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[New] Small acts sometimes have the greatest impact
at several local establishments.
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As temperatures plunged last week and I needed a day off from cooking, I ordered from a local eatery and headed out to pick up my dinner. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one seeking refuge from the kitchen – the place was packed.
Customers crowded the takeout section of the restaurant, while the dining room was relatively empty, perhaps confirmation that America’s dining habits are changing.
I’m not sure why I was hesitant to use these services, although I did utilize takeout services during the pandemic by calling in an order and having it delivered to my car minutes later.
But, I soon conceded that online ordering was more efficient and user-friendly than I had anticipated, and now, I regularly order online and pick up food to go
A long row of chairs was placed along the wall to accommodate those waiting for orders, but they remained empty except for one gentleman, who sat nervously on the edge of his seat.
After periods of inactivity, the man would suddenly wave his arms as if he was speaking to a large group of people, but never uttering a sound.
Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3 Email: paidnotices@timesdispatch.com Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
Letter To The Editor
Have an idea for a community news story? E-mail news tips to Laura McFarland at lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com or call at 804-363-1577.
ders. I turned to thank the person working behind the busy counter.
Do you have a news tip, story idea or photo to submit? E-mail Laura McFarland at lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com
OBITUARY SUBMISSIONS Call 804-643-4414, Email: paidnotices@ timesdispatch.com
“Is he OK?” I asked shifting my eyes toward the man in the chair.
Have an idea for a community news story? E-mail news tips to Laura McFarland at lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com or call at 804-363-1577.
“He’s just in here getting warm,” the employee said. “I’m trying to let him stay as long as I can until someone complains.”
News tip, story idea, community events, photos, birth announcements, 40th anniversaries & above or 80-year-old birthday & above announcement submissions can be e-mailed to Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com or call 804-363-1577
He wasn’t as old as he looked, evidenced by his frothy full head of white gray hair, and I was immediately intrigued by his actions.
There was no wait for my food, and it was sitting ready on a shelved unit marked Online Or- wich and a cup of soup. When I reached for my wallet, the clerk said no payment was required, and he ordered the food. send news items to Powhatan today e-mail: lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com or call 804-363-1577
I grabbed my bag and exited, heading to my car and eventually the comfort of my warm house, but something would not let me leave the parking lot.
I re-entered the restaurant and immediately took the seat beside the man.
“Hello there. How are you?” I asked him.
He replied with a big smile but no words. But, something in his eyes revealed a dignity not easily recognizable at first glance. I returned his gesture with a smile.
I thanked the counter person, waved goodbye to the man in the chair, and headed home. The takeout food was great, and I sat and thought of the man in the chair as I enjoyed it.
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Make no mistake, my small act of kindness deserves no recognition and my gesture was uneventful in the general scheme of things; but, the plight of the man is important.
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“I’m going to get you something to eat. Is that OK? You stay warm and have a happy holiday,” I said patting him softly on his shoulder.
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The smile returned and he looked at me and nodded.
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I headed back to the counter and told the employee that I would like to buy the man a sand-
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E-mail to lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com
He, most likely, represents only one of America’s walking wounded who survive on the fringes living on the edge. I’m certainly not naïve enough to believe the problem can be solved by one specific act of kindness; or vain enough to pat myself on the back for a humane act I would expect from any of my fellow citizens. But regarding compassion, one-on-one is not a bad place to start, and as my Mother always advised, when it comes to kindness, you always receive more than you give.
Dear Editor, Once again I am amazed at the generosity of our community. The Walmart Pharmacy Angel Tree has been a part of the Christmas Mother program since we opened our doors in 2012. Over the years you have given so much and this year was no exception. The tags were hardly in place and the gifts came flooding in. Simple acts of kindness bring so much joy to those less fortunate and to witness the overwhelming response in itself brought me such joy. Thank you for helping to make a difference for so many people. Now that Christmas and New Year’s Day are in the rearview, mirror my wish is that we keep the spirit of Christmas alive all year. I was reading an article about Dolly Parton (one of my favorite people) where she expressed these sentiments about being kind to each other and ending the violence toward one another by working together to solve the problems of today. We can lend a hand, offer a kind word, talk it out, know we are all one, and remember smiles are free. As evidenced by the Angel Tree, when we work together we can make a difference. Peace to all.
News tip, story idea, community events, photos, birth announcements, 40th anniversaries & above or 80-year-old birthday & above announcement submissions can be e-mailed to Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com or call 804-363-1577
It just might be contagious.
Donna White Walmart Pharmacist (retired) Moseley
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OBITUARY SUBMISSIONS 804-643-4414, paidnotices @timesdispatch.com Deadline for the week’s
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News tip, story idea, community events, photos, birth announcements, 40th anniversaries & above or 80-year-old birthday & above announcement submissions can be e-mailed to Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com or call 804-363-1577
News tip, story idea, community events, photos, birth announcements, 40th anniversaries & above or 80-year-old birthday & above announcement submissions can be e-mailed to Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com or call 804-363-1577 conversation. Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/powhatantoday
Fine Creek Volunteer Fire Department Company 4 held its Santa Runs for 2022 from Dec. 17 to 22. The big guy at the North Pole took time to visit good little boys and girls, adults and pets in some of the neighborhoods they serve to spread some Christmas cheer.