Thursday. These updates are relevant and brief and are recorded for folks who can't join on that day and time. Podcasts (audio only) are posted on Westmoreland VCE webpage and YouTube video recordings can be found at https://www.youtube.com/ playlist?list=PL7_2
QUVzrPXDpYsV2HY11CH8KBrluifyO. Contact
Stephanie Romelczyk (sromelcz@vt.edu) for information on joining the meeting live. Watched or listened to VCE AG Today? Let us know how we are doing! Find our survey here: https://vce. az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6fiYBb914AYRdn7.
The Powhatan County Fair association meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the Powhatan
Fairgrounds located at 4042 Anderson Highway,
Powhatan, Virginia 23139. For more information, visit www.powhatanfair.org.
The original Powhatan AA meets from 7 to 8 p.m. every Thursday in the Powhatan Village Building.
The Powhatan Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. every Thursday at the County Seat Restaurant.
The Powhatan Garden Club meets the first
Thursday of the month at the Powhatan Rescue
Squad Building, 3920 Marion Harland Road, starting at 10 a.m. for refreshments and at 10:30 a.m. for the meeting and program. The presenter will be Diane Burgess, a flower show judge and a Piedmont District Director who will give a presentation on floral design. For more information, contact Laura Divinski at 804-3729572.
Friday, Nov. 4
Powhatan County Public Library’s Middle Grade
Anime Club will meet from 4 to 5 p.m. on Friday,
Nov. 4 and Dec. 9. Bring manga, notebooks, cosplays, or other projects to work on. We will watch a different anime each meeting. For local children aged 8-12. Application required to join.
Pick up one at the library front desk.
Powhatan Cruizer’s car club, which is open to any vehicle or motorcycle owner, meets at 6 p.m. on the first Friday of the month at the Powhatan
County Fairgrounds. Meetings are open to anyone. For more information, contact Charlie
Williams at 804-898-0876.
Saturday, Nov. 5
Powhatan County Public Library’s Thanksgiving
Food Drive will be held during the entire month of October and until Nov. 5. Bring in five canned goods or nonperishable items to be entered in to be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card. All donations will go to the local food pantry.
Habitat For Humanity - Powhatan depends on volunteers and donors. Habitat is blessed with the community’s helpful and generous participation.
The Habitat ReStore at 1922 Urbine Road will be open every Saturday, come November 2022, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The office is located upstairs at the Habitat ReStore and the office number is 804-594-7009, ext. 2. Call and volunteer. Help us at the ReStore, perform critical repairs and/or with our upcoming builds.
Powhatan AA meets at 8 p.m. every Saturday at Manakin Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.
Monday, Nov. 7
Powhatan County Public Library will hold Brick
Slayerz from 4 to 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 7 and 21 and Dec. 5 and 19. This is a LEGO building club for 6-12 year-olds. Bricks and bases will be provided to attendees. A parent or guardian is required to stay with their child during the program.
A Grief Support Group meets from 10 to 11 a.m. on the second Monday of each month at Powhatan United Methodist Church. All are welcome to attend. This group is facilitated by
Judy Cain-Oliver, licensed clinical psychologist.
The Huguenot Ruritan Club meets at 7 p.m. on the first Monday of the month at May Memorial
Baptist Church. For more information, contact
Tom Grasty at 804-598-0777.
A Powhatan Hope Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. every
Monday at PCC Church, 4480 Anderson Highway,
Powhatan, Room 102. It is an open discussion meeting. Wheelchair accessible.
Tuesday, Nov. 8
Polls will be open for Election Day 2022 from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Verify your precinct before going at https://www.elections.virginia.gov/casting-aballot/polling-place-lookup/.
Awaken to Hope Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. every
Tuesday at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.
The new Bridge of Reason AA meeting is held at 7 p.m. every Tuesday at Powhatan Mennonite
Church, 3549 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan.
It is an open, decision and literature meeting for
Powhatan, Goochland, and Cumberland counties.
AA meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday at St. Luke’s
Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.
Girl Scout Troop 3029 is helping the Huguenot
Volunteer Fire Department achieve a long-held goal of building a memorial to honor the victims of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 at the station. The Girl Scouts are selling 411 bricks inscribed with the name, rank and company of a firefighter, law enforcement officer or paramedic killed during the attacks. A donation of $23 will cover the cost of one inscribed brick in honor of a first responder. To purchase a brick, visit www. bricksrus.com/donorsite/memorial911. Checks payable to Troop 3029 may also be mailed to
Laura Baltz at 1510 Holly Hills Road, Powhatan,
VA 23139. For more information, contact Baltz at 804-467-4313 or Ljbal65@aol.com. and what you dream of when you think of your elder home. Register by Nov. 3 by calling 804925-2660 or reaching out to dreaminghome@ leadingagevirginia.org.
Teen Anime Club will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 10 and Dec. 8 at Powhatan
County Public Library. Bring manga, notebooks, cosplays, or other projects to work on. We will watch a different anime each meeting. For local teens aged 13-18 (grades 6-12). Application required to join. Pick up one at the library front desk.
Powhatan Elementary School will hold its annual
Veterans Day salute, “Thank you, Military” at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 11, and local veterans are invited to attend and be honored. The fifth graders will be performing a schoolwide assembly for local veterans. Powhatan Middle
School assistant principal Jon Ferguson will be the honored veteran guest speaker. Middle school band and choir members will also perform patriotic selections and the Powhatan High
School JROTC will present the colors.
Powhatan American Legion Post 201 is sponsoring a Veterans Day Program to be held at the War Memorial Cultural Arts & Community
Center on Friday, Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. All veterans will be recognized at the event. Dr. Harold F.
Young, former Vietnam MASH hospital surgeon and a renown neurosurgeon at the VCU Hospital, will be the guest speaker. For more information about Young, visit https://neurosurgery.vcu.edu/ about/our-team/harold-f-young-md.html.
Habitat for Humanity-Powhatan will hold an
Exterior Critical Repair Blitz on Nov. 11 and 12.
Do you know someone elderly, or a veteran and or a homeowner with a disability on a limited income who has struggled to maintain the exterior of their home — dangerous steps, decking, rotted siding here and there? Habitat has a limited number of spots that weekend. Send contacts for who you are thinking of and Habitat can see if they are eligible for the program. Call 804594-7009, ext. 2 or e-mail executivedirector@ habitatpowhatan.org.
The annual Huguenot Springs Cemetery Veterans
Day Candlelight Service will be held at 6 p.m. on
Friday, Nov. 11 at 907 Old Confederate Cemetery
Road, Midlothian, 23113 (northeastern Powhatan
County). The memorial service is sponsored by the J.E.B. Stuart Camp #1343 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Huguenot
Springs Cemetery Foundation. The service will be honoring all American veterans. There will be bagpipe music by David W. Hinton of the Virginia
Scots Guards, a wreath laying ceremony and artillery salute by Knibb’s Battery. The speaker,
Ken Wiseman, will represent the VFW and speak on “Service after Enlistment. The event is free and open to the public. Call 804-690-0268 if you have any questions.
Powhatan County Branch NAACP will hold a
Veterans Day Program at 11 a.m. on Saturday,
Nov. 12 at the Powhatan African American
Cultural Arts Museum, Pocahontas Landmark
Center, 4290 Anderson Hwy, Powhatan. Guest
Speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Vera Rhyne with music by Brother Edward Foster.
Powhatan County Public Library will have Craft
Time! From 10:30 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12 and Dec. 3. Elementary school aged children are invited to participate in this arts and craft program. Registration required.
Powhatan State Park will hold a Volunteer
Kickoff Even from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday,
Nov. 12 at Shelter #1 in the park. Learn about volunteer perks and benefits and park projects and opportunities The day will also include an opportunity to meet park staff and friends group members; enjoy refreshments and several prize drawings for Powhatan gifts and apparel and participate in optional volunteer projects and/or an craft activity. Free parking for attendees. The rain date is from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 13.
The Seeds of Hope Harvest Festival will be held from noon to 4 p.m. at The Venue at Orchard
View Farm, 136 Baber Rd., Cumberland, VA 23040. Powhatan-based nonprofit, Together for
Tanzania, hosts this fundraising event designed for families to enjoy a casual, fun-filled afternoon at this lovely venue while helping TFT to raise funds for the construction of Save Life English
Medium School in southern Tanzania. The event is catered by Deep Run Roadhouse and music is by Willie De Trio. Games and activities will entertain both adults and children. At 2 p.m. special Tanzanian guests will speak, followed by a live auction of an 8-foot kayak and a lovely
Lake Gaston home stay, four days/three nights.
To learn more and purchase tickets, visit www. togetherfortanzania.org.
The Fitzgerald Memorial Baptist Church’s Women on a Mission will hold a Holly Jolly Bazaar from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12 at the church, 14 Fitzgerald Road, Cumberland.
Fitzgerald’s annual shopping extravaganza will have a little bit of everything, including locally made arts, crafts, homemade goodies and more.
The women host the event to raise money for local missions.
A Veterans Day service will be held at St. Luke’s
Episcopal Church at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 13. Join us as we honor all American veterans, living and deceased, who served this country honorably during wartime and peacetime. We will pray for our veterans, sing beloved hymns, read from the Bible and enjoy beautiful music played on the harp by our organist Betsy Brandt. St.
Luke’s cemetery has over 40 service men and women interred, who served. During the service, we will honor each by reciting their names. If you have a family member who served in the military and would like their name to be mentioned, please contact the Church Office 804-794-6953 or secretary@stlukespowhatan.org) by noon,
Thursday, Nov. 10.
Powhatan Christmas Mother Headquarters will be open on the following evenings for volunteers:
Tuesday, Nov. 15 and 29 from 6 to 8 p.m. and
Saturday, Nov. 19 and Dec. 3 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Visit https://powhatanchristmasmother.org/.
Powhatan County Public Library’s Teen Advisory
Board meetings from 4 to 6 p.m. on Nov. 15 and 29 and Dec. 13. Help plan and run teen programs, create library displays, suggest YA books and materials, and get volunteer hours. For local teens aged 13-18 (grades 6-12). Application required to join. Pick one up at the library front desk. exclusively for veterans with special needs and disabilities. Focusing on veterans in Central Virginia, the goal of this program is to improve the quality of life for the participants through activities that are positive to their cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being. As of Jan. 1, 2021, the program is also welcoming first responders to come ride with the program. In November, volunteers are asked to arrive at 10 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at 11 a.m. Upcoming dates are Nov. 15 and 30. There are no sessions in December. LDEC is able to provide a variety of services to the veterans because of dedicated volunteers. Those who would like to help and have fun at the same time are asked to consider becoming a member of one of these teams. For more information about Lonesome Dove, visit http://ldequestrian.com/ or contact 804-318-6485.
The Powhatan County Public Library is spicing up the fall with its programming for adults. On
Saturday, Nov. 19 at 10:30 a.m., the library will hold Gentle Beginner’s Yoga with Joanna Bartles.
Participants will learn breathing techniques, postures and movements to relieve tension and tightness in muscles and joints. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel, and if able a firm pillow, block or towel for support. Bottled water will be provided. For details, contact Powhatan County
Public Library at 804-598-5670 or library@ powhatanlibrary.net.
The RVAg Pop-Up Market Series at Fine Creek
Brewing Company concludes with the event on
Sunday, Nov. 20 from noon to 4 p.m. The event will include local vendors for your shopping pleasure. Sit on the veranda or out in the yard and sip on Fine Creek beer or cider and eat from their delicious menu.
Powhatan County Public Library will hold Brick
Slayerz from 4 to 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 21 and
Dec. 5 and 19. This is a LEGO building club for 6-12 year-olds. Bricks and bases will be provided to attendees. A parent or guardian is required to stay with their child during the program.
A Powhatan Day of “Praying for Others First” will be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 3910
Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan. For more information, call 804-256-4411.
Unity Community Church will present its annual
Unity Around the Table Thanksgiving Dinner from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 24 at 3910
Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan. The event is free and open to the public and includes food, family, fellowship and a toy giveaway. For more information, visit www.ucc4me.org or contact 804-256-4411.
Passion Community Church will hold a
Community Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday,
Nov. 24 at its Powhatan Campus, 4480 Anderson
Highway. The free meal will be held from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. ALL are welcome to join us at the
Powhatan Campus for a Thanksgiving dinner OR stop by to pick up to-go lunches for your family!
Spread the word and invite those you know who may be alone or unable to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal. Your RSVP for dinner (or to pick up dinners) is most appreciated via the form on the church website, https://pccwired.net/fall-events/, found under the Powhatan Campus list. Food donations are also welcome! Items needed include: turkeys, hams, dressing mix, instant mashed potatoes, green beans, and veggie trays. Drop off all donations at the Powhatan Campus. Interested in helping us prepare food? Complete the form on the church website and select the appropriate option. You can also RSVP. Contact Melinda
Kinney at 518-429-9873 or melinda.kinney@ pccwired.net.
Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Drama will put on a production of “The Lion, The Witch and the
Wardrobe” with performances at 7 p.m. Dec. 2 and 3 and 3 p.m. on Dec. 3 in the school’s gym.
The play is based on the story by C.S. Lewis.
Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students.
Powhatan County Parks and Recreation will offer a free Introduction to Pickleball session from 9 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 3 at the Pocahontas
Landmark Center Gym, 4290 Anderson Highway.
The event is for adults ages 18+ and is free for
Powhatan County residents only. It will be taught by Linda Scott, a certified IPTPA instructor and
USA Pickleball District Ambassador Virginia
Central District. If you have your own paddles, bring them with you. Proper shoes and attire required. Participants must register and sign a waiver. Contact 804-598-5275 or mshelton@ powhatanva.gov.
The Heart of Virginia Beekeepers plans to meet
Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. at the Prince Edward
County Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr.,
Farmville, VA 23901 next to Lowe's. We are planning to hold elections and our annual holiday dinner, so bring a dish to share. Details to be announced. Anyone who has bees or is interested in bees is welcome. For more information call
Mary Jane Morgan at 434-315-1433. To check on possible cancellations or changes, visit Facebook or our website: heartofvirginiabeekeepers.org.
Powhatan County Public Library will hold Read 2 Rover from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday,
Dec. 7. Would you like to gain confidence in your reading skills and have fun? Sign up to read to a certified therapy dog! Reading sessions are 15 minutes per child. A parent or guardian must stay with the child while they read. Register through the library website, http://www.powhatanva. gov/247/Powhatan-County-Public-Library, or by calling 804-598-5670.
Powhatan County Public Library’s Middle Grade
Anime Club will meet from 4 to 5 p.m. on Friday,
Dec. 9. Bring manga, notebooks, cosplays, or other projects to work on. We will watch a different anime each meeting. For local children aged 8-12. Application required to join. Pick up one at the library front desk.
Come join us for the Powhatan Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting on Dec. 10. Parade lineup starting at 1 p.m. with the parade starting at 3 p.m., the parade route is along Old Buckingham
Road, from Mann Rd to the Courthouse area.
There will be vendors in the Courthouse area beginning at 1 p.m. and Santa will be available for Christmas wishes and pictures. The Tree
Lighting will be held in the Village following the parade. Applications can be found at www.
PowhatanChristmasMother.org or by contacting the Parade committee at PowhatanChristmas@ gmail.com Hope to see you there!

On Oct. 27, the Elizabeth Randolph Powhatan YMCA’s Active Older Adults prepared a spaghetti lunch and invited all first responders in Powhatan County as a thank you, to honor local heroes and to show simple appreciation for their hard work and dedication to the Powhatan community.
Community Matters donates blankets to children’s hospital
Community Matters, a weekly group for Powhatan’s 55+ community, has been involved in the Humblebee Project as an ongoing project. Participants create no-sew fleece blankets for the Child Life Department at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond (VCU). They assist pediatric inpatients with coping and adjustment to medical issues, and make them more comfortable in all facets of their care. Participants recently took the group’s first 14 blankets to the hospital. Community Matters will continue to participate in this project. The Humblebee Project brings 55+ together – encountering each other and socializing while providing outreach for a wonderful cause. Community Matters meets every Wednesday at the Powhatan Rescue Squad Building.
Christmas Mother to visit ReStore
Contributed Report
More and more of Powhatan businesses and nonprofi ts are jumping in to help the Powhatan Christmas Mother get started on serving others this Christmas. One such entity is our own Habitat for Humanity – Powhatan.
The Habitat ReStore will open its doors for anyone to bring a toy, a board game, (perhaps STEM toys) to the building at 1922 Urbine Road on Saturday, Nov. 19 between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Bring your contribution and have a homemade cookie as a thank you. While you’re there you can peruse the ReStore and possibly discover that there are many items that you might usually search for in a big box store further away from home. Additionally you will be helping both Habitat and the Christmas Mother help others.
Mark your calendar for Nov. 19 to come by the Powhatan ReStore at 1922 Urbine Road between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Bring a toy or a game and receive a free homemade Christmas cookie while checking out the many good deals available at the ReStore.

Powhatan Middle School rolled out four dozen school clubs on Oct. 21 that will continue every Friday throughout the school year during Indian Time. Some of the clubs students have chosen include Monopoly Club (clockwise from top left), Lego Club, Just Dance/TikTok Mashup Club and Sewing Club.
Continued from pg. 1 ics include photography, jazz band, Fantasy Football, Relay for Life, fi shing, gardening, coloring, crocheting, chess, anime, pets, walking and talking, memes, guitar, student leadership, camping and travel, snakes and other critters, Kindness Club, nature walking and sewing.
Gina Beberdick, a reading intervention coach, is leading the Lego Club with teachers Kim Wasosky and Catrina Garner. Students spent the bulk of the time in club Friday just creating with Legos, which, aside from being fun, have potential in the areas of engineering and robotics for the future for the club.
The activity is great for all ages and they can team build or make their own creations, she noted.
“We will have Lego books, too, so they can build certain things that they want to based on that book. We will have Lego videos. … They are basically free to build what they want, use their imaginations and create something fun and engaging,” she said.
Elsewhere in the building, a group of students was dancing Friday to Bobby Pickett’s “Monster Mash” during the Just Dance/TikTok Mashup Club. Sponsor Debbie Packard, who is running the club with Brooke Phinney, said she wanted to give the students a “brain break” and a “sensory break” that will get them moving since so much of the school day is usually spent sitting.
“Today we were focusing on some Halloween songs like ‘Monster Mash’ and ‘Thriller’ just because the theme of the week is Halloween,” she said Friday. “We let the kids pick the different weeks and activities we do. They are just dancing. We are going to, as the club progresses, maybe get choreography going and be able to present it to the school at the end of the year.”
Even though the students pick which club they sign up for, there will be transitions in some. Packard noted that some students who didn’t want to dance the fi rst week were up and moving the second, and she hopes as they get to know each other and warm up to the experience, they will become more comfortable.
“It is always good for them to have familiar faces and friends at all different age levels, so when they are in the cafeteria or in the gym or at a football game, they can always fi nd that familiar face to connect with,” she said.
Teacher Justin Stocker loved playing Monopoly as a child and thought there would be some good interest in the middle school, so he signed up to sponsor the Monopoly Club. Students in the club were divided up into groups of four or fi ve to play Monopoly and will pick up those same games from week to week. The students are storing the board game pieces using plastic bags and recording positions to help keep the fl ow from week to week.
“Hopefully, halfway through the year we are going to have winners and all the winners are going to combine to have a new winner’s table for the second half of the year, and we are going to shuffl e everybody else to another table for the second half of the year,” he said.
While the club has only met twice, Stocker said it has gone well and the students seem to be looking forward to coming and playing the game together.
Math teacher Phil Nusbaum said he was taught by students to do Rubik’s Cubes about four years ago and he continued to learn similar puzzles of different sizes and shapes. The club has students with varying degrees of knowledge of how to do these puzzles.
“My goal for everybody is to either learn one cube they have never done or learn a way to do one they already know how to do but faster,” he said.
Going into the second club meeting, Nusbaum said he was surprised how much they retained from the previous week.
“I thought if they did them and then hadn’t touched them for a week they would come back and not remember anything. But a lot of them were really excited to come in today and remembered the few steps they did, so I think they are really going to be good at it by the time we fi nish this year,” he said Friday.
This kind of club is going to bring together children who may not be friends otherwise but can share this interest in the puzzles, Nusbaum said. “Middle school is hard,” he added, so he hopes the students make some new friends and fi nd the club to be a place they can come and feel at ease.

November9,1967-November2,1987 Inlovingmemoryof LisaKayPrimovic, ourdaughterandsister whopassedawayNovember2,1987.

Powhatan Christmas Parade& TreeLighting
Paraderouteisalong OldBuckinghamRoad,from MannRdtotheCourthousearea. Lineupstartsat1:00pmtheparadekicksoffat3:00pm
“AllWorkPersonallySupervisedbyOwner,RichardStanley”A LocallyOwned&Operated
Vendorsand MarchersNeeded
Formoreinformationvisit: PowhatanChristmasMother.org Orcontact: PowhatanChristmas@gmail.com orJEpps@luckstone.com
County to explore hiring a consultant to fi x pay, class plan
By Laura McFarland
Managing Editor
POWHATAN – The Powhatan County Board of Supervisors is looking at the need to bring in consultants to address an issue in county administration that has been a signifi cant topic of contention in recent months.
During the board’s meeting on Monday, Oct. 24, the supervisors addressed the issues of the highly debated employee classifi cation and compensation plan and what should be the next steps moving forward, ultimately deciding to have staff explore ways they might hire a consultant to help update and fi x it.
The classifi cation and compensation plan has been a bone of contention in board meetings for months as David Williams, who represents District 1, and Bill Cox, District 4, laid much of the problems with the plan’s current state at the feet of former county administrator Ned Smither, who resigned earlier this month at the board’s request.
Supporting that assertion was a 14page report completed by county attorney Tom Lacheney at the board’s request in September that detailed actions he said Smither took that damaged the fairness and equity of the plan, including raises, job grade changes and promotions outside of the plan. Lacheney recommended in the report that the county “immediately initiate a new pay and class study with a neutral outside consultant to help us create a new plan that the BOS and the County Administrator are willing to operate under.”
During last week’s meeting, interim county administrator Bret Schardein recommended hiring a fi rm to help staff members with updating the classifi cation and compensation plan. If the board liked that proposal, he said the county could either do a request for proposal (RFP) to get bids or see if any other localities have open procurement contracts Powhatan might use if it fi ts what the county needs.
Schardein recommended looking at updating the plan based on the current market, especially since it was last updated in 2018 and is generally agreed among board members to be out of date. Schardein also recommended an update that would look to make sure there is parity and integrity across all positions.
Discussion followed, starting with the cost of hiring an outside consultant as Karin Carmack, District 5, raised concerns that the consultant route could be expensive. Schardein said there are things county staff could do to reduce costs, but the fi nal bill would depend on the full scope of what the board decides to do to the plan.
Cox pointed out that the new plan will need to address not only pay and job grade changes but also the question of who has the authority to make changes.
“We have a whole lot of things that need to be addressed. They aren’t necessarily hard but need to be addressed and kind of pulled in,” he said.
Steve McClung, District 2, immediately supported the idea of an outside consultant, saying he wants to “move forward and get this thing done.”
Williams said the “money to fi x this” is not in the consultant fee but the salary changes that will need to be made, saying it will take quite a lot of money to do that. He agreed the board wants a comprehensive fi x but added they want to know all of the options available.
Chair Mike Byerly, District 3, also agreed an outside consultant looks like it is necessary but said he doesn’t want to lose sight of the fact that the county had failed to update the plan annually as a part of the annual budget since 2018, which needs to be addressed moving forward.
“Since 2018 it hasn’t happened annu-
One female was charged on Oct. 21 with petty larceny (Misdemeanor). One male was charged on Oct. 23
with dogs running at large. One male was charged on Oct. 23 with assault and battery of a family member (M).
Incident report for Oct. 17 to 23 - Incident type & total calls
Advice 23 Animal calls 26 Assault 6 Assist 21 Attempt to locate 6 BOL 1 Civil 1 Damaged property 2 Death investigation 1 Disabled vehicle 18 Disorder/disturbance 3 Domestic 6 Drunk in public 1 Follow-up 1 Found property 2 Fraud 3 Gunshot noise 2 Hit and run 2 Investigation 10 Larceny 3 Lockout 7 Loud music 2 Missing person 1 MVAs 24 Overdose 1 Panic alarm 1 Pd alarm 6 Phone threat 2 Reckless driver 16 School threat assessment 1 Shoplifting 1 Suspicious 13 Traffi c hazard 11 Traffi c stop 62 Transport 3 Trespass 4 Underage possession 1 Unknown emergency 14 Vandalism 2 Warrant service 3 Welfare check 2
ally in Powhatan County. It needs to happen. We are not a perfect place – nobody is – but we’ve got to pay attention to this and we’ve got to fi gure out, when we move forward and we get back to that fair and equitable place that we all want to be with the compensation and pay plan for our employees, we’ve got to look at this going forward every year,” Byerly said.
The board decided with unanimous head nods to allow county staff to explore the options available to Powhatan and bring back the choices to the board of supervisors.
Continued from pg. 2 County Public Library. Tentative dates are Jan. 21 or 28, 2023. If you are an author interested in participating, contact Charles Joynes at cjoynes@ powhatanlibrary.net.
The Coalition of Powhatan Churches has available resources to help people who would like assistance in learning to manage their finances. If you know of anyone who needs or would like to have this service, or to get more information, call
Robin Cupka at 804-801-9851.
Backpacks of Love, a nonprofit committed to eliminating hunger in school-age children by providing nourishing food for their weekend, needs help. BPOL is looking for delivery drivers that would be available to deliver on Thursdays.
They are in immediate need of a driver to deliver to Cumberland County and or Amelia County.
These are great jobs for students looking for community hours. Always accepting food donations of single serve raviolis, spaghettios, apple sauce, cereal, cookies, crackers and more. Contact Kevin Hardy at 804-350-1127 for more information.
Powhatan Food Pantry is currently seeking volunteer drivers who can pick up food from the local Food Lions on different days between 8:30 and 10 a.m. and transport them to the nonprofit at 2500 Batterson Road. Contact the pantry at 804372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@gmail.com.
Powhatan Parks and Recreation is pleased to offer the following at the Pocahontas Landmark
Center Gym (4290 Anderson Highway, Powhatan).
Keep in mind when county offices are closed for holidays, inclement weather, etc., activities will not be held unless specifically noted: Open Gym
Walking, Wednesdays, 9-11 a.m.; Open Gym
Pickleball, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9-11:30 a.m.; Open Adult Special Needs Basketball, every Monday, 10 a.m.-noon; Open Gym Adult
Volleyball, Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. until Nov. 15; Paid
Momentum Volleyball, Tuesdays and Thursdays starting Dec. 1 (contact Cindy Bryant by email
see CALENDAR, pg. 6
Continued from pg. 1 11 at 11 a.m. All veterans will be recognized at the event. Dr. Harold F. Young, former Vietnam MASH hospital surgeon and a renown neurosurgeon at the VCU Hospital, will be the guest speaker. For more information about Young, visit https://neurosurgery.vcu.edu/ about/our-team/harold-f-young-md. html. The annual Huguenot Springs Cemetery Veterans Day Candlelight Service will be held at 6 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 11 at 907 Old Confederate Cemetery Road, Midlothian, 23113 (northeastern Powhatan County). The memorial service is sponsored by the J.E.B. Stuart Camp #1343 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Huguenot Springs Cemetery Foundation. The service will be honoring all American veterans. There will be bagpipe music by David W. Hinton of the Virginia Scots Guards, a wreath laying ceremony and artillery salute by Knibb’s Battery. The speaker, Ken Wiseman, will represent the VFW and speak on “Service after Enlistment.” The event is free and open to the public. Call 804-690-0268 if you have any questions. Powhatan County Branch NAACP will hold a Veterans Day Program at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12 at the Powhatan African American Cultural Arts Museum, Pocahontas Landmark Center, 4290 Anderson Hwy, Powhatan. Guest Speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Vera Rhyne with music by Brother Edward Foster. All are welcome. A Veterans Day service will be held at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 13. Join us as we honor all American veterans, living and deceased, who served this country honorably during wartime and peacetime. We will pray for our veterans, sing beloved hymns, read from the Bible and enjoy beautiful music played on the harp by organist Betsy Brandt. St. Luke’s cemetery has over 40 service men and women interred, who served. During the service, we will honor each by reciting their names. If you have a family member who served in the military and would like their name to be mentioned, contact the Church Offi ce at 804-794-6953 or secretary@stlukespowhatan.org by noon, Thursday, Nov. 10.
St.Luke’sEpiscopalChurch SUNDAYS 8:00AMinpersonserviceinthechurch 10:30AMinpersonserviceinthechurch (livestreamed) www.stlukespowhatan.org
AllareWelcome Formoreinformationvisitwww.stlukespowhatan.org Route711atThreeBridgeRoad794-6953
Genito Presbyterian Church
2910GenitoRd.Powhatan,VA 372-9074
WorshipwithusthisSunday Churchservice@9:30AM Sundayschool@10:30AM
EVERGREEN COMMUNITY CHURCH (PCA) Proclaiming&PracticingtheGospelofJesusChrist WorshipServiceat10:00AM Meetingat2210BattersonRoad,Powhatan. PastorNickKrauss ECCPCA.ORG 598-8844
SundaySchool10AM WorshipService11AM

PastorJohnEngle 603-933-0141
3540OldBuckinghamRd. www.pmchurch.net

MeetingSundays inFarmville, ForkUnion,Midlothian, PowhatanandOnline. Visitpccwired.netfor servicestimes&locations. 598-1174 pccwired.net
MountCalvary BaptistChurch
2020RedLaneRoad Powhatan,VA23139
Pastor,LarryB.Collins SundaySchool9:45a.m. SundayWorship11:00a.m. WednesdayBibleStudy 7:30p.m. Office804-598-2398
Providence Presbyterian Church
“WorshipingandWitnessing inWesternPowhatan since1825” WorshipService11:00am AllAreWelcome! 598-4970
Located1950RidgeRoad (Rt.627) PowhatanChristian Fellowship
SundayMorningWorship 11:00a.m. SundaySchool10:00a.m. WednesdayNight7:30p.m. 3308PleasantsRoad, 1/4mileoffofRoute711 RussCress,Pastor 598-0733 St.JohnNeumann CatholicChurch
HeartsandBeyondOurDoors HeartsandBeyondOurDoors 2253RossonRd.
JustoffRt.13intheVillage 598-4438
Worship: 8:30&10:30am
WeekdayPreschool(ages2-5) 598-6090 Rev.WalterG.Lewis,Pastor Saturday-5p.m. Sunday-8:30a.m.&11a.m. 598-3754 www.sjnpowhatan.org LocatedbehindFlatRock VillageShoppingCenter


Church Directory.
Call 804-746-1235 ext.2 fordetails.
Contributed Report
The Powhatan Christmas Mother program wants to be sure no eligible senior nor child goes without at Christmas.
Coordinators want to make sure Powhatan residents are informed of the criteria and method used to accept applicants to see if they are eligible.
The program uses 250% Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. These are based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines as provided by the Federal Offi ce of management and Budget for the previous calendar year.
The guidelines allow families that fall within those amounts to apply for assistance for their children, for seniors (60 and older) and for people with disabilities. Proof of income, of disability and of residency are required with the submission of the application. The program serves only Powhatan County residents.
If you are a single senior with monthly gross income of $2,831 or less living in Powhatan, you qualify for the Powhatan Christmas Mother program.
If you are a family of three living in Powhatan and your monthly gross income is $4,798 or less, your children qualify for Powhatan Christmas Mother.
For further information you may contact the program through the website, powhatanchristmasmother.org; by email at powhatancec@verizon.net; or phone at 804-337-1346. The program will be accepting applications through mid-November. You can also download an application from the website.
You may also check your eligibility at www.povertylevelcalculator.com/ virginia.
Organizers realize the economy is challenging and that many people are facing tougher economic decisions. They hope that no one fails to ask for help at Christmas when we are blessed with a generous county and warm hearts wanting to bring everyone a season of hope this Christmas.

The winner of the Pumpkins for Kids decorating contest, held Oct. 28 at Independence Golf Club in Powhatan, was Kenmore Envelope’s Sesame Street scene featuring a pumpkin Oscar the Grouch. Clockwise from top center are: some of the top 10 winners of the contest and pumpkins decorated like a dancing Groot, a Venus fly trap (second place) and Winnie the Pooh, and the Sanderson sisters from “Hocus Pocus.” Right is a QR code to donate to the children’s hospital.
Continued from pg. 1 Alice Sheridan picked the top fi ve to receive prizes. The top 10 were put on display at two of the hospital’s therapy centers in Glen Allen and Bon Air. The rest of the pumpkins were also put to good use as they were taken to other area hospitals and senior living facilities to be displayed.
Sheridan joked that she was feeling a bit of pressure because the entries were so amazing and creative.
“It was challenging because all of the top 10 were awesome,” she said.
Nunnally said the Sesame Street display won both because of how appropriate it is for the children’s hospital and because of the obvious hard work that was put into creating it. “It stood out.”
Kenmore Envelope’s Sesame Street won fi rst place in this year’s competition, which ITM project administrator Mary Landrum said employees back in the offi ce would be thrilled to hear. This is the company’s third year participating in the competition and third time fi nishing either fi rst or second.
A team made up of representatives from several departments in the company pick the theme and start building the entry in early October, she said. The Sesame Street entry was chosen because it would be a great fi t to bring joy to the children who will see it, and there was a nod to the company’s mission with Grover the mailman carrying letters.
“There is a lot of competitiveness,” Landrum said with a laugh after the winners were announced. “I have already received like 20 text messages from work: ‘Did we win? Did we win? Did we win?’ So they are expecting a fi rstplace win when we come back.”
Having so many businesses willing to come out to support the foundation and its patients in such fun and imaginative ways is wonderful, said Sarah Deis, manager of foundation relations for the Children’s Hospital Foundation. She has been coming to the event for nine years and looks forward to the quality of entries.
Having the top pumpkins in the waiting rooms of the two therapy centers, where outpatients come for physical, speech and occupational therapy, means parents and children can see them as they come in for appointments, she said.
“I think it just brings a lot of joy and excitement to our patients and their families perhaps coming in for a little bit of a scary appointment or not something they are particularly looking forward to and it just brings a lot of joy to them as they enter the building,” Deis said.
She added that being one of the judges to narrow down the winners to the top 10 was challenging because all of the pumpkins are so wonderful.
One of the companies representing Powhatan in the competition was KGC, which offers access and mobility solutions such as stair lifts, wheelchair lifts and home elevators. Owner Kevin Knable said his son Jacob and Massengill’s son Carter, decorated a Master’s Tee-themed pumpkin, making it the fi rst time the company participated.
Knable said he has worked a great deal with the children’s hospital through the years because his company works with people with disabilities so it was important to him, too.
Knable complemented the event and the other competitors’ entries and joked “we need to step up our game next year.”
In addition to Kenmore Envelope, other top fi nishers were: second place, Venus Fly Trap – VACU; third place, Venus Fly Trap – Paycor/NFP; fourth place, Free Hedge Hugs – VACU; and fi fth place, Ice Cream Dream – Gumenick Properties (Malvern Manor).

Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.
ReverendMarkA.Divens,Sr. Pastor PraiseandWorshipService SundaySchool9:45-10:45 SundayMorningWorship willbeginat11:00a.m.
2390EmmanuelChurchRoad 804-372-9254 www.newwalkbible.org SundayWorship10:00AM SundaySchool9:00AM BibleStudyWed.7:00PM
HollyHills BaptistChurch
www.HollyHillsBaptist.org (IndependentBibleBelieving) RandyBlackwell,Pastor
SundaySchool-10:00a.m. SundayMorningWorship-11:00a.m. WednesdayPrayerMeeting7:30 p.m. 379-8930 1659AndersonHighway 3½mileseastofFlatRock
2591RidgeRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139 804-598-2051 Rev.BryanStevens,Pastor
MuddyCreek BaptistChurch
SundaySchool-9:45a.m. Worship-11a.m. WednesdayBibleStudy& PrayerService-7:00p.m. PastorJeffBeard,MA,MBA 3470TrenholmRoad www.muddycreekbaptist.org
5680CartersvilleRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139
PastorGregoryL.BeechaumSr. “ThechurchwhereJesusisAlive”
9:00a.m.----SundaySchool 9:45a.m.-----Prayer&Praise 10:00a.m.---SundayMorningWorship 5thSundayat11a.m. HourofPower 7:30p.m.----TuesdayNightWorship& BibleStudy
804-375-9404 Hollywood
“AChurchWhereLove NeverFails!” PastorOtisB.Lockhart,Jr. 598-2763
SundaySchool at9:30a.m. MorningService at11:00a.m. BibleStudy EveryWednesdayNight at6:30p.m. 3964OldBuckinghamRoad
3920MAIDENSRD.,POWHATAN 804-598-2301
SundaySchool10:00a.m. SundayMorningService 11:00a.m. WednesdayMidDay BibleStudy11:30a.m. EveningBibleStudy7:00p.m.
Advertisein Powhatan Today’sChurch Directory. Call804-746-1235 ext.2fordetails.
Family WorshipCenter
“YourCommunity Church” 2901JudesFerryRoad
Powhatan,Va23139 804-379-8223
Sundays10:00a.m. Wednesday6:30p.m. Experiencingthepresence, powerandpersonofJesusChrist

2095RedLaneRoad 1/2mileoffRt.60onRedLaneRoad 804-598-2455 www.redlanebaptist.org SmallGroupClasses 9:00a.m. WorshipService 10:30a.m. Dr.JamesTaylor,Pastor
GracelandBaptistChurch Dr.RonaldWyatt,Jr.,Pastor
Contemporary–9:00a.m. SundaySchool–9:45a.m. Worship–11a.m. Children’sWorship–11a.m. Praise&Worship–6p.m. LighthouseYouth–Wed.5:30p.m. BibleStudy–Wed.6:30p.m. Children’sWorship(allages)–Wed.6:30p.m. MiraclesofGodSp.NeedsService: 11a.m.the2ndMon.ofeachmonth 598-3481•975DorsetRoad www.gracelandbc.org
3619HuguenotTrail Powhatan,Virginia23139 www.finecreekbaptist.org SundaySchool:9:45a.m. WorshipService:11:00a.m. Traditional VernGilmer,Pastor
BradRussell,Pastor 598-4241
Servicetimesare 8:30a.m.and10:15a.m. Worshiponlineat10:15a.m. 2202OldChurchRoad www.powhatanbaptist.org
Loving,Investing,Fulfilling,Empowering SeniorPastorJustinWilson SundayService10:30am 2410NewDorsetCircle www.Communitylifechurchpowhatan.org
Sunday10am,11am&6pm Wednesday7pm